continued - American Association of Orthodontists Foundation

Year In Review
Mission Y
To advance the orthodontic specialty by supporting education and research.
AAOF Year In Review 2013
President’s Report
Eric R. Nease
President’s Report
Why I am Involved | Scott Huge
When Dr. Fred Garrett, current National
Board of Directors
in the summer of 1998, little did he realize the
Craniofacial Legacy Collection 2
Campaign Chair of the AAOF, attended GORP
impact he was about to have on the profession
of orthodontics. I was in the lecture hall when
Executive Report
he delivered his inaugural message to a group
Why I am Involved | Casey Wiggins
of wide-eyed orthodontic residents. Dr. Garrett laid out his plan
What the AAOF Means to Me
for the future of orthodontics, and explained how each and every
Annual Report
its success or failure. His message was simple. Much will be
AAOF Named Awards
entrusted to your care, both in treasure and in patients. It was
AAOF Research Initiative
21st century. As a result of his presentation, over 50 residents
Awards Outcome
pledged “A Case for the Future,” indicating their willingness to
Awards Program
made their pledge based on hope and trust, and nothing more.
one of the residents in that lecture hall would have a hand in
our job to take care of both and move orthodontics into the
give back to the profession that would so richly bless them. They
Pledging to the AAOF
In the 15 years that have ensued, Dr. Garrett has been at every
Estate Planning and Planned Giving
GORP meeting delivering the same message. That message
kKeystone Society
has now resonated with almost 1,400 residents through the years
who have pledged either A CASE FOR THE FUTURE or have
Century Club
Honorarium and Memoriam
members of the Vanguard Society. While the residents making
Orthodontic Programs and Classes
now the HERE AND NOW of the profession. Our pledges made
k100% Vanguard Society and/or
these pledges were once the “future” of orthodontics, we are
in hope and trust have been paid off, and many now have no
100% Participation
Vanguard Society
made a Continued Commitment to the Specialty® and become
financial commitment to the AAOF. As a result, it is time for us
kThose who have pledged as
to step up and take our support of orthodontics to the next level.
Economic and social unrest have marred our short years
Orthodontic Residents
in practice, and have without a doubt affected the practice
Campaign Update
success of many. However, I believe the vast majority can
Campaign Contributors
themselves a success. If you are one of those fortunate
kAngels, Founders, Fellows,
individuals, I want to challenge you to give back to orthodontics
Regents, Mentors, Benefactors,
as it has given to you. The AAOF has realized enormous
Patrons, Supporters and Donors
AAOF Pledge Form
fundraising success since its inception thanks to the generosity
kContinued Commitment to
of orthodontists that have gone before us. Our generation
was the recipient of that generosity through the Foundation’s
support of orthodontic education and research. Please join me
the Specialty®
Corporate Partners
look themselves in the mirror and say that they still consider
in making Continued Commitment to the Specialty® so future
orthodontists can enjoy the support for which we should be
so grateful.
Why I am involved with the AAOF
Scott Huge
Public Director
By way of background, I own Specialty
The simplest factor influencing my decision to join the AAOF
Appliances, an orthodontic laboratory
Board was the opportunity to give back directly to those who
in Atlanta, Georgia, which has served
have helped support our success. Most of the time, we find
the orthodontic profession since the
ourselves being solicited by a local charity, our kids’ schools
company was founded in 1981. Specialty
or other closely related organizations. Whenever possible,
is a mail-order laboratory that serves
most of us choose to support these groups with a financial
customers throughout the United States as well as
contribution since they are close to what we see and do
internationally. Prior to starting my own business, I worked
daily. In all honesty, for many of us, donating money is the
at Professional Positioners, a laboratory that my father
easy part. Certainly we place value on the money earned
founded in Racine, Wisconsin. I have literally grown up in
and given, but often there is not an ongoing attachment
this industry and am proud to say my entire working career
involved. On the other hand, when considering whether to
has been in the field of orthodontics. When meeting people
volunteer with an organization, there is the concept of a time
at social events and answering questions regarding what
commitment — the most precious of all assets. We need to
I do for a living, I always start with “I’m in the healthcare
ask ourselves, how much time will be required and whether
field,” followed by, “I have a laboratory where we work with
we actually have quality hours to commit.
orthodontists.” As the conversation proceeds, I explain that
orthodontists are quite possibly the perfect customer for
any business to have. They are interesting people, great to
work with, and from my experiences, always willing to help if
asked. I consider many of our “customers” close friends and
cannot imagine having a better combination of personal and
business relationships.
In preparing to join the Board, I researched the mission of
the organization and read much of the past literature and
material regarding the purpose of the group. There were
several “slogans” used to describe solicitation efforts, and
I have to admit that while I read them, I did not immediately
realize their significance and deeper meaning. Within a few
months of attending my first Board meeting and participating
One of the most satisfying aspects of working in this field
in follow-up calls, it became obvious I was part of a special
has been my interactions with orthodontists in developing
group. I’ve learned the Board members are at all stages of
and refining new products and appliances. I have been
their careers and yet share the common desire to give back
fortunate to be “at the right place at the right time” —
to the profession with the generous gift of their time. I have
working in an industry where so many new ideas have
truly been inspired by these individuals and have decided
changed the way patient care is delivered. As in many
whenever possible to increase my time commitment above
industries, new orthodontic products typically begin with
what I had originally considered.
clinical input from the specialists combined with industry
support to develop the ideas and bring them to the market.
We realize that the potential for commercial success exists
with new ideas and products, and we’ve all seen examples
of this over the years. More often than not, however, I have
experienced orthodontists using their creative energy to
improve appliances and techniques in order to give back
to the profession and simply to make things better for their
colleagues and patients. They do not ask for any rewards
beyond the satisfaction of giving back to the profession. This
has always made a strong impression on me and reinforced
the concept of giving without the expectation of receiving.
With a basic understanding now of how the AAOF operates
and what the mission is, my primary goal will be working
with industry partners to increase their financial contributions
to the organization. Companies working in the industry are
successful because orthodontists support them. Certainly
there is a value created for both supplier and customer. We
all need to help ensure the profession will continue to grow
and prosper. The industry partners and commercial entities
need to better understand how their support for the AAOF
directly leads to success for all participants. I believe if we
continue to educate our industry partners about how we all
benefit from their support, we can build on the success the
AAOF has enjoyed.
AAOF Year In Review 2013
Board of Directors
Craniofacial Legacy Collection Executive Report
Shelly Baumrind
Eric R. Nease, DDS, MDS | SAO
Collection Project Steering Committee
The main focus of AAOF Legacy Collection activity during
Robert James Bray, DDS, MS | MASO
2013 has been on expanding our collection of longitudinal
cephalometric records of untreated growing individuals and
National Planned Giving Chair
on integrating the display of materials from different sources
Christopher P. Vranas, CAE
on our website.
Thomas R. Bales, DDS | PCSO
Michael G. Bogenschuetz, MBA |
Rick W. Fuchs, DDS | MSO
Vanguard Society Chair
Fred A. Garrett, DDS, MSD | SWSO
National Campaign Chair
The nine institutions currently contributing to the AAOF
Collection are Case Western Reserve, Michigan, Iowa, Oklahoma, Toronto,
Oregon, Pacific, Forsyth Institute, and Fels Institute. The original goal of the
project was to collect a representative sample of longitudinal growth records
from each institution. This goal has been achieved for seven of the nine
institutions and is approaching completion for the eighth.
The Legacy Collection now contains longitudinal cephalometric images
from over 700 subjects, including more than 8,700 lateral and 3,200 frontal
cephalograms. The average number of lateral cephalograms per case exceeds
Scott Huge | Public
10, with an average of 12.8 years between first and last image. The average
James Kunkemoeller, BS | Public
beginning age is 5.6 years; the average final age is 18.7.
Justin J. Martin, Jr., DDS | NESO
Over the past two years, the Collection has supplied high-resolution copies of
Hugh R. Phillis, DMD | NESO
AAO Secretary-Treasurer Designate
its images to research investigators without cost in accordance with a policy
defined by the Board of Directors of the AAOF. 2,500 images including materials
from each of the participating collections have been requested and supplied
Morris N. Poole, DDS | RMSO
for use in 22 investigations conducted in 18 dental schools located in the US,
AAO Secretary-Treasurer
Austria, Brazil, Denmark, France, Italy, New Zealand, and Turkey. In 2013, the
W. Eugene Roberts, Jr., DDS, PhD |
Legacy website had over 20,000 page views by visitors from more than 75
countries. The US, Japan, Chile, and Italy were the most common countries of
Stephen C. Roehm, DDS, MS | MSO
Chair, Finance and Investment
visitor origin. Early this year, the first peer reviewed paper referencing the use
of the Collection was published in the European Journal of Orthodontics.
During the past year, emphasis has been on the acquisition, cataloguing, and
Jeffrey J. Thompson, DDS, MS | SWSO
display of serial lateral cephalograms. During the coming year the curators and
PARC Board Liaison
developers of the Collection will continue to focus on adding new materials and
Cassy B. Wiggins, DMD, MS | RMSO
Robert W. Hazel, MA, CAE, CFRE
Executive Vice President
k 314.993.1700 Extension 546
Cheryl Young, BS
Executive Secretary
enhancing the functionality of the website. Plans for our next stage include the
incorporation of additional types of data — from study casts, panoramic and
intraoral x-ray images, and written records — for subjects whose cephalograms
already are included in the Collection. We also will augment the Collection with
new cases from the currently participating collections and from other sources
in North America and elsewhere.
The curators wish to thank the Board of Directors of the AAOF for its
unstinting support in establishing the Legacy Collection that already has
enabled the Collection to become a powerful tool for orthodontic teaching
and research. We pledge that we will continue to use that support frugally
and effectively in the service of the specialty and the public.
Why I am Involved
Cassy Wiggins
I have recently joined the AAOF board as
more rewarding than ours. I hope that orthodontics
the RMSO representative. I was asked by
will always be what it is today, as I feel that we provide
my good friend, Dr. Jim Gallager to serve on
a great service to our patients. The AAOF is helping to
this board. I have served on many boards
continue the tradition of excellence in orthodontics by
over the years, and I gladly accepted the
funding our faculty, residents, educational programs and
position this past July. Although I am still
an incredible amount of orthodontic research. My eyes have
learning my board responsibilities, I am excited to serve with
been opened to all the many varied areas that the AAOF
the great colleagues on this board. I was first made aware
is involved with our great profession. I believe that their
of the AAOF as an orthodontic resident at my first GORP
ongoing support of educational programs and research
meeting in 1993. I then made my first pledge to the AAOF
is crucial to sustaining orthodontics as the amazing
several years ago, and since then have become a Regent,
profession that it is today. As I continue to learn more
and then a Keystone member. When our colleagues ask
about the AAOF as the RMSO representative, I am so
me why I donate to the AAOF and why I have decided to
glad that I have pledged to the AAOF throughout the years,
become a board member of the AAOF, my answers come
and will continue to do so. I know that if we orthodontists
from the heart. I feel that the profession of orthodontics is the
don’t do everything that we can to preserve the high level
most amazing career in the world. I feel so grateful that I am
of quality of orthodontic education and research today, we
able to do what I do every day. In orthodontics, we are able
will jeopardize the profession that we all love. My goal is that
to touch people’s lives in so many more ways than I ever
during my time on the AAOF board that I get the word out
imagined. We get to transform not only people’s mouths and
to as many of our colleagues as I can about how the AAOF
faces, but also their self-esteems and self confidence. I love
is so vital to preserving the specialty of orthodontics.
working with my patients, and I can’t imagine a job that is
What the AAOF Means to Me
W. Ronald Redmond
AAOF Fellow and Keystone Society Member
I’m proud to be a member of the AAOF!
guessed the Foundation had something to do with children…
Those of you that know me, will testify that
no one would guess what the AAOF actually does!
I wear my AAOF membership pin almost
every day. I believe in “doing good”,
which comes in the form of moral support,
sharing financially, and volunteering. The
AAOF helps fulfill these desires.
I became an AAOF Keystone Society member recently
because I believe that deeply in the AAOF concept.
Imagine an endowment that funds orthodontic research
in perpetuity through a legacy gift. As the CEO of the
Schulman Study Group, I recently discussed the AAOF
Because I display my AAOF pin proudly on my lapel, and
Legacy Society with the Group. I’m pleased to announce
because it’s an attractive pin, I’m frequently asked by non-
that we are approaching a 100% participation by the
orthodontists, “What is that pin?” Usually, when I explain that
members, and we account for about one-third of all AAOF
AAOF stands for the American Association of Orthodontists
Keystones. If you’re not a Keystone Society member,
Foundation, most are satisfied with that answer, but a few
I encourage you to join today…it’s easy!
ask what the Foundation does. They are almost always
surprised to discover that orthodontists, and related industry,
contribute to enable research to be funded that ultimately
improves the orthodontic profession. If they stopped at just
the name associated with AAOF, I’m certain they would have
As I’m reaching my final years as an orthodontist, I reflect
with satisfaction on the good deeds I have done in the past;
all the lives I’ve touched through the profession. The AAOF
enables me to envision the future of our profession that I
helped create…and that makes me smile!!
Annual Report
AAO Foundation Statement of Financial Position
July 31, 2013 & 2012
Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted
$ 787,260 $-
$ 379,420 $ 1,166,680 $ 852,575
20,231 -
20,231 26,076
5,540 -
5,540 13,880
274,204 -
274,204 127,018
Cash and Equivalents Accounts and Interest Receivable Intangible Assets Due from Legacy Fund Promises to Give (Net of Allowance) Investments -
3,516,729 2,559,195 6,075,924 6,572,517
1,529,259 3,481,883 19,609,398 24,620,540 23,456,505
Other Assets 16,791 -
16,791 5,949
Total Assets 2,633,285 6,998,612 22,548,013 32,179,910 31,054,520
Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses 135,983 -
135,983 157,873
Awards Payable 255,303 -
255,303 164,888
Due to Operations -
274,204 -
274,204 127,018
Net Assets
Unrestricted 2,241,999 -
2,241,999 Temporarily Restricted -
6,724,408 -
6,724,408 6,060,430
Permanently Restricted -
22,548,013 22,548,013 22,483,626
$ 2,633,285 $ 6,998,612 $ 22,548,013 $ 32,179,910 $ 31,054,520
Total Liabilities and Net Assets AAO Foundation Portfolio Activity
Market Value at July 31, 2012* $ 23,725,501
Contributions and Pledge Payments Invested 329,660
Reinvested Earnings 761,128
Gain on Sale of Investments 208,604
Change in Market Value 933,628
Fees Endowment Draw (115,623)
Market Value at July 31, 2013*
$ 24,999,960
Cash & Money Funds k
Common & Preferred Stock k
Mutual Funds k11,756,953
Alternative Strategies
k 5,386,756
Asset Allocation:
Market Value at July 31, 2013* $ 24,999,960
*includes cash held for investment
Asset Allocation
Cash and
Money Funds
and Preferred
Mutual Funds
AAO Foundation Statement of Activities
July 31, 2013 & 2012
Revenues, Gains and Other Support:
Contributions and Bequests Special Events (net of expenses) In Kind and other income 2012
Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted
$ 553,487 $ 272,137 $ 825,624 $ 992,477
7,606 -
7,606 (2,354)
26,521 -
26,521 20,285
Net Assets Released from Restrictions 1,584,842 (1,584,842) -
Total Revenues, Gains and Other Support 1,618,969 (1,031,355) 272,137 859,751 1,010,408
Awards and Grants 924,208 -
924,208 822,477
General Expenses 458,812 -
458,812 516,488
Investment Fees 115,623 -
115,623 103,100
Fundraising Expenses 47,561 -
Bad Debt Expense -
93,476 207,750 301,226 233,114
Total Expenses 1,546,204 93,476 207,750 1,847,430 1,717,503
Increase (Decrease) In Net Asset before 72,765 (1,124,831) 64,387 (987,679) (707,095)
Investment Income
Net Realized & Unrealized Losses on 58,354 1,083,878 -
1,142,232 (939,850)
Investments Interest and Dividends 50,195 704,931 -
755,126 984,717
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ 181,314 $ 663,978 $ 64,387 $ 909,679 $ (662,228)
AAO Foundation 6 Year Portfolio Growth
Year-End Endowment Fund | Permanently Restricted
AAOF Named Awards
Named Awards and Named Awards Contest
Currently the Named Awards are as follows:
There are two ways to name an AAO Foundation Award.
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Awards
kThe first of these is to pledge an aggregate of
kWillie and Earl Shepherd Fellowship Award*
$250,000 for the Orthodontic Faculty Development
Fellowship Award (OFDFA) and the Biomedical Research
kRobert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award
Award (BRA), and an aggregate of $500,000 for the
kRobert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award
Post-doctoral Fellowship Award (PFA), with a minimum
of $25,000 per person and with this $250,000/$500,000
kAnthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award
being all new pledges, whether pledge increases, first-
kT.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award
time pledges, or some combination.
k The second way is to win the Grand Prize in the
AAOF Named Awards Contest.
lEach person who makes a Continued Commitment
kRobert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship
to the Specialty® of a minimum of $5,000, restricted
kSubtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award
to the new Research Initiative, going back to August
kOrhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award
2012, whether this is a first time pledge or a pledge
increase, will receive one chance to win the Grand
kEugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award
Prize, which is to name one of the unnamed AAOF
kAlbert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award
lAlso, each person who is primarily responsible for
successfully soliciting such a pledge, whether a
first-time pledge or a pledge increase, will also
receive one chance to win this Grand Prize.
(Note: The name of the person successfully soliciting the
pledge must be provided at the time of the pledge.)
lThe contest period will end upon the adjournment of
the 2015 AAO Annual Session, and the Grand Prize
winner will be announced shortly thereafter.
lIn addition to the Grand Prize, there will be other
prizes offered as well.
kMichael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award
kOne naming opportunity available.
Biomedical Research Awards
kB.F. Dewel Memorial Biomedical Research Award*
kFred F. Schudy Memorial Research Award
k Ten naming opportunities available.
Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
kOne naming opportunity available.
*Designation given to most meritorious proposal within each
Award category.
AAOF Research Initiative
The goal of the new Research Initiative, the current focus
Additionally, the AAOF has created the Craniofacial Growth
of the AAO Foundation’s overall Continued Commitment
Legacy Collection Project (,
to the Specialty® fundraising effort, is to realize $5 million in
an unprecedented collaboration of major orthodontic
new pledges, so that overtime and calculated at an average
collections to not only preserve a portion of these
rate of return of six percent, this will result in an additional
irreplaceable, legacy collections, but also to make
$300,000 restricted for orthodontic research.
these records available for academic research and
Since the Awards Program began just 20 years ago, the
clinical purposes.
Foundation has made tremendous strides in its mission to
The proverbial next step is to focus on orthodontic research,
support orthodontic education and research:
and thus the new Research Initiative.
kFunding of 375 research and fellowship proposals for an
AAO members, as well as orthodontic industry, friends of
aggregate of $9.5 million, primarily for the development
of junior faculty
the specialty and other members of the broader orthodontic
community, are asked to pledge a minimum of $5,000, over
kResulting in hundreds of publications, scores of lectures,
five years, with this restricted for the Research Initiative.
dozens of tenured, associate and full professor position
This can either be a first-time pledge or a pledge increase.
(including 31 department chairs/ program directors) and
kIf you have never yet pledged a Continued Commitment
15 NIH grants.
to the Specialty®, now is the time.
k80% of Junior Faculty supported by the AAOF remain in
full-time academics after five years.
kIf you have pledged a Continued Commitment to the
Specialty® previously, thank you and please consider
supporting this as well. (If you have an outstanding pledge,
this can be added onto the back-end of your pledge.)
Research Initiative Pledge Form clip and return
Continued Commitment to the Specialty®
Yes, count me in. I pledge $
(Dollar Amount)
over five years, with statements to be sent quarterly.
P Please permanently restrict my gift to the Research
Initiative Fund. I understand that funds from my gift
will be invested in perpetuity with only the annual
earnings from these investments used in support
of orthodontic research.
P You may use my gift for orthodontic education and
operational expenses at the discretion of the AAO
Foundation Board of Directors.
P Please permanently restrict my gift to the AAOF
Endowment. I understand that funds from my gift will be
invested in perpetuity with only the annual earnings from
these investments used in support of the Foundation.
All information will be held in confidence.
Return Form
AAO Foundation
Attn: Robert Hazel
401 North Lindbergh Boulevard
St. Louis, Missouri 63141-7816
Phone: 800-424-2841, ext. 546
Fax: 800-708-1364
Awards Outcome
The AAO Foundation, the charitable arm of the American
Association of Orthodontists, is incorporated as a 501 (c) (3)
not-for-profit corporation in the State of Missouri. The Board
of Directors consists of eight Directors elected by the eight
AAO Constituent Societies; three ex-officio members from
the AAO (i.e., AAO Secretary-Treasurer, Secretary-Treasurer
Awards Outcome
What Do We Do With the Money?
2014 Awards Program Highlights
kMore funding (aggregate of $650,000) than has been
available in years
Designate, and Executive Director); three Directors
representing the public who are appointed by the Board;
kSupport of Junior Faculty – with the number of each
and the National Endowment Campaign Chair and Planned
award within each category to be determined by the
Giving Chair; if they are not otherwise already serving on
number and quality of proposals
the Board.
kMore types of funding, i.e., Biomedical Research
The Board meets twice annually and is the managing body
Award, Education Innovation Award, Center Award,
of the Foundation, vested with the authority to conduct
Post-doctoral Fellowship Award, Program Awards,
all business of the organization, subject to the laws of the
Research Aid Award, in addition to the Orthodontic
State of Missouri. The Board has four standing committees
Faculty Development Fellowship Award
and one advisory committee, i.e., the Finance and
Investment Committee, the Budget/Audit Committee,
kAn expansion of the Biomedical Research Award to
include Mid-Career Academics as well as Junior Faculty
the Gift Acceptance Committee, the Planning and
Awards Review Committee (PARC) and the Planned
Giving Committee.
Funding Outcomes
The AAOF publishes the Final Reports from its 340 funded
AAOF Snapshot
Collections Project
The link for more information is:
Awards Program (top, horizontal tabs)
Funding for 2014
AAOF Craniofacial Growth Legacy Collection Project
kWith support from the American Association of
Orthodontists Foundation (AAOF), nine of the eleven
known collections of longitudinal craniofacial growth
records in the United States and Canada have joined
together to create this website and its underlying
numerical database. Our purpose is to make
representative materials from the participating
collections available for viewing and further investigation
by clinicians, craniofacial investigators, students of
human growth, and interested members of the public.
Dr. Thomas E. Southard, (MSO/IA) University of
Iowa, working with residents.
The link for more information is:
Awards Program
The AAOF has defined eight Award Program priority
kTaranpreet K. Chandhoke, University of Connecticut
areas (biomedical research awards, orthodontic
Health Center
faculty development fellowship awards, center awards,
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award
postdoctoral fellowship awards, educational innovation
awards, program awards, research aid awards and gifts in
support of orthodontic education) designed to benefit the
specialty of orthodontics, its practitioners and the patients
it serves. The funds necessary for these awards are the
result of the Foundation’s endowment fundraising campaign,
Continued Commitment to the Specialty® and the new
Research Initiative.
kAhmed Ghoneima, Indiana University
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award
kOnur Kadioglu, University of Oklahoma
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award
kAndree Montpetit, University of Montreal
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award
kJoorok Park, University of the Pacific
2013 Awards Program
At the March Board Meeting, the Board of Directors
approved the following 10 Biomedical Research Awards,
11 Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Awards,
1 Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, 1 Center Award and 3
Research Aid Awards:
Biomedical Research Awards
kDo-Gyoon Kim, Ohio State University,
B.F. Dewel Memorial Research Award*
kBenjamin Pliska, University of British Columbia,
Fred F. Schudy Memorial Research Award
k Sercan Akyalcin, University of Texas at Houston
kGuoqiang Guan, State University of New York at Buffalo
kSnehlata Oberoi, University of California, San Francisco
k Heesoo Oh, University of the Pacific
k Petros Papagerakis, University of Michigan
k Monica Schneider, University of Maryland
k Sunjay Suri, University of Toronto
kSumit Yadav, University of Connecticut Health Center
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Awards
kChristine Hong, University of California Los Angeles
Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship Award**
kRaquel Teresa Capote,University of Washington
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award
kThyagaseely (Sheela) Premaraj, University of
Nebraska Medical Center
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award
kPredip Shetye, New York University Langone
Medical Center
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award
kRichard Christian Solem, University of California
San Francisco
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award
kDina Stappert, University of Maryland
T.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award
Center Award
k Steven J. Lindauer, The Angle Orthodontist
Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
k Siddharth R. Vora, University of Washington
Research Aid Awards
kAndrea Feather, Western University of Health Sciences
k Karthikeyan Subramani, University of Kentucky
kWuchen Yang, University of Connecticut Health Center
*The B. F. Dewel Award is given annually to the most meritorious
Biomedical Research Award.
**The Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship Award designation is given
annually to the most meritorious Orthodontic Faculty Development
Fellowship Award.
Awards Program
The 2014 Awards Program
Jarabak Award
For the 2014 Awards Program, the Directors approved the
Annually, the AAOF Board selects the recipient(s) of the
Jarabak Award from nominations received from AAO
Aggregate of $650,000
later than February 1 of the year preceding the year, i.e.,
The number of each award within each category will be
nominations for the 2014 Jarabak Award are to be received
determined by the number and quality of proposals.
by the AAOF by February 1, 2013. In years divisible by
Junior Faculty
kOrthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Award
l Maximum of $15,000 for any one OFDFA
l One-year option only
kBiomedical Research Award (BRA)
l Maximum of $25,000 for one year
lTo accommodate Mid-Career Academics, as well
as Junior Faculty
k Post-doctoral Fellowship Award (PFA)
lMaximum of $50,000 per year for a maximum of
two-three years
three (e.g., 2010) the Jarabak Award is given to citizens
of countries other than the United States or Canada.
Salzmann Lecture
Annually the AAOF Board determines the Salzmann Lecturer
from the nomination(s) received by the individual who will
serve as AAO President for that year’s AAO Annual Session.
The AAO Foundation President introduces the Salzmann
AAOF Blair Award
The Eugene and Pauline Blair American Association of
Orthodontists Foundation Distinguished Service Award will
be presented on periodic, not necessarily annual basis, to
a person, group of persons or an organization who, in the
judgment of the members of the Board of Directors of the
American Association of Orthodontists Foundation, has/have
Center Award (CA)
made exceptional contributions to the furtherance of the
lMaximum of $25,000 per year for a maximum of
be made by any current or former member of the Board
three years
Research Aid Award
l Maximum of $5,000 for one year
Applicants and all required accompanying materials were
due at the AAOF office no later than 5:30 p.m. St Louis
time (CST) on Friday, December 13, 2013 in order to be
considered for funding in 2014. As this is a firm deadline,
board policy calls for any proposals received after that
time, or any incomplete proposals, to be returned without
Constituent Societies. Nominations are requested no
mission and goals of the Foundation. Nominations may
of Directors of the Foundation.
Planning and Awards Review Committee (PARC)
Amending the Awards Program:
While keeping the ultimate fiduciary responsibility of the
The AAOF BOD has spent a great deal of time and energy
Awards Program, the Foundation Board has delegated to
establishing an Awards Program which is in the best interest
the Planning and Awards Review Committee (PARC) the
of the specialty, its members, and the patients served.
responsibility of reviewing the various applications and
Even so, the Board welcomes the suggestions of individual
recommending which are to be funded, as well as making
AAO members, the AAO BOT, the AAO HOD, and others
recommendations about any alterations in the Foundation’s
regarding its Awards process.
Awards Program.
All such suggestions (in writing, please) will be referred to
PARC is composed of eight voting members and one
PARC for their consideration and recommendations, and
nonvoting member: Voting members of PARC are selected
the AAOF BOD, as the body with the ultimate fiduciary
by the AAOF BOD from recommendations originating from
responsibility will make the final determination regarding
the AAO BOT (through both the AAO COE and AAO COSA),
any and all suggestions.
PARC, and from the AAOF BOD itself. Individuals recommended by either council and nominated by the AAO BOT
need not be members of either council. Typically, PARC
members serve a maximum of two three-year terms. The
Chair and Vice Chair of PARC are both determined by
AAOF Snapshot
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
the AAOF BOD. The nonvoting member of PARC, who is
designated the AAOF Board Liaison to PARC, is selected
by the AAOF BOD from among Foundation Directors.
PARC Membership 2013-2014
Sunil Kapila, Chair
Kirt Edward Simmons, Vice-Chair
Calogero Dolce SAO/FL
Carlos Flores-MirPCSO/AB
Sarandeep S. Huja SAO/KY
Laura IwasakiMSO/MO
Cristina TeixeiraNESO/NY
Orhan C. Tuncay MASO/PA
Jeffrey J. Thompson, Board Liaison SWSO/KS
Dr. Fred A. Garrett (SWSO/TX), Clinical Professor
and Director on the AAO Foundation Board with
Dr. Carin Domann (SWSO/TX), a recent graduate
and Dr. Don Mayer (SWSO/TX), Clinical Associate
Professor at the University and former graduate.
Awards Program
The following is a summary of the AAO Foundation Awards
History of the AAOF Awards Program
program since the initiation of the Endowment Campaign,
Goal of the Awards Program
A CASE FOR THE FUTURE. The awards program will
kAAOF Mission is “to advance the orthodontic specialty by
continue through the Foundation’s Campaign, Continued
supporting education and research.”
Commitment to the Specialty®.
kFoundation funding ensures the future viability of the
specialty by investing in the next generation of educators
AAO Foundation Awards Program
and researchers.
Since 1994, the AAOF Awards Program has contributed the
following to orthodontic education and research:
k$9.5 million in funding, primarily in support of Junior
Faculty, including:
k176 Fellowship Awards
k172 Research Awards
kOver 1,000 Gifts in Support of orthodontic residencies.
kAt the 72 graduate orthodontic residency programs in
the U.S. and Canada, 31 were supported early in their
academic careers by the AAO Foundation
k80% of Junior Faculty supported by the AAOF remain in
full-time academics after five years
kOn the AAOF website, there are Final Reports from some
340 peer-reviewed, funded proposals
Support for Junior Faculty has resulted in:
kPublications – over 100 articles and abstracts,
most of which have been published in journals within
orthodontics, but many in journals outside the specialty
and the profession.
kLectures – scores of lectures at dental, orthodontic and
at other scientific meetings as well.
kProfessional advancement – to date at the 72 graduate
orthodontic residency programs in the US and Canada
there are:
l31 Department Chairs and/or Program Directors
l Twelve NIH funding recipients
funded while Junior Faculty
lNumerous tenured, associate and full professor
$ 9,539,967
* Includes $300,000 restricted gift from the AAO for AAO Internet II funding
**Includes $120,000 restricted gift from the AAO for AAOF Fellowship
Awards for Junior Faculty
***Includes $180,000 restricted gift from the AAO for AAOF Fellowship
Awards for Junior Faculty; and $150,000 restricted gift from the AAO for
the AAO Distance Learning Project
****Includes $40,000 restricted gift from AAO for Call for Proposals/Access
to Care
*****Includes $800,000 for Collections Project from Legacy 300 Campaign
Pledging to the AAOF
“Professional Courtesy/Grateful Patient”
You Can Fax Your Pledge!
Pledging Offers Many Advantages
Clip the pledge form on page 57, complete the form, sign it,
Many AAO members are fulfilling their pledges through a
and mail or fax it to the AAOF at 800-708-1364.
“professional courtesy” or “grateful patient” arrangement.
Pledges of $25,000 or more may be redeemed over as many as
10 years.
In this scenario, persons to whom you offer orthodontic
service as a courtesy (e.g., a referring dentist, a family
friend, etc.) are invited to demonstrate their appreciation by
making a contribution to the AAO Foundation in your name.
Campaign Pledge Chart
Orthodontic treatment is provided in the usual manner, but
the check is made payable to the AAO Foundation, rather
3 Years
Pledge $ 5,000.00 416.67 833.34 1,666.68
can employ this approach for supporting the AAOF, please
$ 7,500.00 625.00 1,250.00 2,500.00
contact the Foundation executive vice president.
$ 10,000.00 833.33 1,666.66 3,333.32
How do you pledge to the AAOF?
$ 25,000.00 2,083.33 4,166.66 8,333.32
The answer to this question begins with the pledge card.
$ 50,000.00 4,166.66 8,333.32 16,666.63
4 Years
Pledge $ 5,000.00 312.50 625.00 1,250.00
pledged as much as $25,000 or more, a typical pledge
$ 7,500.00 468.75 937.50 1,875.00
is $5,000.
$ 10,000.00 625.00 1,250.00 2,500.00
$ 25,000.00 1,562.00 3,125.00 6,250.00
kAlthough there has been some variation, most members
$ 50,000.00 3,125.00 6,250.00 12,500.00
5 Years
Pledge $ 5,000.00 250.00 500.00 1,000.00
The member signs a pledge for three years and chooses
$ 7,500.00 375.00 750.00 1,500.00
to be billed quarterly. Accordingly, the member receives
$ 10,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00
$ 25,000.00 1,250.00 2,500.00 5,000.00
$ 50,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 10,000.00
than to you, the orthodontist. You and the other party(ies)
will need to discuss the arrangement’s tax advantages so
that both you and they understand who might be allowed to
take the tax deduction. For more information about how you
There are three factors to consider when pledging.
kFellow AAO members have asked you to pledge the
equivalent of one orthodontic case. Although some have
have pledged over a three-year period.
Frequency of Billing
kThe options are annual, semi-annual or quarterly billing.
For example, an AAO member decides to pledge $5,000.
an invoice for $416.67 once every three months. Check
the Campaign Pledge Chart for other options.
Once you have completed and signed the pledge card,
Semi-Annual Semi-Annual Semi-Annual Annual
simply mail it to the AAOF. For more information or to obtain
pledge cards, contact your constituent or component AAOF
campaign chair, or call the AAOF at 800.424.2841, ext. 546.
Estate Planning and Planned Giving
The AAO Foundation has an extensive electronic library on
Ms. Debbie Best, FRIEND
estate planning and planned giving on its website, www.
Dr. B. Keith Black, SAO Click on “Estate Planning and Planned
Dr. Eugene S. Blair and Mrs. Pauline G. Blair, MSO
Giving” at the top of the home page to gain entry.
Dr. Keith Allan Blalock and Mrs. Heather Blalock, SWSO
Estate Planning
The AAO Foundation offers information on estate
Dr. Barry E. Booth, MSO
planning to AAO members and their advisors on a
complimentary basis and at no obligation.
Planned Giving
Those individuals who are contemplating a gift to the AAO
Foundation through their estates are asked to
contact the AAOF prior to proceeding.
Please remember the AAO Foundation in your estate planning.
Mr. Michael G. Bogenschuetz and Mrs. Georgia Bogenschuetz,
Dr. Brian K. Bons, SAO
Dr. Richard E. Boyd, SAO
Dr. Robert L. Boyd, PCSO
Dr. Robert James Bray, MASO
Ms. Rosemary Bray, FRIEND
Dr. Joel E. Broussard and Mrs. Jo Ella Broussard, SWSO
Dr. Edward V. Brown, III, SAO
Dr. Walter C. Buchsieb and Mrs. Betty R. Buchsieb, GLAO
Dr. Michael Bunner (deceased) and Mrs. Jeannie Bunner
Dr. Thomas O. Burns and Mrs. Mary Ann Burns, GLAO
Dr. John D. Callahan, Jr. and Mrs. Elletta S. Callahan, NESO
Keystone Society
Updated in December of each calendar year.
