HVAC Validation in Pharma & Biotech Facilities - Part 1

Brian Scott, Jeff Hargroves, and Jerry Bauers
Editor's Note: The following article is the first in a
two-part series. Part One addresses the fundamental requirements and installation qualification of
HVAC systems. Part Two, which will appear in the
May issue of the Journal, will discuss the operational qualification and performance qualification
of these systems.
An HVAC system, which encompasses heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning, is an integral
component of a facility's functionality. It impacts the
safety of scientists and technicians working in a lab
or production facility, the integrity of processes, and
the environment outside.
There are three core phases of HVAC system
validation: installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ), and performance qualification (PQ). An important element of successful
HVAC validation is prevalidation design work. This
article explores the correlation between preliminary design and each phase of validation.
Construction and validation of an HVAC system usually involves compiling the following documents,
which typically are developed in the order presented
in Figure 1:
Special Edition: Utilities Qualification
Functional Specification (the conceptual design)
Design Drawings, Plans, and Specifications
Validation Master Plan
Contractor Documents (e.g., shop drawings
and submittals)
• Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing (TAB) and
Start-up Reports
• Commissioning Report (The actual execution of validation protocols may commence;
commissioning may be performed as part
of the "development" phase of validation.)
• Validation (IQ, OQ, & PQ)
When PQ is complete, process validation commences and product manufacture (or laboratory
processes) can begin.
Whatever the components of an HVAC system,
the functional requirements must be determined up
front. In fact, functional specifications are the cornerstone of any project.
It is important that design criteria is not the sole
basis for establishing validation acceptance criteria.
Design criteria may be written with extreme precision,
but acceptance criteria for validation may not need to
be so stringent. This determination comes from
understanding the process in question. The design
team must understand and assist in determining what
a system needs to "do" in the context of processes
and other operations carried out within a facility.
Brion Scatt, JeH Hargraves, and Jerry Bo uers
Figure 1
Operational Qualification (OQ)
Performance Qualification (PQ)
Special Edition: Utilities Qualification
Brian Scott, Jeff Hargroves, and Jerry Bauers
A description of functional requirements
should include:
• HVAC system functionality as it relates to
• Points in a process that expose a product to
the environment.
• Source of design guidelines (e.g., an existing
similar facility, a domestic or foreign
regulatory body).
The following is an excerpt from a functional
requirements description for a typical manufacturing facility:
"Air handling unit AHU-Ol seroes an aseptic filling suite in the New Product Facility. The suite
includes an aseptic area, clothes changing room, two
equipment pass-throughs, and an incubator room.
The air handling unit draws a mixture of
makeup air and return air into a mixing section,
through a series offilters, and a cooling coil; then
blows the air through a heating coil and discharges it into distribution ductwork. Filtration is
prOVided by 30% ASHRAE efficiency pre-filters,
95% ASHRAE efficiency bag filters, and 99.97%
HEPA filters. Terminal 99.995% HEPA filter diffusers provide final filtration and air distribution
in each room. Air is returned through low wall
louvered return grilles. Temperature is maintained
at 66 ±2° F. Humidity is maintained between 20%
and 50% RH. Space pressurizations are shown on
Drawing XX-lOJ-AA."
Once deSigners understand the functionality of a
faCility, the next questions are who or what holds
regulatory responsibility and what are the particular
performance requirements. The answers to these
questions lead to perhaps the most significant issues
in validating an HVAC system: The processes that
the system is supporting and who monitors the performance of the facility. Validation criteria must be
established within this context and not in a vacuum
or against arbitrary "right" or "wrong" conditions.
Personnel responsible for HVAC validation
should be involved in the design process from
early conceptual meetings through periodic design
Special Edition: Utilities Qualification
reviews to final design approval. In doing so, they
have a voice in identifying the criteria against
which a system should be validated and can offer
observations and recommendations about design
which might ultimately impact validation.
There are many reasons that a validation team
should participate in the design phase of a project.
