Lolo Creek Resource Assessment A Report on the Condition, Status and Land Use History of the Lolo Creek Watershed, Missoula County, Montana June 2004 Produced by Montana Trout P.O. Box 8871 Missoula, Montana 59807 John Zelazny, Writer and Editor Table of Contents Page Introduction………………..……………………………………………………………1 I. General Description………………………………………………………………..2 The Lolo Creek Watershed.………………………………………..…2 General Setting.……………………………………………………….4 Climate…..……………………………………………………………5 Geology……………………………………………………………….6 History…..……………………………………………………………6 II. Land Ownership and Land Uses…………………………………………………..10 Major Land Ownership..…………………………………………….10 Settlement……………………………………………………………11 History of Highway 12………………………………………………13 Current and Future Land Use Trends……………………………….14 III. Lolo Creek’s Water.….…………………………………………………………15 Water Quantity and Hydrology..…………………………………….15 Water Quality………………………………………………………..16 Riparian Vegetation...……………………………………………….18 Stream Modifications..………………………………………………18 IV. The Trout Fishery in Lolo Creek...……………………………………………19 Trends in the Fishery…………….………………………………………………19 Historic Status.......…………………………………………………20 Current Status………………………………………………………21 Species Composition and Distribution.…….....……………….21 Macroinvertebrates…………………………………………….22 Economics of Lolo Creek’s Fishery………..………………….22 Sources of Impact to Lolo Creek’s Trout Fishery..…………………23 Impacts of Highway 12.…….…………………………………23 Beaver Activity…....…………………………………………..23 Rip-Rap…..……………………………………………………24 Streamside Vegetation and Large Woody Debris…..…………24 Diversions….....……………………………………………….25 Residential Developments in the Floodplain…...……………..26 Habitat Characteristics of Lolo Creek per Reach/Subreach (Streamwalk)……..26 Methods.……..……………………………………………………27 Results Overview.…..…………………………………………….28 Reach Descriptions.....……………………………………………29 Reach 7…………………..……………………………………29 Reach 6..………………………………………………………34 Reach 5..………………………………………………………37 Reach 4.……………………………………………………….40 i Table of Contents (continued) Page Reach 3….…………………………………………………….43 Reach 2..………………………………………………………43 Reach 1..………………………………………………………44 Streamwalk Summary……….……………………………………46 Tributaries of Main Stem Lolo Creek...…………………………..47 V. Recreation Management.………………………………………………………51 Economics of Recreation…………………………………………53 VI. Noxious Weeds.…………………………………………………………………54 Weed Management....……………………………………………..55 Economics of Noxious Weeds…....………………………………57 VII. Conservation Recommendations………………………………………………57 References..………………………………………………………………………………62 Appendix A – Maps………………………………………………...……………………65 List of Tables Table 1: Issues and concerns identified by the Lolo Watershed Group (Spring 2003)...…………………….2 Table 2: Climate Information, Lolo Creek watershed………………………………………………………..5 Table 3: Missoula County’s growing population...…………………………………………………………14 Table 4: Proper Functioning Condition Definitions.………………………………………………………..28 Table 5: Lolo National Forest Recreation Facilities & Features.…...………………………………………53 Table 6: Lolo National Forest’s "Watch List" - 25 invasive weeds of greatest concern……………………56 Acknowledgements: The production of this report would not have been possible without the generous funding support of the Montana Department of Natural Resources’ Conservation and Resources Development Division and the Missoula Conservation District, who jointly made possible a Watershed Assistance Grant for this report. Additional funding support was provided by the Jubitz Family Foundation and the Plum Creek Foundation. The GIS work upon which the streamwalk was based, along with the production of the reach maps and watershed map, was primarily done by Rankin Holmes of the Big Sky Conservation Institute in Missoula, Montana (406-541-2880, Editing assistance was provided by Ladd Knotek (MFWP), Tara Comfort (MCD) and Ron Steiner (PCTC). Additional thanks are due Alan Anderson, Dave Martin, Karen Tremper, Andy Kulla, Amanda Burbank, Greg Munther, Brian Parker and Lori Zeiser. The omission of others who helped is unintentional. ii Cover Illustration: “Entrance to the Bitter Root Mountains by Lolo Trail” lithograph from a drawing by G. Sohon, of railroad expedition party led by Lieutenant (later Captain) John Mullan, 1853-54 #76-1187, K. Ross Toole Archives, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, The University of Montana-Missoula Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report Introduction This report addresses natural resource management issues of the Lolo Creek watershed, and provides suggestions for resolving some of those issues. It is focused on the main stem of Lolo Creek (and not tributary streams). Also, it examines the history of land use in the watershed to provide perspective on the current condition of the watershed. It is not a scientific document full of numbers and data, does not pretend to be an exhaustive source of all relevant information, and does not present many new findings. This report is a description of what the Lolo Creek watershed is like in 2004 and what might be done about some watershed-scale problems. This report is intended to be useful to virtually anyone who wants to work towards the restoration of the watershed. Rumors and perceptions of the poor quality of Lolo Creek’s trout fishery attracted the attention of local residents during the past few years. Because the most appropriate perspective to address fishery restoration issues is at the watershed-scale, this attention eventually led to the formation of the Lolo Watershed Group (LWG) in February 2003 and the production of this report. During the initial meetings of the Lolo Watershed Group, local residents identified issues and concerns about natural resource management in the Lolo Creek watershed (see Table 1). This report examines these issues in the context of land use history and restoration of the wild trout fishery. Recreation management, noxious weed control and increasing development pressures are also examined. The fishery issue dominates the current focus of the Lolo Watershed Group. Lolo Creek is a third order stream with a drainage area of 175,270 acres that flows eastward from the crest of the Bitterroot mountain range bordering Idaho and Montana. To the casual observer, Lolo Creek’s cool, clean waters and freestone cobble bottom provide a classic visual setting that seems ideal for trout. Lolo Creek flows into western Montana’s Bitterroot River, which is renowned for its wild trout fishery. Brown trout, rainbow trout, westslope cutthroat trout and rainbow-cutthroat hybrids all thrive in the Bitterroot’s waters. Bull trout, mountain whitefish, sculpins, shiners and many other fish species (both native and introduced) live in the Bitterroot. However, like other lower Bitterroot tributaries, Lolo Creek is far below its potential and historic fish population levels. Where are the trout in Lolo Creek? There are no apparent manmade barriers of significance, like large dams, to the movement of fish up Lolo Creek. Snowshoe Falls up the West Fork in the headwaters of Lolo Creek is the lowest natural barrier. The water quality of Lolo Creek appears to be as good, if not better, than that of the Bitterroot River. To the casual eye, Lolo Creek seems like a good home for wild trout. And it is, in places. But overall, wild trout of size and numbers can be hard to find in Lolo Creek. It was not always this way. According to local sources (Dishman, Moore), as recently as the 1960’s (when U.S. Highway 12 was built) Lolo Creek produced wild trout in both decent numbers and of respectable size. Those who have fished Lolo Creek over the years attest to the former quality of its wild trout population. The Lolo Creek valley is rich in history. It was a key segment of Lewis and Clark’s epic expedition to and from the Pacific; the Corps of Discovery camped at Traveler’s Rest along Lolo Creek in September 1805 and, while heading back, in July 1806. For Native Americans, the Lolo valley was a vital travel route for centuries, especially as tribes headed east for bison and west for Page 1 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report salmon. The Lolo valley also gained fame as part of the eastward route traversed by Chief Joseph and the Nez-Perce tribe in 1877 as they fled U.S. troops. could be. Fortunately, the Lolo Creek watershed can still be repaired and restored, although this will cost some money and take many years of concerted effort. Lolo Creek may never be the same stream it once was, but it can be a lasting, productive centerpiece in the lower Bitterroot. The Lolo Creek watershed currently embodies the last century’s changes to the Fishery Restoration Issues: ! fish screens on irrigation headgates (to eliminate trapping trout in irrigation ditches); ! how can fish screens be maintained?; ! do high flows allow fish to get around diversions & screens?; ! timing of fish screen operations with dewatering and high flows; ! enforcement of activities that can divert fish away from the stream; ! kid's dams; ! water use/dewatering; and variability of flows...drought vs. wet years; ! streambank erosion; ! changes in ownership/changes in channel; ! Highway 12 spraying with de-icer polluting stream; ! ice movement downstream & ice-related stream damage; ! the relative quantity of large woody material in Lolo Creek; ! the impossibility of ever returning original meander patterns to the stream; ! the role of Highway 12’s effects on Lolo Creek since the 1950's; Recreation Management Issues: ! recreation use - particularly the activities of "recreational" mining operations, crystal hunting, large-scale berry picking; ! the whole gamut of non-hunting & fishing recreation uses, including picnics, hiking, camping, swimming, and many other uses; ! vandalism; ! damage to private property, trash left by visitors, rude manners of visitors; ! public access concentration and impact on stream use/visitation; ! USFS/Plum Creek gates on roads concentrating access, limits recreation access to tributaries; Noxious Weed Management Issues: ! weed distribution and control; Other: ! expand area of concern to include the Bitterroot River within the Lolo Planning Area of the Missoula County Comprehensive Plan; ! the effects of forest management issues, including old growth management and the rotation of timber stands for cutting; ! The effects of wildfire on the Lolo Creek watershed; ! The effect of rapid development (“sprawl”) on the area. Table 1: Issues and concerns identified by the Lolo Watershed Group (Spring 2003) land. Lolo Creek is a stream that, by virtue of its location and character, should hold generous numbers of wild trout. However, the cumulative effects of many different land uses in the Lolo Creek watershed are a likely culprit of rendering Lolo Creek’s wild trout fishery pale in comparison to what it I. General Description: The Lolo Creek Watershed “What is a watershed?” “wa-ter-shed \ a region or area bounded peripherally by a water parting and draining Page 2 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report H. Eide/USFS Region 1 Archives Townsite of Lolo, looking west up the Lolo Creek watershed (probably early 1950’s) watershed, and separates one watershed from another. to a particular watercourse or body of water.” - Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Simply put, a watershed is a geographic term for describing a single drainage basin, or put even more simply, a watershed sheds water into a common waterbody. When water hits the ground in the form of rain, snow or other precipitation, it flows downslope under the force of gravity. At the utmost upper end of all slopes is a line or ridge that divides which way water will flow downward. The down-flowing water collects into trickles, then small streams, and eventually rivers, lakes, or other large water bodies. Looking back upslope, the dividing line that separates one drainage from another is called the hydrologic divide. That dividing line goes all around an entire No matter how flat or featureless an area may seem, it is always inside a watershed or drainage basin separated by a hydrologic divide from other watersheds. The size of an individual watershed varies with the particular focus given. That is, we can refer progressively (in size) to the Grave Creek watershed, the Lolo Creek watershed, the Bitterroot watershed, the Clark Fork watershed or the entire Columbia River watershed. Locally, the hydrologic divide around the Lolo Creek watershed separates it from the Petty Creek and Fish Creek watersheds to the north, the Lochsa River watershed in Idaho to the west and Page 3 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report southwest, and the Carlton Creek watershed to the south. General Setting The Lolo Creek watershed is in the Rocky Mountain physiographic province. Lolo Creek is located just a few miles southwest of Missoula, Montana. Lolo Creek heads in the divide between Montana and Idaho, and flows eastward about 35 miles to the Bitterroot River. The Lolo Creek valley, part of the mountainous west-central region of Montana, is fairly narrow with steep slopes adjoining the stream in the upper portions of the watershed. Lower down, the valley broadens considerably within the hillsides. The town of Lolo (population around 3400, or over 6000 including the surrounding area1) is at the bottom (eastern) end of the watershed, near the Bitterroot River. U.S. Highway 12 begins at Lolo and courses west right up the bottom of the valley, heading over Lolo Pass into Idaho where it runs along the Lochsa River. The elevation of Lolo Pass, at the western edge of the watershed, is 5235 feet above sea level. The highest point in the watershed is 9075-foot Lolo Peak, which is on the southern, more mountainous side of the watershed. The elevation of Lolo Creek at its confluence with the Bitterroot River, quite close to the town of Lolo, is 3150 feet above sea level (MOPG, 2002). As mentioned earlier, the total area of the Lolo Creek watershed is 175,270 acres, or about 274 square miles. Valley floor widths range from about 400 feet in the upper reaches to several thousand feet in the middle and lower reaches, with a floodplain over a mile wide at the creek’s confluence with the Bitterroot River (MPOG, 2002). The Lolo Creek drainage is referred to as a narrow V-canyon type in the literature, 1 U.S. Census. 2000. typified by stream-cutting into geologic materials in the headwaters and broader valley streams down the elevation grade (Tuhy and Jensen, 1982). Lolo Creek itself has a drop of about 32 feet per mile in its middle and upper reaches (MOPG, 2002). The channel of Lolo Creek is prone to changes wrought by naturally occurring ice jams, log jams and high flows. Prior to the construction of Highway 12 in the 1950’s, Lolo Creek meandered across the valley floor. Old meanders on the north side of Highway 12 that were severed during construction are still easily seen. Prior to European-influenced changes on the landscape starting in the 1800’s, most of the watershed was thickly forested. Wildfires, some purposely ignited by natives to enhance wild game hunting, occurred erratically over time but never impacted more than a fraction of the landscape at any one time (Taber, 1969). Habitats still range from the cottonwood/red osier dogwooddominated riparian zone along Lolo Creek to slopes wooded with douglas fir, ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine, larch and western red cedar. The higher elevations have overstories of grand fir, subalpine fir and engelmann spruce. South-facing slopes tend to be drier and more sparsely forested, with dominance by light-tolerant species like ponderosa pine and lodgepole pine. The shadier north-facing slopes are the places to find more thickly wooded stands with shadetolerant species like douglas fir and larch (or “tamarack”) dominating. Red cedar are generally found in moist, shady pockets. The native trout species were bull trout, westslope cutthroat trout and mountain whitefish. These native fish are still present, but have been diminished by habitat impacts and the invasion of non-native species like rainbow trout, brown trout and brook trout. Native mammal species included elk, deer, moose, mountain goat, black and grizzly Page 4 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report bear, gray wolf, coyote, pine marten, fisher, badger, weasel, skunk, mink, pine squirrel, chipmunks, gophers, ground squirrels, beaver, porcupine, mountain lion, bobcat, lynx and many others. Only grizzlies are no longer present, although roving individuals may still traverse the Lolo Creek watershed from time to time. Climate The climate of the Lolo Creek watershed is heavily influenced by moist air masses moving east from the Pacific Ocean. In general, the Lolo Creek watershed has short, warm summers and long, somewhat moderate winters. Some average climate data for the Lolo watershed can be inferred from collecting stations at Lolo Hot Springs (el. 4150’), and nearby along the Bitterroot valley floor at Stevensville (el. 3370’) and Missoula (el. 3210’) (see Table 2). Low temperatures in the Lolo Creek watershed in Station/ (period of record) Lolo Hot Springs (10/1/1959 to 8/31/1984) Stevensville (8/23/1911 to 7/31/2003) Missoula (4/ 5/1893 to 7/31/2003) annual peak flows in late spring. Significant accumulations of snowfall in the watershed’s higher elevations create a large reservoir of water released during melt periods. Annual lows in the flow of Lolo Creek occur in late summer. The mountainous topography creates lots of microclimates, such as the moister, cooler environs of higher elevations and the differences caused by aspect (relative exposure to the sun). The Lolo Creek watershed runs west to east in an area that gets sunshine from the south and southwest during the winter. Lolo Creek itself and the valley floor is generally shaded during the winter months. Residents notice that winter ice forms easily and the winter air usually stays cold (Anderson, 2003). The notable exceptions are “chinooks,” short periods of warm, windy weather during winter that can trigger rapid melting, ice movement and localized Average Min./Max. Temperature (F) January: Average Min./Max. Temperature (F) July: Average Total Snowfall (in.) Average Total Precipitation (in.) 13.5/ 32.2 40.5/83.1 103.2 24.22 14.9/33.1 47.1/84.8 27.8 12.58 13.9/30.6 50.4/85.8 36.8 13.98 Table 2: Climate Information, Lolo Creek watershed (WRCC, 2003) January can dip into minus numbers, while summer temperatures can reach highs of around 100 degrees. These figures provide general patterns, but do not really illustrate the full variability of the Lolo Creek watershed’s climate. For instance, in the upper Lolo Creek area average annual precipitation is 50 to 60 inches per year, varying from 80 inches along the Idaho/Montana divide to about 30 inches above Lolo Hot Springs (Sylte and Riggers, 1999). Snowfall (and corresponding melt) is the main driver of flooding. Both the build up of ice and the rapid warming periods can result in localized flooding as streamflow backs up behind temporary icejam dams and/or is suddenly released. This report is too limited in scope to be able to fully address the issue of global warming and climate change as it may affect the Lolo Creek watershed. However, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has stated that 9 of the warmest years for global mean surface temperature in the last century were Page 5 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report and quartz/quartzites) and remnant spires. The Idaho Batholith rose from magma and created the Bitterroot mountain range. The batholith’s granitic composition is evident in the remnant spires that can be seen from Highway 12 near Lolo Hot Springs, and also in the highly erosive slopes and soils of the upper watershed. The potential for surface erosion and minor slumping is great wherever granitic soils are disturbed (Sylte and Riggers, 1999). The Hot Springs themselves are thought to come from surface water that, over many years, trickles down fractures and cracks to a depth of 5000 feet, is heated by the earth and returned to the surface via more fractures and cracks (Alt, 1986). The valley floor is composed of unconsolidated alluvium ranging in size from clay to sand, gravels and boulders (Boer, 2002) W.E. Steuerwald/USFS Region 1 Archives recorded during the past 14 years2. The EPA goes on to state that, in the next century, the extent of forested areas in Montana could decline by as much as 1530%3 due to global warming. Precipitation is predicted to increase because of increased evaporation, but that precipitation may be more intense and variable. Montana could have greater flooding potential, hotter summers, more frequent and prolonged droughts, and reduced stream, lake and groundwater levels (EPA, 2003). The increased precipitation could take the form of 15-40% increases in winter snow or rain. As EPA puts it, a “warmer climate would lead to earlier spring snowmelt, resulting in higher streamflows in winter and spring and lower streamflows in summer and fall.”4 The take-home lesson here is that residents should heed the effects of global warming, which may well profoundly change the way water cycles through the drainage. Certainly late summer dewatering issues will only grow in severity if the predicted effects of global warming continue to be realized. Geology Geology of the Lolo Creek watershed can basically be separated into two parts. Between the town of Lolo and Lolo Hot Springs, steeply sloping sedimentary Belt rock of the precambrian Ravalli and Wallace formations (limestone, dolomite and other rock) dominates (Alt, 1986). Lolo Creek flows generally along a fault line down the middle of the valley (Carpenter, 1976). Above Lolo Hot Springs and south of Lolo Creek, the Idaho Batholith, which is a large granitic intrusion into sedimentary rock, created metamorphic rock (phyllites, schists 2 Environmental Protection Agency. 2003. Global Warming website. nt/index.html 3 ibid. 4 ibid. Lolo Hot Springs, ca. 1954 History Only native flora and fauna likely knew the Lolo Creek watershed until perhaps 12,000 or so years ago. At that time, the late Pleistocene, evidence exists that small, roving bands of hunters and gatherers pursued now-extinct big game species in what is now Montana. It is possible that Page 6 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report 5 A more southerly route, the Southern Nez Perce Trail, was generally not a major east-west travel route. reputation was well deserved. Historically, raids by the Blackfeet and other plains groups into western Montana were also a common occurrence (McLeod, 1984). The entry of the Lewis and Clark expedition into the Lolo Creek watershed in 1805 marked a profound change in the history of human use in the area. Prior to the coming of Lewis and Clark, the Salish people had been living and prospering in western Montana for centuries (Discovery Writers, 1998). Perhaps with some irony, without generous mercy and assistance from native peoples the Lewis and Clark party would likely have perished. Yet the Salish, like their allies the Nez Perce, were ultimately in the way of the same manifest destiny that drove Lewis and Clark. W.E. Steuerwald/USFS Region ! Archives members of these bands may have skirted the shores of Glacial Lake Missoula and visited parts of the Bitterroot valley, including the Lolo Creek watershed (McLeod, 1984). Then, up until around 5500 years ago, the period known as Early Plains Archaic probably included the first human occupations of the area. During the Middle Plains Archaic (5500-3000 years ago), human use of the Bitterroot area took a leap forward as suggested by the amount of projectile points and other evidence collected at various sites in the area. The late Prehistoric period, which ended about 1700, saw not only the development of many cultures within Rocky Mountain valleys, but also a distinct influence by cultures of the Columbia Plateau (McLeod, 1984). This cultural influence was made possible by three major east-west travel routes, the southernmost of which was the Lolo Trail (as it is now called)5. The parts of the Lolo Trail in Montana are probably quite old (Space, 1970). The Salish people used the Lolo Trail route to access the Lochsa River near the present-day Powell Ranger Station for salmon and steelhead. The acquisition of the horse by the Salish peoples in the 1720’s from the Shoshonis to the south revolutionized the ability of native people to move over large areas (Malouf, 1952). After the coming of the horse, Salish people could travel more easily and quickly to the rich buffalo (bison) hunting grounds east of the Rockies, and also to the Idaho side of the Lolo Trail. The closely allied Nez Perce tribes also used the Lolo Trail for horseback trips for hunting, food gathering, and trading, including trips to the buffalo hunting grounds on the eastern plains. All would-be travelers to the land of the buffalo faced ambush by bands of the ferocious Blackfeet tribe, whose merciless View from the Lolo Trail, 1955 The journey of the Lewis and Clark expedition from Washington, D.C. via St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia River on the Pacific Ocean and back has been thoroughly documented elsewhere. This report only touches on the history of the Lewis and Clark expedition as it relates to the Lolo Creek watershed. For several days in early September 1805, the expedition party traveled down the Bitterroot Valley, reaching a campsite near the mouth of Lolo Creek in the late Page 7 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report afternoon of Monday, September 9, 1805. After supper, Lewis wrote into his journal “ as our guide (the Shoshoni known as “Old Toby”) informs that we should leave the river (and head west) at this place and the weather appearing settled and fair I determined to halt the next day rest our horses and take some scelestial Observations. we called this Creek Travellers rest. It is about 20 yards wide a fine bould clear running stream.”6 A state park now protects the Traveler’s Rest campsite, which is about ½ mile upstream from the Highway 93 bridge on Lolo Creek’s south side. The campsite was confirmed by mercury traces excavated from the site of the latrine used by expedition members, who were regularly medicated with a mercury-laced laxative assumed to cure all ailments. On September 11, about 3:00 p.m., the party began moving west up the Lolo Creek watershed, traveling 7 miles “thro a narrow valie and good road”7 and camping about a half-mile below the present day Woodman School “at Some old Indian Lodges.”8 The “good road” was the lowest portion of the Lolo Trail. The party encountered difficult going beyond the Woodman site as they ascended the Lolo Trail towards the ridgeline north of the creek. Much more difficulty befell them before they were saved by the Nez Perce tribe in the Weippe prairie of eastern Idaho. When Lewis and Clark returned via the Lolo Trail the following June, Nez Perce guides and better preparation made for a slightly easier journey. The evening of June 29, 1806, the party reached Lolo Hot Springs where they camped and bathed before 6 Moulton, Gary E. (ed.). 1988. The Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Vol. 5. University of Nebraska Press. Lincoln, Nebraska. p. 192. 7 ibid., p. 199 8 Moulton, Gary E. (ed.). 1988. The Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Vol. 5. University of Nebraska Press. Lincoln, Nebraska. p. 199. descending, the next day, down Lolo Creek (Discovery Writers, 1998). In Lewis’ journal, he notes passing both Howard Creek and Grave Creek, and remarks about having stopped at the latter for a noon break on September 12 of the prior year. Lewis also remarks on the abundance of deer (“both speceis”9), elk and bighorn sheep along the way. The party camped again at Traveler’s Rest the night of Monday, June 30, 1806 and for two days afterwards. While at Traveler’s Rest, Lewis and Clark made plans to split up and cover much more area in the remaining warm months. Also near present-day Lolo during that early July of 1806, Lewis complained of “the musquetoes” which “have been excessively troublesome to us since our arrival at this place.”10 They still are. Lewis and a small detachment left on July 3, north towards Missoula and the Rocky Mountain Front, while Clark and his portion of the party headed back up the Bitterroot and towards Yellowstone. The significance of the Lewis and Clark party’s travels through the Lolo Creek watershed was more symbolic than anything else. They were, for native people, the vanguard of many to come afterwards and, as stated previously, the watershed would never be the same. After Lewis and Clark, fur trappers and explorers for fur companies were likely the next Euro-Americans to encounter the Lolo Creek watershed. Ralph Space, former supervisor of the Clearwater National Forest, researched and wrote about the Lolo Trail. Space maintains that the name “Lolo” originated from a French-descended fur trapper reputedly named Lawrence who had a cabin on present-day Grave Creek (Space, 1970). An oft-told story is that native people couldn’t 9 ibid., p. 66. ibid., p. 79 10 Page 8 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report pronounce the “r” in Lawrence and that the name became Lou-Lou, Lo Loo or Lo Lo. When John Work, another fur trader, described his journey over the Lolo Trail into Montana in 1831, he called the stream Lo Lou or Lou Lou. The name “Lo Lo” was used to identify the stream by Captain John Mullan in reporting on his 1854 reconnaissance for siting a railroad route over the Rocky Mountains at Lolo Pass (Space, 1970). The U.S. Post Office shortened the name to “Lolo” after the first post office was established there (Carpenter, 1976). The Hell Gate Treaty of 1855 between Isaac Stevens (governor of Washington Territory and self-appointed territorial superintendent of Indian affairs) and representatives of the Kootenai, Salish and Pend d’Oreille tribes was intended to legally establish native peoples’ future claims to a large area including the Lolo Creek watershed (Zeisler, 1982). Lolo Creek was named in the Treaty as the northern boundary for Salish lands in the Bitterroot valley. Although any homesteading in Salish territory was supposed to be delayed pending an official survey of the area, an influx of EuroAmerican settlement into the Bitterroot over the next 20 years voided the issue. Chief Charlo and several hundred Salish stayed in the Bitterroot valley until the early 1890’s, when their near-starvation led to a militarilyescorted removal to the reservation in the Jocko valley (MPOG, 2002). Another historic event in the Lolo Creek watershed was the epic flight of the Nez Perce tribe. Gold-hungry prospectors and others invaded the Nez Perce homelands of west-central Idaho, and subsequent conflict led to U.S. military action against the Indians. Attacks by whites on the Nez Perce and battles between Euro-Americans and the natives in late spring/early summer 1877 forced the Nez Perce to abandon their homelands. After a key battle with General O.O. Howard’s troops on the South Fork of the Clearwater, the non-treaty Nez Perce held a council at Weippe prairie at the western end of the Lolo Trail. They had been using the Lolo Trail for many years to access the buffalo hunting grounds and for friendly trading with other tribes and (more recently) early settlers in the Bitterroot (McLeod, 1984). At that council the nontreaty members of the tribe decided to head east over the Lolo Trail to either obtain the aid of the Crow tribe and/or to reach refuge in Canada. In mid-July 1877, a group consisting of about 200 men, 550 women and children and over 2000 horses headed east over the windfall-choked Lolo Trail, followed in two weeks by General Howard and 700 men of the U.S. Army (McLeod, 1984). The only hostile incident the Nez Perce encountered along the Lolo Trail was an attempted skirmish at a site about 3 miles up Lolo Creek from Lolo. There, Captain Charles Rawn from Fort Missoula and a small number of soldiers and civilian recruits erected log and earthen breastworks across the Lolo valley bottom in an attempt to create a protected interception point. Talks between Captain Rawn and Chiefs’ Looking Glass, White Bird and (later) Joseph of the Nez Perce failed to result in the unconditional surrender the army sought (Carpenter, 1976). On the morning of July 28, 1877, the Nez Perce ascended to the ridges north of Lolo Creek beyond rifle range and bypassed Rawn’s breastworks before descending to cross the creek and head up the Bitterroot valley. Imagine the moment: the long column of the Nez Perce tribe, descending the Lolo Trail for the last time, looking down at the military mustered below. J.P. “Perry” McClain, an early pioneer in the Lolo area and volunteer scout, reportedly stood on present-day Mormon Peak to the south of Lolo Creek and Page 9 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report observed the Nez Perce detour across the valley, alerting the military only afterwards. McClain was on friendly terms with the Nez Perce, and felt they posed no threat (Carpenter, 1976). The breastwork site was dubbed “Fort Fizzle,” and is now a popular Forest Service recreation site of the same name. II. Land Ownership and Land Uses Major Land Ownership Undeveloped wildlands of the Lolo Creek watershed underwent rapid change in the late 19th/early 20th centuries. In addition to mining, ranching and homesteading, the drainage saw a proliferation of logging and sawmills. The U.S. Congress, alarmed at the unregulated and hectic removal of timber from federal lands throughout the western U.S., passed an act in 1894 which allowed the President to set aside federal forest reserves as public reservations (Moore, 1996). In 1897, President Grover Cleveland reserved over 13 million acres of forest lands, the largest of which was the 4-million acre Bitterroot Reserve. This reserve was later divided into individual national forests, including the Lolo National Forest which now owns the bulk (118,000 acres or 68%) of the Lolo Creek watershed. The other major landowner in the Lolo Creek watershed is the Plum Creek Timber Company. The process of how Plum Creek’s lands in the watershed were obtained is both complicated and somewhat controversial (although much of the controversy has diminished over time). In the 1860’s, Congress (anxious to expand into vast undeveloped lands in the west) provided grants of surface use of public domain lands to various railroad companies as an incentive to build transcontinental railways (Mickelson, 1993). The general scheme behind these railroad land grants was to allow railroad companies to select odd-numbered sections of land in a swath extending 40 to 50 miles on either side of the tracks. The idea was that railroad companies would sell granted lands (presumably to homesteaders) to subsidize railroad construction, which didn’t always happen. Once a section of track was built, the federal government surveyed adjoining lands and the railroads could choose which sections they wanted. The Northern Pacific Railroad received such a land grant. Because of lands reserved for monuments, national parks and forest reserves, as well as lands homesteaded or assigned to native people for reservations, and because the railroads delayed choosing lands, railroads assembled banks of “in-lieu” land selections that could be picked in areas besides the railroad corridor (Bechtold, 1992). Areas like the Blackfoot valley, the Swan valley and the Lolo/Lochsa watersheds were chosen by Northern Pacific (and related companies such as J.J. Hill’s Great Northern) for timber value (Bechtold, 2004). Timber was primarily needed to produce railroad ties, but also for other purposes. Through a long series of corporate maneuvers, the Northern Pacific evolved into the Burlington Northern, whose timber programs were eventually held under a subsidiary called Plum Creek (the name of a lumber mill in Columbia Falls, Montana acquired by Burlington Northern (Bechtold, 1992). Plum Creek separated from Burlington Northern in 1989 and obtained sole ownership of Burlington Northern’s land holdings in the Lolo Creek watershed (Sorenson, 2003). The “checkerboard” remains, now under the ownership of Plum Creek. The story of Plum Creek’s lands in the Lolo Creek watershed is much more involved Page 10 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report than what was just described, and includes transfers and sales of land to and from the Anaconda Mining Company, the U.S. Forest Service and others. For instance, Champion International’s extensive holdings in the drainage were absorbed by Plum Creek during the 1990’s. In 1999, the U.S. Forest Service completed a transfer/easement deal with Plum Creek to obtain protection and management authority for the Lewis and Clark Trail in Montana. And, as recently as 2003, Plum Creek sold 160 acres of Lolo valley bottom (1 mile downstream of Lolo Hot Springs) to Tulsa, Oklahoma oilman Bill Athens, who has announced designs on subdividing the meadow complex into four 40-acre home properties (Athens, 2003). The relevant gist of the Plum Creek story is that the corporation, with headquarters in Seattle, Washington, controls the management of about 52,000 acres, or almost 30%, of the Lolo Creek watershed. That management has been contentious. Some Lolo Creek landowners feel that Champion International thoroughly cut over its timberlands in the Lolo Creek watershed during the 1980’s, and that, when Plum Creek assumed ownership, the company promptly logged what little was left (Anderson, 2003). The era of junk bonds and hostile takeovers in the 1980’s created market conditions that definitely led Plum Creek to “liquidate holdings” (i.e., harvest all timber, especially old growth, as quickly as possible without regard for environmental consequences). Plum Creek logging on its lands in Montana pushed yields from 67 million board feet in 1982 to a peak of 236 million board feet in 1986 (Bechtold, 1992). Settlement Once the issue of native peoples’ claims to the Lolo Creek watershed was “resolved,” the stage was set for settlement by EuroAmericans. The Homestead Act of 1862 (and subsequent homestead acts) provided legal means for securing lands in the public domain. The Missoula County records show ranching and mining activity in the Lolo Creek watershed by the mid-1860’s (McLeod, 1984). Prospecting for gold and other minerals led to the location of several mining claims in the Lolo drainage by the late 1860’s (Carpenter, 1976). Even today, the hills of the Lolo Creek watershed are littered with the diggings and abandoned mines of prospectors. In 1865, John Delaney homesteaded the site of present-day Lolo at the crossroads of the Lolo Trail and the Missoula-Ft. Owen Road and obtained a patent on his 160 acres in 1885. In 1888, Delaney became first postmaster of the new Lou Lou post office. Delaney also came to own a livery stable, mercantile, sawmill, blacksmith shop and a freight-hauling business (Carpenter, 1976). The first recorded settler in the Lolo Creek valley was rancher and miner Matthew Adams, whose place on a “Vanetta Creek” was filed on in July 1866 (McLeod, 1984). Research reveals no such stream, but there was a Van Ettan site on present-day Mormon Creek (Carpenter, 1976). Adams and his partners ran a toll packing business over Lolo Pass and down the Lolo Creek watershed for a few years during a short boom of mining activity (roughly 18661870) in north-central Idaho (McLeod, 1984). In 1874, Congress opened up the Lolo Creek watershed and the entire Bitterroot valley to settlement, although many settlers and small communities were already in place by that time (Zeisler, 1982). In the 1880’s, the Lolo Creek watershed saw a big increase in homesteading and settlement (McLeod, 1984). Dan Woodman (the first sheriff of Missoula County) homesteaded what became the community of Woodman, about 10 miles west of Lolo, in 1880. The road from the Lolo townsite led directly to Woodman’s place (Wright, Page 11 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report 2003). The area Dan Woodman homesteaded is now occupied by the Woodman School, which was built in 1902 and later expanded upon to become the present structure. J.P. “Perry” McClain established a ranch south of Lolo and is remembered for allowing the Nez Perce to camp on his place after they left the Lolo valley (Carpenter, 1976). McClain is also reputed to have facilitated the settlement of Sam Maclay in the Lolo area in the early 1880’s. The Maclay family figured prominently in the early history of the United States, and Sam Maclay’s start in the Lolo area was part of another milestone of changing land use. The Maclay family was instrumental in building the agricultural economy of the area, and became one of the more prosperous and enterprising dynasties in the history of the Lolo area over the last 150 years (although from an inauspicious start). Sam Maclay arrived at Lolo Creek on foot after walking from a Missoula stage stop (Carpenter, 1976). David Maclay arrived penniless in Missoula to join his brothers Sam and William, but like Sam he eventually owned large amounts of the valley bottom and benchlands around Lolo and in the Bitterroot valley (Carpenter, 1976). Sam, David and others constructed several irrigation ditches, including the Mormon Creek ditch and the Lolo-Maclay ditch off of Lolo Creek that divert water to the south of the Lolo Creek watershed. The Maclay ditch, constructed over a 20-year period without the aid of machinery, was six miles long with almost two miles of wooden flume and much rock work (Carpenter, 1976). By the time of their passing, Sam and David Maclay amassed hundreds, if not thousands, of acres which produced copious amounts of wheat, hay, orchard fruit and other crops. The Maclays had large herds of cattle and sheep, and were major contributors to local markets (Carpenter, 1976). The gains of the Maclays were partly a result of prudent and progressive thought, partly hard work and dedication, and partly the good fortune of arriving early in an undeveloped landscape. They took the raw resources of the area and transformed them to marketable goods, and in doing so helped develop the community of Lolo. David Maclay is remembered as “a true conservationist” who “loved the land, the streams, mountains and forests.”11 Sam Maclay was “a great admirer of Theodore Roosevelt”.12 A notable chapter in the story of how the Lolo Creek watershed was settled and developed is the growth and decline of the orchard industry (or “apple boom”) in the Bitterroot valley. Parts of the Bitterroot valley’s benchlands were (and are) naturally productive sites for fruit trees like apple, pear and cherry. A small boom in orchard cultivation occurred in the 1890’s, but the big boom accompanied irrigation of benchlands on the valley’s east side in the period 1905-1920. The irrigation on the east side was provided by the “Big Ditch,” built by the Bitterroot Valley Irrigation Company using water from just below Lake Como (Zeisler, 1982). This company was but one (albeit major) promoter of land sales schemes aimed at attracting an aestheticallydriven and largely urban clientele from the East and Midwest, generally based on the dubious premise of enormous profits realized from little work raising Bitterroot apples. Many early Lolo area residents had fruit trees and orchards. The “apple boom,” though, took the production of high quality 11 Carpenter, Mary (ed.). 1976. Lolo Creek Reflections. Lolo Women’s Club. Economy Publishers. Missoula, Montana. p. 73 12 Ibid., p. 76 Page 12 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report fruit and turned it into an involved scam. The Lolo Creek watershed had its share of the boom. In 1911, David Maclay sold a portion of his land holdings south-southwest of Lolo to a promoter (William Ranft) who added other parcels and named the lot of it “MacIntosh Manor.” Most of the water delivered to “MacIntosh Manor” came from Mormon Creek. Ranft and partners sold lots to would-be orchardists. Up to 19 lots were deeded, but by 1914 the project failed and most of the land was sold back to Sam Maclay (Carpenter, 1976). Many other landowners in the Lolo area devoted extensive acreage and capital to the apple boom. One of the more important impacts to the Lolo Creek watershed was the need to have ample water for irrigation diversions for orchards, which further added to the irrigation system. The entire apple boom in the Bitterroot was over by 1920, due to a combination of disease, site deficiencies, insects, competition from other markets, and the lack of farming skills and capital of investors (Zeisler, 1982). The books Lolo Creek Reflections (1976, Economy Publishers, Missoula) and Dusty Trails Up Lolo Creek: The Don Babcock Collection (2002, LaughingStock Press, Lolo) provide a great deal of interesting reading about the settlement and early community of the Lolo Creek watershed. Featured in the first book are many family histories related by descendants or close acquaintances. The second book is also a collection of anecdotal recollections about the development of the Lolo valley over the last century. Both books are recommended reading for anyone interested in the history of land ownership and land use in the Lolo Creek watershed. History of Highway 12 The original Lolo Trail created by native people, which runs just below ridges and along saddles north of Lolo Creek and the Lochsa River between the Weippe prairie of Idaho and the present-day town of Lolo, was the first route over the Bitterroot Mountains. Gold mining activity in the Virginia City/Bannack areas of Montana in the early 1860’s created a clamor for an easier route for moving freight and supplies to and from Lewiston, Idaho. The federal government appropriated funds and hired a construction party including Iowa engineer Wellington Bird and U.S. Army surveyor Major Sewell Truax for the purpose of building a road over the Bitterroots (Moore, 1996). The “Bird-Truax” road was never completed due to the roughness of the terrain and insufficient funding. Although the general route of the Lolo Trail was substantially improved for travel by the trail work completed by the Bird-Truax party in the summer of 1866, thick timber susceptible to windfall afterwards choked the improved trail (Space, 1970). In July 1877, the Nez Perce lost many horses due to injuries wrought by all the fallen timber as they used the trail. When General O.O. Howard pursued them, he employed a 50-man crew to clear fallen timber and widen the trail to accommodate his troops (McLeod, 1984). Eventually, a route that followed the valley bottom gradually replaced travel along the Lolo Trail. A good wagon road extended 6 miles up Lolo Creek by the late 1860’s (McLeod, 1984). The county paid Perry McClain and others for maintenance work on this section during the 1870’s. As stated earlier, the road was 11 miles long and ran to Dan Woodman’s place by the early 1880’s (Wright, 2003). The wagon road reached Lolo Hot Springs in 1888 (Carpenter, 1976). A short-lived boom of activity in Lolo accompanied the competition between J.J. Hill’s Great Northern Railroad and E.H. Harriman’s Union Pacific Railroad to build a railway over Lolo Pass in 1909-10. The railway was Page 13 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report never built, but the roadbed constructed was later to become the route of Highway 12 (Carpenter, 1976). The road from Lolo to the Hot Springs was improved yet again by 1912. In 1921, the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads took ownership of the road from Lolo to Lolo Hot Springs and did some rebuilding. In 1928, the road was extended over Lolo Pass (McLeod, 1984). Despite periodic improvements and maintenance, the road up Lolo Creek remained dirt and gravel. Stream and creek crossings were fords, at least until the 1920’s. During the period of the 1920’s to the 1950’s, multiple bridges watershed’s land uses could be described as logging and a scattering of mining in the upper elevations and agriculture in the bottomlands. Very little mining still occurs, agriculture as a main business can only be found on a couple of properties, and the heyday of logging has passed (largely due to the heavy timber harvest of the 1980’s). Lolo and the Lolo Creek watershed are increasingly a “bedroom community” for Missoula, generally offering better prices for land and housing as well as an attractive setting for those wishing to secure property in the mountain west without sacrificing ready access to an urban area. The Lolo 100000 80000 60000 Missoula County Population 40000 20000 0 1890 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Table 3: Missoula County’s growing population. were constructed. Prolonged pressures for an improved highway along Lolo Creek, over Lolo Pass and down the Lochsa River finally culminated in federal funding for the “Lewis and Clark Highway,” which was finished with a commemorative ceremony atop Lolo Pass in 1962 (Space, 1964). Current and Future Land Use Trends One constant that holds for the Lolo Creek watershed is that land uses and ownerships undergo constant change. The one other constant is Lolo Creek flowing though the watershed, always reflecting the relative impact people have on their environment. From the time of the Salish to the present, people who maintained intimate ties to the land have made way for new residents. For most of the last century, the Lolo Creek Creek watershed’s rural character contrasts with Missoula’s rapidly expanding urban setting. Land developers have been quick to take advantage of both the demand for housing in the Lolo Creek watershed and the willingness of landowners (including Plum Creek Timber Company) to sell large holdings that have sometimes seen generations of related residents. Population growth for the Lolo Creek watershed has never been tracked. However, census numbers for Missoula County provide some insight (see Table 3): 1890 (14,427), 1920 (24,041), 1940 (29,038), and 1960 (44,663).13 In 1980, 13 Historical Census Browser. Geostat, University of Virginia library. us/ Page 14 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report Missoula County’s population was 76,016, and was up to 95,802 by 2000, with a growth rate between 1990 and 2000 of 21.8% (MPOG, 2002). The Lolo area population probably numbered a few hundred at the turn of the 20th century. It grew from 4797 to 6046 between 1990 and 2000, for a growth rate of 26%; the estimated population for 2010 is 7590, and up to 9252 by 2020 (assuming the existing growth rate of 2.3% per year). Currently, an obvious trend in the Lolo area is the sale of large (usually family held) land holdings and the subsequent subdivision and development of those lands for housing. The rising population numbers in the Lolo area and a perception of increased development pressures (and state law) led Missoula County to undertake creation of a new comprehensive plan for Lolo. The new Lolo Regional Plan, developed with extensive public input, was adopted in April 2002 by the Missoula County Commission. The Plan included guidelines for how growth and development in the Lolo area should proceed. Unfortunately, 2003’s Montana Senate Bill 326 gutted the authority behind those guidelines. III. Lolo Creek’s Water Water Quantity and Hydrology The U.S. Geological Survey operated a gauging station (#12352000) below the Mormon Peak Bridge, about a mile above the Lolo Creek’s confluence with Sleeman Creek. The gauging station was only operated from 1950 to 1960; daily flows ranged from 30 to 1500 cubic feet per second (cfs) from July through April, except during spring run-off (May-June) when peak flows reached 2500 cfs (Sullivan, 2003). At the mouth of Lolo Creek, stream volume ranges from a trickle in dry years (abetted by upstream withdrawals for irrigation) to about 250 cfs in the August to April period, and spring flows range 1200 to 1600 cfs. The 50-year flood flow is about 2900 cfs, and the 100-year flood flow is about 3300 cfs (MPOG, 2002). Much of the recent development of the Lolo area is within the 100-year floodplain. The lower 2 to 3 miles of Lolo Creek have reduced flows during dry years; the diversion of water for irrigation can virtually de-water the stream during the driest years, reducing flows to nothing more than a few small, shallow pools. Valid water rights legally allow this dewatering to occur. However, water use can often be exacerbated by the lack of conservation measures found in water diversion and delivery systems. For instance, sometimes excessive water has to be diverted in order to overcome leaky and/or lengthy ditches. Water use can, reportedly, also result in the purposeful waste of diverted water (Hendrickson, 2003). The ditches that divert Lolo Creek’s water hold flows to which individuals hold legal, valid claims. The state of Montana currently has a closure on additional surface water rights in the Lolo Creek watershed, and has already recognized rights for all available surface flows in the watershed. Montana’s water rights are prioritized by filing date, which means that downstream rights holders with senior rights have priority to water above all junior users and can not only legally de-water a stream but conduct extensive channel work to assure full diversions. Water rights can be leased, donated or sold under Montana law, and in some watersheds (such as the Blackfoot and Big Hole) water rights holders voluntarily reduce their legal diversions and use in order to maintain minimum stream flows during drought periods. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Page 15 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report can determine the minimum desired flow on any one section of stream, and willing water rights holders can agree to help meet those flows through the variety of means listed above. Even if water rights holders refuse to relinquish any water for in-stream flows, however, the irrigation (water delivery) systems themselves can contribute to substantial losses of water that negate additions. Many irrigation ditches and diversions in the Lolo Creek watershed were built without much regard for water conservation or with only technologies available at that time, and as a result are leak-prone and/or longer than is efficient. An irrigation system efficiency study would greatly benefit any efforts to improve the efficiency of these systems. Also, new technologies for diversions and water delivery systems can greatly reduce impacts to Lolo Creek’s flows while allowing water rights’ holders to get more than the full use of their water. While some dewatering is probably natural, influenced by the Bitterroot valley aquifer and porous alluvial geology (Sullivan, 2003), there can be no doubt that irrigation withdrawals figure prominently in the dewatering of lower Lolo Creek. Even though the flows of tributaries like Butte Creek, South Fork Lolo Creek, Tevis Creek, Mill Creek, Westerman Creek, John Creek, Mormon Creek, Sleeman Creek and smaller streams add to Lolo Creek’s flow, these are more than offset by diversions. In the streamwalk of August 27, 2003, for instance, flows above the first diversion for the Lolo Trails Ranch were 59 cfs. Below, flows were 50 cfs. Above the Maclay diversion (which has over 90 users), flows were about 117 cfs, and were only 49 cfs about a mile below. Of course, other diversions in these sections also contribute to dewatering. The cumulative effect of these diversions on the water quantity in-stream can be devastating to aquatic life of all forms. Water Quality In 2002, Sean Sullivan (working with the University of Montana’s Watershed Health Clinic and for the Missoula County Water District) undertook a study “to describe and report the current conditions of Lolo Creek’s mainstem, noting any apparent water quality problems and sources of impairment.”14 Sullivan monitored 5 sites spread along the length of Lolo Creek during the summer of 2002. The motivation for Sullivan’s study is the listing of Lolo Creek on the Montana Department of Environmental Quality’s 303(d) list for Montana, which is a list of water bodies considered to be environmentally impaired and in need of governmentally-driven restoration efforts. Lolo Creek is considered impaired for supporting aquatic life, although not for industrial and agricultural uses. Sullivan used the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Stream Reach 2002 Sullivan study sites (approximate) Assessment procedure to assess each site. Sullivan found that all 4 sites on Lolo Creek downstream from Lolo Hot Springs were indeed moderately impaired. The Lee Creek site, above Lolo Hot Springs, was in better 14 Sullivan, Sean. 2003. Physical, Biological and Chemical Assessment of Lolo Creek, Montana. Report to the Missoula Water Quality District (MWQD). P. 3. Page 16 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report condition and not impaired according to DEQ’s assessment procedure. Sullivan concluded that “nitrogen concentrations from April through September were below standards and targets set to protect the Clark Fork (River) from nuisance algae, although these standards for the Clark Fork are much more liberal than would be expected for a freestone stream like Lolo Creek. Sullivan also concluded that nitrogen to phosphorous ratios suggest that benthic algae are nitrogen-limited in Lolo Creek. Sullivan noted that during the study, nutrient loading from Lolo Creek was not a significant load to the Bitterroot River. Given nutrient and benthic algae levels he observed during the study, Sullivan concluded that Lolo Creek is not currently impaired by algae or nutrients.”15 One serious and likely result of all the housing development now underway in the lower Lolo Creek watershed will be the addition of many septic systems that, along with yard fertilizers, may increase the amount of nitrogen in Lolo Creek. Although new septic systems and structures are required to be out of the 100-year floodplain, the presence of new paved roads, manicured lawns and septic systems in the watershed is a cause of concern for future water quality. Septic systems are already at the highest density in the watershed in the Mormon Creek Road area (MPOG, 2002). More nitrogen from housing development will contribute to the nutrient load of the Bitterroot River and stimulate algae growth in Lolo Creek. More algae in Lolo Creek will alter fish and insect populations, as well as affecting the aesthetic quality of the stream. Areas of coarse soils and high groundwater are also at risk from septic systems contaminating well water with water-borne pathogens that cause intestinal diseases (MPOG, 2002). 15 Ibid., p. 27 Sedimentation is listed as a key cause of Lolo Creek’s impairment by the DEQ. The sediment of Lolo Creek is a result of many sources. Upstream roads associated with logging have contributed substantial amounts of sediment. Accelerated downcutting and lateral erosion resulting from extensive channel straightening, diking and rip-rap has contributed to sedimentation. A most direct input of sediment results from highway sanding operations. In many cases, highway rip-rap has been totally obscured by repeated years of sanding and fines may be directly deposited into the stream from such depositions. The addition of sediment to Lolo Creek resulted in a Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) study and report on the upper portions of the watershed (roughly above Lolo Hot Springs). The Water Quality Restoration Plan and Total Maximum Daily Loads for the Upper Lolo Creek TMDL Planning Area (or Upper Lolo TMDL) was released by DEQ in April 2003. It provides guidance and targets for reducing sedimentation due to logging roads, stream crossings and highway sanding operations. Unfortunately, portions of the Upper Lolo TMDL conclude with a stated need for more study. Such is the case with the huge amounts of sand and gravels applied to Highway 12 in the winter months. Hundreds, if not thousands (weather depending), of tons of sand and gravel mixed with rock salt and other chemicals are annually applied to Highway 12 in the Lolo Creek watershed. The high sediment levels in Lolo Creek affect fish habitat in several ways. Interstitial spaces between rocks, which are important to many forms and species of aquatic insects, as well as young trout, are reduced by sediment. Many mayfly, stonefly and caddisfly species can be Page 17 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report T. Comfort/Missoula Conservation District Extensive road sanding along Lolo Creek for Highway 12 maintenance, 3/2001 adversely affected. Although some species of diptera, such as craneflies, benefit from such sediment, reduction of aquatic insect species diversity harms trout by eliminating food. Spawning habitat is adversely affected by the filling of interstitial spaces and reducing oxygen flow to deposited eggs and preventing surviving fry from emerging from the gravel. In the streamwalk of August 2003, high levels of sediment were observed filling pools, reducing the depth and size of pools. Sediment can also accelerate channel changes as it deposits as bedload, forming bars that encourage the stream to change channel direction. Other concerns about impacts to the quality of Lolo Creek’s water are largely anecdotal and have not been addressed through monitoring and assessment. One of these, commonly raised by area residents, is the issue of ice-melting chemicals applied to Highway 12 during the winter by Montana’s Department of Transportation (MDOT). Concerns about large amounts of sand and gravel applied during winter maintenance of the highway ending up in the creek have resulted in greatly increased use of chemical de-icing agents (Stimson, 2003). The principal chemical used for winter de-icing and anti-icing since 1988 is liquid magnesium chloride. To date, MDOT can provide no qualified studies determining how toxic magnesium chloride may be to aquatic life, or how (and in what time intervals and concentrations) the chemical makes its way from the roadway to the stream. Riparian Vegetation In Sullivan’s 2002 study, all of the sites sampled downstream of Lolo Hot Springs were classified as having a Populus trichocarpa (black cottonwood)/Cornus stolonifera (red-osier dogwood) community type (Hansen, 1995). The most upstream site, at Lee Creek, has a Salix exigua (sand bar willow) community. At the sites Sullivan sampled using the simplistic DEQ Stream Reach Assessment form, he found only minor impairment of the riparian zone. However, the utility of using broad-brush DEQ standards for Lolo Creek is questionable. For instance, the riparian zone was completely absent or severely impacted in many locations along Lolo Creek in the streamwalk assessment done in August 2003. A more detailed discussion of riparian conditions per reach can be found in the “Habitat Characteristics of Lolo Creek per Reach/Subreach” section below. Stream Modifications The following is a direct excerpt (pp. 4B-1 and 4B-2) from the Lolo Regional Plan (Missoula County Office of Planning and Grants, April 2002). “Natural Stream Function Streams and their floodplains are active and dynamic, constantly adapting to changes within their watersheds. A natural or human-caused disturbance to a watershed can have effects on streams dozens of miles away. Some of these changes can be beneficial, but the larger disturbances can have drastic effects, such as increasing flooding Page 18 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report downstream, increasing bank erosion, and destroying fish habitat. Altering one component of a watershed affects other components of the streams within it. Components of natural stream stability For a stream to be naturally stable, it must have a stable width, depth, slope and meander pattern so that over time, channel features are maintained and the stream efficiently transports its sediment load and neither aggrades (stream channel elevation rises through sediment deposition) nor degrades (stream channel elevation decreases through erosion) (Rosgen, 1996). The stream must constantly keep in balance its sediment load, sediment size, channel slope and the volume of discharge. A change in one of these factors will either cause a change in at least one other factor or cause the stream to aggrade or degrade. Common impacts to stream stability Natural stream stability can be impacted by the following: Stream Bank Armoring. When a stream erodes a bank it is trying to achieve stability. It can become stable by either slowing itself down by gaining more channel length and flattening its slope, or by increasing its sediment load. A common response of landowners to bank erosion is to rip-rap or otherwise armor the bank. Standard bank armoring, however, neither slows the stream nor increases sediment supply. Thus, the stream will still try to reach a balance by either eroding some other bank or by degrading its bed. Channel Straightening. Many streams have been straightened, often for the convenience of highway construction. Straightening a channel decreases its length, increases its slope and increases the velocity of water. This leads to either channel degradation or bank erosion (or both). Channel Constrictions. Constrictions such as bridges or fill for building purposes causes water to back up upstream, raising flood heights and causing sediment deposition. Mid-stream islands are often seen just upstream from bridges that are too short (in span, both deck and abutments). This sediment deposition often causes changes in the stream course (as well as) bank erosion. Loss of Flood Storage. When floodplains are filled for building or for other purposes, the stream loses its ability to discharge large volumes of water. Floodplains not only store floodwater on the surface, but also absorb floodwaters into their soils for slower release. Floodplain vegetation slows stream velocities. When floodplains are filled in one area, the floods in other areas are always greater and flow with greater velocities. Loss of Riparian Vegetation. Riparian vegetation is often destroyed by improper grazing practices or the desire of homeowners to have a lawn bordering the stream. Riparian vegetation slows stream velocities, slows bank erosion, provides cover for wildlife and fish, filters nutrients, and keeps water temperatures cool for trout habitat. Loss of riparian vegetation is almost immediately followed by bank erosion. Increased Sediment. Timber harvest, road construction, and other disturbances to soil in the watershed can cause increased sediment to enter streams. In addition to impairing the fish habitat, this can cause stream aggradation that results in channel change and increased flooding. Changes in Vegetation Type. Large scale changes in vegetation type and coverage can have great effects on the volume of water in streams. Loss of shading caused by timber harvest or forest fires results in earlier snowmelt and higher spring runoffs. Similarly, loss of vegetation due to pavement or conversion of floodplain forests to grazing lands causes less water to be stored in the soil for slow release and more water to enter the stream in “flashy” runoffs. This can increase the magnitude of spring flooding and summer droughts.” Lolo Creek and its tributaries have all been heavily modified over time. One of the more obvious modifications came from the construction of Highway 12, which moved most of Lolo Creek to the portion of its floodplain south of the highway route and, in doing so, cut off many meanders. Other modifications to Lolo Creek’s stability include the input of sediment from logging activity and winter highway sanding, the effects of water withdrawals, the impacts to riparian growth from clearing and livestock grazing, channel changes due to high water and ice movement, bank stabilization (riprap) and levee building, and the large-scale removal of timber from the watershed. IV. The Trout Fishery in Lolo Creek Trends in the Fishery Page 19 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report Historic Status “Lolo Creek. A good-size mountain stream…An easily and heavily fished stream, it produces good summer catches of 8- to 14-inch rainbow, cutthroat and brookies, plus a fall spawning run of brown trout. It’s a popular creek for whitefish in the winter.”16 “There is a little bit of everything in the (Lolo Creek) drainage, most commonly brookies, cutts and rainbows, but with browns moving up from the (Bitterroot) river in the fall.”17 Lolo Creek is on the fishing map of Montana, and easily entices anglers who drive alongside it on Highway 12. In 2001, MFWP estimated 2,373 angler days on Lolo Creek from MaySeptember. Angler satisfaction averaged 2.92 on a scale from 1 to 5 and was higher for residents than non-residents. However, only 38% of anglers (2 out of 5) interviewed by MFWP rated fishing on Lolo Creek as good or excellent in 2001. The impression among anglers who have fished Lolo Creek over the years is that the quality has declined considerably. Bud Moore’s childhood was spent on and around Lolo Creek. Thinking back to the 1930’s, Moore recalls that the trout fishing was excellent, with a population of native cutthroat, bull trout, and large numbers of mountain whitefish (especially during the fall, when “every hole was full”18). Cutthroats would generally weigh up to about 3 pounds, with the biggest specimen Moore remembers weighing 3¾ pounds (it 16 Konizeski, Dick. 1998. Edited and revised by Bill Archie and Michele Archie. The Montanans’ Fishing Guide. V. 1, Montana waters west of the Continental Divide. Mountain Press Publishing Company. Missoula, Montana. P. 46. 17 Holt, John. Montana fly fishing guide. V. 1, West of the Continental Divide. Greycliff Publishing Company. Helena, Montana. P. 22. 18 Moore, Bud. 2003. Personal Communication. Former Lolo Creek resident. Condon, Montana. was pulled from an irrigation ditch). Bull trout were also “very numerous,”19 with an annual run up Grave Creek and at least one angler who would regularly catch 5- to 6pound bull trout on bait, fishing under logjams and in deep holes. Rainbows began showing up in the 1930’s, but there were no browns or brookies then. Brook trout began to show up “down low”20 in the 1960’s. Moore recalls fishing in the 30’s and 40’s up the East and West Forks under the shade of heavy timber and catching numbers of “redbelly” native cutthroats in the 12” size. Moore describes the habitat back then as lots of logjams and extremely thick growth along the creek (Moore, 2003). Moore noticed a big decline in the fishery after Highway 12 was built, particularly along the highway route where straightening eliminated all the “holes” and habitat. Bill Dishman also grew up in the Lolo Creek watershed, although his youth was a few years later than Bud Moore’s. Dishman’s early fishing largely occurred near the family home a short way up Grave Creek, although he also fished Howard Creek.21 Dishman recalls lots of native cutthroats and bull trout, but no other species. Bull trout were considered a “trash” fish due to their predatory inclination to feed on the cutthroats. Dishman also remembers Lolo Creek’s numerous logjams, and the decline in the fishery after Highway 12 was constructed. Another aspect of Lolo Creek mentioned by both Moore and Dishman was the presence of large numbers of freshwater mussels in Lolo Creek’s gravel bars. The mussels are apparently gone in some reaches, along with 19 Ibid. ibid. 21 Dishman, Bill. 2003. Personal Communication. Lolo Creek resident. 20 Page 20 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report the ecological understanding about their presence. Alan Anderson moved into the area below Grave Creek in the late 1970’s. Although already impaired, Lolo Creek still provided Anderson with good trout fishing in spots at this time. An avid fisherman, Anderson would routinely fish Lolo Creek in the evenings, when he would catch many trout in the 12” range, plus a few up to 16” and occasionally one in the 18- to 20-inch range. The fishing was so good, Anderson remembers, that a family friend would leave his home on fabled Rock Creek to come up Lolo Creek for superior fishing (Anderson, 2003). Species composition, according to Anderson, had shifted to mainly rainbows and cutthroats, with an occasional bull trout and brown trout caught later in the evening. Brook trout were also widespread, particularly in the East and West Forks where Bud Moore had caught “redbellies” 40 to 50 years before. These are not uncommon stories. A common thread of all the stories told about Lolo Creek’s diminishing fishery is that the stream is straightening, holes are being filled in, and the logjams are gone. Ladd Knotek, MFWP fish biologist for Lolo Creek, sums up the lack of habitat in Lolo Creek by saying, “Lolo Creek is in serious need of some complexity.”22 Current Status of Lolo Creek’s Fishery Species Composition and Distribution Due to limited resources and focus on other stream systems in the Missoula area (e.g., Blackfoot River, Clark Fork River and Rattlesnake Creek) in the 1980’s and 22 Knotek, Ladd. 2003. E-mail, 10/14/03. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Missoula, Montana. 1990’s, little fisheries sampling data was collected by MFWP in the Lolo Creek drainage during this period. However, in 2002-2003, a comprehensive electrofishing survey of more than 60 sites throughout the drainage was completed (Knotek, 2003). These data provided information on species composition, species distribution and relative abundance in the main stem and all major tributaries in the Lolo Creek watershed. Genetic samples used to identify pure westslope cutthroat trout populations were also collected from most tributaries, but will take several years to analyze at current funding levels. This survey documented that introduced trout species now dominate the assemblage in Lolo Creek. Brook trout, in particular, are found throughout most tributaries and brown and rainbow trout exist in higher densities in the main stem and larger tributary reaches. Brook trout are extremely adaptive, reproduce in good numbers and have a well-earned reputation of displacing native species. Brook trout also hybridize with bull trout and other species. Rainbow trout (and other species of cutthroat trout) readily interbreed with westslope cutthroat trout. As with many large watersheds in western Montana that have endured severe habitat and water quality degradation, native trout (westslope cutthroat and bull trout) have been reduced in abundance and distribution or completely eliminated from certain areas in favor of introduced species. In Lolo Creek, westslope cutthroat trout are most abundant in upper reaches of tributaries or smaller tributaries where they can outcompete or are isolated from introduced trout. Bull trout have disappeared from all but a few reaches where their stringent habitat and water quality requirements persist. Overall, Lolo Creek is still likely a very important source of recruitment for the Page 21 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report lower Bitterroot River fishery, but no longer supports fish densities or native populations resembling historic levels. Macroinvertebrates Trout have to eat to live, and almost all of their diet is composed of aquatic insects. Aquatic insects, along with aquatic worms and other small organisms that prefer the bottom (“benthic”) zone of waterbodies, are collectively called macroinvertebrates. The study of a stream’s macroinvertebrates can reveal clues to the condition of the fishery, and also help determine how polluted (and from what source) a particular waterbody may be. For instance, stoneflies only inhabit highly oxygenated, fairly pristine waters. The three major types of insects that trout feed on (stoneflies, mayflies and caddisflies) all require fairly high water quality. Because these insects have larval (or “nymph”) stages from 1 to 3 years long, their presence or absence can reveal much about the water quality of a given stream, pond or lake. In the Sullivan study (2002), macroinvertebrate samples were taken at all sites, and then analyzed by a consultant (Rhithron Associates of Missoula) as an indicator of water quality. The results were that all sites downstream of Lolo Hot Springs were moderately impaired, generally losing quality the further downstream samples were taken, based on the composition and relative abundance of species per sample (Bollman, 2003). This finding supports general conclusions about water quality, but doesn’t really address the condition of trout habitat. While Lolo Creek still supports all the major insect orders that trout feed on (mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies), we simply do not know how the macroinvertebrate community has changed over time or, if so, why. There is anecdotal evidence that change has occurred. All of the sources providing information about Lolo Creek’s historical trout fishery mentioned that a large stonefly (locally called a “salmonfly”) used to be commonly seen on Lolo Creek. The current status of these insects (and others) needs to be documented to determine how Lolo Creek’s macroinvertebrate community may have changed over time. Economics of Lolo Creek’s Fishery This report would be remiss if mention of the economic value of trout fisheries was not included. In research and analysis done for MFWP by economist John Duffield, 1988 values per trip averaged $132.50 for Rock Creek, $137.50 for the Blackfoot and $66.00 for the Bitterroot. 1990 values per mile of angling on Montana streams were $10,272 for the Madison River and $2675 on the Bitterroot. 1986 dollar per trip values based on angler types revealed that angling specialists (who focus on skills, catching large trout and being outdoors) rate about $170.00 per trip, while fishing generalists (who focus on catching large trout, eat what they catch and prefer wild trout) rate $117.00 per trip. Nature generalists (who focus on being outdoors, solitude, and fishing close to home) rate $91.00 per trip. Forty-three percent of “specialists” belonged to sports or conservation groups, 60% used flies, and 58% were residents. In fact, most anglers on Montana streams in these studies were residents. Value per day, based on 1990 dollars, rated $52.00/day for residents and $193.00/day for non-residents. In 2004 dollars based on inflation rates relative to the Gross Domestic Product,23 these numbers recalculate to $69.04/day for residents and $256.25/day for non-residents. 23 NASA Gross Domestic Product Deflator Inflation Calculator, Page 22 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report Clearly, a thriving wild trout fishery in Lolo Creek could create significant revenue for the local economy. Sources of Impact to Lolo Creek’s Trout Fishery debris and shade to moderate stream temperatures. Pools that form as a result of this rip-rap have no overhead cover, nor instream cover suitable for overwintering habitat. Few pools form in rip-rapped sections. Impacts of Highway 12 The Lewis and Clark Highway, or U.S. Highway 12, radically changed the condition of Lolo Creek. Between Lolo and Lolo Hot Springs, Highway 12 does not have a single bridge or culvert allowing Lolo Creek to flow north of the right-of-way. Local lore holds that the construction of Highway 12 eliminated 15 to 16 bridges in that same span (Anderson, 2003), and took out several miles of Lolo Creek. The construction of Highway 12 definitely moved the creek over into a fraction of its floodplain, protected the roadbed with long stretches of barren riprap, and forced the creek to take radical turns away from the highway route. The straightening of Lolo Creek by Highway 12 created all the negative impacts discussed earlier under “Common impacts to stream stability.” Channel relocation and associated rip-rap from Highway 12 has reduced stream length in several reaches of Lolo Creek. Old stream channels cut off by Highway 12 are easily observed north of the highway in several locations. This stream shortening has resulted in downcutting, accelerated velocities, and lack of bedload deposition. In addition, the increased stream velocities impact downstream streambanks by accelerating lateral erosion of the banks in some areas. Streamflows carve out many banks, particularly where the channel is forced to take 90º turns south by Highway 12 (a major concern for property owners). Streambank vegetation along the rip-rap has been permanently removed, resulting in the loss of future contributions of large woody Straightened section of Lolo Creek, Oct. 2003 Beaver Activity Above the confluence of the East Fork, beavers can influence low gradient channels through dam construction, and nutrient and cover input by food gathering activities. Below the confluence of the East Fork and West Fork, the stream is too large to effectively retain dams during high water flows. However, beavers can play an important role in small channels in braided sections of the stream by creating low velocity deeper water important to overwintering trout. The downside of beavers in Lolo Creek is that they will cut down deciduous trees of all sizes for food, which could inhibit development of mature trees important as large woody debris in the future (now in very short supply). Beavers have been removed from much of Lolo Creek. There was scant sign of active beaver activity in reaches surveyed during the August 2003 streamwalk; light signs of Page 23 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report For the purposes of the streamwalk, rip-rap was classified as being Highway 12 related, residential (when a house or building was the apparent target of protection), or ranch (when pasture was the target of protection). These classifications were omitted when the reason for rip-rap was unapparent. beaver use were observed in only 4 or 5 locations (although considerable beaver activity has been observed off of the main stem). Rip-Rap Rip-rap is the practice of “armoring” sections of streambank with large, often angular rocks to ward off erosive currents. With over 23% of Lolo Creek rip-rapped, the effects of these actions on the stream have been enormous and detrimental to the present fish habitat and inhibit the future recovery of these areas, as well as downstream habitats. Rip-rap, the practice of armoring banks with large amounts of angular rock or concrete pieces to ward off erosive currents, was at first unlikely and is now widespread and problematic (Clancy, 2000). As might be imagined, rip-rap shuts down a stream’s natural tendency to meander. Rip-rap eliminates overhanging vegetation, undercut banks, woody debris and natural channel structure. Rip-rap (depending on channel type) can transfer bank erosion problems downstream, and in doing so actually harm (rather than protect) private property (even though its usually someone else’s). Many Lolo Creek property owners downstream from rip-rap can attest to this. Missoula County currently limits the use of rip-rap to only limited situations. In badly degraded streams, rip-rap does provide marginal habitat, with juvenile rainbow trout benefiting most (Clancy, 2000). Bio-engineered or “soft” approaches, such as using whole trees, tree rootwads and plant-fiber logs, are preferable, especially in conjunction with revegetation efforts. The “soft” approaches are not fail-safe and can have limited usefulness in heavily erosive conditions, but are being improved and can be designed to fit specific sites. Streamside Vegetation and Large Woody Debris From evidence of old stumps throughout reaches surveyed in the August 2003 streamwalk, it is certain that most (if not all) of Lolo Creek’s streambanks had mature trees. With the exception of National Forest lands at Lee Creek campground and near Fort Fizzle, the amount of mature trees has been substantially reduced throughout the surveyed portion of Lolo Creek. Such mature trees play a major role in temperature moderation that results in cooler summer stream temperatures and reduction of icing during winter. Both of these factors reduce trout populations, particularly the winter icing conditions common now in Lolo Creek. Mature streamside trees are essential to stream health in Lolo Creek. In addition to essential shading provided by leafy overhead cover, the roots of such trees provide streambank structural strength to resist erosion. This resistance promotes streambank stability and results in deep pools as stream energy cuts vertically into the streambed. As these trees fall into the stream they provide more resistance and anchor points for transported large woody debris, creating additional pools and overhead cover. Such overhead cover, combined with low velocity portions of the pools, is essential to overwintering trout. Most of the potential of creating additional high quality pools is the retention and restoration of large woody debris by protecting and promoting new trees along Page 24 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report the length of Lolo Creek. Without new high quality pools, there is little opportunity for major trout restoration of this stream. An equally important function of streamside trees and other vegetation is the input of organic material (allochthonous inputs), primarily the leaves and woody material that become a major food source for the macroinvertebrates upon which trout feed. A bit of synergy is found in the creation of pools and other depositional areas for allochthonous inputs by large woody debris coming into the stream as a result of streamside trees. tasty meals.”24 This scene, perhaps without the scooping part, has been repeated countless times over the intervening 70-odd years. In a September 2001 MFWP electroshocking survey of the Denton/Hendrickson/ Kuney or “Holt” ditch, which diverts just downstream of the Mormon Peak road bridge, hundreds of young fish were found. Later in the same fall, the MFWP surveyed the Maclay ditch, which diverts just a bit further downstream, and again found substantial numbers of fish, Diversions There are a number of irrigation diversions along Lolo Creek. As discussed earlier, each diversion reduces in-stream flow, which not only reduces surface area and depth of fish habitat, but also increases stream temperatures. Depending on the design, each diversion can seriously impact downstream migrating fish by trapping them in irrigation ditches (also called “entrainment”). Dams built to elevate water levels up to a ditch’s entry can also block upstream migrating fish. During low flows of summer and fall, upstream migrating fish are likely inhibited at dams spanning the entire channel below several Lolo Creek diversions. Entrainment is a major threat posed by irrigation diversions on Lolo Creek. Writing for the book Lolo Creek Reflections, Bud Moore and his sister recall living at “a place near Mill Creek” in the 1930’s where flood irrigation was used to water the hay meadows. “When the meadows were sufficiently soaked,” Moore wrote, “the ditch head gate was closed and the water shut off. The fields immediately became alive with trout, and the young scurried about scooping up enough fish for several Maclay Diversion Dam, September 2001 including brown trout, westslope cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, mountain whitefish, sculpins and other species.25 Bull trout were observed in the ditch at a different time and location. To date, none of Lolo Creek’s diversions have fish screens to prevent such loss. And often, the damming of water for irrigation withdrawals can not only create passage barriers but also influence how many fish are directed to each diversion. Large diversion dams can highly impact downstream migrating trout, as a dam across 24 Carpenter, Mary (ed.). 1976. Lolo Creek Reflections. Lolo Women’s Club. Economy Publishers. Missoula, Montana. P. 83. 25 Evaluation of Fish Entrainment. 2001. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Missoula, Montana. Page 25 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report the whole stream width can direct fish to an irrigation ditch. Fish naturally orienting toward bottom cover would likely not pass over the dam lip but would more likely continue down into the ditch. more common and destructive following the stream straightening caused by Highway 12. The solution to lessening damage from ice movement will require additional research. Habitat Characteristics of Lolo Creek per Reach/Subreach (Streamwalk) Residential Developments in the Floodplain Alan Anderson Residences that are built in the floodplain or adjacent to streambanks are usually detrimental to stream health and habitat in the long term. Lolo Creek has historically moved back and forth across the valley within ancient terraces. Such movements facilitate conditions favorable to pool creation, cottonwood regeneration, formation of backwater in braided channels. Such channel movements are beneficial to stream health, trout, beaver and other wildlife, and riparian conditions. Once a residence is constructed near the stream, the owners commonly begin to take steps to insure the stream movements are minimized. Woody debris accumulations are removed or bucked into shorter lengths so they move downstream. Rip-rap is sometimes placed on outside bends. Native riparian shrubs and trees are frequently removed and grass planted instead. Domestic livestock sometimes graze and reduce shrubs and slough banks. In August 2003, a streamwalk of Lolo Creek (limited to the main stem to the Highway 93 bridge only) was done for the purposes of assessing wild trout habitat conditions, riparian health and overall stream channel integrity. Streamwalks provide a quick visual assessment of a stream, but also have Pre-movement ice build-up in Lolo Creek near Lolo Campground, 1981 Ice Movement A phenomenon in Lolo Creek which has not been studied in any detail is the winter build-up of ice and subsequent rapid melting caused by warm “chinook winds”. The result is tremendous masses of accumulated ice that move downstream with great destructive power. These ice movements, which typically occur in late winter, can cause extensive flooding and unquantified but likely substantial damage to stream substrates and riparian areas. Local hearsay is that these ice movements have become many limitations. Among other things, a streamwalk is highly subjective and reflects the abilities, experience and bias of the principal observer. This streamwalk of Lolo Creek’s mainstem is based on one pass down the stream, noting information according to the observer’s judgement, and so may not be considered scientifically valid in every respect by some. There was not, for instance, a specific reference stream or a “best possible condition” ranking used for comparing to Lolo Creek’s condition. Page 26 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report However, this streamwalk was an excellent means of visually assessing habitat limitations of Lolo Creek’s main stem in the eyes of a professional fisheries biologist with many years of experience in this region. The following section is the resulting summary of that streamwalk. Methods: Greg Munther, certified fisheries scientist, and Brian Parker, hydrologist, walked nearly 27 miles of Lolo Creek’s main stem, the vast majority in-stream wading. Eighteen stream subreaches were measured for length, and habitat alteration locations identified, using a Magellen Meridian Gold GPS unit. Parameters to measure components of fish habitat were identified for each subreach (the entire reach in Reach 2), which varied from 2798 to 14, 837 feet in length. Each single woody debris component was estimated for length, diameter where it entered the water, and wetted percentage of total length. Accumulations of woody debris were tallied, pieces and length of the accumulation each totaled, and percentage wetted were recorded. Each major pool was measured for depth, and estimated average length and width recorded. For each pool, the type of resistance forming the pool was identified, as well as the location of the pool relative to the channel, and type of hydrologic action forming the pool. A tally of small pocket pools was collected for each subreach. Dominant bank vegetation was estimated for each subreach on each side of the stream, and mature trees capable of reaching the channel if falling toward the stream were estimated as potential large woody debris. Significant eroding raw banks, undercut banks and rip-rap were estimated for length and totaled for each reach. Active channel width and wetted width were recorded at multiple locations on most reaches. The streamwalk used Rosgen channel types to describe reaches and subreaches of Lolo Creek’s main stem. Rosgen channel types are based on a system of ranking stream channels according to variables like slope, bankful width, depth, sinuosity, and structure. The Rosgen system was developed by Colorado hydrologist David Rosgen, and uses a letter system (A through G) with subsets of each to identify channel types. “A” channel types, for instance, are dominated by step pools and occur in steeper areas. “B” and “C” channel types tend to be less steep, broader and more riffle-dominated, with pools and other features proportional to slope and bankful width (Rosgen, 1996). The Rosgen system is now recognized as perhaps the most frequently used method for clarifying different types of stream channels. Page 27 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report The USDI/USDA Proper Functioning Condition (PFC) methodology (USDA, 1998) was used to qualitatively assess overall riparian zone function and “health”. PFC uses a checklist format and separates areas of concern by hydrology, vegetation and erosion/deposition. The end result is a user-determined classification of the reach into one of the following categories: “Proper Functioning Condition”, “Functional-At Risk” with an upward or downward trend component, “Nonfunctional” or “Unknown”. Each subreach was rated on the basis of condition according to the observer, rather than in reference to a specific reference stream. While the use of the PFC methodology in the streamwalk provided a means of describing the stream corridor, it is a subjective method that depends largely on the experience and judgement of those using it. For more explanation of the Proper Functioning Condition terminology, see Table 4. Results Overview: The total length surveyed was 141,810 feet or 26.86 miles of main stem Lolo Creek. Of this overall length, there was 33,550 feet of rip-rapped banks, or 23.7% of the total stream length surveyed. Access issues made measurement of the total stream length of Lolo Creek affected by Highway 12’s construction impossible. Banks with significant erosion totaled 4545 feet or 3.2% of total stream length. Banks stable enough to cause significant lengths of undercut or vegetative overhang totaled 3597 feet or 2.5% of total stream length. There were a total of 245 individual pieces of large woody debris within the active channel that were isolated from other woody debris and an additional 281 accumulations of woody debris with an estimated total of 2031 number of pieces. This number is well Page 28 Proper Functioning Condition (PFC) – A riparian-wetland area is considered to be in proper functioning condition when adequate vegetation, landform, or large woody debris is present to: ! Dissipate stream energy association with high waterflow, thereby reducing erosion and improving water quality; ! Filter sediment, capture bedload, and aid floodplain development; ! Improve flood-water retention and ground-water recharge; ! Develop root masses that stabilize streambanks against cutting action; ! Develop diverse ponding and channel characteristics to provide the habitat and the water depth, duration, and temperature necessary for fish production, waterfowl breeding, and other uses; ! Support greater biodiversity. Functional-At Risk – Riparian-wetland areas that are in functional condition, but an existing soil, water, or vegetation attribute makes them susceptible to degradation. Trend – Trend is determined when a rating of Functional-At Risk is given. Trend can be determined by comparing present conditions with past conditions. In the absence of information prior to the assessment, apparent trend may be deduced using criteria for recruitment and establishment of riparian-wetland species (or absence thereof) that indicate an increase (or decline) in soil moisture characteristics, riparian health, etc. If there is insufficient evidence to make a determination that there is a trend toward PFC (upward) or away from PFC (downward), then trend is not apparent. Nonfunctional – Riparian-wetland areas that clearly are not providing adequate vegetation, landform, or large woody debris to dissipate stream energy associated with high flows, and thus are not reducing erosion, improving water quality, etc. Unknown – Riparian-wetland areas that managers lack sufficient information on to make any form of determination. Table 4: Proper Functioning Condition Definitions Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report below the amount of instream LWD needed for good habitat quality. Bank vegetation included 9252 mature trees as potential large woody debris. Estimated mature tree canopy ranged from 92% bank cover at Fort Fizzle to 3% in the East Fork to Lolo Hot Springs footbridge reach. Shrubs were the dominant ground cover where tree canopy was missing, and grasses were most prevalent in the reach from Elk Meadows Bridge to Mytty Ranch Bridge. The major sediment sources on Lolo Creek noted during the streamwalk appeared to be direct and indirect sediment inputs from winter road sanding operations on Highway. 