1 Curriculum Vitae Eric F. Wood Biographical Information Present

Revised 12-04
Curriculum Vitae
Eric F. Wood
Biographical Information
Present Address:
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. 08544
Telephone: (609) 258-4675; FAX: (609) 258-1270
Birth Date:
October 22, 1947 (Canada)
Canadian; American
1970 - B.A.Sc. (honours) Civil Engineering, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
1972 - S.M., Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1973 - C.E., Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1974 - Sc.D., Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Areas of Interest:
Major: hydroclimatology with emphasis on land atmospheric
interactions, hydrologic impacts from climate change.
Minor: stochastic hydrology, hydrologic forecasting and rainfallrunoff modeling, environmental data analysis and
experimental design, groundwater analysis
Professional Experience:
July 1999 - present: Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Water Resources Program, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Program,
Princeton University
July 1986 - 1999: Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Operations Research,
Water Resources Program, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Program, Princeton
July 1986 - June 1987: Acting Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering and
Operations Research, Princeton University
July 1982 - June 1986: Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and
Operations Research, Water Resources Program, Princeton University
July 1980 - present: Director, Water Resources Program, Princeton University
September 1976 - June 1982: Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and
Operations Research, Water Resources Program, Princeton University
February 1974 - August 1976: Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied
Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria
September 1970 - January 1974: Research Assistant, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Visiting Appointments:
2004 Visiting Professor, Schhol of Earth and Ocean Sciences, UBC, Canada
2003-2004 Visiting Professor, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
1998-1999 Hydrology Program Manager, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC
1995-present, Visiting Associated Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle.
1989: Visiting Professor (Professor -in-Charge), Politecnico di Milan, Milan, Italy
September 1983-June 1984:
Visiting Senior Scientist, Institute of Hydrology,
Wallingford, United Kingdom.
July 1979: Visiting Hydrologist, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, United Kingdom
July 1977: Visiting Hydrologist, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, United Kingdom
March - April 1976: Guest Scholar, IBM Centro Scientifico, Pisa, Italy
Awards and Honors:
2001 Robert E Horton Lecturer in Hydrology, American Meteorological Society
1996 Fellow, American Meteorological Society
1993 Fellow, American Geophysical Union
1980 Rheinstein Award, Princeton University
1977 Robert E. Horton Award, Hydrology Section of the American Geophysical Union
Professional Activities:
Associate Editor, Reviews in Geophysics (American Geophysical Union) - (1991-1995)
Editorial Board, Water Resources Monograph Services, American Geophysical Union
Invited Editor for Special Issue on Identification and Estimation in Hydrology,
Applied Mathematics and Computation (1984)
Associate Editor, Water Resources Research, (1977-1982)
Editor for Hydrology, U.S. National Report to the International Union of Geodesy and
Geophysics (1978-1982)
Service on Professional Committees
American Geophysical Union
Horton Medal Committee (2002-2004)
Fall Meeting Committee (2001-2003)
Union Fellows Committee (1994-2000), Chairman (1998-2000)
Hydrology Award Committee (2001-2003)
Horton Research Committee (1992-1995), Chairman (1995)
Hydrology Section, Executive Member (1985, 1988-1992, 1994-1995, 20002003)
Remote Sensing Committee (1988-1998); Chairman (1988-1992)
Union Meetings Committee (1988-1990)
Federal Budget Review Committee, 1992
Committee on Data Network Design (1977-1982)
American Meteorological Society
Atmospheric Awards Committee (2003-2006)
AMS Council, Member (1999-2002)
Hydrology Committee, Chairman, (1997-2000)
Chairman, Program Committee Symposium on Hydrology, Phoenix (1998)
Chairman, Program Committee 14th Symposium on Hydrology, Dallas (1999)
Member, Hydrology Committee (1987-1990)
National Academy of Sciences
Committee on Hydrological Sciences, WSTB/BASC) (member, 1999-2002; Chair
Committee for the Review of the USGCRP Water Cycle Science Initiative (Chair,
Committee to Review NASA Earth Science Enterprise Application Strategy
Member, Board on Atmospheric Science (1999-2002)
Member, Climate Research Committee, BASC (1999-2004)
Member, Water Science and Technology Board (1997-2000)
Member, Committee on Flood Levee Policy (1981-1982)
World Climate Research Program,
Coordinated Observation and Prediction of the Earth System (COPES) Task
Forces, (2004-2006)
Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) US Science Coordinating Committee (2004)
GEWEX Americas Prediction Project (GAPP) Science Advisory Group (20022005)
Global Energy and Water Experiment (GEWEX) Continental Scale Project
Research Priority Advisory Group (1996-present)
Member, Coupled Modeling Committee (1996-present)
Chairman, Hydrometeorology Implementation Panel (1992-1995)
Member, Science Steering Committee (1993-1995)
Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) Working Group (bilateral NASA/NASDA
science steering group) (2001-present)
Program Manager, Land surface hydrology program (1998-1999)
Boreal Forest Ecological Atmospheric Study Research Project, BOREAS
Advisory Group (1998-2000)
Member, Earth Observing System (EOS)
Working Group on Physical Climate and Hydrology (1990-present),
Chairman (1998-present),
Member EOS Science Executive committee( 1998-present)
LBA (Amazonian) Hydrology Research Project Review Panel (1998), Land
Hydrology Review Panel (1998)
Program Committee for the Southeastern (SE) Regional Climate Workshop,
Member (1997)
MTPE Biennial Review Panel (1997)
Member, MTPE Research Proposal Review Committee, (1996)
Landsat Science Working Group, (1992 - 1993)
Soil Moisture Working Group (1991-1992)
ESTAR Instrument Science Working Group (1990-1993)
Member, Working Group on Aircraft Utilization (1987-1992)
Member, Earth Observing System (EOS) Science Steering Committee (19851987)
Member, Land Surface Process Advisory Committee (1986-1990)
Member, Thematic Mapper Review Committee (1984)
National Science Foundation,
Panel on Engineering and Global Climate Change (1991)
Member, Working Group on Flood Hazard Mitigation (1979-1980)
Member, Initiation Grant Review Committee (1979)
Environmental Protection Agency,
Panel on Future Directions in Watershed Modeling (1991)
Panel on Land Disposal: Modeling and Monitoring
U.S. Agricultural Research Service (ARS),
Visiting Review Committee Member, Hydro-Ecosystems Research Unit, Fort
Collins (1989)
Chapman Conference on Hydrologic Aspects of Global Climate Change,
Member, Steering Committee (1988-1990)
Honorary and Professional Societies
American Geophysical Union
American Meteorological Society
European Geophysical Society
Informs (Operations Research Society of America)
Sigma Xi; Chi Epsilon
Graduate Students
Doctoral students (year graduated)
Troy, Tara
Su, Hongbo
Rennermalm, A
Gao, H.
Pan, M
Wijetunge, R
2001, Crow, W. T.
1999, Endreny, T.
1999, Pauwels, V. R. N.
1996, Peters-Lidard, C.
1995, Lakshmi, V.
1994, Lin, D.S.
1993, Famiglietti, J.S.
1992, Beckie, R.D.
1992, Paniconi, C.
1986, Sivapalan, M.
1985, Hebson, C. S.
1985, McLaughlin, D. B.
1982, Chirlin, G. R.
1982, Greis, N.
1980, Nguyen, V. V.
1978, Hinks, R.
Masters students (year graduated)
2002, Wen, F.
2002, Fallon, L.
1998, Crow, W. T.
1995, Mas, E.V.
1994, Zion, M.
1987, Wilson Shimada, B.
1982, Hebson, C. S.
