Neutral Grounding Resistor When you choose Solar Turbines, you get much more than our primary products. We can also provide a variety of balance of plant equipment to deliver just the right energy system to fulfill your complete energy needs. Our experts will specify just the right configuration, pre-engineered to match your requirements, to help maximize your energy efficiency and lower your operating costs. As part of this balance of plant equipment, Solar offers a neutral grounding resistor designed to ground the generator neutral for one Solar® gas turbine. The neutral grounding resistor is complete with edge wound stainless steel, is L-N voltage rated, single phase, with a 10 second rating. A bar type ground fault current transformer is also installed in the assembly. One side of the current transformer is connected to the resistor assembly, while the other side is tagged for a generator neutral connection. The current transformer secondary is wired to a field accessible NEMA 4X junction box and terminated on a shorting terminal block. The assembly is an outdoor NEMA 3R type, complete with load resistor, interconnect terminals, cable connections, and safety enclosure. Neutral Ground Resistor Assembly Field Accessible NEMA 4X Junction Box Applicable Standards • Current NEMA, ANSI and IEEE certifications Documentation and Testing • Approval Drawings – 2 sets, B size (11"x17") • Record Drawings – 2 sets, B size (11"x17") • As-Shipped Drawings – 1 set per manual, B size (11"x17") • Solar project number and name to be included on the drawings • Plan and elevation, including customer title information • Connection and accessories diagram Solar Turbines Incorporated P.O. Box 85376 MZ SP3-Q San Diego, CA 92186-5376 U.S.A. Caterpillar is a trademark of Caterpillar Inc. Solar is a trademark of Solar Turbines Incorporated. Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A. © 2004 Solar Turbines Incorporated. All rights reserved. DSBOPNGR/804/EO Resistors Ground Fault Current Transformer • Bill of materials • Solar does not witness functional tests of the completed grounding equipment at the vendor’s facility • Test certificates are supplied with the equipment for test verification • Testing is to IEEE standards, as well as inspecting the equipment for conformity to the drawings and specifications Notes • Classified as loose ship equipment • Installation and commissioning services are not included but can be provided as optional pricing if required • Solidly grounding medium voltage equipment is not recommended by Solar, NEMA, or IEEE. Reactance Grounding, while an option, is not noted in this document FOR MORE INFORMATION Telephone: (+1) 619-544-5352 Telefax: (+1) 858-694-6715 E-mail: Internet: