digital propeller clock using arduino

Satellite Conference ICSTSD 2016 International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, Kuala Lumpur,
MALAYSIA, May 24-26, 2016.
Prof. R. A. Wakode.
Assistant Professor
Dept of EXTC Engg
PRMIT&R , Badnera,India
Munali Rasegaonkar.
Dept of EXTC Engg
PRMIT&R , Badnera,India
Nikita Khimani
Dept of EXTC Engg
PRMIT&R , Badnera,India
Dept of EXTC Engg
PRMIT&R , Badnera,India
Anurag N. Kadu.
Manasi Chandanbatwe
Dept of EXTC Engg
PRMIT&R , Badnera,India
This paper mainly emphasizes on the POV
(Persistence Of Vision) technology. In current era
in which energy is the main factor in designing all
the applications, maximum and efficient use of the
energy is very important. A POV display has many
advantages over a traditional CRT, LCD or LED
display, like power savings, less complexity, easy
configuration, attractiveness etc. To overcome the
drawback of old processor we have decided to
implement the same display atop a new and
duemilanove. This platform brings with it newer
coding and a different understanding of
provide us with a low-cost, easy-to use technology
to create the project. We also aim to build the
newer display to work with modern forms of
interfaces. To accomplish this, we will be
interfacing the display with an Android device.
This project can be implemented with help of
Index Terms— POV, Arduino, ATMega 328, USB
Interfacing, LED
The core phenomenon on which the entire
project is based is the Persistence of vision. Persistence
of vision is the phenomenon pertaining to the human eye
by which an afterimage is thought to persist for
approximately one twenty-fifth of a second on the retina.
The way this phenomenon of persistence of
vision works is based on the belief that human
perception of motion (brain centered) is the result of
persistence of vision (eye centered).
ISSN: 2348 - 8549
Any motion that we see around us is the direct
implication of persistence of vision phenomenon at
work. The belief was debunked in 1912 by Wertheimer
but persists in many citations in many classic and
modern film-theory texts. Persistence of vision is still
the accepted term for this phenomenon in the realm of
cinema history and theory. Blinky POV is a
reprogrammable LED kit that uses persistence of vision
to create the illusion of text or a small picture floating in
the air. In the past, it was scientifically proven that a
frame rate of less than 16 frames per second caused the
mind to see flashing images. People still identify motion
at rates as low as ten frames per second or slower (as in
a flipbook). The flicker caused by the shutter of a film
projector is distracting below the 16-frame threshold. In
drawn animation, moving characters are often shot "on
twos", that is to say, one drawing is shown for every two
frames of film (which usually runs at 24 frames per
second), meaning there are only 12 drawings per second.
Even though the image update rate is low, the fluidity is
satisfactory for most subjects. However, when a
character is required to perform a quick movement, it is
usually necessary to revert to animating "on ones", as
"twos" are too slow to convey the motion adequately.
The phenomenon of POV is evident in a number of
events like for e.g.: When we rotate a fire cracker stick
at high speed, we observe a continuous circle being
formed as shown in fig.[1.1].
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Satellite Conference ICSTSD 2016 International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, Kuala Lumpur,
MALAYSIA, May 24-26, 2016.
needed to light the leds at right place. The speed is at 16Mhz,
4 times faster than other processor.
Fig. 1.1: Demonstration of POV effect
A two dimensional POV display is often accomplished by
means of rapidly moving a single row of LEDs along a linear
or circular path. The effect is that the image is perceived as a
whole by the viewer as long as the entire path is completed
during the visual persistence time of the human eye as shown
in fig. [1.2]. A further effect is often to give the illusion of the
image floating in mid-air. A 3 dimensional POV display is
often constructed using a 2D grid of LEDs which is swept or
rotated through a volume. POV display devices can be used in
combination with long camera exposures to produce light.
This project was started with a simple principle
which is frequently encountered in our everyday life, which is
Persistence of Vision. This phenomenon makes one feel fast
moving/changing objects to appear continuous. A television is
a common example; in which image is re-scanned every 25
times, thereby appear continuous. Further, a glowing object if
rotated in a circle at fast speed, it shows a continuous circle.
By modifying this basic idea, 8 LEDs can be rotated in a
circle, showing 7 concentric circles. But if these LEDs are
switched at precise intervals, a steady display pattern can be
3.1.1Existing Systems:
Existing systems do employ POV principle, but for
displaying each pixel, individual LED is used. This results in a
huge number of LEDs even for small sized displays. By using
a propeller type display, LED count can be kept to a bare
minimum. Even 8 LEDs can perform a task of over 525 LEDs.
Applications can find their way into cost effective
solutions for large public displays, information systems. It can
directly replace Railway station information displays, bus
stands and many more places.
Fig. 1.2: POV effect demonstrations
Persistence of Vision as a visual art form, using an
array of lights, waved back and forth in space, with the lights
controlled by wearable computer. Persistence of vision is the
commonly used term to describe the optical illusion whereby
multiple discrete images blend into a single image in the
human mind and believed to be the explanation for motion
perception in cinema and animated films. I got this idea by
browsing the web. I found by hazard Mr. Bob Blick’s Page
who make the first propeller clock. I began to check how can
I build one my self. Base on Arduino I saw rapidly that my
MCU must be clocked very fast to make all the calculation
Propeller is a term associated with a circular rotating
object. As this project needs to rotate whole circuit assembly,
there must be some prime mover attached to it. So, the term
This project uses bright light emitting diodes for
displaying the characters and symbols on its assembly. That’s
why this project is named as ‘PROPELLER LED DISPLAY’.
