VLSI Design Chapter 5 CMOS Circuit and Logic Design Jin-Fu Li Chapter 5 CMOS Circuit and Logic Design • • • • • • CMOS Logic Gate Design Physical Design of Logic Gates CMOS Logic Structures Clocking Strategies I/O Structures Low-Power Design National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 2 Logic Gate Design Issues • Hierarchical design − Architecture level − RTL/logic gate level − Circuit level − Layout level • Critical paths – the path with the longest delay that require attention to timing details • The number of Fanins and Fanouts affects the performance of the circuits National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 3 Concept of Fanin and Fanout • Fanin − The fanin of any complex gate is defined as the number of inputs of this gate • Fanout − The fanout of a complex gate is defined as the number of driven inputs attached to the output of this gate N N Fanout=N National Central University Fanin=N EE613 VLSI Design 4 Logic Gate Design – NAND Gate t dr = Rp n ( mnC d + C r + kC g ) • Rp = the effective resistance of p-device in a minimumsized inverter • • • • • n = width multiplier for p-devices in this gate • Cr = routing capacitance k = the fanout m = fanin of gate Cg = gate capacitance of a minimum-sized inverter Cd = source/drain capacitance of a minimum-sized inverter National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 5 Logic Gate Design – Fanins and Fanouts m=3, k=4 Cr mnCd National Central University kCg EE613 VLSI Design 6 Logic Gate Design – NAND Gate Rise Time t dr = = = Rp ( mnC n Rp ( mnrC n R pC g n + C r + kC g ) d g + q ( k ) C g + kC g ) ( mnr + q ( k ) + k ) = R g C g mr + R pC g n q (k ) + R pC g n k Separate delay into internal delay and external delay caused by fanouts t dr = tint − r + k × toutput − r tint − r = R p C g mr toutput − r = National Central University R pC g n q(k ) (1 + ) k EE613 VLSI Design 7 Logic Gate Design – NAND Gate Fall Time t df Rn = m ( mnrC n = R n C g m r + mk 2 = t int − f + k × t output g + q ( k ) C g + kC g ) RnC g n (1 + q (k ) ) k − f We want the rise time to be equal to the fall time t dr = t df Rp Rn ( mnrC g + q ( k )C g + kC g ) = m ( mnrC g + q ( k )C g + kC g ) n n R p = mR n Hence we must design Wp = Wn , thus the delay time is m t df = t dr Rn = ( m 2 nrC g + mq ( k )C g + mkC g ) n National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 8 Typical CMOS NAND & NOR Delays Rn − nand (m × 4 × 0.005 + C L ) 4 4 × t f − nand t f − nand = m Assume : n=4 kC g = C L Rn − nand = q(k ) = 0 m(0.02 × m + kC g ) rC g = Cd = 0.005 pf A B C D A B C D National Central University Delay (ns) Delay (ns) 10.0 ns ND4-Fall 10.0 ns NR4-Fall 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 Capacitive load (pf) EE613 VLSI Design NR4-Rise ND4-Rise 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 Capacitive load (pf) 9 Logic Gate Design – Gate Delays NAND- and NOR-Gates Delays Measured with SPICE GATE tinternal-f (ns) INV ND2 ND3 ND4 ND8 NR2 NR3 NR4 NR8 .08 .2 .41 .68 2.44 .135 .14 .145 .19 National Central University toutput-f (ns/pf) 1.7 3.1 4.4 5.7 10.98 1.75 1.83 1.88 1.8 EE613 VLSI Design tinternal-r (ns) .08 .15 .2 .25 .38 .25 .52 .9 3.35 toutput-r (ns/pf) 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 4.1 6.2 8.2 16.4 10 Logic Gate Design – Efficient Resistance Efficient Resistance Value for a Typical 1u CMOS Process National Central University GATE Rn ( Ω) INV ND2 ND3 ND4 NR2 NR3 NR4 7.1K 6.3K 6.0K 5.9K 7.3K 7.4K 7.5K EE613 VLSI Design Rp ( Ω) 8.5K 8.6K 8.7K 8.8K 8.4K 8.4K 8.4K 11 Logic Gate Design – 8-Input AND Gate A CB D E F G H A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H National Central University CL Approach 1 CL Approach 2 Approach 3 CL EE613 VLSI Design 12 Logic Gate Design – 8-Input AND Gate Comparison of Approaches to Designing an 8-Input AND Gate Approach Delay Stage 1ns Delay Stage 2ns 1 ND8->INV 2.82 ND8 falling 3.37 INV rising 6.2 (6.5) 2 ND4->NR2 .88 ND4 falling 4.36 NR2 rising 5.24 (5.26) 3 ND2->NR2 ND2->INV .31 ND2 falling .4 NR2 rising National Central