no No............................... (11) Pdnted 7126 2RCA1 Pages---4l Bachelor of Computer Applicatio (second Semest€r) Examinatio& Mav/'Iune 2013 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS twhr,Iax. Marks : srqftuDurarion : 3 ij:/IrouB] Iqrdq ftlsr Eiilqi6,'1Min. Pass Marls | 30 32 , r. srr.17 lia 3413d il fsllrBd tr !46 raE i 3rrdf.€ ture f<clirql tL 2. r&6 a6ri t q6 ,5 6r tfl rituqr as rsR Eo lia ,Tn a riI {1=iqr 3. mii ,I.ii + l6q saa 3i6 frad tl 4 q6l' 3nq{{rdl A 4d 3ccfi 3ra qr{ vI srir tL 5. 3tars I ffid ai .]1 dinil q5q al {a qnr iri 6 wfli ii .rfrqllf f{qifti {qlr q{ ntr+ io rla{ dt6( air h dividod in /,De Units. Eac! unit canies ad internll r. The quesiio. pape. 2 3. 4. 5 Aitempt dne question fron each unit. Thus aitempt f,De questions in all All quesiions ca.rY eqnal marks. Assuma suiiable data vher€ver nece$ary' Englis! version should be il€enod to be correct in case ol anv anonalv in translaiion. 6. i. candidate slould w.ite his/ler RoU Nunber question paper. (a) at the prescribed space on iie E6d I (Unit D ftqfrtun sl 1tril 61fss : Solve the tduowing (i) (t, , (10o1orol)" (or1o1o11)" lusins 2s conplemenil = (r10)j x (10r): PI.O. What is Gray code ? (or) ,. ,{fiiRd +n ar4{t Esr&Ir €lr fii t ? Hov do enst€rc store ihe Binalv Infornation ? Ir a6rg (Unit II) 3. '*' tc 6l scfu {ii !q si!1"d("r 61fqs ! Minimize the lunction Eins 'K MaP : ti) l\rr,z) = *yz + r!2' + .vz + xt'z (ii) f$,!,2) = rtt(o, 3, 4, ?) {, replesdts nint€rnl lor) q. d ql4r yn4 at rqdr EEln d EIq qasBq Explarn De Morgtn. T}eorem wrth Itlth I table. F6r* ur (Unit IU) 5. 5d q€1 6I fu, il Eq \EI eh braw circuit diasrad of 7l lull qr adde. 'oR itc 6r €*qid # i'iEi I Ning two hau adder ard OE sate gEriII , (or) , 6. H< t 7 *r arge sR ffiq Wlat is 1. fiq 6r fu', erEq decoder ? Draw !h€ diac"an fuq-tF.F Wite lne E6r* w (Unit I\) + +.€Rtus rdIrq JK FLIP FLOP (ir) D.ELIP FLOP decoder. eik ?q ?.{d chaEcterGtic equation and (, of'3' input I *uin talb of ihe lollowing FLIP-rLOP qlrqr (or) 8, JK fuq tFllq 6r r*rro rG gq srg d{ Tjrd M Rqfd f{, + 3rjsr a, Desish 7126 a cou,td usine JK FLIP.FLOP havins stat diarraE aive bel@; 3 P_T.O. F6( . s. v (Utrit V) liyd Er.s{ €r * ? +i f{. + ftEd 6Trs{ El tu'T{s}r Wbat is Ripple Couter ? Draw a 3-bit Ripple counter. aEal {ot\ fiqlAfsd * (qflli : Explain the toUowing r (0 Synchrorous counter anil Asynchronons countd (i, Micro.opemiions (,u) rnsrrucrion codes. 4 (72) 7L27 Bachelor 2BCA2 Computer Application (Second Semester) Examination, May/June 20I3 DATAAASE ., - J. ra4{our.t l\4 NACEMENT sysrEMs -i . !ura..on '..j1,,. \trzrP r]Ir- mor.+ of ^4:n Pa.s I lrr r, cia r6E i ii tslniEd ,.+6 .6r{ i qrnfif Ere f{ql .rqr t 2. r+$ -*ri i q+ !!r +r ;n1 trdrtuIr 3. Frn crfr * ftl wn ;e 6_a6 ,1r r*n q-e lia lFii + sii frfui 6 I 4. im" rnqss;fi El aE" irgff :9a qr{ 5 $fsE i fqrffi ii ,n sii_n Etlq n 6 rF .r, q{ qiiand ftiiftn rlllr qr ail arn ' PaPe' :;:.:"*- is divided rn rle Unirq. E,ch Lrnr .r.ies an inromal t Atbhp, oze quo6tion {Iom each Unii Ttrn ""r rnus atlenpt,'" questions in sr. 3. .4r qucstio.s "".", ".,.; ;;;; .1. Assuhe suitablo dala wie.eve. ne.essaN 5. Engiish \rcrsion should be deehed 10 be c.rrc't in case of qnv anoaalv lranstai.ion. in 6 Candidaio rhould wntc lis^a. Rolt Nunber al the prescribed space on the queslion paler. .*B I DBr'1s 4i Why does er{{{frdr th. noed Dat,base Systen Expiain $e i D di rfiz of DBMS 6{2 A.cnjtedure Er afutrit.cture oI Database P.T.O. 3IZIAI lor) EE Model frir iliE Daiabase design i Eow does D R modet lielp in Darabase Database Adminisl.aio. $6pr$. t? ttesigD + 6+dJ 4l qFflai Explain ihe duties of Daiablse AdDinisrmi.r x a4rg I lb) REldrronar AlaebrJ rcn Sar at friFd]< {drrn I of Relaiional Algeb.a end SeL. lOr) s{flit nqr fuFi {l uNr\,.ERSrrY * 3 Eaplain Database Scnema and desjgn a sctromo fo. jiecord ot Siudenrs cql xelarionat operations Eir t+flJ alfuql Lisr aU rhe Operarions. F*d ur ck (Unit IID Fq Scho-a R = (A, B, C, D, E) Deconpose tu&tional 6G t a @ fs qE qi q6 (A, B, LdssleR. dependen.ios A+BC,CD;E,BiD,Ei A tr Suppose that Ne decompose scjrema R = (]{, B, C, D, E) (A, B, C) and (A, D, E) ilen proye ihar this is a lo6sless deconlo6ition wherc lunctional d€ledencies are : A;BC,CDJE,BJD,E+A, 7727 2 (I) Fuctional delendencY iF[ Whai is Eunctional t? tdi dependency 3l{ql (o.J N.mdlization a1 Wly doss q5 erd sls[{f di AA i No.naliPiiotr necessqr, Dliabase desis! wh*t are tle features of ? ? + a sood Daiabase Desrs! .4ri (UDit Iy) 1, Databasc I I bnns 6i 3lrc{.rrdl f,] Afr Why does Iadonng necessarv in Database Ddalase i ffi inilex r6R + ili t ? ? E*plain the typed of Inddes in Datebase' (O.) a1 8. How do vo measure -+ +t 4t 'IIqI the Querv Prcces6ug CoBt writ€ s!;rt notes o! the IoUoEls lrq !r ilqq ffi nr t? fttuq ? : : (i) (io 7r27 3 P.T.O. v 'ad 9 (U'ii I OLTP 4i .<r.4'l!r Explain OLTP siin viih l1ry'rn 16 exampLe. 3t$cr \o,) 10. Dara Er Biq er( .ecover tuq ql ffidr t Hu^ ro rc"ave, .tp darl " 4 ? 16 (r3) 7128 28CA3 Bachelor of Computer Application (SecoEd Semester) Examination, May/June 201g ADVANCED PROGN"AMMING nsfq,Dirarron B qAHdu,sl l{lnq IN C ITrl64Ud. Mart<s : Tsql+/Min. Pass Marts : 80 32 r. !{iq, liq rBrrii i fqTfud i rds r4r{ I innfi-6 ft.riq t_qr ,rar i ,. !i{6 r4ri i {iE c{{ 4,r rfl dftI l{I r*n td lts xFit + sfi AinEr 3 nlff ,r+ * tur1 sqn d6 fi.{d i 4. iif 3mT{6Fdr d atr" ,:rg5fi EEr qr{ !i srfl ti s. :r5arq { ffid ar !1 !i,H E6q al s6 qm Rd 6. xy jrl, ,i qnsfltfi fisiftd {srr yr 3tqfl ta Er 3itu-d al I . 1, The quesiion pape. is divided in ,ue Units. Each unii caries an intehat 2, 3. 4. 5. Attempt oDe quesiion tmn eactr un All que6tions caDy equri ma.ks, 6 quesrions in aI Assume 6uiiabte data wherever nec$sat}. English version should ba decmed io b€ coriecr rn case of any anomaty tn translation. Candidaie should quesrton plper. wrte hia/her Rolt Nunber ai rh€ presriberl r*.* (Unit I . Thus aitenpr ,,? (d) lr{rJd ql ? 7 :]tud .c" space on rhe r D r{,!r n}flq ll{ Erffiq r What is poinieF ? Explain virh sritabte ,,C" lansuage plosram. 7128 P.T.O. (b) - Mallo() qri siz@() . ci{r{ El <lE{q slin RcAEql Explain Mano() and Sizeo() luctions with suiiable exanple. (or) (o) srci&6 t+n TdY+{r + 6m Er{ t 7 What a.e the benefi!. of dynahic monory allo.ario! (6) calloc( ) Cc rE( ) ei*r{ ai ErE{lr {frn {{{Eq ? l Explai! Callo() ard FreO fuMtions with 6ranple. F{r$ n (Unit II) 2. qlt€ l$s 61fqS What i. $rair t 3llc EFn sc{A t ? Est {iift" FqR ciFl;s 61 qrsr 16 neaDt by direct a@ss me ? Discu$ ,I tle lunciions related wirh 3Is![ <ott : frqfttun +€is 6r qlh 61Ec E-xplain 712e th€ followiDg tunctions : ' 16 16rB rII (Unir III) 3. (a) +*t EcI t 2 !q* EI$ ai srarrqr Wta! is macm ? Eillain its (6) a benefits. Ma6o wiiL arsumentu nql nacro Riihout lrsnb€nt 4i 3Era{!I *fi sNvEqL 3 Explain about macss wiilout a.guhenk snd with a4uents bv gvins exanpl€s. slilal (Or) Eld{Td EtlrTaTrr eldk4 konditiond onpilatioa dn*ii*s) +l i<l.{nl t6{ J@5{ 16 DxplEin conditional conpilaiion dbectives with exanpl€. f4r$ rv (Urit I\,) a. nlffi{{ +s qrEq r+RIq. Fd a ftq c rnlll I iqrq 1ituq Bi q6 .ectangle I Write a C for lhe initialization ol slalhics node aDd draw a BIsr'[ lort flq1itu( 6r s"lr aliqc Explain lhe lolowing (6) 7t,A : : Functions of fiUcolor. 16 3 P.T.O. Ft€ v (Urii 5. (a) B1OS r+{ t gI qsrq t 1') ? Wlat i5 neani bY BIOS rcuiine (6) inido() ci+r{ ExDlain the {i ? slEEql fuciion intilos( ) 3Er'n (o') ''Dos" Discuss 7,2A +t *I{Efq Rt tu6q t qgl B'tal in detail ForkiDg tith DOg rouhne6. 1 ?oll No...----.. -------"---" 7tzg (14) 2BCA4 Prjnted Pases-31 Bachelor of Computer Application (SecoEd Semester) Eiamiuation, MAY/JIINE, 2013 DESI( TOP PUBLISITING AND DESIGNING :idfti,Duration : I ;irltouBl tqrdc f{{!l , r xrr 2 3. a. 6. : rfrvd6A4in. Pss Mdls : 11] 6/M ' Mar}s 30 32 +s a6Ed t fr"nfqd t I !r&s {sr{ i qr<f.d 1{ffl f<cr rql t rlas I6d t \rs nYr 6l vfi <]tuI I Eq r6n {d !fu lsd + -dr dfiq {9} ,Fii + foq {clq ii6 ii-{d t qll' eiE{rfdr tl at'1"3ctrff EIa cr{I nn sctdr I .E'r - qn EFI 1qEri ; i,i-r q - iiin, n{r-.r, ij !'n$ql fr'.iftn err qr 3rqll i_.l iq Sfsd 6i I {, I is divided in 6ve Unii3 Each uni! carnes an inter'al 1. Tlae Question Paler 2. 3 d. 5. Attempi ou. question f'om each Uait Thus attedpt ,4ll questions carY equal marls' 6 candidaie shonld quesiion Paper. d!!a vherever necessarv in English v.reion should !€ dened io be 'oFect /i'e questioft in aI Assume suiiable vriie his/her Bon rsl{ r. dafr. 4 ata 4t EqsEn ExplaLn the I DPorlen.. oi case of anv doEalv jn Number at the prescribed space on the r I DTP P.T.O. slrllll (or) at qqfli !q 3F+ EId 6l +*'ti.. + *- sfi aifiq I PriEl€r aDd irs advanta€E6' E:plsj ihe Dpertu.. of l6d {6r$ u (unit II) ,. Flq d i8c i qirq, 'ra +s, f<a ftf@q (+{ qr) ' €rEd !i_d,'dz, fr'EI !r fu{lg tr{q, €}t qf6.(, {r}62, r WnLe shod nores o^ t Y fou : Colum, Curte! Sp6.6. Siyle Sheer. Fon!, u redu'd siu,isttrv €drtd Shotcut, View. 3tiltfi lor) fi?{ ai {€rfl 6{i 4t ef+_qI na fiiz +zqc qi s{flF+ I Erplain the Prt.ess oI iashlins pnnter and edain pnnt '6tup' lsra tu (UEit I ) 3. d.a.d. 6r qqrqR !, d 3cd'I EdE+ I Exprsin ihe I 16 $e of mP iD ne*Paper' q$ql (o.) d.a.d. d.3cfu Eow 7tzS mP cd t 5tr6 qi !BFId 6i fr's 16r help to make looks qm+dF eil Eageile aiiD'tive {{ {6i t ? ? . Eqi + r6ri rv (Unit M fr{d q$r qffts r r* iEase ? E4IaiD in 16 detail. sIIIEII \Or) 6fir +s + Bri I irc ffi srri t ? FcsEa L vrt,r fe colou modes E4r$ €8c i trreq (+ Er{) qfffi +s, ,f€'iz, 6{ {r, lz !+. Wnre shon es on n, lout) F, Klr €i 7729 sadi€nt, W, qn <r, qq {r, 6.,r : blu tool, paint huket toot, sEudse iool, coiou! reda.ddt toolMasic vdd, Do v tool, clone stm! tool' doilge a.n NJ. ...