Annual Report - Nuclear Science and Engineering | | Oregon State

Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics
Annual Report
Department of Nuclear Engineering
& Radiation Health Physics
3451 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
phone: (541) 737-2343
fax: (541) 737-0480
SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES .............................4-5
TENURE & RESEARCH FACULTY ....................6-9
STATISTICAL SUMMARY ..............................10-15
RESEARCH AREAS.......................................36-39
RESEARCH PARTNERS.................................43
Summary of Activities
Who We Are
Housed in the OSU Radiation Center, the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics seeks to educate students to become
nuclear engineers, health physicists, radiochemists, and medical physicists with the ability to achieve the highest standards of the profession and
to support the needs of industry, government, the nation and the world. With nearly 900 living alumni and approximately 350 currently enrolled
students, we are doing just that.
Throughout this annual report you will see a quantification of our efforts in education and research. During the past two years we’ve welcomed
new faculty members, constructed new facilities, and added accredited degree programs. You’ll find the NERHP you thought you knew has
changed in some ways, yet the spirit and tradition of our department remain constant.
Student Population Growth
Our student population has been growing drastically in the past five years; in fact many of our introductory courses have outgrown the
classroom facilities at the Radiation Center. While it’s a good problem to have, it’s still a concern as the popularity of our degree programs grow
we’ll need more space to educate our students. Both graduate and undergraduate enrollment has seen upward trends, as have number of
degrees awarded each academic year.
Expanded Courses and E-campus
In the past two years our course offerings have expanded to include courses taught at the Radiation Center, as well as e-campus courses in
radiation health physics, and courses in graduate medical physics taught at Oregon Health & Science University. Overall OSU is ranked 8th in the
best e-campus universities in the country.
Growing Doctoral Programs
At the pinnacle of our department are the doctoral students and candidates. At present, we have the highest enrollment in the doctoral
programs we have ever seen. In the publications section of the report you’ll find abstracts of graduate theses and dissertations completed
in the past two years.
Research Areas
Our research efforts span across nuclear engineering and science disciplines to include: nuclear engineering, computational physics,
radiation health physics, radioecology, radiochemistry, and medical physics. We’re known for large-scale thermal hydraulic test facilities
of nuclear systems including light water reactor designs such as the Westhinghouse AP1000 and small modular reactor systems. NuScale
Power Inc. got their start here and our continued relationship provides many research opportunities for our students and faculty. Our
newest facility, the High Temperature Test Facility (HTTF) has received national attention as we explore the possibilities of Very High
Temperature Gas Reactors (VTGRs).
We’re one of the few programs in the nation offering courses in radiochemistry, in a partnership with the OSU Department of Chemistry;
our researchers are examining the challenges of modern nuclear society such as advanced reprocessing of spent fuel, and determining
fundamental properties of actinoid and lanthanoid elements.
Medical Physics
The newly accredited Oregon Medical Physics Program is a partnership between Oregon State and Oregon Health & Science University
to educate medical physicists at the graduate level. As the only accredited program in the Northwest, our mission is to help build the
profession in this geographical region. Our researchers are focused on interdisciplinary research, in one project we are applying quantum
computer science to medical physics dose calculations. We are also examining methods to improve measurement of patient dose, through
the use of nanodot dosimeters. Our faculty members are connecting with colleagues nationally and internationally, to foster collaborative
research efforts that engage our students and benefit patients with improved treatment protocols.
Our radioecology research means that we are one of a handful of academic institutions nationwide that routinely study the movement
of radionuclides in the environment. We have partnered with the Savannah River National Laboratory to provide research opportunities
for students and faculty. Our students are examining new ways to sequester radionuclides and improved methods to calculate radiation
dose to the publics. Working with faculty and staff in the College of Veterinary Medicine and the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric
Sciences we have found new ways to measure and calculate radiation dose to animals and plants. Radiation health physics researchers
discovered traces of cesium from Fukushima in Pacific Albacore Tuna, something previously thought to be impossible. While the miniscule
amounts of cesium don’t present a health concern, the trace amounts could help substantiate many wildlife and fisheries theories about
the Albacore populations.
Service and Engagement
International Partnerships
OSU NERHP experts have been part of conversations on nuclear science that span the globe. Partnering with the Warsaw University of
Technology we are helping build a joint Ph.D. program in nuclear power engineering that will provide the experts Poland needs for their
future in nuclear power. In addition to these efforts, we’ve also built strong international relationships with Russia and China as we
collaborate to further technology and education.
Courses and Conferences
We were proud to host the 2012 IAEA Course on Natural Circulation Phenomena and Passive Safety Systems in Advanced Water Cooled
Reactors and the 2011 International Conference on Transport Theory. We look forward to hosting the IAEA International Collaborative
Standard Problem (ICSP) on Prediction of Hydro-Mechanical Behavior in Reactor Core with a Plate-type Fuel Assembly in August 2013.
Tenure & Research Faculty
New Faculty Members
Wade R. Marcum
Assistant Professor. B.S. Mechanical Engineering (2006); M.S. Nuclear Engineering (2008), Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering (2010), Oregon State University. Fields of interest: experimental and computational thermal hydraulics, reactor safety, multi-physics experimentation and computation, fluid structure interactions, hydro-mechanics, and computational fluid dynamics. Faculty Advisor, American Nuclear Society. Member of: American
Nuclear Society, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Nuclear Energy
Science & Power Generation Technology. At Oregon State University since 2010.
Krystina Tack
Director of Medical Physics. B.S. Pre-Medicine (2002), Oregon State University; M.S. Radiation Health Physics (2006), Oregon State University; Ph.D. Medical Physics (2010), University of Texas Health Science Center
at San Antonio. Fields of interest: prostate brachytherapy, high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy, clinical
trials (correlation of dosimetry with clinical outcomes). Member of: American Association of Physicists in
Medicine (AAPM), American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO),
Society of Directors of Academic Medical Physics Programs (SDAMPP). At Oregon State University since 2012.
Current Faculty
Abi T. Farsoni
Assistant Professor. B.S. Applied Physics (1992), University of Tehran; M.S. Nuclear Engineering (1999), Sharif
University of Technology; Ph.D. Radiation Health Physics (2006), Oregon State University. Field of interest:
development of advanced radiation detectors for imaging and spectroscopy, designing compact and highspeed digital pulse processors and associated firmwares (in FPGA) for real-time radiation measurement and
gamma ray imaging, and development of multilayer scintillation (phoswich) detectors for homeland security.
At Oregon State University since 2006.
David M. Hamby
Professor. B.S. Physics (1984), Mercer University; M.S. Health Physics (1986); Ph.D. Health Physics (1989),
University of North Carolina. Fields of interest: radiation dose assessment, skin dosimetry, radiation instrumentation, environmental health physics, environmental transport, fate and transport model analysis, beta
spectroscopy, radiation risk. Environmental Transport Section, Savannah River Laboratory (1989-1994); Assistant Professor, University of Michigan School Public Health (1994-1999); Faculty Appointee, Argonne National Laboratory (1995-present); Associate Editor, Health Physics (1996-present); Editorial Advisory Board,
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (1999-present); Technical Expert, International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) in Lithuania (1998); scientific committee member, National Council on Radiation Protection
(NCRP). Member: National Health Physics Society, Radiation Research Society; Fulbright Scholar awardee. At
Oregon State University since 1999.
Jack F. Higginbotham (currently on indefinite assignment to College of Science)
Professor. Director, Oregon Space Grant, Director, Space Studies, College of Science. B.S. Nuclear Engineering
(1981); M.S. Nuclear Engineering (1983), Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering (1987), Kansas State University. Fields of
interest: radiation shielding, radiation protection, activation analysis, radiation detection, nuclear instrumentation. Associate Director, Oregon Space Grant (2000-2002); Associate Dean, OSU Graduate School (19982000); Reactor Administrator (1994-1998), Senior Health Physicist (1987-94), OSU Radiation Center; Supervisor, Kansas State University research reactor. Member, Health Physics Society, American Nuclear Society.
Professional Progress Award, Kansas State University; Elda Anderson Award, Health Physics Society (1997);
Loyd Carter Award (1997) OSU College of Engineering Teaching Award; Academic Dean, Health Physics Society
Summer School; Chair, Part II Panel, American Academy of Health Physics; President, Cascade Chapter, Health
Physics Society. Certified Health Physicist. At Oregon State University since 1987.
Kathryn A. Higley
Head, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics; Professor. B.A. Chemistry (1978),
Reed College; M.S. Radiological Health Sciences (1992), Ph.D. Radiological Health Sciences (1994), Colorado
State University. Fields of interest: human and ecological risk assessment, environmental pathway analysis,
environmental radiation monitoring, radionuclide and hazardous chemical transport, radiochemistry, neutron
activation analysis, nuclear emergency response planning, and environmental regulations. Health physicist,
radioecologist (1976-1979), Trojan Nuclear Power Plant; Environmental Health Physicist (1980-1989), Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory. Technical participant IAEA BIOMOVs II (Biospheric Model Validation Study);
IAEA Modaria, BIOPROTA. Past president, Environmental Section Health Physics Society (1998-1999), National
Council on Radiation Protection Scientific Committees, Member, ABHP Panel of examiners. Elda E. Anderson
Award Winner (1995). Certified Health Physicist. Member of: Health Physics Society, International Union of
Radioecologists, American Nuclear Society. At Oregon State University since 1994.
Andrew C. Klein
Professor, Director of Education, Training and Research Partnerships at Idaho National Laboratory. B.S. Nuclear
Engineering (1977), Pennsylvania State University; M.S. Nuclear Engineering (1979), Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering
(1983), University of Wisconsin. Fields of interest: Nuclear Systems Analysis and Design, Fusion Engineering
and Design, Space Applications of Nuclear Technology, Radiation Shielding and Health Physics Editor, Nuclear
Technology, (2010-present); Director, Educational Partnerships, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, on
loan from Oregon State University, (2005-2009); Advisory Editor, Annals of Nuclear Energy, (1996-present);
Board of Directors, American Nuclear Society, (2012-2015); Board of Managers, Battelle Energy Alliance/Idaho
National Laboratory, (2011-present); Member, National Nuclear Accrediting Board, Institute for Nuclear Power
Operations, Atlanta, GA, (2010-present); Member, Facility Subcommittee, Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee, U.S. Department of Energy, (2010-present); Member, Board of Directors, Foundation for Nuclear Studies,
Washington, DC, (2009-present); Editorial Committee, International Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology
(2003–present); Space Science Advisory Committee, National Aeronautic and Space Administration (20032006); Board of Directors, American Nuclear Society (2000-2003); Board of Directors, National Space Grant
Alliance, Inc. (2001-2002); Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee, U.S. Department of Energy (20012005); Editorial Advisory Board, Nuclear Technology (1997-present); Advisory Editor, Annals of Nuclear Energy
(1996-present); William C. Foster Fellow U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (1996); Department
Head, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics, Oregon State University (1996-2005);
Director, Radiation Center, Oregon State University (2002-2005); Director, Oregon Space Grant Program
(1993-2002). Registered Professional Engineer (Nuclear). At Oregon State University since 1985.
Todd S. Palmer
Professor. B.S. Nuclear Engineering (1983), Oregon State University; M.S. Nuclear Engineering (1989), Ph.D.
Nuclear Engineering and Scientific Computing (1993), University of Michigan. Fields of interest: numerical
techniques for particle transport and diffusion, computational fluid dynamics, reactor physics, general numerical methods, nuclear criticality safety, Monte Carlo methods, transport in stochastic mixtures. Physicist,
Defense Sciences, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1991-1994). Member, American Nuclear Society.
Loyd Carter College of Engineering Teaching Award (2001). At Oregon State University since 1995.
Alena Paulenova
Associate Professor. Director of Laboratory of Transuranic Elements. Ph.D. Physical Chemistry (1985) Moscow/ Kharkov State University; M.S. Radiochemistry (1991), Comenius University. Fields of interest: Separation
and speciation chemistry of actinides and fission products; Chemistry of fuel cycle, reprocessing and waste
form of used nuclear fuel; Mobility and speciation of radionuclides in natural bio-geochemical systems; Nanoradiochemistry and nuclear material science; Radiochemical sensors; Environmental and biomedical applications of radiotracers; Radiation chemistry and post-irradiation processes. Joint faculty in Idaho National
Laboratory with the Radiochemistry and Aqueous Separation Division (since 2008). INEST Fuel Cycle Core
Committee member (since 2009); International Advisory Board for the Global 2013 conference, Conference
on Separation of Ionic Solutes (2003-present); General Manager, “Foundation Curie” (1996-2000); Executive
Secretary of International Conferences: Cyclotron Produced Radiopharmaca (1997) and NATO AIW Applications
of Natural Sorbents in Waste Treatment (1998). Division Nuclear Chemistry and Nuclear Technology Division
of the American Chemical Society (member and ACS summer school reviewer). Editorial board of Journal of
Radioanalytical Nuclear Chemistry; reviewer for Inorganic chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Environmental
Science and Technology. At Oregon State University since 2003.
Steven R. Reese
Director, Radiation Center. B.S. General Science (1991), Oregon State University; Ph.D. Radiological Health
Sciences (1997), Colorado State University. Fields of interest: radiation protection, activation analysis, radiation shielding, neutron radiography and dosimetry. External dosimetry section (1991-1993), Battelle Pacific
Northwest Laboratory; OSU Radiation Safety Office (1997-1998). Reactor Administrator (1998 -2005), OSU
Radiation Center. Director, OSU Radiation Center (2005-present). Member, Health Physics Society, American
Board of Health Physicists, and American Nuclear Society. At Oregon State University since 1997.
José N. Reyes, Jr. (currently on assignment at NuScale Power Inc.)
Professor; Henry W. and Janice J. Schuette Chair in Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics, Director, Advanced Thermal Hydraulics Research Lab. B.S. Nuclear Engineering (1978), University of Florida; M.S.
Nuclear Engineering (1984), Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering (1986), University of Maryland. Fields of interest:
thermal hydraulics, multi phase fluid flow, scaling analyses, ALWR Safety, fluid structure interactions, reactor system design, and probabilistic risk assessment. Research Engineer, and Project Manager, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission. Member, USNRC International Code Assessment Program (since 1988); Chairman,
ANS Thermal Hydraulic Division. Special Achievement Awards for Outstanding Contributions to the USNRC
(1986 and 1987); Austin Paul Engineering Faculty Award (1990). Thermal Hydraulic Expert, United Nations IAEA
(1995). College of Engineering Research Award (1997). College of Engineering Carter Teaching Award (2000),
Member, American Nuclear Society, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Registered Professional Engineer (Nuclear). At Oregon State University since 1987.
