4 November - Amazon Web Services

4 NOVEMBER 2015 | ISSUE 34 
Dear Parents and Friends
Welcome to Week 5.
Parent Forum
I am looking forward to the Parent Forum tonight at
6.00pm, in K5-K6. All College parents are welcome!
Twilight Concert Thank You
Last week, it was my great privilege to attend my first
Immanuel Twilight Concert. I was astounded by the
depth of talent presented by our gifted students. I
take this opportunity to sincerely thank all staff who
combined together to stage this epic event as well as
the many students who worked on stage and behind
the scenes. Special mention to Ms Cath Aronsten, Mrs
Emily Bonar, Mrs Marika Doman, Miss Ella Doughty,
Mr Nick Knijnenburg, Miss Solitaire Marks, Ms Luci
Morris and Miss Amy Sluggett, who, together with our
extremely talented ensemble and performance staff,
produced a professional and polished show.
Thank you also to the many proud parents who
attended. It is evident that Arts at Immanuel is a vibrant
and exciting program to be part of!
P&F - Outdoor Movie Night for families
After the success of the previous outdoor movie
nights, the P&F are hosting another evening – this
Friday, 6 November on the A J Jericho Stadium Oval.
Bring your family and friends, some comfy chairs or a
picnic rug, some nibbles and join us on the Stadium
Oval from 5.30pm for a 6.30pm start.
The movie this time is Paper Planes. Hot food, drinks,
popcorn and ice cream will be available for purchase.
Please note, this is an alcohol free event. I look
forward to seeing you there.
P&F - Annual General Meeting
May I remind all parents of the upcoming P&F
Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) on
Wednesday, 11 November at 7.00pm. Nominations are
called for positions on the P&F Committee for 2016.
Please click here for a nomination form.
Chaplaincy Chat
College Counsellor
The P&F general meeting will commence at 6.00pm in
the Professional Learning Centre (D4), followed by the
2015 AGM from 7.00pm. Please click here to access
the meeting agenda and associated documents.
College Calendar
Junior School
Junior School Disco
Blended Learning Information Evening
Secondary School
Interact 7
Thank you to those parents who attended the
information evening last night for students in Years 3
and 5 (2016). An electronic copy of the presentation
will be distributed to parents in these year levels by
the end of the week, along with a Q&A Summary. A
reminder that the evening for parents of students in
Years 7 and 10 (2016) is next Tuesday.
During the parent information evening we will
introduce the device options and provide relevant
program information. Parents will have an opportunity
to examine the devices and ask questions of College
staff. Full details are in the Blended Learning Initiative
letter that was recently emailed and posted to parents
in the relevant year levels. Please click here to read.
Please click here to register for the Years 7 and 10
(2016) information session on Tuesday, 10 November
at 6.00pm.
Getting to know the Immanuel College
We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to learn
a little more about Warren Bunker, an advisor to
College Council and the Finance, Assets and Risk
Management Sub-Committee last week.
This week we would like to introduce an advisor to
the Marketing and Communications Council SubCommittee – Mr Mark Darin. Mark has kindly agreed
to be introduced to our community and answer our
eight important questions.
The 2016 Vic Walker
Memorial Scholarshiip
Secondary School Sport 8
Instrumental Music
Commercial Operations 10
Outdoor Movie Night
Walk for Brain Cancer
Buzz Book
Contact us
Immanuel Lutheran College
126-142 Wises Road
Buderim Q 4556
PO Box 5025
Maroochydore BC Q 4558
T. 07 5477 3444
F. 07 5477 3477
E. ilc@immanuel.qld.edu.au
 /ImmanuelLutheranCollege
CRICOS Provider #01457C
Remembrance Day
In closing, as Wednesday next week is Remembrance Day, I encourage
all members of our College community to pause for a moment and
give thanks to God for those who have sacrificed their lives in the
service of our country.
Junior School students will observe a minute’s silence in honour of the
fallen during assembly and this observance will occur in the Secondary
School on Wednesday, 11 November. In addition, Secondary School
student representatives Neesha Sinnya and Tom Webb will attend, with
Mr Michael Scott, the Remembrance Day Service at the Cotton Tree
Cenotaph at 11.00am on Tuesday and lay a wreath on behalf of the
College. Poppies are available at Student Services at a cost of 50 cents
each for those students who would like to purchase one.
Lest we forget.
Every blessing to our families for the coming week.
Colin Minke
Chaplaincy Chat
How long have you been a member of the Immanuel College
Since February 2015.
What is your job?
I’m 50% of the Mark and Caroline Breakfast Show on 92.7 MIX FM.
