Address for correspondence: Dr Bryan Gaensler Harvard

Address for correspondence:
Dr Bryan Gaensler
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street MS-6
Cambridge MA 02138
11 December, 2001
The Hon John Howard MP
Prime Minister of Australia
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
cc: The Hon John Anderson MP
Senator Bob Brown
The Hon Simon Crean MP
Senator Natasha Stott Despoja
His Excellency The Right Reverend Dr Peter Hollingworth
The Editor, The Advertiser
The Editor, The Age
The Editor, The Australian
The Editor, The Canberra Times
The Editor, The Courier-Mail
The Editor, The Mercury
The Editor, The Northern Territory News
The Editor, The Sydney Morning Herald
The Editor, The West Australian
Current Affairs Bureau, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
News Desk, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Dear Prime Minister,
We write to you as a group of Australian citizens currently living overseas, who share a common concern
with regard to recent events in Australia that have attracted significant international criticism.
We are proud that Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. Immigrants have made
a profound contribution to Australia’s unique national character. Although our history is not perfect in
this regard, we have succeeded in creating a common identity through tolerance and open-mindedness
towards those who join our community.
In this light, we are disturbed and disappointed by the Federal Government’s actions in relation to the
desperate plight of refugees. We are deeply concerned that Australia’s international standing as an open
and tolerant nation has been compromised. As ambassadors for our country, we have found it difficult to
justify to our overseas colleagues the Australian Government’s recent decisions in this regard.
Furthermore, we strongly object to the Government’s use of language that de-humanises and vilifies refugees
trying to escape persecution. We feel that, as Prime Minister, you have a responsibility to encourage
Australian citizens to overcome their fears and uncertainties about the significant changes that are currently
taking place in the international sphere. Instead, we believe that your Government has framed the debate
in a way that gives legitimacy to intolerance in the general community. We ask you to move beyond
populism and to conduct Australia’s affairs in a way that reflects our status as a forward-thinking nation.
We call on the Australian Government to comply with its international treaty obligations with respect to
refugees, and to meet its responsibilities as an international citizen in responding to humanitarian disasters.
We call on the Australian Government to respond to the current refugee crisis (as it did for East Timor) by
increasing the number of available places in the Humanitarian Program for the refugees currently fleeing
Central Asia and the Middle East.
We call on the Australian Government to put an end to mandatory detention and to inhumane treatment
of asylum seekers.
We care deeply about Australia’s role and future direction, and strongly entreat you to re-visit these issues.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Bryan Gaensler
Cambridge MA, USA
Clay Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University
1999 Young Australian of the Year
Ms Geraldine Chin
Cambridge MA, USA
Fulbright Scholar and Knox Fellow, Harvard Law School, Harvard University
Mr Andrew Leigh
Cambridge MA, USA
Knox Fellow, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Mr Simon Fitzpatrick
Cambridge MA, USA
Knox Fellow, Harvard Law School, Harvard University
Ms Kerrie Burmeister
Cambridge MA, USA
Fulbright Scholar, Harvard Law School, Harvard University
Ms Avril Alba
Cambridge MA, USA
Faculty Member, Harvard Hillel, Harvard University
Mr Jon Anstey
Geneva, Switzerland
Legal Officer, United Nations Compensation Commission
Mr John Asker
Cambridge MA, USA
PhD Candidate, Department of Economics, GSAS, Harvard University
Research Associate, Harvard Business School, Harvard University
Mr Ben Austin
Dublin, Ireland
Dr Ivan Baldry
Baltimore MD, USA
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University
Mr James Bales
Hamburg, Germany
Central Coordinator for Australia/NZ/Asia/Pacific Region, Hamburg-Süd
Ms Laurie Berg
New York NY, USA
Graduate Merit Scholar, School of Law, New York University
Ms Saskia Besier
Christchurch, New Zealand
Lecturer, University of Canterbury
Ms Jacqueline Boyle
London, United Kingdom
Marketing Manager, Microsoft Ltd
Dr Roger Brissenden
Cambridge MA, USA
Manager, Chandra X-ray Center, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Dr Kate J. Brooks
Santiago, Chile
Astronomy Fellow, European Southern Observatory
Mr Chester Brown
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Sir Robert Menzies Scholar in Law, Cambridge University
Ms Marianna Brungs
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Benefactor’s Scholar, St John’s College, Cambridge University
Ms Catherine Buckmaster
Boston MA, USA
Ms Melissa Bullen
London, United Kingdom
Ms Rachel Buxton
Oxford, United Kingdom
Rhodes Scholar and Wilkinson Junior Research Fellow, Worcester College, Oxford University
Mr Matthew Bye
Washington DC, USA
Office of General Counsel, Federal Trade Commission
Dr Tom Burne
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Research Scientist
Ms Amanda Chadwick
London, United Kingdom
Centenary of Federation Chevening Scholar, London School of Economics
Dr Daniel Chan
Ann Arbor MI, USA
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
Prof Hilary Charlesworth
Cambridge MA, USA
Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School, Harvard University
Mr Andrew Charlton
Oxford, United Kingdom
2001 Rhodes Scholar, St John’s College, Oxford University
Mr Andrew Cheung
London, United Kingdom
Merrill Lynch Industry Challenge Scholar, London Business School
Mr Philip Clark
Oxford, United Kingdom
2001 South Australia Rhodes Scholar, Balliol College, Oxford University
Mr Todd Clewett
Cambridge MA, USA
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Mr James Cockayne
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Mr Stephen Collins
Madison NJ, USA
Project Manager, Lucent Technologies
Mr Jared Cowie
Oxford, United Kingdom
Corpus Christi College, Oxford University
Ms Tamara Dim
London, United Kingdom
Producer (Local Arts), Battersea Arts Centre
Mr Joseph Duncan
Boston MA, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mr Macgregor Duncan
Princeton NJ, USA
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University
Dr Peter Edmonds
Cambridge MA, USA
Research Associate, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University
Mr Andrew Egan
New York NY, USA
Ms Hilary Emmett
Ithaca NY, USA
Fulbright Scholar, Cornell University
Dr Geoffrey Facer
San Francisco CA, USA
Microfluidic Chip Scientist, Fluidigm Corporation
Mr Patrick Flynn
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Sir Robert Menzies Scholar in Law, Cambridge University
Ms Lisa Ford
New York NY, USA
Richard Hofstadter Fellow, Department of History, Columbia University
Mr Clinton Free
Oxford, United Kingdom
2000 NSW Rhodes Scholar, Balliol College, Oxford University
Dr Duncan Galloway
Cambridge MA, USA
Postdoctoral Associate, Center for Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr Lisa Germany
Santiago, Chile
Astronomy Fellow, European Southern Observatory
Mr Marco Ghisalberti
Brookline MA, USA
Schoetler Fellow, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ms Hemali Gunaratne
Boston MA, USA
Policy Analyst, Boston Police Department
Ms Bernie Harrison
Salt Lake City UT, USA
Fulbright Scholar, Institute for Health Care Delivery Research, Intermountain Health Care
Mr William Hawkins
Cambridge MA, USA
PhD student in Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mr Thomas James Hannaford
Oxford, United Kingdom
Clarendon Scholar and D.Phil. candidate in philosophy, Oxford University
Ms Jean Hayden
Cambridge MA, USA
MBA Candidate, Harvard Business School, Harvard University
Mr Colin Hayward
Allston MA, USA
Project Manager, Motorola
Mr Malcolm Hebblewhite
Poway CA, USA
New Business Development Manager, ResMed Corp
Ms Gemma Heddle
Cambridge MA, USA
Graduate Student, Technology and Policy Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mr Murray Height
Cambridge MA, USA
Fulbright Scholar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mr Jeremy Heimans
Cambridge MA, USA
Knox Fellow, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Mr Andrew Hertzberg
Cambridge MA, USA
PhD candidate, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mr Justin Hewitt
New York NY, USA
Ms Megan Hirst
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Commonwealth Scholar, Cambridge University
Ms Lisa Hodgkiss Johnston
San Francisco CA, USA
Dr Andrew Hopkins
Pittsburgh PA, USA
Hubble Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh
Ms Devika Hovell
The Hague, The Netherlands
Judicial clerk, International Court of Justice
Ms Jayne Huckerby
New York NY, USA
Exchange Student, School of Law, New York University
Mr Sam Hudson
Boston MA, USA
Ms Lindy Hulton
Phoenix AZ, USA
Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture
Mr Michael Izzo
Oxford, United Kingdom
2000 Rhodes Scholar for Australia-at-large, Lincoln College, Oxford University
Lecturer in Law, St Catherine’s College, Oxford
Ms Tonja Jacobi
Stanford CA, USA
Stanford University
Mr Brendan Johnston
San Francisco CA, USA
Mr Evan Kaldor
New York NY, USA
Associate, Strategic Planning Group, Morgan Stanley, New York
Ms Nicola Kaldor
New York NY, USA
Ms Linda Kalnejais
Woods Hole MA, USA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Mr Jonathan Kearns
Cambridge MA, USA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mr Christopher Kearns
Senior Architectural Associate, Airport Division, PWD Consultants
Mr Andrew Keller
London, United Kingdom
MBA Student, London Business School
Dr Vikram Khurana
Cambridge MA, USA
Fulbright Scholar and Harvard Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University
Dr Zoe Laidlaw
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Lecturer in International History, Department of History, University of Sheffield
1997–2000 Commonwealth Scholar
Ms Ingrid Lane
London, United Kingdom
Mr Andrew Lang
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Gates Cambridge Scholar, Cambridge University