University Delay Stage 3ns .31 ND2 falling EE613 VLSI Design Delay Stage 4ns 2.17 INV rising Total Delay (SPICE) ns 3.19 (3.46) 13 Basic Physical Design • • • • • • • • Gates: Inverter, NAND, and NOR Complex Gates Standard Cells Gate Array Sea of Gates Layout Optimization Transmission Gates 2-Input Multiplexer National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 14 Physical Design – CMOS Inverter Vdd Vdd a z a z Vss Vss National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 15 Physical Design – NAND Gate Vdd Vdd z z a b a b Vss National Central University EE613 VLSI Design Vss 16 Physical Design – NOR Gate Vdd a b Vdd z z Vss Vss b National Central University EE613 VLSI Design a 17 Physical Design – Complex Gates • All complex gates can be designed using a single row of N-transistors and a single row of Ptransistors, aligned at common gate connections • Design procedure − Draw two dual graphs to P transistor tree and N transistor tree − Find all Euler paths that cover the graph − Find a P and an N Euler path that have identical labeling − If not found, break the gate in the minimum numbers of places to achieve step 3 National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 18 Physical Design – Complex Gates VDD C D Z I1 D C B I3 I1 I2 A Z C D National Central University A I3 Vss B I2 B A Z EE613 VLSI Design 19 Physical Design – Complex Gates D C D C B B A A Vdd z Vss A National Central University B C EE613 VLSI Design D 20 Physical Design – XNOR Gate (1) A B Z’ Z Vdd Z’ z A Z’ B A Vss A National Central University B Z’ B EE613 VLSI Design 21 Physical Design – XNOR Gate (2) A B Z Vdd Vss z B A National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 22 Physical Design – Automated Approach A B C D E Vdd A E D C E B Vss D E C A B D E C A B Vdd P N Vss National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 23 Physical Design – Standard-Cell Approach WVdd Wp Dnp Wn a National Central University b c d EE613 VLSI Design z WVss 24 Physical Design – Standard-Cell Layout Vdd Vdd Vss a b National Central University c z EE613 VLSI Design Vss a b c z 25 Physical Design – Gate Array Layout (1) Vdd Vss National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 26 Physical Design – Gate Array Layout (2) Vdd Gate array cells Routing channels Vss National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 27 Physical Design – Sea-of-Gate Layout well contacts Vdd supply P-transistors poly gates N-transistors Vss supply substrate contacts National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 28 Physical Design – Sea-of-Gate (NAND3) a a b a National Central University b c z c b z c EE613 VLSI Design 29 Physical Design – CMOS Layout Guidelines • Run VDD and VSS in metal at the top and bottom of the cell • • Run a vertical poly line for each gate input • Place n-gate segments close to VSS and p-gate segments close to VDD • Connection to complete the logic gate should be made in poly, metal, or, where appropriate, in diffusion Order the poly gate signals to allow the maximal connection between transistors via abutting source-drain connection. National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 30 Physical Design – Improvement in Density • Better use of routing layers – routes can occurs over cells • • • More “merged” source-drain connections More usage of “white” space in sparse gates Use of optimum device sizes – the use of smaller devices leads to smaller layouts National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 31 Physical Design – Layout Optimization Vdd clk F A<0> F A<1> A<2> A<3> Vss clk A<3> A<2> A<1> A<0> National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 32 Physical Design – Layout Optimization 2 A A B C D Z B C D 1 Vdd Right Wrong Z Vss A National Central University B C D EE613 VLSI Design A B C D 33 Physical Design – Transmission Gate National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 34 Physical Design – Transmission Gate National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 35 Physical Design – 2-Input