The Village Communicator

The Village Communicator
Volume 18, Issue 2 - Summer 2016 - Circulation - 6225
Glen Carbon Homecoming
June 17 & 18, 2016
The Glen Carbon Community Events Committee is proudly hosting the 11th Annual Glen Carbon Homecoming on Friday, June 17 and Saturday, June 18 on Main
Street in Old Town Glen Carbon. The festivities will begin on Friday, at 5:00 p.m.,
and Saturday at 4:00 p.m., and will last until midnight on both nights. Please bring
your friends and family and join in on the fun!
Village Officials:
Mayor: Robert L. Jackstadt
Clerk: Peggy Goudy
This year’s Homecoming includes a variety of entertainment and food options for
the entire family. Several of our vendors have been fan-favorites in the past and
include many local non-profit organizations. There will be a number of carnival
rides and games to enjoy as well as Smash-a-Car and Laser Tag. A large number
of food booths will be present selling items which include BBQ, New York style
pizza, gyros, tacos, pork steaks and fried fish as well as festival staples such as
corn dogs, funnel cakes, kettle corn, nachos, fried Oreos, snow cones and many
more. There will also be various refreshments such as shake-ups, smoothies, root
beer floats, fresh-brewed ice tea, soda and Gatorade. The Glen Carbon Fire Department Foundation will operate a large beer garden and sell beer and hard lemonade. The Edwardsville Jaycees will sell adult strawberry daiquiris and a variety
of margaritas. A number of retailers will be selling their items throughout the
event. We are also expecting some local and regional artists to have booths displaying and selling their artwork. An ATM will be provided for your convenience.
Village Trustees:
Ross Breckenridge
Jorja Dickemann
Brooke Harmony
Steve Slemer
Micah Summers
Mary Beth Williams
Inside this issue:
Building & Zoning
Public Safety
Fire Prot. District
Senior Center
Around the Village
Senior Group
Tickets for the carnival rides will be sold in advance of the event at a discounted
rate. Advance tickets will be available at Glen Carbon’s Village Hall and Sweetie’s Confections until 3:00 p.m. on Friday, June 17. Regular price tickets can be
purchased at the Homecoming ticket booths on Main Street during the event.
In addition to the great vendors, there is a fantastic lineup of musical entertainment
on both nights. On Friday, The Legendary Well Hungarians will perform from
7:30-11:30 p.m. On Saturday, Smash Band will take the stage from 7:00-11:00
p.m. Both bands are excellent so please plan on attending both nights!
There will be a spectacular fireworks display around 10:00 p.m. on Saturday night.
This is a Homecoming favorite and a must see!
The Covered Bridge Run will take place on Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. The run
will begin and end near the covered bridge on Main Street and the course will
wind through the beautiful wooded and paved trails in Glen Carbon. The run consists of a 5K, a 5 Mile Run and a 1 Mile Fun Run. Breakfast sandwiches and beverages will be available for purchase during and after the run. Runners who register by June 1, 2016 will receive a vintage race shirt. More information about the
Covered Bridge Run, including registration information, is available at or the Village website at under the
“Homecoming” tab.
Village of Glen Carbon, Illinois 62034 • 618-288-1200
Voted One of the Top 100 Best Places to Live in the USA by in 2009!
The theme for this year’s Homecoming parade is “Hometown Heroes.” The parade will specially honor those
brave men and women who serve or have previously served our community as soldiers, police, fireprotection and emergency personnel, as well as citizens who have made a significant contribution to our community. The parade will start at 5:00 p.m. and will stage at the New Bethel United Methodist Church parking
lot located at 131 N. Main Street. Participants should be in their assigned staging area no later than 4:30 p.m.
You may watch the parade by lining the sides of Main Street from the Hickory Hill Lane intersection (north
of the Glen Crossing/Meridian intersection) south to the School Street intersection. For those wishing to participate in the parade by entering a float, car/truck, novelty or just walking, please complete a Parade Entry
Form available on the Village website. Please join us in celebrating our Hometown Heroes.
A large hospitality tent will provide shade for attendees and our helpful volunteers will be able to assist you
with any questions or directions at our informational booth located at the center of the event. Volunteers will
be wearing bright green shirts and should be easy to spot as you stroll through Main Street.
Parking for Homecoming will be in Citizen Park behind Fire Station #1 in Old Town. Additional parking is
available at Glen Carbon Elementary School (Friday evening and after 6:30 p.m. on Saturday), as well as at
the Village Hall with a shuttle running between there and Old Town. There will be a handicap access point
coordinated by the Village Police command post on Main Street. To facilitate the Homecoming, the parking
lots in Miner Park, behind the Gazebo, Library and Collinsville Street, will be closed on Wednesday, June 15
through Sunday, June 19, 2016. A portion of Main Street will be closed from Thursday, June 16 at 9:00 a.m.
until Sunday, June 19. An additional portion of N. Main Street between Hickory Hill Lane and the Glen
Crossing/Meridian intersection will be closed during the parade and reopen once the parade has finished.
For more information, including how to participate as a vendor or parade participant, please visit For additional assistance, please contact the Community Events Chairman, Carson Maricle, at
Everyone is welcome! Please come support the Glen Carbon community, meet your neighbors and enjoy
your time with your friends. Homecoming is a very unique event that offers something for everyone to enjoy.
Administration Pages
From the Mayor’s Desk
Robert L. Jackstadt
It is great that summer time is finally here! I hope you still can enjoy our beautiful walking trails, bike trails
and parks here in the Village.
2016 Fiscal Year Results
Glen Carbon’s fiscal year ended April 30, 2016. During that period Glen Carbon once again experienced
steady retail sales. Our sales tax receipts represent about 46% of our total general fund revenue. Last year, our
Village wide sales tax receipts totaled $3,488,205, an increase of approximately 5.6% over the prior year. Fiscal year 2017 budgeted sales tax is projected to increase another 2.5%.
Last fiscal year, we issued a total of 430 building permits with an estimated value of $30,086,286 dollars. Last
year, Glen Carbon authorized 34 new single family residence permits at an average of $489,903 per unit. In
FY 2016, we issued 5 new commercial building permits with a combined value of $ 8,468,726. The new commercial permits included the construction of the new Multi-Tenant building located in Edwardsville Crossing
that includes; Men’s Warehouse, Kirkland’s, Carters/Osh Kosh and Ross Dress for Less. Miner Square Build2
ing II, Altitude Trampoline Park, Frye Chiropractic In addition to the Enterprise Zone, the Village has esand Laser Center and Dental Professionals of Glen tablished a Route 157 Business District which sets
forth a plan for the development and redevelopment of
approximately 328 acres of land positioned in the
Last year, the Village’s Equalized Assessed Valuation southwestern portion of the Village on the southern
(EAV) for all property in Glen Carbon increased by side of the intersection of Interstate 270 and Illinois
$8.8 million or by 2.8%, With the increase in the State Route 157. The Route 157 Business District is
EAV, the Village’s municipal tax rate will be 0.8064 also included as part of the Enterprise Zone.
for the 2015 tax year, which is down from 0.8602 for
The Village is currently in the process of developing a
formal economic development plan with the assistance
of our Economic Development Intern, Mr. Tim Ashe,
New Commercial Development
and Development Strategies.
As I announced at the Chamber’s Breakfast with the
Mayors, Capital Land Development has signed a conMr. Ashe is a Masters of Public Administration stutract to purchase the 52± acre Sunnyside Nursery
property and another 72 ± acre property approximately dent at SIU Edwardsville.
1 mile to the south on IL Route 159 the east side of
2016 Glen Carbon Homecoming – Friday June 17
Troy Road across from the Gateway Urgent Care.
and Saturday June 18
These properties were owned by the Foucek family.
In just a few weeks on Fathers’ Day weekend, the
Over the past few months Capital Land has been doing Glen Carbon Homecoming will take place again in the
the various tests and studies to satisfy the contingen- heart of Glen Carbon on Main Street in Old Town. I
cies in the contracts, including title, survey, topogra- hope that you, your family and friends will spend
phy, environmental, traffic, utilities, storm water, cul- some time enjoying the event.
tural resource, etc. and all the engineering work assoCommission and Committee Members Re-Appointed
ciated with these items.
I recently reappointed the following people to terms
Capital Land has also been active in presenting these on the volunteer Committees or Commissions indicatproperties to prospective tenants and are happy to re- ed:
port there is substantial interest from what Capital
Paul Hanson ~ Zoning Board of Appeals
Land considers to be desirable tenants, both restauKelly Cobb ~ Zoning Board of Appeals
rants and retail.
Shed Foster ~ Planning & Zoning Commission
Mary Ann Smith ~ Planning & Zoning Commission
Capital Land expects that they will be requesting a
Joan Foster ~ Historical and Museum Commission
meeting with the Village in the next 3 to 4 weeks to
Ron Hicks ~ Historical and Museum Commission
discuss their plans in more detail.
Larry Jones ~ Historical and Museum Commission
John Elliff ~ Police Pension Board
Economic Development
Cathy Hicks ~ G.L.E.N. Committee
Due to changes in legislation, the Village was apJerry Turner ~ G.L.E.N. Committee
proached by Madison County to be part of a group of
John Slosar ~ Cool Cities Committee
Madison County municipalities to submit an application for an enterprise zone. In April 2014, the Village
joined the municipalities of Highland, St. Jacob, Troy, As always, if you have any questions regarding the
Maryville, Collinsville and Madison County to make Village or would like to join a Committee or Commisapplication for the Madison County Discovery Zone. sion, please do not hesitate to call me at 288-2609 or
This enterprise zone will be utilized as a tool to attract email me at For those
development to the enterprise zone areas indicated on of you on Facebook, you may follow me at
the map submitted to the State. The Enterprise Distake
covery Zone has been approved and is now available
to businesses wishing to locate in the designated areas.
Building & Zoning
Weed and Grass Enforcement Information for
The Village would like to take time to remind our residents of the following information regarding weed and
grass maintenance:
of weeds at any time, but shall cut
and remove the same from such lot
or part of lot.
The word "weeds", as used in this chapter, shall include all rank, uncultivated vegetable growths and all
deleterious, unhealthful growths of all types eight
inches (8") or more in length. All "weeds", as herein
defined, are hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
This does not include cultivated crops, flowers and
gardens. All noxious weeds are prohibited.
The Village will give a written first and final notice
upon occurrence of violation. If the property is still in
violation after 5 days, a contractor will mow the property and the costs will be billed to the property owner.
All premises and exterior property
areas shall be maintained and free from weeds, grassThe Village of Glen Carbon Code of Ordinances, Sec- es, plant growth and vegetation in excess of 8” inches
tion 4-2 states:
in height.
To make a complaint, contact the BUILDING AND
Gutter Downspout Terminations:
We would like to make residents aware of Section 115-2 (E) 5 of the Glen Carbon Municipal Code, which
states the following:
Tall grass and\or weeds:
Are a general nuisance that become a home for
mosquitoes, rodents, snakes and other vermin.
Can hide debris, vehicles and lower your property
values and those of your neighbors.
5. Lot Drainage: All lots shall have a finished grade
Are not pleasant to look at and take away from the that will allow the natural flow of surface drainage
beauty of our Village.
water from one lot to another without erosion or damage. Grading shall be sloped and tapered at the side
4-2-2: DUTY TO CUT WEEDS: No owner , lessee, and rear lot lines in such a manner as to permit proper
or occupant, nor any agent, representative or employee drainage. All building drainage shall be day lighted
of such owner, lessee or occupant having control of
above grade no closer than ten feet (10') from any
any lot of ground or having the same for sale or dispo- sidewalk, street or other public infrastructure to
sition, or any part of any lot, shall allow, permit or
minimize or remove the chance of undermining of
maintain on any such lot, or part of same, any growth sidewalks and roads.
Do you know a senior or disabled adult in Glen
Carbon who would benefit from Home-Delivered
Delicious meals are catered by Stillwater Senior Living and delivered to recipients' homes by caring volunteers for only $4/day. This is a great service to
provide healthy meals and weekday check-ins with
those in need. Deposit required. Billed monthly.
For more information, contact:
Main Street Community Center - 1003 North Main
Street, Edwardsville(618) 656-0300
Village Street Signs
The Village of Glen Carbon is required by
Federal DOT regulations, to update all signage within Village boundaries. All street
signs are being updated on an ongoing basis. Please report any stolen or damaged street signs to the
Public Works Department by calling 618-288-2662.
Public Safety
The Glen Carbon Police Department is participating in the Prescription Drug Initiative
headed by Sheriff John Lakin and the Madison County Sheriff’s Department. Under
the Prescription Drug Initiative, the Village
of Glen Carbon has installed a prescription drop-off box
in the lobby of the Glen Carbon police station, available
24 hours per day under video surveillance. The prescription drop-off box now enables community members to
dispose of expired or unneeded prescription drugs in a
safe manner that keeps prescription medications out of
the water supply and away from people who may abuse
narcotic medications.
The prescription drop-off box is located at:
Glen Carbon Police Department
149 North Main Street
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
The prescription drop-off box CAN ACCEPT any over
the counter medicines, prescription medicines, narcotics,
painkillers, hormones, antibiotics, ointments, oils, liquid
medications, cough syrups, and unidentified pills.
The prescription drop-box CANNOT ACCEPT any
sharps, razors, needles, syringes, mercury thermometers,
asthma inhalers, hearing aids, household wastes, or oxygen tanks.
For any questions, please contact Chief Todd Link or Lt.
Wayne White of the Glen Carbon Police Department.
The non-emergency phone number to the Glen Carbon
Police Department is 618-288-7226.
The American Legion Post 435 and V.F.W. Post
2222 would like to thank the citizens of Glen
Carbon and surrounding communities for their
loyal support.
Thank You!
Spring is upon us again! You may find
baby animals in what seems to be the
most precarious situations, and whitetailed deer are no exception. Every year, numerous Glen Carbon residents report fawns bedded in
their landscaping, gardens, or bushes.
These animals have not been abandoned, and their
mothers often return in the evening to retrieve
them. Fawns are born with very little birthing
odor and by remaining still and low to the ground
ensures predators will pass by without detection.
At three weeks of age, the small fawns are able to
keep up with their mothers.
domestic pets contained and enjoy watching them
from afar. The only time you should intervene is
The fawn has been in the area longer than 10
hours (They can go 10 hours without nursing).
The fawn is unresponsive.
The fawn is wandering, crying, or appears to
be in significant distress.
The fawn is covered in insects, and/or its eyes
and muzzle are swollen or weeping.
The fawn is bleeding or has been attacked by
a domestic animal.
The fawn is near a roadway where the mother
could have been hit.
If you encounter any of these conditions, please
call the Police Department’s non-emergency number at 288-7226 for assistance.
