Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-6, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362, A Closed Loop Speed Control of PMSM Drive Using Fuzzy Logic Controller B.V.Lakshma Reddy1, U.Anjaiah2& T.Srinivasa Rao3 1 PG Student Sch1or, AVANTHI Engineering College, Makavanpalem, Visakhapatnam. 2 Assistant Professor,AVANTHI Engineering College,Makavanpalem, Visakhapatnam. 3 Associate Professor,AVANTHI Engineering College,Makavanpalem, Visakhapatnam. Abstract-This paper presents a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) for speed control of permanentmagnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive. With the approach of the field vector control methods, PMSM can be operated like separately excited dc motor in high performance applications. The difficulties of PI controller tuning and high response time is overcome by using fuzzy logic controller, which has small settling time and high percussion without any mathematical calculations. The PM synchronous motor has advantages in contrast with the AC induction motor. Because a PMSM achieves higher efficiency and regulation by generating the rotor magnetic flux with rotor magnets, a PMSM is used in totally enclosed traction motor, direct drive traction motor and high-end white goods such as fans and pumps; and in other appliances. Due to its high performance and reliability it's creates closed-loop speed control PM synchronous drive using a field vector control technique. It fulfill as an example of a PM Synchronous motor control design using a free scale hybrid controller with PE support. The proposed concept can be applied to fuzzy logic control system in order to improve the stability of the system by using MATLAB/SIMULATION software and the results are verified. Keywords- PMSM, vector control, modeling, closed loop, constant torque angle control, fuzzy logic controller. I.INTRODUCTION Industry automation is mainly expanded around motion control systems in which controlled electric motors play a critical part as heart of the system. Therefore, the high performance and efficiency motor control systems contribute, to a great extent, to the desirable performance of modern automated manufacturing sector by enhancing the production rate and the quality of products. In fact the implementation of modern automated systems, defined in terms of swiftness, accuracy, smoothness and efficiency. The advancement of control theories, power electronics and microelectronics in connection with new motor designs, patterns and materials has contributed largely to the field of Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) electric motor control for high performance systems. The necessity for energy conservation is also one of the important motivations in the use of PM Synchronous machines. Field oriented control of PM Synchronous motor drive gives better performance in terms of faster dynamic response and more efficient operation. Field oriented control or vector control method gives the performance characteristics near to that of a dc machine which are considered desirable in certain applications [1, 2]. For high performance servo drives, Pulse width modulation current controllers are used to protect that currents flowing through the PMSM motor windings are as nearer to the as possible to sinusoidal references [3]. The implementation of field vector controlled Permanent magnet Synchronous motor (PMSM) drive through current controlled voltage source inverter has been described in the literature [4]. The inverter sending power to the PM Synchronous motor is normally fed from a diode bridge rectifier. The diode bridge rectifier has internal individual drawbacks such high power loss which leads to the lower power factor and it injects the harmonics into the AC supply system [5]. To overcome these difficulties, the diode bridge rectifier has been replaced by a PWM current controlled converter. The current controlled converter uses the high frequency selfcommutated converter. This provides some specific benefit like higher power factor (Unity and leading), low and reduced level of harmonics, sinusoidal currents (i) and in reality the converter has the regeneration capacity. However not much attention has so far been paid to the examine the real time system, which may lead to a higher quality ,better understanding and deeper insight in to the advancement of the Field Oriented Control(FOC) of PMSM drive along