12 March 2014

GSU-list – UPDATE: March 12, 2014
University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, UCLES, with 3 GCE A-levels
Has been changed to
University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, UCLES, with 3 GCE A Levels
OR Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) with 6 passed CAPE
Indian School Certificate + 1 year university education with Second Division or better
(50 % or better)
Has been changed to
Before 2006: Indian School Certificate (ISC) + 1 year university education. From
2006: Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate (BHSEC) + 1 year university
General Certificate of Education with at least 2 A-levels OR 1 A-level and 2 Advanced
Subsidiary levels (AS) OR Pre-U Diploma (3 Principal Subjects + Global Perspective
and Research)
Has been changed to
General Certificate of Education with at least 2 A Levels OR 1 A Level and 2
Advanced Subsidiary levels (AS) OR Cambridge Pre-U Diploma (3 Principal Subjects
+ Global Perspective and Research) OR a combination of A Levels and Cambridge
Pre-U Principal Subjects in 3 different subjects.
Please note: Starting with the school year 2015/16 2 Advanced Subsidiary Levels
(AS) can no longer replace 1 A Level. Therefore the combination of 1 A Level and 2
Advanced Subsidiary Levels (AS) will not fulfill the minimum admission requirement
and applicants must have minimum 2 A Levels to meet the minimum admission
Please note: Starting with the school year 2016/17, the minimum admission
requirement may be increased from 2 to 3 A Levels.
European Baccalaureate Diploma
English language requirement: Yes
Please check language requirement attachment:
The English language requirement is satisfied if you have English as "language 1" or
"language 2" in your EB diploma.
3 GCE A-Levels or 6 CAPE Units or Associate Degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5
Has been changed to
3 GCE A Levels OR Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) with 6
passed CAPE Units OR Associate Degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5
3 University of London GCE A-levels
Has been changed to
3 University of London GCE A Levels OR Caribbean Advanced Proficiency
Examinations (CAPE) with 6 passed CAPE Units
Apolytírio Enaíou Lykeio (after 2000) OR Lykeio Apolytirion (before 2000)
Has been changed to
Apolytirio Geniko Lykeio /ΑΠΟΛΥΤΗΡΙΟ ΓΕΝΙΚΟΥ ΛΥΚΕΙΟΥ (after 2007) OR
Apolytírio Enaíou Lykeio/ ΑΠΟΛΥΤΗΡΙΟ ΕΝΙΑΟΥ ΛΥΚΕΙΟΥ (after 2000) OR Lykeio
Apolytirion (before 2000)
IB Diploma OR
IB-Certificate / IB Diploma Programme Course Results with
- passed 3 subjects at standard level and 3 subjects at higher level OR
passed 2 subjects at standard level and 4 subjects at higher level
- at least 20 points including any points for Theory of Knowledge and
Extended Essay
- grade 3 or better in all subjects
- passed Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay
- Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) must be "fully satisified"
Diploma dell' esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore
(since 1999) or Diploma di maturità (until 1998, classica, scientifica, linguistica,
Has been changed to
Diploma dell' esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore
(since 1999) OR Diploma di maturità (until 1998, classica, scientifica, linguistica,
tehnica, professionale and 5-year magistrale)
General Certificate of Education with 3 GCE A-levels
Has been changed to
General Certificate of Education with 3 GCE A Levels OR Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) with 6 passed CAPE Units
Atestat de Maturitate + 1 year university education or Diploma de absolvire a
invatamintului mediu general + 1 year university education or Bacalaureat + 1 year
university education
Has been changed to
Atestat de Maturitate + 1 year university education OR Diploma de absolvire a
invatamintului mediu general + 1 year university education OR Diploma de
bacalaureat (untill 2001) + 1 year university education OR Diploma de bacalaureat
(from 2002)
High School, Academic Stream + 3 years university education
Has been changed to
Basic Education Standard X Examination / Matriculation Examination + 2 years
university education
Attestat o srednem polnom obshchem obrazovanii (valid with: Prilozhenie k attestatu
o srednem obrazovanii, tabel ltogovyh otsenok) + 1 year university education or
Attestation on complete general secondary education (portrait format) + 1 year
university education or Diplom o srednem profesionalnom obrazovanii (landscape
format) + 1 year university education
Has been changed to
Attestat o srednem polnom obshchem obrazovanii / Аттестат о среднем (полном)
общем образовании (valid with: Prilozhenie k attestatu o srednem obrazovanii, tabel
itogovyh otsenok / Приложение к аттестату о среднем образовании, табель
итоговых оценок) + 1 year university education OR Attestat o srednem obrazovanii /
Аттестат о среднем образовании + 1 year university education OR Diplom o
srednem profesionalnom obrazovanii / Диплом о среднем профессиональном
образовании + 1 year university education
General Certificate of Education, 3 A-levels
Has been changed to
General Certificate of Education, 3 A Levels OR Caribbean Advanced Proficiency
Examinations (CAPE) with 6 passed CAPE Units