The future of mooring Contents Presentation General Manager3 Offshore Mooring accessories33 Vicinay Marine Group 4 Standard Products 34 Global Market 5 LLLC® Installation Link 34 Capacities 6 Offshore H Links 35 Vicinay Marine innovación 8 Tailor Made Plates & Connectors 36 Plant Engineering 10 Milestones 12 Quality, Health, Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility13 Research & Development19 Achievements 20 The 1000 Frontier 21 VGW® 22 Coatings 23 S-N Fatigue Curve 24 Qweld – Chainmatic 25 RFID 26 Offshore Mooring Chains27 Link Dimensions 28 Mechanical properties 28 Proof loads, break loads and weights 29 Marine Chains37 Marine Chains 38 Ship Chains Equipment Tables 39 Loads for Ships 40 Ship Chains Equipment Tables 41 Standard & Special Shackles 42 Weights of Shackles 43 Standard arrangements for Ships 44 Anchors 46 Proof test load for standard anchors 47 Proof test load for HHP anchors 48 About people49 Our people 50 Seminars and JIPs 52 Vicinay Cadenas New Factory53 1 Queridos amigos, Es un honor y un placer el poder dirigirme a todos en esta mi primera carta de presentación como responsable de Vicinay Cadenas SA. En primer lugar, me gustaría agradecer públicamente el excelente trabajo realizado por Luis Cañada durante los últimos 25 años en la empresa, y de forma personal agradecer todos sus sabios consejos durante todos estos años. Esta labor, combinada con la de la red de emotalento de las personas de la empresa, como él la llama, ha permitido a Vicinay Cadenas SA mantenerse durante dos décadas como punta de lanza en el mundo de las líneas de fondeo. El centro de nuestra actividad es y será el satisfacer todas las necesidades de nuestros clientes, dando prioridad siempre a la escucha activa para comprender bien las necesidades presentes y futuras, de forma que podamos anticipar cuáles serán y adecuemos nuestra empresa a esas necesidades. Este catálogo está dedicado a ellos y esperamos que sea el hilo conductor de un ciclo imparable de mejora que permita visionar las necesidades que puedan ser necesarias de satisfacer en los próximos lustros y décadas. En el presente catálogo hemos tratado de plasmar de manera sencilla el complejo trabajo que realiza de forma sostenida todo el equipo humano de Vicinay Cadenas. En VCSA, en lo que respecta a nuestros ámbitos del saber, siempre hemos tratado de estar en el límite del conocimiento humano, no siendo pocas las veces que hemos traspasado estos límites. Las personas que componen VCSA saben que esta forma de entender el negocio es la que nos permite mantenernos a la vanguardia de las líneas de fondeo y que ésta es la apuesta para los próximos años, siendo por ello por lo que ponen todo su emotalento 2 Lagun agurgarriok, al servicio de nuestros clientes, tratando de buscar las mejores soluciones. Otro de los ejes que mueven a VCSA es el de aprender de los errores con humildad, por lo que consideramos éstos como una oportunidad de mejora, lo que nos permite una vez que aplicamos las lecciones aprendidas tener una empresa más robusta. Varios de los diseños, tecnología o modelos de gestión mencionados en este catálogo se han depurado en base a estas lecciones aprendidas. Recientemente, VCSA ha creado Vicinay Marine Innovación, empresa dedicada en exclusiva a I+D+i. Esto nos está permitiendo canalizar de forma adecuada toda la innovación de tal manera que las necesidades de nuestros clientes y las ideas de todas las personas de VCSA converjan lo antes posible. Así mismo, VCSA ha apostado de forma definitiva por continuar desarrollando el modelo de gestión excelente según los patrones de la European Funtation for Quality Management EFQM, reforzando especialmente todos aquellos aspectos relacionados con el Medio Ambiente, el cuál tenemos presente desde el momento del diseño de nuestros productos, y la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Es complejo, plasmar en un catálogo todas las capacidades de nuestra empresa, por lo que agradecemos cualquier aportación para mejorarlo y sobre todo, os invitamos a todos a conocernos. Jesús Navas Director General de Vicinay Cadenas Ohore eta atsegina da zuek guztiongana Vicinay Cadenas SAren arduradun bezala nire lehen aurkezpen gutunean zuzendu ahal izatea. Lehenengo eta behin, Luis Cañadak azken 25 urteetan enpresan burututako lan bikaina eskertu nahi nuke jendaurrean, baita, modu pertsonalagoan, urte hauetan guztietan zehar berarengandik jasotako aholku zuhurrak ere. Lan honi esker, enpresaren pertsonen emotalentuarekin batera, berak deitzen dion bezala, Vicinay Cadenas SA buien aingura lerroetan goi mailan mantendu ahal izan da bi hamarkadatan zehar. Gure jardueraren gunea gure bezeroen behar guztiak betetzea da eta izango da, entzute aktiboari lehentasuna emanez gaurko eta etorkizuneko beharrak ondo ulertzeko, horrela zeintzuk izan daitezkeen aurreikusi eta gure enpresa behar horietara egokitu ahal izateko. Katalogo hau beraiei eskaintzen diogu eta berau hurrengo bosturteko eta hamarkadetan bete beharreko beharrak ikuskatzen lagunduko duen hobetze-ziklo etengabe baten hari gidaria izatea espero dugu. Katalogo honetan Vicinay Cadenas-en lan talde osoak modu iraunkorrean burutzen duen lan konplexua modu erraz batean azaltzen saiatu gara. VCSAn, gure jakiteesparruari dagokionez, beti ahalegindu gara giza ezagutzaren mugan egoten eta sarritan muga horiek baino harantzago joan gara. VCSA osatzen duten pertsonek badakite negozioa ulertzeko modu honek buien aingura-lerroen abangoardian mantentzen gaituela, eta hauxe da hurrengo urteetarako apustua. Horregatik jartzen dute euren emotalentu osoa gure bezeroen zerbitzura eta irtenbiderik onenak bilatzen ahalegintzen dira. VCSA mugitzen dituen beste ardatzetako bat akatsetatik apaltasunez ikastea da; horregatik hartzen ditugu akatsak hobetzeko aukeratzat, ikasitako ikasbideak ezartzean enpresa indartsuagoa lortzen baitugu. Katalogo honetan aipatutako hainbat diseinu, teknologia edo kudeaketa-eredu ikasitako ikasbide horien bidez hobetu dira. Oraindik orain, VCSAk Vicinay Marine Innovación sortu du, I+G+B-ren arloan bakarrik lan egiten duen enpresa. Honen bidez berrikuntza guztia zuzen bideratu ahal izan dugu, gure bezeroen beharrak eta VCSAren pertsona guztien ideiak albait arinen bat egiteko. Era berean, VCSAk European fundation for Quality Management EFQM-ren patroien araberako kudeaketa-eredua garatzen jarraitzearen aldeko apustua egin du behin betiko. Horretarako, gure produktuen diseinuan uneoro kontuan izaten dugun Ingurunearekin erlazionatutako alderdi guztiak bereziki indartu ditu, baita Gizarte Erantzukizun Korporatiboa ere. Konplexua da katalogo batean gure enpresaren gaitasun guztiak azaltzea, horregatik, berau hobetzeko edozein ekarpen eskertuko dugu eta, gu ezagutzera gonbidatzen zaituztegu… Jesus Navas Vicinay Cadenas-eko Zuzendari Nagusia Dear friends, It is an honor and a pleasure to be able to address all of you in this my first letter as General Manager of Vicinay Cadenas S.A.. I would first like to publicly acknowledge the excellent work carried out by Luis Cañada during the last twenty five years in this company and personally thank him for all the wise advice given during that time. This work, together with the network of emotalent of the people in the company, as he refers to it, has allowed Vicinay Cadenas S.A. to remain, during two decades, as the tip of the spear in the world of mooring lines. The center of our activity is, and will continue to be, to satisfy the needs of our customers, always giving priority to actively listening so as to understand their present and future needs. In this way we can anticipate their requirements and adjust our company´s efforts to meet them. This catalog is dedicated to them and we hope it will be the thread that connects all of us to an ongoing cycle of improvement so that we provide the products and solutions necessary in the years ahead. In this catalog we have tried to set out in a clear and concise manner the often complex work we undertake on a daily basis. In VCSA, we have always sought to be at the very limits of what is possible and quite often we have surpassed them. The people that make up VCSA understand that this way of viewing our business is what makes us the vanguard of mooring line manufacturing. Jesus Navas A pivotal driver that moves VCSA is to learn from past challenges. We view these challenges as an opportunity for improvement that enables us to apply lessons learned to create a more robust company. Several of the designs, technologies or management models mentioned in this catalog have resulted from lessons learned. Most recently, VCSA has created Vicinay Marine Innovation, a company devoted exclusively to research, development and innovation. This lets us channel innovation in such a way that the needs of our customers and our ideas of how to solve any inherent problems come together as quickly as possible. In the same way, VCSA has chosen to continue development of the excellent management model from the leaders of the European Foundation for Quality Management EFQM, reinforcing those aspects relating to Environmental Responsibility, which is one of our first concerns when we design our products, as an ongoing commitment to Social Responsibility. It is difficult in a single catalog to show all the capabilities of our company and for this reason we would appreciate any input from you as to how we can improve it and, above all, invite you to get to know us. Jesus Navas VCSA Managing Director 3 Vicinay Marine Group The result of sustained effort and innovation over 200 years by one generation after another of the Vicinay family has made Vicinay Marine the world leader in the manufacture of mooring lines for the offshore industry. VICINAY CADENAS Bilbao - Galdames Spain RAMNÄS BRUK Ramnäs Sweden VICINAY MARINE S.L. FMAC Foshan China 4 VICINAY MARINE INNOVACIÓN Bilbao Spain BRASILAMARRAS Niteroi Brazil Today, Vicinay Marine has more than 600 people working for the group and is represented world-wide. Exporting to more