Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative 2013 Scholarship Recipients Courtney Kuhn Traci Lyn Popple Kayla Anderson Brandt Bruxvoort Austin Rayburn Samantha Semanko Kayla Anderson is the daughter of Carl and Debbie Anderson of Chippewa Falls. Kayla plans to attend UW–Eau Claire or Viterbo University to pursue a career in neonatal care. Nicole Folgate is the daughter of Steve Folgate of Holcombe. Nicole plans to attend the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities to pursue a major in graphic design with a minor in business. Brandt Bruxvoort is the son of Kristen Bruxvoort of Bloomer. Brandt plans to attend Calvin College this fall, where he intends to major in economics. Dustin Franz is the son of Pamela and Wayne Franz of Chippewa Falls. Dustin plans on attending the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. Abigail Cranston is the daughter of James and Jodi Cranston of Chippewa Falls. Abigail plans to attend Montana State University and to obtain a degree in natural resources and rangeland ecology. Courtney Kuhn is the daughter of Timothy Kuhn and Paula Timme of Bloomer. Courtney plans to attend Trinity International University for biology/secondary education. Kaylee Dorney is the daughter of Kelly and Kim Dorney of Holcombe. Kaylee’s future goal is to become a massage therapist while attending CenterPoint Massage Therapy College in Minnesota. Traci Lyn Popple is the daughter of Richard and Patricia Popple of Jim Falls. Traci plans to attend the University of Wisconsin–Superior. She will be majoring in business administration with a marketing concentration. 4 • Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News Your Touchstone Energy® Partner Abigail Cranston Kaylee Dorney Nicole Folgate Dustin Franz Mackenzie Turner Margaret Van de Loo Cassandra Webber Raquel Wieser Austin Rayburn is the son of Michelle and Phillip Rayburn of New Auburn. Austin plans to become a shop teacher or pursue a career in the mechanical field. Samantha Semanko is the daughter of Joseph and Patricia Semanko of Cadott. Samantha plans to attend Viterbo University where she will major in elementary education. Mackenzie Turner is the daughter of Mary Bernklau of Stanley. Mackenzie hopes to pursue an education in biology as well as anthropology. Margaret Van de Loo is the daughter of David and Susan Van de Loo of Eau Claire. Margaret plans to study biomedical engineering in college. Cassandra Webber is the daughter of Lisa Webber and Blane Kahler of Chippewa Falls. Cassandra plans to attend UW–Eau Claire to pursue a double major in secondary instrumental music education and performance. Raquel Wieser is the daughter of Andy and Leila Wieser of Maiden Rock. Raquel plans to attend Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville. She plans to obtain her bachelor’s degree in psychology. Congratulations to all of our scholarship recipients! Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative • 5 Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative Unclaimed Capital Credits Provide Scholarships to Local Students T he following list of members received electric service from Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative several years ago, and the capital credit funds are still being held in their names. We’ve been unable to return this money because we don’t have a current address. If you know the whereabouts of these people, please contact our office at 715-239-6800 or 1-800-300-6800. To claim these funds, you must contact Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative and provide satisfactory evidence of your right to receive them. If we cannot locate these people, the unclaimed funds will be used to provide scholarships to local students through our Federated Youth Foundation. This is an excellent opportunity for you to donate your capital credits to be used for scholarships for graduating high school students of Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative members. If you have an interest in doing so, please give us a call; it’s a simple procedure to donate these funds to a worthwhile project. A T -T LONG LINES . ADAMS, ROBERT T ALEXANDER, PETE ALLARD, DENNIS J ANDERS, DAVID ANDERS, IRENE ANDERSON, CYNTHIA BAILEY, MILDRED I BAK, BERENICE F BAKER, MERLE BAKER, MILDRED BANNISTER, PAULINE BARTILSON, BRAD W BERANEK, DAWN M BIRNO, RICHARD A BOARDMAN, RICHARD BODIN, DONALD BORGEN, DOUGLAS E BOYLE, JOSEPH H BRANTNER, RON J BRIGGS, JERRY BRUMMER, ROY BRUSAW, JEFF BUDZIAK, JOHN M BUTTENHOFF, ROBERT D BUTTERFIELD, BRIAN CALHOUN, HAROLD W CAPAUL, DANIEL CARLSON, EDWARD R CARSTEN, CLIFFORD M CHRISTOPHER, LOUIS F CLOUSER, WILLIAM C COLE, DAVID P CONRY, ESTATE OF MYRON W COOPER, LEANNA J CORNELL, RICHARD L CRANK, JO CRAWLEY, MAX CSONGEDI, ESTATE OF DOROTHY E. CUHEL, CARL CUKLIN, GEORGE CURAVO, WILLIAM CYNOR, TRACI DAVIS, BRIAN DECKER, RICHARD A DELAURANCE PRILL ESTATE DENNY, MARJEAN DEPKE, ESTATE OF WILLIAM H DICKSON, WILLIAM J DIEHL, BLAIRE D DIETRICH, KEITH DIMKE, DONALD V DOHRN, JENNY DOLAN, LEONARD DREKE, ANN DZICK, JEFF EDINGER, RAYNE J. EKSTROM, FRANK ELLISON, LLOYD E FARM CREDIT SERVICES FASBENDER, WAYNE R FEDERAL LAND BANK FERGUSON, LUCILLE FHA FLATEN, LOIS FLEMING, SALLY FRANCK, RAY FREDRICKSON, PAULINE GABEL, GORDON G GALES, CLIFFORD GALES, JAMES J GALETKA, JERRY 28 • Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News GAMROTH, WILLIAM GEHRKE, DAVID GERRITS, NANCY GIRLING, DENNIS F GLICK, BRIAN A GOLESH, JANET M GRAHAM, LINDA GRASLEY, THOMAS J GREGERSON, DUANE GREGERSON, MABEL GREIFE, R CLARK GREULICH, AUGUST GRIEGOLEIT, WILLIAM E GRIGAR, THEODORE GRUNDMAN, RAY GUDEN, KENNETH C GULLICKSON, JULE HAGEN, JOSEPH K HAGER, ESTATE OF CHESTER L HAKES, ESTATE OF DONNA HALL, MARY K HALL, MICHAEL K HALLOCK, JOHN HAMMAN, NANCY P HARRISON, CARL R HASSEMER, HAROLD P HAUG, JOHN HAUN, JAMIE HAUSE, CINTHIA HAVENS, STEVEN W HAWKS, DAVID HAYNES, ROBERT HAZARD ROGERS, BARBARA HECKEL, KAREN HEITING, ELIZABETH J HENDRICKSON, DR ROBERT L HERRICK, HELEN HERRING, ANTHONY HICKS, ESTATE OF JAMES E HILGER, HARRY HILL, DENNIS D HITE, ROBERT F HOARD, HARLAND D HOEHN, ROBERT D HORSTMAN, RICHARD HOWARD, WM HUETTENMOSER, ARTHUR HUJAR, JEROME HURT, BRADLEY HUTCHINS, FARLEY HUTCHINSON, CHARLES HYLAND, BARBARA J IMIG, RICHARD R JAMBRETZ, MICHAEL JAMES, HAROLD L JAMES, KATHRYN M JAPHIS BUILDING CO JENNINGS, D M JICK, MAURITA R JOHNSON, ARCHIE C JOHNSON, EDMUND JOHNSON, ELSIE L JOHNSON, MARVIN E JONES, MARC A JURINEK, MICHAEL N KALKA, CRAIG