FY16 WELLNESS PROGRAM SCHEDULE JANUARY- JUNE 2016 Programs are open to all ACC employees (unless otherwise stated), regardless of Wellness Program membership. These opportunities may also be used to meet TIER or POINTS requirements. Registration is necessary for Healthy Hours, screenings, and programs! Contact the Wellness Team by e-mail at wellnessteam@athensclarkecounty.com to register. When reporting your activities, please consult this credit key to determine worth: 1BT=1Behavioral Tier activity, 1ET=1 Educational Tier activity, pts=POINTS Screenings to note, details within each applicable month: Hearing Screening: Fridays January 15 & 22, details in January calendar, no pre-registration necessary, drop-in only. Cardiovascular Screening: Scheduling open now, appointments available in the month of February, 2016. Details in February calendar. S.A.V.E. screening (Stroke/Carotid artery & abdominal aortic aneurysm screening): Ultrasounds of neck & abdomen, and assessment of blood pressure in legs to determine risk of vascular disease; and Cardiac screening: CT scan of heart to detect any plaque buildup in coronary arteries. Eligibility requirements: Full-time employee, covered by an ACC health insurance plan, must have an established relationship with a physician who will receive your screening report. Please consider this screening if any of the following apply to you: Over the age of 40, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, overweight, tobacco use, or family history of heart attack, stroke, or peripheral artery disease. Blood Draw & Biometric Screening: screening measuring total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, glucose, weight, blood pressure, & waist circumference. Measurements needed for Health Risk Assessment completion. February 28-March 4, & March 7-11. Registration details to be announced in January. Body Fat % Screening: Hydrostatic body fat testing, gold standard of measuring lean vs. fat body mass for an accurate picture of your health/risk levels and helpful goal setting information. Offered at the ACC Total Health Fair on April 5, by pre-registered appointment only. Appointments fill quickly, register early! Larger programs to note, details within each applicable month: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course: 10-week physical/mental/emotional stress management course. Register by February 15 for class beginning the week of February 22 and ending April 25. Program details below in February calendar. Beat The Pack Tobacco Cessation Program: 6-week health coached course, January 19-February 23. Details in January calendar. Fire Fighter Healthy Cookoff: Battle of the Breakfasts! February 12 (C Shift), 13 (A Shift), & 14 (B Shift). Registration details in February calendar. Boot Camp Challenge SPRING: 10-week program consisting of pre- and post-testing in fitness categories plus organized workouts designed to improve each. March 21-May 26, 5:30pm on Mondays & Thursdays. Details in March calendar. **December 31, 2015 End of 2nd Quarter! Accountability Forms due January 10, 2016!** **2015 Total Health Fair Game Plan Goal #2 achievement slips due January 10.** January: Rev YOURSELF Up Hearing Screening—No pre-registration necessary, drop-in only. See details below! REGISTRATION NOW OPEN FOR UPCOMING SCREENINGS & PROGRAMS: o Beat The Pack Tobacco Cessation Program— Group coached program with a history of success! Tuesdays, January 19 – February 23. See registration details below, register by January 14. o Cardiovascular Screening—Register for an appointment January or early February. See details in February calendar below. o Body Fat % Screening—Held at ACC Total Health Fair on April 5, but appointments fill early! See registration instructions in April calendar below. o Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program: 10-week physical/mental/emotional stress management course. Register by February 15 for class beginning February 22. o Fire Fighter Healthy Cookoff—See program & registration details below! o Boot Camp Challenge fitness program: Mondays/Thursdays 5:30pm March 21 – May 26 at ACC Fitness Center. Must pre-register by e-mailing wellnessteam@athensclarkecounty.com by March 1. COMING SOON: Blood Draw & Biometric Screening—screening & registration details to be released in January. Date Tuesday January 5, 2016 Time 11:30am12:30pm Location/Details Satula Avenue Training Room Wednesday January 6, 2016 Please carpool! 12:30pm1:30pm Thursday January 7, 2016 12:30pm1:30pm Wednesday January 13, 2016 12:30pm1:30pm Lyndon House Friday January 15, 2016 8:00am11:00am Drop-in screening Fire Station #4 Tuesday January 19, 2016 No preregistration necessary Course available from 3:30pm through 6:00pm Fire Training Center Credit 1ET or 5pts 375 Satula Avenue Planning Department Auditorium 1ET or 5pts 120 W. Dougherty Street Solid Waste Department 1ET or 5pts 725 Hancock Industrial Way 1ET or 5pts 293 Hoyt Street 3pts 900 Oglethorpe Avenue 155 Paradise Boulevard 1BT or 10pts Program UP Your Ante for 2016!—Kendra’s challenge: Have you already made and maintained many health changes in your life, and wonder what to do next? Have you reached a plateau in any health/fitness gains? OR, are you overwhelmed with health challenges and confused on where to start? Join Wellness Coordinator Kendra Houghton to “up your ante” by challenging yourself beyond your current nutrition, exercise, and general health behaviors, aiming at bigger things in 2016! Come ready to leave motivated. In Case of Emergency: Home Food Prep—Weather & other disasters can lead to great loss of many items, including food & cooking sources! Learn to properly prepare your home front with Cooperative Extension agent Katie Hiers. S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting—Become motivated to accomplish fitness goals with Wellness Coach & personal trainer John Meade by learning to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely goals and STICK TO THEM! Testing Your Home For Radon— Radon, an odorless invisible gas, is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. The only way to tell if your home has dangerous levels of radon is to test for it, and the EPA and the U.S. Surgeon General recommend that all homes in the U.S. be tested. Testing is easy. The UGA Radon Education Program is providing test kits to ACC employees who attend this program. Hearing Screening—Interested in determining if you have any hearing loss or damage, and if so, learning of your healthy options for preventing further damage and managing? (the answer is NOT always hearing aid!) Complete a screening with the UGA Speech & Hearing Clinic. No pre-registration necessary, you will be screened as soon as possible depending on demand at the time you arrive. (Also available January 22) January Wellness 5K Walk/Jog— HEAT UP your average 5K walk/jog! Join us for a Wellness 5K at the ACC Fire Training Center, and explore the site where our fire trainees learn to serve and protect us. Friends & family are welcome! Tuesdays January 19 – February 23, 2016 5:45pm6:45pm UGA Training & Development Center 25pts once sign nontobacco affidavit and begin participating the Wellness Program *Thursday January 21, 2016 Lunch served! 12:30pm1:30pm Police Department, East Precinct Training Room 1ET or 5pts Beat The Pack tobacco cessation program— Run by UGA Pharmacy professors & masters students, this program was adapted from Pfizer's successful "Beat the Pack" smoking cessation program. Sessions are held once weekly for six weeks. Each six-week session will focus on tobacco use issues, such as health risks of use, reasons to quit, cessation aids, coping with the urge to use, handling relapse, and maintenance. Registrants will receive student-conducted individual and group counseling at each meeting. Register by calling 706-542-3893 or e-mailing monicaw@uga.edu by January 14. Thyroid Health—Thyroid issues are becoming more & more prevalent in our society. UGA Pharmacy resident Cara McCalley will discuss how to support a healthy thyroid, prevent issues, and also how to best manage symptoms of issues developed. 3035 Lexington Road Friday January 22, 2016 8:00am11:00am Drop-in screening Fire Station #4 Saturday January 23, 2016 1:00pm2:00pm 9 Rounds Monday January 25, 2016 12:00pm1:00pm 5 Points Yoga Tuesday January 26, 2016 12:30pm1:30pm Landscape Management Wednesday January 27, 2016 5:30pm6:15pm Friday January 29, 2016 3pts Hearing Screening—Interested in determining if you have any hearing loss or damage, and if so, learning of your healthy options for preventing further damage and managing? (the answer is NOT always hearing aid!) Complete a screening with the UGA Speech & Hearing Clinic. No pre-registration necessary, you will be screened as soon as possible depending on demand at the time you arrive. (Also available January 15) 1ET or 5pts Experience 9 Rounds—9 Rounds is a specialized fitness center that offers a kickboxing themed fitness program which incorporates functional, interval, cardiovascular, and circuit training regimens. The programs consist of a proprietary system of nine challenging workout stations developed by a professional fighter. Staff will offer a private session for ACC registrants! Come dressed to exercise. 1ET or 5pts Worth-It Exercise INSIDE, Yoga—Try a stretching & strengthbased workout through yoga INSIDE when it’s cold outside! Class for those who have not participated in an ACC Wellness 5 Points Yoga session yet. Come dressed to exercise! 1ET or 5pts Hot & Healthy Crockpot Cookin’— Cooperative Extension agent, Katie Hiers, will help spice up your winter with crockpot safety tips, healthy ingredient suggestions, and tasty, easy recipe ideas! 1ET or 5pts TRX Suspension Training Experience—“Born in the Navy SEALs, 900 Oglethorpe Avenue 2080 Timothy Road, Suite B 1260 S. Milledge Avenue, Suite E1 2555 Lexington Road ACC Fitness Center Suspension Training bodyweight exercise develops strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. It requires the use of the TRX Suspension Trainer, a highly portable performance training tool that leverages gravity and the user’s body weight to complete hundreds of exercises.” (TRX) Wellness Coach, personal trainer, and certified 3700 Atlanta Highway 11:00am11:45am ACC Fitness Center 3700 Atlanta Highway 1ET or 5pts TRX instructor Chris Lee will teach you how to use this dynamite fitness equipment to reach your strength and toning fitness goals. TRX Suspension Training Experience—“Born in the Navy SEALs, Suspension Training bodyweight exercise develops strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. It requires the use of the TRX Suspension Trainer, a highly portable performance training tool that leverages gravity and the user’s body weight to complete hundreds of exercises.” (TRX) Wellness Coach, personal trainer, and certified TRX instructor Chris Lee will teach you how to use this dynamite fitness equipment to reach your strength and toning fitness goals. February: Love YOURSELF REGISTRATION CONTINUES FOR UPCOMING SCREENINGS & PROGRAMS: o Cardiovascular Screening—Register for an appointment January or early February. See details below. o Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program: 10-week physical/mental/emotional stress management course. Register by February 15 for class beginning February 22. o Fire Fighter Healthy Cookoff—See program & registration details below! o Blood draw & Biometric Screening: At various ACC sites, mornings of February 29-March 4, & March 7-11, preregistration required. o Body Fat % Screening—Held at ACC Total Health Fair on April 5, but appointments fill early! See registration instructions in April calendar below. o Boot Camp Challenge Fitness Program: Mondays/Thursdays 5:30pm March 21 – May 26 at ACC Fitness Center. Must pre-register by e-mailing wellnessteam@athensclarkecounty.com by March 1. Date Time Location Credit Program Appointments Appointments Athens 1BT or Cardiovascular Screening—S.A.V.E screening (Stroke/Carotid available available Diagnostic 15pts artery & abdominal aortic aneurysm screening): Ultrasounds of 1063 Baxter throughout throughout neck & abdomen, and assessment of blood pressure in legs to February, preFebruary, pre- Street determine risk of vascular disease, and Cardiac screening: scan registration registration of heart to detect any plaque buildup in coronary arteries. Or required required Eligibility requirements: Full-time employee or Retiree, must be Royston covered by an ACC health insurance plan, must have an Diagnostic established relationship with a physician who will receive your 930 Franklin screening report. Springs Street Please consider screening if any of the following apply to you: Over the age of 40, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, overweight, tobacco use, or family history of heart attack, stroke, or peripheral artery disease. Tuesday February 2, 2016 No preregistration necessary Course available from 3:30pm through 6:30pm ACC Ben Epps Airport Wednesday February 3, 2016 12:30pm1:30pm Water Business Office, Customer Service Training Room 1BT or 10pts 1010 Ben Epps Drive TO SCHEDULE: Call: Athens location-706-316-3662, or Royston location-706-246-9729 Please indicate that you are an Athens-Clarke County employee calling to schedule the February cardiovascular screening. You will be asked for your information, and verified on an ACC employee list before scheduled. Spaces may be limited! Schedule now! February Wellness 5K Walk/Jog—Experience Athens’ very own beautiful airport campus as you “fly” through our course! Feel free to bring friends & family members. (If you are unable to attend, view the course on our website, and complete on your own time to report the same Wellness Credit!) 