Post-doctoral Research Associates
2003-present, Stephen Déry
2003-present, Lifeng Luo
2003-present, Mathew McCabe
2001-02, Wade Crow
2000-01, Alan Ziegler
1999-2000, Matthias Drusch
1999, F. Habets
1997-1998, D.Lohmann
1996, Y. Fan
1995-97, X. Liang
1994-95, J. F. Stamm
1993-94, R. Ababou
1982-1983, D.M. Cooper
Visiting Students and Fellows
2001, Yangbo Chen
1999-2001, Cecile Loumagne-Joanicot
2000, Gisela Mueller Seuffert
1999, Kirsten Warrach
1998, Kathy Bashford
1997, Maria Laura Deangelis
1992, M. Mancini
1992, P. Troch
Books (authored/edited/contributed to)
Land Surface - Atmosphere Interactions for Climate Modeling, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1991.
(with M. Sivapalan) "Effect of Scale on the Infiltration Response in Spatially Variable
Soil", Chapter 5 in Scale Problems in Hydrology, Reidel, pp. 81-106, 1986.
(with C. Hebson) "Scale Effects in Flood Frequency Response", in Chapter 7 in Scale
Problems in Hydrology, Reidel, pp. 133-158, 1986.
Scale Effects in Hydrology, V.J. Gupta, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe and E.F. Wood (ed.), Reidel,
Dordrecht, 245 p., 1986.
"Real-Time Forecasting", Chapter 15 in Hydrological Forecasting, Anderson, M.G. and
T.P. Burt (eds.), John Wiley and Sons, London, 1985.
"Application of Decision Analysis for Siting Hazardous Waste Facilities", Chapter 7 in
Groundwater Contamination from Hazardous Wastes, 1984.
(with J. Bass) "Decision Framework for Siting Hazardous Waste Facilities", Chapter 6 in
Groundwater Contamination from Hazardous Wastes, 1984.
"Monitoring of Hazardous Waste Sites", Chapter 4 in Groundwater Contamination from
Hazardous Wastes, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1984.
An Introduction to Groundwater Contamination from Hazardous Wastes, Princeton
University Water Resources Program, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey, 1984.
Recent Developments in Real-Time Forecasting/Control of Water Resources Systems,
Pergamon , Oxford, 1980.
Refereed Publications
Sheffield, J., G. Goteti, F, Wen, E. F. Wood, A simulated soil moisture based drought
analysis for the USA, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. (in review)
McCabe, M. F., Wood, E. F. and Gao, H. (2004). Initial soil misture retrievals from
AMSRE: large scale comparisons with SMEX02 field observations and rainfall patterns
over Iowa." Geophys. Res. Lett. (in review)
Su, H., McCabe, M. F., Wood, E. F., Su, Z. and Prueger, J. H. (2004). "Local scale
evaluation of the SEBS model using remote sensing and flux tower measurements during
SMACEX 02." J. Hydrometeorology (in review)
Dery, S. J., M. Stieglitz, E. C. McKenna, and E. F. Wood, 2004. Characteristics and
trends of river discharge into Hudson, James, and Ungava Bays, 1964-2000, J. Climate,
(in review)
Dery, S. J., M. Stieglitz, A. K. Rennermalm, and E. F. Wood, 2004. The water budget of
the Kuparuk River Basin, Alaska, J. Hydrometeorology (in review)
Gao, H. E. F. Wood, T. Jackson, M. Drusch, R. Bindlish, Using TRMM/TMI to retrieve
soil moisture over the southern United States from 1998 to 2002. J. Hydrometeology (in
Pauwels, V.R.N., J. Gu, B. Nijssen, A.K. Betts, K.R. Snelgrove, E.A. Whidden, D.P.
Lettenmaier, E.A. Smith, E.D. Soulis, and E.F. Wood, A multiscale surface
meteorological data set for BOREAS, submitted to Water Resources Research.
Accepted and in press (Journals, Book Chapters, Refereed Proceedings)
McCabe, M. F., Gao, H. and Wood, E. F. (2004). "An evaluation of AMSR-E derived soil
moisture retrievals using ground based, airborne and ancillary data during SMEX
02." J. Hydrometeorol (accepted).
Journals and Book Chapters
Entekhabi D, Njoku EG, Houser P, Spencer M, Doiron T, Kim YJ, Smith J, Girard R,
Belair S, Crow W, Jackson TJ, Kerr YH, Kimball JS, Koster R, McDonald KC,
O'Neill PE, Pultz T, Running SW, Shi JC, Wood E, van Zyl J 2004. The hydrosphere
state (Hydros) satellite mission: An earth system pathfinder for global mapping of
soil moisture and land freeze/thaw, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
42 (10): 2184-2195 Oct.
Déry, Stephen, Eric F. Wood 2004. Teleconnection between the Arctic Oscillation and
Hudson Bay river discharge, Geophys. Resear. Lett. Vol 31, L18205,
Lohmann, D.; Mitchell, K. E.; Houser, P. R.; Wood, E. F.; Schaake, J. C.; Robock, A.;
Cosgrove, B. A.; Sheffield, J.; Duan, Q.; Luo, L.; Higgins, R. W.; Pinker, R. T.;
Tarpley, J. D. 2004 Streamflow and water balance intercomparisons of four land
surface models in the North American Land Data Assimilation System project. J.
Geophys. Res.,109(D7), D07S91 10.1029/2003JD003517 09 April 2004
Mitchell, K E.; Lohmann, D; Houser, P R.; Wood, E F.; Schaake, J C.; Robock, A;
Cosgrove, B A.; Sheffield, J; Duan, Q; Luo, L; Higgins, R. W; Pinker, R. T.;
Tarpley, J. D.; Lettenmaier, D. P.; Marshall, C. H.; Entin, J. K.; Pan, M.; Shi, W.;
Koren, V.; Meng, J.; Ramsay, B. H.; Bailey, A. A.2004 The multi-institution North
American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS): Utilizing multiple GCIP
products and partners in a continental distributed hydrological modeling system J.
Geophys. Res., 109(D7), D07S90 10.1029/2003JD003823 09 April 2004
Dery, S. J., Crow, W. T., Stieglitz, M., and Wood, E. F., 2004: Modeling snow-cover
heterogeneity over complex Arctic terrain for regional and global climate models, J.
Hydrometeorol., 5(1), 33-48
Drusch, Matthias, Eric F. Wood, Huilin Gao, Ariane Thiele 2003 Soil moisture retrieval
during the Southern Great Plains Hydrology Experiment 1999: A comparison
between experimental remote sensing data and operational products. Water
Resources Research. 40 (2): Art. No. W02504 FEB 12 2004
Gao, Huilin, Eric F. Wood, Matthias Drusch, Wade Crow, Thomas J. Jackson. 2004.
Using a Microwave Emission Model to Estimate Soil Moisture from ESTAR
Observations During SGP99, J. Hydrometeor. 5(1): 49-63.
Schaake, J.C., Q. Duan, K.E. Mitchell, P.R. Houser, E.F. Wood, A. Robock, D.P.
Lettenmaier, D. Lohmann, B.A. Cosgrove, J. Sheffield, L. Luo, R.W. Higgins, R.T.
Pinker, J.D. Tarpley, 2003, "An Intercomparison of Soil Moisture Fields in the North
American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)" J. Geophys. Res., 109 (D1):
Art. No. D01S90 Jan 15 2004.
Steiner, Matthias, Thomas Bell, Y. Zhang and Eric Wood. 2003. Comparisons of two
methods for estimating the sampling-related uncertainty of satellite rainfall averages
based on a large radar data set. J Climate. 16(22), 3759–3778.
Crow, W.T., E.F. Wood, and M. Pan, Multiobjective calibration of land surface model
evapotranspiration predictions using streamflow observations and spaceborne surface
radiometric temperature retrievals, J. Geophys. Res. - Atmospheres, 108(D23), 4725,
doi:10.1029/2002JD003292, 2003.
Sheffield, J., M. Pan, E. F. Wood, K. E. Mitchell, P. R. Houser, J. C. Schaake, A. Robock,
D. Lohmann, B. A. Cosgrove, Q. Duan, L. Luo, R. W. Higgins, R. T. Pinker, J. D.
Tarpley.. 2003. Snow Process Modeling in the North American Land Data Assimilation
System (NLDAS): 1. Evaluation of Model Simulated Snow Cover Extent.” J. Geophys.
Res. 108(D22), 8849, doi:10.1029/2002JD003274, 2003 26 November.
Pan, M., J. Sheffield, E. F. Wood, K. E. Mitchell, P. R. Houser, J. C. Schaake, A. Robock,
D. Lohmann, B. A. Cosgrove, Q. Duan, L. Luo, R. W. Higgins, R. T. Pinker, J. D.
Tarpley. “Snow Process Modeling in the North American Land Data Assimilation
System (NLDAS): 2. Evaluation of Model Simulated Snow Water Equivalent. J.
Geophys. Res. 108(D22), 8850, doi:10.1029/2003JD003994, 2003 21 November.
Cosgrove, B. D. Lohmann, K. E. Mitchell, P. R. Houser, E. F. Wood, J. C. Schaake, A.
Robock, J. Sheffield, Q. Duan, Lifeng Luo, R. W. Higgins, R. T. Pinker, J. D.
Tarpley. "Land Surface Model Spin-up Behavior in the North American Land Data
Assimilation System (NLDAS)" J. Geophy. Res. 108(D22), 8845,
doi:10.1029/2002JD003316, 2003, 21 November.
Pinker, R. T., J. D. Tarpley, I. Laszlo, K. E. Mitchell, P. R. Houser, E. F. Wood, J. C.
Schaake, A. Robock, D. Lohmann, B. A. Cosgrove, J. Sheffield, Q. Duan, L. Luo, R.
W. Higgins "Surface Radiation Budgets in Support of the GEWEX Continental
Scale International Project (GCIP) and the Gewex Americas Prediction Project
(GAPP), including the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Project." J. Geophy. Res. 108(D22), 8844, doi:10.1029/2002JD003301, 2003, 19
Robock, Alan; Luo, Lifeng; Wood, Eric F.; Wen, Fenghua; Mitchell, Kenneth E.; Houser,
Paul R.; Schaake, John C.; Lohmann, Dag; Cosgrove, Brian; Sheffield, Justin; Duan,
Qingyun; Higgins, R. Wayne; Pinker, Rachel T.; Tarpley, J. Dan; Basara, Jeffery B.;
Crawford, Kenneth C. 2003. Evaluation of the North American Land Data
Assimilation System over the southern Great Plains during the warm season” J.
Geophys. Res, Vol. 108, No. D22, 8846 10.1029/2002JD003245 05 November 2003
Luo, Lifeng; Robock, Alan; Mitchell, Kenneth E.; Houser, Paul R.; Wood, Eric F.;
Schaake, John C.; Lohmann, Dag; Cosgrove, Brian; Wen, Fenghua; Sheffield,
Justin; Duan, Qingyun; Higgins, R. Wayne; Pinker, Rachel T.; Tarpley, J. Dan
2003. Validation of the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
retrospective forcing over the southern Great Plains. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 108,
No. D22, 8843 10.1029/2002JD003246 04 November 2003
Endreny TA, Wood EF 2003. Maximizing spatial congruence of observed and DEMdelineated overland flow networks Int. J. Geographic Information Science (7): 699713 Oct-Nov 2003
Cosgrove, Brian A.; Lohmann, Dag; Mitchell, Kenneth E.; Houser, Paul R.; Wood, Eric
F.; Schaake, John C.; Robock, Alan; Marshall, Curtis; Sheffield, Justin; Duan,
Qingyun; Luo, Lifeng; Higgins, R. Wayne; Pinker, Rachel T.; Tarpley, J. Dan;
Meng, Jesse. 2003. Real-time and retrospective forcing in the North American
Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) project. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 108, No.
D22, 8842 10.1029/2002JD003118 31 October 2003
Bindlish, Rajat, Thomas Jackson, Eric F Wood, Huilin Gao, Patrick Starks, Davis Bosch,
Venjat Lakshmi. 2003. Soil moisture estimates from TRMM Microwave Imager
(TMI) observations over the southern United States. Remote Sensing of the
Environment, 85(2003), 507-515.
Lohmann, Dag and Eric F. Wood 2003 Time scales of land surface evapotranspiration
response in the PILPS Phase 2(c), Global and Planetary Change, 798(2003),1-11.
Crow, W.T. and E.F. Wood. 2003 The assimilation of remotely sensed soil brightness
temperature imagery into a land-surface model using ensemble Kalman filtering: A
case study based on ESTAR measurements during SGP97, Advances in Water
Resources, 26:137-149.
Endreny TA, Wood EF 2003. Watershed weighting of export coefficients to map critical
phosphorous loading areas J American Water Res. Assoc. 39 (1): 165-181 Feb 2003
Ziegler, A.D., J. Sheffield, E.P. Maurer, B. Nijssen, E.F. Wood, and D.P. Lettenmaier,
2003, Detection of Intensification in Global and Continental-Scale Hydrological
Cycles: Temporal Scale of Evaluation, J. Climate, 16, 535-547.
Crow, W.T. and E.F. Wood. 2002. The value of coarse-scale soil moisture observations
for regional surface energy balance modeling", Journal of Hydrometeorology, 3(4):
Crow, W.T. and E.F. Wood. 2002. Impact of soil moisture aggregation on surface energy
flux prediction during SGP97, Geophysical Research Letters, 29(1) Art. No. 1008 Jan
1 2002
Seuffert, G., P. Gross, C. Simmer and E.F. Wood. 2002. The influence of Hydrologic
Modeling on the Predicted Local Weather: Two-Way Coupling of a Mesoscale
Weather Prediction Model and a Land Surface Hydrologic Model. J. of
Hydrometeorology, 3(5):505-523, October.
Wood, Eric F. 2002. Detection of Climate Change: When and Where? GEWEX News,
12(1), Feburary.
Ziegler, A.D., J. Sheffield, E.F. Wood, B. Nijssen, E.P. Maurer and D.P. Lettenmaier,
2002, Detection of intensification of the global water cycle: the potential role of
FRIEND, In FRIEND 2000 Regional Hydrology: Bridging the Gap between Research
and Practice. Henny A. J. van Lanen and Siegfried Demuth (editors) IAHS Publ. 274,
IAHS Press, Wallingford, Oxon, UK., pp 51-57.
Nijssen, Bart, Greg M. O'Donnell, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Dag Lohmann, Eric F. Wood,
2001: Predicting the Discharge of Global Rivers. Journal of Climate. Vol. 14, No.
15, pp. 3307–3323.
Drusch, M, E.F. Wood, and T.J. Jackson, 2001. On the impact of the atmosphere in
passive microwave remote sensing of land surface parameters. In Remote Sensing and
Hydrology 2000, M Owe, K Brubaker, J Ritchie and A Rango (editors) IAHS Publ.
267, IAHS Press, Wallingford, Oxon, UK. pp 400-404.
Drusch M and E.F. Wood, 2001. On the accuracy of TOVS surface temperatures: A
comparison between measured, modeled, and satellite derived data. In Remote
Sensing and Hydrology 2000, M Owe, K Brubaker, J Ritchie and A Rango (editors)
IAHS Publ. 267, IAHS Press, Wallingford, Oxon, UK. pp 202-206.
Dubayah, Ralph, Dennis Lettenmaier, Eric F. Wood, and Joshua Rhoads. 2001. Using
remote sensing data in macroscale hydrological modelling. In Remote Sensing and
Hydrology 2000, M Owe, K Brubaker, J Ritchie and A Rango (editors) IAHS Publ.
267, IAHS Press, Wallingford, Oxon, UK. pp 151-155.