KARK, RICHARD A KASIEWICZ, MARK E KELLER, WALTER KERMOTT, BILL KIEFER, MARJORIE KIRKLAND, DAN KISSELBURG, DAVID KLATT, RANDY E KLAVESTAD, LOIS KLUEVER, JAMES F KNIPFER, RICHARD KONKEL, TODD C KRAGNESS, ESTATE OF CLIFFORD C KRAUS, JEFF B KRAUSE, JAMES T KROLL CORPORATION KRUMRIE, DAVID LADD, JOYCE LALOCK, JOSEPH R LANGE, ALVIN LECLAIRE, NORMAN M LEEDOM, DONNA LEMKE, BEVERLY LENFESTEY, ESTHER LEPLEY, BERNAL LEWIS, ROXY LICHT, CAROLINE E LIES, JOSEPH M LINDBERG, R B LING, RACHEL LOESCH, KEN LONG, GEORGE LOOMIS, DONNA J LUND, CAROL A LYREK, RONALD A MAIER, MARIE MALOM, ESTATE OF CARLYN MALONEY, PATRICK A MARINE, MICHAEL MARTENS, STEVEN MARTIN, MARGARET MASEK, GEORGE MATHISON, EDWARD J MAYHEU, CATHERINE MAYNARD, JAIME MC ROBERTS, ESTATE OF ELWOOD B MC TAGGART, DONALD MCCANN, SCOTT J MCGIVERAN JR, BEN S MCGUIRE, ROGER MCLEAN, WILLIAM MCMAHON, MARY MEILE, ROBERT MEYERS, ARNOLD MILAND JR, JAMES L MINER, RALPH F MONYCOR SAVINGS BANK MUELLER, ANNA MURRAY, JAMES NEHRING, HAROLD NELSON, ARNOLD C NELSON, GEORGE NELSON, KENNETH R NELSON, NICK NELSON, ROBERT E NEWKIRK, TROY D NICOLLS, ROBERT NORMAN, LEWIS P NOWAK, KRISTI O’BRIEN, RUSTY ODT, HERMAN OEMIG, ESTATE OF JOHN R OLSON, DEBORAH K OUIMET, M F PARKS, PHILLIP PARSON, FLORENCE PETERSON, ELMER V PETERSON, JAMES A PETERSON, MABEL PETTIT, RAYMOND PHILLIPS, DAVID PIERCE, ANN POUTRY ESTATE, DONALD PRICE, JANET M PROCHNOW, TYRONE PROCTOR, JACK T PUTNEY, MICHAEL QUINONES, BETTY RABSKA, GARY RAMER, BECKY REEVE, HARRIET REHM, HOWARD RIFE EST, EVELYN RITTER, MRS ROBERT R ROBERTS, AUDREY B ROBINSON, WILLIAM ROGOWSKI, ESTATE OF RAYMOND W ROMANOWSKI, WM ROSS, RONALD RUFFIN, A C RUPLES, LEONE RURUP, DEBORAH I SAMPSON, DAVID SCHAICH, DANIEL SCHMITZ, PATRICIA SCHNEIDER, JOHN SCHROEDER, FRED SCHUETTE, MILTON J SCHULTZ, GREG SCHULTZ, JOHN C SCHULTZ, OLGA SCHUMANN, ROBERT SCHWARTZ, E W SEEGER, HARRY SEEVERS, REBECCA SHOCK, TERRY SHOEMAKER, LUCILLE D SIRINEK, BARBARA SIZER, JOHN SKALSKI, RONALD J SLICKER, PAUL E SLIKER, WANDA F SMITH, BLAKE SMITH, DORIS J SMITH, GERALD L SODEN, STEVEN B SORENSON, RUSSELL SPAETH, DEAN R SPARKS, OLIVER O SPOONER, NOLAN STALEY, RONALD STANHOPE, EDWARD STARCK, LAWRENCE H STETZLER, MIKE STEWART, THAD STOECKEL, TED K STOKES, RICHARD STORM, DIANE M SULLIVAN, LUTRECIA E SWEENEY, ROGER C TAYLOR, VIOLET TEALEY, ROBERT F THATCHER, LARRY THOMAS, ELEANOR K THOME, JOSEPH J TODAHL, LAVERNE W TOMPKINS, THOMAS L TORKELSON, EVELYN E TRUNKEL, BETTY UHLER, RICHARD R VANDERVORT, BERNICE VENZKE, DANIEL L VIOLET, CAROLYN WAGNER, CARL E WEBBER, KENNETH R WEBSTER, SUSAN WEILER, JOHN C WEISS, ESTATE OF LEE WEST, MICHAEL K WHITTEMORE, DAVID G WHITWAM, ALICE M WILLIAMS, ESTATE OF RUTH Z WILMS, WALDOW E WIPPERFURTH, MARGARET WOLF, LARRY WOLTHOFF, GEORGE WRIGHT, RICHARD T YANCY, RALEIGH G YEAGER EST, MICHAEL A YURGILAS, HELEN M ZEIHLKE, CARL ZILMER, SUZANNE ZINS, KATHY A ZWIEFELHOFER, DOUG ZWIEFELHOFER, HELEN Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative’s office will be closed Monday, September 2. Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend! Todd Howard, President/CEO Nicole Whipp Sime, Editor 317 S. 8th St. • P.O. Box 575 • Cornell, WI 54732 (715) 239-6800 • 1-800-300-6800 Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative • 29