Appendix 6.7 - Kapiti Coast District Council

Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan
Working ZonesEnvironment Appendices
Appendix 6.7
District Centre Zone Structure Plan
Submitter Engagement Version June 2015
Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan
Working ZonesEnvironment Appendices
Appendix 6.7 District Centre Zone Structure Plan
Comment [SH1]: Delete Structure
Plan diagram and replace with revised
/updated version. Responds to
submissions 218-22, 35, 36, 42, 44, 45,
47, 48, 49, 50, 64, 65, 66 Coastlands
Shoppingtown Ltd; 221-36 Ngahina
Developments Ltd; 50-3 McDonalds
Restaurants (NZ) Ltd; 284-3, 4, 5 Te
Newhanga - Kapiti Community Centre;
459-11, 459-20 St Heliers Capital Ltd.
Submitter Engagement Version June 2015
Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan
Working ZonesEnvironment Appendices
The purpose of the Structure Plan is to plan for an integrated District Centre Zone within the
Paraparaumu Sub-Regional Centre. The Structure Plan, in conjunction with the District Plan policies
and rules, sets out the land use activities, movement transport network, public open space
areasnetwork and stormwater management for the District Centre Zone.
The focus of the Structure Plan as a whole is to provide strategic planning to achieve the following:
1. rRetail /and commercial areas being located where these activate the following
i. existing State Highway One (Amohia Street and Main Road);
ii. Rimu Road;
iii. the link desired connector roads in Precinct A between Rimu and Kāapiti Roads;
2. encouragement to sStrengthen the role and function of the existing retail and commercial
core (Precinct A) Coastlands development to better provide for the community’s retail,
social and commercial needs than has been undertaken to date;
3. Provide for a residential areaactivities near the Wharemauku Stream and the link roadto
encourage medium density residential development to occur close to the town centre;
Submitter Engagement Version June 2015
Comment [SH2]: Minor wording
amendments to improve clarity, cl16(2),
Sched 1, RMA
Comment [SH3]: Consequential
amendment in response to 457-28
Comment [SH4]: Responds to 45920 St Heliers Capital Ltd; 284-3, 284-55
Te Newhanga - Kapiti Community
Centre; 564-2 Debbie Mattingley
Comment [SH5]: Responds to 21845 Coastlands Shoppingtown Ltd
Comment [SH6]: Consequential
amendment as a result of Structure
Plan revisions in response to multiple
submissions; also provides some relief
for 276-12 Kapiti Coast Airport Holdings
Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan
Working ZonesEnvironment Appendices
4. cClustered community facilities (in Precinct B);
5. Provide for the enablement of offices, and service commercial and residential activities
areas (in Precinct C);
6. Provide for a large consolidated stormwater area and wetland to provide for flood storage,
ecological values and amenity for residents and other users of the area, with some
development being deferred until this can be achieved;
7. rRecreational opportunities along the Wharemauku Stream, Drain 3, and other stormwater
management and wetland areas facilities, and in Precinct B;.
8. Increased connectivity (the road, cycle and walkway network) throughout the area; and.
9. A proposed link road between the Kāpiti Road/Arawhata Road intersection and the Ihakara
Street extension that provides a strategic east-west transport and freight connection,
alleviates traffic issues on Kāpiti Road, and enables connections to desired connector
The District Centre Zone Structure Plan identifies Precinct A, B and C within the District Centre Zone.
Part of Precinct B is located within the Open Space Zone. The precinct boundaries shown on the
Structure Plan are indicative and precise precinct boundaries are identified in the District Plan Maps.
The purpose and role of each the precincts is set out in Policy 6.11.
The Kkey Eelements identified onof the District Centre Zone Structure Plan are:
a) boulevards an integrated transport network including the proposed link road, the Ihakara
Street Extension and desired connector roads;
b) land use activities (including retail, commercial, community and civic, residential, open
space/stormwater and landscape buffer);
c) dune protection area;
Comment [SH7]: Minor wording
addition to assist clarity c16(2), Sced 1,
Comment [SH8]: Responds in part to
459-5, 459-11, 459-20 St Heliers
Capital Ltd; also provides some relief
for 276-12 Kapiti Coast Airport Holdings
Comment [SH9]: Minor wording
additions to improve clarity c16(2),
Sced 1, RMA
Comment [SH10]: Minor wording
amendment to improve
clarity/consistency cl 16(2), Sched 1,
RMA; consequential relief to ensure
consistency with revised structure plan
diagram; also provides some relief for
284-4 Te Newhanga - Kapiti
Community Centre
Comment [SH11]: Consequential
amendment to ensure consistency with
revised Structure Plan diagram;
provides relief for 564-2 Debbie
Mattingley; 284-5 Te Newhanga - Kapiti
Community Centre; 459-20 St Heliers
Capital Ltd
Comment [SH12]: Minor amendment
c16(2), Sched 1, RMA
Comment [SH13]: Minor amendment
to improve clarity c16(2), Sched 1, RMA
Comment [SH14]: Provides relief for
218-48, 218-49 Coastlands
Shoppingtown Ltd; and 459-12, 459-20
St Heliers Capital Limited
The other elements identified on the District Centre Zone Structure Plan are:
a) streets
b)d) walkways/cycleways;
c) corner marker buildings
d)e) streams/drains; and
e)f) stormwater retention and earthwork fill areasdesired connections.