Dr. George Q. Adams, SWSO
Dr. Farrah Agahi, SWSO
Dr. Thomas L. Ahman and Mrs. Cathy A. Ahman, GLAO
Dr. Richard H. Albright, III, MASO
Dr. Richard H. Albright, Jr. and Mrs. Jane A. Albright, MASO
Dr. R. G. (Wick) Alexander and Mrs. Janna Alexander, SWSO
Dr. Cyrus M. Alizadeh, MSO
Dr. David J. Angus and Mrs. Carol N. Angus, NESO
Dr. Kolman P. Apt, SAO
Dr. Thomas Arkle, III and Mrs. Stephanie Arkle, SAO
Dr. Eric J. Atha, RMSO
Dr. Stanley A. Ault and Mrs. Ruth Ault, SWSO
Dr. James J. Awbrey, IV and Mrs. Jill R. Awbrey, SAO
Dr. Dominique Vidrine Backus and Dr. Jeffry Backus, SAO
Dr. J. Newsom Baker and Mrs. Beverly A. Baker, SAO
Dr. Thomas R. Bales and Mrs. Suzanne H. Bales, PCSO
Dr. Nicholas D. Barone and Mrs. Diane S. Barone, NESO
Dr. Gary A. Baughman, PCSO
Dr. Sheldon Baumrind and Mrs. Joan F. Baumrind, PCSO
Dr. Ronald E. Bautsch and Mrs. Kathryn Bautsch, SWSO
Dr. Sandy Beckett, MASO
Mrs. Jane Kirkland Bedell (deceased)
Dr. S. Matthew Beecroft, SAO
Dr. Stephen J. Belli, GLAO
Dr. Allen N. Benning and Mrs. Dede Benning, RMSO
Dr. Bartley Howell Benson and Mrs. Katie H. Benson, SAO
Dr. John B. Benton and Mrs. Judy J. Benton, SAO
Dr. Michael J. Bernard, GLAO
Dr. L. Ruth Berry and Mr. James Fogle, SAO
Dr. R. Paul Campbell, MASO
Dr. Robert P. Campbell, GLAO
Dr. Ricky G. Caples and Mrs. Lynna Capels, SAO
Dr. Joseph Carastro, IV and Mrs. Nancy Carastro, PCSO
Dr. David Carden and Mrs. Linda Ann Carden, SAO
Dr. David B. Carter and Mrs. Linda Carter, SAO
Dr. Gerald D. Cavanaugh and Mrs. Patricia Cavanaugh, MSO
Dr. Jeffrey Thomas Cavanaugh and Dr. Linzi A. Cavanaugh, MSO
Dr. Jagdish M. Chada and Mrs. Meena Chadha, SAO
Dr. David A. Chenin, MSO
Dr. Stephen T. Chenin, PCSO
Dr. Kyle Ray Childers, MSO
Dr. George B. Clarke and Mrs. Brenda J. Clarke, PCSO
Mr. Richard A. Collier (deceased)
Dr. Clark D. Colville and Mrs. Margie Colville, SWSO
Dr. Colleen E. Connor, MSO
Dr. Arnold R. Cook, MASO
Dr. John X. Cordoba, SAO
Dr. Mark Neil Coreil, SAO
Dr. Robert S. Cornwell and Mrs. Nancy C. Cornwell, MSO
Dr. Ross L. Crist and Mrs. Lisa Crist, MSO
Dr. Antonio Cucalon, Jr. and Mrs. Rosario Cucalon, PCSO
Dr. C. Lynn Davis and Mrs. Vicki Davis, SWSO
Dr. Dante A. De Angelo and Mrs. Patricia De Angelo, GLAO
Dr. Brian R. DeGise and Mrs. Barb DeGise, MSO
Dr. Donald C. Demas, NESO
Dr. Melvin DeSoto and Mrs. Katy DeSoto, SWSO
Dr. Emma DiCarlo and Mr. H. Curtis Vincent, SWSO
Dr. Todd Dickerson, PCSO
Dr. Andrew Dietrich, SAO
Mr. Kevin J. Dillard, Esq. and Mrs. Allison Dillard, FRIEND
Dr. J. Kendall Dillehay and Mrs. Rebecca D. Dillehey, SWSO
Dr. Courtland M. Drake, MSO
Dr. Oles Basil Drobocky, SAO
Dr. David W. Hamula, RMSO
Dr. Glenn Dubrock, Jr. and Mrs. Bobbi Dubroc, SAO
Dr. James B. Hanigan and Mrs. Michelle Hanigan, SWSO
Dr. Terry L. Duncan (deceased) and Mrs. Patsy B. Duncan
Dr. Justin P. Hannon, SAO
Dr. Brad J. Elkin, MASO
Dr. Stephanie Hannon, SAO
Dr. Jeryl D. English and Mrs. Kathryn S. English, SWSO
Dr. Stephen J. Hannon, II, SAO
Dr. Joshua Z. Epstein, MASO
Dr. Douglas S. Harte, MASO
Dr. George E. Ewan (deceased)
Dr. Lawrence S. Harte, MASO
Dr. Guy A. Favaloro and Mrs. Jean H. Favaloro, SAO
Dr. W. Keith Harvey and Mrs. Ashley Harvey, SAO
Dr. Austin W. Feeney and Mrs. Virginia Gambale, NESO
Mr. Robert W. Hazel and Ms. Betty O’Dea, FRIEND
Dr. Dana E. Fender, SAO
Dr. Thomas E. Herremans, GLAO
Dr. Nicholas P. Ferri, MSO
Dr. Stephen E. Hershey and Mrs. Patti Hershey, GLAO
Dr. Brett C. Fidler and Mrs. Susan L. Fidler, PCSO
Dr. Stephen R. Hertzberg and Mrs. Alice E. Hertzberg, MSO
Dr. Jon C. Fisher and Mrs. Jane K. Fisher, SAO
Dr. Jerry R. Hickman and Mrs. Sharla R. Hickman, GLAO
Mr. Richard E. Fister, Jr., FRIEND
Dr. Arnold J. Hill and Mrs. Shirley A. Hill, MSO
Dr. Andrew E. Forman and Mrs. Leslie Ann Forman, PCSO
Dr. Kevin D. Horner and Mrs. Susan M. Horner, MSO
Dr. Christina M. Fortney, PCSO
Dr. Lili K. Horton and Dr. Keith Horton, PCSO
Dr. Michael J. Foy and Mrs. Janet Foy, RMSO
Dr. Lisa Peter Howard and Dr. Joseph R. Kenneally, NESO
Dr. Gregg T. Frey, MASO
Dr. Page Hudson, PCSO
Dr. Scott Frey, MASO
Dr. James D. Hudson and Mrs. Brenda K. Hudson, SAO
Dr. Stuart Frost, PCSO
Dr. James R. Hugg and Mrs. Julane Hugg, MSO
Dr. Andre M. Fruge, SAO
Dr. Robert V.V. Hurst, SAO
Dr. James F. Fruge, Jr. and Mrs. Louise N. Fruge, SAO
Dr. Kenneth R. Hyde and Mrs. Kathleen K. Hyde, GLAO
Dr. Jeremy R. Fry and Mrs. Nicki Fry, SWSO
Dr. Joseph Hyman and Mrs. Teresa Hyman, PCSO
Dr. Michael A. Fuchs, MSO
Dr. Jon D. Ingleman and Mrs. Judy Ingleman, GLAO
Dr. Rick W. Fuchs, MSO
Dr. Thomas A. Iverson, PCSO
Dr. Edwin J. Fuder and Mrs. Joan C. Fuder, GLAO
Dr. Joseph Cornelius Jackson, Jr., SAO
Dr. James H. Gallagher and Mrs. Dale M. Gallagher, RMSO
Dr. David Jenkins, MASO
Dr. Ronald L. Gallerano and Mrs. Nelda U. Gallerano, SWSO
Dr. J. Dean Jensen and Mrs. Diane Allen Jensen, SWSO
Dr. Fred A. Garrett and Mrs. Dianne Garrett, SWSO
Dr. Brian R. Jesperson and Mrs. Jane A. Jesperson, MSO
Dr. Justin A. Garrett, SAO
Dr. Donald L. Jorgensen & Mrs. Jan Jorgensen, RMSO
Dr. Steven G. Garrett and Mrs. Susan S. Garrett, SAO
Dr. Paul W. Jorgensen and Mrs. Norene Jorgensen, MSO
Dr. Matthew Gaworski, RMSO
Dr. John S. Kacewicz and Mrs. Linda Kacewicz, NESO
Dr. William C. Gaylord and Mrs. Carole F. Gaylord, RMSO
Dr. Aly Kanani, PCSO
Dr. Mark S. Geller & Mrs. Madeleine Geller, SWSO
Dr. John S. Kanyusik and Mrs. Carolyn L. Kanyusik, MSO
Dr. Edward R. Genecov (deceased) and Mrs. Sally Genecov
Dr. Marvin C. Kastrop and Mrs. Judy T. Kastrop, RMSO
Dr. Jeffrey S. Genecov and Mrs. Lisa Genecov, SWSO
Dr. M. Jean Kay, GLAO
Dr. Raymond George, Sr. and Mrs. Sonjia George, NESO
Dr. Michael L. Keim, MSO
Dr. William V. Gierie, SAO
Dr. Robert G. Keim, PCSO
Dr. James E. Gjerset and Mrs. LuAnne J. Gjerset, MSO
Dr. Roy K. King, SAO
Dr. Gayle Glenn, SWSO
Dr. Ronald W. Koster, PCSO
Dr. A. Joel Gluck and Mrs. Linda Gluck, SAO
Dr. George J. Kottemann and Mrs. Norma R. Kottemann, MSO
Dr. Marvin C. Goldstein (deceased)
Dr. William L. Kreig and Mrs. Shelly Kreig, GLAO
Dr. Jasmine Gorton, PCSO
Dr. Michael Lanzetta and Mrs. Elana Lanzetta, GLAO
Dr. Lee W. Graber and Mrs. Jane B. Graber, MSO
Dr. Idalia Lastra and Dr. George Barkat, SAO
Dr. T.M. Graber (deceased) and Dr. Doris A. Graber
Dr. Dennis J. Lazzara and Mrs. Nancy A. Lazzara, MSO
Ms. Ellen Grady, FRIEND
Dr. E. Joseph LeCompte, SAO
Dr. Mervin W. Graham and Mrs. Katherine E. Graham, RMSO
Dr. William R. Ledoux and Mrs. Sharon A. Ledoux, SAO
Dr. Joseph W. Gray, PCSO
Dr. Marc S. Lemchen, NESO
Dr. Ronald B. Gross and Mrs. Stephanie Gross, MASO
Dr. Dean P. Leonard and Mrs. Beverly J. Leonard, MSO
Dr. David G. Haas and Mrs. Carol Haas, GLAO
Dr. Keith Levin and Dr. Babette Cohen, MSO
Dr. Gregory Hack and Dr. Barbara Kelly Hack, NESO
Dr. Deborah J. Lien and Mr. Dale C. Norell, MSO
Dr. Delbert E. Hale and Mrs. Rebecca Hale, SAO
Dr. Lee A. Mahlmann and Mrs. Laurie L. Mahlmann, SWSO
Dr. David C. Hamilton (deceased) and Mrs. Effie Hamilton
Dr. Hector R. Maldonado, SAO
Dr. Scott D. Hamilton and Mrs. Mary E. Hamilton, SWSO
Dr. Nahid Maleki, MASO
Dr. Todd L. Hamilton and Mrs. Betsy C. Hamilton, SAO
Dr. Richard H. Maness and Mrs. Susan Maness, SAO
Estate Planning and Planned Giving
Dr. Jenny R. Maple, GLAO
Dr. Hugh R. Phillis and Mrs. Mary E. Phillis, NESO
Dr. John R. Mariotti and Mrs. Margaret Q. Mariotti, MASO
Dr. Mario Polo and Mrs. Maureen T. Polo, MASO
Dr. Steven D. Marshall and Mrs. Susan Marshall, MSO
Dr. Morris N. Poole and Mrs. Dixie Lou Poole, RMSO
Dr. Laurel R. Martin, RMSO
Dr. Robert S. Portenga and Mrs. Diane S. Portenga, GLAO
Dr. Joel Martinez and Mrs. Norma V. Martinez, SWSO
Dr. Donald R. Poulton and Mrs. Virginia A. Poulton, PCSO
Dr. Charles W. Mason and Mrs. Carole K. Mason, RMSO
Dr. Bridget M. Powers, PCSO
Dr. Michele M. Mathews, RMSO
Dr. Terry R. Pracht and Mrs. Patricia Pracht, GLAO
Dr. L. Donald Mayer, SWSO
Dr. Frederick G. Preis and Mrs. Mary Louise Preis, MASO
Dr. Domenic A. Mazzocco, NESO
Dr. Grady L. Price, Jr. and Mrs. Judy B. Price, SAO
Dr. Richard E. McClung and Mrs. Ann W. McClung, SAO
Dr. Robert W. Prince and Mrs. Dianne L. Prince, RMSO
Dr. Joseph A. McCormick and Mrs. Maria Theresa McCormick, MASO
Dr. J. Anthony Quinn and Mrs. Janie A. Quinn, MASO
Dr. Michael G. McDermott, MSO
Dr. Matthew J. Radkowski, GLAO
Dr. Terry D. McDonald and Mrs. Shirley McDonald, PCSO
Dr. Todd H. Rankin, SAO
Dr. Ernest H. McDowell, SAO
Dr. Michael John Redmond, PCSO
Dr. Richard A. McFarland and Mrs. Karen McFarland, SWSO
Dr. W. Ronald Redmond, PCSO
Dr. Paul J. McKenna, Jr. and Mrs. Karen McKenna, NESO
Dr. Richard J. Resler, Jr., GLAO
Dr. Robert W. McMinn and Mrs. Carolyn Y. McMinn, SAO
Dr. David D. Reynard and Mrs. Betty J. Reynard, SWSO
Dr. Carolyn Melita, NESO
Dr. Richard Ribarevski and Mrs. Ugti Ribarevski, GLAO
Dr. Daniel Merwin and Mrs. Caroline Merwin, SAO
Dr. Michael R. Ricupito, PCSO
Dr. Preston Miller, III, SAO
Dr. Christopher A. Roberts and Mrs. Susan Roberts, GLAO
Dr. Frank R. Miller and Mrs. Greta Miller, SWSO
Dr. W. Eugene Roberts, GLAO
Dr. Michael David Minnich and Mrs. Lisa Minnich, PCSO
Dr. Roxanne G. Robertson, SWSO
Dr. Michael L. Mizell and Mrs. Chris Mizell, SWSO
Dr. William W. Robinson, SWSO
Dr. Kambiz Moin and Mrs. Roya Moin, NESO
Dr. Stephen C. Roehm and Mrs. Kathy S. Roehm, MSO
Dr. Richard L. Molen, PCSO
Dr. Michael B. Rogers and Mrs. Elizabeth B. Rogers, SAO
Dr. Aaron D. Molen, PCSO
Dr. Russell A. Rogers and Mrs. Colleen Rogers, GLAO
Dr. Randall C. Moles, MSO
Dr. Christopher E. Roncone and Dr. Tinou Roncone, PCSO
Dr. John F. Monacell, SAO
Dr. Loring L. Ross, SAO
Dr. Donald Montano and Mrs. Melinda Montano, PCSO
Dr. David G. Sabott and Mrs. Anne W. Sabott, RMSO
Dr. Robert T. Morrison and Mrs. Wanda I. Morrison, SWSO
Dr. Tarun Saini, MASO
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Murray, PCSO
Dr. Anna Maria Salas-Lopez and Dr. J. Alberto Lopez, SWSO
Dr. David R. Musich and Mrs. Anette R. Musich, MSO
Dr. Jennifer Salzer, NESO
Dr. Richard B. Myers and Mrs. Janet R. Myers, NESO
Dr. George Sargiss, MASO
Dr. Greg Nalchajian and Mrs. Julianne Nalchajian, PCSO
Dr. Nicholas John Savastano, Jr., SAO
Dr. Nicole Nalchajian, PCSO
Dr. Jeffrey L. Schauder and Mrs. Linda Schauder, MSO
Dr. Eric R. Nease, SAO
Dr. Nicole Scheffler and Mr. Craig Scheffler, SAO
Dr. Robert (Tito) Alan Norris, SWSO
Dr. Daniel J. Schellhase, SAO
Dr. Kay W. O’Leary, SAO
Dr. Robert P. Scholz and Mrs. Judyth M. Scholz, PCSO
Dr. Perry M. Opin and Mrs. Susan Opin, NESO
Dr. George W. Scott, MASO
Dr. Andrew M. Orchin and Dr. Jill M. Bailey, MASO
Dr. Nile G. Scott and Mrs. Joyce A. Scott, RMSO
Dr. Jeremy D. Orchin and Mrs. Susan G. Orchin, MASO
Dr. Robert T. Scott and Mrs. Carolyn L. Scott, MASO
Dr. Robert L. Orr and Mrs. Gayle D. Orr, RMSO
Dr. Keith T. Sellers, SAO
Dr. James W. Osborne, MSO
Dr. Earl E. Shepard (deceased)
Dr. Stephen F. Paige (deceased) and Mrs. Linda C. Paige
Dr. E. Fraser Sherrard, NESO
Dr. Patricia J. Panucci, PCSO
Dr. John F. Sherrard, NESO
Dr. Samuel G. Papandreas, GLAO
Dr. D. J. Shiliday (deceased)
Ms. Lori Garland Parker, FRIEND
Dr. Kenneth A. Shimizu, PCSO
Dr. James E. Paschal, Jr. and Mrs. Michelle Paschal, SAO
Dr. Steven Thomas Short, SAO
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Pavlo, NESO
Dr. Kirt E. Simmons and Mrs. Caroline Simmons, SWSO
Dr. George S. Payne (Deceased) and Mrs. Marilyn J. Payne
Dr. Leo C. Sinna, MSO
Dr. Walter Elmo Penley (deceased)
Dr. Charles E. Smaha, SAO
Dr. Robert A. Penna, MASO
Dr. Christopher Keith Smedley, MASO
Dr. John K. Pershing, Jr. and Mrs. Catherine J. Pershing, MSO
Dr. Larry C. Smedley, MASO
Dr. Gilbert H. Snow, PCSO
Dr. Robyn Vicek, GLAO
Dr. Michael Socha (deceased) and Mrs. Virginia M. Socha
Dr. Charles K. Wear and Mrs. Ellen W. Wear, PCSO
Dr. Thomas M. Stark and Mrs. Cynthia Stark, MSO
Dr. Jim D. Webb and Mrs. Helen B. Webb, PCSO
Dr. Stephanie Steckel, MASO
Dr. Sami Webb, MSO
Dr. Michael L. Stepovich and Mrs. Gabriella Nickut, PCSO
Dr. Karen L. Wedde, MSO
Dr. Frederic C. Sterritt and Mrs. Darlene Sterritt, MASO
Dr. Todd D. Weinberger, NESO
Dr. Lisa M. Stokes, SWSO
Dr. C. Edwin Wentz, SWSO
Dr. Paul J. Styrt and Mrs. Stacy Lynn Styrt, PCSO
Dr. Todd Zane Wentz, PCSO
Dr. J. Daniel Subtelny, NESO
Dr. Robert G. Wertz, Jr. and Mrs. Lindsay Wertz, MASO
Dr. Kevin Theroux, RMSO
Dr. Robert Wertz, Sr., MASO
Dr. Kristin A. Thiry, MASO
Dr. Franklin M. Wheelock, SAO
Dr. Donald J. Thompson and Mrs. Miriam Thompson, SWSO
Dr. Thomas R. White, PCSO
Dr. Jeffrey J. Thompson and Mrs. Grace Thompson, SWSO
Dr. John B. Whitley and Mrs. Elizabeth Whitley, SAO
Dr. Mark C. Tindall, SWSO
Dr. Cassy Wiggins & Mr. Paul Wiggins, RMSO
Dr. Steven H. Tinsworth, SAO
Dr. Benjamin H. Williams (deceased)
Dr. Jeffrey Toothman, MASO
Dr. Ron D. Wilson, SAO
Dr. Ronald G. Toothman, MASO
Dr. Gary Wiser and Mrs. Harriet M. Wiser, MASO
Dr. Luis A. Toro-Lloveras and Mrs. Maria J. Toro-Lloveras, MASO
Dr. Benjamin Wright and Mrs. Melissa Wright, MASO
Dr. Robert L. Toth and Mrs. Margo M. Toth, MSO
Dr. Terrie Yoshikane, PCSO
Dr. T. Barrett Trotter and Mrs. Anne D. Trotter, SAO
Dr. Jaime A. Zambrano, SAO
Dr. Timothy Scott Trulove and Mrs. Bonnie Trulove, SAO
Dr. Joseph Zgrodnik and Mrs. Carol S. Zgrodnik, NESO
Dr. James N. Tsau, PCSO
Dr. Orhan C. Tuncay and Mrs. Agnes Tuncay, MASO
Dr. Jack D. Utley, Jr. and Mrs. Heidi M. Utley, GLAO
Dr. Robert E. Varner and Mrs. Jacquetta D. Varner, PCSO
Planned Giving Donation Form clip and return
AAO Foundation Keystone Society
Continued Commitment to the Specialty®
PI have made a Continued Commitment to the
Specialty® of orthodontics and intend to include the AAO
Foundation in my estate plans.
Keystone Society
P Having made this commitment, please add my name
to the Keystone Society list. Please list me as follows
(e.g. Dr. First Last name and Mrs. First Last name):
All information will be held in confidence.
Return Form
AAO Foundation
P Please list me anonymously.
Planned Giving Vehicle
P I/we have included the AAOF in my will.
P I/we have established a trust naming the AAOF as
a beneficiary.
Attn: Robert Hazel
401 North Lindbergh Boulevard
St. Louis, Missouri 63141-7816
Phone: 800-424-2841, ext. 546
Fax: 800-708-1364
P I/we have made other arrangements as follows:
P The type of planned gift has yet to be determined.
Century Club | Honorarium and Memoriam
The Century Club option is an open-ended,
A gift made to the AAOF in memory of, or in honor of,
ongoing commitment of a minimum of $100 per
an individual is a dignified way to express your admiration.
month, either by bank authorization or credit card.
For information, please call Cheryl Young at the AAOF at 800.424.2841.
See the AAOF Pledge Form on page 61.
Honorarium and Memoriam
Century Club
Updated in December of each calendar year.
Dr. Sheila Birth, SWSO/TX
Dr. David T. Copus, GLAO/MI
Dr. Joseph Y. de Jesus, PCSO/WA
Dr. Tim Dumore, MSO/MB
Dr. Fred A. Garrett, SWSO/TX
Dr. David C. Gehring, MSO/IA
Dr. Lee W. Graber, MSO/IL
Mr. Robert W. Hazel, AAOF EVP
Dr. Dean Johnson, RMSO/ID
Dr. Robert Kidd, III (deceased), MASO/DE
Dr. Kerry W. Kirsch, MASO/PA
Dr. Stephanos Kyrkanides, NESO/NY
Dr. Liliana Mejia, SAO/GA
Dr. Wendell Mettman, SWSO/KS
Dr. James E. Paschal, SAO/GA
Dr. J. Anthony Quinn, MASO/PA
Dr. Richard J. Risinger, NESO/CT
Dr. W. Eugene Roberts, Jr., GLAO/IN
Dr. Barry F. Rouch, SWSO/TX
Dr. Charles M. Taylor, SWSO/TX
Dr. Charles K. Wear, PCSO/CA
Updated in December of each calendar year.
In Memory of
Gift Given By
Dr. Stephen K. Bailie
Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists
Mr. Bruce Bales
Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists
Mr. Bruce Bales
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Garrett
Mr. Bruce Bales
AAO Foundation Board of Directors & Staff
Dr. Julio A. Battistoni
Midwestern Society of Orthodontists
Dr. Douglas L. Buck
Dr. C. Joel Hodge
Dr. Robert Bushey
Rocky Mountain Society of Orthodontists
Dr. Terry Duncan
AAO Foundation Board of Directors & Staff
Dr. Terry Duncan
Dr. J. Kendall Dillehay
Dr. Terry Duncan
Dr. Fred A. Garrett
Dr. Charles D. Dwight
Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists
Dr. George A. Eastman
Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists
Dr. Robert Freeman
Mr. Paul Slavec
Dr. Robert Freeman
American Board of Orthodontics
Dr. Robert Freeman
Ms. Margaret White
Dr. Robert Freeman
Ms. Elizabeth Poremba
Dr. Robert Freeman
Mr. John Forney
Dr. Robert Freeman
Ms. Heather Brooke Fitzgerald
Dr. Robert Freeman
Mr. Jon Straalsund
Dr. Robert Freeman
Dr. Richard J. Rozehnal
Dr. Robert Freeman
Rocky Mountain Society of Orthodontists
Dr. Joseph J. Granata
Midwestern Society of Orthodontists
Dr. G. Herbert Hanson
Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists
Dr. Henry C. Harrelson, Jr.
North Carolina Association of Orthodontists
Dr. Ernest H. Hixon
Dr. C. Joel Hodge
Dr. James M. Jolly, Jr.
Midwestern Society of Orthodontists
Dr. Kenneth S. Kahn
Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists
Dr. Vincent G. Kokich
Pennsylvania Association of Orthodontists
Dr. Vincent G. Kokich
California Association of Orthodontists
Dr. Harold L. Odden
Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists
Dr. Andrew T. Panchura
Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists
Dr. Kumendran Pather
Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists
Dr. George H. Pommert
Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists
Dr. William G. Schneider
North Carolina Association of Orthodontists
Dr. Gordon E. Till
Midwestern Society of Orthodontists
Dr. Charles Van Dyken
Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists
Dr. Arnold I. Winshall
Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists
Dr. Donald G. Woodside
Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists
Dr. Joseph Zimmerman
Midwestern Society of Orthodontists
Orthodontic Programs and Classes
Lifetime membership in the AAOF Vanguard Society is
k Class of 2013 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
available to those who pledged to the AAOF during their
University of Southern California
orthodontic residency.
k Class of 2010 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
A resident who pledges $5,000 can fulfill the pledge over
a five-year period, with the initial statement postponed until
five years after graduation. Vanguard Regents are those that
became an AAOF Regent ($25,000 pledge) while a resident,
and they have an additional five years.
k Class of 2012 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2013 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
District of Columbia
Children’s National Medical Center
k Class of 2001 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2002 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
100% Vanguard Society and/or 100% Participation
Updated in December of each calendar year.
University of Alabama
k Class of 1990 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1991 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1992 – 100% Participation
Washington Hospital Center
k Class of 2008 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2009 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2010 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2011 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2012 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2001 – 100% Participation
University of Florida
k Class of 2003 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1990 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2004 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2009 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2013 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1997 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2003 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2014 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
At Still University
Medical College of Georgia
k Class of 2011 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2001 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of California at Los Angeles
k Class of 2004 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2009 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of California at San Francisco
k Class of 2002 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2003 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2006 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2007 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2009 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2010 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2011 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2007 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2012 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2010 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2013 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2011 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2014 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2012 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2013 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of the Pacific
Indiana University
k Class of 1998 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1993 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1999 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2000 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2004 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2005 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2006 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2007 – 100% Vanguard/Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2011 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of Kentucky
k Class of 1998 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2002 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2003 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
Orthodontic Programs and Classes
k Class of 2005 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2010 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2011 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of Louisville
k Class of 2003 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of Minnesota
k Class of 2007 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2008 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2009 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
Saint Louis University
Louisiana State University
k Class of 2001 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2005 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2005 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2007 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2007 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2008 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2012 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2009 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of Missouri at Kansas City
k Class of 2010 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1995 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1996 – 100% Participation
University of Maryland
k Class of 2001 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2004 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2004 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2000 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2011 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2005 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2011 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
Tufts University
k Class of 2010 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2012 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1999 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of Nebraska Medical Center
University of Detroit Mercy
k Class of 2012 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of Michigan
k Class of 2004 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2005 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2007 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2009 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2010 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2012 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2015 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1993 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1994 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2007 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2009 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of Southern Nevada
k Class of 2011 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
New York
Maimonides Medical Center
k Class of 2013 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
Mayo Graduate School of Medicine
Montifiore/Albert Einstein College
k Class of 1991 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2006 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1994 – 100% Participation
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental School
k Class of 1996 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1997 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2007 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2008 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2010 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2011 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2007 – 100% Vanguard Society/100%Participation
k Class of 2010 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
North Carolina
University of North Carolina
k Class of 2012 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1997 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2013 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1999 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2014 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2014 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2015 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
Case Western Reserve University
k Class of 2003 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2005 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2006 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
k Class of 1990 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1991 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1992 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1993 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1994 – 100% Participation
The Ohio State University College of Dentistry
k Class of 1995 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1998 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1996 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2002 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2004 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1997 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1998 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2005 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1999 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2001 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of Oklahoma at Oklahoma City
k Class of 2004 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2006 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2000 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2002 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2003 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2004 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2005 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2006 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2007 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
Albert Einstein Medical Center
k Class of 2008 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1990 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2009 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1996 – 100% Participation
k Class of 1998 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2004 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
Temple University
k Class of 2002 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2003 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2010 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2011 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2012 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2013 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2014 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2015 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
Wilford Hall Medical Center
South Carolina
k Class of 2000 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
Medical University of South Carolina
k Class of 2007 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2013 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of Washington
University of Tennessee
k Class of 2006 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2000 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2001 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2010 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2015 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
West Virginia
k Class of 2011 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
West Virginia University
k Class of 2014 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1992 – 100% Participation
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
k Class of 2004 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2003 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2006 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2008 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
Marquette University
Baylor College of Dentistry
k Class of 2009 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 1996 – 100% Participation
k Class of 2002 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2003 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of Toronto
k Class of 2004 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2014 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
k Class of 2012 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
University of Western Ontario
k Class of 2004 – 100% Vanguard Society/100% Participation
Vanguard Society
Those who have pledged as orthodontic residents.
Vanguard Society
Updated in December of each calendar year.
Dr. Golnaz Ashraf
University of the Pacific
Dr. Jeffrey D. Askins
Temple University
Dr. Robert Aszkler
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Jeffrey Kyle Ault
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Kevin Austin
University of Iowa
Dr. Steven M. Austin
University of North Carolina
Dr. Sunjay Autel
University of Washington
Dr. George S. Abed
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Eric L. Axelrode
University of the Pacific
Dr. Arash Abolfazlian
University of the Pacific
Dr. Natoosha Azizi
University of Toronto
Dr. Cameron Ledyard Aboudara University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Normand Bach
University of Montreal
Dr. Heather M. Abrahams
The Ohio State University
Dr. Emil Bailey
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Marc B. Ackerman
Jacksonville University
Dr. Jill M. Bailey
Washington Hospital Center
Dr. Benjamin Ahdut
New York University
Dr. Kara Bailey
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Jamie D. Ahl
Temple University
Dr. Luke Bailey
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Carly Ahlbrecht
University of Michigan
Dr. Melissa Bailey
Loma Linda University
Dr. Fatima Ahmed
University of Michigan
Dr. Mona Bajestan
University of Michigan
Dr. Eun Jeong Ahn
Indiana University
Dr. Christopher L. Baker
St. Louis University
Dr. Ji Hyun Ahn
University of the Pacific
Dr. Arash Bakhtari
Marquette University
Dr. Jeremy Matthew Albert
University of Florida
Dr. Kathleen M. Bales
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Jason Aleman
St. Louis University
Dr. Ariel Bales-Kogan
Boston University Medical Center
Dr. Andrew Alexander
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. David Balhoff
Louisiana State University
Dr. Ann Alexander
University of Michigan
Dr. Jennifer Ballantyne-Berwick
University of Southern Carolina
Dr. Keisha N. Alexander
University of North Carolina
Dr. Soulafa Susan Baloul
Boston University Medical Center
Dr. Kristen Alexander
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Brooks Barefoot
Washington Hospital Center
Dr. Steven Alexander
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Gordon D. Barfield
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Dr. Ibrahim Y. Alhussain
Albert Einstein/Montefiore Medical Center
Dr. Ingrid Barillas
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Sam Alkhoury
New York University
Dr. Harold E. Barkate
University of the Pacific
Dr. Marc E. Allen
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Michael J. Barlow
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. William Michael Allen
University of Southern California
Dr. Kate Barnette
St. Louis University
Dr. Chad Allred
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Amy Barrer
Washington Hospital Center
Dr. Brian Almond
University of Washington
Dr. Aubrey A.F. Barrett
University of Michigan
Dr. Mohamad Raghid Alolabi
Tufts University
Dr. Jennifer Lee Barton
University of Louisville
Dr. Pedro J. Alquizar
Harvard Dental School
Dr. Anthony Basil
Washington Hospital Center
Dr. Tanya Al-Talib
University of North Carolina
Dr. Daniel Bassin
Tufts University
Dr. Edwin Alvarez
Indiana University
Dr. Matt Battiste
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Brett Alvey
University of Washington
Dr. Eric M. Baugher
University of Louisville
Dr. Marina E. Amelinckx
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Omar A. Bawazeer
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Brian D. Amy
Temple University
Dr. Burcu Bayirli
University of Michigan
Dr. Holly Harris Andersen
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Marsha L. Beattie
University of Michigan
Dr. Kurt Anderson
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Shelby Jace Beattie
University of Washington
Dr. William Michael Anderson
Wilford Hall Medical Center
Dr. Brice W. Beckstrom
University of Louisville
Dr. Lee J. Andrews
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Aurelia M. Bedard
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Cristiana Araujo
St. Louis University
Dr. Jashleen K. Bedi
University of Michigan
Dr. Andrew M. Arcuri
Temple University
Dr. Eric D. Bednar
University of North Carolina
Dr. Gisli Arnason
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Curtis Bedont
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Christopher L. Arnheiter
University of Louisville
Dr. Scott M. Behnan
University of Michigan
Dr. Erin Arnold
University of Southern Carolina
Dr. Daniel J. Bekish
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Airton O. Arruda
St. Louis University
Dr. Gabriel Bendahan
Harvard Dental School
Dr. Ana Luiza R. Arruda
St. Louis University
Dr. Michael Berger
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Shadow Asgari
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Mark E. Berkman
University of Michigan
Dr. Sara Asghavi
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Matthew C. Biermann
Marquette University
Dr. John O. Ashby, Jr.
St. Louis University
Dr. Glen C. Bills
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Jennifer L. Ashmore
University of Washington
Dr. Oresta L. Bilous
Tufts University
Dr. William F. Bird
Marquette University
Dr. Angie Canales
Medical University of Southern Carolina
Dr. David Blackburn
Boston University Medical Center
Dr. Danielle Cao
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Virginia Bocage
Harvard Dental School
Dr. Rinaldo Caponera
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Rebecca Bockow
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Damen M. Caraway
St. Louis University
Dr. Kimberly E. Bodden
Louisiana State University
Dr. Scott Cardall
Oregon Health & Science University
Dr. Mark Bogdan
New Jersey College of Medicine & Dentistry
Dr. Cesar Cardenas
Tufts University
Dr. Brian Bohman
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Dr. Kirstin M. Carlson
Marquette University
Dr. Tasha W. Bolden
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Luke D. Carlson
University of Minnesota
Dr. Brian Bolerjack
University of Tennessee
Dr. Michelle Dumiller Carlton
Louisiana State University
Dr. John Boling
University of Tennessee
Dr. Lauren Ohlenforst Carney
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Tami Bonilla
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Kevin L. Carlton
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Brian K. Bons
University of Maryland
Dr. Roberto Carrillo
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Blake R. Borello
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Christina Rose Carter
New York University
Dr. Beau Boren
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Emily Carter
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Krisena Borenstein
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Paul M. Caruso
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Jason R. Bourne
Temple University
Dr. Chad W. Cassady
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Audrey M. Boutros
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Alexander Gerard Cassinelli
The Ohio State University
Dr. Todd S. Bovenizer
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Maria C. Castano-Rendon
St. Louis University
Dr. Kevin Boyle
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Ana Castilla
Oregon Health & Science University
Dr. Christopher Brady
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Mark Causey
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Daniel Joseph Breha
St. Louis University
Dr. Anthony Inchol Cha
University of Nebraska
Dr. Seth R. Briggs
University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr. Alessandra Marie Chacon
University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr. Jae Brimhall
University of Kentucky
Dr. Jeremy B. Chaison
University of Washington
Dr. Christine Brinley
St. Louis University
Dr. Benjamin Chan
Tufts University
Dr. Patrick Riggs Briscoe
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Gabrielle Chan
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Gerald Dodd Brister
Louisiana State University
Dr. Vivian Hui-Wen Chan
University of Michigan
Dr. Bloyce Hill Britton, III
University of North Carolina
Dr. Jeffrey R. Chandler
University of Nebraska
Dr. Ralph A. Brock
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Ju-Han Chang
Marquette University
Dr. Chelsea Brockway
University of Florida
Dr. Kwang Kyun Chang
Saint Louis University
Dr. Charles D. Brodsky
Boston University Medical Center
Dr. Johnathan L. Chapman
Louisiana State University
Dr. April Brown
University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr. Steven W. Charchut
University of Michigan
Dr. Brett Brown
University of Michigan
Dr. Jason Lee Charnley
University of Michigan
Dr. Darrick A. Brown
University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Jonathan E. Chason
Tufts University
Dr. Derek John Brown
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Sumit Chawla
University of Southern Nevada
Dr. Evan William Brown
University of Rochester
Dr. Caroline Cheek-Hill
University of North Carolina
Dr. Justin T. Brown
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Christopher Chen
University of Colorado
Dr. Matthew Brown
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Flora Y. Chen
University of Kentucky
Dr. Matthew Brown
University of North Carolina
Dr. Ivy Chen
Harvard Dental School
Dr. Michelle Bridget Brown
Temple University
Dr. James Chen
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. John C. Budd
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Judy Chen
University of Washington
Dr. Dwight Buelow
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Robert Y. Chen
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Chad Bulleigh
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Stephen J. Chen
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Irina Bulucea
Indiana University
Dr. William Li Chen
Columbia University
Dr. Steven J. Bumgarner
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Yian-Liang Chen
Columbia University
Dr. David M. Bunkall
St. Louis University
Dr. David A. Chenin
University of the Pacific
Dr. Eric Burgin
Oregon Health & Sciences University
Dr. Ann Colter H. Cheron
University of the Pacific
Dr. Donald R. Burkhardt
University of Michigan
Dr. Li-Ping Chew
Mayo Graduate School
Dr. Dustin Burleson
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Vincent T. Chiappone
University of the Pacific
Dr. Michelle L. Burlingame
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Melissa Chin
University of Minnesota
Dr. Cass D. Burrell
Boston University Medical Center
Dr. Sue-Lynn Chin
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Brian J. Burton
University of Louisville
Dr. Pei-Ching Patricia Chiu
University of Michigan
Dr. Lauren Busch
Seton Hill University
Dr. Jeong Rae Cho
University of the Pacific
Dr. Derek M. Busciglio
Tufts University
Dr. JangYeun Janice Cho
University of Minnesota
Dr. Carlos Omar Caballero
University of Minnesota
Dr. Julia Jeong Yeon Choi
Tufts University
Dr. Loren Cadelinia
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Dr. Cherissa Chong
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Karin K. Cain
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Narumoi Chongthanavanit
St. Louis University
Dr. David Cameron
St. Louis University
Dr. Adam Chorak
University of Louisville
Dr. Robert B. Campbell, Jr.
