the lowell ledger. - Kent District Library

VOL I X , NO. 4 7 .
Try to ilet-eiTe
joureelf into (he
belief that you
owine thii
bfnk a big Mim
•f money. Then
go to work to
pay off this debt
by depofliiin^ a
certain sum each
week or each
Side T r a c k
to F a c t o r y .
J a c k e t s a t 35c at
Allen Morse has r e s h i n g l e d his
A u s t i n Miles is i m p r o v i n g his
r e s i d e n c e with a coat of p a i n t .
Henry Limpman
and family
m o v e d to Lowell last S a t u r d a y .
\j £G
J . M. Mathewson was in G r a n d
R a p i d s on legal business M o n d a y .
One that will do first-class service for a long term of years and not be filled with broken
wires when the frosts of January contract it or look like a carpet rag festooning the
currant bushes in the hoi days of July and August,
Miss Mabid C h e y n e of Georgetown visited Lowell f r i e n d s S u n d a y .
C A M B E L L , Agenu
Miss Marion D a n f o r t h of Ionia
visited Miss Lila Lawrence Monday.
Made of large, strong wires, heavily galvanized.
Amply provides for expansion and contraction. Only Best Bessemer steel wires
used, always of uniform quality.
Never goes wrong no matter
bow great a tlria
is put on i t DoesJT
c o t mulilate, but
O u r line of crockery and glass at
iOc an article a r e h u m m e r s .
C o l l a r ' s Bazaar.
L a w n mowers s h a r p e n e d and repaired at P o r t e r C a r r ' s p l u m b i n g
ites l i M t l j ton
cattle, horses,
bofs and pigs.
by the manufactarert.
Call and s e e It. Can show you how it will save you money and fence
your fields so they will stay fenced.
T b i s f e n c e is a* ^ o o d j i n the. F A R M an well s u r A L O N G ^ J T H E f l P I K E —
W i l l outweigh any fence made.
T h e ilin-ctorK organized a s follow.-: P r e s i d e n t , J . C. T r a i n ; vicep r ^ i i i i u i , John Kellogg; treasurer,
H. W . Swayze; s e c r e t a r y - m a n a g e r ,
A. A . 11 listed.
F r a n k Sander*, an e x p e r t c a n n e r ,
of F r a z e y b u r g , O h i o , has "been engaged as s u p e r i n t e n d e n t a n d will
r e p o r t for duly in J u n e .
T h e F e r e M a r q u e t t e railroad company will lay a side track of 400
feet, r u n i n g to t h e factory doors.
A s e w e r is t o he r u n to F l a t r i v e r
and some g r a d i n g d o n e aroutid t h e
f a c t o r y , which w a s recently p a i n t e d ,
and t h e p r e p a r a t o r y work will l>e
P r e s i d e n t T r a i n and S e c r e t a r y
11 listed are e n t h u s i a s t i c over ihcprospects f o r a Hne season's business, every i n d i c a t i o n b e i n g most
B r o t h e r Davidson H a s " G o t ' E ra"
B r o t h e r D a v i d s o n of t h e J o u r n a l
etii out one of his W a s h i n g t o n written patent editorials t h i s week
to m a k e room f o r t h e f o l l o w i n g :
(I.) WE are informed that wme of Editor John-eon's friends set ing the folly of
his continued "nageing" policy, have advti-ed him Ui stop it. (2) So far as it refers to UM we are much like the person who
was ' kicked by a Jackass," knowing how
foolish and ut-eless it would lie to try and
reason with the animal, be simply let it go
(H) considering where it came from, (4)
possibly such a course would be wise (5)
which is but anotiiier way of Baying ' ' l
The kind that go in the
in this cas".*
pocket, the kind that load
(1.) H i s ' i n f o r m a t i o n ' i a mixed.
fiirtbermore tike (be youogster above YOU
and unload in open dayP
b a b l y it was E d i t o r Davidson
light, safest from breakage
w h o was " a d v i s e d ' ^ o f " t h e f o l l y of
and most oonrenient to
We always have BOM Watch Caaej in
his c o n t i n u e d ' n a g g i n g ' " of t h e
stock and will not try to iodoce yon to bay
We also have several
Council. " S o f a r as it r e f e r s to u p "
some cheap imitation.
other kinds if you prefer
it is n o t true.
them and Eastman's and
Favot us with a visit of inspection.
(2.) Mixed a g a i n . T h e " J a c k Seed's Dry Plaies, Printing papers ami Toning
a s s " has been " k i c k i n g " t h e C o u n solutions. Developers of
cil and THE LEDGKR has t w i s t e d his
various kinds, Tripods,
long ears until t h e poor t h i n g b r a y s
Picture Mounts and gena b o u t " r e a s o n , " which is n o t t h e
eral kodak and camera
sundries. We solicit a visit
'animal's' s t r o n g hold.
1 be White Front
•of inspection from you J
( 3 . ) F o r t h e s a m e reason t h e
The People's Slore.
b o y dropped t h e hot p o k e r .
(4.) W o n d e r if " i t carac f r o m "
a man who b r a g s in p u b l i c t h a t h e
was d r u n k e v e r y week f o r fiveyears?
(6.) I t m i g h t b e wise " i n t h i s
case ' f o r B r o t h e r D a v i d s o n to p u t
a w a y t h e k n i f e h e has w h e t t e d f o r
I have engaged in the ice bnsinen in Lowell and have put up Spring Brook ice t h e C o u n c i l . T h e man w h o looks
in raffident quantity to supply all private customers. It will be to yonr interest (o see
f o r t r o u b l e g e n e r a l l y finds it.
me before eontraothig for your iee for 1902. Spring Brook ioe and good service guar•Figures are inserted by as.
A. D. Oliver,
Spring Brook Ice...
Belt Phone No 9 7
M i c h i ^ u seed p o t a t o e s .
J o h n Giles & (Jo.
Ef Lamb
Wire Fence
F o l l o w i n g a r c i h c d i r e c t o r s of
M r s . F. T . K i n g was in G r a n d
t h e Lowell (.'aiming c o m p a n y eleclR a p i d s Monday.
e«l at t h e last m e c t i n n of t h e stockMiss Maud F u l l e r visited in
holdcre: K V a n D y k e , Chaa. McC a r t y , B . F. W i l k i n s o n , R . W . G r a n d R a p i d s S u n d a y .
W . A. W a t t s made a b u s i n e s s
Swayze, J o h n K e l l o g g , J , C. T r a i n ,
t r i p to Kalamazoo y e s t e r d a y .
A. A . H u l l e d .
A s a F l e t c h e r has been r e s h i n g l i n g
his house on E a s t R i v e r s t r e e t .
City Bank, Hill, Watts & Co.
G e r a n i u m s $ 1 . 0 0 per dozen.
See our 10c c o u n t e r .
C o l l a r ' " Bazaar.
Pere-Mnrquette Lays
O F F I C E R S E L E C T E D , SI P E R -
If you PDcreed in Rc^iiniulatinK *
'•'•nk account, we are qnile sore
yoa will |>ardoo yourself for thii« self dwej.iKin. 3 p e r c e n t p«id on deposits.
There is no need of worrying over Ihe price of meats when F i s h can be
bought at the extremely low prirea we are now seating them at. We also carry
a large and complete line of fresh, smoked and saJted meats and all kinds of
aauaagea, dried beef, boiled ham, pressed com beef, pickled pigs feet and tripe.
Ponltry a Specialty
A. L. Weyrick & Co.
T h e only A t h l e t i c e v e n t in L o w ell t h i s y e a r w ill be t h e H i g h school
field meet.
See m y St. Croix Bass R e e l , t h e best c a s t i n g reel in
w o r l d for t h e m o n e y .
M r . and M r s . W . G . M u r p h y of
Grand Rapids spent Sunday with
Lowel l friends.
T h e M e t h o d i s t ladies will h a v e a
f o o d sale a t t h e post office S a t u r d a y
a f t e r n o o n . May 10,
As t h e
a p p r o a c h e s good fishermen n a t u r a l l y desire to obtain t h e best
F i s h i n g T a c k l e possible. T h i s t h e y will find in t h e l a r g e s t and
l)est selected stock of u p - t o - d a t e F I S H I N G T A C K L E ever seen
in L o w e l l .
T h e o d o r e M u e l l e r is d o i n g j u r y
d u t y with t h e C i r c u i t c o u r t at
Grand Rapids.
R o d s f r o m 26c t o $ 1 0 . 0 0 .
R. D. Stocking.
Lowell, Mich.
S e n a t o r W . D. Kelly and w i f e
of Muskegon s p e n t S u n d a y w i t h
his b r o t h e r , J . D. K e l l y ,
Special m e e t i n g Lowell L o d g e
N o , '.to, F. & A . Si., T u e s d a y eve,,
M a y 13, Second d e g r e e .
Mrs. F r e d Oliver will e n t e r t a i n
Band No. I of the B a p t i s t c h u r c h
on F r i d a y a f t e r n o o n of this week.
Chase & S a n b o r n e ' s teas are b v
y o n d compare.
to b e
f o u n d at t h e store of
J o h n G i l e s & Co.
R e m e m b e r D e e r i n g m a c h i n e r y is
t h e b e s t ; also agent f o r t h e G r e e n ville B a n n e r P l o w . F o r sale by
J o h n Kellogg.
A l l kinds of p o t t e d p l a n t s , vines
a n d ferns. C u t flowers on s h o r t
notice. F o r sale a t W e y r i c k ' s market.
Mrs, W m K r u m d i e d at h e r h o m e
in V e r g e n n e o y e s t e r d a y m o r n i n g ,
a f t e r a l i n g e r i n g illness. F u n e r a l
services will be held F r i d a y ,
Mrs, S i d n e y E . G a u l of Oneida,
N . Y., c a m e t o L o w e l l M o n d a y ,
called by t h e serious illness of h e r
m o t h e r , Mrs. Daniel O l i v e r .
Muslin Underwear
We have placed on sale this week another line of Ladies' Muslin Underwear direct from the manufacturers, made of the best cambrics and muslins
Our customers will remember the beautiful line we had last winter—our
present line even excels that. Every garment ollered is cut in full generous
proportions and is made right, and besides you will find the pi Ioe much less,
than usual. Gome early—there's sure to be brisk Belling and early buying
insures complete assortment.
Inspect our new line of Triton Shirt Waists.
Examine our assortment of wash good«.
Try a Loomls corset.
Our Laoe Curtain department is complete
New Idea Paper Patterns 10c
A r t h u r H o w k , w h o h a s been employed a t t h e Lowell C u t t e r f a c t o r y
m o v e d t o G r a n d R a p i d s last week.
Dick Morse f u r n i s h e d t h e conveyance,
E , E, C h u r c h received a t e l e g r a m
on T u e s d a y b r i n g i n g t h e sad n e w s
t h a t his b r o t h e r , C a l v i n C h u r c h ,
h a d died a t his h o m e in N o r t h
Dakota. Deceased w a s well k n o w n
t o m a n y of t h e r e s i d e n t s of this
vicinity.—[Clarksville Record,
Seal B r a n d coffees are used b y
thousands of refined p e o p l e w h o
a p f reciate q u a l i t y a n d flavor. T h e
b e s t , p u r e s t and m o s t delicious
coffees i m p o r t e d i n t o o r sold in any
c o u n t r y . Can be f o u n d a t s t o r e of
J o h n Giles & Co,
Chicken thieves seem t o b e n u m erous lately. A b o u t a dozen hens
were stolen f r o m T h o m a s C a r v e t h
Marsh M o r s e has b e e n r e p a i r i n g last S a t u r d a y n i g h t a n d t h e t h i e v e s
were n o t f o u n d . B u t t h e t w o , each
his residence.
of whom stole a hen f r o m Geo.
Chris. K l u m p is snfFering w i t h
W h i t e Tuesday night, were caught
a n o t h e r carbuncle.
a n d fined $ 3 a p i e c e . T h i s m a k e s
N e w lot of art ware f o r b a k i n g t h e p r i c e of c h i c k e n m e a t h i g h e r
Col l ar's B a z a a r .
t h a n beef a t present.
Mrs. P e r r y G a r d n e r and
N . P . H u s t e d r e p o r t s a fine
Hawley of M t P l e a s a n t a r c visits e a s o n ' s t r a d e in n u r s e r } ' s t o c k . H a s
i n g Lowell f r i e n d s t h i s week.
delivered m a n y fine o r d e r s , includW . I I . C l a r k , who is in t h e real
ing numerous new customers among
e s t a t e b u s i n e s s on M o n r o e s t r e e t ,
experienced h o r t i c u l t u r a l i s t s . ReGrand R a p i d s , m a d e THE LEDGER a sponses f r o m t h o s e w h o have recall y e s t e n l a y .
ceived t h e i r stock r e p o r t t h a t t h e
T h e L o w e l l post office has been trees reached t h e m in fine c o n d i t i o n
f u r n i s h e d b y U n c l e S a m with t w o and t h e receivers a r e in good s p i r i t s
desks a n d a s s o r t i n g capes f o r t h e T h e c o m p a n y s t i l l has a l i m i t e d
rural d e l i v e r y service.
q u a n t i t y of peach a n d a p p l e t r e e s ,
A full line of C h a s e & S a n b o r n e e t c . , ready f o r i m m e d i a t e s h i p m e n t
coffees w i t h s p a r k l i n g and i n v i g o r - and in g o o d c o n d i t i o n f o r p l a n t i n g
a t i n g f r e s h n e s a . A l w a y s to b e A c t quick if you are g o i n g to plant
f o u n d a t J o h n Giles A C o / s .
this y e a r .
T o BENT—Forty
Fish vsMeats
F. T . K i n g is h a v i n g several
r o o m s in bis residence e l e g a n t l y decorated.
acre farm near
F. T. King.
Carriage and Sign Painting
For many years 1 have held the position of foreman in some of
the leading factories of the state and now I have opened a shop in the
D o « « y Bnlldlaff. Bring in your carriages and have them made to
look as good as new.
C. E.
H A C K E T T .
m s
Reveals a Great Secret.
I t is often asked how such s t a r t l i n g
m n e
cures, t h a t puzzle t h e beet physicians,
a r e effected by D r . King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Here's
the secret. It cuts o u t the phlegm
and germ infected mucous, and lets G R A N D
the life g i m g oxygen enrich and
M A Y 16.
vitalize t h e blood. I t heals t h e i n T r a i n will leave Lowell a t 10:20
flamed, c o u g h - w o r n throtu a n d lungs.
H a r d colds and stubborn coughs a. m. R a t e 50c, S e e p o s t e r s o r
yield to Dr. King's New Discovary, ask a g e n t s f o r p a r t i c u l a r s .
the most infalible remedy fur throat
and lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles
What Thin Polks
50c and • I . 0 0 . Trial bottles free a t
Is a greater power of digesting and
D. G, Look's.
assimilating food. F o r t h e m D r .
C o t t o n a d e pants 65c t o $1.00,
King's New Life Pi l l s work wonders.
T h e y tone and regulate t h e digestive
Sccond annual field meet of t h e organs, gently expel all poisons f r o m
Lowell H i g h school a t T r a i n ' s field t h e system, enrich t h e blood, improve
appetite, m a k e healthy flesh. O n l y
of next week.
25c a t D . G. Look.'s.
Don't waste your money on worthless
imitations of Rocky Mountain Tea. Oet
L a r g e a s s o r t m e n t of t i r e s a n d
the genuine made only by the Madison
Medicine Co. A great family remedy. 35c. bicycle s u n d r i e s a t S t o c k i n g ' s a t
l o w e s t prices.
D.G. Look.
3[owcll j£edgpr.
I'rcalUent i'nliun'a T r o u b t e a .
I l n l l r o n d i'nrnliiK*.
Miss Meminlck. an aged pioneer of
The enthusiasm over the visit of
Another big Increase In the earnings Rose City, Ogemaw county, was
Presldent-eelect Palma to Santiago
of Michigan mllrriads is showh by the thrown Ironi a buggy and two ribs
continues, but. according to dlspatchet
statement for March, issued by Hail- broken, her shoulder dislocated and
received by t h e local press, political
f . M. J o n s SON, Publisher.
road Coihmlssloner Osborn to-day. Tim other Injuries Inlllcted, which mav
and envy follow his foot"Monstrous" To Recall Him Says Jealousies
Hunting Up the Wrecked Algonac total Michigan earnings for the month prove fatal.
steps, and the two political parties—
were $l.riri4,fttn
as against $:t,242,Frank GotoyrJnskl, aged 18. an oilthe Nationalists, a majority of which
Bank Assets.
421 01 for the corresponding month of er in Butter's mill, Ludington, was
Is composed of negroes, iind the Re
publicans, representing t h e white pop.
AsBasslnatlon without dtscrlmlnaUon
ulatlon—tire wider a p a r t than ever.
U a favorite policy in Russia.
SAW SON CRUSHED TO DEATH. the present year were $lU)S."i.i!ll, as wound around the shaft, and every HIS RECORD IN THE ARMY. Senor
Castillo, leader of Republicans,
against .<!i.imi7,.v.i;5 for the correspond- bone broken.
a n d Senor Bravo, leader of National
T h i s spring's crops of Brussels
pouch off the northbound
ists, are not on speaking terms.
I^nillngton Man Struck br Mgiitnlnff—Hho
sprouts consists mostly of bayonets.
crease being 10.85, the largest report&d Michigan Central train w a s stolen at
Many persons have applied to the
Klirnre of a Warm Debate—lll« Charuei
llobbod ihu Monrnrni-lJilpit Happen- for some time.
Oxford Monday night. Officers are a t
president-elect for positions, and t<i
Andrew Carnegie's new book will b e
work on the case, but as yet have
ings In nil I'arts of the 8tnto lliiellr
these he has said that offices will btMnde Illin Insane.
found no clue. The contents are of conbought b y all t h e Carnegie libraries,
Make (lood or Face a Court Martial. given to those who are coiupctent. and
Told f o r Theio Unay l>aT«.
About April 1 .lohn H. Murphy, a siderable valtto
of course.
t h a t a man's war record does not youug farmer living near Smith's
Win. Shaffer, of Lake Odessa, was
necessarily mean that he has alHIlty tc ~
T h e Alironno llnnU.
Crossing, had a quarrel with a neigh- attacked by n vicious stallion Friday
manage public affairs.
Mr. Carnegie says h e is "not a philThe
The hoai'lug In the Algolihc Bunking bor named McKarlane and his wife night and sustained Injuries which
anthropist." He doesn't want to die
maCo.'* rocolvprshlp, bctore Referee in over a line fence. Mrs. McFarlane. It may prove fatal. Shaffer's right leg
The Army in Cnhn.
disgraced—that is all."
Bankruptcy Davoek, was held and a Is claimed, called him vile names. This was terribly mangled a n d he was jority members taking an innnlng. Up
Secretary of War Root hits returnto
mimbcr of witnesses oxaiuined. At- affected Murphy's mind to such an ex- otherwise Injured.
ed from Cuba and said: "My visit to
has had a d e n r field In the debate, the
Dr. English, t h e author of "Ben lonu"- KrunU T. Woleott, for Receiver tent that he has gone Insane and was
C. T. Duncomhe's store In Kecler Uollcy of the majority being to permit Culm was for the purpose of arranging
Bolt," contributed m o r e to the success LetVls T. Bcmictt, was seeking to elicit so adjudged.
for the transfer of the Island to the
was burglarized Friday morning, an
the criticism of the Democratic memof "Trilby" than Du Maurier did.
Inrormiition from t h e witnesses which
explosion of dynamite - blowing the bers of the body to proceed without In- Cuban government on May 20. Seven
would tend to discover more property
artillery companies consisting of 801)
sate to pieces and nearly wrecking the
Suppose indigestion does cause ly- that should lie properly added to the
men, will remain In charge of tho nuns,
building. Several hundred dollars were
ing in mild forms—some cooks are assets of the failed institution.
ammunition, etc., which will be retaintaken or destroyed.
Lodge, of Massachusetts, and Mr. Fortwo principal Items of that kind are business buildings with brick struclucky t h a t It does not cause murder.
Mrs. A. K. Stone, of Eaton Rapids, akcr, of Ohio, spoke In defense of the ed In Cuba for the United States naval
the proceeds of the mortgage executed
stations, which have been arranged for
The graded schools of Branch coun- wiille attending an entertainment Mon- adnilnlstratlon, of the army, and of
by Financier McKenzle just before his
In the treaty with t h e Cuban governday night, was stricken with apoplexy,
A horse twenty h a n d s high Is t h e
departure on the Kenn f a r m , upou ty have formed a county athletic asso- and died Tuesday morning. She had Gov. T a f t . They spoke hotly, ami al- ment. Tho troops will be stationed at
l a t e s t Kansas production. It will which a loan of S'l.ofH) was obtained ciation.
most unrestrainedly. The result was
been feeling badly for the past f e w one of the most spirited debates that Havana. Santiago and Clenfuegos."
m a k e a good mount for Minerva Na- through Attorney Ilanua, of Sarnia,
The Waterloo Rural Telephone Co. days. She w a s 52 years old.
The secretary says t h a t no claim has
has yet occurred on the Philippine
ami t h e $lil,U(K) worth of Collateral in will build a line from Stockbrldge to
Clay E. Call has been appointed question.
While the debate took a been made by the United Sbttes for
possession of the Moore Bros.' bank Howell.
prosecuting attorney for Emmet coun- wide range. It revolved around the the settlement of sums expended In
Juat to sort of wind up the " r " 'sea- a t Marine City, as security for a $0,000
A new grange has been formed In
freeing Cuba, hut that t h e matter will
son, word comes from Baltimore t h a t loan. In the mortgage case Attorney Tekonsha with eighty members and ty to succeed M. F. Gulnon, who re- resolution culling for MaJ. Cornelius be taken up with the Cuban governsigned on account of charges made In Gardener In the IMilllpplne Islands, to
A mau in that city choked to death on
one In Athens with twenty-four memconnection with the county seat fight appear as soon as possible before the ment. The party will leave a t once for
executed to save something for the bers.
a n oyster.
In the board of suiienlsors.
Philippine committee as a witness, A Washington.
Kenn family out of the wreck, and as
The Item for $00,000 to enlarge the
cablegram from Gen. Chaffee was read
"Ood bless my people, black and
Kalamazoo office, which passed the electric railway has decided to cut by Mr. Lodge, saying tliot It w a s Imwhite," were the last words of Wade chasers. and the money secured there- senate w a s rejected by the house com- Nlles out and go by way of Buchanan practicable for MaJ. Gardener to leave
on has been turned over to Mrs. Kenn, mittee.
The president sent the nomination of
Hampton. There Is a text which needs Its whereabouts will have to be discovfrom S'Utth Bend to St. Joseph, be- the Islands at present, as he was an H. Clay Evans to lie consul-general at
The l.'-months-old babe of Mr. cause the Nlles council h a s been dila- essential figure In a court of Inquiry
n o sermon.
ered before it can be confiscated. In
London, to the senate Saturday.
which was Investigating the conditions
the matter of the bank's collateral, so Clark, a Batavia township farmer, fell tory In passing a franchise.
Win. Henry Moody, the new secreof
proBen Butler's monument will have to much thereof as can be shown to have Into a tank of water and drowned SatNorene Weldon, the Jackson girl,
tary of the navy, took the oath of offict: ^
wait until a generous public can de- been received by the bank within t h e
who tried suicide at Lansing recently
Senator Lodge In referring to the at the navy department Thursday.
James Leach, a farmer residing near by the carbolic acid route, claimed t o
cide whether to locate it at Boston br four months prior to the failure, can
An official estimate of total co-d of
of the Immediate calling of
be recovered back to the receiver unbe under 18 years, and, when a soNew Orleans.
der the bankruptcy laws, but upon bound over to the Circuit Court on the journ hi the Industrial school for girls Gardener said; "It Is perfectly mon- the South African w a r to March 31,
was pre posed, she was more than will- strous to bring MaJ. Gardener here and 1003, places the amount a t uearly
German professors say American this question the testimony adduced charge of incest.
allow him to niako his accusations In £223,000,000.
Milton Finch, the missing Fdsie man, ing to go.
meat Is all right; but then the pro- was very hazy.
a committee room of tho senate, when
Seven girls are known to have been
Chhrles Doyle, manager of the Ma- who was thought to have l)een murMrs.
fessors are not Interested In any Oerrine City Bank, w a s somewhat uncer- dered. was found at Jackson, wander- William Barrett, of Ionia, and Mrs. B. the officers against whom he makes killed and more than a score Injured
man hog farms.
during a panic In a Philadelphia cigar
tain In ills evidence, and It was not ing about In a demented condition.