1ET or 5pts Folic Acid Facts—UGA Foods & Nutrition masters student will guide you through the necessities of and ways to take in folic acid through foods & supplements. 1ET or 5pts Help Me Sleep!—Chiropractor & Wellness Doctor Chaz Ebert will enlighten you on both the importance of sleep to every system of your body, but also help guide you through unhealthiness caused by lack of quality sleep and point you in the right direction. 124 E. Hancock Avenue *Friday February 5, 2016 Lunch served! 12:00pm12:45pm Water Business Office, Customer Service Training Room 124 E. Hancock Avenue Tuesday February 9, 2016 Two classes: 11:00am12:00pm or 12:30pm1:30pm Please indicate your preference Lay Park Community Room 297 Hoyt Street 1ET or 5pts Made From Scratch, Simple & Locally Grown: Romance Foods—ACC Planner & gourmet chef, Craig Page, will emphasize healthy recipes, simple techniques, and easy variations to utilize the fresh flavors of local, seasonal produce through a live cooking demonstration with a focus on ROMANCE FOODS during our month of loving ourselves & others! Tuesday February 9, 2016 5:45pm6:30pm ACC Fitness Center 1ET or 5pts Learn To LOVE Cardio…Even If You Hate It Now!—Currently have to force yourself to do cardiovascular exercise, or even refuse to do it all together? Wellness Coach & personal trainer, John Meade, will inspire you to try & actually enjoy it in new ways, not necessarily with your typical bike, treadmill, or elliptical. Give it a shot! Come dressed to exercise, regardless of your fitness level. Thursday February 11, 2016 12:00pm1:00pm Water Business Office, Customer Service Training Room 124 E. Hancock Avenue 1ET or 5pts Healthcare Pricing Transparency and Advocacy Service— Medical care is complex, frustrating, and expensive. Join Traci Mason of ACC Human Resources to learn ways Compass Professional Health Services can help you find quality care at the best price, help you get the best price on your medication, ensure your claims are processed correctly, resolve billing issues, and advocate for YOUR healthcare. (C Shift) Friday February 12, 6:00pm-finish Participating fire halls 1ET or 20pts Fire Fighter Healthy Cookoff—Battle of the Breakfasts! The annual contest will challenge crews to create a healthy breakfast, a meal that is so often fully (yet not often healthfully) enjoyed at the fire halls each morning! To register your crew, please e-mail Kendra.Houghton@athensclarkecounty.com with the following information: Station/Shift, contact person’s name, e-mail address, & phone number. Competing crews will be provided grocery gift card for participation and full details upon registration. (A Shift) Saturday February 13, 3700 Atlanta Highway 11:00am-finish (B Shift) Sunday February 14 1:00pm-finish Tuesday February 16, 2016 12:00pm12:45pm Bikram Yoga 398 Foundry Street 1ET or 5pts 30-Minute Office Work-Focused Yoga Workshop— Bikram Yoga experts will teach strategies for preventing office work-induced aches & pains, how to develop improved posture, and more healthfully work at a desk. Tuesday February 16, 2016 12:30pm1:30pm Water Resources Center 1ET or 5pts Tax Planning with VALIC—VALIC representative, Matt Wilbur, will give attendees a basic understanding of types of taxes and tax planning strategies. 