PUBLICATIONS SUPPORTED *Center Cited PMID20150297 PMC2858182 Albers JW, Herman WH, Pop-Busui R, Feldman EL, Martin CL, Cleary PA,Waberski BH, Lachin JM; Diabetes Control and Complications Trial /Epidemiologyof Diabetes Interventions and Complications Research Group. Effect of prior intensive insulin treatment during the Diabetes Control andComplications Trial (DCCT) on peripheral neuropathy in type 1 diabetes duringthe Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) Study.Diabetes Care. 2010 May;33(5):1090-6. Epub 2010 Feb 11. PMID20581168 PMC3001257 * Aldred MA, Comhair SA, Varella-Garcia M, Asosingh K, Xu W, Noon GP,Thistlethwaite PA, Tuder RM, Erzurum SC, Geraci MW, Coldren CD. Somatic chromosome abnormalities in the lungs of patients with pulmonaryarterial hypertension.Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010 Nov 1;182(9):1153-60. Epub 2010 Jun 25. PMID20651163 PMC2938597 * Alves TP, Wang X, Wright JT Jr, Appel LJ, Greene T, Norris K, Lewis J; AASKCollaborative Research Group. Rate of ESRD exceeds mortality among African Americans with hypertensivenephrosclerosis.J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 Aug;21(8):1361-9. Epub 2010 Jul 22. PMID20843884 PMC2939418 Balasubramanian BA, Chase SM, Nutting PA, Cohen DJ, Strickland PA, CrossonJC, Miller WL, Crabtree BF; ULTRA Study Team. Using Learning Teams for Reflective Adaptation (ULTRA): insights from ateam-based change management strategy in primary care.Ann Fam Med. 2010 Sep-Oct;8(5):425-32. PMID20813890 PMC3056228 * Balzar S, Fajt ML, Comhair SA, Erzurum SC, Bleecker E, Busse WW, Castro M,Gaston B, Israel E, Schwartz LB, Curran-Everett D, Moore CG, Wenzel SE. Mast cell phenotype, location, and activation in severe asthma: data from thesevere asthma research program.Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011 Feb 1;183(3):299-309. Epub 2010 Sep 2. PMID21095277 PMC2998064 * Boxer RS, Kenny AM, Cheruvu VK, Vest M, Fiutem JJ, Piña II. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration is associated with functional capacityin older adults with heart failure.Am Heart J. 2010 Nov;160(5):893-9. Erratum in: Am Heart J. 2011 Feb;161(2):425. PMID20484057 PMC2899943 * Boxer RS, Kleppinger A, Brindisi J, Feinn R, Burleson JA, Kenny AM. Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on cardiovascular risk factors inolder women with frailty characteristics.Age Ageing. 2010 Jul;39(4):451-8. Epub 2010 May 18. PMID20566956 PMC3014582 * Brennan ML, Reddy A, Tang WH, Wu Y, Brennan DM, Hsu A, Mann SA, Hammer PL,Hazen SL. Comprehensive peroxidase-based hematologic profiling for the prediction of1-year myocardial infarction and death.Circulation. 2010 Jul 6;122(1):70-9. Epub 2010 Jun 21. PMID20360941 PMC2847738 Burden-Gulley SM, Gates TJ, Burgoyne AM, Cutter JL, Lodowski DT, Robinson S,Sloan AE, Miller RH, Basilion JP, Brady-Kalnay SM. A novel molecular diagnostic of glioblastomas: detection of an extracellularfragment of protein tyrosine phosphatase mu.Neoplasia. 2010 Apr;12(4):305-16. PMID21145578 PMC3017653 MSID254503 * Busse WW, Peters SP, Fenton MJ, Mitchell H, Bleecker ER, Castro M, Wenzel S,Erzurum SC, Fitzpatrick AM, Teague WG, Jarjour N, Moore WC, Sumino K, Simeone S,Ratanamaneechat S, Penugonda M, Gaston B, Ross TM, Sigelman S, Schiepan JR,Zaccaro DJ, Crevar CJ, Carter DM, Togias A. Vaccination of patients with mild and severe asthma with a 2009 pandemic H1N1influenza virus vaccine.J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011 Jan;127(1):130-7, 137.e1-3. Epub 2010 Dec 9. PMID20210653 PMC2956522 * Claridge JA, Pang P, Leukhardt WH, Golob JF, Carter JW, Fadlalla AM. Critical analysis of empiric antibiotic utilization: establishing benchmarks.Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2010 Apr;11(2):125-31. PUBLICATIONS SUPPORTED *Center Cited PMID20962021 PMC3038479 * Copeland KC, Zeitler P, Geffner M, Guandalini C, Higgins J, Hirst K, KaufmanFR, Linder B, Marcovina S, McGuigan P, Pyle L, Tamborlane W, Willi S; TODAYStudy Group. Characteristics of adolescents and youth with recent-onset type 2 diabetes: theTODAY cohort at baseline.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Jan;96(1):159-67. Epub 2010 Oct 20. PMID20510967 PMC2897007 Coustan DR, Lowe LP, Metzger BE, Dyer AR; International Association ofDiabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups. The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) study: paving the wayfor new diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes mellitus.Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Jun;202(6):654.e1-6. PMID20856145 PMC3043156 MSID250809 Crabtree BF, Nutting PA, Miller WL, McDaniel RR, Stange KC, Roberto Jaén C,Stewart E. Primary Care Practice Transformation Is Hard Work: Insights From a 15-YearDevelopmental Program of Research.Med Care. 2010 Sep 17; [Epub ahead of print] PMID20530397 PMC2885727 Crabtree BF, Nutting PA, Miller WL, Stange KC, Stewart EE, Jaén CR. Summary of the National Demonstration Project and recommendations for thepatient-centered medical home.Ann Fam Med. 2010;8 Suppl 1:S80-90; S92. Erratum in: Ann Fam Med. 2010Jul-Aug;8(4):369. PMID20576734 PMC2998207 * Daly BJ, Douglas SL, O'Toole E, Gordon NH, Hejal R, Peerless J, Rowbottom J,Garland A, Lilly C, Wiencek C, Hickman R. Effectiveness trial of an intensive communication structure for families oflong-stay ICU patients.Chest. 2010 Dec;138(6):1340-8. Epub 2010 Jun 24. PMID20729558 PMC3035486 * Davies RW, Dandona S, Stewart AF, Chen L, Ellis SG, Tang WH, Hazen SL,Roberts R, McPherson R, Wells GA. Improved prediction of cardiovascular disease based on a panel of singlenucleotide polymorphisms identified through genome-wide association studies.Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2010 Oct 1;3(5):468-74. Epub 2010 Aug 21. PMID19836923 PMC2883690 Douglas SL, Daly BJ, O'Toole E, Hickman RL Jr. Depression among white and nonwhite caregivers of the chronically criticallyill.J Crit Care. 2010 Jun;25(2):364.e11-9. PMID21258008 PMC Journal * Farha S, Asosingh K, Xu W, Sharp J, George D, Comhair S, Park M, Tang WH,Loyd JE, Theil K, Tubbs R, Hsi E, Lichtin A, Erzurum SC. Hypoxia-inducible factors in human pulmonary arterial hypertension: a link tothe intrinsic myeloid abnormalities.Blood. 2011 Jan 21; [Epub ahead of print] PMID21051082 PMC3021754 * Gamble C, Talbott E, Youk A, Holguin F, Pitt B, Silveira L, Bleecker E,Busse W, Calhoun W, Castro M, Chung KF, Erzurum S, Israel E, Wenzel S. Racial differences in biologic predictors of severe asthma: Data from theSevere Asthma Research Program.J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010 Dec;126(6):1149-56.e1. Epub 2010 Nov 4. PMID20716307 PMC2924768 * Gao K, Chan PK, Verduin ML, Kemp DE, Tolliver BK, Ganocy SJ, Bilali S, BradyKT, Findling RL, Calabrese JR. Independent predictors for lifetime and recent substance use disorders inpatients with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder: focus on anxiety disorders.Am J Addict. 2010 Sep;19(5):440-9. PMID19925468 PMC2925539 Gordon EJ, Prohaska TR, Gallant MP, Sehgal AR, Strogatz D, Conti D, SiminoffLA. Prevalence and determinants of physical activity and fluid intake in kidneytransplant recipients.Clin Transplant. 2010 May-Jun;24(3):E69-81. Epub 2009 Nov 18. PMID20551049 PMC2896448 Gray-McGuire C, Guda K, Adrianto I, Lin CP, Natale L, Potter JD, Newcomb P,Poole EM, Ulrich CM, Lindor N, Goode EL, Fridley BL, Jenkins R, Le Marchand L,Casey G, Haile R, Hopper J, Jenkins M, Young J, Buchanan D, Gallinger S, AdamsM, Lewis S, Willis J, Elston R, Markowitz SD, Wiesner GL. Confirmation of linkage to and localization of familial colon cancer riskhaplotype on chromosome 9q22.Cancer Res. 2010 Jul 1;70(13):5409-18. Epub 2010 Jun 15. PUBLICATIONS SUPPORTED *Center Cited PMID20018096 PMC2796003 * Gray-McGuire C, Song Y, Morris NJ, Stein CM. Comparison of univariate and multivariate linkage analysis of traits related tohypertension.BMC Proc. 2009 Dec 15;3 Suppl 7:S99. PMID19202148 PMC2690477 Gu J, Pauer GJ, Yue X, Narendra U, Sturgill GM, Bena J, Gu X, Peachey NS,Salomon RG, Hagstrom SA, Crabb JW; Clinical Genomic and Proteomic AMD StudyGroup. Assessing susceptibility to age-related macular degeneration with proteomic andgenomic biomarkers.Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009 Jun;8(6):1338-49. Epub 2009 Feb 6. PMID19856456 PMC2870717 * Gulani V, Willatt JM, Blaimer M, Hussain HK, Duerk JL, Griswold MA. Effect of contrast media on single-shot echo planar imaging: implications forabdominal diffusion imaging.J Magn Reson Imaging. 2009 Nov;30(5):1203-8. PMID20386058 PMC2924625 Hade EM, Murray DM, Pennell ML, Rhoda D, Paskett ED, Champion VL, CrabtreeBF, Dietrich A, Dignan MB, Farmer M, Fenton JJ, Flocke S, Hiatt RA, Hudson SV,Mitchell M, Monahan P, Shariff-Marco S, Slone SL, Stange K, Stewart SL,Strickland PA. Intraclass correlation estimates for cancer screening outcomes: estimates andapplications in the design of group-randomized cancer screening studies.J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. 2010;2010(40):97-103. Erratum in: J Natl Cancer InstMonogr. 2010;2010(41):223. PMID20733448 PMC2987650 * Hauth JC, Clifton RG, Roberts JM, Spong CY, Myatt L, Leveno KJ, Pearson GD,Varner MW, Thorp JM Jr, Mercer BM, Peaceman AM, Ramin SM, Sciscione A, Harper M,Tolosa JE, Saade G, Sorokin Y, Anderson GB; Eunice Kennedy Shriver NationalInstitute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Maternal-Fetal MedicineUnits Network (MFMU). Vitamin C and E supplementation to prevent spontaneous preterm birth: arandomized controlled trial.Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Sep;116(3):653-8. PMID19968012 PMC2725253 * Hayes AL, Spilsbury JC, Patel SR. The Epworth score in African American populations.J Clin Sleep Med. 2009 Aug 15;5(4):344-8. PMID21286230 PMC3022933 * Hayes AL, Xu F, Babineau D, Patel SR. Sleep duration and circulating adipokine levels.Sleep. 2011 Feb 1;34(2):147-52. PMID20118707 PMC3037826 * Hickman RL Jr, Douglas SL. Impact of chronic critical illness on the psychological outcomes of familymembers.AACN Adv Crit Care. 2010 Jan-Mar;21(1):80-91. Review. PMID1398961 PMC258190 Hitotsubashi S, Fujii Y, Yamanaka H, Okamoto K. Some properties of purified Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin II.Infect Immun. 1992 Nov;60(11):4468-74. PMID20637199 PMC2967588 * Homer CR, Richmond AL, Rebert NA, Achkar JP, McDonald C. ATG16L1 and NOD2 interact in an autophagy-dependent antibacterial pathwayimplicated in Crohn's disease pathogenesis.Gastroenterology. 2010 Nov;139(5):1630-41, 1641.e1-2. Epub 2010 Jul 14. PMID20943671 PMC Journal Humenberger M, Rosenhek R, Gabriel H, Rader F, Heger M, Klaar U, Binder T,Probst P, Heinze G, Maurer G, Baumgartner H. Benefit of atrial septal defect closure in adults: impact of age.Eur Heart J. 2011 Mar;32(5):553-60. Epub 2010 Oct 12. PMID20676696 PMC2923332 Hølge-Hazelton B, Blake-Gumbs L, Miedema B, van Rijswijk E. Primary care for young adult cancer survivors: an international perspective.Support Care Cancer. 2010 Oct;18(10):1359-63. Epub 2010 Jul 30. Review. PMID20469806 PMC2864879 * Ibrahim LH, Jacono FJ, Patel SR, Thomas RJ, Larkin EK, Mietus JE, Peng CK,Goldberger AL, Redline S. Heritability of abnormalities in cardiopulmonary coupling in sleep apnea: useof an electrocardiogram-based technique.Sleep. 2010 May 1;33(5):643-6. PMID20121884 PMC3043372 Jacobson AM, Paterson AD, Ryan CM, Cleary PA, Waberski BH, Weinger K, MusenG, Dahms W, Bayless M, Silvers N, Harth J, Boright AP; DCCT/EDIC Research Group. The associations of apolipoprotein E and angiotensin-converting enzymepolymorphisms and cognitive function in Type 1 diabetes based on an 18-yearfollow-up of the DCCT cohort.Diabet Med. 2010 Jan;27(1):15-22. PUBLICATIONS SUPPORTED *Center Cited PMID20530395 PMC2885729 Jaén CR, Ferrer RL, Miller WL, Palmer RF, Wood R, Davila M, Stewart EE,Crabtree BF, Nutting PA, Stange KC. Patient outcomes at 26 months in the patient-centered medical home NationalDemonstration Project.Ann Fam Med. 2010;8 Suppl 1:S57-67; S92. Erratum in: Ann Fam Med. 2010Jul-Aug;8(4):369. PMID20389058 PMC2883847 * Joffe M, Hsu CY, Feldman HI, Weir M, Landis JR, Hamm LL; Chronic RenalInsufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study Group. Variability of creatinine measurements in clinical laboratories: results fromthe CRIC study.Am J Nephrol. 2010;31(5):426-34. Epub 2010 Apr 14. PMID20378754 PMC2904578 Johnson MC, Kirkham FJ, Redline S, Rosen CL, Yan Y, Roberts I, Gruenwald J,Marek J, DeBaun MR. Left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction in children with sicklecell disease are related to asleep and waking oxygen desaturation.Blood. 2010 Jul 8;116(1):16-21. Epub 2010 Apr 8. PMID20423748 PMC2950914 MSID188928 * Kalhan SC, Guo L, Edmison J, Dasarathy S, McCullough AJ, Hanson RW, MilburnM. Plasma metabolomic profile in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.Metabolism. 2011 Mar;60(3):404-13. Epub 2010 Apr 27. PMID20876671 PMC3022248 * Kandula P, Dobre M, Schold JD, Schreiber MJ Jr, Mehrotra R, Navaneethan SD. Vitamin D supplementation in chronic kidney disease: a systematic review andmeta-analysis of observational studies and randomized controlled trials.Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 Jan;6(1):50-62. Epub 2010 Sep 28. PMID19360015 PMC2829436 Kashyap SR, Diab DL, Baker AR, Yerian L, Bajaj H, Gray-McGuire C, SchauerPR, Gupta M, Feldstein AE, Hazen SL, Stein CM. Triglyceride levels and not adipokine concentrations are closely related toseverity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in an obesity surgery cohort.Obesity (Silver Spring). 2009 Sep;17(9):1696-701. Epub 2009 Apr 9. PMID20869086 PMC3012158 MSID225381 * Kasumov T, Edmison JM, Dasarathy S, Bennett C, Lopez R, Kalhan SC. Plasma levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine in patients with biopsy-provennonalcoholic fatty liver disease.Metabolism. 2010 Sep 22; [Epub ahead of print] PMID19562274 PMC2878768 * Kemp DE, Canan F, Goldstein BI, McIntyre RS. Long-acting risperidone: a review of its role in the treatment of bipolardisorder.Adv Ther. 2009 Jun;26(6):588-99. Epub 2009 Jun 26. Review. PMID20636638 PMC2913710 * Kemp DE, Gao K, Chan PK, Ganocy SJ, Findling RL, Calabrese JR. Medical comorbidity in bipolar disorder: relationship between illnesses of theendocrine/metabolic system and treatment outcome.Bipolar Disord. 2010 Jun;12(4):404-13. PMID19100627 PMC2866135 Kemp DE, Gao K, Ganocy SJ, Caldes E, Feldman K, Chan PK, Conroy C, Bilali S,Findling RL, Calabrese JR. Medical and substance use comorbidity in bipolar disorder.J Affect Disord. 2009 Jul;116(1-2):64-9. Epub 2008 Dec 18. PMID20138413 PMC2864367 Kern EF, Erhard P, Sun W, Genuth S, Weiss MF. Early urinary markers of diabetic kidney disease: a nested case-control studyfrom the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT).Am J Kidney Dis. 2010 May;55(5):824-34. PMID20816558 PMC2935913 Kilanowski JF, Moore LC. Food security and dietary intake in midwest migrant farmworker children.J Pediatr Nurs. 2010 Oct;25(5):360-6. Epub 2009 Jun 24. PMID20135629 PMC3034356 * Kilanowski JF, Trapl ES. Evaluation of the use of audio-enhanced personal digital assistants to surveyLatino migrant farmworkers.Res Nurs Health. 2010 Apr;33(2):156-63. PMID20975391 PMC2965563 * Kilanowski JF. Migrant farmworker mothers talk about the meaning of food.MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs. 2010 Nov-Dec;35(6):330-5. PUBLICATIONS SUPPORTED *Center Cited PMID20299368 PMC2879299 Kim S, Abboud HE, Pahl MV, Tayek J, Snyder S, Tamkin J, Alcorn H Jr, Ipp E,Nast CC, Elston RC, Iyengar SK, Adler SG. Examination of association with candidate genes for diabetic nephropathy in aMexican American population.Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 Jun;5(6):1072-8. Epub 2010 Mar 18. PMID20519658 PMC2928346 Klingensmith GJ, Pyle L, Arslanian S, Copeland KC, Cuttler L, Kaufman F,Laffel L, Marcovina S, Tollefsen SE, Weinstock RS, Linder B; TODAY Study Group. The presence of GAD and IA-2 antibodies in youth with a type 2 diabetesphenotype: results from the TODAY study.Diabetes Care. 2010 Sep;33(9):1970-5. Epub 2010 Jun 2. PMID20531158 PMC3056387 * Knutson JS, Chae J. A novel neuromuscular electrical stimulation treatment for recovery of ankledorsiflexion in chronic hemiplegia: a case series pilot study.Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 Aug;89(8):672-82. PMID20145183 PMC2822897 Kunos CA, Waggoner S, von Gruenigen V, Eldermire E, Pink J, Dowlati A,Kinsella TJ. Phase I trial of pelvic radiation, weekly cisplatin, and3-aminopyridine-2-carboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (3-AP, NSC #663249) forlocally advanced cervical cancer.Clin Cancer Res. 2010 Feb 15;16(4):1298-306. Epub 2010 Feb 9. PMID21197103 PMC3004392 Lam M, Lee Y, Deng M, Hsia AH, Morrissey KA, Yan C, Azzizudin K, OleinickNL, McCormick TS, Cooper KD, Baron ED. Photodynamic therapy with the silicon phthalocyanine pc 4 induces apoptosis inmycosis fungoides and sezary syndrome.Adv Hematol. 2010;2010:896161. Epub 2010 Dec 12. PMID20538960 PMC2970865 Larkin EK, Patel SR, Goodloe RJ, Li Y, Zhu X, Gray-McGuire C, Adams MD,Redline S. A candidate gene study of obstructive sleep apnea in European Americans andAfrican Americans.Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010 Oct 1;182(7):947-53. Epub 2010 Jun 10. PMID20020164 PMC3037262 Logsdon MC, Foltz MP, Stein B, Usui W, Josephson A. Adapting and testing telephone-based depression care management interventionfor adolescent mothers.Arch Womens Ment Health. 2010 Aug;13(4):307-17. Epub 2009 Dec 18. PMID20843942 PMC2999969 Lowe LP, Metzger BE, Lowe WL Jr, Dyer AR, McDade TW, McIntyre HD; HAPO StudyCooperative Research Group. Inflammatory mediators and glucose in pregnancy: results from a subset of theHyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Dec;95(12):5427-34. Epub 2010 Sep 15. PMID20570727 PMC3006087 Mandal D, Fu P, Levine AD. REDOX regulation of IL-13 signaling in intestinal epithelial cells: usage ofalternate pathways mediates distinct gene expression patterns.Cell Signal. 2010 Oct;22(10):1485-94. Epub 2010 Jun 4. PMID20508215 PMC2949407 * Mehra R, Xu F, Babineau DC, Tracy RP, Jenny NS, Patel SR, Redline S. Sleep-disordered breathing and prothrombotic biomarkers: cross-sectionalresults of the Cleveland Family Study.Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010 Sep 15;182(6):826-33. Epub 2010 May 27. PMID20581351 PMC2930608 * Mercer BM, Abdelrahim A, Moore RM, Novak J, Kumar D, Mansour JM,Perez-Fournier M, Milluzzi CJ, Moore JJ. The impact of vitamin C supplementation in pregnancy and in vitro upon fetalmembrane strength and remodeling.Reprod Sci. 2010 Jul;17(7):685-95. PMID20413518 PMC2890355 Molitch ME, Steffes M, Sun W, Rutledge B, Cleary P, de Boer IH, Zinman B,Lachin J; Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Study Group. Development and progression of renal insufficiency with and without albuminuriain adults with type 1 diabetes in the diabetes control and complications trialand the epidemiology of diabetes interventions and complications study.Diabetes Care. 2010 Jul;33(7):1536-43. Epub 2010 Apr 22. PUBLICATIONS SUPPORTED *Center Cited PMID19799558 PMC2861321 * Morris NJ, Elston R, Stein CM. Calculating asymptotic significance levels of the constrained likelihood ratiotest with application to multivariate genetic linkage analysis.Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol. 2009;8(1):Article 39. Epub 2009 Sep 17. PMID20018037 PMC2795944 * Morris NJ, Gray-McGuire C, Stein CM. Mendelian randomization in family data.BMC Proc. 2009 Dec 15;3 Suppl 7:S45. PMID20135701 PMC2946164 Mullin JE, Cooper B, Seicean S, Strunk R, Rosen C, Redline S, Kemp J, DeBaunMR. Variability of pulse oximetry measurement over 1 year in children with sicklecell disease depends on initial oxygen saturation measurement.Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2010 Jul 1;54(7):1017-9. PMID19962808 PMC2866514 Muntner P, Anderson A, Charleston J, Chen Z, Ford V, Makos G, O'Connor A,Perumal K, Rahman M, Steigerwalt S, Teal V, Townsend R, Weir M, Wright JT Jr;Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study Investigators. Hypertension awareness, treatment, and control in adults with CKD: results fromthe Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study.Am J Kidney Dis. 2010 Mar;55(3):441-51. Epub 2009 Dec 5. PMID20495476 PMC3014577 * Nasca MM, Zhang R, Super DM, Hazen SL, Hall HR. Increased oxidative stress in healthy children following an exercise program: apilot study.J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2010 Jun;31(5):386-92. PMID21051745 PMC3022247 * Navaneethan SD, Jolly SE, Schold JD, Arrigain S, Saupe W, Sharp J, Lyons J,Simon JF, Schreiber MJ Jr, Jain A, Nally JV Jr. Development and validation of an electronic health record-based chronic kidneydisease registry.Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 Jan;6(1):40-9. Epub 2010 Nov 4. PMID20018043 PMC2795950 * Nock NL, Wang X, Thompson CL, Song Y, Baechle D, Raska P, Stein CM,Gray-McGuire C. Defining genetic determinants of the Metabolic Syndrome in the Framingham HeartStudy using association and structural equation modeling methods.BMC Proc. 2009 Dec 15;3 Suppl 7:S50. PMID20530394 PMC2885728 Nutting PA, Crabtree BF, Miller WL, Stewart EE, Stange KC, Jaén CR. Journey to the patient-centered medical home: a qualitative analysis of theexperiences of practices in the National Demonstration Project.Ann Fam Med. 2010;8 Suppl 1:S45-56; S92. Erratum in: Ann Fam Med. 2010Jul-Aug;8(4):369. PMID20530393 PMC2885723 Nutting PA, Crabtree BF, Stewart EE, Miller WL, Palmer RF, Stange KC, JaénCR. Effect of facilitation on practice outcomes in the National DemonstrationProject model of the patient-centered medical home.Ann Fam Med. 2010;8 Suppl 1:S33-44; S92. Erratum in: Ann Fam Med. 2010Jul-Aug;8(4):369. PMID20937706 PMC2964575 Pareek TK, Lam E, Zheng X, Askew D, Kulkarni AB, Chance MR, Huang AY, CookeKR, Letterio JJ. Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activity is required for T cell activation andinduction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.J Exp Med. 2010 Oct 25;207(11):2507-19. Epub 2010 Oct 11. PMID19916813 PMC2894625 Pinto-Foltz MD, Cynthia Logsdon M. Conceptual model of research to reduce stigma related to mental disorders inadolescents.Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2009 Dec;30(12):788-95. PMID20691840 PMC2919305 Rader F, Van Wagoner DR, Gillinov AM, Blackstone EH. Preoperative angiotensin-blocking drug therapy is not associated with atrialfibrillation after cardiac surgery.Am Heart J. 2010 Aug;160(2):329-336.e1. PUBLICATIONS SUPPORTED *Center Cited PMID20375405 PMC3039216 Roberts JM, Myatt L, Spong CY, Thom EA, Hauth JC, Leveno KJ, Pearson GD,Wapner RJ, Varner MW, Thorp JM Jr, Mercer BM, Peaceman AM, Ramin SM, CarpenterMW, Samuels P, Sciscione A, Harper M, Smith WJ, Saade G, Sorokin Y, Anderson GB;Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human DevelopmentMaternal-Fetal Medicine Units Network. Vitamins C and E to prevent complications of pregnancy-associated hypertension.N Engl J Med. 2010 Apr 8;362(14):1282-91. PMID19301932 PMC2940415 * Ross KR, Chmiel JF, Konstan MW. The role of inhaled corticosteroids in the management of cystic fibrosis.Paediatr Drugs. 2009;11(2):101-13. Review. PMID19639627 PMC2940418 * Ross KR, Hart MA, Storfer-Isser A, Kibler AM, Johnson NL, Rosen CL, KercsmarCM, Redline S. Obesity and obesity related co-morbidities in a referral population of childrenwith asthma.Pediatr Pulmonol. 