Volume 269/October 2013 Youth with the Creator Remember your Creator in the days of your youth... - Ecclesiastes 12.1 GULF MAR THOMA YOUTH CONFERENCE SPECIAL EDITION MESSAGE FROM THE VICAR “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him” - John Piper CHURCH SERVICE & AREA ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE Date Theme 1st Lesson 2nd Lesson Epistle Area 03.10.13 04.10.13 05.10.13 Parish Mission Day: Passion for Evangelisation 2 Kings 7: 3-9 Acts 11: 19-26 1 Corinthians 9: 16-23 Parish Mission Parish Mission Parish Mission 10.10.13 11.10.13 12.10.13 Day of the people with Special Skills: Special people in the midst of limitations (21st Sunday after Pentecost) Exodus 4: 1-17 2 Corinthians 4: 7-18 2 Corinthians 12: 1-10 Al Maktoum A Naif Road Clock Tower 17.10.13 18.10.13 19.10.13 Youth Week: “Youth” with the Creator Ecclesiastes 12: 1-8 Philippians 3: 1-16 1 Timothy 4: 7-16 Yuvajana Sakhyam Yuvajana Sakhyam Yuvajana Sakhyam 24.10.13 25.10.13 26.10.13 Christian Family Day Family: Expression of Relationship Genesis 2: 18-25 Acts 18: 1-11 Ephesians 3: 14-21 Kaisthana Samithi Kaisthana Samithi Kaisthana Samithi 31.10.13 01.11.13 02.11.13 World Sunday School Day: Childhood growing in favour with God and people Deuteronomy 6: 4-25 Ephesians 5: 1-10 2 Timothy 3: 14-17 Frij Murar Sunday School Sunday School 07.11.13 08.11.13 09.11.13 Annunciation to Zechariah 1 Chronicles 24: 1-19 Revelation 8: 1-8 2 Corinthians 2: 12-17 Al Shaab-A Kuwait Hospital Area Hor Al Anz/Garden City WORSHIP SCHEDULE THURSDAY’S Holy Communion Service (Malayalam) FRIDAY’S Holy Communion Service (Malayalam) 8.00 pm FRIDAY’S Holy Communion Service (English) (1st, 2nd & 4th Friday’s) 12.30 pm FRIDAY’S Matins Worship Service (English) (3rd & 5th Friday’s) 12.30 pm SATURDAY’S Holy Communion Service (Malayalam) 8.00 am 8.00 am (Holy Trinity Church, Oud Mehta Road) KAISTHANA SAMITHI MEETING The 5th Kaisthama Samithi Meeting will be held on Friday, 4th October 2013 at the EMTM Hall at 6.30 pm. JEEVAMRUTHUM Bible Correspondence Course:You are cordially invited to take part in the Bible Correspondence Course “Jeevamrutham”, arranged by the Episcopal Jubilee Institute of Evangelism, Kompady, Thiruvalla. For registration and queries please contact Convenor Mr. Aji Mathew, Parish Mission 050 675 6963. MALANKARA SABHA THARAKA: For yearly subscription of the Sabha Tharaka that gives information on the Mar Thoma Church please contact the co-ordinators for the same: Jobi Joshua 050-6983405 and Sam Michael 050-6266150. BHADRASANA PRAKASHAM: You can get news and latest developments on our Diocese through the Bhadrasana Prakasham. For subscription please contact our Diocesan Assembly members. KARUTHAL A local service team to help needy members of our society is functioning under the name “Karuthal”. Members interested in using their time and God given gifts in helping those who are needy are welcome to become a part of this team. For further details contact the Convenor Mr. Samson P. Samuel 050 738 6326. “We never grow closer to God when we just live life. It takes deliberate pursuit and attentiveness.” - Francis Chan MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY Courtesy: Joy Kulanada Contacts: 055-4747 468 | 050-553 8163 josenellivila@hotmail.com | josenellivila@yahoo.com “Worry about tomorrow steals the joy from today.” - Barbara Cameron ORGANISATION NEWS PARISH MISSION Parish Mission meets every Friday at 10.45 am at the Carmel Hall. Please attend prayerfully and be blessed. Special prayer for 10th & 12th class students starting from the month of October. Student’s details to be given through the form available at the Church counter. For further details please contact Mr. Abraham George (Babu) 050 505 5295. SEVIKA SANGHAM Sevika Sangham meets every Saturday, Sunday and Monday evening at four different areas as mentioned below. Unit 1 Sunday: Jebel Ali Ind. Area / Jebel Ali FZ / Al Quoz /Gardens / Barsha / Al Warqa-Rashidiya/ Ras Al Khor-International City. Unit 2 Monday: Jumeirah / Satwa / Karama A / Karama B / Karama C / Bur Dubai A / Bur Dubai B / Holy Trinity Area. Unit 3 Saturday: Al Maktoum A / Al Maktoum /B / Naif Road / Frij Murar / Kuwait Hospital Area / Clock Tower / Hor Al Anz & Garden City. Unit 4 Monday: Al Shaab A / Al Shaab B / Abu Hail-Mamzar / Al Nahda Dubai / Al Ghusais A / Al Ghusais B / Muhaisnah A / Muhaisnah B / Al Towar / Al Nahda Sharjah / Al Khan / King Faisal, Sharjah / Rola-Ajman. A combined meeting is held at Holy Trinity Church, Hall No.F-2 every 4th Monday of the month. For further details contact Secretary Mrs. Rachel Mathew 04 261 4383 / 050 656 6794. Pink Day - Cancer Awareness Class There will be a Cancer Awareness Class on 28th October 2013 from 6.00 pm onwards at Trinity Church Hall. Bible quiz and Bible reading competitions for the Sevika Sangham participants will be held at Trinity Hall on 21st October 2013 from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm. FASTING PRAYER Sevika Sangham conducts fasting prayer every Wednesday from 9.30am – 12.00pm at different areas. Those interested to attend please contact Convener Mrs. Elsy Chacko 04 335 0766 / 050 880 2731. SUNDAY SCHOOL Mar Thoma Sunday School, Dubai. Regular classes will be held every Friday after Malayalam Service. For further details contact Mr. K. T. Alex on 050 695 1904 or Mr. Joseph John on 050 675 3510. Trinity Sunday School, Dubai. Sunday School will be held every Saturday at 10.15 am. For further details contact Mrs. Mini Susan Thomas on 050 465 7608 or Mrs. Manju John on 050 950 9897. CHOIR Parish Choir - Malayalam meets for practice every Friday after the Malayalam Service at Church. After Saturday Malayalam Service there is Choir Practice at the Trinity Church Compound (Hall C 3). For further details please contact: Mr. Abraham Varghese 050 624 8427. Parish Choir - English meets to practice every Friday after English Service at 2.30 pm. Any members interested in joining the Choir for regular worship please contact Mr. Geeve Mathew on 055 373 2846. YUVAJANA SAKHYAM The Yuvajana Sakhyam meets every Friday at 10:45 am at Bethanya Hall after Service. Encouraging all Yuvajana Sakhyam members of our parish to participate in the usual activities of Sakhyam. For further details, please contact : Secretary: Mr. Anil John 050 6173697 | Prayer Cell Convenor: Mr. Paul Ninan 056 7245126 | Promisory Fund Convenor: Mr. George Issac 050 5180946. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Youth Fellowship meets every Friday at 11.00 am at the Jebel Ali Parsonage. We would like to encourage all the youngsters of our parish to participate in the activities of the Youth Fellowship. For further details, please contact Mr. Samuel Kurian 056 795 0013. SENIOR CITIZEN FELLOWSHIP Senior Citizen fellowship meeting of the parish will be held on 16th October (Wednesday) at Tulip Inn Hotel, Ghusais at 8 pm. All the senior members of the parish with family are welcome. For further details contact Mr. Benjamin Samuel (Secretary) on 050 4505142. “Remember as you go about your day that you may be the only Jesus some of your friends, neighbors, and family will ever see.” - Wanda E. Brunstetter 17TH GULF MAR THOMA YOUTH CONFERENCE OC TOBER 14- 16, 2013, DUBAI OUR LEADERS CHIEF PATRON His Grace The Most Rev. Dr. Philipose Mar Chrysostom Mar Thoma Valiya Metropolitan CHIEF PATRON His Grace The Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan PATRON Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa PATRON Rt. Rev. Gregorios Mar Stephanos Episcopa 17TH GMTYC SPEAKERS Fr. Bobby Jose Kattikadu Daya Bai Adv. P. A. Cyrus Rev. Sam T Koshy MESSAGES Dear all The much awaited Gulf Mar Thoma Youth Conference is finally at our door steps now. A lot of hard work and tremendous efforts have been put in by our Yuvajana Sakhyam and other members of our Parish over the last two months.The activities of our youth are always a memorable experience and a great occasion to cherish and I pray that this Conference too will be a blessed one for all coming. On behalf of the Dubai Mar Thoma Parish, I take this opportunity to welcome all delegates and guests to the Conference. Best regards Jose Lukose Nellivila Secretary Dubai Mar Thoma Parish Dearly beloved in Christ It gives me great privilege to announce that we as the Dubai Mar Thoma Yuvajana Sakhyam are ready to welcome and host the 17th Gulf Mar Thoma Youth Conference. God willing, the conference will be held during the Eid holidays (October 14th - 16th). Final touches to the preparations are going on in full swing and we expect to receive around 1000 delegates.As a General Convenor I would like to thank each one of you for your prayers, suggestions, advise, contributions, support and most importantly your complete backing in making this conference a blessed one. I would like to welcome all members of the Dubai Parish to come and attend atleast one session.Also continue to keep the conference in prayers, for all the arrangements and more importantly pray that delegates who are attending will go back refreshed, renewed and will have a new perspective of what the Lord’s vision is in their lives. Alex John General Convenor - 17th GMTYC “We fear men so much, because we fear God so little.” - William Gurnall General committee members of the 17th Gulf Mar Thoma Youth Conference, Dubai, UAE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE OF GMTYC – 2013 DUBAI, UAE General Convenor Mr. Alex John 050 600 7677 Joint Convenor / DMTYS Vice President Mr. Charles Mathew 050 847 3055 Joint Convenvor Mr. Sam Mathew 050 240 4035 Programme Convenor Mr. Sajan Veloor 050 204 6067 Co-Convenor: Mr. Jinu Varghese Publicity Convenor Mr. Shinu George 050 600 9912 Mr. Anish Simo Reception Convenor Mr. Eappen O. N. 050 735 1022 Mr. Samuel Kurien Transportation Convenor Mr. John Thomas 050 478 5835 Mr. Anoop A Visa/Immigration Convenor Mr. Roy Mathew 050 575 1527 Co-Con: Mr. Benson Varghes Printing & Stationery Convenor Mr. Jinu Thomas George 050 594 1103 Mr. Dinil E George Food Convenor Mr. Roby Mathew 050 343 4083 Co-Con: Mr. Easow Thomas Gen. Arrangement Convenor Mr. Roji Mathew 050 658 2239 Mr. Dinil E George Souvenir Convenor Mr. Liju Mathew 055 956 5602 Co-Con: Mr. Abby John Prayer Cell Convenor Mr. Paul Ninan 056 724 5126 Mr. Reji Thomase Accomodation Convenor Mr. Thomas Abraham 050 224 1290 Mr. George Issac Finance Convenor Mr. Tini Idiculla Ninan 050 468 9409 Finance Convenor Mr. Gilu K. John 055 803 1860 DMTYS Secretary Mr. Anil John 050 617 3697 DMTYS Joint Secretary Mr. Aji Thomas 050 727 3138 DMTYS Lady Secretary Mrs. Shibi Roji 052 801 8277 REGISTRATION DETAILS All Parish members are cordially invited to attend the conference. • Full Registration fee: AED 150 per person (3 days including food). • Children above 6 years will be provided with food coupons and the charges will be AED 100 per child. • Limited Daily Food Coupons available at AED 50 per person. Contact The Gulf Marthoma Youth Conference, Dubai Marthoma Yuvajanasakhyam, Marthoma Parish PO Box : 2591, Dubai – UAE | Tel office: +971 4 884 5233, +971 4 