Alexey Soldotov
Assistant Professor, Senior Research. B.S. on Nuclear Engineering Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
(2002) M.S. on Technical Nuclear Physics Moscow Engineering Physics Institute(2004). Ph.D. on Nuclear
Engineering, At Oregon State University (2009)
Brian Woods
Associate Professor. B.S. Mechanical Engineering (1988), University of Virginia, M.S. Nuclear Engineering
(1999), Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering (2001), University of Maryland. Fields of interest: reactor thermal hydraulics, reactor safety, high-temperature gas reactor design, experimental fluid dynamics and heat transfer.
Nuclear Safety Analyst, Dominion Energy (2000-2003). Consultant to Idaho National Laboratory, International Atomic Energy Agency. Faculty Advisor, Alpha Nu Sigma Honor Society. Member, American Nuclear
Society. Chair, ANS Thermal Hydraulic Division (2011-2012). President, Alpha Nu Sigma Honor Society National (2009-2011). College of Engineering Research Award (2010). At Oregon State University since 2003.
Qiao Wu
Professor. B.S. Engineering Physics (1983), M.S. Engineering Physics (1985), Tsinghua University; Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering (1995), Purdue University. Fields of interest: thermal hydraulics and reactor safety, reactor
engineering and design, multi phase flow and boiling heat transfer, ALWR and IFR stability and safety, thermal
hydraulics instrumentation. Assistant Professor, Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University (1985 1990).
Research Associate, Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University (1995 1997),. Member, American Nuclear Society
Technical Exchange Delegation to China (1998); Visiting Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory (2001); Scientific Investigator, International Atomic Energy Agency, United Nations (2004). Member, American Nuclear
Society. Institute of Multifluid Science and Technology. Technical Reviewer, Science Center of US Department
of State. Best Paper Award, ANS Thermal Hydraulics Division (1997). At Oregon State University since 1998.
Researching Gen IV technology for the
future of nuclear power
Statistical Summary
Total Research Expenditures
Government vs. Industry FY 2008- 2012
Sum of Total Exp.
4.5 M
4.0 M
3.5 M
3.0 M
2.5 M
2.0 M
1.5 M
1.0 M
Enrollment Academic Years ‘07-’08 to ‘12-’13
Enrolled students
Academic year
Degrees Awarded ‘07-’08 to ‘11-’12
Degrees Awarded
Academic year
Student Enrollment in Courses Taught in the Department
Number of Students
Course #
NE/ RHP 114*
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health
NE/ RHP 115
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health
NE/ RHP 116**
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health
NE/ RHP 234
Nuclear and Radiation Physics I
NE/ RHP 235
Nuclear and Radiation Physics II
NE/ RHP 236*
Nuclear Radiation Detection & Instrumentation
NE 311
Intro to Thermal Fluids
NE 312
NE 319
Societal Aspects of Nuclear technology
NE 331
Intro to Fluid Mechanics
NE 332
Heat Transfer
Mathematical methods for NE/RHP
NE/RHP 333
NE/RHP/MP 401/501/601
NE/RHP/MP 405/505/605
Reading and Conference
NE/RHP/MP 406/506/606
NE/RHP/MP 407/507/607
NE/ RHP/MP 410/510/610
Nuclear Engineering Seminar
NE/ RHP 415/515
Nuclear Rules and Regulations
NE 451/551
Neutronic Analysis
NE 452/552
Neutronic Analysis
NE 455/555**
Reactor Operator Training I
NE 456/556
Reactor Operator Training II
NE 457/557**
Nuclear Reactor Lab
NE 467/567
Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics
NE 667
Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics
NE/RHP 435/535
External Dosimetry & Radiation Shielding
NE 474/574
Nuclear System Design I
NE/RHP 475/575
Nuclear System Design II
Course #
NE/RHP 479*
NE/RHP 481*
Radiation Protection
NE/RHP 582*
Applied Radiation Safety
RHP 483/583
Radiation Biology
RHP 488/588*
NE/RHP 590
Internal Dosimetry
NE/RHP/MP 503/603*
NE/ RHP 516*
NE 526
Numerical Methods for Engineering Analysis
Nuclear Physics for Engineers and Scientists
NE/RHP/MP 536*
Advanced Radiation Detection & Measurement
NE/RHP 537
Digital Spectrometer Design
MP 541
Diagnostic Imaging Physics
NE 550
Nuclear Medicine
NE 553*
Advanced Nuclear Reactor Physics
NE 568
Nuclear Reactor Safety
Individual Design Project
Special Topics
OSTR used occasionally for demonstration and/or experiments
OSTR used heavily
Number of Students
Research Contracts & Grants
Argonne National Lab
Atomic Energy of
Canada Limited
Project Title
Effects of Aqueous Complexants on Separation of Zr from Am and
Dose/Response Relationships for 90Sr and OBT in Aquatic Biota at
Chalk River Laboratories
Principal Investigator
Paulenova, Alena
Higley, Kathryn A
CH2M Hill, Inc
Sale of Two Simultaneous Beta/Gamma Spectrometers (US Patent
No. 7,683,334)
Hamby, David M
Defense Threat
Reduction Agency
The Interpretation of Uncertainty for CBRNE Decision-Making
Hamby, David M
Department of Energy
Actively-Shielded Radioxenon Phoswich Detection System
Farsoni, Abdollah T
Hamby, David M
Department of Energy
OSUs Fellowship and Scholarship Support Through NEUP
Higley, Kathryn A
Department of Energy
Reinvestment in Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Sciences
Higley, Kathryn A
Department of Energy
Benchmarked Simulations of Reactor Source Terms for
Antineutrino Detection: Normal Operation and Nuclear Material
Diversion Scenarios
Palmer, Todd S
Department of Energy
Hybrid Monte Carlo/Deterministic Radiation Transport Simulations
for Source Detector Problems
Palmer, Todd S
Department of Energy
Development of the Radiochemistry and Nuclear Material Science
Laboratory at OSU
Paulenova, Alena
Department of Energy
Integral Reactor Containment Condensation Model and
Experimental Validation
Wu, Qiao
Idaho National Lab
Establishment of the Oregon State Academic Center of Excellence
in Thermal Fluids and Reactor Safety
Klein, Andrew C
Idaho National Lab
Feasibility and Safety Assessment for Advanced Reactor Concepts
Using Vented Fuel
Klein, Andrew C
Idaho National Lab
Idaho National Laboratory National University Consortium Chair
Support Activities
Klein, Andrew C
Idaho National Lab
Proposal to Idaho National Laboratory to Implement a Joint
Appointment for Professor Andrew C. Klein, Department of Nuclear
Engineering and Radiation Health Physics
Klein, Andrew C
Idaho National Lab
Proposal to Perform Design Studies for Mars Hopper Concept
Klein, Andrew C
Idaho National Lab
Run-Ahead Predictive Simulation Research Support for FY2012
Klein, Andrew C
Idaho National Lab
High Performance Research Reactor Hydraulic Fuel Test Program
Marcum, Wade R
Idaho National Lab
Hydro-Mechanical Fuel Testing
Marcum, Wade R
Idaho National Lab
High Performance Research Reactor Hydro-Mechanical Fuel Test
Marcum, Wade R
Idaho National Lab
Establishment of the Oregon State Academic Center of Excellence
in Thermal Fluids and Reactor Safety
Palmer, Todd S
Idaho National Lab
Chemistry of Group Extraction of Actinides
Paulenova, Alena
Idaho National Lab
Faculty Joint Appointment
Paulenova, Alena
Idaho National Lab
Group Actinide Separation From Spent Nuclear Fuel Using a
Modified Universal Solvent Extraction Process
Paulenova, Alena
Idaho National Lab
Neptunium Radiation Chemistry
Paulenova, Alena
Idaho National Lab
Neptunium Radiation Chemistry in Solutions Relevant to Spent
Nuclear Fuel Separation Systems
Paulenova, Alena
Idaho National Lab
Neutron Activation and Gamma Spectrum Analyses for Efficient
Tracking of the Distribution of Strategic Metals in Liquid-Liquid and
Solid-Liquid Systems
Paulenova, Alena
Idaho National Lab
Infrastructure Improvements for Oregon State University High
Temperature Test Facility
Woods, Brian G
Idaho National Lab
Infrastructure Improvements for Oregon State University High
Temperature Test Facility to Accommodate Increased Power
Woods, Brian G
Idaho National Lab
Advanced Code Validation Using Apex Integral Test Data
Wu, Qiao
Idaho National Lab
INEST Safety and Licensing CORE Market Research
Wu, Qiao
Idaho National Lab
Quantitative Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table
Wu, Qiao
National Academy for
Nuclear Training
National Academy of Nuclear Training Fellowship 2011-2012
Palmer, Camille J
National Academy for
Nuclear Training
NANT Fellowship 2012-2013
Woods, Brian G
National Academy for
Nuclear Training
Two NE Fellowships for 2010-2011 Academic Year
Wu, Qiao
Nuclear Regulatory
OSU to Administer the NRC Scholarship Program
Farsoni, Abdollah T
Nuclear Regulatory
Contemporary Building Shielding Factors Research for Level Three
Probabilistic Risk Assessments of Severe Nuclear Reactor Accidents
Hamby, David M
Nuclear Regulatory
Improving the Accuracy of Beta Dosimetry for VARSKIN
Hamby, David M
Nuclear Regulatory
Faculty Development Program Nuclear Education
Higley, Kathryn A
Nuclear Regulatory
Oregon State University Nuclear Fellowship Program
Palmer, Camille J
Nuclear Regulatory
Development of Radiochemistry Educational Module as Part of
Nuclear Environmental Protection: Course 1. Fuel Cycles
Chemistry, Course 2. Radio Chemistry Laboratory
Paulenova, Alena
Nuclear Regulatory
Basic Research on High Temperature Gas Reactor Thermal
Hydraulics and Reactor Physics
Woods, Brian G
NuScale Power, Inc
OSU MASLWR Integral Effects Testing Program
Wu, Qiao
Oregon Biomedical
Engineering Institute,
Wound Decontamination of Radioactive Exposures
Paulenova, Alena
Feasibility Study on the Development of a Liquid Metal Test Facility
Klein, Andrew C
University of
Wisconsin -Madison
Crit. Heat Flux Phenomena at High P and Low Mass Fluxes: Tests
and Models
Wu, Qiao
Develop a Coupled CFD/Combustion/Radiative Transfer Simulation
Palmer, Todd S
URS Corporation
Large-Eddy and Direct Simulation of Oxycoal Combustion with
Radiative Heat Transfer
Palmer, Todd S
Vanderbilt University
Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participating III
Higley, Kathryn A
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Assessment of Impact of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
Discharges on Marine Systems
Higley, Kathryn A
URS Corporation
Publications & Patents
Archival Journal Citations
Becker, E.M, Farsoni, A.T.; Alhawsawi, A.M.; Alemayehu, B. “Small Prototype Gamma Spectrometer Using CsI(Tl) Scintillators Coupled to a Solid-State Photomultiplier,” in press, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci (2012), available online, DOI: 10.1109/
TNS.2012.2228236, 2012.
Caffrey, E. and Higley, K. Improved Dosimetric Model of the ICRP Reference, J. Environ Radioact, accepted for publication.
Caffrey, J.A. , Higley, K.A., Farsoni, A.T., Smith, S., Menn, S. Development and deployment of an underway radioactive
cesium monitor off the Japanese coast near Fukushima Dai’ichi, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 111: 2012 Sep pg
Caffrey, J.A.; Hamby, D.M. A Review of Instruments and Methods for Dosimetry in Space. Advances in Space Research.
47(4): 563-574; 2011.
Edwards, J.A.; Snyder, F.J.; Allen, P.M.; Makinson, K.A.; Hamby, D.M. Decision Making for Risk Management: A Comparison of
Graphical Methods for Presenting Quantitative Uncertainty. Risk Analysis. DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2012.01839.x. May 22,
Farsoni, A.T.; Alemayehu, B.; Alhawsawi A. Becker, E. M. “A Phoswich Detector with Compton Suppression Capability for
Radioxenon Measurements,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. , Vol. 60, No. 1: 456 – 464, 2013.
Farsoni, A.T.; Alemayehu, B.; Alhawsawi, A.; Becker, E.M. “A Compton-Suppressed Phoswich Detector for Gamma Spectroscopy,” in press, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, available online, DOI: 10.1007/s10967-012-2009-2,
Hamby, D.M., Lodwick, C.J., Palmer, T.S., Reese, S.R., Higley, K.A., Caffrey, J.A., Sherbini, S., Saba, M., and Bush-Goddard, S.P.,
“The New Varskin 4 Photon Skin Dosimetry Model,” Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2012); doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncs247.
Hartman, M.R., S.T. Keller, S.T., Reese, S.R., Robinson B., Stevens J., Matos, J.E., Marcum, W.R., Palmer, T.S., and Woods, B.G.,
“Neutronic Analysis of the Oregon State TRIGA® Reactor in Support of Conversion from HEU to LEU Fuel”, Nuclear Sci and Eng
(In Press).
Higley, K.A., Kocher, D.C., Real, A.G., and Chambers, D.B., RBE and radiation weighting factors in the context of animals and
plants, Ann ICRP. 2012 Oct;41(3-4):233-45. doi: 10.1016/j.icrp.2012.06.014. Epub 2012 Aug 22.
Howard, B.J., Beresford, N.A., Copplestone D., Telleria, D., Proehl, G., Fesenko, S., Jeffree, R., Yankovich, T., Brown, Higley, K.,
Johansen, M., Mulye, H., Vandenhove, H., Gashchak, S., Wood, M.D., Takata, H., Andersson, P., Dale, P., Ryan , J. Bollhofer, A.,
Doering, C., Barnett, C.L., Wells, C. The IAEA Handbook on Radionuclide Transfer to Wildlife. J. Environ Radioact, doi:10.1016/j.
Makinson, K.A.; Edwards, J.A.; Hamby, D.M. A Review of Contemporary Methods for the Presentation of Scientific Uncertainty.
Health Physics. 103(6): 714-731; 2012.
Marcum, W.R., Palmer, T.S., Woods, B.G., Keller, S.T., Reese, S.R. and Hartman, M.R., “A Comparison of Pulsing Characteristics of
the Oregon State University TRIGA Reactor with FLIP and LEU Fuel”, Nuclear Sci and Eng 171, 150-164, 2012.
Marcum, W.R., “Morphing from a Separate Effects to Multiphysics Characterization Environment,” Journal of Nuclear Energy
Science & Power Generation Technology, Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 1-2, October 2012.
Marcum, W.R., Woods, B.G., “Predicting the Onset of Dynamic Instability of a Cylindrical Plate under Axial Flow Conditions,”
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 250, pp. 81-100, September 2012.
Mascari, F., Vella, G., Woods, B.G., Welter, K., Pottorf, J., Young, E., Adorni, M., and D’Auria, F., “Sensitivity Analysis of the MASLWR helical coil steam generator using TRACE,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 241, Number 4, pp. 1137-1144, April 2011.
Matthews, C. and T.S. Palmer, “Analysis of the Antineutrino Production Rate During CANDU Startup,” Ann. Nucl. Energy (2012)
DOI: 10.1016/j.anucene.2012.06.034.
