E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY FAULT T REES AND R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS Harry G. Kwatny PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics Drexel University O UTLINE E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD Definition RBDs and Fault Trees System Structure S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS Structure Functions Paths and Cutsets Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS Reliability Redundancy R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS A reliability block diagram (RBD) provides a success oriented view of the system. I RBD’s provide a framework for understanding redundancy. I RBDs facilitate the computation of system reliability from component reliabilities. I RBDs and fault trees provide essentially the same information. I I Below is the RBD for the backup power supply. PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS Off-site R ELIABILITY power R EDUNDANCY a b Transfer Diesel- switch generator R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS – D EFINITION E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD D EFINITION A reliability block diagram (RBD) is defined as follows: I A reliability block diagram is a graph whose edges are the system components. I There are a pair of nodes called terminal nodes – (a) and (b) in the backup power supply diagram. I If there is a path between the terminal nodes which contains only edges with functional components, the entire system is functional. Otherwise it is not functional. RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY S ERIAL & PARALLEL C ONFIGURATIONS E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY a R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS A1 A2 b Serial RBD D EFINITION A1 RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE a Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS b A2 S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Parallel Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY I I In the serial configuration, failure of either component, A1 or A2 causes system failure. In the parallel configuration, both components must fail in order for the system to fail – redundancy E XAMPLE : F IRE P UMP S YSTEM E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS I The reliability block diagram for the fire pump system is shown below. I The redundancy of the pumps is clearly evident. RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS Fire Pump 1 S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY a Engine Valve Fire Pump2 b R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS & FAULT T REES – 1 E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY TOP TOP R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS A1 occurs A2 occurs A1 occurs A2 occurs A1 A2 A1 A2 S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS A1 PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY a A1 A2 Serial b a b A2 Parallel Notice that the fault tree takes a failure perspective, whereas the reliability block diagram takes a success perspective. R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS & FAULT T REES – 2 E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS TOP RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS A2 a A1 b A1 G1 A3 R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY A2 A simple serial parallel composition. A3 S ERIES S TRUCTURE E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE a 1 2 n b Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY A system composed of n subsystems is called a series structure if the failure of any one component causes failure of the complete system. PARALLEL S TRUCTURE E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS 1 RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE a 2 b Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS n R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY A system composed of n subsystems is called a parallel structure if it operates if any one or more of its components operates. k- OUT- OF -n S TRUCTURES E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY two-out-of-three structure R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS 1 2 2 3 1 3 RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE a Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS b S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY I I A system that is functioning if and only if at least k of its n components is functioning is called a k-out-of-n structure. A 1-out-of-n structure is a parallel structure. D EFINITIONS - Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS I I RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS A system with n components is called a system of order n. xi denotes the state of component or subsystem i, 1 the component is functioning xi = , i = 1, . . . , n 0 the component is failed I x denotes the state of the entire system, 1 the system is functioning x= 0 the system is failed I The structure function is a function φ (x1 , . . . , xn ) associated with a given system, such that PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY x = φ (x1 , . . . , xn ) S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY I R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS serial structure φ (x1 , . . . , xn ) = x1 · x2 · · · · · xn RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES I parallel structure S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS φ (x1 , . . . , xn ) = 1 − (1 − x1 ) (1 − x2 ) · · · (1 − xn ) n Q (1 − xi ) =1− φ (x1 , . . . , xn ) = S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS i=1 PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS max i∈{1,...,n} xi R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY I k-out-of-n structure φ (x1 , . . . , xn ) = 1 0 Pn xi ≥ k Pi=1 n i=1 xi < k C OHERENT S TRUCTURES E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY I R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS A component is irrelevant if it has no effect on the functioning of the system, i.e., the ith component is irrelevant if φ (x1 , . . . xi−1 , 0, xi+1 , . . . , xn ) = φ (x1 , . . . xi−1 , 1, xi+1 , . . . , xn ) RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES for all x1 , . . . xi−1 , xi+1 , . . . , xn S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Otherwise it is called relevant. Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS I Assumption: the system will not run worse if a failed component is replaced by a functional component ⇒ φ (x1 , . . . , xn ) is a nondecreasing function of each of the variables x1 , . . . , xn . I A system is coherent if all of its components are relevant and its structure function is nondecreasing. I By focusing on coherent structures we rule out certain pathologies. PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY PATHS AND C UTSETS E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY I The set of components of a system of order n is R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS I A path set, P, is a subset of C which by functioning ensures that the C = {1, 2, . . . , n} RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS system is functioning. A path set is minimal if it cannot be reduced without losing its status as a path set. I A cut set, K, is a subset of C which by failing causes the system to fail. A cut set is minimal if it cannot be reduced without losing its status as a cut set. PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS 1 2 R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY a 5 3 4 b D EFINITIONS - Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS I A system with n components is called a system of order n. I Ai denotes the event that the component or subsystem i, i = 1, . . . , n is functioning at time t. I A denotes the event that the entire system is functioning at time t. I P (Ai ) = Ri (t) is the reliability of the ith subsystem. I P (A) = R (t) is the reliability of the entire system. RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY S ERIES S TRUCTURE E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS I I RBD D EFINITION I RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY A = A1 ∩ A2 ∩ · · · ∩ An ⇔ Ac = Ac1 ∪ Ac2 ∪ · · · ∪ Acn A ⊂ Ai , i = 1, . . . , n ⇒ R (t) ≤ Ri (t) I A serial system reliability is no greater than the reliability of any subsystem! I Suppose that the failure events Ai are mutually independent, then Yn Yn R (t) = P (A) = P (∩ni=1 Ai ) = P (Ai ) = Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS Note: i=1 i=1 Ri (t) PARALLEL S TRUCTURE E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES I I I S YSTEM S TRUCTURE I Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS I S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY A = A1 ∪ A2 ∪ · · · ∪ An If the subsystem failure events are independent: I Ac = Ac1 ∩ Ac2 ∩ · · · ∩ Acn P (Ac ) = P (Ac1 ) P (Ac2 ) · · Q · P (Acn ) Qn n c P (A) = 1−P (A ) = 1− i=1 P (Aci ) = 1− i=1 [1 − P (Ai )] Consequently, for independent events: Yn R (t) = 1 − (1 − Ri (t)) i=1 k- OUT- OF -n S TRUCTURES E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS I Consider identical components, I The probability failure of failure over a specified time period for a single component is p, so the component reliability is r = 1 − p, I Let M denote the number of components that fail in the specified time period, then P (M = m) = S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS R EDUNDANCY pm (1 − p)n−m = Cmc (1 − r)m rn−m |{z} | {z } m # ways to get m/n failures PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY Cmn |{z} n−m survivers I The k/n system will survive if there are no more than n − k failures, so R= Xn−k m=0 Cmn (1 − r)m rn−m D EFINITIONS E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES I Redundancy is the duplication of critical components in a system in order to improve reliability. I Redundancy is normally a parallel connection of identical components – can be active or standby S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS 1 S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS 1 PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS a b a b R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY 2 Active parallel 2 Standby parallel R ELIABILITY OF ACTIVE AND S TANDBY S YSTEMS E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY I R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD D EFINITION I RBD S AND FAULT T REES Consider a redundant (parallel) combination of two identical components. Let T1 , T2 , T denote the failure times of component 1, component 2, and the system, respectively. S YSTEM S TRUCTURE I Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS I S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY I the units are identical, so R1 (t) = R2 (t) assume the failures of the two units are independent events. The system reliability of the active parallel structure is Ra (t) = P (T1 > t ∪ T2 > t) = P (T1 > t) + P (T2 > t) − P (T1 > t) P (T2 > t) Ra (t) = R1 (t) + R2 (t) − R1 (t) R2 (t) R ELIABILITY OF ACTIVE AND S TANDBY S YSTEMS – 2 E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY I R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS I RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES The standby system does not start operating