D ULTRA-WIDEBAND UPC1663G DIFFERENTIAL VIDEO AMPLIFIER FEATURES SINGLE ENDED VOLTAGE GAIN vs. FREQUENCY UE Single Ended Voltage Gain, AVS (dB) • BANDWIDTH AND TYPICAL GAIN 120 MHz at AVOL = 300 170 MHz at AVOL = 100 700 MHz at AVOL = 10 • VERY SMALL PHASE DELAY • GAIN ADJUSTABLE FROM 10 TO 300 • NO FREQUENCY COMPENSATION REQUIRED DESCRIPTION Gain 1 50 40 30 20 Gain 2 10 0 IN The UPC1663G is a video amplifier with differential input and output stages. A high frequency process (fT = 6 GHz) improves AC performance compared with industry-standard video amplifiers. This device is excellent as a sense amplifier for highdensity CCDs, as a video or pulse amplifier in high-resolution displays, and in communications equipment. 60 100 k 1M 10 M 100 M NT Frequency, f (Hz) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C, VCC = ±6 V, RS = 50 Ω, f = 10 MHz) SYMBOLS ICC PART NUMBER PACKAGE OUTLINE PARAMETERS AND CONDITIONS Power Supply Current tR Gain1 Gain2 Bandwidth (Gain is 3 dB down from the gain at 100 KHz) Rise Time, VOUT = 1Vp-p: tpd Propagation Delay, VOUT = 1 Vp-p: RIN Input Impedance: CIN Input Capacitance Input Offset Current Input Bias Current Input Noise Voltage, 10 k to 10 MHz Input Voltage Range Common Mode Rejection Ratio, Vcm = ±1 V, f ≤100 kHz Vcm = ±1 V, f = 5 MHz Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio, ∆V = ±0.5 V Output Offset Voltage, VO(off) = |OUT1 - OUT2| Gain1 Gain2 Output Common Mode Voltage Max. Output Voltage Swing, single-ended Output Sink Current AVd Gain1 Gain2 Gain1 Gain2 Gain1 Gain2 Gain1 Gain2 SC O BW Differential Voltage Gain: IIO IB VN VI CMRR DI SVRR VO(off) VO (CM) VOp-p Isink UNITS mA MHz MHz ns ns ns ns kΩ kΩ pF µA µA µVr.m.s. V dB dB dB V V V Vp-p mA MIN 200 8 50 UPC1663G G08 TYP 13 320 10 120 700 2.9 2.7 2 1.2 4.0 180 2 0.4 20 3 ±1.0 55 53 50 70 60 70 2.4 3.0 2.5 0.3 0.1 2.9 4.0 3.6 MAX 20 500 12 5.0 40 1.5 1.0 3.4 Notes: 1. Gain select pins GA and GB are connected together. 2. All gain select pins are open. 3. Insert adjustment resistor (0 to 10 kΩ) between GA and GB when variable gain is necessary. California Eastern Laboratories UPC1663G ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1 (TA = 25°C) RATINGS -0.3 to 14 PT Total Power Dissipation2 mW 280 VID VIN IO TOP Differential Input Voltage Input Voltage Output Current Operating Temperature V V mA °C ±5 ±6 35 -45 to +75 TSTG Storage Temperature °C -55 to +150 Notes: 1. Operation in excess of any one of these parameters may result in permanent damage. 2. Mounted on 5 cm x 5 cm x 0.16 mm glass epoxy PCB (TA = Max TOP). 3. Mounted on 50 cm x 50 cm x 1.6 mm glass epoxy PCB with copper film (TA = Max TOP). VC IN1 IN2 GA GB D PARAMETERS UNITS Voltage between VC and VE V OUT1 OUT2 UE SYMBOLS VC–VE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Ve PARAMETER RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (TA = 25°C) SYMBOLS CHARACTERISTICS UNITS MIN TYP MAX Positive Supply Voltage Ve Negative Supply Voltage Source Current IO sink Sink Current Frequency Range V +2 +6 +6.5 V -2 -6 -6.5 mA 20 mA 2.5 MHz DC 200 SC O Attention: Due to high frequency characteristics, the physical circuit layout is very critical. Supply voltage line bypass, double-sided printed-circuit board, and wide-area ground line layout are necessary for stable operation. Two signal resistors connected to both inputs and two load resistors connected to both outputs should be balanced for stable operation. TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (TA = 25°C) 75 Ω 200 Ω 75 Ω 106 115 MHz MHz 2.2 ns 2.8 1.8 ns ns -123 -93 degree degree 5.0 0 -11.5 dBm dBm dBm RS = 50 Ω, VOUT = 80 mVp-p RS = 50 Ω, VOUT = 80 mVp-p