VOLUME xxxv; NO; 13. BANK, N3! JJ, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1£1912. PRIMARY NEXT TUESDAY. THE PRINCIPAL CONTEST IS OVER THE DEMO; CRATIC CANDIDATES FOR FREEHOLDER. congress has no opposition, No Dem- o try, and *K«lfeit Comes to the elec- two terms will help them a good deal. ocrat who could be named would stand ion, no one eatt beat him there either, They are all running on the primary any sort of a show against Mr. Scully. oe DonahayhW been in tho surro- cket under the title of "Regular So far as heard from there it not a rate's Dfflce for eighteen years. For Poodrow Wilson Democrat," end WilDemocrat In the congressional district ;en years he has been deputy Burrorate. In these.years he hag met a cry large number df people from all part* of the comity,' He's one of the most a f f a b l e , ' » » -that ever held a Monmouth 'cooatiri office. Next t o D e r m Can&lfitM for Them Job* are in the Field «nd Only Five C*h be Nominated-Two Candidate! for tbb Republican Nom: nation for Congreu and Fp^nr CnndidAtet, for the,Democratic Nomination Cor Auembljr-Fow Conte»t«forLocal Noniination*. Next Tuesday IB primary d p y / ' In New Jersey on that day the voteri decide who will be the regular party candidates for office on the Republican and Democratic tickets. In some counties the Socialists last year polled five per cent of the total vote' for candidates for assembly and In these counties the Socialists have become a «^ t ^Th,ere '(^opposition on the Republican primary ticket for congress, however. Benjamin F . 8 . Brown of Keyport and Matawan i s a candidate, against William W, Ramsay of Keans>urg. Mr. B r o w n - i s a prominent lodge man and he has many acquaintances throughout the entire congressional district because of his activity in lodge /affairs, He is also BEDLE, Republican Canaiflaio (or Freeholder. ALBERT D. MCCABE, Democratic Candidate for Freeholder, Save Crater he can feet more Republican votes than any other Democrat in who does not want Mr. Scully to be the county, and that's saying a good returned to congress. Mr. Scully has leal. Probably It's wrong to speak of done a lot of hard work for the people he former. surrogate as "Dave of his district, It takes time for the Irater," and miyBi he ought to be work of a congressman to show, because congress moves very slowly in most matters pertaining to individual y, T. EDWARD JEFFRIEB, Democratic Candidate for Freeholder. prominent an a Republican, having been connected with the Republican party for many years. Politicians are divided in opinion as to who will win the nomination, Mr. Brown has the largest personal acquaintance in the district but Mr. Ramsay is said to be I JOSEPH L, DONAHAY, ' • „ bomoorntlo Candidate top Surrogate. LEON B. TAYLOR, Democratic Candidate for Assembly. v .. " . eferred to nowadays as the HonorFRED D, HURLEY, Democratic. Candiaato for Freeholder. ible Secretary of State, but nobody in rlonmouth county ever thinks of him congressional districts. Mr. Scully is Secretary of State Crater. Always has got appropriations for several in their minds it's plain Dave Crater. poBtofflces and postoffice sites since he Anyhow, Joe Donanay, next to Dave legal party, entitled to. a primary ticket at the primaries, In counties Where the Socialists did not poll five per cent of the total vote for their candidates for assembly, they will have to nominate candidates by petition, if they nominate at all. A s the las been in office He has been extremely active in the work of getting improvements for rivers and harbors, and he has been particularly industri- CHARLES M. WYCKOFF, Democratic CnmlldnU' for Freeholder. incited by the Republican machine, while Mr. Brown is said to be not vary atyong with the machine. Mr. Brown is more or less of a Progressive, but a good many Progressives will not vote at tho Republican primary this ycur. If they vote at the RepubRUFU8 O. WALLING, Ileimhltcnn Candidate (or Surrogate. EDWARD FARBY, Democrntic Cnudldate for Freeholder, JOHN L. SWEENEY, ous in all those matters which come up Democratic Cuiulliluto for Assembly. personally between a congressman and his constituents. He has made "rater, is the strongest Democrat in many personal, friends In the district the whole county and he's about as since he took office, and no Democrat in re to win at the election as he is at who could be named would have a the primary. Rufus 0. Walling, the ghost of a chance against him at the Republican candidate for surrogate, is a mighty fine young man, one of the Progressive party was not a party nt all until this year, they will also have to nominate all their candidates by petition. In most of the counties of the state they have nominated a full set of county candidates, and nominations have also been made by the Pro- WAI.TER B. CONNOR, , Pomnevatle, OuiuHnate for Fretniolilo llcnn primary this 7 year they will not bo permitted to vote at the Progress ive primary next yeur.' Most Progressives believe their party 1B going to be tho Whole thing noxt year and thoy wnnt to bo In a position whore they can take an active part in the Pro JOIIN M, CORMES, llc Onnillilnto for l'roeliolucr, C C I V C In ninny plncos for olTlcors for township, borough and city qQIcoA. Tliero is no opposition nnywhoro on the Hopubllcnn county ticket. It doen not look nn If the Republicans utoad any elnineo to Win and tlio HopubllCmm of tho rounly worn not clamorous for plni'en on (ho ticket. Tho Republican iiiiichiiui held a meeting and • . I * , ' SUITS FOR CIVIL RIGHTS. THREE SUITS AGAINST LONG BRANCH THEATER PEOPLE UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS LAW. Charles A. Wilson and Viola A. Wilton Excluded From Orchestra Chairs at the Broadway Theater at Long Branch on Account of Their Color—Mr. Wilion is & Professional Musician and Entertainer and His Wife is a Graduate of Pratt's Institute. the ticket and they Will be nominated yitfnOUili.OpBOBitiOH# •* PAGES jf TO g J FRANK E. PRICE, Republican I'anillilato for Freeholder. IIAKItY (I. VANNOTE, Democratic (.'iimlldiilo for Assembly. primary, IloflidoB nil this, there is ii the Democratic party a tradition o finest In the county, but when it comei over ii hundred yearn tttundlng thn to voto getting he wont bo in it witli ..n onk'lnl is entitled to two tormn. All Joe Donnhny. UICKO rcttHonH combino to relievo Mr Thoro i u « » lut (if Democrats wh Scully of opposition nt tho primnry. want to be frfrhuldcTH. Tho live mem though any one of thoso rcitaons would born of Um present heard arc candl< Two BUits for civil rights, as guar- had said to her, she went to the anteed by the state of New Jersey, theater again. At this show orchestra has been begun at Long Branch by chairs were sold at 25 cents each and Charles A. Wilson and Viola A. Wil- she asked for a ticket for one of these son. The parties are colored people seats. She was told by the ticket and were refused admission to the or- seller that no seats for orchestra; chestra Beats at the Broadway theater chairs would be sold to colored perat Long Branch on account of their sons. Mrs. Wilson says she asked color. The suits have been brought for Mr. Rosenberg but was told he was against Henry Rosenberg, the owner not there. Then she asked for Mr. of the theater; Charles Bryan, the Green and when he came she told him resident manager; and Jesse B. Green, of Mr. Rosenberg's statement to her, who was one of the employees who re- that she would not be excluded from fused them admission. Mrs. Wilson the orchestra chairs, and she told Mr. was twice refused admission to the Green t>f Mr. Rosenberg's further main auditorium on account of her statement that he would instruct the color, and Mr. Wilson was refused employees of the theater to permit her A. W. C0RNELHI8, onct It is because of these refusals and her husband to sit where they Bepublican Candidate for Assembly. to admit them on the same conditions pleased. She says that Mr. Green m'e popularity will help them some, as white persons arc admitted to the told her that no such orders had been received from Mr. Rosenberg by him, 'he present freeholders are grouped theater that the suits are brought. ogether with a' brace on the DemoThe law in regard to this matter nor had any such orders been received ratic primary ticket, as the law p e r - was passed by the New Jersey legisla- by the man at the door nor >by tbe nits, which indicates t h a t they a r e ture in 1884 and is very clear and ex- ticket seller. He said that in refusing her admission to the orchestra chairs unning together. T h e present free- plicit. The law is as follows: lolders a r e J o h n M. Corlies, John AN AOT TO PHOTKCT ALL CITIZENS on account of her color they were only obeying the orders from headquarters. )aly, T. E d w a r d Jeffries, Robert C. - • THElIt CIVIL AND LKOAL RIGHTS. Mrs. Wilson refused to go upstairs hompson and Charles M. Wyckbff. 1. All Persons Entitled to Ecinal Bights and sit in the balcony or gallery and t h e r /candidates for freeholder o n ana Privileges, Snsjsot to conditions she left the theater. Established hy Law. e Democratic primary ticket arc J o All personi within the Jurisdiction of the male of Kew Jersey Klmllfoeen- After considering the matter a few titled to tho full anrl equal enjuyrrtont of days Mr. and Mrs. Wilson determined the accommodations, advantages, facili- to establish their civil rights and to ties nnd prlvllOKes of Inns, public conveyance* on land or \Vater, theaters ami begin suit against the owner, resident other plnces of public amusement, manager and employees of the theater, -subject only to tile conditions und limita- who had violated the civil rights law. tions e.Htiihlislied by law, anil applicable alike to citizens of every race und color, This law provides a penalty of $509 regardless of any previous condition of for every violation of this law, to be, l servitude. in a civil suit. The law also 2.: Penan? for VlolUlon ot Tiovislons ot recovered provides for the indictment of persons violating this law and their punishThat any personwho shall violate the _oreKolny; section by denying to any citi- ment by a fine of not less than $500) zen, except for reasons by law applicuble nor more than $1,000, or by imprisonto citl7.en.-i of every race and color, and ment of not leas than thirty days nor regardless of any previous condition of sevltuile, the full enjoyment of any of more than one year. Mr. Rosenberg the accommodations, advantages, facili- had an interview with Mrs. Wilson ties or privileges In said section enumer- subsequent to her last exclusion from ated, or by aiding or Inciting KUCII de- the theater, and she says that when nial, Bhall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay tlie sum of Jlvo hundred she intimated to him that the matter ' dollars to the person afiTRrleved thereby, would be left for the law to determine, to be recovered in an action of debt, with full costs, and shall also, for every Hucli Mr. Rosenberg declared that they offense, be dpemeil guilty of a misde- could go as far as they liked and that meanor, and upon conviction thereof he would carry the case to the highest shall be lined not less than live hundred court. nor more than one thousand dollars, or GEORGE BRAY, shall be Imprisoned not less than thirty Mr. and Mrs, Wilson have placed Republican Candidate for Mayor of dnys nor more thnn one year. ase in the hands; of Joseph Keilly Red Bank. Mrs. Wilson is a very light colored of Red Bank and suits have been bewoman, and is as light as many white gun. Mrs. Wilson has brought two eph L. Butcher of Farmingdale, WalHer husband is slightly suits for ?B00 damages in each case er B. Connor of Navesink, Charles E . women. lldridge of Clarksburg, Edward darker. Mr. Wilson is a musician and for her exclusions from the main audi'arry o£ Matawan, Frederick D. H u r - professional entertainer. Mrs. Wilson torium of the theater on account of Dy of Neptune City and Albert D. was educated at Pratt's Institute at her color, on the occasions of August rlcCabe of Asbury P a r k . This makes Brooklyn. After her graduation from 25th and September 10th. Mr. Wil[tiite a string of candidates for t h e this institute she taught for a year at son has brought a suit for his excluAstral Settlement, in Brooklyn. sion from the theater on the occasion oters to choose from. Afterward she hail charge of Dr. BalF o u r c a n d i d a t e s . a r e running for lard's school for crippled and defective of August 25th. All three suits are he Democratic nomination for a s - children. This work is very exhaust- brought- against Mr. Rosenberg, Mr., iembly. Leon R. Taylor of Avon is ing and teachers are permitted to rc- Green and Mr. Bryan. These are believed to be the first suits itiin in this school only a very short brought Monmouth county under me on this account. After occupying this law,inalthough law has been his position four months Jlrs. Wilson in force 28 years. Athe suit almost simias appointed as assistant teacher at lar in character was decided last he Physicians' kindergarten at Brookin tho supreme court of this yn. At the close of a year's work she month state, tho decision being, given by •as reappointcd for another year, but Judge Kalisch. A, colored woman :ie married Mr. Wilson and retired named Minerva Wilson had been ex'ram -teaching. cluded from entering a moving picture • The complaints in the suits arc show in Passaic on the Bame teirtns as bout alike, nnd are based nn two ex- white persons were admitted and she, cisions of Mrs. Wilson from the brought suit against Christopher : heater on account of her color and Stampul, the proprietor of the theater, m one exclusion of Mr. Wilson. under this act. She received a verdict Mr."and Mrs. Wilson say that on of $500 and an appeal to the supreme Vugust 20th they went to the Broad- court was taken by Stampul. In prevay theater to attend a moving pic- ious decisions under this law it had ure show. Tho seats wore advertised been set forth that all violations of the it ten cents to all parts of the house, law are upon the Bame pecuniary 'hey bought tickets at th'e ticket of- basis, and that any aggravated cir,ce. When they presented the tickctB cumstances attending any cases have t the door the tickets were accepted no weight. The decisions of the courts >y Mr. Green, the ticket taker at that rest wholly on the violation of the civil ime, and he told them to go upstairs. rights law itself. In the Passaic deVlr. and Mrs. Wilson started to go in- cision Judge Knlisch said: o th^e main auditorium and Mr. Green HERBEHT E. WILLIAMS, "The plaintiff, a negress, recovered gain told them to go upstairs. Republican Candidate lor Councilman. judgment against the defendant for Mrs. Wilson asked why they must go a$500 as a penalty for refusing her pstairs. "You have said that to us •unning for a third term. Third term mce," she snid to Green, "and now admission to a theater, which the deassemblymen have not proven popular rou repeat it again. Now, just what fendant was conducting in the city of Passaic, upon the terms accorded to in Monmouth county in the past, but s it thut you mean by it." others, and in violation of an act enthere always comes a time when pre"Well," Green replied, "you've got titled 'an act to protect all citliena cedents are broken. It looks as though in their civil and legal rights,' apMr. Taylor would break this prece- ,o sit upstairs." "But my ticket entitles me to sit proved May lftth, 1884. The case was dent, for the Keneral belief is that he s sure of re-nomination. The other nywhere in the house I plense," said tried before tho court, without o. jury. candidates are Harry G. VanNote of Mrs. Wilson, "and I choose to sit in The defendant appealed to this court Long Branch, John L. Sweeney of At- ;he orchestra chairs. Now, why may for a review of the rulings of tho trial judge, without having filed any specilantic Highlands and William E. ve riot ait there." "Because you arc colored," Green re- fications of the grounds upon which he relies for a reversnl of the judgment. lied. "What (lid you say was the reason "The state of the case shows that ,ve could not sit in the orchestra the court found from tho testimony, •hairs'!" Mrs. Wilson asked. that the pliintiff applied for admission 'Because you iiret colored," Mr. to the theater, and tendered in payi replied. l i d "These "Thare my ment therefor the usual price, B cent*, i from headquarters, that colored and was refused urnih admission, for is eunmit sit in the orchestra hut the reason that she wna n negress, and must fiit in the balcony." Mr. Green Unit colored persons were required to lidded thut the;* were not bis personal piiy 25 cents for admission. The tesnders, given out by him, but that us timony sustains Hiirh finding. Tho in employee he wu.'i acting under in- appellant made several motions for a nonsuit. The grounds upon which Mr. Wilson then asked for the imin- snid motions were bused we have careiKer, nnd t'hiuleM Ilryan, the resilient fully examined, and ilnd to be without iiimn^er, was railed. The situation merit. The statute upon which tho vns explained to him nnd he nuid lie pluintilfs action is founded IH n public •mild nut help I t ; Hint ( h e w were the one. The slate of ileiniinil sets out uilrrs thn employees hud received Milllcient fm-t.'i, showing I hut tho plnintilf hud a ciiiist! of action mining out Mm. Wilium iuike.il whnl Mr. llry- of a violation of thut statute. The IM'K iii'dei'ii were. T i n y wire then penalty to l recovered under tho itnndinK nt the entrnni'e to the ma in .statute ill In the lintill'e of licilllilntcd, iiiilitiiriiim mill plenty of vacant i.eiils compensatory and d punitive ii l g vere Keen. Mr. Ilryiin replied Hint bin It. phtCTs nil violntiimn of the utivtuto •irderii were t h u t no colored periiomi i]><>11 Hie name pemninry IHIHIH, withivere to be adniitteil to the oirhcstni out regard to nny iiKgruvntml Clrcum^I-HIM hut that culured pernonn IUUMI HIL mil. i,, MJTOHKR, n«mtior«llii CaniUdaU for Vrr-rHnliinr. ROIKHT M. rUllliY, Mtotrt Mt tloltdt fa' •nd frwholdsn. N« OM « 9pmp** with thttatorthi fur riiiiiii'tliimn Mount <if Knirllnlilown. Mr. VimNotc n thought to IIIIVCI tin, lumt rhiiniii foi \\\v iMM-ontl nomlimilon f«v nnnt*m!>ly IIOIOIIKII Mr, Hwni'iioy'" frlcncln wll pul up n very ntniiiK t\u\\l to him! him T h e m nre mi V""i»i'.v loiilnnlii foi liliior Iti'pulilli'iui or Di'iini'Tiitlr ran .Itriuten In Hnl lliuili, or In Mliliili' town (nwiidlilp, or In Oui IHIIHIIKII it ItiiDinon. In f'nlr llnvim, hownvi'i Iheni a i r two ennlimtn.* Mi'vmi rnnill riutcx for thfl Kpiiutilli'itii iiimiUuiltoi fur coiiiifllmiMi urn in tho llxlil, am only *U »f tlu>m run hd IIOMIIIIIIUHI Ttiq iillinr rciritnut In Hint of John H HrcrU, win) Is running DKnlntt WUHiu Outrhln fur »"«»««or. llepulillcnn C«ii<H<l«t» fur l''i ConieM primary p a r y in 1018, 1 i IIAMHY K. TRtlAX, l h «xp«c u«ntly nil rroirr rroirro«lv«« who ftn (,'niMlliltttn for A icir party to Brow and who really b» lmv« bsen utihicUnt to defpat any can !l*v» In th« principle* of th« party will dldaU who ran against him for tin no* takt a h»nd lit tho primary of any nomination. <l«t«l f a r ro-nnmlivHllnn. Th«y h*<r party this yiar, Jonah L. DonaHayforautrojaU don» good work n« fiMholdtr* and th iv-jrolng at th* _.,« only county candidate on th« Dem R*n«r*l opinion la that th*y will Ii thi L 4R«»ubHWn ahjTtMnjtt » » m : pflmsry, . ,„ .Upwry, It It is dlrhrint oorallo tltk«t who" h»iTu» " "" T H E rtti> HANK idcumuii nmko nomlnaW. In thin n u * . *» In th with tht; CDUttty ticket at tht fo«mo- at Ui* primary. No tltmi otM of (;i»riKr»«mnoii Moult/, th* tr Hood and Us lulvartlslng tmtrnns Jus «t*tlo primary, William i, Scully foi h*at htm it th* primary, It on* wtr* dlllon that »n olMolnl i« *ntltl*d •tick »n'l Mick and mlck.~/»<'i'. a MtWV.C. TBOtlripff, t>*miM'r«Us CtndUUi* f » tf JACOII l 1'iiiHH.lit < ,' < ' HlaniiM ntlenillnK them. The only per- I> I he Imliony. IOII entitled In mil) in tho one who hat M in. Wilson HIIIII Unit nlii' reriiHi'd hi'en (liiii'Hmiiintcd iignlnnt for Any on* o hii Inld where nlie nliiiulil nit when of the leiiHoiiM specified by tho Htllttlte. luir liehet entitlnl her to nil anywhere. "The Judgment of tho district court Mr. mid Mm. VVIIMHI Ilieu left tl|c will bo nlllniled." Ilinter, mill nn llu-y wele K»il>H mil Mr. llrynn olfi-ml I,, refund their ain>l«mrtn'a Coanttj Komi tot *•!•• iiiiii'V. ' Thin wim ri'fiii.ed mid Mr. At Ilnilet, nenr Koyport, N. J., B ml Mi,'i. Wlhnii li'fl. the |ilntn>. holme, of 111 rminiH and 4 linth roont*t Mm. Wllmm nnyit Hint Mr, Itoneii- hot nml cnhl wntor, uni nnd furnsc* •Mir wii'i notillrtl <if the e m i n e n c e boat: tin en open flrc-plaruij hardwood .ml Hint he in-lit fur her. 'iliu iiavx he Mooring nnd finish tnrouxhout. 8«rlolil her Hint nn exception woulil liu cmty-llve, ucrnn of Inndl ground* « b « i | und Unit iilm would llltllK' IIn I I llii't-rlin', l , ^ * t l l » * ' , HUM lll||<> KIIU WI'UMI the hmmo very »ttr»cttvc, »nd l t » r d « hi' permit tell to nit In any |>»rt of tho iilnnted. Lnrtta barn, carrlUM Ilieiilnr nil" planned. Hn unoloitir.od to I t . Apply to John H. J*wtt% luir mill be mild lie would Inntriict IIIB lflld N 3Ad\> I inploynin nut to KXi'ludo Imr or linr tiiihlmml Trnii! liny p a r t of the Uionlor Iti thn fiiiiiiii, II ml hn mmuri'd her Hint A bottl* nt good California their pxrlunlnn from any |>ml ofnhtrr trry or slant, »lY«n »w»» ttH theutur on ncetilittt of color would not ourt dollar dollar a full qua quart OlA n«t. • full tiftu|i«n HKoln. Hn further nulil U»»t k»y tvtry Suturd limy could »lt In any part of lli«»Ur they pl««««d «t nil 11 mm, «v«n In th« bn«*a If th«y winded U> do no, Mri, WlUon any* thut on 8«pt*tnb«r Ait, 10th, rtlylng on w h i t Mr. Howibirg THE BED BASK BEdlSIEB BRIEF ITEMS OF_ NEWS. MISS A. L MORRIS MINOR HAPPENINGS OP INTEREST EN ALL PARTS OF MONMOUTH COUNTY. ANNOUNCES A DISPLAY OF WIT TRIMMED MILLINERY On and After Wednesday, Sept. 18th, Personal Notes^Sale «f. Property. BniUiag O i menu, Lodge Dem**, Slight Ems, Birth*, Jklarriages, Deaths, Accidents, C m * of Skkneis, Proceedings o? Official Bodies and Other Interesting Feature* of Town and County. «•/*•*«* /» wmy W*tn«m. i&» *&&t*4. mutt Samuel E. Alien is atfaiaold job of The Baaton national league baseball lathing master at Bailey's pavilion team has n n a i Miguel A. Gonzales, it Bridle and Clarence Lnker, whom the Cuban play**, -who has been catch" ae succeeds, has taken a job at Ben- i g for the Long Branch team this season. Gonndtf did exceptionally nett ft Height's fish pound. Wilson Merrick, who has been stage good work against the league teams driver at Allentown thisrammer,has 'oyed by Long Branch. quit that j o b and his place has Deen taalrnotM Ooaaa* tleardea, taken by Edward Dilatush, Jr. Austin P. Chgton of Adelphia for A son was born to Mrs. Edmund L. he past two y e a n has guarded a dantt*. Thompson of Ocean Grove last week gerous corner a t that place and haa the little one has been named Ed- irevented many accidents. Joseph 6 6 Broad Street. Red Bank. and mund L. Thompson, Jr. cDermott of Freehold has started a Misses Lilian White, Ida Lisk and subscription for Mr. Clayton. •• (Directly Opposite the Seconi National Bank.) !nma Cox of Matawan have resumed roottau Oaptala MscUO. . :• their studies at the* state school at Leon Harris has been elected capTrenton. tain of the 1012 football team of NepMrs. R. W. Johnson of Ocean Grove township high school. Haras gave birth to a daughter last week. tune layed end on last, year's team. The The little one has been named Ruth lelection waa mads at a dinner given Marie. Mrs. Charles J. Pupki of Long ' Harris's home last week. Branch gave birth to a daughter Tues- Boy Seonta annai Watermelon Sale. ' night of last week. The Boy Scout* of Allentown held a Irs. Thomas McCoy of Cream atermelon sale last Saturday week. Ridge gave birth to a daughter last They took in ?22 and $12 of this was Thursday week. rofit. The money will be used to pay Anthony VanHise of Prospertown or the electric lights recently installed has been seriously sick, but is now n the Baptist church lawn. recovering.. Bled of Bearlet Tern. George Heulitt has filed a petition Mrs. Harry Powelson, daughter of Store Oj>ew W«dn«*dau, awd : or the nomination of councilman at Hutchinson Riley of Allentown, died Bclmar. at the home of her parents last ThursMiss Theodora Slattery of Freehold day week of scarlet fever. She was TTTTHAT gets my goat (exciwe the.slang) is Jftow is attending normal school at Philadel- :2 years old and leaves a husband and phia. people wiD be continuouslyfooledlritobeAustin Ely of Oakhurst has been son seventeen months old. Tiotlm of Paralysis, seriously sick with kidney trouble. lieving they can go to this place or that and get. George L. Woody of Matawan died l o n g Branch l > w y n In Trouble, last Thursday week of paralysis after something for nothing. You can't do it It's a Henry Chamberlain, Jr., of Long a sickness lasting two years. Mr, -ATBranch, has been served with an order Woody was 76 years old and was a well-known fact in Red Bank and every town to show cause why his commission as eteran of the civil war. He leaves a a master in chancery should not be re- idow and three children. within twenty miles of it; yes, even in New voked. Chamberlain is charged with a wrongful act in making a real es- Thrown Out in Runaway. York City, where I have scores of customers, Alexander W. Jones of Manasquan tate transfer. as thrown out of his wagon last Matawan Botol Sotted. that I give them phenomenal value in Footwear,- give them fit, eek, when his horse took fright at an Tuesday night of last week robbers mtomobile. He landed on the sidegot into Miss Concannon's hotel at valk and was cut over the eye and style and wear other stores do not and cannot give because they do Matawan and made away with silverbruised on his body, not conduct their business as I do. Yet often a satisfied customer with the lure ware valued at $300. Two men were mdly in Colliaion. arrested in connection with the rob- into Fred L. Hurley of Asbury Park was of the impossible in their mind's eye will be fooled into believing some plausible bery, but were liberated for lack of riving hiatautomobile at Long Branch •«»•»•+•«•>»••••«»•«>•»>••»»«»•••••»»««•••••••••••••• evidence. nst week, when it collided with an ad that never plans out and later tell me how sorry they were they went. Now Fire In £onff Branch Cottaffe. auto truck standing along the curb. ; ; FRANKLIN P. STRYKER. DR. LESTER H. STRYKER. Fire was discovered in a vacant cot- Hurley's machine was slightly dam folks, this ad is not bragadocio, I've not got a swelled head, nor do I think this tage at Long Branch owned by Bern- aged but no one was hurt. heim and Leopold of New York last Twentieth Wadding* Axutfvcnaxy. the only Shoe store on earth, but I do find that there are few so good and hone week by a girl living near the house. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bolten of better when it comes to value and service; then why hunt for the impossible? An alarm was promptly turned in and Long Branch celebrated their twenthe fire was put out with but slight tieth wedding anniversary Monday Come to this store and rest assured you have done the best thing possible for damage. ight of last week. The couple reOdd FeUovi on a Visit. ceived many presents from their your feet and your pocketbook. • Fourteen members of the Newriends and relatives. Egypt'lodge of Odd Fellows visited the Allentown lodge last week. The New Stath of a Vemner'&aildent. Mrs. Anne M. Pitman died at the Egypt men took the bundle of sticks which is making the round of all the ome of her daughter, Mrs. Claude T. My Fall stock is here and they are not only very handsome but are the top Benjamin of Brooklyn, Sunday of last lodges in the state to the Allentown week. MTS. Pitman was the widow of lodge. notch of style and good material. . • Dr. Aaron Pitman and lived at MataTore TTp VUe'l Clothing. wan for. several years. Mrs. James Congo of Asbury Park mX aSOOBst SMa. Women's AAA to EE, 1 to 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 to $5.OO had her husband in court last week to Farm The farm at M3)hurst belonging to answer to a charge of tearing up four Men's A to FF, 5 to 12. $1.50 to $6.00 summer dresses because she went out the late Michael Daly was cold last at night. Congo was ordered to re- week to Andrew J. C.^tokes and his father, Samuel S. Stokes, of Freehold. Boy.'B to EE, every size $1.00 to $3.00 place the dresses or pay a fine of $50. The farm contains 143 acres and the Planning for Big- Keating-. selling price was 1^,710. Monmouth Street, RED BANK, N. J. Girls' A to EE, every size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 to $3.00 Harold E. Denegar, publicity agent for Asbury Park, is planning to have Tonr-T«ur. X*am on BotaiL J. F." Murphy, proprietor of thi Opposite R. R. depot the National educational association I ask a fair price for A 1 material. meet at Asbury Park next year. The Bridge-Water inn at Pleasure Bay, meeting would take 25,000 educators has taken a lease on the hotel for fon OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Telephone 2 4 5 . ears. Mr. Murphy formerly canDo not sell them for anything but what they are. No faking, but plain comto Asbury Park for several days. ducted The Camp at Belmar, which Side In China. was burned last year. • • • • 4 >•« mon sense, and your full money's worth in Shoes and store service. •••4 Rev. Arthur Mason Sherman, son of UHttne o* Tire Company. Mrs. H. B. Sherman of Long Branch is seriously sick in China, where he is At the last meeting of the Allenengaged in missionary work. He will own fire company Charles Haver be brought to his home at Long straw was appointed t o look after the TO hose for a month. At a recent test of Branch if his condition permits. the hose 200 feet was found defectivi Clock for Tonnf Couple. tto and will be replaced. James Woolley of Long Branch, who Water Plant Xnadeanate. was recently married, was visited by Superintendent Rue of the Matawan a number of his comrades of the West Long Branch fire company last week. water plant informed the borough The firemen presented Mr. and Mrs. council at its last meeting that ste 9 BROAD STREET, would have to be taken to enlarge tWoolley with a handsome clock. plant, as it is becoming inadequate fo WedOlnff Annlvvrsary Celebrated. he borough's needs. RED BANK. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Clark of Hundreaa Attena Ohnxcn Supper. Ocean Grove celebrated their twen The Oakhurst Methodist church hell tictli wedding anniversary las' Special Excursion i Wednesday nipht. Mr. Clark arrived its annu&l harvest home and suppei last Thursday night. Tables were ar! home from a business trip to Chicagi VIA ranged so that 100 people could tak< I just in time^ for the celebration. supper at a time/ The tables weri | Motor Cycliiti Strlka Auto. filled several times. E. C. Dutton of Ocean Grove am Bun Over by Waffon. SPECIAL TRAIN connecting »t Jertey City (Pier 1, adjoining Pftsienger Wallace Sylvester of Bradley Beach B. Frank Hulse of Allentowi Station) with Swift were injured in a collision with an slipped under his wagon at Trentoi auto truck while riding a motor cycl yc Sandy Hook Route Flyer "MONMOUTH" nt Monmouth Beach last week. T l last week and the heavily loaded hide passed over his forearm an truck ran over Sylvester's legs. shoulder. He was badly bruised bu Hounlon of Vet.rana. LEAVES Round Trip not seriously hurt. Members of the Freehold compan' bafayett« T n m In Training". Little Silver, 7:49; Red Bank, 7:54;-Middleof Spanish wnr veterans enjoyed a re The Lafayette football sqund is union at the Freehold armory lasi training Children 75 cts. town, 8:01; Hazlet, 8:08 A. M. at AllcnhuTSt and is using th Wednesday night. About twentj Curlew hotel as headquarters. Atnoii] members were present and they en the candidates are George and Cla joyed a steamed clam supper. ence Brown, graduates of the Luke Th«ater )f«n Aoqultad. wood high school. Charles J. Bryan, manager o; Several Palntlf Rosenberg's Brondway theater Harry G. VanNote of Oakhurst hm Long Branch, was acquited last wcel on n charge of violating the Sunday the contract for painting the Lehnyu cottage nt Long Branch, Harry Con ordinance in conducting a moving tent's cottage at Deal, the Deal gol pint p,K picture show u few weeks ago. club houue and Morris Seligman' (Formerly with R. T. Smith of Red Bank 27 years). Shortage in Carnival road. house at Elberon. The committee in charge of thi Xauilttn rum «««•>«<•<»•••••»•••»»»•»•«»••»»»••»»•»>»»»»««•«»••»«»•»»•»>»•••«»»#••#•»•>>•»•» year's carnival at Long Branch haa reThe forty-ncro farm of Aaron W ported a shortage, the exact amount of Office and Funeral Parlors, 11 East Front Street, which will not Too known until all the Tilton, Jr., at Hamilton, haa been sol( bills arc in. The city will be asked to to Captain Hiram Dlxori of Passaic. RMhtanoa F>ho!M 133-H. D R T ) B A N K M f Mr. Dixon will male* several Improvemanage next year's carnival. ments to the place and will make It h I a n M. Cola Dee*. MTCAMF CHAWS AMD CARD TABLES FOR ALL OCCASIONS. permanent home. Amos H. Cole, father of Mrs. Joseph (Con(inK«d • * m n L. Cliver of Spring Lain and Mrs. Joaeph P. Johnson of Ocean Gtvnre, When you sec thin R on your doctor'* If yon knew of taw n s i died Tuesday of last wwric at hla ' prescription it means take it to a R«gChambeTlaln'a Uatasttt for at Yardville. He « u 78 yvars old. lateral n u n a a t l i t , who will compound back, soreness of tfte sawcles, sprti Aabary *ark IMa-s Wtn. it accurate^ with pur* drugs. I-reand rheumatic paaaf. J*JB Wfluid ner The Enfliah bulldefs of the Woodwish to be wiflhoatft ftw sals b j nerlptiona HUH at the Knlckertocker craft kennels, owned by Harry James Cooper, Jn, Ucasr Broad aa Pharmacy have thin careful attention by ton of Aabnry Park, wwre U ( » . _ _ WMtastawit. N . RIOISTKRID PHAHMACMTS ONLY, at the nhow of the Kcnnlngton kennel and at moderate pricei. club of Onk Lane, Pa., recently. SHOWING THE^LATEST MODELS FOR FALL AND.WINTER WEAR. 10 PerCent OH ON ALJL, ORDERS FOR Spring and Summer Suits and Overcoats W. T.CORLIES, CHILD BUILDING, RED BANK, N. J. I PUBLIC SERVICE. livery and Carriages, ovin g Vans and Express. Automobile Garage. Auction Room and Storage. =NEW RUBBERS ARE IN;= UP THE HUDSON And off West P o i n t Newburgh Clarence White, SUNDAY, SEPT722d New Jersey Central $1.50 cverybi.ui HARRY C. uLIPTON'S^ JELLY TABLETS , W F\«\eral Director, Upholsterer and. Coroner. I t N. VANDERVEER, Broad and MonmoulK Stre»ts, IM. R E O IIANX. H. J. A Prudential in the safe of your linn will Partnership ** * better rating with the Policv credit agendes^ better terms of credit lor you, and greater facflity in obtaining loans. This policy it constantly growing in popularity. Investigate i t Annouiiremont has b««n made of th rnirafr«ntent of Mlaa Alice Avlward of New York and Aabury Park U WiU Ham O. Wooiler, a Hnotyfe operate* on the Anbury Park Prv: Mlaa Zlllah Hall of W«rt Ocean r.ror* w u given a llnon aiumr last wf>rk by Uui irmbroldery rlrcla society. MIM Hall la U> b« marrM the drst w««k in October. XeU foa? I t n M to Mwm Muaa. Jtrk Kmrfrick of NeptUB* CNj wee • n w h d laat week <m cnmplaiat i. V. Hlornm. Mr. K h n t n i m t KomlHek ihrwUtwd to bum A i Woturn barn. i«|r»beM CkarhM K»rrl« of AsVary fat*, wfc kaa Imn serieu^p <Mk wUh tffi** f«v*r. hM returned to his h«ne aoooet Wteh rtut*T«d. JELLY TABLETS price, a s , dreds of bottles. Unlike ordinary y for c aUpstfan and JJjsjjfslli. UM 4MM «f DrT Howard's rd's ^slfiB U red»e«l after / t oat, sjaVtas-Ma* it i m aMl IssefK THE. BED BASK REGISTER Car Fares Refunded Not in any sense as a premium on Purchases but so that purchasing here may entail no extra expense, we solicit the privilege of refunding car fares to out of town patrons. Full information may be had at the SERVICE BUREAU or by mail. SEPTEMBER The September sale* differ from all others. Little Men's Shoes In two leathers; specially priced • Paradoxical as it may appear, the maker reduced the prices of these shoes because they v ere too good value for the money. Leath :r had advanced so that he could no longer make these shoes to sell a t $1.50 and so he closed out the entire line to us, so we can n ake Saturday's price $ 1 . Blucher slices for little men, in sizes 9 to 13#, value $1.50 at These shoes are cut with extra high tops, They^re new and on the most stylish broad toed last of the season.. O f gunmetal, Calfskin- and patent colt skin. In sizes m to 11 .< $1.89 In sizes 11# to 2 . . . . . . . . . < . . . $ 1 . 9 8 •; No store has equalled this price for Goodyear welt,ahoes, even when cut in the • ' , regular height. • ) ' -' Special sales to advertise have not been arranged. Instead the whole store is given over to bargains. The ad. department report* these items from day to day-—simply picking out values here and there to mention. No-complete lift can be given. Our published announcements must be looked upon merely as the random jottings of a casual obieiver, which is, the attitude the ad. department assumes in this sale. Extra High Top Shoes for Girls , CLEARANCE $1.00 That's what lota of people are doing at this sale though it isn't necessary to go that far for an excuse, because everybody's wearing them now and will be for some time yet. And last winter the streets were full of thenui'ColonialW and white ties—$3.50 and $4.00 values at $ 1 . 9 8 . On all other styles for men and women a 20 per cent discount is allowed. Tan Shoes at 81.96 • To the clearance of high grade shoes at $1.98 we add tomorrow women's butson shoes of tan Russia calf. At $ 1 . 9 8 Women's summer shoes,, including strap pumps, velvet slippers, hand beaded slippers, Oxfords. Armstrong make, value $4.00 and ?5.00. Shirtwaists Sale of Children's Coats Lingerie and Voile Waists 98c— Made with the new long sleeve in lawn and •voile, front trimmed with heavy lace, button back and front. All odds and ends in Children's White Cashmere Coats, in sizes from 2-4 years, a very nice coat for early fall wear. Waists $ 2 . 4 8 - A n entire lot reduced, on account "of being somewhat handled and soiled. All are excellent values, made of the finest French voile and embroidered crepe. Some are hand made waists. A large assortment. Black Taffeta Waists $ 3 . 9 5 . Made with long" and short sleeve, button back and front, with fancy net yoke and fine tucks. Value $5.00 at $ 3 . 9 5 . MEN Fall Clothing The latest styles priced to the advantage of our patrons All our now Pall Clothing purchased before September first, comes under our Soptomber Clqan-up prices and must bo disposed of at once. Wash Skirts—Ramie.linen, Tiissah, c.ordolinc, Junior and Misses' 8ults4—P.rince Chap and NovrutiiiB and cotton whipcord • garments that wuru fo k. styles made of heavy mixtures and French 'ge, a skirt with plaits at side. Special*lor Satur- •madii lu sell for $4.08 up to $8.75. Special for Sat# lirrtuy, :il $2.95. diy, $10.76. Children's Gingham Dresses $1.00—Made of Charmeuse Dresses $10.76—Made of silk back Scotch Plaid Gingham, just the thing for school, all cj armeuse with long tight filling sleeve, buttoned neat styles with plaited skirts and waist trimmed <1< wit front and trimmed in front with large silk with embroidery. Sizes tt to 14. rd buttons, finished at neck and end of sleeves w ih fine lace. Value $ 16.50, at $10.76. A r>2-inch Oxford gray coat, made of hnavy Bonele Children's All Wool Serge Dresses—Made in vvilh belt across back and deep •turned buck cuif.s, many pretty styles in one and two piece models, 'buttons high at the neck. An excellent coat for Ir .mined with Soutache br.aid and plaid velvet, silk. motoring or general utility wear. Sizes 10 up to 40. [d contrastiifg serge.. A few styles shown in the Values .