-.-.._.-................ (15) Pdnred 7130 Page6ll Bachelor of 2BCA6 Computer Application (Second Semester) ExaDination, May/Jure, 20lS COMMUNICr{IIVE IIINDI rdtu:3 tPl tyta: iqrdq n'di"i-6 : frisr : r. xn q, dq .6Edi q ft$tud t I ao 3, i z rA+ r+ri I q6 !!r 6r -fl a&q | !€ rcn Ao cia rrn + r{( dfrI 3. F$ lTn + tuq {qn d6 f{qn t 4. EFM q c0and fisiftn €rq ,]1 srqr +6 Tq{ aikn at r r&+ r*d 3llift6 ftEd eql'Iql r r I r a6ri r r. €n qlsl + 1fr6rs 6l {rHq qftqq dftc sElql 'yr<+i{' Bl qftqrfrd Er rs*T ,. '{trrr at qfr,nsr :!irt ffis6{ is+ +< S? q{cl +<16{,,r str{ro slFTri I I OEIiII 'rc]q' \Ej ':crstl' fll r t ? r&6 + qr{-Tlr .4rf rr 'il{,l.n ?!' o cI€ Hlrria F 6E{ T<rat.I "iF{q fr!tuq I I PI.O. oliltfi ''tir"i' qd 4. '!rii6r' d 'd<'A 'ffiffi' !ftrnfi" E{ n€+ r6E qftll]fud t Ei qsl €is.r q€ fila Tq al ftEs iituii 6I ,,.,ls aqr, 6dr 6. 'rnEs rnql' et ?hlfts I 5{ 3s+'9.6lI se 61fr\ 5{d s. 1tu6t' ftqc !'{ 30 !r<t d t t' 5€ 'cqrqR-{i r ffisr 4tfqs 6fi I 61 Xtu 6ifsr1 4i Erql'l I 3rd{ TcE 61Gq 'Fir' G 'f"cl' Rl qtuqr 1iE'rE{q sqEEn I E6If IV 7. '3rtcl<' wvn'i FI t ? irlsr< !B_a al @+ lrJqR Rl s.{{{lql EI sf{FR Hr?r :hlftc s 'r@E4' Rt ffsa F r"q 4Ed ae t I "i'+! iiIFII 'walql<' 7m 6l cftlrlft. aI ss+ XoI is sI fr+sr alFs 2 r (6 qr+q . friis a*r$ t€r '{sE qlqq 41 v ,gs frirdrd 6r ft{Aqq Btlqs I I Eqd{ 61 3q4nm'Bqc s. 30 {<i '1c. +qr' ccr t ? 3fr€r {c{Eq sjr I sElql lqrie q !t<F,llrt, ?T{* E Eciqrdd IzEIII lllsq I I qds lcrRs fdfeq Roll No, --------------..- (18) Printed 7tL7 Pages-4] 2BCA2 Bachelor of Computer Applicatiorl (Second Semester) Examinatior, May/June, 2org ADVANCED PBOGE,AMMING IN C W(TH LINIJX .]qlq/Duation E{Yr : 3 :irEoDsl tytrfq'^{a* Marks : roo tqrdq T+Tllsa{in. Pass Marks I ao , r. !r{-c, ch !6rrd I frq,rfu-d t r+6 !6ri i lirift-6 f{6d li"r :rcr t , s_+6 !E{ t qd lTr 6r Fd{ dlil IF !-sn Eo qia e{n + .fl *tu! 3. slt ,Fjl A fts 1rqr" .i6 fi{d ii nei FTF-'?.-=r,,aq l I i ,]"? i @qr-r 6. ,ri !, { Instruc,ions - E ii- m +lr -:r rq ,rq !-teTd frqiF.d rqrr q{ 3](rn r}G r]q{ oifu-d r st I I L The Queddon paper is dtyjded in nye Uniis. Each unft caries 2. 3. 4. s Attempr oru quesrion trom esch 6 All qnesi,ons carry eqnsj u,ft ar Thus atrenpr /iue qnesriobs lnlenral in atl narls. Assuhe suirabl. daia wherever recessary. Ensl'. v.,s.on shouto oe dpohro Candidate should wriie nis,&d quPJion pdoa. RoI Nmber E6rd ;i rhe plesdibed spa.e on the r (Unit t) r. (a) GNU qj ccc t am fll sqFi ? ? cNU A rjE Ti qt{l t ? whai .lo you undsrsrlnd bJ GNU ald CCc ? wha! are nsjor f.riures o' cNr ' P-T.o. (6) riieii 61 5q ErdBlq @r wlal E bs . e orklns sith su'6ble poik6 t Ei.iar s;e of DMS ciwlr poidu opercrore (o.) Mano.( ), Sreo( ), Explajn DMS tu!.rion MaUo( (6) of LLe oiaDpl.s. ' 2. (o) ? t.d miu{ sR?i qi T<raor't6{ . t Ercifuf +rii'A Cddlrr q1 ) cri feei rea110( ), Sizeo( ), &at1oc( )d Eisrr+ ), ft6e( ). frIt F1 t 7 ft€n sftn E ra What i6 lhe !tu.ess of dynsnic ndory arlocatioE rr 16r{ I ? Cive d.rails. j {u!i! u, r. to) qrtcl t src scr sT{i t ? Erf6 Rl qia${ + €rc +Q dqrdr sr r.6dl $Aqt do you undesteDd by a file ? qow ca! handl€ a file wth function ,r' EEF F qr;, Et ? 16r, Elfi t, f++ qrgF + dT{l + 6r{ (d qraa EEena tlm many lypes of 6les s file. fu€ Doin'e. are th* ? Explain op@nlg a I e, .closins rqqt a. (a) trEq q*q'ai:z ei 3rES. sr{6 qd €lcf€ (*s ?ir RqsEi E;plain randoa a;cess inpur anit ourput Iile ald dir€cr 7t77 2 access. r a . fiF ii*i + :sqh et gqcBq (, fscanli ) (,, fPrintl( : ) (iti) fsrite( ) (,u) fread( ) besdib€ atd us€ the followins luctiond : tiJ '"de( r 4rl! I . iiil fsriE( k, j freod r a6G lrr ; (Uut IID ; ," agi + flc € Ecs: r , rd what do you undelstirnd bv (6, llelq, A dn 41 nam' A qE ulGc r tsl rfq r-; faq iT{6 ? tdr sE€ t : ? H@ can vou define na@s i ErE, I rilin <q 6l sIE qr'{ Cde details about lr;proceqso.' E 6. (o) f6." drd qi'fsn i6,r ntr liair ? I debuesins tools' se.c tuE i'6 {{ri srff t ? 4H ? Explain headq file. How .-ilable lor .D El tE il lo 6;5@ a hoadtr lile ^ wlu'h @rhod ? 4I I f,n Rr sEs't : ?lr- !-F ai q{' + .€ what do you undeFtald bv 7117 E eftr u-ii':7 handler ? Etplaib tvles of I dd' P,T.O. rv (unit w) 16rg rto-q What a t Ej B{+ @ aH r ) rfrF _r, +: "q t is $splics lnd 16r c ffi! rTn &t rypes of $aphica ? Wtrar '{: d tsq +rE ftf€q Write a proErdrir to drav a circle qirql i. is sraphi.s ) cotor I C tanElagE. (or) 3. (a) tud ,rtu-fi 4t f6Fi -.i * , 1ic ci{r+ E} fle +rBq I Desciibe the funciions wlich ar€ nsed in djsplay rhe e,aphica. (.,) fi'q ql srgtEc : ourtex( ), ouiie$iy( ), rine(x, y, x1, y1, circle(*, y, r) 1), l Explain ouacn. Inerx. r. rr. vI. ', ou"pxrxyi 1,, ;idcy, y. r,. F'6rj v (UDit V) 9. (u) ${ll inrs6( ) 4r *r s[+.r t ? f{€R n {qEtEi I $4rat js the use of funciion iDrB6( (6) c;{n q.i F+r I €r dd{ i ) ? Describe in detajl. ? What are diflerences bery.c, fnndions anrt .ontin$ ? 3Er.[ ro. (ai \Or) noM Bros 41 ErdFsts se qituI I Explain workjra of ROM BrOS. (6) i Bros RouTrNE r 7t\7 i iri t ? fqRn t e= al1iq Ilo* e r€sisters pa6si.s a.elmet ro !!e BIOS RO1ITINE ? Erpiair ResisieN 4 3{.i+{ fss nIE !r{ frq RolI No. ... .......,..." """' " 7118 (19) ";;;.;;; 28CA3 or co-p..t." Application (Secood ExamiDation' MaY/;IuEe' 2013 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSAEMS sdtu/D".ati"n Marls : r0o Pass Marks-: a' LI3r6A!aa' : 3 .i:,ltour"l lq{dl sff6a[-. ,Ir-c.r dq {6nri i tu'.f, i ra5 36r{ n q6 ffi 6l firI Atuq L tq r6R R\t ,{n + fts rqi{ 3i6 F{d t qI {6fi inr" srrsrqfrdr ? ae" :rXx era t L "ril qn glq I 3.fls I ffid Ai 11 dH €6'I si {6 ei ,rr-qr't qirirli ftqlfin rinr !1 i{q{ td rEr 3iE-d in nve Uniis' Ead! nnit 1. The Queslion Papd i3 djvided 2. Atlempt one queslion froE each Unit' 3, ,4ll quesliotu carrY equal narls' 5. Assume suitable daia whe'eve' lecessary' to be er{t Enslish versio! sho;ld be deeDed I caries Th$ diiedpt in 'ase baGiation. Candidnie 6hodd wriie hisAer Roll NMber ai the Pescribed F6ri I €rzri€ t#{ Fr<q t ,r! Fr qqsi i by Dalabese ) MontgemenN spaca on ih' (b) EE dias"m er.t wn.l is dia:'qm, Expltu *irh q@!le E.R ? EIE{q skd EdE+ . | 3tilt[ \of, ai - Fgfltci-c Eqft,r. r-.{6 E@F- t fqq !F, fir: t ? Hdw rs bi.'orchical Btmdrrin€ drflrcol frcD Noraorl ,r' ii.qF * {16 Aqi .# O,ve & aaDDle rLo*hs ?Irii o!L€. F6rd rc Sh.lDias I g r<r,q ffrq r and.!.ir arnbures to valEs. Ir (UEit ID 3. rd ) zra+E q flffillr liraras q{J t l0 ? Wny is Normalizaiio! rec*sary iD darabase &sien€d iL ) +{q <fl Bl arqr 4lfni ? I q{ql (o/) a. (al BCNF. al .tr1fi Er t ? w*1 {6n gNF vAat is the condiiion ol BCN! ? Comprre ,b, #srF ffiffi . 71la (, Euler k€y (ii) Foreie! it wiiL . : Writ€ short noies on t 61ffi I I trey. 2 gNF. 2\s-t0 raG m (Unit IU) OUTER 5. How JoIN sftlF rNNER jorN qlean is the OUTER JOIN DBA-Rote.4l eq{Fi i +t fi.q t ? operaiion diifereai {,oE INNER JOIN I lo.) SQL I Gflir Whar are sQL q asBegare lunctions 2 tle varidls asE esat6 fnftrions in SeL ? ,iews Ri t ? vi€ws + E{ q€fe,r +t What are vievs vie"s *i t. in EN SQL ? q1 sr$ t can updarins be p€rfoaed rhoush o F6.a rv rdr qnq q @F +t qqr 6n t , Hoe aft records 6Bug€d F€Ftu What 7118 frr nd Ir ir a ffle ? 3mrRn ae tne Iadors on t which ? hdeing is lassd P-T-O- (o.) s. ,o) ai-ffd d'E @R ;n qiflr+ Exdajn Yariabh la,sth .eco.d6. 1r) B+ Itee 6I m Effir t what b ? B+ 'Itee Structure ? E{ri v rurlt o. ,a, (b) oDBc q ?) Whet is DgN Rr V) +l d.+q-{ *t q"rd oDBc ro ODBC ?. Explaia the us€s of ODBC. t ? {cEI{n r What is DSN ? Explain il. (or) 10. (o) Client Seper Syst€n t erq f,I sc{A i ? What do you udd.iand by Client Sener Sr{t€n '6 D6labse i funcrionqtiry acr ? ) 'llrrri '!vha! ar€ darabas€ funcr,onatrr,..2 7118 Et.tiii ? 10 Roll No, 7Ltg (20) 2B(j 4 Bachetor of Computer Application (Second Semester) Examination, May/June 2013 PRINCIPLES Or. MANAGEMENT ;lstrr D,.at,oa ii*sf fTri+;,'lMd. Marks : 1oo fqrdc Tffq,afin. Pass Ma.ks : 40 : 3 d?HouEl I r. l1rqr +q !6E"ii ii Glnfqn t r+{ .6ri I s.'r<f.6 Gf.{ kc rar ?r u. ve+ s+ri t qs ,{r sI rfl AGqL Eq 1611 {d qis ,{ii + 3fl Aftql 3 c!+ xti * iiq Fqn :i6 l{{d € 4 q6I" ers{{fdr d 4d 3{t€ 3la Fm qr {{in t s. 3rJsr< t ffi di !{ iiH F6c Rt IId qff qqr 6. ]!Trr], ii qnH,ff ficlftn elr q{ 3rc{ nE iEI dtun si 1 Th€ Qudstion Paper is divided in /iud Uaiis. Each unit caries an intornal ,. 3. 4. 5. Attenpt o,e question fmm eac! Uait. Thus attempi fi,e quesiions in all. All quesiio.s cory equd ma*s. 6. Candidate sbould wnte his/her Assume suiiable data {herever n€c€ssa.y. Engli6h ve.sion should be d€€ned to be con€.t in R.ll Nunber ai fte case of any anodaly in prescribed space on t]1e F$I (Unit I) 1 c{}J. qsrsr q i,rd1 al !fi.{tun alliqr r{,r 61 fu!ir,(' FqflrCl Define management, administration and organisation. Explain tho chsacterislics of managem€ni. P.T.o. aqql . (or) ll{q+6r{*€cqrfql Explain lhe fhcrio"s of heas€mdr, r*r* u (Unit ID 2. flrilr {1 qrqr 6iG1 Si !s* na] qi siFECl D€sdib€ sllatesr fotuulation and jts elements, sisrsr lor) ffcr i qc Br {rFi € ? fFlqr d Whal do you Eed fshq (UEio IU) r{*r+iq qfi ii, qr t ? rF+ "{Aq Whaf is MIS ? Explain its !s€s. 7119 ? by dkis,on-@ohiDs WLst are lhe ba.hod. of d..isjoD- r*r{ ru o. isH Rr i I (q{Esl Slilif (Or) ffisq 6] Eq9rlql at !ftlll!] Afqql 6r{ ResNe MaegpEdt, ExplaiD job anarvsis' r6d rv Ghit rv) 4. eftkq sir {{$!sr en{}ol + '{{' s 'sri' f(Tek 41 dil !' ih€ories D.sdil,e motiiatio!, also €xplaiE'X (or) !qr+ ils"r + !flqFco rd 61 q@r alBcl De6cnb. ihe el€m€nts oI 'IIeciiYe @@uni'aiion' Farg v (UEit v) 5. fiq c{ ifhq M (, F{q thtuq : xiqr d (rD nrq eiqr Yafd?iir Write short tuies on I (i) ElemeDid oI (i, Tecbrique of ti6e Emagp46t' iiEe mdaeEdeDi P.T.O. 7115 "iES +n qi,' lirc q ft.{*r ftfurl on ..How to become an @trepreneur.,, 7119 4