with fuzzy PID control. This requirement is therefore felt to convey out the design of the PM Synchronous motor drive which includes the PID, Fuzzy system logic speed controller, converter, reference current generator, Pulse Width Modulation current controller, inverter and PMSM motor. Fuzzy logic is recently finding increasing implementations in Page 778 Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-6, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362, different fields that include management, economics, and medicine and recent in closed loop operation of changeable (variable) speed drives. The objective of the fuzzy logic control is to design a system with satisfactory performance characteristics over a wide range of uncertainty [6, 7]. II. MATHEMATICALMODEL OF PMSM The mathematical model of PMSM is available in the existing literature [1] and [5] has been presented in this section to provide a basis for the succeeding sections. The stator of the PMSM and the wound rotor synchronous motor are similar. The permanent magnets used in the PM Synchronous motor are of a modern rare-earth variety with high resistivity, so induced currents in rotor are very small amount so they are negliable. In addition, there is no dissimilarity between back EMF developed by a permanent magnet and that developed by an excited coil are same. Hence the mathematical model of a PM Synchronous motor is similar to that of the wound rotor SM. The rotor reference frame is selected because the position of the rotor magnets determines the immediate induced emf and subsequently the stator currents and torque of the machine independent of the stator voltages and currents. The following assumptions are considered in the derivation. Saturation and parameter changes are negligible Stator windings are balanced with the induced EMF is sinusoidal Eddy current and hysteresis losses are negligible or neglected There are no field current dynamic There is no cage on the rotor. The equivalent circuits of PM Synchronous motor in d, q axes in rotor reference frame are shown in fig 1 and Fig 2 respectively. Fig. 2.Stator d-axis equivalent circuit Based on the above assumptions, the stator voltage d-q equations of the PM Synchronous motor in the rotor reference frame is given by equations (1) and (2) r Vqs = R s irqs + pℷrqs + ωℷrds (1) r Vds = R s irds + pℷrds − ωℷrqs (2) The stator flux linkages is given by equations (3) to (5) ℷrqs = Lq irqs (3) ℷrds = Ld irds + Lm ifr Lm ifr = ℷaf (4) (5) 𝑟 𝑟 𝑟 𝑉𝑞𝑠𝑟 and 𝑉𝑑𝑠 are the d, q axes voltages, 𝑖𝑞𝑠 and 𝑖𝑑𝑠 are the d, q axes stator currents in rotor reference frame, 𝐿𝑑 and 𝐿𝑞 are the d, q axis inductances and ℷ𝑑 andℷ𝑞 are the d, q axis stator flux linkages in rotor reference frame, 𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟 2 and 𝜔𝑟 are the stator resistance and inverter frequency respectively. ℷ𝑎𝑓 Is the flux linkage due to the rotor magnets related to the stator. Equations (6) and (7) is obtained by substituting equations (3) to (5) in (1) and (2) r Vqs = R s irqs + p Lq irqs + ωr (Ld irds + ℷaf ) (6) r Vds = R s irds + p Ld irds − wr Lq irqs (7) Equations (8) and (9) is obtained by rearranging equations (6) and (7) in matrix form Fig. 1.Stator q-axis equivalent circuit. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) r R s + pLq Vqs = r ωr Lq Vds ω r Ld R s + pLd irqs ωℷ + r af (8) 0 irds Page 779 Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-6, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362, The electromagnetic given by the motor is given by equation (9) T= 3P 22 ℷrds irqs − ℷrqs irds (9) 3P K t = 2 2 ℷaf The stator current 𝑖𝑞𝑑𝑜 in the d, q axes is transferred to the „abc‟ axes by use of the Inverse Park‟s transformation given by equation (17) The three phase stator voltage equations 𝑉𝑎𝑠 ,𝑉𝑏𝑠 and 𝑉𝑐𝑠 is given by equations (10) to (12) Vcs = Vm sin ωt − 2π 3 K −1 s = 𝑉𝑎𝑠 , 𝑉𝑏𝑠 and 𝑉𝑐𝑠 are a-phase, b-phase and c-phase stator voltages respectively. 𝑉𝑚 Is the maximum value of the stator voltage.