gwq* ft,gw dq qls-n fufuffiT qtf ffi-sq ft?TI?T. eTreyr "5rsri* fr:go' fa ut-sqT" d srmrfd iT-Gr*tq fufuiqT Ti{Qlr-{T t orT-+ En sr-qqq-fi erqrq #* fr'gm Eq?rcr o-{qti znr frofq fuqT .m t t rra *riET {i-L;q' q"{ft-lq ElqT qd efr liffi *-{ eq"li.t cric 'iltfi I qQrq'qqq fr, eTr.fl* frrq lETEeq ft-{H d GrrcR q-q ffi z sTfd, eots t q)-dqT rrGI d H* n'Rs-d 6i&-n, fu+i frfi};.eroa-a}; aq-ftffi ftfu-er"rc-Y G d-4".18 qt*.ft, tra' qq q-d-.+ q* G{-$HTI Fv'ql s7 q 44 da a.qc4-eT o-16 wEfr frr 5 gs et Bfi?T ?{ul1ry r gar$ zors t qEqft-o Ei{-q +qi qr zs iilta Eqcrer *rg *q.t- r gfio qq'r '{ 15 a{Tr{rr zots * slerfuo-Erqeq ffi qq ffi-{ffiq s( 15 q-6rr &t gr+f eflq-cm" q;} Etrm-q swi-{ wgfr qQIrI q{ol er fr-qrqq{ al-$rf,m rst q-{ lrBd crT{qrcrT-{rs' d w{q * B-qT cr,qr B t gsr I rg +frE-d !T#* si{qincr Td ts-q-e qrqB"fl frM & H-rrtq ",g-*,qfrrsr frfrtqrdq, eq-ft-mT ftftrsrse qq ftcTse ft-b-eral,Ti q-q fudT EaEq of sroq+dr srqw3rrqs Et S-ds eil"ffu-d mE qtf,iT d qqtfr eqr<qq * e.ERrd e=ft snqqrrfi fiqR* Et cT=h t '.n-** I +t a--ry 6"{+ t-g fufra HET or$, qFrq qiq-rEr{, EqE{"h et wrqo, dq Rg-sEs-oe *t sfieEqcFETsTi e-I o{is-m-{ eq {fi-et elTTffi Sfrsfuf, s-{i qft qtrcw et 1ryr* €) iqgg Gffifi ? 3i*-c + q-s zf-qqr ai1 et e-S i M ei&-s e{H-dii4i fr eTBo. *r*q" .Ft i*i Eg d" eru-e-sH {outsource) ^rm6t \f,T Efi-& r tB*-a st&-s ftfrFqTdd \rq fr-dT eq-fr-cr fr'B-ts-mq E-d ttal.f,c fr Elitfiqt {ultra sonographyj e1r*-fd {Gutsource) eil qr e-*-e t I eTr{qrciR{H ANr qtq q}{ qq Et ri'.,fr, or yrqirl .r* H{6.r{ ilut fu-qT \f,rqrn't qsTEr awr fu ryfrT- ElrT 6T+ 5s i5+s znt-e-gq6 *r& (C**i, * W aid ) ecrS-m $RTqsirqqqT E+ ?ffq Bfiq T{ E]F rrfq cqe-qui q +q * ftdEs qi-q-{T eft aqT-qfr d S t ftftfu, **t * Ekil +t wqit d f fr-Mt s.rq qg.qq.q'fi.*. gpr ERT qi-i q-$ q1{rT :rcTq tsqdeT srrs r s.r+-q"* @T Tiq (rnaintenance} e rf$rffl Equipment Maintenance aad Repair Cetl (EMRC) maq fuqT dq E-ETq-fi, tko}-irrrq qq qilrT HEi-q?F qTR +t qem rfr EnT of zrqor 3il{\qqY$, d +.qT tg ffiRlu-{, Ttl, .li i"ffr-*t G eiea fu1T (repair) frffi fuqr.q?r+ * srffi * 1*o- tlHs, qrqmt{zffifi, erffiffi, tffiffi "ir fu 6rn t q* f qd Tffmqqqq,zfi.eqS qq q"il-drfu-€r,dq g=d (fu* -q-tr€q-{ q-{rqyi q ssqtq ,qrr Ftt rrm-ffi q)-d-qT d E=+Tr& fuel tg irq ffi{ sd g6 Efrfr ,Tfrfr e1 ,r$ t, rys ^Eeq Efre ft'fu*trT ftwr, ugra yftr ftfu-isr Er{€rr. qEiq fre$a., fr&T-6 s-q E;g?4, erfrkdn fttyi-s tssne-$ rq qq-ql"d q fr-e=,r6 gfiqq-qiT tfu6E ;i+;, t re*t frf@ $B@a, q,i-&q), t ffi ffii "mn* r +fr-6-m 6t&-m 3Tw-di-* ?ht eT-ffiT qqTrflq Grgcffi Hn qq fu-dT GT{q-drmt q ftr& t fterr erq ffiq-sr"il e1 #'ffirT fr-dT s-d"-rcr amr ht uti"fr t em: erft H-il.fiq *g-mt gd fr-mT s-M * ei*m et qffi t fu t'GT.ri w{ q{ 31T*fu-d * dr* &t eq-u, ffifr gffiee of r 1* .l S<* 5q *'** ^" qraq A TffiT?iIq HTET{ t- BTffi tE nfrT q*-qq \. fir* glqq* tt-s{err e-{6ii qtE-+q q-drcq z. ffi Hfr"q, 4* ftfr.ffiT w er*ea ftqTrT yrg-{el=i 3. ft\fr sfrq, E-gs yrrs{ !Hfr'-q, frfr,trT ftimr 6n r 4. FrS e,fr-q, qEEs yri-s{ lsfrq, frfu-iqT gq lsrceq frflT !"RfrB frqfr.fuo ei ryapi sq rile?qe. Ehq', qTq*q I qr*x I s. frErq fteqrry. TEatxgqqq 6" grigT fr-eqr6. erTqqqqg-S q,q.3r rf,-q.