American Legion Hall is available for
rental for baby showers, birthday
parties, wedding receptions, retirement
parties, etc. Please call for availability
and price.
Finance Department
Village Passes the Annual Budget Ordinance
The Village Board adopted the Annual Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 at the Board
Meeting on April 26th. The budget is the projected spending plan for the Village from May 1st
2016 through April 30th 2017. Passage of the ordinance concludes a nearly 5 month budgeting
process which began with the adoption of the property tax levy in December.
The Village Budget is comprised of 29 individual funds, each of which is accounted for separately from the others. Funds are established based on a number of factors such as legal restrictions and/or the nature of the functions within the fund. For instance, activities related to
the Village’s Water and Sewer Enterprises are accounted for separately from the accounting for
the Police Pension Fund.
The primary fund of the Village is the “General
Fund”, which accounts for a majority of the Village’s daily operations. The projected expenses
for the General Fund next year is $6.7 million.
The budget for the General Fund was adopted as
a balanced budget, with projected revenues exceeding expenses by $45,040. Expenses of the
General Fund are mostly paid for by tax revenue
such as the sales tax generated from local retailers. The Village has realized significant growth in
sales tax revenue in recent years. This helps the
village maintain a steady property tax rate for
our residents and business partners. As the pie
chart displays, sales tax accounts for approximately 50% of General Fund revenues.
In addition to the daily operations of the General Fund, over $8.9 million is planned in capital
expenditures during the New Year. Projects include $4.9 million for a major sewer main project,
$1.2 million for multiple storm drainage projects, the completion of a major upgrade to the Police Department Telecommunications Center, and nearly $500,000 in various street maintenance projects. In addition, the Village plans to begin engineering for the reconstruction of Old
Troy Road.
The full budget is available on the Finance Department page of the Village website at www.glen If you have any questions about the budget, or anything finance related, feel free
to contact the Finance Department at 288-2607.
Water Quality Report
Go to to view your annual water quality report. This report contains important information about the source and quality of your
drinking water during 2015. For a paper copy, call (618) 288-1200.
Resident Advisory Board
Presentation on 7/21/16 from Republic Services on new trash and recycling program in
Glen Carbon
If you have any questions about our new trash and recycling program or want to learn more about how to
increase your recycling efforts, please attend this informational meeting. The RAB is adding speakers to
our quarterly meetings on topics that are of interest to
our residents. We are soliciting feedback from Village Residents on what future topics you would like
discussed or presented at our quarterly meetings.
You can email your topic suggestions to
The RAB has planned a presentation on
July 21 at 7:00pm to hear about the
new trash and recycling program in Glen
Carbon. The presentation will be part of
the quarterly RAB meeting in the Public Safety Community Room (Police Department building) located at
157 North Main Street in Glen Carbon.
The RAB is a board for the residents, so let us know
how we can keep the Village of Glen Carbon a vibrant
Joell Aguirre, Manager of Municipal Services for Re- community.
public Services and Jamie Bowden, Village Administrator will provide information on the new trash and
Thank you,
recycling services and answer any of your questions.
Joell will provide information on how Glen Carbon
Chairperson: Luke Harris ~ 6/23/2015 to 4/30/2017
can increase our recycling efforts by utilizing our new Vice-Chairperson: Richard Hunsaker ~ 6/23/2015 to
recycling totes in their single-stream recycling. In ad- 4/30/2017
dition, Joell will dispel some of the myths around re- District 1 - Open
cycling like “since they use trash trucks to pick up our District 2 - Open
recycling it just goes to the dump anyway”. Jamie
District 3 - Susan Young ~ 5/1/2015 to 4/30/2017
Bowden will be available to answer any questions
District 4 - Jan Snider ~ 5/1/2015 to 4/30/2017
concerning the selection of Republic as our trash and District 5 - Russell Marti ~ 5/1/2015 to 4/30/2017
recycling provider.
News from the Public Services Committee
Chairman Ross Breckenridge
receive repairs. This will provide a better surface for
driving as well as grading improvements to help storm
water runoff.
The Village of Glen Carbon adopted policies to help property owners
in a number of areas. These areas
include street maintenance, storm
water management, and sidewalk/ADA improvements.
Storm water issues ar e a pr ior ity, with
this year’s projects outlining numerous areas which have received funding for design,
and construction. These areas, referred to as
BID PACKAGE 1, include Shingle Oaks, Mark
Trail, Old Glen Crossing Rd. and Bayhill. These
projects were bid and have been approved by the
Village Board receiving unanimous support.
Street Maintenance has been one of the
topics discussed in the last few years and the
feedback from residents has helped shape the
path moving forward. Although microsurfacing has been used in the past we are planning to
utilize mill and overlay methods to ensure longevity of
our roadway system. Annually, staff will identify
roads in need of repair by utilizing the SMRS data
provided by Lochmueller Group. For the fiscal year
2016-17 budget we have identified roads within the Jo
Ida, Shingle Oaks and Ginger Creek subdivisions to
Sidewalk/ ADA improvements have been
and will continuously be projects that will
enhance the experience of pedestrians and
cyclists. For months the Public Works Department has been identifying and replacing sidewalk panels along Glen Crossing and Meridian Road
from State RTE 159 to State RTE 157. The next
phase of this project is to make all sidewalk ramps
on this route ADA Compliant.
Fire Protection District
WE SERVE BECAUSE WE CARE our society. It is a stress like no other, which can
Firefighter T. Kowalski
take a dangerous toll. After any large fire, the fire
chief gathers the firefighters to go over the fire. This
As mentioned in past articles, car
allows the firefighters to let out the stress.
seat inspection and installation is
very important for young children.
The fire district has 3 technicians
who can provide this service. From the beginning of
the new year through May 1st, a total 22 inspections
have been completed. This is a free service.
Many firefighters use writing as a stress reliever
through creating poems. Listed is a poem by a firefighter.
When I am called to duty, God whenever flames may
rage, give me the strength to save some life whatever
Several years ago a law was passed stating if a parent be its age. Help me to embrace a little child before it
it’s too late, some older person from the horror of
cannot take care of a child the parent can leave the
that fate. Enable me to be alert and hear the weakest
child at a firehouse and an agency would be contacted.
shout, and quickly and efficiently to put the fire out. I
If you are aware of a parent who needs help because
want to fill my calling and the best in me. To guard
my neighbor and protect his property . And if accordof a lack of parenting skills, let them know help is
ing to Your will I have to lose my life, please bless
with your protecting hand my children and my wife.
The Glen Carbon Fire Protection District is
accepting applications for probationary
firefighters. You can receive an application at any Glen Carbon fire station. This
is a good way for you to give back to the
Metro East Model Railroad Club
community. You will receive excellent training from
Glen Carbon Homecoming
the assistant fire chief. You would receive all safety
Open Houses
equipment. Plus you would receive monetary comFri, June 17, 2016 (5 PM – 8 PM)
pensation for each call out.
Sat, June 18, 2016 (3 PM – 8 PM)
Stress is always a factor with a firefighter. When you
We are located in the old Fire House/Town Hall at
hear or see an emergency vehicle step back and think
180 Summit Street, Glen Carbon, Illinois
the stress that is thrust upon the firefighters respond(Corner of Summit and School Streets)
ing. Firefighters are known for their heroic efforts to
All are welcome. Admission is FREE!
save lives, homes and buildings. But there’s another
Snacks too!
side of their profession that is rarely discussed, the
Come see the trains running on our
human toll the job takes on those in the line of duty.
18 x 27 foot HO Scale layout.
