2016 mount hermon road micro-surfacing project

Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk of the City of
Scotts Valley, of the County of Santa Cruz, State of California, in the office of the Public
Works Department, 701 Lundy Lane, Scotts Valley, California 95066, up to 10:00 am,
September 1, 2016, for the Mount Hermon Road Micro-Surfacing Project in the City of
Scotts Valley, in accordance with Plans and Specifications on file in the office of the
Public Works Director, 701 Lundy Lane, Scotts Valley, California, telephone (831)
The bids will be publicly opened and read by the City Clerk of the City of Scotts Valley at
the time and place above stated, and a report of the names of all bidders and the amount
of each bid will be made.
In general, the work to be done under this contract consists of, but not be limited to,
removal of existing thermoplastic and raised pavement markers, the application of
microsurfacing, striping, marking, color pavement markings, and markers. The area of
work is: On Mount Hermon Road, beginning at the northwest crosswalk at La
Madrona Drive to the western City Limits 375’ north of Lockhart Gulch.
The work shall include, but not be limited to traffic control, protection of existing facilities,
and all other work shown on the Plans, Standard Plans or as required by these Special
Provisions and the Standard Specifications.
The City has filled potholes and repaired major damage on the streets to receive the
microsurfacing treatment. The contractor shall furnish a schedule of work, all necessary
supervision, labor, materials (including water), supplies, power sweeping, notification of
residents, construction tools and equipment, utilities and services, transportation,
receiving, handling, storage, disposal of waste, applicable taxes, locating and covering
manholes, survey monuments, valve boxes, etc., prior to slurry sealing or microsurfacing,
and subsequent cleaning of covers or appurtenances to sewer and utility facilities, survey
monuments, placing traffic striping, “cat-tracking”, reflective tabs, and all other services
necessary for the microsurfacing of streets and the restoration of pavement striping,
markings, and all pavement markers.
The Contractor shall do all work incidental to legally and satisfactorily complete the work
including the furnishing of all supervision, labor, materials, supplies, tools, equipment,
transportation, utility coordination, applicable taxes, permits, and any other necessary or
required incidental work essential to accomplish the work, whether or not shown on the
plans or required in these specifications. The cost of all such incidental work shall be
included in the various item of work and no additional or direct payment will be made
Bidders shall make a field reconnaissance of the project area prior to bidding in order to
visualize and have full comprehension of the scope and extent of the work.
No pre-bid meeting is scheduled for this project.
At the time this contract is awarded, the Contractor shall possess a Class A license.
This contract is subject to state contract nondiscrimination and compliance requirements
pursuant to Government Code, Section 12990.
Each bid must be accompanied by cash, a certified or cashier=s check, or a bidder=s bond
in the sum of not less than ten percent (10%) of the total aggregate of the bid. The checks
or bonds shall be made payable to the order of the City of Scotts Valley.
Pursuant to Section 4590 of the California Government Code, Contractor will be
permitted, at Contractor=s request and sole expense, to substitute securities of any
monies withheld by City to ensure performance under the contract. Said securities will be
deposited either with City or with a state or federally chartered band as escrow agent.
Securities eligible for this substitution are those listed in Section 16430 of the California
Government Code or bond or savings and loan certificates of deposit. Contractor shall be
the beneficial owner of any securities substituted for monies withheld and shall receive
any interest thereon.
Workers employed in the work must be paid at rates at least equal to the prevailing wage
scale as determined by the State Director of the Department of Industrial Relations and
on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Pursuant to Section 1770 of the California Labor
Code, any contractor who is awarded a public works project and intends to use a craft or
classification not shown on the general prevailing wage determinations, may be required
to pay the wage rate of that craft or classification most closely related to it as shown in the
general determination effective at the time of the call for bids.
All bids must be addressed to the City Clerk of the City of Scotts Valley, and shall bear the
title or name of the work to be constructed.
The City of Scotts Valley reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any errors
or discrepancies. The time limit for the completion of all work shall be 40 calendar days
after receipt of notification to proceed from Engineer. Contractor shall commence work
within ten (10) days after receipt of notification to proceed from Engineer, as set forth in
General Conditions, "Legal Relations and Responsibilities". Liquidated damages shall be
assessed in the amount of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each calendar day the
work remains incomplete beyond the time fixed above for completion.
Specifications may be secured from the Public Works Department, 701 Lundy Lane,
Scotts Valley, California, weekdays, excluding city holidays, between the hours of 8:00
a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or from the City=s website www.scottsvalley.org. To receive potential
addendums and qualify to bid, Contractors must register with the Public Works
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ......................................................................................................................iii
SECTION 1 - SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS ............................................................................................ 1
DEFINITIONS AND TERMS ............................................................................................................ 1
SECTION 2 - PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS.............................................................. 2
2-1.01 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. 2
SECTION 3. AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT .......................................................................... 2
3-1.01 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. 2
3-1.02 BONDS .................................................................................................................... 2
4-1.01 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. 3
4-1.02 HOURS OF WORK .................................................................................................. 3
4-1.03 OWNER'S INSPECTION ......................................................................................... 4
SECTION 5. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................ 4
5-1 MISCELLANEOUS .................................................................................................................... 4
5-1.01 LABOR NONDISCRIMINATION .............................................................................. 4
5-1.02 PREVAILING WAGE ............................................................................................... 4
5-1.04 PUBLIC SAFETY ..................................................................................................... 4
5-1.05 PROTECTION, SAFETY AND OBSTRUCTIONS ................................................... 5
5-1.06 FIRE SAFETY........................................................................................................ 5
5-1.07 TEMPORARY PROVISIONS................................................................................... 5
5-1.10 NOTIFICATION TO RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES ......................................... 5
5-1.11 PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNS................................................... 6
5-1.13 FORCE ACCOUNT PAYMENT ............................................................................. 6
5-1.14 REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES ........................... 8
5-1.20 SUBCONTRACTING ............................................................................................ 8
5-1.21 PROMPT PROGRESS PAYMENT TO SUBCONTRACTORS ............................... 8
5-1.24 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ........................................................... 9
5-1.25 PROJECT APPEARANCE ...................................................................................... 9
5-1.27 REVOCABLE CONTRACT ITEMS .......................................................................... 9
5-1.28 RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE .......................................................................... 9
5-1.29 USE AND OR OCCUPATION OF THIRD-PARTY LANDS ................................... 14
5-1.30 ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT ........................................................................... 14
5-1.31 SOUND CONTROL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................. 14
5-1.32 Warranty and Guarantee ....................................................................................... 14
5-1.33 SHOP DRAWINGS ................................................................................................ 15
5-1.34 AREAS FOR CONTRACTOR'S USE .................................................................... 15
SECTION 6 - MATERIALS.......................................................................................................................... 15
6-3 SUBMITTALS ........................................................................................................................ 15
6-3.01 SUBMITTALS ...................................................................................................... 15
6-3.02 SHOP DRAWINGS AND MATERIAL SUBMITTAL LIST .................................... 16
6-3.03 TRANSMITTAL LETTER ..................................................................................... 16
6-3.04 ORIGINAL SUBMITTALS .................................................................................... 17
6-3.05 RE SUBMITTALS ................................................................................................ 17
6-3.06 APPROVALS ....................................................................................................... 17
6-3.07 SAMPLES ............................................................................................................ 18
6-3.09 MANUALS ........................................................................................................... 18
6-3.10 MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE .................................................................... 18
6-3.11 COORDINATION OF SUBMITTALS ................................................................... 18
6-3.12 PROPOSED SUBSTITUTES OR "OR EQUAL" ITEMS...................................... 19
SECTION 9. DESCRIPTION OF WORK .................................................................................................... 20
Section 9-1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 20
SECTION 10. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ................................................................................................ 20
10-1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 20
10-1.01 MOBILIZATION ................................................................................................... 20
10-1.02 TRAFFIC CONTROL ........................................................................................... 21
10-1.03 SITE CONDITION ................................................................................................ 23
10-2 MICROSURFACING............................................................................................................ 23
10-2.01 MATERIALS AND TESTING FOR MICROSURFACING .................................... 26
10-2.02 CRACK FILLING .................................................................................................. 29
10-2.03 CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................................ 30
10-2.04 WEATHER CONDITIONS ................................................................................... 30
10-3 PAVEMENT STRIPING AND MARKING............................................................................... 30
10-4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ................................................................................................... 31
10-5 SUPPLEMENTAL WORK ...................................................................................................... 31
BID FORM ................................................................................................................................................... 32
BIDDER'S BOND ........................................................................................................................................ 36
Public Contract Code Section 10285.1 Statement ..................................................................................... 38
Noncollusion Affidavit .................................................................................................................................. 41
AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 42
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................................... 47
Special Provisions
Mount Hermon Road Micro-Surfacing Project
The work embraced herein shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications
dated 2015 and the Standard Plans dated 2015, of the California Department of
Transportation insofar as the same may apply and these Special Provisions. In case of
conflict between the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions, the Special
Provisions shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of the conflicting portions.
Amendments to the Standard Specifications set forth in these Special Provisions shall be
considered as part of the Standard Specifications. Whenever either the term "Standard
Specifications is amended" or the term "Standard Specifications are amended" is used in
the Special Provisions, the indented text or table following the term shall be considered
an amendment to the Standard Specifications. In case of conflict between such
amendments and the Standard Specifications, the amendments shall take precedence
over and be used in lieu of the conflicting portions.
As used herein, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the
following meaning:
The City of Scotts Valley, located in Santa Cruz County, California
Department of Transportation
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
The City Engineer of the City of Scotts Valley, State of California, acting either directly
or through properly authorized agents, such agents acting within the scope of the
particular duties entrusted to them.
The City of Scotts Valley, State of California
Standard Specifications
Means the City of Scotts Valley Standard Details dated May 1989 and the 2015 edition of the
Standard Specifications of the State of California, Department of Transportation. Any
reference therein to the State of California or a state agency, office or officer, shall be
interpreted to refer to the City or its corresponding agency, office or officer acting under this
2-1.01 GENERAL - The bidder's attention is directed to the provisions in Section 2, "Proposal
Requirements and Conditions," of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions for
the requirements and conditions which the bidder must observe in the preparation of the
proposal form and the submission of the bid.
In addition to the subcontractors required to be listed in conformance with Section 2-1.10,
"Subcontractor List," of the Standard Specifications, each proposal shall have listed therein the
portion of work that will be done by each subcontractor listed. A sheet for listing the
subcontractors is included in the Proposal.
The form of Bidder's Bond mentioned in the last paragraph in Section 2-1.34, "Bidders Security”
of the Standard Specifications will be found following the signature page of the Proposal.
In conformance with Public Contract Code Section 7106, a Non-collusion Affidavit is included in
the Proposal. Signing the Proposal shall also constitute signature of the Non-collusion
The contractor, sub recipient or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. Failure by the contractor to carry out
these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of
this contract or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate. Each subcontract
signed by the bidder must include this assurance.
3-1.01 GENERAL - The bidder's attention is directed to the provisions in Section 3, "Contract
Award and Execution," of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions for the
requirements and conditions concerning award and execution of contract.
The award of the contract, if it be awarded, will be to the lowest responsible bidder whose
proposal complies with all the requirements prescribed.
3-1.02 BONDS - The contractor shall provide, at the time of the execution of the agreement or
contract for work, at his own expense, a surety bond in an amount equal to at least one hundred
percent (100%) of the contract price as security for the faithful performance of said agreement.
Contractor shall also provide, at the time of the execution of the agreement or contract for work,
and at his own expense, a separate surety bond in the amount equal to at least one hundred
percent (100%) of the contract price as security for the payment of all persons performing and
furnishing materials in connection with said agreement. Sureties on each of said bonds shall be
satisfactory to the City Attorney.
4-1.01 GENERAL
Attention is directed to the provisions in Section 8-1.04, "Start of Job Site Activities," in Section 8-1.05,
"Time," and in Section 8-1.10, "Liquidated Damages," of the Standard Specifications and these Special
The Contractor shall begin work within 10 calendar days after the receipt of Notice to Proceed from the
This work shall be diligently prosecuted to completion before the expiration of 40 CALENDAR DAYS
beginning on the fifteenth calendar day after approval of the contract.
The Contractor shall pay to the City of Scotts Valley the sum of $250 per day, for each and every
calendar day's delay in finishing the work in excess of the number of working days prescribed above.