Palmer, T.S., “The 22nd International Conference on Transport Theory, Portland, Oregon, September 11-15, 2011,” Trans. Theory
and Stat. Phys., 41, 1-2, pp I-III (2012). DOI:10.1080/00411450.2012.726172
Soldatov, A. and Palmer, T.S. “A Five-Year Core for a Small Modular Light Water Reactor”, Nucl. Sci. Engr., 167, pp. 1-14 (2011)
Somasundarum, E. and Palmer, T. S. “Benchmarked, Three-Dimensional Antineutrino Source Term Calculations Of Light Water
Reactors For Non-Proliferation Applications “, Nucl. Technology, 179, 1 (2012).
Conference Full Papers
Cadell, S.R., and Woods, B.G., “Use of the Carbon Ceramic Experimental Test Apparatus to Validate the HTTF Design,” Proceedings, International 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH 14), Toronto, CA, September, 2011.
Cleveland, M. A., Palmer T. S. and S. Apte, “Turbulence Radiation Interactions In A Statistically Homogeneous Turbulence With
Approximated Coal Type Particulate”, Proc. Of the ASME 2012 Fluid Engineering Summer Meeting, July 8-12, 2012, Puerto Rico,
Farsoni, A.T.; Alemayehu, B.; Alhawsawi A. “A Compton-Suppressed Phoswich Detector for Radioxenon Measurements,” The
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia, Spain. Oct. 22-29, 2011.
Farsoni, A.T.; Alemayehu, B.; Alhawsawi A. “Preliminary Measurements with a Compton-Suppressed Phoswich Detector,” The
33th Monitoring Research Review. Tucson, AZ, September 12-15, 2011
Holschuh, T., Weiss, A., Jensen, P., Marcum, W.R., “Proof-of-Concept: Method for Identifying Fuel Plate Plastic Deformation in
Real Time”, Advances in Thermal Hydraulics, 2012 American Nuclear Society Winter Conference, San Diego, California, United
States, November 11-15, 2012.
Jackson, R.B., Woods, B.G., Marcum, W.R., “Boundary Layer Laminarization by Convex Curvature and Acceleration Effects”, Advances in Thermal Hydraulics, 2012 American Nuclear Society Winter Conference, San Diego, California, United States, November 11-15, 2012.
Mascari, F., Vella, G., and Woods, B.G., “TRACE Code Analyses for the IAEA ICSP on Integral PWR Design Natural Circulation Flow
Stability and Themo-Hydraulic Coupling of Containment and Primary System during Accidents,” Proceedings, ASME 2011 Small
Modular Reactors Symposium, Washington, DC, September, 2011.
Mascari, F., Vella, G., Woods, B. G., and D’Auria, F., “Analysis of the Multi-Application Small Light Water Reactor (MASLWR) design
natural circulation phenomena,” Proceedings, International Congress on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2011), Nice,
France, May 2-5, 2011.
Mascari, F., Vella, G., and Woods, B.G., “TRACE Code Analyses for the IAEA ICSP on Integral PWR Design Natural Circulation Flow
Stability and Themo-Hydraulic Coupling of Containment and Primary System during Accidents,” Proceedings, ASME 2011 Small
Modular Reactors Symposium, Washington, DC, September, 2011.
Conference Presentation Citations
Al Zaharani, A, Bytwerk, D., Higley, K., and Napier, J., Analysis of simulated radioactive petroleum waste uptake in radishes.
Fifty-sixth annual meeting of the Health Physics Society: 26 - 30 June 2011 Palm Beach, Florida: Abstracts of Papers Presented
at the Meeting Health Physics. 101(1):A3-A4, S91, July 2011. doi: 10.1097/01.HP.0000400068.68697.fd
Alemayehu, B.; Farsoni, A.T.; Alhawsawi, A.M.; Becker, E.M. “Real-time FPGA Based Radioxenon Measurements using an Actively
Shielded Phoswich Detector (ASPD),” IEEE Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, Oakland, CA, May 14-17,
Alhawsawi, A.M.; Farsoni, A. T.; Alemayehu, B.; Becker, E.M. “FPGA Digital Pulse Processing for an Actively Shielded Phoswich
Detector (ASPD),” IEEE Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, Oakland, CA, May 14-17, 2012.
Becker, E.M, Farsoni, A.T.; Alhawsawi, A.M.; Alemayehu, B. “Small Prototype Gamma Spectrometer Using CsI(Tl) Scintillators
Coupled to a Solid-State Photomultiplier,” IEEE Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, Oakland, California,
May 14-17, 2012.
Bevill, A., E. A. Miller and T. S. Palmer, “Performance of Hybrid Methods for a Representative Non-Proliferation Source/Detector
Problem”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 102, 2011
Bytwerk, D., Higley, K., Hay, T., Foliar interception and uptake of Cl-36 by crops. Presented at the International Conference on
Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity - Environment & Nuclear Renaissance, 19–24 June 2011 Hamilton, Canada.
Bytwerk, D., and Higley, K., Experimental techniques for quantifying foliar interception and Translocation. Fifty-sixth annual
meeting of the Health Physics Society: 26 - 30 June 2011 Palm Beach, Florida: Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting
Health Physics. 101(1):A3-A4, S91, July 2011. doi: 10.1097/01.HP.0000400068.68697.fd
Caffrey, E., Higley, K. , Improving the Dosimetric Model of the International Commission on Radiological Protection’s Reference
Crab, 57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 22-26 July 2012, Sacramento, California
Caffrey, J., Higley, K., Farsoni, A., Smith, S., Menn, S. ,Oregon State University’s Radiological Support for a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Research Cruise near Fukushima Dai’ichi , 57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 22-26 July 2012,
Sacramento, California
Caffrey, J.A.; Mangini, C.D.; Farsoni, A.T.; Hamby, D.M. “A Phoswich Detector for Simultaneous Beta and Gamma Spectroscopy,”
The 44th Annual Midyear Meeting of the Health Physics Society. Charleston, SC. February 6-9, 2011.
Cleveland, M.A., and T.S. Palmer, “Temporal Convergence of Coarse Mesh Finite Difference Accelerated Monte Carlo”, Trans. Am.
Nucl. Soc., 2012
Cleveland, M., and T. S. Palmer, “Comparing Two Opacity Models in Monte Carlo Radiative Heat Transfer: Computational Efficiency and Parallel Load Balancing”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 102, 2011
Edwards, J.; Allen, P; Snyder, F.; Falkenstein, A.; Makinson, K.; Hamby, D. A Comparison of Methods of Presenting Probability
Information to Decision Makers. The Society for Personality and Social Psychology. San Antonio, TX. January 27-29, 2011.
Farsoni, A.T.; Alemayehu, B.; Alhawsawi A. Becker, E. M. “FPGA Based Pulse Shape Discrimination and Coincidence Energy Measurement for a Phoswich Detector,” The IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Anahaim, CA. Oct. 29- Nov. 4, 2012.
Farsoni, A.T.; Alemayehu, B.; Alhawsawi A.; Becker, E.M.; “Real-Time Pulse Shape Discrimination and Radioxenon Measurement
in Field Programmable Gate Array,” The 34th Monitoring Research Review. Albuquerque, NM, September 17-20, 2012.
Farsoni, A.T.; Alemayehu, B.; Alhawsawi, A.; Becker, E.M. “A Compton-Suppressed Phoswich Detector for Gamma Spectroscopy,” The Ninth International Conference of Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, Kailua-Kona, Hi, March
25-30, 2012.
HuaJian Chang, , Yuquan Li, Qiao Wu, Zishen Ye, Lian Chen, “A New Integral Test Facility ACME for Passive Safety PWR”, Transaction of ANS Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA, Nov. 11-15, 2012.
Hallee, Brian , Hu Luo, Jeffrey Luitjens, Qiao Wu “Application of Modern CSAU to Reactor System Safety Analysis Using IET Data”,
Transaction of ANS Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA, Nov. 11-15, 2012.
Hamby, D.M.; Lodwick, C.J.; Palmer, T.S.; Reese, S.R.; Higley, K.A. VARSKIN 4: A computer code for skin contamination dosimetry. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Rockville, MD: Report No. NUREG/CR-6918, Rev. 1; 2011.
Hay, T., Higley, K., Bytwerk, D., Medical radionuclide impurities in wastewater. Presented at the International Conference on
Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity - Environment & Nuclear Renaissance, 19–24 June 2011 Hamilton, Canada.
Higley, K.A., Necessary Role of Radioecology, 2nd International Nuclear Congress, Warsaw, Poland, May 20-22, 2012.
Higley, K.A., Kocher, D.C., Real, A.G., and Chambers, D.B., RBE and radiation weighting factors as applied in the context of protection of the environment from ionising radiation, In press, Proceedings of the International Radiation Protection Association,
May 13-18, 2012 Glasgow Scotland.
Higley, K., Bytwerk, D., and Houser, E. Why We Still Need Data for Radioecological Modeling; SETAC North America 32nd Annual
Meeting 13–17 Nov 2011, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA.
Higley, K., Radioecology, 2011 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo “The Status of Global Nuclear Deployment”
October 30-November 3, 2011 Washington, DC Omni Shoreham Hotel.
Higley, K.A., Kocher, D.C., Real, A.G., and Chambers, D.B., RBE and radiation weighting factors in the context of animals and
plants, In press, Proceedings of the ICRP, Bethesda, MD, October 2011.
Higley, K., Radionuclide Concentrations in Food and the Environment, Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards CIRMS 2011, 20th Anniversary October 17-20, 2011, Public Perception of Radiation, National Institute of Standards and
Higley, K., Nuclear preparedness, Extension Disaster Education Network, October 11-14, 2011 Annual meeting.
Howard, B.J., Beresford, N. A., Barnett, C.L. ,Wells, C., Copplestone, D., Telleria, D., Proehl, G., Fesenko, S., Phaneuf, M., Jeffree,
R., Yankovitch, T.L., Brown, J. ,Higley, K., Johansen, M.P., Mulye, H., Dagher, E. E., Vandenhove, E., Gaschak, S., Wood, M.D.,
A. Hummel and T. S. Palmer, “Implementation of a Coarse Mesh Finite Differencing Acceleration in Cylindrical Geometry in
PARCS”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 102, 2011
Houser, E., Bytwerk, D., and Higley, K. Quantification of anthropogenic radionuclides in a naturally-shed reindeer antler found
in arctic Sweden; Fifty-sixth annual meeting of the Health Physics Society: 26 - 30 June 2011 Palm Beach, Florida: Abstracts of
Papers Presented at the Meeting Health Physics. 101(1):A3-A4,S1-S99, July 2011. doi: 10.1097/01.HP.0000400068.68697.fd
Houser, E., Bytwerk, D., Leonard, M., Higley, K., Foliar Translocation & Root Uptake of Cesium in Tea Plants (camellia sinensis),
57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 22-26 July 2012, Sacramento, California
Jackson, R.B., Howard, T., Mullin, E., Marcum, W.R., “Preliminary Investigation on Vortical Structure Influence of Trailing Plate in
Axial Flow”, Trans. American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, Vol. 107, pp. 1333-1335, 2012.
Luitjens, Jeff M., Hu Luo, Qiao Wu, “Thermal Hydraulic Computer Code Validation Using Quantified PIRT for Uncertainty Analysis”, Las Vegas, NV, ASME V&V Symposium, May 2-4, 2012.
Leonard, M., Higley, K., Radiological Modeling Software as a Learning Tool, 57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society,
22-26 July 2012, Sacramento, California
Long, A., Gentile, N. A., and Palmer, T. S., “A More Implicit Temperature Estimate for the IMC Method of Photon Transport”,
Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 2012
Luo, H., J. Luitjens, Q. Wu Dana Kelly “Quantified PIRT and Uncertainty Quantification for Thermal Hydraulic Computer Code
Validation”, Transaction of ANS Winter Meeting, Washington DC., Oct. 20 – Nov. 3, 2011
Luo, Hu, Qiao Wu, Vincent A. Mousseau “Quantified PIRT for Thermal Hydraulic Computer Code Validation”, Transaction of ANS
Winter Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Nov. 7-11, 2010.
Mangini, C.D.; Caffrey, J.A.; Farsoni, A.T.; Hamby, D.M. “A Signal Pulse Processor for Multi-Component Signals,” The 44th Annual
Midyear Meeting of the Health Physics Society. Charleston, SC. February 6-9, 2011.
Mangini, C.D.; Caffrey, J.A.; Hamby, D.M. Determination of Beta Dose-Point-Kernels for High-Z Sources in Non-homogeneous
Geometries. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society. Sacramento, CA. Health Physics. July 22-26,
Marcum, W.R., Phillips, A.M., Ambrosek, R.G., Spears, R.E., Wiest, J.D., “Method for Experimental Acquisition of Hydraulic Induced Plastic and Elastic Fuel Plate Deformation”, Trans. American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, Vol. 105, pp. 968-969, 2011.
Marcum, W.R., Phillips, A.M., Wachs, D.M., “Shakedown Testing of the Hydro-Mechanical Fuel Test Facility,” 2011 Test, Research
and Training Reactors, Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States, September 12-15, 2011.
Marcum, W.R., Woods, B.G., “Predicting the Onset of Dynamic Instability of a Cylindrical Plate under Axial Flow Conditions”,
Trans. American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, Vol. 104, pp. 1016-1017, 2011.
Matthews, C., and T. S. Palmer, “An Analysis of the Antineutrino Rate During CANDU Reactor Startup”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.,
Myers, M., Higley, K.US Army, Use of GIS Software to Map Contaminant Distributions and Deter¬mine Integrated Dose for Purposes of Assessing Impact to Biota, 57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 22-26 July 2012, Sacramento, California
Napier, J., Higley, K., Houser, E., Bytwerk, D., Minc, L. , Establishment of Concentration Ratios for Riparian and Shrub Steppe
Areas of the Eastern Washington Columbia Basin, 57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 22-26 July 2012, Sacramento, California
Neville, Delvan, A. Jason Phillips, Richard D. Brodeur, Kathryn Higley, Lorenzo Ciannelli, “Radionuclide transport in the Northern
California Current Food Web: Impacts of Fukushima & Migratory Albacore Tuna. October 2012, Heceta Head Coastal Conference,
Florence OR
Neville, Delvan, A. Jason Phillips, Richard D. Brodeur, Kathryn Higley, Lorenzo Ciannelli, “Radionuclide transport in the Northern
California Current Food Web: Impacts of Fukushima & Migratory Albacore Tuna. Poster presentation at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute special Fukushima symposium in November 2012.
Parson, J., Houser, E., Bytwerk, D., Higley, K. (Presented by Napier, J., and Caffrey, E.), Uranium Uptake in Capsicum Annuum for
Various Growing Conditions, 57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 22-26 July 2012, Sacramento, California
Roth, G.D., Marcum, W.R., Woods, B.G., “CFD Study of the Generic Test Plate Assembly for use in the Hydro-Mechanical Fuel Test
Facility”, Trans. American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, Vol. 105, pp. 933-934, 2011.