ω is the synchronous speed or velocity in rad/sec. The stator voltages in the „abc‟ axes𝑉𝑎𝑏𝑐 is transferred to the d, q axes 𝑉𝑞𝑑 0 by park‟s transformation. The transformation matrix 𝐾𝑠 is given the by equation Ks = 2 3 sin θ sin(θ − 1 2 2π ) 3 2π ) 3 cos(θ + sin(θ + 1 2 2π ) 3 2π ) 3 (13) 1 2 Vqs Vds = V0s 2 3 2π cos(θ − ) cos(θ + ) sin θ sin(θ − ) 1 1 2 2 3 sin θ 2π ) 3 2π ) 3 sin(θ − sin(θ + 2π ) 3 2π ) 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 (18) The reference current𝑖𝑎𝑠 ,𝑖𝑏𝑠 and 𝑖𝑐𝑠 are created or generated by substituting equation (28) in equation (27) In the constant air gap flux method of operation,𝐾𝑡 is constant up to base speed and is equivalent to unity. Hence, the torque reference is directly proportionate to 𝑖𝑞 , which is transformed to „abc‟ axes by use of the Inverse Park‟s transformation given by equations (27). The „dq0 to abc‟ conversion block shown in Fig. 3 gives the stator reference current 𝑖𝑎 ,𝑖𝑏 and 𝑖𝑐 in „abc‟ axes which is compare with the real or actual current (i) and the current error is given to a hysteresis controller. The triggering pulses are generated by the hysteresis current controller which is given to the inverter in such a way that the actual current follows the reference current. 3 Vas 2π sin(θ + ) Vbs (14) 3 Vcs 1 2 III. CLOSED LOOP SPEED CONTROL OF PMSM A. Vector Control scheme for closed loop PMSM drive: The Schematic scheme of the closed loop speed control system for PMSM Drive is shown in Fig. 3. The constant torque method of vector control scheme has been examined for analysis. In this method, the angle between the rotor field and stator current phasor is called as a torque angle and is maintained at900 so that flux is kept constant, then the torque is controlled by the stator current (is) magnitude [1]. The machine, speed and position feedback, speed and current controllers, and inverter constitute the PM Synchronous motor drive. The error in between the reference and actual speed is given the input to the speed controller, which creates the torque reference and is proportional toK t ,𝑖𝑞 by substituting 𝑖𝑑 =0, equation (25) and (26) is obtained T = K t ieqs cos(θ − (17) 2π cos θ 3 2π 2 3 cos(θ + (12) cos θ cos(θ − iabcs = K −1 S iqd 0s cos θ Vas = Vm sin ωt(10) 2π Vbs = Vm sin ωt − 3 (11) (16) (15) Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Fig. 3.Block Diagram of Closed Loop Speed Control of PMSM. IV.FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL L. A. Zadehsubmits the first paper on fuzzy set theory in 1965. Since then, a new language was developed to describe the fuzzy logic properties of reality, which are very inconvenient and sometime even impossible to be described using conventional methods. Fuzzy set theory has been commonly used in the control area with some application to power system [5]. A simple fuzzy logic control theory is built up by a group of systematic rules based on the human knowledge of system behavior. Matlab/Simulink simulation model is constructed to study the dynamic behavior of converter. Furthermore, design of fuzzy logic controller can provide advantageous both small signal and large Page 780 Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-6, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362, signal dynamic performance at same time, which is not feasible with linear control technique. Thus, fuzzy controller has been potential ability to improve the robustness of compensator. The basic scheme of a fuzzy logic controller is shown in Fig 4 and consists of four principal components such as: a fuzzy fication connection or interface, which converts input data into suitable linguistic values; a knowledge base, which composed of a data base with the required linguistic definitions and the control rule set; a decision taking logic which, simulating a human decision procedure, infer the fuzzy control action from the knowledge of the control logic rules and linguistic changeable definitions; a de-fuzzification interface which yields non fuzzy logic control action from an . Fig.4.Block diagram of the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) For Proposed Converter. Fig.5. Membership functions for Input, Change in input, Output. Rule Base: the elements of this rule base table are finding based on the theory that in the transient state, large errors require coarse control, which need coarse in-put/output variables; in the steady state, small errors need fine control, which needs a fine input/output variables. Based on this the elements of the rule table are obtained as shown in Table 1, with „𝑉𝑑𝑐 ‟ and „𝑉(𝑑𝑐 −𝑟𝑒𝑓 ) ‟ as inputs. V. SIMULATION RESULTS For consistent speed operation, the reference speed is set as 3000 rpm and the load torque varied from 0.6N-m to 0.8N-m at 0.25sec. Figure 6 and figure 17 shows the circuit simulation models of the physical model and the developed (mathematical) model