THE GOLD STANDARD FEE SCHEDULE Effective 24 September 2015 -­‐ All fees quoted in US dollars All applicable fees must be paid before any registration, issuance, PFA or internal validation review will commence. Version 0/1.0 CER/ERU Fee Type Version 1.0 VER Version 2.0 CER/ERU Version 2.0 VER Pre-­‐Feasibility v Assessment Fee vi Version 2.1 i CER/ERU Version 2.1 ii VER Version 2.2 iii CER/ERU Version 2.2 iv VER None $0.10 per credit $0.10 per credit $0.10 per credit $0.30 per credit Issuance Fee $0.10 per credit 1.5% of total volume of net issued CERs $0.30 per credit $0.10 per credit $0.30 per credit None None $0.10 per credit 2% of total 1.5% of total 2% of total 1.5% of total 2% of total 1.5% of total volume of issued volume of net volume of issued volume of net volume of issued volume of net VERs issued CERs VERs issued CERs VERs issued CERs $0.05 per credit, $0.05 per credit, $0.05 per credit, charged upon None charged upon None charged upon None Issuance Issuance Issuance Projects with annual volume of emission reductions of up to 5,000 tCO2 per year: $5,000 Projects with an annual volume of emission reductions of over 5,000 tCO2 per year: $10,000 Share of Proceeds viii Deduction Share of Proceeds Registry Fee Micro-­‐Scale Project Validation Fee Micro-­‐Scale Project ix Verification Fee Micro-­‐Programme Fees (Internal Validation & Verification) Transfer Fee Annual Account x Subscription Fee Methodology Review Additionality Tool Review xi PDD Design Change None $0.10 per credit $0.30 per credit None vii Registration Fee $0.30 per vii credit $0.30 per credit 2% of total volume of issued VERs $0.05 per credit, charged upon Issuance Projects with an annual volume of emission reductions of between 1 – 10,000 tCO2 per year: $2,500 (charged annually) Programme Validation Fee: $20,000 st Individual Validation Fee for 1 VPA submitted with PoA: $2,500 (paid with Programme Validation Fee) Inclusion Fee (subsequent VPAs): $2500 per VPA (Registration Fee at time of inclusion is separate and required) Annual Verification Fee per VPA: $1,500 None $500 per annum, pro-­‐rated from account approval date to end of year Please contact Gold Standard to discuss fees $10,000 plus the cost of 2 external experts $0.10 per credit i Version 2.1 GS CER projects may upgrade to Version 2.2 of The Gold Standard Requirements, but these projects may not choose the Cash-­‐Per-­‐Credit Fee Structure. These GS CER projects must remain with the Share of Proceeds Fee Structure. ii Version 2.1 GS VER projects may upgrade to Version 2.2 of The Gold Standard Requirements, and may choose either the Cash-­‐Per-­‐Credit Fee Structure or Share of Proceeds Fee Structure. iii Version 2.2 CER/ERU projects may choose either the Cash-­‐per-­‐credit or the Share of Proceeds fee structure. If the Share of Proceeds structure is chosen, a Registration Fee will be charged based on the anticipated volume of emission reductions for the first 12 months of the crediting period according to the validated PDD (see footnote 6 below). For subsequent periods, the Share of Proceeds deduction of 1.5% will be applied at Issuance. iv Version 2.2 VER projects may choose either the Cash-­‐per-­‐credit or the Share of Proceeds fee structure. If the Share of Proceeds structure is chosen, a Registration Fee will be charged based on the anticipated volume of emission reductions for the first 12 months of the crediting period according to the validated PDD (see footnote 6 below). For subsequent periods, the Share of Proceeds deduction of 2% will be applied at Issuance. v All retroactive projects that choose Fast Track are exempt from the PFA fee, except for the following project types: (1) retroactive hydropower projects (any size), (2) palm oil mill-­‐related projects, (3) rejected CDM projects and (4) version 2.1 projects (5) hydropower projects more than 20 MW capacity (applies to both regular and retroactive). For Programmes of Activities and micro PoAs, the first retroactive CPA/VPA of a technology or methodology (or combination) with a start date after time of first submission of PoA to Gold Standard will undergo a full PFA and must pay the PFA fee; subsequent similar CPAs/VPAs are exempt from the PFA fee. All must Retroactive VPAs with a start date before time of first submission of PoA to Gold Standard must undergo a full PFA, and cannot be fast-­‐tracked. Any retroactive project that is not Fast Tracked must pay the PFA fee. The PFA fee is based on the average annual volume of emission reductions, and the Pre-­‐Feasibility Assessment will commence upon payment of the fee. If the PFA Fee is underestimated by twenty percent (20%) than the amount in the validated PDD, the difference will be charged before the Registration Review commences. vi The Registration Fee is based on the anticipated volume of emission reductions for the first 12 months of the crediting period according to the validated PDD. The Registration Review will commence upon payment of the Registration Fee. Versions 1.0, 2.0, and 2.2 projects under the Share of Proceeds fee structure are subject to a Registration Fee, therefore, upon Issuance, credits will not be deducted for the first 12 months of the crediting period. However, if the issuance volume for the first 12 months of the crediting period is greater than the volume used for calculating the Registration Fee, then the project developer must pay the balance fees upon Issuance. vii Each CPA/VPA of a Programme of Activities, apart from those under Gold Standard Version 2.1, must pay the registration fee, as advance of first issuance, at the time of inclusion. viii The volume of CERs to be GS-­‐Labeled is calculated after the deduction of the requisite number of CERs for the CDM Adaptation Fund. For versions 1.0 and 2.0 projects, the Share of Proceeds deduction is applicable only to projects that have voluntarily converted to the Share of Proceeds structure. All Version 1.0 or Version 2.0 projects can at any time upgrade to the Share of Proceeds Fee Structure by submitting the Amended Cover Letter to The Gold Standard. For GS CER projects only, upgrading is final and irreversible. ix For Micro-­‐scale projects that applied under the Community Focused Micro-­‐scale Scheme between 1 May 2010 and 31 December 2011, the Internal Verification Fee will only be payable after issuance. However, the $2,500 annual fee will continue to accrue whether or not there is a request for issuance in a given year. x Fee waived for Project Developers and Auditors. xi Fee is calculated per credit for the difference between one year of average annual emissions reductions claimed in the original PDD and one year of average annual emissions reductions claimed in the revised PDD. In the event there is no change in the annual emission reductions or the difference is lower, then The Gold Standard will levy a minimum charge of USD $500. The Design Change Review will commence upon payment of Design Change Fees.