Term 3 Week 3 Freshwater State School th 23/15 Principal Ms Vicki Sparkes Deputy Principal Mr Bob Lowth Miss Martina Leiter Business Services Manager Mrs Anne Carson Administration Officers Mrs Jean Duncan Mrs Kathy Smyth Guidance Officer Jane Brentnall – (Mon, Tue & Fri) ABSENCES 4058 9260 EMAIL absences@freshwaterss.eq.edu.au SCHOOL 4058 9222 OFFICE HOURS 8:15am - 3:30pm SCHOOL WEBSITE www.freshwaterss.eq.edu.au GENERIC EMAIL the.principal@freshwaterss.eq.edu.au NEWSLETTER EMAIL newsletter@freshwaterss.eq.edu.au SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Mon – Fri 8:15am – 3:30pm UNIFORM SHOP HOURS Tuesday 8:30 – 9am Thursday 8:30 – 9am OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE 4058 0252 EMAIL oshckids@bigpond.net.au FRESHWATER P&C OFFICE 4055 2946 EMAIL freshwaterpandc@bigpond.com SCHOOL DENTIST CAIRNS NTH 4226 4702 SCHOOLWATCH 13 17 88 DATES TO REMEMBER 29 July 8 Aug 31 July 24-28 Aug 18 Sep 6 Oct 11 Dec Limberlost Café performance FSS FETE DAY – 3pm Yr 6 CIAF Tour Book Week Last day of Term 3 First day of Term 4 Last day of school year 28 July 2015 FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Senior Playground I love the new playground installed by the P&C and so do our students. We have needed to set a roster for year levels as we can’t all fit on it at the same time. I have been out in the playground a lot this week to help with the excitement of accessing the new playground. Please remember that this equipment was designed for older students and is not suitable for junior school students. We do not allow the big kids to take over the junior equipment as it is designed for smaller students. I have come across a few students forgetting our school processes. Please discuss these with your child. • Students are not allowed on playground equipment before school. • Students need to be supervised by their parent if playing on equipment after school. • Students leave equipment when the Outside School Hours Care bell rings (usually 3:15-3:20pm). • Students wear hats to access outside play. • Students eat food in the Canopy or Undercover area, not in the playground. Mobile phones & electronic devices Please remember that there is a school wide ban on personal use of these devices at school. Students should not have mobile phones at school. If they are required to bring a phone to school then it must be switched off and signed in at the Administration Office in the morning and signed out at the end of the school day. This policy was passed by staff and P&C in 2010 and is our current stance. Staff cannot guarantee the security of phones or electronic devices that are kept in school bags. These devices are distracters in class so are not allowed in classrooms. They can also be used inappropriately in the playground. Previously, I had one female student photographing students without their permission and displaying the less flattering photos. As this is a severe breach of our code of behaviour and a form of bullying, these devices are not allowed in the playground. I appreciate that students do need to contact home if they have extended bus travel or are involved in afterschool activities. I would like to ensure that their phones or electronic devices are safe but not interfering with school. Attendance Attendance is still a big issue for our school. If your student is sick, it is important to contact the school by note or phone call to notify of illness. There are various bugs going around, but unless you contact the school, we are unaware if students are sick or playing! If students are not sick, then they need to be at school. Students that miss too many days from school lose the continuity of their educational program. Then they don’t want to come to school because the work is too hard. It is important to come every day. From Thursday, I will be away for a week with the Queensland Schools U12 Girls Hockey team. They will be playing against the other states in Perth. Mr Lowth will be Acting Principal while I am away. He will be working from his usual desk so please contact him if you have concerns while I am away. Have a great week! Vicki Sparkes LOTE CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to the following students who participated in the Languages Speaking th Competition (Japanese) today, Tuesday 28 July. Melissa Webb Lucinda Ericson Sho Maruyama Jessica Clarke Pia Fehlberg Carol Guerra Poppy Cahill Carmen Haug Sana Ito Pushenjak Dylan McCartney Dylan Northcott Lyon Price They performed so well and many teachers complimented them on their effort, pronunciation and behaviour throughout the day. Well done to Lyon Price who came first in the background speakers’ section for Year 4 & 5 students. Certificates will be handed out to these people on parade once they are sent to the school. Thank you also to the parents who attended and helped with transporting students to and from the competition. Well done everyone! Mrs Fulwood Email: newsletter@freshwaterss.eq.edu.au School Phone Number: 4058 9222 FRESHIE ‘BUTTERFLY WINGS’ COMMENCING FRIDAY 7th AUGUST Did you know that traditional nursery rhymes and songs are the building blocks for language and literacy learning and development? The Butterfly Wings Child Parent Program is a group learning experience for parents/carers and children (2-5 years) focusing on the pleasure and power of using nursery rhymes, interactive songs and stories together. You are invited to attend — Where: Library Conference Room (please enter through the door closest to the school office building). When: On Fridays, starting 7th August from 9:00am to 10:30am. What to bring: You and your child/children (1-2 per family) and a healthy snack for your child. Cost: FREE What Happens At Butterfly Wings Each group of parents and children meets once per week. Parents and children learn nursery rhymes, songs and simple stories together improving language and vocabulary, early literacy, early numeracy, emotional intelligence and developing social and resilience skills. Both returning and new families are welcome. If you need more information please see Neree in PNM. GOOD LUCK CHRISTOPHER! Good Luck to Christopher Fry who is representing Freshwater SS at the Challenge Games in Townsville this week. Have fun Christopher! CONGRATULATIONS The following students have received a Merit Award (left 2 columns) for Good Behaviour and/or Academic Achievement and Tough Cookie Award (right 2 columns). Merit Awards Tough Cookie Awards PAM Carisse B PKW Noah G PAM Billie M PKW Chloe C PNM Dom H PRW Kody B PNM Felix J PRW Violet E 1EH Freya S 1GW Shina B & Ghalia K 1EH Will P 1GW Yalena GH 1MD Ellie H 1SB Tayson O 1MD Grace E 1SB Grace M 2CG Soraya N 2DO Mathew C 2CG Charlie I 2DO Ben W 2RO Alice E 2AS Hugo M 2RO Tyler D 2AS Ellie R 2AY Abigail L 3AM Maddix S 2AY Aiden M 3AM Keera F 3JR Emma L 3NT James H 3SS Madison V 4KW Dinil B 3SS Joshua W 4KW Ra F 4LD Meg G 4NS Tomos O 4LD Kira A 4NS Ben C 5JP Jett B 5SW Poppy R 5JP Declan O 5SW Samantha R 5PG Lyon P 5SM Chloe M 5PG Paityne B 5SM Kyle M 6JD Jordan L 6BU Kira Y 6JD Jesse C 6BU Oliver M PE Aleece B – 2DO LOTE Crystal R – 4SG PE Preston B – 3 LOTE Jake GH – 3JR 3NT Tom C PREP ENROLMENTS FOR 2016 st th Do you have a younger sibling due to enrol in Prep next year? Children born between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2011 are eligible for Prep in 2016. Please complete an enrolment form (available from the school office or www.freshwaterss.eq.edu.au) as soon as possible and return it to the office. Birth certificate and immunisation records must be produced. PLACES AVAILABLE TO LEARN A BAND INSTRUMENT - MR FOX Recently 3 instruments have become available and I have the space to start a beginners group. I am looking th for interested students in Year 5 or taller Year 4 children to come forward for tryouts on Wednesday 5 August, first lunch in Week 4. If you would like the opportunity of trying out, please email jfox30@eq.edu.au by Friday of this week. Instruments available: They are all large instruments and require students with average to above average height. 2x Tenor Saxophone 1x Bass Clarinet BAND PERFORM @ LIMBERLOST TOMORROW MORNING Reminder to families and friends about our performance tomorrow. th When: Wednesday 29 July from 8:15 – 8:45am Where: On the deck @ Vines Café Café open for business (please support our friends who support us). Jason Fox, Instrumental Music Teacher School Phone Number: 4058 9222 Email: newsletter@freshwaterss.eq.edu.au RESULTS FROM PLANT FREE DRESS DAY Many thanks to our FSS families for supporting our Free Dress Day last week. As well as a huge array of plants brought in, we also had $288.35 donated to put towards the fete. Thank you to the students for remembering to dress SunSmart. STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT Statements are being posted home this week and we advise that Levy amounts still outstanding are now overdue. Please arrange payment in full ASAP or alternatively organise an appointment with the Principal to discuss a payment plan. LOTE Natsuyasumi – Summer Holiday. Between 21st July and 31st August, school children in Japan have summer holidays. This is typically the rainy season, similar to January - February in Cairns. During this period there are summer festivals all over Japan, and families may visit the beach, or go to the mountains in search of cooler weather. Students will also usually have summer holiday homework to do, and may have to participate in school club activities. FUSION TENNIS SCHOOL CHALLENGE Last Sunday the third round on the Fusion Tennis School Challenge was held at Freshwater Tennis Club. Congratulations to Sergio Debuque, Max Carpenter, Dylan Northcott, William, Matilda and Angus Cleland, Silas Gregory, Bianca Poropat, Katie Massaso, Stevie Moore, Ava and Dylan Bramham-Whyte, Jorgie Rainbird, Robert Fitton and Aidan Firman for representing th Freshwater SS so well at this event. Freshwater was placed 4 overall. Our students played with great sportsmanship against students from TAS, Caravonica, Redlynch, St. Andrews, Holy Cross, Mother of Good Counsel and Trinity Beach. Well done to our tennis representatives. th The next School Challenge is Sunday 16 August from 9am at Trinity Beach Tennis Club. Anyone can join in and play for our school – no experience necessary! Mrs Knight SCHOOL HOOPS @ FRESHWATER – Still a few vacancies Cam Tragardh and Alex Loughton from the Cairns Taipans have developed ‘School Hoops’ - an after school Basketball program. They will commence their 8 week program in the Canopy from th 3–4pm this Thursday 30 July. The cost is $80 which needs to be paid before the program begins. The program is limited to 30 students from Prep to Year 6, so first in first best dressed! Please see Mrs Knight for further information and collect an application form from the Office. MONSTER RAFFLE TICKETS Let’s make 2015 a record year for ticket sales. With such great prizes these tickets practically sell themselves! Please return all sold ticket stubs and money to the office. If you are unable to sell your tickets please return them ASAP to the office as we have families wanting additional books of tickets to sell. The school is accountable for each and every ticket, so it is important that you return sold and/or unsold tickets to the office. Thank you. CRAFT STALL - Handmade Lap Quilt We have a beautiful lap quilt displayed in the office foyer donated to our Craft Stall by Pam Moore. Tickets are just $1 each. Good luck! Margo Gadd & Sue Wilson 5SW EARN & LEARN It's back! Woolworths Earn & Learn. Freshwater State School has benefited enormously from this fundraiser in the past and it’s simple to participate. Our Student Council is collecting the “Earn and Learn” stickers from Woolworths. This is a great promotion for those families that shop at Woolworths as the student council is able to trade stickers for school resourcesmicroscopes, maths blocks, reading resources, consumables, calculators ……….If you shop at Woolworths, please ask for the stickers. Anyone from our school community who shops at Woolworths can collect stickers to place on sticker sheets. They'll get one sticker for every $10 they spend. Once they complete their sticker sheets collect them up and bring them to class for collection by our student council members. Sticker sheets are available from your child’s classroom or you can print them off the website at woolworths.com.au/earnandlearn Please return full sheets or stickers to your child’s class or the “Earn and Learn” box in the office. School Phone Number: 4058 9222 Email: newsletter@freshwaterss.eq.edu.au EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Parent/Caregiver Representative Cairns Special School Stakeholder Reference Group Location Cairns, Far North Queensland Role Type Voluntary, Part-time, Temporary Duration August 2015 – December 2016 th Closing Date Friday 7 August, 2015 Contact Vicki Hartley, Education Advisor Expressions of interest are sought for the voluntary position of Parent/Caregiver Representative on the Cairns Special School Stakeholder Reference Group. This role is part-time and temporary. The successful applicant will represent the interests of parents/caregivers and students at approximately four meetings per year until the opening of the school in January 2017. A P&C will be established for the school in October 2016. How to apply Applicants are required to submit the following by email: A statement outlining your interest in and suitability for this position (maximum 1 page) Contact details of two referees To submit an application or for further information regarding this position, please contact: Vicki Hartley, Education Advisor, Far North Queensland Regional Office E: Vicki.Hartley@dete.qld.gov.au T: 4037 3921 PARENTING IDEAS Do you let your kids amaze you? By Michael Grose, Director Parentingideas 2015 “I'm amazed at what children CAN do when given the opportunity and encouragement. I love the pride, confidence and sense of purpose/ pleasure in contributing, each new skill achieved brings. The smiles are awesome too.” A mother left this comment on our Facebook page recently in response to our post: “What would be the impact if you did less, not more for your children?” Lovely answer! It got me thinking that the joy that this mother took from watching her children develop independence was no accident. Her parenting style played a large role in her children’s independence. All power to her and her parenting style! I’ve long believed that adults are the gatekeepers for children’s independence. We open the gate to independence when we give children opportunities to develop self-help skills (carry their own schoolbags, get themselves up in the morning, tidy their own rooms); provide them with real responsibility (feeding pets, setting the meal table and preparing meals) and give them autonomy to make some of their own decisions (choosing clothes within limits, following own interests, making choices about pocket-money spending). We close the independence gate when we do too much for children (tidy their toys away, pack their schoolbags, make simple snacks); rescue them from learning opportunities (take forgotten lunches to school, sort out their friendship problems, pay their library fines) and neglect to build scaffolds to independence (such as help them make their bed, walk half way to school, teach them to ride public transport). It’s a quirk of parenting that many children think they are older than they are, and parents think their children are younger than they are. We underestimate children’s abilities to the detriment of their development. Are you an opener or closer of the gate to children’s independence? Think of independence as a continuum with opening the gate and closing the gate at either end. If your parenting is more at the closing end then look for ways to move down the continuum towards independence building. My advice is to make small adaptations to your parenting. For instance, start with a child making their own snacks before moving to helping you to prepare a meal. But first you need to develop a mindset for independence building. That means, be on the lookout for opportunities for children to do things for themselves. As many readers will know I firmly believe that the job of parents is to make ourselves redundant from the earliest possible age of a child’s life. That means, that our interactions with kids have an endgame in mind – we want our kids to be able to stand on their own two feet physically (Don’t we get a kick out of them walking for the first time!), emotionally (with support, of course) and to navigate their world without being reliant on others. There is no better feeling as a parent than watching your child beam with joy and pride when they’ve mastered a new skill, overcome a challenge or conquered a fear. It’s those times that make parenting so worthwhile. Those awesome smiles won’t happen by accident. They require a parenting style that gives kids a chance to be independent; that encourages them to be brave and offers them the safety net of emotional support when life throws them curve balls. Why not try it? Give your kids a chance to amaze you. If the idea of promoting real independence in kids enthuses you then join me at Parentingideas Club where week in and week out I’ll show you how to raise kids that will amaze you. Find out more Email: newsletter@freshwaterss.eq.edu.au School Phone Number: 4058 9222 GENERAL NOTICES RAISING RESILIENT TEENAGERS What: Free online program empowering parents to make sense of adolescence & parent their teenager more confidently Who: Seeking English speaking parent/guardians of child/ren 12-15yrs with internet access Register: www.parentingstrategies.net/depression.brief.intervention or for further details contact the researchers at medparentingstrategies@monash.edu or call 03 9905 1250 BRINGING UP GREAT KIDS What: 4wk course to help overcome some of the obstacles getting in the way of being the parent you want to be Where: UnitingCare Community, 98 Birch St, Manunda When: Mondays 10th August to 31st August from 9:30am to 12pm Cost: Free (child minding not available) Contact: 4050 4955 (booking essential) JCU OPEN DAY 2015 Where: JCU Cairns Campus When: Sunday 23rd August from 11am to 3pm HOLY CROSS PARISH CATHOLIC RECONCILIATION PROGRAM Not too late – Reconciliation Parent Evening was held on Tuesday 28th July, at St Andrew’s College, Intake Rd, Redlynch. On Tuesday evening, a Parents Evening was held for Catholic children in Year 3 & above, who wished to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation this year. If you were not able to attend this meeting and you still want your child to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please give me your email or postal address, & I will send you an enrolment form. A copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate must be handed in with Enrolment Form OR Baptisms can be arranged by phoning the Parish Office. REMEMBER children need to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation this year (2015), if they want to receive Sacraments of Confirmation & First Holy Communion next year (2016). Thresea Jankowski, State School RI Coordinator Mobile 0418 184 800 Email: mjankowski@cns.catholic.edu.au HELP, I’VE GOT A TEENAGER! What: 6wk course to help build a better relationship with your teen Where: UnitingCare Community, 188 Aumuller St, Bungalow When: Tuesdays 11th August to 15th September from 5:30pm to 8pm Cost: $60 per participant or parent couple, inc. handouts, tea/coffee Contact: 4050 4955 CAIRNS FAMILY BIKE RIDE What: To Raise awareness & funds for the Declan Crouch Fund When: Sunday 23rd August from 6:30am Where: Sound Shell, Fogarty Park, Cairns Esplanade Who: Family registrations from 8am. Adult Cyclists from 6:30am Major prize for highest fund raiser. Register: www.familybikeride.org.au SPECIAL FAMILY SCREENING ‘INSIDE OUT’ TO SUPPORT FNQ HOSPITAL FOUNDATION When: Sunday August 2nd @ 10am Where: Event Cinemas Cairns City, Grafton St What: Movie ‘Inside Out’. Your donation will support Cardiac Challenge Cairns to Cooktown Bike Ride. Tickets limited. RSVP: rsvp_cardiac@hotmail.com CAIRNS BMX ‘COME N TRY DAY’ Where: Cairns BMX, Scott St, Cairns When: August 1st from 12-4pm Bring: Bike, helmet, gloves, enclosed shoes, long pants & long sleeve shirt Contact: 4031 2728 or check out their Facebook page GIRL GUIDES Girls between 5-17yrs can become a Girl Guide. Girls in Guiding achieve goals, improve communities & grow in confidence. Guiding is for adults as well Any woman 18yrs & older who is prepared to make the Guide Promise can be an adult member. Take advantage of the personal & professional development opportunities that Guiding offers. Develop skills in areas such as leadership, event planning, advocacy, communications & more. To Begin Your Adventure Contact: Melanie 0416 041 510 or email melpor26@gmail.com NEWS FROM FRESHIE CAFÉ Hello from Di & Manfred Thank you to Jenny and Tomoko for their assistance last week. Parents – please remember to place a spoon in your child’s lunch box if they have something that requires a spoon. Treat of the week: Cheese Sticks ············· 3 for $1.00 Have a great week and happy tuckshopping Di Chattington and Manfred Richter BIG ‘KIDS’ AT PLAY! Trying out the NEW Upper School Fitness Adventure Playground This week students from all the upper school classes have been treated to new playground equipment. It was a great surprise to arrive back from holidays to find the fabulous new challenges in our playground. Mrs Knight has been busy demonstrating safe strategies for its use and it seems she too has had a good time testing her balance and fitness! We would like to thank everyone who helped with its installation. We have ALL enjoyed scrambling, climbing, balancing, and viewing the spectacular sites from top! b Y 6 Freshie Fete News Saturday, 8 August 2015 Dear Dads & Mums, There is only 11 days left until the fete and we are in great need of some help: Equipment Team (just an hour or two between 8am—10am/7pm—9pm Saturday and 8am—11am Sunday) PLEASE call Julie 0421 245 126 or email jmiller@ecocivilsolutions.com.au Parking Attendants (2.30pm-4.00pm 3 volunteers for 30 minutes 28 July — Issue 8 Japanese Stall We need lots of volunteers to roll sushi on the morning of the Fete between 9am—12noon at OSHC. If you can help please contact Miyuki Hardes on 0422 100 995 or email: abmiyuki24@gmail.com — each) PLEASE call Karen 0438 748 986. "ALL FAMILIES - PLEASE BAKE" Big donations of clothes, books and treasures are down this year so we have decided to extend the drop off time until this Friday, 31 July to the P & C Office. Thanks to our quiet achiever and prize finder extraordinaire, Linden Parsons, the Silent Auction is back on!! Here are just some of the great gifts up for grabs: Tablet donated by Crisci family, Wine Basket - Wine Tradition NQ, Cricket Bag AutoBarn $100, Shirts North $200 voucher, Ochre $80 voucher, Rising Sun $100 Voucher, Hair Creations Redlynch Gift Pack, La Fettacina $ 50 voucher, Ma Coco $50 voucher, and Lime Tree $60 voucher. It's time to find your favourite recipes and bake. Cupcakes, biscuits, cakes and slices will all be gratefully accepted at the Cupcake Stall (located under the Canopy) on fete day. Please refer to the following food safety factsheet http://www.health.qld.gov.au/ foodsafety/documents/fs-4-hygiene.pdf Please provide a list of all ingredients used, and avoid using cream, custard, strawberries and nuts. Please also consider glutenfree and dairy-free baking. Together we can make the Cupcake/Home-baked Stall a great success for 2015! Keep informed with our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/979095212109441/ Cake Stall On Monday the eldest child from each family will receive a cake box to take home and decorate. There will be a competition on the day of the fete for the best decorated boxes with wonderful prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in each year level . The prize for first place for each year level is a Double pass to the Jump Mania opening party!!! In many families more than one child will want to enter the competition, so please collect extra boxes from the front office, remembering that each decorated box must have a home-baked cake inside. For the box to enter the competition there must be a home-baked cake placed in the box. A beautiful "Michelle Foord Cake" will be raffled at the cake stall. Tickets are available now at the front office between 8am- 9am for $1 each! Freshie Fete patrons are in for a real treat this year. The fabulous staff at Sipping Duck Coffee Roasters have not only kindly donated their very special coffee to sell at this year’s Tea & Coffee Stall, they are also bringing their own equipment and barista!! An enormous thank you to Sipping Duck Coffee Roasters, Stratford, we can’t wait for a fabulous coffee!. Wonderfair: Freshie Fete ride tickets are now available from the school office from 8am—9am. CASH ONLY Note: Tickets sold separately for the Octopus Ride. Sponsors Freshie families, please support our fabulous sponsors of the Freshie Fete 2015 Keep informed with our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/979095212109441/