12, and to a lesser extent, sediment delivery from eroding banks. Highway generated road sand is delivered in the central and upper portions of the watershed, while laterally eroding banks were found throughout main stem Lolo Creek (though concentrated in the lower reaches). The lack of eroding banks in the upper watershed seems related to the quantity of road protected rip-rapped bank. An assessment of the sediment contributions of tributary streams was beyond the scope of the streamwalk, as was upstream sediment Alan Anderson There were 518 significant pools. Of these pools, large woody debris was the formation mechanism for 195 pools or 37.6% of total pools. Rock resistance, including rip-rap, was responsible for 132 pools, or 25.5% of total pools. Vegetative resistance, due to shrubs or grasses or roots, was responsible for 188 or 36.3% of all pools. Beaver were responsible for only 3 pools, or 0.6% of total pools. There were a total of 64 pools measured 4 or more feet deep, which is 12.4% of the total significant pools. Large woody debris was responsible for 39 or 61% of the deep pools, 16 or 25% were attributable to rock, and 9 or 14% attributable to vegetative resistance. loading. However, the Water Quality Restoration Plan and Total Maximum Daily Loads for the Upper Lolo Creek TMDL Planning Area (or Upper Lolo TMDL), released by DEQ in April 2003, which assessed the Granite, East Fork and West Fork tributary watersheds, estimated that a total delivery of 178 tons/year of forest road generated sediment was entering these tributaries. (This breaks down to a delivery of 2.5 tons/yr./mi. of forest road and does not include Highway 12.) Additionally, Land & Water Consulting conducted a cursory report of winter road traction sand application and estimated a sediment Sediment in Lolo Creek at stream mile 19.9 (just below Grave Creek) following a July 2002 rain delivery of 729.5 tons to Lolo Creek from Highway 12 (Land & Water, 2000). Based on these sediment yields alone, sediment input into Lolo Creek appears to be a critical factor affecting stream morphology and fisheries production. Reach Descriptions26 Reach 7: A. West Fork/Lee Creek Area to East Fork Bridge This 2798-foot subreach is mostly Lolo National Forest land. In many respects, it is 26 (Habitat Alteration numbers refer to stream mile points on reference maps) Page 29 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report the least impaired reach surveyed. Mature canopy encompasses 90% of each bank. Pool frequency is the highest surveyed, sand were observed at bridge crossings and rip-rapped bank locations adjacent to the creek throughout the reach (and stream length). Due to the low energy of the stream in this upper reach and observed areas of active deposition, a percentage of these sediment inputs remains stored within this subreach. The substrate is firm and stable at base flow conditions and does not appear to be actively aggrading. Woody debris is abundant and assured in the West Fork/Lee Creek to East Fork subreach because of the continous canopy of mature trees most of its length totaling 53 pools and averaging 18.9 pools/ 1000 feet of stream length. Woody debris is abundant, responsible for 45% of pools present. This reach has the highest frequency of pieces of woody debris, at over 68 pieces per 1000/ft stream length. Almost 10% of the stream length, or 247 feet is undercut streambank, attesting to the strong vegetative cover present. Riparian vegetation throughout the reach is vigorous, diverse in species composition and multigenerational. Floodplains and point bars are active and functional with visible, recent sediment deposition and riparian vegetation establishment. This subreach is classified as “Proper Functioning Condition” due to its stability and overall function. The heavy tree cover assures both future woody debris abundance for cover and pool formation and moderated stream temperatures. The stream in this subreach, however, is heavily sedimented and has no pools four feet or deeper in depth. Aside from sediment loads, no additional impairments to this reach were observed. Channel substrate of this subreach is composed of large quantities of coarse sand. It is unknown whether this is native material, upstream road generated sediment or traction sand generated from winter sanding of Highway 12, or (likely) a combination of the three. Clear evidence of direct sediment inputs from winter traction Aggregations of woody debris are very important in forming pools and overhead cover necessary to yearlong habitat requirements of most trout species of Lolo Creek. Habitat Alteration Locations27: At Lee Creek Campground: Sediment from Highway 12 bridge 27 (Habitat Alteration numbers refer to stream mile points on reference maps) Page 30 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report B. East Fork Bridge to Lolo Hot Springs footbridge This 4488-foot subreach is dominantly part of the Lolo National Forest. It has only about 3% mature tree canopy along its bank. In contrast to the upstream section which has an estimated 1400 trees as potential large woody debris, only about 83 mature trees were identified as potential large woody debris (LWD) in this reach. Due in part to the lack of large woody debris, but relatively strong shrub-dominated banks (97%), 31 of 39 pools (79%) are attributable to meander scour of vegetative banks, and only 10% attributable to large woody debris. Two pools are attributable to light beaver activity in this reach. A relatively high 725 feet of undercut bank represents 16% of stream length, attesting to the strong bank condition of this reach. This subreach is dominated by willow communities and sedge meadows resulting in the aforementioned bank stability and lack of LWD recruitment potential. Width to depth ratio (W/D) increases slightly throughout the subreach and point bars also increase in size. This abrupt change is likely tied to the increased drainage area and additional discharge of the East Fork of Lolo Creek. This subreach is classified as “Proper Functioning Condition”, with minor exceptions in locations directly adjacent to Highway 12. The major impairments to this stream include sedimentation from Highway 12 and upstream sources, lack of large woody debris and lack of mature trees for future woody debris recruitment. In addition, the lack of tree canopy limits shade and temperature moderation. A modest 75 feet of rip-rap and 20 feet of eroding bank were observed. Lolo Creek below the East Fork and above Lolo Hot Springs has dominantly shrub canopy and numerous undercut meander pools. Habitat Alteration Locations: 30.9: 75 feet rip-rap and sediment into the stream C. Lolo Hot Springs foot bridge to Highway 12 bridge below Lolo Hot Springs This 2842-foot subreach flows through private land. This reach has only an estimated 7% mature treed banks. The upper portion of this reach is in good vegetative state, as indicated by 280 feet, or 10%, undercut banks. However, there were only 13 pools present, at a low frequency of 4.6/1000 ft. Most were created by vegetative scour (46%) or artificially place rock and rip-rap(46%), and only 1 pool (8%) attributable to large woody debris was recorded. Stream modification due to the presence of the campground and Highway 12 have adversely affected this reach. There is 550 feet of rip-rap, or 19.4% of stream length associated with both highway and campground bank rip-rap alteration (193.5 ft rip-rap/1000 ft stream length). Streambank vegetation has been converted to grass on about 10% of streambank length, which Page 31 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report generally is weaker than shrub or tree lined banks. Grazing and mowing connected to the Lolo Hot Springs operation contributes to weaker vegetation and banks. An estimated 300 feet of active eroding banks are attributable to livestock grazing and campground activities. Additionally, road traction sand from Highway 12 is being actively deposited in Lolo Creek at the Highway 12 and rip-rapped stream banks 750 feet of rip-rap below Granite Creek is typical of the resulting lack of habitat features such as pools or cover. adjacent to Highway 12. This subreach would be classified as “Functional At Risk” with a downward trend due to the sediment introduction and reduction in stream bank stability by camper generated recreational impacts at the Hot Springs. Additionally, equine grazing and associated bank trample, riparian vegetation reduction and quantity of rip-rap within the subreach contribute to the “Functional At Risk” rating. At Lolo Hot Springs: 400 feet Highway 12 rip-rap At Lolo Hot Springs: 150 feet campground related rip-rap D. Highway 12 Bridge below Lolo Hot Springs to Powell Creek Meadow Bridge This 4858-foot subreach flows through private land. It has a modest 6.1 pools per 1000/ft, and only one is greater than 4 feet in depth. About 30 % of streambank length has mature trees as potential large woody debris. The “meadow” has old stumps throughout, reflecting the previous forest canopy that as present on this reach. Only 6 of 30 pools (20%) in this reach are formed by large woody debris, reflecting the lack of large tree canopy on this reach. However, 10 of the 30 pools are a result of vegetative meander scour reflecting the strong brushy banks that compensate in part for the lack of LWD. There is 1005 feet of rip-rap, or 206.8 ft rip-rap/1000-ft. stream length that is primarily associated with Highway 12. Habitat Alteration Locations: This subreach is considered “Nonfunctional” due to quantity of riprapped stream bank and overall lack of function in the upper half of the subreach. The length of rip-rapped bank reduces stream complexity by reducing stream length, increasing W/D and effectively excluding a natural riparian zone. Additionally, this area is a direct source of sediment from road sanding activities of Highway 12 during winter months. 30.1: Active eroding bank-100 due to livestock-fence at active channel edge 30.0: Active Eroding bank-50 ft due to campground 29.9: Active Eroding bank-50 ft due to campground 29.8: Active Eroding bank-100 ft due to campground mowing Once the creek enters the meadow complex below Spring Gulch, the riparian zone is very much intact and could be considered “Functional At Risk” with an upward trend. Evidence exists throughout the meadow portion of the subreach that the area is healing and rejuvenating from the effects of past grazing and logging activities Page 32 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report in the meadow. The stream banks in this area are largely composed of sedges and decadent alder stands. However, willow communities are beginning to re-establish and with continued grazing absence should prosper and further increase the area’s riparian functionality. Habitat Alteration Locations: 44 pieces of LWD/1000 ft of mostly old legacy large woody debris. Over time, natural decay and flushing is expected to reduce the amount of LWD in this reach. Strong shrub component contributes to the estimated 1120 feet of undercut streambanks along this reach as well as forms 22 or 45% of significant pools in this reach. A naturally occurring 250 feet of eroding bank was observed. There is a total of 1005 ft of Highway 12 associated rip-rap in 4 locations. E. Powell Creek Meadow Bridge to Highway 12 State Maintenance Site This 5386-foot subreach flows through private land. Only 10 % of bank vegetation is estimated to have mature trees, reflecting past timber harvest of much of the streambank along this reach. Approximately 24 of 49 pools are a result of legacy large woody debris that remains, in large part, from large woody debris conditions prior to timber harvest that took Aggregated large woody debris ½ mile below Granite Creek has created a large pool and overhead cover important to trout, especially during winter. place some time ago. There remains about Representative stream conditions above Highway 12 Maintenance Site. Large woody debris transported into this reach or old legacy woody debris provides some pool formation material as well as overhead cover. The sinuosity of this subreach noticeably increases below the meadow bridge and is apparently related to the increased complexity generated by the established and stable willow communities and the increased quantity and size of the LWD present. Minor channel braiding was encountered at the extreme lower end of the meadow, but did not reflect channel instability. Based on the health and function of the riparian area and channel, this subreach is considered “Proper Functioning Condition”, but the need for future LWD recruitment exists for habitat complexity to persist in the future. Habitat Alteration Locations: Page 33 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report No specific locations. Reach 7 Summary The overall rating of riparian health for Reach 7 was Functional At Risk with an upward trend. This rating was based on the function of the majority of riparian area as a whole with the exception of stream length between the Hot Springs and the beginning of the meadow complex at stream mile 28.7. A stream discharge of 43.7 cfs was measured within the lower meadow complex (PCTC) on 8/27/03. Using a stratified Wolman pebble count, the median particle size (D50) was calculated to be 52 mm, but it should be noted that bed material varied within the reach from coarse sand to cobble sized substrate and the cross-section was taken low in the reach which was dominated by larger material. Further channel measurements indicated a Rosgen C4 stream type. reaching the stream from this source. The rip-rap has shortened the stream by cutting off historic channels, which increases stream gradient, stream energy and power and adverse effects on downstream reaches and landowners. As a result of these alterations, there are only 13 pools in this reach or 1.3 pools/1000 ft stream length. Pools are nearly equal in LWD or rock originated. There are only 10.1 pieces of large woody debris/ 1000 feet of stream length. This subreach is classified as “Nonfunctional” due to the overall lack of channel and riparian complexity, channelization of the subreach, evidence of pool filling, increasing W/D and lack of potential of LWD recruitment and/or future riparian area enhancement or function. Reach 6: A. Highway 12 State Maintenance Site to Cedar Run Creek This 9662-foot reach flows through land almost all privately owned. This reach is dominated by Highway 12 rip-rap, occurring on 5140 feet of stream or 53% of stream length. This is 534 ft rip-rap per 1000 feet of streamlength. In addition, there are 380 feet of eroding bank due to associated riprap. Although 40 percent of the streambank is mature forest that could contribute LWD to streams, it is highly unlikely to be allowed to remain because of perceived risk to Highway 12 and paralleling powerline. The extent of this rip-rap contributes large amounts of sediment to Lolo Creek from sanding operations. Much of the rip-rap has been buried by highway sand that is evidence of the large amounts of sediment Lack of pools or cover is typical of the subreach from the Highway 12 Maintenance site to Cedar Run Creek. Warm summer temperatures and winter icing are aggravated by wide shallow channels that offer little protection for overwintering trout. Habitat Alteration Locations: 26.8 500 ft Highway 12 rip-rap 26.2: logged riparian area 25.8: 1650 feet Highway 12 rip-rap 25.6: 100 ft eroding right bank 25.1: 1260 ft Highway 12 rip-rap 24.9: 900ft Highway 12 rip-rap and 250-ft eroding bank Page 34 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report no pools 4 feet or deeper in this nearly three mile long reach. B. Cedar Run Creek to Lolo Work Center Bridge The upper approximately 40% of this 14,837-foot reach flows through land owned by Plum Creek while the lower 60% is managed by the Lolo National Forest. This reach is heavily dominated by Highway 12 rip-rap, comprising 5390 feet or 36.3% of the streamlength. This represents 363.3 feet This subreach continues the “Nonfunctional” trend begun in the previous reach due to rip-rap imposed channelization and loss of stream length due to Highway 12. In localized areas not directly adjacent to Highway 12 riparian vegetation is vigorous and providing overhanging cover. Unfortunately, these areas are few in number and small in size compared to the overall subreach length and therefore offer little increase in channel complexity or habitat. Road sanding continues to be a sediment source in areas adjacent to Highway 12. Habitat Alteration Locations: 24.8: 180’ eroding high bank at dispersed campsite 24.4: 270 feet Highway 12 rip-rap 23.9: 1800 ft Highway 12 rip-rap and 270’ 8 ft high eroding bank 23.6: 330 feet Highway 12 rip-rap 23.2: 1140 feet Highway 12 rip-rap 23.1: 650 feet Highway 12 rip-rap 22.4: 1200 feet Highway 12 rip-rap Extensive rip-rap dominates the reach upstream of the Lolo Work Center and offers little yearlong habitat for trout. Photo looking downstream taken from bridge accessing PCTC land around stream mile 26.7. of rip-rap per 1000 feet stream length. Of the remaining streambank, much is covered by forest canopy (55%) but most of this will probably not be allowed to contribute to instream large woody debris because of its proximity to Highway 12 and paralleling powerline. Only 4.2 pieces of large woody debris/1000 feet of streamlength are present. This is among the lowest LWD loading of any reach evaluated. This reach has the lowest frequency of pools of any reach evaluated, having only 1 pool/1000 feet streamlength. Of the 15 pools present, 40% originate from large woody debris while rock, primarily rip-rap, is responsible for the remainder. There are C. Lolo Work Center Bridge to Private Railroad Car bridge above Grave Creek This 9451-foot reach is about 40% National Forest in the upper portion and private in the lower 60%. It is the reach most dominated by rip-rap, having 5350 feet or 56.6% of the stream length directly affected. Indirectly this amount of rip-rap affects reaches between rip-rap with increased energy and reduced woody debris recruitment. This amounts to 566.1 ft/1000 feet of streamlength. It has a meager 10.9 pieces of large woody debris/1000 ft streamlength, and only 2.1 pools per 1000 linear feet of stream. The 45% of its banks in mature trees Page 35 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report can contribute little LWD to the stream because it is adjacent to Highway 12 and would likely be removed if it were to enter the stream channel as highway maintenance program. The large amount of highway paralleling the stream contributes large vegetation is vigorous and providing overhanging cover in places. Unfortunately, these areas are few in number and small in size compared to the overall subreach length and therefore offer little increase in channel complexity or habitat. Habitat Alteration Locations: 22.3: 570 feet Highway 12 rip-rap 22.2: 300 feet Highway 12 rip-rap 21.7: 1100 feet Highway 12 rip-rap w/ powerline on opposite bank 20.9: 780 feet Highway 12 rip-rap 20.5: 600 feet Highway 12 rip-rap w/ powerline on opposite bank Reach 6 Summary Representative rock scour pool below Lolo Work Center. Above normal bedload transport often reduces expected size of such pools in Lolo Creek. amounts of sediment to the stream from sanding operations. As deduced from the above description, this subreach is considered “Nonfunctional” due to rip-rap induced channelization and loss of stream length to Highway 12. Again, in localized areas, usually meanders, not directly adjacent to Highway 12 riparian Reach 6 is characterized by as an extremely confined channel with limited quantities of quality riparian vegetation or habitat. The root of these deficiencies is clearly the extensive quantities of rip-rap found throughout the reach length. Road traction sand continues to be delivered in highly riprapped areas due to the narrow width separating Highway 12 from the creek. As the creek looses length (sinuosity), the channel slope and stream power increases. As stream power increases, bed shear stress also increases and is the mechanism which can transport larger sized particles. The lack of pools in this reach is certainly due to a lack of formative features, but also likely tied to pool infilling during run-off events. Stream discharge measured 58.2 cfs on 8/27/03, while the median particle size measured 37 mm. Further channel measurements resulted in a B3 Rosgen channel type associated with the narrower valley type and steeper channel grade. Woody debris as seen on right bank is often swept to the side of channels because of the incised nature of the channel and/or material is not long enough to anchor on both sides of the channel. As described throughout the subreach discussions, Reach 6 is in a “Nonfunctional” condition. This condition is tied directly to the inversely proportional Page 36 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report quantities of rip-rap and quality riparian cover and function. Furthermore, little in the way of management options exist to enhance the reach due to the proximity of Highway 12 to the creek. quantities, overall poor riparian function and high W/D ratios. All of these variables lead to extreme diurnal and annual temperature fluctuations, as well as promote anchor ice growth, ice jams and associated scour. Areas of localized aggradation were observed in meanders downstream of channelized reaches. Habitat Alteration Locations: 20.5: Steep eroding skid trail near stream but not contributing sediment to the stream at this time 20.1: 800 feet Highway 12 rip-rap 20.1: 200 feet ranch rip-rap 19.5: 1220 feet Highway 12 rip-rap B. Below Grave Creek much stream length lacks significant structure and little large woody debris. Note that mature trees as potential woody debris only remain on one side of the channel. This 5333-foot subreach flows through land almost all privately owned. This reach is mostly away from Highway 12 and only has Reach 5: A. Lolo Creek Campground Bridge to downstream end of Karl Tyler property near Potato Gulch Private Railroad Car bridge above Grave Creek to Lolo Creek Campground Bridge This 4805-foot subreach has substantial impact from rip-rap which totals 2320 feet or 48% of stream length, and 482.8 feet per 1000 feet of streamlength. With only 8 pools (1.6 pools/1000 feet of streamlength and only 7.7 pieces of LWD per 1000 linear feet of stream, there is little quality fish habitat in this reach. Of the 5 rock pools, three were directly attributable to rip-rap. Only two pools were attributable to LWD, and no pools 4 feet or deeper were observed. Like upstream reaches, the estimated 40 % forest canopy will be precluded from contributing much of its LWD potential due to its proximity to Highway 12. The “Nonfunctional” designation continues in this subreach due to excessive rip-rap Page 37 Old stumps on this reach are testimony to the mature forests that once bordered much of Lolo Creek and at one time provided continuous supplies of large woody debris. Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report 80 feet of rip-rap, or 15 feet/1000 ft streamlength. However previous logging of the sreambank has reduced woody debris and future recruitment of wood to the stream. There are 18.6 pieces per 1000 feet of streamlength, which is mostly legacy wood from when there was forest canopy present. Eventually more of this material will be lost through decay and flushing. Old stumps are providing anchors for transported LWD into this reach. Of the 25 pools, 8 or 32% are attributable to LWD, 7 pools or Some low banks in this reach have eroded where shrubs and trees have been replaced with weaker grass root systems. 28% attributable to rock scour and 40 percent due to vegetative scour of shrubs and grass banks. Encouraging was the recruitment of young willows observed in some areas and vigorous shrubs on much of the streambank. Reduced livestock grazing in this property has improved streambank and fish habitat conditions. In this subreach the valley widens and the creek is not subjected to the channelized effects of rip-rapped banks. The creek leaves the Highway 12 corridor at the Lolo Creek Campground and immediately sinuosity increases, channel slope accordingly decreases and riparian vegetation drastically increases in diversity, vigor, and zonal width with a functional and accessible floodplain. Accordingly, W/D drops from 44.2 above the campground to 29.9 below. Overall system function and health begin to deteriorate at property boundary and downstream thereof. W/D increase, riparian zonal width, vigor and diversity noticeably decrease. The Tyler property was apparently grazed quite intensely, but currently is not under that management regime. With the change in management, the area is beginning to recover, but continues to be relatively unstable both vertically and laterally. Areas of active bank erosion occur throughout the property largely due to the upland, grass composed bank structure and an overall lack of riparian vegetation. Additionally, this area is subject is active localized aggrading of bed material. Based on the quantity of the aggraded material, the source areas are likely both inter and intra reach. The aggradation is leading to further channel instability and braiding in the lower subreach. The subreach is classified as “Functional At Risk” with an upward trend due to the large area of channel instability in the lower half of the subreach. The lower subreach is slowly rejuvenating and would provide an excellent location for restoration activities in the central Lolo Creek watershed. Habitat Alteration Locations: 18.8: 400’ 3’ high eroding bank due to removal of trees and shrubs 18.6: 75’ eroding 3’ high bank undercutting Highway 12 ROW fence 18.4: 75’ eroding 3’ high bank 18.3: 80’ 4’high active eroding bank undercutting Highway 12 ROW fence C. Page 38 Karl Tyler Property lower boundary to mouth of Bear Creek Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report This 11,352-foot subreach is heavily impacted with a mile (5280 feet) of rip-rap or 46% of the stream length directly affected, amounting to 465.1 ft/1000 feet streambank length. The lowest pool frequency was observed on this relatively long reach. Only 7 pools or 0.6 pools per 1000 feet streamlength occur. Five of the seven pools are formed by rock, some of which are related to rip-rap. None of the pools are 4 feet or deeper. There are only 3.2 pieces of LWD per 1000 feet of stream length, which ties for the lowest frequency 18.2: 580’ Highway 12 rip-rap with powerline on opposite bank 18.0: 600’ Highway 12 rip-rap 17.7: 350’ Highway 12 rip-rap 17.2: 900’ Highway 12 rip-rap 17.0: 720’ Highway 12 rip-rap 16.8: 630’ Highway 12 rip-rap 16.7: 630’ Highway 12 rip-rap 16.5: 1500’ Highway 12 rip-rap Reach 5 Summary Stream discharge for Reach 5, measured on 8/27/03 was 59.28 cfs. Median particle size measured 47 mm. Channel geometry measurements yielded a width to depth ratio of 44.2, the highest of the seven reaches and an entrenchment ratio of 1.1, resulting in a F4 Rosgen stream type. Width to depth ratio of this magnitude are extremely vulnerable to excessively diurnal and season temperature fluctuations, as well as the promotion of anchor ice development and the related potential of ice scour events. Throughout the length of Lolo Creek, large woody debris has frequently been cut into smaller lengths reducing its ability to anchor to one location and contribute to pool formation. of LWD of the reaches sampled. Like other reaches paralleled by extensive rip-rap and Highway 12, the 47% of streambanks having potential woody debris will not be allowed to contribute and remain in stream because of its proximity to Highway 12. Overall riparian health and function of the was classified as “Nonfunctional” due to the extent of rip-rap induced channelization in the upper and central areas of Reach 5. Localized areas of functional riparian zones were found downstream of the Lolo Creek W/D immediately increases in this subreach and corresponding rip-rapped channelization. The subreach is essentially a continuous riffle with little to no refugia. Correspondingly, the subreach is classified as “Nonfunctional”. As with similar reaches, direct sedimentation of road traction sand from Highway 12 occurs throughout areas adjacent to the highway. Habitat Alteration Locations: Page 39 A well-established woody debris-caused pool, but lack of mature trees in subreach 5-C offer little opportunity for recruitment to replace needed woody debris to the stream. Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report campground to the lower Tyler property boundary. As previously described, these areas that area Functional At Risk have restoration potential and could provide localized refugia in the upper central portion of the watershed. Reach 4: A. Mouth of Bear Creek to Lolo Trail Ranch orange plastic diversion adjacent to Highway 12 This 10,296-foot subreach flows through privately owned land, except for crossing two small corners of State of Montana land. The upper portion (0.80 mi.) of this subreach belongs to a private landowner different from the Lolo Trails Ranch. Although heavily logged in the past, the shrubs in the upper portion are responsible for a modest 6.5 pools/1000 lineal feet of stream. There are some raw sloughing grassy banks (and estimated 10% of banks are grass) which offer some opportunity for short-term habitat improvement projects. A paltry 12% of the streambank has mature trees, most of which occur on the State of Montana lands in the middle portion of this subreach. Because of the lack of mature trees on this site, the large woody debris accumulation is a modest 19.4 pieces LWD/1000 lineal feet of stream. Long term restoration of large woody debris through reforestation of these streambanks offer opportunities to make this one of the more productive reaches evaluated. There is only 75 feet of rip-rap along this nearly 2 mile subreach. And, while 375 feet were determined to have accelerated bank sloughing, another 390 feet of undercut bank suggest some of the banks once had strong vegetative cover to hold such undercuts. Four pools of the 67 pools in this reach were 4 or more feet deep. Excessive bedload appears to have filled in some pools to reduce their potential capacity in the upper portion of this subreach. Cattle grazing on the State section is modestly stressing some of the streambank vegetation of this land, although the channel remains stable. This subreach is classified as “Functional At Risk” with an upward trend especially in the upper subreach where the cows have been removed and the riparian vegetation is re-establishing. With continued cattle exclusion, riparian vegetation will return and stream stability will increase. Localized areas of aggrading material were observed with source areas likely intra and upstream reaches. Habitat Alteration Locations: 16.2: 120’ 6’ high eroding bank 16.2: 300’ of 3’high grassy eroding bank ¼ mi. below Bear Creek 16.1: 400’ of 4’high grassy eroding bank ¼ mi. below Bear Creek 15.7: 200’ of 3’ high grassy eroding bank B. Lolo Trail Ranch orange plastic diversion to Elk Meadows Bridge This 4910-foot subreach flows through the Lolo Trail Ranch private property. The majority of this subreach’s streambanks Irrigation diversion on Lolo Trail Ranch reduces instream flow and diverts fish into the irrigation ditch. Page 40 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report have been logged in the past, reducing mature streambank trees to only an estimated 5% of streambank length. This has the effect of dramatically reducing LWD recruitment to the stream. With only 15.7 pieces of LWD per 1000 lineal feet of stream, the quantity of pools are only 5.1 per 1000 lineal feet. The low gradient meandering nature of this subreach would be expected to have higher pool frequency. Most of the LWD observed was legacy wood remaining from before the forest was removed. Cattle grazing has created some grassy streambanks, and 480 feet of eroding grassy bank was observed in this reach. In addition, there was an estimated 330 feet of rip-rap in one portion of the stream which appears to have been placed to save a grassy meadow which was likely eroding because of the lack of strong vegetation. . The location of the rip-rap also seems to indicate the creek has been channelized and pushed to the south in order to maximize ground for pasture and hay production. The likely movement of the creek in this location has disproportionately lengthened the channel relative to the valley grade. The result is downstream aggradation of bed material, high W/D, slow stream velocities, channel braiding and overall channel instability. It was noted that some riparian tree length woody debris had been bucked into shorter lengths, which reduces the likelihood that it will provide solid anchor for other woody debris accumulations. Some streambank fencing was in place, but appears to be to close to the stream to allow an adequate width of strong woody vegetation to become reestablished for long term needs of the stream. Cattle were observed on both sides (including the streambanks) of this fencing in some areas. Based on the poor channel stability and minimal health and function of the riparian vegetation, this subreach is classified as “Functional At Risk” with an unapparent trend. The trend is conflicting due to the presence of riparian fencing on one side of the creek, yet evidence of cattle usage is quite evident on the river right side of the creek. With full cattle exclusion from the riparian area, the trend could easily turn in the upward direction and the area could recover. Habitat Alteration Locations: 14.1: 180’ of 4’ high eroding grass bank ¼ mi. below OZ diversion-has fenced out livestock. 14.0: 130 ft rip-rap 13.6: 150 feet of 5’high eroding grass bank w/ 150’ more 2’high 100 yds. downstream Low grassy bank (in background) without tree or shrub protection is vulnerable to large channel change. C. Elk Meadows Bridge to Mytty Bridge This 15259-foot subreach is largely on the Lolo Trail Ranch. Only about 5% of the streambanks have mature trees that were estimated to only amount to about 140 mature trees over this nearly 3 mile long subreach. There are only 4.3 pieces of LWD per 1000 feet of streamlength, almost all legacy wood remaining from a previous forest onsite. Much of the streambank is vegetated with grass interspersed with single or small clumps of alder, which is a species Page 41 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report less preferred by livestock. Some of this stream subreach has been fenced from livestock, but the fencing is less than 20 feet from the stream for the most part, diminishing the width of the potential vegetative recovery. Pools in this reach 12.9: 200’ Highway 12 rip-rap 12.6: Livestock bank damage at Mouth of South Fork 12.3: 150’ of 3’ high eroding grassy bank 12.1: 250’ of ranch rip-rap 12.0: Woodman diversion with 3’ high broken rock drop (no barrier) 11.6: 200’ of 3’ high eroding grass bank 11.6: 40’ eroding bank would benefit from log spur 11.1 150 feet of Highway 12 rip-rap 10.9: 200 feet of Highway 12 rip-rap Reach 4 Summary Streambank fencing below Elk Meadows bridge has prevented livestock grazing, allowing some sprouting of cottonwood suckers from adjacent old tree. occur at a rate of only 1.9 pools per 1000 lineal feet of stream, which is among the lowest pool frequency rates found in the survey. In addition to impact from forest removal and grazing, an addition 950 feet of rip-rap was noted. While about 550 feet of rip-rap was attributable to Highway 12, some 400 feet has been added to stabilize eroding banks. As a result of bank instability due to the combination of grazing, reduction of LWD and upstream rip-rap, there were 1090 feet of eroding bank inventoried. In areas where riparian vegetation did exist, the riparian zone was very narrow due to cattle and hay production pressure. The subreach overall is considered “Functional At Risk” with a downward trend and is very close to being in a “Nonfunctional” condition; cattle exclusion is the make or break variable for this subreach. Habitat Alteration Locations: The cross for this reach was immediately above the Elk Meadows Road bridge within the Lolo Trail Ranch. Stream discharge on 8/27/03 was measured at 50.5 cfs, a decrease of 8.7 cfs from Reach 5. The majority of the discharge decrease is likely tied to the Lolo Trail Ranch diversion found within the lower portion of Reach 4. Substrate particle size measurements produced a median particle size of 18 mm. This was by far the smallest D50 encountered in any of the seven reach cross sections. The small diameter class found in Reach 4 is tied to the gradient reduction, channel lengthening and corresponding reduction in stream power and aggradation observed within the reach. Further cross sectional measurements resulted in a width to depth ratio of 17.0, the lowest of all reaches, and entrenchment ratio of 5.4 resulting in a C4 Rosgen stream type. Riparian function of the reach overall was classified as “Functional At Risk” with an unapparent trend. This classification is largely the result of grazing pressures and corresponding stream bank instability found within the reach. This reach has the potential to be functioning at a higher level with the exclusion of cattle from the riparian zone and the promotion of stream bank stability. Page 42 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report Reach 3: 8.0: 500 feet of ranch rip-rap 7.8: 300 feet of residential rip-rap A. Reach 3 Summary Mytty Bridge to Upper Forest Boundary at Fort Fizzle This 10,929-foot subreach flows almost all through small private ownerships. Over 1/3 of this subreach has rip-rap along its banks, totaling 3600 feet or averaging 329.4 feet/ 1000 lineal feet of stream. Only about 10% of the streambank has mature trees, and LWD has been removed or flushed to a mere 4.5 pieces of LWD per 1000 feet of stream length, or a total of 49 pieces of LWD for this entire subreach. Tree length pieces of wood appear to have been bucked into shorter lengths, reducing their accumulation potential. There was only one pool in this two-mile length attributable to LWD, and there were only 1.6 pools per 1000 feet of stream length. At least 8 substantial lengths of rip-rap were recorded, thus reducing the stream’s ability to move and deposit bedload and form new pools. About 20% of the streambank was grass dominated which suggests weaker streambanks for substantial portions of this subreach. This subreach is characterized by rip-rap induced channelization, poor riparian health and function, as well as numerous localized areas of aggradation. Based upon these observations this subreach is classified as “Nonfunctional”. Additionally, numerous highway associated sediment deposition locations occur throughout the subreach. Habitat Alteration Locations: 10.6: 600’ of 4’ high eroding grass bank 9.5: 1500 feet of Highway 12 rip-rap 9.2: 550 feet of Highway 12 rip-rap 9.0: 300 feet of Highway 12 rip-rap 8.4: 200 feet of residential rip-rap 8.1: 200 feet of residential rip-rap 8.1: 200 feet of residential rip-rap Stream discharge was measured to be 104.73 cfs on 8/27/03. Median particle size was measured at 80 mm, the largest D50 of any reach. W/D measurements were 26.2 resulting in a B3 Rosgen stream type. This reach is quite channelized throughout its length and receives a significant quantity of flow from the S. Fork of Lolo Creek. The combination of these two variables results in increased stream power and a corresponding increase in the particle sizes the creek is able to move. This explains the large increase in particle size between Reaches 3 and 4 (D50 of 80 and 18 mm respectively). Due to the length of channelization from rip-rap protection of Highway 12 and adjacent residential properties, and corresponding lack of riparian function, the overall reach was classified as “Nonfunctional”, with little hope of increasing meaningful riparian health and/or function. Reach 2: A. Upper Ft Fizzle Boundary to Lower Ft. Fizzle boundary ¼ mi. upstream of Mormon Peak Road Bridge This 4540-foot reach is entirely on Lolo National Forest administered lands. Although a portion of the streambank has some partial cutting, it is estimated to be 92% of streambanks dominated by mature trees. It has a modest 4.4 pools per 1000 lineal feet, but 3.3 or ¾ of these pools are a result of LWD. In addition, the aggregation of pieces of LWD in this reach totaled 269 pieces or 59.3 pieces per 1000 lineal feet. This quantity of LWD is only exceeded by the Lee Creek subreach (also Forest Service administered streambanks) which had 68.3 Page 43 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report pieces per 1000 lineal feet of stream. Most important were the high quality of pools and associated overhead cover. Five of the 15 LWD pools were four feet or deeper. Frequently tree length pieces of this LWD bridged the active channel, fostering accumulations of smaller pieces. In addition, the accumulations of LWD are fostering considerable channel changing and deposition of sorted gravels which provides important spawning sized gravels in accumulations. Abandoned channels form backwaters important for overwintering and high water refugia. this reach was measure at 117.0 cfs on 8/27/03. W/D was measured at 29.6 and median particle size was found to be 61mm resulting in a C4 Rosgen stream type. Habitat Alteration Locations: 6.5: 200 feet of natural eroding hillside 40 feet high Reach 2 Summary: This reach reflects near natural stream conditions and is an important reference when comparing conditions and habitat potential on other stream reaches. Reach 1: A. Recent large woody debris recruitment at Ft. Fizzle will provide important pool habitat now and into the future. Note how tree length wood bridges the channel to create anchor point for additional floating woody debris. There is no rip-rap in this reach, but 200 feet of a naturally eroding terrace bank was observed. Riparian vegetation throughout the reach was vigorous, diverse with a wide highly functional floodplain and riparian area. This reach is considered “Proper Functioning Condition” and offers a snapshot of what Lolo Creek likely used to look like and how it used to function. Areas of aggraded material were observed, but evidently were generated upstream and were deposited behind channel obstructions. Discharge in Ft. Fizzle lower boundary to Balsamroot Bridge This 9557-foot subreach is dominantly surrounded by small private owned land. Depending on ownership, mature trees are patchy along this subreach and estimated to total about 30% of streambank length. Reflecting on the wood available and perhaps some from Ft. Fizzle upstream, this reach has a respectable 34.7 pieces of LWD per 1000 lineal feet of stream length, and 19 LWD caused pools or 2.0 LWD pools per 1000 lineal feet. Of the 33 pools in this subreach, 12 were observed to be four feet deep or deeper. However, due to some bucking of tree-length LWD in this subreach, few if any of the pools bridged the entire active channel as occurred in the reach upstream. While over ½ of the pools in this reach are LWD formed, there are also 7 rock and 7 vegetatively formed pools. There was a total of 820 feet of rip-rap noted in 6 locations reflecting the small ownerships, and an estimate 680 feet of levee below the Mormon Peak bridge on the left bank. All of these projects collectively inhibit the stream from movements Page 44 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report the creek. The levees were presumably built as to retard creek migration into the irrigation ditch. These levees function similar to rip-rap in preventing natural lateral channel movement and sinuosity. Localized areas of aggradation were observed throughout the subreach, but were not accompanied by areas of active incision. Source areas of aggraded material are likely upstream in channel erosion related to decrease in stream length. Conversely, in a number of localized areas, the floodplain and natural channel processes were active and functioning properly. Habitat Alteration Locations: Strawbales and alignment of diversion locally known as “Maclay Diversion” traps almost all downstream migrating fish into an unscreened irrigation ditch and reduces downstream flows while blocking upstream fish passage. important to forming pools, side channels and providing opportunities for bedload deposition. As described above, riparian health and function varied throughout this subreach. The subreach overall is considered to be “Functional At Risk” with a downward trend. The impacts to the riparian zone are largely generated from rip-rap installation by the numerous small land owners along the creek. Additionally, in the upper reach, below at least two irrigation diversions constructed levees were found adjacent to 6.3: 50’ rip-rap for bridge protection on Mormon Peak bridge 6.2: 2.5 cfs diversion 100 ft downstream of Mormon Peak bridge 6.1: 680 ft levee on left bank 6.0: Irrigation diversion and 4’ high dam taking 8 cfs with 200’ and strawbale dike to take water which is likely an complete downstream fish barrier for small salmonids during this flow. 5.8: 120’ Highway 12 rip-rap 5.7: 199’ of 3’ high eroding grassy bank on Fournier property 5.0: 100’ of 6’ high eroding bank at RV park 4.8: filled in side channels 4.7: 150’ of residential rip-rap 4.6: ¼ cfs diversion to trout pond 4.4: 300’ bridge rip-rap B. The “Maclay Diversion”, like many other diversions, dams the stream to increase water levels into the ditch. Fall upstream movements are likely inhibited by this structure as well by adult fall spawners such as brown trout. Balsamroot Bridge to Highway 93 Bridge This 10,507-foot subreach flows through small private ownership lands. Residential and agricultural improvements and rip-rap have reduced mature tree cover to about 1% of streambank length, while most banks not rip-rapped have shrub or small tree vegetation and an estimated 5% are grass covered. Nearly one-fourth (24.6%) of the Page 45 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report stream length has rip-rap on one bank, reducing the natural streambed functions of this reach. The pool abundance ratio in this subreach is a modest 5.2 pools per 1000 lineal feet. Of the 55 total pools in this subreach, 23 were 4 foot deep or deeper, attesting to some of the better quantity of deep pools in the surveyed portion of Lolo creek. Most of these deeper pools (15 of the 23) were a result of woody debris accumulations. This subreach is classified “Functional At Risk”. This subreach appears to be unstable both vertically and laterally. A large quantity of bedload is be transported through, and being deposited in, this part of the Lolo Creek system. The deposition of load is likely related to the decreased overall gradient of Lolo Creek as it enters the Bitterroot Valley. Floodplain width and channel sinuosity increase in this lower reach, which also contribute to substrate deposition. Point bars in this subreach are not being actively colonized by riparian vegetation and promoting increases in the 4.3: 300 feet rip-rap with wood below bridge 3.7: 400 feet rip-rap 3.7: 180 feet rip-rap 3.6: diversion on left bank with gravel dike taking 1.5 cfs plus 90 feet riprap 3.4: Residential rip-rap 3.2: 300’ of 6’ high eroding bank 3.1: 500 feet of 5’ high eroding bank on right 2.4: 120 feet rip-rap on right bank 2.3: 120’ feet eroding 6’ grass bank on left 2.2: 240 feet rip-rap on right bank 2.1: 350 feet rip-rap on left bank Reach 1 Summary Discharge above the Balsamroot bridge was measured to be 49.5 cfs on 8/27/03, a decrease of 67.5 cfs from Reach 2. Median particle size was measure at 52 mm and W/D was found to be 29.0, resulting in C4 Rosgen stream type. Riparian function was considered to be “Functional At Risk” with a downward trend, due to dewatering, riparian and channel alteration, and overall stream instability within the reach. The final subreach, between the Highway 93 bridge and the mouth of Lolo Creek, was not evaluated during this streamwalk due to low flows and access issues. Streamwalk Summary Large bars forming from bedload deposition are common and contribute to eroding streambanks that have been weakened by removal of shrubs and trees. W/D. Additionally, numerous areas of raw, unvegetated stream banks were found throughout the subreach. Habitat Alteration Locations: Lolo Creek has been substantially altered by man’s influence, as seen in streambank vegetation condition, large woody debris removal, sediment increases, irrigation withdrawals and diversions, channel shortening, channel modifications and riprap. With the exception of National Forest lands, nearly the entire length of stream surveyed has had the quality of fisheries habitat reduced substantially. Page 46 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report Without intervention on current human activities adversely affecting Lolo Creek, we will see a continued downward trend of the fishery. Understanding the long-term needs of the stream is important to the users and landowners adjacent to the stream. With landowner and citizen understanding and a will to improve the fisheries habitat, there are a number of long term projects that could move restoration of this stream forward. Tributaries of Main Stem Lolo Creek The tributary streams of main stem Lolo Creek may represent the best opportunities for fish habitat improvement in the watershed, owing to the significant problems of the main stem and the spawning and rearing habitat those tributaries provide. Unfortunately, many of these tributaries are barred by fish passage barriers at their lowest sections. The following summarizes the findings of the MFWP survey of Lolo Creek’s tributaries. Bear Creek is a small, third order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek located at mile 16.3 on the north side of Lolo Creek. Bear Creek flows mostly through Plum Creek Timber Company (PCTC) lands and other private lands, with Lolo NF-owned headwaters. Much of the drainage has been roaded and timber harvesting has occurred. Introduced brook trout (range 3”-8”) and small rainbow trout (4”) dominate the lowest reaches. Brook trout of up to 11” dominate the middle sections, and small westslope cutthroat dominate the upper reaches. Habitat in the lower reaches is good. Brown trout are also found throughout Bear Creek. Camp Creek is another small, second order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek located at mile 15.2 on Lolo Creek’s north side. Camp Creek’s lowest sections are in PCTC lands that are managed for timber production, but the rest is mostly Lolo NF. A road crossing about a mile up has a perched culvert, which may be a complete fish passage barrier. Only westslope cutthroat trout in the 2”-7” range were found in the 2003 MFWP survey. Chief Joseph Gulch is a very small, second order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek located at mile 23.0 on Lolo Creek’s south side. Chief Joseph Gulch’s upper reaches are on the Lolo NF and lack water seasonally. The lower half-mile flows through logged PCTC land. Only small westslope cutthroats and immature cutthroats or rainbows were found in the 2003 MFWP survey of Chief Joseph Gulch. Cloudburst Creek is a small, second order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek located about 4 miles downstream of Lolo Hot Springs at mile 24.2 on the south side. Land ownership in the drainage is predominantly owned by Lolo NF with PCTC lands in the lower ! of the drainage.. Portions of the middle drainage are surrounded by recent timber harvest. Portions of this drainage were affected by the microburst that caused extensive blowdown in the Lolo Drainage in 1996. This tributary likely historically supported westslope cutthroat trout, sculpins and possibly a run of bull trout from the lower river. 