Request for Comments Case Name: Victory Solar Project Case Number: RCU2016-00006 February 10, 2016 Adams County Planning Commission is requesting comments on the following request: Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a major energy facility (solar garden) in an Agricultural-3 (A-3) zone district, pursuant to Section 3-10-04-05. This request is located: on the Southwest corner of East 56th Avenue & Converse Road The Assessor's Parcel Number is 0181516100002 Applicant Information: Victory Solar LLC 1710 29TH STREET SUITE 1068 BOULDER, CO 80301 Please forward any written comments on this application to the Department of Community and Economic Development at 4430 South Adams County Parkway, Suite W2000A Brighton, CO 80601-8216 (720) 523-6800 by 03/04/2016 in order that your comments may be taken into consideration in the review of this case. If you would like your comments included verbatim please send your response by way of e-mail to Once comments have been received and the staff report written, the staff report and notice of public hearing dates will be forwarded to you for your information. The full text of the proposed request and additional colored maps can be obtained by contacting this office or by accessing the Adams County web site at Thank you for your review of this case. Christopher C. LaRue Case Manager 31 1729 32 LEGEND _ ^ 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Special Zoning Conditions Section Numbers Railroad Major Water Zoning Line Sections Penrith Rd A-1 E 64th Ave E 64th Ave A-1 A-2 A-3 R-E 12 11 10 9 8 7 Zoning Districts R-1-A R-1-C R-2 R-3 A-1 E 56th Ave A-3 1815 RCU2016-00006 M-H 79 ¬ « C-0 C-1 C-2 13 14 15 16 17 18 R-4 C-3 C-4 C-5 30 Harback Rd Converse Rd E 48th Ave 19 22 Victory Solar Project 28 CO 27 A-3A-3 Bennett 23 A-1 A-1 29 I-3 PL 20 E 38th Ave I-2 A-2 A-1 21 A-1 RCU2016-00006 I-1 A-1 AV 24 DIA P-U-D A-2 P-U-D(P) Airport Noise Overlay A-2 26 25 ± A-2 For display purposes only. This map is made possible by the Adams County GIS group, which assumes no responsibility for its accuracy 1. CUP Checklist (Attached) 2. Completed Development Application (Submittal Item A) (Attached) 3. Application Fee (Submittal Item M) (Attached) 4. Conceptual Review Meeting Summary Letter (Attached) 5. Neighborhood Meeting Summary (Mailing Labels Attached). The closest residence to the site is located approximately .3 mile to the east. Two other residences are located to the west at a similar distance (.35 mile). The Company has met with the owners of these residences and has incorporated their recommendations in the Project design. No other residences are located within .5 mile of the Project. In addition, letters were mailed to property owners on January 15, 2016 notifying them of the project and providing contact information for any questions about the project. Per the pre-application meeting, Adams County determined a public meeting was not necessary. 6. Certificate of Taxes Paid (Attached) A Receipt of Tax Payment by previous owner Randy J. Taylor from April 27, 2015 is attached as part of this CUP application. Also attached is the Statement of Taxes Due as of January 14, 2016. The current property owner and applicant IREA will pay the taxes due prior to the Planning Commission Public Meeting. The parcel is currently owned by IREA, as confirmed in the Title Commitment provided under Item 7. Proof of Ownership. 7. Proof of Ownership (Attached) The Title Commitment for the property is included electronically on the flash drive provided to Adams County with this CUP application. Per discussions with Chris LaRue, a printed copy of the 128-page Title Commitment is not included. 8. Proof of Water and Sewer Service. Water, sewer, well and/or septic service are not required for this facility, as it will be unoccupied on a day-to-day basis once fully operational. Sewage disposal during construction will be contractor provided by on-site portable toilets with routine off-site disposal. 9. Tri-County Health Department review. Review of previous solar projects in the county indicated that Tri-County Health determined no permanent septic system is necessary for an unmanned solar facility. Consequently, Company is assuming that no permanent municipal or county water or sewer service will be needed at the site as these items are not required for daily operation of the Project, which will be unoccupied during daily operation. There is currently no permanent water or sewer at the site. Company or Company's general contractor will provide adequate and portable potable water, construction water and sanitary facilities during on-site construction activities; proof of which will be furnished during the construction permit phase. Per correspondence with Chris LaRue, no check for this will be required. 10. Soil and Geologic Reports. As described in the attached report, the site is suitable for use as a solar energy facility and no unusual design challenges occur on the site. (Attached) 11. Preliminary Drainage Studies. Not applicable, as the project will not result in the installation of more than 3,000 feet of impervious surface. The site grading will be designed to preserve the pre-development drainage pattern as much as possible. The stormwater runoffs under the post-development condition will not be concentrated at the outlet points. 2 For solar project developments where there are no significant changes to the drainage pattern and no paved (impervious) access roads being proposed, typically any change to stormwater runoff after the installation of solar panels is considered to be nominal. 12. Proof of Utility Services. Utility services are not required for this facility as it will be unoccupied on a day-today basis once fully operational. Electric power generated by the solar facility will be distributed by IREA. The IREA Board Resolution authorizing and affirming the agreement between IREA and Victory Solar LLC is included as an attachment to this CUP application. 13. Certified boundary survey or Improvement Location Certificate (ILC) for the subject property. (Attached) 14. Site Plan. (Attached) The 5-mile context map, vicinity map, and site plan shows the layout of the Project, including solar panels, setbacks, and access points, as well as staging and parking areas for construction. 15. Submittal Item C – Project Description Project Overview The Intermountain Rural Electric Association (“IREA”) has identified a need for a new solar electricity generating facility to meet its electricity requirements. IREA has selected juwi Inc., a local Colorado solar facility development and construction company to design, build, and operate a solar facility for this purpose. Victory Solar LLC (the “Company”), a subsidiary of juwi Inc., is seeking a conditional use permit to build the Victory Solar Project (the “Project”) on land owned by the Intermountain Rural Electric Association. The Project would be adjacent to the IREA owned Victory Substation, and would be located on Parcel Number 0181516100002, which is located at the Southwest corner of East 56th Ave and North Converse Road, in Adams County, CO. Electricity from the project would be interconnected directly to the adjacent Victory Substation. The local economic impact is anticipated to be approximately $1 million in local development and construction phase spending on wages, services, and supplies. Annual operation and maintenance spending will be approximately $100,000, and will include local services contracts. The Project would utilize approximately 110 acres of land, and would have the capacity to produce approximately 12.8 Megawatts AC of power. The land would be used solely for the purposes of the solar project. An agreement between IREA and the Project has been signed, which provides for a maximum expected facility life of 35 years. A copy of the IREA Board Resolution evidencing this agreement has been included as an attachment to this application. A site location map is included with this CUP application as an attachment. The following material outlines pertinent criteria to be considered regarding the Project. A. The conditional use is permitted in the applicable zone district. The parcel is currently owned by IREA, and is zoned for agricultural use, A-3. A solar energy facility is defined as a conditional use in the Adams County Zone District Regulations. The site is compatible with adjacent land uses and its location next to the IREA Substation at the Southwest corner of East 56th Ave and North Converse Road makes it an ideal location for a solar energy facility. The Project will be designed and constructed to be compatible with the surrounding area. The Project site is currently vacant. 