
Electricity and Magnetism
From Parlor
Games to
Electrical children, 1748
E & M as “finalized” physics
Four “moments” in any topic of physics
Identify the relevant phenomena
Quantity relevant aspects of phenomena
Create explanatory theories
Apply the theories in technology
Most areas of classical physics not finalized
as quickly as E & M
– Heat, light, energy all slow to be “finalized”
– Laws of motion, astronomy (celestial mechanics)
“finalized” more quickly
Task of lecture
Pre-sciences of electricity and magnetism-separate phenomena
18th-century phenomena and theories
Marriage of E & M in 19th century
Field theories
 Mathematical descriptions
 An aether returns!
 A European network of researchers involved
E & M--unrelated phenomena
Electrum = amber in Greek
– Attractive quality, ignored by Aristotle
– Named “electric” by Gilbert in 1600
Magnesia = Turkish area rich in iron
– Compass invented in 4th-century China
Technology without any theoretical explanation
Gilbert’s De magnete, 1600
– Experiments showed E and M unrelated
Amber draws many bodies, magnet only iron
Amber draws only light bodies, magnet heavy bodies
– Offered two separate theories (Aristotelian language)
“Innate sympathy” for magnets (special powers)
“Effluvia” for electricity (moist particles released by rubbing
attract dry particles in bodies)
18th-century electrostatics
The apparatus
Glass and amber
 Electric machines
 Leyden jars--a
“terrible instrument”
discovered by
accident in 1746
The phenomena
Attraction and
repulsion made
more visible
 Conductors and
 Sparks and shocks
 Lightning as
– First known research
death in physics, 1753
18th-century theories
2-fluid theory (Dufay, Nollet), 1740s
– Fluids flow in both directions, toward (paper bits) and away
(sparks) from “electrics”
– Opposites attract; likes repel
1-fluid theory (Franklin), 1746
– Electric fluid repels itself, attracts ordinary matter, is
– All ordinary matter contains some electric fluid
– Surplus or lack of electric fluid, created by rubbing,
produces phenomena
No closure on this debate in 18c
Phenomena generally not quantified
 Some phenomena ignored, others stressed
 On-going disagreement over shape of lightning rods
Electroscope action as example
2 fluids
1 fluid
Like charges repel
 Electric fluid repels
 Opposites attract
 Ordinary matter has
 Ordinary matter has
some electric fluid
+ and - charge
+ +
- - - Glass rod
_ +
Both theories
explain the
Quantification of electrostatics
Quantity of charge (Q)
– Quantified with electroscope, first electrical phenomenon to
be so
Intensity of charge (T=tension)
– Length of sparks, length of wire melted (Leyden jar)
Force (Fe) measured by Coulomb in 1785
– Coulomb’s Law: Fe = kc Q1Q2/R2
Form analogous to Newton’s law of gravity!
– Coulomb = measure of charge (a big unit)
– Electrical forces in atoms much stronger than gravitational
Fe is 1041 > Fg, between proton and electron in hydrogen atom
Current electricity discovered
Galvani’s accidental discovery of “animal
electricity,” 1791 in Bologna
Muscle twitches when:
– Scalpel on nerve and electric machine sparks
– Muscle hung on iron fence with brass hook
– Muscle placed in iron-zinc arc
Concluded that animals generate a special electricity,
with muscles acting like Leyden jars
Volta’s battery, 1800 in Pavia
– Rejects “animal electricity”; claims that muscle is a detector,
not a generator, of electricity
– Electricity produced by 2 dissimilar metals in contact
– Zinc-silver-cardboard “piles” worked best
– Electric potential pushes charge in circuit
Current electricity exploited
Technological applications by 1805
– Carbon arcs in circuit produce light
– Decomposition of chemical compounds (hydrogen from
water, chlorine gas from saltwater)
Competing theories of “current” in pile
Shifts in electrical studies ca. 1800
From parlor to factory
From qualitative to quantitative laws
Linked to heat, light, muscle action
Boundaries still fluid (animal magnetism)
Marriage of E & M in 1820s
Oersted’s non-accidental discovery of
electromagnetism, 1820 in Copenhagen
– Moving current in wire makes magnetism
– Hypothesized “circular force” in space (not
central force like gravity!)
Ampere’s electromagnet, 1820 in Paris
– Theorizes magnet as current loops in atoms,
reducing magnetism to electricity
Faraday’s research, 1820-50
First “professional” physicist we have
discussed in Physics 1
Self-taught at evening science lectures
 Full-time employee of Royal Institution from 1813
 Visual thinker, not a mathematician
Electromagnetism makes motion, 1821
Mercury-magnetic motor
 Electric motor with electromagnet as armature
(also a galvanometer!)
Faraday’s motors
Bar magnets
Principle of the galvanometer, a
new electromagnetic instrument!
Electromagnetic induction
Magnetism makes electricity, 1831
Theory-driven: magnet causes “electrotonic
strain” in conductor or medium
 Moving bar magnet makes electricity
 Electromagnet turned on/off makes electricity
Invents dynamo, 1830s
Mechanical work rotates electromagnet which
generates electric current
Faraday’s field theory, 1838
New conceptual tools: “strained” space
– Object (A) generates field throughout space
– Field of (A) exerts force on charged test element
(q) placed in field
A +
Electric field, E = Fe/q
E has direction!
Faraday’s field theory, cont.
Magnetic fields, named B
 Exist
wherever force of magnetic origin is
exerted on a test magnet (have direction)
Thus, a field defines properties of space!
Maxwell’s unification of E&M
1st prof exp. physics, Cambridge 1871
Unified math description of E, B fields produced
by given currents and charges, with 4 equations
Summarized many experimental results
Coulomb’s law and idea of E fields
Changing E field produces B fields
No free magnetic charges (no free poles)
Electric charge is conserved
Changing B field produce E fields
Forces between current-carrying wires
Light moves at speed of c (300,000,000 m/sec)
Maxwell’s aether
Electric current
flows from A to B;
rotating cells represent magnetic field;
rotating spheres flow
of electricity
Heuristic model,
not Cartesian