Of course, Martin Luther taught us, you don’t have to be dead to be a
saint. All of us are saints in that we belong to God, in the first instance
through faith; and sealed as such in baptism.
I’m actually very boring. I’m a movie buff, I love the beach, camping,
spending time with family and yoga when I get the chance.
Which sporting team do you support?
Depends what’s on. The U/9 Immanuel Sharks. The Wallabies. It was
fantastic to see the Cowboys win in the NRL. I also support the NSW
Blues but I prefer not to talk about that!
What is your favourite meal?
Anything I did NOT have to cook or clean up after.
Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you
want as a dinner guest?
Russell Brand for sure.
What is the place you would most like to visit?
Cannes Film Festival.
Who do you admire most as a leader?
Harold Holt because we didn’t have to pay him a pension.
On 1 November the Church traditionally celebrates All Saints Sunday,
when we remember all those who have died and now rest in God.
Yet, there are those great names of people who are distinguished and
recognised as Saints – St Francis of Assisi, Mother Teresa, Martin
Luther King, Dorothy Day, Nelson Mandela …
Except, none of these people were what we would colloquially say
‘saints’, i.e. they weren’t perfect.
Rather, they were able to imagine what the world could be like if we
lived how God wants us to live.
They were dreamers, if you like, dreaming a new order of things with
eyes like God.
But they didn’t stop at dreaming. Instead, they lived and worked
to make God’s vision reality, showing courage, determination and
They allowed God’s Spirit to work in and through them.
“Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all
these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6, 33
I wonder what vision you might have of how things could be – in your
family, in the school yard, in your neighbourhood, at your work place…
God grant us all the Holy Spirit for our saintly tasks.
Pastor Kathrin Koning – Chaplain / Director of Christian Life
Page 2
College Counsellor
As I did the washing this morning, I noticed the care tags inside the
clothing (care tags that I was mostly ignoring). Instructions like “This
garment is made of natural fibres . . . delicate material. . . naturally
occurring irregularities in the fabric . . .the dyes in this fabric . . .
handle with care, do not rub, wring, soak or tumble dry. . . line dry in
shade”. Tucked away inside each clothing item are small (sometimes
the print is so tiny I can’t read it without the right light) but specific
instructions on the make-up of the clothing and how best to care for it.
How much softer the world might be if we all had care tags that were
updated each day, or each hour? “This person is made of delicate
fabric. Recent losses require handling with care. Lack of sleep will
cause inconsistencies. For best results listen carefully”.
Or better still, how much gentler might the world be if we had our
needs printed in bold on a t-shirt which we wore 24/7? Would we be
easier on each other if we read “My wife left three months ago and I am
lonely all the time; make time for a coffee with me and smile when you
pass” or “I have a lump I need to get seen to and I am terrified. If I am
distracted it’s not because I am rude” or “I can’t make ends meet and
I feel worthless. Let me help you with something” or “The medication
I am taking is making me nauseous and foggy but it is better than
crippling depression. Please don’t give up on me”.
This is irrefutably true: every day in our community many people are
fighting difficult battles and you will never read it on their t-shirts
in bold. The print is much finer than that and it’s tucked a long
way inside. But perhaps it is possible for us to read it in the right
light. Maybe the illumination we need is slowing down, a kindness,
a suspension of judgment (a “what do I not know here?”) and an
unfailing belief in our common humanity.
The 2016 Vic Walker
Memorial Scholarshiip
The Vic Walker Memorial Scholarship was established in 1999 by
College benefactor Jocelyn Walker in memory of her late husband, Vic
Walker. The scholarship is open to Immanuel Year 12 graduates who
undertake to complete their degree at the University of the Sunshine
Coast (USC) and covers first year HECS fees. Applicants should be
willing to commence their studies in the year immediately following
their Year 12 graduation.
To download an application form, go to http://www.immanuel.qld.edu.
Applications close at 5.00pm on Friday, 29 January 2016. If you have
any queries about the scholarship or application process, please
contact me on T: 5477 3448 or via email to christief@immanuel.qld.
Good luck!
Fiona Christie - Marketing Communications Manager
College Calendar
Walk as children of the light.
Thursday 5
Tarnya Mitchell – College Counsellor T: 5477 3430
E: mitchell@immanuel.qld.edu.au
Year 10 2016 Mt Binga Information Evening, KTC, 7.00pm
Monday 9 - Friday 13
Year 12 Assessment Week
Tuesday 10
Blended Learning Information Evening, Years 7-10 (2016)
KTC, 6.00pm
Wednesday 11
Remembrance Day
P&F Meeting, D4, 6.00pm
P&F AGM, D4 7.00pm
Page 3
Junior School
Years 4-6 Awards Evening and Year 6 Graduation
The academic year is quickly coming to a close. It’s hard to believe we
are in the final four weeks of the school year! These weeks still contain
many events and activities and it is important we encourage students
to continue to strive for excellence in all that they undertake, whether it
be academically, or in the cultural and sporting arenas.