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Troy L. Christensen
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Vanguard Society
Dr. Elizabeth Christopherson
University of Michigan
Dr. Drew Darsey
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Sarah Chung
University of the Pacific
Dr. Alexis D. David
Marquette University
Dr. Brad A. Chvatal
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Kirk R. Davies
University of Iowa
Dr. Andrew M. Clark
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Julian E. Davila
University of Minnesota
Dr. Mark R. Clauss
State University of New York at Stoney Brook
Dr. Blake Davis
University of Washington
Dr. Karen Clements
University of Washington
Dr. Lauren Davis
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Llon Clendenen
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Nathan Trent Davis
Tufts University
Dr. Stephen S. Clifford
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Scott P. Day
University of Louisville
Dr. Theresa Lenise Clifton
University of North Carolina
Dr. Joseph Y. de Jesus
University of the Pacific
Dr. William J. Cline
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Andrew DeHaan
University of Detroit Mercy
Dr. Patricia Cloutier
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Chris DeLeon
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Leif B. Cobain
University of the Pacific
Dr. Michael J. Delgado
University of Louisville
Dr. Jason M. Cohen
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Jerrod Dempsey
University of Kentucky
Dr. Elizabeth Cole
Seton Hill University
Dr. Meredith Keohler Dempsey
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Brett Coleman
University of Louisville
Dr. Stephen DePasquale
Jacksonville University
Dr. Taylor Collazo
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Brianne C. DeSantis
University of Minnesota
Dr. Grant Collins
Mayo Graduate School
Dr. Girish Deshpande
University of Toronto
Dr. Kelly Collins
The Ohio State University
Dr. Mark S. Deukmedjian
University of the Pacific
Dr. Brandon T. Comella
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Cheryl A. DeWood
University of Tennessee
Dr. Brandon D. Cook
The Ohio State University
Dr. Murray D. Dickson
University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr. Mary Concepta Cooke
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Brian J. Diemer
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Keith Coombs
Temple University
Dr. Andrew Dietrich
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Rachel Bryn Cooper
St. Louis University
Dr. Joseph Dietrich
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Justin Cooper
University of the Pacific
Dr. James Kendall Dillehay, II
University of Tennessee
Dr. Edward Cos
Washington Hospital Center
Dr. Bill M. Dischinger
Tufts University
Dr. Christopher C. Cosse
Oregon Health & Sciences University
Dr. Anthony Ditcharo
Albert Einstein/Montefiore Medical Center
Dr. Cory Costanzo
University of the Pacific
Dr. Lan Doan
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Brent Cote
University of Alberta
Dr. Carin Domann
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Thomas Covington
University of North Carolina
Dr. Lindsay L. Don
Seton Hill University
Dr. Jessica H. Cox
St. Louis University
Dr. Thuy-Duong Do-Quang
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Ryan Jeffrey Cox
University of Alabama
Dr. Rebecca Doucet
University of the Pacific
Dr. Benjamin Cozad
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Kevin Douglas
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Ellene N. Craig
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Elizabeth Dowd
University of Minnesota
Dr. Alexander D. Cranford
University of Alabama
Dr. Nathan M. Downey
The Ohio State University
Dr. Robert Crawford
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Carl T. Drake
University of Florida
Dr. Benjamin Creed
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Courtland Drake
St. Louis University
Dr. Devin L. Croft
Temple University
Dr. Hayward Drane
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Michael J. Crosby
University of Nebraska
Dr. Quinn Draper
University of Nebraska
Dr. Charles N. Crowder
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Jean E. Driscoll
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Jennifer J. Crowe
Oregon Health & Sciences University
Dr. Michael W. Duers
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Cecilia Cuairan
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Gregory S. Dugas
University of Toronto
Dr. C. Matthew Culberson
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Brian Dugoni
University of the Pacific
Dr. Carly C. Cunningham
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Courtney Dunn
University of Michigan
Dr. Alan A. Curtis
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Matthew Dunn
University of Michigan
Dr. Leigh Bayer Curtis
New York University
Dr. Sharon J.Durrett
University of Florida
Dr. Richard M. Curtis
University of Southern California
Dr. John Michael DuRussel
University of Michigan
Dr. Jake DaBeil
University of Washington
Dr. Mark Dusek
University of Tennessee
Dr. Amir Dadgar-Yeganeh
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Brian M. Duvernay
Louisiana State University
Dr. Marcus M. Dager
University of Michigan
Dr. David Dyer
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Sam W. Daher
University of Montreal
Dr. Kenneth C. Dyer
University of Tennessee
Dr. Curtis W. Dailey
Children’s National Medical Center
Dr. Osborne J. Dykes
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Lana Dalbah
University of the Pacific
Dr. Elizabeth Eakes
University of Southern Carolina
Dr. Paul Damon
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Michelle Bittner Eberle
University of the Pacific
Dr. Kaitlyn Darcy
Oregon Health & Sciences University
Dr. Brett Edward Eckley
West Virginia University
Dr. Stephen E. Darmitzel
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Ruth E. Ross Edmonds
University of Tennessee
Dr. Christopher W. Edwards
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Dr. Kim K. Forrest
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Cory B. Edwards
University of Iowa
Dr. Christian Merit Fortney
Children’s National Medical Center
Dr. Lance Edwards
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Brandon B. Fowler
University of Southern California
Dr. Laura J. Edwards
University of Michigan
Dr. Melanie M. Fowler
Louisiana State University
Dr. Ambre Ehlert
University of Michigan
Dr. Oral C. R. Francis
Howard University
Dr. Nader Ehsani
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Benjamin R. Frandsen
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Oleg E. Eisenstein
Jacksonville University
Dr. Eric Frank
Columbia University
Dr. Eric Eisen
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Jonathan G. Frankmann
The Ohio State University
Dr. Sara Ekhlassi
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Sylvia A. Frazier-Bowers
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Tarek H.A. El-Bialy
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Chris A. Freels
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Ousama El-Hillal
Temple University
Dr. Christopher S. Freeman
University of Michigan
Dr. Kathy Elias
The Ohio State University
Dr. David C. Freeman
University of Michigan
Dr. J. Matthew Elison
Loma Linda University
Dr. Leslie Frels
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Thomas S. Ellerhorst
University of the Pacific
Dr. Michael C. French
Indiana University
Dr. Douglas J. Elliott
University of Connecticut
Dr. Brent J. Frey
Howard University
Dr. Dafne Ellis
University of Florida
Dr. Scott Frey
University of Colorado
Dr. D. Michael Ellis
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Stuart Lund Frost
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Randy K. Ellis
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Jeremy R. Fry
University of Southern California
Dr. Bryan S. Elvebak
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Rick W. Fuchs
University of Minnesota
Dr. Clint Emerson
Louisiana State University
Dr. Brent Alan Fulks
University of Michigan
Dr. Mark Theodore Endrizzi
University of Minnesota
Dr. Leslie H. Fullerton
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Albert Eng
University of Iowa
Dr. Chad Colby Gage
AT Still University
Dr. William D. Engilman
University of North Carolina
Dr. Anish Gala
Maimonides Medical Center
Dr. Francisco Eraso
Indiana University
Dr. Maria Therese S. Galang
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Joshua Erickson
University of Washington
Dr. Robert N. Galbreath
University of Louisville
Dr. Seth Ernstberger
University of Louisville
Dr. James Galea
University of the Pacific
Dr. Chris Escott
University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr. Casey Sean Gamache
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Rhonda Leeann Sandlin EvansUniversity of Texas at Houston
Dr. Dana Anne Gamblin
St. Louis University
Dr. Sabin K. Ewing
Indiana University
Dr. Mary Angelic Gangoy
Tufts University
Dr. Kyle David Fagala
University of Tennessee
Dr. Qian Lisa Gao
Ohio State University
Dr. Brandon Fairbanks
University of Louisville
Dr. Jose L. Garcia
St. Louis University
Dr. Jessica A. Falk
St. Louis University
Dr. Michael Gardner
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Basma Fallah
University of the Pacific
Dr. Judah S. Garfinkle
University of Kentucky
Dr. Alison Fallgatter
University of Minnesota
Dr. David Garlock
St. Louis University
Dr. Drew W. Fallis
University of North Carolina
Dr. Justin Garrett
St. Louis University
Dr. Yiyu Fang
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Paul A. Gates
University of Nebraska
Dr. Michael J. Fanning
Indiana University
Dr. Samuel Isaac Gentry
St. Louis University
Dr. Deji V. Fashemo
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Scott D. Gersch
New York University
Dr. Mary K. Fasy
Boston University Medical Center
Dr. Thomas Gessel
University of Louisville
Dr. Dale Anne Featheringham
The Ohio State University
Dr. Chris H. Getman
University of Tennessee
Dr. Claire Fedore
University of Michigan
Dr. Dewey I. Getz
University of the Pacific
Dr. Michael Adam Feinberg
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Matthew Ghiz
West Virginia University
Dr. Jonathan Feldman
University of North Carolina
Dr. Efstathios Giannoutsos
New York University
Dr. Mai Tran Ferrara
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Colin S. Gibson
University of Nebraska
Dr. Deborah Ferrer
University of Florida
Dr. Aaron Gilman
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Tyler Ferris
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Amy Gimlen
University of Southern California
Dr. Michael T. Ferry
St. Barnabas Hospital
Dr. Barton J. Girdwood
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Michael Fesler
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Glenn H. Glass
University of Alabama
Dr. Travis Fiegle
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Brenton Glassell
University of Tennessee
Dr. Alexander Luis Figueroa
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Joana Godinho
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Timothy M. Finelli
Boston University Medical Center
Dr. Kelly Goeckner
University of Michigan
Dr. Mark R. Fiss
The Ohio State University
Dr. Elizabeth Gohl
University of Southern California
Dr. Ian J. Fitzgerald
Marquette University
Dr. Laurence A. Golden
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Lance Fogle
University of Southern Carolina
Dr. Monica Goldenberg
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. John H. Foley
Mayo Graduate School
Dr. Troy H. Gor
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Darren J. Forcier
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Lauren Gossett
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Douglas E. Ford
University of North Carolina
Dr. Tara L. Gostovich
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Russell H. Ford
University of Louisville
Dr. Katherine Rene Graber
University of Illinois at Chicago
Vanguard Society
Dr. Elizabeth M. Graham
The Ohio State University
Dr. Michael Thomas Henry
The Ohio State University
Dr. Nathan Granillo
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Jodi Hentscher-Johnson
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Mark A. Gray
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Kiri Herchold
University of the Pacific
Dr. Victor J.R. Grazina
Tufts University
Dr. Robert J. Herman
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Bryan E. Green
University of Southern Carolina
Dr. Michael A. Hess
University of Michigan
Dr. Jessica Lynn Greenberg
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Ramin (Ron) Hessamfar
New Jersey College of Medicine & Dentistry
Dr. Preston Greer
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Scott Heying
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Benjamin R. Gregg
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Brody Jamison Hildebrand
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Craig Grider
Vanderbilt University
Dr. Jed C. Hildebrand
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Holly J. Grimslid
Oregon Health & Sciences University
Dr. Krista Hirasuna
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Gordon S. Groisser
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Lam Quy Hoang
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Christian Groth
University of Michigan
Dr. Nga Hoang
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Mallory Groves
St. Louis University
Dr. Brian N. Hockenberger
The Ohio State University
Dr. Edward Louis Grubaugh
The Ohio State University
Dr. Andrew C. Hodges
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Brett Grube
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Rebecca Hecox Hohl
University of Nebraska
Dr. Helen Sonia Grubisa
University of Alberta
Dr. Christopher M. Holahan
Mayo Graduate School
Dr. Susan Sandstrom Guest
University of Michigan
Dr. William Vaughn Holland
University of Florida
Dr. Camille Guez
University of North Carolina
Dr. Dustin A. Hollevoet
University of Minnesota
Dr. Nadim Guirguis
University of the Pacific
Dr. Brian G. Holman
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Dr. Deepak Gupta
University of Michigan
Dr. Patrick Holmes
University of Southern Carolina
Dr. James Adam Hall
Louisiana State University
Dr. Oana Bida Honey
University of Minnesota
Dr. Kristen Shaw Hall
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Brian Po-Lin Hong
Boston University Medical Center
Dr. Kevin Hallgren
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Jean Hong
Marquette University
Dr. Leonard Helms Haltiwanger
University of North Carolina
Dr. Mihee Hong
University of the Pacific
Dr. Nathan R. Hamman
University of Tennessee
Dr. Wei-Hsin Hong
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Christine Colton Hammer
University of Minnesota
Dr. A. Lauren Hood-Olson
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Mark J. Handelin
University of the Pacific
Dr. Corwyn Hopke
University of Nebraska
Dr. Eric Haney
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Keri Horner
St. Louis University
Dr. James B. Hanigan
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Heather Horton
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Shad Hanis
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Wade Housewright
University of Kentucky
Dr. Justin Hannon
University of the Pacific
Dr. Jeffrey A. Housley
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Stephanie Hannon
University of the Pacific
Dr. Lisa Peter Howard
Mayo Graduate School
Dr. Blaine R. Hansen
University of Kentucky
Dr. Emily F. Howell
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Kimberly L. Hanysak
University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr. Rossana Hoyos
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Jianjun Hao
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Bryan Hsu
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. R. Brian Hardy
University of Kentucky
Dr. Brandon Huang
University of Minnesota
Dr. Timothy C. Hardy
Tufts University
Dr. Hechang Huang
The Ohio State University
Dr. Andrew T. Harner
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Shih-Hao Huang
University of Michigan
Dr. Scott Harper
University of Minnesota
Dr. James B. Hudson
University of Michigan
Dr. Christopher T. Harris
University of North Carolina
Dr. Janeen Hughes
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Lacey Michelle Harris
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Todd J. Hughes
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Katherine Hart
University of Tennessee
Dr. J. Turner Hull
University of North Carolina
Dr. Anthony L. Harwell, Jr.
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Mark Huls
Albert Einstein Medical Center
Dr. Jennifer A. Haskell
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Ross Hunter
University of North Carolina
Dr. David Havens
University of Michigan
Dr. Irene Rita Hurst
University of Florida
Dr. Ben Haws
Louisiana State University
Dr. Chi K. Huynh
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Dr. Brittany Hazard
University of Michigan
Dr. Nancy Huynh
University of Florida
Dr. Ryan Hecht
University of Southern Carolina
Dr. Thuy Linh D. Huynh
University of Washington
Dr. Kelly Heetland
University of the Pacific
Dr. Paul Hwang
University of Michigan
Dr. Shawna M. Heetland
University of the Pacific
Dr. Jeffrey D. Hyde
University of Washington
Dr. V. Matthew Heim
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Anil Idiculla
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Heather Hendricks
University of North Carolina
Dr. Angela K. Incrapera
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Richard Hennebry
Temple University
Dr. Amy Isenberg
University of Detroit Mercy
Dr. Roger A. Hennigh
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Sarkis Isikbay
Indiana University
Dr. Chris H. Henry
St. Louis University
Dr. Nicholas S. Ising
St. Louis University
Dr. Omar Issa
University of Minnesota
Dr. Enoch S. Kim
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Jeff Iverson
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. John S. Kim
Temple University
Dr. Kyra Iwen
University of Minnesota
Dr. Ki Beom Kim
St. Louis University
Dr. Monisha Gupta Iyer
University of Michigan
Dr. Min-Jeong Kim
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Nicole M. Jane
University of Michigan
Dr. Todd Kimura
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Justin D. Jay
University of Louisville
Dr. Nellie A. Kim-Weroha
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Carolyn Jennings
St. Louis University
Dr. Michael King
Louisiana State University
Dr. Christopher Clay Jernigan
Vanderbilt University
Dr. Monica M. King
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. John R. Jerome
University of Southern California
Dr. Samuel B. King
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Casey W. Johnson
Albert Einstein Medical Center
Dr. Kevin J. Klatte
Temple University
Dr. Daniel H. Johnson
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Michal Kleinlerer
Harvard Dental School
Dr. Elizabeth Johnson
Ohio State University
Dr. Jessica Inglis Knorr
University of Minnesota
Dr. Jerrold Johnson
University of Southern California
Dr. Josh Knowles
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Joel M. Johnson
University of Michigan
Dr. Kevin Knowlton
University of Toronto
Dr. Joshua L. Johnson
University of Michigan
Dr. Jacob Koch
Louisiana State University
Dr. Renata Rzazewska Johnson
University of Michigan
Dr. Nicholas Kochenour
Case Western Reserve University
Dr. Cameron Jolley
University of Washington
Dr. Lisa A. Kochis
University of Louisville
Dr. Tyler H. Jolley
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Karen Koehler
University of North Carolina
Dr. Priscilla Jolly
Louisiana State University
Dr. Jeff Kohlmeier
Mayo Graduate School
Dr. Antonia E. Jones
University of Maryland
Dr. Joseph R. Kolody
University of the Pacific
Dr. Graham Jones
St. Louis University
Dr. Ronald P. Kolodziej
University of Iowa
Dr. Neal Jones
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Victor Kong
University of Maryland
Dr. Tamara Jones
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Avanthi Kopuri
University of Colorado
Dr. Sarah Jovanovski
Louisiana State University
Dr. Kraig J. Kottemann
University of Minnesota
Dr. Jeremiah E. Juson
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental School
Dr. Effimia Koumpia
Temple University
Dr. Kurt Kacer
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Andrew S. Kouvaris
University of the Pacific
Dr. Onur Kadioglu
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Bryon R. Kozak
Marquette University
Dr. Malia K. Kamisugi
University of the Pacific
Dr. Andrew Fredrick Kragor
University of Michigan
Dr. James F. Kane
Tufts University
Dr. Collin D. Kraus
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Neil C. Kanning
University of Iowa
Dr. Glenn Krieger
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Hardik Kapadia
Louisiana State University
Dr. Amy Krukemeyer
University of Michigan
Dr. Hitesh Kapadia
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Lisa Ku
University of Tennessee
Dr. Jason Robert Kaplan
University of Detroit Mercy
Dr. David Kujak
University of Kentucky
Dr. Ehsan Karimian
University of the Pacific
Dr. Lina Kulkarni
University of Tennessee
Dr. Tyler S. Karlin
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Daniel Kuncio
Albert Einstein/Montefiore Medical Center
Dr. John W. Karotkin
Temple University
Dr. Ming-Fong Laski Kung
Harvard Dental School
Dr. Maria A. Karpov
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Joseph G. Kunnel
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Armine Kartalian
University of Southern California
Dr. Edwin Kwon
University of Michigan
Dr. Jeffrey J. Karvandi
University of Detroit Mercy
Dr. Jeff B. Kwong
University of the Pacific
Dr. Joy E. Kasparian-Federico
Tufts University
Dr. Brian LaBlonde
Indiana University
Dr. John Katsis
St. Louis University
Dr. Margarita Monica LaChica
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Shelliann Aiko Kawamoto
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Mark B. LaHaye
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Erin Kazmierski-Furno
University of Connecticut
Dr. Christopher Lai
Marquette University
Dr. James Edward Kelley, II
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Yu-Ching Lai
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. John M. Kelley, Jr.
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Aaron Laird
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Daniel Kelly
Louisiana State University
Dr. Shruthi Lakshmana
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Michael Thomas Kelly
University of North Carolina
Dr. Carlos V. Lamboy
Marquette University
Dr. Catherine A. Kerr
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Manish Lamichane
Harvard Dental School
Dr. Michael L. Kersey
University of Alberta
Dr. Jason M. Landers
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Gina Kessler
University of Michigan
Dr. Allen K. Langford
University of Tennessee
Dr. Ankush A. Khanna
New York University
Dr. Jason L. Larkin
University of the Pacific
Dr. Shiva Khatami
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Benjamin P. Larrabee
Marquette University
Dr. John H. Khouri
Howard University
Dr. Chad Evans Larson
University of Minnesota
Dr. Audra R. Kiefer
Albert Einstein Medical Center
Dr. Donald F. Larson
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. T. Philip Kierl, III
University of Southern Nevada
Dr. Matthew E. Larson
University of North Carolina
Dr. Yolanda Kieser
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Michael Larson
St. Louis University
Dr. Katherine Kieu
University of the Pacific
Dr. William Stewart Laster
University of North Carolina
Dr. Brian Jongyoon Kim
St. Louis University
Dr. Caroline Laurent
University of California at San Francisco
Vanguard Society
Dr. Mary Margaret Law
University of Alabama
Dr. Steven Machicek
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Brett Thomas Lawton
University of Florida
Dr. Monica Madan
University of Washington
Dr. Scott E. Leaver
St. Louis University
Dr. Shashi Madhavan
University of Michigan
Dr. Vance A. LeCrone
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Asha Madhavji
St. Louis University
Dr. David H. Lee
University of the Pacific
Dr. Alisa Madson
University of Minnesota
Dr. David P. Lee
Temple University
Dr. James Maginnis
St. Louis University
Dr. Edwin Lee
Howard University
Dr. Marc B. Magness
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Hao-Fu Lee
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Tina Mahmoudi
University of Maryland
Dr. J. Gina Lee
University of Connecticut
Dr. Kimberly Mahood
University of the Pacific
Dr. Jessica Lee
St. Louis University
Dr. Kim T. Mai
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Dr. Robert P. Lee
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Daniel C. Mallory
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Sandra Lee
St. Louis University
Dr. Robert W. Malloy, Jr.
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Sora Lee
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Jacqueline M. Malone
University of North Carolina
Dr. Victor Lee
University of Minnesota
Dr. Holland Maness
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Victor Lee
University of the Pacific
Dr. Lisa M. Mangiarelli
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Vivian Lee
University of Southern California
Dr. Alison Mantel
Marquette University
Dr. James Dunlap Leitner
Louisiana State University
Dr. Caroline Manuel
Louisiana State University
Dr. Kate Farnoush Lembck
University of Michigan
Dr. Jenny R. Maple
The Ohio State University
Dr. Steven Andrew Lemery
St. Louis University
Dr. Sophie Markovich
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Katia Lemke
Louisiana State University
Dr. C. Kary Marris
University of Florida
Dr. David M. Lenhart
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Curtis M. Marsh
University of North Carolina
Dr. Jason Stuart Lenk
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Aksana Marshall
University of Alabama
Dr. Misty D. Lenk
The Ohio State University
Dr. Robert Marshall
St. Louis University
Dr. Brent E. Lenz
University of Tennessee
Dr. Adam J. Martin
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Sunny Leong
University of Minnesota
Dr. Boyd D. Martin
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Prinda Lertpitayakun
St. Louis University
Dr. James P. Martin
University of North Carolina
Dr. Candice Leslie
University of Tennessee
Dr. Kayhan Mashouf
University of Colorado
Dr. Nancy Leung
University of Minnesota
Dr. Michael J. Maslowski
Marquette University
Dr. Alyssa S. Levin
University of Michigan
Dr. Amin Mason
University of Colorado
Dr. Kylie Lewis
University of Colorado
Dr. Nawaf Masri
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Christopher G. Liang
Boston University Medical Center
Dr. Michelle Masuda
University of the Pacific
Dr. Kurtis G. Lightheart
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Michele J. Mathews
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Angela Lin
University of Michigan
Dr. Brian L. Mattiacio
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Meghan J. Lindgren
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Matthew Mayer
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Heather A. Lindsay
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Matthew C. Mayers
Oregon Health & Sciences University
Dr. Carol Ann Lindsey
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Paul McAllister
University of Nebraska
Dr. Matthew Lineberger
University of Michigan
Dr. Matthew D. McBride
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Megan Lineberger
University of Michigan
Dr. Gibson McCall
University of North Carolina
Dr. Brandon J. Linn
Marquette University
Dr. Van Wallace McCarlie
Indiana University
Dr. Ilya Lipkin
New York University
Dr. Douglas C. McCartha
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Richard C. Litchfield
New Jersey College of Medicine & Dentistry
Dr. Mason McClintock
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Kate Pham Litschel
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Beechard C. McConnell, Jr.
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Jeffrey C. Liu
University of Michigan
Dr. Layne K. McCord
University of Iowa
Dr. Kenny Liu
University of the Pacific
Dr. Virginia McCune
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Meridith L. Long
University of Kentucky
Dr. Andrew Bradley McDaniel
University of Iowa
Dr. Brian J. Lorei
University of Maryland
Dr. Richard E. McDermott
University of Southern California
Dr. Clifford Lowdenback
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Sarah McDermott
University of Michigan
Dr. Jane S. Lu
University of Michigan
Dr. Benjamin David McDowell
University of Colorado
Dr. Paul J. Lund
University of the Pacific
Dr. Joseph Reese McElveen
The Ohio State University
Dr. Jeremy R. Lustig
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Brandon McGarrell
University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr. Alexis D. Lyons
Washington Hospital Center
Dr. Gena McGivern
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Nadia Lyotard
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Kathleen McGrory
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Eric M. Macaluso
Louisiana State University
Dr. J. Kevin McGrory
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Tarryn S. MacCarthy
Tufts University
Dr. Jesse R. McGuire
Marquette University
Dr. Douglas H. MacGilpin
St. Louis University
Dr. Holly McIver
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Mark Joseph McKenna
Vanderbilt University
Dr. Jay B. Nagamatsu
St. Louis University
Dr. Jeremy Ray McKinney
University of Tennessee
Dr. Jeffrey N. Nagel
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Andrea Latrice McLachlan
Howard University
Dr. Bryan P. Nakfoor
University of Michigan
Dr. Jeffrey McMillan
University of Southern Nevada
Dr. Grace Nam
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Marion Bancroft McMurphy
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Pejman Nasibi
At Still University
Dr. Laurie McClatchey McNamaraUniversity of Michigan
Dr. Ramtin K. Nassiri
University of the Pacific
Dr. Matthew David McNutt
University of North Carolina
Dr. Rachel Hubbard Naylor
University of Louisville
Dr. Russ McReynolds
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Eric R. Nease
University of Tennessee
Dr. Timothy M. McSweeney
Tufts University
Dr. Carrie Neill
University of Tennessee
Dr. Elizabeth A. Meade
University of Michigan
Dr. Michael Nelson
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Ashley Ashley Meador
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Zachary Nelson
St. Louis University
Dr. Liana E. Medina
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Jeanne M. Nervina
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Zoi Meleti
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. William J. Newell
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Zachary J. Mellion
St. Louis University
Dr. Yana V. Newman
Albert Einstein Medical Center
Dr. Maria Del Carmen Mendez
University of Michigan
Dr. Matthew Ng
St. Louis University
Dr. Silvia M. Menendez
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Ann Nguyen
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Virginia A. Mennemeyer
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Baokhanh H. Nguyen
University of the Pacific
Dr. Ana M. Mercado
The Ohio State University
Dr. Daniel Nguyen
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Jason A. Messingham
St. Louis University
Dr. Thao (Kate) Nguyen
University of the Pacific
Dr. Chad R. Meyer
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Thu-Trinh Nguyen
Tufts University
Dr. Samuel B. Meyrowitz
University of Michigan
Dr. Vinh T. Nguyen
University of the Pacific
Dr. Rosemarie Motal Middleton
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Jeffrey A. Nichelini
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Katie Miettunen
Temple University
Dr. Laura O. Nichols
Oregon Health & Sciences University
Dr. Colin A. Mihalik
University of North Carolina
Dr. Cherie Nicolucci
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. David M. Mikulencak
St. Louis University
Dr. Markus Niepraschk
Marquette University
Dr. Catherine Miller
St. Louis University
Dr. Liliya Nikolcheva
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Kristen A. Miller
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Reagon Noble
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Natalie Miller
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Scott Nord
Temple University
Dr. Richard W. Miller, II
Tufts University
Dr. Susan Nordstrom
University of Kentucky
Dr. Allison Milliner
Loma Linda University
Dr. Elana Yerushalmi Norman
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Martha Miqueo
New York University
Dr. Rodney G. Northrup
Marquette University
Dr. Kenner Misner
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Matthew R. Noyce
Marquette University
Dr. Kelly B. Mitchell
University of North Carolina
Dr. Paul William O’Grady
University of Michigan
Dr. Bansari Modi
New York University
Dr. HeeSoo Oh
University of the Pacific
Dr. Elaheh Moheb
University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr. Kamrin Olfert
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Aaron D. Molen
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Brian J. Olivier
Louisiana State University
Dr. Maria Nart Molina
University of Washington
Dr. Matthew J. Olmsted
University of North Carolina
Dr. Nikolay Mollov
Marquette University
Dr. Jason Olsen
University of Michigan
Dr. Anthony Mongillo
St. Louis University
Dr. Justin T. Olsen
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Audrey Moon
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Taylor M. Olsen
University of Washington
Dr. Stephanie Moore
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Chris Olson
University of Connecticut
Dr. Jose A. Morales
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Julie E. Olson
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. L. Morgan Moranda
University of Connecticut
Dr. Thomas Olson
University of Maryland
Dr. Larry J. Moray
University of North Carolina
Dr. Patrick O’Neil
University of Alabama
Dr. Tlhomamiso Moremi
University of Kentucky
Dr. Jacob R. Orozco
Temple University
Dr. Micah G. Mortensen
St. Louis University
Dr. Adam J. Ortega
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Jim Moses
University of Michigan
Dr. Kevin O’Shaughnessy
University of North Carolina
Dr. Richard Moses
Maimonides Medical Center
Dr. Adam Ostby
University of Minnesota
Dr. Mazyar Moshiri
University of Louisville
Dr. Hasan F. Othman
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. David Mouritsen
University of Alabama
Dr. Brandon A. Owen
University of Minnesota
Dr. Ryan Mueller
University of Minnesota
Dr. Clayton L. Owen
University of Alabama
Dr. Nicole Mullally
Marquette University
Dr. Robert H. Owen, Jr. University of Iowa
Dr. S. Russell Mullen
West Virginia University
Dr. Mark J. Owens
University of Tennessee
Dr. Monica Muller-Delgado
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Shannon E. Owens
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Joseph M. Mullins
West Virginia University
Dr. Daniel Eric Oxford
Vanderbilt University
Dr. Charles W. Munk
University of Detroit Mercy
Dr. Soumya Padala
The Ohio State University
Dr. C. Chris Murphy
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Justin Pagan
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Shahram Nabipour
University of the Pacific
Dr. Sebastian Paige
University of Texas at Houston
Vanguard Society
Dr. Piero G. Palacios
University of Connecticut
Dr. Francis Picon
Albert Einstein/Montefiore Medical Center
Dr. Anna Palombini
University of Alabama
Dr. Bradley J. Pierson
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Philip Pan
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Carrie W. Pisklak
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Akash Pandya
University of Maryland
Dr. Leslie Pitner
University of North Carolina
Dr. Jorge U. Parajon
Marquette University
Dr. Ana M. Planells
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Diana C. Pardo
Tufts University
Dr. Benjamin Pliska
University of Minnesota
Dr. Jay Parekh
The Ohio State University
Dr. Jason K. Pollei
University of North Carolina
Dr. Mita A. Parikh
New York University
Dr. Vernon W. Pollock
University of the Pacific
Dr. Marta Parisek
University of the Pacific
Dr. Jessica Pongetti
University of Michigan
Dr. Janet Park
University of Maryland
Dr. Stacy Poole
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Hyun Park
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Ioana Alexandra Porfir
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Joorok Park
University of the Pacific
Dr. Shawn E. Powell
University of Nebraska
Dr. Robert Park
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Philip Justin Power
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Josh Parker
University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr. Derek Powers
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Laurie Parks
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Timothy M. Poyadou, Jr.
Jacksonville University
Dr. Meredith Parks
West Virginia University
Dr. Kendra Covington Pratt
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Vanessa Parris
Indiana University
Dr. Michael Pratt
University of Kentucky
Dr. Quay W. Parrott, III
University of North Carolina
Dr. Sundaralingam Premaraj
University of Nebraska
Dr. Mitra Parsa
Jacksonville University
Dr. Annelise H. Preslan
University of Michigan
Dr. James E. Paschal
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. David M. Pressutti, Jr.
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Arjun Patel
Georgia Regents University
Dr. John Charles Pritchett
University of North Carolina
Dr. Hema Patel
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Jodi M. Prine
Washington Hospital Center
Dr. Mayuri V. Patel
Washington Hospital Center
Dr. Dawn Pruzansky
New York University
Dr. Neha Dipak Patel
University of Florida
Dr. Cynthia N. Pulitzer
Louisiana State University
Dr. Smita Patel
Marquette University
Dr. Samuel F. Pulitzer
Louisiana State University
Dr. Kumendran Pather
University of Michigan
Dr. Meredith Lynn Quimby
The Ohio State University
Dr. Robert E. Patterson
St. Louis University
Dr. Barry Quinn
Jacksonville University
Dr. Michael W. Paulus
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Tania Quinn
Jacksonville University
Dr. Anthony Paventy
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Matthew J. Radkowski
St. Louis University
Dr. Joseph Paventy
University of Oklahoma
Dr. James Austin Rahaim
University of Tennessee
Dr. Sarah S. Pavlow
University of Florida
Dr. Jim Raman
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Tripti Pawar
University of the Pacific
Dr. Stephan A. Ramsay
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Sheldon L. Peck
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Priti Rana
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Dr. Nikole G. Pecora-Yun
University of Michigan
Dr. Mahbod Rashidi
University of Southern Nevada
Dr. Peter Pellegrini
Oregon Health & Sciences University
Dr. Courtney Ray
University of the Pacific
Dr. Matthew J. Peluso
University of Maryland
Dr. Setareh Razzaghi
University of Washington
Dr. Daniel R. Pennella
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Jeff Rector
University of Nebraska
Dr. Brian Penton
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Juddson Reed
University of Florida
Dr. Shawn M. Perce
University of the Pacific
Dr. Alison Cartwright Reid
The Ohio State University
Dr. Barbara M. Perez
Washington Hospital Center
Dr. Juan F. Rendon
St. Louis University
Dr. Irma Perez-Martinez
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Lindsay Resmer
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Matthew J. Pershing
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Xiomara Restrepo-Jaramillo
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Alan Mark Petersen
St. Louis University
Dr. Mark Revels
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Eric Peterson
St. Louis University
Dr. Ryan Noel Reyes
University of Texas at San Antonio
Dr. Julianne C. Peterson
University of Toronto
Dr. Adam Reynolds
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Brad Pezoldt
University of the Pacific
Dr. Ashley L. Reynolds
University of Detroit Mercy
Dr. Lindsay Pfeffer
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Dr. Mark W. Reynolds
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Nancy Dung Phan
St. Barnabas Hospital
Dr. Derek Reznik
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Richard Thomas Phelan
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Ryan Richard
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Eric Tyler Phelps
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Amy E. Richter
University of Michigan
Dr. S. Warren Phillips, Jr.
University of North Carolina
Dr. David Ries
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Austin Phoenix
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Arnold Martin Riesmeijer
The Ohio State University
Dr. Andrea Picard
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Dr. Manisha (Mona) R. Rinaldi
The Ohio State University
Dr. Michael B. Pickard
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Alexander E. Ritchey
St. Louis University
Dr. Robert Clay Pickering
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Carey Beth Rivers
University of Alabama
Dr. Mouhab Zakhari Rizkallah
Boston University Medical Center
Dr. Martin Schellinck
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Raenie Roberts
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Jason Scherer
University of North Carolina
Dr. Soleil Roberts
University of Washington
Dr. Jacquelyn R. Schieck
University of Minnesota
Dr. Michael A. Robertson
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Bronsen Schliep
University of Toronto
Dr. Paul R. Robinson
University of Nebraska
Dr. Brian A. Schlueter
St. Louis University
Dr. Dustin Roden-Johnson
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Dylan Schneider
University of Michigan
Dr. Matthew M. Rogers
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Gretchen M. Schnepper
Loma Linda University
Dr. Nima Rohani
University of Nebraska
Dr. Jean M. Schultz
University of Michigan
Dr. Jenniffer Rojas
University of Southern California
Dr. Scott O. Schulz
University of Michigan
Dr. Renee L. Roland
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Ryan M. Schumacher
Mayo Graduate School
Dr. Andrew Rosen
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Lindsay Schuster
University of Minnesota
Dr. Camen Rosovl
St. Louis University
Dr. Susan Schuster
Marquette University
Dr. John P. Roth
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Meredith R. Scott
St. Louis University
Dr. Laura Rothe
University of Washington
Dr. Dennis C. Seager
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Jason Rothenberg
Temple University
Dr. G. Ross Segal
Temple University
Dr. Bertrand Rouleau
University of the Pacific
Dr. Robert M. Selden, III
University of North Carolina
Dr. Robert C. Rowan
St. Louis University
Dr. Seth V. Senestraro
Oregon Health & Science University
Dr. Rebecca Lash Rubin
University of Michigan
Dr. Raphael Separzadeh
St. Louis University
Dr. Jon Rucker
St. Louis University
Dr. Tammy R. Severt
University of North Carolina
Dr. Ryan Rudd
Loma Linda University
Dr. Keyur A. Shah
University of Manitoba
Dr. Daniel Ruffolo
University of Colorado
Dr. Neha Dipak Shah
University of Florida
Dr. Kitichai Rungcharassaeng
Loma Linda University
Dr. Rupali Shah
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Matthew Rushing
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Shalin Raj Shah
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Stephen T. Ruso
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. James Shambarger
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Robert Ross Russell
University of Kentucky
Dr. Kenneth F. Shanahan
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Chris Ruth
St. Louis University
Dr. Kyle Shannon
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Daniel J. Ryan
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Tom Shannon
University of Tennessee
Dr. Wilbert Saavedra
Temple University
Dr. Lainie Margulis Shapiro
University of Michigan
Dr. Shalev Sabari
Tufts University
Dr. Douglas Shaw
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Ameeta Sachdev
University of Colorado
Dr. Lynae D. Shear-Ellis
Marquette University
Dr. Kanwar Deep Singh Sachdeva
Indiana University
Dr. Yoshi Shen
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Darrel R. Sherman
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Erika Sachno
University of Southern Carolina
Dr. Liza Shevchenko
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Eric M. Sacks
Albert Einstein/Montefiore Medical Center
Dr. Thomas S. Shipley
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Jamie G. Sage
University of Michigan
Dr. Loren E. Short
University of Nebraska
Dr. Stephen T. Saks
Children’s National Medical Center
Dr. Matthew B. Shuldberg
Louisiana State University
Dr. Reem Salahuddin
University of the Pacific
Dr. Howard B. Shullman
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Gustavo Salas
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Jerome B. Shuman
University of Michigan
Dr. Vladimir Leon Salazar
University of Minnesota
Dr. Sung S. Shyn
Jacksonville University
Dr. Sheldon Salins
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Mamnoon A. Siddiqui
University of Detroit Mercy
Dr. Nitin Sallapudi
University of the Pacific
Dr. Matthew M. Sievers
University of Minnesota
Dr. Dina Salman
University of Michigan
Dr. Edward N. Silverman
Albert Einstein Medical Center
Dr. Daniel Eduardo San Martin
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Ian Silversmith
State University of New York at Stoney Brook
Dr. Laura San Martin-Pablos
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Anna Karina Simon
Tufts University
Dr. Robert Curtis Sanborn
University of North Carolina
Dr. Jill Zerangue Simon
Louisiana State University
Dr. Melissa Sander
University of Toronto
Dr. Douglas A. Singleton
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Camile Sandifer
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Theresa L. Skelton
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Tamar Sardarian
Loma Linda University
Dr. Lisa A. Slingbaum
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Jarom Sauble
University of Nebraska
Dr. Christopher Keith Smedley
Temple University
Dr. Nicholas John Savastano
The Ohio State University
Dr. Ashley Smith
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Amy Smith Sawyer
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Bradley R. Smith
At Still University
Dr. David V. Scaffidi
Louisiana State University
Dr. Brian David Smith
University of North Carolina
Dr. Jeremy Scarpate
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Jennifer M. Smith
University of Michigan
Dr. Brian James Schabel
University of Michigan
Dr. Kara Estelle Smith
Indiana University
Dr. Jeffrey Schaefer
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Nicole Connors Smith
University of Washington
Dr. Gregory D. Schardt
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Sarah M. Smith
University of Michigan
Dr. Eric Schatz
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Scott A. Soderquist
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Nicole M. Scheffler
University of North Carolina
Dr. Brandy L. Solomon
University of the Pacific
Vanguard Society
Dr. Michael J. Solomon
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Rita Taliwal
Temple University
Dr. Sarah Soltys
University of Minnesota
Dr. Ryan Tamburrino
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. John Kyle Sparkman
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Quynh Tan
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Geoff Sparks
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Rosemarie Tan
University of Detroit Mercy
Dr. Terry Spence
University of Tennessee
Dr. Parul Taneja
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Alena R. Spielberg
Tufts University
Dr. Dana Thi Tang
University of North Carolina
Dr. Kevin G. Spillane
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Siqing Tang
Vanderbilt University
Dr. Christopher Spoonhower
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Nihar D. Tanna
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Paul W. Sproul
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Robert Tarby
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental School
Dr. James T. St Clair, IV
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. David Taylor
University of Detroit Mercy
Dr. Maura Stanchak
University of North Carolina
Dr. Robert R. Taylor
University of Minnesota
Dr. Richard G. Standerwick
Indiana University
Dr. Steve Taylor
St. Louis University
Dr. Christopher Stansbury
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Trevor K. Taylor
Vanderbilt University
Dr. Craig M. Starling
Vanderbilt University
Dr. Jesse Teng
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Brian Steinhoff
University of the Pacific
Dr. Jason W. Tennison
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Reem Stephanos
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Alfred J. Terp
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Corbett K. Stephens
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Kevin D. Tesseneer
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Kelton T. Stewart
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Lakshmi Thalanki
Boston University Medical Center
Dr. Bradley Stieper
University of Michigan
Dr. Allyn M. Thames
University of Iowa
Dr. Melissa K. Stigall
St. Louis University
Dr. Carrie Hedin Thangamani
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Janet Lynn Stinson
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Dawn S. Thatcher
University of the Pacific
Dr. Gregory Stock
University of Michigan
Dr. Rachel H. Thieberg
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Lisa Morlock Stokes
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Nathan Eugene Thomas
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. James T. Stork
Mayo Graduate School
Dr. Robert L. Thomas
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Robin G. Stratmann
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Tejjy M. Thomas
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Mindy J. Streem
University of Michigan
Dr. Michael A. Thompson
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Ryan Alan Streight
University of Tennessee
Dr. Benjamin R. Thornton
University of Nebraska
Dr. Laura M. Streit
Cast Western Reserve
Dr. Philip Lawrence Tighe
New York University
Dr. Brittany Stroope
University of Colorado
Dr. Robert Tighe
Temple University
Dr. Blair Hanson Struble
University of Washington
Dr. Shane Rex Tolleson
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Meagan C. Struby
Marquette University
Dr. Kevin Toms
Maimonides Medical Center
Dr. Janice A. Struckhoff
The Ohio State University
Dr. Jeffrey Toothman
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Robert A. Studebaker
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Edgardo J. Toro
University of Florida
Dr. Geoff Sudit
University of Minnesota
Dr. Gilda Torossian
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Sam Suliman
University of Tennessee
Dr. Lydia Jamie Toso
Louisiana State University
Dr. Jennifer Sullivan
University of Kentucky
Dr. Eniko Toth
St. Louis University
Dr. John P. Sullivan
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Floyd Trammell
University of Tennessee
Dr. Andrew Summers
West Virginia University
Dr. Angela Marie Tran
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Jeffery Craig Summers
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Binh Tran
St. Louis University
Dr. Nichole H. Sun
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Julia Trieu
Louisiana State University
Dr. Burleigh Surbeck
University of Washington
Dr. Justin Trimmell
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Christi Sutherland
University of Alabama
Dr. Janine Trindade
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Supaporn Suttamanatwong
University of Minnesota
Dr. Paul Trotter
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Kathryn Swan
University of Michigan
Dr. Collin Tsai
St. Louis University
Dr. Timothy John Swanson
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Raymond Tsou
University of Detroit Mercy
Dr. Aaron V. Swapp
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Alexandros Tsourakis
St. Louis University
Dr. Denise Swasty
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Scott Franklin Tucker
University of North Carolina
Dr. Matthew D. Swatman
University of the Pacific
Dr. John W. Turner
University of Kentucky
Dr. Elizabeth Blake Swearingen
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Richard Uhlir
University of North Carolina
Dr. Jason Swelstad
University of Detroit Mercy
Dr. Beau Ulrich
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Damon P. Szymanowski
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Shawn Underwood
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Sawsan Tabbaa
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Paul K. Upatham
University of Southern California
Dr. Amirali Tahbaz
Roseman University
Dr. Sophia Xiang Updike
University of Southern California
Dr. Mario Tai
Harvard Dental School
Dr. Derid Ure
St. Louis University
Dr. Leslie Talbert
University of Alabama
Dr. James VandeBerg
St. Louis University
Dr. Robert VanLaecken
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Adam R. White
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Ryan K. VanLaecken
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Julian C. White
University of Colorado
Dr. Toby W. VanLandschoot
University of Michigan
Dr. Sarah Cathryn White
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Karen Lynn Varone
The Ohio State University
Dr. Wendy E. Struss Willett
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Christopher J. Vaubel
University of Minnesota
Dr. Angela Maria Williams
St. Louis University
Dr. Bryan M. Vibeto
Mayo Graduate School
Dr. Ashlee Williams
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Jose C. Vicens
State University of New York at Stoney Brook
Dr. Thomas P. Williams
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Alex Vo
University of Oregon
Dr. Bart Thomas Wilson
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Kathryn M. Vo
University of Minnesota
Dr. Douglass C. Wilson
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Andreea Voinea-Griffin
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Dr. Dustin C. Wilson
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Charles Andy Vondran, Jr.
University of Tennessee
Dr. Ron D. Wilson
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Samantha Mai-Chi Vu
St. Louis University
Dr. Reid J. Winkler
University of Washington
Dr. Andrew B. Wade
The Ohio State University
Dr. John Wirthlin
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Melissa Wadler-Bloome
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Bryan Wirtz
St. Louis University
Dr. Andrew J. Wahl
University of Minnesota
Dr. Christian A. Witek
University of Nebraska
Dr. Brandon M. Wainwright
Howard University
Dr. Jessica L. Woller
St. Louis University
Dr. Benjamin Walder
University of California at Los Angeles
Dr. Benita Wong
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Cameron Walker
University of North Carolina
Dr. Brent C. Wood
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Camille Walker
Albert Einstein/Montefiore Medical Center
Dr. Maureen Wood
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental School
Dr. Leah Walker
University of the Pacific
Dr. Ryan Wood
The Ohio State University
Dr. Robert Daniel Walker
University of Nebraska
Dr. Wyatt T. Wood
The Ohio State University
Dr. Michael S. Wall
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Niles Woodall
University of Iowa
Dr. Victoria Marisa Wan
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Brad J. Woodford
The Ohio State University
Dr. Aileen Yuanqing Wang
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Prentice Wayne Woods
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Estee Wang
University of Michigan
Dr. Kendall S. Woolridge
Jacksonville University
Dr. Brian Ward
St. Louis University
Dr. Benjamin D. Wright
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Danielle Nicole Ward
University of Michigan
Dr. Nicole S. Wright
University of Michigan
Dr. Darin J. Ward
University of Colorado
Dr. David M. Wu
Albert Einstein/Montefiore Medical Center
Dr. Kevin Ward
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Jamson C. Wu
University of the Pacific
Dr. Paul A. Ward
University of Michigan
Dr. Jennifer Wu
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. John H. Warford, Jr.