Soldatov, A. and T.S. Palmer, “Boron-free core design for innovative 4.5% and 8.0% enriched MASLWR fuel”, Trans. Am. Nucl.
Soc., 2012
Somasundarum, E., A. Soldatov and T. S. Palmer, “Estimation of Antineutrino Signature for a Small Modular Reactor (SMR)
Loaded with U02 and MOX Fuel”, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 102, 2011
Strand, P. , Pentreath, J. , Larsson, C. , Higley, K. ., Prøhl, G. , Real, A. Copplestone, D. Brèchignac, F., Research needs necessary
to support the ICRP’s set of Reference Animals and Plants with regard to protection of the environment. Presented at the International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity - Environment & Nuclear Renaissance, 19–24 June 2011
Hamilton, Canada.
Talbot, P., A. Wollaber and T. S. Palmer, “Implementing a Discrete Maximum Principle for the IMC Equations”, Trans. Am. Nucl.
Soc., 2012
Tissot, C., Paine, J., Shaw, C., Bytwerk, D., Higley, K., and Whitlow, J. The Concentration Ratio of 36Cl in Artemia Salina. s9 Fiftysixth annual meeting of the Health Physics Society: 26 - 30 June 2011 Palm Beach, Florida: Abstracts of Papers Presented at the
Meeting Health Physics. 101(1):A3-A4,S1-S99, July 2011. doi: 10.1097/01.HP.0000400068.68697.fd
Uchida, S., Takata, H., K.Tagami,, Andersson, P., Dale, P., Ryan J., A new IAEA technical report series handbook on radionuclide
transfer to wildlife. Presented at the International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity - Environment &
Nuclear Renaissance, 19–24 June 2011 Hamilton, Canada.
Whitlow, J., Higley, K., Bytwerk, D., Reese, S., Robertson, A. , Bioturbation by Lumbricus terrestris in Soil Contaminated with Cs134, 57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, 22-26 July 2012, Sacramento, California
Books and Book Chapters
Marcum, W.R., Spinrad, B., Nuclear Reactors. In Encyclopedia Britannica. 2012.
Other Reports
Marcum, W.R., “How Universities can partner with Industry: Lessons learned from the Hydro-mechanical Fuel Test Facility at
OSU”, International Nuclear Energy Congress, Warsaw, Poland, May 22-24, 2012.
Marcum, W.R., Woods, B.G., Jackson, R.B., “Functional Description of the Hydro-Mechanical Fuel Test Facility at Oregon State
University”, International Nuclear Energy Congress, Warsaw, Poland, May 23-24, 2011.
Wiest, J.D., Marcum, W.R., Phillips, A.M. “Hydro Mechanical Fuel Test Facility (HMFTF Generic Test Plate Assembly (GTPA) Test
Matrix, INL/MIS-11-21527, March 2011
Phillips, A.M., Marcum, W.R., Wachs, D.M. “U-Mo Fuel: Hydro-Mechanical Overview and Objectives”. Idaho National Laboratory,
INL/EXT-10-20031, February 2011
Earthfort ProVide testing – testing of a soil inoculant for immobilization of radiocesium
Biological Remediation Strategy for Immobilizing Cs-137 in Soils Final Report, Senior Design Project, Oregon State University,
June 2012.
Farsoni, A. T. and Hamby, D. M. “Simultaneous Beta and Gamma Spectroscopy”, US Patent # 7,683,334, March 23, 2010.
Hamby, D. M., Farsoni, A. T., Cazalas, E. “Skin Contamination Dosimeter”, US Patent # 7,964,848, June 21, 2011.
Reese, S., Palmer, T., Keller, S., and Munk, M., “Molybdenum Production in a Low Power Reactor;” Provisional Application
Number 61/368,762, July 29, 2010.
Graduate Student Thesis/Dissertations Abstracts
Dissertation Abstracts
Aqueous Complexation of Citric Acid and DTPA with Selected Trivalent and Tetravalent f-Elements
M. Alex Brown for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry presented on December 10, 2012.
Abstract approved: Alena Paulenova
Carboxylic acids have played an important role in the field of actinide (An) and lanthanide (Ln) separations and the reprocessing
of irradiated nuclear fuel. Recent bench-scale experiments have demonstrated that 3-carboxy-3-hydroxypentanedioic
acid (citric acid) is a promising aqueous complexant that can effectively aid in the separation of transition metals
from f-element mixtures. Furthermore, citric acid was found to be a suitable buffer for the nitrogen donating ligand
diethylenetriamineN,N,N’,N’’,N’’-pentaacetic acid (DTPA) which has a higher complexation affinity for An over Ln.
The complexation of Ln and An with anions of citric acid and DTPA have been previously studied with conflicting results
regarding the coordination of metal ions between carboxylic groups, the feasibility of protonated metal complexes, and the
formation constants themselves. Using potentiometry, spectrophotometry, microcalorimetry, and specific ion interaction
modeling, we investigated metal complexes of citric acid and DTPA with selected trivalent and tetravalent Ln and An
ions. The complexes were investigated with respects to stability constants, thermodynamics of complexation, oxidation states,
the concentration of electrolyte, ligand size, and metal ionic radius.
Foliar Interception and Uptake of 36Cl by Crops
David Paul Bytwerk for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Radiation Health Physics presented on September 15, 2011
Abstract approved: Kathryn Higley
Greenhouse studies were conducted to determine interception, absorption, and translocation values for foliar applied 36 Cl.
Foliar interception and uptake of contaminated irrigation water by crops is a major pathway for the transport of
radionuclides to human beings in scenarios relevant to the waste disposal community.
Performance assessments of many repositories that predict doses to people from longterm geological disposal of radioactive
waste are equipped to consider foliar interception and uptake by crops on an element and crop specific basis in their
predictions, but crop and element specific data does not exist in the literature to justify the choice of parameter values in these
models. 36 Cl is among the isotopes for which there is a lack of data and has recently been predicted to be among the largest
contributors to dose at the time of peak dose from many repositories. Reported here are 36 Cl foliar interception, absorption,
and translocation parameters for three crops: a root vegetable -radishes, a fruit - beans, and a grain - wheat.
High Pressure Condensation Heat Transfer in the Evacuated Containment of a Small Modular Reactor
Jason R. Casey for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on December 19, 2012.
Abstract approved: Qiao Wu
At Oregon State University the Multi‐Application Small Light Water Reactor (MASLWR) integral effects testing facility is
being prepared for safety analysismatrix testing in support of the NuScale Power Inc. (NSP) design certificationprogress. The
facility will be used to simulate design basis accident performance of the reactor’s safety systems. The design includes an
initially evacuated, high pressure capable containment system simulated by a 5 meter tall pressure vessel. The convection‐
condensation process that occurs during use of the Emergency Core Cooling System has been characterized during two
experimental continuous blowdown events. Experimental data has been used to calculate an average heat transfer coefficient
for the containment system. The capability of the containment system has been analytically proven to be a conservative
estimate of the full scale reactor system.
Radiative Heat Transfer in Combustion Applications: Parallel Eciencies of Two Gas Models, Turbulent
Radiation Interactions in Particulate Laden Flows, and Coarse Mesh Finite Dierence Acceleration for
Improved Temporal Accuracy
Mathew A. Cleveland for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Nuclear Engineering presented on December 2, 2011.
Abstract approved: Todd S. Palmer
We investigate several aspects of the numerical solution of the radiative transfer equation in the context of coal combustion:
the parallel eciency of two commonly-used opacity models, the sensitivity of turbulent radiation interaction (TRI) eects
to the presence of coal particulate, and an improvement of the order of temporal convergence using the coarse mesh nite
dierence (CMFD) method. There are four opacity models commonly employed to evaluate the radiative transfer equation in
combustion applications; line-by-line (LBL), multigroup, band, and global. Most of these models have been rigorously evaluated
for serial computations of a spectrum of problem types [1]. Studies of these models for parallel computations [2] are limited. We
assessed the performance of the Spectral-Line-Based weighted sum of gray gasses (SLW) model, a global method related to Kdistribution methods [1], and the LBL model. The LBL model directly interpolates opacity information from large data tables. The
LBL model outperforms the SLW model in almost all cases, as suggested by Wang et al. [3]. The SLW model, however, shows
superior parallel scaling performance and a decreased sensitivity to load imbalancing, suggesting that for some problems,
global methods such as the SLW model, could outperform the LBL model.Turbulent radiation interaction (TRI) eects are
associated with the dierences in the time scales of the fluid dynamic equations and the radiative transfer equations.
Solving on the fluid dynamic time step size produces large changes in the radiation eld over the time step. We have modied the
statistically homogeneous, non-premixed flame problem of Deshmukh et al. [4] to include coal-type particulate. The addition
of low mass loadings of particulate minimally impacts the TRI eects. Observed dierences in the TRI effects from variations in the
packing fractions and Stokes numbers are dicult to analyze because of the signicant effect of variations in problem initialization.
The TRI eects are very sensitive to the initialization of the turbulence in the system. The TRI parameters are somewhat sensitive
to the treatment of particulate temperature and the particulate optical thickness, and this eect are amplied by increased
particulate loading. Monte Carlo radiative heat transfer simulations of time-dependent combustion processes generally involve
an explicit evaluation of emission source because of the expense of the transport solver. Recently, Park et al. [5] have applied
quasi-diusion with Monte Carlo in high energy density radiative transfer applications.
We employ a Crank-Nicholson temporal integration scheme in conjunction with the coarse mesh nite dierence (CMFD) method,
in an eort to improve the temporal accuracy of the Monte Carlo solver. Our results show that this CMFD-CN method
is an improvement over Monte Carlo with CMFD time-dierenced via Backward Euler, and Implicit Monte Carlo [6] (IMC). The
increase in accuracy involves very little increase in computational cost, and the gure of merit for the CMFD-CN scheme is
greater than IMC.
Medical radionuclides and their impurities in wastewater
Tristan R. Hay for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Radiation Health Physics presented on March 16, 2012
Abstract approved: Kathryn Higley
NCRP report No.160 states that medical exposure increased to nearly half of the total radiation exposure of the U.S. population
from all sources in 2006 (NCRP 2009). Part of this increase in exposure is due to the rise in nuclear medicine procedures. With
this observed growth in medical radionuclide usage, there is an increase in the radionuclide being released into wastewater
after the medical procedures. The question then arises: what is the behavior of medical radionuclides and their impurities in
the wastewater process? It is important to note that, often, medical radionuclides are not exactly 100% radionuclide pure,
but they meet a certain standard of purity. Of particular interest are the longer lived impurities associated with these medical
radionuclides. The longer lived impurities have a higher chance of reaching the environment. The goal of this study is to identify
the behavior of medical radionuclides and their impurities associated with some of the more common radiopharmaceuticals,
including Tc-99m and I-131, and locate and quantify levels of these impurities in municipal wastewater and develop a model
that can be used to estimate potential dose and risk to the public.
An experimental study of laminarization induced by acceleration and curvature
R. Brian Jackson for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Nuclear Engineering
Abstract approved: Brian G. Woods
The Generation IV Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) design is being actively studied in various countries for application
due to its inherent passive safe design, higher thermal efficiencies, and proposed capability of providing high temperature
process heat. The pebble bed core is one of two core designs used in gas reactors. In the pebble bed core there are mechanisms
present which can cause the flow to laminarize, thus reducing its heat transfer effectiveness. Wind tunnel experiments were
conducted using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to investigate boundary layer laminarization due to flow acceleration and
convex curvature effects. The flow was subject to acceleration and curvature both separately and together and the flow
behavior characterized with velocity flow profiles, mean boundary layer parameters, and turbulence quantities. Laminarization
was identified and the influence of acceleration and curvature was characterized.
Quantified PIRT and Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Code Validation
Hu Luo for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Nuclear Engineering presented on November 30, 2012.
Abstract approved: Qiao Wu
This study is intended to investigate and propose a systematic method for uncertainty quantification for the computer code
validation application. Uncertainty quantification has gained more and more attentions in recent years. U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) requires the use of realistic best estimate (BE) computer code to follow the rigorous Code
Scaling, Application and Uncertainty (CSAU) methodology. In CSAU, the Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table (PIRT) was
developed to identify important code uncertainty contributors. To support and examine the traditional PIRT with quantified
judgments, this study proposes a novel approach, the Quantified PIRT (QPIRT), to identify important code models and
parameters for uncertainty quantification. Dimensionless analysis to code field equations to generate dimensionless groups
(Π groups) using code simulation results serves as the foundation for QPIRT. Uncertainty quantification using DAKOTA code is
proposed in this study based on the sampling approach. Nonparametric statistical theory identifies the fixed
number of code run to assure the 95 percent probability and 95 percent confidence in the code uncertainty intervals.
Beta-Particle Backscatter Factors and Energy-Absorption Scaling Factors for Use with Dose-Point Kernels
Colby D. Mangini for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Radiation Health Physics presented on November 26, 2012.
Abstract approved: David M. Hamby
‘Hot particle’ skin dosimetry calculations are commonly performed using homogeneous dose-point kernels (DPK) in conjunction with scaling and backscatter models to account for non-homogeneous geometries. A new scaling model for determining
the actual DPK for beta-particles transmitted by a high-Z source material has been developed. The model is based on a determination of the amount of mono-energetic electron absorption that occurs in a given source thickness through the use of
EGSnrc (Electron Gamma Shower) Monte Carlo simulations. Integration over a particular beta spectrum provides the betaparticle DPK following self-absorption as a function of source thickness and radial depth in water, thereby accounting for spectral
hardening that may occur in higher-Z materials. Beta spectra of varying spectral shapes and endpoint energies were used to
test our model for select source materials with 7.42 < Z ≤ 94. A new volumetric backscatter model has also been
developed. This model corrects for beta-particle backscattering that occurs both in the source medium and in the atmosphere
surrounding the source. Hot particle backscatter factors are constructed iteratively through selective integration of pointsource backscatter factors over a given source geometry. Selection criteria are based on individual source-point positions
within the source and determine which, if any, backscatter factors are used. The new scaling model and backscatter model
were implemented into the DPK-based code VARSKIN 4 for extensive dose testing and verification. Verification results were
compared to equivalent Monte Carlo simulations. The results demonstrate that significant improvements can be made
to DPK-based models when dealing with high-Z volumetric sources in non-homogeneous geometries.
The Kinetic and Radiolytic Aspects of Control of the Redox Speciation of Neptunium in
Solutions of Nitric Acid
Martin Precek for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry presented on August 29, 2012.
