International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology – IJORAT Vol. 1, Issue 4, APRIL 2016 COMMAND BASED SMART CONTROL OF THE AMBULANCE SYSTEM 1 2 Andrew Rayan.T and Beslin Pajila.P.J Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Francis Xavier Engineering College,Tirunelveli, India Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, SCAD Engineering College,Tirunelveli, India 1 2 Abstract - This paper proposes with an idea for improving safety and security by preventing the misuse of ambulance. The misuse of ambulance is prevented by attaching an android based device or a GPS system in the ambulance. This system helps in tracking the location of ambulance and to control the mode of ambulance (Emergency/Normal).The task for the ambulance is assigned from control room / Authenticated person alone. On time of work assignment the authenticated person from control room will assign work to a specific ambulance nearer to the accident spot. The ambulance is assigned with the start and the destination location along with the mode (Emergency/Normal) so the ambulance can only travel through the specified route. The ambulance can reach the peak speed if it is in emergency mode. When the ambulance reaches the destination (Nearest Hospital) it will be automatically switched to normal mode. And when the ambulance is in normal mode it should not travel above a threshold speed. Using the GPS system the control room can track the location of the ambulance with which the all the ambulance will be under the control. The Emergency mode and the Normal mode will be set by the admin. Based on it the vehicles speed threshold will be adjusted. Keyword: GPS- Global Positioning System I. INTRODUCTION The aim of system is to create a control system, which monitor all the ambulance in a particular area. The control room will assign a task to a specific ambulance which is close to the accident zone. This control room managed by an admin will allot the start and destination location along with a mode, either Emergency or Normal. The control room is also responsible for allocating the route for travel. In Emergency mode the ambulance is allowed to travel at a speed above the threshold speed and at normal mode the ambulance is allowed to travel below a All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJORAT threshold speed. For monitoring the location of travel by the ambulance a GPS device is attached to it. This GPS device will keep on updating the latitude and longitude position of the moving vehicle. The updated location will be saved in the server along with the date and time. Now with the help of the latitude and longitude positions the admin can monitor the location of the vehicles along with it speed and route through which it travels with the help of web browser or an android device. The GPS device can be either GPS or a GPS enabled smart phone. Fig 1 shows the simple architecture of the system. 28 International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology – IJORAT Vol. 1, Issue 4, APRIL 2016 Fig 1.1 System Architecture II. RELATED WORKS In previous research papers, they deal with finding the location of the vehicles as well as finding the route through which the vehicle travels.This is done by the GPS device that is fixed in the vehicle. In 2011, Mohammad A. Al-Khedherthe [1] published a paper called Hybrid GPSGSM Localization of Automobile Tracking System through which the GPS device in the vehicle retrieves the location information from satellites in the form of latitude and longitude location. The Then an SMS is sent which contains the position and then the location is viewed in map in the desktop or the laptop.The other system may track the location along with the moving location but will never give information about the speed as well as the pre-defined route through which it has to pass. All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJORAT 29 Fig2.1 GSM Localization of Automobile Tracking System In 2011, Mohammad A. Al-Khedherthe [1] published a paper called Hybrid GPSGSM Localization of Automobile Tracking System through which the GPS device in the vehicle retrieve the location information from satellites in the form of latitude and longitude location.The Then an SMS is sent which contains the position and then the location is viewed in map in the desktop or the laptop.The other system may track the location along with the moving location but will never give information about the speed as well as the pre-defined route through which it has to pass. In 2012, Mrs. K.P.Kamble[2] published a paper called SMART VEHICLE TRACKING SYSTEM which came up with the idea of continues tracking of vehicles location along with the speed. These coordinates are generally observed on a computer screen and by using mapping software through which one can see the exact position of our vehicle. This International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology – IJORAT Vol. 1, Issue 4, APRIL 2016 idea is user can access the information of a vehicle based on vehicle’s position, speed and distance traveled and duration of each stoppage with a central operating center by entering the mobile number of user through mobile phones or websites using SMS or Internet. III. PROPOSED SYSTEM In proposed system we have provided historic information about route travelled by using a web based database storage. It will be specially implemented for tracking ambulance information like what is the condition of it now, Where is it now, Where it is moving. This paper proposes the idea for the ambulance to improving safety and security by preventing the misuse of ambulance. The misuse of ambulance is prevented by attaching an android based device inside the ambulance. This device will help in tracking the location of ambulance and to control the mode of ambulance (Emergency/Normal). The task for ambulance is assigned by the control room by the admin who views and manages the system. Ambulance agency cannot take work directly. On time of work assignment the admin from control room will assign work to a specified ambulance nearer to the accident location. The admin assigns the task to the ambulance which is nearer to the accident spot. He also assigns the starting and the destination for the ambulance along with the mode of travel either Emergency or Normal. Once the mode is assigned for the ambulance it is allowed to travel at the specified speed. When the ambulance is in Emergency mode it can reach above the threshold All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJORAT speed. If it is in normal mode then the ambulance is not allowed to exceed the threshold speed. Here all the nodes will communicate with each other using internet. All the information is transferred through a web server hence it will be saved as record each time. Hence it will be used for investigation in future. IV. IMPLEMENTATION The idea is achieved by GPS enabled android device which acts as the medium for communication between the ambulance and the admin. The device keeps on updating the location of the ambulance using the GPS in the android device. Once the location is found by the android device it calls the php script to execute. The php script will in return save the latitude and the longitude position along with the date and time it has calculated using the GPS satellite. This data can then be viewed by the admin using the web browser. Fig 4.1 Working principle The admin, to control the ambulance uses the command to set the mode as well assign the task. This is done by admin using the web browser and executing the php script to save the data in the server. The android device in the ambulance will in return retrieve the commands from the 30 International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology – IJORAT Vol. 1, Issue 4, APRIL 2016 server and sets the mode in its device. The android device will then set the microcontroller that directly controls the speed of the ambulance. This microcontroller will set the command either to emergency or to normal mode. Based on the command send by the controller the ambulance speed will be set. Every actions will be monitored by the admin. Fig 4.1 shows the working VI. CONCLUSION Thus from the above experiment it is very easy to monitor the location of the ambulance along with the exact location and the speed of travel which is calculated from distance traveled and the time for travel. This help is secured use of ambulance and misuse of it. REFERENCES [1] Mrs.K.P.Kamble,”Smart Vehicle Tracking System”, International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) Vol.3, No.4, July 2012 [2] Mohammad A. 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