$25, special, $18.75. , A large assortment of mixtures and all plain colsi le window give you an idea of the quality, but thjre are many style* that we have not room to dis- ored serges in the latest styles, all sizes, but not play so bring the children and we will bo glad to. Jit each style in all sizes. This is an assortment of broken lots, and they are all placed on the rack at thorn. Sizes 0 to 14, 5 to 17. Prices range from .$12.75. Values up to*$25. $1.68 to $10.00. Dark Gray Cassimere all wool fabrics, conservative model. A fine business suit that can stand hard wear, yet keep its' drossy appearance, $8.60. Final Clearing Sale of Men's Summer Negligee Shirts $1 to $1.50 Shirts 67c Over 800 shirts, well made, good fitting, the materials are madras, percale and soisette cloths; plain negligee bosoms with attached or separate cuffs, all coat style, sizes 14 to 10. Regal Oxfords, values $3.50 up, at COATS STEMMCH COMPANY ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY These coats sold for $3.50 to $5.00; while they last, your choice at $2.49 All White Picque Coats greatly reduced. Muslin Underwear An interesting showing of new garments in crepe de chine, marcella underwear, La Grcque tailored underwear, our own importation of French underwear. Children's Underwear WOMEN'S WEAR 8UIT8 FOR YOUNG FELLOWS—The Riggie 'model, full of character, fine workmanship, sturdy, handsome fabrics, good clean cut styles; speolel at St8.00. New Closing Hours Our store {closes evenings at eight; Saturdays at ten. Beginning Monday, September 30th, our store will close evenings at six; Saturdays at ten. We believe the general adoption of these hours of closing Will ameliorate the condition of the store workers in this county. Children's Gauze Underwear, value.23c,-at 15o. Children's Summer Union Suits, valuu 25c, at 15c. Children's Summer Union Suits, '.i for -¥1.00, value • 50c. each. Children's Sox, in black, wliite,-aud colors, value °25c, at 19c. o Long Silk Gloves • l()-Biiltoii Silkt,UlovL>s, iu tan, modest, grey, white and block. These gloves regularly .sold, at $2.00; tomorrow at $1.25. Hose %W o m e n ' s Silk White Silk Hose, value,.1?!.00, at 89c. \ Black Silk Boot Hose, high spliced heel, value 50c, at 43o. S h o r t , K i d Glovies Women's Kill Gloves, guaranteed,.in black, white and tail, with heavy black stitching; value ¥1-00, at' 75c. Three Silk Specials Brocade Gharmeuse, iu culurs and black, 40 inches, at $1.95 a yard. Plain Gharmeuse, in colors and black, 40 inches, at $2.00 a yard. Black Messaline, :iO inches; special at 85c. a yard. Dress Goods American, Scotch, French, English and Irish Suitings. Muring this sale at a decided reduction. Prices formerly <>5c. to .$2.50, now 39c. to $1.98. J,00() yards of. sponged and shrunk .wool dross goods, including serges and poplins, of all the new and popular shades, 42 inches wido; valued at .$1.00, at 79c. a remedy without an freeholders $5,026.91 was for detec- field of Manasquan aw?first-yearstutives' bills. Of this amount $1,573.04 dents at the normal school at Trenton. was for Asbury Park alone. Victim of -Hemorrhages. Sleoted Fxealdent of Bonu for Aged. squan, ' ( Manaaguan Firm Dlaaolvea. Mrs. Susan Artis of Long Branch Mrs. Louis Gray of Long Branch Dr. J. Turner Rose of A3\>ury Park (Continued from last page.) itanata Lodff* Coaventlou, The furniture firm of Purdy & Em- died last Saturday week of hemattended the reunion and fiftieth anni- has been elected president of the NonForty-hour devotion services was W. H. Brown represented the Hor- versary of mustering in of the 20th sectarian home for the aged nt that mons of Manasquan was dissolved last orrhages. She was seventy years old. observed at the Star of the Sea Cath- neratown lodge of Patriotic SOTS O: New York regiment, which was held at place. He succeeds the late Aden Lip- week. The business will hereafter be Aabnry. Park Property Sold, s olic church at Long Branch Sunday America^ at the state convention a] Old Point Comfort last week. conducted by Mr. Emmons, Robert A. Wright of New York has pincott. and Monday of last week. Several Washington recently. He made a visil New Teacher at Allentown. Boms from Indiana Trip. sold his property on Third avenue at prjesta from nearby churches assisted to the Cornish piano factory whil< Thlevaa at Imlayatown. Miss Matilda Golding of Lawrenco.- Asbury Park to Mrs. Mary Rose. Thieves tried to gain entrance to Mr. and Mrs. William A. Consall at the services. there, Charles Bogar's house nt Imlaystown of Long Branch have returned from a ville has succeeded Miss Vanderbilt as PoataJ Clork on Vacation, to convention. Vlotlm or Start Slnui. last week but were frightened away. trip of a month to Indianapolis, Ind., -nstructor in English and history at Miss Mary Gracey, a clerk in the WHAT USE DO YOU Charles Mott, Clarence B. Poland Miss Elizabeth L. Fries of Loch Ar- Several hen houses at that place have where they visited Mrs. Consall's tho Allentown high school. Ocean Grove postoflice, ia enjoying a and James H. Rice were • delegates tiour died .last Wednesday night oi been robbed in tho past week, brother. Fined for Speeding1. MAKE OF YOUR vacation at Delaware Water Gap. from the Manasquan fire department heart disease. She was tho daughtei Flitol Carrier H«ld. Balarlea Doubled, John S. Johnson of Seagirt was New Fenoes at Imlnyetown. to the annual convention of tho fire- of the laje Frederick Fries and leaves Ohatfftd With Stealing Watch. TELEPHONE? The Bradley Bench borough council fined $15 for speeding at Mannsqunn New fences have been put up on the men's relief association a t Atlantic a sister, who. also lives at Loch Ar Abrnm Caruso will be tried next has increased the salary of the bor-Sunday of last week. The arrest was properties of B. P. Malsbury nnd Mrs. bour, ** City laat woek. Its value is not confined week at Freehold on a charge of steal- collector.from $500 to f 1,000 a year, made by Jordon Birdsall. Anna VanMater at Imlaystown. Oakhnrat Konit Burned. Furniture Bleu! (or Debt. ing a gold watch and $16 from Mar- and the assessor's salary from $150 Ens/agrenient Announced. simply to talks about town. John Stubbs and son of Oakhurst to $360. The engagement of Miss Lillian MilTho furniture of Mrs. C. J. Taylor, cella Mitchell of Long Branch. went to Coney Island on Sunday of Ploklng- Ornnborrlea nt Hornoratown. . ler of Newark to Winficld II. Scott, last wcekjind while they were gone who conducted a boarding houso at Belmar Boad Commended. There are many points W. C. Quicksill of Horn'erstown will son of Winfield Scott of Asbury Park, their house caught fire and was burned Ocean Grove this summer, was at State Road Supervisor Stevens lias to the ground. Tho loss was covered tached for debt last week by Hnrrj informed John Gfeason, Belmar'a road commence picking his cranberries next has been announced. which you can reach by Banker, an Asbury Park furnitun supervisor, that'Ocean avenue at Bel- Monday. Other bog owners in that vi- Boy Breaks Bin Ami. Tlio Opportunity Is Here, Backea by by insurance. ' . . telephone for a small sum. man. mur'is one of the finest rouds of its cinity have their crops nearly harBed Bank Testimony. JoKeyh Glonson, the seven-yeiu'-old Ohtrffad w^th Abating Wife. ' Cunning Blf Quantltlea of loinatoit. kind along tho Jersey coast. vested. son of A. W. iileason of Long Brunch, .Charles Emmons, an Asbury Park A trip to these towns and Don't take our word-for it. Beld for Grand Jury. ^ TomatoeB ore being canned in large Freehold Woman Xenta Har Bauie. foil while climbing a fence last week hack driver, has been held in $200 ball back would not only cost William C. Mntthews, who work's in Louis Floritino, proprietor of a res-and broke his arm. Don't depend on a stranger's stateon a charge of abusing his wife, who la quantities at the Allentown factors dying of consumption, Mra. EmmonB now. About 1,500 baskets nre taker J. N, Johnson & Son's storu at Free- taurant at Long Ilranch, hns beim Hamilton Barveat Borne. more in carfare, but would ment. to the factory daily and tho employee! hold, has rented Mrs. Jamas Mngee's held in $500 bail for the grand jury nays ho has given her no money in Hamilton Methodist church held are' working over time nenrly every house at that-place. Mrs. Magee will on a charge of koo|>ing a disorderly itsThe Read Red Bank endorsement. several weeks, consume time and energy, annual harvest home last Wednesduy. board with Mr. Matthews. house. Bftrilfl by RftttA. day night in spite of the rain and Read the statements of Eed Bank 1 as well. Repairing; Bllnmr Olmroli, Hoturna to Now York. George Knox was burled by Band in Boy Bent to State Born*, cleared over !J100. citizens. Elmer Mulsbury, a thirteen-year-ok tho Liming sand pit' at Manasquan Tho Belmar Presbyterian churcli is Mrs. Marcella Klobudski, who hnsViaitod Lodge at Haokeusfick. 1 By telephone, a transaction last week nnd was unconscious1 when Brndle'y Bench boy, wns (sent to'tin being repaired nnd tho Sunday-school been spending three weeks with Mrs. Charles Carman and F. Howard And decide for yourself. reform school lout Thursday by Judge nnd Christian Endcnvor services arc I George Reynolds, who lives near Frcedug out. Ho struck a, wagon wheel Lloyd of Mntnwun attended a meeting may be completed in a few Hero in one ease, of it: when he fell and received a bad cutFoster. The boy had been in court oi being held in tho chapel until the al-i bold, bus returned to her home at Nuiv A of (he. Odd l'YUmvs' lodge at HatkenBuvcrat occasions ehnrged with theft terations nro completed. York. on tho head, minutes. .1. S . I,,'01111111, 7 5 w . F r o n t K t . , I t . il suck last week. . 8«T«tt Wew Oltllena. •legatea to Flrtmen'a Mtetluj. Bradley Boaoli Boy under Parole, Haul!, \ . J . , HMJ'H: " M y u x i n ^ r l i ' i i e n with Flremon to Orfrniil^o. James H. Clayton nnd Hunn.LlvJoseph Diiilirow «f Rradley Bonch, Gcorga E. StultB, George Barnes, E..-D. .Clayton. J . William Roon<( Kiremen of the lirielle lire coni])any l l i i i m ' H ' K h l n c y IMMil W I I H >HI KnllHt'iietoi'V NEW YORK TELEPHONE Charles Barber, Samuel Wilson, nnd John Fitzglbbons .represented tlu ingsiton wore delegates from tho Allen- who WIIH recently arraigned on met la*t week l<> tnk(! sti'ti;; toward H i n t 1 I n l i n p l e i i f i u r e I n i v i ' i . i i i i i i i u . I l i i j : Frank Pitt nnd James P, Hopina wore Freehold tiro department at the nn town fire company to tho nnnuul meet- charge of theft, was released last week the (irgank-.alimi «f a firciiien's relief (iM'iii n m l i i i i v i i i i n i ; tiii-tr"^*i'iriir^"iTir>r77i' COMPANY, lil.liivy I r . u i l i l e . .My lil<In. y.-i w . ' r n dl.-igrantod citizenship papers by JuJ. iintml.meeting of tho Firemen's, roliol ing of tbo Firemen's r,oliof associntion in charge of IVulmti.m.Officer R'mn- iisiiiiciation. ' .»i .li r.-.l n n , | t h e pa-ism;.* o f t i n - k i d Foster last week, They tire all nntlvos association at Atlantic City In'st week at Atlantic City hint week. say. A. 1). WILSON, Local Aucnt. Enjoyed Woek at Slioio. Job «a a TMohM. • of England, Eltotrlo L]g!it« for Trautirai Marlboro Froiiotty Buhl. Misses Delhi and Kvn Krynold:! of MIBS Mildred Marshall, daughter o t Boy In]u»a, Thp Mntawan townnliip cnmmitleo Tho Miller properly, consisting of a P'reehold and Anna MCMIIIIIIH of New n f l i ' i i I',.I( iii'i'viiim a n , I liinl IIUIIIM I n m y 32 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J. II.urn M K M l l r v 1 • 111;i h,• -• I ..• • 1 n . . H , , ! house and two an-es uf land at Mnrl- Yolk silent last week at Ashury Park l.ni'll. Walter flrny, a Senglrt boy, rnn In- Frank Mardhnll of Freehold, la tench will plnci! llvo clc'ctrlu lightnrtlongthe ouii'li IV.nil U n ' Ili-Mt Hint 1 c i i l i l l i i i i i i l to J . Henbrook JncltBon's nutomobllo Ing tho seventh grade nt tho Unullej county road at Frenonu and two IlKhtnj boro, linn been mild In A. Scott of New- nml llelninr. I h r i r u s e u n t i l I Wilit w e l l . " whllo riding bin blcyelo nt Mnnnnnuan Ui'licli public school. Sho grnduntol at Oak Shades. Tho lights will font |itrk, who will eii|;iife in chicken fnrm- F r e e h o l d Mun'u N e w Toll. last week. Tho blcyelo wan badly clnm- from tho atnto normal Bchool lout June ?2G a year for rncli light, | Ing. For sale by all dealers. Price CO Frank Mini'im o f F r e e h o l d h;i:t baying Out Htw Road. aged and tho boy received Bovoral Orrnid Jury Dinner. Joalnll Mnrrlnsr Demi. Ii'(isti!r-Milburn Co., Ilujfiih), r i v e n U|> h i s jdh :il N e w V u r k a n d i:i I'i'iitii. Tho grand Jury hold n dinner n bruldcn. J. F. Cunrow of Long llrnnoh In lay- tloHlnh Miirrinei' i>f Went Ocenri w o i l i i n c f o r l l i e l ' ' a i n i i ' i ; i ' cxclinui'.'" n l New York, KOIU nRutiln for tho United Scott's Neptuno Heighta yentflrdny. Ing out n now rond on tho Wlllium ( J r o v c d i e d F v i d n y <>f l'>»rt dlnrnno n m : A r i » of WOO impoMfl. Freehold. State.!. Judge Fostor bint week fined Samuel A. Hoovon, J. Lylo Klnmouth I)can properly ut, Monininitli Ilcnch. k l d n n y troulil(>. Me <iii« <>7 y o u r s o h O l n r k a l n u i r r n r m B o l d . Henienitx1!' tho rintne—Horin's—and CttaiW H. Henrlo $800 and coirU on nnd Wlllium K. Devprcaux t>f Anbury Tho Btrcet will bo graveled anil will lit* a n d IcnvvH u widow nml f o u r c h i l d r e n . ('. H. I t o d n e i (if C h i r l c i h i l i ' g h « ' i s n l d Park had churgo of tho arrangements known aa Hn»tlngH |iluru, lili plea of guilty to Boiling* liquor An Old Now.imiier. take no other, b i n f n r i i i a t I h n l l i l a e e In l l r o n k l y n Pttroolilsl Bohool Optni. without a license nt Aahury Park, Oftklmrat Man In XoapltM, NUs. J. 1". Wnlli, i "I Freehold linn n The Judeo said the flno must bo paid Au»tin Ely, who funs tho Oiikhurnl Tim I.unit llrunch |iarochinl mOinol ropy of t h e Mdiiiiiniilli lunnml printi'd p e o p l e , w h o w i l l t a k e l i n m e d i n t e p o ' i - PLUMP FOLKS AND THIN FOLKS Inn for MrB, E. A.'QUKOI. l« « Pntlenl opi'iwd for I Im full term hint week. a t Fro.chnlil Dnriiihri- 2<>lli, 1H2U. ( i . X.ony n r a n n l t M i n i U n a C r n u l i o r r / Ildira. ut tho UIIIK Uranch hospital. IIo un Sister At. Degim IH In charge nnd iilm M, Illinco & Co. were I ho publlnherB. S»iu>«i Will Mnko People I ol • u t /ir m l 'torn •Till; IIAIUM OF YOUK HEAD l . c ( i n ( ' i i b b c i ' l y o f l.(iii|. l l r i i n c l i in "Mnnoy Itnck If l l I'nlla" W i l l ilurkott, » four-year-old Long dnrwont a nuccoimful oporntUin foi AUK NIJMIIKKKU"l i a r v e i i l i n g h i s I ' l i i i i l i c r r y c r u p f r o m Saya Jntiica Cooper, Jr, Bifcnch boy, fell from tho top of tho bladder troublo and Is now Improving, lo Penniiylvnaia laitrnnd bl Inylng hi't l,(i|(M n v n r l . u k ( b i n lit, i l l ( I r e i i n I'IKTC la a |',irnl dint ol Itulh In ibo The line of lir.'iuly In n curve. 0I1I Kilyilifl. Miituwan Man Mukii Aialiriinitut. tlfair* In Hnrry Jl. Kemp's bungalow Holdlnf Bohool In Mora Bulldlnr. nldownlkn iilmiir li;i iirnpcrly nt Maua- c i n i n t y . Women nuiy he Iliin and Kineeful h u t I a n week. Hn landed 1on th<t edge of Tbo Avon board of education tiui M. A. Whltii, \\ Matiiwnii incrcliniit, Hi|iinn, 'IMio plnl fin in nt tbo iitatlon In H « w r r * i u i l « ( J o i n t i{ooti dlo, vlinllty Alvci out, Tho bnlr nut timi anil luiiiitifiil. 'riiern i i: a n bed on tbo lower llooi and waa badly rontcdn room in tho l<ovo fttore build linn niadii an nsHlgtmicnl to <'lu\rU'ii I'.. It nxli<nili-il l«il IVet, wwdmly. iiin* to turn ftrcy. II. I ' . M m - r l i i "T I . " i n : l l r n n i ' l i h i m VJIMI ntiinlii-i' o f pah 1 , Ihla, Hernvvny Injured, Ing mid will hold Kcbool there for tht Clouo for Urn benefit of bin crmlltorH. Two Htw RaaldentM. I'liiii IR piirliciibirly iinforlutiAlc irn v/n uro 1 . . i i d n n o w ICIIIIIH c u i i i l h u l l ! "ii b i niieople w h o a r e nil liruhiM unit nervi '!, •l^atilo Announce™ at eHktloH, primary pupil", until tho altnratlonn tc Mr. Whito him been In btmineml nt nil IIv 1 nd la nn itjfu wlirn in LOOK yound MIIIIII Wen* IHIIII In^t wrok to MIM p i i i p n i l . y . T h e iviirK w a ; i d o n e l i y . 1 . I1', Kilt- withinil tho iitren^di and h e a l t h i.irnn. 10 fill Hie YOUNCl...<lIMI-OU fANT 'A aystcm of olnctrle announcer* It Ilia high school building aio comploUxl, Mntawan twenty yimr». Jilinon Cbiyton "nil MIM. II, W. l)nv«y ('rilll'iiw. thut iiei'oiiipiuii.'.'i lite IIIIUUIIIKI wci^tll. |in«ill(nn. Old lo|tl.'> |'.'> lollie tmek^oninl, Aiaoolatlon Wotkua Ktat. ' being Installed at the Anbury l'urk jwwurd fai Dor xUMr. nf Long ftrnneli, 'I'lio innlliern mid H e w Clliirnli a t M » a w a n . Iliiml 11.•; I. nml p e r f e c t henllb if.. Inl( you nhoulil licjin Ki clulk down evrijr rajlroud ntntlon. Tho arrangomont Rvubon Clark of Bprlng I.uko hai A conference of olllclitbi IUKI HIIMHI thnlr ebildrcii m e dulnjr nicely, lO'thi'l'. A I n n . llciih f.iiinini: fond C i o ' i n . l V.'HM lii'.ilirii >! (11 n I J > y f u r t h e t\ny of yoni life, the rxact iniinbi-'r of hulrt M k i like a phonograph and 25 horns offeroit a reward of %m for Informs' In^renUnl In Ui4 work of tho young ke fiiiiniiMii in iili'iobitcly iieci^iKiny t o udldata for A«a«M«nr. Mienad lluplifd ('oli>r(>(l c h u i i ' l i nl. llmt Him (,<oy, yon would b» •urprliol•»<• win bit placed in varlou* part* of ths tlon lending to tho Identity of tho per-men'n rniHoclntlon wan hold nt Anbury miuiv |iin|i!e. «i>on Irnm Ilinl "Tim <lrcy Hnlti ut I'ttf ! Willlnni giileknlll "f Hornnrntown M n l l i w n n . ItoV. I I . JiililKinll III t b n itfjlon. nun who ran »v«r and killed a valuabi Park Innt week, About fifty nuin RtThin reinarldihln dincdvoiy eonirn in iniiliirr Old A(|n" cumo un very ijultkly, , hnn imniiHii.'i'il hlniiielf tin u enndliliiln p n i i t o r . chow dog ueloiiidnit to him lafct wook. tnmlml tbo VoWMittf) (nl. !•• 1. I'm in nml w h e n tnl.in liftel If ytiil nc|!ll!Cl Illlllll, for nnm'tiiinr ofUppei Kivcliold tdwn- H a w M i l l i n e r I n T r a a l i o l d N l . i r , . mnil'i iu|ii|!len with Un 1 fond a m ! helpn simH«t Oleni »«i#n». 1 ilcdhi In count, mid (hi— ' nlllp on llm Doiniienille ticket, f Minn I . . M . D I c k l i m i M i o f O v f u r i l , I ' " , il, In nnMliniilnti* no ( b a t It I'nnki'n l'lcb John A. 'I'linmaon ban rnalgnod nn M«rrla(« T.lo«na« laauail. . HAY'H 1IAIK JIRALTH D, K. Hunting of Allentown, who I IIIIH t n l n ' i i I'lmi'K" o f t h e i i i l l l l i n i y d e W'IU.HI Mini lileniilni; |IIIIIII|IIK in. illitrkt 6I«rk., of Avon horoiiirh. nfaylng bnll with*. tli« N»w Orlnom (loortfo 1^, (Inodrlrh. o Inember of llm A mnriliiira lii-eni.> linn hnnn Inamxl tin 11 t i u i i L I n HIMKIIIII'M h l m e nl. )-1 •• < .Innirrt < ncliei', J r . , linn MO iniicli c i n , tunm In tlin Houth«rn IcnKUn, will a bnnra of. •^U0«iion, hm Mtm appolntwl til John ihillhN of Anliury l'nrk mid I K I I I I . Ililvlivfi In tlilH reiiuirltnldii n e b fnihi to Cuba with th* t*am nnd will tak clerk In hln.pliw*., , ••••,• • Annie Jnniitn of IlionUyn. ini' fiKid IUKI henlili i{'«toior t h a t hn IK In)ii(«a In >"aU !'<•>'• tnAtn. h ll.UI and |Oa ll.Ulin part In nomal «xhlbltlon OaaiMlmt ».>"•• Haulait. <:lmvl«M l.utijnek "f MunniKtunit f u " w i l l i n g itiul (tbiil tii ulli>w v i(iiy (\intnimiv w.lni ,i( o>lc« ««<| ii«ll»ri •Iff'',,'"*." ""'•"i.-TMi ' In 11"|i.mIt We with him nml Inkii bonui lil.l l.olll.. I'tillu lUr I»M, ©»„ tt**Ut, fl.,111 n lnddel while |illllltlllK bin IliHICe Wt>*l(-y K.>K«'I « of OnHmiBt ' WWam. U4ht* llnotypg oporatb Wnliam »cf<l Joiifph hbaMm. ii hn» of Kninune with the umloi atiiinl- tOm •*!•• AWD M00MH»t»M> WH M .... rtntod Imr limmn nl thut ntncii nnd on the Anbury Park /V*M, loft twi IIIU thut If It (bif«) n4t ttlvii n lnnr|t*d hint wiwk nnd ri'ci'lvpil Injuilcn to bin '' k aim for a vasntlon, Hi w» rlodi a t Late* ooonm iw ' Id, N. lufueMlRy of h«a movod to N«i\Vriiii. innrenun In Knod firm llexli thn mnnoy d T d fl t k t MI laat WMk. . . Mulhall U • former will bo returned without any quM' 'I'lilriyflvg y»nri ID hiMu t.on( imanoli Infant B««. MaUwan boy. II ,.'Mt* Prn'tl i. KV "t Anbury l'nrk Tun Rm\**m nn »dvto Hmnli 0,, tin! Infont il«milil«r nt \»U Mi*an(Mt »f IhU plUt, .tb* oay« bltta to t*n puun4 Wy l»y Wllllum (1. Hiirlm of U\vtt Umnch, rlak In all hla arid you hav« nlrrKWfc tht dltd Monday of U»t w««k nt (ly««nt«fy. certslnty ol R plcnalntc B»ln In sl«mp« 91***** WBa »»»» married at the latter place last of taxation. In some instances tho hope to effect week by the bride's father, Rev. J. Bl assessment was almost doubled. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. were operation. Haines. The couple will live at Mana- Attended Veterans' Bennton. Decide Yourself &$SfrJti£2K THE BED BANK BEGIBTEft Page 4 BROOTBB JC.OBE5 H I BUCB. 1 * fftfrBANK REGISTER by OlUaf of » U » H» IMVtt tisulv » Sl» Wheel In Bona nnd mat: A fir?t-class Queen City bicycle h at the borough hall at Red Bank awaiting an ownei. How the bicycle BOIID<U Manager: came to be there was duo to the breakTHOMAS IRVING BROWN. ing up of u crap game at the corner SUBSCRIPTION PRICE of Chestnut and l'earl streets SaturOne rear 1150 day niglit. The crap shooters saw Blk monUio ' 4k Unt*' Arthur h. Wymbs, chief of police, Xh months 40 coming and took to their heels. Bnterea at the pontomce Ht Red Bank, One man had a bicycle. He did not If. J.; Bfl Eecond-clasB ronttor. have lime to mount it and get away so he started running with it. The "WEDNESDAY, SDPT. isTT'tlS. chief gained on him so fast that the man dropped the wheel and kept dn tfOWN TALK. ntittg Mi. Wvmbs did not oatch le fellow He used the bicycle to ml" Tlio determination of the Monmonth back to his office in the borough hall. county fuii" Jisswiiition to hold next year's fair on its own (.'rounds ut Minnisink Park in MiiMletown township lias been commended evefywlieiv in lilt' county. The grounds owned by Ihe fair association in MiddJetown BUILDIUQ OK TINTON F A t t B FABM township sre move than twice as lnriw 437-Jt. | GOES UP IN BMOKE. :is liio nrtsont f.'«iv grounds. They ure on 1.1ie !ino of the railroad, with a trol- The Flnce is Owned by Mrs. Jnmoo 5fy line on the <x!Wtorn side of the CnniiJbell of Freebold and is Farmed siounfls. The iiraiinds are wol! situby John Egau—Livo Stock Saved, but jsVed for .-i fair iriwind and they aiv Everything Else. Destroyed. haruh of ;i:\"e..v<. Set on fire by a bolt of lightning, a ••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••«•••'•••>•••••.• barn on the Valentine place at TinTlu-• MoiiiiHHith county fair has be- ton Falls, owned by Sirs', .hmies Campcome an institmion which would be bell of Freehold, was burned to the irreully missed it it were to be aban- ground last Wednesday afternoon. <luned. The premiums offered in the The farm is occupied by John Egan. Hot water heating is my specialty but Ialso Installany hind of a heating various departments avo mueh larger The barn was valued at about $2,M)0 than at any other county fair in the and the contents destroyed were worth plant and do.all my work in a taliafactary manner, I dont conduct any j country, and about 95,000 in premiums $1,500. Both the building and the"bargain sales" in the heating line but do first-data work at a reasonable is' annually distributed. But it i:; inthings destroyed in it were partially figure. Now is ihe time to think about heating for coltl weather is not far its general aspects that the fair is of covered by insurance. • <-----.L must benefit. Monmouth county is one Mr.' Egan, his son, John Edward away. of the richest agricultural counties in Egan, and a farm hand were in tiie the entire United Stated. The. fail- barn when it was struck. A cow hnd Sanitary Plumbing. Repair Work. Tin Roofing. , affords an occasion for farmers from got a potato caught in her throat and all parts of the county to px>t to^etlvjr. the men were trying to extract it: H O W A R D FREY» I t jjives them opportunity to compare The bolt struck the second story of Phone 204-W. Red Bank, N. J. the products of their farms and tiny the building, and 'Mr. Egan's ton was 27 Monmouth Street. compete for the premiums offered. knocked olf his feet and dazed by the current of electricity. barn was soon ablaze and the On its new grounds the fair asso- ireThuspread great rapidity. ciation is certain to be of much greater Twenty tons ofwith hay were on the secbenefit to the community than in the ond floor and this burned like tinder. pilst. *• Every farmer in Ilia county The men succeeded in leading all five .should he identified with the fair and of Mr. Egan's horses otit of the barn .should be a member of the fair asso- nnd in taking the three cows from the ciation. For the Jirst time since the bam yard to a place of safety. All association was started, the fair paid the other contents of the barn were expenses this year. With its estab- destroyed. They comprised, besides lishment on its own grounds it will be the hay, a farm wagon, a pair of placed on a secure financial footing. three sets of harness and The fair stock is practically.certain to shelvings, large number of farm tools. A corn pay big dividends, but the biggest ncrib the barn was destroyed dividends the fair will pay will be alongadjoining with its contents, comprising found in the increased crops grown in about thirty bushels of grain. the county through the competitions at Neighbors and friends turned out. tin1 fair, and in the general advantage to the county through the inlluenoe of Westside hose company of Shrewsury township and Chemical engine; Ihe fair association. company of Eatontown rushed their apparatus to the blaze. It. was imto save the burning barn, but The Oklahoma Iogisln&ire has under possible fire fighters succeeded in preventconsideration a compulsory voting law. ihe ng the blaze from spreading to other This law would compel people to vote buildings. Several the wagon of pay n heavy line. The intentions shed caught fire, buttimes on each occasion of the people who advocate this law the flames were put oiit. Do not wait until the last moment beforeseeingaboutbnying are probably all right, but the measure Mr. Egan is deeply sensible o.f the a corn binder. Delays are costly. Get your machine early and 'itself is likely to l'ail in its purpose. ;eivice performed by the firemen and be sure you get the best. There is no better machine made than his neighbors. The Eatontown Tirethe McCormick. It is made of the best material, arid every part Those who believe the law would be men stayed on the place till two is especially designed for the work it Is to perfdrm.^ a good thing argue that there are al-o'clock in the morning in order to ways a large number of voters at- guard against any further spread of McCormick corn binders will cut and bind corn of any every election who do not cast the blaze. length—down and tangled corn is also handled satisfactorily. their ballots, and that competent and The building destroyed was 20x5-1 The McCormick has a wide range of band adjustment, and no honest officials would be elected if the feet, and a new barn of similar size corn binder forms a bundle with a more perfect butt usual stay-at-home voters were com- will be put on the same location as pelled to go to the balloting booths. soon as the insurance is adjusted. Don't forget that the McCormlck is built for sertice. 'In the days of the old Konum republic REPAIRS.—Perhaps- your old McCormick machine needs and many times since then such laws repairing. We always keep repairs on hand. If your old WANT ROAD IMPEOVED. have been passed, and in no instance McCormick needs overhauling, call and explain your wants, and did they prove successful. There is nothing to indicate that a compulsory Many Complaints About Condition of a you will get the necessary parts on the shortest possible notice. Highway at Everett. voting measure would bring any more Drop in and give us a chance on you* binder order. We beneficial effects today than it did i Farmers living at Everett , and will treat you right. • Ilolmdel are complaining tibont the the past. condition of the middle road leading from Everett to Red Bank. This There is no reason to believe that a highway was previously in good shape, H. D. SMOCK & CO., man who fails to cast his ballot would but nothing has been djone to Tnnintnin WICKATUNK, IM. J. . vote for the cause of good government it the past year. It is full of holes if he were compelled to vote. Theand sandy places. Farmers used to be I'aet Unit he fail.s to cast his ballot able to haul three loads of produce to .shows that he is indifferent to what Red Bank in an afternoon over this kind of government he gets. A man road, but at present are able to mnke of that caliber would not take the but one trip in an afternoon. The trouble to vote for honest and compe- road is the shortest highway from tent ollicials. Either he would let the Everett to Red Bank, and thu farmers bosses pick out candidates for him to at Everett, and vicinity would apprevote for or hi' would cast his ballot ciate its improvement. It is likely without regard as to whether he that a petition will be circulated askvoted for good or bad candidates. ing the Middlotown township commits * * tee to restore it to its former condition. The following of the bosses includes men in all walks of life, from the BANKEBS ENJOY FEAST. worthless bum to the highly respectable church-goer. Sui*prise has been Forumnent Organization to Drow out of expressed that many newspapers are Hearing Last Saturday. under the dominance of bosses. There is nothing strange about this, how- Ninety Monmouth county bunkers ever, in view of the fact that even enjoyed a shore dinner at Scott's NepHeights Saturday afternoon. It judges have been found guilty of doing tune was the first meeting of any kind held crooked work for politicians. by bankers of the county and a per•t * * manent organization will probably reHappily the influence of boss-con- sult from Saturday's gathering. Sevtrolled newspapers is less than form- eral interesting addresses were, made, erly, for the people are quicker to see among the speakers being Mayor T. Ihe inside of things. As for the judi- Frank Appleby of Asbury Park nnd ciary it is only a (|tiestion of a short ex-Senator O. II. Brown of Spring lime when the growing sentiment for Lake. ' Reports from the various a recall law will place in the hands of towns in the county showed that the the people u powerful instrument with banks wore doing more business at which to get rid of crooked and cor- iresent than ever before. rupt judges. All men look pleased when they smoke JOHN H. COOK. Editor .nd PublWiw. ' OEORGEC. HANCG, AwUt.nl Editor. BARN BOLT. HOT WATER Hf/fflNG. • ' * ;;: * *> * DEPOSITS OP THE. « t t If I IMOIKVII In It I'm fin' nnil iinUle. Ut »ml If I dont bpllfv" In It I'm miiiowd to It, 'Dint hnn litxin the tnle nt Tim llnmnTm fur tlto thlrty-nV« The Implicit ninflilonm lint many yitkra IfckV*b*»h running It, Niitl lt'nl>nm|« \\*v(y |n Chumlxirlttlit1* Golle, (<K) Into In th« flay lo rliftnitp now. (:iioW« ktvl DMrrhtwn ntuiwidy I* (TiiU'ii Talk evtilinu$il on p«w It.) fouwlwt on tlidr cxpnrloiwo In tilt ' u»o of that remoily and Ulrlr know* Uilgo of (ho many romarkkhla CUT** ' tint Km • • * « Raonrrml t*rt\** « ut cnllo, dlarrhowi And df*#*ll*ry Ui*» velum* of omtlnumm *A\tt* II Ima elfwlod. For mil* by J l ti * w w«*kly m t Jr., rorMr Bmtk and ~ i miitr-W' this choice tobacco—for all men. like the rich quality and true, naturalflavorof Smoked In pipes by thousands of men—«««f7«facn» known to cigarette imoken as tile meltings." We take unusual prljn In Liggcll & Mytrt Dufc«'» Mixture. It U our leading brand of granulated totMCOO— and every snoli wo malte la • challenge tu all other tobacco manufacturers. Every Ac sack of this faisow totttoeo contains ono and a half ounces of olmlctf ItMMlMai tolincco, In every way aqua) to the bat you can VKf « t « price, and with each sack you get a booft of d g i m IMpen FKKK. If ron haro not tmolatd Hm Duke'g MUtnm mi* *> tls> JUggttt 4 Slym Tobacco Co, al Durham, N. C , trfWi Get« C M » T » with UM Coupons h . emvontt' With lb«n yoo can m* all MMSaT«*%> ablattmnata—wtfcia* tuVuble ( d«ll(hted to m wh.l ,oa aj> ~ APRIL 18th, $ 7,907.37 16 DAYS' BUSINESS JUNE 14th, $ 45.700.70 74 " « SEPT. 4th, $120,841.18 154 " " The above shows the substantial growth of this Company since it began business on the first day of April. The dates given are "those at which the Comptroller of the Currency has called ior Statements from the Banks of the Country. , We would be pleased to add YOUR name to our growing list of depositors. _ - V . " ' >HMHHHHMHtllHHIHIMIHIMlMMMIIMl FOR THIS WEEK- SILK MANNISH SUITS Regular price $1,98, Special price 7 9 c SILK DRESSES BLUE, TAW, BLACK, ETOPE Regular Price $9.98 Special Price ' Model Cloak andSuit Co. ' • • ' • ' 3 9 BROAD STRE3ET. (1 HIOHTNINO STBIKES CARD. It is not compulsory voting laws or other similar measures that are Traffic DetnyeA on Bed Bank and Ooeitnlo needed for good government. Uetter Iiins During* Thunder Storm. t'unditionti must, be brought about by the people themselves, If they do not Two cars on the Red Hank and take the trouble to vote for their best Oceanic trolley line were struck by interests it cannot but happen that tile lightning in lnxt Wednesday night's houses and corrupt politicians will do shower. A car in charge of Motorman the governing themselves. The bosses Oliver Johnson nnd Edward Auimick and corrupt politicians arc always as conductor was struck at tlto Humalert. They only formidable, however, son end of the line and the motor was when the people are inditTereut as to blown out. Another car had the same trouble near the Eastside Park switch. 'he sort of government they get. Walter Nutt was the mntnrmnn on thin o-o-o car and Edward Ilothwick conductor. Daniel l>or:m of the Long Hianch No one was injured on either car and I'rrtntl WIIH present, at the Progressive the damage wan noon repaired by meeting ut Long Itranch last week. Oliver Johnson, n mechanic for tho Hi' iuiyn thai after election he will tell coin puny. riic what n grievous mistake I um msikmg in not; voting for Wilson for PresOCr.AKPOHT nOUBD ident tlw winner. Maybe he will tell me that, but If ho does he will beUnoccupied Dwelling 1 Totally Destroyed wrong, 1 dont menu Unit he will be TtMnj M!(ht. wrohg HO far ufi VVihton being the I*'i re of unknown origin Friday winner in ronrcrncd, for it looks MM if night destroyed u bonne ut Ocvnnport MM election wan prclly certain. Hut hi'lniiging to'Or. llnllnek of Now York. lie will nui'c.ly be wrong in telling me When dhii'iivcrcd the bluro wmi under Hint It wmi n ml:.Inke for me to vote Much headway Hint firemen were for Komu'Vi'lt. I never yet have voted nimble lo cheek it. the The IOBH in CBIIfor n ttmn nlmply beciiui.e bo looked nuiteil at -fH<I(I. The lumiuImd nut like a winner, nor voted n^uiu»t. a occupied Hinrn hint Wi'diicmltty mini heeiuim* i wnnted to hi* on thebeen Mr. mid Mrn, Kdwiird Moriui, winning nlde. I hnvo never heim when hud been livinir there, moved to nfriml in Klnnil up Mini inukn n HKIII who l.nng Hriiiieh. The hotinc wmi on n /or miythiiiK I holli'Ved In, even If Iluni' imiilh of Occnnpinl. »UIHI nlnnr. NIMIIIIT Inive I ever been ufitiiil tu vote for a parly or n pilnilpb' I believed In IMVMIIHO II wiin r<>V*it. likely to lie ilef.-iili.l. It. diml tnnkn We/it o r I..111K Hmncli w i w liny (HnVrotifo how frw people vntn t h r1.oim< from an i>x|weitn vvn'gon hint with into on anything I hcllovn in, nor o w nwhen Ihe h o n m he wun (hivi how ninny voto SKnInut me. All 1 carp Week, Hill uiviiy. l i e landed mi bin l i g h t Ing nbotit in whether I believe In It rny-linil It wun biiilinii hi'tweun the lin<i« '• RED BANK TRUST COMPANY WILL YOU NEED A. CORN BINDER A Picture of Contentment wlf or nut. •lHnJuliilJija LJitta ^ • . • • • • • • • * •••«••••'•>• • • • • • • • ^ • * * RED BANK'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE CLOAK AND SUIT STORE. Do You Wear Overalls? THEN GET THE BEST—It is true economy. You will spend less for Overalls in the year if you wear the FAMOUS H.S.PETERS' Brotherhood (R«». U. S. Pat. Off.) OVERALLS The International Standard of Quality.. You will get more'comfort and satisfaction at the same time. The BROTHERHOODS are made BEST ONLY; no inferior grades. All materials the best that can be bought and more of it, making them easiest fitting and most comfortable. A patent pocket, fleece-lined, from which your watch will neither fall nor drag out. The best of sewing by the best of Union Workers and an absolute, honest guarantee back of each garment under which you buy BROTHERHOODS at the maker's risk, not yours. They could not be made better for comfort and service, no matter what price W»B offered; they cost no more than other high grade goods. They are generally sold by but one merchant in a place—the merchant selling BROTHERHOODS is one who gives you a square deal. The BROTHERHOOD* ant sold by H. IV. SUPP, CLXTTMNCl, H A T B A N D 1O Oro** Ota*** Red Bank. A. J. CARTON, Matawan. OAK HBUL, F •ltd E. IMfttCH, fetoiar. \ THE BED BA^K BEG7BTEB KttgHLANDS. WHY DONT YOU LET CHILDS'GROCERY CO. LIGHTNING STRIKES A CHIMNEY ON ROSENBAUWS -* ICE COEAM STORE. Bride* Were Tbrtwn iitEwry Directfoo UM! th. Fhta on U» and Floor Were D*»*««l-WOUum Bailqr Heldforthe Gnuid Jury on «a ID«g«IS«I»,chwfg«—Vfcl« Baldwin Aectued of Steal, k g » Watch-D»r H« CM* Gtata Dance. BUILD YOU UP AND MAK&YOU STRONO? ACKARD P NEW ASKOBY. l *The Health of Your Family Jj»lm*r lUn Mat to Jolt Until Jaagmtnt os*ph. awanoaU Srawiar Flaai for of *7(3.M ti M l . ' Cmity'i ««w Qnutm. A Judgment for $768.86 WBB -renJoseph Swannell, quartermaster of dered by a jury at Freehold last week lecond cavalry troop, is drawing plans against Charles A. Quintard of Bel- or the proposed new armory for tho may be endangered by allowing mar. Mr. Quintard was arrested last volry. The plans provide for a the plumbing in your residence Hay on complaint of Miss May Mc- ullding which will Occupy the whole Carthy of New York, who charged to get out of repair, letting the the lot on the corner of West nnd that Quintard had swindled her out of lestnut streets, owned by the troop. deadly sewer gases hold full $778.80. Quintard has been in jail ila lot is favored by the county board since July and under the law he must f* freeholders as the most available sway about the house, spreading remain there until the judgment is :e for the armory. An appropriation disease and wretchedness. aatisfled. Quintard says he is a theat- if $76,000 was recently made for the rical manager, but Miss McCarthy has irmory. AU this can be easily prevented dubbed him a professional swindler. by having afirat-clasBplumber xova somrsxs UP. Miss McCarthy says she answered inspect your bathrooms, toilets, mn advertisement in tho New York herald for a secretary and companion ail TOWBIMP and Belm»r Piopl* la etc., every once In awhile. to an actress on tour. The advertise3ta <m StMoUvva Oonpldat. I will cheerfully furnish estiment was placed in the Herald by Mr. Lewis Hughes. Ethel James and .Quintan!. Miss McCarthy says she Clarence Doyle of Wall township were mates on any plumbing work you met Quintard at New York and he told xrosted last week by Detective Elwood may need".' ker that upon assuming the position Inugh on a charge of selling liquor tie would expect her to deposit $800 illegally, and Lewis Wilson of Belmar frith him as security for large sums of as arrested on a similar complaint moaeV which she would handle dur- ind on an additional charge of coning her time of employment. Miss lucting a disorderly house. All four McCarthy says she secured the money persons Tvere sent to the county jail and gave it to Quintard early in April. >y Justice James H. Sickles to await Instead of becoming a secretary Miss iie action of the grand jury. McCarthy says she was given dishes SllUMKT to 5«I»U| A Whit., to wash when sha started to work. 8h< demanded her money and claims 16 West Front Street, that Quintard called her a fool and lira, Alfred Cookman has been ttM the money had been spent. Shaelected president of the ladies' Elim •ay* Quintard paid her 140. association of Ocean Grove for the 9th consecutive term. Mrs. Andrew J. Myers l i secretary and treasurer and Mrs. L. B. Blanchard, corresponding tecretary. Mas TlwookmortoB W«U xnowa to ' « « Visitor* of th* J.tM7 Court. Bttunui from n i p Abroad. Miss Theodosla Throckmorton, one Miss Lockwood of JEnrilnhof the proprietors of the Throckmor- own hasEdna returned from a trip of sovtoa hotel at Loch Arbour, died from a iral months abroad. Miss Lockwood complication of diseases last Thursday. visited several European f)h« was 59 yoars old. Miss Throck- greatly enjoyed her trip.countries and vwrton was associated with,her sister, Mrs. Margaret B»atty, in th* management of th« ThToekmorton hotel and Few. If any, medldnts, hive met •raa w*ll known to the summer visitors with the uniform success that hat atcf the coast, Bha leaves thre* sisters tended Ui« UM of Chamberlain's Colic, *od a brotlwr. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Tha remarkable cures of colic and diarrhoea which it has effected In almost •ft %—M *•«—nill* Mp> •very neighborhood have given It a , l m . Era B. FUhu and daughter, told* reputation. For sal* by Jsmea Rr*. Viola M. Bladhnr at Ashww Park, Co*p*r, Jr., corner Broad and Whlta i on M sratMMfctt* trip t* « . L»«rl*. stfwvttt , ty will continue the trip from that ' filsm to San Francisco and wpsct to Sown * distune* of W.00Q mlta. Arthur G. Sickles, ilg Doctor's Bill MR 62 BROAD STREET, Telephone 247-1 «WH GwTO F M C S^pvMH > REDBANK.N.J. ' , Store Clatea at 6:30 P. M. Except Saturday OUT OP TOWN DELIVERIES: JFair Haven, Oceanic and Kinnson, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Little Silver. Tuesday. Shrewsbury and Eitontown, Thursday. ThtodeitcIousCod Liver Lightning played HIM qttw pr»i*l ened, away before he succeeded In andlronTonicUawoiv • t the Hishland* during th» w v m , breaking In. A borklpg dog drew tho derfu! body builder and ahowtr last Wednesday night. A. bolt attention at some men who were staystrength creator for •truck the chimney on Rosenbaum'B nic at McGuire's boat house, and upon lee cream store on Bay aveutfe, cte- nvestlzation they saw n man run feeble old people, deli* jnollihlng the chimney and throwing from t»» bacfc Of the barber shop, cate cfattdrenr w e a k bricks in all directions. ,The Bame bolt ACOUMI 170DUU1 o( it«*Unf Watob. *Uo did damage In thq flats above the women, all run down Viola Baldwin was arrested last •tore occupied by Mrs, Elizabeth Wednesday on complaint of (fcorge conditions, especially . and Mra. Wheeler. The cil- Backtrt, who charged her with stealwas fora up fn aeveral plaeeB, ing a gold watch from him. She wait after sickness, and for and considerable damage done to the a" hearing before Recorder chronic coughs* colds furniture. Mr. and Mn. Fred Cone given lardy, who held her in $200 bail for and bronchitis. of Shrewsbury avenue Were stunned the grand jury. by the shock. A number of phones in the borough were put out 'of commis- artx xtuu. Does You Oood or Robert Wecker of Miller street was sion by the IlRhtning and a pole near Costs You Nothing. Sandlaei'a pavilion was (truck and arrested last week by Officer William Jurgenson on a charge of being drunk allghtly damaged. and disorderly. 'Wecker was senA Real Cod Liver tenced to sixty days in the county jail William Bailey, who conduct* the by Recorder Hardy, Tonic Without Oil. Bailay house on Fifth street, was arCement sidewalks have been laid in xsited last Wednesday by Officer 'WH- front of Harry Sculthorp's property We will return your Jlam jurgenson on a charge of illegal on Shrewsbury avenue. The finishing sale of liquor. The complaint was aueheB are being put on his new money If you do not made by George Backart, a soldier, house, and Mr. Sculthorp expects to think Vlnol has helped »nd several other*. Bailey was given movo into i t soon. •' ,. • .••> .• you after taking one * hearing before Recorder George The drain across Bay avenue in Hardy andean held under $500 bail front, of the borough hall has been Dottle. Don't t h i s *>* the action of the grand jury, repaired. The sides have been bricked seem fair?"" ~ SUntaitA Vtooali IMWVtNrt.' up and heavy flagging laid across the • JHUe Adams,,a colored wtrmniv em- »p, Fftrok Howard of Naveslnk did JAMES COOPER, JR., ' ployed by Mr. and Mrs. George Smith 4ie mason work. . Prescription Druggist. 1 of Bay avenue, was given an examinEdward Foster of Fifth street reRed Bank. ation last Friday night bofore Re- turned: last; Wednesday after a few Broad utreet, corder George Hardy regarding the days' visit at N«w, York. Mr. Foster expects to return to New York some jable diamond dlair wherenbouta of a valuable And pearl brooch belonging to Mrs, time this week to work In the WallaSmith. For a while the girl refused bout market. to say anything, but shefinallyad- The Vancook stock company of mitted she had found the brooch on the New'York gave a performance at the floor while cleaning one of the bed-, Highlands auditorium Saturday night. looms and that she had put it away They nave the play "From Rags to for safe keeping In one of the closets Riches" and were greeted with a full . in the house. A couple of the officers louse.' went to the house and searched the Chief Jesse Lawrence returned last Friday from a three days' trip to Atcloset but could hot find the brooch. Finally .the girl was taken, to thelantic City, and left.again Saturday house, and soon afterward produced for a visit .With friends and relatives the pin. Mr. and Mrs..Smith refused at New York and Newark. Harry Schwartz of Bay nveto press the charge against the woman nueMrs. and Miller street suffered a nervDue B* Ottb (UTM Sana*. ous breakdown during the storm last The members <rf the Dar He dob Wednesday night, and was laid up for field their annual dance,last Saturday several days. . • night at Creijhton's pavilion. Special The bungalows on Cria WillinmB's arrangements had been made for this occasion and a large crowd of dancers camping grounds on Bay avenue are were present. Dancing was enjoyed. being taken down and stored away for vntil a late hour, music being fur- the winter. They will bo used again next season. «, - • • nished by Creighton's orchestra. Mrs. A. Jurgenson, Mrs. Corbey and Mrs. J. Kunath and daughter-in-law, COMMERCIAL Advertised letters remain at theMra. W. Kunath, left Sunday night SCHOOL ftostoffice addressed to the following: for a two weeks' visit in the Catskill * Miss Lena Amend, Mlnu Cnrrle Behr, mountains. iMlnitM Avt. and 36th 81., Nsw York Atlas B«della, MIHH Beanie Buehler, Miss Otto Gaut&hy, who conducts the i Kathorlno 151 ril, Miss Millie Blanck. Mra Prospect market on Bay avenue, reNEW LOCATION Uinlee COIlen, Mrs. C. P. Cwwder, Mrs Wary Culluhnn. Mr». Sarnhr'Ja Bey, Mlns turned JBBt Friday night from ,an ^EW BUILDING Oertrude KHIntt, Mrs. Mao B. Fiallck, automobile • tour through New York " Every requisite for the safety, Mini Gladys 0111, Mra. Oreon, Mrs. N. C. state. Iloltmin, Mls» Nell Hastings, Mra, W. health and comfort.of our Tho Highland Beach railroad staHasting, Mm. James Johnson. Jim. W, J5. Kelly, U H E I. Loaatt, Mm. J. B, tion has been- repainted and put in students. Kloulo, Beatrice McPartl&nd, Helen Me- first class condition during the past Commercial and stenographic Orath. Bunah Kulftnance, Mra. O'Connell, courses. Individual instruction. Wcannr O'Brlon, Mamie O'Brien, Mm. It week. Tlyun, Mra. Bonnie Bwlnton, Mrs, Honnnn Edwards Baker of Bay avenue, a Imwtnkert, LUUan Sutsabnugii, Mra. P. EaltTerm Opens Tuesday* Sept. 3 -A. Watts, Mrs. A. Wlml«J'. Anna h. special officer" at Highland' Beach, Wood, Elmer Walter, C, If. Anthon, spent Friday anfl Saturday at BrookEnter at any time. Theodore h. ,Burck, William F. Brown, lyn. V. Bostolmann, William Cnfr, L. Cruln, NO SOLICITORS William Huhter,"who is employed in Bernardino. CatUvera, Mr. aad Mr*. Douglas, E. Elter; W. J. Fairell, Jolin H. Johnson's pharmacy, has returned . Special commutation tickets to yredrickB, Ilucco IMrrulo, Howard after a vacation at Atlantic City. our students on all railroads. Gamble, William James, John J. Nolan, Mrs. Frank Thompson of Navesink Ilobort Steward and M. Santls. Our new building f > only A short walk avenue gave birth to e nine-pound fKKath<t Hudson Tuta. •thltt rtlghttiua ».w»y. baby girl Monday of last week. A thief tried to gain entrance to . Mrs. E. Mussel and daughter of .Torn Romandettl's barber shop on Bay Fifth street spent three days last week avenue Friday night, but was fright- at Atlantic City. nr "YOU KNOW THE PLACE" . 4 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar, - 21c 28c CAN WESSON COOKING OIL, Our lOc Norway MACKEREL, 7c, New Pack Early June Peas, 12c Can - 15c 4 FisH for 25c Half.Pound Can Walter Bakers' Cocoa, 19c all flavors 3 Large Rolls Toilet Paper, - 10c Childs'Eating Chocolatefiea cake. Try it and you will like it because Fresh Ground Cracker Dust, l6c lb it is so nice and amooth and mellow—deliciously flavored and packed into 10c Package Jello, 7c •such even sections, each just a comfortable mouthful. Eat lota of it —it's perfectly pure, healthful and exceedingly nourishing, a delightful addition to the lunch basket or for the little folka in place of candy. 6 cakes for 26c. 2 Bot. Hires Root Beer Extract, 25c Hllf ((••> Macaroni ' Spaghetti, 9c lb UUl 1UI Long Stems, Elbows Jersey Water Crackers, OUR SOc MASOPSPS PINTJARS, OUR 25c JELJL/V TUMBLERS, Fresh Made Cakes 5clb Sweet Pickles, 6c dozen Lusk's Table Mustard, 10c Jar, 8c It M extremely sharp, but fine flavored and very appetizing. Preferred by many to the finest imported French COFFEES Cfailda' Special Blend Chad*' Peaberry Child*' Santos Child*'Golden Rio , .27c 25c 23c 21c CHILDS' PRINCESS BLEND TEA H»K Pound Box I9c Quarter Pound Box. 10c While, all Tea drinkers have their preferences—we have found PrihceM Blend to please the largest number of pur customers. 45c dozen 17c dozen Soda Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Ginger Snaps, Coiiee Cakes and Nic Nacs i Cakes Childs' Laundry Soap 3 Cakes Childs' Floating Soap 3 Cakes Childs' Naphtha Soap 3 Cakes Tar Soap 10c 10c 10c 10c Big Package Quaker Corn Flakes, 7c 2 Packages Cream of Wheat, • 25c Large Sour Pickles, - l i e dozen Lusk's Table Mustard, 10c jar 8c It is extremely sharp, but fine flavored and very appetizing. Preferred by many to the finest imported French Mustard 17c 25c BOTTLE LARGE OLIVES, 2Oc Quality Red Alaska Salmon, 444 16c can Gloom" Print 3\itter, 33c lb PURE CIOER VINEGAR, 15c gallon HAVE YOUR JUGS KILLED CANDIES-Salt Water Taffy, Boyd's Cream Mints, - 12c a Pound Sweet Pickles, 6c dozen | Fine Fresh Tub Butter, • 3 1 c pound LARGE CAN SOLID PACK TOMATOES, - - - lOc +•••••••••••• • » • • • • • ••••^•••••••••••••••••••••4+<H>+ Are You Planning to Move or Store Your Furniture This Fall? We dont mean to be inquisitive by asking the question, but if you are we want to call your attention to our moving and storage facilities. We would be pleased to call and give estimates. Then if our prices are right, move your furniture to' our warehouse and keep it safely stored until you return. As movers of office fixtures, household furniture, pianos and safes we have no equal. Our equipment consists of several large sized vans, a few small vans and other vehicles which are busy nearly the whole year. Then men that do the moving for you are experienced and careful furniture handlers. We are responsible for all goods damaged in transit. Our new warehouse on Mechanic street will be ready for occupancy on Sept. 1st. Our prices for storage of furniture is from $2.00 to $5.00 per,month. Our insurance rates are the lowest in the county on account of the fireproof construction of our building. Silver vaults for private use. $700 «• fhmt-m I W Stary. E . JT. REIL.L.Y, i beta MUaM IWUNI Mr« Office «nc& Warehouse. Mechanic Street, RED BANK, N. J. SCHROEPER'S HAIR TONIC Hkk tonic W&toatoM, kMp tlw Mr ThttV E»RJBAK-U*» r« sal. by ROMRT H, VAXDWJTOI, | THE BED BANK EEGISTEB 5UBSTITUT0R FINED NEWS FRpM KEAN5BURG. SEVERAL GOOD SPEAKERS FOR FIREMEN'S SUPPER WHICH WILL BE HELD TONIGHT. At Soda Fountain William H. Doppier of This Place and Dr. E L. Smith of Brooklyn Will Build & Newjprug Store Here for Next Season—Brother hood Society Cleaning Up Methodist Church Grounds—William Ludlow Breaks His Collar Bone in a Fall. insist on the Original "Horlick's "Others are Imitations PETER J. AND EMBALMER. Monmouth Street, Near Maple Avenue, RED BANK, NEW JERSEY. Telephone, 2 5 4 Red Bank. • We carry about the largest stock of lumber in MonmouttfCounty. We get most of our stock by water. Freight rates are much cheaper than rail, and hence we can give very low prices. Our big stock enables us to make very prompt deliveries. •> *> •> >> I it The Estate ofT. S. R. Brown, | x Keyport, New Jersey. j£ ***•*£*• THE OLD AND THE NEW "OUT of »*!*" show hero the two ways* of cleaning dirty carpets. Now is the time Lo try it out. We just commenced^thia Spring hut have lots of pleased eiiMlomers already. Do not. forgot that we are headquarters for your Laundry nnd Awning wants HIMO. Red Bank Steam Laundry, 62-64 White Strcot, I Rod Bank, N. J. Mausoleums and Monuments. IVOIHV IIIV plriuii'ilniid nnll'illi'dwilli wmli onlrri'd lit Mnnniin & Hiin'n I I'ltlCKfl iimUJIIAMTV lire rii;lil. If you lire Iliinliiiitf nf crertliiK u nifinnrlitl, ri'mniiiln.r wu Imvn n Uritci iinil I'oiiiplntit nlnrk In neleel from. AIHO ri'Mirinlinr. wu linvii 11 long nlnmliiiK repiilntlnii fi'i' lumrnl di'iilhi|r nml fur plennliiK |Mio|>ln. If you liuy fmm un tlirre U IMI etimu-o of yuur K^llin^ Inferior work M evorylliliiK I" 'I'"1" uwlfr "iir piMniuinl nu|ii'i vlniun mid i;iiiirnntrril. W« ilonl|{n iiiimiiiin-iilB lo null, mir rimtiitiiprn. Wrltn un nnd we will cull on ymi pi'rimimlly. 1VIANSON & SONS, Monmquth Street, Near Dorougli Hall, Red Dank, New :17 1. i%%\%%WMvmwt The Keansburjr fire department will rom Cliffwood to'his store on Main give a supper in MaeDonald's auditor- itreet. Camp Raritan restaurant has closed ium tonight. The aupper will he held under the auspices of the ladies' auxil- fter a successful season. iary. Among the speakers will be Ed- Ludlow Brothers of this place lost horse last -week.' mund Wilson of Red Bank, John E. Rov. J. W. Tower spent part of last Foster of Atlantic Highlands, Henry E. Ackerson, Jr., of Keyport,. Charles week at Freehold. Miss Clara, Wil M Wilson spent Saturday R. Snyder of Atlantic Highlands and tt Asbury Ab Park. Pk William W. Ramsay of this -place. Oscar Hesse's Ice cream parlor New Draff Store Next Year. losed Monday. A new drug store will be built here next year. William H. Dopplev, who has hod a drug store in the postofiice USDTE3B OP THE FBEEHOLDEB8. for sevaral years, and Dr. E. L v Smith ueatlon of Taking over long- Branch of Brooklyn will enter into partnership. T,n<; store will be ready for oc- ,- Street an County Bond Settled.. At the meeting of the board of f reecupancy by Slay 1st. loldera last Wednesday the question Society Improving- Church Gronuao. The Brotherhood society of the f taking over Ocean avenue at Long as a county road was disMethodist church has started to clean Jranch up the church property. They will ussed. Commissioner of Roads, Stovhas practicafly agreed to take over fill in the holes in the yard, put steps ms he street as a part of the Ocean on the side of the Sunday-school room loulevard next year. The freeholders and repair the parsonage porch. The laid the law does not allow the county society has divided the work so each o take over streets of a city. . member will have a certain amount of Mrs. Henfy Parker of Eumson comwork to do. ilained to the board that water was Brokem» Collar Bone. •acking up on her property because William Ludlow, one of the Illicit he_ culverts along the county road drivers here, fell from a wagon last vefo too high. The board instructed Tuesday and broke his collar bone. he clerk to notify Dr. Robert Dickson, He was alsd hurt internally. Mr. Lud- sanitary inspector of Shrewsbury low was sent to the Long Branch hos- ownship, to have the ditches along the iroperty cleaned out and the freeholdpital for treatment. rs would then lower the culverts. Announco Engagement. H. E. Ackerson, Jr., of Keyport, ' Mr. and Jlrs. Joseph Wilson ansked the freeholders to help the bornounce the .engagement of their ugh maintain Broad street at tha^. daughter Norma'to Russell Stanford which is in-bnd shape because of Main street. The date for the wed- ilace, f the heavy automobile trafTic. He ding has not yet been set. Mr. Stan- ras advised to take the matter up with ford left- Monday for Point Pleasant, he state road commissioner. where he will be-employed by G. H. County Engineer George Cooper McClosky in his milk business. as authorised to make a survey of Infant Palls from Porch. he Allen Osborn bridge across the The infant daughter of Mrs. W. H. Uanasqunn river, which is maintained Treafler of Beacon Beach fell from the ointly Dy Monmouth and Ocean counporch last Saturday. The child was ies. The War department declines to in a baby carriage and the wind lllow the bridge to be improved until started the wagon rolling. The baby ;he department is furnished with a struck on the back of its head and survey and until all the pilings from after it was taken into the house it Id bridges are removed. The pilings ill be removed by the county. went into convulsions. Residents of Oceanport presented a A Hew Kouae. etition the- board asking that a Mrs. Anna Roske of this place is ridge atto place be raised so that building a house near Palmer avenue. oats couldthat pass under it. Freeholder The building is 20x26 feet and will lohn Daly was asked to get a figure cost about $1,600. It will be ready for if the approximate cost of raising the occupancy in two months. Mrs. Roske iridge. will make this her home. Gus JohnA survey of the proposed new road son is the builder. >ast the Jerseyville schoblhouse in Move Back in Cottage. Lowell township will be made this Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Wilson of Law- veek. Jesse A. Howland, contractor for rence avenue moved Monday from Mrs. Elizabeth Lankenau's house to he new Takanassee lake bridge at their own house known as the Locust Long Branch, was instructed to subCottage on Main street. Mr. Wilson ititute stucco for a skin finish as the •ented his house to a New York party ipecifications for the bridge called for. Mr. Howland agreed to make the 'or the summer. hange. Graveling a Bo&a. William B. Robinson, road overseer, BEFOBT o r WEIQSr INSPECTION. is graveling the road known as Seeley avenue. Gravel is being put bn from uperlntenaent Wynooop Condemns 102 William Matthews's property to Carr BcMea asa Several Welglita. avenue. Thomas Wyncoop,, county superiijSunday-School Clears $20. ndent of weights and measures, has The Methodist Sunday-school made a report of the work of his ofcleared $20 on the excursion to Asbury fice to the board of freeholders. He Park. Charles Carr paid all the ex- ind his assistants have inspected 651 itores in the county for a "total of penses for the school. !,227 weights and measures. Of the Brief Itema. ,296 scales inspected 102 were conDr. 0. W. Budlong of Belford was lemned, 376 weights out of 2,871 were asked by Mrs. Mary A. Phillips of ondemned, dry measures were inthis place to inspect the pond on her spected and975 condemned, 75 liquid property with Dr. W. B. Allen. Dr. neasures ou{201 of 649 were condemned, Budlong concluded that it was out of 13 counter measures out of 410 were his jurisdiction as it was out of the adjusted, and 10 yard sticks out of township. 24 inspected were condemned. Mr. WHliam Russell of Boston, who has Wyncoop said that in many instances been spending the summer with his utter was being sold from *£ to 1% sister, Mrs. William Stanford, is now unces short in weight on a pound and spending two weeks with his nephew, hat beans and other similar foodstuffs Frederick Stanford of Farmingdale. A'ere being sold from liquid measures. Mrs. W. W. Ramsay, Mrs. Catherine Rowe and Misses Jonnett nnd Emma Berge spent last Thursday at New Anreated 'or Sunday Selling-. York. While there they attended the Arthur Schmidt, proprietor of the performance at the Hippodrome. Normandie hotel at Seabright, wa A. M. Bennett & Sons of Keyport arrested early Saturday morning by will close their vegetable market on Constable J. J. Collins of Seabright Main street about November luth, and Officer Benjamin Martin of HighMr. Bennett reports a very successful land Beach on a charge of selling season. iquor on Sunday. A. complnint was Miss Mae Kreiser, Mrs. Edward made against Schmidt by a Mr. McMorris and daughter Alrettn, Mrs. E Lean, who had been working for N. Wilson and -Miss Florence Smock Schmi(|t during the summer. Schmidt spent last Wednesday at Asbury Park was held under bail for the grand Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ward and Mis; jury, Nellie McGovern of New York spent under bail for the grand jury. .Saturday and Sunday with Mrs Ward's father, John Broaiuh'i'. Held for Aflsanlt on Wife. Miss Marjoric liruves, daughter of Lucas George, who with his wife, Mrs. Chalk's (Jruvt'H uf Junes avemif who has been sick with stomach Mary George, conducts the Bcrnndinr hotel at Asbury Park, has been held trmibU1, now has rheumatism. Miss Anna Smith, who has beer under bonds to keep the peace. Mr. spending the summer with her ilaugh- eorgc is charged with throwing his UT, Mrs. Benjamin Johnson of Fair wife down stairs during a drunken ige hist week and that he tried to Hnvrn, luis returned lumu1. shoot bis Ktepson. At the hearing Nenry Allmcl;, who wns laid ui •enrgu said he took the liquor to relYu' days with smmmT complaint, 1 returned to work. Mr. Alback works lieve pains in his stomach. for William I,. Mai-Donald. Mrs. A. M. Lilly and daughter Mar Cnosar Contract Awarded. u ami Mrs. (leueva Miggius of New Henry A. Caesar, n wealthy silk Ynrk are spending a few davs with merchant, has awarded.the contract Mrs. W. II. Doppler. FrcilericI; Tinny and 11. Wilheln for a new country home at liuinson to f Jersey City spi-nt Saturday am: Charles V. Shropshire of Seahright. Sunday with Misses Olive Overlon am The house will eosl $00,000 uiul will be built or hull •• and - stucco. It will tile Kva Ol>ei lander. contain :!."> ooms and eight bath .Mr. and .Mrs. William Itngt'i's rooms. New York spent K:itiii-il:iy and Sunday at their summer homo on Lawreni'i avenue. Hiinning up and down tnirn, sweepHepferVj bakery on Carr nvenui ing anil bending over making beds will closed last week fur the season. I not iniike a woman healthy or beautiivill prolmlily opi-n ni'iiin nc\t ycur. ful. Khe muni get nut of doorK, walk \V i I Jin in .Stanford t if Main strce a mile or two every liny mid take Mit-nt. part of lust week with IUM uon Chamberlain's Taliletn to improve her I1 reili'iirk Stanford of Karmingdnle. digestion nnil regulate her bnwcln. Miss Ine/ Koftinsnu of Curr uveiuti Kor iialc by .liiiiicn Cooper, Jr., ccfncr \vnn nmlilU'd to tin1 hoiiso n few day Bioiui mid White Htrcetfl. last, wrrk with a liilious attack. Tlionm.'i It. Mc.'ikill of Huston hnfi re rlli'il liomr after Hprndillg two week with bin urn-].-, J. II. Mi'Kkill. Mr. mill MIH. William I'VirjiiKon <j| lli'iiuklyii i.pent part nf hint week witli Hr. null Mm W, II. Allen. Miv\ WUnni of Nmv York hnn rhitc bin phntiiKrnpli placo on th,< boanlwiil nd linn returned homo. Itnv. Mr. Smith or Adelphiii i upending n few diiyii with Mr. iui< Aim. .1. 1). Mi'/ikill. I'AKIHIAN Hum, w l " c|itlckly «-ml Hurry Junton nnd fion llnrold o Hniiiklyn niii nt pall of In.'it week wit nil lull r and m iilp trouble* and innke your bulr mi nllkv, luxurlnnt nml luH* frU-mln licri'. MIH. John Ilioiimlrr of Muln ntrco limn Hint all will iiilmlro It. Iliinlnlicn iiiulp itch ovor night. In l<|W'lltlitlK |i few dlivi) with irllltivc Cloutm up ilaiiiliuir In «hl>rt order nnd at lloiilon. kllln dnmlrun* id-mult After thn (lr»t Wllllntn WIIIIIIIK nail .lolm llrmiiiili.' 1.1,1(1,1 ymir liiiir will b» luntroil" nnd will Iciivt, next iiiiuitli for it trip t< full of llf.,. ., Culm. Ho nurit iin.l KPI P A K t f i l A N Hege. FALLING HiVIR DANDRUFF SCALP ITCH VANISHES Mirtn Idli'li Hinnil in i;|n'iiilinir nyn with frlcndu lit Jri-nor City, City Mr. mid Mm. I l m b i r l Ktnnf(ir< Ktf IMP nil-ill vUllnrn «l N«>wntk. Two N"W York l'rlm fttibttrn linviMK h*1 if* ror n wrok. IVUKO linn niyrrd hi* famll: E.WARK'5 3 FIFTY-FOURTH SALE AND CELEBRATION Sept. 9th--Two Weeks-to Sept 21st THE WHOLE STATE IS INVITED Biggest Trade Event in AH the Year 2 2 2 Little Giant Potato Digger $8O COMPLETE over tho Into Hoover DitfKor with some lutor improvements, such ns etcol wob, drivifiK clmins shielded to keep the tlirt out of tho oil holca and of! tho driving chains on tho main pear wheels. Wo nro willing to let any customer use tho LITTLE GIANT to dig thoir potatoes beforo wo nak him or them for a settlement. . Wo guarantee it to do an good work as tho Hoover or any other maka of a differ. Tho draft ia liKht. Tho digger is made of tho bout material that can bo bought. Anyono needing a diRtcor will muko no mistake In trying tho LITTLE GIANT, manufactured by Ohio Rako Co., Dayton, Ohio, nnd sold by i H. D. SMOCK & CO., Wickatunk, N. J. <!lrl with Auburn linlr on nvnry curten. I I 1 * nut n tlv'K b u t • c l w n , W r r « h line, Invlif'irHtliiir ionic, t h f t t p r t M r v * * tlio color. At ilMtun «v«rywh»r«. l.ni'K« buttle M r . n t i . gold b y J«IIUIa\ Cooptr, Jr., on monir b«k»l*n. I Gentle and Sure THE LJTTL.E SHOP You, also, ttluitilcl tjftv^pnnprovnl to this efficient family remedy -your bawds will be N E E D L E AJRTS AJSD C R A F T S An Meiiw « SPKCIAL SXUIBIToTFINIHHKI) MtCKH tn ( t o * * * WgUlttcd «O HUMsly Mid wfcly j a R A Y O N A WORK. your live* utimuhited | your 4 <*M UMO/D. . , M. C, Fmlonita, Hrmi—ni'* Arming suit MM, B. O. DA.NBBLJU , 'i k- ia MOMMOUTM mtwtmrc: ' IUPO IMMK. abeition «o improved bf MBvlI^fliO Mr, A N B IONB orrmvtnipm BB K KtthoMit* flwwlar to* K* SLBTO Epworth league of the,O«MnMnodlrt church-la pUMilni-for ft TIMK. aniunusua! entortaihmanrt«;.w held v Frltfiy night. It ia entitleiC'/A' Trip faWVW, no mrttar how nod A W d the World." ,V;" ' r lnW »» nrubr Inta fc'ud'h k . Those who with to tntke tb« trip r, mior will go to the chapel at eight (Mock imbin* In year bHw Itlltrtlisn iuualindt)» They, will be conducted in grouoTto 'America, Ireland, Germany, Japan and' Iceland. At each nlftw will be awfrta," decorations and costume* In is»am Bmnai nn DDPTK nowa. keeping with the countries roptffwntbd, , JOHN McCLAIN, At Iceliind ico cream and fancy ar- I I I M W I U , Rt4 Rank,. Slw<Muirwo.BolWh.«, tlcltii will be sold. Imitation Brow l» Oakland Strptf. ./. FAIR HAVfW. N. J, balls with numbers on them wilt be dlKTWttd of, qnd euoK Iroyer will got • • • • • > • < • • > • • • • > > > • » • # • • • an article on which will be a corresponding itumber. The proceeds will bar-Aided to the piano fund. Ticket \t\ Bulep. are encouraged by tho gift of one. Pattmon ) ticWct for vtteH ten sold. A gold ring wiH'be given to the person Helling the 60 BROAD STREET. most tlclretfi. It is planned, to sell more than 100 tickets, thin being the aim of tho com« inlttco in charge. Miss Ethel-tnnffwith Is chairman of tho piano-committee and she IB aided by tho social com- Life, Fire, Accident, mittee of which Mrs. J, F, Heilonrnan Health, Burglary is clialrninn. __ UMK SPECIAL. AU pitr- MAHY KLISOTIONB MSl> OF OFITCKKH TO B B KWOCTl'iD, A N D MKUTltWl O P BOAItDH 0 1 ' B1,1«JTOWNSHIP OP B H W H U UOF m THK TION A N D BKOXBfSATION Notice hereby yg glVfn Dial u uu n T O W N Sin H Ih P b OP BHKliWHUUmr. ald* etcatlon Hold tha N t li will ii lhbob y in lVnnrl Dfor l thatown- Building U U In W«atf%H»wid on Harrlaon avsnu« r of Hlir«w»bury, b onT Tucnliiy, l No-CattRMl Bank, from %280 upwards. , Olaw ulilp* yombft CtlT, lllIB, from Mm liofir of «i o'clock n m. to lh» hour of P o'cluclc r«rm» t r c u i t buyer. U M I t DEMJB1* n. m. Bulrt i'T(atloA»wl)l bo licjil In tl\« vlllaKO of Little Silver foi (In- ilrst else? don district of rol/Mawwliip. at [lie llruhoiiBti o t ll)C LHtie BUM-r VDluntwrDro company; unU for M« M^IOIKI c-lpotloii district of xaid town Will) In tlio vllluge at Hhrcwsbury. at lllfwliwlwrtelrt shup of Clmrlcs If. Hurley, HUM olo/HfiiriKlli, RBD BANK. N. J l,« held for the purpoii-oi cicAwg olcff^ an tors or rreeldcnt and Ylrr I'rcKident of w v NOTICE. tho United Htatcfl, jneml r tlin liouso rrlirasi'iitntivef of the I'nituil StateH Bed Bank, N. J., Sept. 3d, 1812. <if for tho tlilid congresulciiil illHti-lct, two The regular annual meeting of the m^inhern or tho general <itiH<-iiil}ly, u sin*togutc, ll\i' CUOHCII frti-ln l«u i-H, «Uc for :ockhclderfl of the Roberts Safety one yenr, two for tvo yciiH unil two for th t o h l committeell J'I'UM;; two two townnhlp ntet Tube Boiler Company- will be three Wickson iStont, S»d EGAN'S , Storage Vans and Express. of Araertcan Beh H W T H : 8 ^ ) A.M. to3iM3P, If. Now that moving tlma la near I u s prepared to do your next siovlas . ot ARTHUH C. SWIFT, furniture, pianos or bagirase, to all parti ^ * CIVJL ENGrKEER AND flURVJTOR of city or country, in the lurgeit padded Bro3.ndMonOw)otJ»rtt m m In Red Bant Befor« you barf Phone 1B3-L. RT.D BAMK, N. 9 your next moving done, writs, lend or call far the only reliable furniture mover t p ' T> w K I N G In M m , and' get my prices on your next ' ' VETERmARY StmODON A « D Job. All kinds of heavy or light truckUFJNTIBT Ing-doao at ehort notice; Call or addrou SHBSWBDUBY. NEW JBftBB*. Hors«e boarded winter and summer ana r J. T. EGAN. freo of 'ofaarg«, 11 Wall Street, Red BanX, . Ovcratoray perfotmed on b l u l i n with (WrfMl ReiMcnc. plums 1Z4-J. OHIca phon. 208-J. safety. Patterson Birilding, Street, Red Bank. 3O M O N M O U T H S T R E E T . R. L. H. STRYKEft, Otf BULB TO BAB CaHDITOBS. VETEnrNAJlY SURGEON. .Administrator's ."Cotlce. GSlce. Public Bcrvlce Building, T«I«hon»8l»y John II. Elliott, administrator of Avenue. Telethon*IW* Georgo C. Vnndorbllt deceased, by order Residence, 61 Shrewsbury ULD BANK, N". X of the Burrogato of tlie county of Monmen, onp for tllieo yi.im nnil ono for mouth, hereby Riven iiotirc to- tlio creditwo year**; tin usacssor to uu an uncxof tlio Raid deceased to hring In RNEST A- AREND, Notice is hereby given that the tors tUolr debts, demands ftml clfllms agninst tcim of two3 ' u ARCHITECT, ,1 I, i-ni of. twolaw requiring the removal of the efitnto of Bald decoased, under oath 100 W. 40lh StMct, New York City. l cR-ik to All an or nlllrmntlon, within nlnd: months from ycar», a n * two BWveyoin of tho hlgliKlnmonth Build in p. Aibury Park, N. 3* twenty-MCCond day of AugUBt, 1012, Residence, Broad Street, Red B k way. briers, weeds and brush from the ortho tliey will be forever" barred of any Bpeciailbtliv country Work, no take notlco iat a prlniji ry olccTelephone Connection* tlon for all poliityal partlcH will lio hold highways in front of property iU'tien therefor against the Bald admin- Public Notice djn- the office of tho said company' lied Bank, N. 3,, On Friday, the rat day of November, 1912, at 12:00' 'clock, noon, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and ir thp transaction-of such other busiess- as-may-properly come, before the cetlng. . W. S. BLITZ, Secretary. Boom 7. Kline* l.alWinr. BtolA SL, IUd Buk* D E r in f o r the t h e towmnlp l o n p of y In nnd unit tor on Tuwldaj', September 2IUi, 1012, from OHN S. APPLEGATB & SON, JOHN H. , Iho hour at 7 o'clock' ii. to tho the hour o c l o c k «• m COUNSELLORS AT LAW. ' l k1 . O. nddresH, Cranbnry, N. J. Davidson Building. of for ...f 9 . o'clock .> .. m, - -f. o . r, th * ili-Ht election Bread Street, r d l t i t "of f mild l l towjiBhin township in tlm vill(i), o dlfitrJut RED BANK, N . J. of lAttUi Bilvt'C, ut tho ilrohmiHA'uf the U t t l « Hllver volunteer iivi- vun.nuny, ami REDERICK W. HOPE, for the wecond olcctlori ill.Mdict of mid COUNSELLOR AT LAW, townnhlp in tho villaKC uf KlircwBbuiy.* The owner or occupant"of land Offices comer Broad and Front Streets* at-tho wlieolwrlRht Hliop ut CliurU'H H. RED, BANK, N. J. ibutting on any highway in any townIlurley. SftifV primary i-li'etion win ho V S B B M O S nfsmur hclil for tho purpose'of iKuuliiatlnK r«f- ship in this statd shall, during the DMUND WILSON, for thootllcea h^rdnartcr (lettlff- month of September of each year, cut Red Bank, N. J., Sept. 3d, 1912. Hons nnti'd, namely'- member ol' the house of COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ottrioo »t Stctntlou at Homi, of EatNotice is hereby given that the n*i»rcHcntatlvt;8 of the linltcil Htntuu for and remove all brush, briers and weeds Nuisances within tho township of Shrcwibovy USD BANK* ?». J onlowtt Broom. growing in or upon such portion of tho third congrcBBlonnl district, two ronsfcr boqk of certificates of stock nn'inlJurH of-the genovul uwHombly, u «ur- such highway as his or her lands abut are hereby defined and declared to be. and ther Offices: 10 EAST FIZOST STEEKT. Teriqnce Keenan, a junk denier at 1 shall Include and embrace: ilvo cltoHcn' frt'ftlMiidi-i ^, one far if tho Roberts Safety Water Tube niKnt, llvu c l i o n f LSTON BEEKMAN, upon; nnd in case such owner or occu- 1. Tho placing or depositing In or upon vnf Eutohtown, wns married Sunday COUNSEIXOR AT LAW. t w o for two y H, iiinl two for pant shall fail to perform the duty property itrect or alley, In or upon any pnhUa or private in thlaortowrinhlp, any dead animal or any Joiler Company will be closed from liio year, night at Star of. tlio Sea church at years; and" the Illation and " * inimaf< part of the game, or any dead fish or any part o: Notory Public. Supreme Court 1 Lone Branch- tcrMlss Mary Roderick (ctobcr 16th, 1912, at noon, to Novem- election of- membci'B uC ihc Mohmouth imposed hereby, the township commit- tho EAme, or filth from privies or cesspools or cattib Offices 9 Broad street. RED BANK. N . J. county executive comiulu.-cH, ucpubll- tee of the township in which such basins or rubbish of any kind or description, cr any of West'End. After tho ceremony n er 1st, at noop, inclusive. fim, ono member from Uuflrnt otuctlun R. HERBERT E. WILLIAMS, house or kitchen slops or garbage, manure ot receptipn was held at the prroom's WIMMiiniMMIIlMlMI dlHtrict aiul one membtv frmn Un> HCCUIHI lands abut as aforesaid shall cause Bweeplnga (provided that stable manure and otbes SURGEON DENTIST. W. S. BLITZ, house at which more than 100 guests election Olstrict; Domocijiiu, une nicm- such work to be done and the owner manure may be used aa a fertilfxer), or any foul or Graduate University of Fennayhnmlfr bev i'Or tho townslilp (it liir^u; two town> ' Secretary. offensive or obnoxious matter or substance what* Ofilco Days in Red Bank: Mondays, Wedneafon of such lands shall pay the expense were present. ' , wlilp cornmlttecinen, one fen- Unco yenra thereof with costs, to be recovered in erer. and Saturdays; Tuesday eveningBfrom7dtttt»8:Hlr It WHS an old-tlmo wedding celebrar and ono for two ycar»; mi uvufHsoi* to 120 Broad Street. Red Bftnk, N. J. 2. Anyfullorteakyprlvyvault, cesspool or otbef OBDHTANCXI Wo. 109. tion,. The house was not large enough 1)11 an uncxplrcd iovm- <>f tv.o j-cur.s, «i an action upon contract before any rccectacla for filth, N OUD1NANOK TO PK0V1DE l'"OR townolilp clerk to fill i n unoxiiii-cd t«nn . justice of the peace of the county at 8. Allowing or permitting any nl&ht soil, to accommodate «H the guests und M. THOMPSON TUB OlinBINtt A N » KLAQOING OF of two yearp. and-two Hurvcyors of thothe suit of such township committee, or other olTcnutvo or decomposing solid or fib! R DENTAL SURGEON, most of th6ft> stayed outside, on (he F MAPLK AVENUK AVENUK. lilffhwny. 1WTJI HIDES OF matter or nutmtanca to leak or ooze from any eai 2d Nat'] Bank Buildiwr, Red Bank, N. J * KKND1NG K FHOM H E BQ K N lawn, TherB w^tsv. pje,ntjr to oat-and KX.TKND1NG N or wcBon or ve#J»l in which the sanw may b« conFurther take notice Hint tlie bunnls Hours 8-C O l l M K I y BEECH P I / A CIO, (I-'OllMKRI^y veyed or carried. drink, and the evening pa'gseS off very of reKistratlon and election 1In and for. KTU10UT)! NOnTHKHliY TO WKH1'tlio luwnBhtp of ShrowKlmvy, will vMbi i. The carrylns or conveying tbTOuah any street pleasantly except for n few discordant R. J. D. THUOCKMORTON, FltONT aTItBHT. , i . . ; any sabstdnce which has been removed from any for tlif flrat election "llstrlct of Kiild DENTAL SURGEON. notes. One man undertook to raise a :• It Oirtiilned by tliu council-of Hie towntffilp, nt th6 ffrohoi'H" of iho I*lttlo t O W n S h l p S U g g e s t S | criw vault or cesspool, unices the same shall be Hoiough of lied Bunk: . V ^ A , i . * * ; Inclosed in alr-tfght barrel;, or in a perfectly tight A1 disturbance and the Broom chastised Silver volunteer lira- c<>ni|i:uiy, nnd for Red"Eank, N, 1 No. 5 Broad Street, ]. That all of Mitplo avenue, on both the second election dlntrlri of mild town- that thlS, WOrk Of removing t h e lafad properly covered wazon. him by throwing him In a brook whicfr Men thereor, lylns between Berson nhlp, i i t i i ,-. ,. E. All carting «f earbagc through the streets of hip, at at thu the whoolwrlght w h e l w right MIIOII p of.C'tnu'los brUSh. briers a n d Weeds from t h e tho townBhip except between tho hours ol sunse) flows near the house. During the \R. FRANK L. MANNING. luce, (formerly Uccch Htrcet). oxtendtiiB H. In tho villag sy, illage f Shrewsbury. ortliorly to Went Front otrtet bo curbea on Hurley, and six A. U. ' SURGEON DENTIST. _ • trouble some one was mean enough to, Tuesday, September :!d, 10 d next, t u t10 ml tltiKKcd. 