One is to identify the documentation that equipment vendors must provide. Documentation
should specify the following requirements and tolerances:
• Material certification (e.g., serial numbers
for HEPA filters)
• Performance characteristics (e.g., CFM for
air flow on air handling units; air flow vs.
static pressure for fans)
• Pressure ratings (for ductwork and the
distribution system)
• Factory performance testing of critical
• Factory leak testing for cooling or heating
If contractors and equipment vendors are not told
up front what they are required to provide, it's
very difficult to get necessary information as a project progresses. In many scenarios, specifications
typically are written just for acquisition and installation of equipment. A better procedure--one that
will make the validation process more efficient-is
to require vendors to supply supporting documentation. Requirements also should be applied to any
software that may be part of controls or building
management systems.
In addition to outlining documentation that vendors must furnish, this is the time in the validation
process to define responsibilities for delivery, installation, and start-up or commissioning. This procedure encompasses activities such as starting air handling unit motors, verifying correct fan rotation, and
point-to-point verification of control loops.
Brian Scott, Jeff Hargroves, and Jerry Bauers
The goal of IQ is to verify and document the quality,
installation, and integrity of HVAC system components. Use design documents and literature provided
by vendors to develop IQ protocols, which often
take the form of inventories or checklists. Execution
of IQ protocols provides assurance that an HVAC system is installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations and requirements for the specific
facility being validated. (Note: Some readers may find
that the requirements listed in the following discussion are more typical of aseptic areas and may not be
universal for all HVAC systems.)
A Description of Operation (System Description)
identifies an HVAC system, as well as the processes it supports and areas it serves. It should give a
clear and concise description of the system in
question, focusing on operational attributes of the
system rather than technical specifications of
equipment. (In most cases, a one-paragraph
description is sufficient, unless a system is unusually complex.) When appropriate and useful,
include diagrams showing temperature and
humidity control zones, room pressure relationships, and other key information.
It is important to avoid "over specifying" system attributes. For example, a diagram with arrows
to indicate room-to-room directional air flows may
be more useful than a drawing showing numeric
pressure relationships.
Information provided in a Description of
Operation should cover the following:
• Brief description of the system
• Identification of all the spaces served by the
• Room temperature setpoints, including
acceptable deviations (±)
• Room humidity setpoints, including acceptable deviations (±)
• Minimum space air change requirements
• Space particulate classifications
IQ documentation generally is broken down into
the following major sections:
Installation Drawings & Specifications (List) Documents as-built drawings and design specifications for an HVAC system about to be qualified
(validated). As-built drawings normally are supplied by mechanical contractors. These drawings
offer a record of system installation in its validated
state, provided they reflect changes made to the
system during validations.
Document the sheet number, description, and
latest revision date of each drawing. Compare the
finished installation to as-built drawings to make
sure that installation conforms to the drawings.
Major discrepancies between as-built drawings and
conditions found during validation should be
marked on the drawings and reported to the
appropriate personnel.
Execution of IQ may be easier if an "installation
checklist" is generated based on information in
design drawings and specifications. This checklist
should include all fans, fan motors, coils, and filters
in the air handling unit. Zone reheat coils and terminal HEPA filters also may be incorporated.
If construction is complete before validation
starts, some HVAC devices may become concealed
by insulation or architectural elements. In these
cases, packing lists, purchase orders, or other documentation should provide evidence that installed
equipment meets design requirements. The source
of information used to verify acceptance should be
noted in a protocol. In addition, duct leak test
reports may be referenced and attached as evidence that ductwork has been installed in accordance with industry standards (e .g ., ASHRAE,
SMACNA standards).
Materials in Product Contact - Normally does not
apply to most HVAC systems. However, in a clean
process environment where product or ingredients
are exposed to air provided by an HVAC system,
this evaluation must consider materials used in
construction of the system that may become airborne and directly contact product. Because of the
risk of contamination to the system, such materials
should be appropriate and safe for product contact
and "non-particle shedding." In other words, construction materials should not be "reactive, addi-
Special Edition: Utilities Qualification
Brian Scott, Jeff Hargroves, and Jerry Bauers
tive, or absorptive so as to alter the safety, identity,
strength, quality, or purity of the drug beyond the
official or established requirements." (21 CFR
211.94 - Drug product containers and closures.)