4-1.02 HOURS OF WORK The application of micro-surfacing shall be performed on maximum of two (2) consecutive
Saturday and Sunday, during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Contractor's bid price shall be based upon completing all work during this time period. Work
occurring outside this time period, if permitted by Engineer, shall not be a cause for extension of
time or alter the total bid price.
The Contractor shall request permission from Engineer a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours in
advance of plans to work outside these work hours and/or days specified. The hours and/or days
are subject to review and acceptance by Engineer. Contractor shall not work outside the
normal working hours unless permitted by Engineer.
Should the Contractor work outside these working hours without written permission, that time will
be deducted from his allowable working hours the following day. Should the Contractor request
to work during the designated holidays, the request must include reimbursement to the City
Inspector for overtime pay at a rate of $120.26 per hour.
Continued violation of the allowable working hours will result in a written notification by the
Engineer. Contractor shall pay to the City of Scotts Valley the liquidated damages sum of one
thousand, five hundred dollars ($1500.00) per day for each and every violation of work hour
restrictions. Any liquidated damages assessed will be deducted from the next scheduled
progress payment.
No Contractor=s employees, equipment, subcontractors, etc., or traffic control measures will be
within the limits of the work outside the allowable work hours.
4-1.03 OWNER'S INSPECTION - Inspector will make inspections at various times throughout
the progress of the project. These inspections will include all applicable items Owner deems
necessary to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents.
5-1.01 LABOR NONDISCRIMINATION - Attention is directed to the following Notice that is
required by CA Code Regs §§ 8107 and 8203:
Your attention is called to the "Nondiscrimination Clause", set forth in Section 7-1.02I(2),
"Nondiscrimination," of the Standard Specifications, which is applicable to all nonexempt state
contracts and subcontracts, and to the "Standard California Nondiscrimination Construction
Contract Specifications" set forth therein. The Specifications are applicable to all nonexempt
state construction contracts and subcontracts of $5,000 or more.
5-1.02 PREVAILING WAGE - Attention is directed to Section 7-1.02K(2), " Wages," of the
Standard Specifications.
The general prevailing wage rates determined by the Director of Industrial Relations, for the
county or counties in which the work is to be done, are available at the City of Scotts Valley
address. These wage rates are not included in the Proposal and Contract for the project.
Changes, if any, to the general prevailing wage rates will be available at the same location.
5-1.04 PUBLIC SAFETY - The Contractor shall provide for the safety of traffic and the public in
accordance with the provisions in Section 7-1.04, "Public Safety," of the Standard Specifications
and these Special Provisions.
In accordance with state law and generally accepted construction practices, Contractor shall be
solely and completely responsible for conditions of the job site, including safety of all persons
and property during performance of the work. This requirement shall apply continuously and not
be limited to normal working hours. The services of Engineer or Inspector in conducting
construction review of Contractor's performance are not intended to include review of the
adequacy of Contractor's work methods, equipment, bracing or scaffolding or safety measures
in, on, or near the construction site.
When traffic cones or delineators are used to delineate a temporary edge of traffic lane, the line
of cones or delineators shall be considered to be the edge of traveled way; however, the
Contractor shall not reduce the width of an existing lane to less than twelve (12) feet without
written approval of the Engineer. The lane closure provisions of this section shall not apply if the
work area is protected by permanent or temporary railing or barrier.
Full compensation for conforming to the requirements in this section "Public Safety," including
furnishing and installing traffic cones or delineators, temporary railing (Type K) and temporary
crash cushion modules, shall be considered as included in the contract prices paid for the
various items of work involved and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore.
5-1.05 PROTECTION, SAFETY AND OBSTRUCTIONS - Contractor shall at all times conduct
work as to ensure the least possible obstruction to traffic and inconvenience to pedestrians in the
vicinity of the work and to ensure the protection of persons and property. No road, street,
walkway, or building corridor shall be closed except with the permission of the Engineer. The
Contractor shall not be permitted to park or service any equipment in areas that the Engineer
may deem a visual obstruction to traffic or that may create an unsafe condition. The Contractor
shall not be permitted to stockpile any materials in areas that the Engineer may deem a visual
obstruction to traffic or that may create an unsafe condition.
Contractor shall be responsible for enforcing the requirement that safety hats be worn by all
persons on the job site at all times, and Contractor shall provide adequate signs at appropriate
locations throughout the job site setting forth this requirement. In addition, Contractor shall
provide an adequate number of safety hats for the use of authorized visitors, and shall be
responsible for the distribution thereof before allowing any visitor to enter the job site.
Contractor shall provide and maintain all fencing, barricades, guardrails, bridges, warning signs,
flaggers, and lights as are necessary to protect Contractor=s own personnel and authorized
visitors to the project site.
The security and safety of the scaffolding, ladders, ramps, temporary stairs, etc., shall be the
responsibility of Contractor. Hoists shall be operated only by trained operators. All such
equipment shall meet all applicable safety code requirements.
5-1.06 FIRE SAFETY - Fire hydrants on or adjacent to the work shall be kept accessible to fire
fighting equipment at all times. Cost for providing or maintaining access to fire hydrants shall be
the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The price paid for fire safety shall be deemed included
in other items of work and no additional compensation shall be allowed.
5-1.07 TEMPORARY PROVISIONS - Temporary provisions shall be made by Contractor to
ensure the use of sidewalks, paths, and the proper functioning of all gutters, sewer inlets,
drainage ditches and culverts, and natural water courses. The price paid for temporary
provisions shall be deemed included in other items of work and no additional compensation shall
be allowed.
5-1.10 NOTIFICATION TO RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES - The Contractor shall notify
residents and businesses, a minimum of two times, of construction operations. The contractor
will provide City information and a notification letter. Both are to be distributed to residences and
businesses along the streets to be microsurfaced. The contractor shall write in the date the street
is to be microsurfaced on the notification letter.
The first notice shall be given to all residents, businesses and schools within the project area
seven (7) calendar days and no more than 10 calendar days prior to the start of the
microsurfacing operation. The second notice will be given at 48 hours prior to the
microsurfacing application of the street.
If construction operations are delayed for any reason beyond the duration stipulated in the
notices, the Contractor shall re-issue written notices that explain the delay and shall provide a
revised schedule. All written notices to residents and businesses shall be submitted to the
Engineer for review.
All costs involved in providing notification shall be included in the amount bid for the various bid
items and no additional compensation will be allowed.
Temporary signage requirements shall include "No Parking" adjacent to all construction areas.
5-1.11 PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNS – Portable changeable message
signs shall conform to the provisions of Section 12-3.32 of the Standard Specifications and these
Special Provisions.
Contractor shall provide Portable Changeable Message Signs at all times for both traffic
directions as necessary according to construction location. Contractor shall provide four (4)
Portable Changeable Message Signs while roadwork activities are taking place. Portable
Changeable Message Signs shall be placed 7 days prior to beginning of construction operations
and shall remain in place until all construction activities are finished. Location and placement of
the Portable Changeable Message Signs shall be directed by the Engineer according to the
construction area and traffic conditions.
Contractor shall update the message information on all units. Each unit shall be operational for
the entire duration of the project or as directed by the Engineer. Payment for Portable
Changeable Message Signs shall be included in the price for micro-surfacing and no additional
payment will be made.
5-1.13 FORCE ACCOUNT PAYMENT - The fourth paragraph in SECTION 9-1.04A, "Work
Performed by Contractor," of the Standard Specifications is amended to read:
When extra work to be paid for on a force account basis is performed by a subcontractor an
additional markup of five percent will be added to the total cost of said extra work including all
markups specified in this SECTION 9-1.04. Said additional five-percent markup shall
reimburse the Contractor for additional administrative costs and no other additional payment
will be made by reason of performance of the extra work by a subcontractor.
The first paragraph in SECTION 9-1.04D, "Equipment Rental," of the Standard Specifications is
amended to read:
The Contractor will be paid for the use of equipment at the rental rates listed for such
equipment in the Department of Transportation publication entitled Labor Surcharge And
Equipment Rental Rates, which is in effect on the date upon which the work is accomplished
and which is a part of the contract, regardless of ownership and rental or other agreement, if
such may exist, for use of such equipment entered into by the Contractor, except that for
those pieces of equipment with a rental rate of $10.00 per hour or less as listed in the Labor
Surcharge And Equipment Rental Rates publication and which are rented from a local
equipment agency, other than Contractor owned, the Contractor will be paid at the hourly
rate shown on the rental agency invoice or agreement for the time used on force account
work as provided in SECTION 9-1.04D(2), "Equipment on the Job Site." If a minimum
equipment rental amount is required by the local equipment rental agency, the actual amount
charged will be paid to the Contractor. If it is deemed necessary by the Engineer to use
equipment not listed in said publication, a suitable rental rate for such equipment will be
established by the Engineer. The Contractor may furnish any cost data which might assist the
Engineer in the establishment of such rental rate. If the rental rate established by the
Engineer is $10.00 per hour or less, the provisions above concerning rental of equipment
from a local equipment agency shall apply.
The sixth paragraph in said SECTION 9-1.04D) is amended to read:
Individual pieces of equipment or tools not listed in said publication and having a
replacement value of $500 or less, whether or not consumed by use, shall be considered to
be small tools and no payment will be made therefor.
SECTION 9-1.04D "Equipment Rental," of the Standard Specifications is amended by adding
SECTION 9-1.04D(5), "Non-Owner-Operated Dump Truck Rental," as follows:
9-1.04D(5) Non-Owner-Operated Dump Truck Rental.--Dump truck rental shall conform to
the provisions of Sections 9-1.04D, "Equipment Rental," 9-1.04D(2), "Equipment on the Job
Site," and 9-1.04D(3), "Equipment Not On the Job Site and Not Required for
Original-Contract Work," except as follows:
1. Fully maintained and operated rental dump trucks used in the performance of extra work
paid for on a force account basis will be paid for at the same hourly rate paid by the
Contractor for use of fully maintained and operated rental dump trucks in performing
contract item work.
2. In the absence of contract item work requiring dump truck rental, the Engineer will
establish an hourly rental rate to be paid. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with
complete information on the hourly rental rates available for rental of fully maintained and
operated dump trucks.
3. The provisions in SECTION 9-1.04B, "Labor," shall not apply to operators of rented dump
4. The rental rates listed for dump trucks in the Department of Transportation publication
entitled Labor Surcharge And Equipment Rental Rates shall not apply.
5. To the total of the rental costs for fully maintained and operated dump trucks there will be
added a markup of 15 percent. No other markups will be made by reason of
performance of the work by a subcontractor or for labor.
asbestos or hazardous substances are not shown on the plans or indicated in the specifications
and the Contractor encounters materials which the Contractor reasonably believes to be
asbestos or a hazardous substance as defined in SECTION 25914.1 of the Health and Safety
Code, and the asbestos or hazardous substance has not been rendered harmless, the
Contractor may continue work in unaffected areas reasonably believed to be safe, and shall
immediately cease work in the affected area and report the condition to the Engineer in writing.
In accordance with SECTION 25914.1 of the Health and Safety Code, all such removal of
asbestos or hazardous substances including any exploratory work to identify and determine the
extent of the asbestos or hazardous substance will be performed by separate contract.
If delay of work in the area delays the current controlling operation, the delay will be considered
a right of way delay and the Contractor will be compensated for the delay as provided in
SECTION 8-1.07, "Delays," of the Standard Specifications.
5-1.20 SUBCONTRACTING - Attention is directed to the provisions in Section 5-1.13,
"Subcontracting," and Section 2, ABidding,@ and Section 3, AContract Award and Execution,@ of
the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions.
Pursuant to the provisions in Section 1777.1 of the Labor Code, the Labor Commissioner
publishes and distributes a list of contractors ineligible to perform work as a subcontractor on a
public works project. This list of debarred contractors is available from the Department of
Industrial Relations web site at http://www.dir.ca.gov/dir/Labor_law/DLSE/Debar.html.
the provisions in Sections 10262 and 10262.5 of the Public Contract Code and Section 7108.5 of
the Business and Professions Code concerning prompt payment to subcontractors.
Contractor shall return all moneys withheld in retention from the subcontractor within 30 days
after receiving payment for work satisfactorily completed, even if the other contract work is not
completed and has not been accepted in conformance with Section 5-1.46, "Final Inspection
and Contract Acceptance," of the Standard Specifications. This requirement shall not be
construed to limit or impair any contractual, administrative, or judicial remedies otherwise
available to the Contractor or subcontractor in the event of a dispute involving late payment or
nonpayment by the Contractor or deficient subcontract performance or noncompliance by a
5-1.24 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - Attention is directed to Sections 7-1.01O,
"Vehicle Code," of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions.
Pursuant to the authority contained in Section 591 of the Vehicle Code, the Department has
determined that, within such areas as are within the limits of the project and are open to public
traffic, the Contractor shall comply with all the requirements set forth in Divisions 11, 12, 13, 14
and 15 of the Vehicle Code. Attention is directed to the statement in Section 591 that this
section shall not relieve him or any person from the duty of exercising due care. The Contractor
shall take all necessary precautions for safe operation of the equipment and protection of the
public from injury and damage from such equipment.
5-1.25 PROJECT APPEARANCE - The Contractor shall maintain a neat appearance to the job.
In any area visible to the public, the following shall apply:
The complete work area shall be left in a neat and presentable condition outside the allowable
working hours.
Full compensation, not otherwise provided for, conforming to the provisions in this section shall
be considered as included in prices paid for the various contract items of work involved and no
additional compensation will be allowed therefor.
5-1.27 REVOCABLE CONTRACT ITEMS - Items noted as "Revocable" in the Proposal may be
deleted entirely or in part at the sole discretion of the City. The provisions of Section 4-1.03B
"Increased or Decreased Quantities" shall not apply to entire or partial deletion of Revocable
5-1.28 RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE A. Attention is directed to the provisions in Section 7-1.06, AInsurance,@ of the Standard
maintain during the life of this contract such Comprehensive General Liability and Property
Damage insurance, by an insurer acceptable to Owner, that shall protect Contractor and any
subcontractor performing work covered by this contract from any claims for bodily injury
(including death) or property damage which may arise because of the nature of the work or
from operations under this contract, whether such operations be by Contractor or by any
subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, even though such
damages are not caused by the negligence of Contractor or any subcontractor, or anyone
employed by either of them. The public liability and property damage insurance shall name
Owner, its officers, agents, employees, and any construction management firm hired by
Owner as additional insured, and all insurance policies issued hereunder shall so state. The
amounts of such insurance and their coverages shall not be less than the following:
1. CONTRACTOR=S LIABILITY INSURANCE: Shall provide bodily injury (including
death) liability limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each person, and $5,000,000 for
each accident or occurrence, and property damage liability limits of not less than
$500,000 for each accident or occurrence with an aggregate limit of $500,000 for
claims which may arise from the operations of Contractor in the performance of the
work hereunder provided. This insurance must include coverage for contractual
liability until the formal acceptance of the work by Owner. Contractor shall have the
charge and care of the work, and shall take every necessary precaution against injury
or damage to any part thereof from any cause whatever. Contractor shall rebuild,
repair, restore and make good all injuries or damages to any portion of the work
occasioned by any cause before its acceptance, and shall bear the expense thereof.
2. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE: Shall cover all vehicles used in the
performance of the contract and provide bodily injury (including death) liability limits of
not less than $500,000 for each person, and $1,000,000 for each accident or
occurrence, and property damage liability limits of not less than $500,000 for each
accident or occurrence which may arise from the operations of Contractor in the
performance of the work hereunder provided.
3. WORKER=S COMPENSATION INSURANCE: Before beginning the work, Contractor
shall furnish to Owner satisfactory proof that Contractor has taken out for the period
covered by the work under this contract, full compensation insurance for all persons
employed directly by Contractor or through sub-contractors in carrying out the work
contemplated under this contract, in accordance with the AWorker=s Compensation
and Insurance Act,@ Division IV of the Labor Code of the State of California and any
acts amendatory thereof. Such insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect
during the period covered by this contract.
4. Contractor shall provide Owner Protective Liability Insurance to owner that shall
insure Owner, its officers, agents, employees, and any construction management firm
hired by Owner, against any and all liability to all persons, including but not limited to
Contractor, subcontractors and material persons for damages because of bodily injury
(including death) or property damage, sustained by such person or persons, that may
relate in any way to this project and other liability for damages which Contractor and/or
subcontractors are required to insure under any provision herein. Said insurance
shall be provided in the amounts and covering the subjects referenced in the
introductory paragraph and subparagraph (1) of Paragraph B, above.
All insurance policies referenced above shall include a provision that the insurance will not be
canceled or reduced unless Owner has been given thirty (30) days prior written notice by
registered mail from the insurance carrier.
Owner and its agents, officers, employees, and any construction management firm hired by the
owner shall be named as additional insured on the insurance policies specified in
subparagraphs 1 and 2 above, and the insurance shall carry a cross-liability clause and a
severability of interest clause.
All insurance policies specified in subparagraphs 1, 2, and 4 above shall include a provision that
the insurance applies as primary, not excess to any other insurance carried by Owner, its
officers, agents, employees, and any construction management firm hired by Owner and that all
such other insurance (if any) shall be considered non-contributing for purposes of the application
of such primary insurance herein required.
In lieu of any one or more of the insurance policies referenced in subparagraphs 1-4 above, the
successful bidder may file with Owner evidence of an approved plan or self-insurance affording
the same protection as required for the given insurance policy or policies reference above for
which it is substituted.
Before execution of the contract, the successful bidder shall file with Owner a Certificate or
Certificates of Insurance (Form ADM-11) which shall evidence and certify that all insurance
coverages and provisions prescribed in this Paragraph B, have been obtained, or evidence of an
approved plan of self-insurance covering any of the insurance and related provisions specified in
subparagraphs 1-4 above for which the successful bidder is self-insured. All Certificates of
Insurance and/or approved plan of self-insurance shall be reviewed and approved by the City
Attorney prior to execution of the contract.
Construction Contractor
This certifies to the City of Scotts Valley, California, that the following described policies have
been issued to:
Location of insured operations: 1 Civic Center Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Name of Insurer
Each Person
Each Occurrence
Each Occurrence
Policy No.
Expiration Date
Combined Single Limit
Name of Insurer
Each Person
Each Occurrence
Each Occurrence
Policy No.
Expiration Date
Combined Single Limit
Name of Insurer
Policy Number
Expiration Date
Employer=s Liability $
All policies are in effect at this time and will not be canceled, limited, or allowed to expire
without renewal until after 30 days written notice has been given to the certificate holder
names on the top line. Any coverage afforded the certificate holder as an Additional
Insured shall apply as primary and not excess to any insurance issued in the name of the
certificate holder.
The following coverage or conditions are in effect:
Blanket Contractual Liability
Products and Complete Operations
City of Scotts Valley Named as Additional Insured
Cross Liability Clause
X, C, U, Hazards Included
Broad Form Property Damage
Personal Injury
Owner=s and Contractor=s Protective Liability
The City of Scotts Valley, its officers, agents and employees are named as additional
primary insured on all the aforesaid policies and such policies comply in all respects with
the provisions of the General Conditions (AInsurance@) of the contract documents.
Authorized Signature
Insurance Company
Note: Authorized signature may be the agent=s if agent has placed insurance through an
agency agreement with the insurer. If insurance is brokered, authorized signature must
be that of official of insurer
5-1.29 USE AND OR OCCUPATION OF THIRD-PARTY LANDS - Prior to the Contractor's use
and/or occupation of any third-party lands for the purpose of stockpiling materials or equipment,
the Contractor shall obtain written permission for ingress and egress which also indemnifies the
City for any and all damages which may be caused by the Contractor's activities.
5-1.30 ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT - The requirements concerning acceptance of contract
in Section 5-1.46, "Final Inspection and Acceptance," of the Standard Specifications are
modified as follows:
When the Engineer has made the final inspection and determines that the contract work has
been completed in all respects in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, and when the
Contractor has approved in writing the final estimate on the total amount payable for the
performance of the contract, the Engineer will recommend that the City Council formally accept
the contract, and immediately upon and after such acceptance by the City Council, the
Contractor will be relieved of the duty of maintaining and protecting the work as a whole, will not
be required to perform any further work thereon, and shall be relieved of his responsibility for
injury to persons or property, or damage to the work which occurs after the formal acceptance by
the City Council.
5-1.31 SOUND CONTROL REQUIREMENTS - Sound control shall conform to the provisions in
Section 14-8.02, "Noise Control," of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions.
The noise level from the Contractor's operations, between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.,
shall not exceed 86 dbA at a distance of 15 m. This requirement in no way relieves the
Contractor from responsibility for complying with local ordinances regulating noise level.
The noise level requirement shall apply to the equipment on the job or related to the job,
including but not limited to trucks, transit mixers or transient equipment that may or may not be
owned by the Contractor. The use of loud sound signals shall be avoided in favor of light
warnings except those required by safety laws for the protection of personnel.
Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this section shall be considered as
included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work involved and no additional
compensation will be allowed therefor.
Sound control shall conform to the provisions in Section "Sound Control Requirements," of the
Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions.
5-1.32 Warranty and Guarantee
Contractor warrants and guarantees to Owner and Engineer that all work will be in
accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. Prompt notice of all
defects shall be given to Contractor. All defective work, whether or not in place, may be
rejected, corrected or accepted as provided in the specifications.
If any work is found to be defective without one year after the date of final payment, or
such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable
special guarantee required by the Contract Documents, Contractor shall promptly,
without cost to Owner and in accordance with Owner=s written instructions, either correct
such defective work, or, if it has been rejected by Owner, remove it from the site and
replace it with non defective work. If Contractor does not comply with the terms of such
instructions within (14) days unless approved by Owner, or in an emergency where delay
would cause serious risk or loss or damage, Owner may have the defective work
corrected or the rejected work removed and replaced, and all direct and indirect costs of
such removal and replacement, including compensation for additional professional
services, shall be paid by Contractor. Contractor shall also pay for any damage done to
other work, other property, or persons which occurred as a result of the defective work
within the one-year correction period.
If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement of defective work, Owner
(and, prior to Engineer=s recommendation of final payment, also Engineer) prefers to
accept it, Owner may do so. In such case, if acceptance occurs prior to Engineer=s
recommendation of final payment, a Change Order shall be issued incorporating the
necessary revisions in the Contract Documents, including appropriate reduction in the
Contract Price; or, if the acceptance occurs after such recommendation, an appropriate
amount shall be paid by Contractor to Owner.
5-1.33 SHOP DRAWINGS - When the specifications require shop drawings to be submitted to
the City, the drawings shall be submitted to: City of Scotts Valley, Public Works Department, 701
Lundy Lane, Scotts Valley, CA 95066, Telephone (831) 438-5854.
5-1.34 AREAS FOR CONTRACTOR'S USE - Attention is directed to the requirements specified
in Section 5-1.32, "Areas for Use," of the Standard Specifications
6-3.01 SUBMITTALS - The Contractor shall submit in writing to the Engineer the following
items within seven (7) calendar days after execution of the contract or prior to the start of
Material Submittal List
Progress Schedule
Preconstruction Site DVD Inspection (One Copy)
Traffic Control Plan
Striping and Marking Shop Drawing
Number of Prints shall be in the quantity which is required to be returned to the Contractor, plus
three (3) copies, which will be retained by the Engineer.
Requests for substitutions shall be made in writing in strict accordance with the provisions of this
section of these Special Provisions.
1. Unless otherwise specifically directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall make
all shop drawings and material lists accurately to a scale sufficiently large to show
all pertinent features of the item and its method of connection to the work.
Facsimiles of Submittals shall not be accepted.
2. Any such work done prior to approval of Submittals shall, if directed, be replaced at
no additional cost to the City, with work conforming to approved Submittals.
3. All Contractor Submittals shall be carefully reviewed by an authorized
representative of the Contractor, prior to submission to the Resident Project
Representative for transmittal to the Engineer. Each submittal shall be dated,
signed and certified by the Contractor as being correct and in strict conformance
with the Contract Documents. In the case of shop drawings, each sheet shall be
dated, signed, and certified. No consideration for review by the Engineer of any
Contractor Submittals will be made for any items which have not been so certified
by the Contractor. All non-certified Submittals will be returned to the Contractor
without action taken by the Engineer, and any delays caused thereby shall be the
total responsibility of the Contractor.
4. The Contractor shall date and number Submittals consecutively, and indicate the
project name; the name of the Contractor and any Subcontractors who are
performing or supplying work or material specified in the submittal, the name or
description of the articles shown; the manufacturer's name; the kinds, types,
grades, thicknesses and finishes of materials, including all fittings, fastenings and
the like; the locations at which materials and equipment are to be installed in the
Work; and the Contractor's approval.
Number of Prints Required:
1. Submit all shop drawings and material lists in the quantity which is required to be
returned to the Contractor, plus three (3) copies, which will be retained by the
6-3.03 TRANSMITTAL LETTER - A transmittal letter or form shall accompany each Submittal.
Do not submit items described in different specification sections with the same transmittal letter.
This is especially important to ensure that all Submittals are distributed properly throughout the
review processing.
Transmittal letters shall include the following information:
1. The specific section that the Submittal is covering. Indicate the specific subparagraph
of the Specification Section if this information provides more clarity.
2. The date that the Submittal is leaving the Contractor's office.
3. The Subcontractor's name, if applicable.
4. Reference to all prior Submittals on the same item if it is a re-submittal.
5. If timing is critical, the transmittal shall so indicate. Contractor shall call Engineer and
provide messenger services as required to expedite critical review. Facsimiles of
Submittals shall not be accepted.
6. Indicate specifically any substitutions or deviations from the drawings and
6-3.04 ORIGINAL SUBMITTALS - Schedule Submittals at least seven (7) working days before
return is needed. Contractor shall bear in mind that original Submittals may require amendment
and re-submittal or be rejected and require re-submittal.
Submit all shop drawings and material lists in the quantity required to be returned to the
Contractor, plus three (3) copies to be retained by the Engineer.
If the shop drawing is submitted on plan sheets 24" x 36" or larger, the Contractor can submit, in
addition to the required three (3) copies for review, a reproducible set of the shop drawing. The
Engineer will mark approval or other notation on the reproducible set, make copies for his or her
own records and for the Project Inspector, and return the reproducible set to the Contractor for
further reproduction and distribution.
Submit product data in the quantity which Contractor needs for his/her use, plus three (3) sets,
which will be retained by the Engineer and the Project Inspector for their records.
Submit samples in the same quantity as product data unless otherwise required by Specification
6-3.05 RE SUBMITTALS - If required by the Engineer, revise and resubmit the Submittal as
specified in Section 6-3.03 of these Special Provisions.
Indicate clearly on the re submittal any changes or clarifications which have been made other
than those requested on the previous Submittal.
It is considered reasonable that the Contractor shall make a complete and acceptable Submittal
to the Engineer by the second submission of a Submittal item. The City reserves the right to
withhold monies due the Contractor to cover additional costs of the Engineer's review beyond
the second Submittal.
6-3.06 APPROVALS - Approval of Submittals by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor
of responsibility for errors in Submittals or discrepancies between Submittals and the Contract
Documents. Approval does not authorize changes from the Contract Documents unless so
stated separately and in writing.
6-3.07 SAMPLES
Accuracy of Sample: Unless otherwise specifically directed by the Engineer, all samples shall
be of the precise article proposed to be furnished.
Number of Samples Required: Submit all samples in the quantity required to be returned, plus
one to be retained by the Engineer.
6-3.09 MANUALS - Where manuals are required to be submitted covering items included in
this work, prepare all such manuals in durable plastic binders approximately 8 2" x 11" in size
and include at least the following:
1. Identification on, or readable through, the front cover stating the general nature of the
2. Neatly typewritten index near the front of the manual, furnishing immediate
information as to location in the manual of all emergency data regarding the
3. Complete instructions regarding operation and maintenance of all equipment
4. Complete nomenclature of all replaceable parts, their part numbers, current cost, and
name and address of nearest vendor of parts.
5. Copy of all guarantees and warranties issued.
6. Copy of the approved shop drawings with all data concerning changes made during
Extraneous Data:
Where content of manuals includes manufacturer's catalog and/or pages, clearly indicate
the precise items included in this installation and delete, or otherwise clearly indicate, all
manufacturers’ data with which this installation is not concerned.
Number of Copies Required:
Unless otherwise specifically directed by the Engineer, deliver the quantity which the
Contractor will need for his/her use, plus two (2) copies to be retained by the Engineer
and project inspector for their records.
6-3.10 MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE - Where contents of submitted manufacturer's
literature include data not pertinent to the Submittal, clearly indicate that portion of the contents
submitted for the Engineer's review.
6-3.11 COORDINATION OF SUBMITTALS - Prior to submittal for Engineer's review, use all
means necessary to fully coordinate all materials, including the following procedures:
1. Determine and verify all field dimensions and conditions, materials, catalog numbers,
and similar data.
2. Coordinate as required with all trades and all public agencies involved.
3. Secure all necessary approvals from public agencies and verify by the applicable
agency stamp or other means that approvals have been secured.
4. Clearly indicate all deviations from the Contract Documents.
6-3.12 PROPOSED SUBSTITUTES OR "OR EQUAL" ITEMS - The form and content of
proposed substitutes or "or equal" items shall conform to provisions in Section 6-3, "Submittals,"
of these Special Provisions and the following:
For convenience in designation in the Contract Documents, any material, product, or equipment
to be incorporated in the Work may be designated under a brand or trade name or the name of a
manufacturer and its catalog information. The use of any substitute material, project or
equipment which is equal in quality and utility and possesses the required characteristics for the
purpose intended will be permitted, subject to the following requirements:
1. The burden of proof as to the quality and utility of any such substitute material, project,
or equipment shall be upon the Contractor.
2. The Engineer will be the sole judge as to the quality and utility of any such substitute
material, project, or equipment and its decision shall be final.
Wherever in the Contract Documents the name or the name and address of a manufacturer or
supplier is given for a material, project, or equipment, or if any other source of a material,
product, or equipment is indicated therefor, such information is given for the convenience of the
Contractor only, and no limit, restriction, or direction is indicated or intended thereby, nor is the
accuracy or reliability of such information guaranteed. It shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor to determine the accurate identity and location of any such manufacturer, supplier, or
other source of any material, product or equipment called for in the Contract Documents.
The Contractor may offer any material, product, or equipment which it considers equal to those
specified. Unless otherwise provided by law or authorized in writing by the Engineer, the
substantiation or a letter of intent to submit a specific substitute or "or equal" material, product, or
equipment must be submitted in advance of the Contractor's anticipated date of incorporation
into the project to allow for a 5-working-day review by the Engineer. The Contractor shall also
be responsible for submitting materials far enough in advance to anticipate the Engineer's
request for any additional data for review. The 5-working-day review period shall begin once the
Contractor has submitted all materials and data requested by the Engineer. The Contractor
shall provide the data required by the Engineer to determine that the quality, strength, physical,
chemical, or other characteristics, including durability, finish, efficiency, dimensions, service,
and suitability are such that the substitute or "or equal" item will fulfill its intended function.
The Contractor's attention is further directed to the requirement that its failure to submit data
substantiating a request or letter of intent for a substitution of an "or equal" item within said time
period shall be deemed to mean that the Contractor intends to furnish one of the specific
brand-or-trade-named material, product, or equipment specified in the Contract Documents and
the Contractor does hereby waive all rights to offer or use substitute materials, products, or
equipment in each such case. Wherever a proposed substitute material, product, or equipment
or a letter of intent to supply substitute material, product, or equipment has not been submitted
within said time period, or wherever the submission of a proposed substitute material, product, or
equipment fails to meet the requirements of the Specifications and an acceptable re submittal is
not received by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit the materials, products, or equipment
originally named in the Contract Documents for approval. Approval by the Engineer of a
substitute item proposed by the Contractor shall not relieve Contractor of the responsibility for
full compliance with the Contract Documents and for adequacy of the substituted item. The
Contractor shall also be responsible for resultant changes and all additional costs which the
substitution requires in its work the work of its Subcontractors and shall effect such changes
without cost to the City.
Section 9-1 GENERAL
This work shall include the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, and equipment for the
construction of improvements on City property on Mount Hermon Road. The work to be done
consists, in general, of slurry seal, protecting existing facilities in place, striping and marking, and
various other items, complete in place.
10-1.01 MOBILIZATION - Mobilization shall conform to the provisions in Section 9-1.16D,
"Mobilization" of the State Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions.
The contract lump sum price for mobilization shall include the obtaining of the permits,
insurance, and bonds, and the moving onto the site of all plant and equipment; for furnishing and
erecting plants, temporary buildings, and other construction facilities; all as required for the
proper performance and completion of the work. Such work shall include but not be limited to
the following principal items:
(a) Moving onto the site of the Contractor's plant and equipment required for the Contractor
(b) Arrange for and erect Contractor's work and storage area if necessary.
(c) Submit all required insurance certificates and bonds.
(d) Obtain all required permits as specified.
(f) Contractor shall videotape job site with DVD camera. The DVD video shall pay special
attention to private property, fences, structures and facilities within job site to remain.
Contractor shall deliver original DVD dated and titled to Engineer prior to commencement
of any construction.
Payment for providing for Traffic Control will be included in the contract unit prices for the various
items of work and shall be considered full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools,
equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in mobilization as specified
10-1.02 TRAFFIC CONTROL -Traffic control shall conform to provisions in Section 12,
ATemporary Traffic Control@ of the Standard Specifications, Section 5 of these Special
Provisions, and the following:
1. Maintain property access, bicycle access, and pedestrian access at all times.
2. No equipment will be allowed to be parked within any traffic lanes or medians after work
3. Provide electric arrow board(s) per each lane reduced at all times.
4. All traffic lane diversions and separations shall be delineated with Type II barricades, 28"
traffic cones or 48" delineators spaced 25' O.C. The tapered transitional length shall be
150' minimum. Post “KEEP RIGHT” or “KEEP LEFT” signs on high-level flagtrees or
Type II barricades at the beginning of each diversion or separation.
5. The Contractor shall be responsible for informing the public of the traffic conditions
existing within the construction area at all times by placement of appropriate warning
signs, advisory signs and Portable Changeable Message Signs. The Contractor shall
provide and maintain all traffic control and safety items. The Contractor assumes sole
and complete responsibility for the job and site conditions including safety of all persons
and property, from start until final acceptance of construction. This requirement shall
apply continuously twenty-four (24) hours/day and shall not be limited to normal work
6. Prior to start of any work, Contractor shall post “NO STOPPING TOW-AWAY ZONE”
signs. Contractor shall also hand out flyers with notice of work, company name and
address, representative person and telephone number at least forty-eight (48) hours in
advance of any work.
7. Provide flagman for lane closure and pedestrian protection.
ARROW BOARDS - The Contractor shall provide a flashing arrow sign (per Standard
Specifications Section 12-3.30) at both approaches to the work area, unless directed in writing to
do otherwise by the City. The flashing arrow sign shall remain on site and in use until traffic
control is removed and the entire road is opened to traffic.
ORDER OF LANE CLOSURES - On streets where two-way traffic is maintained, the lane
adjacent to the curb (curb lane) will be microsurfaced first. Traffic will be diverted onto the
microsurfaced curb lanes while the center lanes are being microsurfaced to take advantage of
the tire rolling action.
TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN - A traffic control plan shall be submitted by the Contractor to the
Engineer for review and approval before proceeding with any work on this project. This plan shall
be designed to maintain traffic circulation to abutting streets within the limits of this project. If
traffic detoured to another street is permitted by the Engineer, it is the Contractor’s responsibility
to provide adequate control and signage through the detour route. All cost associate with the
detour shall be included in the contract price paid for other items of work and no additional
compensation will be allowed therefore.
All traffic control shall be under the direction of, and coordinated with, the Engineer. Construction
shall be organized so as to cause the least possible inconvenience to traffic. Traffic control and
detours used shall conform to the principles set forth by the Manual of WARNING SIGNS,
Contractor shall provide all required signs, barricades, lights, high level flag trees and devices.
Traffic control plans are required to be submitted to the City for review prior to construction.
Striping and markings shall be temporarily installed with temporary striping such as tabs,
reflective tape or roadway paint immediately after slurry sealing/microsurfacing or as directed by
the Engineer.
Except as otherwise provided in these Special Provisions, the Contractor shall be required to
maintain a minimum of one 12’ lane in each direction opened to traffic during working hours. The
full width of the traveled way shall be open for use by public traffic on Saturdays, Sundays, and
designated legal holidays, and when construction operations are not actively in progress on
working days.
Those parts of public streets, right-of-ways and sidewalks that are occupied by the Contractor
shall be immediately vacated by him and returned to public use when his use thereof is no longer
necessary for the prosecution of the work.
Set up and removal of detours, temporary striping, and barriers during construction shall be
done by the Contractor.
All signs and other warning devices shall be provided by the Contractor, and shall become his
property after completion of the Contract. The cost of providing, installing and maintaining signs,
lights, flares, barricades and other facilities as directed by the Engineer for the convenience and
direction of public traffic shall be included in the contract price paid for other items of work and no
additional compensation will be allowed therefore.
