93) dsMd. rhn wh@r yidds 3h@ld b. im@!.d on sl.ii.d bris ddasn

P.tidd. itulr.d
2a0 1o 3tP
lo'UrnriL. of6lo
10 ?5tr
tulg- nw I25 !m in
th. qrc@ sthd pl.iB ro Joo ro 90o hn in tlE sbmdr.i'|@ !r.l tunl'.m pl.in..
Aboul 70 D.r 6r of tor.l Einfrll l'@d ! hsvy doMpdn ir lmd dunlg.,uly ro
S.ptdbcr ..d l0 pr 6nt an wintd Tcrp.otuG drg6 oun no honthly nininun
4'C dudrs D*6bF ud Jmry to non no'fily oaiNm of 40rC dldng Jurc e.l
ha r
rUiF idl rr.l @i{il
dim.r., TIE
||fl.l .infll
Gq'aly t il. N qlqt€c {itb v.ryi'{a 6|ef.lioB of crldln dbolr. .d l*
in oradic mnd @irqr. Soil rqrurB gr{s.lt e 6d& ro rdi@, Almod .tl $it.
e d.fci€ft ii iitrosq (N) ed pholthotu (P) Poi.siun (l() l*k. .rc.fl in 5.ndy
$ils dd in n r! of high K{€qoiring dop!" @.d.qut. for pl.rft gre*th (Rshid el0l.
('|J''|e) .id Rrli (en'ld c ts d.itr dDping l.d! in rh. @.rry. whar
\Tr im dJ,twD 1.., is rtu rt;n tuli crcp wnil. n€ (Oryz ..rih L.\ h.i@ (Z.e
m}|r r ), {'A.rc.n. (&,.a/rd, ofichptuh l, ) nnd .o.o^ (( itx\yttw htrsthn l,.t
Th..w..ge yicl& ol crops @ nuch ll]w rhs srld avens. (FAO.
l9e3) Th. p@ rlming poFi.Iion grcvth 6.. of2.7 % (Elononic Surwy. t99793) dsMd. rhn wh@r yidds 3h@ld b. im@!.d on sl.ii.d bris ddasn
nipord @p wicic !d fariliza @ hs ni.ed r||e rsiioibd prc&crioa dE tull
Potetd.l of @t produdim t 5 mr bs &lri.v.d. The strri!.rl elqr rrcducrion witt
c..tti.ly @h.lhrcugl the.lfici.nr u$.f.ppli€d nutndr undd ditr r.nr dop.nd $il
mog.mol p.Fti4r Tt tur irlporrd @mpo..nr of mp produ.tion pracric4 I!
eil Mrg.h.' , Th. iEpbv.d tithg. .nd f.riiljrd M.Addr pr..rks nry povid.
.ft.riwlgt t. iopovcrn fanitidu.6cisEy b ru.rii .g.iqltur.t Dibducio.
thc KhdifcroF.
r., a..hnud
OfrlE 2! nilnnr
of@lliv.ted l!nd. 813 % is irrigar.d which tftldu@s note
thon oo % orasri.trltrml productioo Th. D.in loure oa,urf@ w.tcr is th. lndur hasin
idianidn lysrdr rh.r ptuvide rhor 12 s nillion hEr.Fml6 (hc-m, ehiclr is
iion lub! welh (Atunymous. lo97r)g) The
rujM croppins rysl€hs .rc wlsd-ti@. whercotton rnd wial-m.i&. The whdr@t.n ag @nnitu..s rh€ md inFon.d @lfins 3y3d. Abdr s0 % of wh6l lields
e d&r.d alt.r unk$ dd 3o % |ner lillow. As.ge cbppinS inr!ftny ir aloul rl0
% (chardhry ct d. leee) F.r
or rho uplond ctupn l&id trcpaorn,n wirh.
neldbud pldsh i. sdk lt tbnnH.Ld Bd o.ly poaBirc ta|lffi (? %)
rollow rh. rumm.ndei pr..riq. Th. s.ll &m4 u&.lly use buttet or tr&ro.
