EMC’14/Tokyo 16P2-B4 Effect of Demagnetizaing Field on Frequency Dispersoin of Complex Permeability Sho Muroga, Masahiro Yamaguchi Graduate School of Engineering Tohoku University Sendai, Japan muroga@ecei.tohoku.ac.jp Abstract— This paper describes that the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) frequency shift can be calculated by an electromagnetic field simulator based on the Maxwell’s equation although the relative permeability and the FMR frequency is defined by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) and the Kittel’s equation. We evaluate the magnetic circuit model with the leakage magnetic flux path for considering the demagnetizing field generated in the magnetic film. As the result, we clarify that the effect of the demagnetizing field is considered as a reluctance of the leakage magnetic flux path in the magnetic circuit calculation, which is considered as the increase of anisotropy field in the Kittel’s equation. Furthermore, we show that the simulated FMR frequency by the electromagnetic simulator agrees with the measured values. Keywords—on-chip electromagnetic noise suppressor; ferromagnetic films; ferromagnetic resonance frequency; demagnetizing field; electromagnetic simulator I. INTRODUCTION The demands on compact analog and digital mixed-signal chips are increasing due to the development of mobile IT device. In such mixed signal chips, a high-frequency noise generated by the digital circuits is transferred to the on-chip analog circuits. This noise affects the analog circuit performance and causes serious desensitization [1], [2]. To solve this problem, we proposed a new integrated soft magnetic noise suppressor that is set on the transmission line between the noise source and the victim circuit [3]–[7]. The soft magnetic thin film dissipates noise power only in the radio frequency (RF) range because of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) and Joule losses. A representative point is that the insertion loss was only 4 dB at 1 GHz, and increasing sharply to !# %!85Zr3Nb12 film integrated ! !"!%" a soda glass substrate [4]. We also reported that the FMR frequency is sensitive to shape anisotropy of magnetic material. It is an important design parameter of the integrated electromagnetic noise suppressor [7]. Given the shape of a magnetic material, the FMR frequency shift could be calculated by using the demagnetizing factor. Copyright 2014 IEICE Fig. 1. Calculation diagram of FMR frequency shift in the magnetic material. This consideration leads to an idea that this shift could be calculated by an electromagnetic field simulator based on the Maxwell’s equation although the FMR frequency itself is defined by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. This paper discusses the validity of this idea using a magnetic circuit model of the transmission line with a magnetic film. II. RELATIVE PERMEABILITY A. Theory It is known that the LLG equations give the relative permeability r. The relative permeability and the FMR frequency of a magnetic film with one uniaxial anisotropy are calculated as (1) - (3). 2M s2 1 r 2 0 2f r0 2f 2 2 jf Ms 4 0 f r0 2 (1) (2) MsHk 0 (3) Here, Ms is the magnetization, is the gyromagnetic constant, is the damping constant, Hk is the anisotropy field. Fig. 1 shows the calculation diagram of FMR frequency shift when the demagnetizing field generates in the magnetic material. In this case, the FMR frequency frd shifts to higher frequency range by the demagnetizing field energy. The frd is calculated by well-known Kittel’s equation as shown in (4) of 785 EMC’14/Tokyo 16P2-B4 Fig. 4. The cross-sectional view of the microstrip line. Fig. 2. Measured magnetization curve of CoZrNb film. Fig. 5. Ploss/Pin in the microstrip line with the CoZrNb film. Fig. 3. Frequency dependence of the relative permeability of the CoZrNb film. the motion equation of the magnetization, which is described on the left side diagram in Fig. 1 . f rd 2 M s H k N d M s 0 (4) III. Here, Nd is the demagnetizing factor. Thus, the FMR loss of the magnetic material behaves as the band elimination filter, and the center frequency of the filter is basically equal to the FMR frequency and shift to higher frequency range by demagnetizing field given the shape of a magnetic material. B. Measurements The 250-nm-thick CoZrNb film was deposited using RF sputtering onto a glass epoxy substrate. The length of the magnetic film lm is 20 mm. Fig. 2 shows the in-plain M-H curve of CoZrNb film measured with a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The CoZrNb film has in-plane uniaxial anisotropy and exhibit high permeability only in the direction of the hard axis of magnetization. The easy axis is an energetically favorable direction of the magnetization and perpendicular to the hard axis. The saturation magnetization Ms is about 1 T, and the magnetic anisotropy Hk is 1.2 kA/m. Copyright 2014 IEICE Fig. 3 shows the frequency dependence of the relative permeability of the CoZrNb film measured by a high frequency permeameter with a side-open TEM cell to generate RF field and a planar shielded-loop type one turn coil to detect magnetic flux as the induced voltage (Model PMM-9G1, Ryowa Electronics Co.) [9]. The complex permeability, r = r'' - r'", is obtained through the S-parameters in terms of the flux voltage. The solid line shows the real part and the dashed line shows the imaginary part of the relative permeability, respectively. The real part of the permeability at low frequencies is 630 and the imaginary part of the permeability is 1520 at an FMR frequency of 1.1 GHz. TRANSMISSION LINE The MSL is fabricated on a glass epoxy substrate having a permittivity of about 3.8. Fig. 4 shows the cross-sectional view of the MSL with a magnetic film. The signal and ground lines are about 35 % thick. The width of the signal line and ground gap is 160 % and 30 %, respectively. The design considers impedance matching for standard lossless transmission lines without the magnetic film. The length of the MSL is 20 mm. Fig. 5 shows the ratio of the measured power loss to the incident power Ploss/Pin in the MSL covered with and without the CoZrNb film. The loss increases with increasing frequency in MSL covered with the CoZrNb film. These losses are mainly caused by the eddy currents, and smaller FMR losses are generated around 3 GHz. The peak frequency of the FMR loss is 3.1 GHzand is higher than the intrinsic FMR frequency of 1.1 GHz because of demagnetizing field [7]. IV. MAGNETIC CIRCUIT MODEL Fig. 6 shows the magnetic flux around the signal line. There are large magnetic dipoles because of the local magnetic flux caused by the current in signal line [8]. The leakage magnetic 786 EMC’14/Tokyo 16P2-B4 Fig. 6. Leakage magnetic flux above signal line. Fig. 8 Comparison with the measured and calculated complex permeabilities of a CoZrNb with Ms = 1 T, Hk = 1.2 kA/m considering demagnetizing field. Thus, the reluctance of the leakahe magnetic flux Rl is calculated as Fig. 7. Magnetic circuit network model considering leakage magnetic flux from the magnetic film. flux above and below the magnetic film is generated by these dipoles. Fig. 7 shows the magnetic circuit model. R'm and R"m are real and imaginary parts of the magnetic reluctance in magnetic film and calculated as Rm Rm' jR""m Rm ' ws 'r 2 2 ' r "r 0 t m l m Rm " ws "r 2 ' "r 0 t m l m 2 r (5) R total R' m jR" m (8) are the average magnetic flux density in the magnetic film and the around the magnetic film. Therefore, the demagnetizing factor Nd is calculated by equation (8). Copyright 2014 IEICE (9) (10) This equation shows that the reluctance of the leakage magnetic flux path is described using the demagnetizing factor. This is because that the distribution of the demagnetizing field is determined by the distance of the magnetic poles. (7) The reluctance of the leakage magnetic flux Rl is evaluated as follows. The flux generated by the demagnetizing field in the magnetic film is distributed as shown in Fig. 4. Here, the distance where the leakage magnetic flux density becomes 1/e compared with that on the surface of the magnetic film and is calculated to be 80 %. In this case, the magnetic flux $ is satisfied the eq. (8). B t Nd l m Bm 2z l ws ws Nd 0 alm 0tmlm Thus, the combined reluctance Rtotal of the magnetic film including the leakage flux path was calculated in order to obtain the relative permeability considering the demagnetizing field. Rtotal is defined as (6) Where the total magnetic flux 0 is constant supposing the reluctance of the air gap is large enough because of the shape and the size of the magnetic film and the MSL. B m t m l m Bl 2 z l l m Rl ws 1 1 Rl 0 reff t m l m 2 (11) Here, r_cir is the relative permeability considering the demagnetizing field. Therefore, r_cir is calculated as r_cir ws t l 0 R' m jR"m Rl m m (12) The FMR frequency considering the demagnetizing field is calculated by analyzing the combined reluctance of the magnetic film and the leakage magnetic flux path. In this case, the equation (14) needs to be satisfied in order to obtain the FMR frequency [9]. ReR total R' m 1 Rl 0 2 (13) Thus, the FMR frequency fr_cir is calculated with (1)-(3), (6), (9) and (13). 787 EMC’14/Tokyo f rc 2 M s H k N d M s 0 16P2-B4 VI. (14) This equation is equal to the Kittel’s equation. This agreement between (4) and (14) shows that the FMR frequency shift by the demagnetizing field can be calculated by the magnetic circuit. V. MEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION RESULTS Fig. 8 compares the permeabilities of a CoZrNb film. Solid line shows the measured r for a film large enough to neglect demagnetization and the measured r_w/8kA/m of a large film with a static magnetic field of 8 kA/m applied along the easy axis. The intensity of 8 kA/m is identical to the demagnetization field Hd calculated as equation (15) which is defined as the increase of the magnetic anisotropy field in equation (4). Hd Nd M s (15) In this measurement, the Nd is supposed 0.001 because the dimensions of the magnetic film are; width wm = % length lm = %! tm = 100 nm. It is well known that the effective anisotropy field is linear sum of the intrinsic anisotropy field Hk and the demagnetizing field Hd. H keff H k H d (16) Therefore, the effective FMR frequency in the case that the magnetic field as same as the Hd is applied to parallel direction to the hard axis of the magnetic film large enough to neglect demagnetization is equal to the FMR frequency in the case that the demagnetizing field generated in the magnetic film. This is the known-way method in the magnetic engineering. The dashed line is shows the relative permeability r_cir given by the magnetic circuit and calculated by equation (12). The dotted line shows the simulated permeability r_sim using the electromagnetic simulator. Fig. 7 shows the good agreement between the solid, dashed and dotted lines. The result shows the good agreement with the FMR frequency fr_w/8kA/m measurement result with applied field of 8 kA/m, the fr_cir calculated by the magnetic circuit and the fr_sim simulated by the electromagnetic simulation. Furthermore, the entire waveform of the real and imaginary part of the relative permeability is matched with each other. Additionally, the FMR frequency considering the demagnetizing field is successfully obtained at the 3.1GHz as same frequency of the measured FMR loss peak in Fig. 5. From these results, frequency dependence of the complex permeability when the demagnetizing field generates in the magnetic material is calculated by the magnetic circuit and the electromagnetic field simulator. In another word, the electromagnetic field simulator can calculate the relative permeability in the case that the demagnetizing field generates in the magnetic material only with the intrinsic permeability and shape of the magnetic material. Copyright 2014 IEICE CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we discussed that the FMR frequency shift could be calculated by an electromagnetic field simulator based on the Maxwell’s equation although the relative permeability is defined by LLG equation. We clarified that the effect of the demagnetizing field is considered as a reluctance of the leakage magnetic flux path in the magnetic circuit calculation, which is considered as the increase of anisotropy field in the Kittel’s equation. Furthermore, we showed that the calculated relative permeability by magnetic circuit model and simulated value agree with the measured value. From these results, the electromagnetic field simulator can calculate the relative permeability in the case that the demagnetizing field generates in the magnetic material only with the intrinsic permeability and shape of the magnetic material. This result not limited to the fundamental and technological view for the on-chip electromagnetic noise suppressor using the magnetic material, and also important knowledge for all device design using the ferromagnetic resonance. 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