It’s a secret within the fire service, that post –
traumatic stress disorder is a huge problem among the
fire service. Firefighters, more than other groups,
Bill @ (618) 254-6596
face the traumatic events that are to going to occur in
Library Page
Glen Carbon Centennial Library
198 S. Main St.
Registration Requested
There’s a universe full of Science,
Technology, Reading, Engineering,
Art, and Math waiting for your
kids this summer at the library.
Age appropriate sessions will be
offered for preschool and school
aged children. 3D Printing, Computer Programming, and more!
Wednesdays at 1:00 pm
June 1, 8, 22, 29
July 6, 13, 20, 27
Saturday Super STARS 1:00 p.m.
Family Programs
Registration Requested
June 4 ~ Juggling Jeff
June 11 ~ Telling Time by the
Stars with Bill Iseminger
June 25 ~ Nitro Joe
July 9 ~ Mr. Steve – Music, Magic, Balloons
July 16 ~ Oh My Gosh, Josh!
July 23 ~ Animal Tales
July 30 ~ Summer Reading Finale - STAR
WARS Jedi Training Camp with
Swords & Roses; Bounce House;
Bubble Bus; Annie’s Frozen Custard and More!
Movie Matinees
Super STAR Story Times
Mondays & Tuesdays at 10 a.m.
Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Drop-Ins Welcome
June 13 Reading for the STARS
June 27 Ellen Singh – Kindermusik
July 11 Ellen Singh – Kindermusik
July 25 STARS Summer Finale
May 31 Reading for the STARS
June 14 Nia Kidz - Dancing for the STARS
June 21 Nia Kidz - Dancing for the STARS
June 28 Nia Kidz - Dancing for the STARS
July 12 Nia Kidz - Dancing for the STARS
July 26 STARS Summer Finale
Wednesdays 6:30 p.m.
Story Time activities will follow each of the
Kindermusik and Nia Kidz programs.
May 31, June 1 - Moon and Stars
June 13, 14 - Astronauts and Aliens
June 27, 28, 29 - It's Bedtime!
July 11, 12, 13 - You are a Star!
July 25, 26, 27 - Summer Campout
Teen/Tweens at the Library
Jr. Friends of the Library at 6:30
June 9, 23 July 7, 21
Fridays at 1:00 pm
June 3, 10, 24
July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Tween Book Club
June 23, July 21 at
6:30 pm
To Register, and for more information on Adult Events ,
visit us at
Book Club
June 14, 6:30 – A ge of
Innocence by Edith Wharton
July 12, 6:30 – The Odyssey of KP2 by Terrie Williams
August 9, 6:30 – My Story
by Elizabeth Smart
Yoga: Saturdays, June-July, 9:30 –
Yoga Fitness, registration is required. Please bring yoga mat.
Missouri Botanical Garden Passes – The
library offers Missouri Botanical Garden passes for Glen Carbon Library patrons to check
out! Patrons may check out one of our four
Garden passes, which allows free general admission to four adults and any number of
children 12 and under for one week.
Passes cannot be
Financial Education Programs
Registration is Required.
Identity Theft Class: J une 14, 6:30 - The Advisory Group will bring in a local expert and show the
public how easily people can steal their credit
card data, they also provide a way for them to
protect themselves.
Generational Vault: J uly 12, 6:30 - Introduces
public to a virtual ‘safe deposit box’ for storing
important financial documents and photos. Accessible to family all over the world.
Investing in the Market: August 9, 6:30 - this is a
90 minute class that covers the basics of investing, what to look for, and what else is out there.
Introduction to Social Media: June 22, 6:30 – This program will introduce you to the best practices of popular
social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Registration is Required.
Plethora of Pens: Mondays, June 6 & August 1
at 6:30 – Have you ever wanted to write a book?
Join this group to see that a good idea and some
planning can help you write what could be the
next great American novel. Registration is Required.
The Mata Hari Effect: July 19, 6:30 - From the beginning
of recorded history women have acted as spies, advisors
and assassins. From getting information to help win battles and bring down governments, to futile gestures of loyalty, women have been active in every way from cuddling
to killing. Adult topic. Registration is Required.
Author Talk with Melissa Simmons: J une 11, 1:00 –
Enjoy an excerpt reading and discussion with author
Melissa Simmons on her book Forever Loved. Registration is Required.
New Bethel United Methodist Church
Annual BBQ Dinner and Open House
Saturday June 25th.
Serving hours are 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Menu item are: BBQ pork steaks, pulled
pork, brats and hot dogs. Can be purchased as a plate or sandwich.
Plates include 2 sides and a homemade dessert.
Side choices are potato salad, cole slaw, potato chips and
baked beans.
A variety of cold drinks will be available for purchase.
Dine in or carry out.
Outdoor seating available if weather permits.
Come on over for some good food, good fellowship and
good music. Our sanctuary will be open for quiet prayer.
For further information call the church
office at 288-5700.
Senior Center Page
By Michele Suwe, Administrator
I think most of us are delighted to have
the end of winter within our sights!
How about stopping by for an afternoon
of bingo, games, prizes, refreshments
and good old fashion fun! Get Your Game ON! The
fun starts on Wednesday, March 30, April 27 and June
22 from 1-3PM. Just call Michele 288-2664 so we
know how many players to expect!
For the last several years, Senior Services Plus has pr ovided a SHIP
(Senior Health Insurance Program) officer to come to the Center each month,
to answer questions regarding senior
health care. They can provide a side-by
-side comparison of insurance plans to help seniors
select a plan that fits their needs, help those who are
signing up for Medicare for the first time, or provide
assistance with Medicaid or Medicare issues. Their
representative is also available to sign you up for the
Benefit Access Program, (for mer ly known as Circuit Breaker). SSP is available her e on the fir st
Tuesday of each month from 8:30-10:30 AM. Call for
an appointment at 288-2664.
Senior Services Plus also invites Glen Car bon r esidents to join them in trips! They offer day trips such
as, “A Wee Bit O’Irish,” the “Pampered Ladies Mystery Shopping Trip,” and the “St. Louis Brews.”
What fun! If you have always dreamt of going to Iceland and seeing the Nor ther n Lights, you will have
an opportunity in October 2016. Call Pam Kaizer at
618-465-3298 ext. 133 or e-mail at
If you need legal assistance with a will, power of attorney or just have a legal question, the Land of Lincoln might be able to help! They ar e an or ganization that offers free legal assistance to most seniors,
age 60 and older. They are available at the Center on
the second Tuesday of each month
from 10-1 PM. Call for an appointment, at 288-2664.
Could you use a little help with your heating
bills? If you ar e a senior , and an Amer en IL customer, you may qualify for help with your bill.
Please call 288-2664 for an appointment and more
Be an early bird and sign-up for the AARP Safe
Driving Class to be held her e at the Center on
Wednesday, June 29th and
Thursday, June 30th each day
from 12:30-4:30PM. There
is limited seating for this
class so call 288-2664 to save
your seat!
The Center is available (by reservation only) on
weekends for birthdays, bridal showers, anniversaries, receptions, baby showers, etc. A reservation
application and a minimal fee are required. Check
the Village of Glen Carbon Website for more details
( or come by the Center between 8AM & 3:30PM Monday through
The Glen Carbon Senior/
Community Center provides
all seniors and physically
challenged residents, the
service of our Para-transit
Bus for your local transportation needs. The bus
operates between 8:30 AM & 3PM Monday through
Thursday. To schedule a ride call the Center at 2882664.