1ET or 5pts Red & Blue Are Good For You: The Truth About Antioxidants— Damaging agents are constantly introduced to our systems, but antioxidants found in many foods can help to save the day! Cooperative Extension agent Katie Hiers will guide you through various antioxidants, which do what, and where to find them. 780 Barber Street Wednesday February 17, 2016 12:30pm1:30pm Streets & Drainage Division 605 Spring Valley Road Mondays February 22 – April 25, 2016 12:00pm1:00pm Landscape Management 1ET or 5pts 2555 Lexington Road Participant deposit of $50 required to begin course, paid to ACC and delivered to HR/Wellness. If complete 8 of 10 sessions, deposit returned to you! Wednesday February 24, 2016 11:30am12:30pm Thursday February 25, 2016 12:30pm1:30pm Landscape Management 1ET or 5pts 2555 Lexington Road Water Resources Center 1ET or 5pts 780 Barber Street Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program—The Mindful Living Center and ACC Wellness have teamed up to offer a physical/emotional/mental stress management program for ACC employees. Mindfulness is a practice of paying attention and bringing awareness to the present moment, and has been shown to reduce anxiety, depression, stress, medical symptoms (digestive issues, headaches, sleep problems, etc.), and pain levels. The practice has also been shown to improve sense of well-being, immune system function, ability to manage emotions, self-esteem, energy, enthusiasm for life, and coping with long- and short-term stressors. This program is offered to ACC employees serious about managing their physical/mental health, who are ready to learn new strategies and put time toward practice. Please register by February 15 by e-mailing wellnessteam@athensclarkecounty.com. Tennis Ball Massage Sequence—Join ACC Landscape Division’s own Sonya Miller through self-guided trigger point and tension release massage, using nothing but a common household tennis ball, a great tool for managing pain. Please dress ready to stretch/exercise on a floor mat. Mats & tennis balls will be provided for use during class. What Does An Ideal Day of Food Look Like?—Local personal trainer and Nutrition Coach Corey Little will talk you through a healthy day’s food intake that does not require a nutrition degree to understand or a high salaried job to carry out! Practical ideas provided will make eating healthy less daunting. March: Check YOURSELF Before You Wreck YOURSELF! Blood Draw & Biometric Screening: At ACC sites, mornings of February 29-March 4, & March 7-11, pre-registration required. Screening & registration information released in January. Boot Camp Challenge Fitness Program: Mondays/Thursdays 5:30pm March 21 – May 26 at ACC Fitness Center. Must preregister by e-mailing wellnessteam@athensclarkecounty.com by March 1. Date Wednesday March 2, 2016 Time 12:30pm1:30pm Park in lot directly behind Chamber building, OR in Athens First’s deck Wednesday March 9, 2016 Location Economic Development conference room Credit 1ET or 5pts Program Stress…A Little Less. Assess It!— With ARMC nurse & health educator Sandy Broyles you will learn what stress is and how it affects you, both physically and emotionally. Pinpoint what causes your personal stress, and get some stress management tools and techniques that can help you keep stress under control. 1ET or 5pts Smooth Operating Computer = Less Stress!— ACC Computer Information Service’s own JP Lemay will talk you through practical steps to keep your computer functioning optimally to save you time and settle your nerves. 1ET or 5pts Using Exercise To Prevent, Reduce, Or Reverse Health Complications— “If exercise could be purchased in a pill, it would be (in Chamber of Commerce Bldg) 246 W. Hancock 12:30pm1:30pm Bobby Snipes Water Resources Center 780 Barber Street Wednesday March 16, 2016 12:45pm1:30pm Landscape Management 2555 Lexington Road Wednesday March 23, 2016 12:30pm1:30pm Memorial Park 293 Gran Ellen Drive the single most widely prescribed and beneficial medication in the nation” ~Robert H. Butler; Join Wellness Coach & personal trainer 1ET or 5pts John Meade to learn how exercise can help almost every health issue, especially when paired correctly with prescribed medications. YWCO Swim To Atlanta & 100 Lap Club —Interested in swimming for exercise but just can’t get motivated? The Athens YWCO offers programs that allow you to log your laps and work toward various intrinsic and physical rewards. YWCO staff will explain how to get involved. Wednesday March 23, 2016 5:30pm6:30pm Fire Training Center 155 Paradise Boulevard Tuesday March 29, 2016 No preregistration necessary Wednesday March 30, 2016 Course available from 3:30pm through 7:00pm North Oconee Water Reclamation Facility 12:30pm1:30pm Satula Avenue Training Room 1ET or 5pts as Healthy Hour or Outdoor Activity Exercise Like a Fire Fighter! — Looking for a way to spice up your physical activity? Join us for a heart-pumping, unique workout using fire fighter equipment set up in obstacle course fashion as your implements! The session will give you ideas for creating your own at-home workouts with a variety of items, and can be modified for all fitness levels. Come dressed to exercise! 