3 B. The conditional use is consistent with the purposes of these standards and regulations. The Project will be designed and constructed in accordance with all applicable zoning requirements and building codes, and in compliance with the requirements and conditions of the CUP issued by Adams County. The Project meets the minimum lot size, setback, and height requirements. C. The conditional use will comply with the requirements of these standards and regulations including, but not limited to, all applicable performance standards. The Company will ensure that any and all applicable performance standards are met. High voltage power lines currently run along the west side of North Converse Road, directly adjacent to the Project, and connect to the IREA substation. These structures have a height of approximately 60’. The solar farm would be located adjacent to the current electrical substation, and adjacent to the existing high voltage power lines. The maximum height of the solar arrays would be approximately 7’ above the ground surface, presenting a lower height profile than the existing structures associated with the substation and high voltage power lines. A 7’ high fence will be installed around the boundary of the Project site for safety purposes. Adjacent landowners have expressed a strong preference for a fence that is “see-through,” rather than an opaque fence that obstructs their views. Therefore, a chain link fence is proposed to meet the neighbor’s preferences, the need for site security, and for public safety around the electrical equipment. FIRM Panel # 08001C0715H and #08001C0720H indicate that the parcel is not in a special flood hazard area. Therefore, a floodplain use permit is not required. In addition, the project site is not in a MS4 Permit area. Erosion and sediment control will be accomplished through the application of Best Management Practices (BMPs). The Project does not involve more than 3,000 square feet of impervious surface. Therefore, a drainage analysis and report has not been completed, in accordance with guidance from Adams County. D. The conditional use is compatible with the surrounding area, harmonious with the character of the neighborhood, not detrimental to the immediate area, not detrimental to the future development of the area, and not detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the inhabitants of the area and the County. The conditional use will not result in excessive traffic generation, noise, vibration, dust, glare, heat, smoke, fumes, gas, odors, or inappropriate hours of operation. An average of 75 workers is expected to be on-site during the 5 month construction period. Once operating, the facility will be unmanned. After construction is completed and the solar facility is operating, its performance will be tracked through sophisticated data acquisition equipment that tracks production and allows remote system monitoring. The Project will require only periodic maintenance visits with a normal passenger vehicle. The long term operation and maintenance of the facility will be conducted in a clean and safe manner. Water, sewer, septic and other utility services are not required for this facility, as it will be unoccupied on a day-to-day basis once fully operational. Operation of the facility would generate approximately 1 vehicle visit per week for maintenance purposes. Once operating, the solar energy production will be virtually silent, and it will produce no emissions, smoke, fumes, or odors. The photovoltaic panels are specifically designed to absorb light (thus generating electricity), rather than reflecting light. Thus, this facility is not expected to pose issues related to glare. The Project will be built on the existing ground surface, and grading on the site will be kept to a minimum, thus avoiding dust issues. A native low growth seed mix will also be utilized to revegetate any areas disturbed during 4 construction, including areas under the solar arrays. This will further mitigate potential dust generation concerns during the operational phase of the project. There will be no lighting that is left on to run during nighttime hours, and there will be no lighting on the perimeter of the facility or to illuminate the arrays. Certain areas, such as the O&M storage shed, and the driveway access points will have lighting capabilities in the event that emergency nighttime maintenance is required. Thus, under normal conditions, there will be no lighting at the facility during nighttime hours. The closest residence to the site is located approximately .3 mile to the east. Two other residences are located to the west at a similar distance (.35 mile). The Company has met with the owners of these