6. ThoburningofanymatterorBabetancBwhlcb RED BANK. It. 1. BteaT thB wedding'cake and a kef! of o'clock n. m. for-the pLirixiHo of organizshall emit, or cause, or produce, or cast elT any 1. - TiiuC «nlil curljln^ untl llnKRlnK ing anil electing tho rcsin-i-ilvo ofllcei- f Broad street, opposite Ford & Miller's, _______ -, beef, wtiich had neon intended for tho (l11 during t h e months of July and j'oui»robnoiiou», ntlouc, or or offensive, ommsive, or or hurtful o» liall IJO coltKtructed nnd laid accordliiK Hnld boardH, and'again TueHUay, S ] Bmoke, Bteam or odor. rofrcshmont of the guests; tho eatnl)llBlieJ Bnule tt, hv furnished tembor 10th. next, -at ID n'rfnt tot- tlio R. 8 . W. JEWETT, 7. The casting1 or discharging into the Shrew* y the borough tMiglnCp;*, aniil HagKlnR to ptii-poHO of ennvaflfling and making rei?DENTIST. fcuryorNavcBink, or South Shrewsbury river, oi e of blue atone, at leant four feot in i ' t l Room 14. Second National Bank BuUdto*. on.Tueeday. September 2llh, Into any stream in this township, or on the boundldth awY at leant one 'anrt one-lmlf next, from 7 o'clock a. in. lo RED BANK. N. J . 300 MU.EE* XV A WAO01T. clock ary line of this townchip, nny aubstancewhichhaa ichca In thlcltneHH, and Bald curbinK to m. for the purpose of lioMliii,' tho been removed from nny vault, cesspool or Blnk, or e of bluo ntone of uniform H!Z<: undp. R. WILLIAM ROSE, primary election and making a any offal or other refuao, liquids, ot aolids, by any AHautlo Hljhlandi Man Sack from lilekn anil to conform with tho grudo senoral DENTIST." rcKlHtratlon ot voters of sulii reHnectlve p'pGB or otnprw^Gf aaUl utrcot. TrtD to KUifoxa, » . ' : SuccCBBor to Dr. R. R Bordon. . olection ' dlutrlctd; and on October 29th, 8. Any nnd every nuisance aa^above defined la S. That pnliV curbing nnd llngRlnR Gas administered. ' . 191w, fi'om 1 o'clock 1>. in. lo '.I o'clock Edwin A. Clare, of Atlantic High-, •hereby prohibited- and forbidden within the town* hall bo eonfitructed and laid a t the, cont p. m. for the purpose of I-I-VIHIIIR and RED BANK, W. J, ohip of Shrewsbury, and any person making, creat- CO BROAD STREET. lando returned Saturday from a trip nd cxpoiisfi of tho owner o r owners of corrcclinB the original rc^istcrx and reWeedS, e t C . , b e p r e v e n t e d f r o m I KIns:, cainlng, maintaining or DermitttoB any of he land In front of vhk'h tho nmno ceiving additional ~reBl»irallonH. of 300 niiles'iririwagon. Ho Went' as ll<i •—i. j o i . ' ij ii. 1 i nuisances ehttll forfeit and paj a pcnalti of \ C. HURLEY, hall l>o BO constructed ntul laid, uud far as Milfovd, Pa., atoppiup; at Delatwenty-flve dolUra. SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCES. HAYMO.MJ IIOUIIIITY, ndcr tho Hupci-vialon of tho street BUThe above Is an extract from tho ordinance, of 116 Brlduo Ayenoe. Clork of the township ut' .Shrewsbury. RED BMd. N . I . ware Water Gap and other places of orlntondent. . . . tho board of health of Shrewsbury township, and With George Cooper for fifteen yean. interest along the route. Ho had n 4. That tho owner or OWIIOI-H of tho Dated AugUBt- a8thi 101 -'. the same will bo thoroughly enforced. andH in front of >vhleh nald.cui-lj|nff und camping outfit with him and whonever NOTICE. ABRAM T. BENNETT, Infrjrlnp Hhull be HO coiiHtructed and laid NOTICB OF TIMB A.\l> President ot the Board ot Health. WILLIAM H. FOSTER, ho came to wide spaces of territory »• REAL ESTATE. INBURANCB .hali be nllowert thirty dayfi Sn "Wiilch to IIOLDIXO GUNKKAL ... RAYMOND DOUGHTY. Secretary. whete there-were no hotel* he cooked icrfoi-m tho work l-onuli'cd hereby, and AND LOANS. ^ ^ ^ AND PRIMARY KIvKCTIOX, AND Of vrltton notlco of tho required work NEW J n a a i . his own meals and slept outdoors. His OKMC1CHJ3 TO BK KUKCTICU AND T O W N S H I P B O A R D O F H E A L T H . EATONTOWH, hould bo sent by mall to Biich owner or .MKI3TIMO O f BOARDS OK KL.KUhorse, "Jud," stood the trip well and Tho regular meetlnjrB of the Shrewsbury Townw n c r s , If their postofllco addrt>89 Is TION A N D RKGISTUA'i'IOX IN Tilhl flhip Board of Health will ba held on thefiratand EO. D. COOPER, returned home apparently as fresh as known, or pontcd on the nremlHPH aFBOROUGH OP KUMSOM. . CIVIL ENGINEER. third Thursdays of each month, at 4:00 p. M., at ected thereby, or left with tho occuwhen lie started. Mr. Clare mnde his 4 8 Br«*d Street, R»d Bank, M. I, innt Nntleo in hereby given that ii pronera] C Snccessor to Ge ' Cooper. " " ' VS. tho Town Hall on Monmouth street. Red Bank. thereof, If their pontofnee address election will he helfl In niul for tlio borlast stop before returning home at the Feraors havinlt complaints to make will present Poetofflco Building. Rfc'D BANK. N. I , to not known, or served pei-Honnlly upon ough of Rumaon tipon Tuesday, Xovemtbero to Iho secretary in writing. HolmcJel Inn. luch owners an aro resldentB of tho bor- ber Bth, 1912. from the liour nf 6 o'clock ABEAM T. BENNETT, President. EORGE K. ALLEN, JR., I ' of 7 7 o'clock p.m. m. Knit) ORLANDO J. WARDEN, URII. a. m. m. to to tho tho hour hour of oc p. RAYUOHD DOUCHTY. SeexotaxT. CIVIL BNOINBER AND SURVEYOR. 5. BIc It ordained that this Qrdinanco electionn TVIU be e held h l d for f UUI borousli in Room 7, Patterson Building, Broad StreM. Superintendent of Roads. ST. ltABY'8 VEBTXVAX. hall h l l ttaKo etTect Immediately. th (lr«t ( l td itit the district, at h the IHJUHG of tlio RED BANK. N. J. EW YOEK AND LONG BRANCH I hereby ifpprnvo tlio abovo ordlimnco Oceanic hook and ladder companj' RAILROAD. his 3d day of Septo'mber, A. ]>., 1912, Main street In said boroiiKli; and In tlio It Was tli* Most BnocaMfal Pair Ev«r ACOB c. SHUTTS, FRANK: riTTKNGKU, Time Table in effect Juno 30th. 1912. second district. In the hmist- of the Kum£•14 by tht Olmrcli. AUCTIONEER. _____ (Vtteot: " Mayor. Hon tiro company on (VIIUT street In Buttons In New York: Central R. B. of New Bids wanted by the borough council Jtrsey. foot Liberty Street and West 23d Street; Special attention given to aales ol fans IMCH Bald borough. Bald election will be huld A, C, HAlttHRON, Tho snnutil fall festival of St. Dtber personal property. ~ for tho purpoBO of elortiiifr electors of of Red Bank, N. J., to improve the Pennsylvania Baihrosd. 7th Avo and SZd Street. farm implements and of .Borough Clerk. Mary!s church of Colt's Neck drew a street. Bad Bank, Hudson Terminal (H. & M. R R.) Cburcb and, F. a Address. 191 Broad, President nnd Vice President of tlie * large crowd Tuesday night of last United Stalea, a member (if the IIUUBU of sewer disposal plant, in accordance Cortlandt Streets, foot ol Cortlandt and D*a< Telephone 264. NOTICE. Drosses Streets. repreHentatlvea-'uf tho United States for week. It was held on the: church Primary and General Klectlona. .dlwlrict, tivo with plans and specifications furNotice la hereby Riven tliut a st-neral tho thirdd congressional TRAINS WILL LEAVlB RED BANK c n g grounds; The amount cleared is not L. EDWARDS, the giienil g t ' e n i ll iimscmbly, b l u I'oliouUvlll be hold hi the byvougli uf lnem b off the o t scmbly, u aur- nisjiccl byy t h e U t i l i z a t i o n c o m pany COUNSELLOR AT LAW. : pany o yet known; bat it is certain that the f f 9<,t Perth Ambor. B t e 637. 710. s t e . 9 n. 945 Lo«a• BRAMcn. ;ted Biiiik, In tlio county of Monmoutti, rogate, Hvo clio»en l freeholders, hld onof for N. J.. (Poatpfllga Building)..... . n. m.: 12 00 noon,"1 46. 2 « . 4 SO. 7 S8. 8 12 fair is the most successful ever hfcld Tuesday, November Bth, 10iZt bi>- one year, two for two (years and two for Newark, N. J., and approved by the (Saturdays only); 9 23 p. rs. Runilsys 8 68. EATONTOWH. N. J.. (Adverttoer BuUdtotl E*tlm»l«* Chaerfntlr GITMI. ween the hours' of six o'clock In thethree years; two councilmen for three by tliu church. Fully (500 persons were a. m.;90C, 963 p. m.. state board of health. Now onfileinFor 987 iK and seven oVlodc In the eve-years, and on« justice of the peace. Elizabeth. 5 65, 6 37. 6 51, 7 09.1 69, 8 02. 517, n/IECHANO-THERAPy. present, and there was not enough ico BnW election will bo"lielr. for the Also lake notice Unit a primary elec- the office of the borough clerk. 015 a. m.: 12 noon, 124,146. 2 48,TO,4 30,4 47. ^ ' ^ [Known as Swedish Movementa & 1 cream to supply tho biir assemblage. 1 7 ttanh S t . , R i d Bank, N . I. liurpope of electing electors of President tion for ull politii'dl purlieu will be hold 4 64. 0 02, 7 88. 7 38, 812 (Saturdays only), 9 23, n . HAOKLSTAM. anil Vice Prenldent of tho United States, In a n d for th"' IKUUUKII of RumHon upim The few things not sold wore disposed Each bid must be accompanied with 1) 57.10 56 (SatunlasB only) p. in. Sundays 8 68, Bed Bank,DR. mcim.ier of tlie lioirse of reprcsentatlvea Tuesday, Hcptcniher L* (th, 1012, from tlm N. J. 14 Monmotrtb Bt4 0 37. U44a. m.;423. 602, 547. II03. 710, 8 10, at auction, John Stnplcton acting as certified check and drawn to the t the United gtntfH for the third con- hour of 7 o'rlurk a. in. to t h e huur of 9 Tho medlcal-mechanlo tre»tm«»t « • • 8 45. 0 00, 0 'i>. 9 63, 9 67 p. m. auctioneer. rt'Bstonal dlntrict of New JoTtn.*y% two ognizod by all European Kover»m«rt& o'clock p . n\. for sivltl borouKh, fur the amount of ten per cent of the bid. For Newark und New York, 5 68, 6 32 (MonJays nenil»erP of tlio Kcneral riHHombly, a aur- fh'Ht U i s t i k t , nt the house of the Oceanic (New York only). 0 37, OM, 7 09, 710 nnd recommendod by all leading phy«lo(?nte, five- ehoHon I'rcfholdertjf ono for•hoolc and ladder c(nn]»any on Main strtjet, All bids to be in hands of the bor- only). (New York only), 7 25, (New York only), clnna and surgeons of United Stmtw ana mOLMBri'S 0I.DB8T DOB DEAD. no yenpr two for two ywirM, itnd two for and for tlio .second district, a t the ho-iiBe 7 40, 7 0y (Newark only), 8 02, 825, 8 30 (New Europe. .hree yeni'B; it mayor, two councilmen, ot t h e Uiimson (in* rompany on CVntcr ough clerk on or before October 7th, York only), 843. 9 17. S45. 10 61 (New York ind three JiiHtlcca of tho poace. BED BANK. N. J. Hlrt-et. Snid primary election will bo 1912, at 5 o'clock P. M. It was riftMti Tiara ot Affi and II Btonly), a. m.: 12 00 noon,l 40 2,48, 3 E9,4 IS (Hew 1R. A. F. VOSS, perYork only). 4 30. 4 47 (Newark only). 4 64,6 02, Notice ,K hereby givon tlmt-a primary held for tin- purjioKL' of f nomlnutiiiff lou(r«A to John Froit, ff pl OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Tho borough, council reserves the inomln f t d 7 28, 7 88, 812 (Saturdays only). 9 23, 9 57,1056 (loetlniv will hv hojd In the borough of sons for t h e otjlcti h hereinaft dealpHolmdel'8 oldest doic is dead. It was In tho Eisner Building, Itoom 16. nutcd, nann-ly: inciiil (Snturd»ys<inly).p. m. Sundoys.8 M.937,11 44, terl Bank, in tho county of Monmouth, rr of the h of right to reject any or all bids. OFFICE IN EISNER BUILDING. RedBanle. N . J fifteen years of age and it belonged to a. m.: 4 23 5 02. 5 47. 6 03, 7 10. 8 10, 8 45 (New >n Tuesday. September 24th, A. D.,.1912, rt)presi»ntatlv</H ol' tli-Unlted SUIU-B for York only). 9 00. 9 21). 9 53 (Newark only), 9 57 Toloiihone 184. between tho hours of 7 o'clock In thotho third iHiuKivs^i nul diatrlct, two For any information other than is John Frost, who is employed by WilRoom 18. o. m. rhlnff nnd 9 o'clock hi the evening, for memboiH of tlu« KI-U UI nsHumbly, tv auvliam C. Ely, the horse dealer at Holrarndrtte, live cliuscn 1 contained in the plans and specificaR. SARAH CORLIES WARDELL, For Long Branch, Asbary Park, Ocean Grove ho purpose of mnklnp nominations for t'oholderH, one for Talapluna 3S6J. one year, two for tui years and two for del. Fifteen years ago the dog was Pleasant and intermediate stations, 122 hej'ollowlnc officerR: OSTEOPATHIST. tions, of which there is but the one '6Feint three yearn; mid tin; i I ted Bank. 06. 8 40, 9 45,10 02.1023a. m.: 12 20,12 45,138 133 Monmouth Street. nomination nnd given to Mr. Frost by Charles M. PatMember of the ho\iso of rpprcHental t i of mt'inli of t h e Monmoutti copy, apply to the borough engineer, (Saturdays only), 1 43 (Saturdays only), 1 57, Tuesdays and Fridays only, 12:30 P. u. to 430 f. I lobbing OTAII Kindt. 1V*R of the United Stfttos from the third tctsou of Shrewsbury. Tho gift was 203 (Saturdays only), 2 24 (Saturdays only), Graduate American School of .Osteopath! " . „„ district of New Jersey, county expcnllvi -utnmtttecs r c p George D. Cooper, Patterson building, made shortly after Admiral Sampson Estimator Chaarfolly PurnUhad. 2 35. (Saturdays only), 2 41 (Saturdays only). Kirksvllle. UiiaourL i II for three yearti. two memborw of the Kcnora\ nsficmbly. lively, t w n cmim 2 57. 314. 3 60. 4 28 (North Aabury I'ark and crtiohcd the Spanish fleet at Santiago, Broad street, Red Bank, N. J. !i mirroKiitt*. five chosen freeholder*), one uue juslh'i! ol'1 th ' south) 4 60,' 6 19, 5 42, 5 60, 6 22,0 38, 7 42, 8 30. R. WM. J. WOLFERT, und Mr. Frost named tho canine for one year, two for two years, nnd two l-'urthel- liilii iiollrp tlmt t h e bosmUt of 10 30 p. m. Sundays, 1 22, 4 60, 9 48, 9 5fl, 10 30. A. C. HAURISON, or three yearn (Chanter 3&D, pnee 019. CKlHtry nnd cUcilini ill a n d f o r t h e bnrOSTEOPATH. „ Sumption. Diseases brought on by old 10 35. 10 62tt.m.; 12 20. 2 6G, 5 30, G 02 10 35 p. ra U\, lawH 1912); ii imiyor. two coii.ncll- iltKll of Uunlmtn will meet for t h e fli-Ht 9! Broad utrcet. Red Bank, N. J. Borough Clerk, Ued Bank, N. J. age were responsiblo for tho dog's SEVEN MONTHS FOR THE PRICE inen, three JtmilceB of tlio neuco, n mem- •Iooilon illHtiict <>r wild borouKli. u t t h e For Freehold via Matawan and C. R. It. of N. J., Graduate of Philadelphia collcio of Osteopathy. 8 02, 9 17 a. rn.; 12 00 noon. 1 46. 4 47 B. m. Philadelphia colleBc of Anatomy. And post g r o w dcntli. of thu Monmouth county iVmoerallc liou^o of tht- Otvnhie hcok mid liulik'lOF SIX IF YOU ENTER NOW. lior Sundays, 8 68 a. m.: 5 02, B 53 p. m. ON BUX.E T OB A B C B S D I T O B S . •xecutlve comniittfp, novt»n member.s uf ooinpnny im Main street: nn<l for tlio. ato of American hchool of Osteopathy ot KlrktLEAVE NEW YORK FOR RED BANK. Ailiiilnlsti'iltor.i' .Nollrc. ho Monmouth county Republican o \ - second dlullict ol' H J I J borough, a t the ville. Mo., under tlie founder of the science. 1 Our rooms are cool, light and airy, l i : y r u s I : , l i o n , - i , C. K. R. of N. J.. foot of Liberty stroot, 4 00. 8 30. AT riREMEH'S DAMOB. houho of thu itiiniNmi flru conilnuiy un i u l iI i- i' Ul iUi lI »U t r (i i't.t >l ri xn i ioo irH1 ' ini i im i i o H I ! . D u l l i i i s , ,l,>10 00, 11 30 a. m.; 12 35 (Saturdays only), 1 00 ltd- KtiTct on Tth-^ilfty, Seiitfiiibi'r 3d, c e u a e d , l i y o r i l e r u f I I I . ' s u m i K n t o o l ' l l m primary election will he held nt Tho courses arc up-to-date and tho in- hoKuld (Suturdaya only, 120 (Saturdays only), 130, following ulai'i'w: at 10 oVlm-k n. nt for tliu l>ur])iiHo of c o u n t y , . 1 ' M o n i n n i i t l i . l i f r r p y K l v r i i n l i o o Slnowibury Company Olmraa MOI-B pi 330. 340.446, 6 00, 630. 5 38.6S0. 9 00, p.m., trusion la practical. llll'l tile l-'liHt dlHtrict—Xuvt'Hlnk hook and lad_ tho respective Tlmn (100 Last Weak. 12 01,(midnl«ht). Sundays 3 30,8 4r>. 9 15,10 00 der company house, Moclmnlc street. Of. Millil Ii >nnl, and uKaln on t o t h e c r e d i t o r s u f t l i . . n a l i l i l c c e n m i l i n olllr» a. m.;2 30. 4. 00,. 9 00, p.m.: 12 01 midnight. Call and eeo us~ In our now homo oi More than $100 wns cleared by th . , Si'litunliM • 10th, 112, ut 10I I I - I I I K I n l l i . - l r . l . l i l s , i l t ' i i m i i i l . x n n d c l i i l n i f i Hecond dlstilct—Independent flro enH K n l n v t t h e i s l i i l i - o f M i l d ( l i c i ' i i s e d t i n - , C . B . B . o f N . J . , f i x i t o f W e s t 2 3 d s t r e o t . B 2 0 . 9 6O,; gine rompany IIOUHP, Mcchiuilc Htroot, o'clock u. ill. lor tinpurlioso off unnuiii eurhiii party and dunce of th drop us a postal for information. DENTIST i h r w i t h o r n l l l r i i i i i l l i u i , w l l l i i n n | n < ' 1 1 2 0 n . m . ; 12 20 ( S a t u r d o y a o n l y ) . 1 2 50 ( S « l w r Third district—Amoa T l l t o n s phup, itiK und innkini: i n islmlloiiH; on TUCKShrewsbury flrc company lost r r o m t i n -n i n t h ilny ol' Si'|iti'in- I d a y s o n l y ) , l 10 ( S a t u r d o y i l o n l y ) , 1 31,3 20. 3 30. Second National Bank Building ilny, Hi'ph'inbor ^ ill . from 7 o'clock u. In. nplo avenue. 4 SO. 4 TO, 6 2". 0 20. 8 f,0. ll 50 p. m. Sunduyn, th v.lll IK i ' o i i ' v t . r Wednesday night. It WHS the most KoouiB 8 and 9 Fourth district—Borough linll, Mon- to 1( o'(;luclc p. in,riii- tlio purpose in' l i o n i l , .•i-i'for ii 8 35, 905, 9 60 a. m.: 2 ?0. 3 50. B 60, 11 r>0 p. m. tlu mouth street prlinnry vlootlon und RiiccetisfulufTalr of the sort ever held Tenn. It. It. 7lh Avc and 311 Strrat. N. Y.. 7 00,0 04, Fifth district—T. A. PurtolVs real ca- mukliiK n ri'KlKhai nil Of VOttM'H Of Sltld by the flrrmen. A special dooi- prize American Building, lll'i a. m., 12 34, 130 ISfttunlayti only), 2 3*. ,. 1'MIANK I'. IM'IHH.H, nt*' oflire, Monmouth Htreei. listrtctH. mid on ()ci ti. 41) I (Saturdays exctpted). 4 34, 5 12, 1 Ot of $2.50 in gold Was given to Florence i l l t l i , l'MU, . uu 1 o'clock p . ill. t o Smith and State Street!, Klxth (l.Ktrict—Ifnlon howo comnany tdtK-r (,'vurs it. IUKNTI:. p. m. Sundayii 8 3H. 0 30.1112 a. m.. 1 30. 6 12 • • • + • • • • • • • « • • + • • • • » • » » • » Jl o ' t l o i - k p. i n . Tor u lleaii. DundiiK was the principal PERTH AJMDOV. IM. J. OBDINANOB. DR. ROBERT DICKSON, m liiK u n d t ' o n v i l l i i ^ II Hoventli district—V, C. Moynn's whop, liantlinc, the music being provided bj lie II n n l n l i i i i l l,i Hi. iHi.M.i o r Ii< it 1111 o r I'cnn'n ii H., Iludunn Terminal (II. A M. I!. U.) u n d i r f e i v l i i K ndilllii Veterinari Church and Cortlandt Streets. 7 04 9 00. 1110 V CIVIIII«I«II( I I (iiainnian'H uiclieatin. The receipt; t h e liorcnmli , , r Itcil Muni.- n m l Mtuti' o f Tho Hc\-(-nil boards of registry and IIAMI-:I A. NAUCillTON, a. m.. 12 211 <Sattmlnyn only). 12liO. l'2'J(SaturDOGS .New J e r x e y , . Unil I I , , | , !,,• m M u l t o S, CATS, TOY DOGS. , 1 election will mfOt at the above PIIU-CH for cltM-ii o r i h v inrotifili of IluinKin wort' dwelled by sevcrnl donations ilnyB on)y).2'.ll.3 42.402, (!iaturdayacxcDpt»)l. S e c l l o n 21 o f H i e KlMiidliiK ItiileH a n d tin* purpose* of mnkli.K a roKlHtrution of I1IIZ, Iloardln D n t e c l A I I K U M i s t l i n« DOBS, <:m» nud Iloraia. ] | 4 it, 6 12, 10011. m. Sundays 8 30, » 30, 1110 ^ht'se utnoutitiiijf, to about O r d e r n IIIKI ( i r d l i m n c c M o f llu- I m n r d o r p-otcra on tlie following d^trs: a. in.: 1 30, 6 17 p.m. l i w d l l i !•(' Hi,- l , . u n i.f lied I I . i n k , m i i Fair Iluvon. N. J. 421 W. Red Bank. | | »» am Tuffidny, yei>tctnbcr lOtli, 1!)12, 1 p. m. NOTICE. For further particulars see tlmo-lahtcs at A r l l c l i ' t o h e k n o w n IIH A r t i c l e .No. I), o P p. m. N O T I C H OK Tl.Mi: A N D 1'I.ACM o r QUEER FBAHX. atationn. t o n a i l nil f o l l o w ) . : ••••••••••••••••••••••••• (ii:Ni:iiAt, I;I,I;CTII).V Tuesday, .September 24th, 1012, 7 a. m, i i < ) i , D i . \ ( i o i> \>. in. (for KPtH-ral oloctlon only). A K I l l ' l t l M A I t V l - : i . l * ; T I O N , A N D ( I P A l ' t l r l v N o . !l, A l m i KI\I'I,IIK<', i l e r n y c d I. W. IIERRY. SuDorintondnnt. N . Y. and L. B. • t r t k i t n Tta« a.nA Vuoouplas T oi''i--ici':iiw T O IIM K i . i . x r r i o i j A N D or Kl'een veKel al.le)i, i l e e a y e d n r c r e e l i CHAItLF.S 0 . MllFADDIN, Oon. l'aas. Aeent. Votern imint iippcar nt tho polling nlnen nml roRlBtor In ])crnon. M K I O ' l ' I N d H I ' l l i i A H D H O K K I . C C - f r u i t o r reI'IIs,. m a i l e r o f n n yk l m l , s o r t from Oitr. N. Y. nnd L. P. It. It. OHM nty bund tliU 27th. dny of T 1 O X A N D I t K l i l K T I t A T I O X l . \ T1II0 o r d c H c r l p l l o i i w h l e h uluill h e njMiii | . i t h . OEOHG K W. HOYU. Gon. Paw. Aeont, Tcnn. II. R. He o r p r l l n t e p i (,pert \-, filiall l , e pliu'etl IJichtning played u queer prank BI 1 H ) H O I ' ( ! J 1 ( I I ' 1 AI I I 1 1 A V H N . AiiKiiHt, A. IX, 11)12. W. (!. HOl'Ii (lan'l l'aesoniior Alent, Central ( In Illeliil w a t e r H u h t r e e e p l u e l ' M, Mlleh .Volicn In lifl-rliy « l v e n t h u t it K ' n e i » l A. O. IIAItniHOM, Llttlu Silver during tho shower lusi 1 H t o t i n \ e a m e t a l c o v e r o r t o p It. H.I.IN.J. Clvrk of Urn ti»roviR,i ot Itort HixnU. f l c r t l n n w i l l I" h e l d I n nnil f o r I h o inir- l e cIel apllon.e1l cAlliMint Wednosduy. It »tiuok A large silvei B t h . i n I 2. f INSURANCE. and Casually. STRONG' COMPANIES' REPRESENTED. will be enforced in Shrewsbury township. The law governing this matter is as follows: J Special Notice RELATING TO NUISANCES F NOTICE. Tmnship of Shrewsbury. E A D J) .W. The township committee of D highways of the township be done D August, if possible, in the township highways may be free from such encroachments during the remainder of the season, and also in order that the Real Estate, Insurance and Loans; FARMS FOR SALE. COTTAGES FOR RENT. Both FurnUhed and Unfurnished. D going to seed. Should the brush, •- - briers, weeds, etc., not be removed during the time set forth by law, the same will be done by the township committee and the expense thereof collected from the property owners according to law. Money to Loan in Various Sunu. W. A. HOPPING, Thos. B.Deats & Son, Notice To Contrators. G G N J Ornamental and Tiling a. Specialty. W Geo. W. Sewing, Contractor and Builder, D D *. r ^ f ^ v r * - - —- — - - - - - - i Al)t> U I U I I I I I U U t"» U fcl ^#**»^ ~ ' ^- ^ D "ONE MONTH FREE" Dr. H. B. VanDorn TRIER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, OUKII o f I''alf Niivi ii u p o n Tiu-Mdny, N n - l t l : i ) 1IA.VK H O A R D CII' H I O A l . T l r , maple tree, epllttlnK it from top to n i n l i i ' i ' M i l , 1 •> 1L*. r r o m t h n h o u r o f 0 Xonmouth Oountjr flnrroirata'a oolos. lOUNIOHT A . A l l l O N I i , bottom, Tho bolt glanced oft* striking In tlio nmttor of the CHtutu uf (leorKo o ' c l o c k I I . i n . l o I Ii.. h o u r o f 7 o ' c l o c k |,. m . Kuld ,'le<lloii w i l l hu licld f o r xitlil Alti'Kt: Allen, iirrMunu'tl to b« IIPAII. I'ri'Hlik'lit. u car near .tho station. It uncoupled IniriuiKli o t t b " hoiiHi' o f t h o l ' ' u l r H a v e n ltliln to Hhoir CIUIH(>. I M I W A I I I ) H. 1 TRAINS LEAVE REll HANK. the our from the engine, and It was MilKKlt) Allen, of the townnhln of tlli> i ' o n i | i n i i y on I Y M I I s t l r o t In mild t>orFor Nnw York. Nitoark anil Kllzalxth 6 r.'. II 1)7. HIIKII. MI.I.I r l i r l l o i i i. Ill lie. hi'lil f o r t h e Moilo* of B«ttlam««t ol Atoonat. Home time before the engineer noticed lirewMhtiry, lit the t'ounty of Mmuuoutli purp(iN<< o f fli'clliiK rli'Ctorti o f I ' t - e n k l r n t 661 "710 "7Z6, 102. -8110. II 17, "10Bl a.m., KHIHII, of Mnry NelHi.n, ilt-i-oltHMl. 0*DIWAN0E. nd Htato of Now Jei-Hey. havliiK upplleil that tho locomotive was nut pulling 12 00. 2 IK "1 It", t 80. 7 H8.7 3H, 02.1. p. m. Hun- N'ollre V l i i ' I ' i r i d i l i ' i i l ol' I h o I ' n l h M l Htuli'H. heri'lM- nlvi-ii Hint t h « a o to mo liy written petition, fitiitlnu tlutt uli n ditictllliiMl l r II iil-itiilni<(l h y tl»» tMiui-d uf I;, a l l h o f d«yn.Bt,«. U l l a.ra.;4O0. 8 02. 710. 8 45. DM. ci,iiiitn o rl« anything. Three men were standing o f tln> IIOIIHO. o f 1-enreHriitiiSummer Is on the wane and yoiUcorffc tlio NtiliMi-rllii-r, n i l m l n l s l t a t o j Allen, Into of tho township of t l v « B n t t h n Unlli'il S i n t c n f u r t h n I l i l n l t l i r hnrmiKli nT U n d liiliK n m l H t n t o o f V '£0. 11. m. under the tree when It was struck must now think ahead for winter com- 4111'ownliury.' comity anil utiitn nfiireHulii, r o n K r e m i l o i i i i l i l i s t i t i l . t w o n i e r n h o r H of N e w .li-iH»>y, tliu* Moctlon I I of tlio For Freehold >la MaUwan at R 02, P17 a.m.I 1100. with will noiieit.il o r t h e cKllltO of Bald linn nbnenUd hlmiieir from this nlnU< rm- t h e w i i e i - i i l iiMn'-uil'lv. II H u r r o f f n t e , llvo HtiiMiIlntr IhitiM a n d O r d c i H u n d O r i l t but nono ot the m«n was hurt, 4 30 p. m. ifunil.yn, a 58 a. m.: 5 02, » 20 p. ra. iii'i.iiHcil. will he iiuillli',1 and nlatcil liy fort. Now Is the time to have youi moro noviin yccirs mirrcHnlvrly lunl c h i i w e n f i e i ' l i n h l t i i i , u n c f o r o n e y e a r , t w n tiiUH-cH nt til*' lioitl.l n f lioiiltit nf tlio For I«keirooil, Uaehurat, Ac. at d 65,11M a. m.) Ilio Htii'i'iixatn mid ii'pnrlcil for anttlnhoatlng apparatus put In condition lniBt, thnn I. o. nliirii Nnveint)i<r l » t , 1HKT; t o w n o f It<-d h a n k h o f i n i c n d r d t o l o i u t 8W. < J7. <Ot>p. m. Sund.ys. 10 10, 1106loi'tit tu tlie oriihiiliH r o i i r t of tlio i-ounty f o r t w i i y c n r H n n d I w o f o r tlll'i'tl y e a r n : and If you wl»h to Install steam heat, lli«l. hli< whcnuhoiiK huvo lici'ii un- i n n y o r , H I X r o n m IIIIH'II. UHHORHor, c o l of Miiiiilinuth. nil Tlilllintny, t i l " tn""nt)ra.m.; 8 !1H p. m. MtoMtown Ooafl* slnne two yearn nrter hla (HHUI>- l e c t o r a n i l Jii»lh-e o r ilin p e n c e . tl«'< Ihiii 4 1 . A U KtithlM m i i i u u ^ iUtu\l For Atlantic City, OBI, 1106 a. m. 1ST p . m. Han.nlxlli iloy or 11,'iili-inliiT. A. I).. 1H13. hot air or hot water In your Horn*, knonn > >rfii unrn, anA IliKt th« petttloiiftr In of lio plitci'd In w i l l - I- H u h ! K T I ' D I H . I. H Miiis Lottie Arrnnce, daughter ol •end your order In right away to daya, 11 OS », m : s m p. ia. 1 Al"o tali Ihi' ilial n prlinnry Men- MIK-II wiitt'i' t l u l i l t i u r p t a r b ' t l KIIHII hnv<> •Tor Vrn.land. DfUnton, An., t % 11 06 a. n . ! ho opinion tlmt thn HHIII cicorxo Alltin In Theodore Arrftnci*, and Chester A. •"Al"<""t J S ' ? W i d e r t l R h t ((itH'M-ln Hour o r h o t t n i n 487p. m. trail, and that ho lofl no will, and that tion for all poll!!, ill purtlca will Im lield Wolcott, ion ot Mn. Effl* Wolcott, -' I n r h r n iihtivn m l j o l n i n f f VW Tom* Rlv«r and Rarn««*t at 0 in. It 00 a, m i It l« ncirsnary to Imve l*tt«ra o f n.irnln- In nnil fnr t h e liurnoHli of Fair Ilnvin Hot n t \fnnt Tut: IIKII H*NK ItmiNTKR cnrrici a l i n i i i d , H i " (Miiictoti. I m i l m n t o be u t both of Kntontown, wore mirrled Bunnoon Tuowluy, Heph-inbar 3«lh, m i s , t D J H p . i> Sanilam, I t ID • . m, Mirutiun of hlii mlnto grantril, Krvnlnv volumo of i-ontlniunlH advorH.T Y « k enhr. • BatiudHa only. 1 liernhy order tlmt nil p«r*rma UU«r- from tlw liouc o t 1 d'clwn n m. lo tlw .'t\»i 4 i n r b r n W\irU m i d l o Imvn n p l t f l i axy right «t th« par»on«|te or St. tliiinK. thitn nny oJiior weekly newsf fi liiel.fiB K i w u n i H t h n t-i«tit<'r. T h e » t c d mioiv ennui iieforo nm nt tho «ur- Hour of V iiYlock p in. ror m i d borouali. T, O, DmiKH, w, C. lion. Luke'i church at Long Br*nch, They Hiilli iMlmnry r o « » t e » omio of tlio county o f Mun-H I i y I'li'ilhoi will be held fin Htilf* o f rnoontMclA in h o n f tOfiuuft itnd VU.l'r-.«*O.n'lMrr. d«o'l I'ua. Act. ruipur In Monmoiilh t-oiinty.—Adv. sh«Vel iturtad hoUMfcecping at the• n d M M « t M a t a l rnoutli, on th« twrnty-alxth ilay of Hop- tlie niirpomi o f niiuihiiiiliiir lirrmniH fur H i ' " i v r d IlKht h n n r t U n o t o v e r 4 l i k l i e r •-3012. o r irf Iprlfk d r r(trK:rrtK T f i « c o v e r il''»l«nn(».l, uainrly: hotala of th« gnom't methtr, Mr. Ilitiiniri* iirrfl v(>r e n t i r e r r x T p l n i ' l n I n ht< o f t o i i K t i t d th« liour or t t n n'olAck In tha fotniioon, rnfmiH>r of t h e hoime nf rnptr^afntatlvAii WAicott I* mploycdby tt\ W. n«yinidH, part or nil ut nf III" llnllrd Hllllea for III* Illllil roilHIMI «rriov«*«l t l u h t I n why irttrrx o ( mimlnlalratlnA of tlm «ano/ltlA, » pltthibtr lit ttMBkhk poll, Into of tUP aald <li-or«« Allen uliouiil not Iieaaloiml iiinlrli I, i n n intmMora of tlie h« nmntnl l o Ilia "»l'1 Mairvl* Allen. gnnffrnl aawrnilily, u noiiOgatd, t\vr> rhoNn im'ftmt "t* iifimum HIIHII lutllrl, cr>nt*ha< mtwi • nrdrr la to l » inilillahtd In (hn llwl *tn fr«ehnldpr», one rm ona y*wr, two fur I, ri-coMiiM n o t o r rrmlniMn n n y rvTim* Tail* In KITtct thpltmi** 10. 1912. HatTK Ili'srUtor, a nrwapa|i«r printr-d a i twd y«*iMn ami t w o r i r ilirva yearn; ami w\*tftv\r> fur i n n n u r f wHhm.it hHV)iif( flrwl Wank, N . J. HokLet to eaana* wlttwatmtto*. Iteil llanH, In thn e o u n l y of Mnrtmoulh, thn nointitutlon unit Hri-Umt of ineliiUcTH rUti iv itfimU I h M f l o r from A N W illo h w b«*n bulli on Pr,It a pHVata DvtlooV tor b o j i «n« atria. for fuiir w•<•««, at laaat o n o « w-tH prt- of tli« Mumnoiith roioiiy «x«<]iillva ciiin- \\\\m lrimT<t, Tltp IOCHIIOII nnd rnNMlinurii Krn«>t P«hnMtocK'l firm on th# RM The Imlldlnir Waa arertxi for •olionl miranltl day, an<1 n roiiy thereof y, omyor, a l l ronncll•o uf i-Htih r i T i p t u c l d (o tin KiihjH'l Lo n n i p / iiiprvo to llm«y. hat -mm • - o I n i o r and Juallcn «r Bunk road nt Shnwabury. Th« tllo I poata, th* roiiina ar* tar**, Vrnll l|gfiU< •* npprovnl of ifjf» IHIMMI lialra an<l" n «-l o-f kin v*ntmt«l. Any (iriri'in nr p**i KM DM olY^ndlriK Jil O^orir* twtnty fMt high and h«i • dl%mttti andMtil4Mita * AilAn mniilurlrit In aali nra rr»parrll for any «oll»(« p-lltu.M, at tti' Bttw+tn Pttr 34. (•** • / FranUlnBir*«t. Ntw fork (Lmndlna ml th* D*Ht fclVtlWr inUv «•*-#* t l m l t i n t nf nifnhiHt II n r ut t h » i>ta\inUnm ul ttilM r«»p»(ttlv« poatfirflei of fourttwn fHt. It It p»U«mtd »ftt of for bu«ln»»«(, lin<l»rn Innnuatn kr* -"rtfn i f I ti«lr w.'cHiin Hlntll rorfvlt n n d pny u p r i m l i v to t-k* on mitd UI « #ftWMMMnonly), and Highland*, Highland T * » U i r y nrn\ <•.><!,mi I n Mini f o r tli atrna t>« lincmvii. miataa-i on* of Ui* UUiit mod*!* for bullillng t«u«ht. with coiivaraatloii In tlii olaa ' O f K•nil n i t M<it«ii M ' « » ' i i will w i l l r«t«*l for »«!<• pat.*, f imt It-** limit t w r n t y - r i v n n r iiidjo Oc*anlc fair IIav*n tutd H*d Bunk. of thl» ton, und It e>pabt« ot oont.ln 1room, i . _ t n m htiiion - f (h* r « | r UHVPM tllftil fifty ddlt>«ift nurt frintN (if milt, Ull, «r» ailmltIM l a n v t r a i rnulliUn, H r « Yoik, anil 491IU4 n«n»,>l. J. i>*tt»i AngiiMt fltti, ioia, ln« «nmif« food (p protld* for twtrit) ! • •artliMtui U. IMHi • • byi(i»rtlflcat» ot Ilia principal. Hfi»t»m|iVr in. ni lu ..', loon *, m. f«»r i|n« IIKti MANIC (l«»,\ui» i ) | ' H M A l / n r , i-crw« for »lx montht. roil NKWVORK Tli« primary room ) • In olmrgn nf ai KUNKHT A. AIU-.NI) NEW JERSEY CENTRAL. MM WltlCll I'MIIOWH: I B M hV I t l l l f C ' l t<> MERCHANTS STEAMBOATJO^OF NEW JERSEY. Steamers Sea Bird or Albertina. *itn«r|tiui«a t«acher. - Vtinlla &• younM a '-"--it nix y«ar» rr -"•• — I#M U•* pill A Urg* numbir of unapplng mwk. »rtl hiv* b**n c»u«ht In thi rfnr t t Mmnpett: Th* H#oi«d Mloh M f» "•'» MWWn WKT HIMl* i M t WMlt l»; (r«J»« Ajrrn of Wttlt Bllvtr, wh ••p*^ttv» ofU(i'i N *.f mA\i\ IMIMKI, Ntul aicwpt «»nj<r. Alt^Ht: 1-ifnlilonr. Tu John ilaa'tlii ,tn ott Ti|p»<i»>, M<-|it«mh«r 10ttt, IVU, I H i W A I t h (I, MKKIINMUN, By vlrl»a «f —tifttf vt tha Court pt (0 o'cl.M'ti H, nt r<>r t h * ttufpo** til Mr-<T«lnty. tr--r «&nvaM«litM ntxi nutltlnH rwaliilrMtlfri>«: <m IwprK of New J»r«.y, , , inadn Tn#*.|«y, u««iiim»i»«r Mill, fjwn 1 o'ol'.rit ot In* data lifnor. In • OW HDI.H TO MAM O»»D1TO»». ruin Anna <l H»«Ov l« n«tuion<ir wA *h fh tu O t»Vl»rk i> in f o r I h * I'M) .*>»»• I'UtM l l U l N H N l U K - , l«ili. Jnlm ll««lh, ar« a«f.ni1«nl, you a n ft ti"I.1li.» Uiv H'""-".l mimmfr "I""iI'm 14vn I ' . 1'lMHitMnM, *>M4>euh'|* (if < ' i i n ) U n t '-•' lu iim<ir an4 jihad, an«w«r ot »H4 I'liMiif A 1-yUiiiiUnii of votriH nt II. I'lirdV, d p n i t t N c d , hy <nd<-r u f l l t n m i r 4 rt»miir la iwlHlonsr " MuiTon o n or * • -Mlfl ir»j.*.c|lvo A)r. tlmt (llatri'M, t«tul mi r»«q<n -if I h " l o u n l y <>t M o i i n i n i i l h ,, |inr«ln>r« fora lha (»«nt>'-nlnl|i Oar of U<it0lnr, , (MM'"!- Kfll., I»1 3, r...in 1 u^hr-H |. ffi hv MIVVH M'»||.« i . i t h r . r i ^ i l t i - r - of• Ilia h»»t, or lr»r*«( »iM\ aiifh «*et*t td $ n'Aliwtt |>. MI tut Hi* hurtion** *if r* » n | , | , | n . " i . « " . l {., l.ihiff (It tti«>lr i(«t.l», - . In ... dsfaiilt __. I Invrwif „. - . vl«|n» HI iiffiiiMiul* m i d t lp(»>« • « « l n ^ t l l m O R I A U mm h»phall III Ink Molla,h|. and fu«L (if mala d»*«Miiipd., t m f i n r ortth ntnnvmt vr rfll VlW DWwt nf WllrVaull 1. tu n\.Uln • Ul»ta and IIIMI, ttiln IIJIIU tiioiilltH fimii H i * ! I, wlttiln T I'llAIII.IM l I I M t>, t , (||O»H, I'1M 1M 1. or I lie IXII .'iiartl rt nf f |r«lf | llav.ii D «M M Auituat 9111 1111. i v l l . 9, CA Mdwi. Sfflin «Wlt |)roduc*r>. » v t # . III m m ilay nr August, H U,, 01 lli«y g , ywill h rrmnvri horn h r I ,I of f any nolliili ll lh lhi-i»for ho pxevi|trt>, K9«lnal Ilia I!VA V. ' n I*r»»»iit 1 Idtnm lo M*aiira, iomaaii, attom»>«, HI llteai •IMilMVVII^ RlrW W#MaMHHfc aBl^r^^l ^^^^^ j l j »»ftmmtlH*ftM-—t-40m-m. AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS. / ' \ : ; : . • ' . - . • . • HAPPENINGS IN THE VILLAGES ROUND ABOUT - RED BANK. BAHK VOLUME RED BANK, Nil J.;, WEDNESDAY* SEPTEMBER 18, 1912.' xxxv: •tfo:is. PAGES 9 TO 18. THE SOCIALIST TICKET. ~ dividends! of more than forty per cent for" many years. The Monmouth Thi* rurtjr will H»T« a Toll County county fair directors anticipate that Tioket in the Held. when all the improvements to their OObOSBD H I UUtoV *T OOMPAKIoV rounds have been completed their The Socialist party has the courage ATTB» AIT AIA-ViaXT O>OT. air will be one of the beet county of its convictions. It has principles In WELLINGTON EMERY OF OCEANIC THE VICTIMfairs in the country and will pay asOornellm''Mfev «be ;(ranman, I* Is Jail which the members of the party thorlarge dividends as any fair association —The TWO Ken »hol are in the Hoapl- oughly believe. They will have a full DIAMOND DICK THE GUN WIELDER. n the land. At the rates at which the ticket in the field this year; as who Owned the Boat* 1* county lands of the Field farm are being Ul—Man well as Presidential and congressional Fracas Resembling Fights of the Early Frontier West Occurred Arrangement* Under Way For Moving the Present Property of sold, the land owned by the fair as- Xeld tor the OrniMl Jarjr. candidates. Two men are in the Long Branch sociation would bring about $65,000, candidate for congress is Murthe Fair Association to the New Location—The New Grounds or more than two ana a half times the hospital and' two are awaiting the rayThe Schloss of Point Pleasant. He ia Friday Night at Arthur Brill'* Hotel at Oceanic—Emery shot in total amount of the capital stock of action of the grand jury as the result a graduate of the John D. Rockefeller the Leg and a Bullet Grazed His Waist—Diamond Dick Arrested Comprise Sixty-Two Acres and Have a Frontage on the Newthe of a,-shooting affray between colored concern, not counting any of the university of Chicago. He is also a profits to be turned over to the asso- people on West street Sunday morn- graduate of the University of Wis- and Locked Up in the County Jail to Await Grand Jury Action. York and Long Branch Railroad and on the Trolley Line. ciation by the realty company and not ing. The shooting was. done by Cor- consin. He is a millionaire. When he From Oceanic comes a story resem- It is said that he exhibited a pistol and The Monmouth county fair aeeocla- The fair association ee,nt a handsome counting the value, of the present nelius Page, a colored man employed was asked his occupation he said that by Stryker & Stryker. The men inperhaps he might as well be written bling the tales told about the early a huge pocket knife to several passen1 tion will hold next year a fair on their floral piece at Mr. DuBois's funeral equipment of the association. vanf'a the hospital are Asbury Carney and down as a parasite, since he did notfrontier days of the West. It was a gers on the car. and declared that he new grounds at Minnesink Park, form- and the association desired by the pasJoseph Johnson, both/of whom are suf- work regularly at any occupation or shooting scrape, Alexander Dexter of was going to get" a man who had erly the Josey Field farm, In Middle- sage of suitable resolutions to further "ering from bullet wounds, in their busincBB. Red Bank being the gunman and treated him dirty. According to this town'township. This was decided on Indicate their sorrow at the untimely egs. CharleB Swindell, at whose home Wellington Emery of Oceanic being story, one of the passengers wanted to last Saturday, at a meeting of the di- death of Mr. DuBois. The candidates for assembly on the the shooting occurred, was held on a Socialist ticket are George W. Brice, the victim. The Oceanic man, al-have Diamond Dick arrested at Fair rectors of the association, Plnns for ' In regard to moving to the new charge of running a; gambling place next year's fair wore discussed artd the grounds, Mr. Rice, the director in • B O B i » ootmon. u i A. KNOTTY a contractor living at Belmar; and though twice shot, was not seriously Haven, but later changed his 'mind and disorderly house. All of the per- George work of transferring the fair associa- charge of grounds and buildings, said Spinning, son of the late Ben- injured. Dexter is in the county jail when the Mexican told him that he raosi.SK x o sons concerned In the fracas are col- jamin W. tion's property to the new location will that ne had received an offer to move Spinning. Both of these awaiting the action of the grand jury. was only joking. ored people, The bullets stayed in Dexter is a Mexican. He came to Dexter went to Brill's hotel, and it is be begun at once. all the property of the fair association Qneetloa of Bewerinjf •mtai' Street, aim men are prominent in church work Jarney's lee, but passed all the way JIIB meeting of the directors was from the present grounds to the new KMo* ana IJoI.