Problem 6.3 A coil consists of 100 turns of wire wrapped around a square frame of sides 0.25 m. The coil is centered at the origin with each of its sides parallel to the x- or y-axis. Find the induced emf across the open-circuited ends of the coil if the magnetic field is given by (a) B = ẑ 20e−3t (T) (b) B = ẑ 20 cos x cos 103t (T) (c) B = ẑ 20 cos x sin 2y cos 103t (T) m = 0 V and Solution: Since the coil is not moving or changing shape, Vemf tr . From Eq. (6.6), Vemf = Vemf Vemf = −N d dt ! S B · ds = −N d dt ! 0.125 ! 0.125 −0.125 −0.125 B · (ẑ dx dy), where N = 100 and the surface normal was chosen to be in the +ẑ direction. (a) For B = ẑ20e−3t (T), Vemf = −100 d (20e−3t (0.25)2 ) = 375e−3t dt (V). (b) For B = ẑ20 cos x cos 103t (T), " # ! 0.125 ! 0.125 d 3 Vemf = −100 20 cos 10 t cos x dx dy = 124.6 sin 103t dt x=−0.125 y=−0.125 (c) For B = ẑ20 cos x sin 2y cos 103t (T), " # ! 0.125 ! 0.125 d 3 20 cos 10 t cos x sin 2y dx dy = 0. Vemf = −100 dt x=−0.125 y=−0.125 (kV). Problem 6.5 A circular-loop TV antenna with 0.02-m2 area is in the presence of a uniform-amplitude 300-MHz signal. When oriented for maximum response, the loop develops an emf with a peak value of 30 (mV). What is the peak magnitude of B of the incident wave? Solution: TV loop antennas have one turn. At maximum orientation, Eq. (6.5) ! evaluates to Φ = B · ds = ±BA for a loop of area A and a uniform magnetic field with magnitude B = |B|. Since we know the frequency of the field is f = 300 MHz, we can express B as B = B0 cos (ω t + α0 ) with ω = 2π × 300 × 106 rad/s and α0 an arbitrary reference phase. From Eq. (6.6), Vemf = −N d dΦ = −A [B0 cos(ω t + α0 )] = AB0 ω sin(ω t + α0 ). dt dt Vemf is maximum when sin(ω t + α0 ) = 1. Hence, 30 × 10−3 = AB0 ω = 0.02 × B0 × 6π × 108 , which yields B0 = 0.8 (nA/m). Problem 6.14 The plates of a parallel-plate capacitor have areas of 10 cm2 each and are separated by 2 cm. The capacitor is filled with a dielectric material with ε = 4ε0 , and the voltage across it is given by V (t) = 30 cos 2π × 106t (V). Find the displacement current. Solution: Since the voltage is of the form given by Eq. (6.46) with V0 = 30 V and ω = 2π × 106 rad/s, the displacement current is given by Eq. (6.49): εA V0 ω sin ω t d 4 × 8.854 × 10−12 × 10 × 10−4 =− × 30 × 2π × 106 sin(2π × 106t) 2 × 10−2 = −0.33 sin (2π × 106t) (mA). Id = − Problem 6.16 The parallel-plate capacitor shown in Fig. P6.16 is filled with a lossy dielectric material of relative permittivity εr and conductivity σ . The separation between the plates is d and each plate is of area A. The capacitor is connected to a time-varying voltage source V (t). I A V(t) ε, σ d Figure P6.16: Parallel-plate capacitor containing a lossy dielectric material (Problem 6.16). (a) Obtain an expression for Ic , the conduction current flowing between the plates inside the capacitor, in terms of the given quantities. (b) Obtain an expression for Id , the displacement current flowing inside the capacitor. (c) Based on your expressions for parts (a) and (b), give an equivalent-circuit representation for the capacitor. (d) Evaluate the values of the circuit elements for A = 4 cm2 , d = 0.5 cm, εr = 4, σ = 2.5 (S/m), and V (t) = 10 cos(3π × 103t) (V). Solution: (a) R= d , σA Ic = V VσA = . R d (b) ∂D ∂ E εA ∂V V , Id = · A = εA = . d ∂t ∂t d ∂t (c) The conduction current is directly proportional to V , as characteristic of a resistor, whereas the displacement current varies as ∂ V/∂ t, which is characteristic E= of a capacitor. Hence, R= d σA and C= εA . d I + ε, σ V(t) R Ic Id + C V(t) - - Actual Circuit Equivalent Circuit Figure P6.16: (a) Equivalent circuit. (d) 0.5 × 10−2 = 5 Ω, 2.5 × 4 × 10−4 4 × 8.85 × 10−12 × 4 × 10−4 C= = 2.84 × 10−12 F. 0.5 × 10−2 R= Problem Set 7 Problem 6 Solution a) φ= ! ⃗ = ⃗ dS B. S ! a 2 −a 2 ! a 2 Bz dxdy = −a 2 ! a 2 −a 2 ! a 2 3x2 (y − a)cos(ωt)dxdy = cos(ωt) −a 2 ! #a a a 3a a5 a 1" = 2( )3 (y − a)2 −2 a cos(ωt) = ( )3 [(− )2 − (− )2 ]cos(ωt) = cos(ωt). 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a 2 −a 2 " x3 # a2 −a 2 (y − a)dy Also, dφ ωa5 |= sin(ωt) = 0.314sin(ωt). dt 4 Sign of emf should be set to positive here, so that the induced current I opposes flux Bz . Hence, emf = 0.314sin(ωt). b) ! a2 ! a2 ! ! a2 ! a2 ⃗ = ⃗ dS By dxdz = 8xzdxdz = 0. φ= B. |emf | = | S −a 2 −a 2 −a 2 −a 2 Note that the integral equals zero because xz is an odd function of x/z. As there is no flux going through the loop, emf = 0. c) d emf = − dφ dt ; in a DC problem like this, dt = 0, hence emf = 0. d) ⃗ ⃗ ⃗ ⃗ = dD = ϵ dE => dE = 1 ∇ × B. ⃗ ∇×H dt dt dt µϵ ⃗ = aˆx ( dBz − dBy ) + aˆy ( dBx − dBz ) + aˆz ( dBy − dBx ) = [aˆx (3x2 − 8x) + aˆy (5 − 6x(y − a)) + aˆz 8z]cos(ωt) ∇×B dy dz dz dx dx dy ⃗ 1 dE = [aˆx (3x2 − 8x) + aˆy (5 − 6x(y − a)) + aˆz 8z]cos(ωt) dt µ0 ϵ0 ⃗ = 1 [aˆx (3x2 − 8x) + aˆy (5 − 6x(y − a)) + aˆz 8z]sin(ωt) (V /m) E µ0 ϵ0 ω e) emf m = $ c ⃗ × B| ⃗ ω=0 V ⃗ ⃗ × B). ⃗ dl (V % % aˆx aˆy % % = % 0 1000 % % 5z 8xy aˆz 0 3x2 (y − a) 1 % % % % % = 1000(3x2 )(y − a)aˆx − 5z(1000)aˆz % % emf m = + ! ! a 2 −1000(3x2 )(y − a)|y=a/2,z=0 dx + −a 2 a 2 2 1000(3x )(y − a)|y=a/2,z=0 dx + −a 2 ! ! a 2 5z(1000)|x=−a/2,z=0 dy −a 2 a 2 −5z(1000)|x=a/2,z=0 dy −a 2 ( )a/2 3a a 'a/2 3 + 0 + −1000x (− ) +0 = −1000x (− ) 2 −a/2 2 −a/2 & 3 3a a3 a a3 = −1000(− )( ) + 1000(− )( ) = 250a4 = 250(1 × 10− 2)4 = 2.5 (µV ) 2 4 2 4 2