residences and has incorporated their recommendations in the Project design. No other residences are located within .5 mile of the Project. A site context map is included with this CUP application as an attachment. E. The conditional use permit has addressed all off-site impacts. The Project is not expected to produce significant off-site impacts. During normal operations, the Project will not produce any pollution, noise, emissions, or heavy traffic. Off-site impacts during the construction phase of the project will be primarily due to construction traffic, which would last approximately 5 months. The Project is approximately four miles east of the Front Range Airport. A Determination of No Hazard to air navigation has been issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the Project. This analysis performed by the FAA considered all relevant local airport facilities, and deemed the Project to pose no hazard. The Project is not located in Important Farmlands and there are no other resources mapped in the vicinity of the site. F. The site is suitable for the conditional use including adequate usable space, adequate access, and absence of environmental constraints. Environmental studies and surveys have been completed for the Project site. A survey of biological resources was performed, which resulted in a determination that no sensitive or special status species or wildlife habitat was present on the site. Available mapping does not indicate any occurrence of sensitive or special status species on the site and none were observed during site survey. Additionally, no raptor nests or active prairie dog colonies were observed on or nearby the site. The closest trees to the proposed project area are located on private property 0.41 miles west and 0.28 miles east of the Project. No raptor nests were observed in trees on either of these properties or on the electric utility lines adjacent to the site. A driving survey of roads in the vicinity of the site also did not identify any raptor nests. Due to the lack of any significant wildlife habitat on the site or in the vicinity of the site, development and use of the site for solar energy production would not be expected to result in any conflicts with sensitive or significant wildlife species or their habitats. A file search was conducted to determine if any recorded cultural resources were located on or adjacent to the site. No sites or cultural resources were identified. A review of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps for the Project area confirms that the Project is not located within the floodplain. FIRM Panel # 08001C0715H and #08001C0720H indicate that the parcel is not in a special flood hazard area. Therefore, a floodplain use permit is not required. This is supported by the engineering review conducted by the County prior to submittal of this application. 5 A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was conducted for the project site. The Phase I assessment revealed no evidence of Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs), Controlled RECs, or Historical RECs in connection with the property. A site investigation was conducted to identify the occurrence of wetlands on the site. A very small wetland of 0.018 acres was identified in the northeast corner of the site, near the existing substation. The Project has been designed to avoid this small feature. This wetland will not be disturbed by project construction or operation and no other wetlands were identified on the site. Portions of two low lying areas located on the site may be considered a potential Water of the U.S. (WOTUS). As such, the project has been designed to avoid these features, and any impact to potential WOTUS will be less than 1/10 of one acre. Thus, the project will not require a Section 404 permit. G. The site plan for the proposed conditional use will provide the most convenient and functional use of the lot including the parking scheme, traffic circulation, open space, fencing, screening, landscaping, signage, and lighting. A preliminary site plan for the Victory Solar Project is attached to this submittal package. The solar facility and photovoltaic (PV) equipment will be designed for an operational life of 35 years, and will utilize the highest quality materials and components to ensure robust performance. The technology employed will feature crystalline silicon solar modules, mounted on single-axis tracking arrays, which will be connected to central inverters, converting power from Direct Current to Alternating Current. The company has deployed the same technology in numerous projects across 10 states, and is well suited to construct this facility. The PV technology proposed for installation will be of industry standard and is designed to achieve a high level of performance. The tracking arrays will follow the sun; facing east in the morning, laying flat at noon, and facing west in the afternoon. The solar modules utilized to generate power are supported by steel racking and steel posts, which are embedded into the ground. Additional equipment involved in the Project will be constructed on gravel areas or foundations. The solar modules will be electrically linked in units to inverter/transformer power stations, each on a concrete foundation. Both the Project and IREA will construct interconnection infrastructure near the northeast corner of the project area on a gravel surface, in accordance with prudent utility practices. juwi specifically designs solar facilities to maximize the available flat land located on a project site. There is a slight topographic depression in the western portion of the site, which the facility has thus been designed to avoid. By avoiding this area, the Project can further minimize the earthwork and grading needed for arranging the solar arrays in parallel. A single-story permanent Operations and Maintenance (O&M) storage shed will be constructed to store materials and equipment. It will be approximately 600 square feet in size and will have a concrete foundation. The building will be utilized to store PV facility replacement parts and spare materials. The building will be unoccupied; as a result it will not be sprinkled and will not be insulated. No parking lots will be required for this unmanned facility. As described under D. above, there will be no lighting left on at the facility during nighttime hours. In order to minimize dust generation and weeds, the site will be revegetated following construction using a native seed mix. No additional landscape treatment is proposed. This would be in keeping with the current high voltage power lines which run adjacent to the site and North Converse Road, and with the Victory Substation, which do not have landscaping currently installed. However, if surrounding land uses 6 change and water utilities are extended to the property, a landscaping plan will be provided and landscaping will be installed at that time along 56th Avenue and Converse Road. A strip of land 70' in width along the north property line will be dedicated for Right-of-way for E. 56th Avenue. A strip of land 40' in width along the east property line will be dedicated for Right-of-way for Converse Road. This reflects comments received from Adams County regarding necessary right-of-way dedications. Guidance from Adams County stipulates that setbacks of 120’ are required along E 56th Avenue, and North Converse Road. The Project will adhere to all applicable setback requirements, and will meet or exceed all setback footages. Two access points are proposed off of 56th Ave, 1,700 feet apart. Two access points are necessary in order to avoid constructing in the low-lying drainage that runs south to north on the property. Access off of North Converse Road is not proposed in order to avoid potential conflicts with the high voltage power lines and construction equipment. High voltage power lines currently run the length of the eastern border of the site, parallel to North Converse Road, providing no suitable and safe construction access for the solar project off of North Converse Road. Access points would be in compliance with street standards and driveway separation. H. Sewer, water, storm water drainage, fire protection, police protection, and roads are to be available and adequate to serve the needs of the conditional use as designated and proposed. The unmanned solar facility will not require an onsite water supply. Potable water will be brought to the site for all individuals onsite during the construction phase of the project. Should any additional water be needed during the construction phase of the Project, it will be supplied from an offsite source. It is expected that natural rain and snow will provide for solar panel washing during the operation of the Project. In addition, no permanent sanitary facilities or septic system will be required for the project. Portable sanitary facilities will be provided for the construction of the project. I. Submittal Items J and K, Regarding Minerals Pursuant to C.R.S. 24-65.5-103(1)(A) and (B), Victory Solar LLC has searched the Adams County tax assessor’s records for mineral estate owners as well as the clerk and recorder’s office for any mineral owner’s request for notification for any impacts to the property to be developed. Although no mineral estate owner was identified pursuant to the search requirements set forth by the State of Colorado, notification certification required under Adams County CUP Submittal item J identifies searches to include the records of the clerk and recorder’s office and is not specifically limited to identifying mineral estate owners requests for notification. Victory Solar LLC has conducted a search of records of the Adams County Clerk and Recorder and has identified the State of Colorado as the sole mineral estate owner. Submittal Item J requires notification “which is not less than thirty days before the initial public hearing.” As a public hearing has not yet been scheduled, Company is unable to complete Item J. Victory Solar LLC will make reasonable efforts to notify the State of Colorado through the State Land Board within thirty (30) days of the initial application hearing date, and will provide Item J at that time. 16. Rezoning. A complete application for rezoning is not applicable, as the proposed uses in the Conditional Use Permit application are consistent with the underlying Zone District. The parcel is agriculturally zoned as A-3. Based 7 upon a review of previous solar farm projects in Adams County, which were considered Major Energy Facilities, A-3 has been a suitable zoning district for this use. The Project will be designed and constructed in accordance with all applicable zoning requirements and building codes, and in compliance with the requirements and conditions of the CUP issued by Adams County. 17. This application is not for a solid waste transfer station, thus materials outlined on Submittal Item E are not applicable. 18. This application is not for a solid waste composting facility, thus materials outlined on Submittal Item F are not applicable. 19. This application is not for a scrap tire recycling facility, thus materials outlined on Submittal Item G are not applicable. 20. This application is not for inert fill, thus materials outlined on Submittal Item H are not applicable. 21. Applicant Feedback Survey Form (Submittal Item D) 22. Traffic Impact Study. A traffic impact study is not required for this project, as the facility will not generate more than 20 vehicles per day throughout operations. This was affirmed at the pre-application meeting. 23. Legal Description PARCEL: Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA) The Northeast 1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 63 West of the 6th P.M. SECT,TWN,RNG:16-3-63 DESC: PARC OF LAND IN SEC 16 DESC AS FOLS BEG AT SD N4 COR OF SEC 16 TH N 88D 46M 45S E 2135/54 FT TH S 00D 27M 40S E 497 FT TH N 88D 46M 45S E 497 FT TO A PT ON THE E LN OF SD NE4 OF SEC 16 TH S 00D 27M 40S E 985/26 FT TH S 89D 32M 12S W 465/84 FT TH S 00D 42M 54S E 199/99 FT TH N 89D 32M 17S E 464/95 FT TO A PT ON THE E LN OF SD NE4 OF SEC 16 TH S 00D 27M 40S E 963/65 FT TO THE S LN OF SD NE4 OF SEC 16 TH S 88D 37M 14S W 2631/01 FT TO THE W LN OF SD NE4 OF SEC 16 TH N 00D 29M 47S W 2653/17 FT TO THE POB EXC RD (REC NO 2008000075263) 151/4085A 24. Recorded Copy of the Certification of Notice to Mineral Estate Owners (Submittal Item J) – per item 15.I above, Submittal Item J will be completed once the initial public hearing is scheduled, and within 30 days of that public hearing). 25. Recorded copy of the Certification concerning Qualifying Surface Development (Submittal Item K) – per item 15.I above, Submittal Item K will be completed once the initial public hearing is scheduled, and within 30 days of that public hearing). 26. Recorded copy of the Certification concerning Qualifying Surface Development (Submittal Item L) – per item 15.I above, Submittal Item L will be completed once the initial public hearing is scheduled, and within 30 days of that public hearing). Other Items A. Building Permit Requirements Construction will comply with the 2012 International Building Code and the 2014 National Electrical Code. The Company will submit engineered drawings for review and approval of building permits. The Company will obtain 8 and review the commercial submittal check list for building permits. The Company will comply with building permit requirements when submitting for the building permit. B. IREA Board Resolution for agreement with juwi (Attached) C. FAA Determination (Attached) A Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation has been issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the Project. This analysis performed by the FAA considered all relevant local airport facilities, and deemed the Project to pose no hazard. 