respectively which comprise, speed and torque response along with rotor position angle. Fig. 7 and 18 shows the starting current response of the physical simulation system model and developed simulation model respectively, which has oscillations or vibrations during starting but attains steady state within negligible time. For constant torque operation the load torque is kept at 0.8 Nm and the reference speed is varied from 1500rpm to 3000rpm at 0.25sec.The simulation results of the developed simulation model is compared with the mat lab/simulink model of the system. The simulation circuits are designed using the fuzzy logic controller which can have the lower settling time than the PI controller. When compare the simulation results of both the controllers‟ fuzzy system having the lower settling time than the Pi controller. The simulation results of the physical simulation system model and the developed simulation model is shown in fig 6 and fig 17 respectively. Fig.16 and fig 27 shows the stator current response of the physical model and the developed simulation model respectively. It can be notice the stator current frequency increased for a increased reference speed. Since it is a constant torque operation method, the current magnitude remains constant for the entire duration. It can be observed from, the simulation results of the developed system simulation model and the circuit simulation model well coincides with each other, which shows the exactness of the developed model, but the computation time of the developed simulation model is normally very smaller when compared to the circuit simulation done by any simulation software‟s. Case-1: Circuit Simulation Model of PMSM using Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 781 Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-6, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362, Matlabsimulink with Fuzzy Controller Fig.11 Simulation Waveform of Stator Current. (II) Simulation results for Constant torque VariableSpeed Fig.6 Circuit Simulation Model of PMSM using matlab / simulink with Fuzzy Controller (I)Simulation results for Constant speed variable Torque Fig.12 Simulation Waveform of Variable Speed Fig.7 Simulation Waveform of Constant Speed. Fig.13. Simulation Waveform of Constant Load Torque Fig.8 Simulation Waveform of Load Torque. Fig.14. Simulation Waveform of Electromagnetic Torque Fig.9 Simulation Waveform of Electromagnetic Torque. Fig.10 Simulation Waveform of Rotor Angle. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Fig.15. Simulation Waveform of Rotor Angle Page 782 Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-6, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362, Fig.16. Simulation Waveform of stator Current Fig.20. Simulation Waveform of Electromagnetic Torque Case-2:Circuit Simulation Model of PMSM usingMathematical Model with Fuzzy Controller Fig.21. Simulation Waveform of Rotor Angle Fig.17 Circuit Simulation Model of PMSM using Mathematical Model with Fuzzy Controller (I) Simulation results for Constant speed variable Torque Fig.18. Simulation Waveform of Constant Speed Fig.22. Simulation Waveform Stator Current (II) Simulation results for Constant torque Variable Speed Fig.23 Simulation Waveform of Variable Speed Fig.24. Simulation Waveform of Constant Load Torque Fig.19. Simulation Waveform of Load Torque Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 783 Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-6, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362, REFERENCES Fig.25. Simulation Waveform of Electromagnetic Torque. Fig.26. Simulation Waveform of Rotor Angle. Fig.27. Simulation Waveform of Stator Current. VI .CONCLUSION An advanced simulation model of closed loop PM Synchronous Motor drive system has been developed by utilizing the mathematical model of PM Synchronous Motor and hysteresis current controlled three phase VSI inverter. The developed simulation system model has been verified by circuit simulation model of the similar scheme which shows the accuracy of the developed model. It has been observed that the torque and the stator flux ripples are significantly reduced and a constant switching frequency is achieved in fuzzy controller. Other improvements observed in fuzzy controller are the reduction in phase current distortion, fast torque response and increase in efficiency of the drive. 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