The Structure Plan provides for the development of a movementtransport network which will increase
the connectivity through and to the District Centre Zone. Because of the current lack of connectivity in
the District Centre Zone, traffic thresholds are required at this time to manage traffic effects.
The Structure Plan provides for a range of land use activities which are appropriate within the
Paraparaumu Sub-Regional Centre. The location, scale and design of these activities are managed
through the rules and standards.
Precinct A is the retail precinct. Retail activities are limited to Precinct A asand further expansion of
retail activities would have adverse effects on the vitality of the District Centre and could not be
economically sustained. Precinct A includes two parts: the existing commercial mall and large format
retail area between State Highway 1 and Rimu Road, identified as Precinct A1, and the area to the
west of Rimu Road, identified as Precinct A2. These two areas are distinguished in the District Centre
Zone rules.
Submitter Engagement Version June 2015
Comment [SH15]: Provides relief for
218-48, 218-49 Coastlands
Shoppingtown Ltd
Comment [SH16]: Minor
amendments to improve clarity, cl16(2),
Sched 1, RMA
Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan
Working ZonesEnvironment Appendices
Precinct B is the civic precinct. The provision for civic and community activities within the District
Centre ensures that a wide range of centres activities, appropriate to the role of the Paraparaumu
Sub-Regional Centre is provided for. The stormwater management area has been identified for the
management of stormwater and flood hazards within the District Centre Zone. This area will also
serve an ecological and amenity function.
Precinct C is the commercial precinct. Commercial and residential activities are provided for within
Precinct C in a manner that integrates with the natural dune landform and stormwater limitations.
Residential activities are permitted throughout Precincts A and B, and medium density housing is
specifically provided for in Precinct C.
The following are more detailed permitted activity standards for the District Centre Zone:
All boulevards and streets shown as connecting to another lot shall be constructed to the lot
boundaries. This may be undertaken in stages as development proceeds.
All boulevards locations shall be fixed and all other roads, the centre line of the constructed
road shall be located less than 30 metres from the location identified on the Structure Plan.
All street tress shall be deciduous trees.
In the area identified for stormwater mitigation and flood management, no development shall
be undertaken unless it is for the purpose of stormwater mitigation and flood management or
implementing the proposed road linkage which achieves the road linkages set out in the
structure plan.
The Structure Plan allows for development to adapt over time, including provision for more
intensive uses to be developed. Activity standards allow for the future sleeving of commercial
The area required for stormwater mitigation and flood management may be amended if
further Wharemauku Ddownstream upgrade works are undertaken, however this would form
a separate plan change.
In terms of this Structure Plan:
Shared space means areas where vehicles are allowed but do not have a formal priority and there is
an equal provision for pedestrians to safely move through and around this space. Shared spaces are
a slow speed environment and alternative property access for service or loading should be provided
as it is not provided from the shared space.
Key elements means the key elements of the Structure Plan as identified in this Appendix. Shared
space occurs where a boulevard is adjacent to a Dune Protection Area.
Submitter Engagement Version June 2015
Comment [SH17]: Minor wording
amendments to improve clarity, cl16(2),
Sched 1, RMA
Comment [SH18]: Minor
amendments to improve clarity, cl16(2),
Sched 1, RMA . Provides relief for 27612 Kapiti Coast Airport Holdings Ltd.
Comment [SH19]: Consequential
amendment as a result of deleting the
term “boulevard” from structure plan
and rules
Comment [SH20]: Consequential
amendment as a result of deleting the
term “boulevard” from structure plan
and rules
Comment [SH21]: Minor amendment
to improve clarity c16(2), Sched 1, RMA