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 1 juwi Inc. 1710 29th St. Suite 1068 Boulder, CO 80301 TEMPORARY SECURITY CHECKPOINT CONNECTION TO EXISTING ROADWAY ACCESS GATE 4 ACCESS GATE E. 56th AVE. X X X X X X TEMPORARY JOBSITE TRAILERS X X SITE ACCESS DRIVE STAGING/TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION PARKING X X X T:\CO340 - IREA\ENGINEERING\01 Drawings\01 AutoCAD Working Drawings\SP1 Site Plan.dwg INTERCONNECTION SWITCHGEAR X X N. CONVERSE RD. X X 9 10 X X X X 120' SETBACK 11 X X X X X X 12 X X X X X PROPERTY LINE 13 X CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA (TYP) X 12 X 11 16 TRACKING ARRAY (TYP) A VICTORY SUBSTATION POINT OF INTERCONNECTION X X 9 10 LATEST REV: 8 POWER STATION (TYP) 15' SETBACK LHH 7 X O&M/STORAGE SHED POWER STATION (TYP) 8 X 7 DRAWN BY: X STAGING/TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION PARKING 6 Rev X 6 5 Drawn X X 4 Approved 5 3 Adams County, Colorado Victory Solar CONNECTION TO EXISTING ROADWAY 3 15.8 MW DC, 12.8 MW AC 2 Revisions 2 13 X X X X X SITE ACCESS DRIVE 14 14 X EXISTING OHE X 6' CHAIN LINK SECURITY FENCE 15 X 15 IMPERVIOUS AREAS 16 X X 16 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY AREA O&M SHED (24' x 24') 1 600 S.F. POWER STATIONS (10' x 32') 7 2240 S.F. TOTAL 16 2840 S.F. X 17 17 X X X X X X X X X X 18 18 15' SETBACK PROPERTY LINE 19 19 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO BE REPRODUCED IN COLOR PRINT SIZE: 11x17 ISSUED BY: JSI JOB #: CO340 SCALE: 1"=200' DWG #: 20 20 SP1 GRAPHIC SCALE 100 21 0 100 200 DWG TITLE: 400 21 Scale: 1"=200' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Site Plan 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 1 juwi Inc. 1710 29th St. Suite 1068 Boulder, CO 80301 2 2 4'-5' 4 18'-22' 4 5 Approved 5 3 Adams County, Colorado Victory Solar 5'-8" 5'-7' 2'-3' 3 15.8 MW DC, 12.8 MW AC Revisions 200'-220' TYPICAL TRACKING ARRAY-FRONT AND SIDE ELEVATIONS Drawn 1 6 SCALE: NTS 6 Rev SP2 DRAWN BY: LHH LATEST REV: INVERTER INVERTER 7 A 7 INVERTER POWER STATION FLOODLIGHT POWER STATION TRACKING AND ARRAY CONTROLS SOLAR PANEL 8 10 11 12 13 8 9 10'-12' 12'-15' T:\CO340 - IREA\ENGINEERING\01 Drawings\01 AutoCAD Working Drawings\SP2 Site Plan Elevations.dwg 9 CONCRETE PAD MV TRANSFORMER 10 11 12 13 22' - 32' 7' - 10' 2 14 POWER STATION-FRONT AND SIDE ELEVATIONS 14 SCALE: NTS SP2 15 16 16 17 17 10'-14' 15'-25' 15 18 18 19 19 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO BE REPRODUCED IN COLOR PRINT SIZE: 11x17 ISSUED BY: JSI JOB #: CO340 SCALE: NTS DWG #: 18'-22' 20'-26' 20 20 SP2 3 O&M/STORAGE SHED-FRONT AND SIDE ELEVATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DWG TITLE: SCALE: NTS SP2 21 13 14 21 Elevation Plan 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 1 juwi Inc. 1710 29th St. Suite 1068 Boulder, CO 80301 ~6' 4 4 5 Drawn Approved 5 3 Las Animas County, CO Victory Solar ~1' ~10' 3 15.8 MW DC, 12.8 MW AC 2 Revisions 2 VEHICULAR GATE POST FOOTING 7 VEHICULAR GATE POST FOOTING LINE POST FOOTING END / CORNER POST FOOTING 6 Rev 6 DRAWN BY: LHH LATEST REV: 7 8 8 1 10 11 12 13 GATE & TYPICAL FENCE DETAILS SCALE: NTS SP3 T:\CO340 - IREA\ENGINEERING\01 Drawings\01 AutoCAD Working Drawings\SP3 Site Plan Details.dwg 9 A 9 NOTES: 1. FENCE WILL BE GALVANIZED CHAIN LINK WITH 2" MESH, 9 GAGE. 10 11 12 13 14 14 VICTORY SOLAR 15 15 Solar Photovoltaic Generation Facility NO TRESPASSING This site is subject to access authorization and control procedures 16 SW CORNER E 56TH AVE. AND N. CONVERSE RD. 17 17 ADAMS COUNTY, CO VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED 720-838-2323 18 SITE ENTRANCE SIGN (INSTALLED AT EACH ENTRANCE GATE) 19 16 18 FENCE SAFETY SIGNS (INSTALLED ON FENCE EVERY 200 FEET) 2 20 SP3 19 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO BE REPRODUCED IN COLOR PRINT SIZE: 11x17 ISSUED BY: JSI JOB #: CO340 SCALE: NTS DWG #: SITE SIGNAGE 20 SP3 SCALE: NTS DWG TITLE: 21 Sign and Fence Details 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 21