2016 TRI-STATE GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION ASSOCIATION ENERGY CONFERENCE IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE NEED PROJECT JULY 28-29, 2016 The NEED Project The National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project is a nonprofit education association with over 30 years of experience in energy education and curriculum development. NEED’s materials and programs are an integral part of the energy education process in 65,000 classrooms nationwide. NEED works with the education community and the energy industry to design and distribute comprehensive, objective, hands-on, inquiry-based educational materials. NEED conducts student and teacher training programs, provides evaluation tools and recognizes outstanding student and teacher achievement for grades K-12. About the Conference The 2016 Tri-State Energy Conference brings together educators (teaching grades 4-12), who are electric cooperative members or teach at schools that are members of Tri-State’s service area. The two-day conference provides participants with the most up-to-date information on all aspects of energy including the science of energy, sources of energy, transportation, consumption, electricity, efficiency and environmental and economic impacts. Participants receive the training and materials to implement innovative hands-on energy units for their classrooms, multidisciplinary teams, and after-school programs. NEED materials are designed to meet the diverse needs and learning styles of students. They are teacher-tested to ensure success in the classroom and are correlated to the National Science Education Content Standards and to state standards. The mission of the NEED is to promote an energy conscious and educated society by creating networks of students, educators, and businesses, government and community leaders to design and deliver objective, multi-sided energy education programs. What you get Up-to-date information on the science of energy, sources of energy, electricity, efficiency, and more! Hands-on Science of Energy Kit! Register www.regonline.com/needtristate2016 About Tri-State Generation and Transmission Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association is a wholesale electric power supplier owned by the 44 electric cooperatives that it serves. Tri-State generates and transmits electricity to its member systems throughout a 200,000 square-mile service territory across Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico and Wyoming. Serving approximately 1.5 million consumers, Tri-State was founded in 1952 by its member systems to provide a reliable, cost-based supply of electricity. Headquartered in Westminster, Colorado, nearly 1,500 people are employed by Tri-State throughout its four-state service area. Tri-State’s power is generated through a combination of owned baseload and peaking power plants that use coal and natural gas as their primary fuels, supplemented by purchased power, federal hydroelectricity allocations and renewable resource technologies. Tri-State’s mission is to provide our member systems a reliable, cost-based supply of electricity while maintaining a sound financial position through effective utilization of human, capital and physical resources in accordance with cooperative principles. Conference Details Thanks to support of Tri-State’s member cooperatives, there is no cost for educators in the Tri-State service area. Lodging, meals, transportation and conference materials are provided. Attending teachers receive a NEED Science of Energy Kit, a class-set of NEED Energy Infobooks (at grade level), access to all NEED Curriculum Guides and supplemental resources. The conference will integrate energy curriculum materials into classrooms at any grade level, with any group of students, and with any learning style. It will also focus on the successful achievement of state education goals using correlations of NEED materials to the National Science Education Standards and state standards. Need to meet your math and language arts Common Core Standards? This conference will help! The goals of the conference include expanding educator knowledge of the following subjects related to energy: The science of energy, forms of energy, and energy transformations Renewable and nonrenewable energy resources, their development, use, and impact on economics and environment Generation and transmission of electricity Development and use of transportation fuels and the connection of all fuels to the economy and the environment Efficient use of energy and the use of energy technologies for conservation and reduction of waste To Apply Visit www.regonline.com/needtristate2016 to apply for the conference. Important Things to Know CONFERENCE LOCATION Tri-State Generation and Transmission 1100 W. 116th Avenue, Westminster, CO http://www.tristategt.org/ LODGING Teachers confirmed to attend will be provided lodging at the Fairfield Westminster. NEED will make hotel reservations for all attendees. Details will be sent with confirmation of conference participation. Participants traveling from more than 50 miles will be provided lodging the nights of July 27th and 29th, if requested. MEALS Breakfast and lunch during the conference are provided. Dinner is on your own on July 28th, and a group dinner is planned for July 27th to decompress, discuss the conference, and assist in learning more about your fellow attendees. TRANSPORTATION NEED will reimburse mileage for car travel at .54/mile with a maximum reimburesment of $300. Participants are encouraged to carpool from their local community. If you live more than 250 miles away from the conference site, we will provide a plane ticket. NEED will arrange a shuttle for airport pick up. GRADUATE CREDIT Tri-State and NEED are working together to secure graduate credit for the program. Teachers will be responsible for covering the cost of the units. ATTIRE The conference is hosted at Tri-State’s headquarters. Business casual attire is appropriate. Be sure to bring a sweater or light jacket as meeting rooms may be chilly. WYOMING NEBRASKA COLORADO Kc K.C. Electric Association Hugo, Colorado Kt Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, Inc. Taos, New Mexico Lp La Plata Electric Association, Inc. Durango, Colorado Sv San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Monte Vista, Colorado Sm San Miguel Power Association, Inc. Nucla, Colorado Sc Sangre de Cristo Electric Association, Inc. Buena Vista, Colorado Mw The Midwest Electric Cooperative Corporation Grant, Nebraska Sr Sierra Electric Cooperative, Inc. Elephant Butte, New Mexico