Passivity Passivity is a loss of electrochemical reactivity (drastic decrease in corrosion rate) that many engineering alloys (e.g. stainless steel, Ni-based alloys, Al alloys) exhibit under certain environmental conditions. Passivation usually is the result of the presence of a thin protective oxide or oxyhydroxide passive film on the metal surface. However, passive metals are susceptible to local breakdown and accelerated localized attack. barrier layer deposit or porous layer barrier layer Passive films are a 3-dimensional oxide or oxyhydroxide, usually nm in thickness, that acts as a barrier between the metal and the electrolyte. Could be a bilayer structure with a porous or hydrated deposit layer on top of barrier layer. 1 Passivity Passive Oxide Layer on Al Thin Film Sample was 150-nm thick Al film on quartz substrate (Q). Pit in thin film caused undermining of passive film (P) at pit wall (W) - undermined passive film is now lying on substrate surface. Historical perspective on passivity - in 1836 Michael Faraday described the behavior of Fe in nitric acid: Add Concentrated HNO3 2 Passivity Metal Passive Film O M O M M O OH2 OH O O OH2 OH O Solution Composition and thickness of the passive film are functions of potential and solution composition. OH2 OH For alloys, usually one element is enriched in the film (films on Fe-Cr alloys are enriched in Cr). Passive films can be either crystalline or amorphous. Films can be either insulators (e.g., Al, Ti, and Ta) or semiconductors (e.g., Fe and Ni). 3 Under most conditions, iron is not very corrosion resistant. Alloying with >12% Cr to make stainless steel greatly improves corrosion resistance owing to the formation of protective Cr-rich passive film: Corrosion Rate, cm/y Stainless Steel Fe-Cr alloys in intermittent water spray H.H. Uhlig, Corrosion and Corrosion Control. Wt. % Cr • Fe-based alloy with >12% Cr. • Addition of >8% Ni increases corrosion resistance yet more and stabilizes the fcc austenitic phase. 304 SS has about 18% Cr and 8% Ni. • Further addition to 18-8 SS of about 2% Mo (316 SS) increases corrosion resistance yet further. • Other common alloying elements include N, W, Ti, Nb, …. 4 Passivity Distinctive potential-current behavior of a passive metal: Etrans - ipass - passive current density Epp - primary passivation potential icrit - critical current density Etrans - transpassive potential Jones • At the active-passive transition, the current density can decrease by many orders of magnitude. • The current density in the passive region, ipass, is often relatively independent of potential. • Passive films may break down at the very high potentials, allowing high currents to pass again. This is called the transpassive region. • Transpassive current may be associated with oxygen evolution or dissolution - it is different from currents associated with pitting. 5 Passivity For certain systems, the critical potential values observed in measured polarization curves may relate to boundaries in the related Pourbaix diagram: E Transpassive ipass Etrans Passive icrit i0H2/H+ Epp ErevH2H+ Active Ecorr Cathodic ErevM/M+ i0M/M+ icorr log i 6 Passivity Pourbaix diagrams are useful as guides in suggesting regions of passivity. This shows that the range of passivity for stainless steels is increased over that of Fe because of the influence of the added Cr. Jones However, Pourbaix diagrams are based on thermodynamics, and cannot be used to predict behavior. For instance, Ni and Cr are passive in acid despite thermodynamic predictions to the contrary because their oxides dissolve very slowly. 7 Passivity The measured polarization curve can take different forms depending on the relative positions of the anodic and cathodic half reactions: Jones Active-passive 1,2 left Spontaneously passive Unstable passivity 4-6 left 3 left 4-6 right 1-3 right 8 Passivity Faraday experiment explained Nitric Acid is an oxidizer: NO3- + 4H+ + 3e- = NO +2H2O E0 = 0.96 V SHE E Conc. nitric Dilute nitric HER log i 9 Passivity Alloys with different electrochemical behavior would be preferred for environments with different oxidizing power: Jones 10 Kinetics of Passivity Metal ions oxidized at a fresh metal surface can: • Cross double layer as solvated ion corrosion • Form new solid phase: • Deposit from solution of poorly-soluble ion to form nonprotective film • Direct formation of film on surface without metal ions passing into solution passivity First monolayer of passive film: Formation of NiOHad intermediate: Ni + H2O NiOHad + H+ + e- (1) can be followed by either corrosion or oxide formation: NiOHad + H+ Ni2+ + H2O + e- (2) NiOHad NiO + H+ + e- (3) Whether Eqn. 2 or 3 proceeds will depend on E, pH, T, and solution composition. 11 Kinetics of Passivity After first monolayer, the rate of further oxidation slows, but does not stop. Thickening occurs by migration of metal cations, oxide anions, or their vacancies under the influence of the electric field (potential drop divided by film thickness, E/x). This leads to a reduction in the field, and a further reduction in the rate of growth. Steady state is when the rate of oxide growth = rate of dissolution = passive current density. The current at a constant potential, or rate of passive film thickening, typically decreases linearly in a log i/log t plot with a slope of about -1: Jones ipass = C (dx/dt) = C’/t (4) Integration yields the direct logarithmic growth law: x = A + B log t (5) 12 Kinetics of Passivity At a constant potential, each decade of time and current density is seen to be accompanied by an equal amount of film growth. However, passive film growth data also fit inverse logarithmic kinetics: 1/x = A’ - B’ log t (6) Fig 8 Kruger and Calvert JES 114 43 (1967 13 Theories of Passive Film Growth Ions moving through the oxide must overcome an activation energy G* to jump distance 2a. At equilibrium, the rate in the forward direction equals the rate in backwards direction: G * i f i b nFk exp (7) RT where k is a rate constant. Now apply an anodic overpotential V that is distributed linearly across the oxide of thickness x resulting in an electric field of V/x. The portion of that field along the jump path is 2aV/x. Therefore, the activation energies in the forward and reverse directions each change by aVnF/x. G * aVnF/x G* aVnF/x (8) i i f i b nFk exp nFk exp RT RT Let G * A nFk exp RT i A exp B = anF/RT BV BV BV A exp 2A sinh x x x (9) 14 Theories of Passive Film Growth There are two limiting approximations to Eqn 9: 1) High field, V/x is large: i = A exp BV dx x dt This is the Field Assisted Ion Migration (FAIM) theory in which film growth is limited by ion migration driven by the high field in the oxide. Integration of this equation leads to an expression that approximates inverse logarithmic film growth, and thus fits the data rather well. 2) Low Field, V/x is small: i = 2ABV/x This is basically Ohms Law, and leads to parabolic film growth: x = c’ + c” t1/2 Since passive films are usually thin, the high field approximation usually applies, and FAIM is one of the primary theories for passive film growth. 15 Theories of Passive Film Growth Other theories predict direct logarithmic growth. The Place Exchange Mechanism describes passive film growth to occur by a simultaneous exchange of position of metal and oxygen ions in the passive film, resulting in a net movement of metal ions outwards and oxygen ions inwards: Fig 9 Sato and Cohen JES 111, 512 16 Theories of Passive Film Growth Other theories predict direct logarithmic growth. The Point Defect Model for passive film growth and breakdown (developed at OSU in early 80s) also predicts direct logarithmic growth. Note that passive films are often bilayers with an inner barrier layer that is responsible for the protection, and an outer porous layer that is unprotective. D. Macdonald JES 1992 17