For further information on any of our activities, to
check availability of the Center, or to make a bus
reservation, please contact me, Michele Suwe here at
the Center at 288-2664.
All eligible veterans are encouraged
to join the V.F.W. or the American
Legion. To find out if you are eligible contact the American Legion at
288-7118 or the V.F.W. at 288-9747
JUNE 17th & 18th, 2016 FRIDAY & SATURDAY
both nights
**FRIDAY, JUNE 17 from 5:00 p.m.-MIDNIGHT**
*SATURDAY, JUNE 18 from 4:00 p.m.-MIDNIGHT*
5K Run
5 Mile Run
1 Mile Fun Run
Bring cash for Breakfast Food and Beverages during and after the Covered Bridge Run
BALLOON ARTIST 4:00 -7:00 p.m.
10:00 p.m. FIREWORKS
SMASH BAND 7:00-11:00 p.m.
Thank you to our 2016 Homecoming Sponsors:
Platinum Sponsors
Allison’s Comfort Shoes and Boots
TheBANK of Edwardsville
Gonzalez Companies
Walton Telken Foster, LLC
Gold Sponsors
Gori, Julian & Associates, P.C.
Silver Sponsors
Edwardsville Crossing LLC
Juneau Associates
Lochmueller Group
Republic Services
Synergy Processing
Bronze Sponsors
Bard & Didriksen Pediatrics P.C.
Casey’s General Store
Cassens & Sons, Inc.
Early Explorations Too
Glen Carbon Fire Department
Irwin Chapel
Mastroianni Orthodontics
Thouvenot, Wade, & Moerchen, Inc.
Wood Law Office
Friends of Glen Carbon
Beyer Auto Body
Bull & Bear Grill & Bar
First Cloverleaf Bank
Julian Felix Boutique
Robert Wheatley DDS
Scott Credit Union
Town & Country Gun Club
The parade will stage at the New Bethel United
Methodist Church parking lot. The parade will
begin at New Bethel United Methodist Church
(north of the Main Street/Glen Crossing Road/
Meridian intersection) and proceed down Main
Street, but will end at School Street.
Parade watchers should line up between Hickory
Hill Lane and School Streets and enjoy the parade!
Parking for 2016:
Shuttle bus will be available at Village
Overflow parking will be at the Bridge
Church on Steiss St.
Join the Glen Carbon American Legion
Post 435 and VFW Post 2222 Color Guard
on Saturday, June 18th for the 2016 Glen
Carbon Homecoming Parade @ 5 PM!
Homecoming Vehicular
Parking Restrictions:
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 @ 9:00 a.m.
The parking lots in Miner Park, behind the Gazebo,
Library and Collinsville Street
Thursday, June 16, 2016 @ 9:00 a.m.
Main Street will be closed to through vehicular traffic
between Spruce Street and School Street.
Friday, June 19, 2016 @ 9:00 a.m.
South Side of Guy Street (From South Meridian Road to Spruce Street)
West Side of Spruce Street (From Guy Street
to Main Street)
South Side of Rosin Street
(Parking will be restored on Sunday
morning, June 19th)
Parade Route
Saturday, June 18, 2016 @ 8:00 a.m.
Both Sides of Main Street (From New Bethal
Church to School Street)
The intersection of Main at Meridian/Glen Crossing
as well as the road between Main/Hickory Hill Lane
and Meridian/Glen Crossing will close at 5:00 p.m.
for the Homecoming parade
(Parking will be restored at the conclusion
of the parade)
The Parkinson Support Group of Glen Carbon
meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month at the
Glen Carbon Senior/Community Center from
10:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
This is an uplifting support group whose purpose is
to share information, experiences and friendship
with Parkinson patients and/or their caregivers from
the Metro East area.
New members are always welcome!
For more information, please contact Kathi Jackstadt at 618-920-6296 or email:
Road Closures
The following roadways within the Village of
Glen Carbon will be closed to vehicular traffic
at the listed times and dates to facilitate the
Village of Glen Carbon Homecoming Event.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016. The Parking lots
in Miner Park, behind the Gazebo and Library and Collinsville Street will be closed
through Sunday, June 19, 2016. (The Community Events Committee will begin placing
fliers on cars on Friday, June 3rd).
Thursday, June 16, 2016. Main Street will be
closed at 9:00 a.m. to through vehicular traffic
between Spruce Street and School Street.
Friday, June 17, 2016. Main Street will be
closed at 9:00 a.m. to through vehicular traffic
between Spruce Street and School Street.
South Meridian will be closed at 9:00 a.m. between Guy Street and West Main and Collinsville Street will be closed between Sunset and
Main. West Rosin will also be closed at Main
Street at 9:00 a.m.
Saturday, June 18, 2016. The roadways listed
above as closed will remain closed. The intersection of Main at Meridian and Glen Crossing as well as the road between Main and
Hickory Hill Lane and Meridian and Glen
Crossing and will close at 5:00 p.m. for the
Homecoming parade. The intersection will
reopen at the conclusion of the parade.
Remaining closures will reopen as soon as
possible at the conclusion of the Homecoming Event and no later than Monday morning,
June 20, 2016 at 6:00 a.m.
Detour Routes will be posted and plainly
Jeffrey Graser
It’s that time of year again, and the Postal Service, letter carriers. A dog may see handing mail to a child
healthcare providers and animal protection profes- as a threatening gesture. These simple reminders and
sionals need your help.
helpful tips can reduce the hazard of dog attacks. Help
us to help you this spring and summer. Thank You.
For every letter carrier bitten, hun- Postmaster
dreds of children needlessly suffer
the pain and trauma of dog attacks.
Whatever the reasons, dog attacks
Glen Carbon Postmaster advises
are a serious problem for the entire
Customers to inspect Mailboxes
community, and not just our letter carriers, who were
victimized by 6,549 dog attacks last year. That’s an
Mailboxes receive a lot of wear and
average of 18 dog attacks every delivery day, and that
tear every year especially during the
figure does not include the number of threatening inciwinter months. The Postal Service sugdents that did not result in injury. However, these
gests conducting an annual mailbox
numbers pale in comparison with the more than 4.5
inspection in the spring.
million people — mostly children and the elderly —
who suffer injuries from dog attacks each year.
“Repairing suburban and rural mailboxes improves
the appearance of our community and makes delivFortunately, most dog bites can be prevented through
ering and receiving mail safer for our carriers and
responsible pet ownership. If a letter carrier needs to
customers,” says Glen Carbon Postmaster Jeff
deliver a certified letter or a package to you, put your
dog into a separate room before opening your front
door. Dogs have been known to burst through screen
Some of the typical activities that may need to be
doors or plate-glass windows to get at strangers.
done include:
Replacing loose hinges on a mailbox door.
In Glen Carbon at least six of our current carriers have
Repainting a mailbox that may have rusted or
been bitten, some multiple times. Almost all have
started peeling.
been incidents where the dog was not restrained or let
Remounting a mailbox post if loosened.
out when the carrier was at the door or walking back
Replacing or adding house numbers.
to their truck.
Your mailbox is required to display the house
number in at least one inch high letters.
Our letter carriers are vigilant and dedicated, but we
may be forced to stop mail delivery at an address if a
“If a homeowner plans to install a new mailbox or
letter carrier is threatened by a vicious dog. In some
replace a worn one, he or she must use only Postal
instances, Postal Service employees have sued and
Service–approved traditional, contemporary full/
collected damages for dog attack injuries. We can’t
limited service mailboxes,” said Graser.
control people’s dogs, only dog owners can do that.
