PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/07) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF THESIS/ UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT PAPER AND COPYRIGHT Author's full name: MOHD DINILHAQ BINSAHBUDIN Date of birth 2 NOYEMBER 1986 Title AUTOMATIC QUAIL EGGS INCUBATOR Academic Session: 2009120102 I declare that this thesis is classified as : D D [IJ CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential Act 1972)* RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organisation where research was done) * OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as on line open access (full text) I acknowledged information under the Official Secret that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows: 1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purpose of research only. 3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic exchange. Certified by : L~ ~-TU-R-E----- DR. MUHAMMAD NASIR BIN IBRAHIM 861102-38-5963 (NEW le NO./PASSPORT Date: NOTES 30 APRIL2010 * NO.) NAME Of SUPERVISOR Date: 30 APRIL2010 If the thesis is CONFIDENTIALor RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the orqonisotion with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction. "I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in term of scope and q4ality for tre 'fW~4 of'the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical- Electronics)". 1\ q 1 ~, !, StgQ~tHre Name of Supervisor : Pflte , t' ' , ........ ~~.~ ,2 . ..P~:.~.~~~.B.~~~I~.~~.!!~~~M .. M.R.l.l:,~Q.\Q , " "., ,.•....... ,.!' .. AUTOMATIC QUAIL EGGS INCUBATOR MOHD DINIL HAQ BIN SAHBUDIN A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical – Electronics) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL 2010 ii I declare that this thesis entitled "Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator" is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. This thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature. :.~ .Name : ~..QHP..P.lliI~J::!b:Q.~lli..§t.JI~Y.Plli Date : .AP.R.lL.Z010 . \' ::::::. .= . . . iii Dedicated to my beloved parent, Sahbudin bin Hj. Ismail & Maini bt. Kamal Thank you for your support and love to guide me through this thesis. My grandmother, Hjh. Limah bt. Donik Thank you for your loving and praying. My siblings; My brothers M. Fikhrul Hasani, M. Amni Fida’ey and M. DhiyaulHaziq & my sisters Siti Nurul Hasanah, Siti Azimatun Husna and Nazhatul Suhanis Hoping that you will be successful in whatever field you are involved in and may Allah bless all of you. My friends in university; M. Fandy Ya Rahim, M. Yazif Jamaludin and M. Zuhairi Ismail Without you and your strength this project would not be completed. I appreciate all support and confidence I gained and I learned from you. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT As my first individual project, this project would not have been possible without considerable guidance and support. I would like to knowledge those who have enable me to complete this work and my years of graduate study. To Dr. Muhammad Nasir bin Ibrahim, my supervisor, I am deeply indebted. Here, I would like to grab this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to him for guidance, motivation, inspiration, encouragement and advice throughout the duration of completing this project. My sincere appreciation also extends to my entire course mates who have provided assistance at various occasions. Not forgetting my fellow friends, who shared a lot technical knowledge with me, encourage me to seek for more knowledge and providing me some troubleshooting tips. Last but not least, to my beloved family members who have always been there to encourage, comfort and give fullest support when I most need them. v ABSTRACT The automated quail eggs incubator system is designed to reduce abnormal quails and to reduce the risk of damage eggs caused by uncertain environment. The principle of Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) is used to manipulate the temperature in the incubator, then, regulate the system at specific temperature. The measured temperature will be processed by using an embedded system, which controls the overall system. The system is also equipped with security system to alert the user on the system error. This system will take 17 days to hatch eggs by controlling the heating bulb. This system consists of a moving floor to rotate the eggs to avoid the embryo adhere on the shell. The system is an automated system, easy to handle and at low cost, thus, it achieve the objective of the automatic quail eggs incubator. vi ABSTRAK Sistem pengeraman telur puyuh secara automatik direka untuk mengurangkan penetasan anak puyuh yang cacat dan mengurangkan risiko kerosakan telur puyuh yang disebabkan perubahan cuaca yang tidak menentu. Prinsip Penukar Analog ke Digit (ADC) digunakan dalam system ini untuk memanipulasi suhu yang diukur dalam peti pengeraman, kemudian mengekalkan system tersebut kepada suhu yang telah ditetapkan. Suhu yang telah diukur akan diproses menggunakan system terbenam , yang mana ia mengawal keseluruhan system penetasan tersebut. System ini turut disertakan dengan system keselamatan untuk membri isyarat amaran kepada pengguna tentang ralat pada system. System ini mengambil masa selama 17 hari untuk proses penetasan dengan mengawal kepanasan lampu. Sistem ini terdiri daripada lantai bergerek utuk memutar telur supaya embrio tidak melekat pada selaput tulur. System ini adalah system automatik, mudah selia dan murah, dengan demikian, matlamat penghasilan peti penetasan telur puyuh automatic tercapai. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE DECLARATION DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT ABSTRAK TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF APPENDICES 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Studies 1.2 Problem Statement 1.3 Objective 1.4 Scope of the Project 1.4.1 Temperature Sensor 1.4.2 Microcontroller 1.4.3 Light Bulb 1.4.4 Cooling Fans 1.4.5 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Screen 1.4.6 Push Button Switch 1.4.7 Red Bulb 1.4.8 Buzzer 1.4.9 ON / OFF Switch 2 LITERATURE REVIEWS 2.1 PIC16877A Microcontroller 2.1.1 Analog-To-Digital Converter (A/D) Module 2.2 The Single Pole Double Throw Relay 2.3 LM35 2.3.1 Features of LM35 2.4 Direct Current Motor 2.4.1 Basic DC Motor Operation PAGE ii iii iv v vi vii ix x xii xiii 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 viii 2.5 2.6 2.7 3 4 5 Voltage Regulator Mikroelektronika@mikroC The Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator Versus the Others Eggs Incubator. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Project Descriptions 3.1.1 Block Diagram Descriptions 3.2 Software Development 3.2.1 Design Procedures 3.2.2 Software Tool 3.3 Hardware Implementation 3.3.1 12V DC Motor Circuit 3.3.2 LCD Display 3.3.3 Light Bulb Circuit 3.3.4 Fan, Red Bulb and Buzzer Circuit. 3.3.5 Switch Circuit 3.3.6 Voltage Regulator 3.3.7 LM35 Circuit 20 20 21 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 4.2 12 V DC Motor 4.3 LM35 4.4 7805 Positive Voltage Regulator 35 35 36 38 38 4.5 39 Cost CONCLUSION 5.1 Project Conclusion 5.2 Project Limitations and Future Recommendations 15 16 18 41 41 42 REFERENCES 44 Appendices A 46 ix LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. Table 1.1 Table 2.1 Table 3.1 Table 4.1 Table 4.2 TITLE Hatching Time Table Eggs Incubator Features PIC16F877A pins configuration LCD’s Output Cost an Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator PAGE 2 18 23 36 39 x LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. Figure 2.1 TITLE a) Schematic for an SPDT Relay PAGE 10 b) SPDT Relay Figure 2.2 a) Metal Can Package 11 b) Small Outline Molded Package c) TO-92 Plastic Package d) TO-220 Plastic Package Figure 2.3 a) Magnetic diagram that explains the operation of a DC 13 motor. The rotating magnet moves clockwise because like poles repel b) The rotating magnet is being attracted because the poles are unlike. c) The rotating magnet is now shown as the armature coil, and its polarity is determined by the brushes and commutator segments. Figure 2.4 a) LM78XX positive voltage regulator. 16 b) LM78XX circuit schematic. Figure 2.5 mikroC IDE 16 Figure 3.1 Block Diagram 21 Figure 3.2 PIC16F877A pins schematic 23 Figure 3.3 Flow Chart of the Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator System 24 xi Figure 3.4 MicroC Software Tool 26 Figure 3.5 12V DC Motor Circuit Schematic 27 Figure 3.6 LCD Pin Assignment 28 Figure 3.7 LCD to Microcontroller Connection 29 Figure 3.8 Light Bulb Circuit Schematic 29 Figure 3.9 a) Fan Circuit Schematic 30 b) Red Bulb Circuit Schematic c) Buzzer Circuit Schematic. Figure 3.10 a) Picture of The Push Button 31 b) Switch Circuit Schematic Figure 3.11 a) LM7805 Voltage Regulators 32 b) Voltage Regulator Circuit Schematic Figure 3.12 a) Bottom View of LM35 33 b) LM35 Circuit Design c)LM35 Temperature Sensor Figure 3.13 LM35 Circuit Schematic 34 Figure 4.1 12V DC motor circuit configuration 37 Figure 4.2 Full-Range Centigrade Temperature Sensor Circuit. 38 xii LIST OF ABRREVIATIONS HIGH, high - 2.0V to 5.5V LOW, low - 0V to 1.9V SPDT - Single Pole Double Throw UTM - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia FKE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering F - Farad A - Ampere LCD - Liquid Crystal Display DC - Direct Current AC - Alternate Current PIC - Programmable Interface Controller ADC, A/D - Analog to Digital Converter N.C. - Normally Close N.O. - Normally Open VSS, Vss - Negative supply, ground VDD, Vdd - Positive supply voltage xiii LIST OF APPENDIX APPENDIX A TITLE Programming for the Project PAGE 45 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Malaysia is still a net food importer and has never achieved a food trade balance surplus. Realizing the opportunity and potential for the development of this sector, an improved eggs incubator system needs to be designed. Automatic quail eggs incubator is an effective artificial intelligence algorithm with temperature sensor to measure the current temperature in the incubator, then, the temperature is regulated at the specific temperature using the microcontroller. A buzzer and a red bulb are used to alert the user on the system error if the temperature in the incubator below or exceed the specified temperatures. 1.1 Background Studies The automatic quail eggs incubator takes 17 days to hatch the eggs at 38 degree Celsius. The eggs rotational is significant for the first 15 days of the hatching process to 2 ensure the embryo not adhere on the shell. However, to optimize the hatching process, the rotational eggs are not necessary anymore after the 15th days of hatching process. The automatic quail eggs incubator will constantly monitor and maintain the temperature in the incubator to ensure it remains at the preset temperature. The monitoring system uses a temperature sensor to read the temperature in the incubator. Then, the sensor provides an input to the microcontroller to compares the measured values with the preset values. The microcontroller will control the operating of lightbulb, fans and DC motor. Table 1.0 shows the time taken and the suitable temperature for hatching the quail eggs [4]. The red bulb will blinking and the buzzer will turn on continuously if the temperature below or exceed from the preset value to alert the user on the system error. Table 1.1: Hatching Time Table [4]. Quail Pigeon Hen Duck Peacock Turkey Hatching period 17 17 21 35-37 28-30 28 Temperature (°C) 38 38 38 38 37.2 37.2 Temperature (F) 100 100 100 100 100 99 15 15 18 31 25 25 Turn off DC motor at (day) 3 1.2 Problem Statement According to speech release by secretary general Ministry of Agriculture & Agro-based Industry “Malaysia though blessed with fertile soil, abundant rainfall and suitable climate for food production is still a net food importer and has never achieved a food trade balance surplus. Realizing the opportunity and potential for the development of this sector, the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry was entrusted with the responsibility to develop the agro food sector into a competitive entity and contribute significantly to national income. Efforts in transforming the sector is indeed a Herculean task as it involve not only a change from traditional farming methods to advance and modern farming methods but also entails the need for a mindset leap among the community from the old stigma of agriculture being a backward and low skills activity” [5]. Alternatively, the Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator is designed to improve the available eggs incubator in order to change the traditional farming methods to advance and modern farming methods. Besides, by introducing the automatic quail eggs incubator may help our country achieve a food trade balance surplus. Other reason is to change the mindset among community the old stigma of agriculture being a backward and low skills activity. 1.3 Objective The project focuses on the three main objectives. The first objective of this project is to create an automatic quail eggs incubator system that can helps the user to reduce number of abnormal quails. The second objective is to design an eggs incubator at low cost and easy to handle. The third objective is to design an incubator system that equipped with an error detection system. 4 1.4 Scope of the Project The automated quail eggs incubator system is combining of hardware part and programming part. This subtopic will discuss about the project’s requirements in order to provide the system operate automatically. 1.4.1 Temperature Sensor This sensor is used to measure the surrounding temperature and then send the measured values to the microcontroller. The chosen of the right temperature sensor is importance in order to provide the accurate measurement. This is because the temperature is the most significant element in hatching process. 1.4.2 Microcontroller The microcontroller, PIC16F877A, is needed to make conversion the analog signal of the temperature to digital signal. The conversion process is significant to ensure the microcontroller manipulate the temperature variable in order to control the overall system. The PIC16F877A is programmed in C language. 5 1.4.3 Light Bulb This device is needed to provide artificial heat when the temperature of the incubator below than the specified temperature. This module includes a relay to switch the light-bulb on and off, and a transistor to power the relay. A diode is used to prevent the PIC from getting damaged by current flowing back into it. 1.4.4 Cooling Fans One of two cooling fans is used to spread the heat in the incubator fairly. The other one is used as a cooler of the circuit. This module includes a transistor to power the fans as well as a diode to prevent the PIC from getting damaged by current flowing back into it. 1.4.5 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Screen The LCD screen is used to display the current temperature in the incubator. It also displays a process of the incubator. 1.4.6 Push Button Switch The system is using 2 button switches to stop the moving motor. When the moving floor touches the switch, the moving floor will stop automatically for a duration time. After that duration time, the moving floor will turn until touch the other push button switch. The process is done repeatedly for first 15 days of hatching process. 6 1.3.7 Red Bulb The red bulb is used to alert the user on the system error. It will blink continuously when the system below or exceed the specified temperature. 1.4.8 Buzzer Buzzer will turn on when the system is error. The system is consider error when the temperature of the incubator below or exceed of the specified temperature. 1.4.9 ON / OFF Switch One of the two ON/ OFF switches is used to turn off the moving motor after the 15th days of the hatching process. The other one switch is used to turn on or to turn off the full system, work as main switch. CHAPTER 2 LITERATRURE REVIEW This chapter reviews on the theory of all the existing technologies related to this project, PIC16F877A with some of the important modules in the MCU, then the theory of temperature sensor, operational of DC motor, the Single Pole Double Throw(SPDT) relay, the MikroC software tool and also voltage regulator theory are discuss in this chapter. The chapter also discuss on the other design of eggs incubator for comparison purpose. 2.1 PIC16877A Microcontroller The PIC16877A microcontroller unit (MCU) is a 40-pin and 44-pin packages. The special feature of microcontroller is it can be used until 100,000 erase/write cycle using enhanced flash program memory and can also be used to 1,000,000 erase/write cycle data EEPROM memory typical. Self-reprogrammable under software control 8 single-supply 5V In-Circuit Serial Programming, Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation, programmable code protection, Power saving Sleep mode, Selectable oscillator options, In-Circuit Debug (ICD) via two pins can be done for the microcontroller. The PIC16877A microcontroller unit (MCU) uses CMOS Technology such as: I. II. Low-power, high-speed Flash/EEPROM technology Fully static design III. Wide operating voltage range (2.0V to 5.5V) IV. Commercial and Industrial temperature ranges V. 2.1.1 Low-power consumption Analog-To-Digital Converter (A/D) Module ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) module is available with a number of PIC MCU models. The Analog-to-Digital (A/D) Converter module has five inputs for the 28pin devices and eight for the 40/44-pin devices. The conversion of an analog input signal results in a corresponding 10-bit digital number. The A/D module has high and lowvoltage reference input that is software selectable to some combination of VDD, VSS, RA2 or RA3. The A/D converter has a unique feature of being able to operate while the device is in Sleep mode. To operate in Sleep, the A/D clock must be derived from the A/D’s internal RC oscillator. The A/D module has four registers. These registers are: I. A/D Result High Register (ADRESH) 9 II. 2.2 A/D Result Low Register (ADRESL) III. A/D Control Register 0 (ADCON0) IV. A/D Control Register 1 (ADCON1) The Single Pole Double Throw Relay A relay is an electrically operated switch used to isolate one electrical circuit from another. In its simplest form, a relay consists of a coil used as electromagnets to open and close switch contacts. Since the two circuits are isolated from one another, a lower voltage circuit can be used to trip a relay, which will control a separate circuit that requires a higher voltage or amperage. Relays can be found in early telephone exchange equipment, in industrial control circuits, in automobiles, on water pumps, in high-power audio amplifiers and as protection devices. As shown in Figure 2.1, a single pole double throw (SPDT) relay configuration switches one common pole to two other poles, flipping between them. As shown in the schematic diagram, the common point E completes a circuit with C when the relay coil is at rest, that is, no voltage is applied to it. This circuit is "closed." A gap between the contacts of point E and D creates an "open" circuit. When you apply power to the coil, a metal level is pulled down, closing the circuit between points E and D and opening the circuit between E and C. A single pole double throw relay can be used to alternate which circuit a voltage or signal will be sent to. 10 Figure 2.1: a) Schematic for an SPDT Relay b) SPDT Relay 2.3 LM35 The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors, whose output voltage is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. The LM35 thus has an advantage over linear temperature sensors calibrated in ° Kelvin, as the user is not required to subtract a large constant voltage from its output to obtain convenient Centigrade scaling. The LM35 does not require any external calibration or trimming to provide typical accuracies of ±1⁄4°C at room temperature and ±3⁄4°C over a full −55 to +150°C temperature range. Figure 2.2 shows the verity package of the LM35 and its connection diagram. Based on the Figure 2.2, there are 3 main pins connection which are Vs pin, VOUT pin and GND pin. The N.C pins in the Small Outline Molded Package stand for no connection. 