IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 46, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2010 3591 Mutual Inductance Calculation Between Circular Filaments Arbitrarily Positioned in Space: Alternative to Grover’s Formula Slobodan Babic1 , Frédéric Sirois1 , Cevdet Akyel1 , and Claudio Girardi2 École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, QC H3C 3A7, Canada Texas Instruments France, 06271 Villeneuve-Loubet, France In this paper, we present the full derivation of a new formula for calculating the mutual inductance between inclined circular filaments arbitrarily positioned with respect to each other. Although such a formula was already proposed by Grover more than 50 years ago, the formula presented here is slightly more general and simpler to use, i.e., it involves only a sequential evaluation of expressions and the numerical resolution of a simple numerical integration. We derived the new formula using the method of vector potential, as opposed to Grover’s approach, which was based on the Neumann formula. We validated the new formula through a series of examples, which are presented here. Finally, we present the relationship between the two general formulas (i.e., Grover’s and our new one) explicitly (Example 12). Index Terms—Electromagnetic analysis, inductance, mutual coupling. I. INTRODUCTION HE mutual inductance calculation between coaxial circular filaments has been thoroughly treated by a number of authors since the time of Maxwell, and an accuracy exceeding anything required in practice is nowadays possible [1]–[7]. A formula for two circles whose axes intersect was first given by Maxwell [1]. Formulas for circular loops with parallel axes have later been derived by Butterworth [2] and Snow [5]. Unfortunately, these formulas are slowly convergent and are applicable only within a restricted range of parameters. Using Butterworth’s formula [2], Grover developed a general method to calculate the mutual inductance of inclined circular filaments in any desired positions in the form of a single integral [3], [4]. Today, with the availability of powerful and general numerical methods, such as finite element method (FEM) and boundary element method (BEM), it is possible to calculate accurately and rapidly the mutual inductance of almost any practical 3-D geometric arrangement of conductors. However, in many circumstances, there is still an interest to address this problem using analytic and semi-analytic methods, as they considerably simplify the mathematical procedures, and often lead to a significant reduction of the computational effort. For instance, general computation techniques such as those presented in [8]–[12] have proved to be useful in application fields as diversified as eddy-current tomography [13], [14], electronic and printed circuit board design [15], [16], coreless printed circuit board transformers [17], wireless battery chargers for general purpose and biomedical applications [18], [19], force and torque calculation [20]–[22], electromagnetic launchers [23], plasma science [24], [25], superconducting magnetic levitation [26], etc. T Manuscript received September 26, 2009; revised March 29, 2010; accepted March 30, 2010. Date of publication April 05, 2010; date of current version August 20, 2010. Corresponding author: S. Babic (e-mail: This paper has supplementary downloadable multimedia material available at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2010.2047651 Fig. 1. Filamentary circular coils with arbitrary lateral and angular misalignment (most general case). In this paper, we use the approach of the magnetic vector potential to calculate the mutual inductance of two circular loops arbitrarily positioned with respect to each other. We treated this problem in its most general form, by considering plane equations for representing the positions of the loops. In the final form of our equations, the mutual inductance is obtained by sequentially evaluating a few elementary expressions and solving numerically a single, well behaved integral. This new and general mutual inductance formula was thoroughly validated against a series of reference examples, and was shown to cover all cases given by Grover, Snow, Kalantarov, and Dwight [3]–[7]. Its unlimited range validity therefore makes it an ideal choice in any of the above-mentioned application fields. II. BASIC EXPRESSIONS Let’s consider two circular filaments as shown in Fig. 1, where the center of the larger circle (primary coil) of radius corresponds with the origin of plane , and where the circle’s axis corresponds to the axis. The smaller is located in an inclined circle (secondary coil) of radius plane whose general equation is given by (1) We also define the following points: , the center of the secondary coil; • Point 0018-9464/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE 3592 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 46, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2010 • Point , an arbitrary point on the secondary coil. can It is shown in Appendix A that coordinates of point easily be expressed in terms of the plane parameters. For inand stance, the points 6) The parametric coordinates of an arbitrary point on the secondary coil is given by (8) (2) and will be used later where in our developments. Let’s now define the basic mathematical expressions required in the next section of the paper: on the primary coil can 1) An arbitrary point be expressed in terms of its parametric coordinates: (3) is the parameter. This is the well-known where parametric equation of circle in 3-D space. 7) The differential element of the secondary coil is given by (9) with is the parameter. where 2) The differential element along the primary coil’s path is given by (4) 3) The unit vector normal to plane is defined by (5) . III. DERIVATION OF NEW FORMULA The mutual inductance between the two inclined circular filaments defined above will be calculated by using the approach of the magnetic vector potential. The magnetic vector potential at point produced by a circular current loop carrying the current (see Fig. 1), is given by of radius (10) with where 4) The unit vector between points and in plane is (6) with (11) and a point on the secondary circle, e.g., or , as defined in (2). 5) The unit vector tangential to the secondary loop is defined as the cross product of and , i.e., (7) with Using Stokes’s theorem, the flux through the secondary circuit due to a current in the primary circuit is (12) and are respectively the cross section and the where perimeter of the secondary circle. By definition, the mutual inductance between the secondary and primary coils is given by (13) BABIC et al.: MUTUAL INDUCTANCE CALCULATION BETWEEN CIRCULAR FILAMENTS ARBITRARILY POSITIONED IN SPACE 3593 From (4), (9), (10), (11), (12), and (13), we obtain (19) (14) where is the complete elliptic function is the complete of the first kind and elliptic function of the second kind. After some algebraic manipulations, we obtain The first integration is made with respect to , using the substitution [27], and where and . Expressed in terms of and , we have (15) (20) where The first integration gives (21) From (14) and (20), we obtain (22) Introducing some additional dimensionless variables, i.e., , , , , and , and performing the necessary transformations to remove the and terms, we obtain the following form: (23) (16) where (17) In order to solve the two distinct integrals appearing above, we introduce the elliptic integrals of the first and second kind, and , defined as respectively Finally, using the explicit expressions of the unit vectors and , defined in (5), (6), and (7), we obtain the new formula for calculating the mutual inductance between inclined circular filaments placed in any position (most general case) as a function of only the geometric parameters, i.e., and ; 1) the primary and secondary loops radii, 2) the parameters , , and defining the normal of the plane containing the secondary coil; 3) the coordinates defining the center of the secondary coil. The new formula can be expressed as follows: (24) (18) together with the following transformations [27], [28]: where the following sequence of definitions must be used prior to evaluate (24): 3594 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 46, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2010 Fig. 2. Geometric configurations and common notation used in examples 1 to 13 (Section IV of this paper). The three figures illustrated correspond to the following cases: a) lateral misalignment only ( , , axes y z and y z coplanar); b) lateral and angular misalignment ( , axes y z and y z coplanar); c) arbitrary lateral and angular misalignment (no coplanar axes anymore). The sequence also illustrates graphically how to understand Grover’s notation in [4], and therefore how to use correctly his formulas. We note that four parameters are sufficient to describe the arbitrary position of the secondary coil: , , and ( and define the relative position between the centers, is a “in-plane tilt angle” around axis x, and is a rotation angle around axis z , which allows completing the secondary coil positioning). Because of the many angles involved, the set of parameters leading to a given coil arrangement is not unique. =0 =0 0 0 (25) and where the complete elliptic functions and are defined in (18) and below (19). More details about the way we obtained the above expressions are provided in Appendix B. Equation (24) covers all possible cases except one, i.e., the , following from an arbitrary algebraic case choice made in Appendix A. This corresponds to a secondary coil with its normal aligned with the axis. In this case, one to and , should simply use alternative definitions for , i.e., arising from the limit when (26) There remains only one very particular case for which numerwill be punctually equal to ical problems can arise. Indeed, 0 whenever the integration variable corresponds to and , no matter the value of . In other words, if any and , point of the secondary coil has coordinates and if it happens that the numerical integration procedure falls and an infinite value is returned exactly on that point, for the integrand. Attempts were made to find a general mathematical limit to take care of this problem analytically, but it is a challenging task. A much simpler workaround here is to shift the center of the secondary coil by a small value ( or ) and redo the computation. This approach avoids the singularity and allows finding the mutual inductance directly, in the sense of a numerical limit. It is interesting to =0 0 0 note that all Grover’s formulas exhibit this singularity, although Grover himself never reported this issue. The new equation (24), together with the accompanying def, is initions (25) and alternative formula (26) for the case very simple to program. As long as the loops do not touch each other, the integrand is never singular, and therefore any simple numerical integration scheme can handle this integral numerically. The equation gives the same results if we chose the signs above or below the or signs, since these signs correspond respectively to the points and of the secondary circle, given in (2). A Matlab implementation of this formula is available from the authors at IV. APPLICATION EXAMPLES In this section, we show that the new formula (24) for the mutual inductance calculation between two circular loops with arbitrary orientations works indeed very well. Most examples were taken from Grover’s book [4], although a few of them are new examples. The latter were validated with the FastHenry software [29]. All possible cases were tested, and none of them failed. In order to make easier the link with Grover’s book, we restate the reference problems in terms of a common notation (see , , , and Fig. 2), namely . In all cases, the primary coil is located in plane , with its center at the origin . Any numerical integration procedure can be used to solve (24), although it is common practice to use an adaptive technique in order to make sure that a sufficient discretization is used. It should also be noted that the loop with the larger radius should be always taken as the primary coil in order to ensure . A. Example 1 (Example 62-Grover) , with a Given two circles of radius between their centers, and an angle distance between the axis and the line joining their centers [see Fig. 2(a)], we want to determine the mutual inductance between them. The two circles lie in planes parallel to each other. BABIC et al.: MUTUAL INDUCTANCE CALCULATION BETWEEN CIRCULAR FILAMENTS ARBITRARILY POSITIONED IN SPACE This case was solved in Grover’s book [4] with the help of equation (159), for two circular filaments with parallel axes. The result is For this coil arrangement, we have the following plane equaor , i.e., tion for the secondary coil, i.e., and , with the center point . Applying the new formula (24), the mutual inductance obtained is 3595 With their centers 3 in apart cm , the mutual inductance now becomes positive (see explanation below) For this coil arrangement, we have the plane equation for the secondary coil, i.e., and , with its center at point . Using the new formula (24), the mutual inductance calculated is For cm, we find B. Example 2 (Example 63-Grover) For cm, the mutual inductance is Two circles of wire are located in planes parallel to each other. . Both have a diameter equal to 48 in The horizontal and vertical distances between their centers are in cm and in respectively cm [see Fig. 2(a)]. This case is also presented in [4] and solved with the help of equation (159), for two circular filaments with parallel axes. The result is From these results, we see that both formulas give the expected physical behavior, i.e., as the coils are moved closer together, the mutual inductance is initially negative (coils far from each other, weak coupling), then becomes zero, and finally becomes positive when the major part of the area of the secondary loop coincide with the primary loop. D. Example 4 (Example 65-Grover) As in the previous example, the plane equation is , and , and the center point of the secondary i.e., . Using the new formula loop is (24), the mutual inductance obtained is The negative sign means that the electromotive force (emf) induced in one coil by a change of current in the other coil is in the opposite direction than the emf resulting from the same change in current when the loops are arranged in a coaxial position (i.e., when ). C. Example 3 (Example 64-Grover) Two coplanar circles (i.e., ) of 1 foot of diameter cm are placed 1.5 feet apart cm [see Fig. 2(a)]. This case has been solved in [4] using equation (161) for two circular filaments with parallel axes. The result is If the circles are brought closer together cm until they are almost tangent (but both circles should not touch or overlap each other, which is unphysical), the mutual inductance becomes In this example, we calculate the mutual inductance of circular filaments having parallel axes and unequal radii. We have two circles with cm and cm, the distance becm and [see Fig. 2(a)]. tween their centers is This case has been solved in [4], using equation (162) for two circular filaments with parallel axes. The result is For this coil arrangement, the plane equation of the secondary , i.e., and , and the center of coil is . the secondary coil is Using the new formula (24), we find the following value for the mutual inductance: E. Example 5 (Example 66-Grover) The two circles of the previous examples ( cm and cm) are brought closer together, with the distance becm and [see tween their centers being now Fig. 2(a)]. The solution presented in Grover’s book [4] and based on equation (162) is 3596 For this coil arrangement, the plane equation of the secondary , i.e., and , and the center of coil is . the secondary coil is Using the new formula (24), we find the following value for the mutual inductance: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 46, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2010 . Using our new formula (24), the mutual inductance obtained is I. Example 9 (Example 71-Grover) We observe a discrepancy of about 10% in this particular case. This point is further explored in the next example. F. Example 6 (Example 67-Grover) In this example we use the same coil data as in the previous example [referring to Fig. 2(a)], but this time we use Grover’s general equation (163) for determining the mutual inductance [4]. The result is This result is identical to the one obtained with our new formula (24) in Example 5, and shows that some of Grover’s formulas do not give results as accurate as the most general one he proposed (163). Therefore, Grover’s results should be used with care. cm, cm have their Two circles of radius origin on the -axis, separated by a vertical distance of cm. The axes of the secondary coil are inclined at with respect to the - plane [see Fig. 2(b)], i.e., . This case has been solved in [4] with the help of equation (170), which is the most general case when the center of the secondary coil lies of the axis of the primary coil. The mutual inductance obtained is For this coil arrangement, the secondary coil can be described , and exactly as in the previous example, i.e., , with the center point at . Using our new formula (24), we find G. Example 7 (Example 69-Grover) Let’s assume two circular filaments with cm, cm, cm, and [see Fig. 2(b)]. This is a case of coaxial loops with an angular misalignment. This problem has been solved in [4], using equation (168) for two circular filaments whose axes intersect at the center of one of the coils. The result is For this coil arrangement, the secondary coil can be described , or , by the plane equation , , and , with the center i.e., . Applying (24) of this work, we find a perfect point at agreement: H. Example 8 (Example 70-Grover) In this example, we assume two circular filaments with in , , , and (see Fig. 2(b)). This case has been solved in [4], using equation (168) as in the previous example. The result is J. Example 10 (Example 73-Grover) In this example, Grover calculated the mutual inductance of inclined circular filaments whose axes - and intersect, but not at the center of either [see Fig. 2(b)]. The axes radii cm and cm, and axis of two coils are intersects with axis at a vertical distance cm from the origin . The distance between this intersection and cm. The angle of the center of the secondary coil is inclination between coil axes is . In terms of the notation and . of Fig. 2(b), we have Grover has solved this problem in addressed this problem with his formula (174) [4], which provide a result in term of a series containing Legendre polynomials. The result is For this coil arrangement, the plane equation of the secondary , i.e., , coil is , , with the center point . Using the new formula (24), we obtain K. Example 11 For this coil arrangement, the secondary coil can be described by the plane equation , or , i.e., , and , with the center point at Let’s consider two circular filaments with cm and cm. The primary coil lies in the plane , and is centered at , as in all previous examples. The seccm, with its center located ondary coil lies in the plane BABIC et al.: MUTUAL INDUCTANCE CALCULATION BETWEEN CIRCULAR FILAMENTS ARBITRARILY POSITIONED IN SPACE TABLE I MUTUAL INDUCTANCE VALUES COMPUTED IN EXAMPLE 12, WITH VARIABLE ANGLE at cm. In terms of the notation of this paper (see Fig. 2), we have cm, cm, and . This problem was chosen to illustrate a case in which , i.e., . This singular case is easily addressed using the and to given in (26), together alternate definitions for with the general formula (24). In addition, since this singularity occurs only because of an arbitrary choice in the mathematical development of (24), it has to give the same results as Grover’s formula (175) for [4]. Explicitly, the mutual inductance obtain with Grover’s formula is L. Example 12 This example is based on the same geometric information as in Example 10 ( cm, cm, cm, cm, ), to which we add a variable rotation angle , [as depicted in Fig. 2(c)], and according to the notation used by Grover ( : latitude angle, : longitude angle). Grover addressed this case with the help of its formula (179) [4], which is also his most general formula. With the Grover’s = 60 formula, one must take the center of the secondary coil at point , where and . The same center point will be used with the new formula (24) introduced in this work. There remains to compute the equivalence between Grover’s latitude and longitude angles and the , , and parameters defining the secondary coil plane. It happens that this equivalence is that of a spherical to cartesian system of coordinates, i.e., Using the new formula (24), we obtain Thus, we obtained the correct result as expected, despite the singularity arising from . Interestingly, if we compute the mutual inductance by changing the position of the center of the , we find with our formula, secondary coil to whereas Grover’s formula (175) provides an indeterminate recm) sult. Using a very small value for the (for instance and applying again Grover’s formula for this numerical limit, we find , which confirms the validity of our formula. AND 3597 (27) Given the above equivalences, one can easily compute the mutual inductance for various angles, and compare the results obtained with formula (179) of Grover with those obtained with formula (24) of this work. The results are shown in Table I. Results obtained with the FastHenry software are also shown in this table, in order to provide a third and independent means of validation. From these results, we can confirm the validity of the new formula (24) for this very general case. M. Example 13 In this last example, we compare results obtained with our formula and those obtained with the FastHenry software [29], for seven arbitrary arrangements of coils described only by their plane equations. Results are provided in Table II, and show very good agreement. The slight discrepancies are not significant and can be explained by the fact that the present method considers thin circular filaments of negligible cross section, whereas FastHenry actually considers conductors of finite cross section, 3598 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 46, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2010 TABLE II MUTUAL INDUCTANCE VALUES COMPUTED IN EXAMPLE 13, FOR ARBITRARY POSITIONED COILS even if taken small. In addition, FastHenry discretizes curved paths into many straight segments, which may also slightly affect the final result. The equation of a circle of radius and passing by point centered at point is (A.31) V. CONCLUSION Eliminating the variable In this paper, we derived a new formula for computing the mutual inductance between inclined circular filaments arbitrarily positioned with respect to each other. In order to use this new formula, whose final expression is given per (24), one needs to provide the radius of the primary and secondary coils, the position of the center of the secondary coil (the primary coil is assumed to be centered at origin), and the plane equation in which the secondary coil is located. With these parameters, the problem is completely defined. The new formula was verified against results available in literature (mainly Grover’s formulas), and double-checked with the FastHenry software. In all cases, it proved to be successful, and therefore we can claim that the new formula (24) is the most general developed so far for this purpose. In particular, it replaces all Grover’s formulas at once. It is also more intuitive to use than Grover’s formula (179), considered as its most general one, since using a plane equation (or a normal vector to this plane) is more natural than specifying the set of latitude and longitude angles that are difficult to figure out for an arbitrary positioned coil. APPENDIX A DETERMINATION OF A POINT THE SECONDARY COIL BELONGING TO and lies in plane , The secondary coil has a radius of whose equation is given in (1). From this expression, is given by with the help of (A.30), we obtain (A.32) where (A.33) The solution of this algebraic equation is (A.34) where (A.35) This inequality gives the interval of definition for the variable , i.e., (A.36) After substituting back and by their corresponding expressions in terms of , and , we find the simple expression below: (A.37) (A.28) where (A.29) An arbitrary point necessarily satisfy (A.28), i.e., of the secondary coil must (A.30) in which and . and define the allowed interval for the The values . Any value taken in this interval allows defining a point that is part of the secondary loop, using (A.30) and (A.34) allows to and corresponding to a given . If we simply determine and for , we define the following two points choose and : (A.38) BABIC et al.: MUTUAL INDUCTANCE CALCULATION BETWEEN CIRCULAR FILAMENTS ARBITRARILY POSITIONED IN SPACE Thus, the coordinates of the point are exactly determined. APPENDIX B DETERMINATION OF UNIT VECTORS , , AND OTHER PARAMETERS APPEARING IN SECTION III Remembering that we easily obtain the following expressions for : (B.39) and : (B.40) Other expressions encountered in Section III can be much simplified, i.e., (B.41) In a similar way, we find (B.42) then (B.43) and (B.44) 3599 REFERENCES [1] J. C. Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. New York: Dover, 1954, (reprint from the original from 1873). [2] S. Butterworth, “On the coefficients of mutual induction of eccentric coils,” Phil. Mag., ser. 6, vol. 31, pp. 443–454, 1916. [3] F. W. Grover, “The calculation of the mutual inductance of circular filaments in any desired positions,” Proc. IRE, pp. 620–629, Oct. 1944. [4] F. W. Grover, Inductance Calculations. New York: Dover, 1964. [5] C. Snow, Formulas for Computing Capacitance and Inductance, National Bureau of Standards Circular 544. Washington DC, Dec. 1954. [6] P. L. Kalantarov, Inductance Calculations. 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Ing. degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, the M.Sc. degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia, and the Ph.D. degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 1975, 1992, and 1980, respectively. From 1975, he was with the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the University of Sarajevo, where he held an Associate Professor position until 1994. Since 1997 he has lectured on the subjects of physics and electrical engineering at École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada. He is also research associate. His major interests are in the mathematical modeling of stationary and quasi-stationary fields, electromagnetic fields in machines, transformers, computational electromagnetics, magnetic materials, and field theory. He has authored or co-authored over 90 papers in major journals and conference proceedings. His research papers have been highly cited over 250 times. Dr. Babic is a member of the International Compumag Society and a member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology. He is Editor-in-Chief for the WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS. He is a reviewer for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, and WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS. Frédéric Sirois (S’96–M’05–SM’07) received the B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, in 1997, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 46, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2010 and the Ph.D. degree from École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada, in 2003. From 1998 to 2002, he was affiliated as a Ph.D. scholar with Hydro-Québec’s Research Institute (IREQ). From 2003 to 2005, he was a research engineer at IREQ. In 2005, he joined École Polytechnique de Montréal as an Assistant Professor, and was promoted to the rank of Associate professor in 2010. His main research interests include modeling and design of electromagnetic and superconducting devices, integration studies of superconducting equipments in power systems, and planning of power systems. He is also a regular reviewer for several international journals and conferences. Cevdet Akyel (M’81) received the Sup. Ing. degree from the Technical University of Istanbul in 1971 and the M.Sc.A. and D.Sc.A. degrees from École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada, in 1975 and 1980, respectively. He had engineering positions in 1972 and 1976 at Northern Telecom of Canada as a System Engineer in radio telecommunications. Since 1986, he has been a Professor of Electrical Engineering at École Polytechnique de Montréal, where he teaches electromagnetic theory and automated microwave instrumentation. In 1991, he joined the Group of Poly-Grames involved in space electronics and microwave advanced technologies at the same university. His main research interests are the permittivity measurement with microwave active cavity methods, the characterization of materials (conductive polymers, superconducting ceramics, ferromagnetic materials, etc.), and high power microwave measurement systems and applications. Claudio Girardi (S’95–M’98) received the Laurea degree in telecommunications engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, in 1997, with a thesis on the subject of high-speed/low-power amplifiers using pHEMTs. In 1998, he joined the Optical Networks Division of Alcatel Italia, Vimercate, Italy, working on the hardware design of broadband optical communication equipment. From 2004 to 2005, he was with Esterel Technologies, Villeneuve-Loubet, France, in charge of the validation of the RF part of a wireless system-on-a-chip (SoC). In 2005 he joined Texas Instruments, VilleneuveLoubet, France, working on the integration of a GSM/EDGE RF front end in a SoC and on the evaluation of the coexistence aspects between the integrated RF functions and the digital baseband. He has also been involved in signal and power integrity analysis for systems in package. His main interests include highspeed circuit design, power integrity, signal integrity, interconnections modeling, and electromagnetic compatibility for high-speed digital circuits.