Abstract approved: Aleana Paulenova
Neptunium, with its rich redox chemistry, has a special position in the chemistry of actinides. With a decades-long history of
development of aqueous separation methods for used nuclear fuel (UNF), management of neptunium remains an unresolved issue because of its not clearly defined redox speciation. Neptunium is present in two, pentavalent (V) and hexavalent (VI) oxidation states, both in their dioxocation O=Np=O neptunyl form, which differ greatly in their solvent extraction behavior. While the
neptunium(VI) dioxocation is being very well extracted, the dioxocation of pentavalent neptunium is practically non-extractable by an organic solvent. As a result, neptunium is not well separated and remains distributed in both organic and aqueous
extraction phases. The aim of this study was to develop or enhance the understanding of several key topics governing
the redox behavior of neptunium in nitric acid medium, which are of vital importance for the engineering design of industrialscale liquid-liquid separation systems.In this work, reactions of neptunium(V) and (VI) with vanadium(V) and acetohydroxamic
acid - two redox agents envisioned for adjusting the neptunium oxidation state in aqueous separations – were studied in
order to determine their kinetic characteristics, rate laws and rate constants, as a function of temperature and nitric acid
concentration. Further were analyzed the interactions of neptunium(V) and (VI) with nitrous acid, which is formed as a product
of radiolytic degradation of nitric acid caused by high levels of radioactivity present in such systems. Once HNO3 is distributed
between both the aqueous solutions and organic solvent, nitrous acid is also formed in both phases and has a key influence on
redox speciation of neptunium; therefore, the effects of gamma-radiation on the redox speciation of neptunium were investigated. The work also includes the results of examination of scavenging of nitrous acid by hydrogen peroxide, which is generated along with nitrous acid during radiolysis of aqueous solutions of nitric acid, and also by chemical reactions with added
scavenging agents (methylurea, acetohydroxamic acid).
Microstructure of Radiation Damage in the Uranium Film and its Backing Materials
Irradiated with 136 MeV 136Xe+26
Supriyadi Sadi for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Radiation Health Physics presented on March 14, 2012
Abstract approved: Alena Paulenova
Microstructure changes in uranium and uranium/metal alloys due to radiation damage are of great interest in nuclear science
and engineering. Titanium has attracted attention because of its similarity to Zr. It has been proposed for use in the second
generation of fusion reactors due to its resistance to radiation-induced swelling. Aluminum can be regarded as a standard
absorbing material or backing material for irradiation targets. Initial study of thin aluminum films irradiation by 252Cf fission
fragments and alpha particles from source has been conducted in the Radiation Center, Oregon State University. Initial study of
thin aluminum films irradiation by 252Cf fission fragments and alpha particles from source has been conducted in the Radiation
Center, Oregon State University. Aluminum can be regarded as a standard absorbing material or backing material for irradiation
targets. The AFM investigation of microstructure damages of thin aluminum surfaces revealed that the voids, dislocation loops
and dislocation lines, formed in the thin aluminum films after bombardment by 252 Cf fission fragments and alpha particles,
depends on the irradiation dose.
The void swelling and diameter and depth of voids increase linearly with the fluence of particles and dose; however,
the areal density of voids decreased when formation of dislocation loops began. Study of deposition of uranium on titanium
backing material by molecular plating and characterization of produced U/Ti film has been performed. The U/Ti film has
smooth and uniform surfaces but the composition of the deposits is complex and does not include water molecules which
probably involve the presence of U (VI). A possible structure for the deposits has been suggested. X-ray diffraction pattern of
U/Ti films showed that The U/Ti film has an amorphous structure. Uranium films (0.500 mg/cm2) and stack of titanium foils
(thickness 0.904 mg/cm2) were used to study the microstructural damage of the uranium film and its backing material. Irradiation of U/Ti film and Ti foils with 1 MeV/u (136 MeV) 136Xe+26 ions in was performed in the Positive Ion Injector (PII) unit at
the Argonne Tandem Linear Accelerator System (ATLAS) Facility at Argonne National Laboratory, IL.
Pre- and post- irradiation of samples was analyzed by X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive
Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The irradiation of U/Ti films results in the formation of a crystalline U4O9 phase and polycrystalline Ti phase. Annealing of the thin uranium deposit on a titanium backing at 800o C in the air
atmosphere condition for an hour produced a mixture of UO3, U3O8, Ti, TiO and TiO2 (rutile) phases; meanwhile, annealing at
800oC for an hour in the argon environment produced a mixture of β-U3O7, Ti and TiO2 (rutile) phases. These phenomena
indicate that the damage during irradiation was not due to foil heating. Microstructural damage of irradiated uranium film
was dominated by void and bubble formation.The microstructure of irradiated titanium foils is characterized by hillocks, voids,
polygonal ridge networks, dislocation lines and dislocation networks. Theory predicts that titanium undergoes an allotropic
phase transformation at 882.5 °C, changing from a closed-packed hexagonal crystal structure (α-phase) into a body-centered
cubic crystal structure (β- phase). When the titanium foils were irradiated with 136MeV 136Xe+26at beam intensity of 3 pnA
corresponding to 966oC, it was expected that its structure can change from hexagonal-close packed (hcp) to body-centered
cubic (bcc). However, in contrast to the theory, transformation from α-Ti (hcp) phase to fcc-Ti phase was observed. This phenomenon indicates that during irradiation with high energy and elevated temperature, the fcc-Ti phase more stable than the
hcp-Ti Phase.
Thesis Abstracts
Performance of Hybrid Methods for Representative Nonproliferation Problems.
Aaron M. Bevill for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on May 13, 2011.
Abstract approved: Todd S. Palmer
Adjoint-derived weight windowing is a hybrid deterministic/Monte Carlo method to simulate radiation transport. In adjointderived weight windowing, a deterministic adjoint solution is used to create weight windows for a Monte Carlo simulation.
The intent of this work is to identify factors that reduce the Figure of Merit (F OM)of Monte Carlo simulations using adjoint
derived weight windowing. The method used in this study pairs Transpire's deterministic code Attila TM and MCNP5. Two
computationally dicult source/detector problems of interest to nuclear nonproliferation are used as case studies to determine
the factors that aect the F OM.Test Case I is an active interrogation problem similar to many radiography problems. The model
is used in two sets of trials: in the rst, the quality of the deterministic adjoint solution is varied to observe the eect of adjoint
quality on the F OM. In the second, the shielding density is varied to determine the eect of increased shielding on the F OM.
Results from Test Case I suggest that weight windows that decrease monotonically along relevant paths from the source to the
detector maximize the F OM. The results also suggest that weight windowing is susceptible to false convergence that
could be avoided using a dierent hybrid method, such as the Local Importance Function Transform (LIFT). A more sophisticated
method for generating weight windows relevant to the forward Monte Carlo simulation is described for future work.
Test Case II is a detailed model of a detector array passively interrogating a uranium hexauoride cylinder. Test Case II is used
to test the eect of appropriate source biasing on the F OM. Results from Test Case II conrm prior work, that source biasing is
important for problems in which the adjoint function varies widely in the source domain. Since spectral information from the
detector is very useful for nonproliferation purposes, a new use of the forward weighted consistent adjoint driven importance
sampling (FW-CADIS) method is described to model the energy-dependent ux in a region of interest. Properly modeling Test
Case II also requires the use of rejection sampling of the source position paired with source biasing, which currently cannot
be used together in MCNP5. The new use for the FW-CADIS method and a method to allow the use of rejection sampling with
source biasing are described for future work.
The Investigation of Dipicolinic Acid Diamide Derivatives for the Separation of Actinides and Lanthanides
using Solid Phase Extraction Chromatography
Corrie D. Black for the degree of Master of Science in Radiation Health Physics presented on May 19, 2011.
Abrstract approved: Alena Paulenova
An alternative extractant for the TRUEX/UNEX process was investigated in solid phase extraction chromatography. The para
and ortho isomers of diamides derivatives of dipicolinic acid (N,N’-diethyl-N,N’-ditolyl-dipicolinamide, EtTDPA) have
been found in the past to effectively separate actinides from lanthanides in solvent extraction and were successfully
impregnated on two uncoated, inert macroporous polymeric support resin types. The ortho resins consistently yielded higher
extractions while the para resin consistently yielded higher Am/Eu separations. These findings were consistent with past
solvent extraction experiments and suggest the versatility of these extractants in a variety of applications. The use of
complexing agents were also considered both in the eluent and on the resin and found to change the extraction properties of
the resin enough to warrant further investigation.
RELAP5-3D Modeling of ADS Blowdown of MASLWR Facility
Christopher Jordan Bowser for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on June 13, 2012.
Abstract approved: Brian G. Woods
Oregon State University has hosted an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Collaborative Standard Problem
(ICSP) through testing conducted on the Multi-Application Small Light Water (MASLWR) facility. The MASLWR facility features
a full-time natural circulation loop in the primary vessel and a unique pressure suppression device for accident scenarios.
Automatic depressurization system (ADS) lines connect the primary vessel to a high pressure containment (HPC) which
dissipates steam heat through a heat transfer plate thermally connected to another vessel with a large cool water inventory.
This feature drew the interest of the IAEA and an ICSP was developed where a loss of feedwater to the steam generators
prompted a depressurization of the primary vessel via a blowdown through the ADS lines.
The purpose of the ICSP is to evaluate the applicability of thermal-hydraulic computer codes to unique experiments usually
outside of the validation matrix of the code itself. RELAP5-3D 2:4:2 was chosen to model the ICSP. RELAP5-3D is a bestestimatecode designed to simulate transient fluid and thermal behavior in light water reactors. Modeling was conducted in
RELAP5-3D to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the code in predicting the experimental trends of the IAEA ICSP. This
extended to nodalization sensitivity studies, an investigation of built-in models and heat transfer boundary conditions. Besides
a qualitative analysis, a quantitative analysis method was also performed.
Improvements in the Dosimetric Models of Selected Benthic Organisms.
Emily Amanda Caffrey for the degree of Master of Science in Radiation Health Physics presented on October 2, 2012.
Abstract approved: Kathryn A. Higley
The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has modeled twelve reference animal and plant (RAP) species
using simple geometric shapes in Monte–Carlo (MCNP) based simulations. The focus has now shifted to creating voxel
phantoms of each RAP to advance the understanding of radiation interactions in nonhuman biota. The work contained herein
presents results for the voxel phantom of the Dungeness crab, Metacarcinus magister, the Sand Dab, Limanda limanda, and
the brown seaweed, Fucus vesiculosus, and details a generalized framework for creating voxel phantoms of the other RAPs.
Absorbed fractions (AFs) for all identified organs were calculated at several discrete initial energies: 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.03,
0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 MeV for photons and 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 4.0 MeV for electrons. AFs
were then tabulated for each organ as a source and target at each energy listed above. AFs whose error exceeded 5% are
marked with an underline in the data tables; AFs whose error was higher than 10% are shown in the tabulated data as a dashed
line. The AF’s were highly dependent on organ mass and geometry. For photons above 0.5 MeV
and electrons above 0.2-0.4 MeV a nontrivial amount of energy escapes the source organ.
Retrospective Thermal Neutron Fluence Determination Using Lithium-Ion Mobile Telephone Batteries.
Nick J. Dorrell for the degree of Master of Science in Radiation Health Physics presented on June 17, 2011.
Abstract approved: David M. Hamby
Fortuitous dosimeters are radiosensitive objects carried by an individual who was exposed to radiation. These objects can
be analyzed some time after exposure and the results can be used to aid in calculating radiation fields and doses received by
individuals. Items that make good fortuitous dosimeters are those that are consistent in their manufacture and are carried by a
large percentage of the population. Some materials are more suitable than others for retrospective dosimetry, depending upon
their sensitivity, signal retention (i.e. fading), and the type of radiation to which they respond. The effectiveness and sensitivity
of lithium-ion (Li-ion) mobile telephone batteries as fortuitous neutron dosimeters is investigated in this research. Neutron
fluences are estimated based upon the activation products formed in batteries during exposure. In the past, objects such as
keys and coins were used for retrospective neutron dosimetry. Mobile phone batteries were chosen as possible candidates
for dosimeters because of their widespread use by the general population and the observation that most users carry these
objects on or near the torso.Lithium-ion mobile-phone batteries were irradiated with neutrons in beam port #4 of the Oregon
State University TRIGA® reactor and subsequently analyzed using gamma spectroscopy in order to identify activation products
formed, and to determine the linearity of their response to several neutron fluences. Batteries exposed to thermal neutron
fluencies ranging from 2.8x108 n·cm-2to 3.4x1010n·cm-2 generated 60Co count rates ranging from 0.022 (±4.5%) cps to
2.890 (±0.6%) cps. Cobalt emerged as an element commonly found in Li-ion battery cathodes as a candidate for neutron
activation analysis months to years following their irradiation. This is due to the relatively high cobalt content by weight found
in these batteries and its 5.27 year half-life. Thermal neutron fluences were estimated with accuracy ranging from 2% to 23%
of actual fluences, with an average accuracy of 12%. The activation of cobalt in the samples was highly linear with fluence (R
Prototyping a Triple-Layer Phoswich Detection System
Christopher L. Duncan for the degree of Master of Science in Radiation Health Physics presented on June 8, 2011.
Abstracts approved: David M. Hamby
Multi-layer optically coupled scintillation based radiation detectors, known as phoswich detectors, have rapidly evolved in
recent years. During the same time, digital signal processing has improved radiation discrimination accuracy and enhanced
reliability, while reducing complexity and size of traditional analog signal processing methods. A new generation of highspeed
radiation detectors that can measure mixed radiation fields has been developed by coupling these advancements. A
prototype of one of the first commercially available phoswich detection systems has been analyzed to determine operational
characteristics. The phoswich detector was analyzed using a variety of radioactive sources across a battery of tests compiled
from the literature, Federal government regulations, and end-users specifications. It was found that the phoswich
detection system operates equally well in beta particle, gamma-ray, and combined radiation fields. Testing at 5 centimeters
demonstrated the phoswich detector’s gamma-ray full-energy-peak intrinsic efficiency to range from 0.64 to 3.25 percent,
full-energypeak resolution from 6.29 (1332 keV) to 12.07 (356 keV) percent, and detectable energy range from 30 keV to 2754
keV. Similar testing for beta particles demonstrated an intrinsic efficiency of up to 58 percent. The system did exhibit saturation
in radiation fields above 0.008 μCi when used with MATLAB. The phoswich detection system demonstrated that it is quite
capable of accurately measuring the type and energy of radiation present in combined beta particle and gamma-ray radiation
An Investigation of Chitosan for Sorption of Radionuclides
Vanessa E. Holfeltz for the degree of Master of Science in Radiation Health Physics presented on June 5, 2012.
Abstract approved: Alena Paulenova
Chitosan is a biopolymer resulting from the deacetylation of chitin, the second most abundant biopolymer in nature. Chitosan
has been successfully used in systems to remove metal ions and other pollutants from wastewater. Chitosan has shown
promise as a sorbent for radionuclides in some aqueous waste streams. The sorption of these radionuclides by chitosan is
studied to determine if chitosan could be used as a sorbent for aqueous waste streams containing these metals. The effect of
various experimental conditions including sorbent particle size, agitation rate, hydration, temperature, pH, metal concentration
and sorbent concentration are examined in this study. Results showed that sorption depends on the availability of access sites,
controlled by the specific surface area of the sorbent. Sorption was observed to decrease with increasing temperature.
The sorption isotherms and kinetics for Co(II), Eu(III) and U(VI) sorption onto chitosan were determined experimentally by batch
sorption. Isotherms were fitted using the Langmuir and Freundlich models. Kinetics were modeled using the pseudofirst order, pseudo-second order, Elovich, and intraparticle diffusion models in order to determine possible rate-limiting steps.
Most data were well described by the pseudosecond order and Elovich models. Multi-linearity was observed in the intraparticle
diffusion model. The sorption capacity of the metals on chitosan was found to follow the order Co < Eu < U.
Accelerating the Convergence of the k-Eigenvalue Problem using a Coarse Mesh Finite Differencing
Scheme in Cylindrical Geometry
Andrew J. Hummel for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering
presented on December 17, 2010.
Abstract approved: Todd S. Palmer
Reactor modeling is largely limited by the computational time required to perform accurate full core calculations. There are
many different methods and techniques employed in different reactor simulation codes, but properly modeling all of the
physics that takes place in the system requires extensive computational effort. The Coarse Mesh Finite Differencing (CMFD)
technique was proposed in 1983 by Kord Smith as a spatial acceleration scheme to combat this problem. It is a nonlinear
iterative method that reduces the storage requirement of the problem by reducing the number of unknowns in the system. It is
a diffusion based method that can be applied to diffusion and transport problems. The macroscopic cross sections and diffusion
coefficients are homogenized accordingly to a coarser mesh. The reaction rates in the new coarse mesh cells are preserved
along with the higher order surface currents. A current correction coefficient is introduced to maintain these currents. The
finite differencing numerical approximation can then be applied to the 3-Dimensional steady-state neutron diffusion equation
resulting in a linear system of equations that is readily solvable.
This project has involved implementing the CMFD Acceleration into the reactor simulation code PARCS. PARCS was developed
jointly between Purdue University and the University of Michigan to model Pebble Bed Modular Reactors. Although PARCS
contains numerous numerical techniques, the focus of this research has been to accelerate the Fine Mesh Finite Differencing
approximation in cylindrical geometry. Cylindrical coordinates prevents a higher order nodal method from being used as the
primary scheme, but it allows for a more accurate representation of the core. The CMFDA was employed using a 2 group cross
section library for fast and thermal neutrons.
The Iterative Thermal Emission Monte Carlo Method for Thermal Radiative Transfer.
Alex R. Long for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on June 1 2012.
Abstract approved: Todd S. Palmer
For over 30 years, the Implicit Monte Carlo (IMC) method has been used to solve challenging problems in thermal radiative
transfer. These problems are typically optically thick and diusive, as a consequence of the high degree of \pseudo-scattering”
introduced to model the absorption and reemission of photons from a tightly-coupled, radiating material. IMC has several
well-known features which could be improved: a) it can be prohibitively computationally expensive, b) it introduces statistical
noise into the material and radiation temperatures, which may be problematic in multiphysics simulations, and c) under certain
conditions,solutions can be unphysical and numerically unstable, in that they violate a maximum principle { IMC calculated
temperatures can be greater than the maximum temperature used to drive the problem.
We have developed a variant of IMC called \iterative thermal emission” IMC, which is designed to be more stable than IMC and
have a reduced parameter space in which the maximum principle is violated. ITE IMC is a more implicit method version of the
IMC in that it uses the information obtained from a series of IMC photon histories to improve the estimate for the end of timestep material temperature during a time step. A better estimate of the end of time-step material temperature allows for a more
implicit estimate of other temperature dependent quantities: opacity, heat capacity, Fleck Factor (probability that a photon
absorbed during a time step is not reemitted) and the Planckian emission source.
The ITE IMC method is developed by using Taylor series expansions in material temperature in a similar manner as the IMC
method. It can be implemented in a Monte Carlo computer code by running photon histories for several sub-steps in a
given time step and combining the resulting data in a thoughtful way. The ITE IMC method is then validated against 0-D and
1-D analytic solutions and compared with traditional IMC. We perform an innite medium stability analysis of ITE IMC and show
that it is slightly more numerically stable than traditional IMC. We nd that signicantly larger time-steps can be used with ITE IMC
without violating the maximum principle, especially in problems with non-linear material properties. We also compare ITE IMC
to IMC on a two-dimensional, orthogonal mesh, x y geometry problem called the \crooked pipe” and show that our new
method reproduces the IMC solution. The ITE IMC method yields results with larger variances; however, the accuracy of the
solution is improved in comparison with IMC, for a given choice of spatial and temporal grid.
Pair Production Treatments for Deterministic Pulse-Height Distribution Simulations
Michael R. MacQuigg for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on July 26, 2011.
Abstract approved: Todd S. Palmer
This thesis presents methods for treating annihilation photon pairs in deterministic pulse height distribution (PHD) simulations.
The methods are applied in PHD simulations for monoenergtic sources of 1.6 and 2.6 MeV photons incident on 5 and 10 cm
1-D slabs of germanium, sodium iodide, and lead and theresults are compared with PHD simulations generated using MCNP5.
Comparisons show good agreement between the peak area estimates of the deterministic and Monte Carlo codes. Average
relative error in peak area estimates compared to the MCNP5 benchmark was 7%: A new treatment for the distribution of
energy deposition resulting from group-to-group transfer is introduced that provides limited improvement in resolution when
compared to treatments used in previous work [1]. An iteration parameter study is also conducted on slab geometry systems
composed of carbon, silicon, germanium, tin, lead, and lead sodium iodide of various thickness. The results indicate a maximum
of approximately seven iterations required to converge transport solutions (>95% of escaping boundary current) for spatially
uniform distributions of 0.511 MeV photons in 5 cm thick slabs.
Pressure Effects on Density-Difference Driven Stratified Flow: CFD Model of a DCC event in the HTGR
Jill E. Magnusson for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on June 3, 2011
Abstract approved: Brian G. Woods
In a Modular High Temperature Gas Reactor (MHTGR), the Depressurized Conduction Cooldown (DCC) event can be separated
into three distinct stages: 1) depressurization, 2) air ingress and, 3) natural circulation. During normal operations, the HTGR
utilizes forced convection to move the helium coolant through the reactor core. Thus, during normal operations the helium
is pressurized to about 7 MPa. As a result of the high pressure system, when a DCC event is initialized, there exists a pressure
difference between the helium coolant inside the vessel and the ambient air outside the vessel. After depressurization there
exist an air-helium mixture of higher density than the helium in the reactor vessel. This results in the air-helium mixture
ingressing into the reactor vessel through stratified flow.The High Temperature Test Facility (HTTF), under construction at
Oregon State University, is a scaled model of the MHTGR. The HTTF is being built for code validation purposes. This study is to
utilize CFD methods to simulate a DCC event in the HTTF. With this CFD simulation the effects of the depressurization stage on
the rest of the model will be quantified.
Analysis of the Antineutrino Rate during CANDU Reactor Startup
Christopher Matthews for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on January 27, 2012.
Abstract approved:Todd S. Palmer
Detection systems used to monitor reactor operations are of significant interest as tools for verification of operator
declarations. Current reactor site safeguards are limited to visual inspections and intrusive monitoring systems. The recent
development of antineutrino detectors may soon allow real-time monitoring from an unobtrusive location. Antineutrinos are
produced through beta decay of fission products in the core. The lack of charge and small mass of the antineutrino ensures an
extremely low interaction probability with all matter, effectively making the particle impossible to shield. As the fuel isotopic
composition changes with burn-up, the primary fission source changes from 235U to 239 Pu. Since differing antineutrino
energy spectra are produced by each fissionable isotope, the antineutrino flux will also change as a function of burn-up.
Supported by reactor simulations from nuclear codes, antineutrino detectors may provide a window into the reactor core
and provide inspectors with tools to verify legitimate operations.This thesis is focused on the antineutrino rate produced by
CANadian Deuterium Uranium reactors (CANDU) during startup. A CANDU fuel bundle model was created with the TRITON
module from the SCALE6.1 code to calculate isotopic antineutrino rates for a single bundle. A full core CANDU model that
incorporates refueling was also created for the first 155 days of operation after startup by using a Python 2.6 script to handle
pre- and post-calculations. All simulations were calculated using operational data from Point Lepreau Generating Station
produced by proprietary codes for the forthcoming fresh core startup.Dependence of the antineutrino rate on power and bundle
replacement was analyzed, with a ±10% change in power causing a ±10% change in antineutrino rate, and the CANDU detector
effectively measuring a 10% decrease in power within 9 hours of collection time. Bundle refueling was shown to only slightly
modify the antineutrino rate, requiring a target volume more than 20 times larger than the present detector to effectively
identify the change due to the bundles refueled over a one week period. Diversion of 15% or more of the total amount of
bundles can be effectively measured by the CANDU detector within a one month counting period.
Use of GIS Software to Map Contaminant Distributions and Determine Integrated Dose for Purposes of
Assessing Impact to Biota
Margaret C. Myers for the degree of Master of Science in Radiation Health Physics presented upon July 13, 2012
Abstract approved:Kathryn A. Higley
The objective of this research was to estimate the radiological impact on various nonhuman biotas by the Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear power plant radiation release resulting from Japan’s tsunami in March 2011 consistent with the recent
recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. Soil concentration data given by Japan’s
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan (MEXT) were used to approximate doses to various
organisms. Cumulative doses and dose rates were plotted in ArcGIS 10, geographic information system (GIS) software, and
Kriging interpolations were performed between the sampling points. The conclusion of this preliminary investigation that
there appears to be the potential for adverse biological impacts of the studied biota; however, the magnitude of the impact will
require further
Establishment of Concentration Ratios for Riparian and Shrub Steppe Areas of the Eastern Washington
Columbia Basin.
Jonathan Bamberger Napier for the degree of Master of Science in Radiation Health Physics presented on September 12, 2012.
Abstract approved: Kathryn A. Higley
Concentration ratios are used to determine the transfer of nuclides from soil to biota to fauna. Some nuclides have limited
associated data though, this has not prevented predictions from being performed at sites without associated data. These ratios
are site specific and are not fully applicable when applied to other locations. A recent literature review for a waste repository
performance assessment determined that a significant portion of the environmental data was based on recursively published
material. To address this deficiency neutron activation analysis (NAA) was used to determine concentration ratios of certain
biota. Three sites, two riparian and one shrub steppe, were sampled in the eastern Washington Columbia basin, near the
Hanford site. Two hundred and fifty eight samples of opportunity were collected. This included 15 soil samples, 10 water and
sediment samples, 40 different species of biota, and 2 terrestrial animal species and 3 aquatic animal species. These samples
were prepared for NAA by drying, weighing, and in certain cases ashing to improve detection efficiency. After activation, the
samples were placed in a HPGe detector to perform spectral analysis. The concentration results of 26 elements of interest are
presented, along with newly established concentration ratios for all of the species sampled.
CFD Analysis of Pressure Differentials in a Plate-Type Fuel Assembly
Gable D. Roth for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on June 6th2011
Abstract approved: Brian G. Woods
The Hydro-Mechanical Fuel Test Facility (HMFTF) is being built at Oregon State University to evaluate fluid flow through platetype fuel assemblies. The first plate assembly that will be examined in the facility is the Generic Test Plate Assembly
(GTPA). The GTPA consists of an array of six parallel flat plates, 24 inches long, forming seven flow channels. The plates are a
total of 4 inches wide and 0.05 inches thick with 0.25 inches of the plate edge being imbedded in the side plate making a flow
channel of 3.5 inches wide. The height of the flow channels is adjustable. A support comb is used to stiffen the free edges
of the fuel plates. The Star-CCM+ CFD tool was used to analyze fluid flow through the GTPA with channels of equal height
(0.075 inches) except for the middle channel which was 0.125 inches high. Using standard CFD practices the mesh type, mesh
size, and turbulence model were selected. Using different boundary conditions, consisting of three flow rates with a fixed
temperature and three temperatures, with the flow rate fixed at one of the three analyzed flow rates, the pressure differentials
between the channels were analyzed to determine the possibility of plate deflection. The analysis revealed that the pressure
difference between the channels increased with increasing volumetric flow rate. The results also indicate that as the system
temperature increased the pressure differential between the channels decreased slightly. Velocity results were compared to
Miller’s critical velocity and indicate that plate deflection is not expected to occur at the inlet of the channel due to the stiffening
caused by the presence of the support comb.
Comparison of HEU and LEU Neutron Spectra in Irradiation Facilities at the Oregon State TRIGA®Reactor
Robert Schickler for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on October 01, 2012.
Abstract approved: Wade R. Marcum
In 2008, the Oregon State TRIGA®Reactor (OSTR) was converted from highlyenriched uranium (HEU) fuel lifetime improvement
plan (FLIP) fuel to low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel. This effort was driven and supported by the Department of Energy’s
(DoE’s) Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) program. The basis behind the RERTR program’s ongoing
conversion effort is to reduce the nuclear proliferation risk of civilian research and test reactors. The original intent of the HEU
FLIP fuel was to provide fuel to research reactors that could be utilized for many years before a necessary refueling cycle.
As a research reactor, the OSTR provides irradiation facilities for a variety of applications, such as: activation analysis, fissiontrack dating, commercial isotope production, neutron radiography, prompt gamma characterization, and many others. In
order to accurately perform these research functions, several studies have been conducted on the HEU FLIP fuel core to
characterize the neutron spectra in various experimental facilities of the OSTR. As useful as these analyses were, they are
no longer valid due to the change in fuel composition and the resulting alteration of core performance characteristics. The
purpose of this study is to characterize the neutron spectra in various experimental facilities within the new LEU core so as to
provide data that is representative of the OSTR’s current state.
Predicting Antineutrino Source Terms from a High Temperature Gas Reactor
Andra L. Shaughnessy for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on April 10, 2012.
Abstract approved:Todd S. Palmer
Since the 1990s, researchers around the world have been creating antineutrinodetectors for monitoring power reactors. These
detectors have been deployed atlight water reactors and are able to determine power levels and burn up throughout
a fuel cycle. This technology could allow the IAEA to monitor LWRs remotely andunobtrusively to determine if they are
operating using normal parameters. Verysoon, the next generation of detector will be deployed at a CANDU reactor for a
trial operation.While physical observation of these detectors is necessaryl in determining theirusefulness, reactor physics
simulations have proven to be very accurate in theirprediction of detector performance. Since there are many designs still in
development, reactor physics simulations are the only way to determine the ecacyof the detector technology. In addition to
this, reactor simulations are the bestway to evaluate the detector technology to ascertain its usefulness during diversion
In this research, antineutrino source terms were calculated for a High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor core. These source
terms were a function of power leveland initial enrichment. SCALE6.1, developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
was used to calculate the isotopic inventory in the core as a function of depletion.These fertile and ssile isotopics, along with
the ssion cross-section and number ofantineutrinos emitted per ssion, were used to predict the antineutrino source rate
for the core. It was found that changing the power yields a linear response from the antineutrino source term. By increasing the
power by ve percent, the source term also increased by ve percent. Substantial changes in the initial enrichmentalso lead to a
detectable change in the antineutrino source term.
Benchmarked Simulation of Antineutrino Source Terms for Light Water Reactors during Normal Operation
and Diversion Scenarios
Elanchezhian Somasundaram for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on October 7, 2011.
Abstract approved:Todd S. Palmer
Detection of reactor antineutrinos for non-proliferation applications has been researched extensively across the globe and is
considered as a potential technology to remotely monitor reactor operations without any intrusions to reactor components.
Reactor antineutrino detection experiments have been conducted in the past and have proven successful in detecting the
changes in antineutrino source terms due to power level changes and to the changes due to fuel depletion within the core.
However, the detector technology is still in its primitive stage to be successfully deployed for nonproliferation purposes.
Simulation of reactor antineutrino signatures is vital to verify the experimental measurements. They also provide an insight into
detector configurations required to monitor different reactor types and potential fuel diversion scenarios. In this thesis, the
simulation of antineutrino signatures of light water reactors (LWRs) using industry standard reactor simulation tools, CASMO-4
and SIMULATE-3, is studied. Three different LWR reactors have been modeled and different diversion scenarios involving
uranium di-oxide (UO2) and mixed oxide (MOX) fuel have been simulated. The simulation results are also benchmarked with
the antineutrino counts measured by the SONGS1 antineutrino detector that was used to monitor the operation of San Onofre
Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), unit 2, cycle-13 during the period 2004-2005. A three-dimensional simulation of the
reactor cores has been performed for improved accuracy of the detector response. Further, full core simulation allows reactor
modeling without detailed information about the power histories of individual fuel assemblies, which was the case in previous
Extending the Discrete Maximum Principle for the IMC Equations.
Paul W. Talbot for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering pre­sented on September 28, 2012.
Abstract approved:Todd S. Palmer
The implicit Monte Carlo (IMC) method [16] for radiative transfer, developedin 1971, provides numerical solutions to the
tightly-coupled, highly-nonlinear ra­diative heat transfer equations in many physical situations. Despite its popularity,there
are instances of overheating in the solution for particular choices of timesteps and spatial grid sizes. To prevent overheating,
conditions on teh time stepsize Δt have been sought to ensure that the implicit Monte Carlo (IMC) equationssatisfy a maximum
principle. Most recently, a discrete maximum principle (DMP)for teh IMC equations has been developed [32] that predicts the
necessary timestep size for boundedness given the spatial grid size. Predictions given by thisDMP assumed equilibrium thermal
initial conditions, was developed using pseudoanalytic and symbolic algebra tools that are computationally expensive, has only
been applied to one-dimensional Marshak wave problems, and has not consideredthe evolution of the DMP predictions over
multiple time steps. These limitationsrestrict the utility of the DMP predictions.We extend the DMP derivation to overcome
these limitations and provide analgorithm that can be introduced into IMC codes with minimal impact on simu­lation CPU time.
This extended DMP effectively treats non-equilibrium thermal initial conditions, decreases calculation time by using multigroup
approximations in frequency, considers multiple spatial dimensions with an arbitrary number of neigh­boring sources, and
overcomes inherent difficulties for the DMP in time-dependent
Disequilibrium in the initial conditions is introduced through a redefinition ofexisting terms from [32] to different radiation and
material temperatures on thefirst time step. This results in a limiting DMP inequality similar in form to the
original. Multifrequency approximations are then applied by assuming separationof variables. Energy deposition from multiple
sources is assumed to follow linear superposition and the DMP from [32] is re-derived to incorporate multiple incident
sources of energy in multiple dimensions. Lastly, an inherent flaw in the DMP re­sulting in poor predictions when temperature
varies slowly over a region is overcome by developing a threshold temperature difference, above which the DMP operates.
We have numerically implemented these improvements and validated the results against IMC solutions, showing the predictive
capacity of the more general DMP algorithm. We find the disequlibrium conditions to be properly incorporated into
the DMP, and multifrequency approximations to be accurate over a large range oftime step and spatial grid sizes. The linear
superposition assumption is generallyvery accurate, but infrequently leads to DMP predictions which are not conser­
vative. We also demonstrate that the temperature difference threshold prevents inaccurate predictions by the DMP while
preserving its functionality.
The Effects of Radiolysis and Hydrolysis on the Stability of Extraction Systems for Minor Actinides
Emily C. Wade for the degree of Master of Science in Radiation Health Physics presented on November 24, 2010.
Abstract approved: Alena Paulenova
Industrial reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel (INF) is one of the most complex procedures performed on a large scale; the
process is intricate due to the mix of radionuclides present in INF. As a global trend for nuclear power and reprocessing
continues, research is geared toward optimizing the extraction of targeted radionuclides from the assortment of byproducts
with the aim to decrease the radioactivity of the stored waste and recycle the targeted radionuclides in mixed oxide
fuel. Currently, simultaneous separation of radionuclides in one extraction cycle is the leading approach to processing spent
nuclear fuel. The process implements a universal extraction mixture for one-step extraction of all targeted radionuclides,
followed with selective stripping of individual metals with aqueous solutions.
“Group Extraction of Actinides and Fission Products”, one of the top approaches in this effort, is based on a modification of the
Universal Extraction (UNEX) solvent. The process is currently performed using an extraction mixture composed of the organic
complexant octyl(phenyl)-N,N-diisobutylcarbamoyl methylphosphine oxide (CMPO), the cation exchanger, chlorinated cobalt
dicarbollide (CCD), and polyethyleneglycol (PEG) in the diluent phenyltrifluoromethyl sulfonate (FS-13). The solution extracts
both fission products and actinides. However, this composition was initially developed for low level waste, and it is of limited
use when it comes to processing solutions containing large amounts of actinides and lanthanides, such as in INF.
The current process is restricted by the limited solubility of CMPO and its complexes with metals. In order to more effectively
process acidic aqueous solutions containing large amounts of actinides and lanthanides, modifications must be made to
the current composition of the mixed solvent. Previously, it has been shown that diamides of dipicolinic acid have increased
capacity to extract actinide and lanthanide metals, when compared to CMPO. Furthermore, these diamides exhibit synergistic
behavior with CCD to extract cesium, strontium, and trivalent metals. This study investigated the possibility of replacing CMPO
with diamides of 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid (dipicolinic acid) with N,N’ diethyl N, N’ ditolyl dipicolinamide (EtTDPA). Stability
of selected diamides was tested in a simulation of the harsh environment of dissolved nuclear fuel in order to determine their
viability for use in reprocessing. Acidic hydrolysis and radiolysis conditions are always present in such systems. EtTDPA, in
solution with CCD and FS-13, were exposed to nitric acid and irradiation by gamma photons (Co-60). The stability of EtTDPA
was determined through analysis of distribution ratios for Am-241 and Eu-252 and Eu-254 extracted from acidic aqueous
solutions. Mass spectrometry was also employed to determine if any structural changes occurred in the chemicals as a result
of hydrolysis or radiolysis. Results showed that Et(o)TDPA was the most stable isomer across radiolysis, and also withstood
Baccalaureate Honors Thesis Abstracts
Uranium Uptake for Capsicum Annuum in Various Growing Conditions.
Jenelle E. Parson for the degree of Honors Baccalaureate of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on June 4, 2012.
Abstract approved:Kathryn Higley
Uranium is a naturally occurring radioactive element that is commonly found in water, soil, and rock. It can also occur in
elevated concentrations in ore bearing bodies and be concentrated through human activities. This thesis focuses on uranium
uptake for Capsicum annuum for three growing conditions. These include a set of plants grown in hydroponic systems and
two traditionally grown, one with constant contamination and one with a single acute spike. In addition to the dose scenarios
there are two controls, a hydroponic system and a traditionally grown. Mature pepper plants were purchased. Commercially
grown plants were cropped to remove mature seed pods; the plants were then allowed to grow (uncontaminated) until
new peppers were just forming. At that point, uranium as uranyl acetate was added. Uranyl acetate was dissolved in water
to a concentration of 50 µg/mL for the hydroponic and the constant contamination group. The one-time spike contained
the same amount of uranium asreceived by the total constant contamination traditionally grown plants, but applied in one
application such that concentration was 700 g/mL applied in 50 mL. The peppers collected prior and post contamination were
analyzed using neutron activation analysis (NAA). Uranium concentration ratios using a plant-to-soil and a plant-to-water
ratio were developed for the different growing conditions. While uranium uptake into the pepper plant fruit was comparable
for each condition, the uranium uptake into the hydroton for the hydroponic systems was considerably less, yielding a lower
concentration ratio when using soil concentrations. When the concentration ratio was calculated using the water uranium
concentration, resulting concentration ratios were similar for all growing conditions, but overall higher for traditionally
contaminated systems. This was due to overall lower uranium concentrations in water for traditionally contaminated systems.
This suggests that for hydroponic systems, the concentration ratio using soil concentrations may not be appropriate for
comparison with traditional systems and it may be more appropriate to use water concentrations.
Comparison and Cultural Review of Biosphere Modeling Using Foliar Uptake of Technetium-99 in Radishes.
Kayla L. Pierson for the degree of Honors Baccalaureate of Science in Chemical Engineering and Honors Baccalaureate of Arts in
International Studies of Chemical Engineering presented on May 13, 2011.
Abstract approved: Kathryn Higley
Biosphere models predict the transport of radionuclides in the environment with an end goal of assessing the possible risk to
humans. Little data exists to support thesemathematical biosphere models. The objectives of this work were to verify foliar
uptake in biosphere models using experimental data, compare existing biosphere models based on cultural differences, and
contributing new values to the literature. Radishes were grown and their leaves were contaminated by a single deposition of
technetium-99 to assess the amount of radionuclides transferred to the roots. Liquid scintillation counting
was used to determine the radioactivity of the samples at harvest. The radish roots had concentrations between 0 and 500
Bq/g which was on the same order of magnitude as the ANDRA and EPRI model predictions. The Studsvik model prediction was
three orders of magnitude higher than the experimental values and was not confirmed. The EPRI, ANDRA, JGC and Studsvik
models were compared and contrasted based on location, diet, and construction which led to differences in dose predictions of
0-70 Sv/y.
The Control and Safety Analysis of a Small Fission Surface Power Reactor.
Noel B. Nelson for the degree of Honors Baccalaureate of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on June 5, 2012.
Abstract approved: Andrew Klein
The NKUA1 is a Small Fission Surface Power (SFSP) space reactor intended for use in upcoming missions to Mars and the moon
between the years 2020-2030. The concept of the reactor was created by Dr. Lee Mason and his research team in a joint
effort between the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); complete
design of the reactor core was developed by Dr. David Poston at Los Alamos National Laboratories. The Monte Carlo NeutronParticle (MCNP) Transport code script of the NKUA1 core was used to perform a variety of criticality safety related calculations.
The analysis was conducted to compare the effectiveness of control rods versus control drums in providing a safe shutdown
configuration. The control drums proved to be more efficient in delivery of negative reactivity, conserved more space than the
control rods, and have been found to be highly effective in space reactors. A safety analysis was also performed on the NKUA1
concerning its function in specific accident scenarios. In each accident scenario, the reflector and control drums were removed
and the reactor was enclosed in a common naturally occurring material. The reactor was found to be safely shut down in each
scenario, with acceptable shutdown margins being greater than $10.00
Research Areas
Current areas of research interest in nuclear engineering are oriented toward advanced power reactor development, thermal
hydraulics, numerical methods and analysis and neutron scattering. Specific areas include nuclear reactor engineering,
experimental and thermal hydraulics, nuclear power generation, reactor physics, nuclear criticality safety, radiation transport
computational methods development, nuclear waste management, in-core fuel management, nuclear instrumentation,
radioisotope production, radiation shielding, space nuclear power, research reactor utilization and development, medical
physics, and materials investigations using neutron beams.
Areas of research interest in Radiation Health Physics include environmental health physics, radioactive material transport,
research reactor health physics, radiation detection methods, instrumentation development, radiation shielding, environmental
monitoring and assessment, radiation dosimetry, emergency response planning, and high-and low-level waste management.
Reserach in radiochemistry focuses on analytical chemistry in nuclear technology, separtion methods and fuel cycle chemistry,
and enviornmental radiochemisty. Our current medical physics research is oriented toward theraputic medical phsyics, which
is the clinical application of radiation to treat disease.
Faculty research evolves over time and is generally dictated by the availability of funding. Current research in the Department
of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics covers a wide range of topics including:
Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics: A wide variety of nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics problems have been
investigated at Oregon State University. These include the development of a library of best estimate thermal hydraulic
computer codes for nuclear reactor safety analysis, experimental studies of the mixing of reactor fluids in reactor relevant
geometries, experimental studies to characterize a variety of two-phase flow patterns, the analysis of countercurrent flooding
behavior in reactor geometries, the analysis of condensation induced water hammers, and a study of the effects of fluid particle
interactions on interfacial transfer and flow structure.
Advanced Plant Experiment: NERHP has constructed a 1/4 scale test facility to assess the performance of the new
passive safety systems incorporated into Westinghouse’s next generation of nuclear power plant, the AP1000. The test facility
includes all of the design features of the actual AP1000 with the exception that electric heater rods, rather than nuclear fuel,
are used to generate core heat. The OSU AP1000 is capable of continuous operation at 600 kW and includes over 600 scientific
instruments for data collection. A state-of-the-art control system and data acquisition system are used to control, monitor and
record the performance of the various gravity driven safety systems. Engineers from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
the US Department of Energy, Westinghouse, the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, and the Electric
Power Research Institute have been on site at the Radiation Center during different phases of testing. OSU nuclear engineering
researchers have also participated in designing tests performed in Italy and Japan. The OSU tests are the only AP1000 integral
system tests to be performed in the United States.
Hydro-Mechanical Fuel Test Facility: NERHP has constructed a large scale thermal hydraulic separate effects test loop.
The HMFTF is designed to hydraulically test in-core and auxiliary nuclear reactor components under extreme hydraulic loading
conditions. The HMFTF is currently being utilized to support the qualification of a new, prototypic fuel material to be employed
within a variety of U.S. and foreign research reactors as well as potentially utilized within inherently safe nuclear power plant
designs. The HMFTF operates over a wide range of thermal hydraulic conditions in an isothermal, subcooled state including flow
rates ranging from 0 – 101 liters per second, system pressures ranging from atmospheric to 4.2 MPa, and fluid temperatures
ranging from atmospheric to 240 degrees Celsius.
Flow Visualization: NERHP is actively supporting the newly spawned efforts to develop quality bench-top scale experiments
for the purpose of validating and verifying computational fluid dynamics tools. A group of faculty and students are working
within the Laser Imaging of Fluids and Thermal (LIFT) laboratory, utilizing a time-resolved particle image velocimetry system to
provide full flow-field information in controlled experiments for various sponsoring organizations.
