VisioneersPartner Ernst-Jandl-Weg 5/2/40 1220 Wien Austria +43.699.112.833.10 Week 1: Executive’s Guide to Closing More Sales There are only a few reasons sales professionals may not be closing sales. With each one of these, you will not see long-term improvements in closing more sales by only telling and training your sales people. The diagnosis starts with a look at the organization’s job description, sales professional behaviors for success, performance management / performance review policies, management’s leadership and coaching skills and sales professionals’ understanding of expectations. If one of these areas is missing, it is vital that the gaps are bridged before focusing on the sales professionals. Management cannot assume that a sales professional will ask customers if they want to purchase a product. Just like a sales professional cannot assume a customer will want to purchase a product. VisioneersPartner Ernst-Jandl-Weg 5/2/40 1220 Wien Austria +43.699.112.833.10 Symptom Treatment Options “I do not have Coaching to close; the with Training buyer knows I want them to make a purchase.” Treatment Plan “I do not want to close, I do not feel comfortable or the buyer does not want me to ask.” Coaching and possible Performance Management The sales professionals can close customers. Management must uncover the issue why they are not. Is this an issue of the sales professional not having the will to close or simply being uncomfortable? (Training not needed if the base skill is there.) If it is will, and the sales process requires a close, then shift to Performance Management and decide if they are the right employee for the organization. Training someone to close is easy. Making it become habit takes coaching and on-the-job practice and feedback. Make sure managers and coaches are ready to model excellent closing techniques and are ready to support front-line sales professionals. If the issue is comfort then coach them. While not easy, this is successful in most cases. “It is so Coaching frustrating; and Training the customers say no 6, 7, 8, or 9 out of 10 times.” The usual scenario in this situation is that the sales professional has not fully understood the needs, hopes, dreams, desires and personal benefits of the customer and/or has not communicated how your product will satisfy those needs, hopes, dreams, desires and personal benefits. Uncover the underlying issues such as needs analysis, quality of questions, understanding features, attributes and benefits. Then develop the training and coaching program. “It is pointless to ask. The customer always says ‘No’!” Consulting, Coaching and/or Training Most likely a severe case of the frustration or there are gaps that need bridged such as the company’s messaging, issues within the marketing mix, sales process, lead management, or training sustainability. Performance Management if this is an excuse. It is recommended that someone not involved with the sales and marketing teams to diagnose the issue before spending money and time on coaching and training. If this is an excuse, then go back to the will of the sales professional as in the case above.