“Customers should be careful when purchasing
While some attribute attacks on letter carriers to dogs’
curbside mail receptacles because the use of unapinbred aversion to uniforms, experts say the psycholoproved boxes is prohibited. Customers may use a
gy actually runs much deeper. Every day that a letter
custom-built mailbox, but they must consult with
carrier comes into a dog’s territory, the dog barks and
the local Post Office to ensure it conforms to guidethe letter carrier leaves. Day after day the dog sees this lines applying to flag, size, strength, and quality of
action repeated. After a week or two, the dog appears
to feel invincible against intruders. Once the dog gets
loose, there’s a good chance it will attack. Dog ownFor more information on the use of names or numers should remind their children about the need to
bers on mailboxes, or answers to any other queskeep the family dog secured. We also recommend par- tions, please contact Postmaster Jeffrey O Graser at
ents ask their children not to take mail directly from
Around the Village
Museum Summer Hours from 9am – 3pm (May –
The Glen Carbon Heritage Museum has two Geo
August) Tues., Thurs., Sat.
Cache sites. One is at the Museum and one is at the
Yanda Log Cabin. This can be a fun family activity,
The Yanda Log Cabin is open during Summer
Hours for tours, the 4 Saturday of the month. similar to a treasure hunt. All you need is a GPS or
the Geo Cache App on your phone. For more inforComing soon on June 11th and 12th, is mation on Geo Cache check their website
the second annual Blue Carpet Corri- The Museum is a great place
dor Festival. 2016 marks the 90th an- to visit, and learn about the early days of Glen Carniversary of the Mother Road (Route bon.
Glen Carbon
66). Route 66 junkies will be welHeritage
comed to Glen Carbon with an Open
124 School St.
House, at the Museum, featuring muGlen Carbon, IL 62034
sical entertainment. George Portz and the Friends of
(618) 288-7271
Blue Grass is scheduled to play from 1-4 on Saturday,
Hours of Operation:
Tues, Thurs, Sat
June 11th and The Red Haired Boys on Sunday, June
Hours (May-Aug):
12th, also from 1-4. Mark these days on your calen9AM-3PM
dar and stop by for some good musical entertainment
from local artists. Last year over 100 visitors came to
148 Main St.
Glen Carbon to get their Route 66 Passports stamped.
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
The Blue Carpet Corridor of Route 66 runs from
(618) 288-7271
Chatham to Collinsville. Each year thousands of visiHours of Operation
Fourth Saturday of
tors, both local and international, travel these old
Each Month
Route 66 roads. Glen Carbon is lucky enough to have
10am – 2pm
a small portion of this famous road run through the
Village. During the month of June, a special Route 66
exhibit will be displayed featuring a paver from a section of the original Mother Road that ran from EdJoin the V.F.W. Post 2222 &
wardsville to Hamel. For more information on the
American Legion Post 435
Blue Carpet Corridor check the website bluecarpetJune 14, 2016 at 8:00 AM for
the Annual Flag day event.
Thank you to all who visited the Museum during
March to view the temporary display of Girl Scout
Memorabilia. Through a cooperative effort with the
Girl Scouts, and donations of Girl Scout items from
community members, the Museum is working on a
permanent display. This exhibit will feature 2 patches
from the old Camp Lakota, and help tell the story of
life in Glen Carbon.
What do you do for Summer Fun? Parades, Riding
Bikes, Fishing, Swimming . . . The Glen Carbon Heritage Museum will showcase a collection of “Summer
Fun” photos and artifacts during July. There is even a
pavilion behind the Museum, for a picnic. Updates on
future events at the Glen Carbon Heritage Museum
can be found at .
Cool Cities Committee
Gardening…Good for Body
and Planet
and require more weeding if existing grass was turned
Raised beds require more materials, but a little less
maintenance. Materials sitting around in the garage,
storage shed, or basement can be reused to build a
raised garden; scrap lumber, cinder blocks, stacked
paving stones, for instance. Line the bottom of the garden with hardware cloth to keep underground critters
at bay and line with newspapers on top of the cloth to
minimize weed growth if the bed is shallow. Fill with
quality planting soil, plant, water, and fertilize.
Starting a garden can be daunting, but
it can also be fun. Nurturing a living
thing is therapeutic and peaceful. Plant vegetables,
herbs, flowers, or all three; planting a variety of plant
types can be beneficial to the garden, create a space
more pleasing to the eye, and reduce maintenance.
Gardening provides food from a known and healthy
source, and saves money on groceries. It may also encourage more cooking and better eating at home.
Container gardens are, by far, the simplest gardens to
build. Reusing storage bins, buckets, pails, old pots
Gardening improves the environment locally and
and pans, trash cans, or anything else drainage holes
globally. Plants are a food source for local birds and
can be drilled in make excellent containers for gardeninsects. Birds spread seed and create more plants.
ing. Prep the container for proper drainage, fill with
Bugs provide food for birds and assist in pollination.
soil, plant, water, and fertilize.
Plants convert carbon, a greenhouse gas, into oxygen.
Reduction of carbon creates a more stable environKeep Destructive Critters Away - Wildlife and
ment. Every aspect of gardening is beneficial to the
bugs, no matter how appreciated in every other way,
planet (as long as chemical pesticides and fertilizers
can be the bane of a gardeners existence. Bunnies,
are avoided)!
deer, groundhogs, moles, caterpillars, aphids, and others, can all be deterred without the use of traps or
Where to Garden - Gar dening can be done anychemicals. A few tips: line the bed with hardware
where! There is no need to plant a large garden, and it
cloth to prevent critters from eating the garden bottom
is often better to start small when new to gardening.
to top. Soak rags in vinegar and place around the edgNeither a large space, nor even a yard is necessary to
es of the garden to deter rabbits. Stick plastic forks in
plant a home garden. Container gardening can provide
the soil with prongs up to keep the dog, the cat, and
a plentiful bounty. Lettuce, kale, collards, carrots, radthe bunnies out. Companion plant to keep destructive
ishes, bush beans, peas, tomatoes, peppers, onions,
bugs at bay and provide habitats for beneficial creaeggplant, strawberries, and potatoes are all suitable for
tures. For instance, marigolds deter deer and beetles,
container planting. Even trailing plants like green
nasturtiums attract aphids away from susceptible
beans, squashes, and cucumbers can be grown in a
plants, dill and basil protect tomatoes from pests, and
container with a trellis support.
carrots, dill and parsley attract beneficial bugs like
praying mantises and lady bugs. Neem oil is an excelHow to Start a Garden - Healthy soil is the most
lent alternative to pesticides if companion planting is
important ingredient in any garden. Poor soil will
not enough.
yield poor results; amend the soil to lighten clay soil
or densify sandy soil. In all gardens proper drainage is
Gardening…Good for Body & Planet - These ar e
necessary to prevent root rot and the growth of damagthe basics of successful gardening. With a little imagiing bacteria and molds. Containers require drainage
nation, planning, dirt, water, and kitchen scraps, a garholes, drill them if necessary, and place a few stones
den is created! Gardening is a good workout and it
in the bottom of the container to promote drainage.
promotes healthier eating while keeping down the groPlant, water, and fertilize, preferably with natural fercery bills. Gardening naturally, without chemicals,
tilizers such as vegetable and fruit scraps, and eggpromotes beneficial wildlife and safe food. Reusing
shells from your kitchen.
materials means less contribution to the landfills, and
more plants means less carbon in the air.
Build the Garden - Gr ound level gar dens r equir e
the fewest materials. The simplest method is to turn
For more information, search companion planting, orthe soil, amend if necessary, and plant. Ground-level
ganic gardening, and natural pesticides.
gardens are more susceptible to veggie-loving critters
Business of the Month
February ~ Our Health Club and Spa
Our Health Club and Spa has been in business 16
years this year. Recently, within the past two years, a
small group of club members purchased the Club and
Spa and did an overall renovation to make it modern,
clean and like new. The 15,000 square foot club includes a cardio room, heavy weight room, aerobic
room/classes, indoor pool, hot tub, saunas, smoothie
bar, pro shop/snack shop and free daycare. The beautifully renovated spa includes top of the line products,
hair salon, massage therapy, facials, microdermabrasion, manicures, pedicures, spray tan and makeup by
do. active. The club strives to have a "family" like
atmosphere. With that said, the clients are incredibly
important to the staff and their opinions are important
to the success of the club. We welcome all ages and
all people of our community and surrounding communities. The club has family and single memberships
with no hidden fees. They also accept Silver Sneakers
for senior citizens. Members do get 10% off all spa
services. Please visit the club for a free day pass.
March ~ Miss Bailey’s Poppy Patch
What is behind the shop’s name, Miss Bailey’s Poppy
Patch? Established in 2005, our shop was named after
owner Joan Frey's black Scottish Terrier. Poppies
were included in our namesake due to the strong connection Joan has with the memories of her first time
seeing the poppy fields in The Wizard of Oz. She says
they filled her with a sense of exhilaration and excitement, which is the same kind of atmosphere she hopes
to create when you walk into our shop.
You'll be treated like family at Miss Bailey's Poppy
Patch. Joan & her associates’ goal is to greet you and
come to know you by name. They will assist you with
selecting the right décor to add a special touch to your
home or the perfect gift to warm the hearts of your
friends and family.
At Miss Bailey's Poppy Patch, we're firm believers in
sharing our blessings. We are actively involved in the
local community and hold our employees to this standard, too. You'll find we support various local charities
throughout the year!
We’d LOVE to hear from you, please visit us at 115
Glen Crossing Road, Glen Carbon, IL 62034!
April ~ Bard and Didriksen Pediatrics
The founding physicians of Bard and Didriksen Pediatrics have been in practice in the Edwardsville / Glen
Carbon area for over 20 years. Since then, they have
grown to a large multi-physician practice with five
board certified pediatricians, specializing in the care of
infants, children, and adolescents.
Offering premier pediatric care in a clean, comfortable
and professional office setting with both male and female physicians; they are committed to helping families raise healthy children.
Bard and Didriksen Pediatrics is located at 2160 S.
State Route 157, Suite B, Glen Carbon, Illinois 62034.
Please contact them at (618) 692-1212 for more information or to schedule an appointment for your child.
Ed Glen Pool @ SIUE
The Village is happy to announce, in partnership with
the City of Edwardsville, a new recreational opportunity for our residents! The Ed Glen Pool at SIUE
has plans to open Memorial Day weekend, providing a
place for residents and their families to enjoy summer
fun! The Ed Glen Pool is located on the Campus of
SIUE approximately 4.5 miles from Village Hall.
Residents will have the opportunity to purchase daily
passes or memberships for the following rates:
Adult Daily Pass - $5.00
Kids (4-15) & Seniors (55+) -$4.00
Kids 3 and under - Free
Family (4 People)* - $350.00
(*Additional Family Member) -$40.00
Single - $150.00
Senior Citizen (55+) - $125.00
The Ed Glen Pool at SIUE will be open May 28th
through August 14th, Monday – Sunday, 12pm-6pm.
Parking will be available at Lot 10 and will be free
this year.
For more information please contact Village Hall, at
(618) 288-1200.
G.L.E.N. Committee
The Village Garden has been planted
with three kinds of potatoes, three
kinds of sweet potatoes, carrots, radishes, and red onions. Hopefully with
some sunshine and rain, the garden will
grow. All harvested vegetables will be donated to
the Glen Ed Pantry. Anyone wanting to help can
contact the Village.
Arbor Day 2016
Arbor Day was celebrated at Miner Park on April
29, 2016. G.L.E.N. Committee chair Cathy Hicks
welcomed the public and Trustee Mary Beth Williams read the proclamation.
A sugar maple tree was planted to provide shade in
the park. As the seasons change to fall, the leaves
will turn vibrant shades of yellow, burnt orange and
The G.L.E.N. Awards recognize Glen Carbon residents,
civic/ neighborhood organizations, and business owners
whose gardening and landscaping goes above and beyond in beautifying our community. G.L.E.N. Award
entry forms are due June 6th so you still have a few
more days to nominate that great property. Judging will take place on June 11th.
Winners will receive a plaque to display
in their yard and be recognized during a
meeting of the Village Board.
Save the date
The G.L.E.N. Committee will be hosting the 7th Scarecrow contest on October 1, 2016.
Look for your entry form and rules in the
next edition of the Communicator. Hope
to see you and your scarecrow there!
Committee member Sarah Shields gave tree planting
tips. Refreshments were served by committee member Barb Otto. A special thanks to Village gardener
Wendy Reinacher-Heilig.
New Bethel United Methodist Church is excited to
hang loose with you and
your children ages pre-K to
5 grade at this year’s Surf Shack Vacation
Bible School! We will be catching the wave of
God’s amazing love July 18-22 from 6:008:00 PM. This adventure includes energizing
music, interactive Bible fun, super science,
cool crafts, hands-on mission work, delicious
Left to right G.L.E.N. Committee chair, Cathy Hicks, Trustee
Mary Beth Williams, G.L.E.N. Committee members Barb Otto
and Sarah Shields, and Trustee Steve Slemer.
American Legion Post 435
Wing Night every Thursday night
4:30 – 9:00 pm
Dine In or Carry Out
Call 618-288-7118
*open to the public Thursdays*
snacks, great games, and so much more! And
best of all it is FREE !
To be a part of all the excitement at Surf
Shack, visit
newbethelunitedmethodist or call 288-5700
for more information!
Glen Carbon Seniors’ Group, Inc.
Bill Newman, Secretary
Our pilot program on lunches (described in the last issue of the
Communicator) has worked out so well that we have scheduled it
through the rest of the year. In recapping the last three months, our
members enjoyed two short seminars on financial planning, security and associated items. These were presented in mid-February and early March by
Katie Jackson from TheBank of Edwardsville, with 60 plus members/guests in attendance. The two events were arranged and promoted by Anne Hughes, past librarian, at the Glen Carbon Centennial Library.
Also, prior to the above presentation on March 1st, we were entertained by a
group from the Edwardsville YMCA. They are called the 60’s Chicks, a group
of women who entertain with songs from the 50’s and 60’s. Currently there are
17 members of the group. Our members were thoroughly entertained and enjoyed the music. Arrangements are currently underway to bring them back for
our Christmas gala. We should have more detailed information for the next issue of the Communicator. As we have done in the past several years, general
public is invited to attend the program portion of our Christmas Gala. However, seating is limited due to the
size of the room, so reservations will need to be requested.
The last Tuesday in March found us munching away at our first Pot-Luck of the year. It was two days prior to
the 17th Anniversary of the founding of this group. For those who don’t know the history of this group, here is
a synopsis. In late 1997 and early 1998, the Village administration found out they could apply for a grant to
build a Senior/Community building, if a need for such was proven. So, with the help of a Village Trustee, and
the Mayor, a group of 15 senior citizens gathered in a small room in the lower level of the current Village Hall
on March 31, 1998. It is obvious the action helped, and the group has been growing ever since.
Our Activities Committee has been very active in the planning process since one of the leaders, Bob Brady,
returned from his wintering in South Texas. We will be enjoying a Picnic in the Park the first Tuesday in
June. Following that we will be salivating with a traditional hamburger luncheon in early July, which we call
our All-American luncheon, for our 4th of July celebration. Then in August, a group will travel to Fairmount
Park for an afternoon with the ponies. Some may put a few bucks on the horses, some may wager among
themselves, but mostly it’s for the fellowship and especially the fantastic buffet feast.
Although September is a month beyond the realm of this issue, plans are being made to visit the Warm
Springs Ranch near Booneville, Missouri. Boarding the charter bus at 9 a.m. at the Center, we will make one
stop along the way for lunch. Our buffet luncheon will be at the Settlers, just beyond Booneville on Highway
70. We will dine in a Log Cabin atmosphere. Following we will take a tour of the horse farm, where the famous Budweiser Clydesdales are bred and raised. It will be a full day, returning about 7 p.m. Logistics, details and prices will be firmed up by late July. Any persons that may be interested in accompanying us on this
trip should call Michelle by the first of September.
If you are interested in any of our activities, I would recommend that you pick up a copy of our newsletter at
the Center, or call Michelle (288-2664). The newsletter is usually at the center by the 1st Tuesday of each
month. If you would prefer an electronic version, readable on Adobe Acrobat, send me an e-mail request, and
I will add you to the newsletter list ( You will get the color version. We meet every
Tuesday at 12:30 pm. Visit us as a guest. Play cards, dominos, bingo or shuffleboard. For more information
on the group you may contact Russ Marti, President, 288-3165; Arlene Tutt, Vice President, 288-8831 A; Peggy Watson, Treasurer, 692-1714,, or Bill
Newman, Secretary 288-7748,
Under the municipal
contract with Republic
Services approved by
the Village Board, trash
and recycle collection became automated the week of
May 1, 2016.
Reasons to Recycle
1. Recycling conserves resources (used materials are
converted into new products)
2. Recycling saves energy (versus producing new
products from raw materials)
3. Recycling helps protect the environment (reduction
Have the cart at the curb by 6:00 a.m. of your colof air and water pollution)
lection day.
4. Recycling helps save landfill space
Place the cart at least (5) five feet from any object; like a tree, pole, fire hydrant, mailbox, elec- ACCEPTABLE RECYCLABLES:
trical box, cable box, etc. and at least (5) five feet •Milk Cartons •Paper •Newspaper •Junk
away from cars so the automated arm can reach Mail •Phone books •Plastic water bottles •Cardboard
your cart.
boxes •Tin and Soda Cans
Don’t lean anything against the cart.
Don’t place your cart under a tree.
Place carts (1) one foot from the curb or edge of
the street.
Remember to place the arrows on the lid of the cart
toward the street and the handle toward your house,
with the lid closed.
Just a reminder that Monday, July 4th, Independence Day, is an observed holiday at
Republic Services. There will not be any
residential trash, recycling or yard waste
service on Monday, July 4th. Therefore,
your pickup day will roll forward one day
this week:
Monday route is picked up Tuesday
Tuesday route is picked up Wednesday
Wednesday route is picked up Thursday
Thursday route is picked up Friday
Friday is picked up Saturday
Thank you and have a Safe and Happy
July 4th!
Customer Service: 618-656-6883
•Styrofoam •Plastic utensils •Plastic Bags •Candy
Bar Wrappers •3-Ring Binders •Stretch
Wrap •Label Rolls •Large Plastics (over 5
gal) •Metal that isn’t a can
June 5 ~ NACCP Freedom Fund Banquet at
the SIUE Meridian Ballroom
June 6 ~ Glen Carbon Incorporated in 1892
June 14 ~ Flag Day Event 8AM
June 14 ~ Village Board 7 PM
June 17 ~ Homecoming 5 PM
June 18 ~ Homecoming 4 PM
June 28 ~ Village Board 7 PM
June 2016
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
July 2016
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
11 12 13 14 15 16
18 19 20 21 22 23
25 26 27 28 29 30
July 4 ~ All Village offices closed in observance of Independence Day.
July 12 ~ Village Board 7 PM
July 26 ~ Village Board 7 PM
Aug. 9 ~ Village Board 7 PM
Aug. 23 ~ Village Board 7 PM
Aug. 29 ~ 17th Annual Horizon of Hope
August 2016
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Opening the Doors for
More Cures.
Patty J. Navin and Sheri M. Goleanor invite
you and your guests to our Seventeenth Annual
Horizon of Hope® Campaign Dinner to fund
breast cancer research.
Enjoy a special evening of music, food, speakers,
raffle and silent auction
Monday, August 29, 2016
Lewis & Clark Community College
Leclaire Room, N.O. Nelson Campus
600 Troy Road
Edwardsville, Illinois
For important information about your community!
RSVP by August 22, 2016
Deadline for the Fall 2016 newsletter is
August 1, 2016
E-mail submissions to
Tickets - $40.00 per person
Doors Open 5:00 p.m. for Silent Auction & Raffle
Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m.
The Village of Glen Carbon
Patty J. Navin
Voted One of the Top 100 Best Places to Live
in the USA by in 2009.
151 North Main Street
Village Office Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sheri M. Goleanor
Village Hall ……………..618-288-1200
Village Hall Fax…………...618-288-1645
Police and Fire Emergency…….911
Police - Non-Emergency……….618-288-7226
Public Works…………..618-288-2612
Senior/Community Center………..618-288-2664
Radiant MS Renegades are having their meetings
every 2nd Thursday of each month at the Glen Carbon Library at 6:30 pm. Anyone with Multiple Sclerosis is encouraged to attend. Any questions, please
call Charity at 618-420-4321
Village Administrator ~ James Bowden
Chief of Police ~ Todd Link
Director of Finance ~ Scott Borror
Building & Zoning Administrator ~ David Coody
Public Works Coordinator ~ Danny Lawrence
Village Treasurer ~ Lawrence Lucy
Senior/Community Center Administrator ~ Michele Suwe
St. Cecilia Knights of Columbus 13216
Kiwanis Club of Glen Carbon
Veterans of Foreign Wars
(VFW) Post 2222
American Legion Post 435
Radon Safety Squad
Call Public Works at 288-2612
Village Board: 2nd & 4th Tues., 7 pm
Building & Development Committee: 4th Mon., 7 pm
Business Advisory Board: 1st Mon., 6:30 pm
Community Events Committee: 2nd Thur., 7 pm
Cool Cities Committee: 4th Wed., 7 pm at Public Safety Facility
Finance & Administrative Committee: 2nd Tues. at 6 pm
G.L.E.N. Committee: 1st Wed., 7 pm at the Public Safety Facility
Historical and Museum Commission: Last Mon. (except when there
is a holiday, meeting will be the following Mon.), 7 pm at the Museum
Planning & Zoning Commission: 1st & 3rd Tues. 7 pm
Police Pension Board: Last Wed. in Jan., Apr., Jul. & Oct., 5 pm
Public Safety Committee: 3rd Mon., 6 pm
Public Services Committee: 1st Tues., 6 pm
Residents’ Advisory Board: 3rd Thur., 7 pm at Public Safety Facility
Zoning Board of Appeals: 3rd Wed., 7 pm (*if there is business to