$pplemnt.d by llrrlEr
4 million hartr
ddwn cuhivalM (Raiq. rg90i H.satr lod Cr.gory. tee9) Th. n6 ritt 1@hn.losy war
inrodc.d ro av.id ric larc swina ofyhar .nd ro src th. t.nd tE'|tlion os i, nce
bd.d dopping syrt€n ovd.ll no till prodGtd 107, mor. whqr Ar.in yi.td onpred
to thr €xktins lhiners thcrier (Artrn cr rl.. | 990) The othq .dhnrig6 obsetu€d by
.he 6me6 Er. Tim.ly tldilr ot wnar (4j%). bertd sed .rd tirritiz.r oh@r
(4ooz). b.ttd rminrli.n (!3%). t.bour ud lnn. rvin! (26%). ts reds (23%), dd
vield (r?%) nowftr, avaitnnitity ofpropd equipn. for no ral nas b*n s najo,
@.{rainr Fasi6iliry ofuina no ril eirh muhh fo. sheins *hat in pu.j!b. prl&r.n
hr5 bctr 6pry d.mo.{arGd by rhc .B.dh 6idocLd by ctMMvT
.,r! rh. Ri@
Wlqt Consoniln (Hobbs.r d. tt96.l9r?.
Pmblcm ,nd
lars*t an.l sylrem tur iriSarion. good qustity wlrcr is insfijcienl ro
or inl*iv. crcppins ovq rtE yqr (chdoor. t999) Thtu d.trcir
i3 nEr
D€spit€ hnvins lh€
rm!trl. @r
droush plmDitrg und.r sreund w|d of which 70 % is @r s jre
rdr irig.rion (Azm
€t rl. le09) Some othd @ner.inb idsnrjffcd a6 lnadGqua&
tnowknAe of nodem
f.tuins pdi@s (Anh.d a ,t . t9o | : chudhry .r rl.. I e99), row sit
fdilily (R.ihid .r
.1.. le05). *q{ive dd in.pp.opri{€ til.se
ttutiB (R|zq s at. t!Dr), hrw earer
! d htinity (Naw er .t . t9ql) Thcs ticlor,.fer war€. rtrd Nrifll
of watr-Lgginlr
.ujlrhility i.. cturs thar oiimr.t .lld cnrp yiclds ll @uld b. int tld thlt eossrul
aop prbduction d.p6dt upon th. cncidl utiuadd of i.p!t5 h @njunctio. *i|h
.9popn.i. uc of oltunl rn ri€.
r.a sm.mdr of PFnd .!d objdrir6
Surlin bl. .gloltuE in P.liit n k not oil, $. mt sdMt Dd o.ldsrion of
Mtu..l .@e b*e (sia. 5il) brt .l& rh. imras of id& 3r.dily dd subsantiallv
(Ahmad c{ al.. I'rt6) Av.6s. yi.ld. of m.jor cmts.rc low al tuffis lev.l in
smlar ison wirh r.sch frm lnd orh.r cdnttie\ (FAo, ee3; E@nonic sutuey, leeT93). Alrh6ugh improrcd crop v.n.li.s i.d li.liliar u* hav. nisd th. .sticultud
prodlctnrc th€ n'll potentitl of.rur ptoduction t.s not bq acnietld (Anoiyiou3.
lee4) A'notl.c rh. cft't nn'dori(r lircrrts. rillltat conlribulq 5-2o %. wh.rc$ rh.
shlf€ of tiiilirr i ?0-50 % in cbp ptuductivily (Ahmd d .1. 1996) F.nili&r uF
.iici.nf by mps d.p.n& trF)i {..t. t tlili*. nurd.ft 61q tillae. melhod- $i!
It)8 l-
prup€rtie dd rhe crinatic ondirnrls (Engdrl.d, rr)35). nndilB .f ssib.d
p..r.nrion (P@d. re ) lnd till4. mch.d.f€t th. en iobr. u* of $ir tsutq
'TlE pmF u*.frill.gc o
through thdr
on $il pbFnk {Ho6md, loso}
.lldiare eil r€t.t€d 6Br6itn3 ehik nnnrdpcr tilhg! my c'r i hngc of degtdaliw
pli)c.ss e.e. delire in sil irtuduG. .@ldt.d .nion. d.pldion or sil orgsic
tu(cr .nd f.nilnv dd di!ruplion i. 4ds ot wtt.r, orseic qlbon ard plam nuuiars
{rd. lser)
d*loped @unlri6 swRl tillag. pr.cti@s (no till. @n*tuation rirr .nd
dep dll) h.ve b4. dry€lop.d lid phdi@d slGstully ( Lr. 1997) (iop r*idles bn
over lhe $il srlitce u.d.r no dll aol d nuloh. Adequ.te nulchi.s m.t.ri.l is nor
.v.ilable ir PakisLn bsNF of h! v6lu. * Mimrl f€ed or tu€l A f.w sludies hav.