than 30 countries, its production is recognised as the standard looked for by the offshore and marine industries. Vicinay manufactures and supplies specialised equipment for mooring line connections. Vicinay Marine, becomes the first producer mooring lines worldwide, providing solutions tailored to meet the needs of each customer family experience Vicinay along more than 200 years of work and effort, Vicinay Marine has achieved a world leader in the supply chain and mooring lines for offshore industry. Global Market Vicinay Marine is headquartered in Northern Spain with manufacturing plants world-wide for chains and accessories. Brasilamarras Vicinay Cadenas Ramnäs Bruk FMAC Vicinay Marine facilities Bilbao > Chain manufacturing plant Galdames > Forging plant Brazil > Chain and Forging plants China > Chain manufacturing plant Sweden > Chain manufacturing plant Main Offices Vicinay International > USA Vicinay Singapore > Singapore Vicinay Northern Europe > Norway DN Consultancy > UK Agencies France Chile Vietnam Taiwan Korea Egypt Malaysia Italy Russia China Australia India 5 Capacities From its very beginnings, Vicinay Cadenas has made great efforts to increase and upgrade its production capacities with the decisive goal of meeting the growing demands of the market with a solid commitment to the safety and quality of all its products. For this reason, we have made significant investments both in research and technology to be able to supply chains and accessories of any size and grade in the shortest possible time. Thus Vicinay Cadenas offers an wide portfolio of products, highlighted by Gigachains (chains of up to 200mm diameter in any grade) and any type of forged accessory. Manufacturing Plants Vicinay Cadenas has at its disposal two principal production facilities: the chain fabrication plant located in Bilbao and the forged accessories plant in Galdames, about 30 kilometers from Bilbao. Both facilities have the best and latest technologies so that the fabrication of our products can be carried out in the optimal conditions of safety and quality with minimum impact on the environment. 6 Services Besides the production of chain and accessories for the offshore industry, Vicinay Cadenas supports, consults and collaborates with customers to find solutions to their mooring problems or meet the market requirements. The Vicinay Cadenas engineers collaborate with knowledge networks outside the company such as Universities and Technological Centers. Together they carry out diverse research projects, often with the participation of customers. We also have on hand 15 people qualified and certified to provide assistance offshore if the customers so require. CHAIN MANUFACTURING PLANT FORGING PLANT The chain fabrication facility, produces chains from 68 mm. dia up to 220 mm in diameter and in any grade without limitation either to overall length or weight with an annual capacity of 40,000 tons. The forging plant can produce up to 1,500 tons annually of forged accessories of any grade and geometry so as to satisfy our customers’ needs for D shackles, H links, plates, sockets and any other accessory to meet a specific requirement. This plant is equipped with the latest advances in the robotic handling of large links (600 Kgs) with maximum guarantees of safety and quality. We also have continuous heat treatment furnaces with the latest control technology, a test machine of 4,000 tons capacity and the most modern automated NDT technology for inspection by TOFD and Phased Array. With forged pieces of up to 5 tons each, we have the means to offer any type of mooring connection solution with a maximum guarantee of quality. Located in a magnificent rural setting, the Galdames facility is a clear example of sustainability and respect for our planet. 7 Vicinay Marine innovación Vicinay Marine Innovación was started up in March 2010 by VCSA to undertake innovation projects. This organisation was born out of the necessity that today companies need to innovate to stand out from the crowd by working on ways to add high value to products that are seen to be technologically superior to those of their competitors and to ensure that the company is considered a reference point for developing solutions for the industry. To support VCSA and its customers in investigating matters of their interest. To improve existing products, processes and services as well as develop new ones. To work on our customers’ problems to resolve or minimise them. To investigate new technologies and markets. Materials To push back the boundaries of our knowledge. Knowledge Information 8 Design Among the services we can offer VMI customers are mainly the following: Structural Integrity. Finite Element Analyses (FEA), Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA). Full scale fatigue tests of chains in seawater. Material tests: CTODs, tribology, crack growth, hydrogen embrittlement, environmental assisted cracking (EAC), corrosion, fatigue and gigacycle fatigue... Mooring analysis checks. Remaining life assessment of used chains. 3D photogrametry. At the foremost level to support VCSA, VMi will work on investigative projects to offer new products and services including the following: Development of new grades of steel with Research the correlation between mooring To fully analyse each grade of chain and Study alternative methods to Flash-Butt superior mechanical properties. accessory as well as its susceptibility to fatigue, corrosion, tribology, hydrogen embrittlement, mechanical fracture, etc., with the goal of creating products which exceed the industry’s requirements. To fully analyse the available coatings (TSA and TSC) and to search for alternative solutions to corrosion and wear. To develop “intelligent” chains and accessories which provide data on their manufacture with the ability to measure the loads and impacts they are subjected to, together with the capability of autoanalysis. installation behaviour and product quality. Welding to improve its quality. Develop and optimise materials and mooring line design for renewable marine energy devices like wind turbines and wave and current energy converters. Collaborate in the development of on site mooring line inspection methods. To manage the Emotalent Network which Picture courtesy of National Oil Varco encompasses Technological Centres, Universities, Classification Societies, customers and world experts and to work with them to bring projects to reality with our creative talents. To study and develope alternatives to existing mooring lines, evaluating new concepts and materials other than steel. 9 Plant Engineering Over the years Vicinay Cadenas has achieved major successes in developing designs for machinery used in the fabrication of chain and chain accessories. Geminis Cell This is a new machine concept that allows us to fabricate chain with no limitations on overall length and therefore without the need to join lengths together to make a long length or use connection accessories. The links are inspected immediately after fabrication, providing a major process control and thus assurance of quality. 4000 Metric tons Test Machine The need to develop a new machine to test chain and accessories comes from the market trends towards higher grades and larger diameters. This new machine with the capacity to test products up to 4000 tons allows us to know the characteristics of the materials produced and its response in terms of elasticity and break load. DQT (Double Quenching and Tempering) Vicinay Cadenas has continuous heat treatment furnaces with a system of double quenching and tempering. This treatment method is more effective in obtaining better properties in both the base metal and weld zones in grades R3, R3S, R4, R4S and R5. 10 This type of treatment makes it easier and more reliable to obtain homogeneity in the weld zones of high alloy steels and larger diameter chains. Robot Vicinay Cadenas has been the only manufacturer to bring to the market the first robotic link manipulator. Through this robotic system we have improved the ergonomics, productivity and quality of our manufacturing. For this application to be viable we have had to install a combination of robotic and artificial vision systems. Chain Extraction Tower Because of the growing demand for larger diameters and longer continuous lengths, it has been necessary to make significant investment in logistics management. In this sense, Vicinay Cadenas has carried out the design and fabrication of an engineered system that enables the chains to be moved quickly and safely from the manufacturing buildings to the bundling station for subsequent shipment. The system can handle a weight of 1,000 tons. Design Engineering Process Inspection by TOFD & PHASED ARRAY Vicinay Cadenas is fully involved in the process of constant improvement of its inspection systems. It was the first company in the industry to introduce ultrasonic inspection techniques that allow 100% analysis of the link in the weld zone. The system also enables the information and data obtained during these inspections to be recorded and stored. At present Vicinay Cadenas is fully involved in the development of TOFD and Phased Array inspection systems. TSA / TSC Coatings Corrosion and wear are the principal reasons for the aging of chains. To minimize these effects and increase the useful life of our product, Vicinay Cadenas has installed equipment systems to apply Aluminum and Tungsten Carbide coatings. One of the things that puts Vicinay Cadenas in its own class is that it has its own engineering team which has a wealth of know-how regarding the production process. The availability of this process allows Vicinay to stay ahead of other competitors because we have at our disposal all the means to continuously innovate independently of others. 11 Milestones Each link in our chain, represents an important milestone in our history Process 1996 1997 1998 2000 2002 2004 2004 2006 2006 2007 2007 2009 2010 Product 1990 Studless chain manufacture starts - Veslefrikk B project. 