Computational Multiphysics: Continuing advancements in computational methods and tools enable more rigorous and
sophisticated component design and safety analyses accessible to users that operate through personal desktop workstations,
whereas traditionally these tools have been limited to only those that have access to supercomputers or clusters. The
Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics is actively participating within the field of computational
multiphysics to further advance this ever-expanding field. Specific emphasis within the research group center on thermalstructure and fluid-structure interactions while utilizing COMSOL as well as ABAQUS & Start CCM+.
Skin Dosimetry: A team of faculty and students are currently revising the dosimetry models for the VARSKIN computer code.
VARSKIN is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; a research contract was recently awarded to the Department
to modify and improve the photon and beta dosimetry models for estimating the dose to skin as function of penetration depth.
The software infrastructure is also being updated to incorporate a more appropriate program language and easier to use
graphical user interfaces.
Multi-Application Small Light Water Reactor (MASLWR) Test Facility: The Department has constructed a test
facility to test the performance of the “Multi-Application Small Light Water” (MASLWR). MASLWR is a next generation nuclear
power plant that is being examined for future commercial employment. The Test Facility is constructed of all stainless
steel components and is capable of operation at full system pressure (1500 psia), and full system temperature (600F). All
components are 1/3 scale height and 1/254.7 volume scale. The current testing program is examining methods for natural
circulation startup, helical steam generator heat transfer performance, and a wide range of design basis, and beyond design
basis, accident conditions. In addition, the MASLWR Test Facility is currently the focus of an international collaborative
standard problem exploring the operation and safety of advanced natural circulations reactor concepts. Over 15 international
organizations are involved in this standard problem at OSU.
Nuclear Reactor Systems Design: This area examines the overall design features of existing and advanced nuclear power
generation systems, including the examination of light water reactor nuclear fuel, core cooling systems, main steam systems,
power generation equipment, process instrumentation, containment, and active and passive engineered safety features.
General studies of the neutronics of nuclear reactors include the theory of steady state and transient behavior of nuclear
reactors, including reactivity effects of control rods and fuel, determination of nuclear reaction cross sections, and steady state
and transient reactor behavior. Thermal hydraulic studies related to nuclear reactor design include hydrodynamics, conductive,
convective and radiative heat transfer in nuclear reactor systems, core heat removal design, and single and two-phase flow
behavior. Nuclear criticality safety studies include design and neutronic analysis of storage and transportation facilities for
spent fuel and weapons materials.
Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) System Design: The Very High Temperature Reactor is a helium cooled
nuclear reactor operating at an outlet temperature of 1000°C. This design has been selected as the lead US design for the Next
Generation Nuclear Plant. OSU has been tasked by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission with the development, design and
testing of a reduced scale model of the VHTR reference design (both a prismatic and a pebble bed version). It is envisioned
that this test facility will be used to obtain high quality data on thermal fluid behavior in the VHTR for the areas that have
been identified as challenges to the VHTR design. Design and development activities for the test facility are underway with
construction set to completed in 2012.
Advanced Nuclear System Analysis: Nuclear science and technology is applied in a number of power and non-power
applications. These include terrestrial as well as space systems that are designed to take advantage of the special nature of
nuclear technologies. Fully understanding these systems through advanced analytical techniques is the is the goal of research
on this area. One specific example is the analysis of an exciting fast gas cooled reactor design that utilizes fuel that is vented
to allow fission products to be removed from the reactor core during operation, thus reducing the source term in an accident
situation. Analysis includes modeling to enhance the release of fission products from the fuel and modeling the fission product
cleanup system to understand any particular vulnerabilities. Another example is the prospective utilization of advanced
computing platforms and simulation tools to provide advanced information to reactor control rooms. A final example is related
to space power applications including a radioisotope powered Mars hopper and a fission surface power ground test facility
design study.
Numerical Methods: Ongoing research projects include reactor simulations for antineutrino source characterization,
radiation transport through stochastic mixtures, analysis of curvilinear geometry characteristic transport methods, and the use
of deterministic transport algorithms in radiation detection and medical physics simulations. Other research areas encompass
the development of improved iterative techniques and discretizations for unstructured mesh transport and diffusion, and
parallel algorithms for particle transport.
Research Reactor Operations and Management: Research reactor management in a highly regulated environment
with a limited budget presents many challenges, yet the OSU TRIGA reactor (OSTR) has been widely recognized as a national
leader in professionalism and quality. The OSU Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics is one of only
a few programs in the country with onsite access to an operating research reactor. Students are encouraged to be involved in
reactor operations. OSU is also currently working on the experimental quantification of the thermal-hydraulic behavior of low
enriched uranium (LEU) based fuels for use in high performance research reactors.
Radiation Instrumentation Development: A number of research projects involving the development of radiation
detectors and digital readout electronics are ongoing. These projects include the development of beta/gamma coincidence
spectrometers for measuring the concentration of xenon radioisotopes in the atmosphere to monitor atmospheric or
underground nuclear weapons tests. We are also designing our customized digital pulse processor systems. Comparing
with traditional analog pulse processors, digital systems bring several benefits to our experiments; they are more accurate,
inexpensive, compact, and more flexible.
Therapeutic Medical Physics: Therapeutic medical physics is characterized as the clinical application of radiation to treat
disease.Research is comprised of issues related to generating and delivering radiation to the patient, as well as determining
the corresponding radiation dose and biologic tissue response. Research is conducted to improve the precision and accuracy
of both brachytherapy (sealed source) and external beam treatment modalities in order to optimize damage to the tumor
volume while reducing doses to critical organs. Specific projects include the advancement of dosimetry for radiation treatment
planning for both Monte-Carlo and deterministic calculations, development of ultra-low powered wireless in-vivo dosimeters
for treatment verification, and assessment of accuracy associated with 4D respiratory gating techniques. Overall, this
continually changing field presents exciting, interdisciplinary opportunities in radiation physics, medicine, computer science
and mathematics, as well as other specialties of science and engineering.
Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology: is a multifaceted chemistry, radiobiological chemistry, environmental
radiochemistry, production and control of radioisotopes and labeled compounds, nuclear power plant chemistry, nuclear fuel
chemistry, radioanalytical chemistry, radiation detection and measurement, nuclear instrumentation and automation, and
Separation Methods and Fuel Cycle Chemistry: Advanced separations technology is key to closing the nuclear fuel
cycle and relieving future generations from the burden of radioactive waste produced by the nuclear power industry. Nuclear
fuel reprocessing techniques not only allow for recycling of useful fuel components for further power generation, but by also
separating out the actinides, lanthanides and other fission products produced by the nuclear reaction, the residual radioactive
waste can be minimized. The future of the industry relies on the advancement of separation and transmutation technology to
ensure environmental protection, criticality-safety and non-proliferation (i.e., security) of radioactive materials by reducing
their long-term radiological hazard. Advanced separation techniques for nuclear fuel reprocessing and radioactive waste
treatment provides a reference on nuclear fuel reprocessing and radioactive waste treatment.
Environmental radiochemistry: Explores radionuclide chemistry in the natural environment, including aquatic chemistry
and the impact of natural organic matter and microorganisms, migration and radioecological behavior of radionuclides,
sorption and colloidal reactions. Understanding radionuclide behavior in the natural environment is essential to the sustainable
development of the nuclear industry and key to assessing potential environmental risks reliably. Principles of modeling coupled
geochemical, transport and radioecological properties, performance assessment considerations related to deep geological
repositories, and remediation concepts for contaminated sites.
Uncertainties in Environmental Dose Assessments: A number of areas of environmental dosimetry are being
examined using Monte Carlo methods to assess their contribution to dose estimate uncertainties and to determine the most
sensitive parameters in environmental dosimetry models. Estimates are then integrated to evaluate our overall understanding
of dose estimates to members of the general public resulting from releases of radioactive materials from nuclear facilities.
The Use of Uncertainty in Decision-Making: A recent grant for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Is
allowing researchers in Health Physics to work with the OSU Department of Psychology on a study of how decision-makers
utilize uncertainty information in making their decisions. The study focuses on nuclear events and the use of resources, risk
assessment, and uncertainty to track and determine the best means of presenting graphical uncertainty products to those
charged with incident command following a nuclear release.
Hanford-Related Issues: A number of issues relating to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation are of interest to Oregonians and
Oregon state agencies. Those currently under investigation include the transport of radioactive material into and out of the site,
and off-site releases of radioactive material via pathways which could impact Oregon. Such pathways include groundwater to
the Columbia River and incidents involving airborne releases.
Radioecological Benchmarks: Recent changes in regulations regarding cleanup of radioactive and hazardous waste sites
have focused attention on the impact to non-human biota. Staff are investigating methods to adapt existing environmental
contaminant transport models to evaluate impacts of cleanup on ecosystems.
Neutron Radiography: Research into the application of radiographic techniques as tools for evaluating in situ contaminant
distribution has recently been initiated.
Emergency Response: Work is being conducted in atmospheric modeling, environmental sampling, and pathway
analysis for emergency management support with the state of Oregon. A sophisticated transport model is utilized for hazard
assessment and models are being developed for remediation management.
New Facilities
High Temperature Test Facility (HTTF)
The HTTF is a 1/4 scale model of the Modular High Temperature Gas Reactor. The vessel has a ceramic lined upper head
and shroud capable of operation at 850oC (well mixed helium). The design will allow for a maximum operating pressure of
1.0MPa and a maximum core ceramic temperature of 1600°C. The nominal working fluid will be helium with a core power of
approximately 600 kW (note that electrical heaters are used to simulate the core power). The test facility also includes a scaled
reactor cavity cooling system, a circulator and a heat sink in order to complete the cycle. The HTTF can be used to simulate a
wide range of accident scenarios in gas reactors to include the depressurized conduction cooldown and pressurized conduction
cooldown events.
Hydro Mechanical Fuel Test Facility (HMFTF)
The HMFTF is a testing facility which will be used to produce a database of hydro-mechanical information to supplement the
qualification of the prototypic ultrahigh density U-Mo Low Enriched Uranium fuel which will be implemented into the US High
Performance Research Reactors upon their conversion to low enriched fuel. This data in turn will be used to verify current
theoretical hydro- and thermo-mechanical codes being used during safety analyses. The maximum operational pressure of the
HMFTF is 600 psig with a maximum operational temperature of 450°F.
Current Facilities
1.1 MW TRIGA Mark II Pulsing Research Reactor
A water-cooled, swimming pool type of research reactor which uses uranium/zirconium hydride fuel elements in a circular grid
array. The reactor is licensed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to operate at maximum steady state power of 1.1 MW,
and can also be pulsed up to a peak power of about 3000 MW. The reactor has a variety of irradiation facilities available. We
are one of only 21 universities to have a reactor.
ATHRL - Advanced Thermal Hydraulic Research Facilities
Incorporates two facilities: Advanced Plant Experiment (APEX), a three story test facility that assess the safety systems of
Westinghouse’s next generation of nuclear power plants (AP600, APEX-CE, and AP1000), and the Multi-Application Small Light
Water Reactor (MASLWR) test facility, a Generation IV design concept. ATHRL offers excellent opportunities for student research
and training in instrumentation, quality assurance, safety, operations, and nuclear and mechanical design.
ANSEL - The Advanced Nuclear Systems Engineering Laboratory
The home to two major thermal-hydraulic test facilities—the High Temperature Test Facility (HTTF) and the Hydro-mechanical
Fuel Test Facility (HMFTF).
TRUELAB- Laboratory of Transuranic Elements
State-of-art radiochemical research laboratory, equipped with a variety of instrumentation for characterization of actinides
and fission products and their chemical reactivity with organic and inorganic ligands and evaluation of postirradiation changes
in solutions: Vibrational spectroscopy (Nicolet Fourier Transformation Infrared and Raman and FTIR and Raman spectroscopy)
which allow to characterization of solid and liquid samples, Microcalorimetry (quantification of chemical thermodynamics
of studied processes); UV-Vis and NIR spectroscopy (speciation of irradiated solutions, complexation of actinides in aqueous
and organic matrices) with the stop-flow cell and syringe titrator; Dionex Ion-exchange and Finnigan liquid chromatography,
potentiometric titration, glove box, electrochemistry (cyclic voltammetry). Preparation of samples for LSC and alpha-and
gamma spectrometry.
Other Labs and Facilities
Cobalt-60 Gamma Irradiator; Neutron Radiography facility; Neutron Activation facility, Gamma and Alpha Spectrometry
laboratory; Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC Perkin Elmer); Radiological Instrument Calibration facilities; Thermoluminescent
Dosimetry systems; large inventory of radiation detection instrumentation; student computer laboratory; student nuclear
instrumentation laboratory; green house and wet chemistry laboratories.
OHSU Radiation Medicine
At OHSU four Varian linear accelerators (one Tomo HD, two Trilogy and one NovalisTX with high definition MLC), one Elekta
Synergy and one Varian 2100 are used to provide external beam electron and photon radiotherapy. Image guidance consists
of on-board imagers at all LINACs with both kV-kV and cone beam CT capabilities. Calypso radio frequency beacon localization,
BrainLab ExacTrac fluoroscopy and VisionRT optical guidance imaging is utilized as part of a full service image guidance
program. An in-room diagnostic quality CT scanner is located and mates with NovalisTX table. The department has a Philips
Brilliance BigBore CT scanner with respiratory gating capabilities for 4D CT based simulation.
The department also has available a 4D PET CT scanner that can be utilized for biologic functional treatment planning. External
beam treatment systems consist of Philips Pinnacle 3, Varian Eclipse, Nomos Corvus, BrainLab iPlan and Monaco system. These
systems are used for CT-based 3D treatment planning, inverse modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), dynamic conformal arc
therapy, stereotactic body radiotherapy, RapidArc, VMAT and Linac-based radiosurgery. The department uses high-dose rate
(HDR) Iridium-192 for the majority of its brachytherapy needs. In addition, brachytherapy sources, and a strontium applicator
are kept in the department. Radioactive Iodine-125 seeds and Iridium-192 are ordered for individual cases as needed.
We have an active I-125 eye plaque brachytherapy program for choroidal melanomas with the Casey Eye Institute using the
BeBig treatment planning system. We have an interstitial brachytherapy program which includes therapy for prostate cancer,
soft tissue sarcoma and even for lung cancers participating in an ACOSOG multi-institutional protocol. We use the Varian
Variseed treatment planning system. Intra-operative breast treatments are also offered with the Zeiss Intrabeam device.
Research Partners
Argonne National Laboratory
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Department of Energy
Idaho National Laboratory
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NuScale Power Inc.
URS Energy & Construction
Vanderbilt University
Westinghouse Electric Company
CH2M Hill
Department of Energy
Idaho National Laboratory
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NuScale Power Inc.
Oregon Biomedical Engineering Institute
University of Wisconsin Madison
URS Energy & Construction
Vanderbilt University
Westinghouse Electric Company
Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution
Department of Nuclear Engineering
& Radiation Health Physics
3451 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
phone: (541) 737-2343
fax: (541) 737-0480