IQ documentation may include materials in
final filters, along with any devices downstream of
them that serve an area in question. These materials should meet industry-accepted standards for
suitability in drug processing, packaging, labeling,
or other activities taking place.
Lubricants - Identifies lubricants used to maintain
an HVAC system. This list may be as simple as "fan
bearing grease." A more detailed list would include
lubricants provided with system components prior
to installation, such as damper lubricants.
Food or pharmaceutical grade lubricants should
be used if there is potential for product contact
(where equipment design permits possible product
contamination by the lubricant). Consult a maintenance supervisor or other maintenance personnel to
ensure that all applicable lubricants are listed here.
Utilities - Lists utilities critical to the operation of
an HVAC system. All systems require supporting
utilities to function properly. Include applicable
design and actual data for utilities as follows:
• Electrical requirements and provisions for
each HVAC utility (e.g., fan, pump, condensing unit, etc.) - Document voltage, phase,
full load amperage, and conductor size.
• Steam requirements (e.g., plant steam or clean
steam, as applicable) for each steam coil or
humidifier, including line size and steam
pressure for each device - Steam flow (usually
expressed in pounds per hour) is not easily
measured and usually not included here.
• Hot and chilled water coil requirements,
including supply temperature, pressure,
and flow rate - If a TAB contractor has
made adjustments to a system, reference
the TAB report (submitted by a contractor
certified by the National Environmental
Balancing Bureau) for information provided
in this section.
Special Edition: Utilities Qualification
Instrumentation Calibration - Ensures accurate control of critical operational parameters. List all calibrated instruments critical to system operation. Instrument
calibration should be current at the time that IQ is
performed. Document the dates that calibrations were
executed and that recalibrations are due.
In some cases, the only devices included in a
routine calibration program are those used for
closed-loop control or critical system alarms. For
example, pressure gauges in chilled water lines
entering and leaving a cooling coil may be considered "non-Critical," but temperature sensors in spaces
served by the cooling coil may be considered "critical." If the temperature sensors are critical, they
require routine calibration. If calibration data sheets
are available, they may be attached to the protocol.
Preventive Maintenance - Identifies procedures used
to maintain an HVAC system in good operating condition. Preventive maintenance (PM) also provides assurance that a system will be kept in a validated state.
List preventive maintenance numbers and
effective dates. PM procedures for an HVAC system may include inspection of filters, bearings,
belts, gaskets, and any other moving parts, as well
as parts with limited lifespans. Maintenance personnel normally write PM procedures.
Spare Parts - Identifies filters, belts, or other items
that will be replaced according to a regularly
scheduled preventive maintenance program.
During the life of a typical HVAC system, certain
parts will need to be replaced as a result of
expected wear and tear. Record the manufacturer
and model number of each item. Spare parts
should be identical or equivalent to original parts.
A facility's maintenance department should keep
these parts in stock.
Special Procedures - Identifies special procedures,
such as a controls system software walk-through
and initial HEPA filter integrity testing. Certain procedures involved in HVAC system start-up should
be documented as evidence of proper configuration or performance of system elements. Some of
this information may be useful for troubleshooting
A Must Have for
Computer Validation…
Special Edition: Computer Validation IV
Over 122 pages of computer-related issues, including:
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Standard VS-2 ComputerRelated System Validation
➤ Thoughts on Computer
Validation Today
➤ Computer Validation: The
Five Ws and
➤ Guide to Documentation
of Automated Systems
➤ Considerations for
Improving Software
➤ Implementing a Medical
Device Change Control Program for
Computer Validation Documentation
➤ Implementing Requirements Analysis Strategies to Test
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➤ Beyond Validation: The Competitive Advantages of
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➤ A Roadmap to Conducting Effective Computer
➤ Software/System Architecture Design as a Method to
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➤ Validation of Commercial-Off-the Self (COTS)
➤ Automation Qualification: A Managed and Documented
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• Computer Validation Videotapes
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Special Edition: Utilities Qualification