1996 Manufacture of VGW chain – Petrojarl I. 2000 Delivery of Terranova project - 178 mm. Dia. R3. 2002 Delivery of Na Ki Ka project with TSA / TSC coatings. 2002 Delivery of Holstein project - .171 mm. Dia. R4. 2003 Delivery of Thunder Horse project - 9,000 tons. 2003 Delivery of Belanak project - 132 mm. Dia. R3 VGW. 2005 First manufacturer approved by ABS, DNV, LRS to manufacture R5. 2005 Delivery of the Independence Hub project 127 & 117 mm. Dia. R5. 2005 / 2006 Contracts for more than 30,000 tons of R4S & R5 products. 2006 Start of the R & D project for R6. 2009 Delivery of the Scarabeo 8 order - 2400 metres 76 Ø R5 chain2010 – Delivery of the first sockets for the Nan Hai Fai Xia project. 2011 Delivery of the first chains identified under the RFID system. Management 12 Mooring installation for Gjøa. Courtesy of Aker Solutions. Launch of Double Quench and Tempering furnace. Introduction of the Qweld system. Launch of the Geminis machine. Start of the Fatigue Project in collaboration with Labein. New Testing Machine of 2700 tons. Introduction of Ultrasonic Robot. Start of the SSC and fracture mechanics project with Prof. Arana. Start of the Gigacycle testing project with Prof. Battias. New Engineering Department opened under Jonathan Fernández. Inauguration of Galdames, the new forging plant. VCSA fatigue curve approved by DNV. Creation of Vicinay Marine. Creation de Vicinay Marine innovación. Introduction of induction heating. Usan project inspected with TOFD technology. 2011 New Testing Machine of 4.000 tons. 1990 1991 1992 1995 2000 2001 2008 2009 2010 2011 ISO 9001 LRQA. Quality Management System. SPEC API 2F. Product Range Approval. ISO 9001 DNV. Quality Management System. ABS Q Program. Management System and Product Range Approval. ISO 14001 & OSHAS 18000. Environmental Management System and H & S Approval. ISO 14000 (LRQA). Environmental Management System Approval. ISO 9001, ISO 140001 & OSHAS 18000. LRQA Integrated Management Systems (HSE+Q). ISO 9001, ISO 140001 & OSHAS 18000. DNV Integrated Management Systems (HSE+Q). EPD for chains in qualities R3, R4 & R5. Q Silver Award. EFQM, EPD for D-Shackles in R4 quality and Offshore Shackles in quality R5. Quality, Health, Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility Health and Safety, Quality and Environment EFQM Labor Health and Safety Corporate Social Responsibility Sustainability and the Environment Quality Quality Management Health and Safety, Quality and Environment Vicinay Cadenas continues their commitment with developing safe and health-aware systems to generate high quality and innovative products for our clients that are also sustainable and respectful of our local and global environment. We cooperate with our suppliers and subcontractors and make agreements with other organizations and entities which we have identified as partners with our company, communicating to them our policies, mission, EFQM At present the Strategic Planning of Vicinay Cadenas is focused on progressing towards excellence on the model proposed by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), having received a first recognition with a Silver Q award. 14 Odfjell Platform vision and values with the intent of establishing an excellent ongoing working relationship. As a core value of the company, every employee has the goal of obtaining competency and proficiency in our integrated management systems. These systems have been designed with the help of advanced models, implemented throughout all the processes and activities and they are periodically revised and certified by prestigious recognized societies. Labor Health and Safety At Vicinay Cadenas, we place the highest value on the safety and welfare of our employees. We follow a culture of safety based upon individual responsibility that is supported through several resources and ongoing education. The program is developed and reviewed at all levels in the organization, involving employees, supervisors and management in identifying and eliminating any problem that may arise. We ensure conformance with all legal requirements of OHSAS 18001. Corporate Social Responsibility In Vicinay Cadenas we are specifically committed to Social Responsibility through initiatives aligned with our operations, annually presenting a Sustainability Memorandum available on our webpage where we detail the year´s socioeconomic aspects. In 2007 we joined the Worldwide Pact of the United Nations, subscribing to their 10 principles. We have completed three Progress Reports (COP) corresponding to the two advanced levels. These documents are available on our webpage and that of the World Pact of the United Nations. 15 Sustainability and the Environment At Vicinay Cadenas we are conscious that our industrial activity influences the Environment and for that reason our management focuses on minimizing this impact. We have implemented a rigorous operation of control in accordance with the guidelines of ISO 14001 supplemented by what we have learned from progressive organizations with related businesses or from comparable companies, as well as applying the best practices generated from our own internal studies. We have carried out a complete life cycle analysis (womb to tomb) on our full range of products of chain and accessories so as to know the environmental impact of each distinct phase of its processing, taking from this data the environmental impact of each product in Courtesy of National Oil Varco 16 Photo: BERR. Courtesy of Sevan Marine accordance with ISO 14025 (EPD Ecoetiquette Type III), publically communicated in the official pages of Environdec. In Vicinay Cadenas we have established strategies and actions to ensure responsible consumption of energy and natural resources. At the same time we control all emissions that could affect the environment and we commit ourselves as far as possible to creating systems sensitive to this goal in our supply chain. We are founding members of the Basque Ecodesign Center, an entity unique of this type in Southern Europe, within which a limited number of private companies and the Basque Government are committed to design and execute innovative projects in accordance with Ecodesign (ISO14006). Quality The implementation and efficiency of the quality management system for the production of our chains and accessories is widely known in the market and has led Vicinay Cadenas to being recognized as an outstanding company in the mooring line sector of the offshore industry. We maintain systematic control and quality assurance procedures and systems which meet in all respects the requirements of our productive processes and enable the introduction of new highly innovative products which conform with all the applicable standards and specifications. In the 1980s, Vicinay Cadenas understood that advanced management standards constituted an indispensable tool for continuous improvement, so we were pioneers in our country in implementing these standards and became certified to ISO ISO 9001. This supplanted the previous BSI requirements and we complemented this progress with the good operating and management practices learned from our clients , collaborators and the other excellent organizations we have worked with. 17 Quality Management As far back as 1986, the Vicinay Cadenas quality system has been certified From that time we developed a company policy of continuous improvement and this has enabled us to comply at the highest level with the rules and standards of the industry as well as fulfil the requirements of our customers. Chains and accessories approved up to 180 mm. dia. In R3, R3S, R4, R4S & R5. 18 Chains and accessories approved up to 180 mm. dia in R3, R3S & R4, up to 171 mm. dia in R4S and up to 165 mm. in R5. Chains and accessories approved up to 180 mm. dia. In R3, R3S, R4 & R4S. Chains and accessories approved up to 180 mm. dia. In R3, R3S, R4, R4S & R5. Chains and accessories approved up to 180 mm. dia. In R3, R3S, R4 & R4S. Research & Development Achievements The 1000 Frontier VGW® Coatings S-N Fatigue Curve Qweld – Chainmatic RFID 19 Achievements Research & development to ensure improvement and innovation. Thanks to the collaboration of Classification Societies, Sidenor, Universities and customers, VCSA has developed products that add value to the projects we deliver. The border of 1000 MPa RFID Coatings Research & Development Vicinay SN Fatigue Curve VGW Qweld Chainmatic 20 The 1000 frontier Vicinay, in collaboration with Gerdau Sidenor and the University of the Basque Country, has in recent years invested considerable resources into the development of higher strength chain qualities. We are investigating steels with over 1000 Mpa break resistance and from 2005 have been making R5 chain. Not content with this, however, we are looking to manufacture R6 with a resistance of over 1200 Mpa. The development of these new steels builds on our success with the lower grades and opens up many advantages to the industry, such as: Reduction in mooring line weight which in turn reduces production tonnage and our manufacturing footprint. It has been one of Vicinay’s major commitments to investigate this phenomenon. Backed by the University of Cantabria and various technology centers in the Basque Country, we made a series of tests. In one program we carried out slow controlled traction tests to qualitatively compare the various grades. In another, we quantified the response of the steels using the parameters of Fracture Mechanics. In every case, R5 behaved in a similar way to the lower steels indicating that it is no more susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement than other grades. This has encouraged us to explore the 1000 frontier further. Better resistance to wear. Increased fatigue life. These developments have been subjected to various tests. Among these, one of the most innovative has been the study of chains’ fatigue behaviour on a gigacycle test run, (1,000,000,000 cycles). The results have been published in a doctoral thesis at the University of Bordeaux. Nonetheless, it is known that high strength metals run the risk of hydrogen embrittlement. R5 21 VGW® VGW® Variable Geometry and Weight Chain WGW® Chain Supplied FIELD The factors which most influence Vicinay Cadenas are, first, the intention to remain the leader in supplying the requirements of the industry and, second, to retain sufficient flexibility and ability to find solutions to problems of which our customers may presently be unaware. VGW® chain had both these factors, being used to solve problems which our customers had encountered both during the concept and design stage, as well as in service. 