
May 18–20, 2015
Florence, Italy
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
Digital Health 2015
In cooperation with:
Supported by:
WWW 2015 Local Organizing Committee
& OIC conference organizers of Florence
The Association for Computing Machinery
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DH 2015 Chairs’ Welcome
Welcome to the 5th International Conference on Digital Health (www.acm-digitalhealth.org),
held in conjunction with the 24th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2015) and
in-cooperation with ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data (SIGMOD) and Special
Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD) in Florence, Italy from 18th
May 2015 until 20th May 2015.
The 5th International Conference on Digital health 2015 is building on the great success of the 14th International conference on eHealth series (http://www.electronic-health.org/) featuring
events in London in 2008, Istanbul in 2009, Casablanca in 2010 and the 4th eHealth 2011 taking
place in Malaga with high profile presence from WHO and ECDC. It further follows on the
International Workshop on Public Health in the Digital Age (1st PHDA 2013 and 2nd PHDA
2014) building a community of public health informatics professionals. With ACM support,
collocation with WWW 2015 and expanded programme, the rebranded 5th DH 2015 promises to
deliver a prime international interdisciplinary event bringing together frontline public health
professionals and computer science researches in data mining, crowdsourcing and Big Data
analysis for public health surveillance. To better embrace the growing digital health domain, the
5th DH 2015 is organized into more independent Tracks with proceedings printed by ACM Digital
Collocation with WWW 2015 promises to attract computer scientists to public health data
management and analytics challenges, we are also inviting a wider industry, start-ups and medical
audience. Keynote speakers include Alberto Sanna, the Director of eServices for Life and Health,
Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Italy will deliver a talk on “Engineering Awareness: Health &
Wellbeing Services in Socio-technological Ecosystems”. We have a great academic programme
including 16 full papers, 14 extended medical abstracts, and 24 posters and a lineup of industry
and healthcare speakers confirmed.
The DH 2015 conference is following its predecessors on social media. You can follow our
Twitter account (@eHealthconf) for the latest updates. We welcome online discussion and
feedback – the official hashtag for the conference is #DH2015. We also have a Facebook page at
http://www.facebook.com/eHealthConf. And please take a look at our Flickr page for the poster
presentations at http://www.flickr.com/groups/digitalhealth2015/.
This year we are repeating a very popular evening – the “Speed Networking” event to bring
together the academic, industry, start up and medical audiences in an effective and enjoyable way.
Finally, we would like to thank to everyone who contributed to the 5th International Conference in
Digital Health 2015 ensuring the event will be a success: authors of the submitted papers, posters
and demos, speakers, the Track Chairs and programme committee members, reviewers and session
chairs and above all the WWW Chairs for offering us to collocate the event. In particular, we are
grateful to Stefano Leonardi, the WWW 2015 & DH 2015 Liaison Chair, for his support and
collaboration, the OIC for sponsoring the conference and ACM for printing the proceedings.
Patty Kostkova
Floriana Grasso
DH’15 General and Scientific Chair
University College London, UK
DH’15 Programme Chair
University of Liverpool, UK
Table of Contents
DH 2015 Conference Organization ...............................................................................................viii
DH 2015 Sponsors & Supporter ...................................................................................................... xii
Session 1 – e-Learning and Serious Games for Health 1
Session Chair: Arnold Bosman (ECDC)
Adopting Best Practices from the Games Industry in Development
of Serious Games for Health .................................................................................................................... 1
Gary Ushaw, Richard Davison, Janet Eyre, Graham Morgan (Newcastle University)
Interactive Cause and Effect Comic-book Storytelling for Improving Nutrition
Outcomes in Children................................................................................................................................. 9
Ashish Amresh (Arizona State University), Madhumita Sinha, Rebecca Birr (Maricopa Integrated Health System),
Rahul Salla (Arizona State University)
Mind the Gap: From Desktop to App ................................................................................................... 15
Andreea Molnar (University of Portsmouth), Patty Kostkova (University College London)
Introducing Mokap: A Novel Approach to Creating Serious Games ......................................... 17
Javier Torrente (University College London), Ángel Serrano-Laguna (Complutense University of Madrid),
Conor Fisk (University College London Hospitals),
Breid O’Brien, Wanda Alesky (University College London Hospitals),
Baltasar Fernández-Manjón (Complutense University of Madrid), Patty Kostkova (University College London)
Session 2 – Web 2.0 and Online Communities of Practice
Session Chair: John Powell (University of Oxford)
Assessing Patient Experience and Patient Preference
when Designing Web Support for Smoking Cessation ................................................................. 25
Elizabeth Sillence (Northumbria University), Peter R. Harris (University of Sussex),
Pam Briggs (Northumbria University)
FEMwiki: Crowdsourcing Semantic Taxonomy and Wiki Input to Domain
Experts While Keeping Editorial Control: Mission Possible! ....................................................... 27
Patty Kostkova (University College London),
Vladimir Prikazsky, Arnold Bosman (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)
Evaluation of an App to Support Older Adults with Wounds ...................................................... 35
Kate Bennett, Floriana Grasso, Victoria Lowers (University of Liverpool),
Alison McKay (University of Leeds), Christine Milligan (Lancaster University)
Session 3 – e-Learning and Serious Games for Health 2
Session Chair: Javier Torrente (University College London)
Changes in Learning Behaviour Upon Receiving Mobile Devices:
An Observational Study in a University Teaching Hospital ......................................................... 37
Adam Julius (Royal Free Hospital),
Joht Chandan, Thomas Chase, Charles S. Hall, Ryan Burnett (University College London),
Benedict Lyle Phillips (Royal Free Hospital), Betsy Anagnostelis, Deborah Gill (University College London),
Bimbi Fernando (Royal Free Hospital)
Attitudes to mLearning Amongst Medical Students:
An Observational Study in a University Teaching Hospital ......................................................... 39
Adam Julius (Royal Free Hospital),
Charles S. Hall, Thomas Chase, Joht Chandan, Ryan Burnett (University College London),
Benedict Lyle Phillips (Royal Free Hospital), Betsy Anagnostelis, Deborah Gill (University College London),
Bimbi Fernando (Royal Free Hospital)
E-Health in Egypt: A Brief Review ........................................................................................................ 41
Mona F.M. Mursi Ahmed, May A. Salama, Soha Emad Galal (Benha University)
Session 4 – Big Data Analytics and Crowdsourcing for Public Health 1
Session Chair: Philip Abdelmalik (Public Health Canada)
Anorexia on Tumblr: A Characterization Study ............................................................................... 43
Munmun De Choudhury (Georgia Institute of Technology)
#FoodPorn: Obesity Patterns in Culinary Interactions .................................................................. 51
Yelena Mejova (Qatar Computing Research Institute),
Hamed Haddadi (Qatar Computing Research Institute & Queen Mary University of London),
Anastasios Noulas (University of Cambridge), Ingmar Weber (Qatar Computing Research Institute)
Session 5 – Digital Prevention and Interventions
Session Chair: Alberto Tozzi (Bambino Gesu Hospital)
Developing a Bilingual, Computer-Tailored, HPV Vaccination Promotion
Intervention Targeting Latino Parents ................................................................................................ 59
Angela Chia-Chen Chen, Ashish Amresh (Arizona State University)
Multi-Modal Biological Driver Monitoring via Ubiquitous Wearable Body
Sensor Network .......................................................................................................................................... 65
Omid Dehzangi, Cayce Williams (University of Michigan-Dearborn)
Exploring Digital Image Frames for Lifestyle Intervention to Improve
Well-being of Older Adults ...................................................................................................................... 71
Andreas Seiderer, Stephan Hammer, Elisabeth André, Marcus Mayr,
Thomas Rist (Augsburg University of Applied Sciences)
Designing a Tablet-based Intervention to Support Self-checking for Melanoma .................. 79
Matt Dennis, Judith Masthoff, Kirsten A. Smith, Peter Murchie, Susan Hall (University of Aberdeen)
Session 6 – Big Data Analytics and Crowdsourcing for Public Health 2
Session Chair: Carlos Castillo (Qatar Computing Research Institute)
Population Cost Prediction on Public Healthcare Datasets ......................................................... 87
Shanu Sushmita, Stacey Newman, James Marquardt (University of Washington),
Prabhu Ram, Viren Prasad (Edifecs), Martine De Cock, Ankur Teredesai (University of Washington)
Assessing ICD-9-CM and ICPC-2 Use in Primary Care. An Italian Case Study ...................... 95
Elena Cardillo, Maria Teresa Chiaravalloti, Erika Pasceri (National Research Council)
Session 7 – Smart Health and Intelligent Ubiquitous Technologies;
Knowledge Management, Web Science and Health
Session Chairs: Carsten Röcker (RWTH Aachen) & Claudio Eccher (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Cloud-mobile Assistive Technologies for People with Intellectual Impairments:
A Microsoft Azure-Based Solution ..................................................................................................... 103
Rosa Maria Bottino, Laura Freina, Michela Ott (ITD-CNR), Filippo Costa (SoftJam, S.p.A.)
Using Tags and Latent Factors in a Food Recommender System ........................................... 105
Mouzhi Ge, Mehdi Elahi (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano),
Ignacio Fernández-Tobías (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid),
Francesco Ricci, David Massimo (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
Using a Mobile App to Manage Type 1 Diabetes: The Case of TreC Diabetes ..................... 113
Francesco Miele, Claudio Eccher, Enrico Maria Piras (Bruno Kessler Foundation)
Ebola Data from the Internet: An Opportunity for Syndromic Surveillance
or a News Event? ..................................................................................................................................... 115
Elad Yom-Tov (Microsoft Research)
GOALS – Modeling Clinical Guidelines Based on TimeML Concepts .................................... 121
Reinhardt Wenzina (Vienna University of Technology),
Katharina Kaiser (University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten)
Session 8 – Tracking/Wearables and Mobile Technology
Session Chair: Nuria Oliver (Telefonica)
Can Remote STI/HIV Testing and eClinical Care be Compatible
with Robust Public Health Surveillance? ......................................................................................... 129
Emma Harding-Esch, Anthony Nardone (Public Health England),
Jo Gibbs, Lorna Sutcliffe (Queen Mary University of London), Pam Sonnenberg (University College London),
Claudia Estcourt (Queen Mary University of London),
Gwenda Hughes, Hamish Mohammed, Noel Gill (Public Health England),
Tariq Sadiq (St George’s University of London), Catherine Lowndes (Public Health England)
Life-logs Aggregation for Quality of Life Monitoring .................................................................... 131
Floriano Zini, Martin Reinstadler, Francesco Ricci (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
Kidnew: The Kidney Transplant Patient Personal Health Buddy ............................................. 133
Mary Jane B. Arcilla, Viana Celina T. Ang, Mikaela Nazarene Ochoa, Christian Paulo L. Padua,
Riezl E. Payawal (De La Salle University)
ACKTUS – A Platform for Developing Personalized Support Systems
in the Health Domain .............................................................................................................................. 135
Helena Lindgren, Chunli Yan (Umeå University)
Author Index............................................................................................................................................... 143
DH 2015 Conference Organization
General and Scientific Chair:
Patty Kostkova (University College London, UK)
Programme Chair:
Floriana Grasso (University of Liverpool,UK)
DH 2015 & WWW 2015
Liaison Chair:
Stefano Leonardi (Sapienza University, Italy)
Industry Chair:
Deputy Industry Chair:
Start-up Chair:
Web Chair and Deputy
Media Chair:
Daniel Hulme (Satalia, UK)
Andreea Molnar (University of Portsmouth, UK)
Tim Barnes (University College London, UK)
Rosie Webster (University College London, UK)
Media Chair:
Connie St Louis (City University, UK)
Poster and Demo Chair:
Ed de Quincey (Keele University, UK)
Publication Chair:
Senior Programme Committee:
Yean-Hoon Ong (University College London, UK)
Philip Abdelmalik (Public Health Canada, Canada)
Tim Barnes (University College London, UK)
Matthew Bonam (AstraZeneca, UK)
Arnold Bosman (ECDC, Sweden)
Albert Burger (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
Carlos Castillo (QCRI, Qatar)
Vittoria Colizza (INSERN, France)
Claudio Eccher (FBK, Italy)
Luis Fernandez-Luque (NORUT, Norway)
Floriana Grasso (University of Liverpool, UK)
David Hansen (CSIRO, Australia)
Andreas Holzinger (Medical University of Graz, Austria)
Daniel Hulme (Satalia, UK)
Baltasar Fernández Manjón (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
Nuria Oliver (Telefonica, Spain)
John Powell (University of Oxford, UK)
Carsten Röcker (Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, Germany)
Alberto Tozzi (Bambino Gesu Hospital, Rome, Italy)
Rosie Webster (University College London, UK)
Elad Yom-Tov (Microsoft Research, Israel)
Martina Ziefle (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Programme Committee:
Philip Abdelmalik (Public Health Canada, Canada)
Saeed Abdullah (Cornell University, USA)
Eyhab Al-Masri (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Navid Amini (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Elske Ammenwerth (UMIT, Austria)
Elisabeth Andre (University of Augsberg, Germany)
Nabil Alshurafa (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Andrea Apolloni (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine,
London, UK)
D K Arvind (Edinburgh University, UK)
Julia Bailey (University College London, UK)
László Balkányi (ECDC, Sweden)
Nadia Berthouze (University College London, UK)
Timothy Bickmore (Northeastern University, USA)
Olivier Bodenreider (National Library of Medicine, USA)
Matthew Bonam (AstraZeneca, UK)
Arnold Bosman (ECDC, Stockholm, Sweden)
Jonas Brant (Tephinet, Brazil)
Pam Briggs (Northumbria University, UK)
Ellen Brox (Northern Research Institute, Norway)
Albert Burger (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
Nadja De Carolis (University of Bari, Italy)
Leslie Carr (University of Southampton, UK)
Carlos Castillo (Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar)
Rumi Chunara (Harvard Medical School, USA)
Robin Cohen (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Vittoria Colizza (INSERN, France)
Olivier Corby (INRIA, France)
Ulises Cortés (UPC, Spain)
Aaron Crandall (Washington State University, USA)
Maciej Dabrowski (DERI, Ireland)
Karen Day (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Omid Dehzangi (University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA)
Ed de Quincey (Keele University, UK)
Gayo Diallo (University of Bordeaux, France)
Jim Duggan (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland)
Claudio Eccher (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)
David Farrell (Caledonian University, UK)
Susan Ferebee (University of Phoenix, USA)
Luis Fernandez-Luque (NORUT, Norway)
Baltasar Fernández Manjón (University of Madrid, Spain)
Ana Franco (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal)
Reva Freedman (North Illinois University, USA)
Ophir Frieder (Georgetown University, USA)
Yaara Goldscmidt (IBM Research Lab, Haifa, Israel)
Programme Committee
Nazli Goharian (Georgetown University, USA)
Bruno Goncalves (CNRS, France)
Floriana Grasso (University of Liverpool, UK)
Marco Guerini (Trento RISE, Italy)
Cathal Gurrin (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Jaap Ham (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
David Hansen (CSIRO, Australia)
Hermie Hermens (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Andreas Holzinger (Medical University of Graz, Austria)
Helmut Horacek (Saarland University, Germany)
Ming-Chun Huang (University College London, UK)
Daniel Hulme (Satalia, UK)
Muhammad Imran (Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar)
Jim Keller (University of Missouri, USA)
Jeonggil Ko (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute,
Patty Kostkova (University College London, UK)
Kp Lam (Keele University, UK)
Vasileios Lampos (University College London, UK)
Sunghoon Lee (Harvard Medical School, USA)
Peter Lucas (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Jordi Luque (Telefonica Research, Spain)
Cecil Lynch (Accenture, USA)
Judith Masthoff (University of Aberdeen, UK)
Mark Matthews (Cornell University, USA)
Sandro Meloni (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Jochen Meyer (OFFIS, Germany)
Deborah McGuinness (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Kenneth McLeod (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
Toni Moreno (Universidad Rovira i Virgilli, Tarragona, Spain)
Bobak Mortazavi (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Andreea Molnar (University of Portsmouth, UK)
Wendy Moncur (University of Aberdeen, UK)
Parashkev Nachev (University College London, UK)
Thomas Neligwa (Keele University, UK)
Nicola Newhouse (University College London, UK)
Nuria Oliver (Telefonica, Spain)
Rita Orji (Yale University, USA)
Hans C Ossebaard (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Helen Pain (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Fabio Paglieri (ISTC-CNR, Italy)
Andre Panisson (ISI Foundation, Italy)
Cecile Paris (CSIRO, Australia)
Programme Committee
Pasi Penttinen (ECDC, Stockholm, Sweden)
Domenico Pisanelli (Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies,
Isabella Poggi (University of Rome, Italy)
Mohammad Pourhomayoun (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
John Powell (University of Oxford, UK)
Rob Procter (University of Warwick, UK)
Sebastien Riedel (University College London, UK)
Carsten Röcker (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Nirmalya Roy (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA)
Sara Rubinelli (University of Lucerne, Switzerland)
Patrick Saint Dizier (IRIT-CNRS, France)
Marcel Salathé (Penn State University, USA)
Melina Santos (Ministry of Health, Brazil)
Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe (Washington State University, USA)
Heiko Schuldt (University of Basel, Switzerland)
Steven Simske (Hewlett Packard, USA)
Aneesha Singh (University College London, UK)
Jacopo Staiano (Telefonica Research, Spain)
Katarzyna Stawarz (University College London, UK)
Charlotte Tang (University of Michigan-Flint, USA)
Adel Taweel (King’s College London, UK)
Matthew Taylor (Washington State University, USA)
Paul Taylor (University College London, UK)
Michelle Tizzoni (ISI Foundation, Italy)
Javier Torrente (University College London, UK)
Alberto Tozzi (Bambino Gesu Hospital, Rome, Italy)
Erik Van der Goot (Joint Research Centre, Italy)
Ielka Van Der Sluis (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Krishna Venkatasubramanian (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Jan Vejvalka (Charles University, Czech Republic)
Michael Weber (Ulm University, Germany)
Rosie Webster (University College London, UK)
Karen Wilson (Wilsonhealth360, UK)
Marcel Winandy (Huawei, Germany)
Elad Yom-Tov (Microsoft Research, Israel)
Yeliz Yesilada (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Martina Ziefle (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
DH 2015 Sponsors & Supporters
These sponsors were confirmed at the time these proceedings were published in April 2015. Additional sponsors may
have joined after this date.
In cooperation with: