Dr. Huerta E and B fields of moving charges Phy 210 Charge with velocity v and acceleration a A charge q moving with velocity v and acceleration a as shown in the figure to the left below produces an electric field E(r, t) and a magnetic field B(r, t) at a position r, at time t due to the position velocity and acceleration of the charge at an earlier time t0 = t − r/c (retarded time) because the information travels at the speed of light c. E(r,t) v q r B(r,t) a position at t'=t-r/c q 1 E(r, t) = 4π0 |r − r · v/c|3 rv v2 r r− 1− 2 + 2 × c c c rv r− ×a c and B = r×E rc (1) The E field of a fast moving charge shown in the figure to the left below is concentrated in a direction perpendicular to the velocity v. Remarkably E points away from the present position of the charge, which is extraordinary because the “message” came from the retarded position. Also notice that if a 6= 0, v c, and r is very large the magnitude of E varies as 1/r, which is the radiation field Erad produced by an accelerating charge, and E(r, t)rad = q 1 r × (r × a) 4π0 r3 c2 (2) Electric dipole antenna The figure to the right above shows an oscillating electric dipole antenna. of length d. To produce a wave of wavelength λ = fc = 2πω c a good length for the antenna is d = λ/2, so each arm is λ/4. 1 Say the oscillating electric dipole at the origin of the spherical coordinate system in the figure above, where at the point shown φ̂ is into the paper, is p(t) = p0 cos ωt ẑ where p0 = q0 d and d is the length of the antenna. Assuming that d λ and d r, the E and B fields generated by that antenna, where t0 = t − r/c is the retarded time, are p0 sin θ 2 p0 cos θ cos ωt0 ω sin ωt0 1 ω2 ω sin ωt0 0 , Eθ (r, θ, φ, t) = Er (r, θ, φ, t) = − − cos ωt − 4π0 r3 r2 c 4π0 r3 rc2 r2 2 −µ0 p0 sin θ ω cos ωt0 ω sin ωt0 , with Eφ = 0, Br = 0, and Bθ = 0. Bφ (r, θ, φ, t) = − 4π rc r2 c (3) Since cos ωt0 = cos(ωt − ωr/c) and sin ωt0 = sin(ωt − ωr/c), the fields are waves traveling in the radial direction with speed c. In the radiation zone, at large distances from the antenna, where r λ, terms in 1/r2 and in 1/r3 are negligible compared to the radiation terms that depend on 1/r. So for r λ the radiation fields have Erad in the θ̂ direction and Brad in the φ̂ direction as follows Erad ≈ −p0 ω 2 sin θ cos ωt0 −µ0 p0 ω 2 sin θ cos ωt0 r × Erad θ̂ and B (r, θ, φ, t) = φ̂ = . rad 2 4π0 c r 4πc r c (4) We see that the fields are strongest at θ = 90◦ and zero at θ = 0◦ . The Poynting vector S = far away from the antenna in the radiation region is in the radial direction with 2 µ0 p0 ω 2 sin θ µ0 p20 ω 4 sin2 θ S= cos ω(t − r/c) r̂ so Saverage = r̂, c 4πr 32π 2 c r2 E×B µ0 (5) so no energy goes in the direction θ = 0◦ , and the profile of intensity looks like a donut as shown in the figure at the center below. A vertical dipole antenna is used to detect the electric field radiated by another vertical dipole antenna, however it is not directional and the receiver cannot find out where the waves are coming from. To detect where the transmitted waves are coming from we need a magnetic dipole loop antenna, which is directional. z φ r θ θ i(t) a µ r y φ x Magnetic dipole (loop) antenna The figure to the right above shows an oscillating magnetic dipole antenna. It is a loop of radius a with a current i(t) = I0 cos ωt so the antenna has a magnetic dipole moment µ̂(t) = m0 cos ωt ẑ in the z direction where m0 = πa2 I0 . We consider a small antenna, for which a λ/2π, or aω/c 1. The E and B fields in the radiation zone, where r λ are Erad ≈ µ0 m0 ω 2 sin θ cos ω(t − r/c) µ0 m0 ω 2 sin θ cos ω(t − r/c) r × Erad φ̂ and Brad ≈ θ̂ = . (6) 2 4πc r 4πc r c 2 The fields are ”duals” of the ones in the electric dipole antenna. The Poynting vector S = the radiation region is again in the radial direction with 2 µ0 m0 ω 2 sin θ µ0 m20 ω 4 sin2 θ S= cos ω(t − r/c) r̂ so Saverage = r̂. c 4πr 32π 2 c r2 E×B µ0 in (7) The ratio of Poynting vectors dipole |Smagnetic | average dipole |Selectric | average = m0 p0 c 2 . (8) For purposes of reasonable comparison let p0 = dipole I0 a |Smagnetic | average = , then electric dipole ω |Saverage | aω c 2 1. (9) So the electric dipole antenna is a much better emitter of EM waves than the magnetic dipole antenna. However the magnetic dipole antenna is a useful directional receiver of electromagnetic waves. Say a vertical electric dipole antenna is sending waves. A vertical loop detects the flux due to a horizontal magnetic field. Rotating the loop around a vertical axis can determine where the wave is coming from and locate the transmitter. 3