SAQA [Registered Qual & Unit Std Home page] [Search Qualifications] [Search Unit Standards] All qualifications and unit standards registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. SOUTH AFRICAN QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY REGISTERED UNIT STANDARD: Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment SAQA US ID UNIT STANDARD TITLE 12153 Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment ORIGINATOR REGISTERING PROVIDER SGB GET/FET Language and Communication FIELD SUBFIELD Field 04 - Communication Studies and Language Language ABET BAND UNIT STANDARD TYPE NQF LEVEL CREDITS Undefined Regular-Fundamental Level 4 5 REGISTRATION STATUS REGISTRATION START DATE REGISTRATION END DATE SAQA DECISION NUMBER Reregistered 2005-08-23 2008-08-23 SAQA 0160/05 LAST DATE FOR ENROLMENT LAST DATE FOR ACHIEVEMENT 2009-08-23 2012-08-23 PURPOSE OF THE UNIT STANDARD (1 of 10)2007/12/20 09:03:20 AM SAQA The purpose of the unit standard requires learners to follow a process in writing texts and reports required in business. It is intended to promote clear, unambiguous communication in plain language and to improve the quality of written reports and other texts that are specific to a business environment, require a particular format and may include specified legislated requirements. The unit standard enables learners to recognise and effectively use textual conventions and features specific to business texts. The qualifying learner is capable of: ● using textual features and conventions specific to texts ● identifying the intended audience for the communication ● identifying the purpose of a text ● selecting the appropriate text type, format and layout for the purpose ● organising and structuring a technical text appropriately ● using appropriate grammar conventions ● drafting and editing a technical text ● recognising errors and checking for accuracy ● presenting the same information in different ways ● using plain language in business LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE AND RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING There is open access to this unit standard. Learners should be competent in Communication at level 3. UNIT STANDARD RANGE The typical scope of this unit standard is: ● Texts specific to a particular function in a business context include sector specific documents; written comparisons of products; reports on specifics of cover; historical reviews over a period of cover; claims reports; explanations of how changes in legislation will impact on the rules of the fund or pension benefit; financial needs analyses; financial plans; reports to investors; reports to statutory bodies; customised insurance policies; statistical reports; actuarial reports; promotional proposals and other texts used within the sector and field of learning. ● The audience may be internal for use within an organisation or external for wider publication. ● Appropriate use of layout includes visual presentation, headings, bullets, numbering and other layout features, appropriate phrasing for headings, stem sentence and phrases match where bullets are used. ● Over complex syntax refers to long constructions and inappropriate use of the passive voice. ● Different ways of presenting the same information include text, graphs, tables, flow charts and diagrams. UNIT STANDARD OUTCOME HEADER null Specific Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1 Use textual features and conventions specific to business texts for effective writing. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 1. Texts specific to a particular function in a business environment are identified and an indication is given of industry specific and/or legislative requirements for each text. (2 of 10)2007/12/20 09:03:20 AM SAQA ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 2. Texts specific to a particular function in a business environment are produced in response to defined requirements. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 3. The implications of not following the industry specific or legislative requirements for a specific type of text are explained and an indication is given of the possible consequences of non-compliance. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 4. Terminology and conventions specific to a particular function in a business environment are used appropriately. SPECIFIC OUTCOME 2 Identify and collect information needed to write a text specific to a particular function. OUTCOME NOTES Identify and collect information needed to write a text specific to a particular function in a business environment. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 1. The intended or incidental audience for whom the text is to be written, are identified for a specific field or sub field in order to focus the information needs. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 2. The purpose of the text is identified within a specific field or sub-field and according to the information. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 3. Questions are asked to help understand client needs and to focus information gathering. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 4. Information required for the document is accessed from a variety of sources. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 5. Information accessed is checked for accuracy, bias, stereotypes, and other offensive details. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 6 6. The focus of the proposed text is defined and decision is made about what information should be included or omitted in order to ensure the focus. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 7 7. A checklist is created to facilitate reflection and editing. (3 of 10)2007/12/20 09:03:20 AM SAQA SPECIFIC OUTCOME 3 Compose a text using plain language for a specific function. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 1. A format and structure is selected for the text that is appropriate for the intended audience and function. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 2. The main points to be included in the text are identified and the necessary supporting details are added. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 3. A first draft of the text is written that collates the necessary information in a rough framework. SPECIFIC OUTCOME 4 Organise and structure a text appropriately for a business function. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 1. The first draft is checked to ensure that appropriate grammar has been used and where necessary the draft is rewritten in plain language using clear accessible language that avoids over-complex syntax. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 2. Different ways of presenting the same information are considered and used where these enhance the meaning of the text. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 3. Technical or marketing terms and jargon are interpreted and rephrased in plain language or used appropriately in the correct context where the terminology is essential to the understanding of the text. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 4. All information is checked for accuracy, and factual correctness. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 5. The document is ordered to ensure that the sequence is logical and meaningful. SPECIFIC OUTCOME 5 Present a written text for a particular function in a business environment. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA (4 of 10)2007/12/20 09:03:20 AM SAQA ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 1. A text type, format and layout are selected that is appropriate for the audience and purpose. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 2. Layout and formatting techniques are used correctly to enhance the readability of the text. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 3. Information in the document is evaluated in terms of its appropriateness for the intended audience and business function. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 4. The final draft is proof read to check that it is completely correct. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 5. The final copy is self assessed using a rubric or checklist based on the requirements of the writing task and the items on the checklist created in Specific Outcome to Identify and collect information needed to write a text specific to a particular function.. UNIT STANDARD ACCREDITATION AND MODERATION OPTIONS This unit standard will be internally assessed by the provider and moderated by a moderator registered by a relevant accredited ETQA. The mechanisms and requirements for moderation are contained in the document obtainable from the framework for assessment and moderation of the SETA concerned. UNIT STANDARD ESSENTIAL EMBEDDED KNOWLEDGE Essential embedded knowledge will be assessed through the specific outcomes in terms of the stipulated assessment criteria. This includes the direct assessment of knowledge. Critical Cross-field Outcomes (CCFO): UNIT STANDARD CCFO IDENTIFYING Make responsible decisions about format, layout and material to be included in the text. Reflect on and explore a variety of strategies to write more effectively for different audiences and purposes. Be culturally and aesthetically sensitive across a range of social contexts in carefully selecting words to create a variety of texts for different audiences and purposes. See the world as a set of related systems in understanding the consequences of non compliance with legislative and sector requirements for specific texts. UNIT STANDARD CCFO ORGANISING Organise and manage his/her own learning activities responsibly and effectively. UNIT STANDARD CCFO COLLECTING (5 of 10)2007/12/20 09:03:20 AM SAQA Collect, organise and critically evaluate information from a variety of technical texts. UNIT STANDARD CCFO COMMUNICATING Communicate effectively using visual, mathematics and language skills in written texts. UNIT STANDARD ASSESSOR CRITERIA It is strongly recommended that this unit standard be integrated with other unit standards wherever learners are required to work with texts specific to a particular function in a business environment. Evidence that the assessment criteria have been demonstrated completely should be included in a portfolio of evidence that will be assessed formatively on completion of each task and summatively on completion of the portfolio for the unit standard. Learners are required to present at least three different texts for a particular function in a business context for this unit standard. QUALIFICATIONS UTILISING THIS UNIT STANDARD: ID Core Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental 49691 48696 48884 50479 48882 48797 35928 58204 58538 49093 QUALIFICATION TITLE LEVEL Further Education and Training Certificate: Human Resources Management and Practices Support Level 4 Registered 2008-0413 National Certificate: Measurement, Control and Instrumentation Level 3 Reregistered 2010-0403 Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC): Community Facilitation in Society and Environment Interactions Level 4 Registered 2008-0209 Further Education and Training Certificate: Advertising Level 4 Registered 2009-0629 Further Education and Training Certificate: Auctioneering Practices Level 4 Reregistered 2010-1030 Further Education and Training Certificate: Beauty Technology Level 4 Reregistered 2010-0515 Further Education and Training Certificate: Business Administration Services Level 4 Reregistered 2010-0123 Further Education and Training Certificate: Cable Jointing and Termination Level 4 Registered 2010-0502 Further Education and Training Certificate: Chemical Operations Level 4 Registered 2010-0627 Further Education and Training Certificate: Child and Youth Care Work Level 4 Reregistered 2010-0918 (6 of 10)2007/12/20 09:03:20 AM STATUS END DATE SAQA Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Further Education and Training Certificate: CNC Production Machining Level 4 Registered 2010-0208 57901 Further Education and Training Certificate: Credit Management Level 4 Registered 2010-0208 49021 Further Education and Training Certificate: Debt Recovery Level 4 Reregistered 2010-1120 57938 Further Education and Training Certificate: Dog Handling Level 4 Registered 2010-0614 Further Education and Training Certificate: Electro-Mechanical