Last Updated : October 22, 2015
This Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") describes how KTK PLANET LLC ("Colonity.com") collects, uses and
discloses information from and about visitors to each user type of Colonity.com, including All visitors
("Visitors"), registered & subscription/non-subscription members ("Members"), as each category is
described in detail in the Terms & Conditions, and what interest these members and Visitors, each have
regarding the collection and use of such information. This Privacy Policy also explains procedures for the
security and protection of the information collected and how you can access and update your information.
Our registered user may have a user type role as either an “SME” (Subject Matter Expert) OR Student OR
Teacher OR Parent.
By registering with the Colonity.com.com web site ("Web Site") or by using any of the Colonity.com’s
Products/services as a Member or Visitor, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy.
Ethics and Commitments
- Safe and secure environment for all users & Visitors of Colonity.com.
- Additional security features and process control for children under age of 13.
- To make continuous improvement in products/services and communicate all latest
updates & changes to each user type on timely basis.
Information we collect
- During registration, you may provide to Colonity.com what is called “personal information which can be
identified” or “personal data” (such as your first name, last name, email address or information provided
under your profile) that can be used to identify you.
- Information provided by user during sign up, messaging and communication with others on the same
- If you register through or otherwise grant access to a third-party social networking or integrated service
(what we call an “Integrated Service”), such as Facebook Connect or Google+, Colonity.com may also
collect Personal Information that is already associated with your Integrated Service account. You may also
have the option of sharing additional information with Colonity.com through an Integrated Service. If you
choose to provide such information, during registration or otherwise, you are giving KTK PLANET LLC, the
permission to use, share, and store it in a manner consistent with this Privacy Notice.
- Based on use of Products/Services of Colonity.com, where you provide, share or exchange any
information with other users, we collect different kinds of information about you.
- Content and location of database you provided in form of any type of file, folder during the use of
Products/Services of Colonity.com
- Information about your use of Products/Services offered by Colonity.com, which includes the
information you provide under your profile, content you view/use/share by each category type, frequency
and time spent on such areas.
- Information about your Connections, frequency and time you spend with same connections, content
and information other users provide/share using Products/Services of Colonity.com, including
information about you during sharing your profile, Colonity(Public/Private), messages, emails.
- We collect information about the people and colonities you are connected to and how you interact,
share and exchange information with them, such as the people you communicate with the most or the
colonities you like to share with by each category in Public/Private type.
- Any financial transactions made by user during use of any of our products/services, we may collect the
information of this specific transaction, which includes payment information, credit, debit or any other
card info, account authentication, billing, shipping and contact details.
- We also collect information about the devices from where you install and access our services, such
information will be synced between the devices to provide better user experience. Device information
may include internet service provider or mobile operator, cell phone number, signal strength, browser,
device type, name, device brand and model, battery status, device location (through GPS, Map system,
Bluetooth or wifi signals) operating system, hardware version, IP Address, device settings, file and
software names & types, language and time zone.
Use of Information
- Any information you provide by using our Products/Services, will be used to improve user experience of
our services across the website/App. Information provided under profile will help us provide better
customized experience based on your interest/expertise.
- Also information collected will help us provide/suggest you the content based on your interest/expertise
by keeping your location, region and language in mind.
- Based on information provided under your profile, a location services will help you to find people of
similar interest/expertise in your region, industry and will improve your experience.
- We use your contact information…. To send you marketing circulars, to keep you informed about new
update in existing products/services, to update you about any change in T&C OR Privacy Policy and incase
to answer your queries/questions.
- In addition, KTK Planet LLC may share some or all of your personal information with another entity in the
event of a change in business structure, including merger or acquisition, as well as with the
representatives of the entity to the extent required.
- Colonity.com also will disclose User information if required to do so by law, or if we have a good-faith
belief that such action is necessary to comply with local, state, federal, international, or other applicable
laws (such as U.S. Copyright law) or respond to a court order, judicial or other government subpoena, or
warrant, or administrative request. In some cases, we may make such disclosures without first providing
notice to Users.
- KTK PLANET LLC employees, agents and contractors must have a legitimate business reason to access
Personal Information you provide to Colonity.com. We may share your Personal Information with thirdparty service providers, including outside contractors or agents who help us manage our information
activities, but they may only use your Personal Information to provide us with a specific service and not
for any other purpose. Where feasible, KTK PLANET LLC, will require our third-party service providers to
comply with this Privacy Notice
- As a user or guest, you may access and update your personal information per your choice as described
in the T&C (Terms & Conditions), however, information originally submitted to Colonity.com by you may
be retained by KTK PLANET LLC, for technical, legal or other reasons. Unless we receive a deletion request,
we will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as is reasonably useful for
operational purposes.
- Colonity.com may disclose information that we believe, in good faith, is appropriate or necessary to take
precautions against liability; to protect Colonity.com/KTK PLANET LLC from abusive, fraudulent, or
unlawful uses/activities; to investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations;
to assist government enforcement agencies; to protect the security or integrity of our Properties; or to
protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Colonity.com or KTK PLANET LLC, our Users, or others
- We may use your information effectively to strengthen our advertising plans to offer and show you the
advertisement based on your interest and timely need. We would give our best to measure the
effectiveness of advertisement offered to you to make this program better.
At Colonity.com We are committed to providing safe and secure user experience and protect their
personal information. To support this commitment, we may verify accounts and their activities during use
of our products/services (including private Colonities), such as by investigating suspicious activity or
violations of our terms or policies. We give great amount of efforts to protect your account using advanced
encryption technology.
Like most websites, whether or not you are a registered member, we may send one or more cookies
(session and persistent) to your computer to enable us to provide you personalized experience.
We provide users controls to manage their personal and notifications settings. This tool will give users a
way to manage their accounts, sharing and notifying features of colonity.com
General Operating Limitations
This privacy policy is part of KTK PLANET’S T&C too. We may revise or amend this Privacy Policy from time
to time, and it is your responsibility to regularly review this Privacy Policy for any changes to it. If you have
any questions or concerns about privacy policy using products/services of colonity.com, please contact us
by email at info@colonity.com or in writing to KTK PLANET, LLC.
KTK PLANET LLC, is committed for safe and secure user experience and implements required proper steps
to maintain the privacy and security of your information against unauthorized access similar to industry
standards, however, as with all online transactions, "hackers" or other third parties may intercept and
misuse your personal information, including during transmission to and from the Web Site, in this case a
liability of any form will not be accepted for more than $10.
We have controlled environment for user under the age of 13, whose registration must be completely
driven by their Parents. Colonity.com will not knowingly collect or use personal information of anyone
under 13 years of age directly, and if either Colonity.com is informed or determines that any such
information has been submitted and collected without Parental consent, it will be deleted. If you are a
parent or guardian (“Parent”) and discover that your child under the age of 13 has a registered account
with our Products/Services without your consent, please alert us at info@colonity.com or
privacy@colonity.com and request that we delete that child’s personal information from our systems.
I am over 13 years of age, and agree to the Terms of Use and understand the Privacy Policy.