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr. Wayne Wyatt
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Gary A. Warner
University of Minnesota
Dr. Rene Yabar
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Casey R. Warren
University of Nebraska
Dr. Jelson Yalung
Loma Linda University
Dr. David Waters
Vanderbilt University
Dr. Rachel Yamakawa
Oregon Health & Science University
Dr. Donihue Waters
University of Tennessee
Dr. Mark R. Yanosky
University of Iowa
Dr. David F. Watson, III
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. William Yao
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Jamey Watson
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Yaroslav Yarmolyuk
Marquette University
Dr. Jeremy R. Watson
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Matthew Yeh
University of Louisville
Dr. Chad M. Watts
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Dr. Laurene Yen
University of Toronto
Dr. John K. Weaver
University of Rochester/Eastman Dental Center
Dr. Jenny Yoo
University of Southern California
Dr. Brian Webb
Louisiana State University
Dr. Andrew N. Young
Baylor University College of Dentistry
Dr. Chad S. Webb
The Ohio State University
Dr. Fereshteh Yousefzadeh
University of Washington
Dr. Sami Jo Webb
The Ohio State University
Dr. Heather L. Zablocki
University of Michigan
Dr. Peter Weber
University of North Carolina
Dr. Randa Zarka
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Josephine C. Weeden
University of Michigan
Dr. Shaobin Zhang
Indiana University
Dr. Kiersten C. Week
University of Texas at Houston
Dr. Jamie Zupnik
University of Michigan
Dr. Michael A. Weiler
Georgia Regents University
Dr. Chaninah Zweihorn
New York University
Dr. Carol D. Weinstein
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Jared Zwick
The Ohio State University
Dr. Megan N. Weiskircher-Reznik University of Texas at Houston
Dr. David R. Weller
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Andrew P. Wells
University of North Carolina
Dr. Adam Welmerink
University of Michigan
Dr. Kyle S. Wendfeldt
University of Louisville
Dr. Reid M. Wenger
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Christopher J. West
Temple University
Dr. Lance E. West
St. Louis University
Dr. Cameron R. Wheeler
University of California at San Francisco
Dr. Aaron J. White
Wilford Hall Medical Center - Lackland AFB, TX
Campaign Update
Constituent and Component Goals
Updated in December of each calendar year.
$ Pledged
to Date
Great Lakes 1,388
33% 2 3482995
Middle Atlantic
28% 3 4504060
1,37654740% 3 9 70 43106
Northeastern 1,735
22% 2 5392475
Pacific Coast 2,78480829% 2 5 73 50261
Rocky Mountain609
44% 1 0202163
2,38180634% 2 7 76 72240
Southwestern 1,21258849% 5 11125 43 90
Total Members
Alumni Associations
64% 00 00 0
45% 10 69 0
6% 00 02 0
International 2,682813% 0 0 1 015
Planned Giving
1,73139823% 0 0
Total Other
6,66770211% 1 0 13 13407
Overall Total
5 0392
$ Pledged
to Date
38% 0 115 619
70% 00 22 3
45% 0 0 5 436
42% 0 213 1 9
Army Europe/Pacific
1,59043427% 1 4 50 41152
38% 0 0121632
28% 10 55 9
District of Columbia
38% 0 2261962
33% 2 311 843
34% 01 41 4
31% 10 00 6
33% 1 3241040
40% 1 1 9 515
36% 10 63 3
56% 1 529 811
$ Pledged
to Date
40% 0 0 4 215
34% 0 0 91517
43% 00 21 6
26% 1 011 614
Massachusetts 35590
25% 0 2 8 419
38% 1 018 756
38% 0 213 825
32% 0 0 2 010
41% 1 215 823
51% 00 12 4
45% 0 1 3 210
43% 0 0 3 213
New Hampshire6223
37% 01 42 5
New Jersey
20% 0 2121022
New Mexico
109% 00 30 4
New York
15% 1 211 739
North Carolina 310
37% 0 010 955
North Dakota
72% 00 52 4
43% 0 1181236
45% 0 0 7 017
35% 0 0 5 223
Pennsylvania 468
27% 1 2271929
Puerto Rico
65% 00 32 4
Rhode Island
61% 01 63 3
South Carolina 14043
31% 0 0 2 323
South Dakota
66% 01 56 7
35% 0 1 4 625
85540147% 4 6 82 31193
51% 0 0 2 225
38% 00 31 1
24% 0 1 7 636
26% 1 0 9 446
West Virigina
21% 00 01 1
38% 0 0 6 614
59% 00 10 2
Total U.S.
Canadian Provinces
5% 00 30 6
British Columbia
4% 00 01 8
New Brunswick760
New Foundland110
Nova Scotia
948192% 0 0 1 019
Prince Edward Island
3% 00 10 3
Saskatchewan 552
Total Canadian
2,16959 – 1 0 6 438
*Continued Commitment to the Specialty®
Campaign Contributors
The AAO Foundation Board of Directors wishes to express
appreciation and gratitude to those who have pledged to
the Campaign at the Donor level ($2,500) or higher.
These pledges are listed in alphabetical order by giving range.
Italics desiginates charter Regents prior to May 3, 2000.
Campaign Contributors
Updated in December of each calendar year.
Angels | $250,000
Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists, MO
Dr. Jeffrey A. Bassin, NESO/NY
Dr. John K. Pershing, Jr., MSO/NE
Dr. Paul J. Batastini, MASO/NJ
Estate of Jane Kirkland Bedell, MO
Dr. Hugh R. Phillis, NESO/NH
Dr. Gary R. Baughman, PCSO/CA
Mr. Leo A. Dohn, FRIEND/NY
Dr. Robert N. Pickron, SAO/GA
Dr. Peter F. Bayer, SAO/FL
Dr. John C. Pryse, Jr., SAO/TN
Dr. John Robert Beattie, SAO/FL
Dr. J. Anthony Quinn, MASO/PA
Dr. Rolf G. Behrents, MSO/MO
Dr. W. Ronald Redmond, PCSO/CA
Dr. Mark F. Bellard, SWSO/TX
Dr. John N. Reichheld, Jr., NESO/MA
Dr. Stephen J. Belli, GLAO/OH
Dr. Stephen C. Roehm, MSO/IL
Dr. Ronald M. Bellohusen, NESO/NY
Dr. Kirsten L. Romani, NESO/MA
Dr. Greg R. Bennett, MASO/PA
Dr. David M. Sarver, SAO/AL
Dr. Allen N. Benning, RMSO/CO
Dr. Robert P. Scholz, PCSO/CA
Dr. Brian H. Bergh, PCSO/CA
Dr. Kirt Edward Simmons, SWSO/AR
Dr. Michael J. Bernard, GLAO/OH
Southwestern Society of Orthodontists, IN
Dr. Samuel S. Berro, PCSO/CA
Dr. Frederic C. Sterritt, MASO/NJ
Dr. Karl L. Bierdeman, SAO/MS
Drs. Michael B. Stewart and Melisa Anne Rathburn, Dr. Sheila Birth, SWSO/TX
Dr. Keith Allan Blalock, SWSO/TX
Dr. Jeffrey J. Thompson, SWSO/KS
Dr. Jimmy C. Boley, SWSO/TX
Dr. Damon C. Wilkerson, RMSO/CO
Dr. Paul E. Bonham, PCSO/HI
Dr. Terrie T. Yoshikane, PCSO/CA
Dr. Barry E. Booth, MSO/IL
Founders | $100,000
Dr. Eugene S. Blair, MSO/IA
Dr. Richard L. Bridgham, NESO/NY
Dr. W. Kelley Carr, GLAO/IN
Dr. Patrick M. Dreiling, SWSO/MO
Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Garrett, SWSO/TX
Dr. Gregg G. Hipple, MSO/MN
Northeastern Society of Orthodontists, MO
Dr. Earl Shepard Estate, IL
Fellows | $50,000
AAO Services, Inc., MO
Dr. Kolman P. Apt, SAO/VA
Dr. Robert James Bray, MASO/NJ
Dr. Jeffrey A. Bunkers, GLAO/OH
Dr. Benjamin G. Burris, SWSO/AR
California Association of Orthodontists, MO
Dr. Robert P. Campbell, GLAO/PA
Dr. C. Lynn Davis, SWSO/TX
Dr. Terry L. Duncan, Deceased
Dr. Robert W. Fry, SWSO/KS
Drs. Raymond George, Jr., Deceased
Dr. Philip F. M. Gilley, Jr., GLAO/FL
Dr. James E. Gjerset, MSO/TX
Dr. T. M. Graber, Deceased
Dr. Joseph W. Gray, PCSO/CA
Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists, OH
Dr. Stephen R. Haught, SWSO/KS
Dr. Kevin D. Horner, MSO/SD
Dr. Lili K. Horton, PCSO/HI
Dr. Neal D. Kravitz, SAO/VA
Dr. Brent E. Larson, MSO/MN
Dr. John R. Mariotti, MASO/PA
Dr. Raymond A. McLendon, SWSO/TX
Middle Atlantic Society of Orthodontists, OH
Dr. Steven J. Moravec, MSO/IL
Dr. Robert T. Morrison, SWSO/KS
Dr. Robert S. Olson, Jr., MSO/MO
Dr. Beau Boren, SWSO/TX
Regents | $25,000
Dr. Normand Boucher, MASO/PA
Dr. Emeline B. Abay, SWSO/KS
Dr. Steven Jay Bowman, GLAO/MI
Dr. Victor L. Acevedo, MASO/PR
Dr. Richard W. Boyd, Jr., SWSO/TX
Dr. David O. Adame, SWSO/TX
Dr. Robert L. Boyd, PCSO/CA
Dr. Thomas L. Ahman, GLAO/OH
Dr. Gary L. Breece, SWSO/OK
Dr. Richard H. Albright, Jr., MASO/PA
Dr. Bloyce Hill Britton, III, SWSO/TX
Dr. C. Moody Alexander, MASO/PA
Dr. Duncan Brown, PCSO/AB
Dr. J. Clifton Alexander, SWSO/TX
Dr. Eugene C. Brown, Jr., SAO/MS
Dr. R.G. (Wick) Alexander, SWSO/TX
Dr. Clark C. Browne, SAO/AL
Dr. Timothy J. Alford, GLAO/IN
Dr. William A. Buhner, Deceased
Dr. Michael C. Alpern, SAO/FL
Dr. Donald R. Burkhardt, GLAO/MI
Dr. Lisa A. Alvetro-Rossman, GLAO/OH
Dr. Harry I. Bussa, Jr., SWSO/TX
Dr. David J. Angus, NESO/VT
Dr. John F. Buzzatto, GLAO/PA
Dr. Richard J. Anthony, PCSO/CA
Dr. R. Paul Campbell, MASO/PA
Dr. Stanley A. Ault, SWSO/TX
Dr. Robert B. Campbell, Jr., SAO/NC
Dr. Steven M. Austin, SAO/NC
Dr. Joseph Carastro, IV, PCSO/CA
Dr. James J. Awbrey, IV, SAO/GA
Dr. Sean K. Carlson, PCSO/CA
Dr. Dean W. Baesel, SWSO/KS
Dr. Terry D. Carlyle, PCSO/AB
Dr. Kathleen M. Bales, PCSO/CA
Dr. Paul Carpinello, MASO/PA
Dr. Thomas R. Bales, PCSO/CA
Dr. Guthrie P. Carr, GLAO/IN
Dr. Mary K. Barkley, GLAO/MI
Dr. John William Michael Carter, SWSO/KS
Dr. Nicholas D. Barone, NESO/RI
Dr. Stephen L. Carter, RMSO/CO
Dr. John J. Barton, Deceased
Dr. Jerry F. Cash, MSO/MO
Dr. Jason R. Bourne, PCSO/WA
Dr. Kevin Michael Cassidy, SWSO/KS
Victoria T. Ewan Trust (George E. Ewan), CA
Dr. Harry H. Hatasaka, PCSO/CA
Dr. Gerald D. Cavanaugh, MSO/MN
Dr. Beth Lynn Faber, SAO/VA
Dr. Michael D. Hayward, MSO/IL
Dr. Jeffrey Thomas Cavanaugh MSO/MO
Dr. Norman D. Farley, SWSO/TX
Mr. Robert W. Hazel, FRIEND/MO
Dr. Jagdish M. Chadha, SAO/LA
Dr. James M. Faulkner, NESO/ME
Dr. David J. Henderson, GLAO/IN
Dr. Milton D. Chan, PCSO/CA
Dr. Guy A. Favaloro, SAO/LA
Dr. Chris H. Henry, PCSO/AK
Dr. Kevin C. Chapman, RMSO/CO
Dr. Edward Thomas Ferry, NESO/RI
Dr. James S. Henson, Jr, SWSO/TX
Dr. Lewis P. Chapman, Jr., SAO/AL
Dr. Howard A. Fine, NESO/NY
Dr. William B. Hentosz, PCSO/CA
Dr. Robert B. Chastant, Deceased
Dr. Thomas J. Fischer, NESO/VT
Dr. Stephen E. Hershey, GLAO/MI
Dr. Sumit Chawla, MSO/IL
Mr. Richard E. Fister Jr., FRIEND/MO
Dr. James I. Heslop, MASO/PA
Dr. Thomas J. Chin, PCSO/CA
Dr. John J. Flowers, Jr., SAO/AL
Dr. Joseph T. Hicken, MSO/IL
Dr. Darrell Clark, MASO/MD
Dr. Kim K. Forrest, SWSO/TX
Dr. James J. Hilgers, PCSO/CA
Dr. Stephen B. Clark, RMSO/NM
Dr. Devek Kent Frech, SWSO/TX
Dr. Arnold J. Hill, MSO/MN
Dr. Theresa Lenise Clifton, SAO/NC
Dr. Gregg T. Frey, MASO/PA
Dr. Dennis C. Hiller, NESO/NH
Dr. William J. Cline, SAO/GA
Dr. James F. Fruge, Jr., SAO/LA
Dr. Brian N. Hockenberger, GLAO/OH
Dr. Nathaniel W. Cole, GLAO/PA
Dr. Jeremy Fry, SWSO/KS
Dr. Michael C. Hollen, MSO/IA
Mr. Brandon Collier, FRIEND/OH
Dr. Michael A. Fuchs, MSO/SD
Dr. Thomas M. Horrigan, MSO/IL
Mr. Richard A. Collier, Deceased
Dr. Rick Wallace Fuchs, MSO/SD
Dr. Michael H. Hoxie, MSO/MN
Dr. Clark D. Colville, SWSO/TX
Dr. David S. Fuller, GLAO/FL
Dr. Joseph Hudgins, MSO/IL
Dr. Colleen E. Connor, MSO/WI
Dr. James H. Gallagher, RMSO/CO
Dr. James D. Hudson, SAO/AL
Dr. John A. Coombs, PCSO/NV
Dr. Mary Angelic Gangoy, NESO/MA
Dr. Jon G. Hullings, SWSO/KS
Dr. Jason B. Cope, SWSO/TX
Dr. Wayne H. Garrett, SAO/AL
Dr. Bruce W. Hultgren, MSO/MN
Dr. John Cordoba, SAO/FL
Dr. Paul A. Gates, SWSO/TX
Dr. J. Todd Hunt, GLAO/MI
Dr. R. Glen Cowan, Jr., SAO/AL
Dr. Mark S. Geller, SWSO/TX
Dr. C. Lynn Hurst, SWSO/TX
Dr. Sidney M. Craft, SWSO/TX
Dr. Edward R. Genecov, Deceased
Illinois Society of Orthodontists, IL
Dr. John R. Crawford, MSO/WI
Dr. Jeffrey S. Genecov, SWSO/TX
Dr. Curtis R. Imel, MSO/IL
Dr. Ross L. Crist, MSO/SD
Dr. Raymond George, Jr., Deceased
Dr. Gary O. Inman, SAO/KY
Dr. Antonio Cucalon, III, PCSO/CA
Dr. Raymond George, Sr., NESO/RI
Dr. William W. Iversen, RMSO/AZ
Dr. Leigh Bayer Curtis, SAO/FL
Dr. John A. Gerling, SWSO/TX
Dr. Thomas A. Iverson, PCSO/CA
Dr. John M. Damas, MSO/IL
Dr. Robert F. Girgis, MSO/IL
Dr. R. D. Jackson, Jr, SWSO/LA
Dr. Dwight H. Damon, PCSO/WA
Dr. James R. Glauser, PCSO/AZ
Dr. Amy James, MASO/NJ
Dr. Paul Damon, PCSO/WA
Dr. Gayle Glenn, SWSO/TX
Dr. Nicole M. Jane, GLAO/MI
Dr. John A. Daniel, SWSO/AR
Dr. Monica Goldenberg, SWSO/TX
Dr. J. Dean Jensen, SWSO/TX
Dr. Dale J. Davis, GLAO/MI
Dr. J. Courtney Gorman, GLAO/IN
Dr. John R. Jerome, STUDENT/CA
Dr. Lisa M. Davis, GLAO/MI
Dr. G. Bradley Gottsegen, SAO/LA
Dr. Brian R. Jesperson, MSO/ND
Dr. Nathan Trent Davis, PCSO/AZ
Dr. Katherine Rene Graber, MSO/IL
Dr. Jeffrey Garrett Johnson, SWSO/TX
Dr. Damon Warren De Arment, SAO/VA
Dr. Lee W. Graber, MSO/IL
Dr. David A. Jones, SWSO/IA
Dr. Daniel M. DeAngelo, GLAO/OH
Dr. Charles Ray Graham, SAO/AL
Dr. Richard T. Jones, PCSO/WA
Dr. Brian R. DeGise, MSO/IL
Dr. Mervin W. Graham, RMSO/CO
Dr. Donald R. Joondeph, PCSO/WA
Dr. William H. DeKock, MSO/IA
Dr. Michael J. Graham, SAO/AL
Dr. Glenwood B. Jordan, SWSO/TX
Dr. Jacqueline A. Demko, MSO/MO
Dr. John C. Griffiths, PCSO/NV
Dr. Robert B. Julius, GLAO/OH
Dr. B. Melvin DeSoto, SWSO/LA
Dr. Ronald B. Gross, MASO/PA
Dr. Jeffrey K. Just, MSO/WI
Dr. Carl P. Dietrich, Jr., GLAO/OH
Dr. Frank E. Gruber, MSO/IL
Dr. John S. Kacewicz, NESO/RI
Dr. J. Kendall Dillehay, SWSO/KS
Dr. Jeffrey E. Gust, SWSO/KS
Dr. Thomas P. Kadar, MASO/NJ
Dr. Henry DiLorenzo, MASO/MD
Dr. David G. Haas, GLAO/OH
Dr. John S. Kanyusik, MSO/MN
Dr. Harry L. Dougherty, Jr., PCSO/CA
Dr. Maria C. Haas, GLAO/OH
Dr. James Richard Karpac, GLAO/OH
Dr. David E. Drake, MASO/PA
Dr. David G. Hall, SWSO/OK
Dr. Marvin C. Kastrop, RMSO/MT
Dr. Donald A. Drake, II, MSO/SD
Dr. Tucker Haltom, RMSO/NM
Dr. Jeff G. Keeling, SWSO/TX
Dr. Oles Basil Drobocky, SAO/KY
Dr. David C. Hamilton, Jr., SAO/NC
Dr. Michael L. Keim, MSO/ND
Dr. Steven A. Dugoni, PCSO/CA
Dr. David C. Hamilton, Deceased
Dr. Robert F. Kelleher, PCSO/CA
Dr. S. Kendall Dunn, SAO/AL
Dr. R. Cree Hamilton, PCSO/NV
Dr. John M. Kelley, Jr., SWSO/TX
Dr. John DuPlessis, Jr., SAO/KY
Dr. Scott D. Hamilton, SWSO/KS
Dr. Robert Kennemer, SWSO/KS
Dr. Dean P. Dyer, SWSO/KS
Dr. Todd L. Hamilton, SAO/NC
Dr. Larson R. Keso, SWSO/OK
Dr. Donna L. Ebert, RMSO/CO
Dr. Timothy A. Hanigan, SWSO/KS
Dr. Lisa King, RMSO/NM
Dr. Jeffrey J. Eberting, SAO/TN
Dr. J. Joseph Hannah, SWSO/KS
Dr. G. Mark Kingry, SAO/AL
Dr. Alec N. Elchahal, SAO/GA
Dr. Heidi Anne Harman, SWSO/KS
Dr. James G. Klarsch, MSO/MO
Dr. D. Michael Ellis, SAO/VA
Dr. Sastri Harnarayan, INTERNATIONAL
Dr. Michael S. Klein, SWSO/KS
Dr. Randy K. Ellis, SWSO/TX
Dr. William E. Harrell, Jr., SAO/AL
Dr. Michael Klepacki, MSO/IL
Dr. Jerald E. Elrod, MSO/MO
Dr. James A. Hart, SWSO/TX
Dr. Herbert A. Klontz, SWSO/OK
Dr. Kevin W. Ensley, PCSO/OR
Dr. Douglas S. Harte, MASO/NJ
Dr. James W. Kohl, MSO/IL
Dr. Duane C. Erickson, MASO/MD
Dr. Lawrence S. Harte, MASO/NJ
Dr. Vincent G. Kokich, Deceased
Dr. J. Taylor Evans, SWSO/TX
Dr. Anthony L. Harwell, Jr., SWSO/TX
Dr. Marcel Korn, NESO/MA
Mr. Dan Even, FRIEND/CA
Dr. Anthony L. Harwell, SWSO/TX
Dr. George J. Kottemann, MSO/IL
Dr. Douglas K. Eversoll, Deceased
Dr. Jeffrey W. Haskins, RMSO/CO
Dr. Kraig J. Kottemann, MSO/MN
Campaign Contributors
Dr. William J. Kottemann, MSO/MN
Dr. David R. Musich, MSO/IL
Dr. Christopher A. Roberts, GLAO/OH
Dr. William L. Krieg, GLAO/MI
Dr. Richard B. Myers, NESO/NY
Dr. W. Eugene Roberts, GLAO/IN
Dr. Glenn Krieger, STUDENT/WA
Dr. Norman J. Nagel, PCSO/CA
Dr. William W. Roberts, III, MASO/PA
Dr. Michael R. LaFerla, MSO/MO
Dr. Eric R. Nease, SAO/SC
Dr. Roxanne G. Robertson, SWSO/TX
Dr. Samuel L. Lake, PCSO/WA
Nebraska Society of Orthodontists, NE
Dr. W. Scott Robinson, MSO/MO
Dr. Dennis K. Langwith, MSO/IA
Dr. David R. Nelson, SWSO/TX
Dr. Stephen D. Robirds, SWSO/TX
Dr. Idalia Lastra, SAO/FL
Dr. Gerald D. Nelson, PCSO/CA
Dr. Richard D. Roblee, SWSO/AR
Dr. E. Joseph LeCompte, SAO/FL
New York State Society of Orthodontists, NY
Dr. Michael B. Rogers, SAO/GA
Dr. James A. Leithead, Jr., SWSO/LA
New-Conn Orthodontic Foundation, NY
Dr. Donald P. Rollofson, PCSO/CA
Dr. Dean P. Leonard, MSO/MN
Dr. Raymond (Reggie) Noble, SWSO/TX
Dr. Loring L. Ross, SAO/SC
Dr. Edward Y. Lin, MSO/WI
Dr. Reagon Noble, SWSO/TX
Roth Williams Center, CA
Dr. John T. Lindquist, GLAO/IN
Dr. Robert (Tito) Alan Norris, SWSO/TX
Dr. Barry F. Rouch, SWSO/TX
Dr. Arthur N. Litowitz, SAO/FL
North Carolina Association of Orthodontists, NC
Dr. Todd K. Rowe, NESO/MA
Dr. Rodney D. Littlejohn, NESO/NY
Dr. William M. Northway, GLAO/MI
Dr. Charles J. Ruff, NESO/ME
Dr. Stephen F. Litton, MSO/MN
Dr. Kathleen J. Nuckles, PCSO/CA
Dr. Harry L. Ryburn, SWSO/AR
Dr. Mark David Lively, SAO/FL
Dr. Mark C. Oberheim, MASO/PA
Dr. David G. Sabott, RMSO/CO
Dr. Elizabeth A. Long, SWSO/TX
Dr. James M. O’Leary, NESO/CT
Dr. Anna Maria Salas, SWSO/TX
Dr. Barkley Low, PCSO/CA
Dr. Jay Michael Oltjen, SWSO/KS
Dr. Sheldon Salins, PCSO/CA
Dr. Joseph L. Lunsford, SAO/FL
Dr. Perry M. Opin, NESO/CT
Dr. Richard A. Savage, PCSO/CA
Dr. Marc B. Magness, SWSO/TX
Dr. Jeremy D. Orchin, MASO/FL
Dr. Bruce W. Scarola, SAO/FL
Dr. W. Bonham Magness, SWSO/TX
Dr. Mairead M. O’Reilly, MASO/MD
Dr. Alan B. Schafer, RMSO/CO
Dr. Lee A. Mahlmann, SWSO/TX
Dr. Robert L. Orr, RMSO/CO
Dr. Jeffrey L. Schauder, MSO/WI
Dr. Nahid Maleki, MASO/MD
Dr. Albert H. Owen, III, SWSO/TX
Dr. Bronsen Schliep, STUDENT/ON
Dr. Thomas J. Marcel, PCSO/CA
Dr. Juliana Panchura, PCSO/OR
Dr. L. William Schmohl, III, PCSO/CA
Dr. William J. Mardaga, SWSO/TX
Dr. Patricia J. Panucci, PCSO/CA
Dr. George W. Scott, MASO/NJ
Dr. Steven D. Marshall, MSO/IL
Dr. Natalie Parisi, MASO/PA
Dr. Robert T. Scott, MASO/MD
Dr. Joel Martinez, SWSO/TX
Dr. James E. Paschal, Jr., SAO/GA
Dr. Stephen A. Scott, SWSO/AR
Dr. John D. Marx, GLAO/MI
Dr. George S. Payne, Deceased
Dr. Stephen E. Searcy, SAO/LA
Massachusetts Association of Orthodontists, MA
Dr. Daniel E. Pearcy, PCSO/AZ
Dr. Robert N. Seebold, MASO/PA
Dr. James W. May, SWSO/TX
Dr. Daniel C. Peavy, Jr., SWSO/TX
Dr. Terry A. Sellke, MSO/IL
Dr. L. Donald Mayer, SWSO/TX
Pennsylvania Association of Orthodontists, PA
Dr. David T. Shen, PCSO/CA
Dr. Joe H. Mayes, SWSO/TX
Dr. William D. Petty, MSO/IL
Dr. Even Diane Shieh, NESO/NH
Dr. Stephen J. McAuliff, PCSO/CA
Dr. Joseph E. Pezza, NESO/RI
Dr. James E. Shuffield, SWSO/AR
Dr. DeWayne McCamish, SAO/TN
Dr. E. Gregg Pfund, MASO/NJ
Dr. Steven M. Siegel, MASO/MD
Dr. Michael A. McCombs, SAO/VA
Mr. Floyd Pickrell, FRIEND/CA
Dr. Leo C. Sinna, MSO/MN
Dr. Joseph A. McCormick, MASO/PA
Dr. Gina B. Pinamonti, SWSO/KS
Dr. Aimee S. Skelton, SAO/AL
Dr. James W. McCulley, MSO/ND
Dr. Rebecca Poling, NESO/NY
Dr. Larry C. Smedley, MASO/PA
Dr. Fred T. McDonald, RETIRED/AR
Dr. Mario Polo, MASO/PR
Dr. Gilbert H. Snow, PCSO/CA
Dr. Richard A. McFarland, SWSO/TX
Dr. Morris N. Poole, RMSO/UT
Dr. Edward Philip Snyder, SAO/VA
Mr. John McGill, FRIEND/NC
Dr. D. Spencer Pope, MSO/IL
Dr. David M. Solomon, MASO/NJ
Dr. Paul J. McKenna, Jr., NESO/CT
Dr. Robert S. Portenga, GLAO/MI
Dr. Dennis D. Sommers, MSO/ND
Dr. Stephen W. McKenna, NESO/MA
Dr. P. Justin Power, SWSO/OK
Southern Association of Orthodontists, GA
Dr. Richard P. McLaughlin, PCSO/CA
Dr. Terry R. Pracht, GLAO/CA
Dr. Elizabeth B. Spannhake, MASO/MD
Dr. James A. McNamara, GLAO/MI
Dr. Frederick G. Preis, MASO/MD
Dr. John R. St Clair, SWSO/TX
Dr. Liliana Mejia, SAO/GA
Mr. Thomas M. Prescott, FRIEND/CA
Dr. J. Michael Steffen, SWSO/OK
Dr. Carolyn Melita, NESO/MA
Dr. Grady L. Price, Jr., SAO/AL
Dr. Claude R. Stephens, SWSO/TX
Dr. Wendell J. Mettman, SWSO/KS
Dr. Anthony Myers Puntillo, GLAO/IN
Dr. Corbett K. Stephens, SWSO/TX
Midwestern Society of Orthodontists, MO
Dr. Manfred Quentel, SWSO/TX
Dr. Marvin G. Stephens, Jr., SWSO/TX
Dr. Jeffrey Carl Miller, MASO/MD
Dr. Robert S. Quinn, PCSO/CA
Dr. Jeri Lynnette Stull, SAO/KY
Dr. Ronald Miller, GLAO/IN
Dr. Todd H. Rankin, SAO/NC
Dr. Wendell R. Stuntz, MSO/IA
Dr. Michael L. Mizell, SWSO/TX
Dr. Craig D. Ratzlaff, SWSO/KS
Dr. Joseph A. Sweet, NESO/NY
Mr. Ronald S. Moen, FRIEND/IL
Dr. Richard R. Reed, NESO/VT
Dr. Larry P. Tadlock, SWSO/TX
Dr. Donald Ray Montano, PCSO/CA
Dr. K. Ross Remmer, PCSO/SK
Dr. Marvin M. Tanaka, PCSO/HI
Dr. John F. Monticello, GLAO/MI
Dr. Michael D. Rennert, NESO/PQ
Dr. Charles M. Taylor, III, SWSO/TX
Dr. Alton W. Moore, Deceased
Dr. Richard Resler, GLAO/MI
Texas Association of Orthodontists, TX
Dr. Michael H. Moore, SWSO/TX
Dr. James M. Reynolds, SWSO/TX
The Bray Family Foundation, NJ
Dr. Darrel G. Moreland, Deceased
Dr. Michael L. Reznik, SWSO/TX
The Center for the Correction of
Dr. Vanessa A. Morenzi, MASO/NJ
Drs. Michael Riolo and Michelle
Dr. Gary Dean Mundy, SWSO/TX
The Friends of Dr. J Daniel Subtelny and
Dr. John J. Murray, PCSO/AK
Dr. Richard J. Risinger, NESO/CT
Thornberg-Riolo, GLAO/MI
Facial Deformities, TX
Eastman Orthodontic Alumni, NJ
Dr. Douglas J. Thompson, SWSO/KS
Dr. Eric J. Haas, OH
Benfactors | $10,000
Dr. Mark F. Haas, OH
Dr. Philip J. Tighe, MASO/PA
Dr. Steven Alexander, TX
Dr. Gerald M. Haney, NE
Dr. Patricia B. Timmeny, NESO/NH
Dr. Richard D. Alston, NC
Dr. Jo Elaine Hansen, MO
Dr. Mahbod Rashidi Torghi, PCSO/CA
Dr. Cheryl K. Anderson-Cermin, WI
Dr. Floyd R. Harris, AR
Dr. Luis A. Toro-Lloveras, Jr., MASO/PR
Edward H. Angle Society, AZ
Dr. Alan R. Heller, MD
Dr. Woodson M. Tottenham, Jr., Deceased
American Association of Orthodontists, MO
Dr. E.H. Todd Hellwig, AZ
Dr. Kimberly H. Travers, SWSO/TX
Arkansas Association of Orthodontists, AR
Dr. Bryan Hicks, BC
Dr. Timothy Scott Trulove, SAO/AL
Dr. R. William Barnard, NE
Dr. David W. Hogan, MI
Dr. Orhan C. Tuncay, MASO/PA
Dr. Ronald E. Bautsch, TX
Dr. James R. Hugg, IA
Dr. Patrick K. Turley, PCSO/CA
Dr. F. Richard Beckwith, CO
Dr. Howard L. Hunt, CA
Dr. David L. Turpin, PCSO/WA
Dr. Michael G. Behnan, MI
Dr. James Brian Indiveri, MO
Tweed Foundation, AZ
Dr. Douglas Bennion, MT
International Japan, PA
Dr. Henry Udouj, Jr., SWSO/AR
Dr. Eli V. Berger, MI
Dr. Robert J. Isaacson, MN
University of California (UCLA) Orthodontic
Dr. David Jay Birdwell, OK
Dr. James L. Jensen, AZ
Dr. B. Keith Black, NC
Dr. John D. Jones, AZ
Dr. James L. Vaden, SAO/TN
Dr. Frank A. Bogdan, Jr., NJ
Dr. Daniel I. Joseph, WV
Dr. Robert E. Varner, PCSO/OR
Dr. C. Jeffrey Bowman, MD
Dr. Mark William Justice, GA
Dr. Jeffrey W. Vecere, MASO/NJ
Dr. Ralph E. Braden, TN
Dr. G. Michael Kabot, MI
Dr. William A. Viechnicki, MASO/PA
Dr. John J. Brady, Jr., PA
Dr. Ryuzo Kanomi, Japan
Dr. Dennis M. Ward, GLAO/OH
Dr. Gene Brain, WA
Dr. Paul M. Kasrovi, CA
Dr. John H. Warford, Sr., MSO/ND
Dr. Margaret M. Brazones, MI
Dr. Edward Stan Key, TX
Dr. Robert M. Waxler, MSO/MO
Dr. David S. Briss, MA
Dr. John G. Kharouf, SD
Dr. David L. Way, RMSO/CO
Dr. Michael W. Burke, CA
Dr. Kerry W. Kirsch, PA
Dr. Charles K. Wear, PCSO/CA
Dr. Dustin Burleson, MO
Dr. John S. Kishibay, CA
Dr. Karen L. Wedde, MSO/WI
Dr. Daniel Burstein, GA
Dr. William L. Kochenour, II, FL
Dr. Adam J. Weiss, MASO/PA
Dr. James D. Campbell, FL
Dr. Ronald W. Koster, CA
Dr. Ryan Terrence Wenger, GLAO/OH
Dr. Richard J. Cantor, PA
Dr. Lester H. Kuperman, TX
Dr. Terrence L. Wenger, GLAO/OH
Dr. Ricky G. Caples, LA
Dr. David M. Lebsack, MO
Dr. Robert G. Wertz, MASO/PA
Dr. Mark J. Caplan, NJ
Dr. William R. Ledoux, LA
Dr. Kristine S. West, GLAO/MI
Dr. Michael P. Chaffee, ID
Dr. Heather A. Lindsay, TX
Dr. James L. Wetzel, Jr., RMSO/WY
Dr. Charlene R. Chan, CA
Dr. Robert L. Loeb, NJ
Dr. Dorothy E. Whalen, NESO/NY
Dr. David T. Copus, MI
Dr. Brian P. Loftus, PA
Dr. Cameron R. Wheeler, PCSO/CA
Dr. Earle F. Cote, CT
Louisiana Orthodontic Association, LA
Ms. Charlene White, FRIEND/VA
Dr. Richard E. Crowder, KS
Dr. James H. Lovell, CT
Dr. Julian C. White, SWSO/TX
Dr. Carl Dann, IV, FL
Dr. Paul L. Lund, WA
Dr. Cassy B. Wiggins, RMSO/CO
Dr. Toshio Deguchi, Japan
Dr. Victoria Jane Lynskey, CA
Dr. Ronald P. Wolk, PCSO/AB
Dr. Kimber DeWitt, MI
Dr. William T. Mahon, AR
Dr. Warren D. Woods, NESO/MA
Dr. John A. Diddle, TN
Dr. Valerie D. Martone, PA
Dr. Kendall S. Woolridge, PCSO/CA
Dr. Dick J. Dijkman, AZ
Dr. Philip Maschka, NE
Dr. Henry S. Zaytoun, Jr., SAO/NC
Dr. W. R. Dodge, OH
Dr. Mart Gaynor McClellan, IL
Dr. John T. Ziegler, MASO/PA
Dr. James B. Donaghey, II, AL
Dr. Terry D. McDonald, OR
Dr. William D. Ziegler, III, MASO/PA
Dr. Donald J. Drew, CT
Dr. Jean Seibold McGill, PA
Dr. Arthur A. Dugoni, CA
Dr. Robert W. McMinn, TN
Mentors | $17,500
Dr. Dan D. Dunwody, III, GA
Dr. Robert M. Merrill, WA
Dr. Douglas D. Durbin, KY
Dr. Robert B. Meyer, NC
Dr. Robert A. Bard, FL
Dr. S. Grayson Eddy, Jr., TN
Dr. Jacqueline M. Miller, MO
Dr. Michael A. Blau, MA
Dr. James T. Fanno, OH
Dr. R. Matthew Miner, MA
Dr. Dan L. Blackwell, MO
Dr. Anthony L. Farrow, PA
Dr. Lyle E. Muller, TN
Dr. George A. Bullock, PA
Dr. John H. Ferguson, GA
Dr. John E. Murphy, IL
Dr. John D. Callahan, NY
Dr. Thomas C. Field, GA
Dr. John O. Nord, ND
Dr. Terry G. Dischinger, OR
Dr. Gerald L. Finkelstein, MA
Ohio Association of Orthodontists, OH
Dr. Harry Y. Fung, ON
Dr. Steven A. Fischman, CT
Dr. Gregory Oppenhuizen, MI
Dr. S. Christer Gartner, IL
Florida Association of Orthodontists, FL
Dr. Christopher A. O’Rourke, TN
Dr. Jerome B. Goldberg, NY
Dr. John C. Ford, IL
Dr. John M. Oubre, LA
Dr. Roger A. Grace, FL
Dr. S. Donald Gardner, NV
Dr. Stephen Ed Owens, Jr., WY
Dr. John W. Graham, UT
Dr. William C. Gaylord, AZ
Dr. Walter B. Parsons, Jr., MN
Missouri Society of Orthodontists, MO
Dr. Kim S. Gee, TX
Dr. Michael L. Perich, TX
Dr. Robert Todd Gililland, MS
Dr. Mehdy B. Rad, MD
Dr. W. Thomas Veal, Jr., CA
Dr. Marvin C. Goldstein, GA
Dr. T. R. Reiner, ND
Dr. Benjamin H. Williams, OH
Dr. Marshall I. Gottsegen, CT
Dr. David D. Reynard, TX
Dr. Kent E. Wilson, MT
Dr. Bruce A. Gustafson, NC
Dr. William W. Robinson, TX
Dr. Jeffrey J. Thompson, SWSO/KS
Dr. R. Wayne Thompson, SWSO/KS
Alumni, PCSO/CA
Dr. Roger W. Haas, OH
Campaign Contributors
Dr. Bert D. Rouleau, CA
Dr. Robert W. Glenn, NE
Dr. Charles E. Pritchett, IN
Dr. Richard L. Schechtman, NY
Dr. Edward D. Gold, NJ
Dr. Yan M. Razdolsky, IL
Dr. Jay Allen Schofield, OR
Dr. Douglas A. Gormley, OH
Dr. Paul D. Regan, CO
Dr. Rose D. Sheats, NC
Dr. Elizabeth M. Graham, IL
Rhode Island Association of Orthodontists, RI
Dr. Gregory K. Shell, NC
Dr. M. Carter Greear, FL
Dr. Curtis A. Rohrer, MN
Dr. Michael D. Simmons, NC
Dr. Christoph F. Haar, CA
Dr. Lee M. Romine, LA
Dr. Jeffrey S. Singer, PA
Dr. Andrew T. Harner, CA
Dr. Michael D. Schamp, OH
Dr. Randall Smith, TN
Dr. Steven L. Hechler, KS
Dr. Steven L. Scher, CT
South Carolina Association of Orthodontists, SC
Dr. Joe R. Henley, TN
Dr. Jesse Schroeder, TX
Dr. Norman E. Speer, TX
Dr. Jerry R. Hickman, IN
Dr. Fred F. Schudy, TX
Dr. Richard M. Steinke, WI
Dr. Brett Joseph Hill, NC
Dr. Scott O. Schulz, MI
Dr. Irene D. Strychalski, NY
Dr. Bradley K. Hook, HI
Dr. Byron W. Scott, Jr., MI
Dr. Greg W. Sutherland, WA
Dr. Robert W. Hortin, CA
Dr. Darrel R. Sherman, TX
Dr. David E. Taber, MN
Dr. Charles W. Houghton, VA
Dr. David Sherwood, CA
Dr. Alan C. Tan, CA
Dr. Douglas J. Hudson, CA
Dr. Theresa L. Skelton, MS
Dr. Charles S. Tjersland, DE
Dr. David R. Hunter, AZ
Dr. Vincent L. Smith, NY
Dr. Ronald G. Toothman, MD
Dr. Joseph J. Hurd, NE
Dr. Bruce J. Snyder, CA
Dr. Nancy L. Villa, NJ
Dr. Kenneth R. Hyde, IN
Dr. David C. Spokane, PA
Dr. Walter S. Vuchnich, NC
Dr. Jon D. Ingleman, IN
Dr. Michael P. Stebbins, MT
Dr. Larry Theo Weddle, Jr., CO
Dr. Thomas H. Inglis, MN
Dr. John W. Stieber, WA
Dr. Josephine C. Weeden, MI
Dr. Joseph Cornelius Jackson, Jr., FL
Dr. Burton E. Stockhouse, WY
Dr. Boyd O. Whitlock, III, AR
Dr. Thomas W. Jarrett, WV
Dr. Donald L. Storm, WI
Dr. Lesley Williams, BC
Dr. Seuss Kassisieh, AZ
Dr. Matthew D. Swatman, CA
Dr. Edward R. Zanca, ME
Kentucky Association of Orthodontists, KY
Dr. Ronald G. Tietz, TX
Dr. Lawrence A. Klar, VA
Dr. Nadene Johnson Tipton, TX
Patrons | $7,500
Dr. Carmella Montez Knoernschild, AR
Dr. T. Barrett Trotter, GA
Dr. Harold J. Koppel, AR
Dr. James E. Valentine, SC
Dr. M. O. Abdoney, FL
Dr. Valmy Pangrazio Kulbersh, MI
Dr. Michael A. Webb, NC
Dr. Edward A. Amley, FL
Dr. Shari N. Lisann, MA
Dr. Michael Weinberg, IL
Dr. Richard Scott Arnstine, OH
Dr. Robert R. Lokar, MI
Dr. Kermit N. Welch, TX
Dr. Kara Bailey, TX
Dr. Percy E. Luecke, III, TX
Dr. David W. Welmerink, NV
Dr. Sheldon Baumrind, CA
Dr. Michael J. Mahaffey, GA
Dr. Lance E. West, OR
Dr. Alex M. Bejian, MA
Dr. Jacqueline M. Malone, GA
Dr. John B. Wise, TX
Dr. Jane A. Bentz, WI
Dr. Jenny R. Maple, OH
Dr. Christian A. Witek, WI
Dr. L. Ruth Berry, FL
Dr. Jesus Martinez, FL
Dr. Bjorn U. Zachrisson, Norway
Dr. Kathryn Lynn Bielik, IL
Dr. Charles W. Mason, MT
Dr. Patrick Riggs Briscoe, TX
Dr. Robert E. Meister, CA
Dr. Maarten Broess, RI
Dr. Garrett L. Mendlik, NE
Dr. Charles P. Canepa, OH
Dr. Virginia A. Mennemeyer, MO
Dr. Arash Abolfazlian, CA
Dr. W. Jerry Capps, GA
Dr. Francis J. Miller, MO
Dr. B. Joe Aday, NM
Dr. Vivian Chui, CA
Dr. Stanley M. Miyawaki, CA
Dr. Farrah Agahi, TX
Dr. Thomas Barry Clower, GA
Dr. D. Gary Mobley, TX
Dr. Benjamin Ahdut, NY
Dr. Devin S. Cochran, TX
Dr. Kambiz Moin, NH
Dr. Carly Ahlbrecht, IN
Dr. Joseph W. Cole, PA
Dr. Bruce R. Molen, WA
Dr. Eun Jeong Ahn, IL
Dr. Thomas H. Dembinski, II, CA
Montana Orthodontic Society, MT
Dr. Ji Hyun Ahn, CA
Dr. D. Douglas Depew, GA
Dr. Thomas A. Moryl, IN
Dr. Lori Anderson Aiosa, FL
Dr. Kenneth H. Dolan, WV
Dr. Dennis L. Nappen, CA
Dr. Fred J. Alba, PA
Dr. Mark S. Douglas, CA
Dr. Owen Nichols, CA
Dr. Jeremy Matthew Albert, FL
Dr. John T. Dovorany, WI
Dr. Kay W. O’Leary, FL
Dr. Andrew Alexander, CA
Dr. Keith B. Dressler, TN
Dr. Kamrin Olfert, SK
Dr. Charles D. Alexander, CO
Dr. Richard M. Dunn, FL
Dr. Barney T. Olsen, UT
Mr. Chad Allred, FL
Dr. Mark Dusek, GA
Dr. Donna Lynn Panucci, WV
Dr. Kirk H Allred, UT
Dr. Michael T. Ferry, RI
Dr. Mario J. Parisi, IL
Dr. James F. Almond, CA
Dr. Thomas J. Flanagan, NY
Dr. Charles E. Parsons, KY
Dr. Mohamad Raghid Alolabi, TX
Dr. Carolyn M. Flanary, TX
Dr. Walter Thomas Pattison, TN
Dr. Tanya Al-Talib, NC
Dr. Richard L. Fogel, OH
Dr. Joyce A. Perih, PA
Dr. Brett C. Alvey, NC
Dr. Michelle Fogg-Neal, WA
Dr. Joseph R. Pfeffer, Jr., PA
Dr. James W. Anderson, SD
Dr. Ronald L. Gallerano, TX
Dr. Richard Thomas Phelan, AR
Dr. Louis D. Anderson, II, TX
Dr. Eduardo J. Gerlein, MD
Dr. Don L. Powell, MO
Dr. Ross W. Anderson, MI
Dr. Barton J. Girdwood, OH
Supporters | $5,000
Dr. William Michael Anderson, AE
Dr. Lisa M. Angelici, CA
Dr. John Boling, TN
Dr. Clark D. Cellio, OH
Dr. Lee H. Anschuetz, MI
Dr. Dennis L. Bond, IL
Dr. Alessandra Marie Chacon, TX
Dr. Howard S. Anstendig, NY
Dr. Tami Bonilla, TX
Dr. Benjamin Chan, MA
Dr. Peter Antonellis, NJ
Dr. Gregory M. Bookwalter, OH
Dr. Ju-Han Chang, VA
Dr. Albert J. Apicella, PA
Dr. Roger L. Bookwalter, MI
Dr. Kwang Kyun Chang, MO
Dr. Kathy A. Arkwell, IL
Dr. Fred A. Booth, Jr., NC
Dr. Tammy M. Chang-Motooka, HI
Dr. Erin Arnold, SC
Dr. Blake R. Borello, MO
Dr. Steve A. Chapman, FL
Dr. Ana Luiza R. Arruda, MI
Dr. Krisena Borenstein, CA
Dr. Ashur G. Chavoor, VA
Dr. Joseph M. Arvay, NJ
Dr. Robert N. Borkowski, TX
Dr. Christopher Chen, CO
Dr. Sara Asghavi, CA
Dr. Jose A. A. Bosio, WI
Dr. James Chen, CA
Dr. Robert Aszkler, NY
Dr. Kurt Thomas Bowers, IL
Dr. Rose Chen, CA
Dr. Tim Austin Auger, CA
Dr. Richard M. Bowles, TN
Dr. Stephen J. Chen, TX
Dr. Jeffrey Kyle Ault, TX
Dr. Stephen W. Bradford, FL
Dr. Li-Ping Chew, MN
Dr. Paul M. Austin, CA
Dr. Darcie R. Bradley, OH
Dr. JangYeun Janice Cho, ON
Dr. Sunjay Autel, WA
Dr. Christopher Brady, GA
Dr. Jeong Rae Cho, NY
Dr. Walt J. Babula, AK
Dr. Adam J. Brand, CA
Dr. Cherissa Chong, PA
Dr. Dominique Vidrine Backus, AL
Dr. Glen L. Brawley, AL
Dr. Narumol Chongthanavanit, MO
Dr. Jeffrey D. Backus, AL
Dr. Daniel Joseph Breha, MO
Dr. Adam Chorak, WY
Dr. Emil Bailey, NY
Dr. Seth R. Briggs, TX
Dr. Thomas E. Christie, CT
Dr. Frank R. Bailey, SC
Dr. David S. Bright, TX
Dr. Sarah Chung, CA
Dr. Jill M. Bailey, DC
Dr. Jae Brimhall, KY
Dr. Kyint H. Chwa, IL
Dr. Luke Stephen Bailey, TX
Dr. Gerald Dodd Brister, Jr., MS
Dr. George M. Ciavola, VT
Dr. Melissa W. Bailey, CA
Dr. Chelsea Brockway, FL
Dr. Wanda Irene Claro, CA
Dr. Ralph K. Bair, UT
Dr. Thomas R. Broderick, GA
Dr. Llon Clendenen, OK
Dr. Marta Parisek Baird, CA
Dr. Joel F. Brodsky, CA
Dr. David H. Cleven, IL
Dr. Mona Bajestan, MI
Dr. Joel E. Broussard, Jr., TX
Dr. Charles Y. Coghlan, IN
Dr. Bradford G. Baker, CA
Dr. April Brown, TX
Dr. Ronald A. Cohen, IN
Dr. Christopher L. Baker, MO
Dr. Derek E. Brown, MD
Dr. Steven M. Cohen, PA
Dr. Robert W. Baker, Jr., NY
Dr. Douglas M. Brown, CA
Dr. Elizabeth Cole, PA
Dr. Robert W. Baker, Sr., NY
Dr. Evan William Brown, NY
Dr. Joseph C. Cole, PA
Dr. Ariel Bales-Kogan, NY
Dr. George G. Brown, OH
Dr. Candice Coleman, TN
Dr. Jennifer Ballantyne-Berwick, SC
Dr. Matthew Brown, NC
Dr. Taylor Collazo, TX
Dr. Soulafa Susan Baloul, MA
Dr. Matthew Brown, NM
Dr. Grant Collins, MN
Dr. Edward M. Bancker, Jr., WI
Dr. Robert F. Brown, KS
Dr. Charles R. Conroy, OH
Dr. Dan D. Banh, CA
Dr. Nicole Brummer, MD
Dr. Justin Cooper, GA
Dr. John R. Barbour, IN
Dr. Sammy R. Bryan, TX
Dr. R. Bryn Cooper, TX
Dr. Brooks Barefoot, CO
Dr. Jacqueline Bunce, WA
Dr. Ronald B. Cooper, SC
Dr. Gordon D. Barfield, GA
Dr. Glenn A. Burkland, PA
Dr. Edward Cos, CT
Dr. Jeffrey Barlow, FL
Dr. Michelle L. Burlingame, NY
Dr. Christopher C. Cosse, LA
Dr. Ronald C. Barnett, TX
Dr. Thomas O. Burns, IN
Dr. Thomas Covington, NC
Dr. Thomas J. Barra, PA
Dr. Lauren Busch, PA
Dr. Ryan Jeffery Cox, GA
Dr. Amy Barrer, MD
Dr. Robert S. Bushey, CO
Dr. Benjamin Cozad, TX
Dr. Keri Barrow, SD
Dr. James J. Byrne, NY
Dr. Robi L. Craig, OK
Dr. Anthony J. Basil, NC
Dr. Carlos Omar Caballero, TX
Dr. Robert Crawford, GA
Dr. Paul F. Batastini, NJ
Dr. Sal R. Cabassa, FL
Dr. Benjamin Creed, TX
Dr. Matt Battiste, NY
Dr. Loren Cadelinia, CA
Dr. Jere W. Crenshaw, TN
Dr. Wayne M. Bauknight, NC
Dr. Robert D. Calabria, NC
Dr. James M. Crouse, MD
Dr. Jace Beattie, WA
Dr. Robert D. Calcote, SC
Dr. Cecilia Cuairan, Costa Rica
Dr. Marcia Beck, NE
Dr. Charles R. Caldwell, MI
Dr. C. Matthew Culberson, SC
Dr. Phillip J. Beckwith, OH
Canadian Foundation, ON
Dr. Todd A. Curtis, IL
Dr. Jashleen K. Bedi, MI
Dr. Angie Canales, AL
Dr. Leonard M. Cyterski, PA
Dr. Jeffrey L. Berger, ON
Dr. Scott Cardall, UT
Dr. Jake DaBeil, ID
Dr. Michael Berger, PA
Dr. Lauren Ohlenforst Carney, TX
Dr. C. William Dabney, VA
Dr. Alan J. Berko, MA
Dr. Bruce H. Carter, CA
Dr. Amir Dadgar-Yeganeh, CA
Dr. Zoltan T. Berky, NC
Dr. Emily Carter, TX
Dr. Henry R. Dallam, FL
Dr. David Blackburn, TX
Dr. Joseph M. Caruso, CA
Dr. Joseph Damone, II, FL
Dr. Bruce T. Bleil, MS
Dr. William R. Caryl, Jr., NY
Dr. Thomas A. Daniels, IL
Dr. R. Cary Bocklet, SC
Dr. Paul D. Cashion, RI
Dr. Carl Dann, III, FL
Dr. Rebecca Bockow, WA
Dr. Donald W. Cassidy, Jr., ME
Dr. Donald P. Darbro, IN
Dr. Kimberly E. Bodden, LA
Dr. Michael F. Cassidy, KS
Dr. Kaitlyn Nicole Darcy, OR
Dr. Charles F. Bohl, WI
Dr. Ana E. Castilla, OR
Dr. Stephen E. Darmitzel, NM
Dr. Brian Bohman, CO
Dr. Mark Causey, GA
Dr. Drew Darsey, TX
Dr. Brian Bolerjack, TN
Dr. Albert Phillip Cavallari, NY
Dr. Vincent P. D’Ascoli, NV
Campaign Contributors
Dr. David Datwyler, CA
Dr. Claire Fedore, MI
Dr. Ronald S. Good, PA
Dr. Blake B Davis, WA
Dr. Barry A. Feldman, CT
Dr. John C. Gorman, IN
Dr. Steven L. Davis, NC
Dr. Donald L. Feldman, MA
Dr. Jasmine Gorton, CA
Dr. Dante A. DeAngelo, OH
Dr. James D. Fellman, MN
Dr. Lauren Ashley Gossett, MO
Dr. Lucy S. DeGuzman, OH
Dr. J. Mark Felton, OK
Dr. Theodore W. Graff, ME
Dr. D. Andrew DeHaan, MI
Dr. Traci R. Fernandes, CA
Dr. Nathan Granillo, CA
Dr. Susan Menapace Delclos, TX
Dr. Felix Ferre, PR
Dr. Domenic J. Grano, NJ
Dr. Christopher Eladio DeLeon, GA
Dr. Arthur Fertman, MA
Dr. M. Constance B. Greeley, DE
Dr. Eugene L. Dellinger, IN
Dr. Brett C. Fidler, WA
Dr. Larry Z. Greenberg, TX
Dr. Jerrod Dempsey, KY
Dr. Travis Fiegle, SC
Dr. James R. Greer, KY
Dr. Donald C. Dennington, MO
Dr. Alexander Luis Figueroa, IL
Dr. Preston Greer, TX
Dr. Stephen DePasquale, FL
Dr. Charles P. Fiorenti, NY
Dr. Russell P. Greer, KY
Dr. Girish Deshpande, ON
Dr. Jon C. Fisher, KY
Dr. John M. Grewe, FL
Dr. Philip C. Desmarais, NH
Mr. Richard E. Fister, Jr., Friend
Dr. Kristina A. Grey, WA
Dr. Emma M. DiCarlo, LA
Dr. Ian J. Fitzgerald, Ireland
Dr. C. William Groesch, IL
Dr. Joseph S. Dietrich, OH
Dr. Paul D. Fitzgerald, MA
Dr. Christian Groth, MI
Dr. Thomas S. Dietrich, OH
Dr. Marshall Fleer, NJ
Dr. John E. Grubb, CA
Dr. Bruce C. Dietterick, PA
Dr. Laura L. Fogle, MI
Dr. Glenna M. Grykuliak, AB
Dr. John DiGiovanni, CA
Dr. John H. Foley, IL
Dr. Camille Guez, NC
Dr. James Kendall Dillehay, II, KS
Dr. Benjamin E. Foster, LA
Dr. Nadim Morad Guirguis, CA
Dr. Bill M. Dischinger, OR
Dr. Gary J. Fowler, OH
Dr. Nancy L. Gum, CA
Dr. Calogero Dolce, FL
Dr. Benjamin R. Frandsen, UT
Dr. Roy M. Gunsolus, WA
Dr. Robert E. Doleva, PA
Dr. Eric Frank, NY
Dr. Frederick M. Gunter, SC
Dr. Lindsay L. Don, PA
Dr. Leslie Frels, TX
Dr. Deepak Gupta, TX
Dr. Joop Dorenbos, Netherlands
Dr. Brent J. Frey, VA
Dr. Stuart M. Gutsche, PA
Dr. David L. Drake, OH
Dr. Scott Frey, PA
Dr. Robert S. Haeger, WA
Dr. Hayward Drane, PA
Dr. Chalk Fry, FL
Dr. Masoud Haghi, BC
Dr. Jean E. Driscoll, MI
Dr. Brent Alan Fulks, MI
Dr. David J. Hall, NC
Dr. Rodney C. Dubois, WA
Dr. Michael J. Gabler, WI
Dr. Kent C. Hall, OK
Dr. Gregory S. Dugas, ON
Dr. Herbert F. Gabriel, CA
Dr. Kristen Shaw Hall, GA
Dr. Brian Dugoni, TX
Dr. C. Colby Gage, AZ
Dr. Kevin Hallagren, TX
Dr. Michael G. Durbin, IL
Dr. Anish Gala, NY
Dr. Leonard Helms Haltiwanger, NC
Dr. John Michael DuRussel, MI
Dr. James Galea, KS
Dr. Nathan R. Hamman, MS
Dr. Brian M. Duvernay, LA
Dr. Casey Sean Gamache, WA
Dr. Christine Colton Hammer, MN
Dr. David J. Dyer, AP
Dr. Qian Lisa Gao, OH
Dr. Earl D. Hammit, TX
Dr. Kenneth C. Dyer, TN
Dr. Gerald E. Gardner, NY
Dr. A. B. Hammond, VA
Dr. Vance J. Dykhouse, MO
Dr. Richard M. Garlitz, NC
Dr. David S. Han, CA
Dr. Elizabeth Eakes, SC
Dr. David Garlock, MO
Dr. Eric Haney, CA
Dr. Michelle Bittner Eberle, FL
Dr. Gregory S. Garn, AZ
Dr. Shad Hanis, TX
Dr. Bradford Newhall Edgren, CO
Dr. Justin Alexander Garrett, SC
Dr. Eric D. Hannapel, MI
Dr. Burdett R. Edgren, CO
Dr. Charles L. Gemmi, PA
Dr. Justin P. Hannon, NC
Dr. Christopher W. Edwards, TX
Dr. Felix A. Gen, OH
Dr. Stephanie Hannon, NC
Dr. Earle E. Edwards, FL
Dr. Samuel Isaac Gentry, TN
Dr. Jianjun Hao, CT
Dr. Jennifer G. Eggemeyer, IL
Dr. George M. Georgelis, PA
Dr. Philip C. Hardee, AL
Dr. Jennifer Lynn Egli, CA
Dr. Owen N. Germundson, AZ
Dr. Timothy C. Hardy, NY
Dr. Ambre Ehlert, MI
Dr. John N. Gershey, Jr., PA
Dr. Garret F. Harnett, AZ
Ms. Christine Eisenmayer, MO
Dr. Thomas Gessel, WA
Dr. Dennis L. Harper, MO
Dr. Sara Ekhlassi, TX
Dr. Kelly Miller Giannetti, CA
Dr. Lacey Michelle Harris, TX
Dr. Kathy Elias, MI
Dr. James R. Gill, IN
Dr. Waldo B. Harshberger, MD
Dr. Dafne Ellis, CO
Dr. Jeffrey L. Gilmore, OH
Dr. Katherine A. Hart, TN
Dr. Albert Eng, CO
Dr. James H. Gilsdorf, OH
Dr. Brian Hartman, AK
Dr. Seth Ernstberger, IN
Dr. Ronald I. Glaeser, AK
Dr. Tom Hartman, AK
Dr. Christopher Robert Escott, TX
Dr. Brenton Glassell, AR
Dr. Jennifer A. Haskell, IL
Dr. Donna Jane Eteson, CA
Dr. A. Joel Gluck, TN
Dr. James E. Hatcher, AL
Dr. Kyle David Fagala, TN
Dr. Kelly Anne Goeckner, MI
Dr. Ronald R. Hathaway, IN
Dr. Michael J. Fanning, NM
Dr. Stephen L. Gold, CA
Dr. David Havens, MI
Dr. Mary K. Fasy, MA
Dr. Robert S. Goldie, FL
Hawaii Society of Orthodontists, HI
Dr. Rebecca A. Faunce, FL
Dr. Robert B. Goldman, CT
Dr. Bruce P. Hawley, WA
Dr. Ralph F. Fear, OR
Dr. Jose Angel Morales Gonzalez, GA
Dr. Robert P. Hayden, RI
Dr. K. Michael Hayes, IN
Dr. David Jenkins, NJ
Dr. J. Stephen Kovatch, IL
Dr. Brittany Hazard, MI
Dr. T. Scott Jenkins, MD
Dr. Andrew Fredrick Kragor, MI
Dr. Douglas W. Head, IL
Dr. Peter D. Jeon, CA
Dr. Collin D. Kraus, TX
Dr. David R. Heald, FL
Dr. Tal D. Jergensen, CA
Dr. Charles M. Krowicki, NJ
Dr. Ryan Hecht, CA
Dr. Laurance E. Jerrold, FL
Dr. Amy Krukemeyer, MI
Dr. Kelly Heetland, TX
Dr. Richard P. Johnsen, NJ
Dr. John T. Krull, IN
Dr. Ronald G. Heiber, OH
Dr. Daniel H. Johnson, TX
Dr. James A. Krumholtz, FL
Dr. Heather Hendricks, NC
Dr. Dennis L. Johnson, OH
Dr. Lisa Ku, CA
Dr. Jodi Hentscher-Johnson, IL
Dr. Earl S. Johnson, CA
Dr. Gregory F. Kubik, IL
Dr. Kiri Herchold, CA
Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, OH
Dr. Raymond G. Kubisch, CA
Dr. Roberto Hernandez-Orsini, PR
Dr. Joel M. Johnson, IN
Dr. Robert J. Kuhn, CA
Dr. H. Garland Hershey, Jr., NC
Dr. Michelle G. Johnson, TN
Dr. David Kujak, WI
Dr. Richard Furman Hewitt, SC
Dr. Pamela Johnson, IL
Dr. Paul E. Kulits, WA
Dr. David L. Hime, TX
Dr. Rex A. Johnson, CO
Dr. Lina Kulkarni, CO
Hinman Trustees, GA
Dr. Warren T. Johnson, Jr., TN
Dr. Randall L. Kunik, TX
Dr. Michael S. Hipp, IA
Dr. Lysle E. Johnston, Jr., MI
Dr. Edwin Kwon, MI
Dr. Krista Hirasuna, CA
Dr. Cameron Jolley, TX
Dr. Joong G. Kwon, CA
Dr. John D. Hirce, NJ
Dr. Priscilla Jolly, MS
Dr. Stephanos Kyrkanides, NY
Dr. Gary Hirsh, CA
Dr. Antonia E. Jones, VA
Dr. Wayne A. Labart, NE
Dr. Nga Hoang, CA
Dr. Tamara Jones, TX
Dr. Brian LaBlonde, IN
Dr. Paul Hoang, CA
Dr. Jeffrey W. Jordan, GA
Dr. Michele Laboda, FL
Dr. Gerald S. Hoch, NJ
Dr. Paul W. Jorgensen, MN
Dr. Paul Ladner, IL
Dr. Arch T. Hodge, MA
Dr. Sarah Jovanovski, TX
Dr. Andrea J. Laidlaw, OR
Dr. C. Joel Hodge, OR
Dr. Jeremiah E. Juson, RI
Dr. Aaron Laird, OK
Dr. John J. Hodge, MS
Dr. James D. Kaley, NC
Dr. Shruthi Lakshmana, FL
Dr. Dudley M. Hodgkins, TX
Dr. Curtis N. Kamisugi, HI
Dr. Robert E. Lamberth, TX
Dr. Gregory R. Hoeltzel, MO
Dr. Joshika B. Kanabar, TX
Dr. Chad Evans Larson, MN
Dr. Barry D. Hoffman, AB
Kansas Association of Orthodontists, KS
Dr. Katie Miettunen Larson, WI
Dr. Rebecca Hecox Hohl, NE
Dr. Andrew Kapust, WA
Dr. Matthew E. Larson, WI
Dr. James M. Holland, NH
Dr. Ehsan Karimian, CA
Dr. Alan G. Lauter, IL
Dr. William Vaughn Holland, FL
Dr. John Katsis, III, MO
Dr. Mary Margaret Law, AL
Dr. Dustin A. Hollevoet, ND
Dr. Paul F. Kattner, IL
Dr. Gary A. League, MN
Dr. John C. Holman, III, CA
Dr. Kurt E. Kavanaugh, MO
Dr. Andrew H. Leavitt, WA
Dr. Patrick Holmes, VA
Dr. Garrett Ross Kawata, CA
Dr. Gregory G. Lecy, MN
Dr. Mark H. Holt, CA
Dr. Jeffrey Thomas Keesler, WI
Dr. David H. Lee, CA
Dr. Mihee Hong, CA
Dr. Marissa Chu Keesler, WI
Dr. Jessica Lee, MO
Dr. Wei-Hsin Hong, PA
Dr. Stephen A. Kellam, NM
Dr. Peter Joohak Lee, CA
Dr. Corwyn Hopke, NE
Dr. Barry G. Keller, PA
Dr. Victor Lee, CA
Dr. Heather Horton, MN
Dr. Michael Thomas Kelly, NC
Dr. David L. Leever, FL
Dr. Lisa Peter Howard, ME
Dr. Robert Thomas Kent, NC
Dr. Melvyn M. Leifert, NY
Dr. Kenneth M. Hrechka, MD
Dr. James Alan Kessel, MI
Dr. Vladimir Leon-Salazar, KY
Dr. Bryan Hsu, TX
Dr. Ankush A. Khanna, NJ
Dr. Keith Levin, MB
Dr. Brandon P. Huang, MN
Dr. Shiva Khatami, FL
Dr. Martin S. Levitt, FL
Dr. Hechang Huang, NY
Dr. Reena Khullar, CA
Dr. Richard A. Levy, DC
Dr. Herbert M. Hughes, VA
Dr. T. Philip Kierl, III, OK
Dr. Kylie Lewis, TN
Dr. Sarandeep S. Huja, KY
Dr. Yolanda Kieser, FL
Dr. Kurtis G. Lightheart, TX
Dr. James C. Hull, NC
Dr. Katherine Kieu, CA
Dr. Matthew Lineberger, NC
Dr. W. Craig Humphreys, FL
Dr. Ki Beom Kim, MO
Dr. Megan Lineberger, NC
Dr. Ross Hunter, NC
Dr. Orman L. Kimbrough, TX
Dr. Kenny Liu, CA
Dr. Robert V.V. Hurst, LA
Dr. Michael C. King, TX
Dr. Darren Loew, NJ
Dr. Lyndon S. Hurt, TN
Dr. Neal A. Klar, VA
Dr. James W. Logeman, OH
Dr. Chi K. Huynh, TX
Dr. Frank H. Klepacki, FL
Dr. Drew R. Lombardi, NJ
Dr. Nancy Huynh, FL
Dr. Joshua M. Knowles, TX
Dr. Richard G. Lord, IL
Dr. Francis J. Hynes, MA
Dr. Kevin Knowlton, ON
Dr. Jeffrey D. Loveless, MN
Iowa Society of Orthodontists, IA
Dr. Jacob E. Koch, GA
Dr. Thomas C. Lovlien, WI
Dr. Robert J. Isaacson, NJ
Dr. Nicholas Kochenour, OH
Dr. Tom R. Lowder, AR
Dr. Amy Isenberg, MI
Dr. Jeff Kohlmeier, MN
Dr. Kristin R. Lundquist, MN
Dr. Omar Issa, TX
Dr. Keith J. Kohrs, CO
Dr. James E. Lupi, VA
Dr. Darin B. Iverson, VA
Dr. Chris Kojanis, NJ
Dr. Elizabeth K. Lyons, WA
Dr. Kyra Iwen, MN
Dr. Dennis D. Kommer, IA
Dr. Matthew MacGinnis, CA
Dr. Lamont T. Jacobs, OH
Dr. Avanthi Kopuri, FL
Dr. Steven Machicek, TX
Dr. Bailey N. Jacobson, IL
Dr. Michael L. Koropp, AK
Dr. James V. Macri, IN
Dr. Justin D. Jay, MI
Dr. Michael J. Koufos, IN
Dr. Shashi Madhavan, OH
Campaign Contributors
Dr. Anthony Louis Maganzini, NJ
Dr. Bansari Modi, NJ
Mr. John K Ottley, Jr., GA
Dr. Tina Mahmoudi, MD
Dr. Abbas H. Mohammed, United Arab Emirates
Dr. Mark J. Owens, TN
Dr. Kimberly Mahood, CA
Dr. Randall C. Moles, WI
Dr. Soumya Padala, OH
Dr. Richard H. Maness, LA
Dr. Maria Nart Molina, WA
Dr. Sebastian Paige, TX
Dr. Alison Hoff Mantel, WI
Dr. Nikolay Mollov, VA
Dr. Robert A. Palma, NY
Dr. Caroline Manuel, LA
Dr. David R. Monfort, OH
Dr. Anna B Palombini, AL
Dr. Elizabeth Dowd Maready, NC
Dr. Anthony Mongillo, MO
Dr. Philip Pan, TX
Dr. Anthony J. Marino, CA
Dr. Alan B. Montgomery, MN
Dr. David A. Paolini, PA
Dr. David Markham, CA
Dr. Audrey Moon, TX
Dr. Diana Pardo, MA
Dr. Philip S. Markin, MD
Dr. Brian D. Moore, PA
Dr. Mita A. Parikh, NY
Dr. Clifford Marks, FL
Dr. Stephanie Moore, GA
Dr. Janet Park, MD
Dr. Aksana Marshall, GA
Dr. Robert S. Morley, LA
Dr. Robert Park, MD
Dr. James P. Martin, NC
Dr. Jacqueline R. Moroco-Maloney, FL
Dr. Joshua Parker, TX
Dr. Jeffrey A. Martin, FL
Dr. David A. Morris, VA
Dr. Melanie Parker, CA
Dr. John C. Martin, GA
Dr. James F. Moses, PA
Dr. Clayton T. Parks, IA
Dr. John D. Martin, IL
Dr. Richard J. Moses, III, PA
Dr. Laurie Parks, TX
Dr. James V. Martuccio, OH
Dr. Robert B. Moss, Jr., GA
Dr. Vanessa Parris, IN
Dr. Kayhan Mashouf, CA
Dr. David Mouritsen, TX
Dr. Richard Pasternak, FL
Dr. Amin Mason, OH
Dr. Ryan Mueller, MN
Dr. Arjun Patel, GA
Dr. James H. Mason, Jr., CO
Dr. Robert S. Muirhead, TX
Dr. Neha Dipak Patel, FL
Dr. Fred P. Massey, TX
Dr. Nicole Mullally, FL
Dr. Pranav Patel, IL
Dr. Michelle Masuda, CA
Dr. Monica Muller-Delgado, TX
Dr. Joseph Paventy, WA
Dr. Michael Matlof, MO
Dr. Jeffrey N. Nagel, CA
Dr. Tripti Pawar, WA
Dr. Raymond M. Maxwell, WA
Dr. Hyun-Duck Nah, PA
Dr. Brian William Payne, CA
Dr. Donald Matthew Mayer, TX
Dr. Greg C. Nalchajian, CA
Dr. E. Tyler Pearson, Jr., TN
Dr. Colin A. Mayers, MI
Dr. Grace Nam, TX
Dr. Lloyd E. Pearson, MN
Dr. Richard A. Mays, CA
Dr. Ravindra Nanda, CT
Dr. James Pelletier, MA
Dr. Matthew D. McBride, TX
Dr. Natoosha Natalie Nargaski, ON
Dr. Ben B. Pence, IN
Dr. G. Gibson McCall, III, NC
Dr. Minakshi Narula, CA
Dr. Daniel R. Pennella, SC
Dr. Van Wallace McCarlie, Jr., NC
Dr. Pejman Nasibi, AZ
Dr. Brian Penton, AP
Dr. Mason McClintock, TX
Dr. Ramtin K. Nassiri, CA
Dr. Joseph A. Persichetti, PA
Dr. Layne K. McCord, ID
Dr. Karen S. Neat, TX
Dr. Michael Kenneth Peters, MI
Dr. Maston R. McCorkle, Jr., VA
Dr. Carrie Neill, TN
Dr. Kenneth H. Peterson, IL
Dr. Virginia McCune, GA
Dr. Paul Nelson, WA
Dr. Steven D. Peterson, WI
Dr. James W. McDaniel, TN
Dr. Zachary Nelson, CO
Dr. Christopher Michael Petrunic, AL
Dr. Richard E. McDermott, IL
Dr. Deborah R. New, NY
Dr. Lindsay Pfeffer, TX
Dr. Sarah McDermott, MI
Dr. Jeffrey A. Nichelini, CA
Dr. Philip Philbin, MD
Dr. Benjamin David McDowell, AZ
Dr. Cherie Nicolucci, ON
Dr. Kent L. Phillips, NV
Dr. Robert C. McElhinney, OH
Dr. Liliya Nikolcheva, NB
Dr. Carlyn S. Phucas, NJ
Dr. Joseph Reese McElveen, SC
Dr. John M. Nista, DE
Dr. Karl Pick, MD
Dr. Brandon McGarrell, TX
Dr. S. Edwin Noffel, MO
Dr. Christopher W. Pine, PA
Dr. Gena McGivern, KS
Dr. Michiel J. Nuveen, ND
Dr. Maria L. Pinzon, MI
Dr. Holly Pavlick McIver, TX
Dr. Casey O’Conor, OH
Dr. Eric J. Ploumis, NY
Dr. D. Dennis McKee, CA
Dr. Patrick M. Ohlenforst, TX
Dr. Mark S. Pollack, CT
Dr. Jeffrey McMillan, NV
Oklahoma Orthodontic Society, OK
Dr. George H. Pommert, OH
Dr. Ashley A. Meador, WA
Dr. William D. Oliver, WA
Dr. A. Wright Pond, Sr., VA
Dr. William A. Mehan, NH
Dr. Brian J. Olivier, LA
Dr. Jessica Pongetti, MI
Dr. Thomas J. Melcher, CO
Dr. Matthew J. Olmsted, NC
Dr. Paul V. Ponitz, MI
Dr. Mark J. Mele, PA
Dr. Justin T. Olsen, NC
Dr. Gary L. Pool, GA
Dr. Darrell L. Mergen, IA
Dr. Marc Eric Olsen, MT
Dr. Edgar P. Poremba, CO
Dr. Thomas E. Merrill, WA
Dr. Julie E. Olson, NE
Dr. Richard H. Portalupi, CA
Dr. Chad R. Meyer, SD
Dr. Patrick O’Neil, AL
Dr. Donald R. Poulton, CA
Dr. Diane J. Milberg, CA
Dr. Gary Opin, CT
Dr. Shawn E Powell, NE
Dr. Allison Milliner, CA
Dr. Andrew M. Orchin, DC
Dr. Timothy M. Poyadou, Jr., FL
Dr. James W. Milne, WI
Dr. John N. Ordahl, CO
Dr. Michael Pratt, KY
Minnesota Association of Orthodontists, MN
Dr. Jacob R. Orozco, PA
Dr. David M. Pressutti, Jr., CA
Dr. Martha Miqueo, NJ
Dr. Adam J. Ortega, TX
Dr. Scott E. Prose, IL
Dr. Angelo Miraldi, Italy
Dr. William S. Osborn, TX
Dr. Dawn Pruzansky, AZ
Dr. Kenner Misner, TX
Dr. Adam Ostby, MT
Dr. Gary H. Pulsipher, CA
Dr. Ray S. Rafetto, DE
Dr. Glenn T. Sameshima, CA
Dr. Thomas M. Stark, IA
Dr. Michael W. Ragan, TX
Dr. Daniel E. San Martin, TX
Dr. Kenneth E. Starling, GA
Dr. James Austin Rahaim, MS
Dr. J. Peter Sande, VT
Dr. Stephanie Edwarda Steckel, DE
Dr. William A. Raineri, NY
Dr. Lyndsey Sandifer, MS
Dr. Arthur Stein, PA
Dr. James W. Raman, SC
Dr. Walter C. Sandusky, Jr., TN
Dr. Donna J. Stenberg, MN
Dr. Mark Rarrick, PA
Dr. Tamar Sardarian, CA
Dr. Michael L. Stepovich, CA
Dr. Cameron J. Rasool, IA
Dr. Jarom Sauble, TX
Dr. Bradley Stieper, MI
Dr. William D. Rawlings, CA
Dr. Fred L. Sayre, MT
Dr. Melissa K. Stigall, IL
Dr. Courtney Ray, CA
Dr. Jeremy Scarpate, TX
Dr. Gregory Stock, NY
Dr. David A. Ray, OH
Dr. Jeffery Scott Schaefer, CA
Dr. James T. Stork, IA
Dr. Jeffrey L. Rector, NE
Dr. Jeffrey R. Schantz, CA
Dr. Marlyn P. Storm, MN
Dr. Clarence J. Red, IL
Dr. Martin Schellinck, TX
Dr. E. John Strauss, Jr., OH
Dr. R. R. “Kim” Reed, NC
Dr. Jason Scherer, NC
Dr. Ryan Alan Streight, OK
Dr. Alison Cartwright Reid, NC
Dr. Jacquelyn R. Schieck, SD
Dr. Laura M. Streit, OH
Dr. Everett Renger, Jr., TX
Dr. Marc Schlueter, NY
Dr. Herbert L. Strickland, Jr., AL
Dr. Richard C. Ressling, TX
Dr. Clark E. Schneekluth, CA
Dr. Brittany Stroope, AR
Dr. Xiomara Restrepo-Jaramillo, NY
Dr. Dylan Schneider, MD
Dr. Blair Hanson Struble, OR
Dr. Ryan Noel Reyes, TX
Dr. Robert A. Schoettger, NE
Dr. Ross W. Stryker, MO
Dr. Adam Reynolds, KS
Dr. Rebecca Schreiner, MO
Dr. Neal A. Stubbs, FL
Dr. Derek Reznik, TX
Dr. Ryan M. Schumacher, FL
Dr. J. Daniel Subtelny, NY
Dr. Ryan Richard, GA
Dr. Gail E. Schupak, NY
Dr. Geoff Sudit, MN
Dr. Barbara J. Ries, NE
Dr. S. Richard Scott, OH
Dr. Sam Suliman, TN
Dr. David Ries, MO
Dr. Michael Harley Sebastian, GA
Dr. Annelise Preslan Sullivan, OH
Dr. Paul H. Rigali, Jr., VT
Dr. Dona M. Seely, WA
Dr. John P. Sullivan, NY
Dr. Straty E. Righellis, CA
Dr. Seth Senestraro, OR
Dr. Christina Sutherland, AL
Dr. O. H. Rigsbee, III, IN
Dr. Rupali Shah, NY
Dr. Aaron V. Swapp, TX
Dr. Nathaniel Ritter, FL
Dr. Shalin Raj Shah, NJ
Dr. Elizabeth Blake Swearingen, TX
Dr. Carey Beth Rivers, AL
Dr. Masid N. Shaheen, OH
Dr. Derick T. Tagawa, CA
Dr. Mouhab Zakhari Rizkallah, MA
Dr. Kenneth F. Shanahan, CA
Dr. Amirali Tahbaz, NV
Dr. Ralph N. Robbins, IL
Dr. Jonathan Shanker, MO
Dr. Ejaz Tahir, IL
Dr. Larry D. Roberts, IN
Dr. Patrick D. Shannon, OK
Dr. Leslie Talbert, AL
Dr. Soleil Roberts, WA
Dr. Thomas Shannon, MN
Dr. Rosemarie Chiong Tan, HI
Dr. Michael A. Robertson, TX
Dr. Dan F. Shaw, WA
Dr. Daniel Tanguay, PQ
Dr. Christopher S. Robinson, LA
Dr. Douglas Shaw, FL
Dr. Robert Tarby, NJ
Rocky Mountain Society of Orthodontists, CO
Dr. Siobhan M. Sheehan, MA
Dr. Barton H. Tayer, MA
Dr. Dale C. Rogers, VA
Dr. Robert E. Sheffield, CA
Dr. Daniel M. Taylor, WA
Dr. Nima Rohani, NE
Dr. Yoshi Shen, CA
Dr. Richard S. Teel, OR
Dr. Harry O. Rohrer, Jr., NH
Dr. Liza Shevchenko, TX
Tennessee Association of Orthodontists, TN
Dr. Renee L. Roland, NY
Estate of Douglas J. Shilliday, OH
Dr. James N. Thacker, OH
Dr. David A. Romeo, CT
Dr. Carlton A. Shiraki, HI
Dr. Robert H. Thalgott, NV
Dr. Ronald M. Roncone, CA
Dr. Matthew M. Sievers, MN
Dr. Theodore E. Thom, OR
Dr. John M. Rose, IL
Dr. Jeff W. Silmon, LA
Dr. Nathan Eugene Thomas, NY
Dr. Robert M. Rosen, NJ
Dr. Claude I. Sime, WI
Dr. Tejjy M. Thomas, PA
Dr. Thomas G. Rosenbarger, OR
Dr. Joyce D. Simmons, NE
Dr. Thomas L. Thompson, CA
Dr. Barry M. Rosenberg, CT
Dr. Tina M. Siu, CA
Dr. William J. Thompson, FL
Dr. Richard G. Rosenbloom, NY
Dr. John T. Skinner, OH
Dr. Kang Ting, CA
Dr. Angela V. Ross, MN
Dr. James M. Slack, WA
Dr. Kevin Toms, VA
Dr. Bertrand A. Rouleau, CA
Dr. Maura E. Slack, FL
Dr. Edgardo J Toro, FL
Dr. Kenneth B. Rowan, MO
Dr. John M. Sleichter, IA
Dr. Lydia Jameson Toso, LA
Dr. Jonathan W. Rucker, CA
Dr. David C. Small, NC
Dr. Eniko Toth, MO
Dr. Ryan Rudd, WA
Dr. Steven Jay Smiley, SC
Dr. Linda K. Toth, CA
Dr. Daniel Ruffolo, CA
Dr. Ashley Smith, GA
Dr. Floyd Trammell, TN
Dr. Matthew L. Rushing, TX
Dr. Bradley D. Smith, PA
Dr. Alissa Tran, FL
Dr. Stephen T. Ruso, FL
Dr. Bradley R. Smith, AZ
Dr. Julia Trieu, LA
Dr. Christopher Ruth, MO
Dr. Craig D. Smith, WA
Dr. Thomas J. Triller, WI
Dr. Michael R. Sabat, OH
Dr. David E. Smith, CA
Dr. Paul G. Trotter, GA
Dr. Ameeta Sachdev, CO
Dr. Gerald E. Smith, WA
Dr. Biljana Trpkova, AB
Dr. Kanwar Deep Singh Sachdeva, CA
Dr. Sarah M. Smith, MI
Dr. Alexandros K. Tsourakis, MO
Dr. Erika A. Sachno, VA
Dr. Stephen F. Snodell, TX
Mr. Lee Tuneberg, WI
Dr. James Sadlon, IL
Dr. Terry J. Sobler, NY
Dr. John W. Turner, NC
Dr. Jamie G. Sage, MI
South Florida Academy of Orthodontists, FL
Dr. Scott A. Tyler, MI
Dr. Robert N. Saito, OR
Dr. Leon E. Souweine, ME
Dr. Richard Uhlir, NC
Dr. Dina Salman, MI
Dr. Kirk A. Speicher, AZ
Dr. Beau Ulrich, CA
Campaign Contributors
Dr. James L. Unger, MO
Dr. Greg Woodfin, FL
Dr. Pedro J. Alquizar, FL
Dr. James VandeBerg, TX
Dr. Peter Worth, CA
Dr. Cecil E. Alumbaugh, Jr., TX
Dr. Richard J. Vanek, Sr., NC
Dr. Rene Yabar, NY
Dr. Edwin Alvarez, PR
Dr. Robert S. VanLaecken, SD
Dr. Jelson Yalung, CA
Dr. Stephen G. Alvis, VA
Dr. Ryan K. VanLaecken, SD
Dr. Rachel Masayo Yamakawa, OR
Dr. Reid M. Amborn, OR
Dr. Christopher J. Vaubel, MN
Dr. William Yao, CA
Dr. Marina E. Amelinckx, FL
Dr. Robyn E. Vicek, OH
Dr. Yaroslav Yarmolyuk, IL
American Association of Military
Dr. Jay W. Vincent, Jr., TX
Dr. Laurene Yen, ON
Dr. Alex Vo, OR
Dr. Frank K. Yorita, CA
Dr. Robert B. Amley, FL
Dr. Kathryn M. Vo, TX
Dr. Fereshteh Yousefzadeh, CA
Dr. Brian D. Amy, OK
Dr. Andreea Voinea-Griffin, AL
Dr. Susan Zand, CA
Dr. Holly Harris Andersen, VA
Dr. Gerald VonderAhe, NV
Dr. Randa Zarka, CA
Dr. W. Clark Andersen, UT
Dr. David M. Wadler, TX
Dr. Fred D. Ziegler, VT
Dr. Bruce Wm. Anderson, MN
Dr. Brandon M. Wainwright, IA
Dr. Peter A. Ziegler, NE
Dr. J. Paul Anderson, NV
Dr. Cameron G. Walker, KS
Dr. Jamie Zupnik, FL
Dr. Kimsey Kay Anderson, NM
Dr. Camille Walker, OR
Dr. Jared Zwick, OH
Dr. Kurt Anderson, TX
Dr. John H. Walker, MA
Dr. Robert W. Anderson, CA
Dr. Ronnie L. Anderson, OH
Dr. Kevin M. Walsh, MO
Dr. Larry K. Aagesen, MI
Dr. Carroll P. Andres, NJ
Dr. Terence E. Walsh, LA
Dr. Diana Wolf Abbott, MI
Dr. Kevin Jay Andrews, NV
Dr. Grant D. Walton, AZ
Dr. George S. Abed, CA
Dr. Lee J. Andrews, GA
Dr. Aileen Yuanqing Wang, TX
Dr. Cameron Ledyard Aboudara, CA
Dr. Rotho Angelakis, FL
Dr. Estee Wang, MN
Dr. Robert A. Abraham, FL
Dr. Robert Angorn, MA
Dr. Lawrence Wang, MD
Dr. Heather M. Abrahams, MD
Dr. Warren J. Apollon, PA
Dr. Danielle Nicole Ward, MI
Dr. George C. Abrams, NM
Dr. Harold Yutaka Arai, IL
Dr. Kevin Ward, OK
Dr. James L. Ackerman, NC
Dr. Cristiana Araujo, FL
Dr. David W. Wardlaw, AR
Dr. Marc B. Ackerman, MA
Dr. Scott P. Arbit, WI
Dr. Robert L. Waugh, Jr., GA
Dr. Richard J. Ackerman, Jr., CA
Dr. James A. Archambeau, TX
Dr. Brian Webb, TN
Dr. Leonard V. Ackermann, MN
Dr. Camille M. Arcidi, MA
Dr. Ashlee Weber, CO
Dr. Gerald Adler, CA
Dr. Andrew M. Arcuri, NY
Dr. Peter Weber, NC
Dr. Michael J. Aguirre, FL
Dr. Jeffery A. Arigo, NY
Dr. Robert J. Weber, IL
Dr. Jamie D. Ahl, DE
Arizona Orthodontic Association, AZ
Dr. Michael A. Weiler, VA
Dr. Fatima Ahmed, MI
Dr. Thomas Arkle, III, NC
Dr. Megan N. Weiskircher-Reznik, TX
Dr. Douglas S. Ainslie, OR
Dr. Gary D. Armbrecht, MI
Dr. David L. Wells, OH
Dr. Nooshi Akavan, CA
Dr. Glen A. Armstrong, WA
Dr. Adam Welmerink, NV
Dr. Alan Akridge, KY
Dr. Gisli Arnason, Iceland
Dr. Todd Zane Wentz, AK
Dr. Kenneth Albinder, VA
Dr. Christopher L. Arnheiter, NC
Dr. J. Michael White, IL
Dr. Alexa A. Alborzi, CA
Dr. Robert A. Arnold, SD
Dr. Raymond L. Wicks, CA
Dr. Lance A. Albrechtsen, UT
Dr. Steven N. Arnold, UT
Dr. Oliver Lee Willham, IA
Dr. Ronald C. Albright, KS
Dr. Thomas G. Arnold, MN
Dr. Angela Maria Williams, MO
Dr. W. Daniel Alder, OH
Dr. Irwin L. Aronson, GA
Dr. Bryan J. Williams, WA
Dr. Jason Aleman, IL
Dr. Luis E. Arroyo, PR
Dr. Fayette C. Williams, Jr., MS
Dr. Ann Alexander, AE
Dr. Airton O. Arruda, MI
Dr. James R. Williams, TX
Dr. James Moody Alexander, TX
Dr. Yasuhiko Asai, Japan
Dr. Robert E. Williams, MD
Dr. Keisha N. Alexander, FL
Dr. Joseph A. Asercion, MS
Dr. Bart Thomas Wilson, GA
Dr. Kristen Alexander, NY
Dr. Shadow Asgari, AZ
Dr. Dustin C. Wilson, MO
Dr. Randolph F. Alexander, CA
Dr. John O. Ashby, Jr., VA
Dr. Samuel A. Winkelmann, Jr., TX
Dr. Robert P. Alexander, MA
Dr. Jennifer L. Ashmore, WA
Dr. John Wirthlin, TX
Dr. David W. Alger, TX
Dr. Golnaz Ashraf, CA
Dr. Bryan Wirtz, OH
Dr. Ibrahim Y. Alhussain, VA
Dr. Jeffrey D. Askins, TX
Wisconsin Society of Orthodontists, WI
Dr. Cyrus M. Alizadeh, MO
Dr. Jean Edouard Asmar, DC
Dr. Michael O. Woehst, TX
Dr. Peter J. Alizzeo, MA
Dr. Eric J. Atha, CO
Dr. Peter S. Wohlgemuth, FL
Dr. Sam Alkhoury, MA
Dr. Roy D. Atkin, CA
Dr. Lloyd B. Wolfe, Jr., MS
Dr. Jack M. Allen, Jr., CO
Dr. Charles E. Atkins, Jr., MS
Dr. Marian Schmitt Wolford, PA
Dr. Marc E. Allen, NC
Dr. Fereidoon Attarzadeh, MA
Dr. Maureen Wood, CT
Dr. William E. Allen, FL
Dr. H. Eldon Attaway, TX
Dr. Ryan Wood, WA
Dr. William Michael Allen, CA
Dr. Maryse Aubert, CA
Dr. Niles Woodall, GA
Dr. David I. Alpan, CA
Dr. Earl F. Augspurger, Jr., AZ
Dr. Todd Michael Walkow, CA
Dr. William Wallert, MD
Dr. A. Dean Alpine, FL
Orthodontists, AE
Dr. William T. Anderson, FL
Dr. Peggy Harris Augustine, GA
Dr. Barry C. Beget, OR
Dr. Richard L. Bostyan, FL
Dr. Kevin Austin, MO
Dr. Scott M. Behnan, MI
Dr. Cramer L. Boswell, VA
Dr. Paul O. Austin, Jr., FL
Dr. David R. Behringer, OH
Dr. Pete N. Bougas, Jr., GA
Dr. Daniel A. Avant, CO
Dr. Gary J. Beier, WI
Dr. Robert K. Bourquein, TX
Dr. Harold C. Avila, IN
Dr. Daniel J. Bekish, TX
Dr. Audrey M. Boutros, TX
Dr. Eric L. Axelrode, CA
Dr. Walter J. Belanger, TX
Dr. Jim Bowden, TX
Dr. T. Arthur Babineau, NH
Dr. David E. Bell, AR
Dr. Joe E. Bowers, AR
Dr. John T. Bachmann, AL
Dr. Tim B. Belnap, UT
Mr. James R. Bowlin, MO
Dr. Philip S. Badalamenti, MI
Dr. Gabriel Bendahan, France
Dr. Brendan J. Boylan, NY
Dr. Rafael Baez, PR
Dr. Fredric H. Bennion, OR
Dr. Kevin Boyle, NY
Dr. M. Alan Bagden, VA
Dr. Bartley Howell Benson, TN
Dr. Thomas A. Brady, PA
Dr. Grant Bailey, UT
Dr. John B. Benton, Jr., AL
Dr. Marvin Brame, NC
Dr. L’Tanya J. Bailey, NC
Dr. Harold C. Bergh, TX
Dr. David H. Brandt, MN
Dr. Kenny M. Baird, TX
Dr. Michelle L. Bergsrud, MN
Dr. Dennis R. Brenkert, WY
Dr. Dwight D. Baker, ID
Dr. Edwin R. Berkinshaw, MD
Dr. James J. Brennan, MA
Dr. J. Newsom Baker, TN
Dr. Mark E. Berkman, MI
Dr. Matthew Brennan, RI
Dr. Tonya Woodall Baker, GA
Dr. Milton D. Berkman, NC
Dr. Robert E. Brewka, CO
Dr. Arash Bakhtari, CA
Dr. Jackie Berkowitz, OH
Dr. Christopher M. Brieden, MI
Dr. Daniel R. Balbach, MI
Dr. Raymond L. Bernabei, OH
Dr. Christine Brinley, IL
Dr. Doyle W. Baldridge, LA
Dr. Melissa K. Bernhardt, IA
Dr. Barry S. Briss, MA
Dr. David Balhoff, LA
Berning & Affiliates, Inc., FL
Dr. T. Todd Britt, GA
Dr. Jeffrey W. Ball, TX
Dr. Edgar L. Berre, OH
Dr. James M. Broadbent, NV
Dr. Michel F. Ballerio, Monaco
Dr. Karen Lea Berrigan, AZ
Dr. Steven H. Broadbent, UT
Dr. Brent Bankhead, MO
Dr. Jeffrey D. Bert, CT
Dr. Paul M. Broadwater, UT
Dr. George Dee Bankhead, MO
Dr. Frank R. Besson, NJ
Dr. Anthony C. Broccoli, Jr., MA
Dr. Mark R. Bare, IL
Dr. Matthew C. Biermann, OR
Dr. Richard N. Brochu, IL
Dr. Ingrid Barillas, NY
Dr. Christopher M. Biety, CO
Dr. Ralph A. Brock, TX
Dr. Harold E. Barkate, CA
Dr. Steven P. Billings, MO
Dr. Charles D. Brodsky, CA
Dr. George A. Barkett, FL
Dr. Eldon D. Bills, AZ
Dr. Robert J. Bronski, WI
Dr. Michael J. Barlow, GA
Dr. Glen C. Bills, UT
Dr. K. Glenn Brooks, FL
Dr. David E. Barnes, MA
Dr. John E. Bilodeau, VA
Dr. Brett Brown, OR
Dr. Russell S. Barnett, TX
Dr. Oresta L. Bilous, CT
Dr. Darrick A. Brown, PA
Dr. Kate Barnette, MO
Dr. Robert E. Binder, NJ
Dr. Derek John Brown, AR
Dr. Aubrey AF Barrett, CA
Dr. William F. Bird, WI
Dr. Justin T. Brown, UT
Dr. Richard D. Barrett, MO
Dr. Anthony E. Bisconti, OH
Dr. Michelle Bridget Brown, MA
Dr. William J. Barrett, WA
Dr. Alton C. Bishop, CO
Dr. Patricia L. Brown, MA
Dr. James Andrew Barron, TX
Dr. Stuart Bisk, CA
Dr. Rand D. Brown, UT
Dr. James R. Barton, ID
Dr. Richard C. Black, TX
Dr. Robert J. Brown, OH
Dr. Jennifer Lee Barton, VA
Dr. H. O. Blackwood, LA
Dr. Steven R. Brown, UT
Dr. William A. Barton, ID
Dr. Robert J. Blank, FL
Dr. Louis A. Browning, Jr., TN
Dr. H. David Baru, MI
Dr. J. Alan Bloore, CA
Dr. Christopher G. Bruch, MT
Dr. Daniel Bassin, NY
Dr. Richard F. Blume, TX
Dr. Brad D. Bruchmiller, TX
Dr. Richard A. Battistoni, IL
Dr. Virginia Bocage, FL
Dr. Mark A. Bruhn, WI
Dr. John R. Bauerle, NE
Dr. William E. Boehringer, CO
Dr. William B. Brunk, NC
Dr. Eric M. Baugher, VA
Dr. Roger P. Boero, CA
Dr. John W. Bryant, ID
Dr. Omar A. Bawazeer, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Lee R. Boese, CA
Dr. Jennifer Stroud Buchanan, TX
Dr. Dean T. Bawden, UT
Dr. Mark Bogdan, NJ
Dr. Dennis J. Buchman, FL
Dr. Burcu Bayirli, WA
Dr. Glendon J. Bogdon, WI
Dr. Walter C. Buchsieb, Sr., OH
Dr. William R. Beam, IL
Dr. Marcel P. Boisvert, MA
Dr. Robert P. Buck, TX
Dr. Joel J. Beaman, CT
Dr. Tasha W. Bolden, PA
Dr. Timothy F. Buckley, CA
Dr. Richard A. Beane, Jr., NC
Dr. Gary A. Bolmgren, MN
Dr. Brett M. Buckman, TX
Dr. Marsha L. Beattie, MI
Dr. Cynthia L. Bonafield, WV
Dr. James E. Buckthal, NC
Dr. Thomas W. Beattie, OH
Dr. Philip W. Bonds, SC
Dr. Dwight Buelow, VA
Dr. Braden W. Beck, CA
Dr. Byron A. Bonebreak, MD
Dr. Thien Duy Bui, CA
Dr. Otto Walter Beck, Jamaica
Dr. Alfred M. Bongiorno, MA
Dr. Elizabeth S. Bujack, OH
Dr. Angela R. Becker, IN
Dr. Aurelia M. Bonham, HI
Dr. Chad Bulleigh, KS
Dr. Jeffrey A. Becker, MA
Dr. Perry Todd Bonner, MD
Dr. Steven J. Bumgarner, NC
Dr. Brice W. Beckstrom, UT
Dr. Brian K. Bons, FL
Dr. David M. Bunkall, KS
Dr. Raymond T. Bedette, ME
Dr. Robert M. Boone, TN
Dr. James R. Buntain, IL
Dr. Eric D. Bednar, KY
Dr. Steven Boral, NY
Dr. Eric Burgin, OR
Dr. James R. Bednar, MI
Dr. Charles S. Borden, Jr., IL
Dr. Saul M. Burk, MD
Dr. Curtis Bedont, OR
Dr. Jerry L. Boshell, AL
Dr. Paul S. Burkey, IL
Dr. Douglas P. Beedon, MN
Dr. Gerard P. Bosscher, Jr., MI
Dr. Bruce D. Burns, NC
Campaign Contributors
Dr. Daryl R. Burns, CO
Dr. Joseph A. Catania, NY
Dr. Andrew M. Clark, IL
Dr. Richard H. Burns, Jr., OH
Dr. John J. Cavanaugh, AZ
Dr. David B. Clark, IN
Dr. Thomas M. Burns, NJ
Dr. James J. Caveney, WV
Dr. James R. Clark, CO
Dr. Robert E. Burnside, OR
Dr. Andrew Cedarbaum, NJ
Dr. Maxine V. Clark, MD
Dr. Kathleen M. Burr, CT
Dr. Donald M. Centofante, PA
Dr. Rdean M. Clark, UT
Dr. Cass D. Burrell, CT
Central Texas Study Club, TX
Dr. Ronald E. Clark, NJ
Dr. A. G. Burris, SC
Dr. John D. Cercek, OH
Dr. Mark R. Clauss, CT
Dr. Brian J. Burton, CO
Dr. Frank J. Cercone, CA
Dr. Karen Clements, WA
Dr. Matthew J. Busch, IL
Dr. Anthony Inchol Cha, CA
Dr. Larry J. Clemons, FL
Dr. Derek M. Busciglio, FL
Dr. Jeremy B. Chaison, WA
Dr. H. Leon Clendenen, NM
Dr. John A. Busciglio, FL
Dr. Thomas H. Chamberlain, AZ
Dr. Stephen S. Clifford, MN
Dr. Carlos J. Busquets, PR
Dr. Ronald L. Champion, CA
Dr. Karl D. Clinard, KY
Dr. Thomas E. Butler, AZ
Dr. Thad L. Champlin, CA
Dr. Lucius M. Cline, III, SC
Dr. Thomas W. Butterfoss, VA
Dr. Byron C. Chan, CA
Dr. Patricia Cloutier, PQ
Dr. James T. Butz, NE
Dr. Gabrielle Chan, ON
Dr. Leif B. Cobain, CA
Dr. Ewa T. Byczek, OH
Dr. Vivian Hui-Wen Chan, CA
Dr. Numa Watt Cobb, Jr., NC
Dr. Donald J. Byk, NJ
Dr. Jeffrey R. Chandler, UT
Dr. J. Kevin Coghlan, IN
Dr. Dino Cacchiotti, WA
Dr. Russell E. K. Chang, CA
Dr. James A. Coglianese, IL
Dr. Karin K. Cain, TX
Dr. James C. Chapman, GA
Dr. Barry D. Cohen, GA
Dr. Philip B. Caldwell, TX
Dr. Lee S. Chapman, MN
Dr. David Andrew Cohen, FL
Dr. R. Sam Callender, CO
Dr. Luke Chapman, LA
Dr. Harold J. Cohen, PA
Dr. David Cameron, UT
Dr. Peter L. Chapman, IN
Dr. Jason M. Cohen, CA
Dr. Douglas S. Cameron, Jr., WA
Dr. Steven W. Charchut, MI
Dr. Matthew E. Cohl, FL
Dr. Michael A. Campbell, AL
Dr. L. Scott Charlton, TX
Dr. Gregory Thomas Cohlmia, TX
Dr. Phillip M. Campbell, TX
Dr. Jason Lee Charnley, MI
Dr. Jeff T. Cohlmia, OK
Dr. Thomas J. Cangialosi, NJ
Dr. Jonathan E. Chason, MA
Dr. John H. Coker, Jr., VA
Dr. W. Joseph Cannon, CA
Dr. Robert E. Chavez, MA
Dr. Brett Coleman, UT
Dr. Holly R. Cantrell, GA
Dr. John G. Cheek, WI
Dr. Kelly Collins, NC
Dr. George E. Cantu, TX
Dr. Caroline Cheek-Hill, NC
Dr. Michael D. Collins, TX
Dr. Danielle Cao, CA
Dr. Flora Y. Chen, CA
Dr. Monte K. Collins, TX
Dr. Rinaldo Caponera, FL
Dr. Howard Y. Chen, CA
Dr. Ruben O. Colon Badillo, PR
Dr. Philip A. Caporusso, CT
Dr. Ivy Chen, MA
Colorado Orthodontic Association of
Dr. Damen M. Caraway, CO
Dr. Judy Chen, WA
Dr. H. Paul Carbonneau, Jr., CT
Dr. Robert Y. Chen, WA
Dr. Robert D. Colter, IN
Dr. David R. Carden, FL
Dr. Yian-Liang Chen, Taiwan
Columbia University Orthodontic
Dr. Cesar Cardenas, GA
Dr. David A. Chenin, NV
Dr. Kenneth S. Carlough, CT
Dr. Ann Colter H. Cheron, VA
Dr. David Comeau, ME
Dr. Dennis R. Carlson, MN
Dr. William J. Cherry, PA
Dr. Brandon T. Comella, NY
Dr. Kirstin M. Carlson, MN
Dr. David T. Cheung, CA
Dr. Michael L. Conlon, IL
Dr. Luke D. Carlson, MN
Dr. Jady L. Chiakowsky, CA
Dr. Corey Christopher Conrad, IA
Dr. Kevin L. Carlton, TX
Dr. Jonathan Y. Chiang, NM
Dr. John J. Conroy, CT
Dr. Michelle Dumiller Carlton, LA
Dr. Vincent T. Chiappone, CA
Dr. David T. Constant, CA
Dr. Christopher W. Carpenter, CO
Dr. Harry Chin, CA
Dr. Arnold R. Cook, PA
Dr. Fred W. Carpenter, MN
Dr. Melissa Chin, CA
Dr. Brandon D. Cook, OH
Dr. Roberto Carrillo, Mexico
Dr. Sue-Lynn Chin, ON
Dr. Richard J. Cook, OR
Dr. Alan C. Carter, UT
Dr. Pei-Ching Patricia Chiu, MA
Dr. Victor Joseph Cook, Jr., OH
Dr. Christina Rose Carter, NJ
Dr. Heon-Jae Cho, South Korea
Dr. William C. Cook, LA
Dr. Richard N. Carter, NM
Dr. Brenda Chockley, OK
Dr. Mary Concepta Cooke, CA
Dr. Thomas H. Cartledge, III, FL
Dr. Julia Jeong Yeon Choi, CA
Dr. Craig L. Coombs, UT
Dr. Paul M. Caruso, NY
Dr. Y. Jennifer Choi, WA
Dr. Keith Coombs, AK
Dr. Arnold B. Carver, WI
Dr. Leonard S. Chong, CA
Dr. Brendan M. Cooney, NY
Dr. Darrell Benton Casada, KY
Dr. Thomas Chou, CA
Dr. Bret E. Cooper, MN
Dr. John H. Case, TX
Dr. Dean A. Christensen, UT
Dr. Jonathan S. Cooper, OK
Dr. Robert G. Cash, GA
Dr. Troy L. Christensen, AZ
Dr. Donald D. Cope, LA
Dr. John S. Casko, IA
Dr. Alan T. Christiansen, UT
Dr. Philip J. Corbin, TX
Dr. Chad W. Cassady, CA
Dr. Elizabeth Christopherson, MI
Dr. Mark Neil Coreil, LA
Dr. Alexander Gerard Cassinelli, OH
Dr. Brad A. Chvatal, OR
Dr. Rhonda H. Cormney, KY
Dr. Maria C. Castano-Rendon, TX
Dr. Robert H. Cinatl, NE
Dr. Robert S. Cornwell, MO
Dr. Paul T. Castelein, IL
Dr. George J. Cisneros, NY
Dr. Jorge C. Coro, FL
Orthodontists, CO
Alumni Society, NY
Dr. William J. Cosgrove, MI
Dr. Irvin M. Davis, MD
Dr. John A. Dorsch, MO
Dr. Spiro G. Cosse, LA
Dr. James P. Davis, AZ
Dr. J. Richard Dosek, NC
Dr. Cory Costanzo, CA
Dr. Lauren Davis, TX
Dr. William M. Dotson, Jr., AK
Dr. Michael R. Costanzo, NY
Dr. Nile M. Davis, AZ
Dr. Rebecca Doucet, ON
Dr. Edmund J. Costello, MA
Dr. Robert E. Davis, OH
Dr. Kevin Douglas, MS
Dr. Brent Cote, QC
Dr. W. Morgan Davis, AZ
Dr. David B. Dowling, NV
Dr. Stuart D. Cotler, PA
Dr. William G. Davis, Jr., FL
Dr. Nathan M. Downey, OH
Dr. Terry Linda Cotterell, OK
Dr. Richard L. Day, AK
Dr. R. Maurice Downs, FL
Dr. Anthony J. Coughlan, Ireland
Dr. Scott P. Day, AZ
Dr. Marion G. Doyle, TN
Dr. David A. Covell, Jr., OR
Dr. Alfredo De Alba, CA
Dr. Noel P. Dragon, Jr., LA
Dr. Richard E. Cowan, IN
Dr. Jaime De Jesus-Vinas, PR
Dr. Carl T. Drake, IL
Dr. Joseph S. Coward, CO
Dr. Vincent DeAngelis, MA
Dr. Courtland Drake, SD
Dr. Jessica H. Cox, MS
Dr. Deborah A. DeBeradinis, NH
Dr. Quinn Draper, WA
Dr. Phillip R. Cox, AL
Dr. Anthony F. DeBerardinis, PA
Mr. James M. Drinan, IL
Dr. Ellene N. Craig, GA
Dr. Victor S. DeGeorge, KY
Dr. Fernando J. Duarte, FL
Dr. Robert Alan Craig, CO
Dr. Deborah L. DeHaan, MI
Dr. Jack B. DuClos, AK
Dr. Michael G. Crall, IA
Dr. Jose Manuel Delgado, FL
Dr. Martin M. Dudas, PA
Dr. David O. Cramer, MI
Dr. Michael J. Delgado, TX
Dr. Michael W. Duers, TX
Dr. Alexander D. Cranford, GA
Dr. Alexander Dell, TX
Dr. John C. Dumars, CA
Dr. Bob E. Craven, MO
Dr. Charles R. deLorimier, CA
Dr. Tim Donald Dumore, MB
Dr. Linda A. Crawford, TX
Dr. Michael A. DeLuca, NJ
Dr. James M. Dunbar, NC
Dr. P. Thomas Crawford, UT
Dr. Richard M. Demko, MO
Dr. Charles E. Duncan, MI
Dr. Patrick M. Crawford, LA
Dr. Meredith K. Dempsey, GA
Dr. Courtney Dunn, AZ
Dr. Joe M. Creel, FL
Dr. Judith G. Demro, IA
Dr. Matthew D. Dunn, AZ
Dr. Edwin B. Crenshaw, TN
Dr. Kevin L. Denis, MN
Dr. Richard E. Dunn, CA
Dr. Peter T. Cressman, MA
Dr. William F. Denny, CA
Mrs. Lorraine M. DuPont, MO
Dr. Stephanie Smith Crise, TX
Dr. Brianne C. DeSantis, FL
Dr. Anthony W. Durall, KY
Dr. Brian Crock, OH
Dr. Mark Detrick, CA
Dr. Oren Lynn Duren, TX
Dr. Devin L. Croft, AZ
Dr. Lynn A. Dettenmayer, FL
Dr. Sharon J. Durrett, FL
Dr. Edward A. Cronauer, FL
Dr. Mark S. Deukmedjian, CA
Dr. Paul R. Duryea, FL
Dr. Michael J. Crosby, GA
Dr. Daniel E. Dever, OH
Dr. Henry F. Dutson, VA
Dr. Larry D. Cross, CA
Dr. Jerry P. Devin, WY
Dr. Gregory S. Dyer, FL
Dr. David L. Crouch, WA
Dr. William E. DeVries, MI
Dr. James R. Dyer, TX
Dr. Charles N. Crowder, AL
Dr. Cheryl A. DeWood, AZ
Dr. Osborne J. Dykes, TX
Dr. David P. Crowe, MO
Dr. Olwyn Diamond, MD
Dr. George A. Eastman, FL
Dr. Jennifer J. Crowe, OR
Dr. Frederick N. Dibbs, VA
Dr. William P. Eastman, MS
Dr. Kelly Herron Cruser, OR
Dr. Douglas S. Dick, SC
Dr. Kenneth M. Eberle, AK
Dr. Robert M. Cuenin, CA
Dr. Danny H. Dickey, MS
Dr. John Scott Eckels, WV
Dr. Ronald N. Cummings, FL
Dr. Breese M. Dickinson, MD
Dr. Robert A. Eckelson, FL
Dr. David M. Cummins, WA
Dr. Philip T. Dickinson, MI
Dr. Lisa D. Eckenstein, IL
Dr. Carly C. Cunningham, TX
Dr. Murray D. Dickson, AL
Dr. Jonathan Jay Eckhardt, OH
Dr. Michael W. Curry, TX
Dr. Brian J. Diemer, CO
Dr. Brett Edward Eckley, WV
Dr. Alan A. Curtis, AZ
Dr. Gregory W. Dietmeier, CO
Dr. Christopher J. Edelen, KY
Dr. Richard L. Curtis, UT
Dr. Andrew Dietrich, FL
Dr. Robert L. Edgerton, FL
Dr. Richard M. Curtis, CA
Dr. Carl P. Dietrich, III, OH
Dr. Ruth E. Ross Edmonds, TN
Dr. Robert H. Curtis, FL
Dr. Victor S. Dietz, MA
Dr. Scott B. Edmonds, KS
Dr. Gary A. Cutler, OK
Dr. Paul A. DiFranco, Jr., IL
Dr. Cory B. Edwards, AL
Dr. Marcus M. Dager, IN
Dr. D. Briar Diggs, MT
Dr. Lance Edwards, ON
Dr. Sam W. Daher, BC
Dr. Gary J. Dilley, NC
Dr. Laura J. Edwards, MI
Dr. Curtis W. Dailey, VA
Dr. Dennis M. DiPalma, OH
Dr. Frank R. Egan, NY
Dr. Mark L. Dake, MO
Dr. Frederick W. Distelhorst, CO
Dr. Gerald R. Eganhouse, IA
Dr. Lana Dalbah, United Arab Emirates
Dr. Anthony Wade Ditcharo, TN
Dr. Nadine J. Egger, WA
Dr. David R. D’Aloisio, ON
Dr. Lan Doan, TX
Dr. Nader Ehsani, CA
Dr. Lauren Dalzen, UT
Dr. Paul Doi, AZ
Dr. James T. Eimer, OH
Dr. Stephen L. Danchok, OR
Dr. Donald B. Dolan, FL
Dr. James J. Eischen, CA
Dr. Joseph B. Dankey, CO
Dr. John P. Doley, VA
Dr. Eric Eisen, IL
Dr. James A. Dart, WA
Dr. Carin Domann, TX
Dr. Oleg E. Eisenstein, GA
Dr. William B. Daugherty, Jr., KY
Dr. Michael T. Don, AZ
Dr. John J. Eisinger, CA
Dr. Alexis D. David, BC
Dr. Joseph L. Dongieux, LA
Dr. K. George Elassal, OK
Dr. Kirk R. Davies, WI
Dr. Mark T. Donovan, AZ
Dr. Tarek H.A. El-Bialy, AB
Dr. Julian E. Davila, IN
Dr. James E. Dooley, MA
Dr. Susan Stinely Eles, NC
Dr. Craig H. Davis, CA
Dr. Thuy-Duong Do-Quang, Netherlands
Dr. Ousama El-Hillal, AZ
Dr. George E. Davis, III, VA
Dr. John M. Doris, CO
Dr. J. Matthew Elison, ID
Campaign Contributors
Dr. David C. Ellenberg, MN
Dr. Donald J. Ferguson, United Arab Emirates
Dr. John R. Frick, NC
Dr. Thomas S. Ellerhorst, CA
Dr. Thomas A. Ferlito, MA
Dr. Neil H. Fried, MA
Dr. Richard C. Ellingsen, WA
Dr. Mai Tran Ferrara, TX
Dr. Curtis Friedenberg, MD
Dr. Bernhard H. Ellingson, MN
Dr. Frederick J. Ferrari, NJ
Dr. Joel R. Fromer, PA
Dr. Douglas J. Elliott, NH
Dr. Louis Anthony Ferraro, MA
Dr. Richard S. Fronczak, CO
Dr. Larry F. Elliott, FL
Dr. Deborah Ferrer, FL
Dr. Stuart Lund Frost, AZ
Dr. Lynae D. Ellis, IL
Dr. Tyler Ferris, TX
Dr. Wayne A. Frostad, OR
Dr. Troy N. Elms, TX
Dr. Michael Fesler, TX
Dr. Edwin J. Fuder, MI
Dr. Bryan S. Elvebak, TX
Dr. David D. Feuer, FL
Dr. Parker J. Fuhriman, OR
Dr. Dominic A. Emanuele, NY
Dr. David Feuerhahn, MO
Dr. Yukio Fujimori, Japan
Dr. Clint Emerson, OK
Dr. Richard D. Fewell, TN
Dr. Lori Ann Fulk, TX
Dr. Juan R. Emmanuelli, PR
Dr. Michael Fey, WA
Dr. Leslie H. Fullerton, TX
Dr. Steven C. Emrich, OH
Dr. Joseph A. Fiedler, MN
Dr. Duward T. Fulmer, SC
Dr. Daniel J. Endrizal, FL
Dr. Daniel R. Fiehrer, MT
Dr. L. R. Fuqua, Jr., TN
Dr. Mark Theodore Endrizzi, UT
Dr. Bruce M. Field, MA
Dr. Anthony J. Furino, NY
Dr. E. Lee Engel, Jr., MS
Dr. Hardy Fields, TX
Dr. Maria Therese S. Galang, IL
Dr. William D. Engilman, KY
Dr. Robert S. Fields, CT
Dr. Edna C. Galarza, PR
Dr. Jeryl D. English, TX
Dr. Howard A. Fienman, NJ
Dr. James (Jay) R. Galati, AZ
Dr. Harold O. Enoch, GA
Dr. Alexis Figueroa, PR
Dr. Robert N. Galbreath, VA
Dr. Joshua Z. Epstein, NJ
Dr. Annelisse Figueroa, PR
Dr. Richard Gallagher, CA
Dr. Francisco Eraso, IN
Dr. Timothy M. Finelli, NH
Dr. Dana Anne Gamblin, CO
Dr. Joshua Erickson, CO
Dr. Wayne A. Finnegan, MN
Dr. Stephen H. Gamm, RI
Dr. Keith Robert Erickson, MN
Dr. Ken Fischer, CA
Dr. Robert J. Gange, CT
Dr. Lee P. Erickson, NS
Dr. Bruce D. Fiske, OR
Dr. Cassiano T.C. Garcia, MD
Dr. Rex H. Ervin, OR
Dr. Mark R. Fiss, DE
Dr. Eloisa S. Garcia, IL
Dr. Robert A. Escher, Jr., KY
Dr. Dennis Joseph Flanagan, IL
Dr. Jose L. Garcia, CA
Dr. Phil R. Etzelmiller, NE
Dr. Kent Joseph Floreani, ON
Dr. Lynda D. Garcia, NM
Dr. Ann Marie Evanko, NY
Dr. Lance Fogle, SC
Dr. Lynette Garcia, PR
Dr. Rhonda Leeann Sandlin Evans, LA
Dr. Patrick F. Foley, IL
Dr. Manuel Garcia-Vinas, PR
Dr. Thomas Ford Everett, MN
Dr. David P. Forbes, IL
Dr. Ernest J. Gardner, Jr., SC
Dr. Scott R. Ewers, WI
Dr. Darren J. Forcier, NY
Dr. Michael Gardner, NV
Dr. Sabin K. Ewing, TN
Dr. Douglas E. Ford, OH
Dr. Judah S. Garfinkle, OR
Dr. James R. Fahrbach, FL
Dr. Russell H. Ford, CO
Dr. Mark A. Garlington, CA
Dr. Brandon Fairbanks, UT
Dr. Lavonne K. Fore, GA
Dr. Daryl H. Garn, AZ
Dr. Morton W. Fairleigh, TX
Dr. Andrew E. Forman, AZ
Dr. La Forrest D. Garner, IN
Dr. Valerie Bowser Fajen, TX
Dr. Melanie R. Forrister, NC
Dr. James D. Garol, NV
Dr. Jessica A. Falk, PA
Dr. Joseph C. Forsman, TX
Dr. Steven G. Garrett, VA
Dr. Basma Fallah, TX
Dr. Christian Merit Fortney, CA
Dr. Robert F. Garrison, SC
Dr. Alison Fallgatter, ND
Dr. Raymond A. Fortson, MI
Dr. Garry G. Gast, CA
Dr. Drew W. Fallis, TX
Dr. W. Jay Fosbury, TX
Dr. Sandra H. Gathany, TX
Dr. Yiyu Fang, WA
Dr. Brandon B. Fowler, CA
Dr. Donald Ray Gee, TX
Dr. Mark S. Farina, FL
Dr. Hudson D. Fowler, III, OH
Dr. Caleb A. George, Jr., NY
Dr. M. A. Faris, OH
Dr. Melanie M. Fowler, LA
Dr. Daniel C. George, MI
Dr. Joe H. Farrar, NC
Dr. Edward C. Fox, AZ
Dr. Debra Williams George, MA
Dr. Ken H. Farrar, GA
Dr. John N. Fox, MO
Dr. Robert R. George, TX
Dr. Deji V. Fashemo, TX
Dr. Albert T. Foy, Jr., AL
Georgia Association of Orthodontists, GA
Dr. James J. Fasy, RI
Dr. Michael J. Foy, CO
Dr. Richard R. Gere, CA
Dr. Forrest H. Faulconer, CO
Dr. Oral C. R. Francis, GA
Dr. Craig Gerken, OK
Dr. Kenneth M. Fauteux, VA
Dr. Scott Francois, MO
Dr. Daniel S. German, OH
Dr. Guy W. Favaloro, LA
Dr. Charles A. Frank, FL
Dr. Scott D. Gersch, NY
Dr. Dale Anne Featheringham, OH
Dr. Jonathan G. Frankmann, WI
Dr. Stanley Gersch, NJ
Dr. Austin W. Feeney, CT
Dr. William K. Fravel, FL
Dr. Gary P. Gersh, FL
Dr. Mark P. Feinberg, CT
Dr. Sylvia A. Frazier-Bowers, NC
Dr. Elizabeth K. Gesenhues, FL
Dr. Michael Adam Feinberg, AZ
Dr. Chris A. Freels, TX
Dr. Daniel A. Gestring, TX
Dr. Jonathan Feldman, CT
Dr. Christopher S. Freeman, FL
Dr. Chris H. Getman, TN
Dr. Melvin M. Feldman, NJ
Dr. David C. Freeman, CA
Dr. Dewey I. Getz, NM
Dr. Dana E. Fender, GA
Dr. Julian D. Freeman, NJ
Dr. Matthew Ghiz, UT
Dr. Charles P. Fenell, OH
Dr. Kenneth F. Freer, CA
Dr. Sally E. Ghrist, WI
Dr. David Stanford Ferguson, KY
Dr. Michael C. French, AB
Dr. Efstathios Giannoutsos, CT
Dr. Lisa M. Giarrusso, MA
Dr. Steven E. Gregg, WA
Dr. Theodore R. Harless, GA
Dr. Alan J. Gibb, AB
Dr. Mark D. Gregston, CO
Dr. David J. Harnick, NM
Dr. Eric P. Gibbs, NY
Dr. Frank L. Greiner, NJ
Dr. David M. Harper, AR
Dr. John P. Gibbs, CA
Dr. Craig Grider, MO
Dr. Scott Harper, CA
Dr. Colin S. Gibson, CO
Mr. John Griffin, Ireland
Dr. Paula L. Harre, NE
Dr. Jerome M. Gibson, TX
Dr. Thomas J. Griffin, NC
Dr. John F. Harrington, MI
Dr. Joe E. Gibson, Jr., TN
Dr. Donald A. Griffith, OR
Dr. Mark J. Harrington, MN
Dr. Thomas A. Giegerich, NJ
Dr. H. Gilman Griggs, AL
Dr. Billy R. Harris, NC
Dr. Heather L. Gietzen, MI
Dr. Fred M. Grimm, WA
Dr. Brent L. Harris, OH
Dr. Robert H. Gilbert, NC
Dr. O. G. Grimm, IL
Dr. Christopher T. Harris, NC
Dr. Jerry W. Gilliam, TX
Dr. Susan C. Grimm, OH
Dr. John B. Harrison, FL
Dr. Aaron Gilman, CT
Dr. Holly J. Grimslid, WI
Dr. Steven D. Harrison, MO
Dr. Steven D. Gilman, ID
Dr. Daniel J. Grob, AZ
Dr. James K. Hartsfield, KY
Dr. Charles A. Gilmore, WA
Dr. Gordon S. Groisser, MD
Dr. Tom E. Hartsock, KY
Dr. Amy Gimlen, CA
Dr. Daniel Grossman, CA
Dr. Andrew David Hass, NC
Dr. Joseph P. Giordano, MA
Dr. Robert H. Grossman, MN
Dr. Brent Hassel, WA
Dr. John G. Gisondi, CT
Dr. Mallory Groves, SC
Dr. Mark P. Hatala, NY
Dr. Karl W. Glander, II, IN
Dr. Edward Louis Grubaugh, MI
Dr. Nan E. Hatch, MI
Dr. Glenn H. Glass, AL
Dr. Brett Grube, CA
Dr. Darrell L. Havener, Jr., CO
Dr. William J. Glenos, Jr., FL
Dr. Helen Sonia Grubisa, ON
Dr. Arthur C. Hawkins, NM
Dr. Michael W. Gleysteen, MN
Dr. Duane C. Grummons, WA
Dr. Ben Haws, TN
Dr. Laura B. Glicksman, MA
Dr. Marshall B. Grunwald, IL
Dr. John L. Hayes, PA
Dr. Timothy J. Glupker, MI
Dr. Stephen M. Grussmark, FL
Dr. M. Donald Hayes, OH
Dr. David M. Gobeille, OR
Dr. Joseph A. Gryson, CA
Dr. Randolph J. Hayes, Jr., FL
Dr. Martin D. Gochnour, TX
Dr. Terry A. Guenthner, MN
Dr. Sharon K. Hayes, PA
Dr. Elizabeth Gohl, AR
Dr. Don R. Guest, CA
Dr. Steven P. Hearne, VA
Dr. Laurence A. Golden, IL
Dr. Susan Sandstrom Guest, MI
Dr. Shawna M. Heetland, TX
Dr. Edward M. Goldman, MD
Dr. Carl N. Gullick, TX
Dr. V. Matthew Heim, OK
Dr. Michael V. Goldman, AZ
Dr. Carl S. Gulrich, MA
Dr. Calvin K. Heinrich, NV
Dr. Hilton Goldreich, TX
Dr. Stanley W. Gum, CA
Dr. William C. Heintz, IL
Dr. Bart L. Goldsberry, UT
Dr. Alan C. Gusching, OH
Dr. William G. Hendrickson, TX
Dr. Bruce M. Goldstein, AZ
Dr. Richard Gutierrez, CA
Dr. Lawrence C. Henig, CA
Dr. Luis Gonzalez, PR
Dr. Gregory S. Guymon, ID
Dr. Richard Hennebry, United Kingdom
Dr. Luis Gonzalez-Morales, PR
Dr. Myron D. Guymon, UT
Dr. Roger A. Hennigh, VA
Dr. John R. Goode, CA
Dr. Andrew J. Haas, OH
Dr. Howard L. Henry, AZ
Dr. J. Russell Goodloe, Jr., AL
Dr. Mark P. Hablinski, TX
Dr. Michael Thomas Henry, NC
Dr. John L. Goodloe, III, VA
Dr. Gregory A. Hack, CT
Dr. Steven John Henseler, MN
Dr. Glenn C. Goodrich, OH
Dr. Michael T. Hagan, TX
Dr. Robert J. Herman, OK
Dr. Glenn R. Goodrich, OH
Dr. Dennis E. Halford, TX
Dr. S. Craig Herman, OH
Dr. Joseph P. Goodson, TX
Dr. James Adam Hall, AR
Dr. Paul C. Hermanson, IA
Dr. Jon L. Goodwin, OR
Dr. Steven E. Hallgren, MI
Dr. Jose M. Hernandez Loring, PR
Dr. Troy H. Gor, TX
Dr. William L. Haltiwanger, Jr., NC
Dr. Edward L. Herremans, MI
Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca, CA
Dr. Paul A. Hamersky, CO
Dr. Steven A. Hershcopf, CT
Dr. Doug Gordon, OH
Dr. John M. Hamlin, NY
Dr. Lee E. Hershon, SC
Dr. Robert B. Gordon, WI
Dr. David W. Hamula, CO
Dr. Stephen R. Hertzberg, IL
Dr. William M. Gordon, RI
Dr. Mark J. Handelin, NV
Dr. Michael A. Hess, FL
Dr. Mark L. Gorham, NM
Dr. Chester S. Handelman, IL
Dr. Ramin (Ron) Hessamfar, VA
Dr. Tara L. Gostovich, NJ
Dr. Thomas G. Handy, Sr., NC
Dr. Timothy J. Hession, NY
Dr. Bruce S. Gottlieb, CT
Dr. James B. Hanigan, TX
Dr. Scott Heying, TX
Dr. John M. Grady, PA
Dr. Paul F. Hannah, CA
Dr. David J. Hibl, CO
Dr. Brian G. Graf, UT
Dr. Stephen J. Hannon, II, NC
Dr. Harold E. Hickam, GA
Dr. Joseph J. Granata, WA
Dr. Blaine R. Hansen, NV
Dr. French E. Hickman, OK
Dr. Dennis L. Granberry, MS
Dr. G. Kristian Hansen, MT
Dr. Robert G. Hicks, FL
Dr. Lloyd E. Grant, CA
Dr. John F. Hanson, MA
Dr. Taylor T. Hicks, Jr., AZ
Dr. Mark A. Gray, GA
Dr. Michael D. Hanson, FL
Dr. John David Hiester, IN
Dr. Victor J.R. Grazina, NY
Dr. Pamela R. Hanson, WI
Dr. Philip R. Higginbotham, Jr., SC
Dr. Peter M. Greco, PA
Dr. Kimberly L. Hanysak, TX
Dr. James R. Hight, TN
Dr. Bryan E. Green, SC
Dr. Robert C. Haraway, Jr., AL
Dr. Brody Jamison Hildebrand, TX
Dr. Kenneth R. Greenbaum, OR
Dr. Louis J. Hardy, ME
Dr. Jed C. Hildebrand, TX
Dr. Greg D. Greenberg, TX
Dr. R. Brian Hardy, OH
Dr. Frederick Jay Hill, PA
Dr. Jessica Lynn Greenberg, NJ
Dr. Frederick N. Haring, OH
Dr. Jack A. Hill, TX
Dr. Arnold G. Greene, FL
Dr. James D. Harkins, PA
Dr. Rodney H. Hillam, ID
Dr. E. Vann Greer, OK
Dr. Jerry D. Harl, MO
Dr. Michael E. Hiller, LA
Campaign Contributors
Dr. Jack B. Hilty, CO
Dr. James L. Hurst, RI
Dr. Douglas D. Johnson, CA
Dr. Mark E. Hixson, NC
Dr. Ali S. Husain, DE
Dr. Gregory A. Johnson, IN
Dr. James F. Hoag, WY
Dr. J. Lawrence Hutta, OH
Dr. Gregory P. Johnson, CA
Dr. Steven J. Hoagburg, IN
Dr. Thuy Linh D. Huynh, VA
Dr. Jerrold Johnson, WA
Dr. Lam Quy Hoang, TX
Dr. Paul Hwang, OH
Dr. Joshua L. Johnson, WA
Dr. Paul M. Hobday, MN
Dr. Jeffrey D. Hyde, UT
Dr. Lawrence A. Johnson, WI
Dr. Tomomi Hobo, Japan
Dr. T. Allan Hymas, CO
Dr. Michael L. Johnson, TX
Dr. David C. Hobson, UT
Dr. Howard D. Iba, OK
Dr. Paul David Johnson, FL
Dr. Dennis W. Hodge, MI
Dr. Anil Idiculla, CO
Dr. Renata Rzazewska Johnson, IL
Dr. Andrew C. Hodges, TX
Dr. Robert Iezman, CA
Dr. Roger G. Johnson, OK
Dr. Jill P. Hodges, TN
Dr. Tomio Ikegami, Japan
Dr. S. Meredith Johnson, Jr., KY
Dr. Cheryl Ann Hodge-Spencer, MA
Dr. Yoshiyuki Ikemori, Japan
Dr. Vaughn Andrew Johnson, CO
Dr. Randall E. Hoff, CA
Dr. Michael J. Inda, WI
Dr. Mark W. Johnston, GA
Dr. Christopher M. Holahan, IA
International Straight Wire & Orthopedic Dr. Mark W. Joiner, CA
Dr. Craig T. Holdaway, UT
Seminars, Inc., CA
Dr. Tyler H. Jolley, CO
Dr. Marsha E. Holloway, GA
Dr. Alan W. Irvin, NC
Dr. James M. Jolly, Jr., MO
Dr. Brian G. Holman, UT
Dr. Michael D. Irwin, AL
Dr. Douglas A. Jostad, MN
Dr. John Kevin Holman, MS
Dr. John R. Isaacson, MN
Dr. Clark L. Jones, AZ
Dr. R. Gayle Holman, UT
Dr. Serkis C. Isikbay, IN
Dr. Graham Jones, WA
Dr. Charles W. Holmes, III, FL
Dr. Nicholas S. Ising, KY
Dr. L. Alan Jones, AL
Dr. Barney M. Hom, CA
Dr. John C. Ive, WA
Dr. Marston Jones, MD
Dr. Oana Bida Honey, IL
Dr. Jeff Iverson, UT
Dr. Neal Jones, AZ
Dr. Brian Po-Lin Hong, BC
Dr. Laura R. Iwasaki, MO
Dr. Janet L. Jordan, AZ
Dr. Jean Hong, VA
Dr. Monisha Gupta Iyer, NJ
Dr. Donald L. Jorgensen, CO
Dr. A. Lauren Hood-Olson, IL
Dr. Jason Roger Izzi, RI
Dr. Gregory J. Jorgensen, NM
Dr. Stephen C. Hopkins, Jr., MD
Dr. Charles B. Jackson, Jr., UT
Dr. Norman G. Jorgensen, UT
Dr. Bradley J. Hoppens, NE
Dr. Robin S. Jackson, BC
Dr. Hector L. Joy, PR
Dr. Atsuhiko Horiuchi, Japan
Dr. Lamont B. Jacobs, OH
Dr. James G. Judge, MA
Dr. Kazuo Horiuchi, Japan
Dr. Michael L. Jacobsen, CA
Dr. Franklin Robert Jung, AZ
Dr. Andre J. Horn, France
Dr. A. Page Jacobson, FL
Dr. Hans W. Jung, WA
Dr. Michael J. Hosier, OK
Dr. Alex Jacobson, AL
Dr. Alan F. Justin, NY
Dr. Glenn L. Hough, KS
Dr. Norman Jacobson, CA
Dr. Carlos E. Justiniano, PR
Dr. Wade Housewright, CO
Dr. Richard L. Jacobson, CA
Dr. Kurt Kacer, AZ
Dr. Jeffrey A. Housley, OK
Dr. Ronald Scott Jacobson, IL
Dr. Onur Kadioglu, OK
Dr. Richard A. Hovda, WI
Dr. Brian B. Jacobus, FL
Dr. Hajime Kagami, Japan
Dr. Caren F. Hovden, CA
Dr. J. Arturo James, PA
Dr. Masayuki Kagawa, Japan
Dr. Gerald L. Howe, MI
Dr. R. Don James, OK
Dr. Richard M. Kahn, NJ
Dr. Emily F. Howell, GA
Dr. T. Allen James, GA
Dr. Kenneth Y. Kai, CA
Dr. Howard L. Howell`, FL
Dr. Scott A. Jamieson, MI
Dr. Thomas F. Kaineg, FL
Dr. Rossana Hoyos, FL
Dr. Joseph E. Jamison, NC
Dr. Paul C. Kaiser, VA
Dr. Erik W. Hrabowy, OH
Dr. Timothy T. Janowicz, VA
Dr. Jay C. Kaltman, FL
Dr. Greg J. Huang, WA
Dr. Joseph Janowski, OH
Dr. Malia K. Kamisugi, HI
Dr. Shih-Hao Huang, TX
Dr. William A. Jardine, MI
Dr. James Kane, MA
Dr. Jeffrey C. Huber, OH
Dr. David P. Jarrell, IN
Dr. James F. Kane, III, MA
Dr. Joy Hudecz, NY
Dr. Ronald W. Jawor, CA
Dr. Neil C. Kanning, MO
Dr. J. Michael Hudson, IL
Dr. John H. Jayne, AL
Dr. Gene R. Kantack, ID
Dr. James B. Hudson, NY
Dr. Gerald J. Jeffry, CA
Dr. Hardik Kapadia, TX
Dr. Gerard W. Huerter, KS
Dr. Carolyn Jennings, KY
Dr. Hitesh Kapadia, WA
Dr. Leslee S. Huggins, TX
Dr. James H. Jennings, NM
Dr. Sunil Kapila, MI
Dr. Gaylon E. Hughes, TX
Dr. Alan C. Jensen, UT
Dr. Arthur L. Kapit, FL
Dr. Janeen Hughes, MA
Dr. Christopher Clay Jernigan, SC
Dr. Jason Robert Kaplan, GA
Dr. Todd J. Hughes, TX
Dr. Edward J. John, IL
Dr. Ross G. Kaplan, OR
Dr. J. Turner Hull, NC
Dr. Albert W. Johnson, IL
Dr. Alan W. Kaplin, IL
Dr. Mark Huls, IL
Dr. Baxter Edwin Johnson, Jr., KY
Dr. Mary Ann Karau, VA
Dr. Glenn Hummel, LA
Dr. Brett A. Johnson, TX
Dr. Tyler S. Karlin, CO
Dr. Gene R. Humphries, CA
Dr. Casey W. Johnson, CO
Dr. John W. Karotkin, TX
Dr. Donald W. Hunt, SC
Dr. David W. Johnson, CA
Dr. Maria A. Karpov, NY
Dr. Mark Stephen Hunter, MI
Dr. Dean B. Johnson, WA
Dr. Gerald R. Karr, TN
Dr. Irene Rita Hurst, FL
Dr. Diane Johnson, IN
Dr. Armine Kartalian, CA
Dr. Jeffrey J. Karvandi, MT
Dr. Gary J. Kloberdanz, CO
Dr. Allen K. Langford, TN
Dr. Gene A. Kasparek, SC
Dr. Richard J. Klockowski, NY
Dr. Andre J. Laprade, RI
Dr. Joy E. Kasparian-Federico, MA
Dr. Edward L. Klopfer, NH
Dr. Richard J. Largay, ME
Dr. Joseph S. Katz, NY
Dr. G. Thomas Kluemper, KY
Dr. Aldo M. Largura, IN
Dr. Michael A. Katz, NY
Dr. John P. Klump, NM
Dr. Jason L. Larkin, FL
Dr. Myron E. Katz, OK
Dr. Judson M. Knight, KY
Dr. Donald F. Larson, VA
Dr. Kiyokazu Kawakami, Japan
Dr. Dennis B. Knoles, UT
Dr. Michael Larson, CA
Dr. Shelliann A. Kawamoto, HI
Dr. Jessica Inglis Knorr, MN
Dr. Stephen J. Larson, CA
Dr. Richard Alan Kaye, NJ
Dr. Peter C. Knudson, UT
Dr. William Stewart Laster, NC
Dr. Erin Kazmierski-Furno, NJ
Dr. Arthur L. Kobal, CA
Dr. Caroline Laurent, CA
Dr. Michael J. Kehoe, MI
Dr. Lisa A. Kochis, KY
Dr. David S. Lavine, MD
Dr. John S. Kelchner, RI
Dr. Karen Koehler, FL
Dr. John P. Lawrence, NY
Dr. James Edward Kelley, II, SC
Dr. Mary Cay Koen, TN
Dr. Brett Thomas Lawton, FL
Dr. Michael G. Kelley, IN
Dr. Yasuhiro Koh, Japan
Dr. Thomas C. Lawton, FL
Dr. Daniel Kelly, IL
Dr. Joseph R. Kolody, CA
Dr. James L. Layport, OR
Dr. William M. Kelly, IL
Dr. Ronald P. Kolodziej, OH
Dr. Dennis J. Lazzara, IL
Dr. R. Paul Kelson, ID
Dr. John S. Konegni, CO
Dr. Thuan N. Le, CA
Dr. Keith A. Kemnitz, MN
Dr. Victor Kong, NJ
Dr. S. Robert Leaver, NV
Dr. David H. Kemp, TN
Dr. Samuel G. Koonce, Jr., NC
Dr. Scott E. Leaver, NV
Dr. Jeff Kemp, IL
Dr. Oleg S. Kopytov, PQ
Dr. Michael L. Leavitt, IN
Dr. Charles R. Kent, TX
Dr. Michelle Laffey Koster, WI
Dr. Larry J. Leber, AZ
Dr. James P. Kerns, CO
Dr. Ashok T. Kothari, IL
Dr. Harvey A. Leboe, TX
Dr. Allen B. Kerr, OR
Dr. Yogini A. Kothari, NY
Dr. Vance A. LeCrone, TX
Dr. Catherine A. Kerr, TX
Dr. Effimia Koumpia, Greece
Dr. Causey C. Lee, FL
Dr. Michael L. Kersey, BC
Dr. Andrew S. Kouvaris, CA
Dr. David P. Lee, AP
Dr. Gina Kessler, CO
Dr. Thomas Kovacs, MT
Dr. Gina Jiyoung Lee, NC
Dr. Leonard Kessler, NJ
Dr. Bryon R. Kozak, WI
Dr. Hao-Fu Lee, CA
Dr. John H. Khouri, VA
Dr. Fred J. Krause, NE
Dr. Ivan F. Lee, CA
Dr. Audra R. Kiefer, PA
Dr. William R. Kreul, WI
Dr. Robert P. Lee, TX
Dr. J. Peter Kierl, OK
Dr. Steven J. Kristo, WI
Dr. Sandra Lee, IL
Dr. Brian Jongyoon Kim, CA
Dr. James F. Krivan, TX
Dr. Sora Lee, VA
Dr. Enoch S. Kim, CA
Dr. Raymond P. Krob, OK
Dr. Victor Lee, TX
Dr. John S. Kim, CA
Dr. Thomas P. Kuhn, WI
Dr. Vivian W. Lee, CA
Dr. Jung Kook Kim, South Korea
Dr. Leroy Kulis, FL
Dr. Lisa A. Lehky, OH
Dr. Min-Jeong Kim, CA
Dr. Raj Kulkarni, OH
Dr. James Dunlap Leitner, III, SC
Dr. Todd Kimura, CA
Dr. Daniel Kuncio, NY
Dr. John B. Lem, MA
Dr. Nellie A. Kim-Weroha, MN
Dr. Ming-Fong Laski Kung, CA
Dr. Kate Farnoush Lembck, PA
Dr. Elbert W. King, NM
Dr. Steven K. Kunihiro, CA
Dr. Marc S. Lemchen, NY
Dr. Gene P. King, IL
Dr. Joseph G. Kunnel, IL
Dr. Steven Andrew Lemery, WA
Dr. Jack E. King, OH
Dr. Takao Kuroda, Japan
Dr. Katia Lemke, TX
Dr. John W. King, VA
Dr. Yasuko Kuroda, Japan
Dr. Jason Lenk, NH
Dr. Monica M. King, CO
Dr. J. Daniel Kutt, MI
Dr. Misty D. Lenk, VA
Dr. Roy K. King, FL
Dr. Bradley M. Kvittem, FL
Dr. Brent E. Lenz, VA
Dr. Samuel B. King, OH
Dr. Jeff B. Kwong, CA
Dr. Mark D. Lenz, WI
Dr. Suzanne R. King, GA
Dr. Keith R. Kyler, LA
Dr. Sunny Leong, AB
Dr. Tom B. King, TX
Dr. Stephen Labbe, MD
Dr. Prinda Lertpitayakun, Thailand
Dr. Harry R. Kinlaw, OH
Dr. Leslie L. Lagerquist, TX
Dr. Nancy Leung, CA
Dr. Jonathan H. Kinne, MI
Dr. Mark B. LaHaye, LA
Dr. Henry L. Levihn, WI
Dr. Dennis K. Kinoshita, CA
Dr. Philip W. LaHaye, Jr., LA
Dr. Alyssa S. Levin, AZ
Dr. Gerald M. Kinoshita, CA
Dr. Don E. Lahrman, IN
Dr. Paul C. Levin, ON
Dr. D. David Kinser, IA
Dr. Christopher Lai, CA
Dr. Terry A. Levitt, PA
Dr. Shanon T. Kirchhoff, MO
Dr. Yu-Ching Lai, CA
Dr. Lawrence E. Levy, ME
Dr. William S. Kirk, NC
Dr. William L. Lake, CO
Dr. Norman S. Levy, FL
Dr. Masayoshi Kishimoto, Japan
Dr. Gul R. Lalwani, NJ
Dr. Craig C. Lewis, FL
Dr. Yukio Kitafusa, Japan
Dr. Gregory A. Lamansky, WI
Dr. Howell Williamson Lewis, PA
Dr. Mark K. Kitamura, HI
Dr. Carlos V. Lamboy, TX
Dr. Frank C. Leyden, Jr., AL
Dr. Harry C. Kizer, TX
Dr. Manish Lamichane, PA
Dr. Ramona M. L’Heureux, NH
Dr. Kevin J. Klatte, PA
Dr. Alan S. Lammey, CT
Dr. Christopher G. Liang, MD
Dr. Richard Kleefield, CT
Dr. Don G. Lamparski, PA
Dr. Albert U. Liberatore, ME
Dr. Douglas J. Klein, OR
Dr. Judith D. Lampasso, NY
Dr. Theodore Librizzi, VT
Dr. Michal Kleinlerer, ME
Dr. Jason M. Landers, AR
Dr. William S. Lieber, CA
Dr. Lisa G. Klemenz, KY
Dr. Albert Landucci, CA
Dr. Deborah J. Lien, MN
Dr. Rodney J. Klima, VA
Dr. Richard L. Lang, IL
Dr. Julian M. Lifschiz, CA
Campaign Contributors
Dr. Roger S. Lim, CA
Maine Association of Orthodontists, ME
Dr. Susan B. McBeth, AR
Dr. Angela Lin, MA
Dr. Jesse G. Maize, MO
Dr. Richard F. McBride, TX
Dr. Steven J. Lindauer, VA
Dr. Larry S. Majznerski, MI
Dr. John Michael McCanlies, AZ
Dr. Meghan J. Lindgren, VA
Dr. Glenn R. Malchow, KY
Dr. Douglas C. McCartha, SC
Dr. Gary S. Lindner, NH
Dr. Hector R. Maldonado, LA
Dr. Richard E. McClung, WV
Dr. Carol Ann Lindsey, TX
Mr. Paul J. Malinske, NJ
Dr. Shelly L. McColm, KS
Dr. Robert H. Lindsey, Jr., TX
Dr. Daniel C. Mallory, TX
Dr. Michael A. McCombs, SAO/VA
Dr. Richard B. Lines, AZ
Dr. Robert W. Malloy, Jr., MT
Dr. Beechard C. McConnell, Jr., SC
Dr. Brandon J. Linn, CO
Dr. Steven D. Malmstrom, KS
Dr. Bruce P. McCoy, GA
Dr. Ronald R. Lints, MI
Dr. Arabella Malone-Trahey, NC
Dr. Scott Allen McCranels, FL
Dr. Ilya Lipkin, NJ
Dr. Salvatore J. Manente, NY
Dr. Julie F. McCray, MO
Dr. Herbert A. Lippitz, IL
Dr. Holland Maness, TN
Dr. Stephen K. McCullough, OK
Dr. Richard C. Litchfield, OR
Dr. Lisa M. Mangiarelli, FL
Dr. Andrew Bradley McDaniel, TN
Dr. Kate Pham Litschel, VA
Dr. Philip M. Mansour, NH
Dr. Kathleen R. McDermott, TX
Dr. Russell E. Little, NV
Dr. Mark S. Mappes, TN
Dr. Jeanne L. McDonald, ME
Dr. Jeffrey C. Liu, CA
Dr. John Joseph Marchetto, FL
Dr. John L. McDonald, OR
Dr. Jose Llompart, PR
Dr. Mary Beth Marcincin, PA
Dr. Mark J. McDonough, UT
Dr. David G. Lloyd, TX
Dr. Fred I. Marconi, Jr., FL
Dr. Ernest H. McDowell, FL
Dr. Franklin D. Lo, BC
Dr. Michael R. Marcotte, CT
Dr. Robin S. McEwan, CA
Dr. John T. Lockard, OK
Dr. Alan D. Marcus, CA
Dr. W. Michael McFadden, AZ
Dr. Stephen A. Locke, MA
Dr. Ronald E. Marenda, CA
Dr. Orval W. McFarland, SC
Dr. Joseph H. Lohner, NJ
Dr. Richard C. Mariani, Jr., FL
Dr. Thomas J. McGowan, WI
Dr. Meridith L. Long, GA
Dr. Sophie Markovich, MA
Dr. J. Kevin McGrory, TX
Dr. Ross E. Long, Jr., PA
Dr. Jack L. Markowitz, NJ
Dr. Kathleen McGrory, TX
Dr. Shawn Ray Long, IN
Dr. C. Kary Marris, FL
Dr. Jesse R. McGuire, TX
Dr. Thomas L. Longwell, FL
Dr. Curtis M. Marsh, TX
Dr. Mark Langley McInnis, SC
Dr. Ana R. Lopez, PR
Dr. Glory Barnes Marshall, TX
Dr. David L. McIntosh, FL
Dr. Brian J. Lorei, PA
Dr. Robert Marshall, MT
Dr. Christine E. McKenna, MA
Dr. Carney D. Loucks, IA
Dr. Adam J. Martin, UT
Dr. David J. McKenna, FL
Dr. Daniel D. Louie, TX
Dr. Boyd D. Martin, CA
Dr. John C. McKenna, FL
Dr. Anthony Thomas Lovrovich, WA
Dr. Celia S. Martin, FL
Dr. Mark Joseph McKenna, TN
Dr. Clifford Lowdenback, KY
Dr. Jennifer L. Martin, CA
Dr. Paul J. McKenna, MA
Dr. Russell H. Lowrey, AL
Dr. Justin J. Martin, Jr., NY
Dr. Jeremy Ray McKinney, AL
Dr. Jane S. Lu, TX
Dr. Robert S. Martin, MD
Dr. Andrea Latrice McLachlan, DC
Dr. Raymond C. Lubberts, CA
Dr. Daniel Marulli, NJ
Dr. Earl S. McLaughlin, Jr., AL
Dr. Kevin P. Lucas, IL
Dr. Michael J. Maslowski, WI
Dr. Michael T. McLaughlin, AZ
Dr. John C. Lude, OH
Dr. Nawaf Masri, MI
Dr. W. Charles McLuckie, FL
Dr. Stephen E. Ludwig, CA
Dr. Scott S. Masunaga, HI
Dr. Kenneth K. McMahon, OH
Dr. Jeremy R. Lustig, TX
Dr. Michele J. Mathews, CO
Dr. R. Glenn McMinn, ID
Dr. James C. Lyles, TX
Dr. Robert E. Matlack, CA
Dr. Raymond J. McMullen, Jr., IL
Dr. Alexis D. Lyons, CA
Dr. Milton L. Matos, PR
Dr. Marion Bancroft McMurphy, III, AL
Dr. Richard M. Lyons, NY
Dr. Keishi Matsumoto, Japan
Dr. Elizabeth G. McNabb, CA
Dr. Nadia Lyotard, TX
Dr. Christopher J. Matthews, OR
Dr. Laurie McClatchey McNamara, MI
Dr. Eric M. Macaluso, LA
Dr. Matt A. Matthews, OR
Dr. Michael L. McNeil, TX
Dr. Tarryn S. MacCarthy, ME
Dr. Brian L. Mattiacio, NY
Dr. Barry D. McNew, TX
Dr. Keith E. MacDonald, AZ
Dr. Chris Mattingly, KY
Dr. Matthew David McNutt, NC
Dr. Douglas H. MacGilpin, CT
Dr. John B. Mattingly, KY
Dr. Robert A. McPherson, AZ
Dr. Monica Madan, CA
Dr. Robert Louis Mattioli, RI
Dr. Scott T. McPherson, GA
Dr. Erik H. Madsen, UT
Dr. Barry I. Matza, FL
Dr. Timothy J. McReath, WI
Dr. Alisa Madson, MN
Dr. Norman A. Maxfield, UT
Dr. David C. McReynolds, TX
Dr. Sandra Maduke, BC
Dr. James F. May, MN
Dr. Russ McReynolds, MS
Dr. Ernest A. Maggioncalda, CA
Dr. Matthew C. Mayers, OH
Dr. Timothy M. McSweeney, NY
Dr. James Maginnis, SC
Dr. Melvin Mayerson, OH
Dr. Albert R. McWilliams, CA
Dr. Robert W. Magness, TX
Dr. James R. Mayfield, WA
Dr. Rollin C. Mead, WY
Dr. Shannon I. Magnuson, WA
Dr. Rosario F. Mayro, PA
Dr. Betsy A. Meade, MI
Dr. Peiman Mahdavi, MA
Dr. George S. Mayweather, CA
Dr. Jesse M. Medina, TX
Dr. Becky Maher, WI
Dr. George W. Mazzei, FL
Dr. Liana E. Medina, TX
Dr. Lloyd Mahler, MA
Dr. Mark K. McAlister, AZ
Dr. Pedro A. Medina-Nieves, PR
Dr. Kim T. Mai, NV
Dr. Paul McAllister, TX
Dr. Christopher J. Megna, TX
Dr. Michael P. Meharg, NY
Dr. Julie Huh Mol, NC
Dr. Robert Berge Najarian, MI
Dr. Daniel S. Meister, FL
Dr. Aaron D. Molen, WA
Dr. Raymond W. Najem, OH
Dr. Tammy L. Meister, MN
Dr. Thomas A. Molin, MN
Dr. Wade J. Najem, OH
Dr. Zoi Meleti, Greece
Dr. Noel Molini, PR
Dr. Tadao Nakago, Japan
Dr. Samuel M. Meline, FL
Dr. Edward J. Monahan, MN
Dr. Norman K. Nakaji, NC
Dr. Joseph T. Mellion, OH
Dr. Mike L. Monroe, OR
Dr. Masatoshi Nakakuki, Japan
Dr. Nicholas P. Mellion, OH
Dr. Michael P. Montaleone, IL
Dr. Osamu Nakane, Japan
Dr. Zachary J. Mellion, OH
Dr. Robert J. Montoya, TX
Dr. Bryan P. Nakfoor, IL
Dr. Maria Del Carmen Mendez, FL
Dr. Scott D. Moon, CA
Dr. Nicole Nalchajian, CA
Dr. Carlos A. Mendez-Villamil, PR
Dr. John W. Moore, WA
Dr. James Nasby, MN
Dr. Mark G. Mendlik, NE
Dr. R. William Moore, CA
Dr. Peter H. Nasser, LA
Dr. Silvia M. Menendez, TX
Dr. Thomas E. Moore, MO
Dr. Rachel Hubbard Naylor, KY
Dr. Geralyn Menold, CA
Dr. W. Jim Moore, Jr., AR
Dr. William D. Neale, FL
Dr. Ana M. Mercado, OH
Dr. William C. Moore, AL
Dr. Steven J. Nedrelow, MN
Dr. Reed M. Merrill, UT
Dr. Bret E. Mooso, ID
Dr. Leon Nehmad, NJ
Dr. Jeffrey Louis Merritt, TX
Dr. David R. Moradi, OR
Dr. David R. Neil, MT
Dr. Jerald L. Merritt, Jr., TX
Dr. Jose A. Morales-Diaz, PR
Dr. Rick Neilson, NV
Dr. Mary Lynn Merz, CA
Dr. Kirk I. Moran, AZ
Dr. E. James Nelson, WA
Dr. Jennifer Messenger, OR
Dr. L. Morgan Moranda, CA
Dr. Ellen M. Nelson, TX
Dr. Kenneth B. Messer, IA
Dr. Larry J. Moray, NC
Dr. L. Spence Nelson, CO
Dr. Marion L. Messersmith, TN
Dr. Elizabeth Tunney Morejon, FL
Dr. Mark W. Nelson, WA
Dr. Jason A. Messingham, CO
Dr. Tlhomamiso Moremi, IL
Dr. Michael Nelson, TX
Dr. David M. Meyer, SD
Dr. Donald A. Morgan, TX
Dr. Robert B. Nemeth, MN
Dr. Kamp Richard Meyer, SD
Dr. John A. Morgan, OH
Dr. Roland G. Nentwich, MA
Dr. Richard C. Meyer, AR
Dr. Yasunori Mori, Japan
Dr. Jeanne M. Nervina, MI
Dr. Richard P. Meyer, CA
Dr. Charles K. Morin, OK
Dr. Peter N. Neuman, TX
Dr. Samuel B. Meyrowitz, PA
Dr. Daniel L. Morin, WY
New Jersey Association of Orthodontists, PA
Dr. Wayne P. Michaelis, OH
Dr. Edwin L. Morris, MD
Dr. William J. Newell, IL
Dr. Christine M. Michaels, IL
Dr. Mylon B. Morris, CO
Dr. William Robert Newell, GA
Dr. Dennis J. Michaelson, ID
Dr. James A. Morrish, Jr., FL
Dr. Yana V. Newman, NJ
Dr. Edward C. Michaud, MA
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Morrone, NJ
Dr. John H. Newton, UT
Michigan Association of Orthodontists, MI
Dr. Jim Bill Morrow, TX
Dr. Matthew Ng, TX
Dr. Harold L. Middleberg, PA
Dr. Wayne A. Mors, IL
Dr. Richard I. Ng, ON
Dr. Rosemarie Motal Middleton, TX
Dr. Micah G. Mortensen, UT
Dr. Peter Ngan, WV
Dr. Colin A. Mihalik, TX
Dr. Darron Mortenson, AZ
Dr. Ann Nguyen, TX
Dr. Masao Miki, Japan
Dr. Mazyar Moshiri, MO
Dr. Baokhanh H. Nguyen, CA
Dr. David M. Mikulencak, TX
Dr. Elliott M. Moskowitz, NY
Dr. Christopher H. Nguyen, CA
Dr. Catherine Miller, OR
Dr. Arturo F. Mosquera, FL
Dr. Denise T. Nguyen, VA
Dr. Frank R. Miller, TX
Dr. Perry D. Mowbray, Jr., VA
Dr. Thao (Kate) Nguyen, NV
Dr. Galen D. Miller, CO
Dr. Richard D. Mulholland, CO
Dr. Thu-Trinh Nguyen, TX
Dr. James M. Miller, CA
Dr. Edward J. Mulick, ID
Dr. Vinh T. Nguyen, CA
Dr. James R. Miller, MN
Dr. R. Russell Mullen, VA
Dr. Laura O. Nichols, CA
Dr. Kristen A. Miller, CA
Dr. Thomas F. Mulligan, AZ
Dr. James R. Nicholson, IN
Dr. Natalie Miller, CA
Dr. Joseph M. Mullins, CA
Dr. Jeffrey C. Nickel, MO
Dr. Paul E. Miller, IL
Dr. Thomas L. Munholland, CO
Dr. Lewis G. Nieberg, NY
Dr. Richard W. Miller, NH
Dr. Charles W. Munk, MI
Dr. Brent Nielson, UT
Dr. Richard W. Miller, II, NH
Dr. Ricardo J. Munoz, NM
Dr. Markus Niepraschk, VA
Dr. Stacy E. Miller, TX
Dr. C. Chris Murphy, AZ
Dr. Donald L. Niewold, NM
Dr. Stephen Miller, PQ
Dr. John J. Murphy, OH
Dr. Toshio Niki, Japan
Dr. Tamara S. Miller, TX
Dr. Paul S. Murphy, OH
Dr. C. Gordon Niles, Jr., MI
Dr. Brad S. Mills, KY
Dr. Thomas D. Murphy, SC
Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell Nill, MO
Dr. Donald E. Mills, TX
Dr. Wade L. Murphy, AR
Dr. Michael L. Nippert, TN
Dr. Mark J. Mills, CO
Mr. John J. Murray, OH
Dr. Philip M. Nisco, CA
Dr. Peter B. Mills, FL
Dr. Mark Musgrave, OH
Dr. Kinichiro Niwa, Japan
Dr. Pete Minjarez, II, CA
Dr. Karl F. Muster, IL
Dr. Patrick James Nolan, MI
Dr. Michael David Minnich, CA
Dr. James H. Mutti, MO
Dr. Carey B. Noorda, NV
Dr. William A. Mischler, KY
Dr. Shahram Nabipour, CA
Dr. Scott Nord, UT
Dr. Steven Misencik, OH
Dr. Michael W. Naborowski, IL
Dr. Susan A. Nordstrom, OR
Dr. Joe I. Mitchell, CA
Dr. Herbert R. Nachtrab, III, MA
Dr. Felipe Norena, FL
Dr. Kelly B. Mitchell, NC
Dr. Carlyle F. Naessig, SD
Dr. Elana Yerushalmi Norman, CA
Dr. William A. Mitchell, Jr., SC
Dr. Jay B. Nagamatsu, BC
Dr. James W. Norman, TX
Dr. Kunihiko Miyashita, Japan
Dr. Anthony E. Nagy, CA
Dr. D. Steve Norris, LA
Dr. Elaheh Moheb, TX
Dr. Paul D. Nagy, OH
Dr. Rodney G. Northrup, UT
Campaign Contributors
Dr. Louis A. Norton, CT
Dr. Hyun Park, CA
Dr. Julianne C. Peterson, ON
Dr. Peter G. Notaras, CA
Dr. Joorok Park, CA
Dr. Thomas W. Peterson, VA
Dr. Richard B. Novick, TX
Dr. Won-Woo Park, AZ
Dr. Carmine N. Petrarca, MD
Dr. Robert G. Nowlin, TX
Dr. Barrett J. Parker, CA
Dr. Ralph D. Petrey, KY
Dr. Matthew R. Noyce, WI
Dr. Justin O. Parker, UT
Dr. Glen F. Petrick, TX
Dr. William M. Odom, CA
Dr. Phillip R. Parker, OK
Dr. Brad Pezoldt, CA
Dr. Barbara G. O’Donnell, TX
Dr. Meredith Parks, VA
Dr. Charles R. Pfister, OH
Dr. Larry J. Oesterle, CO
Dr. Quay W. Parrott, III, VA
Dr. Nancy Dung Phan, CA
Dr. Elmaz Oeztokat, Germany
Dr. Mitra Parsa, FL
Dr. James T. Phelan, AR
Dr. Yoshitaka Ogata, WA
Dr. Michael R. Pashley, CA
Dr. Eric Tyler Phelps, CA
Dr. HeeSoo Oh, CA
Dr. Hema Patel, ON
Dr. John S. Phelps, IL
Dr. Vicki E. Okamoto, CA
Dr. Mayuri V. Patel, FL
Dr. Thomas E. Phelps, CA
Dr. Larry A. Okmin, CA
Dr. Smita Patel, WA
Dr. John R. Phillips, KY
Dr. Roger J. Oldroyd, UT
Dr. Kumendran Pather, ON
Dr. John R. Phillips, III, AL
Dr. Michael D. O’Leary, WI
Dr. Dwayne J. Patritto, IA
Dr. S. Warren Phillips, Jr., NC
Dr. James M. Oleskevich, MO
Dr. Robert E. Patterson, AZ
Dr. Austin Phoenix, OR
Dr. Jazmin E. Oliva, PR
Dr. Tracy R. Patterson, MA
Dr. Andrea Picard, ON
Dr. Edgardo E. Olivencia, PR
Dr. William C. Patterson, CA
Dr. Clarice K. Pick, NM
Dr. Donald R. Oliver, MO
Dr. Peter E. Paulos, UT
Dr. Michael B. Pickard, WA
Dr. Bruce E. Ollins, NJ
Dr. Richard C. Paulson, MN
Dr. Robert B. Pickard, MO
Dr. David L. Olsen, WI
Dr. Michael W. Paulus, OH
Dr. Robert Clay Pickering, TX
Dr. Jason Olsen, NC
Dr. William D. Paulus, OH
Dr. Francis Picon, PR
Dr. Taylor M. Olsen, CA
Dr. Anthony Paventy, OR
Dr. Bradley J. Pierson, TX
Dr. Chris Olson, AZ
Dr. Sarah S. Pavlow, PA
Dr. Susan M. Pincofski, NJ
Dr. Thomas Olson, MD
Dr. Diane S. Paxton, WA
Dr. Carrie W. Pisklak, TX
Dr. H. M. Omana, UT
Dr. Michael H. Payne, CA
Dr. John W. Pitner, SC