Our special Junior School evening will take place in the Worship
Centre on Thursday, 26 November. Students are required to wear full
dress uniform and will sit with their class teachers until the end of the
Sunshine Coast Mathematics Tournament
On Wednesday, 28 October at the Lake Kawana Community Centre,
a number of enthusiastic young mathematicians ably represented
Immanuel at the Sunshine Coast Mathematics Tournament. In the
Individual Event, the students raced against the clock to answer ten
basic facts in two minutes. They then demonstrated excellent strategy
and synergy, solving some extremely challenging problems to just
miss out on a place in the Team Event. The Relay Event was lots of fun
with students working together in pairs. Thanks to Ms Schmidt and Mr
Smith for supporting the teams and to the following Year 6 students for
their collaborative effort:
Morgan Cole-Jones
Luca Chaddock
Elysia Klingsch
Katarina Gessner
Joseph Penrhys-Evans
Scarlett Marchant
Chloe Sing
Sophie Orchin
Miranda Topp
Belinda Schouten
Student Achievement
Mikayo Mundy (6S) was given the opportunity to represent Australia
in the Asia-Oceania Cable Wakeboard Championships in Taiwan last
weekend, competing in the Junior Men’s U/15 category.
Eight Australians competed at the event across all divisions. Mikayo
was required to complete four rides across two days, including
obstacles and water tricks. Finishing up the event, Mikayo took home
the bronze medal in his division with Team Australia placed first
overall! Mikayo already has his eyes set on the world competition in
Mexico in 2016. Well done Mikayo!
New Student Orientation Day
Today in the Junior School we hosted some of our new students
for 2016. Our current students acted admirably as buddies for the
morning. It was wonderful to see such a welcoming and caring
environment which ensured our new learners had an impressive first
experience at Immanuel.
End of Year Assessment
As you know, Term 4 is a very short term. Testing has begun across
year levels in various subjects, ready for reports. Please support your
child in this by ensuring they arrive at school on time, have had a good
breakfast and are ready for their day with all necessary equipment,
especially writing implements.
As advised in Term 3, the Year 6 Graduation will be held as a separate
event on Tuesday, 1 December at 2.00pm also in the Worship Centre.
More information will be sent to Year 6 families in the coming weeks.
We look forward to celebrating another wonderful year with our
Compassion Day Market Stalls
On Thursday, 19 November we are holding our annual Market Day
which raises additional funds in support of our Compassion Children.
Market Day is lots of fun and it teaches our kids to be mindful of those
less fortunate. We will soon be writing to parents inviting students to
operate a stall. Should you have any enquiries, please contact Lisa
Bond in the Junior School Office. Thank you in advance for helping us
to help others.
Tomorrow is the final day of SCISSA fixtures for the season. I thank all
students and coaches for another great season of sport.
Thank you for the continued support of your child’s journey in the
Junior School.
Scott Moore – Head of Junior School
G’day all Giggers and parents!
We invite you to a very special final GiG to enjoy a special Christmas
message, some amazing singing time, a dress up party as well as
some awesome games!
Friday, 20 November from 3:30pm-4:30pm (normal time)
What to Bring: Your singing voice and a Christmas dress up costume
to wear (it does not have to be fancy!).
This will be the final GiG for 2015. The GiG leadership team thanks all
our wonderful GiG kids for bringing so much energy and fun to our GiG
time. We have all learned so much about God’s love for us this year!
Ms Timmer, Mr Yeates, Mrs Muller, Ms Mathews and Mr
Page 4
Prep – Year 3
Friday, 27 November 2015
A J Jericho Stadium
5.00pm – 7.00pm
Sausage sizzle and soft drinks
available for purchase
Secondary School
Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care
Immanuel Early Learning Centre, in conjunction with Immanuel
Lutheran College, is offering a school based trainee position in
Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care. The position is open
to current Years 11 and 10 students. Those interested in applying are
asked to see Mrs Druery for further information.
National Mathematics Competition Results
In August this year, a number of Secondary School students
participated in the University of NSW Educational Assessment in
Mathematics Competition (ICAS) and the Australian Mathematics
Competition (AMC) - both of which are highly recognised nationally
and internationally. It is pleasing therefore to report that a large number
of these students did particularly well.
Special congratulations are extended to the following students who
were awarded a Certificate of High Distinction and who were in the top
1% of all entrants:
Year 7: Luke Bindon (ICAS)
Year 8: Sophie Rawlins (ICAS)
Year 9: Oskar Duce (AMC)
Year 11: Maxwell Hajncl (AMC)
Year 12: Melissa McKenzie (AMC)
Congratulations are also extended to the following students who were
awarded a Certificate of Distinction:
Luke Bindon (AMC), Britta Marsden (AMC), William
Richards (ICAS), Aiden MacFarlane (ICAS), Matthew
Hattrick (ICAS), and Eleanor Carp (ICAS)
Year 8: Kai Jankowiak (ICAS and AMC)
Year 9: Cory Lukasz (ICAS); Benjamin Kirkwood (AMC), Harry Ling
(AMC) and Aidan Suen (AMC)
Year 10: Renee Oldfield (ICAS and AMC), Mathew Ward (ICAS)
Year 11: Maxwell Hajncl (ICAS); Lauren Atkinson (AMC) and Samuel
Klibbe (AMC)
Year 12: Sarah Ward (AMC)
Year 7: Luke Bindon, Brianna Bourne, Eleanor Carp, Emily Dunn,
Charlotte Hajncl, Jocelyn Lindsay, Jessica Ling, Luca
Masri, William Richards, Jack Trentepohl, Ethan Wildin
Murrihy, Harry Williamson
Year 8: Jordan Blacker, Kai Jankowiak, Christopher Klingsch, Blake
Luland and Sophie Rawlins
Year 9: Oskar Duce, Lachlan Klibbe, Cory Lukasz, Timothy McAllister
and Dylan McAreavey
Year 10: Olivia Lindsay, Renee Oldfield, Kate Macfarlane, Kyle Munro,
Matthew Ward and Alexandra Wilkinson
Year 11: Ned Archer, Pierce Evans, Maxwell Hajncl, Samuel Klibbe
and Joshua Rawlins
All teams performed admirably in each of the three tasks against the
best student mathematicians on the Sunshine Coast. Congratulations
to the Year 9 team placing second in the Team event, following up by
winning the Relay event with a score of 58/60. This earned them an
overall second place in the tournament. The Year 8 team placed third
in all events and an overall third in the tournament. Our Year 10 and
Year 11 teams finished in fourth place overall. Year 10 placed second
in the Relay event and Year 11 placed third in both the Team and Relay
events. Both Year 7 teams placed in the top ten, with Team B placing
first in the initial round of the competition. Congratulations to Renee
Oldfield, Jordan Blacker and Samuel Klibbe for achieving 100% in the
individual section for their respective teams.
Year 7: Sunshine Coast Mathematics Tournament
On 28 and 30 October, six teams from Years 7 to 11 represented the
College in the 2015 Sunshine Coast Mathematics Tournament. This
contest consists of an Individual Event - where each student answers a
series of questions without a calculator in a two minute time frame; a
Team Event - where fifteen difficult questions each worth three points
are answered by the team of five; and a Relay Event - where twenty
questions are answered by pairs of students in rotating formation with
sixty points available. Our 2015 teams were:
House Morning Tea (5 November)
We are looking forward to coming together as a whole school tomorrow
to celebrate our annual House morning tea. As with tradition, each
Year 12 student will be presented with a personalised card and will
have an opportunity to spend some time with the younger members of
the College before embarking on their final two weeks of school. This
is always a very special event and one that is remembered fondly.
Mt Binga Information Evening (5 November)
We are looking forward to meeting with our Year 9 families tomorrow
evening for the 2016 Mt Binga Information Evening. This will
commence at 7.00pm in the Ken Thamm Centre Lecture Theatre.
Throughout the evening students and their parents will learn more
about the Mt Binga experience and will receive information on dates
of travel, group allocations etc. Should you or your child be unable
to attend the evening, please contact the Secondary School Office to
make arrangements to collect your information package.
Page 6
Walk 4 Brain Cancer (15 November)
Year 11 Exam Block (17-27 November)
A reminder regarding the Walk 4 Brain Cancer on Sunday, 15
November in support of the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation.
Commencing at 8:00am, the walk will take place from Cotton Tree Park
to Mooloolaba and back. I encourage as many students as possible to
be involved and to register at www.walk4braincancer.com.au. The Cure
Brain Cancer Foundation is the largest dedicated funder of brain cancer
research in Australia. We are looking forward to being a part of this
inspirational morning and much needed event.
The Year 11 Exam Block will run from 17-27 November. From 23-27
November, study at home privileges will be available to those students
who have met all assessment requirements prior to the exam block,
and who have returned their signed Study at Home Parental Consent
Form. Students are asked to note that during this time, normal uniform
expectations, co-curricular commitments and travel rules will remain.