Multiplexer z c a z -c z a b b c c National Central University -c EE613 VLSI Design 36 CMOS Logic – Pseudo-nMOS Logic VDD βp F βn A VL Time β n (VDD − VTn )VOL = for βn 2 (VDD − | VTp |) 2 VTn = −VTp = VT βp VOL = (VDD − VT ) 2βn National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 37 CMOS Logic – Dynamic CMOS Logic Z N-logic Block inputs evaluate clk precharge clk clk clk Z=(A+B).C C A National Central University Y=ABC B B clk A C clk EE613 VLSI Design 38 CMOS Logic – Dynamic CMOS Logic clk=1 A C 1 B C1 C C2 1 0 A C2 C1 C charge sharing model clk=1 CVDD = (C + C1 + C2 )VA C VA = VDD C + C1 + C2 If for example National Central University C1 = C2 = 0.5C then this voltage would be VDD/2 EE613 VLSI Design 39 CMOS Logic – Dynamic CMOS Logic clock N1 N2 N1 inputs N Logic N Logic T d1 Erroneous State N2 clock T d2 National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 40 CMOS Logic – Clocked CMOS Logic -clk Z clk A B C D E National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 41 CMOS Logic – Pass-Transistor Logic A -A -B A -B -A OUT B A OUT OUT B B A Complementary National Central University Single-polarity EE613 VLSI Design Cross-coupled 42 CMOS Logic – CMOS Domino Logic Basic gate Z A B C D E clk National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 43 CMOS Logic – CMOS Domino Logic weak p device Z inputs N-logic Block clk Z inputs clk Static version National Central University N-logic Block Latched version EE613 VLSI Design 44 CMOS Logic – CMOS Domino Logic clk clk N-logic A5 C2 A4 C3 A3 C4 A2 C5 A1 C6 A0 C7 National Central University C1 N-logic N-logic N-logic EE613 VLSI Design 45 CMOS Logic – NP Domino Logic clk -clk clk to futher P blocks inputs stable during clk=1 N-logic P-logic other P blocks other N blocks clk N-logic other N blocks other P blocks -clk clk to futher P blocks inputs stable during clk=1 N-logic P-logic other P blocks National Central University N-logic other N blocks EE613 VLSI Design 46 CMOS Logic–Advantages of Dynamic Logic • • • Smaller area than fully static gates Smaller parasitic capacitance, hence higher speed Glitch free operation if designed carefully National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 47 CMOS Logic – CVSL F -F Q -Q Differential Inputs nMOS Combinational Network a d e b Basic version National Central University -d -e c -b -c -a A particular function EE613 VLSI Design 48 CMOS Logic – CVSL (abcd)=(0000) clock -Q clock -Q Differential Inputs Q nMOS Combinational Network Q -d d -d d c -c c -c b -b b -b a -a clock clock Clocked version National Central University A 4-way XOR gate EE613 VLSI Design 49 Clocking Strategies – Clocked Systems outputs inputs Combinational Logic current state bits next state bits Q D Q D Q D clock A simple finite state machine National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 50 Clocking Strategies – Clocked Systems 10 ns 10 ns C1 inputs C2 outputs D Q D Q D Q D Q D Q D Q C1 C2 outputs inputs D Q D Q D Q A pipeline system National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 51 Clocking Strategies – Latches and Reg. Cycle time Tc clock Setup Time (Ts) Data Hold Time (Th) Q Clock-to-Q Delay (Tq) National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 52 Clocking Strategies – Latches D clk 0 1 Q D S clk Q clk 0 D 1 Q S clk D Q National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 53 Clocking Strategies – Registers clk D 0 1 QM S clk 0 1 D Q S clk QM Q master National Central University slave EE613 VLSI Design 54 Clocking Strategies – Registers clk=0 clk=1 master National Central University slave EE613 VLSI Design 55 Clocking Strategies – Registers D Q clk clk National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 56 Clocking Strategies – JK Registers J K A D K J B Q clk QN Q QN -clk clk J=K=0; Q=D JN=KN=1; A=QN, B=1; D=AN=Q J K clk Q QN J=0;K=1 0 0 1 1 KN=0,JN=1; A=1, B=1; D=0 J=1; K=0 KN=1, JN=0; A=QN, B=Q; D=1; 0 1 0 1 Q 0 1 QN QN 1 0 Q J=1; K=1 KN=0, JN=0; A=1, B=Q; D=QN National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 57 Clocking