Limnol. Oceanogr., 55(5), 2010, 1835–1850 2010, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. doi:10.4319/lo.2010.55.5.1835 E High concentrations of mycosporine-like amino acids and colored dissolved organic matter in the sea surface microlayer off the Iberian Peninsula Gavin H. Tilstone, Ruth L. Airs,* Victor Martinez-Vicente, Claire Widdicombe, and Carole Llewellyn Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Prospect Place, The Hoe, Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom Abstract Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), phytoplankton pigments, and inherent optical properties were analyzed in sea surface microlayer (SSM), near-surface (0–2 m), and subsurface (0–110 m) samples from stations off the Iberian Peninsula in June–July 2005. During a visible surface slick, MAA concentrations reached 290 mg L21 in the SSM, which correlated with an increase in abundance of the dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum micans (. 4000 cells mL21) and covaried with low Ekman transport. High levels of colored dissolved organic material (CDOM) were also found in the SSM, and a prominent absorption shoulder between 300 and 340 nm was evident in the CDOM absorption spectra, indicative of MAAs in the dissolved fraction. Low CDOM slope ratios (SCDOM(275–295) : (350–400)) during the development of the surface slick suggest microbial production of CDOM, possibly exuded from the sudden proliferation in P. micans. In the absence of a well-defined SSM, higher SCDOM(275–295) : (350–400) ratios were found, suggesting photobleaching of CDOM at the surface. The particulate absorption spectra of MAAs (aPMAA(l)) were effective at absorbing ultraviolet (UV) radiation in a narrow spectral band between 310 and 350 nm. Since aCDOM(l) exhibits an exponential rise in absorption in the UV and was high in the SSM and the subsurface compared with aPMAA(l), CDOM would be the principal mechanism of UVA and B attenuation in the water column, providing an additional sunscreen to phytoplankton. The sea surface microlayer (SSM), commonly defined as the upper 0–1 mm of the surface ocean (Liss and Duce 1997), represents a physically stable environment due to surface tension and the presence of organic films. It is a unique environment where physical, chemical, and biological processes are distinctly different compared with underlying waters (Hardy 1982), particularly under calm conditions. A slick, which can be defined as a visibly surfactant-influenced surface (Liss and Duce 1997), occurs where surface films become more concentrated. Data on physical, biological, or chemical differences between slick and nonslick SSM conditions are scarce because of a low frequency of sampling opportunities. Optical imagery of the sea surface indicates that surface films cover large areas of the coast and open ocean, with 75% of sea surface photographs showing slicks when the wind speed is between 2 and 3 m s21 (Romano 1996). The SSM has been found to be enriched in bacteria (Bezdek and Calucci 1972), amino acids (Kuznetsova et al. 2004), anthropogenic pollutants (Wurl and Obbard 2004), flagellates (Joux et al. 2006), and carbohydrates (Momzikoff et al. 2004) in the dissolved and particulate fractions compared with near-surface waters. Mechanisms of enrichment include upward transport of particles clinging to bubbles, and atmospheric deposition and diffusion processes, and may be unique to the sources and characteristics of a particular component. Bubble transport or upward transport of components attached to buoyant particles has been proposed to be a major vector for SSM enrichment of microorganisms (Joux et al. 2006). Enrichment or depletion of autotrophic phytoplankton in the microlayer can be highly variable and depends on weather conditions and vertical stratification (Cullen et al. 1989). There is a * Corresponding author: growing body of evidence of enhanced concentrations of biological material in the SSM. This suggests that field sampling needs to be adjusted for the presence of microlayers and that modeling studies on light attenuation, air–sea gas exchange, or even export of organic material from the photic zone may need to be modified to account for this. Organisms in the SSM can be exposed to high levels of ultraviolet radiation (UVR), both UVA (320–400 nm) and UVB (280–320 nm). Several studies report degrees of photoinhibition of phytoneuston productivity in high summer light intensities (Williams et al. 1986), indicating photoprotection may be an essential requirement for survival. One photoprotective mechanism that some phytoplankton species use to counteract the deleterious effects of UVR is the production of UV-absorbing compounds called mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) (Shick and Dunlap 2002). MAAs exhibit broad UV and visible (VIS) spectra with absorption maxima between 310 and 366 nm (Shick and Dunlap 2002). Studies of MAAs in the marine environment are mainly limited to particulate material from coastal waters and corals. No determination of these compounds in the SSM has been reported, despite studies revealing high SSM UV absorption compared with subsurface water (Carlson 1982). Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) is a major contributor to the attenuation of UVR in both coastal and oceanic waters (Tedetti and Sempere 2006), but few studies have been conducted on CDOM levels in the SSM and its role in UVR attenuation (Carlson and Mayer 1980). MAA type absorption signatures have been detected in CDOM samples (Whitehead and Vernet 2000); the presence of such compounds in SSM samples, however, has yet to be verified. The objective of this research was to assess whether the phytoplankton community, pigment composition, MAAs, 1835 1836 Tilstone et al. Deployment schedule of MLSD, GS, and NSSD sampling devices. GMT, Greenwich Mean Time. Table 1. Station 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 4.1 4.2 am 4.2 pm 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.1 6.1 6.2 6.3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 06 Date Latitude (uN) Jun 05 Jun 05 Jun 05 Jun 05 Jun 05 Jun 05 Jun 05 Jun 05 Jun 05 Jun 05 Jun 05 Jul 05 Jul 05 Jul 05 Jul 05 Jul 05 Jul 05 42 42 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 41 41 41 41 02.20 00.29 59.30 44.65 44.60 43.60 51.99 12.48 12.82 12.49 12.51 12.40 12.37 46.73 46.93 47.00 46.92 Average Equipment Average Time of Ekman transport* incident surface deployment Qx (Qy) irradiance Longitude sampling (h) wind speed (m s21) (GMT) (W m22) (m3 s21 km21) (uE) MLSD GS NSSD 10 10 10 09 09 09 08 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 30.70 29.67 30.37 19.82 19.60 19.60 57.78 00.52 00.32 00.68 00.53 00.52 00.84 01.01 06.58 06.80 06.80 13:15 13:20 12:50 06:00 05:50 13:40 13:20 06:20 9{ 6{ 3{ 3{ 1{ 1{ 51 8{ 31 3{ 5{ 8{ 5{ 11{ 12{ 21 12{ 2568(261) 2525(324) 2403(235) 2233(143) 2146(21) 2170(226) 296(246) 85(2207) 154(2300) 113(2301) 45(2350) 2161(2280) 2448(243) 2699(121) 21190(323) 21271(318) 21610(427) 898{ 937{ 640{ 650{ 833{ 838{ 611 625{ 911 840{ 936{ 911{ 904{ 916{ 895{ 311 937{ no no no Y Y Y Y no Y Y no N N no no Y no deployment{ deployment deployment Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y deployment Y Y Y Y deployment N Y Y Y deployment deployment Y Y deployment * Qx is Ekman transport perpendicular to the coast, Qy is parallel to the coast. { Average taken between 12:00 and 14:00 h. { No deployment means sea conditions were too rough to launch the rigid inflatable boat and to operate the sampling devices. 1 Average taken between 05:00 and 07:00 h. and inherent optical properties (IOPs) were enhanced in the microlayer compared with near-surface and subsurface layers during a cruise off the Iberian Peninsula in June–July 2005. We assess the factors that lead to the accumulation of MAAs in the SSM and analyze their relationship with the IOPs, particularly CDOM. The results are discussed in the context of the potential effects of MAAs and CDOM on the attenuation of UVR. Methods Sample collection—Cruise 172 aboard the RRS Charles Darwin took place off the Iberian Peninsula, NE Atlantic in June–July 2005. Six stations in total were occupied, four of which were sampled using SSM and near-surface equipment (Table 1). The station sampling started in oligotrophic waters and progressed to more productive waters nearer to the coast (Fig. 1). The upwelling indices and alongshore (Qy) and cross-shore (Qx) Ekman transport (Table 1) were downloaded from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service web site (www.pfeg.noaa. gov/products/las.html). In the following sections, station (Sta.) and days are indicated by, for example, ‘‘2.3,’’ meaning the third day at Sta. 2. The SSM was sampled using a Garrett screen (GS; Garrett 1965) and a surface microlayer sampling device (MLSD). The GS, a handheld device consisting of a 50-cm2 frame enclosing a stainless steel mesh, was deployed from a rigid inflatable boat. The screen was slid gently into the water at an angle and then lifted horizontally back through the surface. Small rectangular cells of water from the sea surface are captured in the interstitial spaces of a wire mesh by means of surface tension, which are released when the screen is tipped at an angle into a prerinsed, amber glass collection bottle. Thickness of the SSM sample collected by the screen is typically 300–400 mm (Zuev et al. 2001). The MLSD is a rotating drum device mounted between the hulls of a small (1.5 m long) catamaran platform (Fig. 2). The rotating glass drum picks up water from the SSM by surface tension and is reported to sample a layer typically of 20–100 mm (Zuev et al. 2001). The sample picked up by the glass drum is then removed by a Teflon wiper blade and collected in a small sample pot. The contents of the pot were continuously removed by a peristaltic pump to a larger (2.7 liter) storage vessel (amber glass Winchester, prerinsed with milliQ water) on the upper hull. The MLSD was deployed tethered to a near-surface sampling device (NSSD; see below). The two devices (GS and MLSD) were used to sample the SSM to provide a reasonable chance of sampling success over the range of physical conditions likely to be experienced during a research cruise. Rather than taking an average concentration measurement from the two devices, we took the pragmatic approach of assuming the maximum concentration observed was closest to the actual maximum concentration present in the SSM (Momzikoff et al. 2004). Enrichment factors (EFs) were calculated as follows: EF~microlayer sample concentration : average NSSD sample concentration (0:25 to 2:17 m) A floating NSSD (Fig. 2) was used to sample the uppermost 2 m of the water column at approximately 20 cm intervals. This device consisted of a flotation ring (1.2 m in diameter) supporting a central vertical spar. The spar Sea surface microlayer MAAs and CDOM Fig. 1. 1837 Map showing location of stations during cruise CD172 off the Iberian Peninsula. carried a series of eight 4-liter sampling bottles spaced at 20–30-cm intervals, with the uppermost bottle at a depth of 25 cm. The NSSD was deployed from the ship and allowed to drift away on a conductor core tether. A 24 Niskin bottle stainless steel conductivity-temperature-density sampling device (CTD) rosette was used to profile the water column from the near surface to below the 1% light level. The maximum time from sample collection to filtering was 25 min for all samplers. Particulate material for MAAs, pigment analysis, and absorption coefficients was obtained by filtering water collected from the GS, MLSD, or NSSD (typically 1–2 liter volumes) through 25-mm glass fiber filters (GFFs), which were flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 280uC for transport to the U.K. They were then stored in liquid nitrogen for a maximum of 1 month prior to analysis. MAA analysis—MAAs were extracted from particulate material on filters by sonication with an ultrasonic probe (35 s, 50 W) using 1 or 2 mL 75% acetonitrile. During extraction solvent tests, 75% acetonitrile was found to Fig. 2. outperform 25% methanol for extracting MAAs by extracting 9% more shinorine and 36% more mycosporine-glycine from phytoplankton samples. Extracts were incubated at 45uC for 2 h (Tartarotti and Sommaruga 2002) and then centrifuged (5 min at 20 3 g) to remove cellular debris. MAAs were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The extracts were injected (100 mL) onto an Agilent 1100 system comprising an autosampler, quaternary pumping system, and diode array detector. Instrument control and data acquisition were performed using ChemStation software. MAAs were separated using a Luna (Phenomenex) 5-mm NH2 column (250 3 4.6 mm) with gradient elution. The mobile phase comprised acetonitrile and ammonium carbonate solution (1 mol L21, buffered to pH 10), in the following proportions: mobile phase A 5 85/15 (v/v) acetonitrile : ammonium carbonate solution; mobile phase B 5 25/75 (v/v) acetonitrile : ammonium carbonate solution. Mobile phases A and B were premixed and degassed by gently bubbling with N2 gas for 10 min. The gradient (A) NSSD and (B) catamaran microlayer sampler (MLSD). 1838 Tilstone et al. program was as follows: 100% A for 10 min; linear gradient to 25% A, 75% B over 35 min at a flow rate of 1 mL min21. MAAs were monitored at 330 and 310 nm using a photodiode array detector, scanning between 250 and 500 nm. For quantification, pure samples of palythene, shinorine, mycosporine-glycine, palythine, and palythinol, previously isolated from culture extracts by preparative HPLC, were verified by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry and quantified by UV–VIS spectrophotometry using published extinction coefficients (Gröniger et al. 2000), and then analyzed by HPLC to establish response factors. These were then used to quantify the MAAs in sample extracts. HPLC grade solvents (Fisher) and ammonium carbonate (Sigma-Aldrich) were used. Carreto et al. (2005) report that extraction of MAAs at 45uC could cause hydrolysis of shinorine methyl ester to produce shinorine. Both of these products have the same absorption maxima and very similar extinction coefficients, and the detection of shinorine methyl ester would not affect the interpretation of our data. It should be noted, however, that we cannot preclude the possibility that a proportion of the shinorine detected in our samples did not originate from shinorine methyl ester. Particulate MAA concentrations were converted to absorption coefficients using extinction coefficients from Gröniger et al. (2000). Photodiode array spectra were normalized to the correct extinction coefficients at peak wavelengths and then converted to absorption (m21). The coefficients were multiplied by MAA concentration to provide an estimate of unpackaged total MAA absorption in the UV spectral region from 250 to 500 nm. A MAA packaging index of 0.80 was then used to convert unpackaged MAA absorption to packaged absorption in phytoplankton cells (aPMAA). The choice of packaging index is based on observations by Laurion et al. (2004) that dinoflagellates, which have high MAA : Chl a ratios under high UVR, exhibit an index of 0.8. This may be simplistic, since dinoflagellates can respond differently to varying light treatments due to differences in photoadaptation and genetic characteristics, which may cause the packaging index to vary. The packaging index is only relevant, however, when MAA concentrations are high, as recorded at Sta. 2. Pigments analysis—Pigments were extracted into 2 mL 100% acetone containing an internal standard (apocarotenoate; Sigma) using an ultrasonic probe (35 s, 50 W). Extracts were centrifuged to remove filter and cell debris (3 min at 20 3 g) and analyzed by HPLC using a reversedphase C8 column and gradient elution (Barlow et al. 1997) on an Agilent 1100 Series system with chilled autosampler (4uC) and photodiode array detection (Agilent Technologies). The HPLC was calibrated using a suite of standards (DHI) and pigments in samples identified from retention time and spectral match using photodiode array spectroscopy (Jeffrey et al. 1997). Microscopy—Sea water samples of 250 mL were fixed in acid Lugol’s solution at a final concentration of 2% and stored in cool dark conditions until analysis in the laboratory by settlement microscopy (Utermöhl 1958). Subsamples of 25 mL were concentrated by sedimentation for . 36 h, and all cells between 10 and 200 mm were enumerated at 3200 and 3400 magnification and, where possible, identified to species level. Linear dimensions of individual cells were measured using an ocular micrometer, and cell volumes were calculated using appropriate geometric shapes. Mean cell volumes for each species were converted to carbon using the equations of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000). Inherent optical properties—The absorption coefficients of CDOM (aCDOM), phytoplankton (aph), and nonalgal particles (aNAP) were determined in water samples collected using the GS, MLSD, NSSD (at two to four depths), and CTD (at two to four depths) sampling devices deployed at the stations shown in Table 1. aph-aNAP samples were frozen on board the ship in liquid nitrogen, and absorption coefficients were determined in the laboratory directly after the cruise. The parameters were measured spectrophotometrically as follows: the absorption coefficients of total particulate (ap 5 aph + aNAP) and aNAP retained on GFFs were measured before and after pigment extraction following the transmission-reflectance method of Tassan and Ferrari (1995). Scans were performed from 350–750 nm at a 1-nm bandwidth using a dual beam Perkin Elmer Lambda 800 spectrophotometer (L800) retrofitted with a spectralon coated 60-mm Labsphere integrating sphere. The spectrophotometer was calibrated using Holmium Oxide filters. To obtain the absorbance of nonalgal particles the GFFs were scanned again after depigmentation with 15% NaClO (1% active Cl). Phytoplankton absorption coefficients were derived from the difference between ap and aNAP fractions. To convert the absorbance measurements into absorption a beta correction (see equation 18 in Tassan and Ferrari 1995) was used between 350 and 750 nm. The same beta factor was used for both ap and aNAP following Tassan and Ferrari (1998). ap and aNAP were not measured , 350 nm, since it is difficult to determine pathlength wavelength amplification at UV wavelengths for particles in suspension with the integrating sphere configuration used. For aCDOM(l), seawater samples were filtered through 0.2-mm Whatman Nuclepore membrane filters using acidcleaned glassware. The first two 250-mL aliquots of filtered seawater were discarded. The third sample of 125 mL was spiked with 0.5 mL solution of 10 g L21 of NaN3 per 100 mL of sample to prevent CDOM degradation (Ferrari et al. 1996). Samples were measured from 250 to 850 nm on immediate return to the laboratory in 10-cm quartz cuvettes, relative to a bidistilled MilliQ reference blank also spiked with the same concentration of NaN3, using the L800. aCDOM(l) was calculated from the optical density of the sample and the cuvette pathlength following Babin et al. (2003). aCDOM slopes (SCDOM) were calculated using linear regression on log-transformed spectra from 275 to 295 nm and 350 to 400 nm, and the ratio between the two (SR) was calculated following Helms et al. (2008). In addition, detectable peaks and shoulders in the aCDOM Sea surface microlayer MAAs and CDOM 1839 Table 2. Microlayer enrichment factors (EFs) of predominant photosynthetic pigments and total MAAs, referenced to average concentration in NSSD samples (25–217 cm). GS, Garrett screen; MLSD, microlayer sampling device. Values in parentheses are microlayer concentration in mg L21. nd, no deployment. EFs—unitless (microlayer concentration (mg L21)) Station Peridinin Hexfuco Diadino Fuco Chl c2 Chl a Total MAAs MAAs : Chl a GS MLSD GS MLSD GS MLSD GS MLSD GS MLSD GS MLSD GS MLSD GS MLSD 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 4.4(0.03) 7.5(0.05) 1.3(0.09) 1.1(0.07) 1.9(0.06) 2.1(0.06) 1.4(0.06) 1.4(0.06) 1.5(0.06) 1.9(0.07) 1.7(0.43) 1.9(0.48) 8.9(4.42) 8.8(4.39) 10.3 9.1 nd 438.3(2.01) nd 3.6(0.17) nd 124.8(3.16) nd 9.0(0.23) nd 58.4(1.20) nd 59.0(9.49) nd 276(192.8) nd 20.3 437.9(1.62) 170.7(0.63) 10.9(0.39) 6.4(0.23) 100.3(2.21) 34.4(0.76) 1.9(0.04) 0.0(0.0) 81.8(1.12) 31.8(0.44) 63.1(7.09) 33.2(3.74) 336.3(289.7) 119(102.1) 40.9 27.3 2.9(0.03) 1.4(0.01) 1.1(0.06) 0.9(0.05) 4.0(0.28) 0.8(0.06) 6.8(0.56) 1.2(0.10) 3.7(0.27) 0.7(0.05) 3.6(1.45) 0.9(0.36) 1.3(1.57) 1.0(1.16) 1.1 3.2 spectra between 290 and 350 nm were removed by refitting aCDOM(l) with SCDOM calculated from 290 to 350 nm at 10nm intervals for Sta. 4.2 am, which had very low MAAs (Table 2). The difference between the measured aCDOM(l) and this refitted curve (aCDOM-DMAA) gave MAA absorption for the dissolved fraction (aDMAA), and MAA concentration in this fraction was estimated from the absorption coefficients at 310 nm. apCDOM is defined as the sum of aph, aNAP, and aCDOM. Results MAAs, phytoplankton pigments, and microplankton community composition—The water column at Sta. 2 was highly stratified, with a mixed layer depth at approximately 10 m. This followed low Ekman transport velocities parallel (Qy) and perpendicular (Qx) to the coast, and several days of calm, sunny conditions (Table 1), which resulted in a visible surface slick. The mean wind speed increased at Stas. 3–6, which augmented Qx and Qy from Stas. 4.4 to 6.3 (Table 1), and there was no visible surface slick observed at these stations. The total concentration of MAAs in particulate material in the SSM at Sta. 2 increased by . 65 times from Stas. 2.1 to 2.3 and far exceeded concentrations observed at Stas. 3– 6 (Table 2; Fig. 3A–C). EFs for MAAs in the SSM increased by , 40 times from Stas. 2.1 to 2.3 (Table 2). The profiles of individual MAAs with depth demonstrate both the enrichment of individual MAAs in the SSM compared with the near surface, and the dominance of mycosporine-glycine and shinorine (Fig. 3A–C). SSM enrichment of MAAs (taken here as EF . 2) was also observed at Stas. 4.2 afternoon, 4.5, and 6.2. The low absolute concentrations of MAAs in the SSM at Sta. 6.2, however, concurrent with a relatively high fucoxanthin (fuco) concentration, may indicate MAAs were present in these fuco-containing autotrophs at very low concentra- 4.2 (morning) 4.2 (afternoon) 1.3(0.02) 1.0(0.02) 1.0(0.06) 0.8(0.04) 1.1(0.03) 0.6(0.02) 1.4(0.05) 0.7(0.03) 1.2(0.04) 0.7(0.02) 1.2(0.29) 0.9(0.20) 1.3(0.86) 0.6(0.38) 2.3 1.9 8.8(0.03) 3.8(0.01) 1.1(0.05) 1.2(0.05) 1.6(0.05) 1.2(0.03) 1.1(0.3) 1.0(0.03) 1.6(0.04) 1.3(0.03) 1.6(0.28) 1.3(0.23) 2.9(2.92) 1.2(1.22) 10.4 5.3 4.5 6.2 1.3(0.02) nd 0.8(0.03) nd 5.2(0.35) nd 4.8(0.61) nd 4.5(0.22) nd 3.6(1.26) nd 2.2(2.16) nd 1.7 nd 2.6(0.01) 2.8(0.01) 1.0(0.07) 1.1(0.08) 5.1(0.31) 2.3(0.14) 6.7(2.32) 2.6(0.88) 5.4(0.67) 2.5(0.32) 2.4(2.18) 5.2(4.84) 2.7(0.31) 3.8(0.44) 0.1 0.1 tions or may suggest a different source. The ratios of MAAs : Chl a were high at Sta. 2, increasing from 10 at Sta. 2.1 to over 40 at Sta. 2.3. The MAAs : Chl a ratios were generally lower at Stas. 3–6, and the lowest ratio was observed at Sta. 6, where high Chl a values were assigned to a diatom pigment signature, which coincided with the beginning of an upwelling event (Tables 1, 2). The EF for Chl a at Sta. 2 increased by . 30 times from Sta. 2.1 to 2.3 (Table 2). Values were much higher than those at Stas. 3–6 (Table 2) where surface slicks were not observed. The dominant phytoplankton pigments changed during the development of the slick at Sta. 2. At Sta. 2.1, 19-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (hexfuco), fuco, chlorophyll c2 (Chl c2) and diadinoxanthin (diadino) were the most dominant pigments (Table 2; Fig. 3D). Peridinin, however, gave the highest EF (Table 2). At Stas. 2.2, 2.3, concentrations of diadino, peridinin, and Chl c2 increased in the SSM (Table 2; Fig. 3E,F), indicative of dinoflagellates, and were high relative to the underlying near-surface water (Table 2). The dominant pigments at Stas. 3–6 were fuco, diadino, and Chl c2, indicative of diatoms. Notably peridinin gave a high EF at Sta. 4.2 pm but with a relatively low absolute concentration. Compared with the other major pigments present, hexfuco showed little SSM enrichment at any sampling station (Table 2). The phytoplankton community in the SSM was dominated by autotrophic dinoflagellates, whereas in nearsurface waters, flagellates dominated the total biomass (Fig. 4A,B). At Sta. 2.2 the autotrophic dinoflagellate biomass increased (Fig. 4C), comprising almost entirely Prorocentrum species. In the near surface, autotrophic dinoflagellates, heterotrophic dinoflagellates, and ciliated protozoa dominated the biomass; the autotrophic dinoflagellate biomass, however, was two orders of magnitude lower than in the SSM (Fig. 4C,D). At Sta. 2.3, the SSM continued to be dominated by autotrophic dinoflagellates, whereas the near-surface water was dominated by ciliated 1840 Tilstone et al. Fig. 3. Microlayer and near-surface profiles of predominant MAAs at (A) Sta. 2.1, (B) Sta. 2.2 (inset: near-surface profiles from 25 to 217 cm), and (C) Sta. 2.3 (inset: near-surface profiles 25 to 217 cm), and microlayer and near-surface profiles of predominant phytoplankton pigments at (D) Sta. 2.1, (E) Sta. 2.2 (inset: near-surface profiles 25 to 217 cm), and (F) Sta. 2.3 (inset: nearsurface profiles 25 to 217 cm). Sea surface microlayer MAAs and CDOM 1841 Fig. 4. Phytoplankton biomass (mgC L21) at Sta. 2.1 in (A) the SSM and (B) at 217 cm; Sta. 2.2 in (C) the SSM and (D) at 217 cm; and Sta. 2.3 in (E) the SSM and (F) at 217 cm. Numbers above the bars are percentage biomass of the total for each group. protozoa and flagellates (Fig. 4E,F). In the SSM sample from Sta. 2.3, the maximum Prorocentrum micans cell abundance observed was 4681 cells mL21. The increase in MAA concentration at Sta. 2 closely tracked the increase in Prorocentrum cell numbers observed by microscopy (Fig. 5A). We also found a significant relationship between Qy and MAAs (F1,6 5 21.28, p 5 0.0058), which explained 69% of the variance in MAAs (Fig. 5B). Inherent optical properties—aCDOM(l) in the SSM at Sta. 2 was also high compared with near-surface and subsurface values (Fig. 6) and always higher than aph(443). The ratio aCDOM(443) : aph(443) increased from 26 at Sta. 2.1 to 40 at Sta. 2.3. At Sta. 2.2, aCDOM(l) spectra had a prominent shoulder between 270 and 325 nm, which increased at Sta. 2.3 (Fig. 6C,E). The corresponding SR was comparatively high in the SSM at Stas. 2.1, 4.2, and far lower at Stas. 2.2, 2.3. At the latter stations, SR rose sharply with depth (Fig. 6). aph(443) in the SSM was nearly an order of magnitude higher at Sta. 2.2 than at Stas. 2.1 and 4.2 (Fig. 7A,C,G). In the surface CTD bottle aph(443) was between 6 and 10 times lower than in the SSM at Stas. 2.2, 2.3 (Fig. 7C–F). In the SSM there was a sharp decrease in the Chl a-specific absorption coefficient of phytoplankton (aph*(443)), which then rose to a maximum in the subsurface. aNAP(443) in the SSM was similar to near-surface and subsurface waters at Stas. 2.1, 4.2 and two times higher in the SSM at Stas. 2.2, 2.3 (Fig. 8). The ratio of aNAP(443) : apCDOM(443), however, was consistently lower in the SSM at Sta. 2 and increased at Sta. 4.2, where there was no visible slick, indicating that the accumulation of detrital material in the SSM was not excessive. Subsurface aNAP(443) : apCDOM(443) ratios were double those in the SSM, and at Sta. 4.2 there was a sharp rise in the proportion of aNAP(443) relative to aph(443) and aCDOM(443) at 5 m even though the absolute aNAP(443) values decreased. At all stations, the dissolved MAA absorption (aDMAA) was always lower than aCDOM-DMAA and approximately a quarter of aPMAA (Fig. 9). At Stas. 2.1, 4.2, aCDOM-DMAA . aPMAA. At Stas. 2.2, 2.3, aCDOM increased relative to aPMAA, except between 310 and 350 nm, where aPMAA was higher. Based on the extinction coefficients of MAAs and the absorption peak at 310 nm (Fig. 9B,C), we estimate the 1842 Tilstone et al. Fig. 5. (A) Microlayer concentration of Prorocentrum cells (closed symbols) and MAAs (open symbols) over three sampling days at Sta. 2. (B) Relationship between Ekman transport Qy and MAAs during the cruise. concentration of MAA in the dissolved fraction at Stas. 2.2, 2.3 to be 42 and 117 mg L21, respectively. There were significant relationships between Chl a and MAAs for all stations (F1,122 5 458.58, p , 0.0001) and for stations with a surface slick (F1,5 5 16.25, p 5 0.015; Fig. 10A,B). There was also a significant regression between aCDOM and MAA concentration in the particulate fraction, when there was a visible slick (F1,21 5 23.69, p , 0.0001; Fig. 10C), and MAA concentration explained 79% of the variance in aCDOM. Similarly, during slick conditions, MAAs explained 31% of the variance in a NA P (443) : a p C D O M (443) (Fig. 10E,F), and this relationship disappeared during nonslick conditions. Discussion Microlayer sampling using the GS and MLSD—Two different microlayer samplers were used in this study to provide a reasonable chance of sampling success over the range of conditions likely to be encountered during a research cruise. We also employed a near-surface sampler to determine profiles over the depth range 0.2–2.2 m. Sea surface microlayer MAAs and CDOM Fig. 6. Microlayer and subsurface spectra of aCDOM(l) for (A) Sta. 2.1, (C) Sta. 2.2, (E) Sta. 2.3, and (G) Sta. 4.2 and profiles of aCDOM(320) and the ratio of SCDOM(275–295) : SCDOM(350– 400) at (B) Sta. 2.1, (D) Sta. 2.2, (F) Sta. 2.3, and (H) Sta. 4.2. 1843 1844 Tilstone et al. Fig. 7. Microlayer and subsurface spectra of aph(l) for (A) Sta. 2.1, (C) Sta. 2.2, (E) Sta. 2.3, and (G) Sta. 4.2 and profiles of aph(443) and aph*(443) at (B) Sta. 2.1, (D) Sta. 2.2, (F) Sta. 2.3, and (H) Sta. 4.2. Sea surface microlayer MAAs and CDOM Fig. 8. Microlayer and subsurface spectra of aNAP(l) for (A) Sta. 2.1, (C) Sta. 2.2, (E) Sta. 2.3, and (G) Sta. 4.2 and profiles aNAP(443) and the ratio aNAP(443) : aPCDOM(443) at (B) Sta. 2.1, (D) Sta. 2.2, (F) Sta. 2.3, and (H) Sta. 4.2. Where aPCDOM(443) is the sum of aph(443), aNAP(443), and aCDOM(443). 1845 1846 Tilstone et al. Fig. 9. Absorption coefficients of MAAs in the particulate (aPMAA(l)) and dissolved fractions (aDMAA(l)), and aCDOM(l) with the dissolved MAAs removed (aCDOM-DMAA(l)) from 250 to 500 nm at (A) Sta. 2.1, (B) Sta. 2.2, (C) Sta. 2.3, and (D) Sta. 4.2. Zhang et al. (2003) reported the thickness of the SSM using a pH microelectrode to be 60 mm, which is the layer of sudden change of physical and chemical properties. The MLSD is reported to sample a thickness of 20–100 mm (Liss and Duce 1997; Zuev et al. 2001) and was therefore expected to sample the sudden change layer at 60 mm more closely than the GS, which has a reported sampling thickness of 300–400 mm (Zuev et al. 2001). The microlayer model illustrated by Hardy (1982) depicts phytoneuston at 10–100 mm, which we would therefore also expect to be well sampled using the MLSD and to be diluted by the additional volume sampled by the GS. EFs determined using the GS in the presence of a welldefined slick at Sta. 2.3 were generally higher, however, than those determined from the MLSD (Table 2). Daumas et al. (1976) also used a GS and rotating drum device to sample the microlayer, and from observations of Chl a concluded that phytoplankton did not accumulate in the uppermost layer sampled by the drum. In addition, phytoplankton have been reported to be more efficiently sampled by the GS than the glass plate sampler (Agogué et al. 2004; Momzikoff et al. 2004), which samples in a similar manner to the MLSD, using viscosity and cohesion forces (Carlson 1982). The thicknesses sampled by the devices may also be influenced by the presence of a surface slick (Liss and Duce 1997). Carlson (1982) reported increased sample thicknesses from a glass plate during slick conditions and found that the thicknesses of plate samples were influenced by sea surface conditions and bulk water temperatures, whereas screen samples were not. The different EFs observed in our study from the GS and MLSD, particularly during a visible surface slick, are therefore consistent with these previous studies. During control tests, Agogué et al. (2004) demonstrated that even the GS led to underestimated phytoplankton concentrations. We therefore used the maximum SSM concentration sampled by either of the devices in the figures presented to give a more comprehensive indication of the scale of the potential SSM enrichment. Concentrations of Chl a at 25 cm were 2% of the values observed in the microlayer during the visible surface slick at Sta. 2. The maximum EF observed for Chl a was 63.1, significantly higher than values published during other SSM studies, where EF values were typically 0.2 to 8 (Daumas et al. 1976; Agogué et al. 2004; Joux et al. 2006), reaching 18 within a visible slick (Hardy and Apts 1989). As discussed above, the EF is also dependent on the type of sampler deployed based on the thickness of SSM that the instrument samples. Agogué et al. (2004) reported an average EF for Chl a of 1.76 (0.94–4.33, n 5 24, screen sampler) and 0.71 (0.26–1.13, n 5 11, glass plate), consistent with our observations with the exception of Stas. 2.1, 6.2 (Table 2). Phytoplankton enrichment in the SSM—The high Chl a EF values observed in this study indicated a high concentration of autotrophs in the SSM, attributed to the flat calm conditions, Sea surface microlayer MAAs and CDOM 1847 Fig. 10. Relationship between MAA concentration and (A) Chl a during surface slick conditions, (B) Chl a during nonslick conditions, (C) aCDOM(300) during surface slick conditions, (D) aCDOM(300) during nonslick conditions, (E) aNAP(443) : aPCDOM(443) during surface slick conditions, and (F) aNAP(443) : aPCDOM(443) during nonslick conditions. In A, C, E, open diamonds are microlayer samples, filled shapes are CTD and near-surface samples. low Qy, and moderately high incident irradiance (Table 1; Fig. 5B). Similarly, Obernosterer et al. (2008) found particulate organic matter enrichment in the microlayer was negatively correlated with wind speed. The SSM at Sta. 2 also showed a high concentration of diadino, reaching 3.16 mg L21 (Fig. 3E,F). Notably, diadino is a photoprotective carotenoid involved in the xanthophyll cycle. Under nonslick conditions (Stas. 3–6) Chl a enrichment (taken here as EF . 2) was observed in the SSM on three out of five sampling occasions. EFs for Chl a between 1.6 and 5.2 were observed, consistent with Chl a SSM enrichment in other studies during nonslick conditions (Daumas et al. 1976; Agogué et al. 2004; Joux et al. 2006). Chl a values alone, however, are not indicative of the health of phytoplankton communities. Reports on the health of phytoplankton in the microlayer conflict with some reporting a highly light- adapted, healthy community (Cullen et al. 1989), whereas others report low primary production in the SSM compared with subsurface waters (Ignatiades 1990). Daumas et al. (1976) reported higher ratios of pheophytin to Chl a in the SSM than in the underlying water, indicating damaged cells in the surface. Chlorophyll allomers (oxidation products of Chl a) were not detected in the SSM at Sta. 2. By contrast, we detected chlorophyll oxidation products (3–12% of chlorophyll concentration) in the SSM at Stas. 3.1, 4.5, and 6.2, possibly indicative of higher phytoplankton mortality at these stations (data not shown). The aNAP(443) : apCDOM(443) ratios that we report from the SSM (Fig. 8) also indicate that the proportion of dead cells was low at Sta. 2, especially compared with nonslick conditions. We also found that aNAP(443) : apCDOM(443) ratios decreased with increasing MAA concentration, suggesting that the phytoplankton 1848 Tilstone et al. community in the SSM was actively synthesizing photoprotective pigments. We have no direct photophysiological measurements, however, to ascertain the photophysiological health of the phytoplankton community within the SSM. High Chl a, diadino, peridinin, Chl c2 (Table 2; Fig. 3), and Prorocentrum spp. biomass (Figs. 4, 5) occurred during a visible surface slick; Qy was low and MAA concentrations were high. Dinoflagellates, such as P. micans, are known to bloom off the NW Iberian Peninsula after downwelling cycles when Qy and Qx are low (Tilstone et al. 1994). P. micans may have therefore produced the high MAA in the SSM at Sta. 2. To date, MAA : Chl a ratios detected in marine phytoplankton range from 0.4 to 2.5 mg (mg Chl a)21 (Villafañe et al. 1995; Llewellyn and Harbour 2003), with values of mycosporine-glycine from a marine dinoflagellate bloom off the Californian coast reaching 5.35 mg (mg Chl a)21 (Whitehead and Vernet 2000) and total MAAs up to 16 mg (mg Chl a)21 in dinoflagellate cultures (Laurion and Roy 2009). These values compare to maximum concentrations measured in the SSM during this study of 41 mg (mg Chl a)21 for total MAAs (Table 2), 17.3 mg (mg Chl a)21 for shinorine, and 15.6 mg (mg Chl a)21 for mycosporine-glycine. The concentrations of MAAs measured in the SSM at Sta. 2 far exceed those measured previously in other marine environments. The EFs were also some of the highest reported. There were significant relationships between Chl a and MAA for all stations (F1,122 5 458.58, p , 0.0001) and for stations with a surface slick (F1,5 5 16.25, p 5 0.015; Fig. 10). Previous studies of SSM EFs for other variables have selected a single reference depth without having the opportunity to measure values in the near surface. Our data indicate that EFs for MAAs should be interpreted cautiously if a single reference depth is used and that near-surface samples are a requisite before MAA enrichment in the SSM can be properly assessed. Inherent optical properties of the SSM and subsurface waters—aCDOM(l) in the SSM at Sta. 2 was also high and more than twice that in the near-surface waters, probably derived as a by-product of Prorocentrum spp. We found a significant relationship between MAA and aCDOM(300) (Fig. 10C,D), and MAAs explained , 80% of the variance in aCDOM(300). In the absence of a surface slick, MAAs explained a lower percentage of the variance in aCDOM(300), possibly suggesting that exudates from MAA-producing organisms alone make a significant contribution to the CDOM pool in this area. Other compounds resulting from the breakdown of biological material such as low molecular weight carbonyl compounds and dissolved phenols have been found to accumulate in the SSM due to exposure of organisms to increased sunlight (Carlson and Mayer 1980). At Stas. 2.2, 2.3, a prominent absorption shoulder was evident in the aCDOM(l) spectra between 270 and 330 nm, indicative of MAA in the dissolved fraction (Fig. 6B,C). Whitehead and Vernet (2000) observed a similar spectral feature associated with CDOM during a red tide off the upwelling coast of California and found aCDOM(330) to be relatively high (0.145 m21) and associated with 111.4 nmol L21 MAA in the dissolved fraction. We estimate MAA concentrations in the dissolved fraction, from the aDMAA spectra, to be 117 mg L21 at Sta. 2.3, corresponding to approximately 420 nmol L21, assuming the MAA distribution in the dissolved phase matches that measured in the particulate phase. The absorption peak of aPMAA was at 320 nm, corresponding to a combination of the absorption maxima of the most dominant MAAs, mycosporine-glycine (lmax 310 nm) and shinorine (lmax 334 nm), whereas the absorption peak of aDMAA was at 300 nm. This shift in peak absorption may indicate a different composition in the two fractions, possibly due to chemical transformation in the dissolved phase. It should be noted, however, that aPMAA(l) was calculated from extinction coefficients in methanol (Gröniger et al. 2000), and aDMAA(l) was measured from aCDOM(l) spectra in aqueous solution, which could contribute to a shift in the absorption maximum. SR was generally higher in the SSM at Stas. 2.1, 4.2 caused by higher SCDOM(275–295), indicative of photobleaching of aCDOM(l) (Helms et al. 2008). The lower SR in the SSM at Stas. 2.2, 2.3 due to high SCDOM(350–400) indicates a microbial production of CDOM (Helms et al. 2008), paralleled with the sudden proliferation in P. micans. Bacteria and viral lysis of phytoplankton could be the cause of the release of MAAs into the DOM pool, although the absorbance of detrital material in the SSM was low and would be expected to be higher under these conditions. This may indicate that P. micans cells were actively secreting MAAs into the surrounding waters. aph(l) in the SSM was always higher than in the subsurface, and aph*(443) sharply decreased in the SSM (Fig. 7). A decrease in aph*(443) is often observed with increasing Chl a (Bricaud et al. 1995) and reflects a general trend toward an increase in cell size (Ciotti et al. 2002), pigment packaging, and concentrations of accessory pigments (Bricaud et al. 1995), which occurred in the SSM (Table 2). The sharp decrease in aph*(443) may also be due to a relative increase in concentrations of MAAs. aCDOM is responsible for much of the UV attenuation in the open ocean (Bricaud et al. 1981) and absorbs the most biologically harmful UVR. Carlson and Mayer (1980) showed that material absorbing at 280 nm is enriched in the microlayer compared with bulk seawater and that dissolved phenolic material is the predominant lightabsorbing material. Although we have no measured values of attenuation coefficient (Kd) in the UVR and we cannot model them reliably because accurate in vitro measurements of aph(l) and aNAP(l) were not available , 350 nm, Kd in the UVA and B are driven largely by absorption. Although high concentrations of MAA were measured in the SSM, they are only effective at attenuating UVR in a narrow spectral band between 310 and 350 nm (Fig. 9). aCDOM, on the other hand, absorbs significantly more UVA and UVB at Stas. 2.2, 2.3 compared with aPMAA due to the exponential rise in CDOM absorption in the UV (Fig. 9). MAAs were far lower in subsurface waters than SSM levels (Fig. 3), but aCDOM remained comparatively high in the subsurface (Fig. 6). This suggests that aCDOM would attenuate UVA and UVB more than aPMAA both in the SSM and lower in the water column. Whitehead and Vernet (2000) suggested that the accumulation of DOM originating from exudates released by phytoplankton may increase UV attenuation by the dissolved pool, thus providing a UV shield during shallow Sea surface microlayer MAAs and CDOM blooms. Along the Iberian Peninsula in the SSM, the high aCDOM and MAA in both the particulate and dissolved fractions, associated with a bloom of P. micans, suggest that in the UVA and UVB, Kd would be high. Further studies of Kd in the UV associated with microlayer and nonmicrolayer conditions are required to verify this. Our study reports the first direct measurements of MAAs, aCDOM, aph, and aNAP in the SSM and in underlying near-surface water sampled at a finer resolution than conventional CTD and rosette. We report the highest known concentrations of MAAs in marine waters, which were associated with a bloom of P. micans in the sea surface microlayer. aCDOM(l) was also elevated, which may have also served as a sunscreen to UV for phytoplankton both in the SSM and subsurface layers. Acknowledgments This work was undertaken as part of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) Core Research Program, 2001–2005. We are grateful to the officers, crew, and scientists of the Royal Research Ship Charles Darwin, Cruise 172 for their help and support, to Tony Bale (PML) and Chris Gallienne (PML), who designed and tested the near-surface sampling device. NEODAAS are acknowledged for providing satellite data images to the ship during the cruise. We also thank Dariusz Stramski and two anonymous referees, whose comments significantly improved this paper. References AGOGUÉ, H., AND oTHERS. 2004. Comparison of samplers for the biological characterisation of the sea surface microlayer. Limnol. 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