A study room (K4) will also be provided for all students who are at
school before and/or after their scheduled exams.
Geoff Smith – Head of Secondary School
Year 12 – Final Week Schedule
We are keeping our Year 12 students in our thoughts and prayers as
they approach their final assessment block. In the week following,
they will be involved in a program of events that will differ to the usual
timetable. As such, I ask all Year 12 students and their parents to note
the following:
Monday, 16 November
Year 12 Reflection Day and Cutting the Net, Worship Centre
Interact fundraises for international, national
and local charities annually. The new board
is proud to announce that over the next 12
months, Interact will be supporting:
Humming Bird House - A charity which
provides a peaceful home for terminally
ill children and their families (local
charity, based in Brisbane)
The Lighthouse Foundation - A charity which aims to give a place
of comfort to the homeless youth of Australia (national charity)
UNICEF - United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
(international charity).
Tuesday, 17 November
Students are not required at school on this day.
Wednesday, 18 November
• Speech and Prize Giving Night Rehearsal – 8.45am departure
from the Bus Turnaround to the Lifepointe Baptist Centre.
• Speech and Prize Giving Evening: the Lifepointe Baptist Centre
- Please arrive by 6.10pm for a 6.30pm commencement.
Thursday, 19 November
Students are not required at school on this day.
Friday, 20 November
Valedictory Day
Students must be at school at 8.25am and are to report to their
Home Group class. The Queensland Studies Authority requires all
Year 12 students to be present at school on this final day. Correct
school uniform is mandatory, as is abiding by the College policy on
hairstyles, jewellery etc.
Valedictory Dinner (20 November)
Many thanks to our Year 12 families who have organised their tickets
for the Valedictory Dinner. For those who are yet to attend to this, I
ask that you contact the Business Office on T: 5477 3435 to make
arrangements. This will be a lovely evening as we come together in
final celebration for our seniors.
It is particularly exciting for Interact to be supporting UNICEF as a
Junior School and ELC parent, Paul Fisher, is an ambassador for the
organisation and UNICEF Board member. Paul’s presentation about the
work that UNICEF does was passionate and inspiring.
To kickstart our fundraising this term, we have three events in the
Friday, 6 November, P&F Movie Night. Hamburgers,
sausages, popcorn, soft drinks, poppers and ice-creams will be
on sale. An event for all the family.
• Wednesday, 11 November, Sausage Sizzle – An event for
Secondary School students. Drinks will also be on sale.
• Thursday, 12 November, Junior School Bake Sale –
Cupcakes and cookies will be available for purchase during
In addition to supporting Interact, we invite you to support a special
project of our parent body, Mooloolaba Rotary Club, which will host
Bookfest to support the Longreach Drought Appeal. Thousands of
books, along with a BBQ, cold drinks and tea and coffee, will be
available for purchase at Marrochydore State High School. Anyone
is welcome to come along on Saturday, 21 November from 9.00am5.00pm and Sunday, 22 November from 9.00am-3.30pm.
Please consider supporting Mooloolaba Rotary in this most worthwhile
Frances Fitzgerald - Interact Artistic Director
Page 7
Secondary School Sport
The Junior Girls team had a very good win over Nambour last week.
The Junior Boys’ game was rescheduled due to wet weather.
Wednesday, 4 November:
• Junior Girls v SCGS on ILC Main Oval at 4.00pm
• Junior Boys v PLC at PLC at 4.00pm
• Intermediate Boys v Suncoast on ILC Main Oval at 4.45pm
Disabled Surfing
I am proud to acknowledge a group of senior students, staff and
parents who travelled to Curriumindi Beach on Saturday to join with
over 150 volunteers to assist with the first of this summers Disabled
Surfing Association sessions. Outgoing ILC Interact President, Jessica
Rock, presented a cheque to Sunshine Coast Branch President Tim
Byrne, for over $2000.00 on behalf of the College. It would be great to
see even more ILC students involved at their next session to be held in
the morning at Maroochydore Beach (next to the SLSC) on Saturday,
28 November.
We wish all teams well in their matches:
Keen College basketball players have joined into other competitions on
the Sunshine Coast. The Junior Boys are now competing in the recently
formed Phoenix Association. Other teams are playing in the Sunshine
Coast University Basketball competition. Draws for these competition
are listed on the Association website. Students are encouraged to
check these websites regularly as game times do change from week to
Pre-Season Training
Volleyball, netball and rugby pre-season training continues for our
students. It is good to see the number of participants attending these
training sessions.