Winding Level 4 Registered 2010-1018 Further Education and Training Certificate: Electronic Security Installation Practices Level 4 Registered 2010-0816 Further Education and Training Certificate: Environmental Noise Practice Level 4 Registered 2010-1018 Further Education and Training Certificate: Environmental Practice Level 4 Registered 2009-0420 57806 Further Education and Training Certificate: Exports Level 4 Registered 2010-0221 58880 Further Education and Training Certificate: Fluid Power Level 4 Registered 2010-1128 57712 Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management Level 4 Registered 2009-1116 48741 Further Education and Training Certificate: Hairdressing Level 4 Reregistered 2010-0515 49531 Further Education and Training Certificate: Inclusive Education Level 4 Registered 2009-0629 Further Education and Training Certificate: Inspection and Assessment (Non-Metallics) Level 4 Registered 2008-1130 Further Education and Training Certificate: Laboratory Analysis Level 4 Registered 2010-1018 Further Education and Training Certificate: Leadership Development Level 4 Registered 2008-1130 Further Education and Training Certificate: Lift Installation and Maintenance Level 4 Registered 2010-0502 Further Education and Training Certificate: Long-Term Risk Assessment Level 4 Registered 2008-1012 57885 58861 58697 58801 50309 50021 58952 50081 58275 49529 (7 of 10)2007/12/20 09:03:20 AM SAQA Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental 23656 Further Education and Training Certificate: Management Level 4 Reregistered 2009-0314 Further Education and Training Certificate: Manufacturing Technical Maintenance Level 4 Registered 2009-0209 Further Education and Training Certificate: Medical Claims Assessing Level 4 Registered 2008-0413 Further Education and Training Certificate: Municipal Finance and Administration Level 4 Registered 2009-0629 Further Education and Training Certificate: New Venture Creation (SMME) Level 4 Reregistered 2008-0913 49553 Further Education and Training Certificate: Pipeline Operations Level 4 Registered 2008-1130 50080 Further Education and Training Certificate: Project Management Level 4 Registered 2008-1130 Further Education and Training Certificate: Project Support Services Level 4 Registered 2010-0816 Further Education and Training Certificate: Public Administration Level 4 Registered 2009-1116 Further Education and Training Certificate: Railway Signalling: Fault-finding and Repair of Equipment Level 4 Reregistered 2010-1030 Further Education and Training Certificate: Real Estate Level 4 Registered 2010-1128 Further Education and Training Certificate: Small Business Advising (Information Support) Level 4 Reregistered 2010-1030 Further Education and Training Certificate: Social Housing Supervision Level 4 Further Education and Training Certificate: Social Security Administration Level 4 Reregistered 2010-1030 Further Education and Training Certificate: Specialist Security Practices Level 4 Registered 2009-1116 48399 Further Education and Training Certificate: Sugar Processing Level 4 Reregistered 2010-0515 57428 Further Education and Training Certificate: Youth Development Level 4 Registered 2009-0831 49646 49356 50372 23953 58800 57824 49067 59097 48883 49197 48960 57713 (8 of 10)2007/12/20 09:03:20 AM Passed the End Date 2007-12Status was 02 "Registered" SAQA Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental 14854 National Certificate: Agric Sales and Services Level 4 Reregistered 2008-0913 21791 National Certificate: Contact Centre Operations Level 4 Reregistered 2009-0110 20907 National Certificate: Customer Management Level 4 Reregistered 2008-0913 48640 National Certificate: Financial Services Management Level 4 Reregistered 2010-0123 48493 National Certificate: Financial Services: Wealth Management Level 4 36436 National Certificate: Local Economic Development Level 4 Passed the End Date 2007-02Status was 11 "Registered" Reregistered 2010-0123 National Certificate: Local Employment and Skills Development Practices Level 4 20903 National Certificate: Marketing Communications Level 4 Reregistered 2008-0913 20899 National Certificate: Marketing Management Level 4 Reregistered 2008-0913 20894 National Certificate: Marketing Research Level 4 Reregistered 2008-0913 20884 National Certificate: New Venture Creation (SMME) Level 4 35927 National Certificate: Payroll Administration Services Level 4 24396 National Certificate: Risk Management Level 4 Passed the End Date 2006-10Status was 08 "Registered" 21796 National Certificate: Short Term Insurance Level 4 Passed the End Date 2005-06Status was 12 "Registered" 48736 National Certificate: Small Business Financial Management Level 4 21500 National Certificate: Sport and Fitness Leadership Level 4 Passed the End Date 2005-06Status was 12 "Registered" 20155 National Certificate: Tourism: Guiding Level 4 Passed the End Date 2004-06Status was 13 "Registered" National Certificate: Business Consulting Practice (Enterprise Resource Planning) Level 5 23976 48874 (9 of 10)2007/12/20 09:03:20 AM Passed the End Date 2006-08Status was 13 "Registered" Passed the End Date 2005-04Status was 10 "Registered" Reregistered Reregistered Reregistered 2009-1107 2010-0626 2010-0717 SAQA Fundamental Fundamental Fundamental Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective 48641 National Certificate: Labour Relations Practice Level 5 Reregistered 2010-0123 21792 National Diploma: Contact Centre Management Level 5 Reregistered 2009-0110 National Diploma: Translation Level 5 Reregistered 2010-0717 Further Education and Training Certificate: Long-term Insurance Level 4 Registered 2008-0817 Further Education and Training Certificate: Short Term Insurance Level 4 Registered 2009-0209 Further Education and Training Certificate: Short-Term Risk Management Level 4 Registered 2009-1116 Further Education and Training Certificate: Wealth Management Level 4 Registered 2010-0208 National Certificate: Journalism Level 5 48784 49649 49929 57613 57917 49123 Passed the End Date 2007-10Status was 18 "Registered" All qualifications and unit standards registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. (10 of 10)2007/12/20 09:03:20 AM