Data Hiding Using Least Significant Bit Approch

Recent Researches in System Science
Data Hiding Using Least Significant Bit Approch
Dr.Yasir Khalil Ibrahim
Human Development University
Dr. Mazen M Al Hadidi
Al Balqa' Applied University,
Dr. Haitham Karim Ali
Sulaimania Technical college, Iraq
lengths. Maxemchuk et al. [5] changed line spacing
Abstract— Exchanging data over the internet is a critical issue
due to security problems. Transmitting data from source to a
destination is not any easy task in the sense of security, and
hiding data such as text documents into JPEG image is well
known problem in the area of data security to prevent these
documents from attacks. In this paper, we implemented the
Least Significant Bit technique to hide data such as doc file into
image of JPEG format and send the image from a source to a
destination through a wireless network (or the Internet), then
extract the hidden file by using a special application. The results
show robustness of the used technique.
and character spacing to include information in
textual images for bulk electronic publications. These
approaches cannot be easily extended to other binary
images and the amount of data that can be hidden is
limited. Another approach of marking a binary
document is proposed in [1] by treating a binary
Keywords- Security, Hiding, internet, Least significant Bit
image as a grayscale one and manipulating the
luminance of dark pixels slightly so that the change is
Hiding a massage using different hosts (i.e. messengers) is
a classical task of steganography.
Recently, hiding
information in a message received an extensive attention, and
several techniques have been used to achieve this goal. The
goal here is to hide information in a message that send from
imperceptible to human eyes yet detectable by
In this
source to a destination from unwanted parties [3].
paper, we implemented a well known technique, which is least
significant bits insertion technique to hide a text file in a JPEG
image to improve its performance in terms of deductibility and
security. The structure of this paper can be summarized as
follows. In next Section, we present the related work. In
Section 3, we present the LSB insertion technique. In section
4, we present the extracting algorithm. Experimentation and
results are presented in section 5.
beyond the scope of this paper. Finally, statistical
scanners. This approach, targeted at intelligent copier
systems, is not applicable to bi-level images hence is
approaches have been in data hiding, which are based
on a random process. The LSB algorithm is a well known
algorithm and it has been extended to make data hiding less
detectable and more secure. For example, minimizing color
changes in the cover image using LSB was proposed by
Roque and Minguet [6].On the other hand Cvejic and
Seppanen [2] try to reduce embedding distortion of the host
audio using LSB.
In this section we just presented the related work, and in the
next section we present the implemented technique.
In the last two decades, modern steganography entered the
world and a number of classical steganography problems arise
in this is text. Several methods for hiding data in binary
images have been proposed in literature. Matsui et al.
An extremely simple steganographic method is to take the
individual pixels in an image. Each of these pixels in an image
is made up of a string of bits. We can commandeer the 4-least
significant bit of 24-bit true color image to hold 4-bit of our
[4] set in information in dithered images by using the
dithering patterns and in fax images by using the run-
ISBN: 978-1-61804-023-7
Recent Researches in System Science
(b) We take the 4 upper significant bits alone; we can do that
by perform shift operation by 4:
(72)10 Shift to right be 4 = (0000 0100)2 = (4)10
4. Now we can add the secret message to the cover image
by applying OR operation.
As shown in the block diagram Figure (3-2) to hide each
character of secret message we need two pixels. Thus, the
number of character that we can hide in (n x n) image is given
by the following
Number of characters <=(n · n) ÷ 2 - n
In equation (1), we subtract n pixels because we don’t set
secret text in the first row of cover image; we start setting data
from the second row of cover image. The first row of covered
image used to store specific data, like position of last pixel in
the covered image that contains secret data. The following two
equations show how to calculate the pixel that determines of
secret text data:
Figure (1): The stego system
secret message (text) by simply overwriting the data that was
already there. By experimental, we note that: The impact of
changing the 4-least significant bits will be minimal and
indiscernible to the human eye.
Y pos = length(1 st rowofimage) modlength(secretmessage)
X pos = (length (secretmessage) - Y pos) ÷ length(1 st
We just presented the used algorithm to hide a text file in a
JPEG image. In the next section, we present the extracting
Extracting the secret text message is performed by
reversing the process used to insert the secret message in the
cover image. The following steps describe the details of
Figure (3): Extracting diagram
Figure (2): Embedding diagram
Extracting the hidden text file as follows:
1- Take two adjacent pixels from the stego image.
In this section, we present the used algorithm to hide a text file
in a JPEG image. The algorithm consists of the steps:
2- Shift the first pixel by 4 to right 1110 0100 shift to right by 4
1. Convert cover image to streams of binary bits.
2. Use two adjacent bits to hide one character.
3. Convert each character of the secret message to decimal
Example: H = (72)10 = (0100 1000)2
(a) We take the 4 least significant bits alone; we can do that by
perform AND operation:
(72)10 AND (15)10 = (0100 1000)2 AND (0000 1111)2 = (0000
1000) = (8)10.
ISBN: 978-1-61804-023-7
= (0100 0000)2
Recent Researches in System Science
3- Perform AND operation with 15 to the second pixel (0101
1000) AND (00001111)2 = (00001000)2
4- ADD the result of step 2 and 3 together and we get (0100
0000)2 + (0000 1000)2 = (0100 1000) = (72)10 = H.
Figure (6): Resultant image of size 147.456 bytes
In the next section, we present the experimentation results.
In this section, we implemented the proposed algorithms to
hide a sample text in side a colored JPEG image.
The colored JPEG image is shown in Figure (3) (143.360
). Figure (4) illustrates the sample text of size 4.096 bytes that
to be hidden in the colored image. The resultant image is
given in Figure (5), which is of size 147.456 bytes.
In this work we focus our concern in image because of
it’s widely used in Internet and also in mobile system. Based
on our study, 4-LSB substitutions is a robust method for
embedding an acceptable amount of data, that’s because size of
embedded message to carrier’s size.4 LSB embedded data, can
easily be implemented and do not visually degrade the image to
the point of being noticeable. It would appear that 4 LSB is
good method of Steganography due to its tremendous
information capacity. Using 4-LSB method we can exchange
secret messages over public channel in a safe way.
Figure (4): A colored JPEG image of size 143.360 bytes
A. K. Bhattacharjya and H. Ancin, “Data embedding in text for a copier
system,” in Proc. IEEE ICIP’99, vol. 2,Kobe, Japan, 1999 , pp.
[2] N. Cvejic and T. Seppanen. Increasing robustness of LSB audio
steganography by reduced distortion LSB coding. Proceedings ITCC
2004 International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and
Computing (pp. 533 – 537). Vol.2.
[3] S. M Thampi, “Information Hiding Techniques: A Tutorial Review,”
ISTE-STTP on Network Security & Cryptography, LBSCE 2004.
[4] K. Matsui and K. Tanaka, “Video-steganography: how to secretly embed
This is a sample text to be
hidden inside a JPEG image
a signature in a picture,” Proc. IMA Intellectual Property Project,
vol. 1,
Figure (5): A sample of size text 4.096 bytes
ISBN: 978-1-61804-023-7
no. 1, 1994.
N. F. Maxemchuk and S. Low, “Marking text documents,” in Proc.
IEEE ICIP’97, 1997.
J. J. Roque and J. M Minguet. SLSB: Improving the steganographic
algorithm LSB. Proceedings The Ibero-American Congress on
Information Security (CIBSI). (pp. 398-408).