22 The concept underlying VGW® chain is to improve the mooring system’s response to the critical environmental factors of the field or reduce the weight of the mooring system. VGW® chain can resolve difficulties associated with these, by offering a range of possibilities. The examples shown below use chain of the same grade: DIAMETER Qty Weight 132 mm R3S 3.825 tons BETARA 127 mm R3 960 tons VGW® Saving 117 mm Sevan 2 125 mm R5 1820 tons 142 mm R5 908 tons 147 mm R4 136 tons 127 mm R5 470 tons BELANAK VGW® Strength Optimised VGW® Strength Optimised OUDNA VGW® Saving Sevan 3 VGW® Strength Optimised Thunder Hawk VGW® Strength Optimised VGW® Saving: VGW® Strength Optimised: Would be used to reduce the weight of the mooring line by up to 7.5%, increasing the structure’s payload, but maintaining the same breaking strength, fatigue life and corrosion safety factors. While maintaining mooring line weight, it is possible to increase the nominal chain diameter by up to 4%, which in turn increases the breaking strength, fatigue life and corrosion safety factors by the same amount. Contour painted in red = Standard link Shaded in grey = VGW® link By using a variety of the options outlined above and changing the grade of chain, significant increases in mechanical capacity or cost reductions can be achieved. VGW® EWP (Equal Weight and Pitch) Can be used to modify the design of chain already in service, by changing the link design from Studlink to Studless, but maintaining the same weight of the chain per metre. This is done by adding the weight of the stud (no longer required) to the diameter of the link, which will increase the fatigue life and corrosion safety margin. Coatings Chains and accessories produced in VCSA must work for at least 25 years, surviving the various threats which can impact on them. Two of the most significant are corrosion and wear. One of the lines of investigation we developed to provide a solution to these types of problem has been the use of coatings to protect the steel, without changing the steel’s mechanical properties. To protect chains and accessories against corrosion, VCSA, with customer help, developed a process for the application of Thermal Sprayed Aluminium (TSA), in which chains and accessories are coated following a strict protocol of testing and quality control. This application ensures that any loss of section on the product over its lifetime is minimised. Ceramkote is a ceramic coating used for the same purpose but this has less durability. As regards resistance to wear, a coating known as Thermal Sprayed Carbide (TSC) is applied in the interlink areas where the sides of the links are in contact with each other. This hardening material is also used on shackle bolts to act as an electrical isolation medium. All these coatings are specially made to make their application successful and long lasting. More than 8,000 tons of chains and accessories for permanent mooring systems have been protected with these coatings, covering a range of chains from 70 mm up to 183 mm in diameter in all grades. 23 S-N Fatigue Curve Straight Tension Fatigue Vicinay Cadenas conducts a continuous full range fatigue test program of chains focusing in grade R5. The tests are carried out in seawater on different chain sizes from 70 mm to 171 mm diameter, and frequencies from 0.2 to 0.8 Hz. T-N or S-N fatigue curves obtained show improved fatigue capacity with respect to the requirements. The following S-N curve is approved by DNV for Vicinay Cadenas grade R4 and R5 studless chains: N · S3 = 1,41 · 1011 24 One dream realised sets the challege for another to be achieved. From Qweld to Chainmatic. In the early 90s Qweld was born. It is an information system that stores in real time data from different production processes. In the welding phase, each link acquires a unique identification that guarantees its traceability in the chain. In this phase we capture the most important variables each 10 ms and with the interrelationships of more than 39 parameters, can determine the quality of the link. Qweld users have the fundamental tools to manage the processes, the study of quality and the calculation of the costs of our product. In 2010 Chainmatic is born. This is an interactive system with which the user can govern the installations and that collects the most significant data from its components. The analysis of this data allows us to know the health of our machines and enables us to carry out preventative maintenance and move toward predictive analysis. This is the starting point toward robotic automation. New mathematical and statistical studies based on Qweld and Chainmatic will establish the cause effect relationships between the quality of the link and the behavior of the machines. 25 RFID Vicinay Cadenas offers its clients a new way of identifying both chain and accessories. The RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system is an automatic product identification process by means of the interchange of data through electromagnetic waves between two specific points: the transmitter or central control unit and the tag on the product such as a chain link or accessory. This identification system has allowed us to adapt to new technologies, facilitating the identification of products during transport and installation, adding a major value to our products which has been well received by our clients. The RFID labels comply with established international standards, and means they can be read worldwide without restriction with any commercial reader. Besides the EPC field, the Vicinay Cadenas tags also carry additional information: Project name. Identification of length or accessory. Classification Society. Certificate number. Year of fabrication. Numbering of link / accessory. 26 Open field for comments or observations. Offshore Mooring Chains Link Dimensions Mechanical properties Proof loads, Break loads and Weight 27 Link Dimensions Studless Common Link Studless Enlarged Link End Link fig 103 fig 101 fig 103 fig 104 6xD1 6xD1 6xd 6,75xd Stud Enlarged Link fig 102 6xd Stud Common Link D1=1,1xd 3,6xd d D1=1,1xd 3,6xD1 3,35xd d 4xd 3,35xD1 1,2xd Mechanical properties R5 R4S R4 R3S R3 API-2F Ultimate Strength Mpa min. 1000 960 860 770 690 641 Yield strength Mpa min 760 700 580 490 410 - Reduction of area % min. 50 50 50 50 50 40 Elongation % min 12 12 12 Design temperature ºC -20 -20 -20 -20 0 -20 0 -15 0 17 17 Impact Joules (average of three min.) B 58 56 50 45 65 40 60 40 58 W 42 40 36 33 53 30 50 38 49 Proof load kN min Stud chain 0,0251*Z 0,0240*Z 0,0216*Z 0,0180*Z 0,0156*Z 0,0140*Z Studless chain* Break load kN min. 28 15 0,0223*Z 0,0213*Z 0,0192*Z 0,0174*Z 0,0156*Z 0,0140*Z 0,0320*Z 0,0304*Z 0,0274*Z 0,0249*Z 0,0223*Z 0,0211*Z Table as per DNV OS-E302 Z= d2(44-0.08d) Other intermediate qualities as ORQ +10, ORQ+20 may be considered. Stud welding is not allowed for R4S, and R4 qualities. Other qualities at client´s discretion. * ABS loads for studless chain is 70% of the break load as per ABS Certification of Offshore Mooring Chain. Chain weight per meter Stud chain = 0,0219 * d2 Studless chain= 0,02 * d2 Studless Chain Loads metric DIA mm Break Load R4 R3S ABS-DNV ABS-DNV kN kN 4885 4440 5156 4685 5572 5064 6001 5454 6295 5720 R3 ABS-DNV kN 3976 4196 4535 4884 5123 API API kN 3762 3970 4291 4621 4847 DIA mm 6130 6550 6981 7422 7722 5490 5866 6252 6647 6916 9001 9343 9864 10217 10754 8180 8490 8964 9285 9773 12335 13154 13780 14415 15059 11118 11856 12420 12993 13573 16308 16768 17466 18171 18645 15493 15930 16592 17262 17713 137 142 147 152 157 19844 21061 22294 23540 24799 162 165 168 171 175 68 70 73 76 78 R5 ABS-DNV kN 5706 6021 6507 7009 7351 R4S ABS-DNV kN 5420 5720 6182 6658 6984 81 84 87 90 92 7877 8418 8971 9539 9924 7484 7997 8523 9062 9428 6745 7208 7682 8167 8497 95 97 100 102 105 10512 10911 11520 11932 12560 9987 10366 10944 11336 11932 107 111 114 117 120 12984 13847 14506 15174 15852 122 124 127 130 132 Proof Load R4 R3S ABS-DNV ABS-DNV kN kN 3423 3102 3613 3274 3904 3538 4205 3811 4411 3997 R3 ABS-DNV kN 2782 2935 3172 3417 3584 API API kN 2496 2634 2847 3066 3216 DIA mm Weight kg/m 68 70 73 76 78 92 98 107 116 122 4283 4577 4878 5187 5396 3840 4104 4374 4650 4838 3446 3683 3925 4173 4342 81 84 87 90 92 131 141 151 162 169 6307 6547 6912 7159 7536 5716 5933 6264 6488 6829 5125 5319 5616 5817 6123 4599 4774 5040 5220 5495 95 97 100 102 105 181 188 200 208 221 8643 9217 9655 10100 10551 7790 8308 8703 9104 9511 7060 7529 7887 8251 8619 6330 6750 7071 7397 7728 5681 6058 6346 6639 6935 107 111 114 117 120 229 246 260 274 288 11365 11686 12171 12663 12993 10855 11161 11626 12095 12411 9785 10061 10479 10903 11187 8868 9118 9497 9880 10138 7950 8175 8515 8858 9089 7135 7336 7641 7950 8157 122 124 127 130 132 298 308 323 338 348 137 142 147 152 157 13829 14677 15536 16405 17282 13209 14019 14839 15669 16507 11906 12637 13376 14124 14879 10790 11452 12122 12800 13484 9674 10267 10868 11476 12089 8682 9214 9753 10299 10850 137 142 147 152 157 375 403 432 462 493 17188 17693 18199 18707 19386 162 165 168 171 175 18166 18699 19234 19771 20488 17351 17861 18372 18884 19569 15641 16100 16560 17022 17640 14174 14590 15008 15427 15986 12708 13081 13455 13831 14333 11405 11739 12075 12412 12863 162 165 168 171 175 525 545 564 585 613 21027 