Peters-Lidard, C. D., F. Pan, and E. F. Wood, 2001. "A re-examination of modeled and
measured soil moisture spatial variability and its implications for land surface
modeling." Advances in Water Resources (Special Issue on Non-Linear
Propagation of Multi-scale Dynamics Through Hydrologic Subsystems), Vol
24/9-10, pp 1069-1083.
Crow, W.T., M. Drusch, and E.F. Wood 2001. "An observation system simulation
experiment for the impact of land surface heterogeneity on AMSR-E soil moisture
retrieval" IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.39(8): 16221631, August.
Endreny, T.A., and E.F. Wood, 2001. "Representing elevation uncertainty in runoff
modeling and flowpath mapping," Hydrological Processes, 15, 2223-2236.
Drusch, M, E.F. Wood, and T.J. Jackson, 2001: Vegetation and atmospheric corrections
for the soil moisture retrieval from passive microwave remote sensing data: Results
from the Southern Great Plains Hydrology Experiment 1997, J. of Hydrometeorology,
2(2):181-192, April.
Wickel, A. J., Jackson, T. J., and Wood, E. F. Multi-temporal monitoring of soil moisture
with Radarsat SAR during the 1997 Southern Great Plains hydrology experiment.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22:1571-1583. 2001.
Crow, W. T., E. F. Wood and R. Dubayah 2000 "Potential for downscaling soil moisture
maps derived from space imaging radar data" J. Geophysical Research,
Kenward, T., D. P. Lettenmaier, E. Wood, and E. Fielding, (2000) "Effects of digital
elevation model accuracy on hydrologic predictions", Remote Sensing of
Environment, December, 2000.
Pauwels, V.R.N., and E.F. Wood, (2000) The importance of classification differences and
spatial resolution of land cover data in the uncertainty in model results over boreal
ecosystems, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 1(3):255-266, June 2000.
Dubayah, Ralph O., Eric F. Wood, Edwin T. Engman, Kevin P. Czajkowski, Mark Zion
and Joshua Rhoads (2000) “Remote Sensing in Hydrological Modeling”, Chapter
5 in Remote Sensing in Hydrology and Water Management, G. Schutze and E.
Engman (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, pp 85-102.
Endreny, T.A., E.F. Wood, and A. Hsu, (2000)“Correction of errors in SPOT-derived
DEMs using GTOPO30 data,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote
Sensing, 38(3): 1234-1241, 2000.
Endreny, T.A., E.F. Wood, and D. P. Lettenmaier, (2000) “Satellite-derived elevation
model accuracy: hydrological modeling requirements,” Hydrologic Processes, 14
(2): 177-194.
Endreny, T.A., E.F. Wood, and D. P. Lettenmaier, (2000) “Satellite-derived elevation
model accuracy: hydro-geomorphologic analysis requirements,” Hydrologic
Processes, 14 (1): 1-20.
Crow, Wade T. and Eric F. Wood. (1999) Multi-scale dynamics of soil moisture
variability observed during SGP'97, Geophy. Res. Lett. 26(23) 3485-3488,
December 1.
Drusch, M., E. F. Wood and R. Lindau (1999) "The impact of the SSM/I antenna gain
function on land surface parameter retrieval" Geophy. Res. Lett. 26(23) 34813484, December 1.
Pauwels, V.R.N., and E.F. Wood, (1999) A soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer scheme
for the modeling of water and energy balance processes in high latitudes. 1.
Model improvements, Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(D22) 27811-27822.
Pauwels, V.R.N., and E.F. Wood, (1999) A soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer scheme
for the modeling of water and energy balance processes in high latitudes. 2.
Application and validation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(D22) 2782327840.
Wood, A., R. Palmer, D. Lettenmaier, E. F. Wood and E. Stakhiv (1999) "Water
resources implications of global warming: a U.S. regional perspective", Climatic
Change, 43(3):537-579.
Pitman, A.J., et al., (1999) "Key Results and Implications from Phase 1(c) of the Project
for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes", Climate
Dynamics 15(9), 673-684.
Liang, X., E.F. Wood, and D.P. Lettenmaier, (1999) “Modeling ground heat flux in land
surface parameterization schemes”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(D8);
Endreny, T.A., and E.F. Wood, “Distributed watershed modeling of design storms to
identify non-point source runoff,” Journal of Environmental Quality 28 (2): 388396, 1999.
Drusch, M. and E. F. Wood 1999. "Up-scaling effects in passive microwave remote
sensing ESTAR 1.4 GHz measurements during SGP'97", Geophys. Res. Let.,
26(7):879-882, April 1.
Wood, E. F. 1999 "Surface runoff and subsurface redistribution of water", Chp 4.6 in
Global Energy and Water Cycles, Eds. K. A. Browning and R. J. Gurney,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 166-182.
Wood, Eric F. 1999. "The role of lateral flow: over- or underrated?" Chp. 10 in Eds. J. D.
Tenhunen and P. Kabat Integrating hydrology, ecosystem dynamics, and
biogeochemistry in complex landscapes, JohnWiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 197216.
Betts, Alan K., Pedro Viterbo, and Eric Wood, 1998. "Surface energy and water balance
for the Arkansas-Red River basin from the ECMWF reanalysis", Journal of
Climate: 11(11):2881–2897.
Deangelis, Maria Laura and Eric F. Wood. 1998. "A detailed model to simulate heat and
moisture transport in a frozen soil" in Hydrology, Water Resources and Ecology
in Headwaters: Headwaters'98, K Kovar, U Tappeiner, N E Peters and R. G.
Craig (editors), IAHS Publ. 248, IAHS Press, Wallingford, Oxon, UK. pp 141149.
Wood, Eric F. 1998. "Scale analyses for Land Surface Hydrology", Chp. 1 in Ed.G.
Sposito Scale dependence and scale invariance in hydrology, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-29.
Peters-Lidard, C.D., E. Blackburn, X. Liang, and E.F. Wood, "The effect of soil thermal
conductivity parameterization on surface energy fluxes and temperatures," Journal
of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 55, No. 7, 1209-1224, 1998.
Wood, Eric F Hydrologic measurements and observations: an assessment of needs in
Hydrologic Sciences:Taking Stock and Looking Ahead, National Academy Press,
1998, pp67-86.
E.F. Wood, et al. 1998. "The Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface
Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) Phase 2(c) Red-Arkansas River basin
experiment: 1. Experiment description and summary intercomparisons, Global
and Planetary Change, 19: 115-135.
Liang, X., E.F. Wood, et al., 1998 " The Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface
Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) Phase 2(c) Red-Arkansas River basin
experiment: 2. Spatial and temporal analysis of energy fluxes, Global and
Planetary Change, 19: 136-160.
Lohmann, D., E.F. Wood, et al, 1998. "The Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface
Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) Phase 2(c) Red-Arkansas River basin
experiment: 3. Spatial and temporal analysis of water fluxes, Global and
Planetary Change, 19: 136-160.
Peters-Lidard, C., E. Blackburn, X. Liang, E. F. Wood, “The effect of ground heat flux
parameterization on surface energy fluxes and temperatures”, J. Atmos. Sci.,
55(7):1209-1224, 1998.
Lakshmi, V., and E. F. Wood, 1998. Diurnal cycles of evaporation using a two-layer
hydrological model, J. Hydrology, 204 (1998) 37-51.
Lakshmi, V., E. F. Wood and B. J. Choudhury, “Investigation of effect of hetrogeneities
in vegetation and rainfall on simulated SSM/I brightness temperatures”, Int. J.
Remote Sensing, 18(13):2763-84, 1997.
Wood, Eric F., "Effects of Soil Moisture Aggregation on Surface Evaporative Fluxes", J.
of Hydrology, 190 (1997) 397-412.
Lakshmi, V., E. F. Wood and B. J. Choudhury, “Evaluation of special sensor
microwave/imager satellite data for regional soil moisture estimation over the Red
River basin, J. Applied Meteorology, 36(10):1309-28, 1997.