RS = 50 Ω, VOUT = 60 mVp-p 100 MHz ZL = 50 Ω, 15 MHz 1.2 Gain 2 Relative Gain, Avr 1.0 dB dB 1.4 200 Ω VC = 6 V, Ve = -6 V Gain is 3 dB down from the gain at 100 KHz 35 11 NORMALIZED VOLTAGE GAIN vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE OUT 75 Ω DI 75 Ω Output Voltage (Vp-p) 2.0 75 Ω TYPICAL UNITS 15 MHz * See Application Circuit VIDEO LINE SINGLE ENDED OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING vs. FREQUENCY 0.1 µ CONDITIONS Differential Gain Gain 1 Gain 2 Bandwidth Gain 1 Gain 2 Rise Time Gain 1 Propagation Delay Gain 1 Gain 2 Phase Shift Gain 1 Gain 2 Output Power RA = 240 Ω RA = 910 Ω RA = 80 Ω NT VC IO source IN TYPICAL PERFORMANCE UNDER SINGLE SUPPLY +5 V OPERATION* 1.0 0.8 0.6 Gain 1 0.4 0.2 0 0.1 100 k 1M 10 M 100 M Frequency, f (Hz) 1G +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 VC -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 V± -7 -8 VE Supply Voltage, (V) UPC1663G TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (TA = 25°C) SINGLE ENDED OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING vs. TEMPERATURE SINK CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE Output Sink Current, IOSINK (mA) 4.0 3.5 3.5 UE Output Voltage, VO (Vp-p) 4.5 D 4.0 5.0 3.0 2.5 3.0 2.5 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -20 20 40 60 80 Ambient Temperature, TA (°C) IN Ambient Temperature, TA (°C) INPUT BIAS CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE DIFFERENTIAL VOLTAGE GAIN vs. RESISTANCE BETWEEN GA AND GB 1000 50 Differential Gain, AVD (V/V) Vc =6 V, Ve = -6 V NT 40 30 20 10 SC O Input Bias Current, IB (µA) 0 10 0 -20 0 20 40 60 100 10 80 100 1k 10 k Ambient Temperature, TA (°C) RADJ (Ω) SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE SUPPLY CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE 20 16 14 13 12 11 10 Supply Current, ICC (mA) 15 DI Supply Current, ICC (mA) VC = 6 V, VE = -6 V 15 10 5 0 -20 0 20 40 60 Ambient Temperature, TA (°C) 80 +2 -2 +4 -4 +6 -6 Supply Voltage, V± (V) +8 -8 VC VE UPC1663G TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (TA = 25°C) D 0 -45 Gain 2 -90 UE Phase Shift (degree) PHASE SHIFTvs. FREQUENCY -135 Gain 1 -180 1M 100 k 10 M 100 M IN Frequency, f (Hz) TYPICAL APPLICATIONS • Photo Signal Detector Vc Vc NT Vc + 5 V 2.2µ R2 75Ω PIN PHOTO DIODE R5 1 kΩ R4 50Ω 1000 pF C1 Q1 SC O 1000 pF 50Ω R1 R3 R6 1 kΩ C2 50Ω 2.2µ Ve - 5 V Since the input impedance of the IC falls when the gain rises, stable operation can be achieved by inserting a FET buffer when necessary as illustrated above. • Application for +5 V Single Supply DI +5V 2.2µ 1000 +5V 3k 2.2µ 1000 V+ 50Ω 1663 1000 50Ω V- 3k 2.2µ 1000 50Ω RA 1000 RA 50Ω UPC1663G OUTLINE DIMENSIONS (Units in mm) UPC1663G PACKAGE OUTLINE G08 6 5 1663 xxx N 1 2 3 5.70 MAX Lot Code 4 6.5 ± 0.3 0.15 +0.10 -0.05 1.49 D 7 UE 8 4.4 1.1 1.8 MAX 0.1 ± 0.1 1.27 0.6 ± 0.2 0.94 MAX NT Notes: 1. Each lead centerline is located within 0.12 mm (0.005 inch) of its true position at maximum material condition. 2. All dimensions are typical unless otherwise specified. IN +0.10 0.40 -0.05 ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER UPC1663G 2500/Reel 1 8 IN1 2 7 GB VE 3 6 VC OUT2 4 5 OUT1 IN2 GA DI SC O UPC1663G-E1 CONNECTION DIAGRAM (TOP VIEW) QUANTITY EXCLUSIVE NORTH AMERICAN AGENT FOR RF, MICROWAVE & OPTOELECTRONIC SEMICONDUCTORS CALIFORNIA EASTERN LABORATORIES • Headquarters • 4590 Patrick Henry Drive • Santa Clara, CA 95054-1817 • (408) 988-3500 • Telex 34-6393 • FAX (408) 988-0279 24-Hour Fax-On-Demand: 800-390-3232 (U.S. and Canada only) • Internet: http://WWW.CEL.COM DATA SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 10/99