Friends of Rugby
A reminder that this Wednesday, 4 November at 5.30pm there will
be a meeting for parents interested in supporting the College’s rugby
program through a Friends of Rugby initiative. The meeting will take
place upstairs in the Stadium.
Craig Harris – Head of Sport Years 8-12
T: 5477 3444 E: harrisc@immanuel.qld.edu.au
Page 8
Instrumental Music
Wednesday 4
Singing Students
Recital, 6.00pm, Drama Theatre. Selected students of Mr Piri Broughton. Students
who are performing are to arrive at 5.30pm.
Violin and Viola Students
Recital, 5.30pm, KLT. Students of Mrs Julie-Anne O’Reilly who did not perform at
the recital on Wednesday, 21 October. Students who are performing are to arrive at
Tuesday 10
Clarinet Students
Recital, 6.00pm, KLT. Performing students to arrive at 5.30pm.
Wednesday 11
Brass Ensemble
Performance – Remembrance Day
Tuesday 17
Symphonic Band
Last Rehearsal for 2015 – Bon voyage, Year 12s (we will miss you)!
Wednesday 18
Vivace String Ensemble / Symphonic
Band / Brass Ensemble
Rehearsal for Speech and Prize Giving Evening (Lifepointe Centre – Wises Road,
Speech and Prize Giving Evening (6.30 pm, Lifepointe Centre – Wises Road,
Buderim). All students in performing ensembles to arrive at 5.00 pm.
Twilight Concert and Friends of Music BBQ –
Great Success!
Congratulations to all the performers from Twilight. The concert was a
wonderful evening that showcased the diverse talents of our students.
A special thank you to all the students in the Instrumental Music
ensembles that featured on the night. Every ensemble ‘lifted the bar’
and we are so proud of you all. Thank you to Mr Bettega, Miss Birch,
Mr Brown, Mrs Doman, Mr Knijnenburg, Mr Oakley, Mrs O’Reilly, Mr
Sportelli, Miss Strong and Mrs Van Bruggen for your wonderful work
with the ensembles. Thank you also to the Friends of Music for the
fantastic BBQ and for all their work in leading up to the event.
Regional Music Tour Photos – Ready for Ordering
Ordering envelopes have been handed to students who attended the
Regional Music Tour. Students are to nominate their free photo and any
additional photos. Please return orders to me by Friday, 6 November.
If you haven’t yet received your envelope, please see me as soon as
possible. Many thanks to Samuel Dunstan from This Is Peculiar for his
fantastic photography and his great demeanour with the students. As
Christmas is fast approaching you may wish to consider purchasing
additional photos to give to family and friends as gifts. Harry Webb
(9B) has said he will be purchasing a photo of himself for each of his
classroom teachers for Christmas! What a wonderful idea!
Fantastic Junior School Assembly Performance –
Year 8 Rock Band
Great work, Year 8 Rock Band, for your performance on Junior School
Assembly on Monday, 2 November! Many thanks also to Mr Bettega
for his great leadership of this ensemble.
Trinity Exams
This week, more of our fantastic Instrumental Music students have sat
formal music exams. We look forward to sharing their results with you
in the near future. Please remember to email any music exam results to
Violin and Viola Recital – Wednesday, 4 November
Families, please note that students are only required to perform
today if they didn’t perform at the “exam recital” on Wednesday, 21
October. The Violin and Viola Recital commences at 5.30pm in the
KLT. Performers are asked to arrive by 5.00pm. Friends of Music will be
providing tea and coffee for parents and guests, prior to the recital.
Singing Recital – Wednesday, 4 November
Students of Mr Piri Broughton are reminded to attend the Singing
Recital at 6.00pm in the Music and Drama Theatre today. Performers,
please arrive by 5.30pm. Friends of Music will be providing tea and
coffee for parents and guests, prior to the recital. See you there!
Absented Lessons Policy
Students who absent themselves from lessons will be charged the
normal fee. Illness must be reported to the music tutor or Instrumental
Music Coordinator prior to the lesson. The tutor is to be notified two
days in advance if a change in lesson time is required. Please note that
notification of not being able to attend a lesson, minutes before the
lesson or at the time the lesson is to take place (whether it be via email
or phone), is not acceptable and will not result in a catch up lesson
being scheduled.
Emily Bonar – Instrumental Music Coordinator
T: 5477 3444 E: bonare@immanuel.qld.edu.au
Page 9
Hello Friends
We have some talented young people at our College! I had the
pleasure of attending the Twilight Concert last week and was treated
to an extravaganza that entertained all who attended. This was my first
Twilight Concert, but it won’t be my last. My expectation of listening
to a number of bands performing turned to surprise and delight when
presented with dramatic, visual and electronic art performances as
well. Our College is truly blessed with the number of very skilled
artisans that enrich our environment. The ability of the musicians, the
quality of the vocals, the intricacy of the physical art, the finesse of the
dancers and the sharp-witted humour of the MCs, made for a wonderful
evening. This would not be possible without the astute tutelage of the
exceptional teachers and music tutors who are guiding students to a
level of proficiency that is outstanding. I had a great time. Thank you!
Our next movie night is this Friday, 6 November, Paper Planes. I saw
the previews for it a couple of nights ago and it looks like a great movie
for almost any age group. Please come along for a relaxed evening
of family entertainment. ILC’s Interact Club will have food available
for purchase, but please feel welcome to bring your own meals from
home. It is the final movie for the year and entry is still FREE.
The AGM is scheduled for next week at 7.00pm in D4. Preceding
the AGM will be our regular P&F meeting at 6.00pm. I invite you to
come along to participate in the AGM; an opportunity to influence how
the P&F contributes to the benefit of the students and the College.
Plenty of parking is available down at the A J Jericho Stadium, with
refreshments and a light supper available. So please come along, it
would be great to see you there.
Until next time, please take care and be safe, and remember to hug
your kids every day.
Yours in service
Andre Ghouse – P&F Chair
Commercial Operations
College Shop
2016 book lists should be available in the coming week. Please keep a
look out for the information which will be emailed home.
This year the College has again selected Impact Office Supplies, based
here on the Sunshine Coast, to supply our back to school stationery
needs. Feedback from last year indicated they have a high standard of
customer service and extremely competitive prices.
Secondary School Tuckshop
Please help us. We really do need more help in the Secondary School
We require two volunteers in each tuckshop on Friday which is our
busiest day. There are many gaps in the Secondary School roster
and we need your help! If you can spare a few hours, please contact
Cherrie on T: 5477 3456 or Diane on T: 5477 3457 or E: patersond@
immanuel.qld.edu.au. Many thanks.
Has your Secondary School aged child set up their ID card to use at
the tuckshop? Stay in control of their on-campus spending with the
FlexiSchools' cashless card system. Sending your child to school
with loose change is old school! FlexiSchools’ cashless card system
links a students’ existing school ID card to their FlexiSchools account,
allowing them to purchase securely without the need for cash. Parents
can set up a FlexiSchools account online and pre-load the account
with funds. Students make purchases at the tuckshop by scanning/
swiping their card at the cash register. On-screen photo ID security
protects your account from lost or stolen cards. Parents can view their
children’s purchases online and can set a daily spending limit.
Get Started with FlexiSchools
1. Set up a cashless card.
2. Register for FlexiSchools by visiting www.flexischools.com.au.
Add your child, their school and class to get started.
3. Top up your account via Visa, MasterCard, PayPal or direct
4. Add the student ID card by selecting ‘set-up card number’. This
is located on the ‘My Students’ page under the link used to start
an order. Enter the number from your child’s student ID card and
click ‘save’.
College Shop Hours Term Time
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 7.30am-11.00am | Wednesday
from 2.00pm-4.00pm | We are closed on Friday.
Alternatively, items can be ordered online via www.flexischools.com.
au and delivered to your child’s teacher.
5. Set a daily spending limit in the student profile section to control
spending via cashless card.
6. Students pay with cashless card and funds are debited from your
FlexiSchools account.
Diane Paterson Commercial Operations Manager
T: 5477 3457 E: patersond@immanuel.qld.edu.au
Page 10
Term 4 Outdoor
Movie Night
Friday 6 November, A J Jericho Stadium
Come along to our last movie event of 2015
and enjoy time with family and friends.
Affordable refreshments will be available
but feel free to bring your own food and
It’s free and lots of fun! Tell your friends!
• hot food
• drinks
• popcorn
• ice-cream
Gates open at 5.30pm. Paper Planes will be
shown at 6.30pm sharp.
An alcohol free Friend Raiser event proudly
brought to you by Immanuel Lutheran
College P&F.
LOCATION: Walk from Cotton Tree Park
to Mooloolaba & return
DATE: Sunday 15 November
TIME: 8:00 am start
The Immanuel Lutheran College Buzz Book is an initiative of the Parents & Friends Association, produced by the
College, as a means of connecting families and businesses in our community. The book is a directory of current
students and their parents. All families will be listed in the Buzz Book displaying their home address, home
phone number and mobile phone numbers – see sample format below. If your home number or mobile numbers are
marked as silent on our database they will NOT be published. Most families find this book indispensable; however,
there is an opportunity to have your family name and details excluded from this book if you wish. Please use the
pro forma below for this purpose and return it to Louise Brear in the Main Administration Office no later than
Friday, 29 January 2016.