Dr. Frank Francis Omerza, OH
Dr. Karl D. Peach, ID
Dr. Leslie Pitner, SC
Dr. H. Richard O’Neal, TX
Dr. Joe W. Pearson, AZ
Dr. Arnold Charles Pitts, NV
Dr. Gerald T. O’Neil, MA
Dr. Thomas W. Pearson, TX
Dr. Thomas R. Pitts, NV
Dr. Angela Incrapera Orfanos, TX
Dr. Timothy R. Pearson, CA
Dr. Ana M. Planells, CA
Dr. Donald E. Orloff, CA
Dr. James L. Peck, CA
Dr. Benjamin Pliska, BC
Dr. Harry A. Osborne, OH
Dr. Sheldon L. Peck, UT
Dr. Michael D. Plunk, TX
Dr. James W. Osborne, MO
Dr. Nikole G. Pecora-Yun, MI
Dr. James M. Poco, CA
Dr. Kevin O’Shaughnessy, FL
Dr. John P. Peden, FL
Dr. Bruce J. Podhouser, ME
Dr. Vincent J. O’Shell, TX
Dr. Richard V. Pedersen, UT
Dr. Norman J. Pokley, MI
Dr. John A. Oshetski, CA
Dr. Peter Pellegrini, WA
Dr. C. Edwin Polk, OK
Dr. Benjamin J. Ossi, FL
Dr. Mitchell W. Pelsue, WI
Dr. Jason K. Pollei, TN
Dr. Hasan F. Othman, IL
Dr. Joseph R. Peluso, MA
Dr. Vernon W. Pollock, NV
Dr. Paul L. Ouellette, FL
Dr. Matthew J. Peluso, NJ
Dr. Sherwood R. Pomeroy, MN
Dr. Michael L. Ovens, AZ
Dr. Timothy J. Pence, SC
Dr. Stacy Poole, CA
Dr. Brandon A. Owen, CO
Dr. Richard B. Penfield, AL
Dr. Neil L. Pooler, OH
Dr. Clayton L. Owen, AR
Ms. LeeAnn Peniche, OR
Dr. Theodore R. Pope, OH
Dr. Robert H. Owen, Jr., AL
Dr. Robert C. Penny, TX
Dr. Ioana Alexandra Porfir, TX
Dr. Shannon E. Owens, WY
Dr. Shawn M. Perce, FL
Dr. Timothy J. Poser, WI
Dr. Daniel Eric Oxford, TN
Dr. Mark J. Perelmuter, KY
Dr. Charles F. Post, NH
Dr. Takemasa Ozaki, Japan
Dr. Barbara M. Perez, FL
Dr. Steven W. Potter, TX
Dr. Mark S. Ozier, TX
Dr. Irma Perez-Martinez, CA
Dr. Gerald P. Poulsen, UT
Dr. Adlin Pabon, TX
Dr. Richard A. Perkins, IA
Dr. Billy L. Powell, Jr., TX
Dr. Mark A. Paciorek, NY
Dr. Thomas E. Perkowski, OH
Dr. Phillip B. Powell, TN
Dr. Justin Pagan, WA
Dr. Rachel A. Perlitsh, MA
Dr. R. Steven Powell, GA
Dr. David E. Pair, CA
Dr. Gerard A. Perret, Jr., FL
Dr. Derek Powers, TX
Dr. Piero G. Palacios, FL
Dr. Robert M. Perrie, IL
Dr. Jay Prakash, FL
Dr. Gary D. Palma, CA
Dr. T. Richard Perrine, NC
Dr. Gordon Pratt, Jr., TX
Dr. Akash Pandya, TX
Dr. Matthew J. Pershing, NE
Dr. Kendra Covington Pratt, TX
Dr. Janet D. Pappas, FL
Dr. H. Dewey Peters, TN
Dr. James S. Prawat, IN
Dr. David E. Paquette, NC
Dr. Alan Mark Petersen, AZ
Dr. Sundaralingam Premaraj, NE
Dr. Jorge U. Parajon, FL
Dr. Arlon M. Petersen, AZ
Dr. Gary O. Prescott, FL
Dr. Jay Parekh, KY
Dr. Barrett G. Peterson, VT
Dr. E. Peter Prezzano, II, FL
Dr. Vincent A. Parisi, PA
Dr. Eric Peterson, AZ
Dr. Deborah E. Priestap, MI
Dr. Douglas R. Prince, IL
Dr. Richard M. Ribarevski, PA
Dr. John C. Rumble, FL
Dr. Robert W. Prince, UT
Dr. Thomas G. Rice, ME
Dr. Lisa A. Runck, MN
Dr. Jodi M. Prine, FL
Dr. Anne Bronwen Richards, IL
Dr. Kitichai Rungcharassaeng, CA
Dr. John Charles Pritchett, IN
Dr. John Marshall Richards, FL
Dr. John Russell, III, MS
Dr. William R. Proffit, NC
Dr. Michael F. Richards, UT
Dr. Robert Ross Russell, GA
Dr. Dave Frank Proietti, CO
Dr. Gregory L. Richardson, NC
Dr. Robert D. Rust, KY
Dr. Richard J. Provinzino, MN
Dr. Amy E. Richter, NY
Dr. Daniel J. Ryan, VT
Dr. Cynthia N. Pulitzer, TN
Dr. Jeff L. Rickabaugh, NC
Dr. Robert R. Ryder, MA
Dr. Samuel F. Pulitzer, TN
Dr. Joseph W. Rideau, CA
Dr. Thomas G. Rykovich, IN
Dr. Michael V. Purcell, MO
Dr. Ernest A. Rider, NC
Dr. Wilbert Saavedra, AZ
Dr. John C. Purdie, IA
Dr. Robert A. Ridgeway, ID
Dr. Shalev Sabari, ON
Dr. David C. Quast, KY
Dr. Arnold Martin Riesmeijer, Netherlands
Dr. Steven S. Sabatino, AZ
Dr. William J. Quest, IN
Dr. Linda E. Rigali, MA
Dr. George J. Sabol, III, VA
Dr. Meredith Lynn Quimby, NC
Dr. Randall P. Rigsby, FL
Dr. Conrad J. Sack, CA
Dr. Barry Quinn, CO
Dr. James L. Riley, VA
Dr. Eric M. Sacks, NJ
Dr. J. Timothy Quinn, WA
Dr. Anthony Rinaldi, OH
Dr. Charles A. Sadler, Jr., IN
Dr. Tania Quinn, CO
Dr. Manisha (Mona) R. Rinaldi, OH
Dr. P. Lionel Sadowsky, AL
Dr. Kevin T. Race, WI
Dr. Christopher S. Riolo, WA
Dr. John P. Sahrmann, MO
Dr. Richard W. Radke, KS
Dr. Ronald K. Risinger, TX
Dr. Reem Salahuddin, TX
Dr. Matthew J. Radkowski, PA
Dr. Alexander E. Ritchey, IL
Dr. Gustavo Salas, TX
Dr. Larry J. Radney, TX
Dr. Jim G. Roberts, TX
Dr. Teresa A. Salino-Hugg, IA
Dr. Corina Radu, IL
Dr. Raenie Roberts, TX
Dr. Nitin Sallapudi, FL
Dr. Thomas D. Rafaill, MI
Dr. Paul R. Robinson, TX
Dr. Marlin S. Salmon, NY
Dr. Gisleda A. Ramos, FL
Dr. Stephen W. Robinson, MN
Dr. Ericka Ann Sample, TX
Dr. Jimmarie Ramos, PR
Dr. Thomas G. Robinson, MI
Dr. Alexander Michael Samuels, NY
Dr. Clark B. Rampton, UT
Dr. Dustin Roden-Johnson, TX
Dr. Risa Samuels, NY
Dr. Stephan A. Ramsay, TX
Dr. Gary E. Roebuck, NY
Dr. Laura San Martin-Pablos, TX
Dr. Priti Rana, IN
Dr. Denton R. Rogers, AZ
Dr. Robert Curtis Sanborn, III, NC
Dr. Kenneth W. Rankin, NC
Dr. Earl H. Rogers, FL
Dr. David A. Sanders, WV
Dr. John G. Rapp, IN
Dr. Matthew M. Rogers, VA
Dr. Norman L. Sanders, GA
Dr. Thomas L. Ratliff, OR
Dr. Ron Rogers, TX
Dr. Victor S. Sands, CA
Dr. Murray R. Ray, TX
Dr. Jenniffer Rojas, CA
Dr. Jean Musselman Santa Maria, MI
Dr. Stephen P. Rayburn, TX
Dr. Douglas A. Rollins, CT
Dr. Phillip J. Santucci, AZ
Dr. Eileen R. Raywood, IN
Mr. Phillip Rollins, CA
Dr. Curtis C. Sapp, WA
Dr. Setareh Razzaghi, ME
Dr. Treven Bret Rollins, AZ
Dr. Ramesh C. Sardana, MD
Dr. Timothy M. Reddy, OH
Dr. Paul N. Romanelli, WI
Dr. Mark R. Sardo, GA
Dr. Arthur C. Reed, TX
Dr. Gary J. Romeo, CT
Dr. A. Howard Sather, MN
Dr. Charles F. Reed, CO
Dr. Mack L. Rose, OK
Dr. Hidehiko Sato, Japan
Dr. Charles R. Reed, OH
Dr. Thomas P. Rose, CA
Dr. Motohiko Sato, Japan
Dr. Juddson Reed, FL
Dr. Andrew Rosen, AZ
Dr. Earl L. Sauget, GU
Dr. Paul W. Reed, MI
Dr. Sheldon W. Rosenstein, IL
Dr. Anthony W. Savage, VA
Dr. Bruce Kelly Reeder, OK
Dr. John A. Roshel, Jr., IN
Dr. Nicholas John Savastano, Jr., FL
Dr. Carter C. Reese, AZ
Dr. Neil D. Ross, CA
Dr. Stephen M. Sawrie, TN
Dr. Holly Wentz Reeves, TX
Dr. Jack G. Rosser, CA
Dr. Amy Smith Sawyer, LA
Dr. Frederick J. Regennitter, MN
Dr. Ricardo R. Rossy, PR
Dr. David V. Scaffidi, LA
Dr. Gary W. Reichhold, CA
Dr. Justin L. Roth, CO
Dr. Brian James Schabel, CA
Dr. Garth T. Reid, CA
Dr. Michael D. Roth, PA
Dr. William A. Schackel, NM
Dr. Michael J. Reilly, NY
Dr. Thomas E. Roth, SD
Dr. Robert I. Schacter, CA
Dr. Richard E. Reiser, UT
Dr. Laura Rothe, NE
Dr. Gregory D. Schardt, WI
Dr. Charles J. Rekow, KY
Dr. Jason Rothenberg, NJ
Dr. Eric Schatz, TX
Dr. Juan F. Rendon, TX
Dr. Leonard H. Rothenberg, FL
Dr. Nicole M. Scheffler, NC
Dr. Daniel F. Rentz, Jr., FL
Dr. Byron J. Round, CT
Dr. M. Joseph Scheingross, OH
Dr. Albert J. Repicci, CT
Dr. Michael J. Rovner, IA
Dr. Daniel J. Schellhase, FL
Dr. Lindsay Resmer, IN
Dr. Robert C. Rowan, CA
Dr. Richard A. Schlein, VT
Dr. Jeffrey B. Resnick, CO
Dr. Carl P. Roy, VA
Dr. Brian A. Schlueter, MO
Dr. Joseph Restic, OR
Dr. Norman E. Royse, OR
Dr. Darrell E. Schmidt, WI
Dr. Sherri Jo Reuland, TX
Dr. Richard J. Rozehnal, CO
Dr. David L. Schmidt, TX
Dr. Juliana F. Reutter-Miller, VA
Dr. Henry Rozen, FL
Dr. Deanne M. Schmidt, IL
Dr. Mark Revels, OK
Dr. Robert F. Rozene, MA
Dr. Jason Schmit, IA
Dr. Ashley L. Reynolds, MI
Dr. Budd Rubin, CA
Dr. Gretchen M. Schnepper, WA
Dr. Mark W. Reynolds, NC
Dr. Rebecca Lash Rubin, MI
Dr. F. Erik Schonberg, GA
Dr. Robert V. Reznichek, CA
Dr. Jay Y. Rudo, FL
Dr. Walter W. Schratz, PA
Dr. Dale V. Rhoney, OR
Dr. Joseph P. Ruisi, NY
Dr. David W. Schrody, IA
Campaign Contributors
Dr. Richard A. Schuberth, IL
Dr. Thomas S. Shipley, AZ
Dr. Morris J. Soriano, GA
Dr. William I. Schuckit, WI
Dr. Walker W. Shivar, VA
Dr. Jerome M. Sorrel, NY
Dr. George F. Schudy, TX
Dr. Paul E. Shok, PA
Dr. Glenn D. Sosebee, GA
Dr. John L. Schuler, IL
Dr. Loren E. Short, ID
Dr. Jose J. Soto-Lopez, PR
Dr. Jean M. Schultz, MN
Dr. Bhavna Shroff, VA
Dr. William R. Southworth, MA
Dr. Henry C. Schuppert, IL
Dr. Matthew B. Shuldberg, UT
Dr. Peter M. Spalding, OH
Dr. Lindsay Schuster, PA
Dr. Howard B. Shullman, FL
Dr. John Kyle Sparkman, TX
Dr. Susan Schuster, WI
Dr. Jerome B. Shuman, ME
Dr. Geoff Sparks, OK
Dr. William S. Schuster, WI
Dr. Sung S. Shyn, CA
Dr. Richard L. Sparks, CA
Dr. Andrew L. Schwartz, DC
Dr. Raymond E. Siatkowski, New Zealand
Dr. Frederick W. Spaulding, CT
Dr. William L. Schwartz, IL
Dr. Mamnoon A. Siddiqui, MI
Dr. Kirk A. Specht, CA
Dr. Ronald J. Scornavacca, MD
Dr. Lawrence R. Siegel, PA
Dr. Morton Speck, MA
Dr. Gregory P. Scott, FL
Dr. Philip T. Siegel, PA
Dr. Howard E. Spector, IL
Dr. Meredith R. Scott, TX
Dr. Donald L. Sierk, IA
Dr. Terry Spence, MO
Dr. Michael W. Scott, TX
Dr. Richard L. Sikora, IL
Dr. Alena R. Spielberg, NC
Dr. Nile G. Scott, CO
Dr. Peter F. Silcher, MT
Dr. Kevin G. Spillane, PA
Dr. Steven Harvey Scott, CA
Dr. Hugh R. Silkensen, AR
Dr. Michael E. Spoon, NY
Dr. Allison Scott-Walenjus, NJ
Dr. Edward N. Silverman, MD
Dr. Christopher Spoonhower, OH
Dr. C. Elam Scull, III, TX
Dr. Ian Silversmith, RI
Dr. Marshall D. Spoto, FL
Dr. Dennis C. Seager, CO
Dr. Richard A. Simms, CA
Dr. Gerald W. Springstead, FL
Dr. Thomas H. Sears, Jr., NC
Dr. Anna Karina Simon, MA
Dr. Robert E. Sprott, CA
Dr. Earl N. Seavall, CO
Dr. Jill Zerangue Simon, LA
Dr. Paul W. Sproul, AL
Dr. G. Ross Segal, NJ
Dr. Robert H. Simpson, CO
Dr. Frederick L. Sputh, IN
Dr. Lawrence H. Seitelman, NY
Dr. Lawrence E. Sims, OK
Dr. James T. St Clair, IV, TX
Dr. Robert M. Selden, III, NC
Dr. Robert E. Sims, TN
Dr. Suzan M. Stacknik, New Zealand
Dr. Keith T. Sellers, NC
Dr. Peter M. Sinclair, CA
Dr. J. Matthew Stacy, Jr., PA
Dr. Raphael Separzadeh, CA
Dr. Jay R. Singer, FL
Dr. Kimberley Alden Stafford, NE
Dr. Ronald R. Sepic, PA
Dr. Douglas A. Singleton, GA
Dr. Robert N. Staley, IA
Dr. Renan Serracante, PR
Dr. Pramod K. Sinha, WA
Dr. Richard G. Standerwick, BC
Dr. Madeline Julia Serrano, NC
Dr. Robert C. Sippel, NY
Dr. C. Michael Stansbury, KY
Dr. Jeffrey D. Sessions, OR
Dr. Annie C. Siu, CA
Dr. Christopher Stansbury, TX
Dr. Tammy R. Severt, NC
Dr. Thomas Michael Skafidas, GA
Dr. Craig M. Starling, TN
Dr. Robert W. Shafer, IL
Dr. David L. Skibell, TX
Dr. Gary Mark Starr, NC
Dr. Edward E. Shaffer, CO
Dr. Darrell E. Skoglund, MN
Dr. Malcolm E. (Mac) Steen, FL
Dr. Keyur A. Shah, IL
Dr. Peter M. Skoler, MA
Dr. Thomas A. Stegemann, ME
Dr. Tushar Shah, IL
Dr. Robert J. Skopek, IL
Dr. Scott Stein, NY
Dr. Dana Shaltry, WA
Dr. Lisa A. Slingbaum, FL
Dr. Michael G. Steinberg, NJ
Dr. James Shambarger, TX
Dr. Christopher Keith Smedley, PA
Dr. Brian Steinhoff, CA
Dr. Gary H. Shanker, MO
Dr. Bradley N. Smith, KS
Dr. Earl D. Steinhoff, CA
Dr. Shiva Vasudevan Shanker, OH
Dr. Brian David Smith, NC
Dr. John Fenning Steinman, VT
Dr. Kyle Shannon, OK
Dr. Darrell G. Smith, UT
Dr. James P. Stenger, MI
Dr. Timothy M. Shannon, OK
Dr. E. Brian Smith, TX
Dr. Reem Stephanos, CA
Dr. Lainie Margulis Shapiro, MI
Dr. Fred R. Smith, PA
Dr. Frederick G. Stern, MD
Dr. Peter A. Shapiro, WA
Dr. G. Richard Smith, OH
Dr. David Joseph Stevens, NY
Dr. John R. Shaw, AE
Dr. Glen A. Smith, ID
Dr. Lucas E. Stevens, FL
Dr. Troy R. Shaw, MT
Dr. James B. Smith, CA
Dr. Michael L. Stevens, UT
Dr. Michael W. Sheets, OR
Dr. Jennifer M. Smith, AB
Dr. Hal C. Stevenson, TX
Dr. Edward M. Sheinis, FL
Dr. Kara Estelle Smith, IN
Dr. Kelton T. Stewart, IN
Dr. Tom H. Shelly, IA
Dr. Nicole Connors Smith, CA
Dr. Mark C. Stewart, FL
Dr. Alice R. Shen, CA
Dr. Steven W. Smith, TX
Dr. Thomas R. Stewart, OK
Dr. Jeffrey D. Shepherd, UT
Dr. William Bradley Snipes, GA
Dr. Frank J. Stich, III, TX
Dr. Allan Sheridan, CA
Dr. James R. Snodgrass, MD
Dr. Mark Allen Stieg, AZ
Dr. Carroll L. Sherman, TX
Dr. Ronald J. Snyder, MN
Dr. Janet Lynn Stinson, TX
Dr. Dennis H. Sherman, MA
Dr. Scott A. Soderquist, IL
Dr. Lisa Morlock Stokes, TX
Dr. H. Peter Sherman, NY
Dr. Brandy L. Solomon, CA
Dr. Robert Alan Stoner, IN
Dr. Stephen L. Sherman, LA
Dr. Michael J. Solomon, TX
Dr. Joel M. Storm, NJ
Dr. George J. Shia, TX
Dr. Sarah M. Soltys Larson, MN
Dr. Robert S. Strange, VA
Dr. Sanford Shifrin, OH
Dr. Marshall Sommer, RI
Dr. Robin G. Stratmann, TX
Dr. Kenneth A. Shimizu, CA
Dr. Anoop Sondhi, IN
Dr. Wesley J. Streed, AZ
Dr. Mindy J. Streem, OH
Dr. James A. Tetz, OH
Dr. Corbin J. Turpin, III, LA
Dr. Tony Stretesky, OK
Dr. Lakshmi Thalanki, MA
Dr. David Alan Twesme, AL
Dr. Leon H. Strohecker, PA
Dr. Allyn M. Thames, AL
Dr. Thomas R. Twigg, MI
Dr. Ernest L. Stromeyer, NM
Dr. Terry L. Thames, TX
Dr. Gary A. Udis, PA
Dr. Michael B. Strope, KS
Dr. Carrie Hedin Thangamani, IL
Dr. Henry Udouj, III, AR
Dr. Meagan C. Struby, NV
Dr. Dawn S. Thatcher, CA
Dr. John M. Underhill, RI
Dr. Janice A. Struckhoff, KY
Dr. Todd A. Thayer, MN
Dr. Mark L. Underwood, KS
Dr. Lisa Frost Strunk, NE
Dr. Timothy Allen Theisen, IL
Dr. Shawn Underwood, TX
Dr. Carol Ann Stuckey, LA
Dr. Kevin Theroux, CO
Dr. Paul K. Upatham, CA
Dr. Karl F. Stucki, CA
Dr. Rachel H. Thieberg, TX
Dr. Sophia Xiang Updike, CA
Dr. Robert A. Studebaker, TX
Dr. Goodwin G. Thomas, Jr., SC
Dr. C. Calvin Upshaw, GA
Dr. John L. Studer, TX
Dr. Robert L. Thomas, IL
Dr. Derid Ure, TX
Dr. Paul J. Styrt, CA
Dr. Mark A. Thompson, TX
Dr. Jack D. Utley, Jr., PA
Dr. Raymond M. Sugiyama, CA
Dr. Michael A. Thompson, IL
Dr. John R. Valant, TX
Dr. David Sukoff, NY
Dr. Benjamin R. Thornton, OR
Dr. Gabrielle V. Valenti, CA
Dr. Jennifer Sullivan, KY
Dr. J. Douglas Thran, PA
Dr. Richard E. Valentine, FL
Dr. T. Kevin Sullivan, ME
Dr. Martin H. Thurston, CA
Dr. Manish Valiathan, OH
Dr. Andrew Summers, ID
Dr. Thomas A. Thurston, MT
Dr. Robert L. Vanarsdall, Jr., PA
Dr. Jeffery Craig Summers, SC
Dr. Philip Lawrence Tighe, PA
Dr. Marian Vander Linden, NY
Dr. Michael G. Summers, ID
Dr. Robert Tighe, PA
Dr. Donald E. Vanitvelt, FL
Dr. Nichole H. Sun, CA
Dr. Thomas A. Tiller, TX
Dr. Toby W. VanLandschoot, AZ
Dr. Burleigh Surbeck, WA
Dr. David V. Tillmanns, CA
Dr. Asha Madhavji Varma, TX
Dr. Neil Sushner, DC
Dr. Gerard P. Timmins, CO
Dr. Karen Lynn Varone, FL
Dr. Kenton A. Susott, IN
Dr. Douglas B. Tinloy, CA
Dr. Janet L. Vaughan, TX
Dr. Supaporn Suttamanatwong, Thailand
Dr. Edward F. Tipton, KY
Dr. O. B. Vaughan, TX
Dr. J. Richard Svitzer, NM
Dr. R. Thomas Tipton, AZ
Dr. Hernan J. Velez, PR
Dr. Kathryn Swan, MI
Dr. Mark A. Todd, AL
Dr. Melissa Wilson Venrick, CO
Dr. Timothy John Swanson, MN
Dr. Shane Rex Tolleson, TX
Dr. Frank J. Verde, MD
Dr. Denise Swasty, SC
Dr. Ming Fai Tommy Tong, CA
Dr. David M. Verlinich, CO
Dr. Karl A. Sweetman, TX
Dr. Ronald J. Toole, TX
Dr. Michael E. Vermette, NH
Dr. Jason Swelstad, MI
Dr. Gregg A. Toolson, CA
Dr. Daniel G. Very, PA
Dr. Lloyd B. Swiedom, TX
Dr. Kelly H. Toombs, KS
Dr. Hector L. Vesco, Guatemala
Dr. William J. Swigler, FL
Dr. Robert A. Toomey, MD
Dr. Bryan M. Vibeto, ND
Dr. Victoria M. Switzer, MD
Dr. Jeffrey Toothman, MD
Dr. Jose C. Vicens, PR
Dr. Damon P. Szymanowski, CA
Dr. Luis A. Toro, Sr., PR
Dr. Bradley L. Videen, MN
Dr. John W. Tabash, MO
Dr. Gilda Torossian, CA
Dr. Joseph M. Viechnicki, PA
Dr. Sawsan Tabbaa, NY
Dr. Manuel A. Torres-Diaz, PR
Dr. Katherine W.L. Vig, OH
Dr. G. Kent Tableman, ME
Dr. Donald R. Toso, LA
Dr. Enrique Villanueva, Spain
Dr. Robert J. Tacy, CA
Dr. Robert L. Toth, MO
Dr. Britt Visser, VA
Dr. Mario Tai, CA
Dr. Herbert Keyes Townsend, Jr., CO
Dr. Roger L. Visser, VA
Dr. Kenyu Takamoto, WA
Dr. Shelley Townsend-Hansen, ND
Dr. Pasquale A. Vitagliano, NY
Dr. Kenneth K. Takeda, CA
Dr. Dennis W. Trammell, OR
Dr. Vicki Vlaskalic, Australia
Dr. Rita Taliwal, NJ
Dr. Angela Marie Tran, TX
Dr. Louis S. Vodzak, CA
Dr. Ryan Tamburrino, NJ
Dr. Binh Tran, CA
Dr. Karl E. Voldeng, AZ
Dr. Quynh Tan, TX
Dr. Paul E. Tran, KY
Dr. Mark A. Vorhies, IN
Dr. Tatsumi Tanaka, Japan
Dr. John M. Traul, OR
Dr. Lawrence R. Voss, IL
Dr. Parul Taneja, MA
Dr. Stephen C. Trawick, FL
Dr. Samantha Mai-Chi Vu, AZ
Dr. Siqing Tang, China
Dr. Jean Treder, IA
Dr. John M. Wachtel, AZ
Dr. Nihar D. Tanna, CA
Dr. Bryce D. Tremblay, BC
Dr. Gregory V. Wadden, CA
Dr. Stephen K. Tanner, CA
Dr. Timothy J. Tremont, PA
Dr. Andrew B. Wade, OH
Dr. Patricia M. Tapley, FL
Dr. Louis Trenchard, TX
Dr. Melissa Wadler-Bloome, TX
Dr. Bryan E. Taylor, TX
Dr. Roger W. Triftshauser, FL
Dr. Jim A. Wagner, AR
Dr. David Taylor, TX
Dr. Justin Trimmell, KS
Dr. Michael J. Wagner, WA
Dr. Michael M. Taylor, NM
Dr. Janine Trindade, NJ
Dr. Andrew J. Wahl, MN
Dr. Robert R. Taylor, UT
Dr. Terry M. Trojan, TN
Dr. W. Michael Wainwright, BC
Dr. Ross L. Taylor, WA
Dr. Collin Tsai, CA
Dr. Charles E. Wait, AZ
Dr. Trevor K. Taylor, KY
Dr. Raymond Tsou, IL
Dr. Benjamin Walder, TX
Dr. David M. Teeter, OR
Dr. Roanne T. Tsutsui, HI
Dr. George L. Walker, IL
Dr. Jesse Teng, TX
Dr. Scott Franklin Tucker, NC
Dr. J. Edward Walker, Jr., AL
Dr. Jason W. Tennison, TX
Dr. Rodney C. Tuenge, CO
Dr. John S. Walker, CO
Dr. William F. Terhune, TX
Dr. John Turchetta, RI
Dr. Leah Walker, CA
Dr. Alfred J. Terp, MD
Dr. David S. Turner, TX
Dr. Lewis C. Walker, FL
Dr. Kevin D. Tesseneer, AL
Dr. Mark D. Turner, IN
Dr. Robert Daniel Walker, AZ
Campaign Contributors
Dr. Michael S. Wall, GA
West Virginia Association of Orthodontists, WV
Dr. Keith Woodall, AL
Dr. Ann W. Walters, OH
Dr. Robert R. Westbrook, TX
Dr. Thomas Woodard, VA
Dr. Walter Ray Walton, III, TX
Dr. Bonnie Daniels Wheatley, KY
Dr. Brad J. Woodford, ME
Dr. Victoria Marisa Wan, WA
Dr. Timothy T. Wheeler, FL
Dr. Lawrence D. Woodford, HI
Dr. Brian Ward, ID
Dr. Franklin M. Wheelock, VA
Dr. Prentice Wayne Woods, TX
Dr. Darin J. Ward, AB
Dr. Lance L. Whetten, NV
Dr. Donald G. Woodside, ON
Dr. Paul A. Ward, MI
Dr. J. Franklin Whipps, IL
Dr. Benjamin D. Wright, MD
Dr. John H. Warford, Jr., ND
Dr. Aaron J. White, TX
Dr. George Randy Wright, IL
Dr. A. Daniel Warren, NC
Dr. Adam R. White, GA
Dr. Nicole S. Wright, MI
Dr. Casey R. Warren, UT
Dr. Harry L. White, CA
Dr. William L. Wright, MI
Dr. Fredric R. Warren, CA
Dr. Larry W. White, TX
Dr. David M. Wu, NY
Dr. Philip C. Warren, MI
Dr. Sarah Cathryn White, TX
Dr. Jamson C. Wu, CA
Washington State Society of Orthodontists, WA
Dr. Thomas R. White, NV
Dr. Jennifer Wu, CA
Dr. Kim J. Wass, IA
Dr. Tommy Neil Whited, TN
Dr. Wayne Wyatt, OK
Dr. Joseph L. Wasson, TN
Dr. John R. Whiteman, NY
Dr. David D. Wynn, CA
Dr. David Waters, SC
Dr. John B. Whitley, Jr., LA
Dr. Mamoru Yamaji, Japan
Dr. Donihue Waters, GA
Dr. Carlin L. Wiemers, MN
Dr. Joseph J. Yamin, MA
Dr. David F. Watson, III, SC
Dr. David S. Wilbanks, TX
Dr. Mark R. Yanosky, AL
Dr. Jamey Watson, UT
Dr. Donald B. Wilcoxon, KS
Dr. Stephen Yao, CA
Dr. Jeremy R. Watson, UT
Dr. Cynthia S. Wiley, NC
Dr. Matthew Yeh, WA
Dr. Chad M. Watts, CO
Dr. Michelle Gores Wiley, CO
Dr. Gia Kim Yi, AP
Dr. Robert J. Weakley, CO
Dr. Robert L. Wilhelm, CO
Dr. Jenny Yoo, CA
Dr. Charles W. Weathers, TX
Dr. Kevin James Wilke, WI
Dr. Cecile Yoon-Tarlie, MA
Dr. Daniel A. Weaver, TX
Dr. Roland D. Wilken, TX
Dr. Kenmi Yoshida, Japan
Dr. David S. Weaver, OH
Dr. Don M. Wilkins, FL
Dr. Yoshiyasu Yoshikawa, Japan
Dr. James A. Weaver, AZ
Dr. Timothy J. Wilkins, MI
Dr. Andrew N. Young, KS
Dr. John K. Weaver, GA
Dr. Wendy E. Struss Willett, TX
Dr. H. Warren Youngquist, CO
Dr. Walter A. Weaver, Jr., MA
Dr. Cary A. Williams, FL
Dr. Robert E. Youngquist, CO
Dr. Chad S. Webb, OH
Dr. Craig B. Williams, GA
Dr. Robert R. Youngquist, WI
Dr. Sami Jo Webb, NE
Dr. David S. Williams, TN
Dr. Jing Joanna Yu, ME
Dr. Thomas J. Weber, NE
Dr. James E. Williams, IN
Dr. Paul Yurfest, GA
Dr. Mark J. Webster, UT
Dr. Robert Moody Williams, Sr., GA
Dr. Lisa Ann Yurkiewicz, FL
Dr. Robert W. Webster, KY
Dr. Thomas P. Williams, MI
Dr. Norman A. Zaffater, LA
Dr. Kiersten C. Week, WA
Dr. H. Bruce Willis, WA
Dr. Nicholas Pan Zafiropoulos, MA
Dr. Allan D. Weimer, CO
Dr. Janice J. Wilmot, GA
Dr. James J. Zahrowski, CA
Dr. Carol Weinstein, Chile
Dr. Charles W. Wilson, OH
Dr. David F. Zak, IL
Dr. Neil H. Weintraub, IL
Dr. David G. Wilson, PA
Dr. Joseph D. Zamboni, CA
Dr. Mark J. Weisenberg, CA
Dr. Donald C. Wilson, KS
Dr. J. Steven Zeh, KY
Dr. Charles D. Welch, Jr., SC
Dr. Douglass C. Wilson, NH
Dr. David W. Zemke, MN
Dr. David R. Weller, WA
Dr. Jack L. Wilson, SD
Dr. James R. Zettler, Jr., OH
Dr. Andrew P. Wells, NC
Dr. Ron D. Wilson, GA
Dr. Joseph F. Zgrodnik, MA
Dr. Elgin E. Wells, TX
Dr. Thomas G. Wilson, IA
Dr. Shaobin Zhang, CA
Dr. James A. Wells, KY
Dr. Robert P. Windauer, MT
Dr. Paul F. Zizza, CA
Dr. Todd M. Welsh, PA
Dr. John R. Windrow, TX
Dr. Chaninah Zweihorn, NY
Dr. David F. Wemmer, FL
Dr. Reid J. Winkler, WA
Dr. Christian G. Zylinski, OK
Dr. Jennifer Lynn Wemmer Schoenfeld, FL
Dr. Arnold I. Winshall, MI
Dr. Bradley Scott Wenande, SD
Dr. Constance P. Winslow, CT
Dr. Kyle S. Wendfeldt, AR
Dr. William J. Wise, TX
Dr. Lisa K. Wendling, MI
Dr. Gary Wiser, NJ
Dr. Reid M. Wenger, OH
Dr. J. Philip Wiygul, TN
Dr. Ed Wentz, TX
Dr. Edward J. Wnek, OH
Dr. Stanley P. Werner, TN
Dr. Stanley C. Wolken, NV
Dr. E. James Werre, ND
Dr. Jessica L. Woller, AK
Dr. Patti L. Werther, PA
Dr. Heather A. M. Woloshyn, WA
Dr. Gary F. Wesson, TX
Dr. Benita Wong, OR
Dr. Christopher J. West, FL
Dr. Craighton B. Woo, CA
Dr. James C. West, TX
Dr. Brent C. Wood, KS
Dr. Robert C. West, MT
Dr. William L. Wood, NJ
Dr. Stephen F. West, CA
Dr. Wyatt T. Wood, AZ
AAOF Pledge Form
PPlease permanently restrict my gift to the AAOF
Endowment. I understand that funds from my gift will be
invested in perpetuity with only the annual earnings from
these investments used in support of the Foundation.
All information will be held in confidence.
Continued Commitment to the Specialty®
AAOF Mission
To advance the orthodontic specialty by supporting
I wish to pledge at one of the following levels
education and research.
P Founder ($100,000)
P Regent ($25,000)
Since 1994, the AAO Foundation has contributed to orthodontic
education and research as follows:
P Fellow ($50,000)
P Your Case Fee $
Pledges at the Regent level or higher, whether initial pledges
or pledge upgrades, may be redeemed over ten years. Case
level pledges may be redeemed over three years.
Amount of previous pledge if any, if known
Please send statements
Beginning (Month)
k$9.5 million in funding, primarily in support of Junior
Faculty, including:
l 176 Fellowship Awards
l 172 Research Awards
P Annually
kAt the 72 graduate orthodontic residency programs in the
US and Canada, there are 31 Department Chairs and/or
Program Directors who have been directly supported by
the AAOF early in their academic careers.
P Century Club
k80% of Junior Faculty supported by the AAOF remain in
I wish to make an open-ended ongoing commitment of $
($100 minimum)
Please send statements
Beginning (Month)
P Annually
fulltime academic after five years.
kOn the AAOF website, there are Final Reports from some
340 peer-reviewed, funded proposals.
kCreation of AAOF Craniofacial Growth Legacy Collection
designed to preserve representative materials from the
Please bill my credit card
P Visa P AmEx
Name on Card
NumberExp. Date
PPlease permanently restrict my gift to the Research
Initiative Fund. I understand that funds from my gift
will be invested in perpetuity with only the annual
earnings from these investments used in support
of orthodontic research.
PYou may use my gift for orthodontic education and
operational expenses at the discretion of the AAO
Foundation Board of Directors.
participating orthodontic collections.
kLaunch of the new campaign, Research Initiative,
for orthodontic research
Return Form
AAO Foundation
Attn: Robert Hazel
401 North Lindbergh Boulevard
St. Louis, Missouri 63141-7816
Phone: 800-424-2841, ext. 546
Fax: 800-708-1364
Corporate Partners
Thank you AAO Foundation Corporate Partners.
A contribution to the AAO Foundation is a contribution
to our future.
Benefactor | $10,000
Boyd Industries, Inc.
ClassOne Orthodontics/Zulauf
Corporate Partners
Dexta Corporation
Updated in December of each calendar year.
Eaton Consulting
Diamond Corporate Partner | $1,000,000
Joan Garbo & Associates
American Orthodontics Corporation
Lancer Orthodontics, Inc.
Platinum Corporate Partner | $500,000
3M Unitek
Align Technology
Dentsply GAC
Ormco Corporation
TP Orthodontics, Inc.
Gold Corporate Partner | $250,000
Silver Corporate Partner | $200,000
Ambassador Corporate Partner | $150,000
Founder | $100,000
Ortho Technology, Inc.
Joyce Matlack Design
Ortho Organizers, Inc.
Ross Orthodontic Equipment
TeleVox Software, Inc.
Venture Six, Inc.
Patron | $7,500
Bentson Clark
Springstone Patient Financing
Summit Orthodontic Services, Inc.
The Wehmer Corporation
Supporter | $5,000
Acuscape International, Inc.
Beck Instrument - E. A. Beck & Co.
Fellow | $50,000
Debbie Best, Consulting Network
AAO Services, Inc.
Conair Corporation
Great Lakes Orthodontics, Ltd.
GC America, Inc.
Regent | $25,000
Dolphin Imaging & Management Solutions
Forestadent USA
G & H Wire Company
Hu-Friedy Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Kodak Dental Systems (Orthotrac, OPMS, Orthoware)
Oasys Practice, L.L.C.
Ortho 2 – Ortho Computer Systems, Inc.
O.S.E. Co., Inc.
Philips Sonicare
Reliance Orthodontic Products, Inc.
Specialty Appliances
Charlene White
Ziegler Practice Transitions, Ltd.
Zuelke & Associates, Inc.
Mentor | $17,500
DOME, Inc.
Byrne Consulting
Hummingbird Associates
Lang Dental Mfg. Co., Inc.
Office Pilot
OREC Professional Marketing Systems, Inc.
Ortho Arch Company
PAR Orthodontic Laboratory, Inc.
PROfessional Positioners, Inc.
Quick Ceph Systems
Quintessence Publishing Co., Inc.
Rosen & Associates, LLP
Sesame Communications
tops Software
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
US Orthodontic Products
WildSmiles Braces