Pelnberton, of Algonac, sisters who
clearly established how much of the
factory Wednesday.
Robert P. Russell, a prominent busi- were separated when children, from the Philippines."
Kipling's reference to Cecil Rhodes collateral would become subject to the
South Beach, a bathing resort on
ness man of Saugatuck. and owner of the Protestant orphan home In Detroit
a s a "devout" man seems to be bankruptcy laws. Cashier McKeneie the Tourist Home resort died Monday In 1802, were reunited Saturday for
Stnten Island, was swept by fire SunStrikes
Jtretchlug the de mortuls maxim to was present at t h e hearing.
There as a result of Injuries received by fall- the first time.
day night. Loss $150,000. Tho fire
was quite a strong array of legal tal- ing downstairs.
t h e breaking point.
Batfle Creek has been having an epi- hour day and Increased wages Thurs- was of Inccndiary origin.
day In the following cities;
ent present to help unravel the snarl.
The Amalgamated Association of
Two children of Andrew Schwab, of demic of diphtheria during the last six
Eight thousand men are out In Pitts' Now that cliorus girls arc beginning The examination w a s adjourned until Frankenlust township, were bitten by weeks. Thirty to forty cases'have been
the trades Involved being htrue- Iron. Till and Steel Workers has
to write books, perhaps the balda mad dog. The victims were brought
tural Iron workers, carpenters, brick- adopted tho resolution providing for m
beaded men will have a chance to figto West Bay City, where the wounds ensued. Most of them.have been chil- layers. sheet metal workers, slate and Increase of the defense fund from $25.nobbed t h e Monrncra.
ure as novel heroes.
tllo roofers. Inside electrical wire 000 to $100,000.
A woman arrived In Adrian over the were cauterized.
have passed away.
Tho monthly statement of the public
workers, portable and hoisting enMrs. Robert Drury, the wife of a
Monroe branch of . the Lake Shore
Standard time went Into effect In
Those fellows in Belgium who have Tuesday night and "tiled to get the well-known (Ulead township farmer, Bay City, at midnight May 1, the reso- gineers and wood and metal lathers. debt shows at the close of April 30.
three votes each think it Is preposter- ticket agent at the depot to change a gave birth Friday to three baby girls lution passed by the common council One architect' has specifications on 1002, the debt less cash In treasury
ous t h a t those with but one each <100 bill. She fiashad a twenty on the weighing 17 pounds. Mother and chil- specifying that hour for making the work aggregating $10,000,000, which Is amounted to $003,115,070, which Is a
decrease, as com pa m l with April 1,
hotel people for lodging. reRlstering as dren are doing well.
should want a change.
change. The schools will run on t h e being held up by the labor trouble.
More thau 2,000 skilled laborers are 1002, of $4,010,350.
The balance In the state treasury at new time, and so doubtless will every
"Alice Wilson." Arrayed in a brand
on strike In Buffalo for higher wages.
A swindler armed with a Itogus letA German newspaper has been call- new suit of blue, she had a $100 bill the close of business April 30. was $'J.- store? and manufactory.
Most of these are carpenters, a few
070.007.10. The receipts of the month
J. C. Elder, of Deshler, O., reports structural Iron workers, and the others ter of credit and giving seven different
ing J. Plerpont Morgan "an unscrupur changed so she could get her breakfast
aliases, has cleaned u p about $2,000A Detroit detective soon a f t e r arrived of April were $248,703 and the dis- that a Canton syndicate has bbught
lous adventurer." Yet we have not de- and at once gathered her In. He said bursements $209.0W. .
from hotelkeepers In middle, western
clared war on Germany!
About oft) drivers of coal wagons, all and eastern cities with bAgus checks
she had stolen $000 In bills ip Detroit,
-F ifty-one diamond rings and a dozen county for the purpose of starting a
having masqueraded as a mourner and and a half of gold watchw. all valued sheep ranch on a Itirge scale. As a members of the Drivers' union, struck "drawn on the Enrl F r u i t Co., of Call*
In Rochester, N. Y., for higher wages forula.
Gen. Chaffee reports a brief engage- picked the pocket of another mourner at nearly $1,(»00, were stolen from the
starter 4,000 head of sheep will be s t n t and shorter working hours.,
ment with t h e Moros at, Parang Pa- who had the money. A local young show window of Traub Bros. & Co., f r o m , Ohio this spring.
i* Frank O. Westlak, who asserts ho
Two thousand men employed In the
rang. This cannot be very far from man w a s arrested with her, but was Detroit, Friday mordng.
The Village of Red J a c k e t will Inlvc building trades went on strike in Is "a descendant of the famous family
subsequently released. The woman'ft
of Prussian patriots of that name, has
t h e province of Ping-Pong.Robert Binder, a butcher of Battle 05 saloons this year, t h a t number hav- Youngstown, O. *
• ,
name is Alice Cornell alias Clark. She
been arrested at New York Ion the
Creek, bought 27 head of cattle Thurs- ing .been granted licenses by the villTwo
Mr. Carnegie says "poverty is a ricu had spent most of the money.
day of Lyman Ogden. a farther who age council.
The receipts from the •Iron molders are on strike. They de- charge of stealing a large amount of
lives four miles from Union City, for sale qf licenses Is large In Red Jacket mand an advance In wages of 10 per Jewelry and clothing from the Grand
heritage." Mr. Carnegie gets off these
Expert Teatlmony.
Union hotel.
which he paid $2,357.87.
and the village averages'about 135,000 cent.
little things with the comfortable air
TIHJ leading paper read before the.
The kliiR has pardoned the officers
Ma• of a man who has dined well.
Twentieth Century Club at the last
A freight - a r reaching Jackson Tues- number of r.200 In a dozen large saw of the United States cruiser Chicago
day's session in Kalamazoo was by chine Co.'# 1.700 employes, which has
who have been Imprisoned at Venice.
Since the Nebraska Indians have Miss S. E. Kay," who has worked out luen on for 10 weeks at South Bend. day morning f r o m Deth)it, via t h e mills and molding mills In Hudson They will be Immediately handed over
formed a relic t r u s t persons who de- as a hired girl for nearly twenty years Ind., has ended.. The men returned to Michigan Central, was found to have county. New Jersey, went on-strlke for to tho United States consul, from
been broken open.' T h e r e la missing a uniform rate of $2.50 for an eightsire to purchase ancestral scalps may Her subject was ' T h e Probiefn of work Monday a t old wages.
whose charge they will b e transferred
Household Help.*'
Sjie handled the
Mrs. Lizzie Coffee and her pammonr. therefrom one and one-half dozen hour day.
rzpect to pay hair-raising prices.
More thau 1,000 men of various •to the Chicago.
question without gloves and created a Frank Klpen, who disappeared from skirts, shirt waists, six dozen ^ No. 4
Arrangements for the visit to this
veritable furore among the ladles pres- Allegan two weeks ago. were found standplpe taps and one and one-half trades went on strike In Toronto, CanThere are people inquisitive enough,
ada, for an Increase In wages, Includ- country next October of the vducaent, Rev. Caroline Rartlett Crane and living together In Falnnount, Minn., dozen hummocks.
to want to know how many times in others voting It the most scholarly and arrested and brought back.
P. M. Thomas, of Charlotte, has Just Itig bricklayers, carpenters . a n d nm- tlonaI, and financial commissions of
seventeen years, anyhow, the seven- meritorloas paper of the year. Thouch
a $15,000 residence, made chlne wood workers, wire wood and England have been completed by AlJohn Dow has been a constable on
teen year locusts may be expected.
Miss Kay used bitter sarcasm at the Sugar island, Chippewa Co., for twen- of field stone. Failure to cet a solid metal lathers, carriage and wagon fred Moseley,. the British capitalist,
who lias spent considerable time In
expense of the housewife who employs ty-live years, but never until last week foundation Is causing t h e building to •workers, iind Jewelry workers.
The electrical workers and their the United States preparing tho itinFive hundred girls from New York a maid, she was given an ovation at has had an opportunity to perform an settle, some parts going down four
inches. It Is now occupied by Mr, helpers In Paterson, N. J., struck In a erary..
stormed the White House and shook tin; close of her paper.
official act In his capacity as such.
Thomas, but the fear of a collapse may body. The hod carriers also went out.
Perle Hill, living near Spring Valhands with the president. No, it will
The non-union men In the besleced cause him to rebuild.
The carpenteft have beeq out for sev- ley, Wis., attempted td boll together
A Snd D e n t i l , j
never do to elect Hobson to that office.
Buhl Co. plant in Detroit a r e supplied
somo kerosene and lard. The mixture
Mrs. William Scrlbner, an aged lady with Winchester rifles to defend themErnst Helmich, a Detroit painter and eral days.
exploded and Hill's wife and one child
who resided alone about f o u r .miles delves In case of attack by the crowd well-known G. A. R. man. 09 years of
Morally speaking, limburger cheese
were burned to death. Hill had one of
from Durand, w a s found in a field all of union molders about the place.
age, was seized with hemorrhage of
has one great advantage over oleomar- but dead. She had been ill and started
the lungs while in the a c t of making a jrood on his charges In connection with his hamta burned dff and four other
Burglars broke Into the convent of speech Tuesday night In Arbelter hall
garine. Nobody can accuse it of try- out In the evening to get help.
children.were seriously injured. Tho
the conduct of the war In the Philip-, house and contents were destroyed.
ing to pass Itself oft for something strength gave out and she lay in the the Sisters of St. Agnes |n Menominee and fell dying a s he walked* through
Held all night, being discovered the by sawing panels out of the doors. the doorway of the room adjoining the martial. He Is being blamed ris largeA large number of Polish Immluranbi
next morning by farm hands. She died They were discovered and frightened place where he was speaking.
ly responsible for the trouble that has located In the eastern part of St. Joaway
Mmc. Calve says she will never re- in a f e w hours. The relatives knew the
The fact that moose a r e roafailfig the been raised In congress, and some very seph, Mo., have burled $100,000 In gold,
Health Officer Ryan called to Hem- woods of Alger county has been develturn to make any farewell tours of Am- old lady hid her money, and so f a r
uncomplimentary things are being r.-tld divided Into small amounts. In various
dooryards. Tho Poles wMI not t r u s t
erica. She must have her money buried about $2,000 has been unearthed from
oped through the experience of a home- about hi in.
Gardener was never very popular In hanks and Insist on making secret exwhere moths cannot eat nor rust cor- under the carpets and in different grandfather, father and mother and steader residing near Wetmore. A cow
places. In one place there w a s a square
Is'longlng to t h e f a r m e r strayed away the army, and now that he has brought cavations for their savings, which rerupt i t
five children, a r e all down with the discovering about ten yards of ?1 bills.
and he followed her track, as he sup- himself Into prominence by the report main under constant guard of some
posed, for several miles, when he w a s he wrote, all sorts of stories are h e l m member of the family.
The price of strawberries has dropStruck Hjr LlKhtnlnir.
Ira D. Long, the 11-year-old son of startled to find himself gazing ut a told regarding bis army record, which
Under a special order which allowed
ped to a point where church festival
A severe electrical storm visited George Long, of Eaton Rapids, was moose.
is seemingly being looked up for fu- three hours' debate, but which cut off
committees will be Justified in putting Ludington Saturday afternoon, caus- crushed to death by a heavy roller, the
Crazy Geo. Logan attacked City As- ture use. It Is claimed that Gardener all opportunity of amendment, tho
a t least half a dozen on a fifty-cent
ing great alarm.
William Latin, a horses hacking up and he belng'tahgled sessor Hansen,of Ludington. whom he has no brackets to his credit as a fight- house passed an omnibus public buildwell knoWn citizen, w a s struck by tip with lines, fell under t h e ma- fouiid alone In his office. A terrific bat- er and that he has always had a fac- ing bill which will distribute $17,405,plate of ice cream.
lightning while tying on a couch in his chine.
tle ensued. Logan was the more pow- ulty of avoiding the firing line. He 450 among 174 cities. As the bill covMi's. Christina Haywood, one of the erful mail of the two; and liefore ho was detailed as governor of Tayabas, ers Into the treasury $1,585,000, the
Miss Stone suys t h a t Mme. Teilka's house. The bolt came down the chimney
w a s choked Into Insensibility ho had but the tale Ik being circulated that bo total amount carried by the bill is rebaby softened the hearts of the brito Latin's body.' His back and one leg arrested for forgery Saturday.
She cut and bruised Hansen's head and .wanted Cue position, while other of- duced to that extend
gands. Ah. what a wonderful thing
were terribly burned, but the unfor- was arraigned and pleaded not guilty face and nearly bitten the second fin- ficers preferred to remain on active
a aaby is. And what a pity t h a t it has tunate man w a s not rendered uncon.
The monthly comparative statement
and her examination was set for ger off his right hand.
duty and fight.
of the government receipts and expenbecome unfashionable.
scions. The doctors say be cannot May 8.
The war department will leave no ditures shows that during the month
A meeting of the contractors of Callive. Strangely enough, Latin's house
The postolllce In Napoleon, also the
stone unturned to force the Issue, es- of April 1002, the total receipts were
Frenchmen who are after J. Pler- w a s not damaged in the least, nor store of W. S. Blackmar and the. meat umet, H a m w k and Houghton ha?
lieclally as Gardener has not shown
pont Morgan with wild-cat schemes Were any other members of t h e family market of B. R. Tracy was robbed last been held and the organization of an himself- to be as well fortified with $45,215,300, a decrease ns compared
association for mutual protection will
with April, 1001, of $2,552,000. The exinjured.
sbculd know t h a t he has plenty of
night, the robbers taking $Sji in stamps be .formed. It (s not proposed to con- facts as his report indicated, and unjiendltures for the month aggregated
opportunities to purchase gold bricks
from the pnstofllce and a small amount Kolldate the building Interests of less h e can make out n whole case It
$40,700,203, which loaves a surplus for
Sniv H e r Son K i l l e d .
cigars and tobacco from the store.
In h i s own beloved land.
Houghton county, b u t t h e contractors
the month of $4,310,000,
Before his mother's eyes. Merrill ReA boy HvIiik near Hart Injured his will get together and a sort of trust to retire him to private life.
Deputy sheriffs have served papers
vette, the 10-year-old son of Wm. ReThe Belgian socialists a r e reported vette, a blacksmith of West Bay City, eye and his parents, look him to a will lie formed, for t h e regulation of
at White Plains in a suit brought by
T h e d n e e n Snl Vp.
to have dropped "ohe roan, one vote," had bis life crushed out a t the H a r t
prices, wages, etc. „
Residents of Castle Loo say Queen Mrs. Fannie Rayne McComb Hertzo'g
The naval appropriation bill reported
suffrage. I t Is more likely, however, street crossing of the Michigan Cen- When they finally took him to a regagainst 22 heirs of the millionaire.
ular physician It was too late to save to t h e house directs t h e secretary of Wllhelmlnrt has so f a r Improved ui
they have merely laid it down to mois- tral Saturday night. The Iwy was gohealth as to l)e able to leave her bed James Jennings McComb, of Dobbs
t b " eye.
the navy to appoint a board, of-naval for a few minutes and that the queen Ferry, to recover her full share of the
ing down town with his mother. When
ten their hands for a better hold.
The roller mill at Weston, owned by officers to Investigate the different mother Is quite satisfied with the pro- estates. Mrs. Hertiog Intends to test
they came to the Hart street crossing
Browcr & Van Sickle, burned Friday points on the great lakes as to their gress made. The bulletin from the cas- the validity of the codicil of her faThe ancient Greek sandal, consist- the boy started to run across the
night. Insurance had Just run out, availability for a naval training staing of a sole laced over the bare foot, street. A train of fiat cars l)elng making a loss to the owner of $5,000. tion, and report their findings to con- tle, however, did not mention these ther's will, which stipulated that If she
backed over, the crossing struck the'
facts. It merely said that her majes- married Artist Hertzog she must boi s t o be affected by some New York,
boy. knocked him down, one wheel This makes the fourth mill to bum on JTIVKS. The bill carried an appropria- ty's Illness was pursuing Its normal content with an annual Ineome of
Boston and Philadelphia Women this passing oyer his head, crushing It so t h e same ground. Cause of fire un- tion of $00,000 for t h e nltval militia of course, and that, thus far, no compllea- about $15,000. 'Mr. McComb loft anseason. Special sizes will be provid- death was instantaneous.
the whole country.
tfons bad arisen.
estate valued at $10,000,000.
ed for Chicago.
Several years ago H a r r y Ingersoll
Because little Helen Slever and lieta
The Kansas City Star prints an a p - .
Farmers a r e to raloe tomatoes for Moore, of (frond Rapids, didn't move and wife, of Lansing, were sent lo
A special from Granbury. Tex., con- peal for money, food, clothi'ig or feed
J . Plerpont Morgan has bought a the Adrian Canning Co., for which tar enough off from his father's prem- prison for arson, ingersoll was sent
firms the report of damage done a t fpr stock from drought-stricken farmBible for $50,000. It is understood they will be paid at the rate of $7 per ises when ho ordered them to do so, to Jackson, while his wife went to the
Glenrose by a tornado Tuesday. One ers of Fulton county. Ark.,,on the Mist h a t the high value of the volume to ton.
Carl Woodward, aged 13, Is alleged to Detroit house of correction. Their additional death, making a total of souri line. The farmers, who lost t h e i r
Mr. Morgan lies in an error by the
The prohibitionists of Detroit have have struck the children In the face. terms expired some time ago, and Mrs. e i g h t Is reported, and throe .of the In- crops during last year's terrific heat,
publisher, which left out t h e well- begun the work of getting 50,000 peo- Helen complained of pains In the tem- Ingersoll has commenced proceedings jured probably Will die.
passed a strenuous winter, spring findfor divorce. She ajleges tlmt her husknown verse. "Blessed are the meek, ple of that city to sign the temperance ple and is now In a serious condition.
There wore 57 persons Injureu, but ing them practically destitute, and now
Rev. R. G. Malone halls f r o m l o u - band Induced her to participate In the with' the exception of three, it In they appeal for aid to tide them offer
for they shall inherit the earth."
James Rayson, aged 101 years, la sing. ' He spent thw night In the Grand crime mentioned, a n d that she has thought that all will recoyer.
till their spring crops shall tot gathseen nothing of him since.he was re.
In Glenrose', 33 buildings were total- ered.
T h a t Kansas man who Imagines dead. He was born in Kngland, and Rapids lockup and for a very peculiar
bad been a resident of Carsonviile reason. An officer found him In the leased f r o m prison.
ly destroyed. More than 100 persons
Dr. J. W. Taylor, grand high priest
himself a second, Paderewski will have
since 1S47.
not of peeping through a window and
The Hay shed and elevator belong- are homeless and destitute of food or of the grand chapter of the R. A. M.
t o prove that he can draw a mob of
S. B. Hubbard, a Branch county pinched him. The divine said he was ing to J a m e s Lindsay, of Smith's shelter. The tornado destroyed f a r m of the United States, has granted a
hysterical women after him before his f a n n e r , 75 years of age, recently pur- looking for a furnished room, and Creek, was destroyed b y fire, causing property and crops for a distance of dispensation for a ' c h a p t e r lb San
claim can be considered. The mere chased some medicine for his own use wanted to see If It was satisfactory be- a loss of $0,000. The building con- five miles north of Glenroee and seven Juan. Porto Rico, and will soon g r a n t
acquisition of s bead of corn silk hair for the first time in his life.
fore making application.
another for a chapter In Manila..
miles south, • p v , ^
tained considerable hay and grain
isn't enough.
if is fit a n MI
"Then our strategem worked,
NOT. 8, 1901
"Pardon my Ignorance,
0 . 0 . MC DANNELL.M.D.
Trains lonye Lowell u follows:
but I am Inclined to think It worked
Phyifclan and burgeon. Uttce, 40 BrMg*
For Detroit and Rant
only too well, since I, an entirely Inno7 18 am 10 80 am i 10 pm
street, Lowell. Mien,
cent nian, am booked to meet the proFor Toledo and Bonth
fessor In a duel to-morrow ut sunrise,
For Grand Rar>ld», North and West
because, forsooth, he chanced to see
M. 0. GREENE. M. D.
10 80 am 4 10 piu8 19 pm
mo place a lady In a cab—a lady who
phyileltn «nd Burgeon. Office over Soylaa'a
For Saginaw and Hav City
By S T . G E O R G E t L A T H D O R N E .
7 <17 am 6 07 pn
had golden locks, and whom tho old— On the Other Hand, Weather
•tore, Bridge street, Lowell, Mich.
For Frocport
7 1 3 am 4 10 pm
I mean the Jealous professor—chose to
Author of "Llitle IHIaa Millions,"
"The Spider's
fancy was the wife of his bosom."
Caprice," "Dr. Jack's Widow,"
Etc., Etc.
Gonl. PASS. Agon
Tho lady laughed aloud.
O.C.TOWSLEY, M. 0 . 0 - E T A . CNIR.
ulate Business.
"In a duel! He fight for me! Oh.
(Copjrrlfhl, 1001, by Street and Smith, New -York.J
charming! It Is too good! What will
Cousin Hildegurde mty?"
won-rnouND prom Lowbll.?
"I'm sure I don't know; but I'm
Office Orabam Block,
anxious to convince this old fire-eater
erable evidence before his eyes.
No IP Morning Express to
Lowell, M I A
Kxpart* of (ir.iln Contlnne to II* I.nrccr
Orand Huvcn
12 28
Still he was grimly determined to that he has gotten hold of the wron^
And the Professor, Too.
No 13 Mail and Chicago Exman. and I am certain you will assist
Perhaps It was a rash resolve—-pos- keep his engagement'for t h a t evening,
presM to Orand Haven
442 pn,
Wlmit nail Floor AcrffK"' 1 "* fl.HOH,me to prove my Innocence."
E. A. HODGES. D D- S sibly Charlie Stuart should havp ac- come what might.
N o l l Steamlmnt Express
9 19 pm
lAO ItallieU for the Uosk.
"Oh. sir, most certainly: especially
Oh! sublime faith! It would retontlst.
S u c o o t a o r to Rlokort
coptcd the baron's Well-meant warnto Gd Knpids
quire mountains "to crush a positive as there Is no man in tho matter at
Lowell, Mich.
No 17 Weatern Express to
ing for Its full value, and have left
belief In the conviction of his own eyes all, and the object of our little escaNew York, May 3.—"Two large
Od Haven
8 40 am
Antwerp by the first train. But 1t waa
pade has been accomplished. Since strikes, scheduled to commence on Nos 11,19 nml 13 daily except Sanday.
only tho word of the baron against and his own Intuition.
8 . P. HICKS,
you have been put to more or less In- May I, were averted, at least tempor- No 17, daily.
Dinner camo next.
his own powers of perspicacity, and
Loans, Collections. Keal Eaiate and f n s - r
He could amuse himself with a convenience In the premises, It would arily, and a number of smaller ones
Charlie did nbt see why he should
Lowell, Mich.
No 12 Detroit express to Dethousand and one theories bearing be only fair for me to explain."
were settled, but many new controyield so easily,
troit ami East
7 19 am
The story was nothing new, though versies have begun. This labor factor
. In other words, he was not ready to
No 20 Mail to Detroit
10 06 am
Charllo was enjoying his dinner Its sequel gave evidence of consider- Is the only seriously unfavorable one
No 18 Evening Express ( •
believe In tho story*.tho wonderful
with a fair amount of satisfaction, able originality, thanks to the appear- In the Industrial situation, exerting
Detroit and East
3 23 pro ttotvy Public, heal Estate Agent and Gel
baron had related, without more
considering what a load he ctfrrlcd ance of t h e brlght-wltted Hlldegarde considerable Influence over the volume No 14 Eastern Express to
leetor. Over Dorian's store, Lowell,
abundant proof.
upon his mind, when Artemus, who on tho scene.
Dorand and East
7 43 pu
of transactions, and also tending to
Perhaps he might even doubt It until
had been given bis address, made his
Maldam and the professor had not unsettle confidence.
in seasonable Nos 12. 20 and 18 daily except Sunday
tho action of Arllne Brp.nd convinced
been the happiest couple In the world. merchandise, especially dry poods and Nos 14, daily.
him of her guilt, or her own sweet appearance.
A.O, HETi>L*nrP,Agent,
Stuart Immediately decided to make
Attorney sad Counselor at Law, Train's ITall
stimLowell, Mloh
lips confessed It.