The Buzz Book will also be accessible electronically via the Parent Portal, and will be updated at the end of each
term to incorporate phone and address changes. In joint custody situations both Contact 1 and Contact 2 parents
will be listed.
Sample format:
Jenny 10
Mr A & Mrs B Ace
0334 276 378
2 Smith Street
Bronwyn Mobile:
0472 273 276
5461 3096
The book has a secondary function. In many cases, parents would like to support other families of the College
through business dealings. Therefore, we encourage parents to advertise in the Buzz Book. Costs for advertising in
2016 are $100 for a business card size advertisement, $150 for a half page size advertisement and $250 for a full
page (A5 size) advertisement. Each College family will receive one copy of the Buzz Book and $5.00 will be
charged to their Term 1 fee account. Advertising in the Buzz Book is a fund raising venture and the cost of printing
is covered by this charge. The Immanuel Lutheran College Buzz Book 2016 – Copyright – is not available as a
mailing list for business use.
Buzz Book 2016 Proforma
(Please return to Louise Brear in the Main Administration Office no later than Friday, 29 January 2016)
Request to be excluded / amendment to standard entry (as per sample format above)
(NB: You will need to complete and return this request for 2016, regardless of whether you have done so in
previous years.)
Family Name__________________________________Student(s) Name ____________________________
___ EXCLUDE our details from the 2016 Buzz Book please.
___ AMEND our details for the 2016 Buzz Book (as per below):
Amendment (e.g. please include our ‘silent’ home phone number this year) _____________________________________
Signed_______________________________________Date___________________________________ __
I would like to advertise in the 2016 Buzz Book.
I would like to book:
_____Business Card Size add (GST inclusive) $100
_____Half Page Size add (GST inclusive)
_____Full Page Size add(GST inclusive)
 I advertised in the Buzz Book in 2015 and I approve the same artwork for use in 2016
 My Business Logo artwork will be sent via email to brearl@immanuel.qld.edu.au (jpeg or pdf format)
 I request a tax invoice to be sent to me before payment (as per below) can be made.
Payment Options:
Please find enclosed a cheque (payable to Immanuel Lutheran College) for the amount of $_________________
On-line Payments. To request a Tax Invoice, so that an online payment can be made, please contact Louise
Brear on E: brearl@immanuel.qld.edu.au or T: 5477 3444. To make a payment via this method you will need to
ensure you have your Customer Reference number handy (found on the Tax Invoice).
Junior School Tuckshop
(operates Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
Week 4
Week 3
Week 2
Week 1
Secondary School Tuckshop
October 2015
Public Holiday
Linda Ahrens
Cath McNamara
Kristen Jones
Terrii Lanham
Fiona O’Hara
Chris Oldfield
Heather Rafter
Donna White
Megan Harradine
Jacqui Klibbe
Lenore Dow
Nicole Dunn
Jayne Pollard
Cath McNamara
Donna White
Julie Diaz
Mel Polla-Mounter
Penny Service
Natalie Jarrott
Madeline Hylton
Heather Turner
Joyclyn Turner
Inna Atkinson
Claire Lunny
Marianne Walsh
Student free day
Tina Olson
Megan Jantke
Penny Service
Tina Oldfield
Evon Woodward
Katrina Kelsey
Kana Chan
Jayne Pollard
Madeline Hylton
Claire Lunny
Kirsten Dick
Helen Carp
Julie Diaz
Inna Atkinson
Monica Wilkinson
Rebecca White
Trudi Goodwin
Joyclyn Turner
Mel Polla-Mounter
Tania Oldfield
Evon Woodward
Katrina Kelsey
Heather Turner
Tina Olson
Liz Marchant
Natalie Jarrott
Kana Chan
Inna Atkinson
Madeline Hylton
Kirsten Dick
Michelle Richardson
Inna Atkinson
Carlie Brial
Liz Marchant
Christine Toovey
Rebecca White
Trudi Goodwin
Helen Carp
Penny Service
Madeline Hylton
Week 8
Week 7
Week 6
Week 5
November 2015
December 2015
End of Term
Lenore Dow
Donna White
Megan Harradine
Jacqui Klibbe
Kelly Cass
Nicole Dunn
Dot Fitzgerald
Jayne Pollard
Heather Rafter
Donna White
Carlie Brial
Jayne Pollard
Inna Atkinson
Kristen Jones
Terrii Lanham
Inna Atkinson
Megan Harradine
Jacqui Klibbe
Lenore Dow
Monica Wilkinson