Dr Catherine Leamey
Cambridge MA, USA
Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1998–2001 Peter Doherty Postdoctoral Fellow
Mr Craig Leech
New York NY, USA
Civil Engineer
Mr Paul Loftus
London, United Kingdom
Commonwealth Scholar, School of Law, King’s College, University of London
Ms Arlie Loughnan
New York NY, USA
Fulbright Scholar, New York University
Ms Kate Luxford
Oxford, United Kingdom
2000 Western Australia Rhodes Scholar, Magdalen College, Oxford University
Ms Jane McAdam
Oxford, United Kingdom
Chevening Scholar and Clarendon Scholar in Refugee Law, Oxford University
Ms Shannon McDermott
Boston MA, USA
Biomedical Engineer, NeuroMuscular Research Center, Boston University
Mr Patrick Mackerras
Peterborough, United Kingdom
Mathematics Teacher, Oundle School
Ms Alex Macoun
Durham NC, USA
Exchange Student, School of Law, Duke University
Mr David Madden
Cambridge MA, USA
Fulbright Scholar and Knox Fellow, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Mr Yoni Magid
Cambridge MA, USA
Harvard Law School, Harvard University
Ms Felicity Maher
Oxford, United Kingdom
Commonwealth Scholar, Magdalen College, Oxford University
Mr Tim Markham
Oxford, United Kingdom
Doctoral student in Politics, Oxford University
Mr Michael Mellon
London, United Kingdom
Dr Daniel Mortlock
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Research Associate, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Ms Kala Mulqueeny
Cambridge MA, USA
Graduate Fellow, Harvard Law School, Harvard University
Ms Kate Murphy
Baltimore MD, USA
Research Scientist, Smithsonian Institution
Mr John Murray
London, United Kingdom
Ms Tracy O’Callaghan
New York NY, USA
Ms Sarah Ogilvie
Oxford, United Kingdom
Trinity College, Oxford University
Mr Nicholas J. Owens
New York NY, USA
Mr Bruce Preston
Princeton NJ, USA
Woodrow Wilson Scholar, Department of Economics, Princeton University
Mr Nick Purtell
The Hague, The Netherlands
Ms Elizabeth Raper
London, UK
Solicitor, Baker & McKenzie
Mr Andrew Riseley
London, United Kingdom
Commonwealth Scholar, Law Department, London School of Economics
Dr John Romalis
Chicago IL, USA
Assistant Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago
Ms Fiona Romeo
London, United Kingdom
Development Producer,
Mr Michael Rush
Oxford, United Kingdom
Magdalen College, Oxford University
Mr Matthew Sag
California, USA
Mr Ben Saul
Oxford, United Kingdom
Commonwealth Scholar and Sir Edward Weary Dunlop Medallist, Magdalen College, Oxford University
Ms Bethany Sharman
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Student and Development Consultant
Ms Victoria Silberbauer
London, United Kingdom
Ms Amelia Simpson
New York NY, USA
Fulbright Scholar and Bretzfelder Constitutional Law Fellow, Columbia Law School, Columbia University
Mr James Slezak
Ithaca NY, USA
Department of Physics, Cornell University
Ms Sanya Reid Smith
Oxford, United Kingdom
1999 Victoria Rhodes Scholar, Balliol College, Oxford University
Ms Varya Smith
London, United Kingdom
Senior Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton
Mr Tom Snow
Oxford, United Kingdom
2000 Victoria Rhodes Scholar, Magdalen College, Oxford University
Mr Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah
Oxford, United Kingdom
Rhodes Scholar, Oxford University
Ms Lucy Stackpool-Moore
Cambridge MA, USA
Harvard College, Harvard University
Ms Cassandra Steer
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
University of Amsterdam
Mr David Stewart
London, United Kingdom
Ms Jan Strugnell
Oxford, United Kingdom
2000 Queensland Rhodes Scholar, Merton College, Oxford University
Mr Steven Suchting
Oxford, United Kingdom
Rhodes Scholar, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford University
Mr Anthony Swan
Boston MA, USA
Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mr Andrew Tanner
New York NY, USA
Australian Equities Specialist
Ms Nastasya Tay
Oxford, United Kingdom
Philosophy, Politics and Economics Honours Student, Christ Church College, Oxford University
Ms Katherine Ters
St Petersburg, Russia
English Teacher
Mr Christopher Thompson
London, United Kingdom
Graduate Student, Economics Department, London School of Economics
Ms Libby Toohey
London, United Kingdom
Dr Ann Vickery
Philadelphia PA, USA
Fulbright Scholar and Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University and Temple University
Mr Ian Wanless
Oxford, United Kingdom
Junior Research Fellow, Christ Church College, Oxford University
Ms Megan Watson
New York NY, USA
Legal Consultant, Office of Legal Counsel, United Nations
Mr Tim Watts
Washington DC, USA
Research Associate, New America Foundation
Ms Rachel Wilson
Oxford, United Kingdom
Department of Educational Studies, Oxford University
Ms Helen Wodak
La Paz, Bolivia
Dr Justin Wolfers
San Francisco CA, USA
Assistant Professor of Economics, Stanford University
Fulbright, Knox and Menzies Scholar
Mr Craig Wood
London, United Kingdom
1999 Western Australia Rhodes Scholar, London Business School
Dr Michael Woolcock
Germantown MD, USA
Social Scientist, Development Research Group, The World Bank
Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Mr Warren Yenson
Hoboken NJ, USA
Associate, Morgan Stanley, New York