21387 22286 22825 23364 19896 20236 21087 21597 22107 178 180 185 188 191 21027 21387 22286 22825 23364 20084 20428 21287 21802 22317 18104 18414 19188 19652 20116 16407 16687 17389 17810 18231 14709 14961 15590 15968 16345 13201 13427 13991 14330 14668 178 180 185 188 191 634 648 685 707 730 23903 24440 24976 25866 22617 23125 23632 24474 194 197 200 205 23903 24440 24976 25866 22831 23344 23856 24706 20580 21043 21504 22270 18651 19070 19488 20182 16721 17097 17472 18094 15006 15344 15680 16238 194 197 200 205 753 776 800 841 68 70 73 76 78 R5 ABS-DNV kN 3976 4196 4535 4884 5123 R4S ABS-DNV kN 3798 4008 4331 4665 4893 5194 5550 5916 6289 6544 81 84 87 90 92 5490 5866 6252 6647 6916 5243 5603 5972 6349 6606 4726 5051 5383 5723 5954 7326 7604 8028 8315 8753 6932 7195 7596 7868 8282 95 97 100 102 105 7326 7604 8028 8315 8753 6997 7263 7668 7942 8360 10103 10775 11287 11807 12334 9048 9650 10109 10574 11047 8561 9130 9565 10005 10452 107 111 114 117 120 9048 9650 10109 10574 11047 13964 14358 14955 15559 15965 12690 13048 13591 14139 14508 11365 11686 12171 12663 12993 10753 11057 11516 11981 12294 122 124 127 130 132 18852 20008 21179 22363 23559 16992 18033 19089 20156 21234 15441 16388 17347 18317 19297 13829 14677 15536 16405 17282 13085 13887 14700 15522 16352 26068 26833 27601 28371 29400 24764 25491 26221 26952 27930 22320 22976 23633 24292 25174 20284 20879 21477 22076 22877 18166 18699 19234 19771 20488 178 180 185 188 191 30173 30689 31980 32754 33527 28665 29155 30381 31116 31851 25836 26278 27383 28046 28708 23479 23880 24884 25487 26089 194 197 200 205 34300 35071 35840 37116 32585 33317 34048 35261 29369 30029 30688 31781 26690 27290 27888 28881 29 Stud Chain Loads metric DIA mm 30 Break Load R4 R3S ABS-DNV ABS-DNV kN kN 4885 4440 5156 4685 5572 5064 6001 5454 6295 5720 R3 ABS-DNV kN 3976 4196 4535 4884 5123 API API kN 3762 3970 4291 4621 4847 DIA mm 6130 6550 6981 7422 7722 5490 5866 6252 6647 6916 9001 9343 9864 10217 10754 8180 8490 8964 9285 9773 12335 13154 13780 14415 15059 11118 11856 12420 12993 13573 16308 16768 17466 18171 18645 15493 15930 16592 17262 17713 137 142 147 152 157 19844 21061 22294 23540 24799 162 165 168 171 175 68 70 73 76 78 R5 ABS-DNV kN 5706 6021 6507 7009 7351 R4S ABS-DNV kN 5420 5720 6182 6658 6984 81 84 87 90 92 7877 8418 8971 9539 9924 7484 7997 8523 9062 9428 6745 7208 7682 8167 8497 95 97 100 102 105 10512 10911 11520 11932 12560 9987 10366 10944 11336 11932 107 111 114 117 120 12984 13847 14506 15174 15852 122 124 127 130 132 Proof Load R4 R3S ABS-DNV ABS-DNV kN kN 3851 3209 4064 3387 4392 3660 4731 3942 4962 4135 R3 ABS-DNV kN 2782 2935 3172 3417 3584 API API kN 2496 2634 2847 3066 3216 DIA mm Weight kg/m 68 70 73 76 78 107 117 126 133 4431 4735 5046 5365 5582 3840 4104 4374 4650 4838 3446 3683 3925 4173 4342 81 84 87 90 92 144 155 166 177 185 7096 7365 7776 8054 8478 5913 6138 6480 6712 7065 5125 5319 5616 5817 6123 4599 4774 5040 5220 5495 95 97 100 102 105 198 206 219 228 241 9738 10385 10879 11380 11889 8764 9347 9791 10242 10700 7304 7789 8159 8535 8916 6330 6750 7071 7397 7728 5681 6058 6346 6639 6935 107 111 114 117 120 251 270 285 300 315 12792 13153 13700 14253 14625 12231 12576 13099 13628 13984 11008 11319 11789 12265 12585 9173 9432 9824 10221 10488 7950 8175 8515 8858 9089 7135 7336 7641 7950 8157 122 124 127 130 132 326 337 353 370 382 137 142 147 152 157 15565 16520 17487 18464 19452 14883 15796 16720 17655 18599 13395 14216 15048 15890 16739 11162 11847 12540 13241 13949 9674 10267 10868 11476 12089 8682 9214 9753 10299 10850 137 142 147 152 157 411 442 473 506 540 17188 17693 18199 18707 19386 162 165 168 171 175 20447 21047 21649 22253 23061 19551 20125 20701 21278 22050 17596 18112 18631 19150 19845 14663 15094 15525 15959 16538 12708 13081 13455 13831 14333 11405 11739 12075 12412 12863 162 165 168 171 175 575 596 618 640 671 21027 21387 22286 22825 23364 19896 20236 21087 21597 22107 178 180 185 188 191 23667 24072 25084 25691 26298 22630 23017 23985 24565 25146 20367 20715 21586 22109 22631 16972 17263 17989 18424 18859 14709 14961 15590 15968 16345 13201 13427 13991 14330 14668 178 180 185 188 191 694 710 750 774 799 23903 24440 24976 25866 22617 23125 23632 24474 194 197 200 205 26904 27509 28112 29113 25725 26303 26880 27837 23152 23673 24192 25054 19294 19727 20160 20878 16721 17097 17472 18094 15006 15344 15680 16238 194 197 200 205 824 850 876 920 68 70 73 76 78 R5 ABS-DNV kN 4475 4723 5104 5498 5766 R4S ABS-DNV kN 4279 4516 4881 5257 5514 5194 5550 5916 6289 6544 81 84 87 90 92 6179 6602 7037 7482 7784 5908 6313 6729 7154 7443 5317 5682 6056 6439 6699 7326 7604 8028 8315 8753 6932 7195 7596 7868 8282 95 97 100 102 105 8246 8559 9036 9359 9851 7884 8184 8640 8949 9420 10103 10775 11287 11807 12334 9048 9650 10109 10574 11047 8561 9130 9565 10005 10452 107 111 114 117 120 10184 10861 11378 11902 12434 13964 14358 14955 15559 15965 12690 13048 13591 14139 14508 11365 11686 12171 12663 12993 10753 11057 11516 11981 12294 122 124 127 130 132 18852 20008 21179 22363 23559 16992 18033 19089 20156 21234 15441 16388 17347 18317 19297 13829 14677 15536 16405 17282 13085 13887 14700 15522 16352 26068 26833 27601 28371 29400 24764 25491 26221 26952 27930 22320 22976 23633 24292 25174 20284 20879 21477 22076 22877 18166 18699 19234 19771 20488 178 180 185 188 191 30173 30689 31980 32754 33527 28665 29155 30381 31116 31851 25836 26278 27383 28046 28708 23479 23880 24884 25487 26089 194 197 200 205 34300 35071 35840 37116 32585 33317 34048 35261 29369 30029 30688 31781 26690 27290 27888 28881 Studless Chain Loads imperial DIA inches Break Load R4 R3S ABS-DNV ABS-DNV Kips Kips 1154 1049 1253 1139 1356 1232 1408 1280 1461 1328 2 3/4 2 7/8 3 3 1/16 3 1/8 R5 ABS-DNV Kips 1348 1464 1583 1644 1706 R4S ABS-DNV Kips 1281 1391 1504 1562 1621 3 1/4 3 2/8 3 5/16 3 6/16 3 4/8 1769 1833 1898 1964 2097 1681 1742 1803 1865 1992 1515 1570 1625 1681 1796 3 2/4 3 5/8 3 12/16 3 13/16 3 7/8 2165 2234 2374 2446 2518 2057 2123 2256 2323 2392 4 4 4 2/16 4 4/16 4 3/8 2590 2664 2813 2965 3119 4 2/4 4 5/8 4 12/16 4 14/16 5 API API Kips 590 640 693 719 747 DIA inches Weight lbs/ft 2 3/4 2 7/8 3 3 1/16 3 1/8 66 72 78 81 85 962 997 1032 1068 1140 863 894 925 957 1022 774 802 830 859 918 3 1/4 3 2/8 3 5/16 3 6/16 3 4/8 88 92 95 99 106 1299 1341 1425 1467 1511 1177 1215 1291 1330 1369 1056 1089 1158 1192 1227 947 977 1039 1070 1101 3 2/4 3 5/8 3 12/16 3 13/16 3 7/8 110 114 122 126 130 1724 1773 1872 1973 2076 1554 1598 1688 1779 1871 1409 1448 1529 1612 1696 1263 1299 1371 1445 1521 1133 1165 1231 1297 1365 4 4 4 2/16 4 4/16 4 3/8 134 139 148 157 166 2283 2394 2507 2621 2736 2181 2287 2394 2503 2614 1966 2061 2158 2256 2356 1781 1868 1956 2045 2135 1597 1675 1753 1833 1914 1433 1503 1574 1645 1718 4 2/4 4 5/8 4 12/16 4 14/16 5 176 185 196 206 217 5 1/4 5 2/8 5 6/16 5 8/16 5 5/8 2853 2971 3091 3211 3333 2725 2838 2952 3067 3184 2457 2558 2661 2765 2870 2226 2319 2412 2506 2601 1996 2079 2162 2247 2332 1791 1865 1940 2016 2093 5 1/4 5 2/8 5 6/16 5 8/16 5 5/8 228 239 250 262 274 3270 3387 3504 3623 3742 5 3/4 5 7/8 6 6 2/16 6 2/8 3456 3579 3704 3829 3954 3301 3419 3538 3657 3777 2975 3082 3189 3296 3405 2696 2793 2890 2987 3086 2417 2504 2591 2678 2766 2170 2247 2325 2404 2483 5 3/4 5 7/8 6 6 2/16 6 2/8 287 299 312 325 339 4081 4208 4335 4463 4591 3861 3981 4102 4223 4344 6 2/4 6 4/8 6 10/16 6 12/16 6 7/8 4081 4208 4335 4463 4591 3898 4019 4141 4263 4385 3514 3623 3732 3842 3953 3184 3283 3383 3482 3582 2855 2944 3033 3122 3211 2562 2642 2722 2802 2882 6 2/4 6 4/8 6 10/16 6 12/16 6 7/8 352 366 381 395 410 4719 4976 5232 5743 4465 4708 4951 5434 7 7 2/8 7 8/16 8 4719 4976 5232 5743 4507 4753 4998 5485 4063 4284 4505 4945 3682 3882 4083 4481 3301 3481 3660 4017 2963 3124 3285 3605 7 7 2/8 7 8/16 8 425 456 488 555 API API Kips 889 965 1044 1084 1125 1377 1427 1477 1528 1632 1233 1278 1323 1368 1462 1854 1913 2033 2094 2156 1685 1739 1848 1903 1959 2461 2531 2672 2816 2963 2218 2281 2409 2538 2671 3276 3435 3597 3761 3926 3112 3263 3417 3573 3730 5 1/4 5 2/8 5 6/16 5 8/16 5 5/8 4094 4264 4435 4608 4783 5 3/4 5 7/8 6 6 2/16 6 2/8 DIA inches Proof Load R4 R3S ABS-DNV ABS-DNV Kips Kips 809 733 878 796 950 861 987 894 1024 928 R3 ABS-DNV Kips 657 714 772 802 832 R3 ABS-DNV Kips 940 1020 1103 1146 1189 2 3/4 2 7/8 3 3 1/16 3 1/8 R5 ABS-DNV Kips 940 1020 1103 1146 1189 R4S ABS-DNV Kips 897 974 1054 1095 1136 1167 1209 1251 1295 1383 3 1/4 3 2/8 3 5/16 3 6/16 3 4/8 1233 1278 1323 1368 1462 1178 1220 1263 1307 1396 1062 1100 1139 1178 1258 1509 1557 1655 1704 1754 1428 1473 1566 1613 1660 3 2/4 3 5/8 3 12/16 3 13/16 3 7/8 1509 1557 1655 1704 1754 1441 1487 1580 1628 1676 2016 2073 2189 2307 2427 1805 1856 1960 2066 2174 1708 1756 1855 1955 2057 4 4 4 2/16 4 4/16 4 3/8 1805 1856 1960 2066 2174 2805 2941 3080 3220 3362 2549 2673 2799 2926 3055 2283 2394 2507 2621 2736 2160 2265 2372 2480 2589 4 2/4 4 5/8 4 12/16 4 14/16 5 3890 4051 4214 4378 4544 3506 3651 3798 3946 4095 3186 3318 3451 3586 3722 2853 2971 3091 3211 3333 2700 2812 2925 3039 3154 4959 5136 5315 5494 5675 4711 4879 5049 5219 5391 4246 4398 4551 4704 4859 3859 3997 4135 4275 4416 3456 3579 3704 3829 3954 6 2/4 6 4/8 6 10/16 6 12/16 6 7/8 5856 6038 6221 6404 6588 5563 5736 5910 6084 6258 5014 5170 5327 5483 5641 4557 4698 4841 4983 5126 7 7 2/8 7 8/16 8 6772 7140 7508 8241 6433 6783 7133 7829 5798 6114 6429 7056 5269 5556 5842 6413 31 Stud Chain Loads imperial DIA inches 32 Break Load R4 R3S ABS-DNV ABS-DNV Kips Kips 1154 1049 1253 1139 1356 1232 1408 1280 1461 1328 2 3/4 2 7/8 3 3 1/16 3 1/8 R5 ABS-DNV Kips 1348 1464 1583 1644 1706 R4S ABS-DNV Kips 1281 1391 1504 1562 1621 3 1/4 3 2/8 3 5/16 3 6/16 3 4/8 1769 1833 1898 1964 2097 1681 1742 1803 1865 1992 1515 1570 1625 1681 1796 3 2/4 3 5/8 3 12/16 3 13/16 3 7/8 2165 2234 2374 2446 2518 2057 2123 2256 2323 2392 4 4 4 2/16 4 4/16 4 3/8 2590 2664 2813 2965 3119 4 2/4 4 5/8 4 12/16 4 14/16 5 API API Kips 590 640 693 719 747 DIA inches Weight lbs/ft 2 3/4 2 7/8 3 3 1/16 3 1/8 72 78 85 89 93 995 1031 1068 1105 1180 863 894 925 957 1022 774 802 830 859 918 3 1/4 3 2/8 3 5/16 3 6/16 3 4/8 96 100 104 108 116 1462 1508 1603 1651 1699 1218 1257 1336 1376 1416 1056 1089 1158 1192 1227 947 977 1039 1070 1101 3 2/4 3 5/8 3 12/16 3 13/16 3 7/8 120 125 134 138 143 1943 1998 2110 2223 2339 1749 1798 1899 2001 2105 1457 1498 1582 1668 1754 1263 1299 1371 1445 1521 1133 1165 1231 1297 1365 4 4 4 2/16 4 4/16 4 3/8 147 152 162 171 182 2570 2695 2821 2950 3080 2457 2576 2698 2820 2945 2211 2319 2428 2538 2650 1843 1932 2023 2115 2209 1597 1675 1753 1833 1914 1433 1503 1574 1645 1718 4 2/4 4 5/8 4 12/16 4 14/16 5 192 203 214 226 237 5 1/4 5 2/8 5 6/16 5 8/16 5 5/8 3211 3345 3479 3615 3752 3071 3198 3327 3456 3587 2764 2878 2994 3111 3228 2303 2398 2495 2592 2690 1996 2079 2162 2247 2332 1791 1865 1940 2016 2093 5 1/4 5 2/8 5 6/16 5 8/16 5 5/8 249 262 274 287 300 3270 3387 3504 3623 3742 5 3/4 5 7/8 6 6 2/16 6 2/8 3890 4029 4169 4309 4451 3719 3852 3986 4121 4256 3347 3467 3587 3709 3830 2789 2889 2989 3090 3192 2417 2504 2591 2678 2766 2170 2247 2325 2404 2483 5 3/4 5 7/8 6 6 2/16 6 2/8 314 328 342 356 371 4081 4208 4335 4463 4591 3861 3981 4102 4223 4344 6 2/4 6 4/8 6 10/16 6 12/16 6 7/8 4593 4736 4879 5023 5167 4392 4529 4666 4803 4941 3953 4076 4199 4323 4447 3294 3396 3499 3602 3706 2855 2944 3033 3122 3211 2562 2642 2722 2802 2882 6 2/4 6 4/8 6 10/16 6 12/16 6 7/8 386 401 417 433 449 4719 4976 5232 5743 4465 4708 4951 5434 7 7 2/8 7 8/16 8 5311 5600 5889 6464 5079 5355 5631 6181 4571 4820 5068 5563 3809 4016 4223 4636 3301 3481 3660 4017 2963 3124 3285 3605 7 7 2/8 7 8/16 8 465 499 534 608 API API Kips 889 965 1044 1084 1125 1377 1427 1477 1528 1632 1233 1278 1323 1368 1462 1854 1913 2033 2094 2156 1685 1739 1848 1903 1959 2461 2531 2672 2816 2963 2218 2281 2409 2538 2671 3276 3435 3597 3761 3926 3112 3263 3417 3573 3730 5 1/4 5 2/8 5 6/16 5 8/16 5 5/8 4094 4264 4435 4608 4783 5 3/4 5 7/8 6 6 2/16 6 2/8 DIA inches Proof Load R4 R3S ABS-DNV ABS-DNV Kips Kips 910 758 988 823 1069 891 1110 925 1152 960 R3 ABS-DNV Kips 657 714 772 802 832 R3 ABS-DNV Kips 940 1020 1103 1146 1189 2 3/4 2 7/8 3 3 1/16 3 1/8 R5 ABS-DNV Kips 1058 1148 1242 1290 1339 R4S ABS-DNV Kips 1011 1098 1187 1233 1280 1167 1209 1251 1295 1383 3 1/4 3 2/8 3 5/16 3 6/16 3 4/8 1388 1438 1489 1540 1645 1327 1375 1423 1473 1573 1194 1237 1281 1325 1416 1509 1557 1655 1704 1754 1428 1473 1566 1613 1660 3 2/4 3 5/8 3 12/16 3 13/16 3 7/8 1698 1752 1862 1918 1975 1624 1676 1781 1834 1888 2016 2073 2189 2307 2427 1805 1856 1960 2066 2174 1708 1756 1855 1955 2057 4 4 4 2/16 4 4/16 4 3/8 2032 2089 2206 2325 2446 2805 2941 3080 3220 3362 2549 2673 2799 2926 3055 2283 2394 2507 2621 2736 2160 2265 2372 2480 2589 4 2/4 4 5/8 4 12/16 4 14/16 5 3890 4051 4214 4378 4544 3506 3651 3798 3946 4095 3186 3318 3451 3586 3722 2853 2971 3091 3211 3333 2700 2812 2925 3039 3154 4959 5136 5315 5494 5675 4711 4879 5049 5219 5391 4246 4398 4551 4704 4859 3859 3997 4135 4275 4416 3456 3579 3704 3829 3954 6 2/4 6 4/8 6 10/16 6 12/16 6 7/8 5856 6038 6221 6404 6588 5563 5736 5910 6084 6258 5014 5170 5327 5483 5641 4557 4698 4841 4983 5126 7 7 2/8 7 8/16 8 6772 7140 7508 8241 6433 6783 7133 7829 5798 6114 6429 7056 5269 5556 5842 6413 Offshore Mooring Accessories Standard Products LLLC® Installation Link Offshore H Links Tailor Made Plates & Connectors 33 Standard Products H Offshore Shackle for Common Links Offshore Anchor Shackle D type Offshore End Joining Shackle D type Offshore Special Joining Shackle D type fig 713 fig 108 LTM fig 109 LTM fig 107 H LTM 3xd 1,2xd 1,4xd 2,4xd 1,4xd 1,6xd 1,2xd 3,1xd 1,2xd 1,4xd 1,4xd 3xd 1,18xd Kenter Shackle Slim Kenter Shackle fig 105/1 fig 105/2 d Offshore Joining Shackle D type fig 107 LTM 7,1xd 1,6xd 4xd 3,4xd 1,3xd d 6xd 4xd 6xd 4,2xd 1,52xd 4,2xd 1,3xd 1,29xd 1,4xd 1,3xd 1,2xd 2,8xd LLLC® Installation Link LLLC Connecting Link fig 713 6xd Proof Load Breaking Load R5 0,0223 * Y 0,03186 * Y LLLC® Installation Link Easy connectability Same geometry as common link Manufacture in R5, R4S and R4 Manufactured mooring line installation 34 3,35xd d R4S 0,0213 * Y 0,0304 * Y 7,04xd 3,4xd 8,6xd 1,4xd 1,4xd 3,35xd Oval Shape equivalent to normal section 1,24xd 5,2xd 8,7xd 1,15xd 1,4xd 1,8xd 8,2xd 4,6xd 1,15xd 1,4xd 3,35xd R4 0,0192 * Y 0.0274 * Y Y = D2 (44-0,08D) D = d * 0,6 d = nominal diameter of the LLLC 1,24xd 1,24xd 1,4xd 1,2xd 2,8xd Offshore H Links This robust component is extremely flexible. Not only can be used as an almost universal connector, it can be used to adjust lengths during installation. It will connect : to Common Links of the same or different diameters. to Piles. to Closed or Open Wire Rope Sockets. to Polyester Rope Thimbles. It can also be used as a Subsea Connector and can be designed with a strong lifting point for installation and recovery. 35 Tailor Made Plates and Connectors Vicinay Cadenas has the capability of supplying any type of plate for use offshore and any connnector designed to our customer´requirements. Below are shown some examples: Offshore Connector Triplate - I Node 36 ROV shackle + KIT Y shackle Guide frame Plate Round plate Special offshore + triplate Triplate II Special offshore conncector Union plate Plate Spool shackle Hanger D type shackle + KIT Socket Marine Chains Marine Chains Ship Chains Equipment Tables Loads for Ships Ship Chains Equipment Tables Standard & Special Shackles Weights of Shackles Standard arrangements for Ships Anchors Proof test load for standard anchors Proof test load for HHP anchors 37 Marine Chains Vicinay Cadenas supplies a wide range of anchor chain up to 132mm dia. together with accessories and anchors for the shipping industry. The traditional high quality of our products is well known and preferred by the major shipping companies. With our own factory in China, quality is linked to the competitive prices required for this market. Quality assurance Ultimate Tensile Strength Reduction of area Elongation Impact values average in base Material charpy v-notch Grade 1 NR 45 310 Ksi Mpa Grade 2 NR 74 490 Ksi Mpa Grade 3 NR 100 690 Ksi Mpa 25% (1) 22% *(2) *(3) 17% (4) 0º C (5) 44 59 ftlbs J Stud Common Link For more details check the rules Stud Enlarged Link End Link fig 103 6,75xd fig 104 6xd 6xD1 fig 102 (1) When tensille strength is between 310 Mpa and 400 Mpa elongation 30% (2) For DNV at room temperature 27 Joules (3) For DNV at 0º C 27 Joules (4) For DNV Weld zone 14% (5) For DNV Weld zone 49 Joules Mpa = N/mm D1=1,1xd 38 3,6xd d 3,6xD1 4xd 1,2xd Ship Chain Equipment Tables Equipment Number Exceed Not Exceed Ing Ing 50 70 70 90 90 110 110 130 130 150 150 175 175 205 205 240 240 280 280 320 320 360 360 400 400 450 450 500 500 550 550 600 600 660 660 720 720 780 780 840 840 910 910 980 980 1060 1060 1140 1140 1220 1220 1300 1300 1390 1390 1480 1480 1570 1570 1670 1670 1790 1790 1930 1930 2080 2080 2230 2230 2380 2380 2530 2530 2700 2700 2870 2870 3040 3040 3210 3210 3400 3400 3600 3600 3800 3800 4000 4000 4200 4200 4400 4400 4600 4600 4800 4800 5000 5000 5200 5200 5500 5500 5800 5800 6100 6100 6500 6500 6900 6900 7400 7400 7900 7900 8400 8400 8900 8900 9400 9400 10000 10000 10700 10700 11500 11500 12400 12400 13400 13400 14600 14600 16000 Equipment Letter LR A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A† B† C† D† E† F† G† H† I† J† K† L† M† N† O† P† Q† R† S† T† U† V† W† X† Y† Z† A* B* C* D* E* F* G* H* I* J* K* L* M* N* O* ABS DNV GL U6 U7 U8 U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 U19 U20 U21 U22 U23 U24 U25 U26 U27 U28 U29 U30 U31 U32 U33 U34 U35 U36 U37 U38 U39 U40 U41 U42 U43 U44 U45 U46 U47 U48 U49 U50 U51 U52 U53 U54 U55 U56 U57 U58 U59 U60 U61 U62 U63 U64 U65 U66 U67 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A* B* C* D* E* F* G* H* I* J* K* L* M* N* O* 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Total Length m 220 220 247,5 247,5 275 275 302,5 302,5 330 357,5 357,5 385 385 412,5 412,5 440 440 440 467,5 467,5 467,5 495 495 495 522,5 522,5 522,5 550 550 550 577,5 577,5 577,5 605 605 605 632,5 632,5 632,5 660 660 660 687,5 687,5 687,5 715 715 715 742,5 742,5 742,5 742,5 742,5 742,5 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 Grade 1 mm 14 16 17,5 19 20,5 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 73 76 78 81 84 87 90 92 95 97 100 102 105 107 111 114 117 120 122 124 127 130 132 137 - Stud Link Chain Cables for Bower Anchor Diameter Grade 2 Grade 3 mm mm 12,5 14 16 17,5 17,5 19 20,5 22 20,5 24 22 26 24 28 24 30 26 32 28 34 30 34 30 36 32 38 34 40 36 42 36 44 38 46 40 48 42 50 44 50 46 52 46 54 48 56 50 58 50 60 52 62 54 64 56 66 58 68 60 70 62 73 64 76 66 78 68 81 70 84 73 84 76 87 78 90 78 92 81 95 84 97 87 100 87 102 90 105 92 107 95 111 97 111 97 114 100 117 102 120 107 124 111 127 114 132 117 137 122 142 127 147 132 152 132 157 137 157 142 162 147 152 157 162 Stockless Bower Anchor Weight per Anchor kg 2 180 2 240 2 300 2 360 2 420 2 480 2 570 3 660 3 780 3 900 3 1020 3 1140 3 1290 3 1440 3 1590 3 1740 3 1920 3 2100 3 2280 3 2460 3 2640 3 2850 3 3060 3 3300 3 3540 3 3780 3 4050 3 4320 3 4590 3 4890 3 5250 3 5610 3 6000 3 6450 3 6900 3 7350 3 7800 3 8300 3 8700 3 9300 3 9900 3 10500 3 11100 3 11700 3 12300 3 12900 3 13500 3 14100 3 14700 3 15400 3 16100 3 16900 3 17800 3 18800 3 20000 3 21500 3 23000 3 24500 3 26000 3 27500 3 29000 3 31000 3 33000 3 35500 3 38500 3 42000 3 46000 Number 39 Loads for Ships 40 Proof Load Breaking Load Chain Diameter mm Minimun Weight kg per length of 27.5 m 16 17,5 19 20,5 22 24 26 28 160 190 225 265 300 360 420 490 735 833 937 1050 1160 30 32 34 36 38 565 635 720 800 895 896 981 1080 1170 1280 1280 1400 1540 1680 1810 40 42 44 46 48 995 1100 1200 1320 1440 981 1060 1140 1220 1290 1370 1480 1590 1710 1810 1960 2110 2270 2430 2600 50 52 54 56 58 1560 1675 1820 1935 2075 60 62 64 66 68 1380 1470 1560 1660 1750 1940 2060 2190 2310 2450 2770 2940 3130 3300 3500 60 62 64 66 68 2220 2365 2550 2695 2890 2580 2790 3010 3160 3380 70 73 76 78 81 1840 1990 2150 2260 2410 2580 2790 3010 3160 3380 3690 3990 4300 4500 4820 70 73 76 78 81 3030 3290 3555 3755 