until the primary unit fails. The system can survive until time t if the primary unit survives until time t or the primary unit fails before time t, but the second unit survives until time t: S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Rs (t) = P (T2 > t |T2 > T1 ) = P (T1 > t) + P (T1 < t ∩ T2 > t) Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY I The two possibilities can be restated as T1 > t or T1 occurs at τ < t and T2 > t − τ . Notice that P (τ < T1 < τ + dτ ) = f1 (τ ) dτ P (τ < T1 < τ + dτ ∩ RT2 > t) = R2 (t − τ ) f1 (τ ) dτ t P (T1 < t ∩ T2 > t) = 0 R2 (t − τ ) f1 (τ ) dτ Z t R2 (t − τ ) f1 (τ ) dτ Rs (t) = R1 (t) + 0 E XAMPLE : C ONSTANT FAILURE R ATE E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY I Components with constant failure rate λ have reliability R (t) = e−λt R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS I An active parallel structure has reliability RBD D EFINITION Ra (t) = 2e−λt − e−2λt RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS I A standby parallel structure has reliability Rs (t) = (1 + λt) e−λt S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY RHtL 1 Standby parallel 0.8 R EDUNDANCY 0.6 Active parallel 0.4 Single component 0.2 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 λt H IGH - AND L OW-L EVEL R EDUNDANCY E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY 1 2 R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS High (SYSTEM)-level RBD D EFINITION Redundancy 3 RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE 1 Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS 2 3 S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS 1 2 3 1 2 3 Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY Low (COMPONENT)-level Redundancy S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS R EVISITED E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS I Consider a system with state vector x = {x1 , . . . , xn } and structure function φ1 (x), and a second system with state vector y = {y1 , . . . , ym } and structure function φ2 (y). I if these systems are connected in series then the whole system is of order n + m, and its structure function is φ (x, y) = φ1 (x) φ2 (y) PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS I if these systems are connected in parallel then the whole system is of order n + m, and its structure function is R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY φ (x, y) = max {φ1 (x) , φ2 (y)} S YSTEM L EVEL VS C OMPONENT L EVEL R EDUNDANCY E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY I Suppose the two systems in the parallel structure are identical, i.e., we have a system level redundant configuration. In this case, R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS φS (x, y) = max {φ1 (x) , φ1 (y)} ≤ φ1 (x1 y1 , . . . , xn yn ) RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE I Consider a component level redundant configuration of system one, the structure function is Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS φC (x, y) = φ1 (max {x1 , y1 } , . . . , max {xn , yn }) But, for coherent systems, Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS φ1 (max {x1 , y1 } , . . . , max {xn , yn }) ≥ φ1 (x1 y1 , . . . , xn yn ) R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY So, φC (x, y) ≥ φS (x, y) I Thus, in general, we get a better (more reliable?) system through component redundancy rather than system redundancy. S YSTEM L EVEL VS . C OMPONENT L EVEL R EDUNDANCY – 2 E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY a R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES S YSTEM S TRUCTURE Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS ⎡ A1 ∩ B1 ⎢ A ∩ B1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ A3 ∩ B1 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢A ∩ B 1 ⎣ K A1 A2 A1 ∩ B2 A2 ∩ B2 A1 ∩ B3 A2 ∩ B3 A3 ∩ B2 A3 ∩ B3 AK ∩ B2 AK ∩ B3 AK b A1 ∩ BK A2 ∩ BK A3 ∩ BK AK ∩ BK ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ PATHS AND C UTSETS Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY I Consider a system with K minimal cutsets, A1 , A2 , . . . , AK . I For a system level redundant configuration, place an identical system with cutsets labeled B1 , B2 , . . . , BK in parallel with the original. The redundant system cutsets are all combinations Ai ∩ Bj , i, j = 1, . . . , K. I A component level redundant system has cut sets Ai ∩ Bi , i = 1, . . . , K. I Consequently, RC ≥ RS . E XAMPLE : S YSTEM VS C OMPONENT R EDUNDANCY E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY {a1} , {a2 , a3 } a2 a R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS a2 RBD S AND FAULT T REES a1 S YSTEM S TRUCTURE a3 a b Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS {a1 , b1} , {a1 , b2 , b3 } , {b1 , a2 , a3 } , {a2 , a3 , b2 , b3 } b2 S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS b a3 RBD D EFINITION Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS a1 b1 a2 b3 R ELIABILITY a1 b2 b1 a3 R EDUNDANCY a {a1 , b1 } , {a2 , a3 , b2 , b3 } b b3 R EDUNDANCY L IMITATIONS E NGINEERING R ELIABILITY R ELIABILITY B LOCK D IAGRAMS I RBD D EFINITION RBD S AND FAULT T REES I S YSTEM S TRUCTURE I Q UALITATIVE A NALYSIS S TRUCTURE F UNCTIONS PATHS AND C UTSETS Common-mode failures are caused by dependencies that cause redundant components to fail simultaneously. I I Q UANTITATIVE A NALYSIS Load sharing can cause reliability degradation in active parallel systems. I R ELIABILITY R EDUNDANCY I common power supply shared environmental stresses common maintenance issues failure of one unit can cause increased stress on remaining units, e.g., engines, pumps, etc., switching failures can occur in standby parallel systems