Mo Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Inc. Mora, New Mexico So Socorro Electric Cooperative, Inc. Socorro, New Mexico Mc Morgan County Rural Electric Association Fort Morgan, Colorado Se Southeast Colorado Power Association NEW La Junta, Colorado MEXICO Mp Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. Granby, Colorado Sw Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc. Clayton, New Mexico Mv Mountain View Electric Association, Inc. Limon, Colorado Sp Springer Electric Cooperative, Inc. Springer, New Mexico MEMBER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Nb Niobrara Electric Association, Inc. Lusk, Wyoming Un United Power, Inc. Brighton, Colorado Nr Northern Rio Arriba Electric Cooperative, Inc. Bh Big Horn Rural Electric Company Em Empire Electric Association, Inc. Chama, New Mexico Wb Wheat Belt Public Power District Basin, Wyoming Cortez, Colorado Sidney, Nebraska Nw Northwest Rural Public Power District Cb Carbon Power & Light, Inc. Gl Garland Light & Power Company Hay Springs, Nebraska Wl Wheatland Rural Electric Assn., Inc. Saratoga, Wyoming Powell, Wyoming Wheatland, Wyoming Cn Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gc Gunnison County Electric Association Oc Otero County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Cloudcroft, New Mexico Wr White River Electric Association, Inc. Mountainair, New Mexico Gunnison, Colorado Meeker, Colorado Ph Panhandle Rural Electric Membership Cr Chimney Rock Public Power District Hp High Plains Power, Inc. Association Wy Wyrulec Company Bayard, Nebraska Riverton, Wyoming Alliance, Nebraska Lingle Wyoming Co Columbia Electric Cooperative, Inc. Hw High West Energy, Inc. Pv Poudre Valley Rural Electric Yw Y-W Electric Association, Inc. Deming, New Mexico Pine Bluffs, Wyoming Association, Inc. Akron, Colorado Fort Collins, Colorado Cd Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, Inc. Hl Highline Electric Association Grants, New Mexico Holyoke, Colorado Rs Roosevelt Public Power District Mitchell, Nebraska Dm Delta-Montrose Electric Association Jm Jemez Mountains Electric Montrose, Colorado Cooperative, Inc. Si San Isabel Electric Association, Inc. Espanola, New Mexico Pueblo West, Colorado MEMBER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 2016 TRI-STATE ENERGY CONFERENCE IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE NEED PROJECT JULY 28, 2016 DAY 1 REGISTRATION AND WELCOME JULY 28-29, 2016 AGENDA 8:30 a.m. Registration Pick up conference materials, enjoy light refreshments, meet fellow participants and take pre-conference assessment. 9:00 a.m. Welcome to the Tri-State Energy Conference for Educators – Michelle Pastor All About Tri-State – A Quick Video Introductions and Energy Bingo Learn more about Tri-State and NEED, who we are, why we matter, and why we are glad to have you as part of this program. Use Energy Bingo to get to know other participants. The conference sessions are designed to improve your own energy knowledge as a consumer, to provide you lessons and activities to return to the classroom with, and to allow you to explore ways to integrate more energy into your classroom programs. 10:00 a.m. Science of Energy Participants learn more about the forms of energy and explore inquiry activities designed to teach these concepts and all about energy transformations. 12:00 p.m. Lunch and Energy Roundup 1:00 p.m. Exploring Wind After a quick introduction, educators will explore the generation of electricity using wind (or water). Educators will explore turbine construction, efficiency and output. 2:30 p.m. The Science of Electricity Participants will build their own Science of Electricity demonstration for their classroom. 4:00 p.m. NEED Resources (web) Q&A, Blueprint Connections and Evaluation Completing the evaluation in your packet allows NEED to make improvements for the program in future years, but also provides feedback for curriculum improvements and training enhancements. Please complete your evaluation as the conference progresses in order to provide feedback while the activities are still clear in your mind. 4:30 p.m. Adjourn, Dinner July 29, 2016 Day 2 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Electric Connections This quick activity considers the nation’s electricity generation mix. 8:30 a.m. Global Trading Game This social science activity encourages participants to consider energy, the environment and economics in inter-relationships between entities and countries. 10:00 a.m. This Mine of Mine and Baseload Balance Educators will explore coal and coal mining and the use of coal for generation of electricity. 11:30 a.m. Tour of Tri-State Operations and Market Participants will learn more about generation, transmission, and electric power markets on this fun tour! 12:45 p.m. Lunch and Speed Networking with Tri-State Staff Learn more about careers and the various jobs in the electric power generation and transmission industry. 1:30 p.m. Mission Possible This activity encourages participants to consider fuel choice for generation of electricity. Working on a plan for electric power, groups work together to determine the best fuel mix. 2:45 p.m. Introduction to Energy Efficiency and Conservation Energy efficiency and conservation techniques and tools allow for wise use of our natural resources. This introduction highlights simple and low-cost ways to reduce energy consumption and the science behind efficiency. 3:30 p.m. Energy Jeopardy! 4:30 p.m. Paper Work!! Wrap up, Evaluation, Select Materials, and Adjourn Stay with us on Facebook @The NEED Project. Follow us on Twitter @ need_project Resources, Teacher Tools and Curriculum at www.need.org Visit TriState G&T at www.tristategt.org Application Information If you cannot apply online, please complete this form and fax it to 1-800-847-1820. Prefix (Mr., Mrs., etc.): First Name: Last Name: Name Requested on Name Tag: School: School Address Line 1: School Address Line 2: School City:School State:School Zip (Postal Code): Email: School Phone: County:School District: Home Address: Home City:Home State:Home Zip: Home Phone: Mobile Phone: Summer Email: Grade Taught: Subjects Taught: Number of Students Taught Each Year: Member Cooperative (see list to verify) Don’t see your Electric Cooperative (your residential cooperative or the school’s) on the list? Enter it here and we’ll help connect them to this program Lodging Required: yes no Gender:malefemale Dietary Requirements or Considerations: Why would you like to attend the conference? What do you want to learn at the conference that you will take back and share with your students? Do you currently teach energy in the classroom?