*ren'Irtreet Laid Over through Johnson's leg. Some of theand in lodges. The candidates for Red Bank a number of years ago with alleged that he was loud in his threats a Wild West circus. He had traveled of what he would do to Emery when grounds for 2950. He was instructed freeholder have not been fully deterthe most largely attended and the mbst for BpeoUl Meeting/Kelt Monday— missies went through the house and mined on yet, but the names under all over the United States and part of he saw him. The cop was told about enthusiastic of any meeting hold nines to have the transfer of th£ property Wharf Avenne Oomproml**. others dented a wash boiler. Canada. When he arrived at Red this by one of his friends and started consideration arc those of Henry N. the association was formed five years mode, and to have the equipment At the commissioners' meeting MonPoliceman Joseph Emley arrested Supp, Richard Atkins, Franklin; Gar- Bank' he liked the town so well that to walk up to Diamond Dick. The latago. Each director present took o moved as soon as possible, day night it was decided to lajf over 'age. The officer was riding on a trol- mine Moyan, Jesse Stout and William he decided to stay here. He built a ter fled and Emery pursued him. On vital interest in the affairs of the as- At the close of the meeting there till'next Monday night the question of little shack in the western part of. the the hotel grounds the Mexican sudaociution and the discussions over var- was considerable jubilation among the extending the Bewer system ,on Mc-ley car early Sunday morning to the E. Francis, all of Red Bank. denly turned about and fired five shots borough hall to report for duty. On ious departments was very animated. directors over the good financial show- Laren street, Elm place and Spring Fof many years Red Bank was the borough, where he lived alone. .Chnrles D. Halaey, the treasurer of ing made by the fair this year, but street. At this meeting1 property own- West street a boy ran, over to the trol- only town in the county having a So- The Mexican got a job with William in rapid succession at Emery. The cop droftped to the ground and the fair association, said.that a com- there was much more jubilation over ers on the three streets are expected ley car and motioned to Emley to fol- cialist organization. Organizations O'Brien, the plumber. He went about low him. "There's some Bhootin' gotown wearing a big sombrero hat and yelled for help. He had been shot ia plete statement of-the expenses and re- the prospects of being on the newto be present, and the. council will be ing on down the street," said the boy. have been formed recently at Asbury Western clothing. He was very fond the leg, and another bullet had graced ceipts of this year's fair could not be grounds next year. The cost of mov- guided Park and Belmar, and a county orin its action by the opinions The first, indication of trouble that ganization made because all the bills were not yet ing and the cost of fitting up the has ulto been effected. The of flashy jewelry, and this fad earned his waist. Charles Briggs, chief of ' grounds will be very large, It is esti- expressed. At this meeting the mat- greeted the officer was Page standing county organization is known as Mon- him the name of "Diamond Dick," a police, and Policeman John Murphy in. Prom a financial standpoint, ter of re-assessing sewer Benefits on mated that it will cost about $1,500 to with a revolver in his" hand. A short Well us from the standpoint of a fi 'air, Local, and the town organiza- title by which he is better known than heard the shots and hurried to the 1 Buena and Vista avenues will also distance off was Johnson and Carney, mouth scene. They got there too late to he said this was the best year the as- fence the grounds, $1,500 to rebuild be tions are known as Branch Red Bank, by his right name. taken up, and blood was dripping from bullet Branch Asbury Park and Branch Bel- Emery is a special officer at Arthur catch Dexter. Emery's injuries were sociation had yet known. At every the main exhibition tent and booths Ma*t Dedicate Street. attended to by Dr. Walter S. Whitand do the other necessary work of wounds in their legs.. Page did not Brill's hotel at Oceanic. He acts as a previous fair the association had lost lar. money, which had been made up by di- arranging the present property of the Alfred Spinny and L. E. Brown see Emley till the officer was very close The Socialists keep up their organi- sort of "bouncer," it being his work to more of Oceanic. Mr. Briggs telephoned to Red Bank rectors after the fair was over each association, and $6,000 to build the were told to dedicate St, Mary's place to him. The policeman grabbed the zation tl)e year aTound. The members rid the place of undesirables who raise > year. This year he believed that the race track. A grand stand of steel to the town. This street is in West man and wrested the revolver from hie pay dues and they contribute liberally disturbances. To his friends Emery police headquarters for assistance, and receiutB and expenses would about bal- and concrete, capable of seating 2,000 Red Bank, and it was recently con- hand. It afterwards turned out that to "the cause." Red Bank has in the is familiarly known as "Duke," a title he and Mr. Murphy took the first trolance each other. The experiehce of' persons, is .contemplated. It is pro-nected with the borough sewer system. age had shot off all thejbullets he had Socialist organization a number of which when taken in combination with ley car for this town. On the way the and that he had no desire to shoot the business men of Red Bank, Sunday- his first name, is a reminder of the car passed Dexter, who was running. the Monmouth county fair in this par- posed to build it so that it can be en- adeem Avenue Srainag-a. bluecoat any how. Just the same it school teachers, bartenders, laboring famous Duke of Wellington, who The officers got off, arrested the man, ticular, he said, was pretty much like larged at any time. This structure In response to a request from Dewas a nervy thing for the cop to domen, mechanics, and some who style crushed Napoleon. . and put him in the Oceanic lock-up. that of all other fairs which had been may not be built this year and a temDiamond Dick had a hearing before placed on a successful basiB. At first porary grand stand may be erected. luncjj W. Willguss action was taken because on the face of things he themselves just ordinary plain citizens. According to stories told about they had lost a lot of money, but asA grand stand such as has been con- whereby the ten-inch drain pipe on had every reason to believe that Page They believe that their principles, town Emery earned the ill will of Justice James H. Sickles of Red Bank yetlrs went on and the fair became templated would cost about $18,000, Hudson avenue will be replaced by an would take his life. when put in practice, will abolish the Diamond Dick about six weeks ago on Saturday morning. He pleaded more firmly established the receipts in- and would require a good deal of time eighteen-inch pipe. Page offered no resistance to thespecial privileges now held by a few,when he beat the Mexican across the guilty to a charge of atrocious assault Wharf Avenue. Compromlee. creased until they were on a strong to build. policeman. He willingly accompanied and will remove most of the misery legs with a club. The Red Bank man and battery, but stated that he was financial footing and paid big divithe cop to the borough hall, where he which now exists in all communities evidently nursed a grudge against the under the influence of liquor when he Another improvement will be the A compromise was effected with the dends. cop and undertook to pay off his debt got in the scrape. In default of bail construction of a railroad spur along steamboat company whereby the town was locked up in a cell. Carney and and especially in large cities. at Brill's hotel Friday night. It seems he was sent to the county jail to were rushed to the Long Meetings are held occasionally that The meeting-was unanimous in itsMachinery avenue on the fair grounds is to extend the drain water pipes Johnson he rode to Oceanic on his motor await the action of the grand jury. Branch hospital in an automobile. decision to move to its* new grounds and along the cattle pens and cattle across the property of the company on Their wounds are not serious and they throughout the year. On Saturday cycle early in the evening in order to The wounded policeman was at the next year,* The lease of the present tents. The railroad spur will enable Wharf avenue so that drain water will are recovering. Page's wife was ar-night of this week a street meeting make certain that Emery still worked hearing. He underwent an X-ray exgrounds expires the coming November, exhibitors of farm machinery to un-empty in the river. The cost is not rested later in the day, it being will be held on .Wharf avenue, when at tha-hotel. amination at the Long Branch hosOut the association has trie privilege load their machinery from the cars at to exceed $260. This action probably ihought at first that she furnished her Alexander Cairns will'give a talk on pital last Saturday to locate the bulled Then he rode to Red Bank, and took of renewing the lease for one or more thesvery doors of their exhibition ends a long standing controversy be- husband with the revolver and per-Socialist principles. Mr. Cairns gave years if it desires to do BO! Every tents, and will ensure greater economy tween the town, the steamboat com- suaded him to shoot the other a lecture on "Temperance" in the Reda trip back to Oceanic on a trolley car. in his leg. Bank Baptist church a short time ago, director present was firm in the opin- in handling machinery and much pany and Charles P. Irwin. two men. This did not turn out to be and his address was' very much ad- MBS. BABAH LONQSTBEET DEAD. ion that the fair should be moved to larger exhibits than in the past. The New Bxexnpt rireman. TBTTEX—HANOE. the case, however, and she was remired. its now grounds next year. Most of railroad will erect a station on the John S. Conover of Relieffirecom-leaBed. them expressed their convictions on fair grounds. Regular trains will stop pany was made an exempt fireman. On Sunday, September 29th, a big Bha Died £a*t Wednesday at tbe Home £ e i t » Sauce and Mia* Isabel Tram Just what caused the trouble is un- Socialist mass meeting will.be held in of Her Daughter, Mre. Carlton Xeeler. this matter very strongly. When tha at the fair grounds on exhibition days, MurrlaA Saturday Morulnff. certain owing to the conflicting testi- Madison Square Garden, S«w York, matter came up for a vote every di- and special trains will be run. TheZTote* Renewed. Mrs. Sarah E. Longstreet, widow of Miss Mabel Truex, daughter of rector voted in favor of moving to the fnir grounds ore so located that pass- Four notes amounting to $12,325 in mony given at the hearing. One point at which Eugene V. Debs and Emil Adam Longstreet, died last Wednes- Joseph L. Truex of Allen place, and engers will n ot have to cross the tracks all were ordered renewed for three on which all the witnesses agreed was Seidel, the Socialist candidates for day afternoon at the home of herLester Hance, son of Mrs. J. L. Bernew location. that a good deal of drinking was done President and vice president, will daughter, Mrs. Carlton Keeler of Me-gen of Monmouth street, were married to enter the fair grounds, no matter The directors in charge of tho var-from which direction they may come, months. at Swindell's house and that Page put speak. Other speakers will be Charles chanic street. Mrs. Longstreet was in Saturday morning at the Presbyterian ious departments of the fair are not us there is a roadway leading under Station Trufllo. up most of the money for the liquid Edward Russell, the noted magazine her 74th year and was taken sick church by Rev. James W. Rogan. The question of regulating traffic refreshments. appointed until after the annual meet- the railroad tracks close to where the and Socialist candidate for about three weeks before her death Miss Frances Truex, a sister of the at the station so that the space under .According to the testimony given by writer ing in January., Work in the school fair railroad station will be located. governor of New York; Kier Hardie, a dysentery. She had practically bride, was bridesmaid, and Lynn Mindepartment, however, should begin the portecochere would be occupied Page and his wife,. Swindell has an Socialist member of the English Par- with recovered from this disease, but her ton of Fair Haven was groomsman. The fair association owns about G2 only by .wagons was referred to Alwith the opening of school. Last year appropriate name. They say that he liament who is now making a lecture weakened constitution failed to re-The bride was dressed in a blue travelacres of level land at Minnesink Park. athe work In this department was deston Beckmnn, the borough attornoy. skinned Page out of his money in a tour in this country; as well as a num- spond to the tender care given her. ing suit and carried a boquet of white cayed on account of the director in This was formerly part of the Josey Bepalr* to Fnniaoe. crooked crap game." They further tesber of other Socialist orators. Mrs. Longstreet was a daughter of roses. The bridesmaid carried red fchargo of tho school department not Field farm. This farm was bouhgt tified that Swiridell runs a disorderly • Socialist meetings arc different the late Sarah A. and David H. CluyThe matter of repairing the furroses. The couple left for Philadeltwo years ago by the Minnesink fealty having been appointed until Februhouse and that people who go there from most other political meetings. ton and was born at Manasquan. Thephia and will travel through Pennsylary, To obviate this difficulty this company. This realty company is nace in the borough hall was referred have to pay for the privilege of risking At the meetings of other parties it is family subsequently lived at' New vania. They will remain for some year, J. A. Hnskell, the- president of composed of directors of the fair as- to the borough hall committee with their money at Rames of chance. oftert times difficult to get people to York and Brown's dock. Mrs. Long- time at Delaware Waty Gap. On tho fair association, appointed John sociation and the farm was bought pbwor to act. attend. Usually at Socialist meetings street leaves six children, George A., their return to Red Bank they will Page's wife testified that she came to provide ample and permanent Tax Delinquent*. H. Cook, the present director of the to the house while her husband wfes an, admission fee is charged. At Mad- who is employed on the Newark start housekeeping on Monmouth department, aud Melvin A. Rico of grounds for the fair association. A list of tax delinquents was turned ison Square Garden tickets sell for Evening News; Mrs. Carlton Keeler street. Mr. Hancc is employed at New shooting crap and that she vainly tried Middlctown, to prepare the school After the purchase of the farm by the in by Collector William M. Thompson to persuade him to go home with her. fifteen cents to a dollar each, and most of Red Bank, Mrs. Irving Griggs of York and commutes daily. schedule for tho coming year. A meet- Minnesink realty company the realty and ordered advertised. of the seats have already been sold. Binghamton, N. Y., Mrs. William K. She said that her husband stayed at ing of the advisory committee of the company gave the fair association a •••-•>• • Swindell's all night and well into the About fifty tickets for this meeting Coleman and Mrs. Fred C. Tramm of school department will be held shortly deed for 62 acres/lying between the BAH.aOAD BRIDGE OK IIBE. Trenton, and Walter Longstreet of morning. • She declared that while she have been sold in Red Bank at 75 railroad track arid the Middletown TKOLLEY PBAN0HI8B PASSED. and tho work of preparing the school cents each. The money taken in atAtlantic Highlands. She also leaves uchedulo taken up. It is expected thnt turnpike, where the trolley now runs. 014 Southern Railroad Bridge Slightly was there Swindell and Johnson these meetings is used to pay the extwo sisters and a brother, Mrs. Louisa worked a crooked game on her husrlnal Beading at TowmMp Commute* tho complete schedule will be arranged The realty company gave to the trolDamagta Lait Wedn«d*7. Finkle and Miss Jennie Clayton of band, and that after Page found out penses of the national campaign. Meeting1 Last Tnurgday. ley company a strip of land ten feet by tho first pnrt of October. Red Bank, and George H. Clayton of A fire started on the Middletown how bndly he had been buncoed he The franchise allowing the Jersey , A number of the directors thought wide along the entire frontage of their New* York. The funeral was held Central traction company to use certhut the scale of premiums should be property bordering on the Middlctown township side of the old Southern rail- went home, got his pist'l and returned Saturday afternoon at Mrs. Kceler's, tain roads in Shrewsbury township WATEB FOVBS IN BASEMENT. Swindell's house. changed. The premiums of the Mon- turnpike, and on this strip of land the road bridge last Wednesday night. was in chnrge of Rev. Percy Per- for a trolley system passed its final louth county fair ore much larger trolley compnny will lay a Recond Liberty and Union hose companies She said that Page told the men to Fipo Surata and Drainage Plow* In John and inchicf. The body was buried at the reading last Thursday. It had been lan tho premiums offered by anytruck, making a double track in front hurried to the fire and soon had it give him back his money or he would H. Hoffntire1* Hou*e. Little Silver cemetery. under control. It is thought some boys held up the previous week owing to peof the entire property. About half of ther fair association in the country, shoot them. They refused and then Water from a street pipe entered the culiar conditions on Branch avenue. here are a very large number of ex- this trolley track was laid this year wore playing near there and set thePage blazed away with the result that basement of John H. Hoffmire's house Last Thursday an agreement was ibitors in some of the divisions and. and is already in operation. The bal-brido on fire. Carney and Johnson were wounded. en Shrewsbury avenue during the signed whereby the company is to pay ance will be laid next spring. Other The bridge has not been used in sev- It scemB that Carney took no part in shower last Wednesday afternoon and DIED AT HOHE OF SON. lusses, nnd It was thought that in the cost of widening Branch avenue owners of laiids fronting on the turneral years, and a petition, which was )mo cases the first premiums should the game and was an innocent by- did considerable damage. Most of the 1 e reduced and the number of prem- pike may give a similar strip of land endorsed by the Red Bank commission- stander. Swindell was not hit at all. drainage water from Shrewsbury ave- Death End* Long Suffering- of C. E. six feet on each side. Most of the property owners are willing to give In order to make a double track all the ers nfTd the Board of Commerce has Page's testimony coincided with his Bonflrhton'i Mother. ium increased, In order that a larger flows into a manhole in front of the land for widening the highway, umber of persons could share In the way to Red Bank from the fair been sent to tho War department, ask- wife's and he further stated that he nue Mrs. Mary Eliza Boughton, mother Mr. Hoffmirc's place and from there but it is likely that in seme casos coning that the bridge be removed. It is shot to kill. rcmium money. In some Instances grounds. goes through a twelve-inch pipe on the of C. E. Bouijhton of Hudson avenue, demnation proceedings will be necessaid tho bridge blocks the river to ; was hard to decide among the exMost of this Swindell denied at the place and goes into the river. Years died Sunday afternoon at her son's sary. The Minnesink realty company furboatmen and if it is removed it will ibitors who should have the first, sechearing. He said that he did not keep there was a gully or natural water home, where Ehe had lived the past id and third place. In such instances ther made an agreement with the fair be a great advantage to property own- a house for gamblers nor people of ill ago course through the land, but this has seven years. Mrs. Boughton had *e person ndjudged first got $5 orassociation whereby the fair associ- ers in that vicinity. Bchroader Hoaia Bented. fame and that there was no crap game been filled in and pipe substituted in been sick about four months and suflereabouts; the second winner got ation will get half tho profits arising The War department will hold a before the shooting took place. He did fered greatly. She was stricken with Henry Taylor, who has bco,n occu', and the third got no money prem- from the salo of the remainder of the public meeting here soon to ascertain not state any reasons why, Page should its place. paralysis of the throut and for some the Worthley house on East m ut all. Some of the directors Field farm as building lots. Lots to the views of the public in regard to fire at Johnson or Carney or himself. The pipe burst, and dui'inp last time had been unable to swallow any pying Front street as a boarding house, haa tho value of about $30,000 have been lought that It would be better to storm the HofTmiie prop- food. She was also afflicted with val- leased the Schroedcr condemning tho bridge. Chief of Police Arthur L. Wymbs Wednesday's homestead on ivldo the money into four or five sold on tho tract this year, and other erty was flooded. Some of the water vular disease of the heart. testified thnt about two weeks ago Peters place, owned by Frank J. Manremiums than to give It nil to twosales are constantly being made. It "Oliver Twlit" In Kovlof Picture*. while making a tour of inspection he flowed through a cellar window into Mrs. Boughton wus born at Water- son. Tne rental was made by Bayard ia estimated that the sum received by orsons. This matter will be tulton up the basement. A Rood deal of sedi"Oliver Twist," by Charles Wckens, found two men shooting crap at ment was in the water and a residue ford, N. Y., 79 years np;o next month. Applcgute. Collector Willium M. itor, before the premium list of next the fair association from the realty company, by the time the entire prop- will be given in moving pictures at Swindell's. Swindell siiid that this was of mud was left on the floor of theBesides her son with whom she lived Thompson recently bought the Wortheur in got out. erty is disposed of, will bo more than tlie Majestic theater, near the railroad only u friendly Riime for small stakes kitchen and in other parts of thoshe leaves another son, William E. ley property and will move there the Boughton of Chicago, nnd a daughter, first of October. that the players did not pay anyEveryone believed that the farmers sulllclent to repay tho cntlro cost of station, this afternoon and tonight. and thing to the house. Added to thehouse. Several cans of fruit were on Mary M., who lives with her brother liotlld bo induced to become more building the rnce track, grand stand, Nat- Goodwin, Amoricn's celebrated testimony nt Red Bank. The funeral will be the chief was that of ;he floor and these were destroyed. Two Moving*. ' romincnt among the exhibitors than fencing the grounds and making all actor, is shown in the diameter of Page undof Immediately after the storm Azur- held this afternoon at four o'clock at his wife, who Baid that icy have been. Each year BCCS an other improvements to the fair "Fugin." This picture cost about Swindell ah Hurley, the street .superintendent, Mr. Iloughton's house and will he in John Leiihy, superintendent of conand Johnson did not work, but icraufo in tho number of farmers who grounds which may bo deemed advis- $20,000 to produce und is probably made their living olF tho proceeds from had a force of men at work repairing charge of Ucv. J. W. Ilognn. Burial struction work foi* the telephone com•uke exhibits nt the fair but this in- able. Tho Mlnncsink realty'company, the last play of any kind in whicli the alleged disorderly house. the damage. Linoleum was on thewill be made at Bloomfipld, N. J., to- pany, moved today from Monmouth rouHu IH not as rapid ns it should bo. being composed of directors of tho fair Mr. (ioodwin will appear. strr-r-l to the house he recently bought loor and this wan not harmed to any morrow morning. Justice Hurry ('.. Ilmlrnu held Page great resident Huskcll, in npeaklng of this association, bought tho Field farm not from Martin (Irillin on Bridge uveextent. The break in tho pipe under $2,000 bail on charge* of carry- was mended. inltitr. mild ho thought school children to make money, but moroly to enluhlish imo. .Samuel Wii'c, who occupied this It is likely that the town New Cement Sidewalk. ing concealed weapons and shooting will install .'Hi-inch mid lie made of, great use in this the. fair iiHHoaation on its own grounds Bled at Kopltnl. dwelling, lias moved in (icorgc Wiso'H pipes in place of uiticiilur, Hefluidhe would offer ?G0 ami to put the fair association on a Franklin C. Moynn him had 200 feet with intent to kill. Ik- suid thnt whiln the 12-inch ones, us the latter an1 not Michael Cavanaugli of Kc<! Hank louse on Rector place. of cement Hidowulkn and curbing Inid thi« might oeem like a heavy ball und H premiums'for Bcliool children who thoroughly sound financial bivtiU. died lit the Long Hrmich hospital in front of his property on tho cant that Pago might have Iiml provocation large enough to carry olT the water. oulil secure the greatest number of Tuesday oT last week of piinily.sin. Tho capital stock of tho fair IINPO- nlde of Shrewsbury avenue. Hn In the for getting mail, ntill there was no Coming- Euchre ana Danoe. ' uw exhibitors among the farmers of elation He was f,l! years old und IIMIVCH livo In $20,000. About $18,000 of Italian rinocl Slo. 10 county at next year's fair. Only thin capital stock has been Imrneil, first man on this street to lay a cement ncccHflity for shooting. Ho, stated that Next Monday night thu ladies' uuxchildren, John, James, Catherine and the law wan very plain, about the sidewalk. Tho work wus (lone by CJ. IOHO farmers who had never before Sam Alirino drank too hi'iivilv at u litiry of tin1 Sonw of Vuturtinn will n bulnnce of about 17,0(10 of Cuppuci. gravity of crimes of this1character und wedding reception for Mr. anil Mi.t. 1'idwiii'il (!imiimii|?h and Mm. Daniel iold a euchre ami dnnre in Arrowmile exhibits nt thr fair would be leuving _ Hill nctt all of Kid Hank. The funeral thlx Htock Htill in the treunu . Thin that the bonds should In niaile heavy. Vincent I'aci> of Kmit Front Htrret <m »unted in thin competition. Mr. Ha»- comprlHOH nboiit 2r|0 nliarcH. '7Tho ,;, pur was hi'lil Friday morning at the home (inith Post rooinH. IlanilHitme prizes Danoe at Bt. Jam**'* Club. 'II suggested that the $f>0 offered by value of tho stock in $2H por nhuro. .Swindell WIIH held undor $600 bail .Sunday ni^ht. After the iriTptinn hi' »f his iiiiili'i', Mrn. Darby Martin of will he awurdi'il to the winners. Tho im ho divided Into threo premiums nf With tho fair equipment now ownod ui> and down the Ktrrrt mak- Rivri' (itri'et, and al SI. JIIIIICH'H ornmittcr in charge ioiifiint!i of MrH, reception iiml iliinre will he given on fliurges of coiulurtiiiK n KaniblliiK paraded 25, $15 und $10 ench. The«u would by tho iiHRoclatlon, combined with the to Atho ing nlToiiHive remarks. He was iirplace iiml dirnxdi'ilv hniise. At the llattie WyinliH, Mrs. Lucy VVynibi, at tho recent, ,Ht. ohiurh. o to tho Hint, nccimd nnd third school land donated to the unKociulinn liy the men's worki'i'H conclusion .of the hearing his ulster, iTuti'd and lined $H>. Mi'H. .Sudiu lli'iint'tt and Mix. Louise full* tonight ut SC Jnines'H "Hd In the Cpunty who secured the Mlnnrsiiik realty company, tho iietunl club, A homo, watch and .mivnrul who was in the room, went into hysI'l'O. Sled While on a Vl*lt. 'gent number of now exhibitors of value of thp nhnron In about $75 porother (lonaleil articled loft over from terit'ft and fainted uwiiy. Btrlokfn with ApopUxjr. BaxUUnt » t t » t Heetlnr. I'm product*. Tliln will nrobnbly l>u Rhine, not counting nnything which HID fair will bo rhnnrtd off during thn Mrn. Kli/.ulii-th ('.. Hgun of WiiyniI'uKn.nppiirvntly tulil n »Unight •forp nrrbnbly bu Kiltie Jenkins, HIVWUI-IIC^H on Junction died whiln vinitlnf; her grandA S'ociiilif.t fitri'i't nict'tlng will bo ward Htory, and liin tc.tlimnny was bo- theMiss IUI ie way In which Mr. HUHIUIH'S dotm- muy lifl received from the realty tom- evening. ^ , Rteamlxxit AlhiMtirin, WIIH HU'K'IUMI lu'lil nn Wharf iivi'iiiii> on Kuturdiiy ilaiighttT, Mm. Kilwiird Morford of llovcd by mont of the Hpi-etiitorn, Ho >n wll) bu divided. • uny In tho future. Th« fair nnno:inl i t Vennlea Corner, .Sunday morning. night at H::ill oVInrk, which will ho han a Kood-niiturcil fan1 und (IKI'H not with apoplexy ut her homo nn Ilmili'ii Hciuldcn'i It wi»s KiiggoBtiul by George A, II, oii drnlrei that the remaining nhuren 1 street Iiml nl|<M. .She in in a rritli'id like a hardened rnniinill. Ho uil- condition. Dr. It. Drowning WIIMOII in Hi'i lU'fcili WIIK to <luo t<» ulunuu'h udilri'Kitcd liy1 Ali'Kundm' T. ('nlrnM, liuichl/ll that additional Interest In of atwk bo held liy farmers of Mon-can ho roinril out of one pound of cop- lank from troul>li'. Sho WIIH HI yrnni old nndnow c(ni)'ri"' noi;iil candidate thnt Im WIUI mud clonr through <* fnAt might g lie iwcurml mlby y having mo«^h county. In order thnt farmer* per, nl thn preni'iit prlio of that mnlnl; mltted lonvon <>m> nun, Alfred Kupin of Newark, N. ,1. Mr. Cuirn* made nn ufUir whut happmii'd at Hwimloll'n attrnillii|.; hi'i. cyclic rnron d nthlntlc thltl contents t t of may lmv« n direct flnnnclul Internal in nickel In now nnnily Ml i-i-nln a pound, h on mi und nron and lienn mi "Tuinpoi'iincp" nt the K«d Wayno .Iiini'tliin. Thi' bmly win that lie nunnl to kill thn Do/'* Arm SprHlutil. rlifiuH MOII In the mornings of one thn fulr an wrll n* an Intercut nn <>x- nml ii pound will mnko ninety llviicoiil nhlppcd to lu-r liomii Monday morning Hunk Ilaptlnl cluirrli a nhort tlmo HKO two mim whom hi* HIIIII had robbed Mm. •'two of th iluyn of thu fulr. Thl» hibltor* mid vinltor*. A number nf place*; wlillu ullvor, nt III! rnnt* an nnd proved hlirmi'lt II forcible nnd for liiirial. Frank Carroll, of Mnnmouth ntrci't, Ko'n oinployern imy Hi at h« I* n nturo hiul been niigKciti'd by n lium- por«ons huvo ottered to my largo niiiicii, will yield $1.!)H In coin. If you uldo iiponki'i'. At tho mentliiK on n liny admit t i n you in old, fell down »r of vlnltor* «t the fair, Mr. Church- block* of the remaining fair dock a* huvo any nuiiilu* of llicno coin*, opon hurd-wiirkiiiK limn anil thnt ha ulwnyn thn Mrrlinnic ntrci't nrhnol nlc|i.'i lant Clhlld Die* of Muraemue. Whnrf''nVnniin on Hnturdny nlulit ho I mid. Melvin A. Idea »U|r|ri<at«| that nn invretmtmt. Th*»n offer* huvo lii-on nn account with tho IUd Hunk Trunl Kuvn thorn mttlnfni'tluu. It In tho flrnt Thurmlny and »prnlnril bin arm. will talk on thu nrlnriph'H of Hix-Ullnm Dorolhy HliH'iitn, diiiightir of Ml'R. l l ' d and l dromon'* f i ' con- iliH'llni'd by tho fair »»«oiliit.on ho- Company «nd Rat IIH por cant Intur tlmo that ha hit* over hinh nrrontod. pnrndfl and on the unpllcutlon of theio prlrv> Tlwro wnro about ix ilnT.rn wltnonaon l.ucy Sliirum nf I Jit I i.t i II t. dloil Milll'»U could nine bn hnld on mto of the inuxu It wn* felt that It would 1>« for ••I.—-A ill). T»k> «Cullo». iiple« to condition* of today, Intro* at thn hearing, und th<' room wnn ilav llk'ht nf iniii'liiumiil at tho ligo g of ay* of th« fulr. A now department thu lii'st lnt«T<**t* of tho fair to huvo y ami Oooa*. l'i'i7!(inH having K'xxl" at thn Hod y fiarknil t<i overflowing with Hpnctator*, The "in 1 wan held dilatory »pooch liy Y. C. Moyan, 11*4 athletic conte*t* und *lmllnr enter- tho Block dWtrlbulcd among tho furm t h r i ' i i iiiiiiithi Tht laleot nlyloa In atrlctly human Ilnnk I'li'iuiliiK nml dyeing wnrlm mi In default of bull Tiigi' WM *«nt to yiiiliidny morning nt tho hoiinu mid llunk'n nlgn and plctnrlnl artUt. - A'It. .InmontM tnny b« c run toil, but for tha or* of tho county. Accordingly the hair. Combing* ' made In awltchu*, Till* aiHu'llniflieiil 1« palrt lor n f tyjall. Archie Archl« W' William* wont Wi-nt Fninl ntriwt thnt iiro nendod fur OIK Imdy wan liurlnil In Whiln HII1K« MMMtnt Mr. Haakotl njipolntml n com- •took will b« iiffomil for **le to actual p*yche*, puff*, curl*, knot* and theth» county llruilili U"'l I In II K of III,, Huclallut pmtft and Sainluy will pli>nnn rail t iltt™ to take up thi* mnttor and to farmer* ut the par valim of |25 perbiplane baaket braid*. Profeailonal on Hwinilofl'a ball, mill .'iwlndoll w*a Hftttii'dny for tlirni lioforo foilr o'clock I'Vlduy •port at n meeting to b« hold uarly In •hare. No u*r*on will bo nllowml to etlomlattt for halrdreenlng, mar<-«l Boat flnp««t nfturnooii nn tht< i>MulilUhin<jnt will Im Ton Punt Know i« comlnit y«ar, after tht annual tuke more than four *har«*, and the waving, ahampoolnif, manlrurlnv, faOh nn, the awreteit over- CalawheV. O[ON<M1 nt Mini hour nnil will romiilti Yen, ynu do too. but do you know ration of ofuetra. Tht committee »p. aaioclatlon would l>« much better ( Concord the now quality grape, *)| A bottle of good California port, cloned until Moiulny morning, Aitn. (tatiiwhn-CoiH'oi'il (inipo? llf , nho or tinted cwntlattd of Mr. Rice, Mr. pllaaod to have the remalnlnK "took cial and acalu ma»**ge. Dr. France* It la Junl ton lnvoly for ntiythlng, ll«t- Doipinun'e, Morrl*'», Pratt'a, Rt4 hurchlll, John » Cook and Cnarlei •old In lot* of on* lhar* each, With It Conk*) chlropodl*t, fae« and aqalp aherry or elaret, grlven aw*v free with O«lr On. DolUi to Make • Mklrtt l«r cull und Knl ai'i|uulnt<id, at Doro Ilankl Borden'*, flhrewibuiyt Smlth'lL , Mahoney, tha director In charge of the advantage)! which will remit from •pwtlalUt, 108 Monmouth atreet, Red our dollar a full quart <«nlnet whlea fl Yea, thnl'a nil ynu liaav<n to pay nl mil*'*, Mmrln'", Prato'*. l(«d Hank) Little Hllver, tUi^-Mdv, key anrjr Saturday, J. I. Monaky, 10 tht fair bottur Ott it* MW ground* It ll Bank, N. J.-— Adv. - — and conc.nilon*. Raat Front ttrMt. R»il IWnk.—Adi. Um tailoring ilnpartmimt at Joaoph expeeUd that dividend* on tht Itoiilvn'o, Hhriiwahury; Hinlth'a, lilttle "»aem aaall « o f V*-«e-l>*«e Watt Mftftj Nali'a dry good* atiiio. -'Adv. be paid after next' year. Hllver.—4di«. •W mlubl* resolution* concerning will Thi Antrt lint In townl Mtlrn Oeal Retlo*. The we«r a atraw hat any lonirtr. Oat a Danbury fair and tthtr falrt _ . —-«>,•— ._. w deith of Charley 0 . DuBolt, who «nlfty" loft hat, or a "nobby" derhy Now la the lima to Im on pain tint and dtMrtllaf. I con uy. ,J. H. Hunt Celabrntod hiinitvtnado naiianifo, Cnluliriiti'il tiomo-mad* aauiaie, t m t t t , MKhanic lUtt*, MM Ir >r Mvtral year* had batn tha director ducted on the »am« 11 nee a* the Mon- at ''The Togfftry Bhop," fg ami |B,~ ha* the beat at right |i ili'oa and quick fr«h dally, at Clayton'* k fr««h (tally, at Clayton'* matket.- ~A<tv, i «h*r«« of the racing at thi lair. mouth county fair h»v« averaged Adv, deliveries—ddv. ,.» REVEL ENDS IN SHOOTING FAIR TO MOVE NEXT YEAR. MEXICAN SHOOTS A COP. MONMOUTH COUNTY FAIR NEXT YEAR WILL ? BE HELD ON ITS NEW GROUNDS.' TALKEDILBOUTSIWERS, lit i 1 a t l t f x l i * • « • * B * . * i • . , ^ • t e a THE BED BANK BEGI8TEB Pace 10 NEWS FROM MJDPLETOWN. T R U S T S II ,, The advantages ol having a reliable, duly equippedv TRUST COMPANY TOR EXECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR; ASSIGNEE. GUAFA>IAN.RECEIVER,DEPOSITORYO'TRUSTEE Not any Trust, are explained Inn Pamphlet which will be sent lor the' asking. In managing such matters, we "make a business of II"; we have the best of opportunities to find good mortgages ot)d other Investments and to keep funds constantly Invested without loss of time; we have strong, large safe-deposit vaults for the safe keeping, of .papers and valuables. We have conducted this business (or twen-, tythree years, never losing a penny of any customer's money/ . WE SELL GUARANTEED MORTGAGES: SEARCH & GUARANTEE TITLES; throughout New Jersey. Capital, Surplusind accumulated proiHs~$2,000,000} THE HEW JERSEYTlTlEGUARANTEE^TRUSf COMPANY/ ,M «ml 85 Montgomery Strwtj/' \jBRSEV CITY, N..J./ TODAY Opposite Railroad Station Red Bank, N. J. PRESENTS AMERICA'S GREATEST ACTOR And His All Star Cast In Charles Dickens' Masterpiece in 5 Parts and 8 0 Scenes THREE SHOWS AFTERNOON A T 3:3O EVENING A T 7 A N D 8:45 Matinee 15c' Evening 20c Children 10c Mr. Goodwin will probably never appear again in pictures or on the stage F\ W. MOSELLE, Red Bank's Leading Stationer can supply you with'Box Papers, Typewriter Papers, Blotting Papers, Pads, Tablets, Cards, Tally Cards, Score Pads, Playing Cards, Chips, Dominoes, Dice, Shelf Paper, Toilet Paper, Tissue Paper, Tennis and Baseball Goods. Large stock and prices right. Books, Periodicals, Magazines, Law Blanks, Engraving, Rubber Stamps. Daily and Sunday papers delivered. 58 BroadlStreet, Red Bank, N. J. Next to Consolidated Gas Office. ARE VERY BUSY DURING ALTERATION OF OUR STORE. Every day we are offering Household Articles at half price. Watch for them, as the Articles are changed daily. We must make room for Carpenters, Masons, ate, hence the reduction of prices. 7Bro.dst. WELLER'S STORE. fw&.«u. THE GROWING STORE. ir CENTRAL. JE3L1DVRSIOJM T O u n i i n k , ™E 6*1™. Tiumday, September 26, 19X2 SPECIAL TRAIN Mcjvvm Red fl-ulc. 7i28; U*M, 7:42«. m. a. J . auMMtssuasuMjrn, ,I>M»M » I • • • A M , M»]>*T r,,» PM, mo No Merest LIGHTNING PUTS TELEPHONES OUT OF BUSINESS AT NAVESINK LAST WEEK. •BBM Trees at Navesink were struck by school convention at Asbury Park Frilightning Wednesday and most of the day. Mrs. C D . Roach of Jersey City has telephones were put out of business. A tongue of Iftme shot out from the returned home after spending tho summer at her summer home at Belford, telephone in 'Amzi Posten'ff -house arj,d. Mrs. 'John Peck of New York has; burned ;M,r. Posten on:the cheek. Mrs. Harry Posten of Atlantic Highlands returned home after spending the •summer-at her cottage at Leonardo. was burned on the arm. Mi^Ed McCatchy has returned Belfora Infant Dead. after ft spending di ttwo weeks k Lloyd Johnson; son of'Mr. and Mrs.to'New'York Koch of Belford. John N. Johnson, Jr., of Belford, died with'Mrs.'Barbara Oswald Ttoop of New York is spendlast Friday of cholera infantum.at the a few days with his parents, Mr. age of three years. The child had been ing William Roop of Belford. sick about five weeks. The funeral andWrs. Barry "White of Belford is installing was held Monday afternoon at thea force prnnp. Mr. White and his son house and the body was buried in Fair "Kaymond'ore doing the work. View cemetery. Rev. John A. Qakes 'Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Horn and had charge of the.funeral services. children of 'New York spent S.undny Planning for Sally Say. with Henry'Horn of Belford. Invitation day was observed in the MT.-OIUI "MTS. Charles H. Roberts of Belford Methodist church Sunday Seagirt were Sundny guests of H. C. morning. Invitations were extended Roberts.'df "New Monmouth. for the rally day services. Each class William Seeley of Belford took -22 of the Sunday-school is expected to be young folks on a strawride to the represented on the program at that Highlands'Friday night. . time. The pastor and the superintend Sirs. Pell- of itidgewood was a guest dent of the Sunday-school will give of Mr. anS Mrs. A. C. Johnson of addresses. A button will be presented Navesink on Saturday. to each member of the Sunday-school James E . Grjggs on Sunday was who attends school every Sunday, from elected a deacon of the New Monnow until Christmas. A prize will mouth Baptist cuhveh. also be given to the pupil having the Mrs. Frank Vievinp; of Port Monbest record. mOuth cut her hand while opening a. Brief Itemi. ' glass can last week. Prank Grimmer has quit his job1 as R. M. Hurd and family of locust for Daniel Bennett'and has rePoint will arrive this week from a trip barber to New York. to "Seattle, Washington, where they turned Chailes D. Carpenter of Brooklyn have been visiting relatives for some has returned home after a visit with time. • They left Locust last June and friends at Belford. made the trip by auto, stopping for a Edwart 'Stone took a few days on the way out at Buffalo twenty in his motor boatparty of to Coney and Detroit. Island on Sunday. Advertised letters remain at the Lo- Walter Raines of Brooklyn is a new cust Point postoffice addressed to Miss clerk in TV. E. Wolling's store at Dorothy SI. Vail, Miss M. E. Phipps, Port "Monmouth. Mrs. Hattie Warrington, Mrs. I. Kel- Mhss Blanche Runyon of Belford is ler, Mrs. Mary VanNest Jackson, Mrs. attending Trainer's business college at Charles C Jackson, Mias Z. R. Webb Terth Aniboy. and A. I. Ormsbee. Hon. John Daly of New York is Charles Koch and friends of New visiting at Mrs. Oliver C. Ayres's at York spent. Sunday with Mr. Koch's Locust Point. mother, Mrs. Barbara Koch of Bel- Martin Murphy of Port Monmouth ford. They made the trip in an auto- last week lost a hog weighing. 