Block, Lowell, Mlch.Speclal
neglected his pretty wife. Long had ulated
That was Charlie's Idea of friend- a . f u l l disclosure.
given to Oollectlons, UoaveyanclBC. ani
An opportunity came In good time she suffered, and doubtless would work Is prosecuted vigorously.
ColBale of Real Estate,
whereby they could converse without have continued to do so, only that his lections are more prompt as a rule.
Baa also qualified and been admitted U» prao
With the disappearance of the baron
In the Interior Department and all the
cousin took the bull by the horns and
. V
•, r
from the ccene, Charlie, supposed tho
bureaus thereto and Is ready to proseotile
Then C h a r l h let loose.
conshow Was over for the morning.
Claims for those that may baeaUUetS t«
Ho fairly staggered his companion student should be aroused and made gestion, and railway earnings thus
Pension Bounty.
He was mistaken.
with his first volley, containing t h e to realize how dear to his heart this far reported for April exceed last
While he stood there on the curb, a
account of the famous baron and his wife of his really might be.
year's by 7.2 per cent." R. O. Dunn
prey to distracting thoughts, ho was
charge that Arllne Brand was the most
It was t h e old principle over again and Company thus sum up trade conCALL ON
being closely watched by a man who
dangerous as well as notorious adveaOrer Boylan's Store •
- o f not missing the water until the ditions in their weekly review.
^ a d been lounging Just Inside the enP
turer In all Europe.
A l l branches of dental w o r k done ty
| The review contlnues:.
well ran dry.
trance of the Steen courtyard.
While Artemus was yet gasping
"Consumers of finished steel prodt h e latest improved m e t b o d i . Sal*
And one day, when the learned man
When Stuart started to move away,
from the effect of this hot shot, Char- found his blue-eyed spouse gone, and uct arc compelled to place orders
isfaction guaranteed.
the gentleipan appeared to lose the
B e F o o l e d i
lie poured In grape and cannlster. He a few IIn6s simply signed H. begging subject to the convenience of manu- D o n t
last vestige of control which he poaTake the genuine, orlgloal G a s administered.
sketched the dramatic advent of the her by her love to meet the writer In ufacturers. An unprecedented amount
professor on the scene, the challenge Antwerp, which note she had appar- of railway work Is being done, while
He ran after t h e retreating figure.
Made nnty by Madison Medl*
to a duel he had flung a t the supposed
D R . £ . D. M C Q U E E N
ine Co., Madlion, Wis. it
eptly dropped In the haste of her de- t h e e r e c t I o n o f n p w b u i | ( l l n g 9 w o n | d
Tho patter of footsteps Just behind
eeps you well. Our ttads
disturber of his family peace, Charlie'.* parture, the professor threw his books
him natuarlly caused Charlie to half
mark cut on each package.
much ^
amazed questions concerning yellow
Prlcc, as cents. Never aoU
to the winds and started In p u r s u i t
wore available. Pig Iron has worked
turn; perhaps he thought It might,
In bulk. Accept no aubstV
hair and blue eyes, and finally the sol
"To think—he would even fight, and up to a higher point, Bessemer com- «ao<ir«M*iioiMi tute. Ask your dnifglst.
be t h e baron, with yet. another choice
Oentlstry and Surgery a Specialty
emn agreement that had been reach- for me!" she said, almost Incredumanding $20 at Pittsburg on deliverbit of Information with which to add
Livery, Feed anil Salo Uarn
ed between them.
in coniirctlou
to his stock of cheerfulness, or mayhap
ies within six months.
This will save your Life.
Charlie, having exhausted his reper- lously.
"Indeed, he Is dlstractcd enough t o
"A better volume of orders taken
Artemus desirous of overtaking him.
toire, now turhed t h e tables.
defy Fate Itself. But, madam, you by New England shceshops Is one of
He was Immediately undeceived.
" • "
• '
' " ' " n t . MICH
"What became of you, my dear
may do me a favor," boldly.
A florid-faced gentleman, who lookthe encouraging signs of the week.
"You have but to name It, sir."
ed as though he might have been dal"Cereal prices have been less Inflat"I v/aved you farewell," Artemus
"This lady whom I had tho pleas- ed by speculation than they were last
lying with the wine too long, but with
ure of serving—this lady whom your y/cek. yet a high level was maintained
hot passion glowing In his eyes, was said.
"Then you were not In the second
furious husband saw me put Into a and Only slight reactions occurred.
T h e only Guaranteed Cure.
close upon him.
c a r r i a g e - g a v e me a card and Invited T h ; g e n ' e r H l " t e n o r o f c r o i ) n e W B w a 8
Even as Charlie stepped hack a pace, coach?"
NO Cure. NO Pay. Y o u r Drug>
Ay. ay. You see. the fair ladv
me to call upon her here at the hotel m u c h m o r e e n c o u r a K | n K i a 8 l ( l e f r o m
gist will w a r r a n t i t
thinking the man was drunk, or in a
neglected to favor me with one of h e r
great hurry to catch a train, to his In..
cards, and I was compelled to adopt
tense surprise the stranger slapped
Ah. yes, with a bright smile.
u ^ t wheat needs moisture, although Grip, Influenza, Asthma, Broncbitiai
measures of my own In order to disinto Charlie's face a pair of kid gloves
Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, or any
, . 8 r a . Tif a 1°*! « f h Ml c o r n a n d 0 ! l t a h B T ( '
cover her residence. She went to the
Affection, at t h e Throat and Lungs.
look at 11 j u . t then but . t t w l i e ridl- „ „ „ „
he carried.
hotel In the Rue de Mennlsters."
culo». encounter with yoar hueband.
Luckily, Stuart had a cool head for
w c a k E „ th(,
That's the De la Palx," with a
I t artiQcially digests tho fond a n d a l d t
In which he iccuicil me ot Bteallns his
B ^ i t . r S t e BO a n t e a n d t L O O . N a t u r e i n s t r e n g t h e n i n g and recun*
one of his race, o r they would have
t!1 0 (
(ro'm t|)e Dlll
frown, remembering the card he held.
wife, and threatened me with l e a t l , on ^
had It out then and there In the reloc|uilell
Btructlng t h e e x h a u s t e d digestive o n
Yes, m y boy, the same. I was sathe Held ot honor I took occMlon to
, l3
, ,
spectable street of the Steen.
gans. I t isthelatestdlRGovcred digest*
isfied t h a t I had found out Just where
He saw t h a t the man had a grievand t o n n d - t h l . .
,ct, „ „ „ „
a n t and tonic. No other preparatioo
Rec(,nt , t l r , c t l „
she put Up but curiosity Induced me
can approach I t in cfllcleney. I t inance, though utterly In the dark as lo
to waylay the doorkeeper, he who
s t a n t l y rellevesand p e r m a n e n t l y c a r t a
i® ®
e. and the proteBnor a wife p r M e m n g w e e k ,
, .
what Its nature might be.
opened the carriages and exercised
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ileartbura,
"See here! Who are you?" asked
686,050 bushels for the week fall short
the functions of factotum. So, put- laugned.
F l a t u l e n c e , Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick Headache, Qastralgla, Cramps a n d
ting a bit of silver In his hand, I askon my honor. Melnherr B t u m . I did y e a r
"Aha! I am Herr frofossor Rlchter
t0ropar„0|1 „
l0 At,>Mlc
all o t h e r results of Imperfect digestion.
ed him who the lady might be—she
not give It to you."
of Dresden."
exports Is still more Bttlklng, only
PrlreWaandlt. LarRO alia contains time®
with tho veil over her face.
"That I know very well. W h a t I
•mull size. Dook all about dynpopMaiBtilled frM
Charlie shook his head.
scratched his head as though a bit wish to discover Is, who did? There 154,704 busbies going out during the
Prepared i.y E. C. Da WITT AGO., Cfclcag*
. "Still I am groping lo the dark. To
puzzled himself, and then suddenly is a young lady, also with such gold- Week, against 2,560,211 a i c a r ago.
' my knowledge I never had the, pleasFailures In the United States this
. H . T A F T At C O .
answered, as though a t random:
en hair and blue eyes as you yourself week were 225, against 212 laat week.
ure of meeting you. professor."
The German scowled angrily.
261 the preceding week and 226 the
Charlie had .been listening eagerly.
Now, yon must have a t somo time ox- corresponding week last year, and In
"Which Is one good thing for you
He gave vent to an exclamation of
Secured at the
changed cards with her. Can you not Canada seventeen, against eighteen
sir; and now t h a t you have met me
remember the circumstance?"
you shall give me the satisfaction of satisfaction.
preced"Artemus, you are a brick!"
The professor s wife nodded eagerly ^
a gentleman. To-morrow
"So," continued t h e other, with a
"Well do 1 remember: It was only
must be, with patois—or do you prefer
grim smile, as though h e cou!» scent yesterday. She quite charmed mo
swords? Blood"alone can wipe out tho
something that had not yet becomo with her naivete and her flattery. I
base I n s u l t "
visible to the naked eye, "1 came to bad never before met one so fasclnat*
"Suppose you tell me, Herr Profesthe conclusion the young lady had
Thr«u May l<« Dpari ami Six ratallj
sor, how I have offended you. Surely,
given us her true name, after all,
• a I Nino Serion<ly I it lured.
"It was the Countess Isolde B n it could not be a matter serious enough
though she hinted at possessing anDes Moines, la.. May 3.—Three per^ness
to call tot a duel."
."And—her name?" asked Charlie, sons are missing, probably dead; six
"How?" roared tho German, dancing other."
"Yes; why did she say that?" mused
fatally Injured and nine sorlously hurt
up and down, his eyes glaring, his
his heart sinking.
Charlie. "But one thing seems c l e a r as t h e result of four separate cyclones
(To be continued.)
hands working a s though eager to
there la an Arllne Brand, after all; and
which tore through Iowa Thursday
clutch the other's thyoat. "After desto-night I am bound to discover what WHERE PERSONS ARE EVERYTHING evening. In addition the property loss
troying my honor, you profess Ignorrelation. If any. connects her with this „ ...
. «
. ' 8 considerable. From reports so far PlnoeM itH pnsjMWKKi on the hiurh ron-l to M VTERUL SUCCFN8. Many roan of mrat
ance, scoundrel! Then I will tell you,
bold, Intriguing countess, or the run- i oiition of C o . ,
received t h e following places suffered Hi-eptubUmn-viV* RKSP U r - I ( ) - D \ T K sYSl'K»lH Exp-rt teachers. Fine ateven though every gossip In Antwerp
lemiunce. •sURFLUd of aalia lur 11S 8TUI>E.NTS lo till pmition.
away wife of the Herr Professor
o r e o r je88 8 e v e r e i y f r o m t h e f u
learn of my ahame. By running away
either that, or to-morrow I am booked
The rural congressman s wife, am- t h o w I n ( i ; Adaza/Hltoman. Farnham- 7 M » L * » 8 I .
A . S F A R I S H
J P r e s .
with my wife!"
bltlous to be in society, and who fond- v ii,e t Ripppy. Woldon. Bayard Cedar
for a duel."
Charlie Stuart saw tho shades of ly imagines that election to the Hou-e R n p l d 8 > Lohrvllle. Van Wort WoodCharlie was so staggered by the acnight closo In upon the old city of
cuBatlon t h a t he could hardly catch his Antwerp with a sigh of deep satisfac- of Representatives carries with It the burn.
golden key to unlock all doors, learns
T h Q Il8t of | n J u m , g0 f a r a 8 k n o w n
her first and bitter lesson, says Mr. | s a s f 0 | | 0 W B : D a v l ( , Harden Mrs!
He had passed
some tion.
Reach'ng the hotel ho boldly asked Low. when she discovers that position j . W . Munlrnl, Mrs. Miner and two
strange experiences during his life,
to see -Madam Sophie Rlchter.
means something, but persons a w children. Mrs. O'Hara and two chll'nit this was really the first timo he
Some time elapsed while ho waited everything. Such a woman comes 10 d r p n > H a z e , W I , I l a m a a n d L o n i 8 e W i , .
had ever been accused of such an esHe was on needles and pins—hung Washington full of her own Import- i i a m a
up, as it wore, on tenter-hooks by sus- ance, profoundly Impressed with the, i n E d i t i o n 8 evcral persons
sns"But, H e r r Professor, I swear to
greatness of her husband fondly be- t a l n e i , m l n o r l n J u r l e 8 T h r e e 8 o n g
you I never set eyes upon the lady in pense.
"The lady awaits melnherr In the llevlng that the wife of the president, j . h . Williams of Weldon have
De«>ef h i _
L u m b e r ,
L . a t h ,
little parlor over yonder," a t last camo the wives of the members of the cabl-1 b e € n K u n a and It Is thought they per"Yon He, rascal! Did I not with my
C e d a r
F e n c e
F r o s t s
a m i
B r i c k .
net, the wives of tho senators, will ished. It is estimated that the total
own eyes see you put her in the car- the message.
M a a n f a c t n r e r of
Charlie drew In a long breath and receive her with open arms; that she property loss in t h e five counties
riage, and stand there watching her
will be invited to the dinners of which visited by t h e four storms will reach
drive away! You are guilty!"
He fe'.t a sensation of tremendous she has read in h e r local paper; that $75,000 or 1100,000.
Poor Charlie felt as limp as a dishSCREENS, EXHIBITION AND S H I M N G COOPS FOR POULTAY,
she will get her name In the newsKteyn HmiU for Hit Wlf*.
For t h e lady, while pleasant and papers, and her dresses will be desThis connection with Artemus and
London. May 3.—It is stated that exeven handsome in her appearance, cribed, as was that of the governor's
his Irrepressible dramatic fever was
President Steyn of tho Orange Free
wife a t the last charity ball. Alas for State recalled his wife from Europe
8 - S a w i n g ,
J o b T V o r k ,
bringing about the most agonizing e- was a stranger.
He bowed courteously lo the lady.
her disillusionment! She learns that
"I am a stranger to you, lady—an while a congressman may be a very after the peace conference at Klerks"Well, all I say Is, I- must have done
Englishman, Stuart by name. Through big man in his district, he Is a very drop. She and her children started for
It In my sleep. But I gave you my
some misadventure I have become, small man In Washington until he has South Africa a week ago.
word, and If I cannot prove my Inmuch against my will, I assure you, established his right to be regarded
In-line PMtlrnt Cook* to l>e»lh.
uotence, I will give you tho satisfacmixed up In your domestic arrange- as above tho average. If ho has money
Jacksonville, 111., May 3.—Earl C.
tion you demand."
mcnti;, and I have come here to throw and tact ho may soon attract attention Watkins of this city, a 10-year-old In"To-morrow, a t sunrise?" eagerly.
myself upon your mercy and beg your and cross tho golden boundary; or 11 sane patient at the Central Illinois
1 " "As you say. There Is my card, progentle Indulgence as an Intercessor." he has no money, but much ability hospital bore, died as t h e result of
fessor. Leave tho particulars at my
The lady looked astonished.
he will reach his destination by an- burns received while being given a
"Sir, explain. Who seeks to do other route; but if he has neither one bath.
Stuart stood looking after the learnyou harm, and of whom am I to bog nor the oilier. If he Is simply an ordied disciple.
I'artlat to l.rnther.
nary member of congress, a very fait
"She the wife of t h a t bow-legged Indulgence?',' she asked.
Kansas City, Mo., May 3.—Frank B.
Antspecimen of middle class common- King, a Chicago shoe man. says t h a t
heavy-brained scholar? Perish the
thought! There Is another Infernal werp a man who has sworn to have place Intelligence, the social recogni- his sales Indicate that Kansas City
mistake about it. This queer old town tho life of the \vrctrh who has robbed tion for which hU wife sighs will women have larger fet-t than the womhis quiet home of Its one bright Jewol •never bo hers. Tho wives of senators
is all upset, It seems."
en of any other city.
We have everything' that is to be found in a first: Then he suddenly remembered tho —who prowls hither and yon, regard- from her state will return hor call, she,
Qneen Wllh»lin<n» Is R*U«r.
less of his personal appearance, may be Invited to a tea, even to a dinclass implement store and we can save you some money
card she had given him, with her ad
dress; as he had not thought to look breathibg vengeance, and ready to ner a t the fag end of the neasonl bull 1 The Hague, May 3.—The bulletin
if you purchase your next piece of machinery here, besacilfice all he has on earth if he can t h a t Will be the limit of her Insight posted at Castle Loo announced that
a t it, so he hastily drove Into his pock
sides giving- you a guarantee that you can't pet of
s e
et and drew out the case In which ho but avenge his hotfor."
Into society—Harper's Weekly.
every dealer you may buy from.
Come in and see ua.
that her condition continues to he sathad placed it fresh from her hand
"Yon really mean that the profesSrcrr.o of the recent magazine articles isfactory.
only to receive a sad shock as he sor is here in Antwerp?"
srem to prove t h a t
little learning Is
Siicceioor to MurilnaUI.
"Raging around l!ke a mad bull."
Rome, May 3.—Monslgnore Falconlo,
" T h a t at last he has l i f t bis musty
We like to console ourselves wltl the actual papal ablegate In Canada. Is
"Hotel dc la Pralx, Antwerp.
old books?"
the delusion that the grapes Just be-1 g n c c e € d cardinal Martlnelll as papal
"Very much In evidence, I assure
Well, there It was.
youd our reaca arc sour.
delegate to the "n!t>d States.
In black and white he saw the mis
; > aH
D:. King's New DisGOveryr
Consumption, Coughs and Colds.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what yon eat.
Wc Want Your
Job Printinc
And We'll Do ^
it Right
W k c a n ^ t escape tho conclusion
Over-Work Weakens
t h a t t h e s p i r i t w h i c h load all t h e reYqur Kidneys.
spousibility f o r t h e e n f o r c e m e n t of
law upon officers, m a n y of w h o m
UDtaealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood.
a r e s e r v i n g w i t h o u t p a y , is r a t h e r
c o w a r d l y . U n l e s s t h e p r i v a t e citiAll the blood in your body passes through
zen w h o witnesses a violation of your kidneys once eveiy three minutes.
The kidneys arc your
Katered at Lowell pott otUco as second law is w i l l i n g to g i v e t e s t i m o n y in
blood purifiers, they filcIms matter.
t h e m a t t e r , it will be useless t o atter out Ihe waste or
t e m p t a n y r e f o r m a t i o n . I t is t h e
impurities in the blood,
XUBaORIPTfON ONK HOLLAR YEARLY d u t y of tho oflicors t o p r o s e c u t e ;
^ o p ^ r i d h t l 1"ija
if they are sick or out
of order, they fall to do
. S t e m t fe
b u t it in alao t h e d u t y of tl.*' p r i v a t e
their work. "
Bpaoe Advartlnumtnta ono insertion citizen to assist t h e m in every manPains, achesandrheuiOo per inoh. Bame more than onoo 7o ner. I t is one t h i n g to say " s i c k mattsm come from ex<
... w fcUV
of intelligent, fashionably dressed men when they go to
cess of uric acid in the
e m ; " and it is a n o t h e r to roll u p
purchaao their Spring and Bummer apparel you will be
blood, due to neglected
guided lo this store, for they know that they will not
Page and half-page ads, fS.OOand $i.C0 y o u r sleeves and g e t into tho light.
kidney trouble.
only he sure of correct fa*hions, ))erfeclly fitting garments
Bosiness notices among local items 5o
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
and superb tailoring, hut that they will at the aame time
per line per issne. Those taking rnn of
In h i s discourse S u n d a y m o r n i n g , heart beats, and makes one feel as though
save a comfortable sum of money.
paper oatsidu of local matter 3 oentn per l l e v . S. T . Morris assured his hear- they had heart trouble, because the heart is
ers t h a t he proposed no a t t a c k upon over-working In pumping thick, kidneyuard in directory column (1.00 per wealth. I t a p p e a r s to us t h a t t h e poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
ino per yoar. Ono inoh $5.00 per yoar.
Klder missed a good o p p o r t u n i t y to troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
make a m u c h needed a t t a c k upon but now modern science proves that nearly
Cards of thanks 60o.
the s o r t of wealth t h a t is b e i n g used all constitutional diseases have their beginfor men and young men, made from the best Woolens and
ning in kidney trouble.
Worsteds obtainable.
a t this very m o m e n t to rob t h e peoIf
ple of this c o u n t r y — t h e t r u s t s , not- by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
W i t h our m u n i o i p a l l i g h t and ably t h e beef trust.
W e a l t h honest- and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
p o w e r p l a n t l o a d e d l o Its f u l l capac- ly acquired and properly u s e d , is S w a m p - R o o t , the great kidney remedy is
i t y and m a n y p e o p l e calling f o r resi- all r i g h t and its o w n e r s h o u l d be soon realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the moet distressing cases
We guarantee lo fit you perfectly whether you are tall ami thin, short and stout, medium or any other build and save
d e n c e l i g h t i n g , t h e choice has come p r o t e c t e d ; b u t d i s h o n e s t wealth cor- and is sold on its merits
yon from $2.60 to f5.00; and among the best you will And the splendid productions of Messrs. Michaels, Stern A Co
t o lie b e t w e e n p u t t i n g in t h e m e t r e r u p t l y used is a t a r g e t at w h i c h by all druggists In fiftyof Rochester.
s y s t e m a n d i g n o r i n g t h e requests f o r press and pulpit s h o u l d aim their cent and one-dollar sizes.
l i g h t s , f r o m t h o s e n o t s u p p l i e d . heaviest g u n s .
sample bottle by mail linma of Hwamn-Kont
T h o s e in c o n t r o l of p r i v a t e l i g h t
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
a n d p o w e r plants a r e amazed a t tho
WITH p r o s p e c t s for a b o u n t i f u l out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
will be a revelation to parents ami guardians who are not already familiar with it. Wesell everything that the 'livel^
p r o d i g a l waste u n d e r our Hat rate f r u i t c r o p a n d a g r e a t d e m a n d f o r Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
boy can want, except shoes, and yon can save from $1.00 to
on each purchase of a suit.
s y s t e m and say t h a t no p r i v a t e con- canned g o o d s a t e x c e l l e n t prices,
c e r n would do b u s i n e s s on such a t h e Lowell C a n n i n g c o m p a n y f e e l s
basis. Moreover, it is claimed t h a t assured of a p r o s p e r o u s o p e n i n g
village parHonage. Mr. Kveue comet* well
s another place to eaye money. We feel that the best is none too^ood for our customers, so we have secured the
t h e p l a n t could d o a f a r g r e a t e r season. T h e new concern will " c u t racommended, having preached in Kalamabest in style and qnality, hot do not charge von as mnch into from 60c lo f'iOO as others would charge for the same.
a m o u n t of bus.ness, s u p p l y i n g all q u i t e a Hgure" in p r e v e n t i n g f r u i t zoo six veara previoutt to goinu to Imiiana
p r o b a b l e patrons, w i t h o u t any ad- g l u t s in t h e local m a r k e t a n d in for a time thence to Ohio. Horvices each
d i t i o n s to the village investment t a k i n g c a r e of f r u i t too r i p e for Handay at 10.30 a. m., alao in the evening.
The Ltdiet* Aid aoitietv will meel at the
a s i d e Irom the m e t e r s . U n d e r t h e s h i p m e n t . I t s h o u l d receive e v e r y
church M:iy 11 lo du qiiiltiDg.
m e t e r system a person pays f o r e n c o u r a g e m e n t and a s s i s t a n c e f r o m
Oalvon A. Preacott haa been appointed
w h a t he uses. If h e is economical- all good citizens. T h e m e n w h o Hexton for Uaauade uemelery an accoiml of
ly inclined ho cau keep his bill have p u t in t h e i r m o n e y t o s e c u r e the illneiw ami age of uur former sexton,
d o w n b y t u r n i n g o u t lights n o t in a $ 7 , 0 0 0 i n d u s t r y f o r t h e v i l l a g e a r e Tilfany Markle.
u s e ; while t h e citizen who likes to e n t i t l e d t o c r e d i t f o r p u b l i c s p i r i t
Mi>. E. B. Mabeu has returned from
keep his residence in a c o n t i n u a l and e n t e r p r i s e ; a n d it is to be apeiuling the winter in Ohicago. Her
Biitler, and hiiahand, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
" b l a z e of g l o r y " c a n n o t o b j e c t t o ho|)ed
d i s c o u r a g i n g Blow, of (irand itapidti, accompanied her
p a y i n g for his d i s t i n c t i o n .
" k n o c k i n g " w h i c h has c h a r a c t e r - here Bat unlay.
U n d e r t h e m e t r e s y s t e m , m o r e ized t h e t r e a t m e n t of one Lowell
Mrx. B. R. OiHxlspeed (nee Lulu Hrn-'
p a t r o n s can b e a c c o m m o d a t e d with e n t e r p r i e e , on t h e p a r t of s o m e , will ahaw) Ih very ill at her home in Chicago.
Default lias been m ide In the conditio* s of
less wear and t e a r of m a c h i n e r y , b e l a c k i n g in t h i s case. Say a good
Frank Anslev of Whilneyville received a cerUin Keal Eftate Moilg ge dated April
a n d , it is believed, a large i n c r e a s e w o r d for y o u r h o m e town and its a gold medal from the Pan American ex- let. 1805, made ai d rxerui«d hy Samuel
position managers for his fine quality of i). Towuhend aud Kiuily Townseud. his wife,
in revenue result.
institutions, or keep s h u t .
fruil displayed there.
of Lowell hi Kent County, Michluan, as
T h e m a t t e r is w o r t h y t h e t h o u g h t
parties of the tlrat part and John O Cbaptn
Mrs. A. J . Patterson of Grand liapida is of
Uiwctl In Uic County Miid State aforesaid
f u l a t t e n t i o n it w i l l d o u b t l e s s reR . W . SWAVZK, who r u n s a enjoying a week's visit with her sister, parly of the •ecoml pan, and recorded April
ceive f r o m t h e l i g h t and p o w e r com- liquor bar in connection w i t h his Mrs. K.J.Slater. The doctor and their i, \ D ,18U5at 8, tVOo'clock, a m ,iu Liber
daughter, Miss Louise, are spending n few ii A of MongHgea on Psues 688,58U and 500
h o t e l — t h e W a v c r l y — h a s o r d e r e d week's in Oaliforniii.
at the otllc-i of Ilia Ke«lsler of Ueeds, Kent
his LKDUHB d i s c o n t i n u e d . Of course,
Count' Vtlehlgan. Ou liic-tthdHy uf Nuyem
her 18115, John O. Ctuplo, aforesaid, assigned
we u n d e r s t a n d t h i s is in retaliation
Waata Other** to Kaow.
snid luortgnge to Mary E. Bouglilou ot
enforceT h e death of A d m i r a l S a m p s o n
"I have used OeWitl's Little Early Kisers Nassau, Keuasa-aer County, New York which
a t his W a s h i n g t o n home, T u e s d a y m e n t of liquor l a w s ; and we a r c for constipation and torpid liver and they said nssixumeul was recorded at the oflloe of
the Keglater of Desds for Kent Comity on
a f t e r n o o n , will d o u b t l e s s s o f t e n t h e not s u r p r i s e d or grieved. A t t h e are all right. I am ulad to indorse them the Ulh day of November, 1SU5, at8, !•£
for Ilhink when we tiud a good thing we o'clock a ro., tn Liber ^ 3 of Mort^iges
r e s e n t m e n t f e l t a g a i n s t h i m by t h e same t i m e , we a r e w i l l i n g such onghl to let othen* know it," write* Alfred
page JiOO. »ald mortgage cam*; into Uie
k n o w n Heinze, t^uincy III. They never gripe or on
f r i e n d s of A d m i r a l S o h l e y ; b u t it things
hands of Clarendon C. Wlnegar of Ixiwell,
people a n d
by dihlress. Bure, safe pills.
Koui Couiily, Michigan, and Marcus 8.
can n o t a l t e r tho f a c t of S a m p s o n ' s by t e m p e r a n c e
Kowler, of Houth butler, Wayne County,
L. H. Taft £ Co.
jealousy and m i s e r a b l y mean treat- all
Many who care little for appearance are equally reNow >ork, as executors of the last will and
m e n t of Schley, a f t e r t h e w o n d e r f u l laws are m a d e to be o b s e r v e d . T h e
eslaweni of Mary £. Houghton late of the
of the preservative value of paint.
Such econPallasburg.
own of Natsau, County of Kenssalaer, State
man who expects to own t h i s paper
b a t t l e of S a n t i a g o .
On account of sickness yonr correspond- of New York, deceased, and was assigned by
I t was v e r y
u n f o r t u n a t e f o r and its e d i t o r , hotly, soul and ent Iish been unable to furnish items for .said ex^v mora of Mary E. Bough ton aforesaid
in ten.
to William F Houghton of the city of Troy,
S a m p s o n t h a t h e w a s a w a y on t h a t breeches, all for $1.00 p e r y e a r , is two weeks.
said county and state on the 28Ji day of
J u l y m o r n i n g w h e n Cervera a t t e m p - m i g h t i l y m i s t a k e n .
M< ind Mrs. Henry Scott have been February 1«00, which said assignment was
Good paint is always worth twice its cost. I t is
spendins a few days at home, rcturniog to recorded on the ISth dsy ol March, A, D.,
ted to break t h r o u g h t h e A m e r i c a n
its cost as a lieautifier and it is worth still more
l i n e ; b u t t h a t was s i m p l y t h e f a t e
StundLiko a Stone Wall
KentCountvat 11, 1-U o'uKx k a . m., in
Saturday Mrs. J. Tower relnraed from for
for the protection it affords.
of w a r and no f a u l t of his. T h e
Hetw.en your children and t h e t o r - Orand Kapids wnere she has been caring The amount due on said mortgage at tnis
m i s t a k e of his l i f e , and s u c h history
tures of itching anil burning eczema, for her sister, Mrs. A. G Steketee, whw is date, of principal and interest Is >he sum of
W e handle nothing in paints t h a t is not of the
m u s t r e c o r d it, w a s m a d e in his re- scaldhead or other skin diseases. convalescing from typhoid fever.
Oue Hundred Keventy-two and 1:1-100
most worthy quality and our prices will appeal to all who
p o r t of tho b a t t l e , f a i l u r e to men- How? W h y ,
John Scott of Lowell called on his par* dollars (I17S.1B) and an attorney fee of
by using Buck ten's
Twenty Hollars Is also stipulated for In said
seek real economy.
tion even t h e n a m e of t h e g a l l a n t Arnica Salve, earth's greatest healer entti, Henry Scott and wife, b'unday.
Biud mortgage also provides, "that the
officer who w a s d e c l a r e d by A d m i r - Quickest cure lor ulcers, lever sores.
said parlies or the lirst part, th«irexecutors,
al D e w e y to h a v e been in a c t u a l Mill rheum, cuts burns or bruises. I n , part of the roof of Henry Booth's barn was administrators or assigns will pay and dls.
torn ofl'and hnrled down the hill, while
c o m m a n d d u r i n g t h e b a t t l e . T h i s lallible for piles. 25c a t D . G . many treee were broken and splintered. chargc within the lime prescribed by law all
such duties, taxes and ifssessments (extrap e t t i n e s s b e c a m e m o r e n o t i c e a b l e Look's d r u g store.
The barn is undergoing repairs.
ordinary as well aa ordinary] as shall hy any
w h e n c o n t r a s t e d w i t h S c h l e y ' s nolawful authority [while the moneys securtd
ble w o r d s : ' ' T h e r e is g l o r y e n o u g h
H O N A U C H W H I T E negligee by tin so presents remain unpaid] be Imposed
D r u g a m j Book S l o r e
on the premises above described. And that
for all."
s h i r t s a r e r i g h t , $1.00 a n d $I.fiO.
in default of the paymrni of any or all ol soiU
A . L . Coous.
T h e bitterness against Sampson
xes, by said parlies of the flrsl part, within
w a s n o t lessened b y t h e u n j u s t disla lime prescribed hy law, it shall be lawful
thesaid party of'he second part, his executors
t r i b u t i o n of p r i z e m o n e y , u n d e r the
There has been pild as taxes on the land
Bert Byrne began her school Monday in for Inistrators or assigns, to pay or discharge desrrtbed In said morticaee the inm of Two
a n t i q u a t e d s y s t e m in vogue, by
and Fifty One Ilandredths dollrrs, $£.50,
the barrel district.
w h i e h S a m p s o n ' s c a p t a i n , w h o wa.>«
assessmenlft uid taxes,and the moneys thus which sum is to be added lo Ihe amount
A good ooqgregalion libtened to an exHerbert and Elma Jakeway went to paid by said party of Uie second part snail be above specitied, making a total amount due
n e v e r for one m o m e n t in t h e light, cellent Hermon from our new minister, Uev.
a lien on said premises, added lo the airounl and unpaid at date of ttiesu presents the sum
Grand Kapids on the excursion Sunday.
received more m o n e y than A d m i r a l ' E. M. Kfoue, recently of NelHonville, O.,
secured by this mortgage and payable fortnEthel Weekes was obliged to qnit work wllh with Interest at Ihe rale of seven per of One Hundred Seventy four ard Sixty.three
S c h l e y , w h o w a s t h e h i g h e s t officer who with hiu wife ami two eona occupy the at Mark Hop|K>ugh's on account of sickOne Hundredths Dollars. $271 (SB.
cent per annum,
No proceeding at law or in equity has been
p r e s e n t and in t h e b a t t l e f r o m s t a r t
instituted to recover said debt or any. ptrl
to linish. J i u t t h i s , a g a i n , was not
Lyall Francisco of Belding visited his
thereof. Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of tho old reliable BAKEK,
of the powet of sale contained In said morlcoouu, Ella Jakeway, a few days last week.
t h e f a u l t of S a m p s o n .
grfgi' aud in accordance wilii the statute in
Eva McGinnis is working for Mrs. Frank
In t i m o — t h a t " c o r r e c t o r w h e r e
Mich case made and provided said mortgage
will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises
our judgments e r r " — t h e anunnsiFirst elaeb lunch room in
therein described to tho highest bidder on
con nec lion.
ties that h a v e g r o w n o u t of t h e
Tiirndity the SOlli day of July, 1002, at 11
Lowell Friday evening.
Borne made and Bait Bis ing
S a m p s o n - S c h l e y c o n t r o v e r s y will
o'clock In the forenoon of I hat day at the
Bread a Specialty.
Byron Frost has a fine new carriage.
North front dooi of the Kent County Court
pass a w a y ; t h e d e a d a d m i r a l will b e
B luse in the Cit> of tirend Kiplds, Kent
Miss Evelyn Murphy of Lowell spent
r e m e m b e r e d f o r h i s w o r t h y services
County, Michigan, said Court House b<dng
Sunday al J . D. Frost's.
the i lace where tho Circuit Court for Kent
in t h e Civil w a r , a n d t h e m a n t l e of
Miss Block visited her parents in Grand
Couniy is held.
c h a r i t y will be t h r o w n o v e r t h e
Kapids Sunday.
Said p ••misea are described in ssid mortgage at- f ilows, to.wil; "All ihst certain
m i s t a k e s of his d e c l i n i n g y e a r s .
Kiltie Byrne visited her sister, Mrs. E.
piece or pai eel of laud situate and beiuir in
Burt, at Belding one day last week.
ttie lTuwiii>hlp of Lowell, in the County of
'•THOUGH A g o o d m o t i v e c a n n o t
Aleid Staufl'er of West Lowell visited his
Kent and *ut« of Michigan and described
aa follow • Ui wit:
sister, Mrs. J . O. Wingier, Sunday.
s a n c t i f y a bad a c t i o n , a b a d m o t i v e
Positive cure for'Bone Distemper,
Coiumi-ncinc ata point on the line between
Abortion in Oowv, Scours in Oalvee audi
will always v i t i a t e a good a c t i o n . " —
SecUuna Six |0J aud Seven (7) of said town
Pigs, Sheep Scab.
Vergonaoa S t a t i o a - A l t o n .
ship sixty turee and live oue hundredths,
W . Jay.
POOTEOTS THE HOUSE FKOU DU(j:t 5 lUU, rods West of Ihe ousrler corner
Mrs. llattie Culver and eon visited her
BASK, Destroys animal vermin, Bedbugs,
post between said sectioua and runnlug from
DAVK l l n . i . n o m i n a t e s A l t o n B .
sister, Mrs. Jane Kcech, last week.
Roaches, Moths, Uarpel bugs, Hen-ilce,,
thence South paralell with the Bast line of
Uovernment lot number Three, B. One Hund
P a r k e r for D e m o c r a c y ' s n e x t presiFlies, etc.
F. J. Ford was in Lowell Sunday.
red and One, 101, rodK to the North bank of
For eole by
W e l l , w h o in
dential candidate,
Wiley Keynolds, daughter and son ot
(irand rlvir. lhcm-e West at right angles lo
South Lowell visited relatives here Sunday.
blazes is P a r k e r ?
said East line Iwenty two and eluhty
L . H . TAFT
& CO.
one hundredths, 22 80-100, rodt; Ihrnce
Mrn. Warren Ford, who fell and hurt
Noith paralell with the K«6tiine. cfdoveinAl
J o u r n a l sty le d
went lot number three, B, One Hundred and
T h e above portrait is t h a t of
One, 101, roda to line between sections six,
W h i t e " a D a n i e l " because h e voted
Mr. and Mrs. D. Church visited at Guy
0, and seven, 7, thence East along said line
C o u n t e s s Mogclstud, of ChicaF o r fiato
" N o " on a c c e p t i n g l i q u o r b o n d s .
twenty-two and eigbty-thnw one hundredths,
Norton's in Graltan Sunday.
go, 111., w h o s e gratitude for t h e
22 8B.100. rods to place of beginnini;, being
I n a later issue it a p p l i e d t h e s a mo
Canopy top buggy, top buggy, open
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Porter were in Beldbenefit received f r o m t h e u i e of
a pari ol government iota three, B, aid buggy, tedder, two horse cultivator, one
c o m m e n d a t i o n t o T r u s t e e L e e for
ing anil Smyrna oue day last week.
four, 1, on section seven. 7, in town six, 0,
D r . Miles' N e r v i n e prompted
A "Cent a Word"
v o t i n g "Yes" on a similar proposiNorth range nine, 0, West and contsining horee cultivator, buggy rake, wood roller,
A.Wood, who was aick so long, died
Fourteen and one hair, 143*, acres 'be the spring tooth drag, plow, mowlog machine
Sunday morning. Funeral Tuesday at the
t i o n . I t r e m i n d s us of A e s o p ' s
road acraper, wheel barrow, grind* stone
same more or less " •
"It affords me great pleasure to add
Want Ad. in the Detroit church at 'i, p. m.
T r a v e l e r , w h o was t h i u s t o u t of
fence maohine, buih soy the, grass soy the
my testimonv to the very excellent
Dated Lowell, Mich , May lst.|U02.
grain cradle,: pilch forks, rakes, shovels,
S a t y r ' s cave f o r " b l o w i n g h o t and
merits of Dr. Miles' Nervine. Although
Wiluau F Biaohton,
I am past 8o years of ace I find it
Assignee of. said Mortgage.
carpenter's tools, tinner'a tools, iron vise,
c o l d with t h e samo m o u t h . "
Evenins: News, includ- herNoillneM'.
irriGleaner meetinj Saturday night on
neck yokes, whiflletrees, harness, fenct
S P. BIOKS, Attorney for Assignee.
tated nerves and insures restful sleep.
acc.-Minl of the storm.
wire, pickets, and other articles loo numer
I never feel contented without a bottle
THOSE who a d v o c a t e local prohiing The Morning Trioua to mention. Bnqnirn of Mrs. W. B
Don't forget lo visit our new hardware
of it in the house." Gratefully yours,
A novel feeling of leaping, bounding Biaisdell at her residence.
b i t i o n of t h e liquor trallic, should
More when yon come here. We are not
CuaisriANA Maria,
impulaes goea through your body. You
Countess Mogcistud.
a c k n o w l e d g e t h a t unless we can enbune, will do the work. dead yet if we haven't the de|K>l ami we
(eel yonng, net yoang and are young aft«r
AMI sell you goods as chsap as iu town
f o r c e t h e p r o h i b i t o r y p o r t i o n s of t h e
taking Kooky Mountain T«m. 3r>o.
M m e w ? ®
and do •Mod work in the wagon and blackD. O. Look.
S t a t e law it would be i m p o s s i b l e to
G O L D E N R12LIEr]
smith shops as you can get anywhere.
e n f o r c e a local o r d i n a n c e of sweepYours for trade,
F. J. Fobd.
is a nerve t o n i c a n d s t r e n f t h i n g p r o h i b i t i o n . L e t us see if p u b
John Andrews was on the sick lilt last
buildor t h a t starts right in reSTINGS
lie opinion will sustain t h e enforceweek.
famouH O h i o c u l t i v a t o r s .
storing health immediately.
m e n t of t h e laws we h a v e b e f o r e
p e r f e o t beau h a r v e s t e r atB o H J r r all Druaaieta.
DniWiM* i n l t o S m i n s t e a 25c. i
r e a c h i n g o u t f o r t h e bird in t h e
W o r k horses for
t a c h m e n t . B r o w n , Sehler & Mcyw
For ssl? »7 W. « Winwar.
| Kay.
F u a u u n t i r a a i thttbsdat a t
A Stock of Stockings Strong Curtain lecture
t h i n g for g r a d u a t i n g drussuH.
A sallow couiiiloxioii, ilizzint'su,
biliousness ami a coateil ton^uu
are common indications of liver
andkitlneydiswisi's, Rtoiuadi ami
bowel troubles, severe ua thoy arc,
•give iniHiediale warning by piiiu,
but liver and hillnny troubles.
though1 less painful at On* start, are
mucfi harder to euro. Tin dford's
Dlack-Drauaht never fail; to benefitdiseascd liver anil vrculccneil kidneys. It stirs up the tonnil liver
to throw off the germs of fever and
le. It is a certain preventive
tolera and Hright's disease of
the kidneys. With kidneys reinforced hy Thedford's llluck
Draught thousands of persons have
dwelt immune in the midst of yellow fever. Many families live in
perfect health aud have no other
doctor than Thedford's HlackDraught. It is always on hand for
use in an emergency and saves
many expensive calls of a doctor.
Mullim, S C., March 10,1901.
I have UMd Thedford's Black-Draught
for three yean and I have not had to go
to a doctor since I have been taking it.
It It the best medicine for me that is
on the market for liver and kidney
troubles and dyipepiia and other
| conyliinh.
Rev. A. G. LEWIS, i
w h a t
y o u
Perhaps you can
make just aa nice
a^.we can; hut can yon do it as
cheaply y Come in and let uh nhow
you what a nicc piece of cake 5 or
10c will buy.
nttd Luttoh Room.
don't want;
buy what you
do want.
MUes' Nervine
Over 1 0 0 , 0 0 0
Copies Sold Daily.
Tired Out
Miss Ada Gnukin has returned from
Oranil Hapidii where she haa been spending
two weekK
MisK Alma Iturr returned to Big Uapidii
Sntiirday, her father heiiiK mil of ihuiKur.
Mrs. Prall will remain a few days longer.
— • — — —
hiH Wife Nearly
Y e a r s , 3 0 Y e a r a h i Lowell.
H e n r y H . Shojihard died a t hin
h o m e in this village T h u r s d a y .
A p r i l 24. A t t h e f u n e r a l nerviueB
a t t h e home S a t u r d a y eonduoted by '
Kev. M r , Day of G r a n d UapidB an- I
HWte:! by l i e v . Cluw. Nea*e, t h e fell- •
lowing obituary watt read.
" I wan very poorly and could
hardly get about Hie house. I was
tired out all the lime. Then I tried
Snrsaparilla, and it only
took lu'o hnilleR to make me feel
perfectly w e l l . " - Mrs. N. S. Swinney, Princeton, Mo.
Tired when you go to
bea, tired when you get
up, tired all the time.
Why ? Yonr blood is impure, t h a t ' s the reason.
You are living on the
border line of nerve exhaustion.
T a k e Ayer's
S a r s a p a r l l l a and be
quickly cured.
Aitlr rniir liorior wlml liolhlnk* of AyvT'i
unHlli. Il<' know* all NlinutUilHirrand
• >li| I •nillv innliHne. t-'ull»w liUiulTleuaml
«« Mill lie «.ill.n<"l.
J. C. Avim Co . l-owell, Mau.
.lohn Keatllo Died ut
W c a r e indebted t o t h e Karanao
AdverliHor for t h e a u u n m p a n y i n g
pMrtraii nf J o h n lleadle, w h o died
a t t i u l jjlace A p r i l 24, a t t h e a g e
H E N R Y M n v P A M D CAME
Our Hat Department
w h a t you
don't w a n t
for something you do
want. Sell
IleadquartorH for Black TaffetaB a n d I ' e a n de Hole SilkH.
Our Boys Clothing Department
L A > V N S - j " " t the
D i m i t i e s and all thin goodh in a h u n d a n c e .
$ 1 0 . 0 0 , $ 1 2 . 0 0 , $ 1 5 . 0 0 , and $ 1 8 . 0 0
Chas. Althen\
in this store j u s t now is tihe Muslin Underwear
stock. We have delighted many women with this high
grade and low priced muslin wear. Be sure and see it
before you buy.
Alwayn Hoinebhing now.
Ready-to-wear Suits
Neckwear 25c, 50c, 75c.
Shirts 50c, 75c, Gl.OO
Hosiery 5c to 50c
T h e goods back up the argument.
We want to
emphasi'/.e our special low prices and handsome patterns.
You are just on the edge of Spring house cleaning and
you'll need new curtains perhaps. If so, then these will
hit you just right.
T h a t any store may be proud of. They'll wear,
they'll wash, they'll give you every satisfaction that a
good stocking can give and they cost ,you only a little
more than the poor trashy kind. I t is wise economy to
buy hosiery of this k i n d — B U R L I N G T O N F A S T
" i i e n r y II. Sho|>ard was born in
E r i e C o u n t y , Now Vork, 7-7 yearn
a g o t h e 18th of t h i s nio.,th, and
m o v e d to A d a in thiu onuui.y a t
Meventeon yearn of a g e with Ihh par- 1
iH-'iitR, b e i n g ono ol' t h e early aeltiers
in t h a t towiiHhip. l l wuh bore t h a t
he mei Katborim* Collar, to whom
h e was married l l f t y yearn a g o t h e
I nth day of M a y n e x t .
T h e y resided on a f a r m f o r t w e n t y
years and it wan h e r e t h a t their t.wo
children were h o r n .
A b o u t t h i r t y yearn
ago they
m o v e d to thin v i l l a g e , a n d have res i d e d here ever biuuc. A b o u t f o r t y
yearn a g o he was o o n v o r t e d a n d j o i n ed t h e W e n l e y a u M e t h o d i H t dhureh.
Binoe o o m i n g t o L o w e l l h e had a t t e n d e d t h e Dtlelhodiat Episcopal
c h u r c h , an t h e r e w a s no dhurch h e r e
of his chosen d o n o m i n a t i o n . H e
r a r e l y failed t o b e present a t t h e
varioun services and contributed an
h e was a b l e t o t h e s u p p o r t of t h e
gospel. U e g a v e m u c h t i m e to t h e
r e a d i n g of r e l i g i o u s books and p a p ers a n d his c o n v i c t i o n s were of t h e
s t r o n g e s t aud m o s t rugged sort.
H e accepted t h e IJible an bin r u l e
ot f a i t h and life, b e l i e v i n g it to b e
G o d ' s word f r o m cover to cover.
E v o l u t i o n and t h e no called h i g h e r
criticism hud
no place in bin
religious p r o g r a m , b u t h e s t r o n g l y
emphasixed the importance of f a i t h
in t h e a t o n i n g blood of .lesun C h r i s t
aud a holy life.
and ao will you he if you give us a
H e waa a s t r o n g a d v o c a t e of
trial.' Our work is tint clats and our prices
reasonable. Wo call for and deliver your t e m p e r a n c e aud was s t r i c t l y h o n o s t
a n d u p r i g h t in all his businesn d e a l laundry.
ings. T h e m e m o r y of such an exe m p l a r y life will e v e r remain an a
Olark Bros, Props.
sweet benediction t o his f a m i l y a n d
4 doors east Lowell Slate Bank.
Bleeaed a r e t h e dead w h o d i e in
the lUord."
M r . S h e p a r d i s s u r v i v e d by h i s
w i f e a n d t w o c h i l d r e n , Mrs. L. D .
W o o d of G r a n d K a p i d s aud A . D .
Bhepard of F r o e p o r t . Mrs. S h e p a r d ,
who is in p o o r h e a l t h , will r e m o v e
t o G r a u d K a p i d s this week to m a k e
h e r h o m e with h e r d a u g h t e r .
Gem Laundry
One of the
i Children
Yon needn't be afraid that
we wlU impose upon a yonntgter.
We want your confidence in the
grocery line; and, anyway, the
man who will cheat a child is
meaner than a pickpocket.
Our Grocery BusinesK
is no eiperiment, and every
article or line of goods in the
store has some manufacturer's
reputstlon behind
It. llf it*
groceries yon want this is the
store you are looking for.
m m & co.
IhjM'l Start Wrona
Ilon't start the anmiuer with a liuuering
cough or cold. We all know what n "summer cold" is. It is the hardtnl kind to
cure. Often it "hanp. on" thronuh the
entire Heaaon Take it in linml rigiit now.
A lew doaes of One Minnie Cough Cure
will set you rigiit. Sure cure for coiiKhH,
cold-, croup, grip, hnmchilhr, all thrunt
and Iiiuk troubles. AbHolnlelv naff. Acts
al once. Children like it. "One Minnie
Cough Cure is Ihe l»e«l mediciue I evor
used," says J. II. iiowlet, Orovutown, N H.
M never found unythiim that acted so
safel) and quickly."
L. H. Taft 4 Co.
Koene C e n t e r .
The barn ol Thomas Taylor, who livt*.*
«i»t of I'otler's corners, wa> alruok bv
li-ihtninx Salurdny niKht ut '1 o'clock and
loially detlniyed tOKethur with all its contents, horses, urain and hay.
Cora Holmes of -Uridine apenl Siinduy
with her eoiiain, Mis. Chad Lee.
M II. Wilkinson and aim Clayton spuit
Sunday with their purents here.
Mr. anil Mrs. K. N. Sparks and son
Floyd speiil Sunday with her sinter, Mrs.
Golds, at Lowell.
The auw mill men art at B. F. Wilkinson's making up for lust lime.
Mm. Mina Gardner (nee Uowen) is very
link with Ihe mumps.
Mrs. F. Clark and daiiKhler Esther spent
Bntnrday and Sunday with hor parents,
Mr.and.Mr>. Vandnrslolp.
Ira Di'im anil Mallie I'ritlerwin called
on Mr and Mrt< John Pallison of Alaska
Mr iind Mrs, W Clark spent Sunday
with ffii nils al Freepo.l.
Morgan Uoyce and little daughter
Itebecca of Middleville spent Sunday wilh
friends in ibis vicinity.
Louise lliir/.inga is slayinn al Mr.
Weeke*' al liitwell.
Air.. A'bert 'Mark viiiltnl her mother.
Mn. Fuller, ol Casinde, Friday
li E. McCornuck who has served four
years in ''Uncle SanlJs" service a r r m d
herefrom Baltimore April '2fi. He bat
been reinstated in Ihe mail service and
left for Detroit Wednesday mornini; where
he will resume his duties no postal clerk.
Could Not Sleep.
No Real at Nialit, Nervous, Worried,Tired
All The Time. The Medicinc t h a t
of Ht> y e a r s . Mr. l i e a d l e a t o n e t i m e I ^
Never Faiia.
conducted a hoUirand harness b m ^ y ^ M r s , E. A. S p e a k e r of W a s h i n g U
nesn in Lowell a n d is well romotn- ton A v e . , Lowell, M i c h . , s a y s
bered by our o l d e r citizens.
Beadle died i n J K i t l . Of s i \ child- house that did m e m o r e good than
Dr. A. W , Chanc'n Nerve I'ills. I
ren only t w o sons s u r v i ve.
had been s u b j e c t to attackn of
nervous hoadachon and was bothered
West Lowell.
g r e a t deal with sleeplossneNn and
The Ladies Ahl society will meet al the
home of Mi*'. Ingersoll May 14 at 10, a. m g o t some of t h e N e r v e I ' i l l s a t
Mr. and Mrs. C. Mclntyre spent Sunday Look'.-, d r u g s t o r e and was g r e a t l y
with friends in Alaska.
pleased with t h e results, t h o y reMrs..!. Monroe and infant son are visit luived t h e lieadaoben and enabled
in}? her p.irums, Mr. and Mrs. 11. .lay.
me to rest well. O t h e r s in my
Perry Thompson wenl to Kenwiuk on family also used them and speak
buiiness last Wednesday.
most h i g h l y of t h e m .
Peter Jay of Kntrican is visiting relDr. A. \V. Chase's N e r v e P i l l s
atives and friends in this vioiniiy.
a r e sold at BOo a box a t dealers or
II. Peters and wife attended the Sunday
school convention al McConls Sunday. Dr. A. W . C h a s e Mediciue C o . ,
The usual supply of flthermen wore IiulTalo, N. Y". See t h a t p o r t r a i t
were trying their luck the first of May at and signature of A . W . C h a s e , M .
Spring brook. There seems to he three D , are on e v e r y package.
fishermen to every irotil.
srrritt r k
with $ l h gete it.
T h e weather is warmer. Heavy underwear must
be doffed. Our stock abounds with vests of every kind—
light, dainty, easy priced.
Uanicoroun If Nealoutud.
Hums, cuts and oilier wounds often fall
to heal properly if iiHglecied and become
troublesome sores. DoWltt's Witch Hazel
Salve prevents such couseipienoeti Even
where delay has aj-^ravaU'il the injury
BdWitl's iWifh Hazel Salve ellecta a cure
•'1 had a running sore on my leg thirty
years" says H. C. ilartly, Yankelown
Ind. After using many remedies I tried
DeWill's Wilch Hazel Salve. A few boxes
healed the sore." Cures all skin diseasec.
IPiles yield U>ii at once. Beware of coiinterfeils.
L. H. Taft A Co.
Oxfords I got d o w n
at Butts' store are
Palenl kid like cut
fit me like a pair of
gloves and they are so comfortable and
look so stylish that I'm perfectly in
love with them—and all I had to pay
was 3.00.
We have others that will please ut
$l.(Hj, 1.25, 1.50 and 2,UU.
D. F. Butts
N o w in t h e t i m e to
Clean Up!
A little of o u r . . .
Paint and Wall Paper
will work wondern in y o u r •home aud t h e expense will b e surprisingly small. It will pay you t o sec o u r elegant new d e s i g n s ,
w h e t h e r you b u y or n o t . N o t a , b i t of t r o u b l e to s h o w goods.
D r u g s a u d B o o k s . J|
R e e d J i o e l i e r * f r o m #2..75 to $7.ut) ^
tiood s o w i n g l ^ o c ^ e x H B
to $2.50.
f r o m 8U.UU ^
Cobbler Seat A r m
$ 2 . u u to $r>oo
L t o c k e r r s
from ^
C a n e Seat A r m l £ o o k : e n > i all
prices ^
A Solid O u k , C a n e S e a t , A n n L f c o c l i - 3
f o r o n l y $175.
Visitors at Lovi Fletcher's Sunday were:
Jas. Barker and wife, Fred Harker and
Cord of T h a n k s .
wife and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Keller and
W o wish to e x t e n d our h e a r t f e l t little daughter.
All varieties of fruil trees iu this vicinity
t h a n k s for t h e kinduesn s h o w n b y
o u r f r i e u d s a n d n e i g h b o r s in onr are loaded with blossoms, an eAcdllent
r e e e n t b e r e a v e m e n t in t h e loss of prospect Air fruit.
P. I). Snealhen, an old resident of South
| our d a u g h t e r a n d to especially t h a n k
Boston, passed away Sunday evening
t h e s i n g e r s a n d t h o s e w h o b r o u g h t Particularfi next week.
| so m a n y llowers.
Jerome Fletcher is under the doctor's I
M r . and M r s A. D. F o x ,
Mr. and Mrs. W . U . F o x .
Little Velvn Fox is quite ill.
Tho people of South Boston have com
Coons bus a g r e a t list of w o r k i n g pleted arran;{emcnlH foi Decoration day X
and meniorial exercises. Uev. Story of V
m e n ' s c l o t h e s t h i s season.
tho Congregational church will delivor the
A liAitaAiN—Euelopedia B r i t a n sermon al the M. E. church on the Sunday
nica, 26 v o l s . , with A m e r i c a n a d - afternoon following Decoration day. The
d i t i o n s . [Bound in black silk. L a t e oflicers are as follows: President, P. C.
e d i t i o n , v used in private f a m i l y Freeman; Vice President, J. Gilbert, SecMrs. Ida Knglish; Treasurer, S. A.
pur.: "£"7
- ,4
- " •
* » i Ware, there are quite
a lance number of
n i t
^Illillllllllilllllili^lHilltSl b u y e r
Special Interest
The one
Point of.
I Yeiter & Wadsworth.
Lawn Swings and Settees, Bunorack
Chain, Camp Chain and Stools,
Ironing Tables, Wash Beaches, Etc.
C o a t s with
h a n d - w o r k e d collars
aud s h o u l d e r s ,
made lo
r e t a i n t h e i r shape
until worn out.
Agents easily make
Will furnish samples at reduced prices to those desiring
agency. lixcluaive territorygiven. Address,
$10 to $1$
Cliarfieid WiotkibWiTB Co..
ClEiimtO, M.
B m w u aud gray
mixiures are
T h i n office. 1 utier-s^sUt" at ihi"\il hJal^ttld'soLlay!
Edwin Bientzelman is sick.
A number from this vioiniiy attended
the raising al Henry Uurber'a near Olarks*
ville Friday.
Mrs. Nurman Ford sfienl Saturday and
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Deios Jauk-
obson, of GratUiu Genter.
Miss Uellie Miller in now a member of
M. Styner's family at Glatkuvillo.
Miss Lizaie Hientielman of Dntton returned home Friday.
Otto and 'Lena Eash have been uiuk the
past week.
Btettti itH itfti* fmru Xkhhi.
A. ®rt mint nmfl a liltniflt,,
A tnyutai jtnti a 'Dull;
AL*myn«ni ana a Huuntan.
B cuves w'horc ithe (Uk^'uiaon flwdll;
i ca wniinr or Jaw and ibnauty.
1 a tanr tunipfl tram the lilofl—
call lit HDvidutmn,
I lothors uiill Ut Qua.
'tm ithp tfar hnrlznn,
_ ntituilte tinflnr nky;
T'lpr. rtrih itlntB ^of tiw <onrnndl(lB,
d ®mi mlllfl Rnmtr milLnp hlCh;
*11 ovor upland unfl lowland
chrcmi nil .ifihe ipnlflonrod—
«f ub ran Ut Aiutunm.
I -ctncru oa'll at 'Qnfl.
Uir tlflc rm :a nrcHTHnrt sea trnarih.
®hc. unnim lis mew and thin,
««r ihnurtB ihlgh •roartilnRh
e weillltic and nuretne lin—
frran the myntlc norati
•Wbiwt ittm mo toot ihan Urofl—
<HT me .can lit ILDnplns,
-othocH 'Oitll 111 'Gofl.
Jk. t t e t o t Snnsien <on flirty.
tk anrtflior Ktarvefl lor ihor Ihroofl.
^•hntBtcr. Qrliiklnp ttlhc Ihmrilonl;,
iJfifiUB .on tOie mnnft! anillinn mlho. hinnbn' :itn«i momoleBB,
1 Mtrclfjht. "hard ipatftrway trod—
<ndn lit ConHuopatinn,
•oJlhoTB oail lit iQofl.
« . Canrttffa Un JBirw Ymik Times.
•wnimniitli Wllfih SfwnH.
•of aH flo we 31 ood lollawiihlp
Jbbub OrriHt. If sonre tif you
t Ijbot tRo TiTOspereti itn Itfe t h a t you
never for n momBnt Qast Ibfinri
« r irope, tChat you net'er ilmre BBCD ocf riiiiii Ito doulit or fear. Dot me t d ] t o u
' B e will ihnivr for you. us ifor lOtbora, dts
•wbUbf 'Of lihe shurtowF at HubI. But
Hens not JeBnfi ddc ol i b e flisaitfpOntod ? If ovor a man dn itbe wo..iu
"fcafi ti j'iEfht t o ihr a ipeflBlmisL. iit was
"WiiBti ihp found t h a t t h e "worlfl
4 0 mctl -want him, t h a t t h e rulers 'Of
A e State Imfl mo pluoe for "him, t h a t
t h e Cmirtih 'Of Jludna, t h a t 'Gofl ha0
training for 1.500 ynare for this
did not want him. why was
fee not in dnspalr and hopelefls? Nay.
H e said: "1 am mot alone, hut t h e
• M b e r 3b with one." 'Ohurch amd State
•nn^hl lie aBainst him. al] t h e ipowers
«tf •caath nmd hrll mipht lbs against him.
Ind. MQk iFat'her was with ihim.
And iQjfln ihe m i d : "My joy ii giwe
mmltm yon.-" S o t the jj©- of iindifliar40i0e, which floes and docs mot care.
M l She Joy of one -who pee* sail and bpcb
Khron^h .a'E'to t h e Hiving 'Ood. Jim
s b 9n 'one of 'Oorot's ipiotureB you bob
l a t h e foreground t h e gnarled and
laaefeenefl t r i n t e -of t h e troes. anfl iheynmd aH and behind aH t h e cQoar shin- j
t m e <tf t b e nmpBrtnrbnfl ^fey. Aatfl so
Bang ns t h e story .of tChnist's life iiB
«m «arth there WiD !be UnrndredB
n o n and women who w m aftse :anfl
' I f )he 'cononered 1 can conqner.
1; if h e 'overname, 11 can overcome.
ancBBtral ihberitanoe, my (envlront h e temptation of any ibnsineBB.
•tfifficnlticE T)f my ihome, of my
lent. 3 may 'overnnme, and 1
i n Ins Btrcngth."
P o t your truflt i n tbas OhriBt of
K a z a r a t h , tend then, while anany a r e
aiijlHL "^waio wID fQiow UB amy £oofl.7"
3paa fflhaE hear another voice: "THhy
« b b shall mo more go dor-n; melther
tMoffl t h y moon wMbdraw ittaelf."—
W t S L W . Faunoe.
a. CbcmM, oT nimuiti Bspplmna.
I t seems t o m e to ihe n >duty to ai- a m s look mm and toot f o r the bng^it
t H e aff fhimgE. Uife is m 'dlfEeront thing
• a tSm Who HoDts out f r o m t h e Shadow,
l a I n s "heart f r o m What itt ought t o 'he.
I t i s easy t o 'esaggnrate an ^evl o r a :
wnUfffiniiimp and t h e imaginative can
%pm B o v e r a sorrow mo Hugger t h a n !
at. jBme ontil i t moverc t h e whole earth,
"Va mufrniTy oar joys f e d t o minimize
sojtowb Ib one 'Of the secrets >c(I
SiEpprnesB. TPo 'dberiri a grief
mr ^Hsappointmeilt :amd Ihrood over it.
• a i have iknown men and women t o i
do. Is to give i t proportions to which
I t h a s mo rightful claim. Ut grows hy
j u m -oBnonragement until ilt i s the only
ifctmg ^ sight, and, Ifbe a despot, rules
g v n w S a an dron will. I t may he 'only
« dwarf, ihirt. you will anaike it a giant,
l a doing t h i s yon mot only t a k e a false
vicar 'Of life, ihirt you rendei- yourself |
inaspable 10I making n ntreuuons .eff o r t . t y i n g your 'omm h a n d s Wltlh am
iMaiiluary tiord. Nature h a s iher'
w a j g t a n d terrible moods, 'hut ^on •flhe
artmlf! s h e is heneficcnt. The general
ob t o iprodnce happlmeBB. and in
cases t h e aniaeiy f r o m which we
• i s cauBod iby .some -acilQIM tor ig- 1
infraction r(I Haw. There a r e
ihrf^rt t h a n ^loamj- 'dies dm t h e
mo^e smiles than tears itn 'every
1 itfe. We t a k e l i e good as a matoff couTBe ;amd :BtraiEh!tway Horget
are linger <over Ifihe jiatnful m a aend dhcri^h fttialT memory. A
a t e s f l y 'rfEort t o anatee :a good iubc iof a
tard •experienoe would m b a-way iitr.
*!•<•»wC odgeB, ibnt. w e ibivonac in
fSaasamt things and keep a permanent
feame i n t h e nxjileaKani. —George 33 pp•awnth.
amrait Cnfl Dow .Hor B».
A x EngHtih p r e a c h f r freeoutly uflfifl
Oie foDowing illuBtratum; ''Once t h e r e
i s a a a hrler growing i n u ditch, and
flasre came a l o n g a gardner. with his
apaAe. As Ihe dug around it and lifted
lit c a t , t h e Ibrier said t o atBell. "What
i a toe 'doiTtg t h a t Sar? iDoes mot ihc
•iaow t h a t 1 a m only am old woriafleaB
fcaerT Them t h e gardner took i t into
t h e -gari'cn amd jflarttofl It amid his
Bcjcbtk. wlrile t h e liricr said. "'Witat a
toe lhas anade, planting an 'Olfl
fcrier Mbe myBfOf amwng surih rose
1 a s thPfleM" But t h e gardner fiamr
more with i s lioen-edged .Icnife..
a slit in t h e lirier, and. a s we
i n Bngland. 'Iradded' itt with a
and toy :and toy. when summer
l a n d y roREs were Moomlmg on
;-old "brier. T h e n t h e gardner said:
T o n r Ifflauty iiB mOt ftne (to ittoat wMch
«Baae<nit, ttout t o t h a t ortolch I Tmt lutb
That is dust %
crtifl is doing -all
tho t i m e with poor human ijiveB. They
seem t o Ihe 'Of mo mae, with mn hope
t h a t they win ever he of ubb. Then
'Christ takes them i t hand, pours his
love upon thotn, ilifts them iup oat of
iijuc -SuSt, putp Houirtlihlng of ibis own
BAYS G t r
Iffe iinto them, and, by and '»}•. Ste? t l i m i s
begin to he like him. little 'branches ut
M s (owm toeautlful Blfe,—fflj/worti' 'W-,r «|>I Thrw ot the E:«rini
G vmi toy tbe
Anna^oirs Graduates Listen
to Eulogv bv Nation's
ItcuwPVMIt r*lH« tlxrB am fimom UutT
Tr*ir mi'M -'lmm •GB' litn'lnc*The approaching spring and summer
seaflon wiin have in it fewer 'big w ttiglonr gatherings than for several
years. There a r e mo tin usual conferences ior icongressos eitibor 'in America
! t o Which JDngliBh and foreign -deleTates
I will came., or abroad, t o toe attendod toj} people from thiB side. Bf some mte' sionary anoftlngB planneC by Eplscopallans, and to be tocilfl mert Advent
i be cscepted. there is hardly anything
t h a t is r o t routine, and in t h e routine
conventions and conferenceB there is
toarffly a qucBtion of supreme dmpnrtamcp to lie considered. 'Of t h e five
large hod ins of young people, only
three holfl conventions this year, and
mone of t h e throe is t h e large toody
cnpahle of hringimg peonle together tojt h e thousandB. T h e Baptist Toung
People's Onion meets lin Provlflemer
July 30-1".. t h e Brotherhood of St. Am
drew in Boston November UO-T®, a n d
t h e [Luther League dm St. Paul :Bmfl
Mimneapolls in t h e fall, t h e esart 'flttte
mot yflt idodided. T h e r e is t o toe a Clongregatlonal convention itn Seattle iir
ffuly, tout apart from t h i s there fltaicMJh'ine 'Of a spedinl Dharadter. E v e r
tlie Bible conferenceB. snrih a s tb«'
Winona anfl NortMlelfl. wi® toe rem
time, and t h e 'ChautauQuas will mot diff e r from former years.
35o *io-lBorrmc.
Bear im minfl t h a t t h e r e is mo such
day as to-irorrow. I t i s a wHB-o'-thewisp. an ignis fatuns, a •ouicksand, a
mirage., a fool's paradise. To-morrow
dees mot -esiBt at all. IP iit 'oomes, il
will lie a to-day. iLeum then to p r a j '
and t o plan, to spcaik. and to <do today. No good iihinr ever wus acnomplisbed to-morrow. This is Why 'evenday is a 'dooms-day: for lo-dpy IhoilSs
life :and deallh. 'Chmaetei and destiny
in i t s Hiving lhamdfi. IS csl-erduy iis touriefl:: to-onorrow is unhnrn : niherafore.
"Behold, mow is t h e accqptjed illme; h e
IhcQd, mow iB t h e 'day of sa'lvatlon.'"
ILet mB quit mortgaging the ffuture;
let ms Mot out ttie deceptive, tatal
word "Uo-morroW" t r a m 'our vocabuilwy. 'Only miHiortune and failure
can come Srom j-idlding t o i t s misdhie^'ons fiBcslon.
BtfUc^nn WoSk In ntfttftem.
The recent yeariy report of
Christian MiBslonaay .church of Belgium shows t h a t there a r e
churches rtr lhaTlfi, witto thirty-four
paptors, and fifteen evangelistB anfl
co'tpartpurs. The past year has 'been
full of encouragement.
jircachimg a t one town, Thulim, was s o
BucoeBSful as t o Qeafl t o the organization off a church there. Converts in
one vHlage have <cariiiefl ihe glad tidings t o an afljolulng town and t h e imtercst arousefl has required t h e 'Opening .ol a arnoting hall. iFiffteen Sunday
Bdhools were organized 'during
year, 'bringing t h e total up t o sevemlyoiglit. 'One-third .off t h e attendants tut
the schodlE a r e (children <of Human
Catholic parents.
an »»Dut muuk,
AnnajioliB, Md., May 8.—"W« aU «ff
ms earnosUy ibojie t h a t t b e •occasion Tor
w a r auay never come, but if itt has t o
come 'then this nation must wilm, and
t h e prime factor dm securing victory
.over amy foraign foe must of mficesslty
toe t b e Taiiitod States mayy. IT t h e
mavy fails us them w e a r e doomed to
'defeat, mo matter w h a t anay toe our
matierial woaltti or t h e Mgh average
of our 'citizenship. lit should, therefore, be am 'Ohject of prime importance
Hor 'every patriotic Ajnerican t o aee
t h a t t h e mavy is eonStamtiy toidltt mp
a n d , above all, t h a t itt i s 'kept t o t h e
Mgh est poimt of elSciency, tooth 3m anaterial and perBonmei."iPrefiident IRoosewett thus defined t h e importance of
t h e a u r y to t h e nation in Ms address
to ah® graduating class a t t h e Naval
Academy yesterday.,
"Hm recei^nmg these diplomas," said
t h e president eontlnuinc. "yon become
men who atoove almost :any •others 'Of
t h e 'entire iCnion a r e t o 'Cany IhenceSoJth t h e ever-preBent sense 'Off responsfbility wMch anust >come with tttoe
'knowledge t h a t m some tremendous
'day It anay 'depend upon your .conrage,
your preparodmess, your t e e n iartidiligence and ikmowlodge of y o u r prdfession Wheiiher 'or mot t h e atation is
again to writt 1 ihor n a m e •on t h e
world's rcfll 'Of to on or w t o tenow the
tolaok shame 'Of 'defeat.
•"It canmot toe too often repeated,
t h a t itn modem warfare, .anfl especiaiLly
in modern maval war, t h e cMef-lactor
itn achieving triumpih i s w h a t lhas Ibsen
'done itn t h e way of thorough preparatlon and trainimg toefore t h e toeglamiaig
-of t h e war. I t i s what lhas toeen 'dtme
toefore t h e outbreak 'Of w a r t h a t i s alBdanpoitamt. After t h e 'outbreak a l l t h a t
cam toe 'done i s t o mse t o to est aflvamage
t h e great w a r engines and t h e seaanamship, marksmansMp and general
pranticall efficiency,, which have aiirsady been provided t i r o n g h a course
•off years eff lltoe amvy department.
"'A toattlBship 'caamoi toe tlmprovisefl.
i t takes years t o toiflld a n d t h e tiffl
'Of t b e officers a n d 'cnew im ibinvflrang;
i t aright mam I k e w i s e mever toe ianprovised, but must s p r i n g f r o m mse a n d
actuall sea service, a n d tram t l j most
careful, zealous and systsmat training.
'Some iof you win have t o d o y o a r
p a r t in helping to iconBtrnot t h e ships
and t h e guns wMdh you mse. Tou meed
t o toend every 'energy toward -mptfrirg
these ships and guns itn all their d e tails t h e most perfect <of their ikdjid
throegtoont t h e world.
The toest ships and guns a n d t h e
most ooBtly mechanism are HtfterUy
useless if t h e anen are mot traimed t o
mse them to t h e mtmost p o s s l b e a d vantage. Prom mow >on throughout
your Hives there •cam toe mo slackness
•on your part.. Y'our duty anust toe
present with yon, waMmg 'or titefjplng.
Yon have g a t t o t r a i n yonraeHves and
yon have got t o t r a i n those mnder yon
itn t h e actual work ol seamanship, an
t h e actual wnorik iof gunnery."
The p r e s i o e n f s speech w a s ffbllcrwefl
toy t h e presentation of prizca, which
wore awarded a s follows::
Por "Ecelienoe itn target practice
with great gums—IPrank ID. Hall, Eilimdlfi, first prize, gold medal:; iFVank C.
Martin, Ulinbifi, second prize, silvor
'Gilbecrt J. ffiiowdUtt, Mltnois, siilver
medal, for tooimg t h e toest cadet 'came
1 I a n P . IFinney, Winnebago, Wis,,
| pair of toinoculars a s second prize for
| h a n d i n g tooat under saiil
r««*f*rni sbait.
T h e mind w a n t s remedying a n d setting right many times a 'day. I t resemblBE a 'compass placed on a ridbety
table:; t h e least stir 'Of t h e table malices
t h e meeflle swing around, and point tmt m e . ILet it settlB, then, t H it poimts
.aright. Be parfeeffly silent foi a few
moments, thinJking of JJesns. There i s
an almost 'divine force i n silennE.
iOrop t h e thing t h a t worrieB, t h a t «*cltefi. t h a t intereste, t h a t t h w a r t s yen;
let itt fail like a sediment t o t h e bottom. w t n t h e s o n l Ib mo longer tratoid:
and say, searetly; "^Grant. I toeseetto
thee, anercifnl (Lard, to t h y faitMnll
servant pardon and peace:: t i a t 3 may FRIDAY'S
toe dleamsed f r o m aH any sins a n d serve
thee with a qoiet mind.""—Eistoop
St. ILonit, T?; Chicago, (fl.
IDetroitt, ff,; Cleveland, 2.
Baltimore., 94:; Boston, €.
OOHnr*. -oT Mmi Ixmer tllto.
Washington, I;; Philadelphia, 4.
The importamne .of t h e culture ctf t h e
inner life 'cannot toe (denied toy a n y im'Cindlamati,
Chicago. 2.
tdlllgent Christiam toeliever Who looks
Boston, 4- Brooklyn. 2. .
al life through t i e lenses 'Of lltoe New
New Y'Oik, 5; Ptoiladeliidiia, JL
Tostameut. T h e teaching 'Of t h e Bible
IRttSbnrg, 4~ St. ILoida, 1,
Sb t h a t While anam seems t o I h * l a t h e
outward, Ihe really lives In t h e realm
JMrnn-rtmn a«
of iamer experience, and t h a t While Ihe
KanBas 'City, -fi; Columtous, i .
anay train Mb h a n d s for work., ihe must
St. Fiaml, 5.
mover -aneanwhiile megloct ittoe Tnlture
Hjouisvillle, ITT:; Mtnneapolifi, 11.
of t h e heart. T h e ihoart iiB itoc cfctaflfel
of itoe anam, amd mnlefis Ihe i s rigiit
St. .loHeiph, a ; C o k c a d a Springs, J.
thore i s right mowhere.
KanBas C51t5•, S:; Denver, "C.
I k e atsfUbath.
Omaha, 2; MaJwaukee. '0,.
The Sabbath has slway^ toeen a ftiPeoria.
Des Moines, 3.
^iime institution, and mot a convention,,
Wnwrw-fa Kjaartte.
as claimed toy some.. But. laying aisifle
Blncndngtcn., 2:; 'Cedar Rapids, 3 fitm
its .divine iflxaraflter, itt i s a aieoeBsity.,
nocogniisffid hy auTl Irat t h e most ahiject
Biockford, 0:2:; Terre Haute, ifi.
aiatronK, One day of rest in seven is
Rock Island, 4:. 3>ecatnr, S. list gaanti.
rocognized t h e "world over:; iit is deDecatur, 10; Rock Island, -4,3d game.
mamded for phl'sical, imdnatrial, doDavsnport, 4:, Evr.ns^iBe, 1.
mestic and social reasons.—Rev. ©j.
Burrill, NPW T'Orit iCity.
JlvdMAiibop Ciorrac»n ««lnlas.
New Yank, May «.—Dr.. K. Ia. K ^ o s ,
< nriHt-s Ktj^htwniMiam.
Whatever makes yon a l a i r man, a Archtolshop (Oorrigan's physitaan, said
just man i n t h e 'Christ measure iB t h e l.CHday t h a t t h e irchinBhop had passed
gospel of Christ's TigtoteonsnesB. W h a t - fl ^ood SEght. hafl slept well and was
«ver overoomes a temptation is t h e gatolag strength steadily.
goBpel 'Off t h e WllderneBS i b ^ o a d -JorauViVMtn w t h furHlyrth.
dan. The gospel ifi' the pBrpetmal inBdhridere, IB., May S.—H. W. Yaldcarnation a n d constant repel itdon off lag of CMoago, traveling a a d i t o r f o r
'God manifest iln dtoe fiesh,—iter.. X JL tthe American KspresB Company, w a s
IBtinattoaler, f^reshyteriaai, Indhmapo- aaritken with paralyms here. H e anay
IHfi. Imd.
tet-ywwiftn 17- w o r m * x*i-«a.
•JT.. Steiiling M ortfm, s o f r t t a r y 'of AgT h e HealUh ID^paitment 'Of New
ritmllmre noider J'TcKldent C'levcSiamd,
ntnd Toumflnr 'ftl Arlior l^ay.. died at tbe Tank has seiand a 'Quantity of so-called
Ikrtiu* <
' »T Ms sfm. M atik Morttni. a l iLaibe ftoeap 'balolmg powder, wMdh lit Jonnd
iF a'(«t. ITlii.. Monday alttemoom. H e toad in t h a t dMy; Attention waa (attracted
luKl rmnidod ttm Qds sewntiolto year. t o 9t hy the l o v price a t wMdh St w m
At Hie liedR'ide were tods throe sons.
toelaig sold to t h e department •StoreB.
P a til Mortcoi, soetnid vloe-Jjiresifleml of
Hie AtdMssn, Tepekn & Simtu P e IFla'il- Samples were ttalton anfl t b e ttoemitt
w a y Company, amfl iloy nmd Marie Mor- •of the Bealth Department reported
ton, 'Of iloy Moiton •& Co.. with tbelr t b e simfT to toe '"an Wum powder,"
which analyRls «toowod to toe eampostfinimlHflA.
Mr. MttWm toad toeen dm poor lioalfh «d. fMefly -of aittua and pnlverized
f o r more llmni a year, T b e "death of rorik.
tois yonupeSt son, Cnri Morirai, a t Wam'Jtoe powder, was 'declared to toe danikecam, last JTaarnary, wits a great Mow gerous to Ibcalth, amfl sevenafl thouto toam,ainfl fit Ss said thai toe mever re*- sand pounds were cartod no tbe offal
t'evered f r o m lit.
•doti auiiu dcEtrsynfl tt Is unsafe t o
aais Harions iinrness dated trom last
these so-callled
Novemtonr, wtoen toe oontrawtted a se- a p e r t m e a t
vere ipfrtd .as lie w a s spealdmc ^ t t b e ".ctoeap"" arta rites ntf food. They a r e
sure to toe imade ffjaj# aJhnn, rorik. -or
Kt-ock s'l'ow lin Chicagi.
Tlie agtMeswrnetft »<f whikto Mr. Mor- •otlter tojurions .-.'/ititer, fm toaTsflmg
ton w a s uiroodest w a s tois founding iof powders, t b e
dlass, cream <07 tarAiHbor ir»ay, wWcto 3b 'dhsorvod eadb t a r tor an 3s a r e t h e most econonrtnal.
y e a r 'on Aurril 1!2 ilirouptoont t b e vomi- toecnune they go Sarttoer dn mse and a r c
t i y wailh t h e planting o)' trees.
tooaltMnl tocyond urnestaor..
A IMeeewe nMflESmt»Oi GrMAl XeHju r m t a x «T « TratAUmm Ktogtom,
"'Onrs 3s a peacnM^sectinsa,'" said
CoL Dan T u r a a r of MeaajMs. Tenn^ to
a group of western mem who had toeen
dlsruBSiaig rotobcries, bcud-aps and
crime to gemeral. "'Bet w h a n w e d o a
thing tdowm to Temnessee, we do St
right, and rcfttotog pMjfle <or oantjorations i s done t o t h e igaeen^s t a s t e when
tone of ionr 'citizens s e t s o a t t o do I t
"'Not long a g o f t toeoame meceasuy
f a r m e of t h e raStroads t o tomM a
small toranrih One, amd a trartwm amgtoe was semt down there with t h e
first load of road-touUding material to
town] tkw •an ahavy t r o f k s f r o m a HWite
mountalin h a m l e t mear where t h e road
was toeing touilt When t h e workmen
had fiailshed hauling tbe ties tbe fcagine was ptecod a l o n ^ a d e t h e roafl «mtll It should toe oanvenlent t o hxnl St
away. St remained beSide t b e road
about six months, and when t h e contractor came along t o (dear op, he was
rather amazed t o find t h a t notbtoi; b n t
t h e boiler off t h e tnactlan engirie remalned where h e toad placed KL T o
make m a t t e r s wkstbr, eveay beflt ami
rivet t h a t conld be renwvod f r o m t b a
tocfiler was m i s ^ n g , too. A search waa
Snstltntied. tout t b e xaissnng p a r t s of t h e
machine could matt be found.
"Some time aiRter tbe tbeSt of Ma «ngBn:; the •oantractar had •mfimnfmm to
drive t h n m ^ i t b e country again. *nd
stopped a t n mBgrcfs blatkBmMh s b s p
to have a shoe fastened cm his horse.
WMle t h e s m i t h y w a s a t w o t k the e a a traetor walfted arouatd t h e ttoop, and to
h i s amazement, found to o n e corner ctf
t h e place t h e missing p a r t s ©I Ms e n gine. Ke toamediateay charged the negro with stealing Bt, and t h e m a n a d arftted M s gmfflt. When t h e c s a t m t o r
had recovered fiom Ms surprise a t tlie
find, h e asked t h e smattoy why b e h a *
mot taken t h etooiler, too, a n d the latter
replied t h a t h e was m a k i n g tackle t a
take to t h e r o a d s 5e and E f t t h e boffler
into Ms wagon when t h e coatractcr
took the t h i n g away,"
TbTC 3»n mv*-'fctmr Oftre '*"
Th5« c«tifl«ir l l v a l »* o« aa.
'Gov,J»rai. W, M.. T a ' t , of tlie PhTIlpThe great gray gander 'df IDttimviillle,
prne irilamds, itn Ms address toeT'one tbe
Pa., h a s pasnod to M s fathers. He w a s
fsimdents iflf Yale -pfffiecje said. '"With
rospofu f o tlie e^Bdenae a s t o t h e water SB yesrs and a few months did. H e
(mre amd 'Other (me'tles, 31 anrnst toe re- was raised toy t h e late J . E, PMEilpB
imemliored t h a t t h e a r m y Kf tfHjWO to and a t Mr, PMllps" death was toe(ItUWtO roep. tov reason of t b e 'gmenrfQa :gmeathefl to Ms 'daughter, P o r some
waatfare earried -on toy t b e irnsurfteaiH years .tihe kept It a n d then gave it, a
Mud to toe dlvlfled into SKIO porta, many ynar ago, t o Mrs. Agnes Walker df
•of wMdh were •commaiBded toy tfirst amd aWtar HMl.
sectrnd IBerrteun-ntfi tor captains, a n d
when ihe died a n d had
Mometfant* toy sergeants, and ttoat the ^
^ yBar.and for sfweral months
'IttatMnonts dm t h e ifitild f a r exoBBded
1* mrmhiT of ports; t h a t this a^ ^
Tiialntsl htm tt w a s prmsftfte, wttlh I BtgnmtmU
auaw yan y
many •engacemerrts daily, exeeptlinial ^ r ^ m r d t h a t young, frtvoUous geese
BWtnmnes '0!" sneto atonses mSctot occur m o t i e d Mm, Set St was his hatoit t o
witthont tyifilfyilng t b e enndnet of the ' mover Ms topkmcrt with mud t o Mde t h e
nrmy, wMrih 'on t h e wtoale w a s hmmame j sign of t h e yemrs. His death te mow a
•and 'canslderate toward t b e mataves."'
m a t t e r , ® ! town tailk, a n d Sf ever a
gander w a s siarcerfDy aneramed h e te.
Whirtoemia^B t r aimed dogs amfl H e w a s t h e oldest goose Bcaowm t o t b e
mmAieys wffl toe 'cne -of t h e patttacn- tcrwat.
Inriy IbitHrnrtlinc srits a t Wfrndarinrnd
•imd TemuOe t h e a t w , Dftrdtt, next
Hen T i n t VfetoO.
d i a r i e s K. '(Srapewihi a n d Anna
Up cm ILeitngtom avenue a n -eattrniamce win anaftn b e seen Bm ""Atoo^e
prislajg music 'dealer who desired «o
' h e UtaiTt.-" tlie ifun^i'-rt pUnylett tlmt
•was e ^ w written. Tlien there wHH tot .cam attention to Ms wares had a sign
mid Bieard Arttomr IDemlnc, f»ur painted itn artiSflc white letters cm a WoiibwGray* <»f<i f v a w i i ewrOMMif
-^d-ttax- ntutfavQ tiiiend.
Blanche Mack ground .and hung It -on Ms <outer Sunoe-wfttny nwafi !bf WMfihwr firay, omrm
""amg. t b e tfme s h i r w . a n d ILymtto It wall. It read. ""What is home without taiflhc 'CanarenH. fBome la Sew TortL Cn **
PerertBlinRw,. Bufl fJnomnrih, TomWac DftvJfemdH tlie T^irroer tiie greatest '<3og a piano?"
-••'.n'neer.. a n d tlie InDer a moted swrnamo,
•One dari: might along came a painter, mfius, anwe anfl Terulav- the Bowtaii anfl
TiED also toe jn-cmirnent a m o n g t b e ea- wUh material 'Of Ms trade 5n hand,who IDeHCwrr W.dms. 'Orer RfyHOjj tow. MitmiBilf..
Atall Cmc^iKU, oeuwi. Swmplp
either had no amnBic itn M s sonl o r had 'Urcaw AHlon S. 'GJhittiWia. (USiioj-, New T « « .
a cnltavated t a s t e toeyoad ragtime amd
n .
The town -of DnTPrpmt Okla wns ^
aMp& £
C«m. WU S'm-mf 1»M.V atxtfr*.
swept toy a tornado Wednesday. Oneirt v c r a tCD ^
Springfield (Eli) dispatch: A d j a t a a t
latodne w a s dome, Mrs. Jf ohn Penn a n d
When t h e music dealer arose to t b e .general Smith has entered a a order
heu .damghter w e r e Mlled.
mormtog h e w a s surprised a t t h e a p - accepting t h e resignations of aaembera
pearance off h f e tf gn. I t r e a d : " W h i t •off t h e staff off Bormer Brig. Gen. Chaa.
XTa*7«TCwra?r*< i s rurraaora.
is home wittonut a piamoT Peace..'"
wrnc XKtnsH HIT UD.
f f t z Simons of cnicagD, First Bdgada.
TBiumuiU'iOFBiiiifflsSHBhr''5!t.. PswiDk iCnanp- "Ihe final aramd was mthlessly oHEt- L N. G.
Mir*—fiMaflnK*iKtS. 'Swi. JBifBtiMie nt i.
eratod and tbesdgn taken from t h e 'Out(Lrcaina TPB®iniE-lP.!tec
"inhf Moth anfl
HhrOTlonfc"—/ttttt. Tic. Ev^. Ilftc. 2nt. •Oc.Tbc.e r wall and toung bentod t h e pwjteeMmTTrrv iQaiu®— •nanm, HjipotkC — Muttaww tion of pJate lOaBE.—Boston Globe.
me, .1 'Cuna ^hc. Evnmirf tUr., flic snd Wte.
Is taken Satornaaiy. Price. 75c.
tiTnKimm.K'fOi—aTtornucniK at
" unC t, iilic, O^c
amfl -iUc. IEve.*i.^ -i unfl":,l.|. idc. Site *nfl abt.
W a t t s Flats, X. Y„ May i t h . - G e a i « e
Traipre 8e much tntflemcnii to ttflB «efltr>r a n xaMKBrs.
Manhnrt of t h i s place, a hale a n d lusfly CTmfl worta, SuafflheibntchHr rareir
finfle it.—derreaaufl l^ato DeaBer
TDetrcitt..—Cartle-. The TaUCle bayws hearty old solUHer off Sf) years of age.
A phremtaagirt Mrs m e "htraips «m a.
rflnim that mej- are unatrfe ito fllnpoBf t e n s a thriHirg story off a atarrow es- m m ' *
somrrtmcf i-oSiBaie isat Ms
oT a!b«ir !benf. an3 pavf lihaJt aB Khdir roa- cape f r o m death.
W»e toas a weM-aeweODpaa mnanae.
•um for refnslnc tbo tnalatain last weeSf'®
Mm? WKtoest jiwtflrfiJl to the * w : a Is
prines, Ot Ub raid tlhaa aome &f Ihe larceBi " P o u r years ago,"" h e say*, " t h e doc__ a t rcsBixatt. c a i , wodoh
-J^holrtsnletouzdhfic;.Bf Hlhe nfty sme ioaflofl teox art»o were attenfling m e d a r i a c ^
feet ktth. «r fast maf a nMe.
itp Wtai *unp"Hra ffihes wm tBSt
it•hrec metikF: SlUlrth w * * , wtrorc tor waofl serious Utoeaa called m y wife a«dde
Irtnfl, nwerapr price 520 to J E ; chnlce and told h e r t h a t 1 could not I v e two
•*ts«TO, Wn'fiHO; roofi ito 'dhaioe toutcber
toaonn wUsn ric tetoflavtOwM'tnirPodterr cboAs-^wara,
ito tUW ponnfla. ^-(lO^'SO; wesks a s 3 had Blight's Disease,wMch SmfltCgi JavtOle MZg CoJUfpi ID Jar».TTn» laa.
T-Rtbt Ito ®(iDfl ibutrftiHr rtieoi* amfl Iheiferfi, meant oertrrtn death.
TBSn: oonvmon ito fair 'butcher buH^
Bafnne tbe QeFD cam uret a man tocteat
"As a last resort w e thonght wo
'T, .uoffit! iSfc; wnofl KhlTtparf' ibUTa.
The ihas to ffliret porsmaflt Mm abai be has
•T'C-Spts jlvB stMtaow*. 94 HWfc.
would try Dodd 1 s Kidney Pills, a n d a awOw for (doing tt.
Sttwep—®cEt ollnpfa SamtB. IWWi HO; town,
-wool luan'bB. *C gm
ite ®oofl TOSscaacccirflingly sent 10 Mr. Clark's drug
When snme people aay, *X3« thee feehtofl roe, Jsnlaa,"
Ao aal want bUa
•.«tR. W WV^t; veaTlbitrR, fKBS W: Soto- to store a n d c r a box.
to iettt c u t jrf reach.
-onfl Ibntdher Sheep. WjjS: oulh) and enm•^TMs
tnon. *3^1! TO.
to rood PittrhrrB 1(!17D(S«TO.; ease. I nottoed t h e Improvement a t
iiipp nufl lir^t yrrrlkrrR. IB
«»; ToapbR.
once and discharged t h e doctor.
Tbe anion veteraas off Gesnnaa Wrth
~ "M*, : irourihB, 1-3 .off
' r H l r E R - n , — ; 'HnjirndlirtllBm Ihi Ihe
kept o n nmproTing tmtU every a r e to raise a fund f o r m axuxnumeat to
nrioe .rff inalBOe and meflnctlon in oonsirmp- iymptoar of SStoess had sane a n d 3 was
Gen. Priedrich WfOxflm Yoa Stoabea
nn .(hrrhic ttor -nasi week btb snaa on
•ho most itruStwuiUhv atri.htMty to Ire^t Strong a n d wtilL
of t h e American revolution, to b e
•uHiefl to .a nm-" (J SWOW
' W itio ittoe Hive
n feel Hke a tony and to-day I a m erected to WaShtostor,
rorik ralsnrp aflUnrewt to Ohlcajro: 'Gioofl
(i prime fttmurH
( 7 7 p o u r to -ne- acwiralns wood a s welil a t eighty aa a t
"hr^. $4 riO@n illr +tnrikt!tB anfl ffeeBers.
t2 "SflfiSi:; mirv-H, JB -dP®TO.;Ihrilfcrfi, S2 SBWR twenty. Dodd't Kidney Pills did itt."'
*>iir (tMltora WKaanie. unfum* toe rmSTrote* toBunniiuruia.ittiiigiiamiB.'cnwmrhiiimoUc. wnr«i|iiinmi
•oiimrrs. UI
10: •buns. Si
Tracan f e J steem. So Xi^Z Z"'.
T b e evolution of t b e worm rtwUtts to
.pheip-^GoDfl »:• r^hrtltie wrtlborfi. Jn MS
proibaWj- tofBe ttlhal be to vol
A can •of dynamite at- 81 The .fleviD
C Sift Tal- to rhrior nilxpfl. $1TO"^ TiO,; ^^eKt- a* liuWerfly.
'wbem be beats w j o t
•Tm fibopji. Sn asm no.; maitlf e ".amlie %t TO®t a t kji~.a
e d toy a goat wulJ
alsto make t b e wmrtHm. gncadlL
r. nit; weaaumi "'innbs, Xii
SO; Wodlefl Imtter
wnvertad, 0«a ban
'OriturafloB *7 In.
p » i f r P — " M n u f l tnltribnrB. W7DSJ7-Hi;
to bea ting wtoite « eges U c « « • " c « b « r rte
•pnofl itif> chc-'ioe 1>Bavy,
• benw,. fCTOWT; Sight. fC S'.-fi*«: i'iOk «it to r u e o r tfrotfCing do not a d d t b e sngar
3am unpemnp'-'Onre Tor 0 «
sulIOB, J<"> BSE,
amtU t h e e g g Is stM.
my !!He * iroe yean, a -o.-aara HWoa IRonrnxs.
SHaple.•Street. Norwich. Y.. jnotL W. iwu.
IDittiratt.—WibPBt- KB. a, wfhtte, «0r,; No.
2 red. S7c.; Jf bt, IHUMO bu a l Wc; JaUy. ttgjMB
Bt to bard to find « man Who 'does not
«iu a t «»c,: 2i'W» ba a t fie,;
3 red. Wfe; 4s the toasts for a amtqae lliiale Kooy
put ibe blame for ihto mSftfiwtiaieB spem
3id*iefl Wiirtor, Sic jier !l»a.
r . c m n — S mixed,
T5«. 3 yellow to the Pour-Tratk News for May, I t
i s entitled " T b e Piropbot's CLamter,"
•fiiPic per tm.
"Oats-Shi. 2 wMtte. <f4:C.: TCo. 3 -flo. 1 c-ur is apprpjxriateiiy liBurtrated. and (conIf ytm-wirti beantaM.
an HPfcc t-ltf*«lnc intmiina! a t C%c: Tfjerwo, tains UantonmarioD t h a t every farmer's o«w B«d Otchw Ball
L«s«a J aa.
2 carp a t i«P/'C per l>u.
'OMcapo.—Wheat: Ko. TO%c; No, 3 wife to New Yoak and New Sagtonfl packaga, Scents.
1 ^ Onm-No. t . CC'C; Ko. i JaEww. 'Q'SCS^c; should have.
I X man cowrarfl rets tniHy abase, tout a
Tbe Pour-Tratk News wffil be anaited wtiman •coward sets rudeQed and eaoonr(Oats-No. 3,'^S&-«?V.c:; 3ito. 3 whtte,
«^,c; 3SSt\.tS wtotte. "nisrc.
free to snbscribere to t b e C1 hi ted States ased.
f o r SO ccmls a year; single copiee, s
Birtter—C^rerancjileE, exitaas. Be; firBts,
21®23c;; fima' seQotaefl .flaaiy,, IWgafic; p a i i - ofents. Address Geo. E . DaMds. Pah- ^ Otmnenaatod Meaetoe
J amfl OO.
toSher. Grand Central
slttto. Ootaftjer, lagWsc
per th
The CWuese laaacb tbeBr vomte EMeEbbb—Osoiflltofl, SnSh rcotflpts, Mc p w
Many h a v e Bed satow I v e s twcaiae waps and monm abetr botaea tram tbe eff
Hcnq'-Xo. 3 Tcftttle, !18®llto:; Mgtot ambnr, ttiey w e r e Storked toy t b e victans e x
TOQUct flnrk ambfir,, figSc; •csairaclitid, "0® ample cf a d n m k s r d .
' MrC JTW ah.
Maple snpar—New roafle, a2c per 3b,
Ajiplns—Fanrr, W®4 Wt per bM; cboiioe
tXGiA ®0 jmr WH1:; 'ComTtmn, S2 per bbl,
•fgymW i n t o y e a r sboefi, ASleals PocstIPoiuiDeB—MicWpan. •om eff saare.. «•©
ja H
' O jier ibn; m-m Eermnda, O BD per bu. Ease, a powder for t b e f e e t I t aaakes
'Onlc.ns-aaiinhisa'n, C S [per bu: fipanifih, t a g t t o r ®ew-fib»BS f e d Basy. (Onies
BTO;:Puiumiftaa, K per bn icrate.
C o r n s Bonioos, Swcfllen, Hot a n d
Pnin-crj'-€ir(*IhTfi, IS^Mr; Hive bens. S w e u t i r g Peet. At all drappisto a n !
nlf> rooBterfl. 'Be; «jirlt»R«, ale; j-otmB
dutiks. HSraOc; pnimc HiurfctTS. logilic; Shoe Stones, 3 ^ Sample wmt FEEEL
ffiiew,, TTfflRc per th. PniflWil ttr*'!. 30c; Addres*. AUSem S. Olmrtied," LeBoy, S , Y.
(dttiSBtms, Me,; .flacifcii. aa®Eacr. jreew.. 1l®a««c,;
SJAtuUc; .did. aiKiflic.
Mamy a tnan w h o talks n k e In
TDrcssed ca".wj=—Stocj-,
per lb;
church wan go richt home amd 1
JfiaSr, TtOffKbc per ITh,
Hay—TWiw« on baflefi bay, mew. are f a u l t w i t h Ms wifife.
a? TiVllowv: No. a thnKtbT. IPl] aOffitti,; No.
2.5DI' Till; tflrrxva-. mined, fniWno Sic rye snra^,
r,^6 TiO; wheat and ont BWaw, Cffi a SD per
To Obtb m. VM tm 0 « «ay.
tmi an (car juts, X. .0. ib. ©ecralt.
Bmmo i j ubiiae CabiSt*. AO
Wool—fDeTroit btryiTs are paj-ing tbe avail- tipaceiiat6Wflniidii3eiiieyafiiatiilseeeiae.Sc.
tto^Jng prloes:: Mefthnn amd .oaam. 4mwailbi d. aaftUnc; fine do. lac; do dnAs,
T h e r e is mo i<nom*sp to t b e RiWe
3:- unwashed tugs. ®e per Ub.
f o r t b e man who w a n t s to e a t Imftad
A 'cercnHiV Jur?- a t St. Bjoubs. M o , without enrnlmg St. •
tons Hat'dlfied t h a t t h e Jailing ef Mas.
FDTNAM TAMELESS B T E S do mrrt 'I triaw jrr-wmneii wbo fewflt Amr «bdt Una *c
N^tlik' B'"arg(> toy ibtr hnrtiamd, Harry
K. a^ra-ti. w a s an soHidflnt, Pargo re- S p o t Streak c r give yonr goods a n xm- limne &««» m*By*3 Wlunnfcmnrirtuait as to «kac
1-nrm'd liome tnrexjwetodBy. H e Tf<#und evenly dyed appearame. S o l o b y d r t ^ aUnng ^»y afltor iny «i5orh« imoMcly. mhe^r^p.
ll «imi»WT^j^mwilan®,'diaia^,e=5aSfl%,ta».
tois wife o u t amd fdje did mca. Wfitma glititS,'Itic. p e r jmckage.
iai> dinm, Atl^iRMfatOiqc.aufl suOteatohflnoK.The
(tnttil midnigitt. She- w a s accompanied
side and jtmnmnA a m to Ctia n VigAa'a
toy a mam. J^areo tried to shoot t h e
The devii!! 3s a f i a l d off t h e man w h r C.only
tcic; ve
uood and
" Con^una^'hiaiaoBitftBofly«ifce S m .
DU '
,-xh. talent ft dedns
mam. tout t h e tomilet struck his wHte.
"r. «wu. '" j ^
Rifiwy^anfl vSaflorpmsdiattbua,. b
•c Bt.
Mifhnel Oonley, a rt-eel worker off
rtnnovc* all sngiur&cs Spckb die Uoo.', It amptrts
PittRlmrg. ikiWked Ms mother-lr law
arwigth.^toinij'.Jnifl y^gaat in *11 ctBcsfrora-Which
•re m r K cvamncs k u m e d t
Ma*. Tbithwine McGoOdridk, down a
"d Cfo«S BaS BteaasdambBtAra •"bame womm ' mrflor
flight off staars, Mliing her almost tabe aDtt «• anOtafinia
a ^ a n . Laige Scit. fa»i4aga.5eeBU. ASmwitflebnitle
stamtily. H<t neck w a s Iwoteu. H e
Si. 3M«a» <«. tad., fcaaww.
vms l>e«ittog Ms w i f e w h e n hcT
Hxpia jgrewth
t b e finger
ll considered to indicate good health.
H o m e Women.
The Story with a Sequel.
How I r s . B r w e , a Notfd Oprra
an Opfrtiion.
Proof That BanT
y O pwerraa t il o Bn Ss
for Onurian Troubles a r e U s nfefssary.
D s n s Mas. P r f i n a a : —Travelling
for years on the. road, with irregnllar
m e ^ s ^ ^ s l e e p and damp beds, hroke
down my heal'.
health so oompletely two
years agw t h a t t h e physkaan advised a
complele rest, a n d when 1 had gained
• • • •
. Scflfl
______ *inicnir,lmtiOinr'il««iiTr»pvt!n-*iioro.
cf «aia M xahh htlomJ
*i«I *>TlrmnTTnwT(*S*J»ime
uMiiir tTvnrnui'f'ft u.tlifTiiria. saffioeat v i t a l i t j , an operalicBX for
••bWrniQ a m irtiww ] jUuwa
Intlicr nmki'hl
o r a r i a o troatoles." Not a very cheerfal
—riiTT •wiu otcwi^r ton
prospect, to be save. L. boweter, was
\HtatUmr.. wBliainf Petcrl,
advised to t r y L r d i a K . P i n k h a m N
CoK, me Nathmal tanmrrml
V e g e t a M e C o m p o u n d , a n d S«x»a t i w " W a s h ; I did so, fortunately
f o r m e , B ^ o i e a coaath h a d passed I
felt t h a t m y general health had hop r o r e d ; in t h r e e months more I waa
cared, aad I have been in perfect
hrafllh ?nnce. I did mot lose am engagem n a t o r miss a mcxL
•- Yoar Vegetatole Ojuiparod ia eertaialy wanderf-aJ, and well worttoy t h e
|Typ»-Sigt P t i U s
y o o r admiiiog f r i e a d s who have
cared a r e rsady to «i*e yoa. I
IsL-wed t c H
always speak higaly of it, and yoa
will admit I ibare good reason t o do
so.""—Mas. G Bbxto. Lassang. Mich.
m®Il Rave nane 'la your "onaipOKlajr
9*000 forfen Hf €tbmt tathmmial it vat ffBmtfne.
rnmnas a»ey can be baaflled cren qultker
T h e f a l l e s t c o a n s e l o n ttois
( b m type.
JOfternrtChnrpc Ismadc Tor sa-raxg pluvs s u b j e c t c a n b e s e c o r e d w i t h o u t
>ena a Brtal <irflr.r to tins offloc and J>e c o s t b y w r i l i n g t o M r s P l n k h a m ,
Lynn, Mass. T o u r letter will be
exitttely coofklentiaL
i e w s f a k r ONION,
Jackson i(Mafh.» dispatch: The home
of Deputy Fatted States Marshal HenSaid tw aiaubtu anfl nitnic fiT plfnr yon ase ry Haydem was rohbei of diamoods
wewffl -Hena yon eatalor anfl imbeurfl <J and jewelry valued a t over JSjMW.
James Williams, his colored testier, is
ctnvroiv p l o w wYwcs.
Cliatniu WichicM- wiissSug.
Prevented by Shampoos of CUTICURA SOAP
and Uglit dressings of CUTICURA, purest of
emoiliefit ddn cures. This treatment at once
stops tailing hair, removes crusts, scales, and
dandruff, soothes irritated, ftcfiing surfaces,
stimulates the hair follicies, supplies the roots
with etieny and noarMmncit, and makes the
hair grow upon a swe-t, wholesome, healthy
scalp when all else fails.
•fag.iarirySag, and beaadfy, scales, sod daadrna. and the
l a r , i a d soothing red, rough,
, aad c u l a c s , and for all t b e porliioas a t W o a e a nse C m c r a a
, i n i u t i o a a , inflammations, aad
iperapbatioB, ta the f o r m o f w a d i e s f o r
heptlc parpMes which readily sngC t r n c u a a S o a p oaabioes delkate
t y a p t i t l u i i t i i t t d CraMC^mcpaa, t h e great akin core, with the
n a q S a g e i L a a a l B g l a R i u l H a t a j a a J t h e aMMt refreshing of flower odoata.
• a a e e r a w e c a y d aoap la to fce eoepaiad with It tor p r e e e r v i a g ^ r i f y i a g ,
a a d b e a s t i M n g t b e akia, acalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or
duMBltic l o i i i a a a p . h o w e t u expeasire. Is to b e c o o p a m l with it for all the
popopes of t h e tcdlet, hatk, and nnrsery. H b s it onabioes, in O s E S o a r a t
O n s F u c k , t b e b i s t akin aad complexloa soap, aad t h e b e s t aoilet aad
baby aaaplB t h e warld.
f a r Cvary H u m o u r ,
OHdMagetODXacaaa Soar ( a ^ b to rteaaw tbe.
• • t talia. aai
iba 1M1 toaai coOrie; Crnccam o i a r a a a r
aa«ctaane tbe b M . a Snwta Sss-ts d i n
nOrtmt le npra
tte—gbr^atbe WUL^rttSuli Ptyrt: S7a«.CtartobraM Sq, Lmlia. Ptrwb
Dcsa^SBoe'tetaMz.Parta. Porraa Pacw iSD Cam. Coss^ Srte T i f , bcnaitL
Cfewceaaai—mai f n a a (CbewaaeOaaailawt—.ninnim.wawirtw
•ttriiBBa to tto oOibniMfl SvaU Orrtcraa a* M w n a ; « ' m B a f v an «brr k
m i bsnoeor cir**. M
U waweep eeeaeSH*, «waeah*ee**Ml»oi
—aaraaa—<awapwi. «l«»yac.—ae. mA
i ht i w i •• nw 1 in»> 1
WW*, hy fViilv Sfmy Pub O*.)
"A^id now. Bot,"' .janoaBocd iht- R ^ - 1 "Yes. Dick, j w raighJ. and ! tnnl^
ing Young Writer, tilting hack ia hi? ! h o p yoa will—hat, Wck, you never
- " "from the tahle and• '(<oiinifideatial]y
and what was 1 t o doT"
' T e n tbousaad dollars won't ia.*;
ao dressing tbe ink reotptacle, ~we
forever," he eoatinued, ignoring t e r
t o n e to the end of the story."'
"The ibeautifnl Prlaees.- has he-en gectle, yet rankling reminder.
'•No, hut Denny is going to lave.s:
rcsraed; t h e Prince has rodergonc a.4
many halr-hreadth escape# a s we can ipan of it, and open a printing shop
reallly afford to throw ia
and with the rest, a r d it will he a gool
the naughty ogre has he-en killed off hy s t a r t for—for him.""
nateaklnv iftf a bsx s i pftiKurMv ! draeons
"Printinc shou!" he sneered. " Y o o l l
sent anonymously throush the mails. have a man of letters, a f t e r all. won t
An op-to-date t o w h , thai last,. Botty. you-"
'Xow, Dick, v i a needn't talk Ilkrmy hoy."
The ooatainer of writiag
re- t h a t At first 1 was going to write you
—after it was over, b a t that seemed
aaalalag aarcsponsive, h e coatiaaed.
-Some folks say, Mt. Bottle, that a kind of sneaky, aad I've always beeti
writer always pSCtaies Sn his hero honest with you, haven't I, Dick?*
"Yes. Nan," he admitted, "you
himself, hat I donht that. I goess my
heroes a r e mostly compoHte ereaturcs, have."
"And you know that work-room was
with just enough of me in their m a k v
a p to f a m i s h them with n o r a b k - no place for me."
" I t was not."
JMats, so to speak, at t h e knees a n !
"And I had nothing else. And
"Bnt H I tell yon who poses for my would have waited for you. Dick.
Tillains—all of tteeoa.- declaJmed the
R. Y. W„ with vthemence. "Mister
Draais Q. Smith, commonly called
Denny. Pate tried t o <oaceai him. I
suppose, but I wish she had goae far
enough to have him horn in a settlemeat ©5 the railroad in Afghaalstaa,
aad made Afghanistaa an cndlscoTered island, and instigated interaaUoaal
laws against exploring. Denny Is a
smiling, good-natured chap, too. a n i
I could like him, were he _ not tool
enough to see the good npialitifs in tbe
gill I like, and to carry his audacity
to the point of liking h e r also."
Nothing being fortheomSng from the
onseasate rial, the R. Y. W. kept it up.
with ranch satisfaction.
- B a t let him smile and a m i l e - h e i!
always he my villalas. He's be<en the
hard-heart ed usurer,
t h e widows aad orphans In
the cold, eold snow; he's been the
faithless lawyer t h a i destroyed the
will and left the rightful heir nothing
hat a monrnlng ring and starvation
He's committed every dastardly deed
""Dick, Fm j o i n s t o be married,
from treason aad arson to holtiag the
you bad ever seemed able to get a l o a ?
straight Prohihition ticket; and to
—even If only enough to barely take
our present story, Bot. I've made him
care of me. It's not t h e money, Dick,
the horriMe ogre, a fieadlsh outcast,
though ten thoasand dollars is a great
and carried his degradation to such a
degree a s to make him opposed to the
"Yes," he said, "it is. Especially to
higher criticism, and in disgrace wilh
earn on the payment-oa-puMicatioa
the admiaistratlon.
plaa.*- P r e heaped Indignity, coatnmely,
"And I couldn't stand 11 any longer.
and Insalt upon him. I've made him
Dick The heat, the dirt, the awfu*.
a victim of moving accidents by field
noise—they were just driving me to
and flood. Pve shuffled him off this
death. And you know you've said
mortal coil by every known means
youiseir. many a time, you wouldn't
from the Wheel and rack to choking to
blame me. no m a t t e r what 1 did to
death on a collar batton. notwithget away from there."
ftandlag which, I iavariahly find him
• T m not blaming you." he replied
occapyiag her f r o n t steps or parlor
sofa o" night oa Tuesdays, Thursdays
"Bat i blame myself for—for what
and Sundays. has happened, for 1 kaow you liked
- B a t never mind. Bot, I'm sare she's
me, Dick, and I liked you. I'm sorry.
It's just elrcamstances. Dick."
So what care I
" J u s t circumstances. Nan."
Though Smith he aigUT
"And Denny, he likes me. too." she
m live for Nan—
said softly.
For Nan 1*11 d i e "
"Where Is he?"
"He's waiting for me oa the laadA knock came upon the door. The
warbler arose and admitted, decided- Ing."
K c k went to t h e door and called to
l y to his surprise a a d discomfitarc, the
very lady, tbe subject of his Impas- him: "Come in. Denny. "I'm n e t gosioned ditty and object of his affec- ing to have a t thee, or anything of
tions. Perhaps he wondered how thick t h a t sort. Come on i c . "
Denny came in and stood mainly oa
l_e woodwork was,
' W h y . what on earth. Nan—"* h e one foot, and gazed at the floor wilh
as much apparent absorptioa as if he
- I b a r e something to tell yoa. Dick." had never previously seen any contrireplied the young lady, in a tone that vance of the kind. It was an embarassing situation, and all three stood 111
might have been firmer.
"You must have— But won't yoa a t ease, the girl particulariy so.
A description of her probably would
have a chair?"
be ia order, but it makes no differeace
- N o . it w o n t take but a minute,
she went on. "Dick. I'm going to be whether she had blue eyes and browa
hair, or brown eyes and blue hair. Sh^
Now "Dick" had often imagine-.: was the oae giri for each of these men.
her telling him this very thing, and or at least each thoaght so. which is
himself nobly resigning her, acknowl- enough. A s for her eyes, it would a t
edging his own utter a nworthiness, t h a t moment h a r e been difficult to
aishing her Joy. and so on. A quite determine their color, even had she
human sort of pi eta re and oae t h a t held them ap. f a r by this time they
most lovers have sometimes conjure.! were blurred and moist.
ap. Nevertheless, it hit him hard,
Finally Dick spoke: "Well. 1 supand the only speech he could frame pose I ought b> say something. Denny,
was the very uaromantic, y t l nataral 1 know youll be good to her and all
question. ""Who to?"
that, because 1 guess you love her jus:
-Yoa kaow—Denny,"
a s well as anybody cosKL And I con"But isn't this rather saddea?"
gratulate you on your inheritance, yoa
"Maybe it is." said the giri, half de- know. Wouldn't ohject to having
fiantly. "bat his uacle died aad left some kin of t h a t kind myself, but 1
was always careless about select iag
my relations."
And then Denny muttored something about " ' h a n k s . " and the girl
glasccd a t Dick, and somehow or
other the pair of them stumbled oaL
The Rising Young Writer went
back to his table, and for a long lima
he sat there- quiet, while the shadow
of the squat ink bottle grew and grew
and lay across Vhe floor, a broa-J,
black bar.
At last h e gathered the scattered
sheets of paper together and again
took up his pen. "We must finish it
up. Bot," he said, "for time, and the
day of issue, wait for no m a n . "
"And so the Prince came to his
owa," he read aloud as he wrote st,
"and married t h e Prificess. and they
lived happily together ever after."
"And that. Bot," he said, putting
aside the pen. ' 1 guess is the end of
the story."
There came another knock upon the
d o e r bat this time it swung swiftly
open. She did n o t enter, but stood
Tilted back ia his chair.
looking at him in a way t h a t he had
ten thousand dollars, and be never seen her look before. Then she
and asked me. and 1 Just smiled, ever so slightly.
couldn't stand that factory any long"Maybe there's a sequel, Dick," she
er, and now I've got to go o a with
i t for yesterday I qnit.
And yoa
F o r « l r o To«r f o r Gov.
know. Dick. I never said I didn't like
Governor oeneral Leonard Wood,
htm as well—as I do you." ,
1 should t h i n k you'd like him ten after the evacuation of Cuba, will be
granted a long leave of absence, which
thousand times as well."
"Yoa needn't talk that way. Dick." he is to spend abroad with his fam.
"Well. then, ten thousand dollars is a y .
a o princely fortune. I might make
God's presence makes the great
t h a t much (eventually, with a singte
ztnry "
Saved from//^JlmPenma
head and lungs in i t s w o r s t f o r m , a a i B t h e doctors fairly gave m e a p , a a d I
despaired of ever g e t t i n g w e l l a g a i * ,
'•'1 noticed your a d v e r t s s e m t a t * - ^ *
splendid testimonials given b f t who had been cured by P e r t m a , a n d i
t e r m i n v d t o t r v a b o t t l e . 1 f e l t b n t litfVbetter, bot used a second a a d a
bottle and kept on Improvingaki 1 * „
"It took tlx frsfffes to c a r e me,
they were worth a king's tmm
me. I talk Penmm to Mil my
and a m a trwe belle wer ia Us wartfc.'"
—Mrs. CoL E. J. Oreshmm.
Tbon<ands of wnmcn owe t b e l r l i w a
RS. COL E. J . GRESHAM,Treas- t o P e r a n a Tensof thousands a i r e t b j h -
urer Daughters of t b e Ooofederacy. and President Herndon Village Improvement Society, writes t h e
following letter from llerndon, Fairfax
county, Virginia:
Herndon. Va.
The Penma Mediciae O x , CohnDtas. O.;
Gentlemen—"I canaotspeak 100 highly of the value of Perana. I believe
t h a t I owe my life t o i t s wonderful
ts. I suffered w i t h catarrh of t h e
h e a l t h to P e m n a . Hundreds of thorn
sands a r e praising P e m n a i n every a t o t o
in the-Union. We have o n fife a great
mulUtnde of letters, w i t h w r i t t e n permission for nse i n public p r i n t , w h i c h
never b e used f o r w a n t of space.
Address T h e P e r a n a Medicine O a »
Oolnmbns, O., f o r a book w r i t t e n e s p e eilly for women, inrtrnctlrely IHan
t r a t e d , entitled " H e a l t h s a d
S e n t free t o wc
Giad ennigh
for anybody!
^ l l Havana F i l l e r
T b e Only DeraU* WaB CoMta*
Wall Paper is nnsaaitair. Kalsomines are temporary, rot, rob
off and scale. ALABASTINE is
a pure, permanent and artistic
wall coating, ready for the brush
by mixiag in coid water. For
sale by paint dealers eieiv where.
' Boy in packages
aad beware of worthless
Orand R a p U s . Mich.
The Most Pttrtet
That Can Be Found Is
ofsame value as tags from 1
H o o d trouble, L h e t
aad Kidney trouble, Cttarrah and Shea'
activ «d A
e Mood, Brer aad
and J. T'Tobacco.
k i d n e y s , b y p u r i r y i n g toe b l o o d , a n d e a n *
lemes that pass off tbe § 0 *
Poraalehy fim-dass draggt&s or direct
from manutectarees, Mar* J. Johssos Oo.,
is the man vtao never baaataOaietaiH
151 £ . fth St.. St. Paul. Mian.
s ™
Bay yo«r goods at
Wholesale Prices.
Oct IXOHoare catatorw *0! be seal
npoa reoeii-i of IS ceai*. Tliis amount
does not evea pay tbe itosta^, bin ii i<
Ksvepioaal aAraatacesaadlowfateacf
Klvea to tboae Oeriitw of Inspecting tba W B
anffirtesi to stair d> thai you art- sniajr | fmot lands. Tba haaOaome fony-pa^ AtiaseTIn cood faitb. Better
fer it now.
Your neiirhbcT- trade -o-jtii ns—wby not
jtnabo ?
Tbe boose Um tells tbe trotb.
WestemCaaadassairraeaoallappUoaata. Aaplr w P. Pedley. SnpL of laDBlfmloo, Otmpok
Canada: or t o / . Grtere. Sanlt »io Marie, Mllhl
M. V. Mclanea. Na 3 Avenue Theatre
Dacrait, Mich.,
Ifieb., C.
C A. Lanner
I^anner. Marquecte, Mkh.,
H. M. WQlf
U l a m s . » S r i t a e r B i d e - ,V o t a d o , C M *
orJoaepai Y o n a x . M H S t a t s S ( ^ K s s t , O a l M a &
Ohto, Caaafllaa Govenusent A^eats.
\ no r*J. ALRX smas. B«x «, WW
C A R T A R R H .
ALMOND S f t U F F clears the head of!
foul mnens Heals the ulcers of t h e W . N . U . - D E T R 0 1 T - - N 0 . l 9 . - I » 0 i 2 .
head and throat. Sweetens the breath. 1
and restores t b e senses of taste, smell Vlca insveriag
and hearing. Sold at all d r a g stores, o r .
ncattaa This r a f e e
will be sent by mail oa receipt of 2 6
c e n t s . Stamps taken.
A Lent. Prfpt. BurllapUa.TT.-j
HAIR TMST B**1 , a , k e «oeM. OsanatcMto
n n i n lUfVUrrat^r- rr*jfcmlrto lit auormt
txxkc. Ota be ntsde Jtua*. ittdpe aad fu:i tafcimaUoa cJ«en f^r tiM. Aiimt
K. raaxittn*Oa
Lace Curtains
| Wash Fabrics
W e h a v e a l a r g e r s t o c k 'of I L a c e C u r t a i n s
m o s t of t b e o i l y s t o r e s c a r r y b n t w e ido n o t g e t
prices—sell t h e m m n c h cheajper.
" W c l i a v e a n n i m s n i n n i y . n t t f h r a d f c i w s t o c k off S n m m e r
w a s h { r o o d s — " h u n d r e d s of y a r d s - o f j i r e t t y W a s h S i l k s a t
5 0 c j ' e r ^ a r d . D a b i t y D i t n i t i c s ttlhat I k e e p t h e i r c o l o r w h e n
w a s h e d , a t all jpriccs.
T h e v e n - d h o i c e s t t h i n g ' s in ' O r g a n d i e s arid I L a w n s .
T t h e r e is n o l i n e of g o o d s t h a t
j u s t n o w t h a n t h e b r i g h t slheer
We BHII itlioHe that are
wotih .7Sc ^ - r ipnir Ifnr
11.60 "
r«;n0 "
1 the 'higher priced
State Bank
Orgitniied under the
IjBW Of'ltilB
Capital $26
S e e ' C o o n s 2f)c w o r k s h i r t s .
C h o i c e lime of p o t t e d j p l a n t s 'For
Mikk. A . C . S t o v k .
P u l l a n n o u n o o m o n t n e x t w e d k of
: t h e ' H i g h s c h o o l tfidld m o o t .
CHMKrcial m 4 S w U m s
( B o u s e a n d 'lot Ifor s a l e o r
( E n q u i r e of iFran'k OEdker.
( L o s t — A p r i l 2fli, ' t w o 0 - w e e k s o l d ipigs. N o t i f y (H. A . ( B a r r e t t .
M i s s e s A n n a a n d ' G r a c e 'Cede 'df
G r a n d ( R a p i d s v i s i t e d lLowdll f r i e n d s
Saturday and 'Sunday.
•Geo W. iPnrkor, Vicol'rtwidont
T h o s e w h o use bladk 'teas will
•WimirAM IE. lUABsn/Ondbier C
D. G. Manuk, ABHt. Cashior ! iind " ( P b e ' O r l o ' f T ' a F o r m o s a O o l o n g
r e m a r k a b l e f o r ' d d l i o i o u s a n d HifeDIRBCTGRfi.
g i v i n g ipowor. All w a y s a t
ildbn'Giles A ' C o .
'Chas. TadGarfcy
'F. 1". iRinc
J 'Geo. W. Parker
Geo. H. Force
' C o r r e s p o n d e n t s w(ho w r i t e 'tihat
E. (L.'Bennett
F J . TuJiyer
S o a n d S o •<>9undayed" a t (Podunlk"
m i g h t ijuHt as w e l l u s e S a t u r d a y a n d
W e d n e s d a y ihnilbe s a m e w a y . (Please
Monarch shirts are
IFiuc H a m m o o k H vor}* dhonp.
' d o l l a r ' s Bax-aar.
M r . a n d M r s . ffas. N i o k l i u
S u n d a y in ' G r a n d IRapidH.
® . F l a n a g a n \will l a y a c o m o n t
w a l k on h i s r c m d o n o o i p r q p o r t y .
i f l o m e r W u U e r s h a s boon b u i l d i n g a l a r g e a d d i t i o n t o Ihis h o u s e .
IF. T . i K i n g Las boon a d d i n g a
l a r g e o i r o u l a r i p o r o l i t o ibis ircHidonoo.
Miss W j T t i e T a y l o r spoilt S u n d a y
w i t h ftl re. W i l l ' C l a r k in S o u t h I j o woll.
(Presents f o r t h e g r a d u a t e s
are mow i n 'order
a n d w e wirih
t o can your attention
t o ' o u r J m e off d e s i m i b l e s .
' O u r l i n e of rdliaible
wakobes i s complete,
a l s o ifine [ j e w d l i y
anfl silver novelties.
Am i n s p e o t i o n
is «dHuited.
^ n o w n 'to m o r e m e n \ ^ h o w e a r g o o d
s h i r t s ' t h a n a n y <0tihor m a k e in ilihej
'Coons h a s an dlegamt d b o w ing at $1.00.
A meaiine 'Ih crilleil Ifor'Saturday
ito 'dledt Officern and 'tranamU
himinew. Ut will ibeBOipeitinie
pyinnaBium is in iproper Bbape.'bUt tihe
athletic apparattiB will Ihe on 'hand 'and
temporarily 'intftdlled iin'a 'few dayB. ®he
U d i o n o a ^ h t ito liadlndeihi <ltB
ovary young aian iin lLowdll.
A ll UmeaBes start'in 'tbe IIOWUIB. Keap
them open or yoa will 'be aick;
'Get y o u r ' o o m m e n c e m e u t
act like nature. Keep Hiver and
g r a m s a t 'TIDE (LEDGBK o f f i c e .
active withadt a sidkoning g r i p i u g
Wanted—Sewingmacbiiie qperat
1 Hiz niilliunipeople 'lake and
OHHtairelH. Try n Ulc'iiox. All dniRRisU o r s a t t h e s b h t a n d w r a p p e r f a d t o r y .
A u s t i n M i l e s 'has illbe m a k i n g Of a
redl e s t a t e d e a l e r . H e ' b o u g h t a
Str^p o f ' l a n d f o r $ 0 0 a n d s o l d ' t b e l
b a c k h a l f t o IH. I*. W a i t e r s f o r f 4 0 .
Nothing slow about that.
(Lewis M . l o i t e r i m a d e TiFE ILbi>Town Line.
o b r a call T u e s d a y a n d U d f t a n o r d o r
Mrs. M. Wesbrook returned IbomB ifrom
for'business stationery f o r l o i t e r
(Bros; m a n U f a o t u p e r s Of s w e e t a n d Irving where dhc Ihan heea oaring f o r Iber
daughter, Wra. (Laun'OaVtet,'^hoibaB reW i i l l ' P l y i m , W i l l [Burdiok a n d
'boiled o i d e r , a p p l e IbUttor a u d 9 0 % .
j j e i b n ILally ^peUt S u n d a y iin G r a n d W i t h lexcdllout i p r o s p e u t s f o r a g o o d cuvarad trom Ibe tneaelee.
IHhb Alioe'WedhritrikiiB apending a ffew
ap{ile<orqpi|ibe Hirm us i g o c t i n g ' r e a d y wedkn wilh 'her Hiatot, Hire. lLaura'Oatter,
W e ' h a v e ' t h e 'beHt i p i v d t a x l e otd- t o d o a l a r g e ' b u s i n e s s m e x t f a i l .
•df Irving.
t i v f l t o r <on e a r t h . ' B r o w n , S o b l e r
U i l o Snow 'has ipurdlawed half 'df t h e
R e c e n t l y a t r a v d i i n g m a n ^visited
'large iburn belooging to bia iirotber Warren
Jb MoKay.
' C l a r k s v i l l e f o r ' t h e 'first t i m e , a n d anil moved it 'to IiIh own premiaet*.
I B o r n , iiu d i o w d l l itownribip, A p r i l w h i l e t b e r e ' r e m a r k e d t o t h e ( e d i t o r !
Mrn. Orrin IBalcomHpent a'few days with
a a , a .TJlb s o n t o I i r . a n d M r s . Of t h e ( R e c o r d t h a t w h i l e ibe ihad Mrs. 'Emily Murray 'last week.
IF r a n k ( P a n t .
'been in m o s t of t h e t o w n s ' O f t b e
Air. and Mre. Martin Sdbneider, "Mr.
M r s . l i d l l e ' D o n t o n of ' O o q p e r s - 'IT. S . a n d ' C a n a d a , ' h e h a d ' n e v e r and Airlhur flhdlton and Mrs. WeSbrodk
v i l l e Hpoiit M o n d a y w i t h hor siHior, ' b o f o r e ' h e a r d s u c h a Houd a u d <dis- aticniled 'the Hnnday BCbool convantlon a t
McOorda Sunday.
e o r d a u t c r o a k i n g of Ibiill f r o g s .
Mrs. tTrunible.
Wilbur IBiirnmiuiill with 'the mumpa.
W . IF. W h i l e df <C!ontralia, 111.,
w i l l m a k e ibis Ihome ' t h i s B u m m n r " G r e a t S c o t t , m a n ' ! T h a t iis 'uot
biill f r o g s . T h a t ' s t h e ' C l a i i k s v i l l e
w i t h A r d b u r Wlbito.
band."—([iPreqpoUt M e r r i l d .
will Ibe dbeorved at tihe
' C o m o n t w a l k n ' h a v e 'boon 'laid in
dhurdh some (time in Hune. iParlicUlaw
Ifrout of
the 'Oliver,
Lowell B o y s ' U u l o u R e o r e a u l z u d . Untur.
TitilioiiH & 'Co. s t o r e s .
Oarl Alllbnaa df lLowell apent .'Sunday
A lurui' uundxirnf youia;men and Hiworal, with did frienda 'here.
M r . a n d M r s . fl. W . ( O l i v e r Of liusliu*>s
men nttendfd tin- mmitlui; Alunduy
Fairobilda of 'Grand Rapidi
' G r a n d ' R a p i d s v w i t e d ' O r . a n d M r s . iwenliiR. Tin- rcvlsi'il ronittltiittuii wiu. udo|>tpil und followini; Hoanl Of ContTiil eli'iuwl: spam a fow dnya la»t wedk wiib hia parenta,
• 0 . 'C. M d D a n n e l l S u n d a y .
Uudolidi 'VuiiDyke, Ourl'RnKliidi, J. IR. NlnhoImiii, ll. if'. ri'iioniHN. m. A iPeilblium and Mr. and Mrs.III. iFairdbllds.
CFOK S'IVIJE—'One s e c o n d h a n d t o p Cnink Mi'llulion.
Mr. and Mre lEameat Pinkney of Keene
A i-uniniltt«H- iNimlHtlriR of iMcshtk. SluOurty,
i b u g g y a n d s i n g l e h a r n e s s in g o o d UiihiiD.llllitkh
and ICInj; with apnoluted W) apent Satuiday wiib 9dbn Sodttand IfamUy.
Heiuiru 'llnaiiiilal a-ssUuuii'i'of bunlnww man
•repair, -dbeai).
'G. W . Kohhk,
'George lidKee, wife and daughter Maud
In putting huildlnKHu i:imtll(ion. Tlie 'Conr
spent'Sunday lat-O. Teller'a.
M r s . W m . S h e p a r d lhas g o n e t o mon counull iKlJourned for IKtean
Initliu mldMt/Of a liusy BCMion and :
'Mre. 'E. StnaBar is nn tbe Bidk lliat. HUB
m d k e h o r i h o m e i n ' G r a n d R a p i d s , thi- mpetlnK In u'tMMly.
Uda IBIHb 'in working 'for Iher.
with hor daughter, Mrs. W o o d .
Ifiert Lydmau, wife and (two 'Children are
M y boiisebold f u r n i t u r e for sale
spending a few daya with Mr. and Mrs.
•Odhn 'Lydmau.
a t {pri v a t e s a l e a t r e s i d o n u e , 'Kast
There wni'be a llecture at the _
( B r i d g e Btreot. fldhn "S, T a y l o r ,
'dhurdh, iPridayevening. May'9, Iby
'Edbarbxdf 'Gand Ifiiyiida. Bilbjetil,
F o r e m a n H a r r i s - o f ' t h e lLowdll
IHiily (!iVy a8lI ifinfl I t . " Adniiaaioi
' C u t t e r ' C o m p a n y ' o c u q p i e s ithe IB. 'C.
All are'cor dirtily 'inviled.
i J m i t h r e f l i d o n o e m o w - o w n e d 'by Ifi.
a good
n a m e Ifor
II. i P l a n a g a u .
IPoraons auuommodUted w i t h free S c o t t ' s
ILouis T v n a p p df ( O b i u a g o is visiti u g b i s j p a r o n t s , S . Fi. K t m p p a n d
n o t i c e s of ptibliu
nieetingH w i l l
oblige by 'being bridf. Strike out
usdlesH w o r d s . I t eosUi u u o n o y Ho
i p u t t b o n i in t y p e ,
are like y o u n g
^Others n e e d fertilizers.
ed Mercerised
Sl.'OO ' e a c h — t h e y
the'ooun oil on ithe a f l - j
« meter system ov
tin iHie tft ipreaerit Bnfl~lbej
Bqgtilar meeting of Hbe Lowell Village
Oounoil 'bold in the CtoiimilTooniB on Mona spedirtlj
day evening, May 5, lOOa.
was 'uonMeeting nailed ito order by Proa. V a n od im rndtiou Uiy'tfWatec Winegar.
atered a,protest 'against i
Preaent Trualeea iLee, liook, JTinholaon.
Ihe 'howling rilley1 iin aceonrit'df 'its 'boing,
Watte, White anfl Winegar.
Minuteti of April meetinga ireafl and an-1| kept open until auch Hate Iboura. The!
ito lihe 'Fire 'Oommitlee.
The matlor of itihe defective sidewalk >onj
ieito a petition from doBapb
S o . K7 G k . K. preeenied iby 'the East1 aifle ofiBroadWKy Street, aouih of >
Wattara 'bam was 'referred tto the Street,
oonaiatinc '«/f fi. IP.
iCoimniltee with [power lo act.
' and Rnlum Quidk, '!
'On motion % IliruStee WraBgar 'O-iundJI!
ed'that an amount of
; IFifty ddllara ito ifldVray u!be adjourned.
i df Memorial'diiy dhttervaDoea ibe
T . A IMtoiBPHir, 'Clei^k. J j
ifrom iibe\Genenil IFunfl 'df
O k a aH h w e i e g . » w .
Garriefl Yeaa Him, ILodk, Kidholatm
ago a diaeaae lihe dnclore
Watte, 'White and Winegar.
(tallied 'flya|M)paia 'took audh Ihdld 'Of m e Hbai |
The'matter'df'fliifpoatag df>fhe water an
'lihe alley ibadk of Foreat rmi 11 was 'referred a oould Bcurcdty g o , " writes fi. Marsh, wdll
known ati/irnaydf Socona, ITe*- " I t/irik
ito tihe 'Street CJommittee.
(The IL. & IP. 'Ckimmitteeto Wiiom waa ire- iqnaUtHies df ipepain anH other nieflicinea
ferred 'the petition ior an arc Uight on Weat- 'but inoibtng 'hdkpad me. A a a drowning;
m a n !grah«t a straw 1 grubiwd <a IKoflffl. 1;
•arn A^o., Toponed us Tiot <in f a v o r 'Ofiplao'ing a'lamp there. iRupori ancopied and iidlt an iuiprcwamont at once and after a
committee diacbarged. Trnatee Watte ax- (few luUtlea am sound and well." Kodol iis
flie only ijireparHtion wni ih ex'ibCty irapro'ouaed.
juiaea and conThe li. & P.'Oommittee'to whom waa re- flunesilhematnrtil'digestive
lis (the 'O'Jly one wlliidh digesia j
iferrefl ithe 'requeat nor a redaction iin tihe
any good Ifood and corea any ffimn df
ipriite Of ligbta ftn tbe Oathdlic 'dhurdh Te•Stomadb'trodblfi.
IL. IH Tdft •& 'Oo
ipotted asmttimjfKvor 'df any TCdnciion.
Sontli Boston-Elmdale.
'On imdtion Iby li'ruatee Winegar t h e f o l Mra. Mary Pratt'anfl 'flautjhtor'Of Adhley
lowing Ibdla were alllowed.
Yeaa ILee, U'odk, Kinbolaon, White and and A'lma'Burr dl'IBig IBaptda 'have Wen
WinegardbaeUt Wails
[proving -dlowHy.
IL. & ip.. ipunm.
Anfly IProwbriilge iis very How.
Walter Morsia
Mra. ILucy 'Foator and daughter (Lona iff
'Walter Morris
visited at'C. W . Tajnor's fiuinrfluy
tPhna Morris
fitaimard wnrtt tto 'Granfl
OhBB Mortis
80 00
•morning 'for meuiokl
Will Moree
80 00
0 8'English
lEladtric Appliance Oo
Ben nut iLamp 'Go
Watters Bros
88 88
MTS.Maigr'Grqiliniia working ifor Mrs.
<6 '00 'Obaa. (Elahn Klmt snmmer.
& Oougressm&n.
•mm Holds U p
dhn (Lewis
ifi IDavie
'Bay IQanfl
fit iiigbtB
T A Murphy
T /A Mmtphy
6 IF (Lane
IDr'O'C MdDannell
Engine ifionse liigbta
8 00
MB 97,
112 f S O
87 80
i'5 (K)
7 0 <06
Truntec Hidhdlaon excaaed.
Mt.fPond'Of'ihe 'Oitiwin'a (Light 'Co'df.
f u l l aiza Fruil D.ali lOr
Seven ipieoe Berty fiet 25c
% cfllon Pitcher '2ric
«*'ll W a turn fir
900 ipiece lOinner fiet b J 8
Eutn-a good irihraer fiet 7 l«0
'6, ii. Ud and 112 ipieoe •OhMn'ber Sets a t iloweSt iprices. ,
your in ipeotiim.
Yonra ifor lliunrneaa,
ther, Yes 'one package maikef two
H'df IbUby medicine, fioe dheOtions.
jiia indthine jDrtl aa 'good i o r 'bdliies
Bhlldron aa IRodky Mountain ITea. 85c.
ID. tfl; I
m J N K
'Cor l e a v e s ' G r a n d K a ^ i i d s a t il.'OO
Ip. ni
is :aittadfaefl t o (DdUroiit
Uftew V ' o A trsjpress;tft P o r a n d , :
i n g PfltireuH 8:j00 ip, m . S u j p p e r
feerrafl a Aa 'oarbe m m e w -ealfe j i a i i o r
t o lllbis t r a i n aRtor Heaving
Tburaday, (to*diQrl)lIay 8, 11902.
Wheat—82i' ipor ibuabsl.
mto—42o ipCT'buabdl.
IThe nature'df aome'dhJldren
3 . ' C . T r a i n was in ' D e t r o i t t o s e e
<Gorn—ABcipar buabul.
'bis y o u n g pacing horse, J . ' C . T^,
p r e v e n t s t t h e m ' f r o m t t l h r f w i n g lUyo—50o||wrlhiHibdl.
w h i u h h;i>; b e e n e n t e r e d f o r ithe . J u n e
'Olovor 8ei»d—jW00'@ $5(00.
'on f i r d i n a r y ' f o o d
S u d k vdhil-i
r a c e s , w i t h s t d k e c a t $0,000.
Boann—f 1 'JOh® 11 Bftiper'bualidl.
Tin; G r a n d T r u n k express g o i n g • d r e n g r o w r i ^ h t i i f ( t r e a t e d ' r i ^ h t .
w e s t l e a v e s *LowdIl a t ^:3B, |p. i n . ,
A l l t h e y ineed i s . a llittle f o r j
I B r a n — i p e r 'ton
j i M t e a d Of 4 : 4 2 . T h e e a s t b o u n d
i z o r — a i l i t t l e e x t r a a a d h n c s s . (florn<meal —^iM'OOipflriton
t r a i n f o r m e r l y g o i n g a t 7 : 1 0 , a. i n . ,
m o w l e a v e s o n e m i i n u t e e a r l i e r , a n d S c o t t ' s E m u l s i o n iis t i h e ' r i g h t
t h a t formerly going east at : 5 : ' J 3 ,
Standard Winter Beat—gt! ^Operowt
:IIOW'leaves f r m i n u t e s later.
Winter listen Family—-2.20purowt
(Fertilizers m a k e t t h i n g s g r o w
M r s . 'E. M . ' F o s t e r h a s j o i n e d h e r
S p r i n g W h e a l ipatent—2 40 ipar owt
' h u s b a n d ' h e r e a t ' H o t e l 'Mrace a n d a T h a t ' s i j u s t w h a t S c o t t ' s E m i i l
s o t t l e m e u t of
s i o n d o e s , ttt i m a i k e s ' d h i l d r e i ' , IBUIter—IB® IJ8 iperipound
•di'HoUltics h a s b e e n e f f e c t e d . T h e :
'KggH—IH iU)ll4ciper drntsn.
ILoro—ll'l'.to 12c {>er pound
w o m a n w b o ' i n a d c t r o i i b l e in a i p r o v - j g r o w i n flesh, g r o w i n s t r e n g t h
liously h a p p y f a m i l y l e f t f o r 'Big [ g r o w ' r i c h ' b l o o d , g r o w iin m i i n d , 1
IRapidH l a s t w e e k , a f t e r t h e s e c o n d
liaef. live weiglll—^2 50 to f ! 5 ftO^per cWt
T h a t ' s " W h a t w e lBeof, U r e 8 « o d — 7 7 SOiper 'OWt.
a r r i v a l df M r s . F o s t e r .
Mr. Brace g r o w h ^ p p y .
"Veal dreaned—$8 BO
' h a s Uiken i p o s s e s s i o n Of ' t h e h o t e l m a k e i t f o r .
Sheen,live weight—<2 fi0'@f3'00iper owt
afmin a n d 'Fodtor will r u n ' t h e ' b o w l S e n d ifor f r e e s a m p l e .
I 'liam&i.llive welght—$B 50(@ 8 7fiiper owt
ing alley.
T b e r e - u c i t e d t a m i l y SCOTT i ; BOWNE,'Chtsritts. 409 Piail8t.,r*.w , ;p.rtk a l i T e - ^ 5 5 0 # 8 ' l » iper owt
5«6Md yi^Alldraggitto.
has our best wishes.
i ' o r k drawied—7'00ito B COipar ovrt.
" ' A l t , ' t h e end «tf t h e 'cainpaign' "
Ibnilliaiit c o n g r e s s m a n , " i f r m n <ovor.
w o d k , n e r v o u s itensiona, Hoas 'id' islleqp
« n d (Hmstant qpeakiing H (bed a b o u t
ifflteiily 'odl!a]wed. I i seemsd itlbat iall
i t h e ' o r g a n s iin imy l b u % w e r e
o u t 'Of
'order,, (but tlbree Ibutilcs df EleOlmic
(Bituore m a d e m e will m & t . I t ' s (the
ibeBt a l l - a r o u n d m e d i c i n e (ever so'lfl
•over a druggist's'eouUtor7' (Ovor-woi^k,
irun-down men
u n d wnalk,, fdidkilf
w o m e n g a i n q r d e u d i d Ihoa'liib a n f l
v i t a l i t y f r o m (Rlectiric (Bitlors. UVy Cnmfac ^ t e m o l C C C . n m n r s d B tetaflL
t h o n i . 'Oidy DOc. 'Gtiarartteed I b ^
iBwnrdflht'JIwitor Wbottriestosdl]
" ^ w w t t l v J a S t asgnnd."
(D.'G.. (Lmiik. '
WV> w r i t e s
Q 80
w o r t h SILTS.
M i s s I'hdlpK, ' t e n i p e r a n c e 'lodture,
M . lE. o h u r d h , t o m i g h t .
S e e ' o u r l i n e of w o o d e n w a r e .
' C o l l a r ^ IRazaar.
b l o u s e a n d 'lot f o r s a l e o r r o n t .
T h e r e as
O n e hundred and forty-four very handsome-Bladk Impart-
S q p e r v i s o r W i b i t e is d o i n g ' C o u n t y
j B o a r d d u t y at 'Grand IRapids.
in W o m e n ^ s W a i s t s .
t h e s e n e w t h i n g s t o s u i t lUhe t a s t e s «of a l m o s t e r e r y b o d l y
a n d t i j a j I ' u s i v e D c s s e n o u g h t o a v c i ' S •rftiamae 'of duipiLicatiGra,
onee hk correupontiingly low.
tlie ladies appreciate this and are buying now.
New Creations
It isa Duty
You owe your judgment and your purse to
visit W , S. Godfrey's Clothiog Store before you
buy elsewhere.
"See o u r |ai0.i00 a n d $ l f i j 0 0 S u i t s
; S e e < o u r | ; B . i 0 0 : a n d .|(5.'00 T ' a u t s .
S e e <our U5c a n d 5 0 c woi^k d b n t s .
ftee ' o u r ( B r o w n i e S h i r t s a n d 'OveralUs, a g e s 5 tto I E
250, UOc a n d U5c.
S e e ' o u r T i g e r a n d ( O h a i q p i o n (Huts.
"See o u r (Bqyls I f i n e c IPaUts a t i I 5 o .
A lair inspection and an honest judgment is
ail we ask.
W. S. Godfrey
GAe C l o t h i e r .