EFM System Model, Block Diagram, Layer Diagram and Common Terms Anderson, Tony Zonu Bhatt, Vipul Finisar Chen, Raymond Virata Diab, Wael Cisco Eaton, George Intel Frazier, Howard Dominet Haran, Onn Passave Hirth, Ryan Terawave Gao, Wei Salira Gummalla, Ajay Broadcom Koziuk, Glen Vitesse Kuo, JC Alloptic Murphy, Tom Infineon Pickens, John COM21 Ribeiro, Carlos CTBC Roberts, Hal ADC Sala, Dolors Broadcom Stanley, Patrick Elastic Stiscia, Jim Virata Thatcher, Jonathan IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 WWP 1 Contents n n n n n n 802 overview and architecture 802.3ah overview and architecture System model – Switched Ethernet Subject areas Layer and block diagram Definitions and Terminology IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 2 802 Overview and Architecture 802.10 802.2 Logical Link Control IEEE Std 802.2, ISO 8802-2-1989 SILS 802 IEEE 802.1 MAC Bridging IEEE Std 802.1D;1990 Overview OSI Layer 2 Architecture 802.1 Management 802.3 802.4 802.5 802.6 802.9 802.11 802.12 802.14 802.15 802.16 802.17 TBUS TRING DQDB ISLAN WLAN DPAP CATV WPAN BWA RPR IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE ISO ISO ISO CSMA/CD 802.3ah 802.7 Broadband TAG (BBTAG) IEEE 802.7-1989 802.8 Fiber Optic TAG (FOTAG) IEEE 802.8-1987 IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 OSI Layer 1 3 802.3ah Overview and Architecture Title ---Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer specifications Media Access Control Parameters, Physical Layers and Management Parameters for subscriber access networks OSI Reference Model Layers Scope LAN CSMA/CD Layers Application LLC - Logical Link Control Presentation MAC Control Session MAC (CSMA/CD) Transport OAM Network Data Link Physical P2P PHY P2MP PHY Cu PHY Ethernet Access Network Define 802.3 Media Access Control (MAC) parameters and minimal augmentation of MAC operation, physical layer specifications, and management parameters for the transfer of 802.3 format frames in subscriber access networks at operating speeds within the scope of the current IEEE Std 802.3 and approved new projects EAN IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 4 System Model – Switched Ethernet Media Access Control and Physical Layer Interface SLA and QoS 802.1p Priority Queuing Fair Weighting 802.1Q VLAN Tagging Bandwidth Shaping Switching Table Packet Forwarding Engine STA Station 802.3 CSMA/CD MAC PHY MAC PHY MAC PHY Buffering MAC PHY MAC PHY MAC PHY MDIO MMD IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 WAN MAN EAN 802.3ah LAN 5 5 Subject Areas CMP: LIA: REQ: PMD: PTL: Compliance Issues Liaison (OAM, 802.1, ITU-T, etc.) Network Requirements Optics and Copper Protocol IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 6 Subject Area: CMP CMP: 802.1 and 802.3 Compliance How to be Ethernet n Peer-to-peer network n Compliance with existing standards n • 802.1d – Bridging • 802.3ad – Link aggregation • 802.3x – Flow control IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 7 Subject Area: LIA LIA: Liaisons 802.3ah OA&M requirements n 802.3ah OA&M channel allocation (in/out-band, MAC control, PHY…) n 802.3ah Environmental requirements n 802.1 (VLAN, etc) n ITU-T, TIA n Other tangential groups n IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 8 Subject Area: REQ REQ: Network Requirements Service provider issues & perspectives n Ethernet Access Network requirements n Application and service requirements n Performance requirements (delay, jitter, close-loop constant,….) n Splitting ratio/distance requirements n Security and protection requirements n Feedback to PMD and PTL groups n IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 9 Subject Area: PMD PMD: Optics and Copper Optical link budgets modeling n Outside Plant n Wavelength Plan n Optical transceiver issues n Definition of optical interfaces and terms n Input to system guard band analysis n Higher link budgets (APD and FEC) n Copper PHY issues n IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 10 Subject Area: PTL PTL: Protocol Time sharing control n Plug and Play n Bandwidth resource allocation n Traffic modeling n Simulation and performance analysis n Link level OAM support n IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 11 Layer and Block diagram LLC Logical Link Control Peer-to-Peer MAC Control Plug and Play 802.3 MAC Upstream Bandwidth Allocation Policy Request/Grant Mechanism OAM text MII or RMII GMII or TBI PCS Compliance 802.1d, 802.3ad, 802.3x Time Sharing Control PHY Optical PMD Link budget Model PMA Guard Band PMD Copper PMD MDI text Outside Plant Wavelength plan Environmental High Link Budget FEC/APD IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 12 Definitions and Terminology (1) Abbr. Term Definition EPON Ethernet Passive Optical Network Optical Access Network Network that carries Ethernet frames over a passive point-to-multiple points optical physical interface The set of access links sharing the same network side interface and supported by optical access transmission system Provides the optical transmission medium from the OLT towards ONT and vice versa between optical interface reference point Equipment that provides network side interface of the OAN An ONU used for FTTH application and includes user port function OAN ODN ONU P2MP Optical Distribution Network Optical Line Terminal Optical Network Termination Optical Network Unit Point to Multiple Point P2P Point to Point OLT ONT Ranging Diplex Duplex Simplex Downstream Upstream Equipment that provides access (user) side interface of the OAN A network configuration which has one input/output at one end with multiple input/output at the other end A network configuration which has one input/output at one end with one input/output at the other end Procedure to measure optical round trip time between OLT and ONT The use of a different wavelength for each direction of transmission over a single fiber The use of the same wavelength for both direction of transmission over a single fiber The use of a different fiber for each direction of transmission The transmission direction from OLT to ONU The transmission direction from ONU to OLT IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 13 Definitions and Terminology (2) Abbr. Term APD CDR DBA EAN FEC FTTB FTTCab FTTC FTTH MAC MDU MTU OAM ODF MDIO MMD PCS PHY PMA PMD STA TC TDMA Avalanche Photo Diode Clock and Data Recovery Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Ethernet Access Network Forward Error Correction Fiber To The Building Fiber To The Cabinet Fiber To The Curb Fiber To The Home Media Access Control Multi-Dwelling Unit Multi-Tenant Unit Operation Administration Maintenance Optical Distribution Frame Management Data Input/Output MDIO Management Device Physical Coding Sublayer Physical Layer Device Physical Medium Attachment Physical Medium Dependent Station Transmission Convergence Time Division Multiple Access IEEE802.3ah Los Angles, California, Oct 17-19 2001 14