Payment for providing for Traffic Control will be included in the contract unit prices for the various
items of work and shall be considered full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials
(including signs), tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in placing,
removing, storing, maintaining, moving to new locations, replacing, and disposing of the
components of the traffic control system as shown on the Contractor=s approved plans, as
specified in the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the
10-1.03 SITE CONDITION - Contractor shall conform to the provisions in Section 10-6
AWatering@ and Section 18 ADust Palliatives@ of the Standard Specifications and these Special
(a) Contractor shall use power sweeper to clean dust and debris from traffic lanes opened to
public at the end of each workday and as directed by the Engineer.
(b) Contractor shall provide such water and watering equipment as may be necessary for the
alleviation of dust nuisance and street cleaning.
(c) Dirt and debris shall not be allowed to enter into manholes and inlets. Contractor shall
immediately clean storm or sanitary system of dirt and debris which originated on job site
or by Contractor=s work crew. The Contractor shall not wash down streets in order to
clean them.
(d) Full compensation for the furnishing and applying of water, including that used for dust
control, shall be considered as included in other items of work , and no additional
compensation will be allowed therefore.
(e) In the event the control of dust is not satisfactory to City, City will take such measures as
may be necessary to insure satisfactory dust control and deduct the cost of such
measures from any payments due Contractor.
10-2 MICROSURFACING – Microsurfacing includes applying a mixture of micro-surfacing
emulsion, water, additives, mineral filler, and aggregate spread on pavement.
The microsurfacing shall be placed at a rate to produce a minimum 15 pounds of aggregate per
square yard for Type II microsurfacing. The completed mixture shall be such that the
microsurfacing mixture has proper workability and will permit traffic flow within one hour after
placement without the occurrence of bleeding, raveling, polishing, separation or other distress,
and prevent the development of bleeding, raveling, polishing, separation, or other distress within
30 days after its placement.
Asphaltic emulsion shall be added at a rate of between 12 to 18 percent by weight of the dry
aggregate. The quantity of asphaltic emulsion to be used in the microsurfacing mixture will be
determined from the design asphalt binder content, as approved by the Engineer, and the
asphalt solids content of the asphaltic emulsion furnished.
PROPORTIONING - Proportion the micro-surfacing materials using the authorized mix design.
Field conditions may require adjustments during construction. Obtain authorization before
adjusting proportions.
MIXING AND SPREADING EQUIPMENT - Mixing and spreading equipment for slurry seal and
micro-surfacing must proportion asphaltic emulsion, water, aggregate, and any set-control
additives by volume and mix them in continuous pugmill mixers. Continuous pugmill mixers must
be of adequate size and power for the type of materials to be mixed.
TRUCK MOUNTED MIXER SPREADERS - Truck mounted mixer spreaders must comply with
the following:
1. Rotating and reciprocating equipment must be covered with metal guards.
2. Proportion aggregate using a belt feeder with an adjustable cutoff gate. The height of the
gate opening must be determinable.
3. The belt feeder must have a depth monitor device. The depth monitor device must
automatically shut down power to the belt feeder whenever the aggregate depth is less
than 70 percent of the target depth.
4. A separate monitor device must detect the revolutions of the belt feeder. This device must
automatically shut down power to the belt feeder if it detects no revolutions. If the belt
feeder is an integral part of the equipment's drive chain, the monitor device is not
5. The aggregate belt feeder must be connected directly to the drive on the emulsion pump.
The aggregate feeder drive shaft must have a revolution counter reading the nearest 0.10
revolution for micro-surfacing, and nearest 1 revolution for slurry seal.
6. Emulsion storage must be equipped with a device that automatically shuts down power to
the emulsion pump and aggregate belt feeder when the level of stored emulsion is
lowered. To allow for normal fluctuations, there may be a delay of 3 seconds between
detection of low emulsion storage levels or low aggregate depths and automatic power
shut down.
7. Emulsion storage must be located immediately before the emulsion pump.
8. The emulsion storage tank must have a temperature indicator at the pump suction level.
The indicator must be accurate to ±5 degrees F.
9. No-flow and revolution warning devices must be in working condition and comply with
California Test 109. Low-flow indicators must be visible while walking alongside the
MICRO-SURFACING EQUIPMENT - Choose a continuous self-loading mixing machine or truck
mounted mixer-spreader. Proportion micro-surfacing emulsion using a positive displacement
pump. Identifying numbers for equipment must be at least 3 inches high and located on the front
and rear of the vehicle
SPREADER BOX - The spreader box must be capable of spreading the micro-surfacing a
minimum of 12 feet wide and preventing the loss of micro-surfacing. Spreader boxes over 8 feet
in application width must have a device, such as baffles or reversible motor driven augers, to
ensure uniform application on superelevated sections and shoulder slopes. Clean
micro-surfacing and micro-surfacing emulsion from the spreader box before each work shift.
The spreader box must have a series of strike-off devices at its rear.
The leading strike-off device must be:
1. Fabricated of a suitable material such as steel or stiff rubber
2. Designed to maintain close contact with the pavement during spreading
3. Capable of obtaining the specified thickness
4. Capable of being adjusted to the various pavement cross sections
The final strike-off device must be:
1. Fabricated of flexible material that produces a uniform texture in the finished surface
2. Cleaned daily and changed if longitudinal scouring occurs in the micro-surfacing
Do not use flexible drags attached to the rear of the spreader box.
PLACING - If truck-mounted mixer-spreaders are used, keep at least 2 operational spreaders at
the job site during placement. In areas inaccessible to spreading equipment, spread the slurry
seal or micro-surfacing mixture with hand tools. If placing with hand tools, first lightly dampen the
area. Do not handle or shift the mixture.
SURFACE PREPARATION - Before the Contractor places slurry seal or micro-surfacing, clean
the pavement surface.
Remove loose particles of extraneous materials, including paving and dirt. Use any
nondestructive method, such as sweeping.
The contractor may fog the roadway surface with water ahead of the spreader box. The fog
spray must be adjusted for pavement:
1. Temperature
2. Surface texture
3. Dryness
SPREAD RATE - The Engineer determines the exact spread rate for micro-surfacing. The
completed spread rate must be within 10 percent of the Engineer's determined spread rate. The
micro-surfacing spread rates must be within the ranges shown in the following table:
Micro-surfacing type
Type II
Micro-surfacing Spread Rates
Range (lb of dry aggregate/sq yd)
Full lane width
15 min.
Spread micro-surfacing either in the direction of traffic or in the opposite direction.
Keep hand tools available to remove spillage.
FINISHED SURFACE - Finished micro-surfacing must be free of irregularities such as scratch or
tear marks.
Sweep the micro-surfacing 24 hours after placement without damaging the micro-surfacing. For
5 days afterward, sweep the micro-surfacing daily.
REPAIR OF EARLY DISTRESS - If bleeding, raveling, delaminating, rutting, or washboarding
occurs after placing the micro-surfacing, make repairs using an authorized method.
GENERAL - The materials used shall conform to Section 37-3 “Materials” of the Standard
Specifications, with the exceptions noted in these Special Provisions.
MIX DESIGN - Micro-surfacing mix design must have the material proportion limits shown in the
following table:
Micro-surfacing Mix Design Proportion Limits
Proportion limits
Micro-surfacing emulsion residual asphalt
5.5–9.5% of aggregate dry weight
Water and additives
No limit
Mineral filler
0–3% of aggregate dry weight
The mix design must have the percent of asphaltic emulsion based on percentage by weight of
the dry aggregate, within the ranges shown in the following table:
Asphaltic Emulsion Percentage
Aggregate type
The Engineer determines the exact percentage based on the design asphalt binder content and
the asphalt solids content of the asphaltic emulsion furnished.
The microsurfacing mix design must have the properties as specified in the following table:
Micro-surfacing Mix Design Tests
International Slurry Surfacing
Association test method
Wet cohesion
Technical Bulletin 139
@ 30 minute (set), min, kg-cm
@ 60 minute (traffic), min, kg-cm
Excess asphalt, max, g/m2
Technical Bulletin 109
Wet stripping, min, %
Technical Bulletin 114
Wet track abrasion loss
Technical Bulletin 100
6-day soak, max, g/m2
Technical Bulletin 147A
Lateral, max, %
Specific gravity after 1000 cycles
of 57 kg, max
Classification compatibility, min,
Technical Bulletin 144
grade points
Mix time @ 25 °C, min
Technical Bulletin 113
(AAA, BAA) 11
Controllable to 120 seconds
SUBMITTALS - If the mix design consists of the same materials covered by a previous
laboratory report, you may submit the previous laboratory report, which must include material
testing data performed within the previous 12 months for authorization.
If requesting substitute materials, submit a new laboratory report and mix design at least 10 days
before starting placement.
Submit a laboratory report of test results and a proposed mix design 10 days before starting
placement of micro-surfacing. The report and mix design must include the specific materials to
be used and show a comparison of test results and specifications.
Submit a certificate of compliance with each shipment of micro-surfacing emulsion as specified
for asphaltic emulsion in section 94-1.01C of Caltrans Standard Specification.
The mix design report must include:
1. Test results used in the mix design
2. Proportions of the following material based on the aggregate's dry weight:
Water, minimum and maximum
Mineral filler, minimum and maximum
Micro-surfacing emulsion residual asphalt content, minimum and maximum
3. Recommended changes to the following proportions based on heating the mixture to 100
degrees F and mixing for 60 seconds:
Mineral filler
Do not recommend these changes when nighttime applications are specified or when
atmospheric temperatures below 90 degrees F are forecast for daytime applications.
4. Comparison of each individual material's test results to its specified values.
5. Quantitative moisture effects on the aggregate's unit weight determined under ASTM C 29M.
MATERIALS - Aggregate must have the following gradation as determined under California Test
Aggregate Grading
Percentage passing by aggregate type
Sieve sizes
No. 4
No. 8
No. 16
No. 30
No. 200
Aggregate must be rock dust or sand such as plaster sand. Aggregate larger than the no. 50
sieve must be 100 percent crushed rock. Aggregate must be free from vegetable matter,
deleterious substances, caked or clay lumps, and oversized particles.
AGGREGATE - If the Contractor blends aggregate from different sources, each source's
aggregate must comply with the aggregate specifications except grading.
Aggregate for micro-surfacing excluding mineral filler must have the quality characteristics as
specified in the following table:
Micro-surfacing Aggregate
Quality characteristic
California Test
Sand equivalent, min
California Test
Durability index, min
Percentage of crushed particles,
California Test
Los Angeles Rattler
California Test
Loss at 500 revolutions, max
Crushed particles must have at least 1 fractured face.
California Test 211 must be performed on the aggregate before
MICROSURFACING EMULSION - Micro-surfacing emulsion must be a homogeneous mixture
of asphalt, polymer, and emulsifier solution.
Add polymer modifier to asphalt or emulsifier solution before emulsification. Polymer solids must
be a minimum 3 percent by weight of the micro-surfacing emulsion's residual asphalt.
Micro-surfacing emulsion must have the values of the properties as specified in the following
Micro-surfacing Emulsion
Test method
Saybolt Furol Viscosity @ 25 C, SFS
Sieve test, max
Settlement, 5 days, max b
ASTM D 244
Storage stability, 1 day, max
Residue by evaporation, min
California Test
SFS means Saybolt Furol seconds
Waived if used within 48 hours of shipment.
15–90 seconds
The micro-surfacing emulsion's residue by evaporation must have the values of the properties
shown in the following table:
Micro-surfacing Emulsion Residue By Evaporation
Test method
G* @ 20 ºC, 10 rad/sec, MPa
AASHTO T 315 Report only
Penetration @ 25 ºC
Report only
Phase angle @ 50 C, 10 rad/sec,
PA (maximum) - PA base
Softening point, min, ºC
Stiffness @ -12 C, MPa, and M-value AASHTO T 313 Report only
MINERAL FILLER - If Portland cement is used as mineral filler, it must be any combination of
Type I, Type II, or Type III cement.
10-2.02 CRACK FILLING – Crack sealing material shall be produced from an asphalt base
crude and ground rubber. It shall not have been distilled at a temperature high enough to injure
by burning. The material shall meet any applicable rules and regulations of the Bay Area Air
Quality Management District.
The crack filler shall be a mixture of paving asphalt and ground rubber or ground rubber and
polymer which conforms to the following requirements:
Softening Point
Cone Penetration @ 77° F
Resilience @ 77° F
Test method
ASTM D5329
ASTM D5329
ASTM D5329
180° F minimum
30 dmm minimum
40% minimum
3 mm maximum
The gradation of the ground rubber shall be such that 100% will pass a No. 8 sieve.
The modified asphalt materials shall be furnished premixed in containers with an inside liner of
polyethylene. Packaged material shall not exceed 60 lbs. in weight. The vendor with each
shipment shall supply storage and heating instructions and cautions. The material shall be
capable of being melted and applied to cracks and joints at temperatures below 400 degrees F.
When heated, it shall readily penetrate cracks ¼ inch wider or larger.
The vendor shall furnish certification that the material complies with the above requirement. A
certificate of compliance conforming to Section 37-5.01C, “Submittals,” of the Standard
Specifications shall be supplied with each shipment.
Crack filling work shall include cleaning, and sealing pavement cracks that are one-quarter inch
(1/4”) or greater in width or as directed by the Engineer.
The modified asphalt materials shall be furnished premixed in containers with an inside liner of
polyethylene. Packaged material shall not exceed 60 lbs. in weight. The vendor shall supply
storage, heating instructions and cautions with each shipment.
The materials shall be capable of being melted and applied to cracks and joints at temperatures
below 400°F. When heated, it shall readily penetrate cracks one-quarter inch (1/4”) wide or
Cracks equal to, or wider than one-quarter-inch (1/4”) shall be blown clean of loose materials
with a high-pressure air nozzle (90 psi or greater and free of oil) to the satisfaction of the
Engineer. Loose materials include vegetation, dust, dirt, moisture, old sealant, and foreign
material. When necessary, vegetation shall be removed by other means such as a powerized
wire wheel or as approved by the Engineer.
The crack filling material shall be heated to a minimum temperature of 325° F, but not greater
than 370° F, or as specified by the manufacturer and as approved by the Engineer. The
material shall be held in the mixing tank at application temperature until very little separation of
the rubber and asphalt occurs when a bead of sealant material is placed on the pavement.
Sealant material may be added to the mix as long as the minimum temperature of 325 ° F is
Cracks shall be sealed from the bottom up. Sealant material shall be applied so it is flush with
the pavement surface. Sealant material must not be higher than the adjacent surface.
To prevent tracking and damage to vehicles crack sealant shall be allowed to cool sufficiently or
sand shall be applied to the crack sealant material prior to releasing the road to traffic.
Payment shall include full compensation for all labor, materials, tools, equipment, traffic control,
and incidentals required to install crack filler.
Payment for crackfiller will be included in the price for micro-surfacing and no additional payment
will be made.
10-2.03 CONSTRUCTION - Before applying micro-surfacing, cover manholes, valve and
monument covers, grates, or other exposed facilities located within the area of application, using
a plastic or oil resistant construction paper secured by tape of adhesive to the facility being
covered. Reference the covered facilities with a sufficient number of control points to relocate
the facilities after the application of the seal coat.
In areas inaccessible to spreading equipment, spread the micro-surfacing mixture with hand
tools or other authorized methods. If placing with hand tools, first lightly dampen the area. Do not
handle or shift the material.
10-2.04 WEATHER CONDITIONS - Only place micro-surfacing if both the pavement and air
temperatures are at least 50 degrees F and rising. Do not place micro-surfacing if either the
pavement or air temperature is below 50 degrees F and falling.
Do not place micro-surfacing if rain is imminent or the air temperature is expected to be below 36
degrees F within 24 hours after placement.
10-3 PAVEMENT STRIPING AND MARKING Signing and Striping Improvements shall conform
to the Standard Specifications, these Special Provisions, and “Specifications and Special
Provisions for Signing and Striping Improvements at Mt Hermon Road / Lockhart Gulch Road”
(Appendix A). All existing pavement markings will be replaced in-kind except as indicated in the
striping plan of Appendix A.
10-4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE - The Contractor shall maintain an emergency telephone
number and shall be able to have competent personnel to the project site within twenty (20)
minutes from the time a call is placed to the emergency telephone number.
Measurement and Payment - Payment for providing emergency response will be included in the
contract unit prices for the various items of work and shall be considered full compensation for
furnishing all labor materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work
involved in completing the operations as specified and directed by the Engineer.
10-5 SUPPLEMENTAL WORK - This item is provided to account for new and unforeseen work
not specifically provided for on the plans or in these Special Provisions. The dollar amount
listed on the Bid Form is an estimate only, and will be included in each bidder's proposal.
Supplemental work shall be performed only upon direct authorization from the Engineer, and
daily extra work reports will be submitted to and approved by the Engineer.
Supplemental work will be measured and paid for on a force account basis or any other basis
negotiated by the Contractor and Engineer. Any money remaining at final payment will be
deleted from the contract.
Contractor shall furnish Engineer daily report sheets covering the direct costs of labor and
materials and charges for equipment, whether furnished by the Contractor, subcontractor, or
other forces and said report sheets shall be signed by Contractor or authorized agent. The daily
report sheets shall provide names or identifications and classifications of workers, and hours
worked; size, type and identification number of equipment, and hours operated. Material
charges shall be substantiated by valid copies of vendor's invoices.
Engineer will make any necessary adjustments and compile the costs of force account work on
daily extra work report forms furnished by Owner. When these reports are agreed upon and
signed by both parties they shall become the basis of payment for the work performed, but shall
not preclude subsequent adjustment based on a later audit.
Contractor shall notify the Engineer as soon as there appears to be a cause for equipment
standby charges, but in no case shall the Engineer be notified after the start of any anticipated
standby charges.
Contractor shall submit written backup information and pay requests for force account work
within ten (10) working days from the completion of each separate extra work item. Contractor
must submit written request for contract time extensions for force account work within five (5)
working days from the completion of each separate extra work item to be granted an extension.
TO: The City of Scotts Valley, County of Santa Cruz, State of California, herein called Owner:
1. Pursuant to and in compliance with your Notice to Bidders and the contract documents
relating to the construction of "Mount Hermon Road Micro-Surfacing Project" including
Addenda Nos., , _______, _______, the undersigned bidder, having become thoroughly
familiar with the terms and conditions of the contract documents and with the local
conditions affecting the performance and costs of the work at the place where the work is
to be done, and having fully inspected the site in all particulars, hereby proposes and
agrees to perform fully the work within the time stated in strict accordance with the
contract documents (including the furnishing of any and all labor and materials) and do all
the work required to construct and to complete said work in accordance with the contract
2. It is understood that Owner reserves the right to reject this bid, but that this bid shall
remain open and shall not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days from the date
prescribed for its opening.
3. Attached hereto and incorporated herein is the complete and entire list of subcontractors
to be employed by the undersigned in the performance of the work.
4. If written notice of the acceptance of this bid is mailed or delivered personally to the
undersigned within sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening of this bid, or at any
time thereafter before it is withdrawn, the undersigned bidder shall execute and deliver
the contract documents to Owner in accordance with this bid as accepted, and will also
furnish and deliver to Owner the Performance Bond, Labor and Material person's Bond as
specified and proof of insurance coverage as required in the General Conditions, all
within ten (10) days after personal delivery or after deposit in the mails, of the notifications
of acceptance of this bid. The above-mentioned bonds shall be satisfactory to and on
the forms approved by Owner.
5. Notice of acceptance or request for additional information may be addressed to the undersigned at the address set forth below.
6. The undersigned declares that this bid is not made in the interest of or on behalf of any
undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization or corporation; that
the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the undersigned has not directly or
indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid and has not
directly or indirectly colluded or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid
or to refrain from bidding; that the undersigned has not directly or indirectly sought by
agreement, communications or conference with anyone to fix said bid price or the bid
price of any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of such bid price or
of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the City of Scotts Valley or
anyone interested in the proposed contract; that the only persons or parties interested in
this bid as principals are those named herein; that all statements contained in this bid are
true; that the undersigned has not directly or indirectly submitted undersign's bid price or
any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative
thereto, to any other persons, partnership, corporation or association except to such
person or persons as have a direct financial interest in bidder's general business; and that
the undersigned has not accepted any bid from any subcontractor or material person
through any bid depository, the By-Laws, Rules or Regulations of which prohibit or
prevent the undersigned from considering any bid from any subcontractor or material
person, which is not processed through said bid depository, or which may prevent any
subcontractor or material person, which is not processed through said bid depository, or
which may prevent any subcontractor or material person from bidding to any general
contractor who does not use the facilities of or accept bids from or through such bid
7. Bids are to be submitted for the entire work. The amount of the bid for comparison
purposes will be the total of all items. The bidder shall set forth for each unit basis item of
work a unit price and a total for the item, and for each lump sum item a total for the item,
all in clearly legible figures in the respective spaces provided for that purpose. In the
case of unit basis items, the amount set forth under the "Item Total" column shall be the
product of the unit price bid and the estimated quantity for the item. In case of discrepancy
between the unit price and the total set forth for a unit basis item, the unit price shall
prevail, except as provided in (a) or (b), as follows:
(a) If the amount set forth as a unit price is unreadable or otherwise unclear, or is
omitted, or is the same as the amount as the entry in the item total column, then the
amount set forth in the item total column for the item shall prevail and shall be
divided by the estimated quantity for the item and the price thus obtained shall be
the unit price;
(b) (Decimal Errors) If the product of the entered unit price and the estimated
quantity is exactly off by a factor of ten, one hundred, etc., or one-tenth, or
one-hundredth, etc. from the entered total, the discrepancy will be resolved by
using the entered unit price or item total, whichever most closely approximates
percentage wise the unit price or item total in the CITY OF SCOTTS VALLEY's
Final Estimate of cost.
If both the unit price and the item total are unreadable or otherwise unclear, or are
omitted, the bid may be deemed irregular. Likewise if the item total for a lump sum item
is unreadable or otherwise unclear, or is omitted, the bid may be deemed irregular unless
the project being bid has only a single item and a clear, readable total bid is provided.
Symbols such as commas and dollar signs will be ignored and have no mathematical
significance in establishing any unit price or item total or lump sums. Written unit prices,
item totals and lump sums will be interpreted according to the number of digits and, if
applicable, decimal placement. Cents symbols also have no significance in establishing
any unit price or item total since all figures are assumed to be expressed in dollars and/or
decimal fractions of a dollar. Bids on lump sum items shall be item totals only; if any unit
price for a lump sum item is included in a bid and it differs from the item total, the items
total shall prevail.
8. The undersigned certifies that the contract documents have been thoroughly read and
understood and that, except as may be specifically noted and contained in addenda,
there are no discrepancies or misunderstandings as to the meaning, purpose or intent of
any provision in the contract documents or as to the interpretation of the same. The
undersigned hereby incorporates by reference, the same as though set out in full, all
provisions of the Notice to Bidders and Information for Bidders published by Owner and
pertaining to the work described in this bid.
The foregoing provisions for the resolution of specific irregularities cannot be so comprehensive
as to cover every omission, inconsistency, error or other irregularity which may occur in a bid.
Any situation not specifically provided for will be determined in the discretion of the CITY OF
SCOTTS VALLEY, and that discretion will be exercised in the manner deemed by the CITY OF
SCOTTS VALLEY to best protect the public interest in the prompt and economical completion of
the work. The decision of the CITY OF SCOTTS VALLEY respecting the amount of a bid, or the
existence or treatment of an irregularity in a bid, shall be final.
Accompanying this bid is ________________________ (insert words "cash", "cashier's check",
"certified check" or "bidder's bond" as the case may be), in an amount equal to at least ten
percent (10%) of the total of the bid.
The names of all persons interested in the foregoing bid as principals are as follows:
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If bidder or other interested person is corporation, give legal name of
corporation, state where incorporated and names of the president and secretary thereof; if a
partnership, give name of the firm, also names of all individual co-partners composing firm; if
bidder or other interested person is an individual, give first and last names in full.
Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of Contractors, License No.
_______. (Insert license type and name).
NOTE: If bidder is a corporation, the legal name of the corporation shall be set forth above,
together with the signature of the officer or officers authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the
corporation; if bidder is a co-partnership, the name of the firm shall be set forth above, together
with the signatures of the partner or partners authorized to sign contracts in behalf of the
co-partnership; and if bidder is an individual, said bidder's signature shall be placed above.
Business Address: _______________________________________
Place of Residence: ______________________________________
Date: ____________
Telephone: ____________
The prices listed below for each item include all compensation for the labor, materials, equipment, tools, and
incidentals necessary to complete all work items, complete in place, as per Plans and Specifications.
Mount Hermon Road Micro-Surfacing Project
Caltrans Striping Detail 9
Caltrans Striping Detail 29
Caltrans Striping Detail 38
Caltrans Striping Detail 39
Caltrans Striping Detail 39A
Caltrans Striping Detail 40A
Thermoplastic: Traffic Marking and Legends
Thermoplastic: Skid Resistant Green Paint Type 1
Pavement Material (Revocable)
Install Type A or AY Raised Pavement Markers
Install Type B, C, D, G, H or Blue Raised Pavement
Markers (Revocable)
$ Unit Price
$ Total
BIDDER'S FIRM NAME: __________________________________
City, State, Zip________________________________
(IMPORTANT NOTICE: If bidder is a corporation, the legal name of the corporation shall be set forth
above, together with the signature of the officer or officers authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the
corporation; if bidder is a co-partnership, the name of the firm shall be set forth above, together with the
signatures of the partner or partners authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the co-partnership; and if
bidder is an individual, said bidder's signature shall be placed above.)
Know All People By These Presents,
That we, _____________________________________________as PRINCIPAL,
and__________________________________________________________ as SURETY, are held and firmly
bound unto the CITY OF SCOTTS VALLEY, State of California, hereinafter called CITY, in the penal sum of
TEN PERCENT (10%) OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE BID of the Principal above named, submitted by
said Principal to CITY, for the work described below for the payment of which sum in lawful money of the
United States, will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and
successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. In no case shall the liability of the surety
exceed the sum of ________________________________ Dollars ($__________).
THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that whereas the Principal has submitted the
above-mentioned bid to CITY for certain construction specifically described as follows for which bids are
to be opened at Scotts Valley, California on ________________________, 20___.
This work shall include the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, and equipment for the construction of
improvements on city property on Mount Hermon Road. The work shall include, but is not limited to,
sanitary sewer construction, adjustment of manholes, adjustment of utilities, asphaltic concrete pavement
and overlay, driveway conforms, minor excavation, backfill, signing and striping, construction of conform
at existing right-of-way lines and pavement, and various other items, complete and in place.
NOW, THEREFORE, if the aforesaid Principal shall not withdraw said bid within the period specified therein
after the opening of the same, or, if no period be specified, within sixty (60) days after said opening, and
shall within the period specified therefore, or, if no period be specified therefore, within ten (10) days after
the prescribed forms are presented to aforesaid Principal for signature, enter into a written contract with
CITY, in the prescribed form in accordance with the bid as accepted, and file the two bonds with C ITY,
one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials, as
required by law, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force
and virtue.
In the event suit is brought upon said bond by CITY, and judgment is recovered, the Surety shall pay all
costs incurred by CITY in such suit, including a reasonable attorney's fees to be fixed by the Court.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals on this ____ day of
____________________, 20__.
PRINCIPAL _________________By _________________ (Seal)
By _________________ (Seal)
By _________________ (Seal)
SURETY ____________________By _________________ (Seal)
By _________________ (Seal)
By _________________ (Seal)
By _________________ (Seal)
NOTE: Attach notary acknowledgment for signatures of those executing for Principal and Surety.
The Bidder shall list the name and address of each subcontractor to whom the
Bidder proposes to subcontract portions of the work, as required by the
provisions in Section 2-1.10, “Subcontractor List" of the Standard Specifications
and Section 2-1.01, "General," of the Special Provisions.
Name and Address
Description of Portion of Work
Subcontracted Out
Public Contract Code Section 10285.1 Statement
In conformance with Public Contract Code Section 10285.1 (Chapter 376, Stats. 1985), the
bidder hereby declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California
that the bidder has ___ , has not ___ been convicted within the preceding three years of
any offenses referred to in that section, including any charge of fraud, bribery, collusion,
conspiracy, or any other act in violation of any state or Federal antitrust law in
connection with the bidding upon, award of, or performance of, any public works
contract, as defined in Public Contract Code Section 1101, with any public entity, as
defined in Public Contract Code Section 1100, including the Regents of the University of
California or the Trustees of the California State University.
The term "bidder" is
understood to include any partner, member, officer, director, responsible managing
officer, or responsible managing employee thereof, as referred to in Section 10285.1.
The bidder must place a check mark after "has" or "has not" in one of the
blank spaces provided. The above Statement is part of the Proposal. Signing this
Proposal on the signature portion thereof shall also constitute signature of this
Statement. Bidders are cautioned that making a false certification may subject the
certifier to criminal prosecution.
Pubic Contract Code Section 10162 Questionnaire
In conformance with Public Contract Code Section 10162, the Bidder shall complete,
under penalty of perjury, the following questionnaire:
Has the bidder, any officer of the bidder, or any employee of the bidder who has a
proprietary interest in the bidder, ever been disqualified, removed, or otherwise
prevented from bidding on, or completing a federal, state, or local government project
because of a violation of law or a safety regulation?
Yes _____
No _____
If the answer is yes, explain the circumstances in the following space.
Public Contract Code 10232 Statement
In conformance with Public Contract Code Section 10232, the Contractor, hereby states
under penalty of perjury, that no more than one final unappealable finding of contempt of
court by a federal court has been issued against the Contractor within the immediately
preceding two year period because of the Contractor's failure to comply with an order of
a federal court which orders the Contractor to comply with an order of the National Labor
Relations Board.
Note: The above Statement and Questionnaire are part of the Proposal. Signing this
Proposal on the signature portion thereof shall also constitute signature of this
Statement and Questionnaire.
Bidders are cautioned that making a false certification may subject the certifier to
criminal prosecution.
Noncollusion Affidavit
(Title 23 United States Code Section 112 and
Public Contract Code Section 7106)
To the
In conformance with Title 23 United States Code Section 112 and Public Contract Code 7106
the bidder declares that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any
undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that
the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly
induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or
indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in
a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner,
directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to
fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost
element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against
the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that
all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or
indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof,
or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any
corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any
member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid.
The above Noncollusion Affidavit is part of the Proposal. Signing this Proposal on
the signature portion thereof shall also constitute signature of this Noncollusion
Bidders are cautioned that making a false certification may subject the certifier to
criminal prosecution.
THIS AGREEMENT, made and concluded that ______ day of ________________, 20___
between the CITY OF SCOTTS VALLEY, hereinafter called CITY, and
_______________________________, hereinafter called CONTRACTOR.
WITNESS TO, that for and in consideration of the payments and
agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by CITY, and under the
conditions expressed in the bonds, bearing even date with these presents and
hereunto annexed, CONTRACTOR agrees with CITY, at CONTRACTOR'S own proper
cost and expense, to do all the work and furnish all the materials, except such as are
mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by CITY, necessary to construct and
complete the work of the improvement herein referenced in a good workmanlike and
substantial manner and to the satisfaction of the CITY=S Director of Public
accordance with the Special Provisions hereto annexed, and also in accordance with
the General Prevailing Wage Rates as determined by the Department of Industrial
Relations, which said Special Provisions and General Prevailing Wage Rates are
hereby specifically referred to and by such reference made a part hereof.
The work to be done is described in Section 9 "Description of Work" of the Special
Provisions, which said Special Provisions are hereby made a part of this contract, and
is shown upon the plans entitled "Mount Hermon Road Micro-Surfacing Project ",
which said plans are hereby made a part of the contract.
ARTICLE II. CITY hereby promised and agrees with CONTRACTOR to employ, and
does hereby employ, CONTRACTOR to provide the materials and to do the work
according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices
set forth in the Bid of CONTRACTOR for the work to be constructed and completed
under this Agreement, which prices shall be considered as though repeated herein,
subject to additions and deductions as provided therein, and hereby contracts to pay
the same at the time, in the manner upon the conditions herein set forth; and the said
parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and
assigns, do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained.
ARTICLE III. The statement of prevailing wages appearing in the General Prevailing
Wage Rates is hereby specifically referred to and by this reference is made a part of
this contract. It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that
should there be any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or
proposal of said CONTRACTOR, then this instrument shall control, and nothing herein
shall be considered as an acceptance of the said terms of said proposal conflicting
ARTICLE IV. By my signature hereunder, as CONTRACTOR, I certify that I am aware
of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to
be insured against liability for workmen's compensation or to undertake
self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with
such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this contract.
ARTICLE V. CONTRACTOR agrees to receive and accept the prices as set forth in
the Bid of CONTRACTOR for the work to be constructed and completed under this
Agreement, which prices shall be considered as though repeated herein, subject to
additions and deductions as provided therein, as full compensation for furnishing all
materials and for doing all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement;
also, for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the
action of elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may
arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by CITY,
and for all the risks of every description connected with the work; also, for all
expenses incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of
work; and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the
manner and according to the plans and specifications, and the requirements of
ARTICLES VI. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and save harmless and defend Owner,
its officers, agents, servants and employees, and each of them from and against:
(a) Any and all claims, demands, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses, losses
or liabilities, in law or in equity, of every kind and nature whatsoever for, but not
limited to, injury to or death of any person including CONTRACTOR, or any officer,
agent, consultant, servant and/or employee of CITY or CONTRACTOR, and
damages to or destruction of property of any person, including but not limited to,
CITY and/or CONTRACTOR and their officers, agents, consultants, servants and/or
employees, arising out of or in any manner directly or indirectly connected with the
work to be performed under this agreement, however caused, regardless of any
negligence of CITY or its officers, agents, servants or employees, except the sole
negligence or willful misconduct of CITY or its officers, agents, consultants,
servants or employees, or the active negligence of CITY, its officers, agents or
(b) and any and all actions, proceedings, damages, costs, expenses, penalties or
liabilities, in law or equity, of every kind or nature whatsoever, arising out of,
resulting from, or on account of the violation of any governmental law or
regulation, compliance with which is the responsibility of CONTRACTOR.
CONTRACTOR shall, at CONTRACTOR'S own cost, expense and risk, defend any and
all such aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be
brought or instituted against CITY or CITY=S officers, agents, consultants, servants or
CONTRACTOR shall pay and satisfy and judgment, award or decree that may be
rendered against CITY or its officers, agents, consultants, servants or employees, in
any such suit, action or other legal proceedings;
CONTRACTOR shall reimburse CITY and its officers, agents, servants and employees
for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection
therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided.
ARTICLE VII. The complete contract for the work of improvement herein referenced
consists of the following documents, all of which are hereby expressly made a part
hereof and incorporated herein by this reference.
Notice To Bidders
Bid Form
Designation of Subcontractors
Bidder's Bond
Bond for Faithful Performance
Bond of Security of Laborers and material person
Standard Specifications, dated 2015 and Standard Plans dated 2015 of the California
Department of Transportation
9. Labor Surcharge and Equipment Rental Rates and the General Prevailing Wage Rates
as determined by the California Department of Transportation Division of Construction
(all as referenced herein)
10. Plans entitled, A Mount Hermon Road Micro-Surfacing Project”
11. Insurance Certificate
12. Information for Bidders
13. Special Provisions
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY has caused these presents to be executed by its officers
hereunto duly authorized, and CONTRACTOR has subscribed same, all on the day and year
first above written.
License No.
Donna Lind, Mayor
Tracy Ferrara, City Clerk
Kirsten Powell, City Attorney
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Scotts Valley, State of California, and
"Contractor") have entered into an agreement whereby contractor agrees to install and
complete certain designated public improvements, which said agreement dated
_______________, 20___ identified as _______________________________, is hereby
referred to and made a part hereof; and
_________________________________________, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto
the City of Scotts Valley, hereinafter called "City", in the penal sum of
_________________________ Dollars ($_____________________) lawful money of the United
States for the payment of which sum, well and truly made, we bind ourselves, our heirs,
successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
The condition of this obligation is such that if above-bounded contractor, or their heirs,
executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by,
and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said
Agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on their part, to be kept and
performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to
their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless City, its officers,
agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void;
otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect.
As part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified
therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including
reasonable attorney's fees incurred by City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to
be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered.
The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or
addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the
specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond,
and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition
to the terms of the agreement or to the work or to the specifications.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principals and surety
above names, on _________________________, 20__.
Attorneys in Fact
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Scotts Valley, State of California, and
"principals") have entered into an agreement whereby principals agrees to install and
complete certain designated public improvements, which said agreement dated
__________________________, 20__, and identified as _______________________________,
is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and
WHEREAS, under the terms of said Agreement, principals are required before entering upon
the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the City of
Scotts Valley to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with
Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the State of California.
NOW, THEREFORE, said principals and the undersigned as corporate surety, are held firmly
bound unto the City of Scotts Valley and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material
person and other persons employed in the performance of the aforesaid Agreement and
__________________________________________ Dollars ($___________), for materials
furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment
Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an
amount not exceeding the amount herein above set forth, and also in case suite is brought
upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable
expenses and fees including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully
enforcing such obligation to be awarded and fixed by the Court and to be taxed as costs and
to be included in the judgment therein rendered.
IT IS HEREBY EXPRESSLY STIPULATED AND AGREED that this bond shall inure to the
benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to file claims under Title
15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 Division 3 of the a right to action to them or
their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond.
Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null
and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect.
The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or
addition to the terms of said Agreement or the specifications accompanying the same shall
in any manner affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any
such change, extension, alteration or addition.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principals and surety
above named, on _________________________, 20__.
Attorneys in Fact
Signing and Striping Improvements at
Mt Hermon Road / Lockhart Gulch Road Scotts Valley, California
Leopoldo Trujillo, P.E., T.E. Mott MacDonald 1300‐B First Street Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848‐3122
August 15, 2016 Table of Contents 1 STRIPING AND SIGNAGE .................................................................................................... 1 1.01 GENERAL .................................................................................................................... 1 1.02 REFERENCES, CODES AND STANDARDS ..................................................................... 1 1.03 ORDER OF WORK ....................................................................................................... 1 1.04 EXISTING FACILITIES ................................................................................................... 2 1.05 MAINTAINING TRAFFIC .............................................................................................. 2 1.06 CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS ..................................................................................... 2 1.07 TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM ........................................................................................ 2 1.08 REMOVE PAVEMENT MARKER ................................................................................... 3 1.09 REMOVE TRAFFIC STRIPE AND PAVEMENT MARKING .............................................. 3 1.10 PAVEMENT DELINEATION .......................................................................................... 4 1.11 INSTALL NEW ROADSIDE SIGN & POST OR SIGN PANEL AND POST .......................... 5 1.12 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ................................................................................ 6 1
STRIPING AND SIGNAGE GENERAL A. Description: Striping and pavement delineation items shall include all traffic striping,
painted words, painted symbols, paint removal as required, and removal and installation of
reflective pavement markers. Included also is any necessary removal, temporary delineation,
layout, traffic control, and signage modifications. It may be necessary to phase the
construction of the striping in the interest of public safety. The Contractor shall install striping,
where possible, prior to opening roadway to traffic and when necessary for the public’s safety
or convenience.
B. Materials: Materials shall be in conformance with the Standard Specifications Section 84‐2,
“Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings,” for traffic stripes and Section 81‐3, “Pavement
Markers,” for pavement markers. Signs shall be in conformance with the Standard
Specifications Section 82, “Signs and Markers.”
C. Method of Construction: Construction and installation shall be per Section 84‐2, “Traffic
Stripes and Pavement Markings,” Section 81‐3, “Pavement Markers,” Section 82‐2, “Sign
Panels,” and Section 82‐3, “Roadside Signs,” of the Standard Specifications. Removal of existing
facilities shall be per Section 15, “Existing Facilities,” Section 84‐9.03B, “Remove Traffic Stripes
and Pavement Markings,” Section 81‐8.03B, “Remove Pavement Markers,” and Section 82‐9,
“Existing Roadside Signs and Markers,” of the Standard Specifications.
REFERENCES, CODES AND STANDARDS The work embraced herein shall be constructed in conformance with the provisions in the various sections (as identified throughout this special provisions document) of the State of California, Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as “Standard Specifications”); the State of California, Department of Transportation, Standard Plans, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as “Standard Plans”); and the latest revision of the 2014 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (hereinafter referred to as the CA MUTCD). 1.03
ORDER OF WORK Attention is directed to "Maintaining Traffic" of these special provisions. A minimum of one lane shall be kept open for public traffic at all times. Before lane closures will take place, appropriate warning signs shall be installed at road intersections identified elsewhere in these special provisions, with the specific locations determined by the Engineer. Coordination with the City’s inspector or Engineer is mandatory at least 72 hours in advance of all road closures. 374351 Specs-01 Signed.doc
EXISTING FACILITIES The work performed in connection with various existing highway facilities shall conform to the provisions of Section 15, "Existing Facilities," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. 1.05
MAINTAINING TRAFFIC Attention is directed to Sections 7‐1.03, "Public Convenience," 7‐1.04, “Public Safety,” and 12‐3.04, "Portable Delineators," of the Standard Specifications, the CA MUTCD, and these special provisions. Personal vehicles of the Contractor's employees shall not be parked on the traveled way at any time, including any section closed to public traffic. The Contractor shall notify local authorities of the intended date to begin work at least 5 days before work is begun. The Contractor shall cooperate with local authorities relative to handling traffic through the area and shall make arrangements relative to keeping the working area clear of parked vehicles. The provisions in this section may be modified or altered if, in the opinion of the Engineer, public traffic will be better served and work expedited. Said modifications or alterations shall not be adopted until approved in writing by the Engineer. 1.06
CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS Construction Area Signs shall be furnished, installed, maintained, and removed when no longer required in accordance with the provisions of Section 12, "Temporary Traffic Control," of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. 1.07
TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM The Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation of a construction Traffic Control Plan (TCP). Construction work shall not commence until the TCP has been reviewed and approved by the City of Scotts Valley. Traffic control system shall consist of closing roadway shoulders and narrowing or closing traffic lanes in accordance with the provisions of Section 12, "Temporary Traffic Control," of the Standard Specifications, and these special provisions. Contractor shall move or place temporary road signs necessary to keep at least one lane of traffic open in each direction during construction. 374351 Specs-01 Signed.doc
The provisions of this section do not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility to provide such additional devices or take such measures as may be necessary to comply with the provisions of Section 7‐1.04, "Public Safety," of the Standard Specifications. If any component in the traffic control system is damaged, displaced, or ceases to operate or function as specified, from any cause, during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall immediately repair said component to its original condition or replace said component and shall restore the component to its original location. When lane closures are made for work periods only, at the end of each work period, all components of the traffic control system, except portable delineators placed along open trenches or excavation adjacent to the traveled way, shall be removed from the traveled way, shoulder and auxiliary lanes. If the Contractor so elects, said components may be stored at selected central locations, approved by the Engineer, within the limits of the highway right of way. Upon completion of the work requiring lane closure, all components of the traffic control system shall be removed from the site of the work and shall become the property of the Contractor. Lane closures shall not commence before 7:00 a.m. and shall cease at 7:00 p.m. No work that interferes with public traffic shall be done outside these hours except for work required under Sections 7‐1.03 "Public Convenience," and Section 7‐1.04 "Public Safety," of the Standard Specifications. When work is not actively in progress the full width of the traveled way shall be open for public traffic. Deviations from the requirements of this section concerning hours of work may be permitted upon approval by the State Parks Department. 1.08
REMOVE PAVEMENT MARKER Existing pavement markers, including underlying adhesive, when no longer required for traffic lane delineation as determined by the Engineer, shall be removed and disposed of. The removal of existing pavement markers shall conform to Section 81‐8.03B, “Remove Pavement Markers,” of the Standard Specifications. 1.09
REMOVE TRAFFIC STRIPE AND PAVEMENT MARKING Traffic stripe and pavement marking shall be removed at the locations shown on the plans and as directed by the Engineer. The removal of existing traffic stripes and pavement markings shall conform to Section 84‐9.03B, “Remove Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings,” of the Standard Specifications. Attention is directed to Section 13‐4, “Job Site Management,” of the Standard Specifications for the necessary water pollution control measures. 374351 Specs-01 Signed.doc
PAVEMENT DELINEATION Painted traffic striping shall be applied on pavements at the locations shown on the Plans, as directed by the Engineer, and as specified in these special provisions. Traffic striping and pavement message markings shall conform to the standards, dimensions and details as specified in the Caltrans Standard Plans, the California MUTCD, and Section 84‐2, “Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings,” of the Standard Specifications. The material used for all striping shall be thermoplastic and glass beads, as specified on the project plans, and shall conform to provisions in Section 84‐2, “Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings,” of the Standard Specifications. Before thermoplastic traffic stripes and pavement markings are applied, the Contractor shall submit information to the Engineer relating to the marking product’s manufacturer, specifications, shelf life, expiration date and method of application. All thermoplastic traffic stripes and pavement marking shall be applied with the extrusion method only, not sprayed. Attention is directed to Section 84‐2.03C, “Application of Stripes and Markings,” of the Standard Specifications prior to the placement of all thermoplastic stripes and markings. The Contractor shall cat‐track all pavement striping and markings for review and approval by the City inspector. Location of traffic stripes and pavement markers shall be as shown on the project plans and as directed by the City forces. All pavements to receive new striping shall be mechanically cleaned with a wire brush to remove all dirt and contaminants immediately prior to the placement of any new striping or marking. Existing traffic stripes and pavement markings in areas where new paving will not occur, and which conflict with the new striping shown on the plans, shall be removed by grinding. Note 4 on Standard Plan A‐24D shall not apply. Paint and thermoplastic traffic stripes will be measured by the linear foot along the line of the traffic stripes, without deductions for gaps in broken traffic stripes. A double traffic stripe, consisting of two 4 inch wide stripes, will be measured as a single double‐stripe. Paint and thermoplastic pavement markings will be measured by the square foot for the actual area covered as shown in the Standard Plans. The contract unit prices paid per foot for Paint / Thermoplastic Traffic Stripes in the widths designated, and per square foot for Paint / Thermoplastic Pavement Markings shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, material, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in applying paint / thermoplastic traffic stripes and paint / thermoplastic 374351 Specs-01 Signed.doc
pavement markings, complete in place, as specified in these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer, including removal of existing striping and markings by grinding as necessary, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 1.11
INSTALL NEW ROADSIDE SIGN & POST OR SIGN PANEL AND POST Roadside Signs and Sign Panels shall be furnished and installed at the locations shown on the plans or where designated by the City inspector and in conformance with the provisions in Section 82, "Signs and Markers," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Sign sheeting shall comply with Sections 82‐2.02B, “Aluminum Sheeting,” 82‐2.02C, “Retroreflective Sheeting,” and 82‐2.02E, “Single‐Sheet Aluminum Panels,” of the Standard Specifications. Sign colors and film shall comply with Section 82‐2.02D, “Process Colors and Film,” of the Standard Specifications. Signs shall be fabricated and furnished in accordance with details shown on the plans, the Traffic Sign Specifications, and these special provisions. Traffic Sign Specifications for California sign codes are available for review at: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/signtech/signdel/specs.htm Traffic Sign Specifications for signs referenced with Federal MUTCD sign codes can be found in Standard Highway Signs Book, administered by the Federal Highway Administration, which is available for review at: http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/ser‐shs_millennium.htm Information on cross referencing California sign codes with the Federal MUTCD sign codes is available at: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/signtech/signdel/specs.htm Temporary or permanent signs shall be free from blemishes that may affect the serviceability and detract from the general sign color and appearance when viewing during daytime and nighttime from a distance of 25 feet. The face of each finished sign shall be uniform, flat, smooth, and free of defects, scratches, wrinkles, gel, hard spots, streaks, extrusion marks, and air bubbles. The front, back, and edges of the sign panels shall be free of router chatter marks, burns, sharp edges, loose rivets, delaminated skins, excessive adhesive over spray and aluminum marks. The Contractor shall assume the costs and responsibilities resulting from the use of patented materials, equipment, devices, and processes for the Contractor's work. 374351 Specs-01 Signed.doc
The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer Certificates of Compliance for sign manufacturing in conformance with Section 82‐2.01C, "Submittals," of the Standard Specifications. All new sign posts shall be wood post in conformance with section 82‐3, “Roadside Signs,” of the Standard Specifications. Frame assemblies for multiple sign installations, back braces, straps and saddle brackets, lag screws, bolts, washers and nuts shall be considered as sign panel fastening hardware. Full compensation for furnishing and installing sign and sign panel fastening hardware shall be considered as included in the contract prices paid for the roadside signs and roadside panels requiring the hardware and no separate payment will be made therefore The contract unit prices paid per sign, for signs and posts, and per sign panel, for sign panel, shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in furnishing and installing roadside signs, complete in place, including the installation of sign panels, as shown on the plans, and as specified in these specifications and the special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. ## END ## 374351 Specs-01 Signed.doc
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