884 5231 | Fax : +971 4 884 5234 General info : info@gmtycdubai.com | Registration : gmycreception@gmail.com | Visa/ Travel : visa@gmtycdubai.com | donate@gmtycdubai.com (Souvenir) | Visit : www.gulfmarthomayouthconferencedubai.com PLEASE WATCH LIVE VIDEO COVERAGE FOR THE CONFERENCE IN HTTP://GMTYCDUBAI.COM/ “Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right.” - Max Lucado PARISH NEWS WELCOME TO RT. REV. DR.THOMAS MAR THEETHOS EPISCOPA God willing, Rt. Rev. Dr.Thomas Mar Theethos Episcopa will be with us for our Family Day celebrations. Family Day & Ingathering will be held on 24th, 25th & 26th of October. This is the first time Thirumeni is visiting our Parish. On behalf of the Dubai Mar Thoma Parish a warm welcome to Theethos Thirumeni. THE MAR THOMA PARISH, DUBAI ANNUAL PARISH CONVENTION 2013 TAL LIFE & WITNES “SACRAMEN S” Date: 21st, 22nd, 23rd OCTOBER 2013 (Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday) Time: 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm Venue: Holy Trinity Church Compound Speaker: Rev. Dr. Prakash K. George MARRIAGE AID SPECIAL PROJECT As our Church is completing 45 years of its glorious presence in this region, Kaistana Samathi and the General Body has decided to help economically backward Marthomite girls. Through this ‘Marriage Aid Special Project’, most deserving 45 girls will be provided with financial assistance of INR. 100,000/- each. This project covers all Mar Thoma church members within India. “God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.” - Elbert Hubbard WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Name Mobile Contact Prayer Group Home Parish Ref. No. Name Mobile Contact Prayer Group Home Parish VINODU K GEORGE 055-1801966 Jebel Ali Industrial Area Bethel MTC,Vayyattupuzha V 503 GEORGE KURIAN G 317 050-8443640 Bur Dubai - A Bethlehem MTC, Kollad, Kottayam PONNAMMA GEORGE 055-2605834 Gardens Thalavady Padinjarekkara MTC Thalavady P 211 ANU P SAJU 055-4556439 Gardens Immanuel MTC, West Kallada Ref. No. A 428 SAJI GEORGE S 311 055-3835645 Jebel Ali Free Zone Salem MTC, Thalachira, Kottarakara JOHN MATHEWS J 578 055-3808162 Jebel Ali Industrial Area Thelliyoor Salem MTC,Valakuzhy, Vennikulam SHIBIN MATHEW 050-2149147 Al Quoz MTC, Kadammanitta AJOY PHILIP BABU 050-2629459 Gardens St.Thomas MTC, Thiruvalla A 426 SHIJU PAPPACHEN S 310 055-3835659 Jebel Ali Free Zone Salem MTC, Thalachira, Kottarakara AJI GEORGE 052-85203041 Hor Al Anz/Garden City St.Thomas MTP, Thiruvalla A 427 BOBBY JACOB B 114 050-3001579 Jumeirah St.Thomas MTS, Santacruz (W) Mumbai THOMAS P CHERIAN T 592 050-8761949 Jebel Ali Ind Area Horeb MTC, Palankara, Malappuram GEORGE K MATHEW G 318 052-7869906 Jebel Ali Free Zone Laka St.Thom MTC, Edayaranmula ADARSH M ALEX 050-1488235 Al Maktoum - A Salem MTC, Kundara East A 429 MATHEW ISSAC M 695 055-5288052 Karama C Ezhamkulam Salem MTC, Adoor GEORGE T. ABRAHAM 050-6543798 Al-Maktoum B Salem MTC, Kumplampoika G 319 CHACKO JACOB C 215 056-6766404 Jebel Ali Ind. Area/DIP St. Thomas MTC, Thevally, Kollam MATHEW K. GEORGE 055-4783901 Al Quoz Salem MTC, Plaveliniravu Chathenthara M 694 S 309 We welcome all new members to our Parish. Please keep in touch with the Vicars and respective prayer group leaders of the Church. Contact Numbers: P. John (Vice President), 050 6566702, email: annajoy@emirates.net.ae or john.p@steripharm.ae, Mr. Mathews Abraham (Trustee), 050 1630 044, e-mail: joykumbanad@yahoo.com Mr. C. G. Daniel (Accountant) 050-774 7956, Caretakers: Shaji 050-889 5820, John 052-839 8832. “Sometimes God allows what he hates to accomplish what he loves.” - Joni Eareckson Tada PARISH NEWS FAREWELL Mr.Thomas Joseph & family (J 068) is leaving after 36 years in the UAE. Mr. Philip Ninan (N003) & family have left for India after being in the UAE for 39 years. CONDOLENCES Mrs.THANKAMMA KURUVILA (85 years), Moni Nivas, Karivankulam, Kavadiyaar, Thiruvananthapuram, mother-in-law of Thomas Mathew, Abu Hail/Mamzar prayer group. Mr. M.K.JOSEPH (90 years), Kuttikkattuthuruthiyil house, Kadapra, Kumbanadu, Pathanamthitta, father of John Joseph, Al Towar prayer group. Mr. P. P. SIMON (80 years), Green Villa, Chengannur, elder brother of PP Samuel, Hor Al Anz/Garden City prayer group. Mrs. MARIAMMA VARGHESE (65 years), Chakkalatharayil House, Kodukulanji, Chengannur, mother of Shiju George Varghese, Al Shaab A prayer group. Mr.VARGHESE VARGHESE (88 years), Eramallil House, Pandanadu, Chengannur, father of Moncy Varghese, Al Towar prayer group. Mr. P. S.THOMAS, (72 years), Palanilkkunnathil House, Elanthoor, Pathanamthitta, father-in-law of Sumodh Samuel, Bur Dubai B prayer group. Mr. JOHN PAPPACHEN (75 years), Oliparambil House, Mylapra, Pathanamthitta, father-in-law of Jacob Samuel, Al Ghusais prayer group. Mrs. SOSAMMA MATHAI (73 years), Adimurayil Veedu, Punnala, Pathanapuram, Punalur, mother of Mathew PM, Jebel Ali Ind. Area prayer group. Mrs. EALIKKUTTY CHERIAN (78 years), Kottappurathu House, Thripperunthura, Chennithala, Mavelikkara, mother of Ashok Cherian, Secretary, Jebel Ali Free Zone prayer group. Dubai Mar Thoma Parish expresses heart-felt condolences to the bereaved family members on the sad demise of their beloved ones. May our Almighty Lord strengthen and comfort them. YUVAJANA SAKHYAM - SWARARAGAM PROGRAMME As in the previous years, coinciding with Onam, our Yuvajana Sakhyam had a multi dimensional programme titled “SWARARAGAM” held at the EMTM Hall on Friday 13th September. The event was attended by a large number of our members including youths. Programmes included a skit by the Sevika Sangham, songs by Sunday School children, and a musical quiz. The afternoon ended with the traditional Onasadya that was a feast to all who participated. “When we are powerless to do a thing, it is a great joy that we can come and step inside the ability of Jesus” - Corrie ten Boom PARISH NEWS CHILDREN’S GIFT DISTRIBUTION Our Parish Mission took up a project to distribute gifts and other stationery items to children of Mukthi De-addiction Centre in Wayanad Area, run by our Diocese. The gift distribution ceremony was attended by 45 children from the Nadavayal and Neikuppa tribal colonies. The gifts distribution function also saw children singing some songs and exhibiting their talents. Rev. Reji Yohanan of the Mukthi De-addiction Centre has expressed his sincere gratitude to the Parish Mission. Thanks to all members who worked hard on this project and hope you would be able to support more such initiatives in the future. UAE CENTER YOUTH MEET The UAE Center Youth meet was held on 21st September 2013 at the Abu Dhabi Mar Thoma Church where students from Grade 8 and above participated. The event was led by Rev. Samson Samuel and had three prominent speakers- Rev. T. A.Varghese (Vicar, Santacruz MTC), Mr. Johnson Thomas (CSI Church, Abu Dhabi) and Mr. Ashwin Abraham (Dubai MTC).All those who attended were blessed by the speakers and the programme of the day. A special thanks to the Quiz team comprising Rejo, Juveen and Samuel who were placed 3rd in the Center Quiz titled “My Church, My Identity Season 2”. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP PRAISE AND WORSHIP Youth Fellowship had their second edition of the Praise and Worship for 2013-14 on the 7th of September 2013 at the VOICE International Hall. The evening was led by Rev. Samson Samuel and Ribu Kurien was the key speaker who shared an inspiring message from the Word.. “The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.” - Søren Kierkegaard CHANGES / UPDATES CONGRATULATIONS Vice President: P. John, Tel: No. 04 2576613 (Res) 050 6566702 (Mob), 09 2228869 / 09 2228862 (Off) from 9 am to 4 pm. Email: annajoy@emirates.net.ae or john.p@steripharm.ae We heartly congratulate Mr. Sajan Veloor for selection as Managing Committee Member to the Mar Thoma Evangelistics Association. Gardens Area Prayer Group Secretary: Sam Joseph, Mr. Sam Joseph (S131), Mob: 050-2887901, Email: otherasam@hotmail.com HEALTH AWARENESS From the Medical Desk… by Dr. Abey Abraham RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease affecting multiple joints, causing pain and gradual deformation. Eventual joint destruction causes consequent disability and shorter life expectancy. It has a prevalence of 1% and is commoner in women. It usually starts in the 4th or 5th decade and its cause is unknown. Genetic factors are implicated. The symptoms are joint pains and stiffness (usually in the mornings) of symmetrical joints of the hands and feet. RA can involve the neck but usually spares the lower portion of the spine. Other parts of the body are commonly involved. They include nodules on the skin, dryness of eyes, Lung disease causing cough, pericarditis and aortic involvement etc. RA can be diagnosed by presence of Rheumatoid factor and AntiCCP antibodies in blood. X-ray, ESR and CRP tests reveal these results. Treatment is aimed at reducing pain, preserving function and preventing deformation of the joints. Pain Killers (like Diclofenac, Brufen and Arcoxia) help in relieving pain. Steroids reduce inflammation and DMARDs (Disease Modifying AntiRheumatic Drugs- Methotrexate Antimalarials, etc.) help in suppressing the disease. Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy is necessary. In advanced stages surgery may be necessary. A Rheumatologist is to be consulted. This as a regular column for the benefit of our readers. This column is intended to increase health awareness among our members and hopefully lead to a change in perspective and focus on better health practices. All suggestions are welcome. BUS ROUTES BUS ROUTE CO-ORDINATORS International City (New Route) Mr. Gipsy George 055-938 6591, Mr. Saji George 050-802 9705 Al Ghusais – Al Shaab Rajan John 050-478 0328 Al Maktoum Hospital – Water Tank-Al Riqa – Naif Road Kurian Thomas 050-459 4686, Santhosh Cherian 050-977 9265, Thomas Zacharia 050-476 4291 Anish Simon 050-995 2016, Dinil George 055-763 7973 Sonapur - Rashidiya Mammen V. J. 055-215 7279, K. A. Kurian 050-729 7511 Al Quoz V.C. Mathew 050-829 2027, Binu P. John 055-864 1909 Jebel Ali Free Zone Sunny Markose 050-755 2395, Jiju 050-728 3871 Jebel Ali FZ South Main Gate Jose 050-955 2051, Babu Varghese 050-505 7305 Dubai Investment Park Cherian John 055-474 6461, Raju Yohannan 055-525 9250 Jebel Ali Industrial Area Monachan Varghese 055-472 4505, Alex 050-694 1182 Convenor: P. John, 04 2576613(Res), 050 6566702 (Mob) For more information, please contact Rev. Dr. Daniel Mammen (Vicar) Jebel Ali Parsonage P.O. Box: 2591, Dubai, UAE T: 04-884 5231, F: 04-884 5234 M: 050-552 1899 E: danielmammen64@gmail.com Rev. Benny V. Abraham (Asst.Vicar) Al Nahda Parsonage P.O. Box: 2591, Dubai, UAE T: 04-239 7112, F: 04-239 7113 M: 050-458 2187 E: aasishaardra@gmail.com Rev. Samson Samuel (Youth Chaplain) Sharjah Chaplain Parsonage P.O. Box: 2591, Dubai, UAE T: 06-545 4858 M: 050-221 4400 E: revsamsonsamuel@hotmail.com The Mar Thoma Parish, P.O. Box: 2591, Dubai, UAE Church Office Tel: 04-884 5233 Website: www.dubaimarthomaparish.org For private circulation only. Bur Dubai – Karama - Satwa