4035 2580 2750 2920 3040 3230 3610 3850 4090 4260 4510 84 87 90 92 95 2580 2750 2920 3040 3230 3610 3850 4090 4260 4510 5160 5500 5840 6080 6440 84 87 90 92 95 4395 4760 5005 5200 5570 2340 2470 2560 2700 2790 3350 3530 3660 3860 3980 4680 4940 5120 5390 5570 97 100 102 105 107 3350 3530 3660 3860 3980 4680 4940 5120 5390 5570 6690 7060 7320 7700 7960 97 100 102 105 107 5760 6130 6505 6885 7140 111 114 117 120 122 2970 3110 3260 3400 3500 4250 4440 4650 4860 5000 5940 6230 6510 6810 7000 111 114 117 120 122 4250 4440 4650 4860 5000 5940 6230 6510 6810 7000 8480 8890 9300 9720 9990 111 114 117 120 122 7715 8085 8445 9110 9240 124 127 130 132 137 3600 3750 3900 4000 4260 5140 5350 5570 5720 6080 7200 7490 7800 8000 8510 124 127 130 132 137 5140 5350 5570 5720 6080 7200 7490 7800 8000 8510 10280 10710 11140 11420 12160 124 127 130 132 137 9700 10040 10420 10910 11720 142 147 152 157 162 4520 4790 5050 5320 5590 6450 6840 7220 7600 7990 9030 9560 10100 10640 11170 142 147 152 157 162 6450 6840 7220 7600 7990 9030 9560 10100 10640 11170 12910 13660 14430 15200 15970 142 147 152 157 162 12515 13295 14695 15475 16210 Chain Diameter mm 16 17,5 19 20,5 22 24 26 28 Grade 1 kN 76 89 105 123 140 167 194 225 Grade 2 kN 107 127 150 175 200 237 278 321 Grade 3 kN 150 179 211 244 280 332 389 449 30 32 34 36 38 257 291 328 366 406 368 417 468 523 581 40 42 44 46 48 448 492 538 585 635 50 52 54 56 58 Chain Diameter mm 16 17,5 19 20,5 22 24 26 28 Grade 1 kN 107 127 150 175 200 237 278 321 Grade 2 kN 150 179 211 244 280 332 389 449 Grade 3 kN 216 256 301 349 401 476 556 642 514 583 655 732 812 30 32 34 36 38 368 417 468 523 581 514 583 655 732 812 640 703 769 837 908 896 981 1080 1170 1280 40 42 44 46 48 640 703 769 837 908 686 739 794 851 909 981 1060 1140 1220 1290 1370 1480 1590 1710 1810 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 969 1030 1100 1160 1230 1380 1470 1560 1660 1750 1940 2060 2190 2310 2450 70 73 76 78 81 1290 1390 1500 1580 1690 1840 1990 2150 2260 2410 84 87 90 92 95 1810 1920 2050 2130 2260 97 100 102 105 107 Ship Chain Equipment Tables Proof Load Breaking Load Chain Diameter inches Minimun Weight lbs per length of 15 fathoms 3/4 13/16 1. 1.1/8 1.1/4 1.3/8 1.1/2 1.5/8 480 570 860 1080 1350 1630 1940 2240 352000 402000 454000 482000 510000 1.3/4 1.7/8 2. 2.1/16 2.1/8 2590 2980 3360 3570 3790 377000 396000 418000 440000 484000 538000 570000 598000 628000 692000 2.3/16 2.1/4 2.5/16 2.3/8 2.1/2 4020 4250 4490 4730 5270 379000 396000 413000 449000 485000 530000 554000 578000 628000 679000 758000 792000 826000 897000 970000 2.5/8 2.11/16 2.3/4 2.7/83. 3. 5820 6110 6410 7020 7650 3.1/16 3.1/8 3.3/16 3.1/4 3.5/16 504000 523000 542000 562000 582000 705000 732000 759000 787000 814000 1008000 1046000 1084000 1124000 1163000 3.1/16 3.1/8 3.3/16 3.1/4 3.5/16 7980 8320 8660 9010 9360 843000 900000 929000 958000 1019000 3.3/8 3.1/2 3.9/16 3.5/8 3.3/4 602000 643000 664000 685000 728000 843000 900000 929000 958000 1019000 1204000 1285000 1327000 1369000 1455000 3.3/8 3.1/2 3.9/16 3.5/8 3.3/4 9730 10500 10900 11300 12000 750000 772000 794000 816000 862000 1049500 1080000 1111000 1143000 1207000 3.13/16 3.7/8 3.15/16 4. 4.1/8 750000 772000 794000 816000 862000 1049500 1080000 1111000 1143000 1207000 1499000 1543000 1587000 1632000 1724000 3.13/16 3.7/8 3.15/16 4. 4.1/8 12450 12900 13300 13700 14600 636000 669000 703000 737000 772000 908000 956000 1004000 1053000 1102000 1272000 1338000 1405000 1474000 1543000 4.1/4 4.3/8 4.1/2 4.5/8 4.3/4 908000 956000 1004000 1053000 1102000 1272000 1338000 1405000 1474000 1543000 1817000 1911000 2008000 2105000 2204000 4.1/4 4.3/8 4.1/2 4.5/8 4.3/4 15400 16200 17100 18000 18900 4.7/8 5. 5.1/8 5.1/4 5.3/8 807000 842000 878000 914500 951000 1153000 1203000 1255000 1307000 1359000 1613000 1685000 1757000 1830000 1903000 4.7/8 5. 5.1/8 5.1/4 5.3/8 1153000 1203000 1255000 1307000 1359000 1613000 1685000 1757000 1830000 1903000 2305000 2407000 2509000 2613500 2718000 4.7/8 5. 5.1/8 5.1/4 5.3/8 19900 20900 22000 23000 24000 5.1/2 5.5/8 5.3/4 5.7/8 6. 988500 1026000 1064000 1102000 1140000 1412500 1466000 1520000 1574500 1629000 1977500 2052000 2128000 2204000 2280000 5.1/2 5.5/8 5.3/4 5.7/8 6. 1412500 1466000 1520000 1574500 1629000 1977500 2052000 2128000 2204000 2280000 2825000 2932000 3039000 3148000 3257000 5.1/2 5.5/8 5.3/4 5.7/8 6. 25050 26100 27000 28050 29100 6.1/8 6.1/4 6.3/8 1179000 1217500 1256000 1684000 1739500 1795000 2357000 2434500 2512000 6.1/8 6.1/4 6.3/8 1684000 1739500 1795000 2357000 2434500 2512000 3367000 3478000 3589000 6.1/8 6.1/4 6.3/8 30200 31300 32400 Chain Diameter inches 3/4 13/16 1. 1.1/8 1.1/4 1.3/8 1.1/2 1.5/8 Grade 1 (Lbs) 23800 27800 41800 52600 54500 77500 91700 108000 Grade 2 (Lbs) 34000 39800 59700 75000 92200 111000 131000 153000 Grade 3 (Lbs) 47600 55700 83600 105000 129000 155000 183500 214000 1.3/4 1.7/8 2. 2.1/16 2.1/8 123500 140500 159000 168500 178500 176000 201000 227000 241000 255000 2.3/16 2.1/4 2.5/16 2.3/8 2.1/2 188500 198500 209000 212000 142000 2.5/8 2.11/16 2.3/4 2.7/83. 3. Chain Diameter inches 3/4 13/16 1. 1.1/8 1.1/4 1.3/8 1.1/2 1.5/8 Grade 1 (Lbs) 34000 39800 59700 75000 92200 111000 131000 153000 Grade 2 (Lbs) 47600 55700 83600 105000 129000 155000 183500 214000 Grade 3 (Lbs) 68000 79500 119500 150000 184000 222000 262000 306000 247000 281000 318000 337000 357000 1.3/4 1.7/8 2. 2.1/16 2.1/8 176000 201000 227000 241000 255000 247000 281000 318000 337000 357000 269000 284000 299000 314000 356000 377000 396000 418000 440000 484000 2.3/16 2.1/4 2.5/16 2.3/8 2.1/2 269000 284000 299000 314000 356000 265000 277000 289000 314000 340000 379000 396000 413000 449000 485000 530000 554000 578000 628000 697000 2.5/8 2.11/16 2.3/4 2.7/83. 3. 3.1/16 3.1/8 3.3/16 3.1/4 3.5/16 353000 366000 380000 393000 407000 504000 523000 542000 562000 582000 705000 732000 759000 787000 814000 3.3/8 3.1/2 3.9/16 3.5/8 3.3/4 421000 450000 465000 479000 509000 602000 643000 664000 685000 728000 3.13/16 3.7/8 3.15/16 4. 4.1/8 524500 540000 556000 571000 603000 4.1/4 4.3/8 4.1/2 4.5/8 4.3/4 41 Standard Shackles Marine Joining Shackle D type Marine Anchor Shackle D type Marine End Joining Shackle D type Kenter Shackle fig 107 fig 108 fig 109 fig 105/1 1,4xd 4xd 8,6xd 6xd 1,24xd 1,4xd 2,4xd 1,4xd 2,8xd d 1,4xd 1,4xd 1,2xd 1,3xd 1,4xd 1,3xd 1,2xd 5,2xd 8,7xd 4,6xd 1,8xd 1,6xd 7,1xd 3,4xd 1,4xd 1,3xd 1,3xd 3,1xd 1,4xd 1,2xd 1,4xd 1,2xd 3xd 4,2xd 1,52xd Special Shackles 3,8xd Swivel Swivel Shackle A Type Swivel Shackle B Type Swivel Shackle fig 110 fig 507-A fig 507-B fig 710 3,8xd E1 H1 3,6xd 1,2xd d K P 6,3xd 9,7xd A 10,85xd E1 1,4xd E E 4,7xd 42 4,4xd H 6,2xd 1,2xd B 1,5xd Weight of shackles Chain diameter inches . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 3/4 13/16 7/8 15/16 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/6 5/8 11/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 15/16 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/6 5/8 11/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 15/16 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/6 5/8 11/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 15/16 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 mm 19 20,5 22 24 25,5 27 28,5 30 31,5 33,5 35 36,5 38 39,5 41,5 43 44,5 46 47,5 49 51 52,5 54 55,5 57 58,5 60,5 62 63,5 65 66,5 68 69,5 71,5 73 74,5 76 77,5 79,5 81 82,5 84 786 87,5 89 90,5 92 93,5 95 97 98,5 100 101,5 105 108 111 114,5 117,5 120,5 124 127 130 133,5 136,5 140 143 146 149,5 152,5 155,5 159 162 165 168 171,5 174,5 178 Kenter shackle fig. 105 kg 1,1 1,3 1,6 2,1 2,6 3 3,5 4,2 4,8 5,8 6,5 7,5 8,4 9,5 11 12,3 13,5 15 16,5 18 20,5 22,3 24,2 26,3 28,5 30,8 34 36,7 39,4 42,3 45,3 48,3 51,6 56,2 59,8 63,6 67,5 71,6 77,3 81,8 86,4 91,2 97,5 103 108 114 119 125 131 140 147 154 161 179 194 211 231 250 270 294 316 339 367 392 423 451 480 515 546 579 619 655 692 730 777 818 869 Joining shackle fig. 107 kg 1,7 2,2 2,7 3,5 4,2 5 5,8 6,8 7,8 9,4 10,8 12,2 13,8 15,5 17,9 20 22,1 24,4 26,9 29,5 33,3 36,3 39,5 43 46,5 50,3 55,6 59,8 64,3 69 73,8 78,9 84,3 91,8 97,6 103,8 110 117 126 133 141 149 159 168 177 186 195 205 215 229 240 251 262 291 316 343 377 407 439 479 514 551 597 638 689 734 781 839 890 944 1009 1067 1128 1190 1266 1334 1416 Anchor shackle fig. 108 kg 2,5 3,1 3,8 5 6 7,1 8,4 9,8 11,3 13,6 15,5 17,6 19,8 22,3 25,8 28,7 31,9 35,2 38,8 42,5 48 52,3 57 61,8 67 72,4 80,1 86,2 92,6 99,3 106,4 113,6 121,4 132,2 140,7 149 159 168 182 192 203 214 230 242 255 268 281 295 310 330 345 361 378 418 455 494 544 586 632 688 739 793 859 918 991 1056 1123 1206 1280 1357 1451 1535 1622 1712 1821 1918 2036 End shackle fig. 109 kg 1,6 1,9 2,4 5 3,8 4,5 5,2 6,1 7,1 8,5 9,8 11 12,4 14 16,2 18 20 22,1 24,3 26,7 30 32,8 35,7 38,8 42 45 50,2 54 58 62,4 66,7 71,3 76,1 82,9 88,2 93,8 100 106 114 121 128 135 144 152 160 168 177 185 195 207 217 227 237 263 286 311 341 369 397 433 465 499 540 577 623 664 706 758 805 854 912 965 1020 1076 1145 1206 1280 Swivel fig. 110 kg 2,8 3,5 4,4 5,6 6,8 8 9,4 11 12,7 15,3 17,5 19,8 22,5 25 29 32,5 36 39,5 43,5 48 54 59 64 69,5 75,5 81,5 90 97 104,5 112 120 128 137 149 159 169 179 190 205 217 229 242 259 273 287 302 317 333 349 372 389 407 426 471 513 557 611 660 712 776 834 894 969 1035 1117 1190 1267 1360 1443 1530 1636 1730 1828 1930 2053 2163 2295 Complete swivel fig. 08F kg 6,4 7,8 9,8 12,8 15,4 18,2 21,9 24,9 28,4 34,7 39,6 44,8 50,7 56,6 65,4 72,3 81,4 89,2 99 109 122 134 147 158 173 185 204 220 237 254 272 292 311 338 361 383 406 431 465 492 520 548 588 619 651 685 719 756 792 844 883 923 967 1069 1164 1264 1386 1498 1616 1761 1892 2028 2199 2348 2534 2700 2875 3086 3274 3472 3712 3925 4148 4379 4658 4908 5207 Swivel shackle fig. 507 kg 9 11,3 13,9 18,1 20,9 25,8 30,6 35,4 40,9 49,2 56,2 63,7 71,9 80,7 93,6 104 115 128 140 154 174 190 206 224 243 262 290 312 335 360 385 412 440 479 510 542 575 610 658 696 736 776 833 878 924 971 1020 1071 1123 1196 1252 1310 1370 1516 1650 1792 1966 2125 2292 2498 2683 2878 3117 3332 3595 3831 4077 4377 4646 4926 5266 5570 5885 6212 6608 6961 7388 43 