11 Figure 2.2: a) Metal Can Package b) Small Outline Molded Package c) TO-92 Plastic Package d) TO-220 Plastic Package 2.3.1 Features of LM35 LM35 comes with several features that desired in industry. It provides high output accuracy and linearity, wide temperature range and low power dissipation. The following are the features of LM35 in detail I. II. Calibrated directly in ° Celsius (Centigrade) Linear + 10.0 mV/°C scale factor III. 0.5°C accuracy guaranteeable (at +25°C) IV. Rated for full −55° to +150°C range V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Suitable for remote applications Low cost due to wafer-level trimming Operates from 4 to 30 volts Less than 60 μA current drain Low self-heating, 0.08°C in still air 12 X. XI. 2.4 Nonlinearity only ±1⁄4°C typical Low impedance output, 0.1 W for 1 mA load Direct Current (DC) Motor A direct current or DC motor, converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. It is one of two basic types of motors: the other type is the alternating current or AC motor. Among DC motors, there are shunt-wound, series-wound, compound-wound and permanent magnet motors. A DC motor consists of a stator, an armature, a rotor and a commutator with brushes. Opposite polarity between the two magnetic fields inside the motor cause it to turn. DC motors are the simplest type of motor and are used in household appliances, such as electric razors, and in electric windows in cars. 2.4.1 Basic DC Motor Operation Figure 2.3 shows three diagrams that explain the DC motor's operation in terms of the magnetic interaction. In Figure 2.3a shows that a bar magnet has been mounted on a shaft so that it can spin. The field winding is one long coil of wire that has been separated into two sections. The top section is connected to the positive pole of the battery and the bottom section is connected to the negative pole of the battery. It is important to understand that the battery represents a source of voltage for this winding. In the actual industrial-type motor this voltage will come from the DC voltage source for the motor. The current flow in this direction makes the top coil the north pole of the magnet and the bottom coil the south pole of the magnet. 13 The bar magnet represents the armature and the coil of wire represents the field. The arrow shows the direction of the armature's rotation. Notice that the arrow shows the armature starting to rotate in the clockwise direction. The north pole of the field coil is repelling the north pole of the armature, and the south pole of the field coil is repelling the south pole of the armature. Figure 2.3: a) Magnetic diagram that explains the operation of a DC motor. The rotating magnet moves clockwise because like poles repel. b) The rotating magnet is being attracted because the poles are unlike. c) The rotating magnet is now shown as the armature coil, and its polarity is determined by the brushes and commutator segments. As the armature begins to move, the north pole of the armature comes closer to the south pole of the field, and the south pole of the armature is coming closer to the north pole of the field. As the two unlike poles near each other, they begin to attract. 14 This attraction becomes stronger until the armature's north pole moves directly in line with the field's south pole, and its south pole moves directly in line with the field's north pole (Figure 2.3b). When the opposite poles are at their strongest attraction, the armature will be "locked up" and will resist further attempts to continue spinning. For the armature to continue its rotation, the armature's polarity must be switched. Since the armature in this diagram is a permanent magnet, stated that it would lock up during the first rotation and not work. If the armature is an electromagnet, its polarity can be changed by changing the direction of current flow through it. For this reason the armature must be changed to a coil (electromagnet) and a set of commutator segments must be added to provide a means of making contact between the rotating member and the stationary member. One commutator segment is provided for each terminal of the magnetic coil. Since this armature has only one coil, it will have only two terminals, so the commutator has two segments. Since the armature is now a coil of wire, it will need DC current flowing through it to become magnetized. This presents another problem; since the armature will be rotating, the DC voltage wires cannot be connected directly to the armature coil. A stationary set of carbon brushes is used to make contact to the rotating armature. The brushes ride on the commutator segments to make contact so that current will flow through the armature coil. In Figure 2.3c, the DC voltage is applied to the field and to the brushes. Since negative DC voltage is connected to one of the brushes, the commutator segment the negative brush rides on will also be negative. The armature's magnetic field causes the armature to begin to rotate. This time when the armature gets to the point where it becomes locked up with the magnetic field, the negative brush begins to touch the end of the armature coil that was previously positive and the positive brush begins to touch the end of the armature coil that was negative. This action switches the direction of current flow through the armature, which also switches the polarity of the armature coil's magnetic field at just the right time so that the repelling and attracting continues. The armature continues to switch its magnetic polarity twice during each rotation, which causes it to continually be attracted and repelled with the field poles. 15 2.5 Voltage Regulator The LM78XX series of three terminal positive regulators are available in the TO220 package and with several fixed output voltages, making them useful in a wide range of applications. Each type employs internal current limiting, thermal shut down and safe operating area protection, making it essentially indestructible. If adequate heat sinking is provided, they can deliver over 1A output current. Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators, these devices can be used with external components to obtain adjustable voltages and currents. A voltage regulator is an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. It may use an electromechanical mechanism, or passive or active electronic components. Depending on the design, it may be used to regulate one or more AC or DC voltages. With the exception of shunt regulators, all modern electronic voltage regulators operate by comparing the actual output voltage to some internal fixed reference voltage. Any difference is amplified and used to control the regulation element. For some regulators if the output voltage is too high, the regulation element is commanded to produce a lower voltage; however, many just stop sourcing current and depend on the current draw of whatever it is driving to pull the voltage back down. In this way, the output voltage is held roughly constant. The control loop must be carefully designed to produce the desired tradeoff between stability and speed of response. Figure 2.4 shows the typical connection of the positive voltage regulator. 16 Figure 2.4: a) LM78XX positive voltage regulator. b) LM78XX circuit schematic 2.6 Mikroelektronika (mikroC) mikroC is a powerful, feature rich development tool for PICmicros. It is designed to provide the programmer with the easiest possible solution for developing applications for embedded systems, without compromising performance or control. Figure 2.5: mikroC IDE 17 PIC and C fit together well: PIC is the most popular 8-bit chip in the world, used in a wide variety of applications, and C, prized for its efficiency, is the natural choice for developing embedded systems. mikroC provides a successful match featuring highly advanced IDE, ANSI compliant compiler, broad set of hardware libraries, comprehensive documentation, and plenty of ready-to-run examples. Figure 2.5 shows the mikroC IDE window apperence. mikroC come out with several features that allows you to quickly develop and deploy complex applications. The following discuss about it features: I. Write the C source code using the built-in Code Editor (Code and Parameter Assistants, Syntax Highlighting, Auto Correct, Code Templates, and more…) II. Use the included mikroC libraries to dramatically speed up the development: data acquisition, memory, displays, conversions, and communications. III. Monitor the program structure, variables, and functions in the Code Explorer IV. Generate commented, human-readable assembly, and standard HEX compatible with all programmers. V. Inspect program flow and debug executable logic with the integrated Debugger. VI. Get detailed reports and graphs: RAM and ROM map, code statistics, assembly listing, calling tree, and more… VII. mikroC have provided plenty of examples for beginners to expand, develop, and use as building bricks in their projects. Copy them entirely if they deem fit. . . 18 2.7 The Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator versus the Others Eggs Incubator There are many eggs incubators at market nowadays. They come with several features that differentiate their product with other. However, they use the same principle in creating their product. For example, Automatic Forced-Air Incubator [4] uses a light bulb to increase the temperature in the incubator, while, Mini Eco Eggs Incubator [15], uses heater coil for the same purpose. In this project, the automatic quail eggs incubator makes the other eggs incubator as literature review in order to provide an automatic eggs incubator at low cost and easy to handle. The Table 2.1 below summarize several features that provided by two different companies. Table 2.1: Eggs Incubator Features Title Features Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator a. Using light bulb for heating process. b. Using 12V DC motor for eggs rotational purpose. c. Using LCD screen to display the temperature in the incubator. d. The system equipped with security system. e. Using the LM35 to measure the temperature. f. Using 16F877A microcontroller to control the hatching process. Automatic Forced-Air Incubator & Forced-Air a. Using light bulb for heating process. Incubator b. 12V DC motor for eggs rotational purpose. c. Using the digital thermometer to display the temperature in the incubator. d. The thermostat is used to manipulate temperature values. e. Using control box to control the hatching process. 19 Mini Eco Eggs Incubator, Mini Advance Eggs a. Using heater coil for heating process. Incubator & Octagen 20 Advance b. Using digital thermometer to display the temperature in the incubator. c. Thermostat is used to measure temperature in the incubator. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter describes the methodology employed and considerations taken into account for this project. It begins with the discussion of the project methodology, followed by the system design procedure, techniques and tools utilized in this work. 3.1 Project Descriptions This project involved the development of the software, interface circuit design and hardware design. Hence, it calls for embedded software system design, in which the software are developed and downloaded in an embedded system, to provide overall system functionality. The project block diagram is shown in Figure 3.1 to illustrate the overall design. 21 Figure 3.1: Block Diagram 3.1.1 Block Diagram Descriptions The Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator consists of input part, process part and output part. The combination the three parts is important to ensure the system operate automatically. The input part consists of a temperature sensor, two ON / OFF switches and two push button switches. PIC 16F877A microcontroller is used to process data. While, a LCD displays, a buzzer, a light bulb, a red bulb, a fan and a 12V DC motor are used in the output part. In the input part, the temperature sensor will measure the temperature in the incubator continuously, then, the values of the measurement are sending to the microcontroller. One of the ON / OFF switches is used as a main switch, which is to turn on and to turn off the overall system, while, the other one is a switch to change the mode of the incubator. The push button switches are used to stop the motor. 22 The PIC16F877A microcontroller is used to process the input and output signals. It work as ADC, process the analog data by convert the analog signal to digital signal. Then, the appropriate signals are sending to the outputs of the system to ensure the system work accordingly. The microcontroller also responsible to send abounds of data to the LCD screen to tell the user on the operational of the system. Buzzer and red bulb are used to alert the user on the system error. Red bulb will blink and buzzer will turn on continuously when the microcontroller detect there are error happened on the system. The error system can detect on the broken temperature sensor and the broken of light bulb. When light bulb is broke, the temperature in the incubator will decrease rapidly, in other hand, the temperature sensor gives a large measurement values when the device is broken. 12V DC motor is used to rotate the eggs by moving the floor right and left. The light bulb will turn on when the system below from the desired temperature or exceed the setting temperature. 3.2 Software Development This section discusses about the development tools that are used during this project like programming software and also debugging software. 3.2.1 Design Procedures There are several steps to be taken in order to ensure the project done properly. The first step is deciding the series number of the microcontroller that will be used for 23 the project. This step is very important to let the designer know what number of pins in the microcontroller will be used as inputs and outputs. Besides, it also required the designer to learn the language that will be use for the software development. In the design the Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator, PIC16F877A microcontroller is used based on several reasons. The Figure 3.2 shows the pin schematic of the PIC16F877A used in designing the Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator. While, Table 3.1 shows the pins configuration of the microcontroller. Figure 3.2: PIC16F877A pins schematic Table 3.1: PIC 16F877A pins configuration 24 The next step is drawing the flow chart of the system. The designing the flow chart provides the designer with brief ideas on programming flow for software development. The flow chart becomes a guide during writing the programming for the system. The flow chart in Figure 3.3 shows there are two modes used in the automated quail eggs incubator system. First mode is satisfied before 15th of the hatching process, while the second mode is satisfy after 15th days of the hatching process. Figure 3.3: Flow Chart of the Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator System 25 3.2.2 Software Tool The development software that is used in this project is microC for PIC16F877A. MicroC provides a successful match featuring a highly advanced IDE, ANSI compliant compiler, broad set of hardware libraries, comprehensive documentation, and plenty of ready-to-run examples. MicroC allows the developing and deploying of complex applications such as: a. Writing C source code using the built-in Code Editor (Code and Parameter Assistants, Syntax Highlighting, Auto Correct, Code Templates) b. Using the included mikroC libraries to dramatically speed up the development: data acquisition, memory, displays, conversions, and communications. c. Generate commented, human-readable assembly, and standard HEX compatible with all programmers. Inspect program flow and debug executable logic with the integrated Debugger. The figure below shows the starting of the programming process using the microC IDE compiler. MicroC software is much easier to be used compare to other software because the clock set and different kind of PIC can be used to program the microcontroller. In addition, the elements that can be used for the PIC can also be selected and changed by custom default. The microC software can also be used to generate the .HEX file that need to be uploaded into the PIC 26 To chose the PIC type for the project Type of Crystal used in the PIC Element that can be selected in the PIC Figure 3.4: MicroC Software Tool 3.3 Hardware Implementation This section will discuss about circuits are used in developing the Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator. The circuits includes bidirectional motor circuit, temperature sensor circuit, LCD display circuit, light bulb circuit, buzzer circuit, red bulb circuit, fan circuit, voltage regulator circuit and switches circuits. 27 3.3.1 12V DC Motor Circuit. Figure 3.5 shows the 12V DC motor circuit schematic that been used in the developing the Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator. The 12V DC motor also known as bidirectional motor circuit. This is because opposite polarity between the two magnetic fields inside the motor cause it to turn. Figure 3.5: 12V DC Motor Circuit Schematic Two Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) relays are used to ensure the 12V dc motor work as desired. RD0 and RD1 of the PIC pins are used as input to 12V DC motor. Either one of the inputs is high (5V), the motor can be activated. When RD0 is low and RD1 is high, motor will be in forward bias. While, RD0 is high and RD1 is low, the motor will be in reverse bias. The motor deactivate when both RD1 and RD0 are low or high. A diode is used to prevent the PIC from getting damaged by current flowing back into it. 28 3.3.2 LCD Display The LCD display is used to display the current temperature in the incubator and the condition in the incubator. This LCD with alphanumeric easily be interfaced with the PIC microcontroller and also produces low power consumption. The LCD pin assignment in figure 3.6 and the interfacing with the microcontroller is shown in figure 3.7. The LCD screen will display the “SYSTEM ERROR…BULB MAY BURNED” when the microcontroller detect the temperature in the incubator below 32 degree Celsius. The LCD display will display “HATCHING PROCESS” for temperature between 32 degree Celsius and 38 degree Celsius. While, the LCD screen will display “SYSTEM ERROR.. OVER HEATING..” when the temperature in the incubator exceed 38 degree Celsius. Figure 3.6: LCD Pin Assignment 29 Figure 3.7: LCD to Microcontroller Connection 3.3.3 Light Bulb Circuit Figure 3.8 below shows the light bulb circuit connection. Known that relay is an electrically operated switch used to isolate one electrical circuit from another. In its Figure 3.8: Light Bulb Circuit Schematic simplest form, a relay consists of a coil used as electromagnets to open and close switch contacts. Since the two circuits are isolated from one another, a lower voltage circuit can 30 be used to trip a relay, which will control a separate circuit that requires a higher voltage or amperage. The light bulb needs 240V ac supply voltage to provide 25watt. The light bulb is chosen based on the power consumption. The chosen of the light bulb is depending to size of the incubator. This is because the power of the light bulb is significant in providing the sufficient heat for the hatching process. In the design, a transistor is used to turn on the relay. When the RD4 of PIC pin is activating, the base of the transistor is triggered, then it activate the relay to turn on the light bulb. This is because the base of the transistor needs very small current to allow the current flows from collector to emitter of the transistor. 