€i fre€To. frfr,ffiT q{ Elreq gq Hq'{f, Hgffi fre?i-*., frfrt*T wrc€q $m""{a{rq ffi, B. ffi, s. Er€r-tr $q frfr-trT G srwq crffi r. q.q.w s5{s frfrrtrT aTFrore rr. eilta.r q-srqoft t 10. ..k-* frEffiT t'q wr€s fldqTq Rajasthan Medical Serviees CorporAtion {Deptt. Of Medieal & Health} Swasthaya Bhawan, C-Sclreme, Jaipur E_mail : Phone Ns: A1.41-?228065, Fax No: AUt-2228065 No: F-60/RMSC/ Logistic / MNJY/2012t Date 27fi 3* *i*Z{}}3 AII Divisional Commissioners / District Collectors All principal & Controllers, Medieal Colleges/Superintentlents, Medical College Hospitals All Joint Directors-Zone/CM&Hos/ PMQs /Officer In- Charge - DDW Sub: Implementation of Mukhyarnantri Nishulk Janch Yojana (Free Diagnostic Sen'ices) As per announcerrent made by Hon'ble Chief Minister common essential diagnostic tests are to be effect from 7'1' provided free of cost at Medical College Hospitals and District Hospitals in the state with April,20i3. After implcmentarion of fuukhyamantri Nishulk DavaYojana, provision of this facility wili has been^ be another rnilestone in the state's healtlr sector. Rajasthan Medical Selices Corporatiorr of provision envisages scherne the phase I identified as the nodal agency for facilitation of the schime. In sub-divisional Hospitals' District 57 free basic diagnostic testi at Medical college Hospitals and 44 at Healtir Hospitals and Satlllite Hospitals. In the next pliases the scheme is to be extended to Community Centres and Primary Health Centres. The phased implementation will be as follows: Implementation Date 7'Apri1,2013 (World Health Day) Phase Phase I Level of Implementation Hospitals(MCH) Coilege Medical District Hospitals(DH),Sub-divisional Hospilals(SDH) and Satellite Phase II Phase III 1" Juiy, 2013 (Doctor's Day) 15b August,2013 flndeoendence Day) 7/ 44 Hospitals(SH) 28 Community Heaith Centres (CHCs) P.rm"ty No. of Tests H*lth Centres (PHCs) & Dispensaries 15 Satellite hospitals are Al1 Medical College Hospitals, District Hospitals/Sub-divisional hospitals and scheme' For ensurittg of phase hereby directed to stafi"dn"rs for implementation of the first ,u"""i, of the intervention, the following are to be carried out as indicated below: MCH' DH' SDH &STI TERM ACTIVITIES FOR STRENGTHENING OF LABORATORIES At SHORT ,.Components , -Immediate ;,;;..------f ;,;:;l::. i Action o;;;"" FUNDS (Jan 13 - Feb 13) (I) Gap Analysis and lnfrastructure Repair, renovation, establishnient of collection counter & 28 Feb,2013 report distribution Deployment of Lab Technicianll-al: Ass istantlRadi o I\4edicat Superintendent RMRS, Untied (MS) /Principal Medical Officer (PMO) funds" AMG, Corpus funds etc. /CM&HO/PWD/ centres Manpower ISO[neEOF 28 Peb,2013 MS/PMO DMHS/CM&HO RMRS 28 Feb.2013 MSI RMRS, Untied firnds, AMG. graPher Ilom existing staff * Deputation of LT/LA/Radiographer through RMRS if Equipments Reagents and Consumatrles Repair of existing equipments Arrange new diagnostic Locat pt rciras. at hospital level ** PN4O/CM&HO Corpus f"rnds etc. I 28 Feb,2013 II') Trainin 1 Training of Doctors ) Training of I.T /I,A/RC Orientation Trainine of "'. (10 days) Orientation Training of (10 days) & Hands on Doctors 2E Feb,2013 & Hands on 28 Feb.20i3 DM&I{S It4edical Collegds (Path Dept.) LT /LA/R.G III) IEC Dispiay board of list of available tests {b1ue base Displav Boards 30 March, 2013 RN4RS. Untied MS/ funds. AMG, PMO/C]\,1&HO with.white letters) outside the laboratories Corpus funds etc. ( instructions will be issued separately and bills of RMRS reimbursed) 8(order beine issued) **( Bitr1s of RMRS will be reimbursed) oAs the 1st phase has to starl from Ttt'April, 2013 at MCH and DH/SDH/SH irnrnediate steps are to be initiated locally by the concerned Medical Superiritendent and Principal Medical Officer to fiil these gaps of infrastructure, rnanporver, equipments and reagents and consumables using Rajasthair Medicare Relief Society (RMRS) funds. Moreot er as indicated above the unused untied fund, Annual Maintenance Grant, Corpus fund etc. available with RMRS ilray also be used for this pllrpose. * This expenditure and every recurrent expenditure on outsourced services (Public Private Pattnership) operating as per olltsourcirlg pol ic1, of GoR rl,ili be reimbursed by the state governmenL these accollttts be maintained separately. : To compensate for other expenditures r,vhich were earlier niet by incotne frorn lab tests, demaud for more budget under Office Expenditure head has to be sent to Directorate of Medical &Health Services aud Principal Secretary (ME) as directed during video eonferencing so that its provision can be made under the Office Expenditure i l':t i r.-d by the lespective depafiments. Yr,ii ,ri"'i lE:uired to send budget estinrate under tl'iis head Q! Siiolo or'last year's RMRS income for Budget Fi:ranee Committeti. (initialll for next 3 months follorved by that for next financial year 2013-14). c Hands on training of manpower w'il1 be undefiaken at medical colleges by tire Pathoiogy department for tlie districts in their respective division .(module will be sliortly sltared with all ntedical colleges) As activities like constitution of nerv labs, recruiturent of nerv staff, teirdering and suppl.v of new eqiiipments and 1ab reagents may take few months the following actions are to be canied out oter uext 4 to 6 months. LONG TERM ACTIVITIES FOR STRENGTHENINC GF AL!- LABOR.ATORIES at MCH, DH, SDH, SH, CHCs, PHCs and Eispensaries S. No Component I Infrastructure 1 Manpower Immediate Action Agencl' (Next 4-6 months) Creation of additional space ul existins laboratories Deployment of Pathologist Source of Funds Chief Engineer . NRHM PWD Staie Gov1. DM&HS State Gol,t. (MO-PG/JS/SS) Deployment of Radiologist (MO-PG/iS/SS) Recruitment of regular LT, LA.IA.RG J Equipments 4 Reagents etc, Suppiy of new lab equipments by RMSC as per Principai Secretary (Medical Education) Add. Dir (Nori Gaz.) RMSC State Govt. RMSC State Govt. demand Supply ofessential 1ab reagents and consumables by RMSC as per demand For ensuring the availabilir-v- of functional equipments and lab reagents iollorving units rvill estabiished and related activities rvill be carried out under RMSC: Establishment of EPSIIC: wliich r.r,,ill prepare essentiai equipment iist (EEL) and essential laboratory reagents arrd consumables lisl (ELRCL) as advised by TAC and rvill procue and suppll.them througli DDWs to ai1 hospitals rvhich demand thern. 2. Establishrnent of SEMRC, ZEMRC and DEMRC: State equipment maintenance and repair centres (SEMRC) along with the zonal equipment rnaintenance and repair centres (ZEMRC) at divisional 1eve1 and district equipment rnaintetratrce and repair cell (DEMRC) N,ill be established to ensure prevettive maintenance and repair of equipmeuts. 