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EDUC., 2000, VOL. 22, NO. 3, 239- 252 Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 RESEARCH REPORT Learning science through contexts: helping pupils make sense of everyday situations Bob Campbell and Fred Lubben, Department of Educational Studies, University of York, UK, and Zelda Dlamini, St John Bosco High School, Malkerns, Swaziland The study explores ways in which Swazi junior secondary school pupils who have been taught a contextualized science course deal with everyday science-based situations. In particular, this paper documents pupils’ written explanations of everyday actions in terms of an awareness of the social and economic implications of science; their skills in designing an experiment to solve an everyday dilemma; and their abilities to draw on relevant science concepts to solve everyday problems. For all responses, pupils are asked to indicate the source of the knowledge they draw on. The findings show that considerably less than half of the sample display any of these abilities. A large majority of those displaying experimental design skills claim to have gained these from school science but only a minority of those showing social and economic awareness and problem solving skills relate these to school science education. Suggestions are made to increase the effectiveness of contextualized teaching in dealing with everyday situations. Introduction This paper reports a study on Swazi secondary school pupils who had followed a contextualized science curriculum, which made extensive reference to everyday experiences. It analyses the extent to which these pupils draw on science understandings to deal with posited everyday situations and their perceptions of the origins of the science knowledge they use. Several reasons have been given for including the learner’s everyday experiences in a science curriculum. Ogborn et al. (1996) argue that to explain natural phenomena, examples from the learners’ surroundings need to take priority. Peacock (1995) emphasizes that contextualization improves access to knowledge and thus provides equity to disadvantaged groups. He emphasizes that contextualization is particularly appropriate for curriculum regionalization, as is current policy in various countries in Southern Africa, but that teachers will need training to build confidence and skills to adapt centrally provided skeleton learning materials. Empirical studies of learners’ responses to context-led approaches show that the use of everyday contexts in science teaching improves learners’ enjoyment (Ramsden, 1992; Dlamini et al. 1996). However, Ramsden queries if the reported increased enjoyment relates to the everyday contexts themselves, or to the variety of learning activities included in context-led approaches. In a study of responses of Swazi students to contextualized learning, Lubben et al. (1996) idenInternational Journal of Science Education ISSN 0950-0693 print/ISSN 1464-5289 online # 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 240 B. CAMPBELL AND F. LUBBEN tify three types of contexts which increase students’ motivation and interest in science learning, and their participation in classroom transactions. They find that such positive attitudes are displayed towards lessons which ‘allowed students (i) to work on personally useful applications of science; (ii) to own the lesson activities by contributing their expertise and knowledge; and (iii) to discuss contentious issues.’ (p. 314) They also observe that lessons starting with an invitation to speculate about the possible explanation of an everyday situation allow for conceptual development, which follows naturally from learners’ current understanding. A ‘speculation’ phase also provides teachers with the opportunity to identify misconceptions, which subsequently can be addressed systematically. However, class observations show that these potential benefits of contextualized learning can only be achieved if teaching styles move away from the traditional teacher-centred approach. The most frequent argument for contextualizing science teaching, however, has been that it provides relevance to the learning of school science (Campbell et al., 1994). The relevance-in-science movement has been prominent for over a decade. Mayoh and Knutton (1997) suggest that within this area two questions need to be specified: ‘relevant to whom?’ and ‘relevant to what?’. Science courses relevant to employment may encourage the development of skills, attitudes and routines relevant to the workplace. Science courses relevant to society may emphasize socially and politically contentious content and encourage reasoning and decision-making skills appropriate for active citizenship. This paper explores the relevance of school science to the learner. In terms of ‘relevance to what?’, the research was interested in relevance to everyday life, as opposed to relevance to further education, the world of work or ‘being a scientist’. However, there are epistemological and philosophical arguments for separating the two domains of everyday life and science. Reif and Larkin (1991) identify significant differences in the goals and cognitive means in both domains. In the scientific domain optimal prediction and explanation are the central goals but these are subsidiary in the everyday domain where the central goal is to lead a fulfilling life. In the scientific domain there is an intention to aim for maximum generality, precision and consistency, whereas, in the everyday domain, this is of lesser concern. Concepts in the scientific domain are explicitly defined, based on rules and universally coherent logic. Concepts in the everyday domain are implicit, based on experimental schema, and organized through locally coherent associations. Reif and Larkin suggest that school pupils have additional problems because school science often differs from scientist’s science and from everyday science. They claim the differences in the goals and cognitive means for both domains are not made specific for learners and, as a result, pupils are unconsciously importing alternative concepts and ways of thinking which are effective in everyday life but not in science. Several studies have focused on the effect of incorporating everyday science applications into school science on the learners’ mastery of school science (e.g. Driver et al. 1994). However, our study focuses on the largely unexplored area of pupils’ use of science in everyday situations. When Jarman and McAleese (1996) asked high school academic pupils in Northern Ireland what science ideas they used in their daily life, the most frequent responses referred to explicitly taught applications of science: e.g. the wiring of an electrical plug. LEARNING SCIENCE THROUGH CONTEXTS 241 Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 This paper focuses on pupils who have been taught a contextualized science course, and explores for selected science-based everyday situations: (a) (b) (c) (d) the pupils’ awareness of the social and economic implications of science; their ability to design a valid experiment to solve a given dilemma; their ability to apply science concepts creatively to solve a given problem; the perceived source of the knowledge used in each of these cases. Methodology Nine pencil and paper probes were administered to 118 Form 2 pupils (ninth year of schooling) in 4 secondary schools. Where possible, non-science periods were used in order to avoid biasing pupils towards drawing on knowledge from science classes. All pupils had been given access to the knowledge on which the probes were based through materials produced by a local curriculum project (LISSIT: Linking School Science with Industry and Technology). These materials used a contextualized approach (Lubben et al., 1998). Each probe described an instance of one of three types of everyday situation. One set of three probes (SE1-3) described a science-based action and asked pupils to explain the reasons for taking the action. Responses were analysed for evidence of pupils’ awareness of the social and economic implications of science. Each of a further set of three probes (ED1- 3) described a science-based problem and pupils were asked to design an experiment to solve the problem. Responses were analysed on the basis of the experimental design. The final set of three probes (PS1- 3) each posed an everyday, science-based problem and pupils were asked to suggest a solution. Responses were analysed according to the pupils’ use of science and other concepts. The three sets of probes were chosen purposefully to demand different science abilities (awareness of social and economic implications; experimental design; application of concepts) included amongst the teaching objectives of the LISSIT course. In responding to each probe, pupils were asked to indicate where they had obtained the knowledge used for their response by selecting from a standard list of knowledge sources (books, home, radio/television, school science, work or ‘other’. From an initial analysis of about a quarter of the scripts for each probe, clusters of similar responses were identified to form the basis of a coding scheme. This was refined and validated through independent script analysis. The agreed coding scheme was then used independently by the authors to categorize pupils’ responses to each probe. Resulting codings were then compared and a final analysis validated. Further analysis sought a pattern for the science knowledge (or nonscience knowledge) used and the perceived source of this knowledge. Findings (a) Awareness of social and economic science Three probes described a common science-based action in scientific terminology and pupils were asked to provide reasons for this action. Since the description indicated a science-based action, any reference to social or economic issues in the justification for this action will indicate any awareness of economic or social impli- 242 B. CAMPBELL AND F. LUBBEN Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 cations of the science concept involved (coded A). Alternatively, justifications could include solely a scientific explanation or an everyday rationale (coded B, C, etc). One probe, ‘Acid Soil’ (SE1), showed a picture of a field with cabbages. The text read: The soil in Mr Simelane’s field is acidic. He decided to add 5 bags of lime to the soil. He had to buy the lime at a cost of 50 Emalangeni (E50) per bag. Mr Simelane spends a lot of money on lime. What reason can he give for doing this? Table 1 shows pupils’ responses grouped according to the perceived source of knowledge. About one in three pupils realized that the addition of lime to soil has social and economic implications (A responses). The majority of these responses focused on an increased yield. Several referred to an improved quality of the cabbages but only a few mentioned an increased income from the sale of the cabbages. One in five respondents (B responses) justified the addition of lime as making an improvement to the soil but did not elaborate further. This group might have been aware of the social and economic implications of the addition but did not make this explicit. Almost one in three pupils (C responses) provided only a scientific reason - the adjustment of the soil pH. Overall, about half of the pupils claimed to draw their knowledge from school science, and just over a quarter from home. These proportions were equally distributed for the main categories of responses. Keeping in mind that the pupils were not from rural agricultural areas, it is surprising that of those who gave a scientific reason for adding lime (C responses), about a third claimed to have drawn on ideas from home. A second probe, ‘Thandi 3’ (SE2), showed a picture of the inside of an electric kettle. The text read: Thandi noticed that there was a white solid on the sides and the heating coil inside the kettle. She believed she could clean off the solid with a liquid commonly found at home. Why would Thandi want to remove the solid? Table 1. Responses to probe SE1 (Acid Soil). Source of knowledge used for SE1 responses Code A1 A2 A3 B C1 C2 D UC SE1 response frequency n ˆ118 } to increase the quantity to improve the quality to increase the income to improve the soil to increase the soil pH to decrease the soil pH to cover his large field unclassifiable 24 15 3 23 29 5 7 12 Total 118 UC ˆunclassifiable } radio/ school TV science work UC % books home 36 2 12 1 23 2 2 20 2 5 - 15 1 - 29 4 10 - 15 1 3 6 10 2 1 2 2 - 3 3 - 6 100 11 31 1 59 4 11 243 Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 LEARNING SCIENCE THROUGH CONTEXTS Table 2 shows pupils’ responses grouped according to the perceived source of knowledge. Analysis of the responses to this probe showed that well over half of the pupils recognized the economic and social implications of science (A responses). They highlighted the impact of the scaling on the kettle on its boiling efficiency and, to a lesser extent, noted the possibility of contamination of water or food. About one in four (B responses) focused specifically on aesthetic aspects. None of the other categories had significant percentages of responses. Close to half of all the respondents claimed school science as their knowledge source and just over a quarter claimed to draw on home experience. Again these sources were similarly distributed for the different categories of responses. A third probe, ‘New tyres’ (SE3), showed a drawing of bus. The text read: The Vukuyibambe bus got stopped at a road block. The policeman said to the driver: ‘I see that you have new tyres. That is very good!’ Why do you think the bus company put new tyres on the bus? Table 3 shows pupils’ responses grouped according to the perceived source of knowledge. More than one third of the pupils indicated awareness of social and economic implications of science (A responses) either referring to the avoidance of accidents or intervention by the police. Another third of the respondents (responses C) provided scientific reasons, such as increased speed or better friction, without mentioning any resultant social or economic implication. Over a quarter of all pupils claimed to draw on information from radio and television or home. Only about one in ten of the pupils claimed to base their response on knowledge gained from school science. The latter were, unsurprisingly, mostly among the C responses, whereas the number who claimed to draw on knowledge gained from radio and television was greatest among the A responses. Table 2. Responses to probe SE2 (Thandi 3). Source of knowledge used for SE2 responses Code SE2 response A1 A2 to speed up heating to avoid damage to kettle A3 to avoid food or water contamination B to clean the kettle C to allow water to flow UC unclassifiable Total UC ˆunclassifiable frequency n ˆ118 radio/ school TV science work UC % books home 10 58 8 21 3 34 2 1 16 29 2 18 25 2 15 1 - 11 4 2 1 1 12 1 8 1 1 2 4 118 100 9 36 7 55 4 7 } 43 244 B. CAMPBELL AND F. LUBBEN Table 3. Responses to probe SE3 (New Tyres). Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 Source of knowledge used for SE3 responses Code A1 A2 A3 B C1 C2 SE3 response to decrease accidents to avoid problems with the police to avoid slow punctures the tyres were too old to increase friction/grip to increase speed UC unclassifiable Total frequency n ˆ118 25 } 12 9 20 39 5 } % travel radio/ school books exp. home TV science work UC 39 10 2 12 17 2 2 1 17 4 1 5 4 2 1 3 38 7 3 12 10 9 1 2 8 7 - - 2 3 - - 3 118 100 21 6 31 34 13 4 9 UC ˆunclassifiable (b) Experimental design skills Three probes each described a science-based dilemma and asked pupils to design an experimental procedure to find out which of the given options would best solve the dilemma. In order to answer the probe pupils needed to identify the dependent, independent and control variables and provide a reliable test method and a criterion for judgement. The first probe ‘Be a soil detective’ (ED1), showed a bag of soil, labelled bottles of universal indicator solution and water, and a few test tubes. The text read: A farmer has brought some soil to you to analyse. Write down how you would find the pH of the soil. Table 4 shows pupils’ responses grouped according to the perceived sources of knowledge. About two out of five pupils provided a sequence of experimental steps (A responses). Only about 8% of the pupils, however, included a criterion for judging the observations and none advocated repeating the experiment. A similar proportion of the pupils merely stated elements of the question without elaborating any procedure. Some two thirds of pupils claimed to get their knowledge from school science and only one in ten from books or home. This distribution is reflected in all categories of responses. A further probe, ‘Thandi 2’ (ED2), showed bottles with Coca-Cola, lemon juice, liquid soap and drinking water, respectively. The text read: Four neighbours had kettles (one each) equally covered by a white solid on the inside of the heating coils inside the kettles. They asked Thandi for advice. Thandi believed she could clean off the solids with a liquid commonly found at home. How can Thandi decide which liquid is the best to remove the white solid from inside the kettle? Table 5 shows pupils’ responses grouped according to their perceived sources of knowledge. 245 LEARNING SCIENCE THROUGH CONTEXTS Table 4. Responses to probe ED1 (Be a Soil Detective). Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 Source of knowledge used for ED1 responses Code frequency n ˆ118 ED1 response A1 mix soil, water, universal indicator A2 mix above, judge colour B state one reagent or apparatus C state expected outcome UC unclassifiable Total % books home radio/ TV 40 9 42 8 3 1 33 2 2 50 2 17 42 2 14 5 1 6 1 3 - 32 1 7 2 - 5 6 118 100 14 13 1 73 4 13 } school science work UC UC ˆunclassifiable Table 5 indicates that about a quarter of the respondents demonstrated some experimental design skills (A responses). However, almost all omitted to use any form of control. Almost two out of three pupils merely selected a liquid that could be used (B responses) without a description of an experiment to determine if it was appropriate. Some pupils gave a theoretical explanation for the choice, such as ‘lemon juice because lemon juice is an acid and we know that acids are corrosive’. About half of the pupils claimed school science as the source of their knowledge and slightly less than a third stated that their knowledge came from home experience. Table 5. Responses to probe ED2 (Thandi 2). Source of knowledge used for ED2 responses Code ED2 response A1a try all liquids + universal indicator/litmus A1b try all liquids in one kettle A2a try all liquids with UI, select most acidic A2b try all liquids in one kettle, select the one that cleans A3 try a liquid in a kettle each B1 B2 C UC frequency n ˆ118 5 5 10 3 5 } } radio/ school TV science work UC % books home 24 - 10 1 16 - 1 select a liquid from given as above, since it is acidic select a liquid (other) unclassifiable 62 10 2 16 61 2 26 3 37 2 3 2 13 1 1 - - 1 6 1 7 Total 118 100 3 37 4 60 3 11 UC ˆunclassifiable 246 B. CAMPBELL AND F. LUBBEN Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 The third probe in the set dealing with experimental design skills, ‘Roofing’ (ED3), showed a beaker with sulphuric acid, a dropper and a number of test tubes (all labelled). Four metals were listed: aluminium, copper, iron, lead. The text read: Roofs can be made of various metals. In