shown b$eficial ef€crs of dcep ploughing on whed yields (R@q er.1. l99l)
Gend.lly o.@l sr.ins arc s*n in nnr |ed whil..ow crops e aio*. on ridg.s Therc
d. @.y r$es ol till.s. implcm.nts with v.rying oplbilitiE and eficiencis (R.t2!q
.nd Sabii 1992) lifonn rion lboui tn uiribility ol di6.r61 implcm.n$ for crop
treduclior urdr vdious lql @ndnionr t sty. F.trl6 @ impl.ndls rh.l ue
.{iltbl. witlnt @nsidqins it! sirhility unds 3p.dfic @drions (R.24 et d..
l eei ) lilLge is pE riert midy wnh . rdctor dnm onivt or Tnis ohiv.rd worts
onrinud o,li-i- ,i ,t" *
a"p,h *
coEd . hrd pr hdow o, | 5 n *nid! hind{r rlE |wanqn of wdd. .ir a *ll c tlE
gowlh of pl.nl rcol (F{fq, 1090: Hosrn .rd Cr.8or& 1999). AddirioDlly. 8 ro l0
!.ss .r lqt1 tr-ror o€ lh. !r.ou.d for i..db.d p.!t ..rio. o cIM sbsil
to rh@r o.m.o
llt n d.Fh
(ousibl..t rl.. 1901 H*.||!o.n<l lt d6. l99a) rh.r h.d rdtt*.trel
oi crops i.ld .nd dviMnan (Louqy ud S.r!!|-, l99li Soe .d un Ousrkat,
1994). A litrl. infqrn rion L &|ihblc .!out rh. soil rd cop Espons ro lubeil
onp..tid on.td 106l @n litirb Th. ld!!-trn .ftc.3 of Fpting ry't@r .nd
meaaMt DrturF o sil pmFni.s ptuid. €$mid iiftd||tjor for !sii.8
$.|{iubifty .nd .nvire06 .l in|'.d (LofaBdli.lo d d,. 1997), A w . n s. of
tirlrra ndh.d. (n .Aord pt{dinr. diEinr. hmwiis. (riiili4, rjdi. nll ud rld.
@rbi rim) ir h.i.A w.rl i. Pr*i{tr wirr@r rh. b.n.ntt of dpdimnd djr on lh.n
@np!6liv..tr or on sil phFtier !d crop dFrs, Thu!, it ii imtond ft, slqdy
@6pahdw €daG of till.a. $d {beil @htrdioi d boil FoFiid ud pldl grosrh
urdd lN.l fi.ld 6nditi@ Ttafw. th. ol{ll otj.dic of thir ltudy ur lo @npuc
th. dbq! ndlb& !d obbn @ry..tbn .ft..3 d sil qu.lity .nit @p yiddt oidd
idig.td @ditionr, Th. rt'.dnc ou@riq 8w: To
(i) qlrlit rh. obooil cdpyrid .&c$ on eil qd'ty .d @p i.ldq rtd
(ii) 6dull. th. rillrs. o*rlh<b td fdiliarior .ft... 6 &il preFni6 c'or
tiddr .id iuridr uF.r..
t-{ S..F oalt.
TIE judid@.
of fim
dirdr i
kmwl.dA. .!our th. rillry. Dcnod!
r. imr-* 6D
.d utoll 6hr-tid .fi..B
Drodlcrioi. Th.
on Fit qu.liry ir
iquinr. @.rdr ldri.vir{ s.xi'$ilir, of .Aidlrud nDt3drc|l iynoi. In
.ddnion. il ir !E d.il f.r dovdotins p.qE tehrclory ro dl'oe fi. cnici*y of
.ppli.d fcnili& rhrr lcnl |o NCq @p prod!.rio on o!l'in.d brns ei$our
dE qu.lir, of
$il .d