1BT or 10pts March Wellness 5K Walk/Jog—ACC Wellness is excited to offer this newly designed 5K again, after daylight’s savings! The November 5K at this facility made for a dark trek, so we would love for you to take another shot at it and truly see how nature abounds at one of ACC’s water reclamation facilities! Tour the facility as you exercise, and see the plant at work and beautiful wildlife reaping the benefits! (If you are unable to attend, view the course on our website, and complete on your own time to report the same Wellness Credit!) 1ET or 5pts Kick The Kidney Stones—Join UGA Foods & Nutrition masters student Andrea Lobene to learn how to prevent and manage painful kidney stones through diet, exercise, supplementation, and medication from. 150 North Oconee Access Road (off College Station Road at the traffic light between Riverbend Road and Research Drive 375 Satula Avenue *Thursday March 31, 2016 Lunch served! 1:00pm2:00pm Streets & Drainage Division 605 Spring Valley Road 1ET or 5pts Manual Labor & Long Work Hours: Learn To Protect Your Body!—ACC Safety & Risk & ACC Wellness will partner together to help you to feel better by preventing aches, pains, injuries, illnesses, etc. that long work hours and heavy manual labor may put you at risk for. Learn to protect yourself by building a strong, efficient, vibrant system! Mornings of February 29 – March 4, and March 7 – 11, 2016 Mornings, Times to be announced 10 locations around the county to be announced Measurements used to complete Health Risk Assessment Annual Blood Draw & Biometric Screening—Once again the ACC Wellness Program provides you with the opportunity to have your total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides, and glucose measured, but will also add the service of blood pressure, weight, and waist circumference, all measures necessary for completing your FY17 Health Risk Assessment (HRA). Registration details will be released in January, 2016. Mondays & Thursdays March 21 – May 26 10 weeks 5:30pm6:30pm ACC Fitness Center 1BT or 25pts 3700 Atlanta Hightway (Exercise Program) Boot Camp Challenge SPRING—10-week fitness program led by ACC Wellness Coaches consisting of pre- and post-testing in various fitness categories plus organized workouts designed to improve each. Competition for the greatest percentage of improvement in each category and overall. Please register by March 7 by e-mailing wellnessteam@athensclarkecounty.com. **March 31, 2016 End of 3rd Quarter! Accountability Forms due April 10, 2016!** **2015 Total Health Fair Game Plan Goal #3 achievement slips due April 5 at 2016 Total Health Fair.** April: Fine Tune YOURSELF Body Fat % Screening: Held at ACC Total Health Fair, pre-registration required. Appointments fill quickly, register early! Total Health Fair: Tuesday April 5 at the Classic Center; no pre-registration required! Date Time Location Credit Program Tuesday April 9:00amClassic Center, 1ET or 5pts Total Health Fair: All Aboard! “Cruise” To A Healthy You!—A 5, 2016 3:00pm Grand Hall wide variety of screenings, healthy resources, helpful giveaways, nutritious snacks, goal setting activity for rewards, and more! Drop in at any time to be showered with health! Tuesday April Appointments Classic Center, 1BT or 10pts Body Fat Percentage Truck Screening—ACC Wellness will again 5, 2016 available from on Foundry (as an addfeature the North Georgia Body Fat Testing truck at this year’s 9:00amStreet in screening) Total Health Fair. While BMI (body mass index) is far less than 3:00pm, and accurate, hydrostatic body fat testing is referred to as the gold require prestandard when it comes to measuring lean (bone/muscle/etc.) registration vs. fat body mass. Knowing your percentage can give you a more accurate picture of your health & risk level, as well as give you a benchmark measure on which to base improvement goals. Testing involves going under water for 5 seconds, so you need to bring a swimsuit & towel (private changing area provided). Appointments go fast! Pre-registration REQUIRED. Register at: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C0C44A8A723A3FC1-2016 Tuesday April 12, 2016 No preregistration necessary Course available from 3:30pm through 7:00pm Southeast Clarke Park Wednesday April 13, 2016 12:45pm1:30pm Water Resources Center 1BT or 10pts April Wellness 5K Walk/Jog—Join us for a newly featured 5K through one of Athens east side’s hoppin’ parks! (If you are unable to attend, view the course options on our website the week after this 5K, and complete on your own time to report the same Wellness Credit!) 1ET or 5pts “Crossfit” Connection: Benefits & Risks—Wellness Coach & personal trainer, John Meade, will break down the phenomenon known as “Crossfit” training, while discussing the healthy benefits as well as the potential risks to be aware of with this type of training. 1ET or 5pts Nationwide Understanding Your 457 Statement—Nationwide representative, Rick Jarvis, will explain the 457 statement and the importance of accumulating units in the investment options to reach your retirement goal. Nationwide's Fixed Account will also be discussed. 1ET or 5pts Savings Disparities Across Racial & Ethnic Groups Part II—In 2009, a landmark study examining retirement plan use by race found that retirement savings vary significantly by race and ethnicity. In 2012, a second study continued the investigation by digging deeper into the “hows” and “whys” of the findings, analyzing millions of new pieces of data in addition to directly surveying more than 19,000 employees. VALIC representative, David Michaux, will discuss these findings. 1ET or 5pts Probiotics & Prebiotics— Join UGA Pharmacy resident, Cara McCalley, to learn what each of these agents do for the body, if supplementation is beneficial, and how to consume them. 1ET or 5pts Healthy Eating vs. Lean Eating—Local personal trainer and Nutrition Coach, Corey Little, will enlighten you with the difference between simply fueling your body with healthy foods and fueling it healthfully to produce a lean, well-functioning body. Great information to fine-tune your routine and body! 4400 Lexington Road 780 Barber Street Wednesday April 13, 2016 2:00pm3:00pm Water Resources Center 780 Barber Street Tuesday April 19, 2016 12:30pm1:30pm Water Resources Center 780 Barber Street *Wednesday April 20, 2016 Lunch served! 12:30pm1:30pm Memorial Park Wednesday April 27, 2016 1:00pm2:00pm Planning Department auditorium 293 Gran Ellen Drive 120 W. Dougherty Street Please carpool! Thursday April 28, 2016 1:15pm2:00pm Streets & Drainage Division 1ET or 5pts 605 Spring Valley Road Breakfast of Healthy Champions—Are you certain your breakfast is healthy and fueling you properly for your work day, much less for supporting your exercise routine and achieving your health goals? Join Allyn Rippin, local health coach and writer, for some creative, healthy ideas to overhaul your daily breakfast routine. Dress to exercise! May: The Power Within YOURSELF Date Tuesday May 3, 2016 No preregistration necessary Time Course available 3:30pm7:00pm Location City Hall Wednesday May 4, 2016 11:30am12:15pm The Olive Basket Credit 1BT or 10pts Program May Wellness 5K Walk/Jog—Enjoy the sights and sounds of downtown Athens and UGA campus during a beautiful 5K! (If you are unable to attend, view the course on our website, and complete on your own time to report the same Wellness Credit!) 1ET or 5pts The Benefits & Beauty of Olive Oils & Vinegars— A healthy Mediterranean diet consists of regular consumption of good fats and low amounts of sugar. Olive oils offer healthy fats and vinegars add bold flavor typically with very low, if any, amounts of sugar. The Olive Basket is a local cucina style store offering many varieties of both olive oils and vinegars. Staff will tour you through the store and enlighten your taste buds with samples and delicious recipe ideas. 1ET or 5pts Made From Scratch, Simple & Locally Grown: Mediterranean Style—ACC Planner & gourmet chef, Craig Page, will emphasize healthy recipes, simple techniques, and easy variations to utilize the fresh flavors of local, seasonal produce through a live cooking demonstration with a focus on the Mediterranean diet through olives, avocados, olive oils, nuts, antioxidant-rich liquids, etc. 1ET or 5pts Improve Your GOOD Cholesterol (HDL)—Wellness Coordinator & Certified Health Education Specialist, Kendra Houghton, will guide you through improving your good cholesterol, which in turn helps to reduce your bad cholesterol! Practical ideas will be provided as always! 