highly industrialised areas, rain falls as a weak acid because of the smoke from the factories. A builder has four types of metals that he can use for roofing factory buildings. He asks for advice. Using the equipment and material shown, write down how you would find out which metal is least affected by acid rain. Table 6 shows pupils’ responses grouped according to their perceived sources of knowledge. Almost half of the pupils displayed some experimental design skills. However, very few of these controlled the amount of acid in their proposed experiment, and less than half gave a criterion for choosing the most suitable metal. A quarter of the respondents stated a choice of least reactive metal without any explanation (C responses). Two thirds of all respondents claimed they got their ideas from school science with most being amongst the A categories. Only one in ten pupils claimed they got their ideas from home and these were mainly among the C group. (c) Solving science-based problems The third cluster of probes each described a science-based, everyday problem and asked pupils to suggest a solution. The first probe, ‘Thandi1’ (PS1), showed the interior of a kettle with white solid on the sides and on the heating coil. The text read: Table 6. Responses to probe ED3 (Roofing). Source of knowledge used for ED3 responses Code ED3 response A1 A2 react each metal + acid as above, select least/ most reactive metal A3 react each metal + controlled vol. of acid A4 as above, select least/ most reactive metal B state indicator or reagent only C state expected least reactive metal UC unclassifiable Total UC ˆunclassifiable frequency n ˆ118 24 9 } % books home radio/ school TV science work UC 46 3 3 2 45 1 - 13 11 1 1 1 10 - - 30 21 25 18 4 2 7 1 1 16 5 1 - 2 12 118 100 10 12 4 76 2 14 8 13 247 LEARNING SCIENCE THROUGH CONTEXTS Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 Thandi noticed that there was a white solid on the sides and the heating coil inside the kettle. She believed she could clean off the deposits with a liquid commonly found at home. What liquid can Thandi use to remove the solid? Write down why she should use the liquid you named. Table 7 shows pupils’ responses grouped according to their perceived sources of knowledge. Only one in ten pupils selected a household liquid to remove the carbonate deposit because of it’s acidic properties. More than half of the respondents focused solely on naming a household chemical. Another quarter named a laboratory chemical. Neither group gave science related reasons for their choice. Half of the respondents stated that they based their answers on school science knowledge. Unsurprisingly, this source of information was dominant among the C responses. One third of the responses was based on home knowledge, mostly amongst the B responses. A second probe, ‘My bag’ (PS2), showed a bag trapped under a rock. The text read Sipho has been working near a mountain site and a big rock has rolled over a bag with his belongings. Write down the easiest way by which Sipho can get his bag from under the rock. Explain why the method you chose is the easiest. Table 8 shows pupils’ responses grouped according to their perceived sources of knowledge. More than one third of the pupils (A responses) used science explicitly to solve the problem. Of these, more than half mentioned that the use of a lever would reduce the effort, or that the use of an alkaline substance would reduce the friction. More than half of the pupils (B responses) mentioned the use of a lever but did not explain why. Just under half the pupils, mostly B respondents, claimed to base their response on home knowledge. Slightly less than a third stated that they drew on school science. These were clusters mentioning levers or forces in their responses. It is also of note that a sizeable proportion of pupils claimed to draw on experiences from work. Table 7. Responses to probe PS1 (Thandi 1). Source of knowledge used for PS1 responses Code PS1 response A named household liquid: since it’s an acid B named household liquid: since it removes stains C named lab chemical or just acid: it removes solid/reacts with metal UC unclassifiable Total UC ˆunclassifiable frequency n ˆ 118 % books home radio/ school TV science work UC 12 10 2 2 1 6 1 - 61 52 1 32 - 24 - 4 29 16 25 14 1 - 1 4 - 26 8 - 1 4 118 100 4 39 1 64 1 9 248 B. CAMPBELL AND F. LUBBEN Table 8. Responses to probe PS2 (My bag). Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 Source of knowledge used for ED2 responses Code ED2 response A1 use lever (rod/crowbar): less effort A2 use people to increase lifting or pulling force A3 reduce friction using alkaline substance A4 roll rock, use gravity B1 use lever, no mention of effort B2 use own force to push B3 crush/break the rock B4 dig near the rock C pull/cut the bag UC unclassifiable Total frequency n ˆ118 21 14 } 2 4 29 29 3 7 4 5 118 } radio/ school TV science work UC % books home 35 2 17 1 15 4 2 58 2 37 3 11 10 5 3 4 1 - 2 - 1 - - - 5 100 5 56 5 26 14 12 UC ˆunclassifiable A third probe ‘Shoes’ (PS3), showed shoes with four different types of soles A, B, C and D. They were labelled rubber pads, shallow grooves, smooth and spikes, respectively. The text read Lungile is an athlete. She needs to buy a new pair of shoes for running in the coming inter-school competitions. The types of shoe soles are shown below. Which type would you advise her to buy? Explain why your choice is the best type for her to buy. Table 9 shows pupils’ responses grouped according to their perceived sources of knowledge. Almost half of the pupils (A responses) used science in solving the problem. In most cases the choice of shoe was based on an expected increase in grip or balance. About one in seven pupils made their choice on the view that the shoe will last longer, and a smaller proportion on the basis of the expected weight reduction. Roughly a quarter of the sample claimed to base their response on home knowledge, and about one in six pupils on information from books, radio and TV, or sports. The latter were dominated by A responses. Discussion and implications Table 10 provides a summary of the sources of information pupils stated they drew on for the A classified responses for all probes. Looking across the set of SE probes, 157 of the 354 responses (44%) show an awareness of the social and economic implications of science. About 37% of the ED responses show some skills in experimental design and 31% of the PS responses demonstrate the use of science to solve everyday problems. These percentages are low, particularly for pupils who have been taught through a context-based 249 LEARNING SCIENCE THROUGH CONTEXTS Table 9. Responses to probe PS3 (Shoes). Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 Source of knowledge used for PS3 responses Code frequency n ˆ118 % PS3 response A1 type A/D: it prevents slipping/sliding A2 type D: it provides balance: B type A/B: it lasts longer C type A/D: it is lighter UC unclassifiable Total 45 11 17 10 35 } 118 books home radio/ school TV science work sports UC 48 10 10 12 7 1 14 2 14 8 29 1 3 6 10 6 2 1 5 5 1 - 1 4 4 13 100 20 28 18 12 2 19 19 UC ˆunclassifiable Table 10. probe set SE ED PS Sources for A responses in the SE, ED and PS probes. books home radio/ TV school science work 20 (13%) 11 (8%) 14 (13%) 45 (29%) 16 (14%) 29 (27%) 21 (13%) 4 (3%) 14 (13%) 59 (38%) 94 (72%) 28 (26%) 6 (4%) 3 (2%) 6 (6%) travel exp. sports UC Total (%) 2 (1%) - - - 14 (13%) 4 (3%) 3 (2%) 4 (4%) 157 (100%) 131 (100%) 109 (100%) - UC ˆunclassifiable approach. It suggests that bringing ‘everyday situations’ into ‘school science’ does not readily enable pupils to bring ‘school science’ into ‘everyday situations’. Reif and Larkin’s (1991) contention that different types of reasoning are required for science and everyday situations may explain why the highest percentage of A responses is for the SE probes, as the social and economic implications of science is closer to everyday reasoning than the abilities explored in the ED and PS probes. (a) Awareness of social and economic implications of science Only 38% of the pupils making A responses to the SE probes claimed to be informed by school science. Tables 1-3 show that this proportion is over 50% for probes SE1 and SE2, but only 5% for SE3. Overall, considerably more than half of the responses classified as evidencing social and economic awareness were from pupils who claimed to be informed by knowledge sources other than school science. Home experiences were consistently cited as sources for around 30% of the A responses. Books and radio/television were each claimed to be sources for 13%. The latter sources were more prominent for the A responses for SE3. Similar percentages apply to the claimed knowledge sources of the non-A responses. This means that school science features infrequently as the source of knowledge 250 B. CAMPBELL AND F. LUBBEN for responses to these probes, but also that it contributes equally to responses that show and do not exhibit social and economic awareness. Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 (b) Experimental design skills A large proportion (72%) of the responses to the ED probes were based on school science. This high proportion is consistent across the probes though slightly lower for the ED2 probe. Home knowledge was claimed as the basis for only 14% of the A responses, mostly for the ED2 probe. The contexts in ED1 and ED3 contained aspects of laboratory equipment which may account for the higher proportion of A respondents drawing on school science. The apparent influence of the probe setting seems to agree with Song and Black’s (1992) finding that the application of a scientific procedure tends to be better performed in scientific settings. The non-A responses were attributed considerably less frequently to school science (50%) and more to home experience (22%). This means that school science teaching has had a positive impact on experimental design skills. Many of the non-A responses, selected a liquid to remove the deposit from the kettle, or the expected least reactive metal for roofing sheets, rather than suggesting a testing procedure as required. These responses show that the bridge between everyday reasoning and science reasoning has not been crossed (Reif and Larkin, 1991): everyday reasoning requires a ‘most likely’ solution, and not a valid testing method. (c) Solving science-based problems Table 10 shows that one in four of the A responses to the PS probes was based on home knowledge or school science. About half this proportion draw on information from books, radio and TV or extra-curricular activities like sports. In both cases there is variation between the difficult probes. Similar proportions of the non-A responses claimed to draw on school science but a considerably larger proportion (38%) claimed to use home knowledge. More importantly, negligible percentages of the non-A responses claimed to have been drawn from knowledge gained from books, radio and TV and extra-curricular activities. So, while similar proportions claim school science as the knowledge base for responses classified as science based and non-science based, proportionally more science based solutions than non-science based solutions had their origins in extra curricular activities. This implies that efforts at increasing and improving the science content of informal activities may be of value. If we aim to improve pupils’ ability to solve sciencebased problems, we might usefully encourage out-of-school learning as well as inschool teaching with out-of-school contexts. Whereas the literature shows that context-based learning supports the understanding of school science concepts and procedures (Ramsden, 1997) and provides the motivation to engage in school learning (Lubben et al., 1996), this study shows that a context-based curriculum does not automatically help learners to access their understanding of school science to deal with everyday situations. In our study, there is evidence that pupils draw on the procedural knowledge of experimentation gained in school science. However, they do not so readily utilize learning about the social and economic aspects of science or apply school science knowledge to problem solving in everyday situations. Here, out of school learning dominates. Thus, if contextualized classroom learning is to do more than motivate Downloaded By: [University of Limerick] At: 15:49 21 April 2008 LEARNING SCIENCE THROUGH CONTEXTS 251 pupils and support the kind of understanding assessed in examinations and actually help pupils apply appropriate science in their daily lives, then we must build even stronger links between the classroom and the community. Teachers using a contextualized approach can’t assume that the inclusion of everyday instances in their science teaching in itself is sufficient to help learners to recognize the social and economic implications of science in their surrounding. In order to achieve this awareness, everyday contexts may better be selected as dilemmas, i.e. the development of nuclear energy for weaponry and electricity generation; the effects of chemical contraceptives on empowerment of women and interference in their hormonal cycles; the development of hybrid crops on enlarged yield and market dependence. Similarly, if we want learners to use their science understanding to solve problems in their everyday life, teaching science through contexts is not sufficient. Project work on everyday problems generated by the learners may train them to select relevant science concepts (learned at home or in class) to address these problems. We must see everyday situations as both starting places and end points for science education. While we must continue to capitalize on the rich experiences that pupils bring to the classroom and use these to help learners access the (school) scientific domain we must also encourage teachers to stress the application of pupils’ science learning in their community. If science education is to have a meaningful impact on the lives of many pupils then there must be a meaningful, two-way flow of knowledge and understanding between school science and everyday life experiences. Acknowledgement Financial contributions from The British Council and the University of York have made this research project possible. References CAMPBELL, B., LAZONBY, J., NICHOLSON, P., RAMSDEN, J. and WADDINGTON , D. (1994) Science: the Salters’ Approach - a case study of the process of large-scale curriculum development. Science Education, 78 (5), 415-447. DLAMINI, B., LUBBEN, F. and CAMPBELL, B. 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