Course Syllabus - Plymouth

Plymouth Canton Educational Park
Career & Technical
Canton High School
8415 Canton Center Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Francine Girard, RN, BSN, Instructor
Phone (734) 416-7899
Fax (734) 416-7527
Course Syllabus
Course Name: Health Occupations
Course Number: 13510
Course Description:
2.0 credits (2 hour block)
Students earn one elective credit and one science credit upon successful completion of this course.
The Health Occupations course is one year, two-hour block, career and technical education course
designed to provide students with a strong academic knowledge base in health science. The anatomy
and physiology component of the program will cover the systems of the human body. Diseases,
disorders and medical terminology related to each system will be studied. Medical ethics, OSHA safety
practices, universal precautions, teamwork, communications, employability skills, and health
maintenance practices will be taught throughout the course. Students will be introduced to a number
of health care careers and will be exposed to specialized equipment used in the health care field. They
will learn many basic transferable skills required by a variety of health science occupations. Class time
will be divided between classroom instruction, note taking, class discussion, viewing videos, computer
based instruction and assessments, written assignments and tests. Classroom laboratories are also
incorporated in order to give students the opportunity to practice and use information received in
classroom instruction. Students will complete mandatory Professional Rescuer CPR and First Aid
certification as part of the curriculum. Students who are enrolled in this class are encouraged to
become members of hosa (Health Occupations Students of America).
Course Prerequisites:
Eligible students should have earned a C or better in their previous Biology class. It is recommended
that students who enroll in this course have a strong interest and aptitude for science.
Grades 11-12
Course Materials/Resources:
DHO Health Science, Eighth Edition, Simmers, Delmar, 2014.
(We have a classroom set of books and it is also available as an ebook.)
Medical Terminology A Short Course, Fifth Edition, Chabner, Elsevier Saunders, 2009.
(We have a classroom set of books.)
Better, Gawande, Picador, 2007.
(Each student receives a book on loan.)
Career & Technical
Plymouth Canton Educational Park
Canton High School
8415 Canton Center Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Francine Girard, RN, BSN, Instructor
Phone (734) 416-7899
Fax (734) 416-7527
Textbooks/Novels: (cont.)
CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer, Current Edition, American Red Cross.
(Each student receives a book on loan.)
Other Materials:
Guest speakers
Teacher generated materials/handouts/worksheets
Internet resources related to course content
I-Pads (provided for in-class use)
Recommended Student Supplies/Materials:
Three-ring binder (minimum 1½ inch recommended)
Lined notebook paper
Two-pocket folder
Pencils and black or blue pens
Colored pencils
Suggested Student Uniform and cost:
Students are encouraged to purchase a pair of solid colored scrubs to be worn during clinical
practice activities as well as community outreach activities (i.e. the two Red Cross Blood Drives
we sponsor). Scrubs are available through many different on-line sources and local retail
stores. A basic pair of unisex solid scrubs can be purchased for $24.00-$30.00. Prices will be
higher for other styles.
*Scrubs are recommended, not required. We do have a small supply of scrubs that can be
loaned to students for use during activities that require them.
Course Content/Objectives: (not necessarily in this order)
1. Anatomy and Physiology – The body systems will be taught and students will become
familiar with abnormalities and disease processes in each of these systems. Students will
investigate therapies as they relate to prevention, pathology, and treatment of disease and
injury (including complementary and alternative therapies). Changes in the body systems
with the aging process will be discussed.
2. Medical Terminology - A systematic approach to decoding medical terminology will be
practiced on an ongoing basis in the classroom. Students will become familiar with common
prefixes, combining forms (root words), suffixes and abbreviations used in the health care
Plymouth Canton Educational Park
Career & Technical
Canton High School
8415 Canton Center Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Francine Girard, RN, BSN, Instructor
Phone (734) 416-7899
Fax (734) 416-7527
Course Content/Objectives: (cont.)
3. Medical Math - Students will apply mathematical computations related to healthcare
(conversions and measurements) and analyze diagrams, charts, graphs, and tables to
interpret healthcare data on an ongoing basis in the classroom. The calculation of drug
dosages will also be practiced.
4. Health Care Systems – Students will understand the organization of various health care
delivery systems. They will learn how factors such as cost, managed care, technology, an
aging population, access to care, alternative therapies, and lifestyle/behavior changes may
affect various health care delivery system models.
5. Communications – Students will learn effective communication techniques (both written
and verbal) for use with co-workers, supervisory staff and patients. Barriers to effective
communication will be discussed. Current information technology applications for health
information management will be discussed.