850 mobile. Mrs. Koch will close her pounds. boarding house today and move to Mr. and Mrs. E. Walt Havens of New York. Belford are entertaining friends from Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson of the -city. Patterson and Mrs. Johnson's sisters, Mrs. Latham G. Reed, Jr., of IiocHst Misses L. C. and Anna Phelan of Red Point, gave'birth to a daughter last Bank, were the guests of Mr. John- week. <• son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. The New Amsterdam hotel at LoJohnson of Navesink on Sunday. cust has closed after a profitable seaHarry Kollock of Belford, who was son. employed for the summer season on Raymond. Ludlow of Belford is a the Sandy Hook boats, has been laid new clerk in Albeit Langford's store. off. He will start working in a New Henry Grandereth's house at BelYork grocery store Tiext week. ford is being painted and repaired. Frank Despreaux of New York, Eon Hugh rMcCready of Belford spent of Frank Despreaux of Navesink, who Friday and Saturday at New York. was taken to the Long Branch hospital Miss Nellie Brannin of Navesink last Thursdaythreatened with typhoid spent Saturday at Nevr York. fever, is slowly improving. Miss Ethel Thompson of Befford Mr. and Mrs. George Brannin, who is still on the sick list. have been living with Mrs. Brannin's sister, Miss Kate Davis of Navesink, zmws. have returned to their home at Atlantic Highlands. His* Mary Cornell starts Private School Stereopticon views were shown in for Children. the New Monmouth Baptist church Sunday night on "Knocking at tHe Miss Mary Gornelf has started a Door." Special singing was Tendered private school in J. Dey Conover's schoolhouse near the station. The by the choir. The ladies' aid of the Navesink pupils at the school so far are Harold Methodist churdh will hold a cake and Hillyer, Clara Greenwood, Charles bread sale on the grounds of the par- Gibson Bennett, Mary Bennett, Isasonage Friday afternoon and night of belle and Gregory Gulick, Margaret Lang and Margaret Fawcett. this week. Thu Monmouth athletic club's base- -Reformed Church Notes. ball team has finished the season but "Rev. William E. Compton, pastor of will play any team if the opposing the Keyport Reformed church, and team will guarantee them their ex- Rev. Charles William Roeder will expenses. change pulpits next Sunday morning. W. F. Posten of New York, assist At night Mr. Roeder will preach at his ant pastor of the EleventlTstreet Epis- own church on "Doing One's Duty and copal church, is ^pending his vacation a Little Move." The women's missionabroad William T)ennis's boat at Bel- ary society will meet tomorrow afternoon at Mrs. Stephen Johnson's. Mr. ford. William Maxson and family who Roeder will speak on "Shintoism, the have been spending p g the summer at State Religion of Japan." The sub Locust Pointt left l f t lost l t Friday F i d for f HHo- ject of the prayer meeting Friday boken, where they will spend the winr night will be on missionary work. ter. H. 0. Lloyd and family of NewYonnff Men's The young men's endeavor club has York, who have been spending the summer at the McKeever cottage at elected the following officers for a term of six months: Locust Point, returned home last week. Prf.sldnnt—Edwnril i r t t . Misses Ethel and Ilazul Meyers have Vice pi t'si<!ent—Kdward Wallace. returned home after spending three Trca.suivr—Thoman neynoMa. weeks with their grandparents, Mr. Kofrotary—Arthur Heath. I>erickfion. and Mrs. John T. Compton of Belfoi-d. AsNtstant—William Inner K'luril—Michael Wallace. A large Newfoundland dog belongUult-r Kiuiril—Peter Kpi>E. ing to John Moulea of Navesink got Cliniiluln—Daniel Williams. into a fight with another dog last week George W. Orum made a short and was so badly bitten that it died. Mr. and Mrs. John Haff of South speech at the close of the meeting. Manchester, Conn., are spending two Brief Iteint. I). Mason and E^yL. Beekman are weeks with Mrs. HafF's parents, M shipping large quantities of grapes. and Mrs. Paul Diokow of Belford. Oscar Lund has moved from Charles Monday night each man shipped a carWillett's house at Belford to Fred- load to A. Gill & Son of Newark, who erick Crane's house. Mr. Crane will use the grapes to make wine. A tree was struck by lightning on build another house .at Belford. Walter S. Alexander is installing a the road between Middletown and Now Monmouth during the storm last force pump in Mrs. M. L. Pope's house at Belford. He will probably open a Wednesday and'the top was completely torn off. machine shop at Ilelforii soon. Almut $C0 was taken in at the supTheodore Johntry and Charlen Hubbs of Belford, who were cmploved per last Friday night at the Zion on the I'atten Lino boats, have finished church at Red .Hill by the Friendship lodge of Knights of Pythias. their work for tho season. Dr. and Mrs. D. D. Hendrickson and Koubcn Davis and a lady friend of Now York were Sunday visitors at the Miss Annie Root left last Friday for home of Mr. Davis's sister, Mrs. Aaron Mount I'ocono, 'Ponn., where they will Btiiy two wetics. Hopkins of Navesink. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Lincoln of New DcWitt C.IBurkc celebrated hin lilst York, who have been summering ut birthday lust Thursday. About 22 of I^xuot Point, has -purchased n newhin friends attended the celebration at night. Buiek touring tar. Klwood WitBon nf Belfon], who ban Mrs. Emily :£vans of Plainflcld rebeen ticket .agent at Koyport for theturned ycatarday after a visit with Rummer Heimon, -wilfbf) transferred to Minn Ella HandrickMn. Edward PaUwmun is on the alok list. Lnkcwood thin week. Timothy McMalion of Port Mon- Miss Union tof.Bed Bank is nuraing him. mouth ham -returned to -the dty after A aoclabla «UI be held at Zion upending the aumnMr mt thin Jmne church at Bad Hill tonight. along tho jhor*. Mm. Alexander M»nn *t tUnoltfrn han -return*! 'homo after apoiilrBg ••» wr«k with Mr. -and 'Mra. MtmoaA Stun- Home yon of Belford. Mr. nnd Mm. J. «.'Lamb«rt of New York havn Mtntncd ilmxkustttcr>upend- Many TUB JBadk sntnTerars 'from ing n month with Wra._M..L..i qpe of TUiwimai •Sdatlca jrul NeuriU* lWford. Harry Truaoc of R«}port has uaorsi] •o elt«itlT« « i an.imUdMe tn uric acid Int.. "Mra. Carrie UOTMAI'S .hotuM Mil h tmttlmmiaiaU wtlit *nd con>Ilolford, formerly occupied by'William flete b«nllhnass1t'f>iom,paln has been Morrtll. Mcared. "Whit .la .better to contfort William CottnJl at .N«waink waa our .BhomnapaWs XbsUQ 'tltia :home ••aaU laid m> jwmcal *laja laat .mak from tho wfrccU of - «aUag waUrmalan -ant M (rranea. rf awaHh afUr uaMls« T. Gollini or KblnlUkl "Nurltol turmfl hu.nibmd4y.4rWr a ti '"!. la^kett adv«rMr. anil Mn. Qtapt* XI. I«hatn 41 Users—pn rtlaera, tool ll.lforj. Rmlly ij»«*Uta« haa r*tume<l to a * 1 JWK JX \MMML S that. •rNsrrcotaee. -mnAMMil'initt mU»m wm your money *n»jUUA % th» aum- O4 h«*a -MUnM Mr. and Mr*. J<*n W. T\mw at N«iw Monmouth atUrwl«<] the Sunday. It w t»t4rerUM IrrThBitadlttlHI." SBBBSBasBBBBBBBB} uililiMttu TOT Amzi Posten's Son and NU Daughter-WLaw Burned by la ningBdlt—Infant Son olJolin IS. Jblnuon, Jr., of "Bdfo'rti, Die* of Cholera lnfantum-Mrs. M. L.PqpeoJ Belford Havii«; Force Pump Installed.in Her House—Belford Loses Ball Game. Mra. X il«nty WaJuTiK U Trwlnrlak'BAlljand lyn, who hare bean ffsBBBBBSBBBBBS^BBBBBBBBSBBBBBBsHsBBBi^BBBkaBBBBl Vfmk of BfjrttOa^ Commencing NondAy, Sept«mber 10, Creamery CHEESE, Pound ijc •ScUdoui ^whola milk, AJpptd direct to uifroa Mi« dwicitt dbtrieti. Radncsdto o -_2 Hum 3 « *-> *> a> „, • « ,M ' A ' l s V WHITE BEANS 5c Pound Domestic SARDINES, 3c a can Bull's Head CATSUP, 10c a bottle S*»^ O ,O ?r< s Sultana String BEANS, 8c a con QUAKER, MOTHER OR GRANDMOTHER De!-Monte Asparagus Tips, 19c a can Sultana Lima ffiAWS, - 9ca can sssssssssssssssssssssssssspssssasssssssssssssssssssMass^ Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, 16c Ripe OLIVES, Fancy Selected a bottle 15c 'Guaranteed A Dozen 10 S&HSlarap« with 1 can Pink Alaska Salmon, • 10c 20 SftH Shtmpi with 7 cak«a AAP Laundnr Soap, - - - 2Bc lqS&H Sumps with 1 package Kellogg'a, Toailed Flakea, . 10c Extra Stamps with "T-eas and Coffees OOhJ-EES. 25 ttamps 1 l b c ^ j | ^ ) 2 0 stamps 1 lb Amboia Coffee 32c 15 stamps 1 lb Sultana. Coffee 30c JOttamp. vnUillb Co^e28 SstampswithllbCorfeeSSc on 10 .tamp, with l i b j 8 O'clock Breakfast 30c ~ Compound TE1A.S. ; 60 stamps with lilbTea 70c [SO stamps with! Ib Tea 60c 40 stamps With l i b Tea 50c I 25 stamps with 1 lb Tea 40c 25 stamps J^.lb box TheaM 25 itamp*J4*lb box K W E C 3 V E &J{ STATV1F>S. " A S K FOR THEM' TELEPHONE ORCERS SOUCITEO FREE DELIVERIES TO Fair Haven, Oceanic, Rumeon, Monday and Thursday. Middletown, Friday. Atlantic Highlands, Friday. Batontown,Littlo Silver and Shrewsbury, Thursday. Belford, Naveaink, Tuesday. Chapel Hill and Leonardo, Wednesday. Telephone 60. SO B R O A D STTREET, RED BANK, IN. J. COOL. DAYS F A S T AF»F»ROACHING! 8*:i £3 0) The days are getting longer.> Cool, frosty days and nights will soon be here. I t will be too warm to atart your furnace fire yet, too cold to be without some warmth in your room. One of our "Gas Radiators will warm up youf sitting room, bed room or parlor in a few minutes ;• a t very little expense. i; A complete.assortment on hand now. Inspect !: them and getjarices. Consolidated Gas Company,] Office: firoad Street Red Bank. c w. DRY JBA3 'Ha Mm TtmpcmtrJlMnm, BWAD SIVEET, M i l BANK, M. J. THE jtEP BANK BEGIBTEB p> . • Bace 11 . T x< ? DAY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th I v . t t t t T T T T T T " If II Go to Your Polling Place on Tuesday, September 24th f *; it and Vote for t t T f T • t t }• •:•• • • WILLIAM t • t FOR • UNITED STATES • 't • Under the new election law every Democrat in the state can vote for his choice for United States Senator. Every Democrat should consider it his duty and his privilege to do his part toward putting in the United States Senate a man who will support the progressive policies of WOODROW WILSON, the next President of the United States. • • • • • •>• i William Hughes is a self-made man. He began life as a poor boy. His success is due to his character and his quailfications. He believes in progress. He believes that the country should move forward; and he believes that as times and conditions change the laws should be changed to meet these conditions. A. • f On the Democratic primary ballot William Hughes is the first name under the designation of persons favored for United States Senator. Mark a cross x in the square in front of his name and you will be voting to *"t a man * . arn Bluill ' in the office of United States Senator who stands four square; who believes in a square dea];.fw^i5^n6inwill be an ardent andlhearty supporter of all the policies of Woodrow Wilson, the next President of the United States. William Hughes is at. present Congressman from the Sixth New Jersey District. His every vote and his every effort have been to promote the welfare-of the common man. In his youth he was a real boy in one of the Paterson silk mills, and he knows the hardships and the toils of the ordinary man, as well as his hopes and aspirations. A vote for William Hughes on primary day will be a vote toward the uplift of the ordinary citizen; it will be a vote toward relieving the ordinary citizen from some of the unfair burdens which he is now carrying; and it will be a • t • ff t t t f T tfv t T t t T vote to put in the United States Senate a man who represents no special interests and who can be relied on to act T fairly and conscientiously and honestly on every measure which comes before that body. T T VOTE FOR WILLIAM HUGHES FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR ON PRIMARY DAY. By doing this you will be doing your part toward making the administration of 'President Woodrow Wilson a success. RU) for by th* William Hughe* campaign comm(U««. t t T T THE BED BANKBEGI8TEB /Page 12 THE RED BANK REGISTER Bod Bank Boy Soonta Camp Ont All night on lawea Pann. Two patrols of Boy Scouts went on an ovcrnrght hike to Lawes's farm at. Nutswamp last Friday. The boys left Buiiaeit Managers the association on Monmouth street THOMAS IRVING BROWN. in the afternoon und marched to their SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: camping site. Each boy carried n Mrs. Garrett Wyckoff, Mrs. Newton On* year '.,...11.50 Bti months .76 blanket over his shoulder, nnd a num- Doremus, Miss Mary W. Holmes, Miss [Three months 40 ber of other necessary articles. They Ethel White, Mrs. John Allen and slept in tents and had to cook their Miss Ella Vanderveer of the PresbyCatered at the postofflce at Red Bank, own meals. The experience was a new terian, church, and Rev. Everett Van' IT. J., as aecond-class matter. one for most of the boys, but they all Driirht, Mrs. John • Ely, Mrs. Alvin came home Saturday morning re- WhitinK and Mrs. M. DeMott of ~ WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 18, 1912. porlintr a lino time. Tliey were in Grace church were delegates to the charge of Scoutmaster H. C. Tumey. I Monmouth county Sunday-school conTOWN TALK. pai-tv were Jack Murphy, I vcntion at Asbury Park last Friday. Those in the party Adolph | T]ie Prank and Joseph Vullcau, Adolph, . Baptist Sunday-school of Red Kind, Oslome Harrison, Albert Van-! Bank was the first school in Mon(Continued, from page U.) Nostrum), William Hendrickson,! mouth county to receive the certificate The circus banners which hang from of merit for reaching the standard of Harry Sherman, Thomas Morris, 1 the (,'uy wires of the trolley ' excellency set by the association. This -•-"«--'•- —"" «•- fritmed and hunt; in room. Walter Davis vice president, H. C. in secretary, Miss Rlizabeth Stryker elementary superin' banners Hying lonp; after a show tendent, Newton Doremus first vice over, especially' when the banners are president, and Rev. Garrett Wyckoff as numerous ami as ugly as the circus'.j CHIEF Or POLICE SUED. corresponding secretary of the county banners in question, does not give live] ! Rank the appearance of being a live,: Joshua Hughes says That Officer Shot association. wide-awake place. The banners should Him and He wauta $5,000 Samngea. O1AJHBAKE AT BIOBXANDS. come down. Joshua Hughes, a Red Bank colored ! man, has brought suit for $5,000 Oasis Yacht Club MemUera Eat Clanis against Arthur L. Wymbs chief of and Play Bnsebnll. Of all political campaigns p p g n since ince the police of Rod Bank, on a complaint The Oasis baseball team of Highl Civil ivil war, war this is the most ssingular i n u l a r in_ tluit the. ollicer shot him. The case defeated a Fair Haven team last t respects. B! ...:n • ~ i « M - i u 0 tried next winter. lands Sunday at the Highlands by the score about two months of 15 to 0. The Oasis team nad things down and out. lie w:is u'-flut failure ago. There shot had been a shooting all their way from the start. Gardner .as n president."" He was lenominated scrape on Riverside avenue between and Burke were the battery for Highthrough the influence of the trusts colored men, und Mr. went lands ' and of those who possess special privi- there to quell the Wymbs Following the ball game the club leges. But the people are repudiating Hughes van away und thedisturbance. chief fired him and his backers, just as he was his pistol in the a'ir to scare the man members and a large number of friends of the club enjoyed a clambake repudiated by the people in the states th lb d th i where presidential primaries wore g pared by D. R. Anheld. ll U stumbled and fell, the pistol going off \ d Rennell, and con, l,. n ,kl...l ..«.! l\.l! lU.. ..loin) ..r.l.ir- *,IV * L !»Kt- WHS i -, was , falling. . vi L Hughes's j'i i arm • sisteu ui cnuwuer, steamed hard and This marks the und of the present while^c b b l l d h l i , corn on the ear, fish, condition of affairs. Taft has abso- was broken by a bulle and he claims ft lutely no chance of election, and it is that the shut was fireil from Mr. chicken, • - - - 'lobsters, . ' " ice cream and- water' melon. Nearly 250 people were well for the country that this is so. Wymbs's pistol. g There is some ydoubt served, and after the older people had Whether Roosevelt' or Wilson be as to whether Hughes was hit by this was wounded in the shooting finished a number of children were elected, a new era will set in. Both bullet or before the chief arrived on the treated. Music was furnished during men are .Progressive, though in differ- scrape ent ways. The new Progressive party scene. JIT. Wymbs has refused an the day by the Keyport band. A large amount of food left over was given can become the hope of the nation anil offer to compromise for $100. away the next day to the poor people can become the dominant party of the • NEW &AB.TX ORGANIZED. of Highlands. country, provided it lias courage and political .sagacity. Officers of FrojrroEBive Party Elected at - JOHN H. COOK. Editor and Publiiher. GEORGE C. HANCE, Ai.UUnt Editor. ss ™ootn ir i T ^ ^ m ^ ^ F ^ ^ j Long Branch Last We?&. Will Study Journnllsm. ITAltAN OHBIBTEHIHO PABTT. A meeting of the county committee Soono on a Tjlttle silver of the Progressive party was held at I A l l Uuumial Iinwn Sunday Afternoon. L Long Branch B h last l t week. k" Off Officers were i Teresa Mara, aged six months, elected us follows: j. ' daughter of Frank Mara of Little Silrrcxlil.-nt—I'luivnce K I', ilotricli I ver, was christened Sunday at Cf St. .\Nliur.v i'arli. Viet' i n v s l i l c n t s — J o h n Mi-C'lwHlii'y of James's church at Red Bank. After l''l".'f!liilil. Jlnri'V (.'. lil'lllll uf 1.UI1K the ceremony there was a reception at lli'imch. Mr. Mara's house, which was attended S.-i liluiy—-.M. V. l ' n i h of U n l Uiilik. 'rreaMiii-i'i-—WlHliiiii A. lli'rry of As- by a largo number of Italians in this Iniry l'.'irlc. , • neighborhood. Six "kegs of beor and No decision was reached about put- six'dozen ears of corn were provided Mr.. Mara's ting g a countyy ticket inn the field. A j for for the the guests. Each of M p p i n e to consider de , friends committee was appointed set fre et on the e lawn with this matter and and this thi committee cmitt will re-! r e ! off corn iin one h d and d a mug of beer hand port at a meeting to be held tomorrow in the other, while the children tumbat Red Ba Bank. T There was a senment sentiment led and played on the ground. It was r e wa among: some of the men present not iio ' an unusuall sight i h t for f the th Little Litt Silver make any county nominations at all, I people and a number of them gathered but to make a light to elect the Re- | in front'of the house to watch the festivities. At .Mr Mara's invitation publican county candidates some of them went inside and enoyed XOTJNG WITE DIES A l HOSPITAL. the sport. Everybody had a good time, anil the festivities broke up at Mrs. Elliott Morton of Eatoutown PasseB \ sundown. . . Robert Reese of Entontown, who was president of this year's graduation class of the Red' Bank public school, will enter Columbia college this fall to take a four years' course in journalism. Fnrmlugdalo Mail Injurod. Harry Megill, who lives on Dr. J. W. M. Kitchen's farm at Fnrmingdale, badly strained his foot lust week. Megill was working with a harrow when his foot was caught in the implement. LIFE IN ARIZONA. Wliy the drencher Tliar» dare Up His Job ana Becaiuo n lawyer. At a recent dinner Judge Fisher of Arizona was introduced, by the toastmaster in a long speech dealing humorously with the change in vocation made by the judge after arriving in the territory, soon to become a stati'. Judge Fisher noted this effort in the first paragraph of his address, and admitted that when he came to Arizona he was a preacher. "But when I Ban- what glorious winter weather the territory had, warm sunshine, flowers blooming, birds singing, I understood why the people were indifferent about going to heaven. And in summer I realized that bell had no terrors for them." Awfty After Operation. ; Mrs. Hattic Morton, wife of Elliott ! REGISTRATION rALIS OIT. Morton of Eatontown, died yesterday at the Long Branch hospital at the age Miny Hold raise Belle; That It is Not of li'l years. Her death followed an , XToceaaary to Register. operation at her home two weeks ago. p g There has been a marked fallingg off Mrs. Morton was a (laughter of in the registration at Red Bank this Charles Ridjreway of Barncgat. She year as compared with the registration leaves three brothers and a sister,, they y last year. At teach p poll there has been bi being S Sehealer h l Rid Ridgeway, M Mrs. N Nettie t t i an average d t decrease off 85 votes: I'urker of Eatontown, Harry Ridge- Many people who voted last year think way of Barnegat and Birdsall Ridge- th that "hi "this entitles to vote titl them h t att the th way of Surf City. Mrs. Morton coming election and that therefore it married eight years ago. People who . is not necessary to register this year, wi^h to call at the house can do so be- This is not conwt. Kvery voter must tween the hours of two and four be registered this year whether he o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The bur- voted last vear or not. Otherwise he ial will be at Mrs. Morton's former cannot vote. The next registration home at Barnegat Friday afternoon day is next Tuesday, when the primarat two o'clock. ies are held. PRODATINCJ THE W t t l . TUo widow Dia Not want to Iiose Much Time. I selected for the contest. Kenneth Jeffrey and Frank Howard are tho captains of the two toams. Attendance, new scholars, class attendance and team collection will count us miles in deciding the contest. The trip there and,, return will occupy six months. Rev. Everett VnnDright will preach next Sunday morning at Gi'ace church on "Trusting in Bie Things." At night his topic will be "An Eternal Question." Nancy Ruth Mix, daughter of Edward Mix of Bergen place, was baptized last night by Rev. Everett VonDright. The Holy Name Boy Scouts expect to receive their suits tho last of this week. ' The men' of the Holy Name society met last Sunday. It was decided at this meeting to keep the clubhouse open every night during the year. A meeting of the kermis committee of Trinity church will be held tonight in the choir room of the church. The' executive committee of the men's club of Trinity church will meet Friday night at (ieorge McTnylor's on Peters place. Rev. Percy Perinchief will preach next Sunday night on "Impediments Removed." Rally day will be observed next Sunay afternoon in the Presbyterian iunday-school. A special program has been arranged. The morning church service will be changed from 10:45 to 10:30 o'ttlock on account of the Sunday-school meeting1 in the afternoon. Sunday-school will bi} held in the afternoon beginning" with next Sunday. The fair committee of the Baptist Sunday-school will meet tomorrow niglft in the lecture room of the church to make final arrangements for the Fair of Nations to be held by tho .school on October 10th and 11th. OUXLD CLEARS ?SO. Many Attend Card Fart; at Mrs. A. - Pierre Pronl'a. Eighty-five persons attended a card party at Mrs. Pierre A. Proal's on Riverside avenue Friday for the benefit of Trinity church. The affair was under the direction of the Guild of'the Golden Rule anil the money will be used to pay for building and loan sh ares. The guild has held a series of these parties, but none of them was as elaborate or as successful as last Friday's affair. Mrs. Proal provided handsome cut. glass dishes as prizes and she was lavish in her hospitality.' The prizes were won by Mrs. I^ouis Bartholcmy, Mrs.'Suid, Miss Periiza, Mrs. Adelaide Stilwell, Mrs. K. L. Walker, Miss Helen Jarvis, Miss Elizabeth VanDorn, Mrs. A. Tilton, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. E. Perrine and Miss Sarah Riisk. OALT TRACT SOLD. Hew Ownars Have Named I t Monmouth Helfrhtu mid Will Sell l o t s . ..I,.*.. .. . . . . 1 . 1 I. .1" j " • t i i and looked a piisseuger over narrowly, Thru be went up to him and t^aiil: "Wrrrn't you born in Indiana?" "I know I liioli that way," wn.s the iiiviwcr, "bill I've bri'ii niik n long time." What nla Wife DM. "Wluil diil yuiir wife imy when you (rat Inline n|. twn llVlluk till' otlll'l' " N o t a w i n d . Hlic jimt ji n.it down nt llii> |iinm> IIIKI iliiyril, l "l'.ll Mr the Old, (lid Kd.ry. 1 ' iihoid fever, but I JiinieM Leo. Cbarle Miller. (.(mk „„,, (;,„,.„,. Private School Opsna. Drnnkan atrni Loaaa Honajr. Junii'.'i lli|:i;iiiK of Chestnut (street [tot very (Irutik 1'rlduy nl({ht and when lie rohrri'd up he fnund Unit IfM wa« misniiiK from din Iroiinpra parkrt. Williiuu I'IOIHI WIIH with lligginn when the Inlter w«:i drunk anil lliKKinii hud I'IOIHI urrcsti-d, There wim no eviObsar»ln» * Xollimy. dence tn fihnw Hint Flood took th» •SiviTnl K i d Hank morrlinntn will ninni'V, and Juatire"Harry (!. Iliidiuu clo.'iii Oirlr ntoi'efi {''ritliiy aftriiiiion diiiiniiiKcil tlui nun). and will not n- open fur IIIIIIIIII'H:I until Miwt Klla VanDeiveer'n iirivate lu'hmil in Ihi' Si'i'ond niitional hank building opened Monday morning. I Fifteen juipib arc unrolled, riuiging in age from live to fight yean:. nix o'rlork Saturday night on account CKlIt of Tliniihi. Wr tnki- thin MH'HH.,1 nf tluillkili)( nil uf 11 I IchiTw holidiiy. thr- f 11.-nil.1 nml nri^libui n w h o n»Anlolat rinafl <ao. uiMnl diulnir Iliv nlrlini'HH n o d it I I hi' drillli of nur m o t h e r , Mir.. M i n y K. JniiH'ii Albi'itiion nf Orrtiuri' wan arl l hg t ti'Mli'd at Ki'il Hunk nil I'riiliiy und Mil. ANII Mini. C I',. ]lni!i;u 111:1 \ N I I Hind ?'.'.(I by Jiintire lliiili'im f..r iliivMII«II MAIIV M, IIIIIIIIIIIIIN. Ini' 1111 autoinoliilii truck withiuit 11 Oar<l of Tliaiiha, W e wii.li to Ihiink nil >HII' fili'iuln und n r l n h l i o m a n d <tic DniiKhli'rn of l.llii'ily wlin iinnlnli'il iliulni; tin' nlrk- ricw nml dvntli <j( our liolovrd wife and motiter. H. IHINIAN, HH., AND 1'AMII.Y, in tho cntertiiinincnt were lOngem- Magec, Cecil I.rdinrd, Harry Iloskcy, Dr. Herbert 10. Williams, I'rof. Harold A. l.aros, I,eroy Chiimlicrlaiii nml Herbert Ctillingion. l Allenda HlllUry Roliool. UIIIIIIII Whillli'lil, mm nt Hnwiiril Wliitlii'M nf Ucil Iliink, left town yenIni'diiy fur Miinlliix, New York, whrn hi' will atti'iid ill. Jnhn'ii • ' " inilltmy Nl'lllHll, mgnti, Uif VuuMtx, &os roi sun, • Lot 70x183 feet, for sale. Apply to c. Puttorsun, 237 Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bnnk. '. :> , POB «AXE. Purduot elinssli), 7-h. p.. body, top and wind shield. Sucrlfke, | l c o , Jacobus, Itcd Bank. r O B BAIiE. Gnn riinge, elovtrted ovenH, Urat-ciuHB condition; Price $11); bargain. Jucobus, It.il Uimk. Wnt«r TiunlM* Hi Tim nwnmpH arc dry nml uprlngn nn> nmmilly low nt FnrminKdalo. flnv"/ul vvirlln In that vlrinlty luvo gonn dry 1 nml many i>thprn have very (ittio In them. ' V B # a * V " B * ' > > eB(BBl^>a"J *»*ja| >"ai^ar*aHpart • . . atjii. wAiraso. Want to buy luuucdlutely, a yearllnff bull: stato Mice. Address O. Cottroll, Holmdel, N, J.BOOM FOB BBHT. -niplied i-ouin for rent, all lmnrove; central locullon. ; 1! Drummoml Hetl Unnlc. r- (UUUBXAXBas. Couple u'lll care for hotel, boardhlK louse or cottage for winter (or longer); iKiiojienced; bent of references. ntc'Brlty.-ljox 313, lied Dank. B&AO A S S GBAVSX. Boorzna. Leaky tin and slate roofs made tight; also tar and asphalt for sale,' Ogdcn McClaskey, 131 Shrewsbury avenue, FOB SALE. A fiodn fountnln, fully ectulppeil,. for Red Bank. Telephone Gll-R. Bale reasonable. Dr. R. H. DowneB, FOB BENT. lveaiiubort;, N. J. Large front room with nlcove, new louse, newly furniHhed; heat, buth; WANTED. .erniH reasonable. AddresH Zimmerman, Twenty loads of top Holl nud 80 loails 10 Clu'Htnut Btrcct, Bed Bank. of manure wanted. Send prices to Hox 111, lUimson, Nj J» •• vomnr TO LOAN. Money to loan on nrst bond and mort» > B BENT. jge ln-quontltleo to suit.borrower. ApA houHe.on Maple uvenue for rent; all ily to the Land and Loan comimny, 10 Improvements Apply ut Manson'a nitu1- East Front street, Red Bank. ble yin-tlM, Red Bunk. BSD BAJTX SAXaVT. Sweot cream, pure milk from our own FOB BENT. A small furnished cottage for rent for arms; fresh butter, buttermilk and the winter, reuHOiiuble. AddresB Uox homo-mndo pot chesBo delivered dally. Chns. A. McClaBkey, Red Bank. G3, Fair Haven, X. J. FOB BUNT. cow roa BA&X.A largo house,*- 1^ rooms and bath; 2 Youne Jt-Tsey and • Guernsey family .creH of land; also a large klackBnilth cow for mile. Apply to Paul K. l.a- shop, barn and outbulUTIngs. Apply to Mro. Walabi Ttnton Falls, N. J. marche, Locust, N. J. PIANO LESSONS. HOUSE POB BUNT, Miss Mnttlo Kollum lU-nlroa music The unfurnlHlied IIOUHO at 15 "Wallace pupils.. Inquire ut residence, 151 River itrei-t, for rent. For Information cull at streot, or phone Ull-J. i« Hed Bank trust company, 28 Monouth street, next to postoltlce. , FOB SALE. Tho M-foot, 10-ton sloop Ansley Be, LOST. dell. Inquire of J. J. Campbell, -12 Urond Tliomna's Inn, Little Sliver, or vt»treot, Keyport, N. J. ilnity, a pocketbook. Finder may keep noney and return pocketbook and other WINTER Joul,1 best quality, good weight, rlKlit !ontcntB to Tho Iteglster ofllce. ii-lcL , quick tlellvoiloK. J. H. Hunt. '1Y1BTBAUB CO., BED BANK, •plione :ii)-\V H«l Bank. •cumin.* the oei'vlccH of aunleswomnti for iloak and unit department; one nblo to BOARDING. it and make alterutloiiH preforrcd; Itlvei-Klile CottiiBe; (Jorman table; reatoady position. Apply at once. sonable rates. 3S West Front street, n e a Bank. K. E. numpf. OOOXXHO UTJ1NBXJJB. ' Burgalim at Wollcr's IIOUBS furnlshlnB 'tore, Olotjlnff out dally, a lot of ROOdB it half reKular prices. \Vo need tho oom. Come In and look around. AT/TO TOR BALB OB EXOBANOS. FOB SALE CHEAP. Two-paHHenKer auto-car for Bale, or Good milk route: nelling on account of n'lll cxeliange for a launch nr Mail boat illness. Apply to K W. Gramunn, Liltlo liuil HUltable for launch. Address F. W, Silver, N. .1. Near depot. UarthetiB, box 6, Highlands, N. J. COOK WAKTED. Good cooU wantcil In Hinall family; no washing; ifffreiicea remilrcil. Address Cook, box 313, Bed Bniiir OBAPE3 r O B SAJjC (.Nmcord Ki-ajii'M for Halt-, -In conts n mskct. Apply to K. W. Minton, 57 Towr 11111 iivenuo, Itcd Bank. JOB EEITT. A four-room house to lrt on Catlierlno street, 19; with miter. Inquire ut 212 Luonjird atrcet. Rod lianfc. A responsible young lady" would takelire of pianux-for the winter for use of ume. Addrons 11. K., box 313, Red Bunk. B A T FOB BALE. Tliree or four tons of timothy Imy for lf. Apply to Mr*, ytella Gormim, oppHlto old race truck gates, Eatontown, X. .1. POB BENT. Neat, six-room cottngo for rent In Middletown, neur rullrond station, rent |10. Apply to Mlasi Hartshorne, Middletown, N. J. COW AND CALF FOB SALE. Fresh cow and calf, tliree weekB old, for wale; Jeroey and Guernsey utock. B. I". GiiRKs. Everett. i\\ J.. on Hurt farm. PIANO FOS SAX.B. l T prlgbt piano hi .good condition, for Kale for J6i>: ul*o T , piano boxi-t* for I2.BO li. Addrcua 121 Oakland street, Bed Hank. DON'T TOKQET that when you havo something that you want repaired you.can get it done at Halght's, 35 Monmouth street, Red Bank. TO LET. One or two roomu for light housekeeping; furnlNheil or unfurnished; In town. AdilreKH 1'iivntf Hdinc, box 313. lied Hunk. T POB BALE. Hlg pair of bay inuleH for (jule for want of tine, extra Kixtd workerii; chenp. l'"r».'d Klnhafer, Cruwfoni's Corner, Keyport, N. J. LOTS POB SALE. Eight lotn left on Itlvcrsldc prlvo, for mle at f 1 (10 each. Only $fi n month 1B required to buy them. Apply to w . A. Clayton, 47 Broad Ktrec-t, Ked Bank. . SAVE YOUB OLD OABPETS. Beuutlful reverBihlo ruga made from Id carputu and chunlllo portieres. Wilto 'or clrcularo. Aniericnn Bug Mauufac:ory, 236 Vermont street, Brooklyn. SQUASH WASTX9. "Will pay <7 a ton, cash on delivery, 'or Boston Marrow HHUIIHII, from 8opti'inber loth to is'ovcinber 15th. A. F, Deux, Mutnwun, N. .T. Flione laO-Y. Ucil Hunk. llhodd laliind H*i1 iiullftlM, e'M'ao en<l •PKKa f<tr aalu; at*** K frw yf>ar|lii« bftia f.,r n i t Ml« V. VanlXiru, HalfIlilla IIW.II. Itnl llanB. aowM worn «ui.«. ('"in Iff Ml*. l. ,N, .1 U, l> Ht'liotuk, liolm- —-—^—w.— ^ ••• ™ » ^ ^ ^ . • "ere^aVa^V ' ,POBBAD, ; One largo combination colii glass stj Ion wagon, in good order: new liarnel lady s EngllBh. side,. saddle; nlso god now. All. very cheap. Gllmarti} aiirewshury, N, J. I.OBT. On 'Thursday last,' plain. Bold rlnj sorner Front anil Broafl Btrocts, III Dank, or on 0:30 trolley for Atlnntf Hlehlands. Return to MIBH M. R> Tod Atlantic Highlands, N. J. Care Brookes & Co. . * POB BAM). A cheatnut saddle horse, 10 yeant'olq (elding, i s Hands 31V Inchon lilgu, loj inle. Trained by John Hpratley; goo !or cavalryman: price $150. , Can I leen ut Mr. HCBS'B stable, liumson roa Itumson, N. 1. POB BALE. Vour-acro place for sale cheap fd :aBh; Mlx-ropin house, and outtiousel ill kinds of fruit; iiapnriiKUH bed; milf bio for poultry or vegetables, Locntf n Eatontown roud. Address H. Corye Satuntown, N. J. • ' -. BBSBWBBVRT -OAXBT. M1IK and cream, fresh, special milk U tables pruaronteed pure Guernsey, aell red dally. A. Drover. Teh. 84-W. 8hrC"j lury, N. J. Milk from my dairy frr" dally at IX. Blom'e delicatessen stf Broad street, Bed Bank. SO LBT. On tho Fair Haven ronil, houoo w | ill Improv&menta, 7 roomw. rent $10;.i ivitli ttll Improvement, 8 rooms, r 25, lias garage or barn; trolley pass) oor. Francis White, Monmouth air Broad streets, ncd Bank, JVBTXCS OF THE PEACE. j I have-been In tho law bualneBB roui In and I will give It to you. I will slioi you tho law for youi'Molf. I wont toj 'ou it's a decision. Edward W. Wlfl 18 Urond street, Ited Bank. teen years nnd If you want ndvleo confl PISTUBEB POB BALE. On nccount of mDvinB to new qua era I have no need for present olgrt iliulvlng, store llxtiu'CB nnd a good kin then rango; will be Bold cheap. For'pan Iciilura apply to William Wnlsh, l(r hrewHbui'y iivonue, Hed Bnnk. HOUSE AND LOT. If you nre looking for a bargain, ca in mo. I have several lots and a noj| louse, six rooms und bdtli, with all lnf Tovoments, for Balo elieap; in Wefltsid iark. Guat Ornbere, Nowmnn Spring venue. Telcpliono 442 Red Bank. BLBCTBIOAI, C0NTBA0TOB. Qeortfe Daly; cstlmutes cheerfulU given. Electric lights, bella, motors, i d al telephones and annunciator systonr fixtures installed. Offloo 42 Broad stre Register building; ofllce phone 176-a Kosldeuce phone 238-M. Itcd Bank. POB SALS. Automobile to bo sacrificed; own leaving town, munt Hell; $7u for Kno. four-pasBenger, 30-horse. jilr-coole Gather upholstercdiitttrong, durable. If Ililro at Towlcr'a llyery Htnble, near stJ Ion, Mntawaii, N. J. Telopliono Mnq ,vun M-X. rUt POB BALE. About CO acl'C'H, ono mll« fl*om MB] joro Btutlon; Kiiod aHpanigus bed; pel ind apple orchard; good meadow; ho; i rooms with kitchen; all neeeflnnry <L lUlldlngB. Terms easy to a (mlck bul Inquire of William II. Foster, Enff own, N. J. VOJI BALD. My beautifully looatetl river property, BEAD THIS. fully furiilfllied, or will rent part ImHave your washing done at the Jen_ mediately: also takt' caretaker with best Const I.nundry, Family wnijhig roa BEKT. references; no children. v.onKuttellKcll, stnrched nnd dried, done weekly, I.arKr. coinfurtubly furnlnlietl room 80 Monmouth street, Ited Bunk. cents. Flat work mangled 16 cen fnr rent: ImproveincnlH; telephone ronHotels nnd boarding liouso elotlL noclliMi. Apply at 1IU Monmouth Htrei't, LADIHI' KAIB BMTOBnnt PABLOBB, washed nnd dried; flat work m a n s ! Kill llimk. 1H Broad street, Ited Bank. Hhampoo- 3 cents per pound. Ironing done if InK, Hralp treatment, hair dressing, Ired. Telephone 204 Bed Bank. I.0AN WAKTED. Ijoan of |n,r,no wanted »n firat mort- pHve4i<»4 Ahd purfn. All hair frooda to be LAUNCH POB BALD CHEAP. K<' on Urtl Hank property. Apply to Hold at cont nr Icfta to make room for Thirty-foot glusa cabin launo H. ('. At'tiU'Kiiti', ngent, 60 llroad utrcet, Hew Hoods, Mrs, L. K. PotlglnsH. J iri.ft. ^—^- —.—^ -»— SITUATION WANTED. Strong young man, unmarried, w l levurnl years' experience on farm o ivlth horBea, cows and poultry, seeks L iltion on n private place nfter Octou . LOST. Hllver bell pin m't witli Hcotctl pebblen st. A good worker, Btrlctly sober, hd oHt between Hed Bnnk library and i'St and trtistworthy. AddresH. Box \ )avidMoiiH' utore, Monduy murnliip;. \'evv Monmoutb, N'. J. •'indt.'r leave nt thia office. Bowurd. BOOMS POB BENT. Lady with beautiful home In Rumsp On hint Saturday evenlntr, dark brown and living nlono will rent three lovelj VIK, en way from Hlghluiiilx to ThomaB's argc rooms; uso of kitchen, pnntry: fur 'mi, via. SeabrtRht. Hultable lewanl on nlshed or unfurnished; 111) to $1G pq •eturn to WeHt Km! hotel, Red Bank. month. Ono block to trolley, 12 mlnutoi ride to Red Bnnk; fine home. Addr Alone, box 313, Bed llnnli. *OB 8ALX. On Ited Bnnk I'uik, lot COxlDO, opposite Frunels Whlte'H river- property. AUTOMOBIXES. Price tcoo, term« ousy. Francis White, A car priced right Is half sold. Va Moumuiuh and Brund utrei-ta, Bed BauK. that reason wo do tho leading buslnesL of the state in used enrs. Try us for f a l bargains. Closed bodlcH a specialty PUBNITT/BII BSFAIBED. Furniture of all kinds repaired. Re- Cngli puld for used cars. Dobbins Auif storing of antique and mahogany fur- Exchange, 390 Belleville avenue, N Phono 1709 B. B. niture a specialty. Uenry Grause, Front ark, : street, near Southern railroad. Red Bank. LEOAI. PAPEBB. AH kinds of aflldavltH prepared an BEWABD. [iroperly t-xeculed. Call at my office an Reward for lutly'H K('ld watch, lost you will always nnd me In from ti(l Ither at Maltiwan wt.'ition or on the-i).:ir> a. m. to 0:00 p. m. Deeds, bonds train to Long Branch, Hunduy, Mary 11. mortgages, cliattel mortgages, etc] stokes, 8 LeNoIr avenue, Freeholil. K. J. drawn ut reasonable prices. Kdwnrd " WIBC, 2S Broad Btrcet, Hed Bank. noa LOST. Lust Tuesday, pnble nnd white collie VPKO&BTEBEB. dog lost, female: answers to name of Fonnarly with Herts Bros, and ATQO Beauty. Suitable reward, Phone 272-F- ConstaW" To., New York, Furniture : 13, Middletown. N. J. James P. Hopping. covered mid repaired: awnings, curtains, draperies, laying of carp MONEY TO £0AB°. Heveral Bums from $1,000 to 17,000. matting, linoleum. Mattresses and ou Houses, lots and. river property at great Ions to order, McOraham, 87 East Fri Telephone M bargain*. Come in and let us talk It •treet, flea Bank; over. Kr&ncli* Wliite, Momnoutti nnd Broad streets. Red Bank. BBTiP WANTED, K A L I , A competent, reliable, sober garden! BOOM POB BJUTT. with first-class reference, for privoJ Furnished room for two pervona for place near the shore, who understand rent with board: Bteam heat iinrl nil Im- nlslng vegetnMeH nnd .(lowers nnd tf provements; good table; reasonable enre of chickens. Must bo mnrrled, wt terms; near center of town. Apply nt no family or only one grown child, Al UC lluduon avenue, Bed Bank. dress B. H. V. !•„ IJ. O. box 201, Klberq WAJCTED. WANTED. A mli woman wanted /V llllllllM" iiftri, wiilllltll tvilllll'll Il> III, Youuir glii wiiulril to Icnrn dri'HHmakIIIK, (Hid 1111 liiiprover wiuitt'd lit <>iii;t\ general housework; thre« In family. B«ferMln» Mary Wood, 1311 Monmoulh ntrret. Oood home for lultuMn party. fnrcn reoitlred; Hmnll warm. Mrs,. M N. Ili'd Hank. Wilson, Locust Cottage, Ki'iinHburg, N. J. KOTIOB. LOT POB »AI.B. I.ndlt'H earn l i b weekly milking ulllc <iI li lt«l Bunk, 60x300, on Broad Vlotlm or Cincar. liand biigH ut home. Mall dlmi> for |mt- itreot, ntmr ljerKen place: will tie lold li'in. I n n , plun. plan. Ailellf, Ailrlti-, 012 Went 1.17th street, it u Hiicrldrn to quick buyer. Owner Alfreil 1!. Hcisloy, nged about r»B N.'W York. .'•IIYIIIK lt,'il llnnk. Apply at Aiiurtinent Veals, died Monday morning at the <-• J, 170 Went 73d BIIIQI. Now Vork City. TO* RAUL inline nf Hurry Hulsluit of r'umiingf3& hli-yrlc, with i-nanter lirake, B l ( * « Tftlt B«oak of WaU rapar, tlule, whero ho had been boarding hi Mnn'n Kimd i.piiitttlnii; only UMfM t w o ninntliH. have n l'l« Holeetlon or wall paper about two montliH. llln deuth wan Will iii'll fill' |K>. C. I'. Mount, Ml.bllo at Wn rdduvml prior*. AIHO we furnlali vtiry citiiMd by cancer of Iho stntnacli. Mr. IIIWII, N. ,1. low eatlmati* on nulnllng nnd paper IICIHICV wax the noil of Kuv. und Mrs. hanajlsg. Tli* auarantM p u u l l n a comUUaX, W M t S P . pany, 111 WoatVront l U n t , Hed Bank. Cluules W. llelnley, who «urvivo him. <llii for Kencrnl luniM'Work wnnted at nnci'. (loud home, Knoil wnKcn nml nil POB • « £ > . 111.' yenr Ji.li, Mrn. 11. V. i:v«n». l-ltllu DIM in a Hospital. Two lininH automobile heailllKlitn nm Illlvi'i'. N. J. i'iirriilur, trunk rnrk, 4 llritu, 3 Ullmn Mis. Julian Mebhnrdt (if Whlto 0»;H4; nil In iioud order. Aim 4 Urn WA»mn>. Iuvern, 2 Uctnn« p*4 holilfrn ami t elecroml died In * hoipltal nt ilopdwlf. tric Imllis. Aildraw Auto. Iwx III, j l l Two nr. I liniiil Mitnlil* ailloniab New JciKcy, Sunday nioniing. Hhv HIIOK* Bunk. wmiteil, .IRK 2Rx3. Alan wlnrtahlrlil was It'/ yenrn old and Icnvrn onn nun. wiiiiti-,1. J. I'liiltoit, IM>X &3, New Moif DUAL ITT. 'Ihi' fiiii.'iul won held yimtrriliiy nftcr- meiiih, N , J. if you nr« luuklnii for imality In unlut< nooii at the houne and llio body wan Inn Kivl p/ip. r lian(ln« Chantroy Ilro". burii'd in F»lr View rfmrlrry. H«v. Thai b e d oil anil urtmM* at roasonahl* am llm mica irlium yoti nanl In • » . Of' lied Hunk oil and ffroaNn com Kobcit MncKollar preached the act prlcea. ' mid aluni ruunt ICaat Front aireitl pany, 16 Wharf avanuo. Hod Bank. Tel onil door rrom lllfti alriet. ToUuhoni 111011. iphonn H \V, JJI-II. f lii-lil t(iin«rro«r nftoriimin at tlm li mid tin, body will b» builfd >l • . Money loaned to persons on olfattol .ortBiises. Applications nre treated onflilentlally. Edward W. Wise, agent, 18 Broad street, Ited JJanli. WANTED. General houseworker wanted in "mull amlly; must be good cook: no wnulilnu; offlrencei*' reiiulred. AdaretiB HaUHeorker, box 313, Bed Bank. BOUBB TOB 6AXE. House und lot on Washington street IBOIT Boorzna AND BXSXHO. sale cheap. Apply to F. P. Btryker, Corrugated galvanized Iron for roof-' ator Strykor & &tryker'B livery stable, lne ana siding for sale by J. W. Mount Monmouth street', Red Bank. Co., Red Bank. Ylucent y»o» M»nl*d. Vinrcnl I'lire, 11011 nf Clcnlcnt 1'iiro of Went. Front ntrecl, mid MIHII l.ucy I'limi', were inailicil Hundiiy ut tlui >oa » luiile'ii hiiniii nt Nuw Ynrk. '1 hoy IIIIVP Aiilti I'nupo bmly, n«»vi»r im*>d; rlnoly Kiln llwiiluer, daughter of Itolxrrl lipbolalMTil iiluiti'il li(iiimiki><-ping nt Itcd Hank, Ciiit lair,, will IK.II f,.i' whi'ic the griioin in rinployril in Ihi' Doulbi'r nf I/«l|rnton avrnuo, ilinl yfK- | h r . . limpftt. J. W. Uliilllt Co., nut" Infantuni h O at the MUO end fm'rlN*:«r fnrl tniloriiiK •(•HtalillHlimfliil uf liln father. tciday nf (holera nff HKI I mon th Tim Ti funrrnl f l w ill be b months. will WOM BAI.B. O«r« ol Thaoka. ui« • K«w AutomoblU. Bit*. Owuto We with to thmik our tielifhborN und Jolinn U llondrlckmn of Middle frtoxh for Ui*ir klndntu* »t the doth Tlw Iwo-raontha-olol tteuchUr of town has bouttht h • n*w 19P 1 M Marlon MM. C^irU* Bond of Oettnte dl«l at m* tifatt, MichMi c»»«MUith, touring car from Kr«d II. VanOorn. • w r l y t h l o i ' ' •• « m Willis A. Clayton and the Red Bank real estate company have bought the HOBSE FOB SALE. Patrick Calt property between MidSound, gentle borse for sale; pafo for dletown and Red Bank, and will de- ludy ti> drive, be seen nt Mftj. Jtcvelop it and put it on the market. The Anerney'e. Fair Can Hnven, N. J. tract contains WV< acres. It is on WISE K B the east side of the Middletown turnI'll wire for you. Fred E. Browor, pike, a short distance Uouth of Middle- and electrical contractor. 20 Monnouth town village. The tract is on a knoll. street. Red Bank. Tel. 208-J. A street running eastward will be cut through the tract and lots will be laid CHICKENS FOB BALE. Xlne Pnrtridge Wyunuottes. 8 IIHIIH out on both sides of the street. The iml 1 rooster: sotxl stock, ft) for tho lot. property has been named Monmouth ;il Kusl I'Yont street, rted Bank. Heights by the ne wowners. The sale WANTED. was made by W. A. Hopping. COMMITTEES OH CBTJBGK WOBE. A colored attorney in n Southern stato walked rapidly into the court- i Work of Baptist Men's X.ea{ruo for the room, followed by a large colored i Coming'. Vear Mapped Out. woman. She had her sleeves rolled up The executive committee of the MONMOUTH CLUB'S BMOKEB. MHS. JULIA. F. RUE DEAD. to the elbows and appeared to have I men's league of the Baptist church coine from the washtub. Her manner | A Jolly Night on Board a. Houseboat on Wife of J. M. Hue Dim of I.inig Trouble met Monday night at Benjamin H. was business-like. Ford's on Front street, Frank N. "Ah wants to prnlmte mah hustho Shrewsbury Blver. i in Her 34th Year. band's will," she said. Ninety persons last night attended Mrs. Julia P. Rue, wife of J. M. Rue Worth, Herbert L. Murdock, W. D. The judge went through the usual t a smoker on the houseboat of the Mon- of East Orange, formerly of Red Robbins and Walter Davis were procedure. He rend the will and mouth social club at Red Bank. Music Bank, died Friday of lung trouble. elected on the social and community asked the usual ..... question. ., Then he WHS provided by Prof. Charles Klaus, She was 33 years old. Beside her hus- service committee; B. H. Ford, George l)CBah making the usual notations. land an entertainer from Bridgewater band she. leaves two sons, John I.eon- Ackerman, William P. Hugg and S. G. "And when did he die?" the judge Inn furnished amusements. . Solos aid and Willis Matthew Rue, both of Woolley on the physical culture comasked. j were sung by Edward J. Farrell, and whom live at home. She also leaves mittee, and Joseph W. Thompson, Joseph (!. Iiagerman, George Manson "Jea' nbout a half-hour ago," was'dancing was done by Monahan and two brothers,l: the answer. Uiblin. John J. Gorman made u "— Hue "••- lived at Red Bank about and Myron Slater on the religious Mrs. ••-•-•> ' •••oeech on sociability. A buffet lunch- ten years ago. She then moved to service committee. n o RHUBARB POB T H E l i r v S i ' " p a W ! l s served. A committee consist- , East Orange and had lived there ever — '"< • l e i l > "" : 'li(iro Francis, Joseph Piccolo since. The funeral was held Sunday CHARLES SHIBLA'S NEW HOUSE. I and the body was brought to Red Bank The Corporal Bedded Tiiay would Havo ' uuu ".. -. ' "(<>n Tvas in charge. j and buried in Fair View cemetery. to Oat Along Without It. I He la Bulldlaft* a Home oa th« Xlaitem. Eud of Leonard street. This incident happened at Boys Oat on >«.;.:-„ ,. ... camp, j Charles Shjbla of Herbert street, when a corporal, who was making up Harold llrill, son of Arthur L. i-. 11 ACCIDENT SPOILS FIBE who is employed in Smith & Smock's tho rations, was approached by the ' j proprietor »f the Oceanic inn, and, • -tent orderly, who .sugge.sted a chi e ! Paul Nicholas, Jr., went to Long Horae Bolta and on* ol the Firemen la laundry, is building a house for his own occupancy on the eastern end of in the dietary. "We should like to Hranch on a pleasure trip Sunday nfKurt on tha run. I-eonard street. It will be 20x2C feet, have some rhubarb," lie snid. "You tcrnoon. They started fur home und Navesink liook and ladder company with an L of G feet and n bay window. may have it," replied tile corporal, on the wrung train. They were met last night for a special meeting Six rooms and a bathroom will be in the house. The dwelling will be provided with hot and cold water, electricity and gas. It will cost $2,000 and will be ready for occupancy tho first of November, Lewia A. Brown asperated at lust, the corporal exrunning board of the truck, was is the contractor. Skidding on the slippery pavement claimed: "Uulnib he blowedl You'll inioiu-il against the door frame and pini at the corner of Broad nnd .Monmouth have cabbage." No streets yesterday nimiiiiiK an automo- his fiice was badly Kcratched. Keyport School to Open, bile belonging to K. H, Swahb of New drill \v:is held on account of the acciMOT AN INDIANA MAR. Tho high school building: at Keyport York ran into the curb alongside of dent. will be opened, next Monday. Al_ . ., _ the Knickerbocker pharmacy and wns Olee Chili at Soring X,nke. though it is not likely that all the reBui the Traveler Admitted that He n«a , ,,„,„,. j , , , , , , , ^ . , ! . One f , . o n t wheel wus pairs will ho completed, it will be posThe nicinliirs of the lied Hank glee AH the Symptom.. j compli'tcly demolished. No one was elub gave 1111 entertuinment in the sihk' t(i hold school then. The buildSeveral imtivcs (if Iiiiliana, travel- I hurt. j Mi'lbotlist chun'h at Spring I^ike last ing pi iwntu n flno appearance both ining on ii railroad train, ilill'i'ii'd on the j * • «» j Thursday niKht. Tin- church was side and out and the new aHsemlly ()ii'..linn whethi'i' a mini born in that! Kick with Typhoid rarer. ilium is said to bo one of the finest in 'iiltl be ilislingiiislied nt li SeviTiil people at KimiHon and vi- ' lilli'd mid the Kcloctions rendered were the I'litinty. ^ ^ Klanrc. They reMdvrd tn put il. tn n einity liiive bci'ii tukcu nick with ty- well rei'oived. Those who took part te/it by going through the Unit) with tho cliiiinpinn of the ullivmntivo in . VOX Mfci. mmnr-voMMor. A team of horaea for sale cheap. Dan- on first bond A t90-«j(jr Incubator, brooder, . prop«i i.y In nult borrower* pndsoms .ml to mortiue on.tmpi Al- mnsportublJ toppa; also *ursltur*, ,li •ton BMtanwt, attorney, H*d Bank. bwJstettdN, liouwhold foods, cheap on, count,of Wing Bwoy. Box 157, Bill OAU*AK»e V M H WlMm. Wanted, nlace as caretaker in Oceanic (or «inter: highest references given. Adtied to learn gold beat — wanted dreas Caretaker, box 313. Ken Bonk. 1 1 iteady work um jr«» Kn,w,. ,v u, W rrboy, »">un«j'.| elinnce (orI *.." the 'right Apuly wamwun. Iarry/l>e\Voir, i;a Maplo avenuo, " Lady's 4-whecl.h)ih cart; pneumatic :lrw; splendid eottjltlon.; Coot WS, iwRDAiix T n t t z n vurvnui IU'WII for $60. Jacobin.'Itea Bankfor sale, of the bust pedigreed stack. IRB now on display tho latent i t s sttfSni York Kennels, box 161, Xilbexon, N. J. O ihTAWi In fall and winter liate. Also a flne 1 Homy to loan XWYOH'8 B A M PAIHT. minis to rait borof skirt* anil wulstti. Mrs. W. H. LL. Rwuiy mlxeil Vov sale by J Trnltord rower! on flrat. MM an* mortfaie. mnnn. 457 Bhrewsbury avenue, Wd Allen, 102 W«t Front street, ncd Dank. A. u ivlai, R>(lstar iainf, Bed Sank, " - ' Bank. ^ VOB 8ALB. ' : . > '." TOUHD. nuunt OPDTKB, One-horse carryall, buggy and set ot A wedding rlnn found on Main utri buyer and shipper of all kinds Df Ingle harness for Bale cheap, inrjulre last weok. Owner can Ui\vo eame 1 country produce, 12 Wharf avenue, Rod iornor Wortliley and Wallace streets, jrovlns property and piiylnt! (or this a Bank. \a Bonk, W. B. Aiay. . ertlsement; Mm. W. B. noblnoo Btd Bank Ohnrchea Well Bepreaantta at KeibvOiat »aiifl»T-Sonool Pupils to »a- Id Lawrence. Keansburer, N. J. Heating of fftmday-Scboola. gar* l a *• Contest. onu WA»TXD. Rev. and Mrs. J. L, Miner, Captain A contest will be started among the Girl wanted to do general housework. C. B. Parsons, Henry C. McLean, S. G. members of the Methodist Sunday- Paul Hlntelmunn, Rumeon. N. J, Woolley, Miss Edith Hook, Miss Ella school the first Sunday in October. 3MWX | If^fl Hfti H. Davis, Frank N. Worth and Walter The contest will be known as a trip The Register does it qulok, docs it Davis of the Baptist church; Rev. and to Palestine, and two teams have been ell and clocu It at a fair price. VAUE, oxromos. Many pi-<i|>l« pr«r«r low aho*a l«t», Kor Sjifrli I liava « ta.r|ta vnrtaly of t>Mm&n an<t ..,».„.>». II l.i ««, AA to l i l i C'lar v\'hll ni-t It*nk. fa mm. HOOHBB AND SAMOB. Mullitny .'Venlii*. Hnplninbvr aid. I ' l l , ii'lirn oarty ami iiaiie* to un jilven by the l.udl(i«' Auilllarr, H»na nr vnteriiiip, at I lin (I, ,). II. fnat rmima, over (Milidl bakory, Admlaalun l» c«olaI'tlH* atlww. IMI K«lla«|raiHi alrain tonp, Arnold« drain of ana Tnempewn' t : equipped with 12-h. p. Daimler c l L In lli-Nt-clnHS running order. Plu] etlHliloiiK, Hllk uurtnlns, onrH, nnohnr, . « | Life preservers, mnlingany deck a cabin, In nnd outside. Hlxty-Knllon hea copper Rnmilene (link. Apply Loowme^ nt Hcnbrlght. next to life nnvlng Ktotla TOP SOIL FOR SALE. Qood atrons topaoll (or sale. Price ] mnta prr load on the prernlson, at I nealnk Park, nenr lied Bank. Inquire) i Oeorga Curtis, superintendent, OB pnmlsta AUTOMOBILE FOR S Al A 1010 Sulck car, H-pnssongW, top, mode) 10, In perfect runnliiH 6 r | I IIIH Junt hern IhoroiiKhly overhaul Price snan. DpmonHtrnllon given." > Ham II. lllntelmnnn, Kumson, N. J. •phvn* 1(1 llilnimin. Power Boat for Char 1'ow.r boat Olivia II, Captain Walle, for charter by d»y. night j crulae. LtcitnMd jallot; government 1 illations fulnlled. Toilet accomn tlima. Vor parllflularc addreaa Cap Andrew White, 14 Clold atro.t, lied I RKIULW EXPRESS. Il«llly's exprfts, nlovlng vans atoragf. lUavy aafu, madilnary bollar moTlng, Light and hiutyy tr jr "* all kinds. NSW storaga bulMH and auction rooms ready Hapiamfaar 11 lOdward J. tlallly, IT Kaat Vnnt »ll opposite Olelw hotel. DM Bank, LOOKI^Q FOR iAROAl If M, SM our w*w u*4 Mtmt drnltiir* »M (WOMIMM lipMMUt Urs ««aUnl« •( b*t*1», bow THJ3 EEDBA2JK BJBGZBTEB te-nth« feet a djistanoe yof tour oJottee l i berebv civen that tli« toof «ount» « f the the MiliicrltMr, MiicrltMr, guardian of t h BCTUtle Ul of fm mU U lunatic-will lunatic,-willtHMaO tHMaOOttt and •taMd by th* •urrocsU m aa vesmtti tar settlement ent to the orpbasa court of jtha flouay jth flouaty at Kcwmontb, Kcwmontb on Ttauradcr, Ttauradcr Pricei mod- •tlio twenty-fourth day or October, A. D., Mm . „ eratc, Dated September lltli, itn. « U t » Vramostb Omufly WUUi *«***• UICNJAMIN A. HAOEIMAN. If you know of the real value of U KPftMM. Liniment for lame CharUs G. French, who died at his Chamberlain's back, SOMDCM of the auKlejuipntiJu end rXeunmtlc pains, you wojfld never •whh.tti he -without ft. J>* » k ^ Jameg Cooper, Jr., corner 'Broad and Wilte atveet. Thirty-five years in business „_._. THE S a n u m an ,advantag» over wort .home*. Tmc EBOIBTEE ha« kept with <ibe deman&s of the times oqulpment and material. Send your printing order".—~Aiv. ll w«o Ed- tier of *8ind Wilson and'B. W. Bed Bank. •tTWta » l n KM* taBiUti, Mm, Christiana Poole, widow of •George Psole of Kuypert, who died jMveral weeks ago. made her will last Inly, She appointed Edmund D. DuBols of Keyport exocutor. Mrs. Poo|e directed that a jnonument costing not wore than 8250 be erected over the arraves of Wealf and husband in Cedar Wood cemetery near Koyport, -She left f.100toCedar Wood cemetery fust the care of her family plot and 4100 to Rose Hill cemetery at Mata•win for the care of Tier father's burial nlot. Mrs, Poole bequeathed $100 and her sowing machino to Annie C. IS NOW ON DISPLAY. Wo have a larger and better assortment of •TJhomaajaf Keyport and the rest of her all the latest models In Millinery than ever before shown in town, and (household JEOQOB •were left to iher B!Bcan suit the most fastidious taste. Ut, MaryC, Grose. Five-twelfths of, Beady-to-Wear Hats.,.. 0 1 . 3 5 to SIO.OO each. the rest of, her e&tnte was Jeft lo her ihUeo, Ada IV Poole of Keyport, flveFancy Hats , , . . 8 O . O O to S 3 0 . 0 0 each . twelfths to her niece, Mary I. BogRS We also carry a fine assortment of INFANTS' WEAK and-COATS of Philadelphia, to be held in trust up toiZ years of age. . for Mrs. Bogge's son George, end the Stare open Wednesday and,Saturday Evenings. jwmaininE two-twelfth* was .left to her deter, Mary C. Gross, Howard S. Store will be closed SATVSDA Y, Sept. 2M until 5:30 P.M. v IBgginson of Bed Bank and Sadie JBendlinger of Keyport witnessed the will. .. Wwport Woman'* will. UROAD STREET, RED BASK, If. J. Ellison D, Bettoys was appointed executor oi the •rf-lll of his mother, iaaGQ8!BeeQBi««a^ Helen J. Williamson, -wfhich was gnade eight years ago last March. She left her gold glove button book to ner niece, Mrs. Trances H. Williamson, and to her son she left a plain ;R<Hg Ting, gold watch and chain, silver fork, painting and a diamond ring. & gold thimble, silver scissors and fcomton lace handkerchief were left to Sire, Williamaon!s daughter, Mrs. I/ma M. Kellpgg. Mrs. Williamson's fJaughteivln-law, Judith H. Petteya, was left a pair of cuff links with diamond setting, on etching, mosaic bar pin and a candlestick, . A reclining ehali' was left to Mrs. WUlianisDn's •brother. Henry ^Wtteple, iind Ms wife. Dr. William J. Williamson was left a book and his wife was bequeathed A fceaded purse. A Swiss dock <WB» bejeathed to Miss Mary A. Miller of leenwich, N. Y., and Mrs. WilUam•on's niece, Mrs. Birdie Giles, was left a coffee spoon and a silver card CHBC. l h e rest of Mrs, WilliamBon's estate was left to her son. The "witnesses to the will were Josephine A. and George W. Brown of Keyport. Our/fall and Winter Line of Millinery MARCUS STORE, Investigation wfllahow you. We thtrikUiat there is no. drug store need that w^cannot supply in a way a i d at a price that wiflpe satisfactory to you, "We realize Siat a dniggist's responsibflity to his customers ^greater than that of any other business uaaa. Qualities are moire important than in ordinary merchandise «ad there is no place where the. ordinary mortal knows less about quality than in drugs. - You have to trtist to the druggist's honesty. Therefore choose- your druggist "ully. Ryder & McGackin ^ PHARMACY, £ U BERGEN & CO, PROPRIETORS, 16 Broad Btreet, Red Bank. Telephone 69-J. Macpherson's Restaurant at 35 East Front Street, Red Bank, WILL BE OPENED FOR BUSINESS TOMORROW, Thursday, September 19th. S Mft Two HOUM' to BrothM. XmahoM J n w U f i WUL John A. Ahlstrom, who condtyited a Jewelry store at Freehold for several years, made his will three years ago. Mr. Ahlstrom appointed his wife oxeCTrtrlx of his will and he left his entire «*tate to her. The witnesses to the •will were W. W. Dllts ond John P. Walker of Freehold, m e Vegetables, Fruits, Confectionery and Tobacco. MEALS SERVED A.T ALL HOURS. AUCTIONEJE3*. • The administrators of the Gharles G. DuBois estate will sell a t the Globe Hotel Court, Red Bank, 1ST. 3. Saturday, September 21,1912, A T T H R E E O'CLOCK, T H E F*OLJLX>WINQ: 1 Bay Horse "Ftothing." 1 Bicycle Sulky, in fine shape. 1 Fine Set Single Harness, Moody make. 1 Road Wagon, good make. 1 Speed Sleigh, nearly new. 6 Shares Monsnouth County Agricultural F'air Stock 1 Share Freehold Driving Association Stock The above will all be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. F. C. DuBOIS, C. B. HONCE, Administrators. m BOABDXxa HOU»B. Tknt i t m t i i U M to th* BxoltwMnt Oaua*d by tli* Irtr*. A building at Atlantic Highlands belonging to Robert Pretlow, which had been UBed during the uummcr as a colored boarding house, was purtl»l|y destroyed by fire Friday morning. "Die fire department turned out as well at most oi the rosidents of the town. The fire had a jfood start and it was about half an hour before the bUael was under control. AH of tho third floor and partiof the second floor were badly damamo1, the Ions being ubmrt $1)000, which ii practically covered by insurance. While the fire WBB burning; Chertar Brown, John O'Null and Wax Davla were arrcBted. Brown was arrested flrit by OfBoer-George Bmllli -for interfaring with (ha firemen. While Smith WM taking him to the lockup, O'Nall and Davla got in a tuatiln with tho officer and managed to get Brown away. Brown waa caught by Chief Snodokor, and tho other two wore alao put under arrctt. Thn three men were takon beIon Recorder G. C. William", who fined them f 6 and cost*. 1 i m i t i l tor Ihudty Arthur Smith, proprietor, of m i l Nonni.nd.fl hoUl at 6«0>right. w«g| »m«U<i e»rly Sunday wottAng^ t - J OoniUblo J. J. Colllm of i«fl)ri •od Om«r Bonjumln Martin t& Ml«hI«Ad Bench on ft charg* <>* »«lUntf Nqoor on Sunday, A complaint w«i I 1A0 had bam worWn* for Bmh Ai*-l C»Hng btfow |». Hall PacW of B « SijEht an* WM htld un4«r ball for tHa | • » n d Jury. ttlss t « n » 0. HurUy ha. b««n prwldint ot A t auxiliary to M flr» eonipjuir of L«ng Branch. Ulra try Tua Wwf«M«> .f/y- Quick Meals of the First Quality a Specialty. JACOB C 8HUTT8, Painting, Decorating and Paper Hanging. OUR UP-TO-DATE NEW STOCK OF Fa\\ awd Winder SUITS At $ 5 , $ 1 0 , $ 1 5 and $2O, at a saving of $1.50 to $5.00 per Suit are now ready for your approval. New styles Stiff and Soft Hats, $ 1 to $ 2 . 5 0 . Children's Knickerbocker Trousers, 5 0 c to $ 1 . 5 0 . Gloves for all sorts of use, 5 c to $ 2 . 5 0 pair. Heavy fleeced Underwear, 3 9 c per Garment. Coat Sweaters,, all grades, 50c to $6.00. Headquarters for Bags and Suit Cases. H.N.SUPP, 19 Broad Street. • The public is cordially invited to give us a trial. Leopold Masks, who conducted a wholesale liquor business and a variety store at Long Branch, made his • will ten years ago, appointing F . J . Heidi executor. Mr. Marks left two bouses end lots on Monmouth avenue at Long Branch and a gold watch to t i s brother Frederick. A crayon portrait of himself was left to his niece, Bosa Harris. Mr. Marks left his interest in two houses and lots on Union avenue at Long Branch to his wife, Minnie Marks. His wife was also beoueathad his store and liquor business. 5Eho will was witnessed by William A. Stevens and Benjamin P. Morns. Soriano* Otti EitatM. . By the will of Anna B. KitteB of Keptu'no City, her husband, John KitteU, is to haveihe use of her estate &B lone as he lives, After his death Mrs. Kittell directed that the property be divided among her children, ' Minnie, Charles, Timothy, Ella and Ennis Kittell. Mrs. Kitten's husband was appointed executor ond the wdl was witnessed by Pauline F. and W. E.. Mnedonald. . Mrs. George Shwendeman of Howell towtmhip also left her estate to her husband. Mr, Shwendeman was appointed executor of tho will, which was executed eleven years .ago. Wilt il Sol* B»*llolarr. John Marks, who lived in Howell township near Lakewood, mado Jus •will last December. He names his wife, Rebecca Marks, and his son John aa executors. His entire estate was left to his wife. Herbert and John H. Burdge witnessed the will. and t\(ty-t}\ii'ffei t\ftyt}\vfei to to a a point IIn Branch •.. . —w of flliriiwi kvenue; thence (3) louth thirty-two 0egreeR twonty-eU mtmnefi ea»t lour hun- Much ohitruction i o bfi dred and eevfnty-one nnil flv«-tenths r«palr« to UIB »tf«*t to ^ . . . ™ H feet; thence (4) on n cur\*e to the right «4«panr .ibattuir tbeSuSSSS having a rafllUH of five thoueajid ec\un xn\jv,tiy no >urm«cow»ftry hundred nnd twenty-nine and stx-tenthn p Teet a dintanco of tlilrty feet; thence (6) limdrance to o i x l t n a r y t . RED BANK, N. 1. I «,*«tot «.<*, along- Branch nvenue south thirty-two i)ftuy or If any tto«idoat*OT catRufcltwHtSU degruts nine mlnulca east Afteen hun- ven or shaU oicur to «i/UwTm ir^pHi 1 dred and twenty-nine and nlne-tonllia t*i . -^-.— >« >'> wkt^jr ) T u i n I I II 111 M Mill 'i feet; thenoe (CJ along Branch ftvenuo on u curve to Hie rlctit having a radius of •wJtli -the «al<l ciinntructldn or t h i nfi»l 4. fourteen hundred and ttility-two und w»y,or afterwards bocnuHB or or by | S L ~ 4 HV von -tenths feet a distance of three »on of nny oiwrntton tliorcof or t h * o S f t « hundred 'and Bcventy-ttv.1' and eisiit- tho carclcnaiiisH or ncgllsoncd o* r•-*"""' tenthtf foot; tlicnct> (7) alontf Bi-anuh the company'B uillcbrn <ir cmplcyei Hlinl! bo liable tliorefcw; avenue HO U tli nevent«en UtBrt.'e» we ven »«'•« l l conipiiny l0 ,," n l 1 1 •company, Ijy ««cpplane«.«| : i minutes oaet one* liundred litu] forty and '.'II two-tenthB f^fst; tliencn (8) on n curve thlH onllniinct, h.'ruljy unilertakei ' to th« left having a rnUltiM of sixty feet iiouinlfy Und snvc din said ti u UlHtancc of nlnoty-Rtvt;ii and BMVCIItciiths ftit't to a point in Murk ham J'liicc; tlience <0) along Murkhnm I'lace north in T o w n i i h l p ut eiimwiiliiiry reHPrVHtn.^ ei^ty-nino deRreeH tlilrty-foui' mi nut CH 10 Gold Street, **nflt cl^lit huiulri'd unrl sixly-four uittl iiiitniH>'lvrH a n d t u BVICII c u r v n m l i o n o f - ' I«.I Minn n> iviinni t h e y m u y g r a n t iUt« nine-tentliH • ftut; tlu-ntie (10) i Red Bank, - New Jersey. Mui'klmrt) Pino; on a curve to the leftn ii«|('HHiiry lirlvilcRC, l l m rlKlit t o IIIK at. uhoii wtiich' having a ratlluH of nineteen hundred nnd i*Ki:aval»> uprui 1 iiny «ti*«rt c l 1Hlrl ) 1( Estimates Furnished. " '' l for i h o ten feet a dlHtancc of elKhty-Hlx ami liui'iicmi "'f'i'n!!', ,'! ," ' " imy wiiinr nr .sewer pi],, M nr other niiMH weven-ti'nthH feet; lln-nce (11) «tlll " Murklmm I'laco north Hixiy-slx -ilcKivfH n l o r II,e iMiriiimf or malting or Hlmtt4n« flfty-elfflit inlnutew cuBt fi^h-t lunutri'd "fr i/onii.ci „ iiH.n.rur, 01 . f o r t l l 0 p-1,,* und thirty-nl no nnil two-tc-nth« fot-'t; thence (12) on u eur.vn tu the* rlslif havV ing a radlim of Hlxty feet n tllHtance uf wha Mvi-i, Jim I tiie mild c o m p a n y tha.lt nhn-Ay nnil onti-tenthn feet to a nuliit In IMlL h i m ' u n y re.-ntirHo riKtthiHt t h o HHlll ]:*TiiHppi;t avenue; thenre -(13) iilonj; P'» l'n>H\w:t avfinip Houth twent.V'Ht.'Vfn dc- • -'MiHliip. t(-r .l.imiiKv i»r imn caiiKoit h v KiffM two niiiiuteH riiKt eljriit hundred :!:.v:.,'."Ji.':.'."."'j» .'••••"•i. ..,,..1 »l^rJr£i und fifty nil<l citflit-u-nlliH feet; llient-e ( I I ) along IJroflr»M"L nvt-nuc On a curve liow«vrr, that the unf.i Tmvn "l p c S mlUeu or itN i«ith«rl-/Ml it «titn r»r "fB to ih»! left. liaviiiK ii ratihin of two thimHiinil t-lirlit liumlred and «lxt,v-f'uur und ![(•*• IB HI' uth.-C IM1HO11H f«lllil| UHP (lUO riiiii'-tenilts feet a (Untaiico of one h u n -dilJuftncH u p o n t i n ; w o r k l i e i v i n i M f e r r p r t dred and Dfiy-eiKlit and . tiin-e-hTilliH to a n d Mhnll n o t malh-iotiHl.v UP u n n c S ' I t i feet: tlience (IK) alunK I'l-o^rMCl av.'iiue H a r i l y d t i t A l n t h e n u n u p o n .^nid r u U HOIIMI thirty dcKi'C^H twvlve nUnuU:» v>'hy, jH'ovJdtid. ti'nvf-vf'i', t h a t >H;I|.| c o m <-;i»t one tliotiHiind flslit hundred and p u n y o r a n y o f i t n n K c n ( M o r e i n n l a y n e H flfty-two and Lwo-teiitlm ft-et lo t h e outhei-ly Hide. <-r Ulll.- Hllver I'olnt vuiu\. 1-1. lU-fflnnliiB iitfnln H t n point In tin* >.i -vn oitherly nUU- nt Kflveiside avonuc in cmpin.vi'i.H Hliall ntit n o r Nliull jhi-ewfibnry Town«liip m-ar t h t huundnry inj nnr uillUT o r ( h e m r'linvel o r nlutia In« licLwefii the: property of Joseph jwiiwiihl and Uiclnml I'itrkc-T, ihciue t»M l i-lil,, ( „ sucli m a n n e r ,w i n o b 1) mi a curve to the left having a radiun t p u h l l c (nivi)l uiVhn t h e m , b u t w l m if three hundred feet a OlBtaucf uf one. yliiB H,it.|, j w ,B n o l v o r „ , „ „ , , f n u m iimdred and twenty feet, more or ]«_*»«, -kH Him]) Him])t n t-nu.su tin: Mnino t o bo u o the center line of SllvfiHide avenue; levelI lt« nml the K"thenru C2) ftlontf the center lino of Hil1 l l ie street wltliln' !'' ' •ei-Kldi' iivemifc north elghty-nlrif* de^rct;** t'flHO t llO Slitd 'orty-iifiiP nilnute.H eaHt two hundred and scjventy-eijjlit feet; thence (U) on a eurvo l .n:u: thn Himiu tu Im c» thp left liaving n radius nf two Un»u- l l l r at tlm of the said ««>mKfind elpht hundred find slxly-fmir und pany, and the HIIUI e:oni))aiiy lu-rchy n n nliKMeniliH feet a diHtance of flfty-eiRht mil two-tent ha feet; thence (I) alonp he- center lino oC Sllvernidtt nvtinu; 11. The j«alil towiiHhip reser^pB to Itmrtli clKlity-elKht dogreew and trt'eiity- HCJI the rlKht to Klve nr tr> (fmnt to a n y tlx mlnuletj eti.Ht uuo tliuiiKnnd eight himeompjiny tlm ri K ut tu m m * Iho livd nml seventy-two .ami three-tenth** oun-r of tlif nntd Jersey Oentrttl T n i r t; tlionce f'i) tin a curve tn tin: rlpht triiohH ('(iinpaiiy, a t unv direct in Hald IiiK a radium of one hiindrod feet a tion 1 township, provided, huwovor, t h a t the lifitanee of nixty-flve tne\, mure m U-KH,eomiiun.v rteefvinjr rlRht or- p r a n t o the .southerly Hue of iallvei'HUle ave- fmm tlilH township Hiich to enins the track <rt tin* ,itir«oy r.'ntrnl Traction t'r.inpanv Hiall puy nil tjie i-imtH and c.x|ienmm inThe. m a p accompanyInff the uppllea- cident liK-ivm, and Nuf.i township nl«o Um ii|)iui which thin ordlmincc tu hiibud it-nervt-a tu ItM-lf the rljflit to prant unln HIIOVVH the location of tli«j tracks as here- nny nthiT piM-Fnn or corporation (he right tn eunHlruft, ,,,,* n t te and maJuUln « nltcfore described. railway «i'cr, nhmfj and upon tho •Whi'imver it may ue noceppfiry tn lo- .sreet HlteetH, mid pithllc places heivcate and eoiiHtriiet a n y Hxv'iUih or turn- IiiUofore nveiutert and to clmnKC hy out. Hiiid cvinpiiny sluiil have tin* rlirhl re«oluti(.n doftrriheri, or urdiiumee the kicullon oH to apply to tile TownHhip Committci.* ut' the trncKs of Jersey Central Traction t h e Towimhfp of Shrewsbury for their t'Omiiuny tju the Di*t«r» will find our wkolc&al* (trices L i t e MVIV»:1H ulurcnaltl, iirooiiHc-nt utitl itermlHHiou to erect uml conHuch chnnpe shall ho s t r u c t tht" name, and H;II<1 Townsliip VKKMI. however, UBS th»* K«w York City. cost tu the J-r.svy Central Tr, Committee of the township of ShrewH- wiLhout Ijury muy by resolution Jix the loi-niiun tlon Company. ny. of a n y Hwitch or turnout If in tlu-lr II DV, ' r l 'p' " - ' " <';ls» of lire the chief nt uiiIn Inn tiie Hjnno Hhnll be con^ldvred Mi.) nro flfimrlmi-nt or his a u t h o r W vcpresentiUivcH shall have tlm power .Heelion Two.' And ho, J t furthnr or- ,(wllen necessary i,, t ] l ( . oplnlim of tho Gained, that-,tli» polea to be erecteil nhall : umill tii ef or Ills representatives) to Htou U be Htralsht and kept straight ami Hlglitly truffle on Hie railway of the nuid und of cheHtnut or cedar wood; shall be companyy whenn he or r they fl|,a|] deem i t pnlntc'd and k*?]>t piilnted; that the poles neransiuy, mid d shall hall UIHU I have h th the power .Mhalt/ho/iit lfOKt twenty feet In height to remove nil wires obutnutl,,,- t | l u and Purely and Kocurely s e t in the elrectiinl n-urkiiiK of die lire ilt'iuii'lincnl jjround, and Bhnll he placed on the FMVH anil the township shall not l,e rnniio>i' the Ktret't IiiKlde t h e c\irh llncB, so for any tim cumjiKny may thtitf AN ORDIN'AXCE TO GRANT CON of h a t Hit- nearest fact; of the polen shall i SRN'T AND. FKHMIKKIOX TO TJIK tlie imthes from tht> uutslO? fact1 of T<). T h e MiiSii euiiiunny )shall pay1 a l l JERSEY CEXTUAli THACTlUX the Bix and the location of each and 11« expenses Incident lo the pitSBaK' oC COMPANY TO COXfiTRUCT, OP- everycurb, polo to he erected Khali be a s 8tjt Ihl.s ordinancp. " EltATK AND MAINTAIN AN KLKO on Lhe nuip iic.euniijnnyiii^ the a p - 17. T h e Mild company Hh;dl compl.lo TJtlC HTKKET RAILWAY IN THEforth hereinbefore relVrred tn. und til|ic construction of Ha iMlhvay and i t TOWNSHIP OF SHREWSBURY IN plication of eneh and i_-vei-y pole may :Hhall lie, put l a ' or THB COUNTY OF MONMOUTH AND tiie location by •at Ion wltlttn t h o reaolution of the TLIWH'- township llmltH of the township .otSTATE OK .NEW JEKU1SY, TO BE K y u H .OPEUATKD BY KLECTRICITY SUP- slilp Committee -. , foff .TnnniLry lHt nt' tho TowiiKhip nf ShrcwHhury PIJRD DY THK OVKltHEAD Oil Shrewsbury, iJi'ovldeil the BP;HI between 1IIH, iiroridcil. hov.o.vcr, Hint If tlio aiil.i TltOLLEY SYSTEM. OK HOMK [MleB does ]iot oxceed 125 feet ajud i-uiupany nhnU ho r.HtnilnMl by mi orolrr OTIUiU METHOD OF CONJ>UCTING the the said company iitin.ll liuve til'' ilglit to If , ? " y , € " 1 "'' ImvlriR c.ompulcnt JuriHI-XECTKICITY, AND BY ANY apply from tlm« t o time t o thv Haiti dli-tii.n irum ounstviictlng Ha rnml iir be OTHI3K MOTIVK POWER AS Ton-iiHlilp Committee of the Township prt-vt-nli-d by rciiwm of l(Bul procopfl]IIKH 1TBD AND HEtiCHIBKD IN THEof for ronsont and pt*rmiH- i>r a n y klinl ur by tire nr utrlkeH frorj KO BODY OF THIS OlUilNANOE. AND nicmHhreivplmry to eluiitKu tht; hicntlon of any jiolf iloiiie. n r in deluycil. enjoined o r InturTO LOCATE THE ROUTE THEREOF or poles* icriil ivitli by roiiHnn of the refusal o r along; naM routf. AND THE TKACKS OK SAID RAIL lioKllliK Section Thrt't*. The mild compniiy, itn K of of permUnlon permtuxliin or or oonmint ennncnt ovtt V,'A» CONFORMXRIA' TO fiAU siicci'Sfiors, losm-eH or ussiunt;, Hlitill h:\vv liny iniiividual or pni|K>r limulclpal ur ItOUTE AND THE POLES. the ripht to carry jiaBHenffPiH and other nulhorlly lo luy ila trncltB mum WHEREAS, the Jersey Central Traction iilno all nr any p i l r t of nay public rouj, aveIIntve the th right i h t to t enrry ffreight i h t tm Company, a body corporate organize tt i f t lilimited, ""''• tilKliwny or ol • public place In H.n ^ -u. ..... . matter us lhereinafter nnd existing under ami hy virtue of ! und thu power to he used in operatlnff ext.«sl..ii nf IIB traelm, bitn-peii the ultv the luws tlio K s of of t.Ue s t a t e of X\P\V Jersey, I th« toiitl Htret-t railwny HIIIIH lie vl -- • In - the office ,,f the i trlelty pplieil to uleutrlc motors Bunk, or If „„>' lepnl pracccillngu .aen having flrwt flli-d secretary of state u description of the overhead wire» and comnuinly known a s ra-cosswry In urdcr to enatle tlio miltl route of tlio Hue of railway In HuitI "ovt-rhead trolley Hysterii," provlJi«d, tompany to eroBM tlio truck* or lnndn of tuwnnliip, Bhowing the termipll (IICIP- hoivover, that in the event of imy otlu-r any otluT coiupiiny or Indivldiml or iiarlof'lofjctlifM* with a ninji exhlliltlntr thn HyBtom coming into general line, tinrl he- iifi-Kh ip or oorporatlon. or lo lay i t s properly of anv anv Bftnie, tlld lire sent ILB pptRlon duly cx- inK ud(M>te\l-ln lficn.UtU>8 of Hhe klntl an t n u k s In front of the p p e r l y of other company company or or liulividunl liulividunl t eeutetl ueconline to luw, unrt beuring the said townshlti tht' govern hit; hotly oth or partnerip datt' March iwcntlotli nineteen hun- re.sun'f tt> theniKelveH after public lioarorporation. t,r hy any dred and twtlvp, nnil JIUMI with Iho inK called fur that purpose the right to licyund i t s cum rotl the time con* ii in ml liv clerk of nuld tuwiiHliiji, toRethcr witli raiise the wald company, lte tiuccenMui-H, Hiich doliiy .simll net hu cuunted ua p a r t a m«P or description of said route, and lt-HHecy or iiKnign.s, to clianK« thi: nnfd of HUCII limitation of tlnm UH (IKCU in did apply to the sovcrnlnK lu'dy of nystein from tiie overhead trolley K.VMtcni this iiimiKruph but Mfild i-<impjiny KIIILU said Township of Shrewsburyy fvr con- (o Kiic.h other Kj'Hteni HM above dcHcribod lie entitled 1o m> nuicli additional timn by ordlnimie or resolution adopted d p l l f ld l fur completing the *akl work of Bent nnd pi for nnld and tiie Hal** company Mrui'tUni nml [ t lint C«mtral Traction Cmnimny to I be minapply to the HiuneU hy struct, operate and nuilnlnin u street Khali also h a v i the rltf " t to app b a n y KU»'II < l l i K itody Tor nermiHHlon U\ clmnp railway to bo operated hy electricity ^ 18. Tluu the »\\\x\ company, it(j l e s by t h o overhead or t n d l e y .system, or tlio mothud of iiroprlling Its carw, and MU-H or uHNiKim, Khali operate rarw daily by Borne other method of conducting tin; Huid KOvernliiK body may, If tlu-y upon th.j miiil railway for the aceommoelectricity, or eald earn to he operated (In-m proper, pfnnit md<1 cuiuiiiUiy tu at on of th<> public «„ jnovided hy IUIH hy nny oilier mctimd or aystum of op- fhiniBe UH KHIII Hyutem of upei'atiiiB or 'iMiimncf, except in CIIH« of unuvoiduMii eraUnff Btreet railway earn other than propelling ItH nal<l earn. icrlclrnr, Riid in the i-vt-nt tlint Haid comi by Bteiun, in, over nnd upon coHnln Section Kmir. The oonnt nt «,nt1 pi'-i'- lfttiy till all fall FO to do the townshko road.M, RtreotM, high way n and public miHHioti hereby granted Is upon tho fol- oinmlttee of tho TuwrtHhlp of yhrewwlilucea in «n!tl township therein, defilg- lowing oxpr<'B.s reKtrictioriH, reHurvatloiiH liury ICH.-IVC tho right to rent snld niilnntedi nnd for coiiKent an to the loca- nnd cunditlonH, t o w i t : wuy to nny other peiHOn or vermum, tion of t h e route of said line of rnll1. That tho Hpnn "wires Khali be of oinpnnv "i1 t'onumnli-H, who will be will* xvay and IIIHO for a location of the tte.t un<l the trolley wired shall hi1 ut tracks, rails. Hidings, CIU«H overs, etift eighteen fent iibove (jnuh_\ The, njf tu run run «n tlic mime And in 1h« vent of thu KIIU Townnlilp Gommltiw turnoutp, .switches, poles a n d wires of '«(id wires Bhull lie utrunp: from p<dc t<i f tho Towtmhlp of KhrewBUury iu>ia£ said line of railway conformably to mle upon p r o per InaulatorH. innblo t(t HO rent said railway or .tu Bald routo flled in the ofllcis of the '•I. The rails nhall be nte«l rails of tho ilfice nirfl on t h e mime, for nix m o n t h s secretary of s t a t e uf New Jersey, nnd mtlorn commonly known OH "Tfe" inllH, fter the munc »)>n}] Lo nhniuloned UH net o u t "in tho ttfoxi'RiUU iH'UUon, untl, if not lefiH than wlxty i>onni\B to tlir ynrtl ToreHnlu i«v HIP roinuuny, i t s lenudes « r WHKRKAS, public notice UH required by ind neeurely spiked to the tlefi and pi'o]>HHlirnu, then In rnirh cane tho mild townlaw haH been Kiven hy the Townulilp rly homlftd a t all time*, Committee of the TownHhip of HP riiminitt.-c of the Township o t 3. The ciU'H a r o to be well lighted and ihrewHlmry n-wrvp the rlRht t o C U U K Shrewsbury of tho illine of tho snkl petition und of HHUI application, und to ihnll be romfortnbly lifutcil In whiter or iild rullwny tu be removed from t h e wmit accord nnd in"O"t a henrlnK tliereon, to •old weather. ortlon of nnld fttrectn unil to sell a n d all poraonB InturtHted thcroln by pub- •I. T h e mild cars nhall bo provided IHPOBO of the material thereof n t pubHn lishing HUCII notieu In1 the lted Itauk ivlth propfi- fe.ndorR to )>rutt'(;t lift' and mid or private nnle, mid after poyinir peity, iind shall nlwo be jtrovliUwl Itt'giHter, a ncwnpnpiM dcBiKiiated by herefnun all expenno of the repalrH of the TownHhip Committee of tlio town- tvitli headllfrhtB to bo lighted nt ni^lil, •MJtiirlnir to the nrt ff lniil condition naUf nd proper KOUKH, which HIHUI be rutiK at itrt'iitu, to pay tho -balance tf nny t o *lw Hlilp of HhreWHbury, for tlm purpoae, l t r t andd Mali pnpor beiiiR publlRlicd In the ilor- allll CI-OSB e^al rppreHt-jHaUvfs of «ald company. OUKII of Kert Iianfc, In tlio county of rondH no nH lo xlvo l RUtHcient ivnrnliiK i >»f Hi. That thu wild company nhull run Monmouth, and I'lrculatliiK In the tiie aiiproach or the cur. tH ciiru over the road above net forth,-ut towntfhip of BlnvwHlmry In the county f>. The track nlmll bo BO laid HM nut nu-rvalH of not longer than on© tooar tif Monition tli, nnd al.so by poptln^ u ,o Interfere with the free How of nurl\ire 'V!"i H i • " t l " t > l i "• »i. ' « twelve v'clocJc copy of Bald m>tict> in J\vo or more, uf tlm nirwt public placet* in said townC. Whenever t>io truck CTOUHPH RuKcrH It Is licrchy exprrxuly inulorslooil ship llkeuMHt' (leHit'iuUed hy the town- it Khali ht> lfild ovt'i' Iron pljifH vr «cnnc nnil i sruvil tlini whini'viT In thin orlUHhlp committee of the towiiHhip of L>thfr conduit, which nhall In- of u nix.<Ibi' ti'i'nm "Tuwniiliip Oomuilttiw,1* HInewHbury, at lenwt fmirteen dtiyH and kind to meet the approval nf the lancc lowiiKhlp Comniltloii uf th« Tuwnnhlp prior to tlu» fllxth day of June, nine- Tow null lp Committee of tin- Township uf Sliri'u-Hlinry" or "Townolilp" u r r IMMT teen hundred and twelve, tlio date of Shrewsbury, and nlmll be provided ami tf In liil.im,.<l therol.y to di-KlgniUu 11>» lhe nie.ethiK of the Tuwimhlp t-'inumit- laid by thn Company without i'xpt!UHt>-to IKIVIIBIIIP or HhivwHiiury or i n K o w m tee uf the Township of Kliivwttbury, the TowiiHhip. uiul nhall be net and m v - t'K Imdy: nnd w h r n r w r tlm term« "Uomnt which time tin- tinlii TownHhip C'nmred in n nuiimcr to mm-t t h " n|<pro\ul >iiny, •lutiiwiiy Cioniiaii)'" iir " T r a c L t o a ndtloe of thn Tuwnnliln of Hhri'WHbiiry >t thd Hiiitl TowiiHhip Commute*'. .'iMiipnny" u r n n w , l t | , u t tin- minw « p did <'«nHU\«M* KOUI tiitvt>eiUit»i, und, 1 7. In thu event it HIUIII t,<> uii!i<>r<<H"il 1" liil'n.li'd t o fl.'HlKnnte -Ifid •ary to UH^ nny pnrttun of tlii* rmiU' " i p o r u t l i t n luiown UH t h e .Inrney <?CJIl ! WJ1HH10AH, n public lienrhip nt the time hrivln dcHcrlhi'd, t!n*u tiie porilon nr Inil T i n r l l . m C o i n p u h y . i t n miec^HorH, uitloiiH Kti nhiuulnned nlmll not npi'iiit*' .t'MMi't>n n r iiMgiir*. And It In f u r l b c r u n mul pl(Kf) menthiiu-d In HUUI notice hun r Hffi'ct (>]' render Mild nr voidalih- unv hMHtood m i d nKn:iMl I hat Hhould tU« been duly w a n t e d by the townnlilj. ortlon of tin' uniti» hi-rcln <1< >. i li>< <l lorin o r Kiivi-rniiii'iil of mild l u x y n i b l n coinniUtrc of tlu i luwimhip of Hhri'WHut nu ithiuidoufd. v\rty part of lhe nmtv tw ebiiiiK«-fi, tiv t h o ihnttM «f mii.1 t o « n btiry to all pcrwutin lntereHtfd therein, In il>Kcrlbt'd nmy b«' thiuiMt-d uhlp bf itt a n y tlmn lirn-nrttir <;hanKO<lf and, H fi t h o h-rriiH uiul t-niidltloini l i e r r l n ^tonpublic )ilt;hwny ti> WUHltUAH, nt the pltuip in«*ntlmi«»1 in prlvutt- rlKht of all 1 litlni'd flii.ll »M- b i n d i n g nnoit n m l un*«i> .ay; provided, d d h Imwcvcr, thut tiaid original notU'i nil ]H'|-N<>IIU luttM'* t h t mild ld (JoinJ 1'ntrd therein W<TI' atjcu'dofl a public mny HIIUM (ipt'intx n route hi-twron iinl uifHliiMt Hahl mllwjiy. MM nnrcriiHorii. Hunk ami LUIIK Itiancli. under the i IfHfiecH u n d DHHIKIIM, indwIthMtftmUnr In tU« nvcnt <if i\n H\W)\ t-hwiwn: mid rOmll UIKO Im Ijlibllntf WlLtlUKAH, fiild apuHiutluu imd peti- of HiiH fruuchiHf, lipnil t h e M . I , | TowiiHhln. tion luin been duly lonHld.rid by lhe i(hiind'iriiin-iit aw IH ubove mi'iiliomti, th Townnldp Oumniltti'ii of tu« Towii- pnlcH, rnllh, wlrrH ami IICH i"thull )n\ iv- 21, \Vln*ni<vf<r lh<> linvtmtifit r o m u i M movnl fi'om the pftrtlon of tin* lotitu HI "'•> of I h " tuwiidhlp »f MlirewHbnry ttbull Hlilp, nno:, [iliiiinhrnrd within Hlxly dnyit. "WJlI'iltl'jAH, tllO COMHIMltH 111 WlitillK Kiiint t « n n y IMTHIIII o r corpitrutUm | » r H. Kn K>eiitor num Hlmll IM» rhui(.;til oi nilKrtion t o nii.vi. tuiy b u l M t n r HfiPOfM llm owniTti of ut IiitMt C(H'-ha If In nmiMint in linniil ft't't of firoiir rt>n>lv4>il by Hie »nld «Vtnpnuy, Ihi PIIC (ho f i t i " l i ' , <ir If f«u- imy dintitiKte ItiOMr 'rontlhlf "ii the HtrcolH, ldKhwu. th.> Hti'fftM ,,r 2(H) f.i.f o r ]<•«•, i m w r rCHMOlH, b'HHi-i'M or llMHllflin, UK fllio In oudf* ftiul otlier nubile jilnao«, and thn cariliiRO vt iniHilcnKt'iH on ltw llm w h i c h tin* I m l l c y w l r . t . of unM e o m n u n K upon the ii fill of until HtreetK, hinh- hetwi'fMi tho littirHcctlon ut tint I,ttt|i n i " i-i'M-ti'd, lh«> rnllwiiy eniniiflfiy Kttu/l «y«, roiKln. nnd other public plnccH l'>iii|i.>rai|]v triiiovfi HH HUUI w i r ^ i **M wlirouih which |ii>rnilfnili»n 11> enn-Hltver Tolnt nmd with l'n>Hj.iTt nv«mii Hv«un-ni UMI <<KpntHt' « l m» r r m u v l n j i H i t •r u»y point imrlli ur mxtUitlv tl«Mro 11m — and tiiHlntuin ha ty ipoint t l IIn n ttho o llb>i-oiif,rh of >t<il Hani K'III-H niut nxInreN, tuiii e n M t l n f tti« H»m< to imr fiiuii i... horiM. by tlm I'frvuii « r «<wHtici-t n i l l w i t y In IIHIUMI, r l K i i ' d b y nabi t h a n live. centH f o r enr-li l>iMii(i(ni inuhlitK i h o nppMcation, id al. y i a r t i nf iiK u w n e r n , h a v e hitm d u l y llldil wiili t l i " h>< eb(U'K<-d <'i- I I T H Y < h ' l k of t h n tinviiNhlp of H l u u w w h u r y , «lK jM'tmo HluilJ m>l r-Xf*mi] tllfl Bi-tll f o m p n t t y , | I M HUVCI'MMOIH, Now Thnr«;fin*«, or bihor mid l , i\n f a r e Tor t b e cnVrl \W I T OHUAINI'H* b y tlic '_ liHiKliy. Oil ItH MUM |I« t w e e u llm Ccnmnltti»e of the. t o w n r t b l p of HIUMVH22. Tbi< n n | , | (Vnniwny, Itn l U t M t w r f l , fioctlnii of Out I.Kiln tlllvrf I'olut hriHorii n m l IIMMIITIIM, ut i h « tit«« irf tim Imry, In t h e c o u n t y of M o n m o u i h m i d w i t h TroHpiK't (ivcini IH a n y p htatf) of N n w Ji'ittoy, UH folluww: r i i i i n i n n l l i . l i of ltM ifiiiwttv, Rhsll « r n * « l tn i m y p o i n t t l m KHKMHHI o n t h n M M H «fr"rtiwl<i Her I Ion (JIM*. T h a t couHmit u u d ]>cr-Hulilh o r wotitlierly I t h City ci thn off Ii.nnK luiuirltl tllilli Mvn th M tnlHtdon of t h o Towiudilii r o m i n l t H ' r u f In lltn fur rni'li |MiNneiiK<l' over (Ivit yru lhe TowiiMbti' " f Htiiowitbury f o r r tli" ttillH uml i w o f««vt mitMMn tK»t«of « M U04, Mrlxxil tl,k«.(H tthitll |m H<>M f< IM'iloil o f fifty ymirr*, b o n u d in luTtilt) i t heI nlfl.i fn i| depth o f HlK Jl>rtt*d wUJl I more tlinn Ihr^r dolliurt trntl thirty fAll»nWf>fHl Klvnn ii nil Ki'iuilml ti» tliP Jrr#i(>y C o n t r a HmvM, nml nimlt k m** JMNI t l IIIM for IHJOIOI ut nun lnini!t^<l ild«n fui T r n c t l o i i ( o i n p n n y , Itn HiicrcnHorii, It'H m n l n U l n lh«i MHUM *^r™i. it ufir nr ill) firlxiol chlMien und tiiaitti Htrin ii ml IIHHIKII", t o conMtruct. rtporittr With HIM t.,p Ot th« , uud m u l i U u l n o. ntr««t r a i l w a y « r nlnxti <UN KolitR to itutl Umw Prhool on HCIH>I> 111*' Killli TnwitMhlil Rllltll At ftfty I I I olicfmon nf Mm tuwnidilti v (nick (if f o u r fi'nt P I M M IUMI om'-lmli thijM, Mluuwiibiii y, wlttu on duly HIKI tn mil Nlrti t o puve nr nflioi-wlpo I in pro re«r*d« 1h»l port irf M I 4 « I over and VIHHI tlio JfollowluK « l n w U form, nnd [lr*uu*u KOIHV to o r from nrr^i or Cuplwl b y t h e truokn o f s ^ I C !ourt«, liltftowiyH. Anil |tulAki i t l n r m Ii )tn I^«•*•!'« or KKMIUIID i>r «•!(! t o w r m h i p o r Mbrewnlitiry, HM h e i N n htl'ltlnir 'In Ir \.n<\*o. w i t h wlilifi ((tut iittnr p n r t l i u t i t r l y ' iuriitM»iwtt ruld 0' . \>. \Vli«ini*v«r IIIP m\A Htr«*t ritllwtiy niftinrlBl»brtH \,m c«vw1 nr 0 Hoiibnl, n m l nlnif |WrnitM«luti a n d con rutnpiiny ulintl Inv l i t mllway tr*ck* in nivrrt (tir Haid iUimpmnf, ' lo c o n n t r u e t llm it«M'<VMnry HMIIIKM, <unv Htrnnt nf nnffl townnhlp, POM runt prnvwi, n( |In a w n < ov<<rH, turnoiilH, *itd nwltuhoii ulnnft imiiy nball lny lt« traokn lo (winfifrm 4< naMliiiN, utiall (WV9 or mr*Ul* or llhn uf r t i l l w w . n h n l o rm<M l h « u< tlm urnMdo of •nld Mr««t nt t h * lltn* <i n n y n n d [*roi*«r tiinrm In wild Htn IIIVIIIK >tld ro«d, nnd wu«t\uv«t' tU« KC«.<& vtlm* imtmtv «h# «," riMidx, liUrbivftyii a n d p u b l l o PIIUTM, BII< of HIM1 l) nlr«nl or ntiy iHirtlon tlminti on mufh Ml] nt*<i rotiB«tit a n d itAtinJu'tlon t o nbnll IHI rhitnawl liy ! » • T'>wn<lll|i Com mIt ten nf thn luwimhlu of HfornwMtury mntprUI wllli vrhkh "iFi*i~ Ibn Miiltl rouipnny *-h«M forthwltt) umh th« UatU <<tn\tn\¥n Id tlM i)«w *•«(!«. nFltiii •MA rtrwt rollwfty IM Im 1ft. Raid mM^pAny tAmu r«rn«v« 111**' ll44lnultMf <*t •» point In In* n«^tnr lln« irtftvitl, or ulHttrurtlnn* t*'KO*4 h? UmU of Hnrjnjr «!*•#* MhiM *li# Immidwry lltt» ixmipftiifc', ) ! • HjHwtM or wrynntu un any of iTiirt H&iikJnUniMU MIA o«il«»r II n« MtrMtt within twenty-four IKIIM* VH m* point ut no)lo« /ronii Ott luwnonl II#IIP« in mhrtwibmy Tf>wnnhU» (I ftltnv ttw r#oi*r I In* nf ftortn* *tn* mlttM of th* fnwnvhfp ni Hhr*\ •miiii twotity-tliri>* uf>(!««« twfntr jnlri nr tlivlr K«tlM>r)BM4l ««*nta tn r*tner« M* UunarwA «n4 n t » MRt M i l n«w H M Uunflrvjl BTA i*f Uf mid nnil friur trn «Mrn«. In ( m iti* *pM wmummt *k*t • «Wv« «Wv totth- full (d r*mov« bu^fi obairiif u*fi *n4 mw t*ntha i M t i tbaiint I I ) on • t*nth Ihf i t r o t In « • «o W l uffd*r | * j)-?f.r«Th» THOIM" of o f t m i< <hoiu«ni) h ) Mid Uft II h olMlruotloii W M |flM«j| |h«ri«& h\ and «id nln»a d ««ixty-fsur it •illit DANOINa. MONMOUTH HEIGHTS. The new development along the Middletown Turnpike and Trolley Line. Buy now at the very low prices asked for these lots and take advantage of the rapid rise in value in this particular development. No Interest! No Taxes! Three years to pay. We urge every young man in Red Bank to get in on this. Willis A. Clayton OR Red Bank Real Estate Co. • II THE BED BANK REGISTER Pa •'•.- sp! ; ; ' i > : U ' - • ,• :v-:':- •.-'•" ' • • ' • ' • ' " • . • • • • • " • . .,•.*.••:...•.•• :':.::/:•• :'••^•'^••^••\V.V\>"! : ^ / , : : V : " : - N O & : ^ EMPIRE THEATER f Special Sale of Beautiful Wall Paper TONIGHT! | THE SHOW OF YOUR LIFE . Jj "The Story ol Montana" ; I .<•>>• Featuring G. M. Anderson g THE R. WEST COMPANY, Keyport, N. J. mmm -- 1 - • • I N A : ' . , . ; •' • • • • • • : i •..:'•.. .••• , , _ . _ L - OVER •"•••-. • 500 ROLLS NOW ON SALE. PATTERNS IN STOCK. Offering an Unusual Opportunity to Secure Most Extraordinary VAUDEVILLE Wall Paper Bargains. JACK SHEEHAN, Irish Comedian THE ALLENS, Acrobatic Sketch Artists THE GINGER TRIO, I Good All Round Singers and Dancers NEWS FROM KEYPORT. * . . — • 100,000 1FOUR OTHER GOOD REELS I . • • V VANDEEBTJBO NEWS. MTB. Thomas. Oooney Bella Two Box . BU»1IOB rifty Yean Old. Mrs. Thomas Cooney has sold two MAN AND BOY RECEIVE BAD INJURIES IN ACCI- of herlarge box bushes to Robert Collier of Wickatunk. They were planted DENTS HERE LAST WEEK. about fifty years ago. - Miss Lizzie Johnson has resigned her position at New York and intends George P. Carter Struck on the Back by Falling Plaster at theliving here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson. School house and Stanley Carhart's Throat is Badly Torn by a George Poole of Westbury, L. I., has home on a visit for a few days. Piece of Moulding—Theodore Boyce's Will Contested—Train- been Misses Sue and May Morgan of New York visited th\ir aunt, Mrs. Michael men's Club to Give a Dance. C. Ryan, for a few days recently and George P.. Carter, a carpenter em- family have returned to their home Harry Morgan also visited Mrs. Ryan ployed on the school job by G. E. here after spending the summer at last week. JLangan, was seriously injured Tues- their summer camp, Camp Denmark, Misses Nora and Mamie Welsh and day afternoon by a section of the old on the Fulton lakes near Old Forge, brother Martin of Red Bank visited plaster ceiling falling on his back. N. Y. their mother.Mrs. John Welsh, Sunday . Mr. Carter was at work on the ground Coronal council of Royal Arcanum of lnst week. floor when the accident happened, and resumed its meetings for the year Fri- •Mrs. Morris and daughter Olive and he was unable to get out of the way al- day night. W. Koester of Bayonne, Edward Flood of Newark are spendthough warned by fellowworkmen. chairman of the committee on council ing a few weeks with Mrs. Charles Mr. Carter was rendered unconscious, work, was present on an official visit. Poole. but was quickly revived. He has been Mrs. Aaron VahBuskirk and daughMr. and Mrs. James Curley and unable to leave his home since. Mr. ter Joyce and Miss Esther Lober have family of Shrewsbury spent Sunday .Carter recently had trouble, with his returned from a visit of several weeks with Mrs. Curley's parents, Mr. and back, and this accident made the with Mrs. VanBuskirk's parents, Mr. Mrs. Edward Ryan. trouble more serious. and Mrs. Small of Standish, Maine. Jennie New, who has been quite sick, Horace S. Burrowes, assistant cash- is able to be around again. Boy Badly Hurt. ier of the People's national bank, is Several friends gathered at the Stanley Carhart, son of Bishop Car- enjoying a two weeks' vacation, which of Mrs. Michael Ryan's one night hart of Church street, met with a pe- with his family he is enjoying at Lake home last week and had a very pleasant culjar and serious accident Saturday Hopatcong. time. The evening was spent in playm'bfning. He was running up Church The entertainment given by the street carrying a piece of mould- Queen Esther circle last week was ing games, singing and dancing. William Gonnond of Vanderburg ing. One end of the moulding well attended and the women will net caught in the sidewalk and the other a very substantial sum from their and Edward Flood of Newark are training for a running race to be held end tore a jagged hole in the child's efforts. Sunday, September 226, from Vanderthrout. The wound bled considerably Miss Eva Cherry has returned from burg to Red Bank. and at first it was thought his weeks' vacation at Lake Sarawindpipe was punctured, but on being anac,two N. Y., and has resumed her duties examined by Dr. D. E. Roberts it was n the stationery store of E. D. PetMABLBOBO NEWS. found that this was not the case. The teys. yonng fellow is doing nicely and it is liiff'i Daughters to Bold Their Annual Miss Florence Weisenauer of Denot thought there will be any serious troit, Bazar In November. Mich., has returned here to reresults, although the wound is likely to sume The King's Daughters held a social her position in the graded school leave a bad scar. and business meeting in the chapel as a teacher of music and drawing. Theodore Boyce's "Will. last Friday night. They will hold Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Walling and Mr. their annual bazar on November 20th The will of the late Theodore Boyce and Mrs. J. T. Walling motored to and 21st. Mrs. H. W. Buck, Mrs. W. "was riled at Freehold last Thursday. Greenport, L. I., Saturday and visited C. Hulse, Mrs. C. R. Storm, Mrs. BerThe will leaves everything to his Mr. and Mrs. George C. Elaworth. tram Quackenbush, Mrs. W. H. Ely Mrs. J. M. Hendricks of Cranford, a widow with the exception of .$5, which Mrs. Ruliff Willett were appointed goes to his Son, J. L. Boyce, who had former resident of this place, spent and as an executive committee. After refiled a acveat against the probating of several days of last week with Mr. freshments were served Miss Mabel the will. A further hearing on theand Mrs. W. F. Stanhope. of Brooklyn sang several songs Mr. and Mrs. F. Palmer Armstrong Heyer case will be held nt Freehold tomorand Miss Rilla .Gordon of Philadelrow. H. E. Ackerson, Jr., is the law- were the Sunday guests of Mrs. Arm- phia recited several selections. yer for L. B. Melee, executor of thestrong's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lester R. Heyer of Brooklyn visited will, and Joseph Reilly is counsel for C. Schenck at Holmdel. Miss Ella Hoffman, who was recent- his Bister, Mrs. J. D. Ely, over Mr. Boyce. ly operated on for appendicitis at a Sunday. Tralnmsu'i Club to Oivft Dance. New York hospital, is reported as get- Dr. and Mrs. Charles Cox of BrookThe Jersey Central traction train- ting along very nicely. lyn were visitors at 0. C. Herbert's men's club will hold a "huskin bee" at Mrs. D. T. Thorne was badly burned last week. tho Broadway theater next Wednes- on the hands last Tuesday morning, Master Clifford Bucke celebrated day night. Banneister's orchestra will when a gasoline stove on which she his ninth birthday last Saturday furnish music for the dancing. The was cooking exploded afternoon by entertaining twelve of committee in charge of the affair arc David Casey and family hove moved his little friends. Chester Walling, Alfred Cornell, Wal- from the Walling house on Cross W. C. Hulse and James King atter Miller, Frank Weber and Thomas street to one of Mrs. A. Huylar's flats tended the 23d annual reunion of the J. Ward. 29th regiment at Eatontown last [>n First street. H I M Aiulerion's Fnneral. Miss Nellio Regan will take up a Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Baird course of music teaching at a New The funeral of Miss Jcr.vne.tte Anderson was held Saturday afternoon at York conservatory of music thefirstof and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tilton spent Saturday afternoon at Seidler's beach. tho Reformed church, Rev, \V. K.next month. Compton olliciating. Uuriul was made Miss Elsie Curtis returned to her Mrs. Lillian Smith tins returned in Rose Hill cemetery at Mntnwnn. home here Monday after a week's from Newark after spending several weeks with her daughter. Miss Anderson's death WIIK caused by visit with relatives at Anbury Park. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fields and a complication of diseases. She was Miss Jane Walker of Westfield spent 75 years old and had been very active sevenil days last week with Mr. anddaughter Alice and Miss Mary Buck of (Jolt's Neck were visitors at Harry up to a short time before her tlt'iith, Mrs--. Arthur S. VnnBuskirk. which occurred last Wednesday. Miss Mr, and Mrs. J. Kussell Bcckman of Magec's on Sunday. 'Anderson was a nu'inher of the Pres- Trenton spent Sunday with Mr. and byterian church of this place, and was Mrs. Kk'hnrd Burrowes. LITTLE SILVER NEWS. superintendent of the Sundny-school Miss Mabel Longstveet spent last for ix number of yenrs. She was form- week with. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hotlioillst Snndoy-Scliool Sally Say to erly a resident of Spring Valley and ViKirhces of Elizabethport. be obierved on tne fl9tb. New York and had no known relatives. Miss Helen Kingsland of Newark, On Sunday, September 29th, the PftHtors to Exchange Fuipita. ;i former resident of this place, is annual rally of the Methodist Sundayschool will be held. A special feature Kuv. W. K. t'nmplon of the Re-visiting relatives here. Miss Annie C. Arrownmith of Free- will be an address by a bell ringer. formed church will preach next Sunhold Hpent several days last week with The Standard Hearers will hold day morning in (he Kefurmeil clnnvl their annual rummage sale in the nt Micldlvtown. IU'V. Cluirl W. Mrs. S. ,1. ArniWKmith. iMvlo Mrs. .lames llnwnc of West Keyport church hull Saturday. The society Ko of that elmveli will wcupy Mv. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles met Friday night at Miss Mario Wit.Compton'H pulpil. hy's. Suydam of Chicago. Brl.f Itaina. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Khigee of John King of Wisconsin, brother of Brooklyn spent several dnys last week (ilover V. l'orin, who h a s l.i>cn m>Dr. Benjamin F. King, ia visiting relap w i n t e n d e n t of tlie Jernvy ( V t l with relatives here. tives here. Minn (ii-rtrmlo Harris will shortly traction compnny for several months, Fifty persons attended a social nnd li&ft resigned his position niul with his enter the llnrtnhnrne college of mimic Inisines.H meeting of the Kpwoith ill Itifhmoml, Vn. wife and daughters will take :i trip loaguu at Mrs, Susan Pat'ker'H on through Kin-ope. Mr. 1'eiin in HUC- Mr. anil, Mrs. Frank lhifnur of New Thursday night. An ontcrtuinnivnt cueded by A. H. Maun of Lansing, York spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. of songs and recitutionu was given. ,1. It. Dufoiir. Mkh. Mkh Mr. mill Mrs. (Jeorge Xieglcr of Mrs. Spader of Red Bank iinent Bnidley Iteneh arc vlniting rclntlvcs JJcorge H. H. Oonovcr, Onovcr,1 A. A M. llrown,, At d Siimliiy with her daughter, Mrs. John here. Vil'. AriiiHtrnng, I I,, II''. Ainistnuig and J . ' l l , ilciiilrivUxun iitlcmli'il Iliv lii'Ht (', (Inborn, Dufilnn Allaire linn cut down n numMiiiM Bessie Curhart tipent several ber of trc«H in front of hin property annual Hhore dinner of the Moiuuoutli county hiinki'in Muturday nftcinooii nt daVH last week with friends at Flunh- on Hranch avenue. He siiys he IN getHeolt'H Neptune llci|:litii 'I'liey ninde in)':, N. Y. ting lenity, for the new trolley ron«i. th» trip in Mr. Coimvt'r'x mitiiiiKiliili1. Fred HonKlnml resumed hhi ntudicu Mrn. Irene lloffmirc nnd two of her I*'mil J . Unpp linn moved with liiti at IVddic Inntitiitu nt Illghtatown daughtrrn hnvo returned to Brooklyn frfmily from Jrrmiy City In thin jilmr, I Ili'l week. uftor upending thv summer here. wjioro ho will nsninl din iirnllirni in the Mi's, l.onte.r (-. I*nvett attended it Mr. unit Mm. Hairy Brown niul ni»»»t(fm™i of the boUliii^ IUIHIUPHU family of l.alicwood npi'iit Humlny meeting of l'omotiii Kiuugu nt Alltnof^ hl» father, (i. I,, ltupp, who IIHK hen-. wood on .Saturday. btyn colldned to hln home for iicvernl Minn Alva Hendrlckiion In viniting irAntlm with rhi'umiitl»iii. Mlmi Miw HIMIC at North Centerville. jMrB. Margaret VnnNcnn niul Minn Mnry A. Hnrrlnnn, who npmit , b*oth«r, Wnlllnpr, h«r, llnmllton lnml pr, will r<<- the luinuner in Kui'opr, IIIIH returned. hi h t N k the th to ttheir honu< nt New Y York Telephone liuvu hern infitnlh-d In t nt of next month. They hnvn <KTU- Iho HIIHI nnd Went Kcyport iielmnln, "> K. E Mori In'* l ' hmin« h l ,_.. K miO tinhorn liorrn/o YunkiH' In hiivlng hlfi build» t m t (in 11 UK thti HiumiMT. InK on Front utiTet painted. STh« prim |>nl<l for lh« nrinory pronKliinley Walling In iiltciiiliiig Mntii•l*y by Hvtii y Vrciilnnd, who IKMIKM wiin high ncliool. H Ihrouiih Ohnrlt'n I.iifhiinnw fnmi tttmlw», w u »fl.WW. Mr. Vri'.Tlrt At Harh*rilowii. il will prolinlily liiilM n nmikrn Ijiiit Mntiiiduy weok dentroyrd t«r on the property, y k l t h nil l (fJl S tmld I). Ilntul, u irrudtinto In Ililn (lit* liliirlminlth >pi»nri« nllop Spunee clam of His Kcypurt IIIKII nt lliiriii'rnlown niul nl f JoliM old huihl Will «nt*r Itutyor'a colli'uit thii Ing owned by J. W. Hnrkur. Thn lonn "r. Hand in (ho ton of R«v. II In entimuted nt ?Ml)0 anil In only partly pMtor of Ui« F l n t Uitptliit I'overi'il by InnurBnce. Tho lilnck•mlth (hop wn« conclude) by Wright Mrt, Karl M»thiw«ft and »O»«T • , A Shampoo for Blondes A At least one-half this paper must be sold within the next 3 0 days regardless of the loss. This immense lot of high grade papers represents new and very special purchases from two very prominent mills which recently failed with.milliona of rolls of the best quality goods on their hands, aU of which was sold at forced sale and at sensational low prices to dealers who could use great quantities.. We bought about two carloads, which comes to us at the same time as our usual large fall stocks, placing on our hands for this season the largest and choicest assortment of strictly up-to-date Wall .Paper ever shown in Monmouth county. •.'..'• Fully one-half this stock must go now as it is too large to carry over. All new Fall Patterns at from one-fourth to one-half our lowest prices—NOW. Stock includes newest designs and colorings in gilts, silks, oatmeals, tiles, varished golds, tapestries, ingrains, embossed and all the many cheaper grades. Papers for any room may be bought here now at a fraction of their value. Nothing reserved. ' ' . O in CM 8 Id If r-l p. Variety of Wall Papers, worth from 8c to 12c, now only 2c Double Roll M a n y attractive designs, worth from 12c to 20c, now only 5C Choice patterns, regular price from 15c to 22c, now only 8c Double Roll Double Roll S p l e n d i d line new Papers, worth 20c to ^0c, now only 10c Double Roll Beautiful gilts, values High grade P a p e r s , from 25c to 40c, now values from 35c to 50c, now only only Finest qualities, worth Highest grade Papers, from 50c to 70c, now values from 60c to $1.00, only now only 15c 30c Double Roll 20c Double Roll Double Roll 40c O Double Roll Also Show Special Books of Birge, Beck and Peat & Thibaut, all at cut prices. THE R. WEST CO., Largest W a l l P a p e r Dealers i n t h e S t a t e . All New Fall Furniture and Floor Covering Stocks Ready. BRING ROOM MEASUREMENTS. . W E ADVISE EARLY SHOPPING. L e t your Children go to school on a Bicycle O u t in the Autumn air ^ LJ can easily obtain one Tetley sells them for cash or installments E a s y payment is no discredit . Time has proven my honesty Light expenses Entitles you to the benefits "Vou rightly deserve : which you can get only by dealing with Lou Tetley, Agent for Pierce, Queen City, Crawford, Arrow, Reading and Dart Bicycles and Indian Motocycles, which you will always find upon the floor for your inspection. Tires, Lamps, Bells, etc., along with the Best Equipped Repair Shop. LOU TETLEY, 4 MECHANIC STREET, RED BANK, N. J. Near Enough to Broad Street for Convenience Far Enough Away for Economy. PHONE iae-w. ••»»»•»•»»•» EBGJBTEH page Every Road is a Good Road to HimWho Owns a "BUICK" The 1913 Models are Right Up to the Minute in Everything that Makes aTip Top Car Worth While Promote the happiness and unity of your family by owning'a Buick. I t is a car for all the family—roomy enough so that nobody need be left behind. BUICKS Tli. Buick Solves The Family Problem They are cars of distinction, lowest in repair expense and least expensive of all high grade cars to buy. It would give us pleasure to send'you cataloguesfull of information to help you decide wisely. Providing it is inconvenient to call. 6 NEW CARS SOLD LAST WEEK The reason we are selling Cars so rapidly is because we have the reputation ofliving up to our agreements, after a purchase is made BUICK MODEL 3 1 , $1,250. Very roomy, fere door Touring Car, 5 passenger; every equipment, . ' The Doors of our Service Department are Always Open The Cars We Sell We Take Care Of Have You Seen the Famous "LITTLE" Car For $690? The New "Buicks" Have Every Eqaipment for Comfort and Convenience • • ' ' • IT'S A WORLD BEATER AT THE PRICE J Demountable Rims; Electric Lights, Electric Self Starter Careful comparison is invited with any Car . in any line on the market. BUICK MODEL 25, $1,050 5 passenger Touring Car, full height, fore doors fully equipped. BUICK MODEL 40, $1,650. 5 passenger, fore door Touring Car, metal doors, very wide teats and large, roomy tonneau. Electrically equipped. Electric lights, self starter, etc. A 2 passenger Runabout, 4 cylinders, speedy, easy running, easy riding, noiseless, just the car for the business man or physician. Fully equipped. ALWAYS INSIST ON A THOROUGH DEMONSTRATION WE WELCOME IT, IN F1 ACT W E INSIST ON IT. The Cars We Handle Will Stand the Minutest Investigation Our Customers Are Always Satisfied Customers I POPE-HARTFORD MODEL 31, $2,250 4 Cylinder, 5 Passenger TQuring Car, 40 Horsepower, Long St-roke Motor, Top, H. L. ZOBElT, AGENT FOR Wind Shield, Electric Self Starter, Electric Lights, etc. Full Equipment. The Only Medium Price Car With a 4 Speed Transmission THE DEMAND IS IMMENSE FOR 4 SPEED TRANSMISSION CARS The Pope-Hartford is the First High Grade Manufacturer to Make a Medium Priced Car. Pope-Hartford, Buick, Chalmers, Hudson, Overland, Marion and the Famous Little Cars Seabright, New Jersey. Telephone 90. >>•*•*•*••>•*•*•* OODJLWFOBT VIWI. child ion arc being taught temporarily while tho new school is beinu buill. UHOSOTT NEWS. pleted in ubout a weok. It will be occupied as sleeping quarters by the men JR*o«B on the Polo around* Betwetn roimtr BMMwt Hire. Packing Applss on Junta Blchaals'a on the place. It will be provided with remits. ratrn to \i» H«nt to South America. uriowor bnths, liilliard tables and other Dr. und Mrs. William Huhbard of Mutch races bstwcoh polo ponies James Itlchdulo of tho Phnlanx hnB convenionres mid comforts. wore held Sunday on tliu grounds of Brooklyn aro boarders nt f.eon Itciii's, un extru force of men at work on hia Mrs. Margaret Ely ia confined to the giolo club. A lai'Ko number of Dr. Hubbard WBB born in' tho house form packing' apples to bo sent to tho house with sickneBS. upt'-tntoiB were present. One of the occupied liy Jnmcs Wnlsh, and in 1H51South America. Each npple is wrapMrs. Ann .Stryker has recovered r wns won by Morton W. Bnm-he cut his initials in the bark nt' aped in tissue paper, from her ailment, tree on tho place, l i e Inspected the ' entry. Morris Kearney, Jr., tho Infimt son Last week William C. Ely sold tree a few days, niro nnd found that of Morris Kuurncy, is tick with chol- teams of horses to 0 . M. Peterson «f Seturns to th> W»t. his initials were still on it, era infantum. Perth Amboy and S. N . Little of AsE. Tucker Welch, Jr.. has returned K*d Dor Bliot. M M . Lewis S. Thompson of Ilrook- bury Park. Single, horses wore bought to California to make ilia permanent A dog ran towards Colt's Nock laat dale furm Is vory nick. by William Dnlton of RooBcvelt, Wilhome. Since hit hns b««n East he hns been upending the time with his futliur week frothing at tho month. It was Miss Elktiibcth Ilcndrickaon of I-'uir linm Mott of Freehold and Jesse Beers apparently mild. John Connors borlUven In sncndlnpr a f . w days with of Keyport. ut thin plucu and ut hia former home rowed a gun from Al. Dennis und shot her sUter. Mrs. Divvld HolTcl. Kdwnrd W. l'crrlno of this place at I.DHK Branch. tho dotf. MI-B. Henry liimRcndorf spent and John II. HnlTmlrc are bnck from •attune* /ok *aitH. Thursday with hsr dauRhtcr, Mrs. a trip in New York state and Boston. Brief Itame. J. I.. Sanford, who worked on tho Tho truck Held on Paul Armstrong's Patrick Hlckoy of West Kroehold, Mary Farley of Mlddletown toWnshin, I'atten steamboat Little Silver, ia Georxe farm hun been seeded dawn In alElgrlm and fnmlly nf l.lulo near Ited Bank. through with hia job for this year, the Silver and Misses Julia und Bertha Mra. William II. Thompson «p«nt falfa. boat having been laid up for the eea- Buckley of Ked Hank were Hunduy mrt of lust week at West LonK Dr. Henry *'ooke of Now Hruniinon. IJranch, ' wick, formerly of this place, spent last Mti of Mr, and Mrs. John Kg»n. Mrs, John Klddlo Is home from a week bore renewing friendn. •Her Itiou, Mr. and Mra. Raymond Voorho** Ore of the finest corn fields anyMr. and Mrs. CrofTord Haynes of and Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Cnl«man ttoy with her slstnr, Mrs. Joseph where in this i.i'ctlon Is on Joniitbun Jersey City spent Sunday with Mr. caught a |ar|(« number «f soft and Arrownmlth of New Monmouth. Mrs. (ieorifo ColmorKan und Mra.I. Jones'n farm. It comprines twelve Iluyncn's Barents, Mr. and Mra. W.hard crabs whllu on an vutlnu; at Joseph Miller siiont ono day lant weok acres. Augustus Ilaynaa. Oceanpart Sunday. Jonathan I. Holmes is confined to Kenneth P. West took • party of Mr. and Mrs. Bltnon Dottrert of *lth tholr mother at Ratontown. Cornollus VunHlcklon la vory sick. tho house with rheumatism. Long I)ranch friends on a trip down I'eekaklll have returned hoinu aftnr u Joseph Hylln npent Sunday with hl» Mra. Kdwanl 1'enton ta on tho tick the river In hia launch on Sunday. visit to Mr. and Mrs. Harry O, Colsaunt, Mrs. William Vsrjlrunt i.f Prank Welch of Brooklyn spent man. Mia. John Olwyno of New York «nd Everett. part of lust week with hie father, E. Marlorie Caalor, d»u«h»or of 'Wll Tufkor Welch, Sr. Ham H, C u l t r . la vary sick. Typhoid Aueruttua Thompaon of WashlnKton, P. C . have rotunic«} homo eu!t«r a visit An artlrlo that haa roal merit Moat of the telephones in this place fever l i feared. worn put out of business by the tliun Mra Peter V. Castor It recovering to Mr. and Mra. John K. Conover should in tlmo become popular. That Mr, Thompson formerly lived at I.lnRuch Is the tniwi wllh Chamberluln's der storm Wexlneaday. from hor altkneti, but Is still cnnflncu croft. Mrs, Henry Hlmonaon of Ilni- COIIHK Itiuneily has been uttnsted by Joseph E . Meyer Is having. the to the bed. l«t was n Ktlest of Mrs. Onuver last many denlnrn. Here la omi of thoni Krounds of the.polo club re-graded, Mrs, Alsx Arhucklv spent Hunday Friday, II. W. Ilendrlrknon, Ohio Tails, In<l. Dr. Harloti ia recovering from hie at N«W York. Tuesday was (Irat reKlxtmMon day, writes. "Chamlx rlaln'a COUKII Remedy sickness. i* • » ' — • and Hr> p«raoni had Uielr namee I* the best fur roughj, colda and croup Me-ktuls Man • • Vawllim. Frank Banford Is' laid up with m t placed un the voting list. and ia my bent seller." f o r sale by W. Addlson Itomaln, vice pr«aid«nl James Cooper, Jr., corner llroad nni of the Highlands board of tradn, and White strnnlii. Mr*. RtMMtln wilt Usw« In » f«« daya tortmr tA&u m m Thlrty-flve yonrs In IJUSW»» gives for • three weeks' trip thrmiln the mm •«•«* IN* uTium t ef HeateaeiUe; • « • « . • • TNK RniisTKa an advantagti over mos New KnflSnd states. Mr, ft.maln 1 Befcee* ftatMtea, houses, TIID HMIIHTIK haa kept pare Will visit hit sister at Taunton, Mast. whit* on U>e t r i p ^ , • k Th« work of remadeUnit » (ante with the dvmnndi of the Umes with IMMI** »* tke OWeon * Daly farm equipment and matejrlaj. ttend us owliert b / I'aul Arinslrohg will lie com your prlnllnu orders.—Xcdi. iiri R«ait|i*. put I ESTABLISHED 1873 JERSEY'S FINEST STORE JACOB STEINBACH BROADWAY LONG BRANCH The 1912 Game Laws prohibit the use of Repeating Shot Guns-I Then how about the sturdy ITHACA GUNS? Let us take your order and have one sent to suit you. It costs no more to have one fitted to your liking. Hammerless Guns from $19.00 Upward Not*: Th* $10.00 Quit It th« fSO.00 Owl* September 19thto September 30th, Inclusive. OUR ANNUAL AUTUMN OPENING SALE. A multitude of rare values that await your early inspection. Masses of bargains that we have secured for the past three months is one of the big features of this event. , We urge you not to put off your inspection anylater than possible as these goods will move very rapidly at the following prices: Wash Stands. Bird's Eye Maple Dressers. Value $20.00, sale price, - $13.50 22.50, sale price-, 15.95 24.00, sale price, 17.50 25.50, sale price, 19.50 Princess Dressers, value 20.00,a sale price, 14.95 Chiffoniers. Value 19.50, sale price, " 20.00, sale price, " 24.50, sale-price, - 12.95 14.95 18.50 Value 4.50, sale price, ' " 6.00, sale price, " 7.00, sale price, Golden Oak Sewing Tables. - 2.95 .4.40 4.95 - 8.95 9.25 10.90 11.75 Wardrobes. Value " " " 12.00, sale price, 15.00, sale price, 15.50, sale price, 16.50, sale price, Dressing Tables. 6.95 7.95 8.75 Value 9.50, sale price, " 10.00, sale price, _ " 11.00, sale price, Mahogany Finished Dressers. - 12.95 15.75 Princess Dressers. 11.95 13.50 Value 16.50, sale price, " J8.50, sale price, Chiffoniers. 11.95 14.75 Value 16.50, sale price, " 20.00, sale price, Dressing Tables. Value 16.00, sale price, - Brass Beds. Value 16.50, sale price, " " " 25.00, sale price, 28.00, sale price, 34.50, sale price, - 11.95 - 18.50 19.75 24.75 Value 14.50, sale price, <r 15.00, sale price, " 16.50, sale price, - 9.95 1O60 -p.11.95 Full Size Felt Mattresses.} Value 8.00, sale price, " 10.00, sale price, - 5.50 6 P 95 11.95 - 10.00, sale price, 11.50, sale price, - 12.00, sale price, 12.50, sale price, 13.00, sale price, 25.00, sale price, - 6.95 6.95 7.90 8.25 8.40 8.95 16.50 Princess Dressers. Value 14.00, sale price, " 20.00, sale price, - 9.75 14.50 Dressing Tables. Value* 15.50, sale price, - 11.40 - 3.80 6.95 7.40 7.95 8.45 9.90 10.45 10.90 12.25 Chiffoniers. Value 4.95, sale price, 9.50, sale price, 12.00, sale price, 12.50, sale price, 12.75, sale price, 14.00, sale price; 14.50, sale price, 15.00, sale price, 16.50, sale price, Value 13.50, sale price, " 18:00r sale price, " 20.00, sale price, " 22,5o, sale price, " 26.5o, sale price, " 3o. oo, sale price, _•••" 32.po, sale price, - 9.75 13.50 14.90 16.50 19.75 23.50 24.50 - 9.95 13.50 15.75 Value 13.50, 14.90, It 15.50, tt 16.50, tt 17.50, it 19.50, It 21.00, It 28.00, 32.00, 48.00, 9.90 10.25 11.95 12.50 13.50 14.75 15.00 20.50 23.75 sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, 37.50 Golden Oak Side Boards. Value 12.00, " 13.50, " 16.00, " 17.50, " 24.50, sale price, sale price, . sale price, sale price, sale price, - 8.75 10.95 11.75 13.50 18.50 Value " " " " " " "' " Couches. Upholstered in Chase Imported Leather. Value $10.50, sale price, $ 6.50 <<" 12.00, sale price, 7.60 << 13.50, sale price, 8.50 <« 14.00, sale price, 9.75 «< 16.50, sale price, 11.50 17.50, sale price, 12.75 20.00, sale price, .< < 13.95 " 21.00, sale price, 15.50 Value " " " " " " 8.50, sale price, 9.50, sale price, 11.50, sale price, 14.50, sale price, 17.00, sale price, 17.75, sale price, 19.50, sale price, 5.75 6.95 8.40 10.50 12.75 13.25 14.95 Fire-Side Rockers. Value " " " - 20.75 29.75 37.50 3-Piece Parlor Suites. Value 24.50, sale price, " 26.50j sale price, - 17.50 20.00 Combination Bookcases and Writing Desks. Value 15.5o, sale price, 15.75, sale price, - 11.60 11.85 8.75 10.75 12.50 13.25 sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, Library Tables Value " " " " 8.oo, sale price, 9.5o, sale price, 12.oo, sale price, 14.5o, sale price, 15.oo, sale price, 5.75 6.95 8.95 11.40 1L75 Bookcases. 4.95 6.90 9.75 12.50 13.50 Value 7.5o, sale price, " 9.75, sale price, " 14.5o, sale price, ." 16.5o, sale price, " 17.5o, sale price, 5-Piece Parlor Suites. Value 27.50, sale price, " 37.50, sale price, " 50.00, sale price, 11.50, 13.50, 16.50, 17.50j Hall Racks. Value " " " 8.50 9.75 11.50 12.75 12.5o, sale price, 13.5o, sale price, 16.oo, sale price, 18.oo, sale price, American Suction VACUUM CLEANERS Value $lo. oo, sale price, - $6.90 Jardinieres. Value $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.oo, Your choice 95c. ROBERT HANCE & SONS, RED 6.95 7.95 8.75 9.95 10.00 10.75 10.95 11.75 12.75 10.00, sale price, 12.00, sale price, 12.50, sale price, 14.50, sale price, 13.75, sale price, 14.50, sale price, 16.00, sale price, 16.5J0, sale price, 17.50, sale price, Upholstered in Chase Imported Leather 7.95 Value 10.50, sale price, 13.50 " 18.50, sale price, Couches Upholstered in Velour. Golden Oak Buffets. Morris Chairs Massive Turkish Chairs. Sanitary Bird's Eye Maple Beds. Golden Oak Dressers. Value " " " " " Golden Oak China Closets. Value 14.5o, sale price, " 18.5o, sale price, " 22.5o, sale price Wash Stands. Value 9.50, sale price, " 6.75 9.90 12.75 Kitchen Cabinets. Wash Stands. Value 18.50, sale price, " 22.00, sale price, - 11.95 Value 16.00, sale price, f Value 9.50, sale price,'. " 13.50, sale price, " 17.00, sale price, BANK, N. .J. HARDWARE. FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS.