Chem 526 NMR for Analytical Chemists Lecture 10 (Chapter 2) Home work6A (Due 10/6) • Prove the following relationships Q1. [A, A] = 0 Q2. [A+B, C]= [A, C] + [B, C] Q3. [A, BC]= [A, B]C + B[A, C] Q4. [IX, IX] = 0 Q5. [IX + IY, IX] = -iIz Q6. [IY ,[ IY, IX] ]= IX Q7. [IY, [IY ,[ IY, IX] ]]= -iIZ 1 Homework 6B (Due 10/6) Q1. Confirm exp(-iαI e p( iαIX) = E + {-iα/2}2IX + {(-iα/2)2/2}E + {(-iα/2)3/3!} 2IX + … = Ecos(α/2) –i2IXsin(α/2) Q2. Prove that exp(-iαIX) IZ exp(iαIX) = Izcosα - IYsinα Ex. Free Particle • The Schrödinger equation for a free particle is given by (-2/2m)(d2(x) /dx2)= E(x), (2) where h E iis a constant. t t • A solution of this equation is given by (x) = Acos(kx) + Bsin(kx) (3) or =Cexp(ikx) +D exp(-ikx) (3’) with k = (2mE)1/2/ (4) • From E =p2/2m, the wave length, 2/k is = 2/k = h/p (5) 2 Wave function of particle in a box e- -C=C-C=C922/(2mL2) E3 422/(2mL2) E2 22/(2mL2) E1 En= n222/(2mL2) E (n n+1) = En+1 - En = {(n+1)2 – n2}22/(2mL2) Q1. Assume that you put one electron or neutron in a box. Is E (n n+1) larger for an electron or a neutron? 2.1.2 Eigenvalue Equation Eigen values & eigen functions For operator A, eigen function j(x) is given [2.10] Aj(x) = ajj(x) aj is called [Q1] [Q1], (j = 1 1, 2 2, .., N) N). Orthonormality of eigen functions [2.14] * * dx j i dx i j [Q 2] Completeness of eigen set Ψ(x) = cjj(x) for arbitrary function • German 101: In German, “ei” is pronounced as “EYE”. (Ex. Albert Einstein.) 3 2.2.1 Dirac notation • In Dirac notation, Schrödinger equation is given by d | (t)> i = H| (t)> dt where |(t)> is denoted as a ket. • The ket corresponds to a wave function (x, t). We define a bra, which corresponds to *(x, t) as <(t)|. • In Dirac notation, the bra |(t)> and ket <(t)| have a relationship with wave functions *(x,t) and (x,t) as follows: < (t)| (t)> = dx *(x,t) (x,t) [2.32] • As you know well the right hand side of the above equation is a complex number. Hence, <(t)|(t)> = c, where c is a complex number. - Eigen vector & Eigen function 2 0 i i 2 0 3 0 0 A pk Operator ↓ A |k > i i [Q1]] 0 1[Q 0 pjt *·pk = akpk = [Q2] jk Eigen value ↓ = ak | k > j | k dx *j k [Q3] jk 4 Adjoint & Hermitian When = Aj(x), * = j*(x)A†, where A† is called an adjoint of A. When A† = A (called self adjoint), <A> is real number (<A>* = <A>) In such a case, A is called an Hermitian operator (pronounced ~”ermitian”) Adjoint, Hermitian i / 2 i i / 2 0 i / 2 0 1 1 / 2 A |k> 1 i 2 1 = ak | k > i / 2 0 A i / 2 0 i, 1 0 i / 2 1 i, 1 i / 2 0 2 <k |(A*)t = ak*<k | t i / 2 0 i / 2 0 ( A*) i / 2 0 i / 2 0 t A is an Hermitian 5 Quiz about Dirac notation • In Dirac notation, Schrödinger equation is given by [Q1] id|(t)>/dt = H|(t)> where |(t)> is denoted as a[Q2] ket and H is Hamiltonian. [Q2] • The ket corresponds to a wave function (x, t). We define a[Q3] bra, which corresponds to *(x, t) as <(t)|. • In Dirac notation, |(t)> and <(t)| have a relationship with wave functions *(x,t) and (x,t) as follows: < (t)| [Q4] (t)> = dx *(x,t) (x,t) - • As you know well the right hand side of the above equation is a complex number. Hence, <(t)|(t)> = c, where c is [Q5]. From this definition, <(t)|(t)> = c*. [Q5] Eigen kets and basis kets An arbitrary wave function |Ψ(t)> can be written as a superposition of a set of orthonormal timeindependent eigenkets or basis kets |n> |Ψ(t)> = cn(t)|n>=cn(t)|n>, where <m|n> = δmn and cm = <m|Ψ(t)> [2.33] [2.34] Q. Fill [[Q1]] when eq. q [2.33] [ ] is true,, <Ψ(t)| =[Q1] <n|, [2.33B] 6 Expectation value in Dirac notation (p38-39) d|Ψ(t)>/dt = iH(t)|Ψ(t)> In general, state ket |Ψ(t)> is exanded as |Ψ(t)> = = Σck(t)| φk > = Σck(t)|k >, where here |φk> is an eigen ket (k =1, 1 2 2..)) The expectation value <A> is obtained by use of operator A as <A>= dx ( x , t ) * A ( x , t ) =< Ψ(t)| A|Ψ(t)> <A> is given by A as <A> = <Ψ(t)|A|Ψ(t)> = (Σck*(t)<k|)A(Σcj*(t)|j>) = ΣΣcj(t)ck*(t)<k|A|j> = ΣΣcj(t)ck*(t)Akj In Dirac notation, operator can be generally denoted by a matrix Akj Spin Operator • For a spin-½ system, we define two basis kets: |> and |>. > For these basis kets, kets spin operators IX, IY, IZ satisfies the following relationships: ♦ Iz|α> = ½|α> & Iz|β > = -1/2 |β> ♦ IX|α> | = 1/2|β> 1/2|β & IX|β > = 1/2 ||α > ♦ IY|α> = i/2|β> & IY|β > = -i/2 |α> 7 Spin Operator in Matrix Forms | 1 0 | 1 | | I x | | I x | 1 / 2 0 0 1 / 2 I I I | x 1 / 2 0 Z c1 | | | x x Q. In an matrix form, A† = (At)* P Prove A = A† for f IX, IY, IZ 1 / 2 0 c 2 | | c 1 * |c | | I | I i / 2 0 0 i / 2 y 0 1 | 2 2 c1 c2 * c 1* c * 2 Practice I | Z 0 1 / 2 I X | 0 1 / 2 1 / 2 0 1 2 0 1 / 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 / 2 1 0 1 | 1 2 0 1 / 2 1 0 0 1 | 2 |> ½|> 8 Spin Operator • For a spin-½ system, [Q1] |β> Iz|α> = ½|α> & Iz|β > = -1/2 IX|α> = 1/2|β> & IX|β > = [Q2] 1/2 |α > [Q3] IY|α> = i/2|β> & IY|β > = -i/2 |α> [Q1] What is an eigen ket for Iz ? [Q2] What is an eigen value for Iz? [Q3] Is |α> an eigen ket for IX? Homework 5 2) < |Iz|> = [Q2] 4) < |Iz|> = [Q4] 6) < |IX|> = [Q6] 8) < |Iy|> = [Q8] 1) <|Iz|> = [Q1] 3) < |Iz|> = [Q3] 5) < |IX|> = [Q5] 7) < |Iy|> = [Q7] 9) When |> =c1|>+ c2| > Obtain <IX>, <IY>, <IZ> | I c 1 *, X | c 2 c 1 *, c 2 0 * 1 / 2 1 / 2 c1 0 c 2 c / 2 * 2 c1 / 2 9 Spin Operator in Matrix Forms | 1 0 | 1 | | I x | | I x | 1 / 2 0 0 1 / 2 I I I | x y Z | c1 | | I | I 0 1 | | x x Q. In an matrix form, A† = (At)* Prove A = A† for IX, IY, IZ i / 2 0 0 i / 2 1 / 2 0 | 2 1 / 2 c 0 2 | | c 1 * |c 2 c1 c2 * c 1* c * 2 Home work (due 10 • Prove the following relationships Q1. [A, A] = 0 Q2. [A+B, C]= [A, C] + [B, C] Q3. [A, BC]= [A, B]C + B[A, C]\ Q4. [IX, IX] = 0 Q5. [IX + IY, IX] = -iIz Q6. [IY ,[ IY, IX] ]= IX Q7. [IY, [IY ,[ IY, IX] ]]= -iIZ 10 Commutation Rule of Spin Matrix • [A, B] = AB -BA • [Iz, IZ] = 0 IZIZ = 1 2 0 1 2 1 0 2 IXIX = 0 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 Q 1 1 Q 3 2 0 1 2 Q 5 Q 7 0 Q 2 Q 4 Q 6 Q 8 • IXIX = IZIZ = [Q1] Commutation Rule of Spin Matrix • [Iz, IX] = iIY 1 IzIX = 2 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 4 1 4 0 IXIZ = [Q1] • • • • [IY, IZ] = iIX [IZ, IX] = [Q2] [IY, IX] = [Q3] [IZ, IZ] = [Q4] 11 Spin Operator in Matrix Forms 1 | | 1 0 | | 2 | Ix | Ix | Ix | 1Q / 2 2 0 Q 1 0Q 4 1Q/ 23 I I y Z | Ix | | Ix | IX = 1/2 |>< | + 1/2|>< | Q0 5 iQ/ 27 i /6 2 Q 0 Q 8 1 / 2 0 0 1 / 2 0 1 Q9 | c 1 | c 2 | Q10 | | Q 3 |c 2 * Q 11 , Q 12 Spin Operators in Ket-Bra Notation | | 0 1 | Q 1 Q 3 | 1 Q 5 0 1 / 2 Q 6 0 0 0 Q 2 Q 4 0 0 1 / 2 0 12 Spin Operator in Ket-Bra Notation II | 1 | | 2 0 0 1 / 2 | 1 1 / 2 0 I Z I Z 1 / 2 I Z 1 / 2 I 1 / 2 Z [Q 1] 1 / 2 [Q 2 ] i / 2 [Q 3 ] 0 1 1 / 2 1 / 2 i / 2 2.1.3 Commutation Rule & Simultaneous Eigen Functions Eigen ket of operator A is not necessarily for eigen ket for operator B. (Q. List any example?) When [[A, B]] =0, operators p A and B can be diagonalized by the same basis set |k> if eigen values of A are all different (not degenerate). Assume A|n> A|n = an|n |n> and <k|A k|A = <k|a k|ak 0 = <k|(AB – BA)|n> = <k|akB|n> - <k|Ban|n> = (ak – an)<k|B|n> <k|B|n> = 0 when k n 13 Expectation value in Dirac notation d|Ψ(t)>/dt = iH(t)|Ψ(t)> In general, state ket |Ψ(t)> is exanded as |Ψ(t)> = = Σck(t)| φk > = Σck(t)|k >, where here |φk> is an eigen ket (k =1, 1 2 2..)) The expectation value <A> is obtained by use of operator A as <A>= dx ( x , t ) * A ( x , t ) =< Ψ(t)| A|Ψ(t)> <A> is given by A as <A> = <Ψ(t)|A|Ψ(t)> = (Σck*(t)<k|)A(Σcj*(t)|j>) = ΣΣcj(t)ck*(t)<k|A|j> = ΣΣcj(t)ck*(t)Akj In Dirac notation, operator can be generally denoted by a matrix Akj Density function & Expectation values id|Ψ(t)>/dt = H(t)|Ψ(t)> |Ψ(t)> = Σcj(t)|φj> <A> = <Ψ(t)|A|Ψ(t)> = ΣΣcj(t)ck*(t)<k|A|j> Density function approach: Density matrix for a pure state (t) |Ψ(t)><Ψ(t)| = Σck*(t)ci(t)|i><k| <A> = Tr(A(t)) = Σ<m|A(t)|m> = Σc*k(t)cm(t)<k|A|m> Note: Tr(B) = <n|B|n> 14 Ensemble and Quantum Statistics If more than one systems coexist, the ensemble bl average yields i ld <A> = Σ wm<Ψm(t)|A|Ψm(t)> In a density function approach, we just need to redefine (t) (t) for a mixed state as (t) Σ wm m = Σ wm|Ψm(t)><Ψm(t)| <A> = ΣwmTr(Am(t)) =Tr(A(t)) Density Matrix for Spin-1/2 α = |α><α| β = |β><β| = wα|α><α| + wβ |β><β| = (1/2 + /2) |α><α|+ (1/2 - /2) |β><β| = (1/2)E + Iz β α 15 Bulk Magnetic Moment (Spin Polarizatio • Nα /Nβ = exp(-γħB0/kT) ~ 1 - γħB0/kT (γħB0/kT<<1) (Nα - Nβ) = N(Nα - Nβ)/ (Nα + Nβ) = N(Nα/Nβ - 1)/(Nα/Nβ+1) = NγħB0/2kT Population Difference B0, N, 1/T, and γ M0 = μZNm = - γħB0/2 (Nα - Nβ) = Nγ2ħ2B0/4kT Bulk Magnetic Moment B0, N, 1/T, and γ2 Density Matrix for Spin Operator • Let’s think about the density matrix in an equilibrium q state,, (0) ( ) for a single g spin. p • (0) = P|><| + P|><| ~ {(1 - E/kT)/2}|><| + {(1 - E/kT)/2}|>< | = E/2 - γB0/(kT) {1/2|><| - 1/2|>< |} = E/2 - {γB0/kT} Iz 16 Comparison: density matrix (t) and state ket |(t)> Time dependence of a state ket • d|(t)>/dt = -iH|(t)> |(t)> = exp(-iHt)| exp( iHt)|(0)> In contrast • (t) = |(t)> <(t)| = exp(-iHt)|(0)><(0)|exp(iHt) = exp(-iHt)[Q1] exp(iHt) • U = exp(-iHt) is called time-evolution operator Time dependence of density operator is governed by • d(t)/dt = -i[H, (t)] (Liouville-von Neuman eq. ) Time-Evolution of Density Matrix (t) = Pm|Ψm(t)><Ψm(t)| • For each |Ψm(t)>, Schrödinger equation is given by d|Ψm(t)>/dt = -iH|Ψ iH|Ψm(t)>. (t)> This yields |Ψm(t)> = exp(-iEmt)|Ψm(0)> = exp(-iHt)|Ψm(0)>. The corresponding ket is <Ψm(t)| = <Ψm(0)|exp(iHt) • Hence, (t) =Pm exp(-iHt)|Ψm(0)><Ψm(0)|exp(iHt) = exp(iHt){Pm|Ψm(0)><Ψm(0)|}exp(iHt) = exp(-iHt) (0) exp(iHt) [2.55] 17 Motions of σ(t) d(t)/dt = -i[H, (t)] In NMR, Zeeman Interaction yields Emz = -γB0mz From Schrödinger Equation E|> = H|> H = -γB0Iz • Assume σ(0) =Iz, what happens? • If σ(0) =IX, what happens? 1.2 Bloch Equation • The time dependence of the bulk magnetic moment M(t) in a magnetic field is given by Bloch equation: dM(t)/dt = M(t) B(t), [1.11] When the magnetic field is a static magnetic field applied along the z-axis, it is described as dM(t)/dt = M(t) B0. • In the equilibrium state, M(0) is parallel to B0. In this case, dM(t)/dt = M(0) B0 = 0. Thus, no thing will happen 18 What is exp(-iHt)? (t) = exp(-iHt) (0) exp(iHt) exp(A) p( ) =1 A A 2 / 2 A 3 [2.55] / 3 ! .. A n / n! n 0 exp(-iγB0Izt) = 1 -iγB0Izt +(-iγB0Izt)2/2 + (-iγB0Izt)3/3! + (-iγB0Izt)4/4! + …. Matrix calculation of Izn 0 1 / 2 I z 0 1/ 2 0 1 / 2 0 Q1 Q 2 1 / 2 2 I z 0 1 / 2 0 1 / 2 Q3 Q 4 Q5 Q 6 3 Iz [Q9]I z Q 7 Q8 Q10 Q11 [Q14] Q12 Q13 Q15 Q16 2 m 1 Iz [Q19] Q17 Q18 Iz 2m 19 exp(-iγB0Izt) = 1 -iγB0Izt +(-iγB0Izt)2/2 + (-iγB0Izt)3/3! + …. Using (2Iz)2 = E exp(-iαI exp( iαIz) = E +{-iα/2}2Iz + {(-iα/2)2/2}E + {(-iα/2)3/3!} 2Iz + aismatrix ?]0 = Ecos(α/2) –i2Izsin(α/2) = [Q1 c in 0 c is exp(-iαIz) Ix exp(iαIz) = IXcosα+ IYsinα exp(-iαIz) IY exp(iαIz) = [Q1] Iycosα - IXsinα Homework 6B Q1. Confirm exp(-iαI ( i IX) = E +{-iα/2}2IX + {(-iα/2)2/2}E + {(-iα/2)3/3!} 2IX + … = Ecos(α/2) –i2IXsin(α/2) Q2. Prove exp(-iαIX) IZ exp(iαIX) = Izcosα - IYsinα 20 Simple Description of Transition exp(-i Iz)|> = [Q1] exp(-iIX)|> = {Ecos(/2)–i2IXsin(/2)}|> |> = cos(/2)[Q2] |> -isin(/2)[Q3] IX = ½|><| + ½|><| exp(-iαIz) Ix exp(iαIz) = IXcosα+ IYsinα ?? 0 c is c is 0 0 1/ 2 1 / 2 0 1/ 0 c is c is 0 0 0 c is c is 1 0 2 c is 0 0 c is c is 2 2 cos i sin 0 2 cos i sin 0 2 c is 2 2 0 21 Ensemble and Quantum Statistics If more than one systems coexist, the ensemble bl average yields i ld <A> = Σ wm<Ψm(t)|A|Ψm(t)> In a density function approach, we just need to redefine (t) (t) as (t) Σ wm m = Σ wm|Ψm(t)><Ψm(t)| <A> = ΣwmTr(Am(t)) =Tr(A(t)) Density Matrix for Spin-1/2 α = |α><α| β = |β><β| = wα|α><α| + wβ |β><β| 22 Density Matrix for Spin Operator • Let’s think about the density matrix in an equilibrium q state,, (0) ( ) for a single g spin. p • (0) = P|><| + P|><| ~ {(1 - E/kT)/2}|><| + {(1 - E/kT)/2}|>< | = E - γB0/(kT) {1/2|><| - 1/2|>< |} = E - {γB0/kT} Iz General Formula Baker Campbell-Hausdorff lemma B’ = exp(-iαA) B exp(iαA) = B(0) + ((-iα)[A, iα)[A B]+ (-iα) ( iα)2/2[A,[A, /2[A [A B]]+ 3 +(-iα) /3![A,[A,[A, B]]]+ [2.70] (t)= exp(-iαIZ) IX exp(iαIZ) = IX + (-iα)[IZ, IX]+ (-iα)2/2[IZ, [IZ, IX]]+ … = IX + (-iα)iIY + (-iα)2/2 [IZ, iIY] + = IX + (-iα)iIY + (-iα)2/2 IX + (-iα)3/3! iIY+ = IX (-iα)2m/(2m)! + iIY (-iα)2m+1/(2m+1)! = IX [Q1] + iIY [Q2] = [Q3] 23