2003 MFWP sampling revealed that introduced brook trout (2”-11”) now dominate the upper, middle and lower reaches of the stream. Westslope cutthroat trout of similar size are also present throughout the drainage in moderate numbers. In 2003, MFWP also detected low numbers of brown trout, bull trout and brook/bull trout hybrids. Westslope cutthroat trout near the mouth are also likely hybridized with rainbow trout. No sculpins were observed in 2003. Page 47 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report Cooper Creek is a small third order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek located on West Fork Butte Creek’s south side about 5 miles above that stream’s mouth on Lolo Creek. Cooper Creek is entirely on Lolo NF land that is roaded and peppered with large clear cuts. The 2003 MFWP survey showed only moderate numbers of 3”-6” westslope cutthroat trout as the only fish species in Cooper Creek. Davis Creek is a small, second order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek located just below the mouth of Grave Creek at mile 20.2 on Lolo Creek’s south side. Most of Davis Creek is on Lolo NF land, with the lowest half-mile on private land. A few small westslope cutthroat trout and unidentified cutthroat or rainbow trout or cutthroat/rainbow hybrids were found in the 2003 MFWP survey. East Fork of Lolo Creek is a significant third order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek, which begins where the East Fork joins the West Fork of Lolo Creek about a mile above Lolo Hot Springs at mile 31.0. Westslope cutthroat in the 3”-8” range dominate the East Fork, although a few brook trout (2”-8”) and brown trout (10”) were found in the 2003 MFWP survey. Brook trout numbers almost equaled westslope cutthroat numbers in the middle sections of the East Fork above Lost Park Creek in the 2003 survey. The East Fork is closely paralleled by a road and flows mostly through PCTC lands that are managed for timber production and Lolo NF land in ‘checkerboard’ ownership. The upper portions, on Lolo NF land, have good habitat. No sculpins were observed in 2003 anywhere in the East Fork. Although not detected in MFWP’s survey, this tributary likely also historically supported bull trout and may still contain low numbers. Granite Creek is another significant tributary of Lolo Creek, about 7 miles long and entering just below Lolo Hot Springs at mile 29.4 on the north side. Like Cloudburst Creek and Grave Creek, this tributary likely historically supported westslope cutthroat trout, sculpins and bull trout. Bull trout (in low numbers) and westslope cutthroats were found in the 2003 MFWP survey. Some westslope cutthroats had parasites. Brook trout were most common in the middle and lower reaches. Low densities of fish were noted in upper reaches. Hybridization between bull trout and brookies, which is believed to be one cause (among many) of the threatened status of bull trout, was observed in Granite Creek. Grave Creek is a significant third order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek. It enters Lolo Creek from the north at mile 20.3. Grave Creek reportedly was named for the gravesite of a trapper named Lawrence, whose name was transformed to “Lo-Lo” by Native Americans (and later used for the pass, mountain, creek and town). Grave Creek’s upper section is on Lolo NF, the middle section is heavily logged PCTC, and the lowest reach is composed of parcels of private land. Although this tributary historically supported westslope cutthroat trout and bull trout, low numbers of cutthroats (in the middle and upper reaches only) and no bull trout were noted in the 2003 MFWP survey. The other trout species noted were brook trout, brown trout and rainbow trout, all introduced species. Sculpins were present in the lower reaches. The lower section’s riparian zone was in poor condition in 2003 due to heavy livestock grazing. Howard Creek is a second order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek located 2 miles above Grave Creek at mile 22.4 on Lolo Creek’s north side. Howard Creek is about 7 miles long, and flows west to east through Page 48 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report alternating sections of roaded and logged PCTC and Lolo NF land. The 2003 MFWP survey noted lots of shade, large in-stream wood and a culvert that posed no barrier to fish movement in the lower section. In the late summer of 2003, the North Fork Howard Fire burned through the headwaters of the drainage. Westslope cutthroat trout are found throughout, but are most numerous in the lower reaches. The same goes for brook trout in the 4”-10” range. Only one rainbow trout (9”) was noted in the 2003 survey of Howard Creek. Brown trout in the 4”-7” range were also most numerous in the lower reaches. John Creek is a very small second order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek which, if it still reached Lolo Creek, would enter at mile 8.3 on Lolo Creek’s south side. John Creek is diverted into irrigation and does not connect to the creek. It drains the NW side of Mormon Peak. The upper mile is Lolo NF, and the lower mile is split between PCTC and private land. No fish species were noted in the 2003 survey. Lost Park Creek is a small third order tributary stream that enters the East Fork of Lolo Creek from the west about 3½ miles above the confluence with the West Fork. Westslope cutthroat trout and, to a lesser extent, brook trout, are found throughout. White parasitic worms were attached behind Marshall Creek is a small second order tributary stream that enters West Fork Butte Creek’s south side about 2 miles above the confluence with the South Fork of Lolo Creek. All sites sampled in the 2003 MFWP survey were dominated by eastern brook trout, which was the only species noted. Marshall Creek is entirely on roaded and logged Lolo NF land. Martin Creek is a small second order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek that enters from the south at mile 27.0. Martin Creek’s upper reach is in a section of PCTC land intensively managed for timber production, and the middle reach is in an unroaded and unlogged section of Lolo NF land. The lower third of a mile is on private land. The 2003 MFWP survey noted low USFS/Lolo NF Lee Creek is a small third order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek that joins the West Fork of Lolo Creek about a half mile above the confluence with the East Fork. Lee Creek was notable in the 2003 MFWP survey for having low densities of westslope cutthroat trout in the lower reaches and none in the upper reaches. Brook trout in the 4”9” range dominated all reaches surveyed. An 11” brown trout from the campground area was the only other trout species found in Lee Creek. the pectoral fin of all westslope cutthroat trout collected in Lost Park Creek’s lower reaches in MFWP’s 2003 survey. No parasites were found in the upper reaches. One 11” brown trout was noted in the lower section. Almost all of Lost Park Creek is on land managed for timber production by PCTC and the Lolo NF. Martin Creek drainage; this 2000 aerial photo shows differing USFS/Plum Creek land management numbers of both westslope cutthroat trout and eastern brook trout in the lower reach, Page 49 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report Mill Creek is a third order tributary of the main stem entering the south side of Lolo Creek at mile 10.3. As one moves upstream, Mill Creek flows through about ¾ mile of private land, then through a section of roaded PCTC lands managed for timber production, then on for a couple of miles within lightly disturbed Lolo NF land. Mill Creek is a boulder/step-pool stream with a high gradient. The 2003 MFWP survey noted good numbers of westslope cutthroat trout (2”-7”) throughout, and lower numbers of brook trout (2”-8”) in the lower reach only. Mormon Creek is a significant third order tributary of the main stem Lolo Creek. Mormon Creek is the first tributary stream entering Lolo Creek, coming in from the south at mile 3.8 about 1½ miles above the town of Lolo. The lower 2 miles of Mormon Creek are on private lands, and the remaining 4 miles are all on Lolo NF land. In its lowest ½ mile, Mormon Creek is largely diverted into irrigation systems during the spring to fall irrigating season. The 2003 MFWP survey noted excellent habitat in the lower section, and good habitat in the middle section. Fish numbers were highest in the middle reach of Mormon Creek, dominated by brook trout in the 2”10” range. Westslope cutthroat trout were found at all sites sampled, and bull trout were also found in the upper and lower reaches. Hybridization between brook trout and bull trout in Mormon Creek seems prevalent. The portions of Mormon Creek on Lolo NF land have a well-timbered southern side of the drainage, while the north side of the drainage is the open slopes of Mormon Peak’s south side. Bill Bradt/USFS Region 1 Archives which had poor habitat quality. The upper reach was low in water and had only westslope cutthroat trout in the 4” range. South Fork of Lolo Creek, Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness South Fork of Lolo Creek is another significant tributary to Lolo Creek’s main stem. It enters the main stem’s south side at mile 12.7. The South Fork is unique because the upper reaches are within the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area of the Lolo NF. Below the wilderness area, the South Fork flows through about 4 miles of largely unroaded Lolo NF land, skirts through some PCTC land, then through another section of Lolo NF, and finally through about 1½ miles of valley bottom within the privately-owned Lolo Trail Ranch. A 4-foot irrigation diversion dam across the mouth of the South Fork is a barrier to fish passage. Bull trout (4”-8”) were found in the middle reaches; according to some locals, a relict population of bull trout lives within the upper valley (not sampled in 2003). Brook trout (3”-8”) dominate the lower sections, where a few small westslope cutthroat trout and a few brown trout (4”-13”) were also noted. Westslope cutthroat trout (4”-9”) dominate the middle to upper sections. Hybridization between bull trout and brook trout was observed in the South Fork of Lolo Creek. No sculpins were found in the 2003 MFWP survey. Page 50 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report Tevis Creek is a small second order tributary of the main stem entering the south side of Lolo Creek at mile 11.4. Tevis Creek’s upper two miles flow through roaded PCTC lands managed for timber production and Lolo NF lands, and the lower ½ mile is on the privately owned valley bottom within the Lolo Trail Ranch. The 2003 MFWP survey found only small westslope cutthroat trout in moderate densities in Tevis Creek. of brown trout in the 2”-5” range were found in the lower section beside the Lee Creek campground. Small westslope cutthroat trout in low to moderate numbers are in the middle and upper sections, and small brook trout were found in low to moderate numbers in the lowest and middle sections. Good numbers of sculpins were observed in this stream. This stream also likely supported good numbers of bull trout historically. West Fork Butte Creek is a significant second order tributary to Lolo Creek, joining the South Fork from the west about a mile above Lolo Creek’s main stem. Westslope cutthroat trout (4”-7”) dominate the lower reaches, while small brook trout dominate the upper reaches. Brook trout and westslope cutthroat trout share dominance of the middle reaches. A couple of brown trout in the 3”-10” range were also found in the lower section during the 2003 MFWP survey although no bull trout or sculpins were noted. The upper six miles of West Fork Butte Creek is within Lolo NF land, then it skirts sections of PCTC and State of Montana land before entering the South Fork. Elk Meadows Road closely follows West Fork Butte Creek for most of its length. Woodman Creek is a small second order tributary of the main stem, historically entering the north side of Lolo Creek at mile 12.9 within the Lolo Trail Ranch. Woodman Creek enters a small pond, then is diverted for irrigation. Small westslope cutthroat trout, along with a few rainbow trout and brook trout, were found in Woodman Creek in the 2003 MFWP survey. The upper reaches are on Lolo NF land, and the rest flows through PCTC and private lands (the latter not surveyed by MFWP in 2003). West Fork of Lolo Creek is a significant third order tributary of Lolo Creek, whose main stem is created at the confluence of the East Fork and West Fork at mile 31.0. The West Fork of Lolo Creek contains large amounts of fine sediments, which likely are a result of Highway 12 sanding operations in the winter (although logging roads and highly erodible soils are also thought to contribute). Highway 12 crosses the West Fork shortly after the confluence with the East Fork and closely follows the West Fork up to Lolo Pass. Despite good habitat, the 2003 MFWP survey noted low fish densities in the West Fork of Lolo Creek. A couple V. Recreation Management Recreation management in the Lolo Creek watershed has provided for a diverse range of opportunities. The Lolo Creek watershed offers quite a bit of recreational activity options. Crowding is still low, so management remains fairly light-handed. The drainage is rich in wildlife, and hunting, fishing and trapping are all popular pursuits. Camping and hiking options are also plentiful. History buffs can find many aspects of regional history to pursue, either from an automobile or on one of the many trails in the area. Other recreational activities in the drainage include crosscountry skiing, snowshoeing, nature study, and activities which can border on the commercial, such as huckleberry and mushroom harvesting and “rockhounding,” which includes crystal gathering. Of course, Page 51 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report the commercialized Lolo Hot Springs offers hot water soaking and swimming for a fee. The newly established Traveler’s Rest State Park offers visitors the opportunity to visit an important campsite of the Lewis and Clark expedition and gain interpretive insight into the Corps of Discovery. Motorized recreational opportunities include the use of off-road vehicles (ORV’s), snowmobiles and road-based vehicles. Nonmotorized recreation includes the use of horses and other stock along with mountain bikes. The issue in the Lolo drainage seems to be one of quality of experience rather than the availability of options. The main factor in the relative quality of recreational experience seems to be the level of use. As the number of people looking for recreation in the Lolo Creek watershed has grown, the solitude and remoteness that typified the drainage for many years has been reduced. Other factors also come into play. Plum Creek Timber Company, a major landowner in the drainage, has generally allowed recreational access to its lands over the years. However, because of the checkerboard nature of Plum Creek’s lands and the road system it shares with the U.S. Forest Service, open access creates management problems. Plum Creek’s priorities do not always include the expense and liability of accommodating recreation users of its road network. Increasingly, roads that lead away from the highway and across Plum Creek lands are gated and closed, especially during hunting season. The Forest Service also has an extensive road closure program. Roads are closed for a variety of reasons ranging from conflicting management priorities to maintenance concerns to (perhaps most common) the need to protect big game from harassment during the fall and winter. When roads are closed, access is concentrated and competition for access is increased. The other dimension of quality in experience comes from sharing recreational sites with individuals who, purposefully or otherwise, leave sites in impaired or damaged condition. This includes everything from finding discarded garbage to acts of vandalism and property damage. Unfortunately, the trends of carelessness, abuse and vandalism are likely to reflect the greater trend of increasing recreational use and demand in the Lolo Creek watershed. Public access to many parts of Lolo Creek is in short supply, despite the close proximity of Highway 12 to the stream’s entire length. Private lands border much of the lower half of Lolo Creek, and many landowners see access issues as defined by abuse and vandalism, not to mention liability concerns. How access issues evolve in relation to restoration of the watershed and wild trout fishery will be a challenging issue in times to come. Without doubt, the amount of recreational pressure in the Lolo Creek watershed is only going to increase. Even without watershed restoration, this is partly a function of a growing population that increasingly seeks outdoors recreation, and also due to direct efforts to entice growing numbers of recreationalists. For instance, the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark expedition’s travels through this area is being regaled as a windfall for those hoping to reap tourist dollars. The “Lewis and Clark” name is heavily utilized among the few convenience stores, RV parks and motels along Highway 12 in Montana. The U.S. Forest Service, owning almost 68% of all lands in the Lolo Creek watershed, has its own recreational program. In addition to operating timber and other commodity programs, and managing natural resources on its lands, the Lolo National Forest offers extensive recreational Page 52 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report opportunities. A list of Lolo National Forest facilities and features within its recreation program is provided in Table 5 (below). As might be expected, visitor use related to the commemoration of the Lewis and Clark bicentennial is a major focus in the immediate future. During the past year (2003) most of the visitors were retiree-age, driving along Highway 12 and not going off-road (Kulla, 2003). The Lolo NF and Clearwater NF in Idaho offer non-motorized access along the Lewis and Clark Trail, and the upcoming 2 to 3 years may attract many more visitors in keeping with the timing of the actual expedition’s travels. Some of the issues that dominate the Lolo NF recreation program are the protection of sensitive sites (Howard Creek Meadows, Teepee Meadows, Sally Basin and East Fork Meadows, and the Granite Creek Warm Springs site on Plum Creek land), conflicts involving Plum Creek logging and recreation, ORV damage, and dumping of trash off Elk Meadows road on Plum Creek land. Other issues include access to the Great Burn area from Granite Pass and the North Fork of Granite Creek, and the cabin inholding near Granite Pass. Vandalism and abuse also feature in the Lolo National Forest’s recreation management. The Missoula Ranger District, which includes all of the Lolo National Forest within the Lolo Creek watershed, spends more than $10,000 annually just to deal with vandalism (Kulla, 2003). Some of the more common visitor activities on the Lolo NF are gregarious parties, which can unfortunately result in vandalism and abuse. Interpretive signs do not receive much damage, with the regular exception of the fisheries interpretive sign at Fort Fizzle. Campgrounds ! Lee Creek – 22 sites ! Lolo Creek – 18 sites ! Earl Tennant – 7 sites ! ! Picnic Areas Howard Creek Fort Fizzle ! ! Lolo Trail National Historic Landmark Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Nez Perce National Historic Trail ! Grazing Allotments South Fork/East Fork of Lolo Creek (permittee is OZ/Lolo Trails Ranch) ! ! ! Snowmobile Trail System 150+ miles, extends into Idaho Recreational Structures Cabin Rental – West Fork Butte Creek Snowmobile warming hut at Lost Park Lolo Pass VIS Center ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Recreation Opportunities Hiking and Camping Fishing, Hunting and Trapping Snowmobiling XC Skiing and Snowshoeing Wood and Christmas Tree cutting Berry and Mushroom harvest Rock Climbing (the “Heap”) ! ! ! Current Emphases Lewis and Clark Bicentennial National Historic Trail Dispersed and Developed Recreation ! Table 5: Lolo National Forest Recreation Facilities & Features Economics of Recreation Recreation in the Lolo Creek watershed is a big contributor to the local economy. This is a trend that, as use increases, is only likely to grow in significance. The ongoing commemoration of the Lewis and Clark Expedition is a visible highlight of this trend. The University of Montana’s Institute for Tourism & Recreation Research (ITRR), which tracks tourism and recreation use in Montana, provides the following: ! In Missoula County, nonresidents who stopped for pleasure here in 2002 spent a Page 53 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report ! ! ! total of $149,023,000.00; 62% of these folks were vacationing, and 26% were passing through; In 2001, nonresident travel expenditures in Montana totaled $1.746 billion; In 2000, Montana residents traveling to the western part of the state spent an estimated $81.6 million; and, In 2002, nonresidents vacationing in Montana spent an average of $139.31 daily; over 9.55 million nonresidents traveled in Montana in 2001. In 2001, the services industry in Missoula County (not including grocery retailers) employed 16,392 in 1667 establishments for $404,862,440 in wages, of which recreation accounted for $194,037,387 (Montana Department of Labor & Industry, Research & Analysis Bureau). This source also states that the service industry was the largest portion of Montana’s economy in 2001, providing 27.7% (or $3,897,295,820.00) of all income ($14,069,660,000.00) all income. Although numbers for recreation’s role regarding the local economy are unavailable, there is no question that this contribution is sizeable and likely leads the pack in percentage rank. Increased efforts to preserve and add to those qualities sought by recreationalists (along with promotion) are likely to increase this contribution beyond expected growth. VI. Noxious Weeds One of the biggest issues in the Lolo Creek watershed is the tremendous influx of noxious weeds over the years. Noxious weeds present a growing (both figuratively and literally) problem that has no respect for ownership or hydrologic boundaries. Management and control of noxious weeds requires a complicated, coordinated approach that must be constant, responsive and ever-vigilant. Unfortunately, the magnitude of the noxious weeds problem overwhelms some landowners, while other landowners are apathetic, as the distribution and degree of infestation indicates. For instance, the Lolo National Forest has an official policy of treating weeds only where the most resource and public benefit can be had, rather than where weeds are most numerous. The Lolo NF doesn’t consider the mere presence of weeds to be a resource problem, recognizing that weeds are so widespread that they will always be present. Even if individual landowners expend great energy and resources to eradicate weeds on a specific parcel, a season or two of low control efforts along with infestations on adjacent lands can result in weed problems as severe as ever. Why try to get rid of noxious weeds at all, some may wonder. There is no mystery to this question to someone who has seen his or her prime pastureland become a thick jungle of leafy spurge or knapweed. But the effects of noxious weed infestations are much more destructive and insidious. Noxious weeds pose a big threat to the economy and environment; they decrease the economic value of land and crops, decrease forage for livestock and wildlife, displace native plants, lower plant diversity, increase soil erosion and sedimentation, and adversely affect recreation.28 About 9%, or over 8.4 million acres, of Montana is covered with noxious weeds, and the reduction in livestock forage by spotted knapweed alone 28 Pokorny, Monica and Roger Sheley. 2001. Montana’s Noxious Weeds. MSU Extension Services and Montana Weed Control Association. Montana State University. Bozeman, Montana. P. 4. Page 54 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report costs Montanans 14 million dollars per year.29 Closer to home, efforts to restore Lolo Creek’s wild trout fishery must include restoration of riparian vegetation, which means removing noxious weeds and keeping them out. Restoring the Lolo Creek watershed will require a coordinated campaign to fight noxious weed infestations over the entire drainage, which means pulling every landowner into the process. Weed Management The issue of controlling and eradicating noxious weeds is not new, as any gardener, farmer or rancher can attest. What is new is the continual spread of species, along with the technologies for dealing with weeds. Biological controls, such as Larinus minutus (the lesser knapweed flower weevil), Cyphocleonus achates (the knapweed root weevil), and two species of flea beetles that attack leafy spurge are being used in some areas to combat noxious weeds. The Missoula County Weed District (MCWD) prefers and advocates the use of biological controls.30 Unfortunately, each noxious weed species and site requires a specialized form of treatment (or combination of treatments). For example, leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) can be effectively contained with livestock (particularly sheep) grazing, while sheep and goat grazing only reduces the seed production of spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa). Herbicides of different types work to a degree on all species, but are more effective on a few. Canada thistle 29 ibid. Otten, Bill. 2003. Personal Communication. Prevention, new invaders and roadsides. Missoula County Weed District. Missoula, Montana. 