3. Procure and supply essential latrorator:y reagents, chemieals and consumables: at DDWs and store these until they are issued to hospitals (along with drugs) for proper functioning of diagnostic faci lities. 4. Quality control - quality policy has been developed and its compliance will be ensured b1. establishment of Quality Assurance Program Implementation Lkrit at state level at RMSC, at zonal level at rnedicai colleges and at district hospitals in the districts' 5. Bio-safety - Standard Operathg Procedures (SOPs) for healthcare workers will be developed and issued and personal protective gear for bio-safety will be provided to ail laboratory staff. 6. BMW Rules implementation - all healthcare institutions are legally bound to implement Bio Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules (1998 amendment 2000 &.2043) and it will be the responsibility of rnedical office in-charge to erlsure disposal of laboratory generated bio-waste as per rules and obtaia Common Treatment Facility(CTF) connectiviq, lor same. i. Frovision for back,up equipments - all rnedicai officer in-citarges to ensure stand by invertors and generators for emergency times as also additional standb-v equipments. 8. Patient friendly services - el)sure propertr,aiting space, slred, counter for registration, sample and report collection such that the patients do not have to wait for more than 10 minutes at these counters. Medical college hospitals to ensure availabilit-v of online report of 1. / g. diagnostic tests. Display of Boards - of list of available tests outside the laboratories (on blue background witli white letters) and also board indicating time of sample and report collection. i0. Ensure 24x7 lab services -for lntensive Care Ulits (ICU), in patients department (IPD) emergency/casualty and other serious patients at MCH, DH, SDH and SH. The Divisional Comrnissioners and District Collectors are expected to r . . G - Inspecl the institutions and take a meeting Identifu difficulties/issues and resolve the same Major issues of extra infrastructure, manpower etc. may be cornmunicated to Medical & Health and Medical Education departments. Apprise the progress of iniplementation of tlie scheme to respective deparhnents forlnightly The role envisaged for various agencies for implernentingthe scheme, the list of tests at different levels of institutions and reference ilaterial for desigl and setting of laboratory are etrclosed as technical support. You are expected to abide by the above directions and tirtelines. Query pertaining to any of the above issues may be addressed to the MD, RMSC so that tnatters are resolved early and scheme is iraplernented as per the decided timelines. "h. "*.. Enclo: As above $*'" " (C.K. ttathett') Chief Sebretan Govt. of Rajasthan Copy to: 1. PS to Hon'ble Health Minister Z. PS to Principal Secretary(ME) 3. PS to Principal Secretary (M,H&FW) 4. Director(Public Health), DM&HS for necessary action 5. OSD & A1l ED,RMSC - QC/Logistic,Proc/Finance/EPM 6. Office File & Eg !ryF, &., (Deepaffipreti; Chairman, RMSC & Principal Secretary (M, I{&FW)