3.3.4 Fan, Red Bulb and Buzzer Circuit. The Figure 3.9 shows the circuit design for fan, buzzer and red bulb. All of them use the same principle and the same theory. Use a relay as a switch, a transistor to turn on the relay when the base of the transistor is triggered by output of PIC pin and 12V dc voltage source to supply the loads. Figure 3.9: a) Fan Circuit Schematic b) Red Bulb Circuit Schematic c) Buzzer Circuit Schematic. 31 RD5 of the PIC16F877A microcontroller’s pin is an input to the base of the transistor for the fan circuit. When RD5 is logic high, the transistor will turn on, as a result, the relay also turn on. The relay is in normally open (NO) condition, means the fan circuit is become a complete circuit when the transistor turn on. To turn on the red bulb and the buzzer, the RD2 and RD3 are activated with high logic respectively. The relays are normally open condition for these circuits. The circuits is open circuit when there are no current fed to the base of the transistor, thus, the load is turn off until the base of the transistor fed with an amount of sufficient current. 3.3.5 Switch Circuit Figure 3.10: a) Picture of the Push Button b) Switch Circuit Schematic. The figure 3.10 above shows the circuit schematic of the switch. In the project, push button switch and ON/ OFF switches are used. All the switches are in normally open condition to ensure there are no current flows when the switches are not activated. When the switch is pressed, the current from 5V source will flow through the switch to the PIC microcontroller. Thus, it provides the 5V to the PIC. However, when the switch 32 is not pressed, open condition, the PIC’s pin is connected to the ground directly, thus it provides the pin with 0V. 3.3.6 Voltage Regulator In this part, the voltage regulator circuit will convert the 9V adapter output voltage into a constant 5V voltage, as a source for the microcontroller, sensor, push button and the LCD display. For application requirements up to 150mA, 78LXX can be used. The device has three legs: Input leg which can hold up to 36VDC, common leg (GND) and an output leg with the regulated voltage. Before the 9V adapter is asserted, all points on the circuit are at 0V (ground) Figure 3.11: a) LM7805 Voltage Regulators b) Voltage Regulator Circuit Schematic To eliminate the ripple in output voltage, adding a capacitor in parallel between the common leg and the output leg is usually recommended. The capacitor is a device that stores electrical charges. The principle of the capacitor is significant in this circuit to provide the output voltage of the regulator to keep constant over a time. The rate of change of the voltage across a capacitor is proportional to the current flowing through it and divided by the capacitance value. Therefore, the large capacitance value gives the small change at the output of the regulator over a time at a fixed drain current. Typically a 10uF capacitor is used. The figure 3.11 above shows the circuit configuration of voltage regulator and the picture of regulator. 33 3.3.7LM35 Circuit Figure 3.12 a) Bottom View of LM35 b) LM35 Circuit Design c) LM35 Temperature Sensor The figure 3.12 above shows the picture of LM35, the bottom view of LM35 and the LM35 circuit design for Full-Range Centigrade Temperature Sensor. In this project, the plastic package of LM35 was choosing. This is because the package is easy to construct, small size and easy to get. From the figure3.12b, the value of R1 can determine by using the following equation. R1 = −VS/50 μA. Once the temperature in the incubator was measured, the output voltage of the LM35 shows as below. As conclusion, the output voltage of LM35 is linearly proportional to the temperature measured. V OUT =+1,500 mV at +150°C = +250 mV at +25°C = −550 mV at −55°C 34 Figure 3.13: LM35 Circuit Schematic. To produce a smooth output voltage without ripple, a 0.1μF capacitor is added between pin 2 and pin 3 of the LM35. Figure 3.13 shows the LM35 circuit schematic for that purpose. CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION This chapter reveals some simulation results and discussions for the Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator system as a whole. 4.1 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) The LCD screen will display the current temperature in the incubator. It also displays the condition of the incubator and some suggestion if the system under error condition. The table 4.1 below shows the output of the LCD screen at the specified temperature range in the incubator. 36 Table 4.1: LCD’s Output Temperature LCD’s output SYSTEM ERROR Temperature <32°C BULB MAY BURNED TEMP: 32°C <Temperature < 40°C HATHING PROCESS TEMP: Temperature > 40°C 31 35 SYSTEM ERROR TEMP: 41 The LCD screen has limitation number of word to display on the screen, means there are not allow displaying more than 18 words including spacing on the screen. In term of writing programming, there are limitations to write more than five LCD function calls in order to display more condition and recommendation on the screen. If we do so, the debugger will tell “demo limit” happened in the programming. 4.2 12 V DC Motor. The figure 4.1 above shows the 12V DC motor circuit configuration. The figure shows, the circuits are constructed by two transistors, four resistors and two diodes. 37 However, there are different circuit configurations between them. In figure 4.1a, the motor will turn in forward or reverse direction, if and only if, the bases of the both transistors are either low (0V) or high (5V). While, in figure 4.1b, the motor will turn in forward or reverse direction, if and only if, one of the two bases of the transistors is high (5V) and the other one base of the transistor is low(0V). In the design of Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator system, the circuit in figure 4.1b is preferred compared to the circuit in figure 4.1a. This is because the circuit in figure 4.1a cause that circuit exceeds the PIC’s current limitation when both the base of the transistors are required to be high. Figure 4.1: 12V DC Motor Circuit Configuration 38 4.3 LM35 Figure 4.2: Full-Range Centigrade Temperature Sensor Circuit. Referring to the Figure 4.2 above, the value of VOUT can be determined by choose the appropriate value of the R1. R1 is choose based on the value Vs, R1 = −VS/50 μA. Practically, the accurate value of R1 is impossible to get in the market. Thus, the chosen value of R1 cause the inaccuracy of the VOUT, as well as cause inaccuracy in the temperature values measured. 4.4 7805 Positive Voltage Regulator The 7805 emit heat while conducting. The heat emitted is proportional to the conduction time. The overheating may cause the device broke and may cause the system error. To ensure the system work properly, the problem can be solve by putting the heat sink on the voltage regulator and also provide good air flow for the system. 39 4.5 Cost Table 4.2: Cost an Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator Table 4.2 shows the cost involved in producing an Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator system. The grand cost of the incubator is RM 196.40 and the cost can consider low compared to the other incubator at the market. This is because the Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator system developed by using the chipper components 40 compared to the other eggs incubators. For example, the systems using a light bulb instead of using a heater coil for heating process in the incubator. The cost of heater coil is RM 220, while the cost of a light bulb is less than RM10. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION This final section contains three main elements which are conclusion, recommendation and limitation of the study. The conclusion gives the overview of the study as well as the main points of the findings. Even though this study had accomplished its objectives, still there is certain limitation that restricted the research. Finally, recommendations for future project are also discussed. 5.1 Project Conclusion The grand cost of producing the Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator is considered low compared to the available incubators in the market nowadays. This is because the eggs incubator system is developed by using the chipper components compared to the other eggs incubators. Thus, the objective to produce an eggs incubator at low cost is achieved. 42 The Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator system is equipped with security system to alert the users on the error system. Thus, the Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator can be considered as a user friendly product and a reliable product. By providing the security system in the eggs incubator system, the percentage of broken eggs can be reduced. As a result, the objective to help the user to reduce number of abnormal quails and to design an incubator equipped with an error detection system are achieved. 5.2 Project Limitations and Future Recommendations There are several project limitations in the Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator system design and there are some suggestions can be considered for future design. The Automatic Quail Eggs Incubator system is used for hatching the quail eggs only, thus, the future design is recommended to improve the design by equipping the system with variety modes of hatching eggs. By equipped the verity modes of hatching eggs, all kind of eggs can be hatching by switch to the available modes. Instead of using PIC16F877A for control the system, monitoring the system using computer is preferred. This is because there are more application can be equipped such as correction the error when the system under error condition can be done by the system. The use of PIC16F877A is not preferred for future design based on the limitation of inputs and outputs pins of the integrated circuit (IC). The other limitation of this project is it not fully automatic functional system. This is because user needs to press a switch at day 15 of the hatching day to stop the moving motor. For future design, the system should equip with the fully automatic functional design to be more user friendly product. Means, the user need to press a switch at first day of hatching to start the overall system. This can be done by editing the 43 previous programming part and considering the actual time involve during develops the programming. 44 REFERENCES 1. Thomas E. Kissell, Industrial Electronics: Applications for Programmable Controllers, Instrumentation and Process Control, and Electrical Machines and Motor Controls, 2nd edition. United State of America: Prentice Hall. 2004. 2. T. R. Kuphaldt, Lessons In Electric Circuits: Volume III: Semiconductors, Chapter 4: Bipolar Junction Transistors, “Transistor as a switch”, Design Science License, 2003, http-:// 3. http-:// 4. Automatic Forced-Air Incubator, January 2010, 5. 6. 7. PIC 16F87X Data Sheet, 28/40-Pin 8-Bit CMOS FLASH, Microcontrollers, 2001, http-:// 8. LM35 Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensors, LM35 datasheet, November 2000, 45 9. R. L. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky: Electronic Device and Circuit Theory, 8th edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2002. nd 10. Iovine John. PIC Microcontroller Project Book. 2 edition. Singapore: Mc Graw-Hill. 121-123; 2000. 11. Johari Kasim, A. Hamid and Camalil,: Sisitem Elektronik, 2nd edition, Malaysia: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.2006 12. Muhammad H. Rashid. Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications. rd 3 edition. United States of America: Prentice Hall. 200 nd 13. Lawrence A. Duarte. The Microcontroller Beginner’s Handbook. 2 Edition. United States of America: Prompt Publication. 3-5; 1998. 14. PCL/PCH series 3A, 5A, 10A,15A General Purpose Miniature Relay, March 2004, http-:// 15. 46 APPENDIX A: Programming for the Project Unsigned char ch; unsigned int a long tlong; dc_rd; void init_main() { ADCON1 = 0x80; // Configure analog inputs and Vref TRISA = 0xFF; // PORTA is input TRISB = 0; // PORTB is output LCD TRISC =0XFF; //INPUT TRISD =0; PORTD =0x01; } void STemp() { adc_rd = ADC_read(0); // get ADC value from 2nd channel tlong = (long)adc_rd * 5000; // covert adc reading to milivolts tlong = tlong / 1023; // 0..1023 -> 0-5000mV } 47 void SW() { PORTD =0x31; } else if (PORTC.F1=255) { PORTD =0x32; } } void LCD2() { Lcd_Custom_Out(2, 1, "TEMP = ch = (tlong / 100) % 10; "); // Print text at LCD // extract 0.1 volts digit Lcd_Custom_Chr_Cp(48+ch); ch = (tlong / 10) % 10; // extract 0.01 volts digit Lcd_Custom_Chr_Cp(48+ch); Lcd_Custom_Chr_Cp('.'); ch = tlong % 10; Lcd_Custom_Chr_Cp(48+ch); Lcd_Custom_Chr_Cp('C'); Delay_ms(1); } // extract 0.001 volts digit 48 void LCD1() { Lcd_Custom_Out(1, 1, " SYSTEM ERROR "); } void LCD3() { Lcd_Custom_Out(1, 1, "BULB MAY BURNED"); } void LCD4() { Lcd_Custom_Out(1, 1, " OVER HEATING "); } void LCD5 () { Lcd_Custom_Out(1, 1, " "); } void LCD6 () { Lcd_Custom_Out(1, 1, "HATCHING PROCESS } "); 49 void main() { init_main(); Lcd_Custom_Config(&PORTB,3,2,1,0,&PORTB,4,6,5); // Initialize LCD on PORTB Lcd_Custom_Cmd(Lcd_CURSOR_OFF); // Turn off cursor while (1) { STemp(); LCD2(); if (tlong<320) { LCD3(); Delay_ms(1000); LCD1(); PORTD=0x1c; Delay_ms(1000); PORTD=0x18; } else if ((tlong>=320)&&(tlong<=370)) { LCD6(); if (PORTC.F2=255) { PORTD=0x30; } //berhenti 50 else { SW(); } } else if ((tlong>=380)&&(tlong<=390)) { LCD6(); ORTD=0x00; } else { LCD4(); PORTD=0x3c; Delay_ms(1000); PORTD=0x34; } } }