30 (Circium arvense) is difficult to control by any means, while houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale) is effectively treated by several means. Cutting or mowing common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) before treating with herbicide will work well, but mowing leafy spurge only increases its density. Obviously, catching new invasions before they spread is generally best. Several landowners in the Lolo Creek watershed have already worked hard at controlling noxious weeds. Missoula County Weed District offers both a landowner grant program for smaller acreages, and facilitates grants through Montana’s Noxious Weed Trust Fund program, both of which have been accessed by Lolo-area landowners. Plum Creek has its own weed management program, and both Plum Creek and the Lolo National Forest have staff who perform spraying for weed control along roads. In summer 2004, the Missoula County Weed District will spray herbicides (MCP-amines) along Highway 12 in conjunction with the Montana Department of Transportation. One of the goals of the MCWD is to halt the progress of leafy spurge up Highway 12; the plant currently does not go beyond mile marker 21.5.31 The Lolo NF also has a weed control component (Amendment 11) of its Forest Plan. Priority Areas according to Amendment 11 of the Lolo NF Plan are: ! Areas that are relatively free of weeds, and trailheads, trails and roads that lead to those areas; ! New infestations and small weed patches that threaten areas at high or moderate ecological risk to weed invasion; ! Weeds on National Forest System land next to or near other 31 Ibid. Page 55 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report ! ! landownerships with active weed control programs; Weeds on administrative sites, developed recreation sites, and pastures to serve as demonstration sites for public viewing or to provide weed-free grazing for government packstock; and, Bunchgrass big game winter range. coordination, since (as has been stated) weeds have no respect for ownership or hydrologic boundaries. The MWCD has the capability of developing sophisticated maps with information gleaned from site surveys. With this information, residents of the Lolo Creek watershed can jointly attack noxious weeds in a coordinated fashion. ! ! ! ! ! The Lolo NF also maintains a list of noxious weeds on a “watch list” (see Table 6, below). The heaviest infestations of noxious weeds on the Lolo NF are generally the areas that see the heaviest use (Kulla, 2003). Roadways generally have the greatest infestations, and infestations grade away with distance from roads. Leafy spurge became much more widespread and problematic after the 1988 fire season, especially around Fort Fizzle.32 Getting the upper hand on noxious weeds in the Lolo Creek watershed will be a long, difficult struggle (much like restoring the wild trout fishery), but it can be accomplished. As Bill Otten of the Missoula County Weed District says, “You have to start somewhere,” and the start was made years ago. However, effective control for the entire watershed requires a planned campaign, which should logically start with determining where infestations occur and what species are involved. This will require mapping, which hasn’t been done in the Lolo Creek watershed but has been done successfully elsewhere many times. It will also require cooperation and 32 Kulla, Andy. 2003. Personal Communication. Lolo National Forest Recreation and Noxious Weeds Coordinator. Missoula, Montana. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! cheatgrass Bromus tectorum white top Cardaria draba musk thistle Cardus nutans diffuse knapweed Centaurea diffusa spotted knapweed Centaurea maculosa Russian knapweed Centaurea repens yellow starthistle Centaurea solstitalis rush skeletonweed Chondrilla juncea oxeye daisy Chrysanthemum leucanthemem Canada thistle Circium arvense common crupina Crupina vulgaris houndstongue Cynoglossum officinale blue weed Echium vulgare leafy spurge Euphorbia esula orange hawkweed Hieracium aurantiacum (suspected to occur in Lolo Creek watershed) yellow hawkweed Hieracium pratense (suspected to occur in Lolo Creek watershed) St. Johnswort Hypericum perforatum dyers woad Isatis tinctoria* dalmatian toadflax Linaria dalmatica common toadflax Linaria vulgaris purple loostrife Lythrum spp.* sulfur cinquefoil Potentilla recta tall buttercup Ranunculus acris* tansy ragwort Senecio jacobaea* common tansy Tanacetum vulgare* NOTE: Bold indicates weeds known to occur in the Lolo Creek Drainage Table 6: Lolo National Forest’s "Watch List" - 25 invasive weeds of greatest concern Page 56 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report Economics of Noxious Weeds In “Impacts of Noxious Weeds on the Ecology and Economy of Montana”33, the authors emphasize that Montanans are already paying a high cost for noxious weeds, and that cost is rapidly rising. Many of the impacts of noxious weeds are insidious and not readily apparent. For instance, noxious weeds reduce the amount and quality of forage for wildlife like elk and deer. Noxious weeds lower plant diversity, displace native species and alter the functions of native plant communities. Noxious weeds can increase soil loss and sedimentation. Noxious weeds can reduce land values, and of course reduce forage for livestock. Noxious weeds cost Montanans millions of dollars annually in lost amenities and for control. Because they are continuing to spread and increase in number of species, noxious weeds will increase the costs we all bear. In the case of leafy spurge alone, it is estimated that the economic impact in Montana, North and South Dakota and Wyoming totals $129.9 million annually. Spotted knapweed is estimated to cost Montanans $42 million annually, or the value of about 500 jobs. Montana agriculture faces costs of over $100 million annually in control expenses and crop production losses. Coordinated plans for noxious weed control are an economic necessity, not an option, in the Lolo Creek watershed. VII. Conservation Recommendations A. Fisheries Habitat Improvement Opportunities This report has identified many alterations of main stem Lolo Creek that are largely detrimental to fisheries habitat. The opportunities for habitat improvement generally fit into one of several categories, as follows: Restoring streamlength to shortened sections of stream (Re-connecting meanders cut off by Highway 12) Many sections of Lolo Creek could be relengthened by restoring flow to channels cut off by Highway 12. Each section of stream affected would require two highway bridges. There would likely be legal implications from landowners owning property adjacent to and within these old channels, and political implications due to the magnitude of time, money and materials needed. Highway 12 is also a major conduit for vehicle traffic between Idaho and Montana, so construction activity would be a great nuisance to many. The benefits would include lower gradients, more surface area of water, potential for restoration of pools and streambank vegetation, and perhaps reduced sediment input from highway maintenance. Another benefit may be reduced ice movement severity. Some landowners would have increased property values from having streamside frontage again on their property. Costs would be extremely high, but the benefits would also be high. 33 Sheley, R.L., B.E. Olson and C. Hoopes, EB 152, Montana Dept. of Agric. and MSU Extension, reprinted Nov. 2000 Page 57 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report Protection from further residential improvements in the riparian areas and adjacent to streams (Private Landowners) Missoula County’s floodplain regulations are meant to prohibit further situations where stream alterations are required to protect structures once they are built. Education and perhaps more building restrictions are probably needed. Each residence, bridge, or other improvement becomes a hardened site to protect the structure that also interferes with normal stream processes needed to maintain and restore fisheries habitat. Installation of instream structures to enhance fish habitat It would be possible to install rock structures to create pools, dissipate stream energy and add needed habitat complexity in some straightened sections created by construction of Highway 12. The length of Lolo Creek immediately affected by straightening and rip-rap is simply too extensive to ignore or hope to remedy by the somewhat unlikely reconnecting of meanders cut off by Highway 12. Potentially, the Montana Department of Transportation could be a partner in developing habitat enhancement projects in these sections. Potential projects could include the interplanting of vegetation in rip-rapped sections and incorporating large woody debris (rootwads, whole logs and whole downed trees). Rock features, such as jhooks, barbs and w-weirs, could also be added. expensive than building bridges and reconnecting meanders to increase channel length and would increase fish carrying capacity. The sites that are suitable for utilizing whole downed trees would likely not be in straightened sections. However, the use of whole downed trees would replicate the role of naturally occurring large woody debris in forming pools and areas of deposition for stream borne organic matter. Such LWD formations also create a myriad of habitat types vital for trout in all life stages, and create a diversity of current threads that yield a variety of substrates and depths within the stream. Lolo Creek is literally starved for habitat complexity and diversity, so these approaches should yield immediate benefits in terms of increased trout populations. Modifying irrigation diversions Most of the irrigation diversions and associated headgates observed could be redesigned to reduce entrainment. Dams can be redesigned, rebuilt or remodeled to provide fish passage. In particular, fish screens should be installed as soon as possible in the diversion headgates experiencing the largest loss of trout. Costs for redesigning and rebuilding diversion systems would be relatively high, and maintenance of such screens continues indefinitely (varying according to design). Instream flows, which in many ways are the most pressing problem for Lolo Creek’s trout fishery, can be substantially increased by the water conservation measures and increased efficiencies central to the design of many newer diversion systems. Increasing instream flows Other sites in less erosive areas offer opportunities for utilizing whole downed trees to accomplish the same ends. These approaches would be far less As stated, reduced instream flows are in many ways the most pressing problem for Lolo Creek’s trout fishery. Because we Page 58 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report know that most of Lolo Creek’s instream flow problems stem from the legal withdrawal of water for irrigation purposes, one obvious way to increase instream flows is to promote greater efficiency of water use through techniques that reduce water consumption. Some of these techniques are the lining of irrigation ditches to reduce leakage, center pivot sprinkling systems, off-stream wells for stock watering, and the use of pipes for water transport. Assistance programs though the government can help defray costs. Water use savings need to be accompanied by transfers, leases or changes of use to protect any gains to stream flows. Another way to benefit instream flows is to have low drainage point diversion senior water rights converted to instream flows through transfers, leases or changes of use. Costs could be fairly low to moderately high, depending on the situation and extent of work, materials and project. Stabilization of eroding banks (Using riparian revegetation) In some cases, eroding banks have been aggravated by reduction of shrubs and trees, leaving only weaker grasses that provide low resistance to the erosive power of spring flows. While rip-rap should be avoided, some bio-engineered designs along with some shrub and tree revegetation could provide immediate and longer-term streambank stability. Preventing livestock-induced stress to the revegetation effort and banks through fencing and close management would be essential to this type of project. Costs would be expected to be relatively moderate. Protection and restoration of large woody vegetation It is appropriate to seek long term reestablishment of mature trees for streambank stability, woody debris recruitment and pools for yearlong trout habitat. This is an existing opportunity on almost the entire length of stream surveyed. Planting and/or protection of riparian woody plants from livestock damage could be accomplished by education, cost-share of fencing and planting, and long term conservation easements for interested landowners. As mentioned, an immediate approach to restoring habitat complexity in Lolo Creek is the placement of instream whole downed trees. Methods successfully employed elsewhere use the stream’s currents and floodplain to anchor the trees in place, without the use of cables or chains. Often times, the use of one or two whole trees as “key” pieces enables the placement of smaller logs in such a way as to anchor them in place. The resulting logjams bridge the channel and trap other pieces of large woody debris, creating the mix of current vortices necessary to form pools and other protected habitats critical for trout. This is an inexpensive and effective method that provides immediate habitat benefits. B. Development The basic problem with development and “sprawl” in the Lolo Creek watershed are the lack of standards or planning requirements to prevent the haphazard, piecemeal loss of the drainage’s rural character. Currently (because of SB 326), the Missoula County Commission is the only government entity that directs development and subdivision in the watershed (besides county regulations and state laws for things like sewer requirements, development in floodplains, Page 59 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report taxes and the like). The “Lolo Comprehensive Plan” which provided guidelines for subdivisions and other developments was made invalid by SB 326. The County Commission is now deciding things like setbacks from streams and rivers, open space needs and units per acre. If Lolo area residents want to affect the inevitable forces for development in the watershed, the ultimate solution is to follow the example of other Montana watershed groups and formulate zoning requirements for incorporation into county planning laws. The alternative, and perhaps most needed approach regardless, is to create a political presence for preserving the rural character of the watershed. The pressures of subdivision and land development come not only from increasing demand, but also from willing landowners and developers looking for profitable projects. The formation of an organized and vigilant political force will be essential to preventing the haphazard, piecemeal loss of the drainage’s rural character. C. Recreation Recreation in the Lolo Creek watershed is also likely to see only increases in overall use. This is good news for those in business to provide goods and services to recreationalists, providing that the quality of experience (and number of recreationalists) does not decline due to increased activity. At some point, (perhaps sooner than later for some user groups) limited space in the watershed to accommodate all is going to necessitate some planning and require that certain uses be restricted to certain areas. This is already the case with federally protected wilderness areas, which exclude motorized vehicles and equipment. Again, the formation of an organized political entity (like the Lolo Watershed Group) can lead to the sort of collaborative planning needed. Agencies like Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the Lolo National Forest, along with private partners like Plum Creek, are also pivotal players in the evolution of recreation management in the watershed. D. Noxious Weeds Getting the upper hand on the noxious weed problems of the Lolo Creek watershed is going to be complicated and difficult. It is not, however, impossible. The first step should be to working with the Missoula County Weed District conduct a thorough inventory of noxious weed distribution (by species) in the watershed. The resulting maps will be a valuable tool in coordinating the application of effort and resources, Tapping into county, state and federal support programs will offset costs, as will partnering with agency and private company landowners in the watershed. An absolute must to assure successful weed management is coordination and cooperation between landowners in the watershed. Again, the leadership of the Lolo Watershed Group can be decisive in developing a meaningful noxious weeds control strategy. E. Streambank Erosion A significant problem that besets Lolo Creek frontage landowners is the continued loss of property and threat of damage caused by streambank erosion. This erosion is primarily related to Highway 12 and the straightening of the channel. The Page 60 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report straightened channel inevitably meanders, and where the full force of the current hits streambanks head on, erosion and damage results. This is the highly visible case in several instances at the tail end of straightened, rip-rapped sections. The problem is exacerbated by the lack of sinuosity in main stem Lolo Creek due (again) to Highway 12. The lack of meanders adds velocity to the current, which adds to the destructive power of the stream (especially during ice movements and high water). In the lower portions of Lolo Creek, the stream can sometimes be compared to a fire hose nozzle without control, carving new channels and taking out big chunks of property during high flow events. Solutions to this problem aren’t going to be easy. One immediate and popular solution is to armor current targeted banks with rip-rap, which, as we have seen, is not a very good approach. A much better solution would be to restore sinuosity to main stem Lolo Creek, thus dissipating energy and eliminating present property threats. Since this would mean re-connecting meanders and building bridges, the feasibility is low. A more feasible approach may be to investigate constructing smaller channel meanders within the existing floodplain to accomplish similar results. This would still involve the loss of private property in some instances. Overall, this problem merits more study by those skilled in the dynamics of stream systems within floodplains. Innovative solutions must be engineered to incorporate the stream’s natural character and tendencies. Page 61 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report References Alt, David D. and D. Hyndman. 1986. Roadside Geology of Montana. Mountain Press Publishing. Missoula, Montana. Anderson, Alan. 2003. Personal Communication. Lolo Creek landowner. Athens, Bill. 2003. Personal Communication. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Bechtold, Timothy. 1992. NOW v. FOREVER: The conflict between business and forestry in the management of Plum Creek timberlands in Montana. MS Thesis, Environmental Studies, University of Montana. Missoula, Montana. Bechtold, Timothy. 2004. Personal Communication. Missoula, Montana. Boer, Brian. 2002. Septic derived nutrient loading to the groundwater and surface water in Lolo Montana. MS Thesis, Geology, University of Montana. Missoula, Montana. Bollman, Wease. 2003. A Biological Assessment of Sites on Lolo Creek: Missoula County, Montana. Rhithron Associates, Inc. Report to the Missoula Water Quality District. Missoula, Montana. Brandt, Troy M., and Erik Ringelberg. 1999. Inventory and Assessment of Bank Stabilization Projects on Reaches of the Clark Fork River, Bitterroot River, Blackfoot River, Lolo Creek and Ninemile Creek in Missoula County, Montana. The Watershed Education Network. Missoula, Montana. Carpenter, Mary (ed.). 1976. Lolo Creek Reflections. Lolo Women’s Club. Economy Publishers. Missoula, Montana. Clancy, Chris. 2000. Comments in “State of the Fisheries” talk, Westslope Chapter Trout Unlimited meeting, 3/1/00. Missoula, Montana. (The) Discovery Writers. 1998. Lewis & Clark In The Bitterroots. Stoneydale Press Publishing Company. Stevensville, Montana. Dishman, Bill. 2003. Personal Communication. Lolo Creek resident. Duffalo, Bruce. 2003. Personal Communication. Lolo Creek resident. EPA. 2003. Climate Change and Montana. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation. Washington, D.C. Hendrickson, Stanley. 2003. Comments at meeting of the Lolo Watershed Group, 7/23/03. Lolo, Montana. Holt, John. Montana fly fishing guide. V. 1, West of the Continental Divide. Greycliff Publishing Company. Helena, Montana. Knotek, Ladd. 2003. Lolo Creek unpublished fisheries data. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Missoula, Montana. Page 62 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report References , continued: Konizeski, Dick. 1998. Edited and revised by Bill Archie and Michele Archie. The Montanans’ Fishing Guide. V. 1, Montana waters west of the Continental Divide. Mountain Press Publishing Company. Missoula, Montana. Kulla, Andy. 2003. Personal Communication. Lolo National Forest Recreation and Noxious Weeds Coordinator. Missoula, Montana. Land & Water Consulting. 2000. Lolo Creek Road Sand Impact Assessment. Report prepared for Montana Department of Transportation, Environmental Services. Malouf, Carling. 1952. Economy and Land Use by the Indians of Western Montana. McLeod, Charles M. 1984. A Cultural History of the Lolo Trail. MA Thesis, University of Montana. Mickelson, Sig. 1993. The Northern Pacific Railroad and the Selling of the West. The Center for Western Studies. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Missoula Office of Planning and Grants (MOPG). 2002. Lolo Regional Comprehensive Plan. Adopted by the Missoula County Commission April 24, 2002. Missoula, Montana. Moore, Bud. 1996. The Lochsa Story. Mountain Press Publishing Company. Missoula, Montana. Moore, Bud. 2003. Personal Communication. Former Lolo Creek resident. Condon, Montana. Moulton, Gary E. (ed.). 1988. The Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Vols. 5 and 8. University of Nebraska Press. Lincoln, Nebraska. Otten, Bill. 2003. Personal Communication. Prevention, new invaders and roadsides. Missoula County Weed District. Missoula, Montana. Pokorny, Monica and Roger Sheley. 2001. Montana’s Noxious Weeds. MSU Extension Services and Montana Weed Control Association. Montana State University. Bozeman, Montana. Rosgen, David. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology. Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Sorenson, Jerry. 2003. Personal Communication. Plum Creek real estate, Columbia Falls, Montana. Space, Ralph S. 1970. The Lolo Trail. Historic Montana Publishing, Missoula, Montana (2nd Edition, 2001). Space, Ralph S. 1964. The Clearwater Story. USDA Forest Service, Region One. Missoula, Montana. Stimson, Eric. 2003. Personal Communication. Hazardous Waste section, Montana Department of Transportation. Helena, Montana. Page 63 Lolo Creek Resource Assessment Report References , continued: Sullivan, Sean. 2003. Physical, Biological and Chemical Assessment of Lolo Creek, Montana. Report to the Missoula Water Quality District (MWQD). Missoula, Montana. Sylte, Tracy and B. Riggers. 1999. Upper Lolo Analysis Area - Ecosystem Analysis at the Watershed Scale. Lolo National Forest, U.S. Forest Service, Missoula, Montana. Taber, Richard (ed.). 1969. Coniferous Forests of the Northern Rocky Mountains. University of Montana, Missoula, Montana. Tuhy, Joel S. and Sherman Jensen. 1982. Riparian Classification for the Upper Salmon/Middle Fork Salmon Rivers, Idaho. USDA Forest Service, Region IV. Contract, White Horse Associates. Smithfield, Utah. U.S. Census. 2000. USDA, USDI. 1998. A User Guide to Assessing Proper Functioning Condition and Supporting Science for Lotic Areas. Riparian Area Management TR 1737-15. Wright, Charles “Chuck”. 2003. Personal Communication. Assistant County Engineer, Missoula County. Missoula, Montana. WRCC, Western Regional Climate Center, 2003. Historical climate information., Desert Research Institute. Zeisler, Dorothy J. 1982. The history of irrigation and the orchard industry in the Bitter Root valley. MA Thesis, University of Montana. Missoula, Montana. Page 64 Appendix A – MAPS Contents: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Reaches 1 and 2 Reaches 3 and 4 Reaches 5 and 6 Reaches 6 and 7 Lolo Creek Watershed (in back cover pocket) Note: Stream Mile locations on Reach maps correspond to Habitat Alteration Locations in Streamwalk narrative. subnote: the reach break between Reach 6 and Reach 5 depicted on Map iii is incorrect; Reach 6 ends and Reach 5 begins at a point just upstream of the mouth of Grave Creek, at stream mile 20.5. Page 65