Lakshmi, V., E. F. Wood and B. J. Choudhury, A soil-canopy-atmosphere model for use
in satellite microwave remote sensing, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 102(D6): 69116927, March 27, 1997.
Peters-Lidard, C., M. Zion and E. F. Wood, "A soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer
scheme for modeling spatially variable water and energy balance processes", J.
Geophys. Res., Vol. 102(D2), 4303-4324, 1997.
(with B. Nijssen, D.P. Lettenmaier, S.W. Wetzel and X. Liang), "Simulation of Runoff
from Continental-Scale River Basin using a Grid-Based Land Surface Scheme",
Water Resour. Res., 33(4):711-724, 1997.
(with T.H. Chen et al.), "Cabauw Experimental Results from the Project for
Intercomparison of Land-Surface Parameterization Schemes", J. Clim., 10(6),
1194-1215, 1997.
(with D. P. Lettenmaier, X. Liang, B. Nijssen and S. W. Wetzel) "Hydrological Modeling
of Continental-Scale Basins", Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
25:279-300, 1997.
Dubayah, R., E. F. Wood and D. Lavallée, Multiscaling analysis in distributed modeling
and remotre sensing: an application using soil moisture, in Scale, multiscaling,
remote sensing and GIS, M. F. Goodchild and D. A. Quattrochi (Eds.), CRC
Press, 1996, pp93-111.
(with X. Liang and D.P. Lettenmaier), "A One-Dimensional Statistical-Dynamic
Representation of Subgrid Spatial Variability of Precipitation in the Two-layer
VIC Model", J. Geophys. Res., 101(D16):21403-21422, September 27, 1996.
Fan, Y., E. F. Wood, M. L. Baeck and J. A. Smith "The fractional coverage of rainfall
over a grid: analysis of NEXRAD data over the southern plains", Water Resources
Research, 32(9):2787-2802, 1996.
(with F.A. Abdulla, D.P. Lettenmaier and J.A. Smith), "Application of a Macroscale
Hydrological Model to Estimate the Water Balance of the Arkansas-Red River
Basin", J. Geophys. Research, 101(D3), 7449-61, March 28, 1996.
(with X. Liang and D.P. Lettenmaier), "Surface Soil Moisture Parameterization of the
VIC-2L Model: Evaluation and Modifications", Global and Planetary Change,
13, 195-206, 1996.
(with D.-S. Lin, P.A. Troch, M. Mancini, T.J. Jackson), "Soil Moisture Estimation:
Comparisons Between Hydrologic Model Estimates and Remotely Sensed
Estimates", in Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Land-Atmosphere
Interactions, Choudhury, B., Y. H. Kerr, E. G. Njoku and P. Pampaloni (Editors),
VPS International Science Publishers, Zeist, The Netherlands, 1996, pp 77-92.
"Heterogeneity and Scaling Land-Atmospheric Water and Energy Fluxes in Climate
Systems", in Space and Time Scale Variability and Interdependencies in
Hydrological Processes, Reinder A. Feddes (editor) , Cambridge University Press,
pp 3-16, 1995.
"Scaling Behaviour of Hydrologic Fluxes and Variables: Empirical Studies Using A
Hydrological Model and Remote Sensing Data", J. Hydrological Processes, (9),
(with P. A. Troch, F. P. De Troch, M. Mancini), "Stream network morphology and storm
response in humid catchments", J. Hydrological Processes, (9), 575-587, 1995.
(with J.S. Famiglietti), "Effects of Spatial Variability and Scale on Areal-Average
Evapotranspiration", Water Resources Research, 31(3):699-712, March 1995.
(with J.S. Famiglietti), "Multi-Scale Modeling of Spatially-Variable Water and Energy
Balance Processes", Water Resources Research, 30 (11), 3061-3078, November,
(with J.S. Famiglietti), "Application of Multi-scale Water and Energy Balance Model on a
Tallgrass Prairie", Water Resources Research, 30 (11), 3079-3094, November,
(with Lin, D.S., S. Saatchi and K. Beven), “Soil Moisture Estimation Over GrassCovered Areas Using AIRSAR,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15
(11), 2323-2343, 1994.
"Scaling, Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration in Runoff Models", Advances in Water
Resources, Special Issue on Hydroclimatology, 17, 25-34, 1994.
(with C. Peters-Lidard) "Estimating Storm Areal Average Rainfall Intensity in Field
Experiments for Climate Studies", Water Resources Research, 30(7), 2119-2131,
July 1994.
(with D.-S. Lin, M. Mancini, P. Troch and T.J. Jackson), "Comparisons of Remotely
Sensed and Model Simulated Soil Moisture over a Heterogeneous Watershed",
Remote Sensing of Environment, 48:159-171, 1994.
(with R. Beckie and A. Aldama), "The Universal Structure of the Groundwater Flow
Equations", Water Resources Research, 30 (5), 1407-1419, 1994.
(with P.A. Troch, J.A. Smith, and F.P. De Troch), "Hydrologic Controls of Large Floods
in a Small Basin: Central Appalachian Case Study", Journal of Hydrology,
156:285-309, 1994.
(with J. F. Stamm and D. P. Lettenmaier) "Sensitivity of a GCM Simulation of Global
Climate to the Representation of Land-Surface Hydrology", J.ournal of Climate,
7, (8) 1218-1239, August, 1994.
(with X. Liang, D.P. Lettenmaier and S.J. Burges), “A Simple Hydrologically Based
Model of Land Surface Water and Energy Fluxes for General Circulation
Models,” J. of Geophysical Research, 99, (D7) 14,415-14,428, July 20, 1994.
(with D.P. Lettenmaier and J.R. Wallis), "Hydrometeorological Trends in the Continental
U.S., 1948-88", J. of Climate, (7) 586-607, April, 1994.
(with P.A. Troch, M. Mancini and C. Paniconi), "Distributed Approach to Catchment
Scale Hydrologic Modeling", in Advances in Distributed Hydrology, ed. R. Rosso,
A. Peano, I. Becchi and G. Bemporad; Water Resources Publ., Fort Collins, CO,
pp. 31-58, March, 1994.
(with G.E. Liston and Y.C. Sud), "Evaluating GCM Land-Surface Hydrology
Parameterizations by Computing River Discharges Using a Runoff Routing
Model: Application to the Mississippi Basin", Journal of Applied Meteorology, 33
(3), 394-405, March, 1994.
(with M. Mancini and P.A. Troch), "Overland Flow Routing Over a Range of Catchment
Scales", in Advances in Distributed Hydrology, ed. R. Rosso, A. Peano; I. Becchi
and G. Bemporad, Water Resources Publ., Fort Collins, CO, pp. 225 -244, March,
(with T.J. Jackson, E.T. Engman, D. Le Vine, T.J. Schmugge, R. Lang and W. Teng),
"Multitemporal Passive Microwave Mapping in Machydro'90", IEEE
Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 32 (1), 201-210, January, 1994.
(with R. Ababou and A.C. Bagtzoglou), "On the Condition Number of Covariance
Matrices in Kriging, Estimation, and Simulation of Random Fields",
Mathematical Geology, 26(1):99-133, January, 1994.
(with P. A. Troch, J. Smith and F De Troch) "Empirical and Model Based Analysis of
Extreme Flood Events in a Humid Region", IAHS Symposium on Extreme
Hydrological Events: Precipitation, Floods and Droughts, Yokohama, Japan, July
11-23, 1993.
(with R. Beckie and A. Aldama), "Mixed Finite Element Simulation of Saturated
Groundwater Flow Using a Multigrid Accelerated Domain Decomposition
Technique", Water Resources Research, 29 (9) 3145-3157, September, 1993.
(with P.A. Troch, M. Mancini, C. Paniconi), "Evaluation of a Distributed Catchment
Scale Water Balance Model", Water Resources Research, 29 (6) 1805-1818,
(with D.-S. Lin, M. Mancini, D. Thongs, P. Troch, T.J. Jackson, J Famiglietti and E. T.
Engman), "Intercomparisons Between Passive and Active Microwave Remote
Sensing and Hydrological Modeling for Soil Moisture", Advances in Space
Research, 13(5), 167-176, 1993.
(with C. Paniconi), "A Detailed Model for Simulation of Catchment Scale Subsurface
Hydrologic Processes", Water Resources Research, 29 (6) 1601-1620, 1993.
(with D.P. Lettenmaier), "Hydrologic Forecasting", Chapter 26 in Handbook in
Hydrology, D. Maidment, editor, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993.
(with V. Lakshmi), "Scaling Water and Energy Fluxes in Climate Systems: Three LandAtmospheric Modeling Experiments", J. of Climate, 6(5), 839-857, 1993.
(with J.S. Famiglietti, M. Sivapalan, D.J. Thongs), "A Catchment Scale Water Balance
Model for FIFE", Journal of Geophysical Research, 97(D17), 18997-19007,
November, 30, 1992.
(with D.P. Lettenmaier, V.G. Zartarian), "A Land Surface Hydrology Parameterization
with Sub-Grid Variability for General Circulation Models", Journal of
Geophysical Research, 97/D3, 2717 - 2728, February 28, 1992.
(with J.R. Wallis, D.P. Lettenmaier), "A Daily Hydro-Climatological Data Set for the
Continental U.S.", Water Resources Research , 27(7), 1657-1664, 1991.
"Global Scale Hydrology: Advances in Land Surface Modeling", Rev. in Geophysics,
Supplement, 189-192, April , 1991.
(with C. Paniconi and A. Aldama), "Numerical Evaluation of Iterative and Non-Iterative
Methods for the Solution of the Nonlinear Richards Equation" Water Resources
Res., 27(6), 1147-1163, 1991.
(with J.S. Famiglietti), "Evapotranspiration and Runoff from Large Land Areas: Land
Surface Hydrology for Atmospheric General Circulation Models", Surveys in
Geophysics, Vol. 12, pp. 179-204, 1991.
(with L.L. Wilson, D.P. Lettenmaier), "Simulation of Daily Precipitation in the Pacific
Northwest Using a Weather Classification Scheme", Surveys in Geophysics, Vol.
12, pp. 127-142, 1991.
(with J.S. Famiglietti), " Comparison of Passive Microwave and Model Derived
Estimates for Soil Moisture Fields", 5th International Colloquium on Physical
Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing, Courcheval, Jan. 14-18, 1991,
European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 1991.
(with D.P. Lettenmaier, J.R. Wallis), "Comparison of an Alternative Land Surface
Parameterization with the GFDL High Resolution Climate Model", IAHS
Symposium on Atmosphere - Land Surface Interactions, XX General Assembly of
the IUGG, Vienna, Austria, 1991.
(with D.P. Lettenmaier, and D.B. Parkinson), "Operating the Seattle Water System
During the 1987 Drought", Journal of the American Water Works Assoc., pp. 5560, 1990.
(with M. Sivapalan, and K. Beven) "On Hydrologic Similarity. 3. A Dimensionless
Flood Frequency Model Using a Generalized GUH and Partial Area Runoff
Generation", Water Resources Res., 26(1), pp. 43-58, 1990.
(with B. Peterson, S.P. Miller, and D.P. Lettenmaier) "Design of a Soil Sampling Study to
Determine the Habitability of the Emergency Declaration Area, Love Canal, New
York" Environmetrics , 1990.
(with M. Sivapalan and K. Beven) "Similarity and Scale in Catchment Storm Response",
Rev. in Geophysics, 28(1), pp. 1-8, 1990.
(with P.R. Jaffe, C. Paniconi, and E.F. Wood) "Model Calibration Based on Random
Environmental Fluctuations", ASCE, J. of Envir. Engrg., Vol. 114, No. 5, pp.
1136-1145, October 1988.
(with L.E. Band) "Strategies for Large-Scale, Distributed Hydrologic Simulation", Appl.
Math. and Comp., Special Issue on Landscape Ecology and Supercomputers,
27(1), pp. 23-38, July 1988.
(with D. McLaughlin) "A Distributed Parameter Approach for Evaluating the Accuracy of
Groundwater Model Predictions. 1. Theory", Water Resources Res., 24(7), pp.
1037-1047, July, 1988.
(with D. McLaughlin) "A Distributed Parameter Approach for Evaluating the Accuracy of
Groundwater Model Predictions. 2. Application to Groundwater Flow", Water
Resources Res., 24(7), pp. 1048-1060, July 1988.
(with K. Beven and M. Sivapalan) "On Hydrological Heterogeneity: Catchment
Morphology and Catchment Response", J. Hydrology, 100, pp. 353-375, 1988.
(with K. Beven, M. Sivapalan and L. Band) "Effects of Spatial Variability and Scale with
Implication to Hydrologic Modeling", J. Hydrology, 102, pp. 29-47, 1988.
(with D.P. Ahlfeld, J.M. Mulvey and G.F. Pinder) "Contaminated Groundwater
Remediation Design Using Simulation, Optimization, and Sensitivity Theory. 1.
Model Development", Water Resources Res., 24(3), pp. 431-441, March 1988.
(with M. Sivapalan and K. Beven) "On Hydrologic Similarity. 2. A Scale Model of Storm
Runoff Production", Water Resources Res., 23(12), pp. 2266-2278, December
(with M. Sivapalan) "A Multidimensional Model of Nonstationary Space-Time Rainfall
at the Catchment Scale", Water Resources Res., 23(7), pp. 1289-1299, July 1987.
(with D. Lettenmaier and J. Wallis) "Effects of Regional Heterogeneity on Flood
Frequency Estimation", Water Resources Res., 23(2), pp. 313-323, February 1987.
(with M. Sivapalan and K. Beven) "Scale Effects on Infiltration and Runoff Production",
in Conjunctive Water Use, S.M. Gorelick(ed.), IAHS Publ. 156, pp. 375-390,
(with C. Hebson) "On Hydrologic Similarity: 1. Derivation of the Dimensionless Flood
Frequency Curve", Water Resources Res., 22(11), pp. 1549-1554, October 1986.
(with R. Steuer) "A 0-1 Implementation of the Tchebycheff Solution Approach: A Water
Quality Illustration", Large Scale Systems, 10: 243-255, 1986.
(with J. Wallis) "Relative Accuracy of Log-Pearson III Procedures", J. of Hydraul.
Engrg., ASCE, Vol. III, No. 7, pp. 1043-1056, July 1986.
(with C. Hebson) "Partitioned State/Parameter Estimation for Real-Time Flood
Forecasting", Appl. Math and Comp., 17(4), pp. 357-374, November 1985.
(with J. Hoskings and J. Wallis) "Estimation of the Generalized Extreme-Value
Distribution by the Method of Probability Weighted Moments", Technometrics,
27(3), 251-261, August 1985.
(with J. Hoskings and J. Wallis) "An Appraisal of the Regional Flood Frequency
Procedure in the United Kingdom Flood Studies Report", Hydrol. Sci. J., 30(1),
85-109, March 1985.
(with J.A. Kempf and R.K. Mehra) "BISTAB: A Portable Bifurcation and Stability
Analysis Package", Appl. Math. and Comp., 15(4), pp. 343-355, 1984.
(with J. Casti) "Some Questions of Reachability in Natural -Resource Management",
Appl. Math. and Comp., 15(3), pp. 185-208, 1984.
"Hydrology 1979-1982", Reviews in Geophysics and Space Physics, 2193, pp. 697-698,
April 1983.
(with K. Beven) "Catchment Geomorphology and the Dynamics of Runoff Contributing
Areas", J. of Hydrol., 65, pp. 139-158, 1983.
(with N.P. Greis and R.E. Steuer), "Multicriteria Analysis of Water Allocation in a River
Basin: The Tchebycheff Approach", Water Resources Res., 19(4), pp. 865-875 ,
(with D.M. Cooper) "Identifying Multivariate Time Series Models", J. of Time Series
Analysis, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 153-164, 1983.
(with C. Hebson) "A Derived Flood Frequency Distribution Using Horton Order Ratios",
Water Resources Res., 18(5), pp. 1509-1918, October 1982.
(with D.M. Cooper) "Parameter Estimation of Multiple Input-Output Time Series
Models", Water Resources Res., 18(5), pp. 1345-1351, October 1982.
(with D.M. Cooper) "Identification of Multivariate Time Series and Multi-variate InputOutput Models", Water Resources Res., 18(4), pp. 937-946, August 1982.
(with V.V. Nguyen) "Non-Linear Simulation of Environmental Resource Systems",
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. XXIV (2.3), pp. 114-121, April
(with N.P. Greis and R.E. Steuer) "Linear and Nonlinear Applications of the Tchebycheff
Metric to the Multi Criteria Water Allocation Problem", in Environmental
Systems Analysis and Management, Elsevier-North Holland, 1982.
(with G.R. Chirlin) "On the Relationship Between Kriging and State Estimation", Water
Resources Res., 18(2), pp. 432-438, April 1982.
(with N. Greis) "Regional Flood Frequency Estimation and Network Design", Water
Resources Res., 17(4), pp. 1167-1177, August 1981.
(with D.M. Cooper) "Estimation of the Parameters of the Markovian Representation",
Biometrika, 68(1), pp. 320-322, 1981.
"Filtering of Partitioned Large Scale Hydrologic Systems", Hydrol. Sci. Bull., 26, 1(3),
pp. 33-46, 1981.
(with V.V. Nguyen) "Review and Unification of Linear Identifiability Concepts", SIAM
Review, 24(1), pp. 34-51, January 1980.
(with G. Moosburner) "A Management for Controlling Nitrate Contamination in the New
Jersey Pine Barrens Aquifer", Water Resources Bulletin, 16(6), December 1980.
(with A. Szollosi-Nagy) "Bayesian Strategies for Controlling Dynamic Water Resources",
in Recent Developments in Real-Time Forecasting/Control of Water Resource
Systems, Pergamon, Oxford, 1980.
"A Statistical Approach to Station Discontinuance", Water Resources Res., 15(6), pp.
1859-1866, 1979.
(with V.V. Nguyen) "On the Morphology of Summer Algae Dynamics in Non-Stratified
Lakes", Ecological Modeling, February 1979.
(with A. Szollosi-Nagy) "An Adaptive Algorithm for Analyzing Short-Term Structural
and Parameter Changes in Hydrologic Prediction Models", Water Resources Res.,
1494), pp. 577-581, August 1978.
"Analyzing Hydrologic Uncertainty and Its Impact Upon Water Resources DecisionMaking", Adv. in Water Resources, 1(5), August 1978.
(with M.E. Moss and D.P. Lettenmaier) "On the Design of Hydrologic Data Networks",
EOS, 59(5), pp. 772-775, 1978.
(with R. Keeney) "An Illustrative Example of the Use of Multiattribute Utility Theory for
Water Resource Planning", Water Resources Res., Vol. 13, No. 4, 1977.
"An Analysis of Flood Levee Reliability", Water Resources Res., Vol. 13, No. 3, 1977.
(with A. Szollosi-Nagy, E. Todini) "A State-Space Model for Real-Time Forecasting of
Hydrologic Time Series", J. of Hydrol. Sci., December 1976.
"An Analysis of the Effects of Parameter Uncertainty in Deterministic Hydrologic
Models", Water Resources Res., Vol. 12, No. 5, 1976.
(with I. Rodriguez-Iturbe) "A Bayesian Approach to Analyzing Uncertainty Among Flood
Frequency Models", Water Resources Res., Vol. 11, No. 6, 1975.
(with I. Rodriguez-Iturbe) "Bayesian Inference and Decision Making for Extreme
Hydrologic Events", Water Resources Res., Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 533-542 (1975).
(with B.M. Harley and F.G. Perkins) "Transient Flood Routing in Channel Networks",
Water Resources Res., Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 423-430, 1975.
(with J.C. Schaake, Jr., G. Vicens, R. Lenton and A. Rhenals) "Discussion of Drought
Severity and Water Supply Dependability" by L. Bearch and H. Kubik, J. of the
Irrigation and Drainage Division. ASCE, Vol. 99, No. IR2, September 1973.
Conference Proceedings (Refereed)
Mitchell, K, E. F. Wood and 15 co-authors (2000) "The collaborative GCIP land data
assimilation (LDAS) project and supportive NCEP uncoupled land-surface modeling
initatives" Proceedings of the AMS 15th Conference on Hydrology, 9-14 January,
2000, Long Beach, CA, pp.1-6.
Houser, P. R., E. F. Wood and 10 co-authors "Short-term retrospective land data
assimilation schemes", Proceedings of the AMS 15th Conference on Hydrology, 9-14
January, 2000, Long Beach, CA, pp.7-10.
Pauwels, V. R. N and E. F. Wood (1999) "Sensitivity of the boreal forest to subgrid
vegetation heterogeneity", Proceedings of the AMS 14th Conference on Hydrology,
10-15 January, 1999 Dallas Texas, pp. 98-101.
Fernandez-Illescas, C., E. F. Wood, T. J. Jackson, A. Hsu and P. Doriswamy (1999) "
Detailed water and energy balance modeling for the SGP'97 experiment", Proceedings
of the AMS 14th Conference on Hydrology, 10-15 January, 1999 Dallas Texas, pp.
Wood, E.F., and M.L. Deangelis, "A detailed model to simulate heat and moisture
transport in frozen soil", in K. Kovar, U. Tappeiner, N. E. Peters and R. G. Craig
(Eds.) Hydrology, Water Resources and Ecology in Headwaters (Proceedings of the
HeadWater'98 Conference held in Meran/Merano, Italy April 1998), IAHS Publ. 248,
Wallingford, UK, pp141-146.
Endreny, T.A., and E.F. Wood, “Identification of critical non-point source pollution areas
with topographically-based distributed watershed modeling,” Poster, Joint American
Geophysical Union/Soil Science Society of America Chapman Conference:
Application of GIS, Remote Sensing, Geostatistics, and Solute Transport Modeling to
the Assessment of Non-point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone, Riverside, CA,
October 1997.
Hsu, A.Y, P.E. O'Neill, E.F. Wood, and M. Zion, "Examination of soil moisture retrieval
using SIR-C radar data and a distributed hydrological model", IGARSS '97, Vol III,
1266-1268, August 1997, Singapore.
Liang, X., E.F. Wood, and D.P. Lettenmaier, Initial results of PILPS(2C) land surface
scheme intercomparisons using large scale data sets, 77th AMS, 13(9.3), Feb., 1997.
Pauwels, V., Wood, E.F., Lettenmaier, D.P., Large-Scale Hydrological Modeling over
High Latitude Basins, Second International Scientific Conference on the Global
Energy and Water Cycle, Washington D.C., June 17-21, 1996.
(with O'Neill, P. E., Hsu, A. Y., Jackson, T. J., and Zion, M.) "The impact of microwavederived surface soil moisture on watershed modeling.", Proc. Third International
Workshop on the Application of Remote Sensing in Hydrology, NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD October 16-18, 1996.
(with Jackson, T. J., Tang, L. L., Hsu, A., O'Neill, P. E., and Engman, E. T.) "SIR-C/XSAR as a bridge to soil moisture estimation using current and future operational
satellite radars." Proc. Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.'96, IEEE Publ.
96CH35875:1064-1066. 1996.
(with O'Neill, P. E., Hsu, A. Y., Jackson, T. J., and Zion, M.) "Investigation of the
accuracy of soil moisture inversion using microwave data and its impact on
watershed modeling." Proc. Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.'96, IEEE
Publ. 96CH35875:1061-1063. 1996.
(with R. Dubayah and D. Lettenmaier), "Combining Hydrological Modeling and Remote
Sensing for Large Scale Water and Energy Balance Studies", Proceedings of the
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Florence, Italy, 1995,
pp. 751-753.
(with T. Stephens), "Analysis of GEOS-1 Rainfall Data for Hydrological Modeling",
Proceedings of the Workshop on the GEOS-1 Five Year Assimilation, NASA
Technical Memorandum 104606, Vol. 7, Technical Report Series on Global
Modeling and Data Assimilation, Max J. Suarez (editor) Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, MD, September, 1995, pp 33-43.
(with Lakshmi, V. and B. Choudhury.) "Simulation of Microwave Brightness
Temperatures Using A Coupled Land-Surface-Canopy-Atmosphere Model",
Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,
August 8-12, 1994, pp. 590-592.
(with D-S Lin, and B. Yang), "Development and Testing of a Remote Sensing Based
Hydrological Model", Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote
Sensing Symposium, August 8-12, 1994, pp. 1588-1590.
(with P.-Lidard, C. D.), “The Effect of Lane Surface Heterogeneity On Boundary Layer
Development: Modeled Versus Measured,” American Meterological Society,
January, 1995.
(with D-S Lin, K. Beven and M. Mancini), "Soil Moisture Estimation During MACEUROPE'91 Using AIRSAR", 25th International Symposium on Remote Sensing
and Global Environmental Change, Graz, Austria, 1993.
(with M. Mancini, R. Rosso, D.-S. Lin, and P. Troch), "AIRSAR Capability in Soil
Moisture Content for Different Climatic Scenarios", presented at the 25th
International Symposium, Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change,
Graz, Austria, 4-8 April 1993.
(with J.P. Hughes and D.P. Lettenmaier), "An Approach for Assessing the Sensitivity of
Floods to Regional Climate Change", in AIP Conference Proceedings, The World
at Risk: Natural Hazards and Climate Change, R. Bras (ed.), American Institute
of Physics, New York, 1993, pages 112-124.
(with D.-S. Lin, P.A. Troch, M. Mancini, T.J. Jackson), "Soil Moisture Estimation:
Comparisons Between Hydrologic Model Estimates and Remotely Sensed
Estimates", presented at the ESA/NASA International Workshop on Passive
Microwave Sensing Research Related to Land Atmosphere Interactions, St. Lary,
January 11 - 15, 1993.
(with P.A. Troch, J.A. Smith, F.P. De Troch), "Empirical and Model Based Analysis of
Extreme Flood Events in a Humid Region", IAHS Symposium, July 1993,
(with D.-S. Lin, M. Mancini, D. Thongs, P.A. Troch, T.J. Jackson and E.T. Engman),
"Intercomparisons Between Passive and Active Microwave Remote Sensing, and
Hydrological Modeling for Soil Moisture", Symposium A.3, Progress in Scientific
Hydrology and Water Resource Management using Remote Sensing, Proceedings
of the 29th Plannery Meeting of the Committee on World Space Research,
(COSPAR) August 28-September 5, 1992, Washington, D.C.
(with M. Mancini and P. Troch), "Estimating Soil Moisture by Means of Distributed
Hydrologic Models: Comparison with Remotely Sensed Data", presented at the
International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC), October,
(with J. Famiglietti), "Macroscale Biosphere-Atmosphere Interaction: Combining
Modeling with Space-Based Observations", to be presented at COSPAR meeting
on Global Change and Relevant Space Observations at the World Space Congress,
August 1992.
(with J.S. Famiglietti and P.C.D. Milly), "A Land-Surface Hydrologic Parameterization
for Regional and Global Atmospheric Models", to be presented at: The Tenth
Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology held in conjunction with the
20th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and the Seventh
Conference on Applied Climatology
all sponsored by the American
Meteorological Society on September 9-12, 1991, Salt Lake City, Utah.
"Water Balance Model for Kings Creek", Symposium on FIFE, American Meteorological
Society, pp. 163-167, 1990.
(with R. Craig), "Validation of Climate Models with Workstation Tools", Proceedings of
the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Computers in Water Resources,
Portugal, September, 1990.
(with W.O. Spofford and A. Krupnick) "Sources of Uncertainty in Economic Analyses of
Management Strategies for Controlling Groundwater Contamination", invited
paper, Summer Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association,
Reno, Nevada, July 27-30, 1986.
(with M. Sivapalan) "Stochastic Description and Simulation of Nonstationary SpaceTime Rainfall Intensity at the Catchment Scale", Chapman Conference on Rainfall
Fields, Caracas, Venezuela, March 1986.
(with M. Sivapalan and K. Beven) "Scale Effects on Infiltration and Runoff Production",
in Conjunctive Water Use, S.M. Gorelick (ed.), IAHS Publ., 156, pp. 375-390,
(with C. Hebson) "A New Bootstrap Algorithm for Adaptive State/Parameter
Estimation", 7th IFAC Symposium Identification and System Parameter
Estimation, York, United Kingdom, July 1985.
(with D. McLaughlin) "Groundwater Monitoring Well Network Redesign", NWWA/API
Conference, Houston, Texas, November 5-7, 1984.
"Theory and Application of Model Identification and Parameter Estimation Algorithm for
Hydrologic Models", in Statistical Analysis of Rainfall and Runoff, V. Singh (ed.),
WRP, Littleton, Colorado, 700 pp.
(with R.K. Mehra) "A New Approach to Sampling Rate Analysis for Water Quality
Modeling and Estimation", JACC, Paper FA6-B, San Francisco, California,
August 13-15, 1980.
(with D.M. Cooper) "Model Identification and Parameter Estimation for Hydrologic
Input-Output Models", JACC, Paper FP6-B, San Francisco, California, August 1315, 1980.
(with R.K. Mehra) "Model Identification and Sampling Rate Analysis for Forecasting the
Quality of Plant Intake Water", in Water and Related Land Resource Systems,
IFAC Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, May 28-31, 1980.
(with V.V. Nguyen) "Application of Bifurcation Analysis for Modeling Rainfall
Infiltration", IFIP Conference on Simulation and the Environment. Bangor,
Wales, September 18-20, 1979.
"An Application of Kalman Filtering to River Flow Forecasting", in C.L. Chiu, (ed.),
Application of Kalman Filtering to Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Water Resources,
University of Pittsburgh, 1978.
(with A. Szollosi-Nagy and E. Todini) "An Adaptive Algorithm for Analyzing ShortTerm Structural and Parameter Changes in Hydrologic Prediction Models", Third
International Symposium in Hydrology, Fort Collins, June 27-29, 1977.
"Applying Multiattribute Utility Theory to Evaluation of Tisza River Basin Development
Plans", IIASA Conference 1976, Vol. 2, pp. 9-16, Laxenburg, Austria.
(with B.M. Harley) "The Application of Hydrologic Models in Analyzing the Impact of
Urbanization", Application of Mathematical Models in Hydrology and Water
Resources Systems", IAHS, AISH, Publ. No. 115, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia,
"Flood Control Design with Limited Data-A Comparison of the Classical and Bayesian
Approaches", Proceedings of the Symposium on the Design of Water Resources
Projects with Inadequate Data, Madrid, Spain, June 1973.
"Review of Hydrological Sciences", 1982 Yearbook of Sciences and the Future,
Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago, IL, 1980.
"Review of Hydrological Sciences", 1981 Yearbook of Sciences and the Future,
Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago, IL, 1980.
"Review of Hydrological Sciences", 1980 Yearbook of Sciences and the Future,
Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago, IL, 1979.