3.2.3 POV (Persistence of Vision):
This is the phenomenon which is related to vision
capability of human eye by which an after- image is thought to
persist for approximately 1/25th of a second. So, if someone is
observing the images at a rate of 25 images per second, then
they appear to be continuous. The best example of this
Satellite Conference ICSTSD 2016 International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, Kuala Lumpur,
MALAYSIA, May 24-26, 2016.
property is the red circle we observe when we rotate the
firecracker or incense stick in circle
In this section we will emphasize on detailed
overview of each of the block shown in previous block
diagram. In every description of the block respective
schematics and working is explained. The propeller display
consists of following blocks, as shown in the block diagram.
1. Interrupter Module
2. Microcontroller
3. LED module
4. DC motor
5. DC power supply module:
Interrupter module
includes LM158 series
consists of two independent, high gain, internally
frequency compensated operational amplifiers
which were designed specifically to operate from a
single power supply over a wide range of voltages.
Operation from split power supplies is also possible
and the low power supply current drain is
independent of the magnitude of the power supply
voltage.. Following is the complete circuit diagram of our
Fig. 2.2: Circuit Diagram
interrupter module.
3.3.2. Arduino:
Arduino is a single-board microcontroller, which is
used to make the application of interactive objects or
environments more accessible. It is an open source physical
computing platform and a development environment for
writing software for the board. Arduino can be used to develop
interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of switches or
sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other
physical outputs.
3.3.3LED Module:
LED module consisting of 8 bright LED is fixed in
another side of the arm of our project. These LEDs are
connected with each of the port pin of microcontroller, with a
series current limiting resistor of 22 ohm.
3.3.4. DC Motor:
Repeated scanning of the display is must for
continuous vision. This task is achieved using circular rotation
of the whole circuit assembly. So, we used a DC motor as the
prime mover.
3.3.5 DC Power Supply:
For microcontroller, as well as the DC motor, a
regulated DC power supply is required. We have to provide
+5V to the arduino, while +12V to the motor.
Fig. 2.1: Block Diagram
ISSN: 2348 - 8549
Page 101
Satellite Conference ICSTSD 2016 International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, Kuala Lumpur,
MALAYSIA, May 24-26, 2016.
4.1 Principle of Working
PERSISTENCE OF VISION: Persistence of Vision
as a visual art form, using an array of lights, waved back and
forth in space, with the lights controlled by wearable
computer. Persistence of vision is the commonly used term to
describe the optical illusion whereby multiple discrete images
blend into a single image in the human mind and believed to
be the explanation for motion perception in cinema and
animated films. The causes of Persistence of Vision is a
combination of the phi phenomenon, beta movement and
Flicker fusion. The theory of persistence of vision is the belief
that human perception of motion (brain centred) is the result
of persistence of vision (eye centred). The theory was
disproved in 1912 by Wertheimer but persists in many
citations in many classic and modern film-theory texts. A
more plausible theory to explain motion perception (at least on
a descriptive level) are two distinct perceptual illusions: phi
phenomenon and beta movement. A visual form of memory
known as iconic memory has been described as the cause of
this phenomenon. Although psychologists and physiologists
have rejected the relevance of this theory to film viewership,
film academics and theorists generally have not. Some
scientists nowadays consider the entire theory a myth. In
contrasting persistence of vision theory with phi phenomena, a
critical part of understanding that emerges with these visual
perception phenomena is that the eye is not a camera and does
not see in frames per second. In other words vision is not as
simple as light registering on a medium, since the brain has to
make sense of the visual data the eye provides and construct a
coherent picture of reality. Joseph Anderson and Barbara
Fisher argue that the phi phenomena privileges a more
constructionist approach to the cinema (David Bordwell, Noël
Carroll, Kirsten Thompson), whereas the persistence of vision
privileges a realist approach (André Bazin, Christian Metz,
Jean-Louis Baudry). The discovery of persistence of vision is
attributed to the Roman poet Lucretius, although he only
mentions it in connection with images seen in a dream. In the
modern era, some stroboscopic experiments performed by
Peter Mark Roget in 1824 were also cited as the basis for the
4.2 Actual Operation
The Main Part of the propeller clock is ARDUINO
.The IR LED, which is stationary, is fixed on the base of
rotating assembly. When the IR rays sent by the IR LED falls
on the photo diode, which is placed on the rotating PCB, it
will generate a low pulse on the interrupt pin of ARDUINO
which results in the generation of desired pattern. Since we are
making use of internal program execution EA (External
Access) pin has to be made high with the help of VCC.A reset
circuit is provided for the reset of microcontroller. The anodes
of LEDs are joined together and connected to 5v supply. Logic
0 level at the output of port0 will result in illumination of
LED. For displaying each number first of all there is a need to
define a standard notation. In this research we are making use
of 5*8 matrix notation.
The conventional LED displays used in advertisements and
information display uses an individual matrix of LEDs for
each character. For example in a display using 8X4 Led
matrix for a single character, 10X8X4 LEDs would be
required to display a word consisting of 10 characters,
increasing the circuit complexity. Our circuit uses a low
power Arduino board, with 7 multicolour LEDs and a low
power motor. This technology saves power monumentally.
The display is configurable to show any pattern in any
colour through an Android device that dictates its output as
shown in figure [4.9]. The display is extremely attractive to
look at and gives a sense of being a transparent display. By
using a motor of higher RPM, one can achieve more clarity
in the display.
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Satellite Conference ICSTSD 2016 International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, Kuala Lumpur,
MALAYSIA, May 24-26, 2016.
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Digital propeller clock showing a real time
with alphabetic display:
ISSN: 2348 - 8549
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