1ET or 5pts The Unique Long-Term Savings Challenges Millennials Face, by VALIC-- Were you born between 1980 and 2000? As a millennial, you face different long-term challenges than previous working generations. In this presentation, VALIC representative, Matt Wilbur, will walk through the unique challenges facing millennials financially, and how to address them. 1ET or 5pts RunFit: Program To Decrease Injury Risk & Improve Performance: RunFit is a program that focuses on strengthening those muscles not commonly used during running to decrease a runner’s injury risk and improve their longevity in the sport. The goal of RunFit is to give runners a body-weight type crosstraining plan than can be integrated into their current running regimen which will decrease their injury risk and improve their overall performance. 325 E. Washington Street 297 Prince Avenue, #14c Tuesday May 10, 2016 *Wednesday May 11, 2016 Lunch served! Tuesday May 17, 2016 Two classes: 11:00am12:00pm or 12:30pm1:30pm Please indicate your preference 11:30am12:30pm Lay Park 297 Hoyt Street Solid Waste Department 725 Hancock Industrial Way 12:30pm1:30pm Planning Department auditorium 120 W. Dougherty Street Please carpool! Wednesday May 18, 2016 3:00pm4:00pm Horizon Physical Therapy 1360 Caduceus Way Building 200, Suite 105, Watkinsville, GA 30677 Tuesday May 24, 2016 5:30pm6:30pm ACC Fitness Center 1ET or 5pts 3700 Atlanta Highway Weight Lifting For Women—Intimidated by weight lifting? Not sure how to incorporate it into a healthy exercise routine? Wonder what the benefits are? Afraid to get too bulky? Wellness Generalist and coach Randi Lynn will explain the healthy benefits of weight lifting and demonstrate best practices & routines to accomplish your fitness goals. Come dressed to exercise! June: Healthfully Reward YOURSELF Date Wednesday June 1, 2016 Time 5:30pm6:15pm Location Fleet Feet, Athens Credit 1ET or 5pts 1694 S. Lumpkin Street Friday June 3, 2016 12:30pm1:30pm Cooperative Extension 1ET or 5pts 2152 W. Broad Street Wednesday June 8, 2016 5:30pm6:30pm *Bring your ACC ID for free park entrance* Wednesday June 15, 2016 Sandy Creek Park 400 Bob Holman Road 11:30am12:30pm Landscape Management 1ET or 5pts as Healthy Hour OR Outdoor Activity 1ET or 5pts 2555 Lexington Road Program UPgrade Your Fitness Life: Reward Yourself With PROPER Fitness Gear—Proper exercise attire, gear, and fueling can result in less injury, less aches & pains, ability to work out longer or more often, increased enjoyment of workout sessions, and better overall feel with any fitness endeavor. Simply running with the right shoe for your foot strike can make a world of difference, but so can using the proper socks, clothing, and much more! What a way to healthfully reward yourself! Let the Fleet Feet staff introduce you to an array of ideas for improving your overall exercise experience. Fun, Healthy, Easy Snacks For Kids (or the kid in you!)— Kids (or you!) tired of the same old snacks, or often skip these important pick-me-up energy boosts throughout the day? Cooperative Extension agent, Katie Hiers, will discuss the importance of healthy snacks and enlighten you with many creative, easy ideas. Disc Golf—Marilyn Estes of Disc Golf Athens will both teach beginners how to play the exciting outdoor game and challenge st those who have played before. Meet in parking lot of 1 building on right. Belly Dancing For Beginners—Experienced performance belly dancer, Sonya Miller, has enjoyed the fitness/health benefits and creative teamwork involved with this dance hobby. She will teach you the basics and explain how to get involved in this great activity! Come dressed to do light exercise, work attire is acceptable. **June 15, 2016 End of 4th Quarter! Accountability Forms due June 15, 2016!** Tuesday June 28, 2016 No preregistration necessary Course available from 3:30pm through 7:00pm Fire Station #3 1198 S. Milledge Avenue 1BT or 10pts June Wellness 5K—Enjoy a post-work 5K walk/jog through the charming 5 Points neighborhood of Athens. Stroller-friendly. Friends & family welcome! (If you are unable to attend, view the course on our website, and complete on your own time to report the same Wellness credit!) Healthy Hour classes are subject to change. Check out www.athensclarkecounty.com/wellness for program details, as well as additional resources and offerings throughout the year. *Indicates that a snack or meal will be served.