A BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS ValvePro 800 Series Troubleshooting Sequence steps on the following pages were taken from the ValvePro 800 computer program which has been designed for the internet/desktop/pocketPC It is better to use the computer program if possible. It will guide the troubleshooting more exactly. The valve identification used follows the same ABC code used within the Nelson Valve Selector computer program, the Nelson Irrigation price list and that model code imprinted upon the 800 Series valve name plate. NVS valve selector A = Valve size ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ B = Connection C = Operating pressure D = Control function E = On/off mode H = Filter options Valve nameplate identification A4B5C2D2E4H2 800112404 200 Name plate example shows that the valve was manufactured 11/24/2004 This shaded box is used within the flow chart to show where all preliminary evaluation steps are general for all four troubleshooting problems (OPEN, CLOSE, CONTROLS and PRESSURE-SWING). If the problem is not solved then proceed below the shaded box for troubleshooting specific functions. Nelson Irrigation Corp. 848 Airport Rd. Walla Walla, WA 99362-2271 USA Tel: 509.525.7660 Fax: 509.525.7907 E-mail: info@nelsonirrigation.com Web site: www.nelsonirrigation.com Caution:This diagnostic requires water pressure and may require electric current. Be careful! 9Check the vent nozzle to make sure it is clear. OK Check for enough upstream pressure needed to fully open the valve: OK Controls YES Check 5a1 NO 9Make sure upstream water is available. Energize the solenoid valve and listen for a click as plunger shifts. If a click is heard then the coil and plunger are working. Electric solenoid Then check the solenoid valve 2 valve ports and clear any blockage. If no plunger click is heard when energized, then do a coil Pressure control ohm check or replace the solenoid valve coil. 3 metric 3.4 bar model = 0.7 bar 5.5 bar model = 1.2 bar 13.8 bar model =1.9 bar If low then get the needed pressure and continue. Pinch off the upstream tube to see if vent nozzle stops. If vent stops then leakage thru the pressure pilot is Rate-of-Flow Control likely. Replace the pilot. 4 Is the last letter in the model code an “S” special? NO Checking pressure functions NO Contact technical support 1-800 456-3141. YES The sleeve diaghragm is likely damaged and must be replaced. Is the valve pressure reducing only? YES 9When selector set on ‘AUTO’ the upstream pressure must be more than pilot setting in order to open the valve. NO NO Is the valve pressure sustaining only? YES Is the valve a combination of sustaining and reducing? YES 9When selector set on ‘AUTO’ the downstream pressure must be less than the pilot setting in order to open the valve Is the valve a combination of reducing and Rate-of-Flow? NO YES Combinations of reducing and Rate-of-Flow. Make sure the open until upstream pressure is up to the sustaining control setting. Sustaining control must be set less than the reducing control adjustment screw is set to 120% above the design flow or the downstream pressure will not be regulated. OK OK OK OK Look at schematic Return to cb⋅5 (initial trouble shooting) screen for other selections or to end program No! Ask for help For HELP contact technical support 1-800 456-3141. e-mail nelsonirrigation.com Valve still will not open. ? Valve will open now. YES *Pressure control and pilot have the same meaning NO Do correct control tube connections Controls are hooked up OK Verify proper control hookup? Combinations of sustaining and reducing.The vallve will not OK YES This is the volume of water for each size control chamber. Did the volume of water exceed the limits? Valve is a special control. Go to Section 16 for ‘S’ information and to verify proper control hookup. YES 5a3 If parts are not repairable, replace with new part then retry to open the valve. If each control tests OK then continue to diagnose control applications. ?Show me how to picture! Access the Rate-ofFlow paddle and make sure it is free to move? Repair if necessary. NO Pinch-off upstream control tube to test diaphragm. Move selector to “OPEN”. The volume of water measured from the “OPEN” port should not exceed these limits: A8" size = 4 Quarts (3.8 L) A6" size = 2 Quarts (2.0 L) A4" size = 1 Pint (460 ml) A3" size = 1 Cup (230 ml) A2" size = ½ Cup (140 ml) Separately test each control then continue to 5a3. Does the vent nozzle continually spray? 10- 50 PSI model=10 PSI 18-80 PSI model =18 PSI 30-200 PSI model=28 PSI Identify valve configuration by selectingns. atio controls that apply bin com e l 1 none b i oss 2+3 2 Electric Solenoid p 3 Pressure control 3+4 4 Rate-of-Flow 2+4 2+3+4 OK Will valve open when selector pointed to ‘OPEN’? 5a2 cb⋅5a Troubleshooting valve won’t open problems ST ART START VALVE Check Page 2 Caution:Diagnostic requires water pressure and may require electric current. Be careful! 9Check the filter for OK adequate flow. 5b1 YES 9Inspect valve cage. Energize the solenoid and listen for a click as plunger shifts. If a click is heard then the coil and plunger are working. Electric solenoid valve Check the solenoid valve 2 ports and clear any blockage. If no plunger click is heard when energized, then do a coil ohm check or replace Pressure control the solenoid valve coil. 3 Identify valve configuration by selectingns. atio controls that apply bin com e l 1 none b i oss 2+3 2 Electric Solenoid p 3 Pressure control 3+4 4 Rate-of-Flow 2+4 2+3+4 Separately test each control. Rate-of-Flow 4 9Pinch off the upstream tube to see if vent stops. If vent stops then leakage thru the pressure pilot is likely. Replace the o-rings Electric solenoid + Rate-of-Flow 1) Make sure the adjustment screw is set to 120% above the design flow. 2) Feel the tube connected to the Rate-of-Flow port labeled ‘VALVE’. If the tube is pressurized then the Rate-of-Flow has control of the valve. 3) If all OK then goto 5b2 checks. OK Remove any debris. 5b2 NO Access the Rate-of-Flow paddle and make sure it is free to move? If parts test ok then continue to diagnose control application Is the last letter in the model code an “S” special? Does vent leak constantly? Show me! Valve is a special control. Go to Section 16 for ‘S’ information. YES YES Will valve close when selector pointed to close? cb⋅5b Troubleshooting Valve won’t close problems NO 9Pinchoff the vent tube to see if valve closes YES Pinch off upstream tube and test diaphragm Move selector to “OPEN”. The volume of water measured from the “OPEN” port should not exceed: A8" size 4 Quarts (3.8 L) A6" size 2 Quarts (2.0 L) A4" size 1 Pint (460 ml) A3" size 1 Cup (230 ml) A2" size ½ Cup (140 ml) If more volume of water is collected, the sleeve diaghragm has been damaged and must be replaced. NO YES NO Is the valve pressure reducing only? YES 9When selector set on ‘AUTO’ the upstream pressure must be less than pilot setting in order to close the valve. NO Is the valve pressure sustaining only? Is the valve a combination of sustaining and reducing? YES 9When selector set on ‘AUTO’ the downstream pressure must be higher than pilot setting in order to close the valve NO Is the valve a combination of reducing and Rate-of-Flow? YES Combinations of reducing and Rate-of-Flow. Make sure the open until upstream pressure is up to the sustaining control setting. Sustaining control must be set less than the reducing control adjustment screw is set to 120% above the design flow or the downstream pressure will not be regulated. OK Combinations of sustaining and reducing.The valve will not OK OK OK For HELP contact technical support 1-800 456-3141. e-mail nelsonirrigation.com Popup schematics Valve will not close. ? Valve will close *Pressure control and pilot have the same meaning YES NO connect control tubes correctly Controls are hooked up OK OK Return to cb⋅5 (initial trouble shooting) screen for other selections or to end program No! Ask for help Verify proper control hookup? Page 3 cb⋅5c Troubleshooting valve control problems Will valve close when 9Inspect valve cage. 5c2 9Check the filter for adequate flow. 5c1 YES OK Remove any debris. NO OK Energize the solenoid and listen for a click as plunger shifts. If a click is heard then the coil and plunger are working. Electric solenoid valve Check the solenoid valve ports and clear any 2 blockage. If no plunger click is heard when energized, then do a coil ohm check or replace Pressure control the solenoid valve coil. Separately test each control. Rate-of-Flow 4 Access the Rate-of-Flow paddle and make sure it is free to move? YES Pinch off upstream tube and test diaphragm Move selector to “OPEN”. The volume of water measured from the “OPEN” port should not exceed: A8" size 4 Quarts (3.8 L) A6" size 2 Quarts (2.0 L) A4" size 1 Pint (460 ml) A3" size 1 Cup (230 ml) A2" size ½ Cup (140 ml) If more volume of water is collected, the sleeve diaghragm has been damaged and must be replaced. Show me! Valve is a special control. Go to Section 16 for ‘S’ information. YES NO 9Pinchoff the vent tube to see if valve closes 9Pinch off the upstream tube to see if vent stops. If vent stops then leakage thru the pressure pilot is likely. Replace the o-rings If parts test ok then continue to diagnose control application Is the last letter in the model code an “S” special? YES 3 Electric solenoid + Rate-of-Flow 1) Make sure the adjustment screw is set to 120% above the design flow. 2) Feel the tube connected to the Rate-of-Flow port labeled ‘VALVE’. If the tube is pressurized then the Rate-of-Flow has control of the valve. 3) If all OK then goto 5c2 checks. Identify valve configuration by selectingns. atio controls that apply bin om le c 1 none b i oss 2+3 2 Electric Solenoid p 3 Pressure control 3+4 4 Rate-of-Flow 2+4 2+3+4 Does vent leak constantly? selector pointed to close? Caution:Diagnostic requires water pressure and may require electric current. Be careful! NO YES NO Is the valve pressure reducing only? YES 9When selector set on ‘AUTO’ the upstream pressure must be less than pilot setting in order to work the valve. NO Is the valve pressure sustaining only? Is the valve a combination of sustaining and reducing? YES 9When selector set on ‘AUTO’ the downstream pressure must be higher than pilot setting in order to work the valve NO Is the valve a combination of reducing and Rate-of-Flow? YES Combinations of reducing and Rate-of-Flow. Make sure the open until upstream pressure is up to the sustaining control setting. Sustaining control must be set less than the reducing control adjustment screw is set to 120% above the design flow or the downstream pressure will not be regulated. OK Combinations of sustaining and reducing.The valve will not OK OK OK For HELP contact technical support 1-800 456-3141. e-mail nelsonirrigation.com Popup schematics Valve will not automaticly control. ? Valve works automatically *Pressure control and pilot have the same meaning YES NO connect control tubes correctly Controls are hooked up OK OK Return to cb⋅5 (initial trouble shooting) screen for other selections or to end program No! Ask for help Verify proper control hookup? Page 4 Caution:Diagnostic requires water pressure and may require electric current. Be careful! 9Check for enough upstream pressure adequate flow. 5d1 YES Remove any debris. NO OK Energize the solenoid and listen for a click as plunger shifts. If a click is heard then the coil and Electric solenoid valve plunger are working. Check the solenoid valve 2 ports and clear any blockage. If no plunger click is heard when energized, then do a coil Pressure control ohm check or replace 3 the solenoid valve coil. Separately test each control. Rate-of-Flow 4 9Pinch off the upstream tube to see if vent stops. If vent stops then leakage thru the pressure pilot is likely. Replace the o-rings Access the Rate-of-Flow paddle and make sure it is free to move? If parts test ok then continue to diagnose control application Is the last letter in the model code an “S” special? Show me! Valve is a special control. Go to Section 16 for ‘S’ information. YES -Check for enough upstream pressure required to fully open the valve: NO 10- 50 PSI valve 10 PSI 18-80 PSI valve 18 PSI 30-200 PSI valve 28 PSI metric 3.4 bar valve 0.7 bar 5.5 bar valve 1.2 bar 13.8 barvalve 1.9 bar YES Identify valve configuration by selectingns. atio controls that apply bin om le c 1 none b i oss 2+3 2 Electric Solenoid p 3 Pressure control 3+4 4 Rate-of-Flow 2+4 2+3+4 Electric solenoid + Rate-of-Flow 1) Make sure the adjustment screw is set to 120% above the design flow. 2) Feel the tube connected to the Rate-of-Flow port labeled ‘VALVE’. If the tube is pressurized then the Rate-of-Flow has control of the valve. 3) If all OK then goto 5d2 checks. OK selector pointed to close? cb⋅5d Troubleshooting pressure-swing problems Will valve close when 9Inspect valve cage. 5d2 9Check the filter for Pinch off upstream tube and test diaphragm Move selector to “OPEN”. The volume of water measured from the “OPEN” port should not exceed: A8" size 4 Quarts (3.8 L) A6" size 2 Quarts (2.0 L) A4" size 1 Pint (460 ml) A3" size 1 Cup (230 ml) A2" size ½ Cup (140 ml) If more volume of water is collected, the sleeve diaghragm has been damaged and must be replaced. NO YES 9When selector set on ‘AUTO’ the upstream pressure must be less than pilot setting in order to work the valve. Is the valve a combination of sustaining and reducing? NO Is the valve pressure reducing only? YES 9When selector set on ‘AUTO’ the downstream pressure must be higher than pilot setting in order to work the valve NO YES open until upstream pressure is up to the sustaining control setting. Sustaining control must be set less than the reducing control adjustment screw is set to 120% above the design flow or the downstream pressure will not be regulated. 9The standard pressure control sensitivity can be changed to a more sensitive sustaining to stop oscillation. 9The standard pressure control sensitivity can be changed to a more sensitive red ucing to stop oscillation. 9The standard pressure control sensitivity can be changed to a more sensitive red ucing to stop oscillation. 9installing a small needle valve on the vent line will restrict the valve opening response and stop oscillation. 9installing a small needle valve on the vent line will restrict the valve opening response and stop oscillation. 9installing a small needle valve on the vent line will restrict the valve opening response and stop oscillation. Valve works ok. For HELP contact technical support 1-800 456-3141. e-mail nelsonirrigation.com Valve still oscillates. ? *Pressure control and pilot have the same meaning Return to cb⋅5 (initial trouble shooting) screen for other selections or to end program OK are set up with flow control or pressure regulators. OK 9Air trapped in the pipe system can make the pressure oscillate. Use an ACV200 air relief/release valve to get the air out. 9Air trapped in the pipe system can make the downstream pressure oscillate. Use an ACV200 air relief/ release valve downstream. 9Use a sustaining or a RATE OF Combinations of reducing and Rate-of-Flow. Make sure the OK FLOW control on systems that Combinations of sustaining and reducing.The valve will not 9Air trapped in the upstream pipe system can make the upstream pressure oscillate. Use an ACV200 air relief/ release valve upstream. 9Use a RATE OF FLOW control on systems that are set up with flow control or pressure regulators to stop oscilation. Is the valve a combination of reducing and Rate-of-Flow? YES NO Is the valve pressure sustaining only? Page 5