6. Teamwork – Students will understand the roles and responsibilities of individual members
of the healthcare team, including their responsibility to promote the delivery of quality
healthcare. They will learn effective interaction techniques and leadership skills.
7. Employability Skills – Students will discover the traits of a desirable, accountable and
responsible employee. Students are required to maintain a Pre-Professional Portfolio of
skills and knowledge attained pertinent to health care. They will practice filling out a job
application and writing a resume and cover letter. Effective communication and interview
skills will be discussed and practiced.
8. Legal and Ethical Responsibilities – Students will learn appropriate standards of medical care
and will understand the legal responsibilities, limitations, and implications of a caregiver’s
actions within the healthcare delivery setting. Ethical issues and their implications will also
be explored.
9. Safety and Medical Asepsis– Students will be able to demonstrate general safety procedures
when providing care to patients. OSHA guidelines and universal precautions will be taught
and reinforced throughout the course. Students will learn the causes of various types of
infection, how they are spread, and ways to prevent and control them. Universal
precautions will be taught according to OSHA Standards along with proper handwashing and
gloving techniques. The proper handling of infectious materials will be discussed.
10. Nutrition – Students will learn basic nutrition and diet therapy concepts and be able to
identify the nutritional needs and basic food groups necessary to maintain life. Dietary
alterations necessary in certain disease conditions will also be discussed.
Plymouth Canton Educational Park
Career & Technical
Canton High School
8415 Canton Center Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Francine Girard, RN, BSN, Instructor
Phone (734) 416-7899
Fax (734) 416-7527
Course Content/Objectives: (cont.)
11. Physical Therapy Skills – Students will learn various techniques to assist patients using
equipment such as wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, gait belts and canes. Students will be
instructed in proper patient transfer techniques to insure the safety of the health care
worker and the patient. Students will learn how to perform Range of Motion exercises to
improve patient mobility and recovery.
12. Technical and Emergency Medical Skills – Students will become competent in obtaining and
recording vital signs and in identifying abnormal values. They will practice other basic
physical assessment skills including, but not limited to, heart, lung and bowel sound
auscultation, basic neurological assessment and reflex assessment. Students will become
certified in First Aid; Adult, Child and Infant CPR, and Automated External Defibrillator use.
This is a requirement for successful completion of this course.
13. Medical Supplies/Materials/Equipment – Students will learn to identify commonly used
medical, emergency and rehabilitative equipment. They will be able to demonstrate the
proper use of the equipment and its proper maintenance.
Course Requirements:
As a member of the Health Occupations classroom:
1. Students will be required to act like professional health care workers at all times while in the
classroom. The classroom will be respected and treated as a “patient care area”.
2. Students will be required to physically interact with other students in a professional manner
during lab activities including but not limited to: obtaining vital signs, auscultating heart, lung
and bowel sounds, basic neurological and reflex assessment, performing passive range of
motion exercises, using proper patient transfer techniques and First Aid skills.
3. Students will be required to participate in dissection labs. This includes following proper
handling and use guidelines of dissection tools such as scalpels, scissors, forceps and probes.
4. Students will be responsible for scheduling additional skill practice and testing sessions with the
instructor if unable to meet skill proficiency requirements during the initial testing sequence.
The sessions will occur outside of the regular classroom hours.
5. Students will be required to complete a minimum of 2 hours of health care related community
service outside of classroom hours during the first semester.
6. Work Based Learning is a valuable experience in which every student in Health Occupations is
required to participate. Students will be required to arrange and complete a health care related
field experience (minimum of four hours) during the second semester. The guidelines and
requirements for this project will be distributed and explained at the beginning of the second
semester. This project must be completed during the second semester.
Career & Technical
Plymouth Canton Educational Park
Canton High School
8415 Canton Center Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Francine Girard, RN, BSN, Instructor
Phone (734) 416-7899
Fax (734) 416-7527
Grading System:
Grades are based on a point system and weighted category system. Assignments will be classified into
one of the four categories listed below. Grades are calculated using the following weighted
percentages for each category.
Classwork/Homework: 25%
Includes in-class assignments (excluding “Fundamental Worksheets”), lab write-ups, homework
and all Medical Math and Medical Terminology work (including quizzes).
Unit Tests/Fundamental Worksheets: 50%
Assignments designated as “Fundamental Worksheets” are due on the day of the unit test.
They are to be turned in prior to taking the test in a two-pocket folder. These worksheets must
all be completed in full to receive any credit, no partial credit is given! Completion of the
Fundamental Worksheets comprises 15% of the test score.
Written test points
Fundamental worksheets
____completion points
Total points
Skill Competency Grading: 15%
Goal: All students will perform the skill with at least 80% proficiency.
First attempt – you must score at least 80% to “pass”.
If you score lower than 80% - you must retest.
Second attempt – you must score at least 80% to “pass”.
However, the grade recorded will be 80% (even if you perform at 100% proficiency).
Third attempt – you must score at least 80% to “pass”.
The grade recorded will be 70%.
Fourth attempt – you must score at least 80% to “pass”.
The grade recorded will be 60%.
Work Ethic/Professionalism: 10%
It is an expectation that the students in Health Occupations will strengthen their employability
skills by maintaining professionalism in the classroom as evidenced by dependability, displaying
a positive attitude and showing initiative. In order to promote accountability for these
behaviors the Work Ethic/Professionalism grade accounts for 10% of your grade in the class.
You will be credited with 20 points per week for Work Ethic/Professionalism. The points will
be recorded weekly.
Career & Technical
Plymouth Canton Educational Park
Canton High School
8415 Canton Center Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Francine Girard, RN, BSN, Instructor
Phone (734) 416-7899
Fax (734) 416-7527
Work Ethic/Professionalism: (cont.)
• Deductions from the 20 weekly points will be made as follows:
 5 points deducted for an unexcused tardy
 10 points deducted for an unexcused absence
 5 points deducted for sleeping in class
 5 points deducted for not participating actively in labs (you are expected to practice and
help each other practice)
 5 points deducted for not using work time for class related activities only (Do not do
homework for other classes during this class!)
 5 points deducted for a dress code violation
 10 points deducted for an electronic device violation
 5 points deducted for not being prepared with the proper supplies needed for class
 5 points deducted for lining up at the door prior to dismissal
 5 to 10 points deducted for disruptions during classroom instruction (i.e. excessive
visiting with peers during instruction)
*PLEASE NOTE: If the entire 20 points are deducted for a given week any additional point
deductions will be taken from the Classroom/Homework category.
Grading Scale:
Report card letter grades will be calculated as follows:
Semester grade calculation:
• The first and second semester grades are independent of one another.
• The Quarter(Q) 2 and 4 grades are ‘running’ semester grades.
• The Exam(E) grade is your mid-term or final exam grade.
• The semester Academic(A) grade (this is the grade that appears on your transcript) is a
calculated grade: 80% semester grade/20% exam grade.
Course Schedule:
*This schedule is tentative and is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. It does not
include all assignments/labs that will be part of the curriculum.
*Throughout the entire course the subjects of Medical Terminology and Medical Math are covered
every week and tested regularly.
Plymouth Canton Educational Park
Career & Technical
Canton High School
8415 Canton Center Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Francine Girard, RN, BSN, Instructor
Phone (734) 416-7899
Fax (734) 416-7527
Course Schedule:
Introduction, Emergency procedures, hosa,
Health Care Systems/History of Health Care
Health Care Careers
Employability Skills
Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
Promotion of Safety/Infection Control
Basic Structure and Function of the Human
Integumentary System
Musculoskeletal System
Nervous System
Special Senses
Major Assignments/Labs
-Semester 1 Pre-test
-Guest Speaker Assignment
-Community Service Expectations (Failure to
complete this requirement will result in a
10% reduction of the semester 1 grade.)
-Skill proficiency lab and testingHandwashing
-Begin literary novel: Better by Atul
Gawande (continues for several weeks)
-History of Health Care Timeline Assignment
-Unit Test
-Career Health Display Project
-Team Building Activities
-Resume Assignment
-Unit Test
-Unit Test
-Universal Precautions
-Skill proficiency lab and testing-Sterile
Technique, Sterile Gloving
-Autoclaving (lab)
-Lifting and Transfer Techniques (lab)
-Unit Test
-Unit Test
-Dependent Patient Positioning (lab)
-Unit Test
-Skill proficiency lab and testing-Passive
Range of Motion
-Unit Test
-Dissection Lab (Pig Brain)
-Basic Neurological Assessment (lab)
-Unit Test
-Dissection lab (Sheep Eye)
-Unit Test
-Semester 1 Exam
Plymouth Canton Educational Park
Career & Technical
Vital Signs
Cardiovascular System
CPR/First Aid
Lymphatic System
Respiratory System
Digestive System
Endocrine System
Urinary System
Reproductive System
Canton High School
8415 Canton Center Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Francine Girard, RN, BSN, Instructor
Phone (734) 416-7899
Fax (734) 416-7527
Major Assignments/Labs
-Semester 2 Pre-test
-Work Based Learning Project Expectations
(Failure to complete this requirement will
results in a 10% reduction of the semester
2 grade.)
-Skill proficiency test-Vital Signs
-Dissection lab (Sheep Heart)
-Unit Test
-Skill proficiency testing and certification –
CPR/AED and First Aid (Failure to
complete this requirement will result in
an E grade for semester 2.)
-Unit Test
-Airway management (lab)
-Unit Test
-Nutrition (lab)
-Unit Test
-Diabetes Care (lab)
-Unit Test
-Dissection Lab (Pig Kidney)
-Basic laboratory skills (lab)
-Unit Test
-Unit Test
-State/National Competency Test (note: This
may occur earlier in semester 2.)
-Semester 2 Exam
Course Policies:
Class Assignments, Homework, and Projects
• Your work should be neat, legible, and organized. All submitted work must be completed in
pencil or black or blue ink; no red, pink, turquoise, green, purple, etc. ink.
• Late work will not be accepted. All assignments will be given a due date and are due at the
beginning of class on that date.
• Work assigned prior to an absence is due on the first day you return to class.
• If work is assigned on the date of an absence the student will have one-day grace period for
each day missed to turn in the work (ex. the student is absent on Monday, make-up work is
obtained on Tuesday and would be due on Wednesday). It is the responsibility of the student
to obtain missed assignments. (Extended absences will be addressed individually.)
Career & Technical
Plymouth Canton Educational Park
Canton High School
8415 Canton Center Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Francine Girard, RN, BSN, Instructor
Phone (734) 416-7899
Fax (734) 416-7527
Class Assignments, Homework, and Projects (cont.)
Formal writing assignments and major projects must always be turned in on the given due
date to receive credit. If you are going to be absent you must submit your work electronically
or make arrangements for someone else to turn in your assignment on the due date.
Missed Tests
• All tests missed due to an absence must be taken immediately upon returning from the
• If instructional content that will be assessed on the test was missed, the student will be given
two days after returning to school to make up the test. (Extended absences will be addressed
individually.) It is the responsibility of the student to schedule a make-up time for the test
within two days. Tests not made-up within the allotted time will be recorded as a zero.
Attendance Policy
• Attendance is recorded both hours of class.
• In all cases the official P-CEP policy regarding attendance and tardiness will be followed.
• Students with unexcused absences will not receive credit for any work assigned on that date
or due on that date.
Health Occupations is a continuous 2-hour class. Students may be give a 5-10 minute break at some
time during the class but it will not necessarily coincide with the break given to other classes. When
it does not coincide with the other classes the students will be required to take the break in the
classroom or in close proximity to it. Please note: Breaks are optional; the teacher may decide to
waive break time if deemed necessary.
General Classroom Rules and Expectations
Students must return a signed class contract to participate in the class.
Marking in the textbooks is not allowed (no highlighting or underlining!).
Food is not allowed in the classroom.
Drinks will be allowed in class; however, you most dispose of your trash properly. If this
becomes a problem, we will eliminate all drinks except for water from the classroom.
5. Respect the equipment and furnishings of our classroom.
6. Students are not allowed to remove any medical equipment or supplies from the
classroom without authorization.
Career & Technical
Plymouth Canton Educational Park
Canton High School
8415 Canton Center Road
Canton, Michigan 48187
Francine Girard, RN, BSN, Instructor
Phone (734) 416-7899
Fax (734) 416-7527
General Classroom Rules and Expectations (cont.)
7. Cell phone/electronic device use is not permitted in the classroom. Cell
phones/electronic devices (and associated accessories) are to be powered off and kept in
a backpack, locker, purse or pocket during class hours. They are not to be seen or heard
ringing or vibrating. Students who violate this policy will be referred to the Dean of
Students for disciplinary action.
8. Observe all rules in the P-CEP Student Handbook.
Post-Secondary Articulated Credit:
Students may be eligible to receive free college credit after successful completion of this course. The
qualifications and number of college credit hours varies by program and the college with which it is
affiliated. This course has articulated credit agreements with the following colleges/universities:
Henry Ford Community College
Baker College
Washtenaw Community College
Ferris State University
Davenport University