Strategies – System Timing Reg. A Tq Combinational Logic Td Ts Reg. B Latch A Tq Combinational Logic Td Ts Latch B clock clock A Latch A Tq B Combinational Logic Ts Tda Latch B Combinational Logic Tdb Latch C clock National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 58 Clocking Strategies – System Timing Tda < Tc1 − Tqa − Tsb Tqa : the clock-to-Q time of latch A Tsb : the setup time of latch B Similarly, Tdb < Tc 0 − Tqb − Tsc Finally, Tc = Tda + Tdb + 2[Tq + Ts ] National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 59 Clocking Strategies – Setup & Hold Time Td D Q Din Pad φin φin Din Pad Tφ φ t = t− t = t+ For an ideal DFF, = t − , then Q should be high If Din becomes to low when t = t + , then Q still is high If Din is high when t National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 60 Clocking Strategies – Setup & Hold Time Tφ φ Tφ Td Td D When Td When > Tφ , Din should become high earlier and Q can become high Td < Tφ , Din should retain at high longer and Q can be still at high Tφ Din D TS Tφ Td Din D Td Th = Td − Tφ TS = Td − Tφ National Central University Th EE613 VLSI Design 61 Clocking Strategies – Setup & Hold Time Td2 D Q q1 Tdq Logic D Q Tdl M1 clk d2 M2 Tdc delay delay T c1 T c2 1. When Tdc>Tdq+Tdl, M2 latches the New data 2. When Tdq+Tdl-Tdc>TC , M2 latches Old data twice Therefore, 0<Tdq+Tdl-Tdc<TC clk T c1 Td2 Old data T c2 New data New Data Tdc National Central University TC EE613 VLSI Design 62 Clocking Strategies – D Register -clk clk clk -clk clk -Q D -clk clk -clk Q clk -clk -clk D -clk clk clk clk National Central University Q -clk EE613 VLSI Design 63 Clocking Strategies – Clock Skew -clk clk Feedthrough condition D clk-in Q clk clk Buffers Necessary for Large Loads -clk National Central University EE613 VLSI Design -clk 64 Clocking Strategies–Skew Clock Pipeline CL2 (9ns) (5ns) FF (5ns) CL3 FF FF FF CL1 clk3 clk2 -2ns 0ns -2ns clk1 clk A 7ns B C D clk clk1 clk2 clk3 National Central University A B C A D B A EE613 VLSI Design C B D C 65 Clocking Strategies – Latches -clk Q D clk 1. Low area cost 2. Driving capability of D must override the feedback inverter clk D -clk Q -clk clk National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 66 Clocking Strategies – Latches Vdd clk -clk D D Q -clk Q clk clk -clk Vss National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 67 Clocking Strategies – DETDFF clk D -D clk Q1 Q1 -Q1 clk Latch 1 National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 68 Clocking Strategies – DETDFF clk Q2 -Q2 clk Q2 D -D clk Latch 2 National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 69 Clocking Strategies – DETDFF Latch 2 Q2 D -Q2 Q -Q -Q1 Q1 clk Latch 1 clk National Central University Latch 1 enabled Q2=-Q2=low Latch 2 enabled Q1=-Q1=high EE613 VLSI Design 70 Clocking Strategies – Register Asynchronously resettable register -clk -reset Q clk -clk -clk clk clk -clk D -clk clk -reset Q National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 71 Clocking Strategies – Register Asynchronously settable and resettable register -clk -reset Q clk -clk -clk clk D -clk clk -clk -set National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 72 Clocking Strategies – Dynamic Registers Dynamic single clock latches clk clk -Q D D -clk D clk -clk -clk Dynamic single clock registers -clk clk -Q D -clk National Central University Q D clk -clk -clk clk Q clk EE613 VLSI Design 73 Clocking Strategies – Single Clock clock Logic L1 L2 Logic L2 opaque clock L1 opaque L1 transparent L2 transparent National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 74 Dynamic Latches – Single-Phase Clocking Clock active high latch D Clock active high latch with buffer D X Q CLK Dn CLK Xn Qn 0 H 1 0 1 H 0 1 1 L Xn-1 Qn-1 0 L 1 Qn-1 National Central University CLK EE613 VLSI Design X -Q 75 Dynamic Latches – Single-Phase Clocking Clock active low latch Clock active low latch with buffer D D CLK CLK Q X Dn CLK Xn Qn 0 L 1 0 1 L 0 1 1 H Xn-1 Qn-1 0 H 1 Qn-1 National Central University EE613 VLSI Design X -Q 76 Dynamic Latches – Single-Phase Clocking Clock active high latch without feedback Clock active low latch without feedback D D X CLK Q CLK X Q Assume that the capacitance of node X is 0.002pF and the leakage current I is 1nA. Therefore, T=CV/I=0.002pFx5V/1nA=100us. That is, the latch needs to be refreshed each 100us. Otherwise, the output Q will become high. National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 77 Dynamic Registers – TSPC Positive edge trigger register CLK D B CLK -Q A D A B -Q tf tr The value of the hold time of this flip flop is close to zero. National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 78 Phase Locked Loop Clock Techniques • PLL for synchronization clock clock chip chip clock pad PLL clock pad clock route clock route dclk dclk output pad output pad dclk+dpad clock dclk dclk+dpad clock T1 T1=Input buffer delay +routing RC delay T2 data out National Central University dclk T2=Clock-to-Q delay +output buffer delay T2 data out EE613 VLSI Design 79 Phase Locked Loop – Clock Multiplying Clock-multiplying PLL Synchronize data transfer between chips clock chip PLL /4 clock pad clock clock route clock PLL PLL bus dclk system clock output pad dclk+dpad clock Synchronize the output enable signals 1. Reduce tristate fights 2. Improve overall timing dclk National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 80 Typical Phase Locked Loop Programmable Frequency divider (/n) U Phase Detector reference clock fn Charge Pump Filter D VCO Vc nxfn Vdd Low-pass filter U Vc D National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 81 Phase Locked Loop – Phase Detector clkext S Q U Q D R S clk R S clk Q UP National Central University NOP clkext R EE613 VLSI Design clk DN clkext 82 Phase Locked Loop – Charge Pump • Charge pump circuits Vrefp Pref U U Out Out D D Vrefn Nref Biased by current mirror The output current of the charge pump can be adjusted through the control of the current mirror. National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 83 Phase Locked Loop – Low-Pass Filter • Simple implementation of low-pass filter In Out TG NC1 • • NC2 The two capacitors C1 and C2 are in the order of tens of pF The capacitor C2 is added in parallel to the simple RC lowpass filter to form a second order filter − The stability of the system is maintained even with the process variation of these on-chip components • Note that these capacitors can occupy a large portion of the PLL National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 84 Phase Locked Loop – VCO Current-starved inverter type VCO Delay cell I I I fVCO V Control voltage V-I converter Odd number of stages Voltage-Controlled Delay Line (VCDL) type VCO tin tin+t Control voltage National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 85 Phase Locked Loop U Low-pass filter Phase Detector Vc VCO fout D fin fout fin D National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 86 Phase Locked Loop – Programmable VCO Delay cell Delay cell Delay cell V-I converter Shift register VC Generated clock National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 87 Single-Phase Logic – NP Domino Logic • NP-Domino Logic − Allow pipelined system architecture clk -clk nMOS pMOS Logic Logic -clk clk The circuit performs precharge-discharge operation when clock is low, and all stage evaluate output levels when the clock is high. clk section National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 88 Single-Phase Logic – NP-Domino Logic • -clk section -clk clk nMOS pMOS Logic Logic clk -clk The circuit performs precharge-discharge operation when clock is high, and all stage evaluate output levels when the clock is low. National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 89 Single-Phase Logic – NP-Domino Logic • A pipelined NP-Domino CMOS system clk A -clk section clk B C section section clk A B C National Central University a0 a2 a1 b0 b2 b1 c0 EE613 VLSI Design b1 b2 90 Single-Phase Logic – Clock Skew • Uses of clock skew to extend clock cycle (not recommended) Td2 Logic clock delay Tc1 clock Tc1 Td2 old data new data Td2 < Tc1 National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 91 Single-Phase Logic – Avoiding Clock Skew • Lock-up Latch Lock-up latch Logic clock • delay Contra-data-direction clock Logic delay National Central University EE613 VLSI Design clock 92 Two-Phase Clocking • Dynamic register -ph1 -ph2 D Q ph1 ph2 ph1 ph2 ph1=1,ph2=0 C1 C2 C1 C2 ph1=0,ph2=1 National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 93 Two-Phase Clocking • Failure due to clock skew ph1 ph2 ph1=1,ph2=1 C1 National Central University EE613 VLSI Design C2 94 Two-Phase Clocking • Two-phase registers with single-polarity clocks ph1 ph1 National Central University ph2 ph2 EE613 VLSI Design 95 Clock Distribution • In a large CMOS chip, clock distribution is a serious problem − − − − − − • Vdd=5V Creg=2000pF (20K register bits @ 0.1pF) Tclk=10ns Trise/fall=1ns Ipeak=Cdv/dt=(2000px5)/1n=10A Pd=CVdd2f=2000px25x100=5W Methods for reducing the values of Ipeak and Pd − Reduce C − Interleaving the rise/fall time National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 96 Clock Distribution • Clocking is a floorplanning problem because clock delay varies with position on the chip • Ways to improve clock distribution − Physical design ∗ Make clock delays more even ∗ At least more predictable − Circuit design ∗ Minimizing delays using several stages of drivers • Two most common types of physical clocking networks − H tree − Balanced tree National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 97 Clocking Distribution – H Tree clock National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 98 Clocking Distribution – Balanced Tree clock National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 99 Clocking Distribution – Reducing Power • Techniques used to reduce the high dynamic power dissipation − Use a low capacitance clock routing line such as metal3. This layer of metal can be, for example, dedicated to clock distribution only − Using low-swing drivers at the top level of the tree or in intermediate levels National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 100 Clocking Distribution – Half-Swing Driver Vdd C1 clkp C2 CA -clkp Vout clkn -clkn C3 CB C4 Gnd Clock National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 101 I/O Structures – Pads • Types of pads − − − − • • Vdd, Vss pad Input pad (ESD) Output pad (driver) I/O pad (ESD+driver) All pads need guard ring for latch-up protection Core-limited pad & pad-limited pad Core-limited pad Pad-limited pad PAD PAD I/O circuitry I/O circuitry National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 102 Input Pads – ESD Protection Input pad without ESD protection Assume I=10uA, Cg=0.03pF, and t=1us The voltage that appears on the gate is about 330volts PAD Input pad with ESD protection PAD National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 103 I/O Pads – Tristate & Bidirectional Pads Tristate pad output-enable OE P OE OUT PAD N data D N P OUT 0 X 0 1 Z 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 D Bidirectional pad PAD National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 104 Input Pads – Schmitt Trigger Circuit Transfer characteristic of Schmitt trigger Vout VDD Vin VT- VT+ VDD 1. Hysteresis voltage VH=VT+-VT- 2. When the input is rising, it switches when Vin=VT+ 3. When the input is falling, it switches when Vin=VT- National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 105 Input Pads – Schmitt Trigger Circuit Voltage waveforms for slow input Vout VDD Vin VT+ VTTime Schmitt trigger turns a signal with a very slow transition into a signal with a sharp transition National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 106 Input Pads – Schmitt Trigger Circuit A CMOS version of the Schmitt trigger VDD P1 VFP P3 P2 Vin Vout N2 VFN N3 N1 1. When the input is rising, the VGS of the transistor N2 is given by 2. When Vin = VT + 3. Then VFN VGS 2 = Vin − VFN , N2 enters in conduction mode which means VGS2 = VTn = VT + − VTn National Central University EE613 VLSI Design 107