2009 Sep;44(9):877-84. PMID21242555 PMC3022039 Ruffin MT 4th, Nease DE Jr, Sen A, Pace WD, Wang C, Acheson LS, RubinsteinWS, O'Neill S, Gramling R; Family History Impact Trial (FHITr) Group. Effect of preventive messages tailored to family history on health behaviors:the Family Healthware Impact Trial.Ann Fam Med. 2011 Jan-Feb;9(1):3-11. PMID20427778 PMC2928471 * Sanyal AJ, Chalasani N, Kowdley KV, McCullough A, Diehl AM, Bass NM,NeuschwanderTetri BA, Lavine JE, Tonascia J, Unalp A, Van Natta M, Clark J,Brunt EM, Kleiner DE, Hoofnagle JH, Robuck PR; NASH CRN. Pioglitazone, vitamin E, or placebo for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.N Engl J Med. 2010 May 6;362(18):1675-85. Epub 2010 Apr 28. PMID20697562 PMC2917163 * Silverstein RL, Li W, Park YM, Rahaman SO. Mechanisms of cell signaling by the scavenger receptor CD36: implications inatherosclerosis and thrombosis.Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc. 2010;121:206-20. Review. PMID20569726 PMC2891979 * Soliman EZ, Prineas RJ, Go AS, Xie D, Lash JP, Rahman M, Ojo A, Teal VL,Jensvold NG, Robinson NL, Dries DL, Bazzano L, Mohler ER, Wright JT, Feldman HI;Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study Group. Chronic kidney disease and prevalent atrial fibrillation: the Chronic RenalInsufficiency Cohort (CRIC).Am Heart J. 2010 Jun;159(6):1102-7. Erratum in: Am Heart J. 2010Dec;160(6):1190. PMID20980494 PMC2980961 * Solomon TP, Haus JM, Kelly KR, Cook MD, Filion J, Rocco M, Kashyap SR,Watanabe RM, Barkoukis H, Kirwan JP. A low-glycemic index diet combined with exercise reduces insulin resistance,postprandial hyperinsulinemia, and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptideresponses in obese, prediabetic humans.Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Dec;92(6):1359-68. Epub 2010 Oct 27. PMID20200305 PMC2890359 * Solomon TP, Haus JM, Kelly KR, Rocco M, Kashyap SR, Kirwan JP. Improved pancreatic beta-cell function in type 2 diabetic patients afterlifestyle-induced weight loss is related to glucose-dependent insulinotropicpolypeptide.Diabetes Care. 2010 Jul;33(7):1561-6. Epub 2010 Mar 3. PMID21289242 PMC Journal * Solomon TP, Haus JM, Li Y, Kirwan JP. Progressive Hyperglycemia across the Glucose Tolerance Continuum in Older ObeseAdults Is Related to Skeletal Muscle Capillarization and Nitric OxideBioavailability.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Feb 2; [Epub ahead of print] PMID20530391 PMC2885730 Stange KC, Miller WL, Nutting PA, Crabtree BF, Stewart EE, Jaén CR. Context for understanding the National Demonstration Project and thepatient-centered medical home.Ann Fam Med. 2010;8 Suppl 1:S2-8; S92. Erratum in: Ann Fam Med. 2010Jul-Aug;8(4):369. PMID20467909 PMC2869425 Stange KC, Nutting PA, Miller WL, Jaén CR, Crabtree BF, Flocke SA, Gill JM. 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PMID21145805 MSID248767 * Tamimi TI, Elgouhari HM, Alkhouri N, Yerian LM, Berk MP, Lopez R, SchauerPR, Zein NN, Feldstein AE. An apoptosis panel for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis diagnosis.J Hepatol. 2011 Feb 12; [Epub ahead of print] PMID21062973 PMC3023838 MSID253523 * Tang WH, Wu Y, Mann S, Pepoy M, Shrestha K, Borowski AG, Hazen SL. Diminished antioxidant activity of high-density lipoprotein-associated proteinsin systolic heart failure.Circ Heart Fail. 2011 Jan 1;4(1):59-64. Epub 2010 Nov 9. PMID21059827 PMC3014649 MSID253522 * Tang WH, Wu Y, Nicholls SJ, Hazen SL. Plasma myeloperoxidase predicts incident cardiovascular risks in stablepatients undergoing medical management for coronary artery disease.Clin Chem. 2011 Jan;57(1):33-9. Epub 2010 Nov 8. PMID20211154 PMC2907663 Tian C, Liu XZ, Han F, Yu H, Longo-Guess C, Yang B, Lu C, Yan D, Zheng QY. 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PUBLICATIONS SUPPORTED *Center Cited PMID20019321 PMC2804647 Webel AR, Okonsky J, Trompeta J, Holzemer WL. A systematic review of the effectiveness of peer-based interventions onhealth-related behaviors in adults.Am J Public Health. 2010 Feb;100(2):247-53. Epub 2009 Dec 17. Review. PMID20857867 PMC2938861 * Weiss A, Xu F, Storfer-Isser A, Thomas A, Ievers-Landis CE, Redline S. The association of sleep duration with adolescents' fat and carbohydrateconsumption.Sleep. 2010 Sep 1;33(9):1201-9. PMID20726281 PMC2919663 * Weiss AR, Johnson NL, Berger NA, Redline S. Validity of activity-based devices to estimate sleep.J Clin Sleep Med. 2010 Aug 15;6(4):336-42. PMID20150283 PMC2857905 White NH, Sun W, Cleary PA, Tamborlane WV, Danis RP, Hainsworth DP, DavisMD; DCCT-EDIC Research Group. Effect of prior intensive therapy in type 1 diabetes on 10-year progression ofretinopathy in the DCCT/EDIC: comparison of adults and adolescents.Diabetes. 2010 May;59(5):1244-53. Epub 2010 Feb 11. PMID21076161 PMC3057452 MSID272888 * Wirka RC, Gore S, Van Wagoner DR, Arking DE, Lubitz SA, Lunetta KL, BenjaminEJ, Alonso A, Ellinor PT, Barnard J, Chung MK, Smith JD. A common connexin-40 gene promoter variant affects connexin-40 expression inhuman atria and is associated with atrial fibrillation.Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2011 Feb;4(1):87-93. Epub 2010 Nov 13. PMID20667678 PMC2971658 Wunderlich T, Cooper G, Divine G, Flocke S, Oja-Tebbe N, Stange K, LafataJE. Inconsistencies in patient perceptions and observer ratings of shared decisionmaking: the case of colorectal cancer screening.Patient Educ Couns. 2010 Sep;80(3):358-63. Epub 2010 Jul 27. PMID20957222 PMC2948950 Xu R, Kaneshiro TL, Jeong EK, Parker DL, Lu ZR. Synthesis and evaluation of nanoglobule-cystamine-(Gd-DO3A), a biodegradablenanosized magnetic resonance contrast agent for dynamic contrast-enhancedmagnetic resonance urography.Int J Nanomedicine. 2010 Sep 20;5:707-13. PMID20374407 PMC2852884 Yaffe K, Ackerson L, Kurella Tamura M, Le Blanc P, Kusek JW, Sehgal AR,Cohen D, Anderson C, Appel L, Desalvo K, Ojo A, Seliger S, Robinson N, Makos G,Go AS; Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Investigators. Chronic kidney disease and cognitive function in older adults: findings fromthe chronic renal insufficiency cohort cognitive study.J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010 Feb;58(2):338-45. Epub 2010 Jan 26. PMID21252155 MSID271101 * Yakubenko VP, Bhattacharjee A, Pluskota E, Cathcart MK. αM{beta}2 Integrin Activation Prevents Alternative Activation of Humanand Murine Macrophages and Impedes Foam Cell Formation.Circ Res. 2011 Mar 4;108(5):544-54. Epub 2011 Jan 20. PMID20460374 PMC2903350 * Yang L, Latchoumycandane C, McMullen MR, Pratt BT, Zhang R, Papouchado BG,Nagy LE, Feldstein AE, McIntyre TM. Chronic alcohol exposure increases circulating bioactive oxidizedphospholipids.J Biol Chem. 2010 Jul 16;285(29):22211-20. Epub 2010 May 11. PMID20564626 PMC2892009 Yap TY, Yamokoski AD, Hizlan S, Zyzanski SJ, Angiolillo AL, Rheingold SR,Baker JN, Kodish ED; Phase I Informed Consent (POIC) Research Team. Informed consent for pediatric phase 1 cancer trials: physicians' perspectives.Cancer. 2010 Jul 1;116(13):3244-50. PMID20448066 PMC2893069 Younes N, Cleary PA, Steffes MW, de Boer IH, Molitch ME, Rutledge BN, LachinJM, Dahms W; DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Comparison of urinary albumin-creatinine ratio and albumin excretion rate inthe Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of DiabetesInterventions and Complications study.Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 Jul;5(7):1235-42. Epub 2010 May 6. PMID21126792 PMC3060962 MSID239299 * Zein CO, Unalp A, Colvin R, Liu YC, McCullough AJ; NonalcoholicSteatohepatitis Clinical Research Network. Smoking and severity of hepatic fibrosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.J Hepatol. 2011 Apr;54(4):753-9. Epub 2010 Sep 22. PUBLICATIONS SUPPORTED *Center Cited PMID20137849 PMC2840198 Zhang AY, Zyzanski SJ, Siminoff LA. Differential patient-caregiver opinions of treatment and care for advanced lungcancer patients.Soc Sci Med. 2010 Apr;70(8):1155-8. Epub 2010 Feb 4. PMID20494766 PMC2941898 * de Medeiros FW, Sinha-Roy A, Alves MR, Wilson SE, Dupps WJ Jr. Differences in the early biomechanical effects of hyperopic and myopic laser insitu keratomileusis.J Cataract Refract Surg. 2010 Jun;36(6):947-53. PUBLICATIONS SUPPORTED Published This Year (116)