Standard arrangement for ships 01L. Length with normal links only 04L. Length with swivel shackle, with normal links at both ends Stud Common Link Kenter Joining Shackle Stud Common Link Stud Common Link Kenter Joining Shackle Stud Common Link Stud Common Link Stud Enlarged Link Swivel Shackle Stud Enlarged Link Stud Common Link Stud Common Link Kenter Joining Shackle 1 Length = 15 fathoms = 90 feet = 27,5 m 1 Length = 15 fathoms = 90 feet = 27,5 m 02L. Length with enlarged and end links at both ends Stud Common Link Stud Enlarged Link End Link Joining Shackle D type End Link Stud Enlarged Link Stud Common Link 05L. Length with swivel shackle, with end link at one end Stud Common Link Stud Enlarged Link End Link Joining Shackle D type End Link Stud Enlarged Link Stud Common Link 03L. Length with enlarged and end links at one end Anchor Shackle D type 44 Stud Enlarged Link Stud Common Link 1 Length = 15 fathoms = 90 feet = 27,5 m Stud Enlarged Link Stud Common Link 1 Length = 15 fathoms = 90 feet = 27,5 m 1 Length = 15 fathoms = 90 feet = 27,5 m End Link End Link Stud Enlarged Link Swivel Shackle Stud Common Link Kenter Joining Shackle Stud Common Link Kenter Joining Shackle 10F. Swivel shackle with 4 links (forerunner) 06A. Normal adaptor piece End Link Stud Common Link Stud Enlarged Link Stud Enlarged Link Stud Common Link 08F. Swivel shackle with 4 links (forerunner) Stud Enlarged Link End Link Swivel Shackle Stud Enlarged Link Swivel Shackle Stud Enlarged Link Stud Common Link Stud Common Link 11F. Swivel shackle with 3 links End Link Stud Enlarged Link Swivel Shackle Stud Common Link 09F. Swivel shackle with 4 links (forerunner) Stud Enlarged Link End Link Swivel Shackle Stud Enlarged Link End Link 45 Anchors Other stockless anchors Hall Spek AB Stockless fig 113 fig 603 fig 401 AC 14 fig 402 46 Byers fig 115 Proof test load for standard anchors Mass of Anchor Proof test load Mass of Anchor Proof test load Mass of Anchor Proof test load Mass of Anchor Proof test load Mass of Anchor Proof test load Mass of Anchor Proof test load Kg kN Kg kN Kg kN Kg kN Kg kN Kg kN 50 55 60 65 70 23,6 25,2 27,1 28,9 30,7 550 600 650 700 750 125 132 140 149 158 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 376 388 401 414 427 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 645 653 661 669 677 7800 8000 8200 8400 8600 861 877 892 908 922 17500 18000 18500 19000 19500 1390 1410 1440 1470 1490 75 80 90 100 120 32,4 33,9 36,3 39,1 44,3 800 850 900 950 1000 166 175 182 191 199 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 438 450 462 474 484 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 685 691 699 706 713 8800 9000 9200 9400 9600 938 949 961 975 987 20000 21000 22000 23000 24000 1520 1570 1620 1670 1720 140 160 180 200 225 49,1 53,3 57,4 61,3 66,8 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 208 216 224 231 239 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 495 506 517 528 537 5800 5900 6000 6100 6200 721 728 735 740 747 9800 10000 10500 11000 11500 999 1010 1040 1070 1090 25000 26000 27000 28000 29000 1770 1800 1850 1900 1940 250 275 300 325 350 70,4 74,9 79,6 84,2 88,8 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 247 255 262 270 278 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 547 557 567 577 586 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 754 760 767 773 779 12000 12500 13000 13500 14000 1110 1130 1160 1180 1210 30000 31000 32000 34000 36000 1990 2030 2070 2160 2250 375 400 425 450 475 93,4 97,9 103 107 112 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 292 307 321 335 349 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 595 604 613 622 631 6800 6900 7000 7200 7400 786 795 804 818 832 14500 15000 15500 16000 16500 1230 1260 1270 1300 1330 38000 40000 42000 44000 46000 2330 2410 2490 2570 2650 500 116 2100 362 4700 638 7600 845 17000 1360 48000 2730 47 Proof test load for HHP anchors 48 Mass of Anchor Proof test load Mass of Anchor Proof test load Mass of Anchor Proof test load Mass of Anchor Proof test load Mass of Anchor Proof test load Mass of Anchor Proof test load Kg kN Kg kN Kg kN Kg kN Kg kN Kg kN 38 41 45 49 53 23,2 25,2 27,1 28,9 30,7 413 450 488 525 563 125 132 140 149 158 1650 1725 1800 1875 1950 376 388 401 414 427 3600 3675 3750 3825 3900 645 653 661 669 677 5850 6000 6150 6300 6450 861 877 892 908 922 13125 13500 13875 14250 14625 1390 1410 1440 1470 1490 56 60 68 75 90 32,4 33,9 36,3 39,1 44,3 600 638 675 713 750 166 175 182 191 199 2025 2100 2175 2250 2325 438 450 462 474 484 3975 4050 4125 4200 4275 685 691 699 706 713 6600 6750 6900 7050 7200 936 949 961 975 987 15000 15750 16500 17250 18000 1520 1570 1620 1670 1720 105 120 135 150 169 49,1 53,3 57,4 61,3 66,8 788 825 863 900 938 208 216 224 231 239 2400 2475 2550 2625 2700 495 503 171 528 537 4350 4425 4500 4575 4650 721 728 735 740 747 7350 7500 7875 8250 8625 999 1010 1040 1070 1090 18750 19500 20250 21000 21750 1770 1800 1850 1900 1940 188 206 225 244 263 70,4 74,9 79,6 84,2 88,8 975 1013 1050 1088 1125 247 255 262 270 278 2775 2850 2925 3000 3075 547 557 567 577 586 4725 4800 4875 4950 5025 754 760 767 773 779 9000 9375 9750 10125 10500 1110 1130 1160 1180 1210 22500 23250 24000 25500 27000 1990 2030 2070 2160 2250 281 300 319 338 356 93,4 97,9 103 107 112 1200 1275 1350 1425 1500 292 307 321 335 349 3150 3225 3300 3375 3450 595 604 613 622 631 5100 5175 5250 5400 5550 786 795 804 818 832 10875 11250 11625 12000 12375 1230 1260 1270 1300 1330 28500 30000 31500 33000 34500 2330 2410 2490 2570 2650 375 116 1575 362 3525 638 5700 845 12750 1360 36000 2730 About people Our people Seminars and JIP´s 49 Our people The 250 people working in Vicinay Cadenas share the same hopes and enthusiasm to satisfy our customers, who every year trust us to supply safe and suitable products, to assist them with calculations or to provide the best long-term solution to a particular challenge. To infuse this determination throughout our organisation has become a major driver of the management team in Vicinay Cadenas, which quickly realised that a happy workforce serves the customer better and improves the social enviroment in which to develop this company ethos. 50 To achieve this goal, we set aside time to make sure that we talk to one another, communicate ideas and suggestions, carefully consider all possible options for particular projects together, so that acting as an unified team we are able to give our fullest attention to the demands made on us. By doing this, we are able to offer our customers and company personnel who visit us, complete confidence that their requirements will be met and that they will receive our total cooperation. We, in Vicinay Cadenas look to the future and for this we are creating a personnel structure across age and competence, so that even when some staff are out of the office, others are there to make sure the business goes on, in such a way that the customer is unaware of any change. Some of the activities which bring together our ability to act more and more as one team with all the increased efficiency and dedication to our customers that this entails are: Daily management dialogue with all staff in the factory complex. To enable factory personnel to attend meetings with customers. Daily newspaper. Daily news in our internal server “HOME”. Compliance with the Global Compact to improve our commitment to ethical, environmental and social policy management issues both inside our organisation and to impart these concepts to our customers and suppliers. Christmas Card contest for children of our employees. Annual report on performance and improvements. Sharing information on Strategic and Management Plans. To seek a balance in process management so that 50 % are female and personnel younger than 40 years old. Vicinay Cadenas is greater concerned with family conciliation. 51 Seminars and JIP´s In our pursuit of continuous learning and sharing of our expertise, Vicinay Cadenas holds technical seminars every two years where we gather the leading experts from the Offshore sector. Our engineering staff also participates in various JIP’s. In recent years Vicinay Cadenas has organized seminars in locations where there is the greatest concentration of offshore activity. Thus in 2009 we hosted a seminar titled “Innovations for Extreme Mooring Conditions” gathering together a large number of people from the sector in Paris, Rio and Houston. In 2011 taking advantage of the 25th anniversary of Vicinay Cadenas, we celebrated in Bilbao one of the most important seminars to date, with the title of “Innovations in Mooring Systems and Technology”. We succeeded in gathering over 100 subject matter experts from the Offshore industry to present and exchange information. After the success of this seminar the experience was repeated in Singapore and Houston with a great response from companies in the sector. We can highlight the participation of firms presenting papers such as TOTAL, Statoil, DNV, ABS, Principia, Lupatech, Sofec, Newcastle University from Australia, Shell, SBM and Petrobras. 52 JIP´s Vicinay is currently involved in several Joint Industry Projects such as Out Of Plane Bending (OPB), Mooring Component Assessment (MCA), Seawater Corrosion of Ropes and Chains (Scoorch) or Normoor . VICINAY CADENAS NEW FACTORY Coming ever closer 53 Vicinay Cadenas New Factory Coming ever closer. The transformation which Bilbao has undergone in the last few years has required us to find another place to manufacture chains. This place is situated 10 kilometres from our present location, following the direction of the estuary to the mouth of the inlet in Sestao . During this year the construction of the factory buildings will begin. The new factory will have a production capacity of 50.000 tonnes per year. New factory 10 km Vicinay Cadenas 54 55 56 A company of Vicinay International Vicinay UK Vicinay Singapore Vicinay Northern Europe Particular de Sagarduy, 5 48015 Bilbao • Spain Tel.: +34 944 891 130 Fax: +34 944 891 140 email: